Uradni list

Številka 61
Uradni list RS, št. 61/2008 z dne 16. 6. 2008
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 61/2008 z dne 16. 6. 2008


73. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o podregionalnem načrtu ukrepov za preprečevanje večjega onesnaženja Jadranskega morja, za pripravljenost in odzivanje nanj, stran 1615.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, in 20/06 – ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o podregionalnem načrtu ukrepov za preprečevanje večjega onesnaženja Jadranskega morja, za pripravljenost in odzivanje nanj, sestavljen v Portorožu 9. novembra 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Croatia,
The Government of the Republic of Italy and
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia,
– Being Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (hereinafter referred to as the Barcelona Convention) and to its Protocol concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (hereinafter referred to as the Prevention and Emergency Protocol);
– Being also Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990;
– Bearing in mind their commitments undertaken by the signing of the Catania Declaration on the occasion of the 13th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, and in particular the commitments related to the implementation of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol;
– Bearing also in mind that that during the Adriatic-Ionian Conference, which took place in Ancona on May 19th 2000, two bilateral Agreements, one between Slovenia and Italy, and the other between Italy and Croatia, on the coordination in SAR operations were signed, both of them stating the common will to cooperate in the above mentioned matter and indicating procedures to be observed in case of SAR operations to be carried out;
– Recognizing that the Mediterranean Sea in general, and the Adriatic Sea in particular, is a major route for transporting oil and that there is a permanent risk of oil pollution, which imposes on the Mediterranean coastal States in the Adriatic sub-region an obligation to constantly develop measures for preventing pollution from ships and to organize and prepare response to marine pollution incidents, and that such permanent efforts have to be made at national, sub-regional and regional levels;
– Considering that coordinated joint preventive actions at the sub-regional level, taken in conformity with the applicable international regulations, can considerably reduce the risk of marine pollution incidents and contribute to the protection of the marine environment in the Mediterranean;
– Aware that sub-regional agreements, specifying in advance operational arrangements, administrative modalities and financial conditions related to co-operation in cases of emergency, are necessary for a prompt and efficient response to marine pollution incidents at sub-regional level;
– Noting that the existence of national capabilities for responding to marine pollution incidents, including pollution response equipment and trained personnel, is a an indispensable prerequisite for the efficient regional co-operation and mutual assistance;
– Taking into account Article 9 of the Barcelona Convention and Article 4 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol which inter alia stipulates that "Parties shall endeavour to maintain and promote, either individually or through bilateral or multilateral co-operation, contingency plans and other means of preventing and combating pollution incidents";
– Acknowledging the positive role of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) in promoting sub-regional co-operation in prevention of, preparedness for and response to marine pollution incidents in the Mediterranean;
HAVE AGREED as follows:
1. To adopt, within the framework of the Barcelona Convention and in conformity with Article 17 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, a SUB-REGIONAL CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR PREVENTION OF, PREPAREDNESS FOR AND RESPONSE TO MAJOR MARINE POLLUTION INCIDENTS IN THE ADRIATIC SEA (hereinafter referred to as "the Plan", a copy of which is attached to this Agreement) affecting or likely to affect their respective territorial sea, coast and related interests;
2. To use their best endeavours to render assistance to any Signatory of this Agreement which might request assistance in case of emergency, bearing in mind that nothing in the Plan precludes the right of a Signatory, whose territorial sea, coasts or related interests are likely to be affected, to request assistance from other States or Organizations;
3. To designate the following authorities as their respective national authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan, its amendment and revision, as well as for ensuring compatibility of the Plan with their respective National Contingency Plans:
for the Republic of Croatia: Prevention: Headquarters for the Contingency Plan for Accidental Marine Pollution in the Republic of Croatia Implementation
Preparedness and response: Headquarters for the Contingency Plan for Accidental Marine Pollution in the Republic of Croatia Implementation
for the Republic of Italy: Prevention: Ministry of the Environment and Territory, Directorate General for Nature Protection
Preparedness and response: Ministry of the Environment and Territory, Directorate General for Nature Protection
for the Republic of Slovenia: Prevention: Ministry of Transport, Maritime Office
Preparedness and response: Ministry of Defense, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
4. Other Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Prevention and Emergency Protocol, in the Adriatic sub-region, may join this Agreement subject to the consent of the Signatories of the Agreement;
5. This Agreement can be amended upon demand made by any Signatory with the consent of all Signatories. Amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing and shall enter into force 30 days after REMPEC has been notified by all three Signatories of their approval or ratification of the amendments, made in accordance with their national legislation.
6. The respective national authorities shall be responsible for technical modifications and updating of the Plan in accordance with their national legislation.
7. The Agreement and the Plan shall enter into force thirty days after REMPEC has been notified by all three Signatories of their approval or ratification of this Agreement, made in accordance with their national legislations.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at Portorož on this 09 day of November 2005 in the English language in three originals.
For the Government
of the Republic of
Nikola Ružinski (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of
Daniele Verga (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of
Janez Podobnik (s)
The Republic of Croatia
The Republic of Italy
The Republic of Slovenia
This Sub-regional Contingency Plan for the prevention of, preparedness for and response to major marine pollution incidents in the Adriatic has been developed in accordance with Article 17 of the Protocol concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (Prevention and Emergency Protocol) to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention).
The Plan was prepared as part of the project for the development of a Sub-regional System for preventing and combating major marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the territorial sea, coasts and other related interests of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia in the Adriatic Sea. It was prepared with the technical assistance of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP).
The project for the development of a Sub-regional System for preventing and combating major marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the territorial sea, coasts and other related interests of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia in the Adriatic Sea constitutes a contribution to the implementation of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention.
IMO – OMI                                       UNEP – PNUE
Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea REMPEC Mediterranean Action Plan MAP
1.1 Context
1.2 Purpose and objectives
1.3 Scope and geographic coverage
1.4 Definitions and abbreviations
2.1 Joint policy for the prevention of pollution from ships
2.2 National Authorities responsible for the prevention of Pollution from ships and designation of Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centres (PPCCs)
2.3 Meetings of Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centres
2.4 Prevention phases
2.5 Preliminary activities
2.6 Preventive activities
3.1 Joint preparedness and response policy
3.2 Responsibilities of competent national Authorities
3.3 Designation of national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency, and of national Operations Centres
3.4 Mechanism for activating the Plan in case of emergency
3.5 Meetings of national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency
3.6 Exchange of information
3.7 Joint training and exercises
4.1 Assumption of Lead role
4.2 National On-Scene Commander (NOSC) / Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC)
4.3 Emergency Response Centres / Joint Emergency Response Centre
4.4 Support teams
4.5 Command structure
4.6 Communications arrangements
4.7 Response planning
4.8 Response strategy
5.1 Response phases
5.2 Spill surveillance
5.3 Requests for assistance within the framework of the Plan
5.4 Joint response operations
5.5 Use of dispersants
5.6 Termination of joint response operations and deactivation of the Plan
6.1 Communication system
6.2 Pollution reporting system (POLREP)
6.3 Situation reports (SITREPs)
6.4 Post incident reports
6.5 Reports to and communication with REMPEC
7.1 Logistics
7.2 Financial procedures
7.3 Transboundary movements of response personnel, equipment, products and self-contained units
7.4 Medical insurance and medical assistance
7.5 Responsibility for injury and damage
7.6 Documentation of response operation and related costs
8.1 Public Relations Officer (PRO)
8.2 Press releases
8.3 Press conferences
8.4 Public information through REMPEC
ANNEX 1 Directory of competent national Authorities.
1.1 Operations Centres, Emergency Response Centres, National On-Scene Commanders and other relevant addresses.
1.2 Prevention charges.
1.3 Internal criteria.
ANNEX 2 Communications with REMPEC.
ANNEX 3 National Contingency Plans (or relevant parts thereof).
3.1 Republic of Italy.
3.2 Republic of Croatia.
3.3 Republic of Slovenia.
ANNEX 4 Directory of response personnel and inventory of response equipment, products and other means which each Party might offer as assistance in case of the activation of the Plan.
ANNEX 5 Communications system.
ANNEX 6 Guidelines for reporting oil spills (aerial surveillance).
ANNEX 7 POLREP Pollution Reporting System.
ANNEX 8 Standard format for requesting assistance.
ANNEX 9 Claims manual.
ANNEX 10 Prevention, preparedness and response organization flows.
1.1 Context
1.2 Purpose and objectives
1.3 Scope and geographic coverage
1.4 Definitions and abbreviations
The Northern Adriatic represents an important resource, not only in terms of the ecological heritage characterized by its rich ecosystem, but also as a stage for a multitude of economic activities taking place both on the sea surface and in its depths, in addition to being an engine for the development of tertiary activities.
The Northern Adriatic is also a blind alley of the Mediterranean basin, with a very slow change of waters. This gives peculiar characteristics to the local ecosystem and makes it particularly sensitive from the conservation, and therefore prevention, point of view. The Adriatic Sea is separated from the rest of the Mediterranean by the Ionian Sea, which acts as the lungs of the Adriatic contributing to the exchange of waters in the basin. The circulation in the Adriatic Sea is generally counter-clockwise.
Due to the high population density and to the concentration of industry and other economic activities, the maritime traffic in general and the traffic of oil tankers in particular are exceptionally heavy in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea.
The traffic routeing in the area is characterized essentially by two key elements: the flow of commodities (goods) and the types of ships that are used. The trade exchanges and the relative flows generally develop between ports and settlements, and influence the type of traffic in relation to their geographic locations. The type of traffic also depends on the factors related to the existence or not of liner services from and to the relevant ports, since, besides determining the type of vessels used, this component involves the development of structures and services on land that increase port’s performance. The latter factor may consequently favour in terms of competitiveness such ports in comparison to the others that although better geographically positioned appear less convenient in terms of costs.
In the Adriatic Sea, in particular, a single traffic route may involve several flows of commodities that do not depend on the economic activities in the ports of origin and ports of destination. The reason for this is that the same route could comprise several ports servicing various market sectors, and therefore the same route might be used by different types of ships depending on the market sectors involved (dry cargoes, liquid cargoes, containerised or bulk, goods that may or may not be dangerous, toxic or noxious).
The sensitivity of a certain traffic route does not depend exclusively upon the commodities involved, but also upon the standard and performance of the vessels involved, and in particular upon the average age of the fleet, the observance by ships of regulations concerning safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment, the level of training of the crews regarding ship and cargo handling.
A final element contributing to the sensitivity of a traffic route is the level of management of ship-generated wastes, which together with other cargo related risk elements determines the level of risk along a certain route.
Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, the three countries bordering the upper part of the Adriatic Sea, have been Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention) and to its 2002 Protocol concerning Cooperation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea (Prevention and Emergency Protocol) which replaced 1976 Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances in Cases of Emergency (Emergency Protocol). All three countries have developed their respective national systems for preparedness for and response to marine pollution incidents, have their National Contingency Plans and both trained personnel and material resources for combating oil spills.
Being aware that a serious marine pollution incident may significantly damage on one hand the Adriatic ecosystem and on the other the economic activities in the region, including in particular tourism, fisheries and energy generation, the representatives of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia informed regular meetings of Focal Points of the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) of their intention to start working towards the preparation and adoption of a sub-regional contingency plan covering the Adriatic Sea.
The initiative was also discussed and a preliminary agreement on the scope and general outline of such a plan was reached at the level of the existing “Trilateral Commission for the Protection of the Adriatic Sea and the Coastal Area”. Eventually, the idea was promoted within the framework of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative, and in particular its Round Table on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, and the representatives of the three countries concerned decided to start the preparation of the sub-regional contingency plan. They jointly requested the assistance of REMPEC in the realization of this project and REMPEC ensured the necessary financial resources for the project in its budget for the biennium 2002–2003.
In February 2003 REMPEC organized in Malta a meeting of competent national authorities of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, which discussed and agreed upon the outline of future plan and on the timetable for its preparation. Taking into consideration the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) concerning the preparation of contingency plans, in particular the sub-regional ones, and the experience of REMPEC in this field, the representatives of the three countries concerned decided that the future plan should be based on the model developed by REMPEC and already adopted in other areas of the Mediterranean region as well as in the other Regional Seas worldwide, under the auspices of IMO and UNEP.
At the initiative of REMPEC the three countries concerned decided to include in the Plan, in addition to the part referring to preparedness for and response to marine pollution incidents, also a part addressing the prevention of such incidents.
The purpose of the present Sub-regional Contingency Plan (the Plan) is to establish, within the framework of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention and according to the obligations of the Contracting Parties under this Protocol, a mechanism for mutual assistance, under which the competent national Authorities of Croatia, Italy and Slovenia will co-operate in order to co-ordinate and integrate their activities related to prevention and response to marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the territorial sea, coasts and related interests of one or more of these countries, or to incidents surpassing the available response capacity of each of these countries alone.
With a view to reducing as much as possible the risk of marine pollution incidents, the Plan addresses, in addition to preparedness for responding promptly and effectively to marine pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the areas of responsibility and/or the areas of interest of the three countries concerned, also the activities related to the prevention of such incidents.
Taking into consideration the above outlined purposes, specific objectives of the plan are defined as follows:
a) to determine the extent of co-operation among the relevant authorities of the Parties to the Plan, in the field of prevention of marine pollution incidents;
b) to determine the extent of co-operation for the implementation of the Plan in cases of emergency, between the responsible authorities, at the operational level;
c) to define the areas of responsibility of the Parties to the Plan;
d) to divide the responsibilities and to anticipate the transfer of responsibility from one State to another;
e) to establish the principles of command and liaison, and to define the corresponding structures;
f) to provide arrangements concerning the operation of ships and aircraft of one of the Parties, within the area of responsibility of the other Parties;
g) to specify the type of assistance which might be provided and the conditions under which it will be provided;
h) to determine in advance the financial conditions and administrative modalities related to co-operative actions in case of emergency.
In order to achieve these objectives, the Parties intend to take the following actions through the implementation of the Sub-regional Contingency Plan:
– develop adequate activities and take appropriate measures aimed at reducing the risks of incidents or the environmental consequences thereof;
– develop appropriate network(s) for the exchange of information concerning prevention of marine pollution incidents;
– develop appropriate preparedness measures and effective systems for detecting and reporting pollution incidents affecting or likely to affect the areas of responsibility of the Parties;
– promote and implement sub-regional co-operation in the fields of prevention of accidental oil pollution from ships, contingency planning, pollution control and clean-up operations;
– implement the necessary measures to restrict spreading and to minimize the hazard posed by marine pollution incidents;
– develop and implement a programme of training courses and practical exercises for different levels of personnel involved in oil pollution prevention and combating;
– develop procedures for increasing regional co-operation.
Nevertheless, the Parties agree that response operations in case of a marine pollution incident which occurs within the area of responsibility of one of the Parties will be conducted in accordance with provisions of the National Contingency Plan of the Party concerned.
The part of the Plan addressing the prevention of marine pollution incidents (Chapter 2) is applicable continually with a view to defining and implementing all practicable measures aimed at reducing as much as possible and eventually eliminating the risk of shipping incidents likely to cause pollution of the marine environment in the area of the Adriatic Sea covered by the Plan.
The part of the Plan addressing preparedness and response to marine pollution incidents (Chapters 3–8) is applicable whenever an incident causes or is likely to cause marine pollution that can possibly affect one or more Parties and which is of such magnitude that calling on the other Parties for assistance is justified. The incident might be a spill that occurs in the area of responsibility of one Party and threatens the area of responsibility of another Party, or a spill that does not threaten other countries, but requires countermeasures that are beyond the capacity of the resources available within the affected Party.
Geographic coverage
The Plan covers the area of the Adriatic Sea between the line connecting Bari (Italy) and Rt Ostro (Prevlaka) (Croatia) in the south, and the northern coast of the Gulf of Trieste in the north.
For the purpose of this Plan:
Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and refined products.
Hazardous and noxious substance means any substance other than oil, which if introduced into marine environment is likely to create hazards to human health, to harm living resources and marine life, to damage amenities or to interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea and adjacent coastal areas.
Pollutant means polluting substances, including both oil and HNS.
Incident means a collision of ships, grounding, fire, explosion, structural failure, incident of navigation, or other occurrence on board a ship or external to it resulting in material damage or imminent threat of material damage to a ship or cargo.
Pollution incident means an occurrence or series of occurrences having the same origin, which results or may result in a discharge of oil and HNS and which poses or may pose a threat to the marine environment or to the related interests of one or more States, and which requires emergency action or other immediate response.
Related interests means, according to the Article 1 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, the interests of a coastal State directly affected or threatened and concerning, among others:
a) maritime activities in coastal areas, in ports or estuaries, including fishing activities;
b) the historical and tourist appeal of the area in question, including water sports and recreation;
c) the health of the coastal population;
d) the cultural, aesthetic, scientific and educational value of the area;
e) the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of marine and coastal biological resources.
Prevention and Emergency Protocol means the Protocol Concerning Co-operation in Preventing Pollution from Ships and, in Cases of Emergency, Combating Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution (Barcelona Convention), adopted at Malta on 25 January 2002.
The Plan means the Sub-regional Contingency Plan for prevention of, preparedness for and response to major pollution incidents concerning Croatia, Italy and Slovenia.
Parties means the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Slovenia.
Area of responsibility means territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Slovenia respectively, within the Adriatic Sea, as established in accordance with the international law.
Area of interest means waters not included in the areas of responsibility, in which occurrence of a pollution incident affects or is likely to affect the related interests of one or more of the Parties.
Lead State means the Party in whose area of responsibility or area of interest a pollution incident has occurred and who has activated the Plan or requested assistance within the framework of the Plan.
Governmental Authority means the designated competent Department having the governmental responsibility for dealing with pollution at sea.
Operational Authority (Prevention) means the designated competent Department having the responsibility for the prevention of pollution from ships.
Operational Authority (Response) means the designated competent Department having the operational responsibility for dealing with marine pollution incidents.
Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centre (PPCC) means an office, on call 24 hours a day and equipped with appropriate communications equipment, which has the responsibility to receive, process and transmit all information and to take necessary actions concerning prevention activities.
Lead Authority means the Operational Authority of the Lead State.
Operational Command means overall co-ordination and control of Joint Response Operations, including both national resources and strike teams, equipment and other resources (aircraft, vessels) rendered as assistance by other Parties. It is exerted by the Operational Authority of the Lead State, through the Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC).
Operational Control means direct control over personnel, means and units taking part in the Joint Response Operations, including giving instructions and supplying information necessary for execution of response operations. It is exerted by National On-Scene Commanders (NOSCs) of the Parties taking part in the operations, or by officers designated by them.
Tactical Command means directing and supervising the execution of specific tasks by teams and/or units on the scene of operations. It is exerted by the leaders of such teams and/or commanders of units.
Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC) means a designated officer of the Lead State, having the overall operational command of all Joint Response Operations undertaken within the framework of the Plan.
National On-Scene Commander (NOSC) means an officer, designated by the Operational Authority, having operational control of all national pollution response resources which might, if so requested, participate in Joint Response Operations. (Note: NOSC is preferably, but not necessarily, the same officer who performs the duty of On-Scene Commander under the National Contingency Plan).
Liaison Officer means an officer from the Party participating in the Joint Response Operations, who is integrated in the staff of the SOSC, with a view to providing necessary information on national resources rendered as assistance to the Lead State and facilitating communications with his/her respective NOSC.
Public Relations Officer (PRO) means an officer in charge of informing the media on the course of events and advising the SOSC on public reaction.
Emergency Response Centre means an office, manned 24 hours a day and equipped with appropriate communications equipment, which has been set up, for the purpose of the Plan, by each Party and which serves as the Operations Room of NOSC or SOSC respectively, whenever the Plan is activated.
Joint Emergency Response Centre (JERC) means the Emergency Response Centre of the Lead State.
Strike team means a group of personnel, sent as assistance from one Party to another in order to take part as an independent unit in response operations. It may include personnel on board vessels, aircraft or other self-contained units or personnel assisting in shore clean-up operations.
Operations at sea means any measures, including intervention on the source of pollution, aerial surveillance, containment of the pollutant, recovery of the pollutant, application of treatment agents from vessels and aircraft, or any other action taken at open sea (off shore) in order to respond to a pollution incident, to restrict spreading and facilitate removal of the pollutant, and to mitigate the consequences of the incident.
Operations on shore means any action taken on shore or in the sea immediately adjacent to it, in order to recover, remove or destroy the pollutant and to reduce its impact or effects.
Pollution Report (POLREP) means the incident report by which one Party warns the other Parties of a spill and through which it notifies the other Parties of the activation of the Plan.
Situation Report (SITREP) means the report by which the Lead State informs the other Parties concerned about the situation.
Regional Information System (RIS) means a set of written documents and computerized databanks, models and a decision-support system, which REMPEC compiles, prepares, updates, publishes and regularly disseminates to the Mediterranean coastal States, comprising necessary information on various aspects of preparedness for and response to incidental marine pollution by oil and other harmful substances.
The following are the main Abbreviations used in this document:
ERC Emergency Response Centre
HQ Headquarters
IMO International Maritime Organization
IOPC FUNDS International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds
JERC Joint Emergency Response Centre
NCP National Contingency Plan
NOSC National On-Scene Commander
OPRC International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation, 1990
POLREP Pollution Report
PPCC Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centre
PSSA Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
REMPEC Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea
SITREP Situation Report
SOSC Supreme On-Scene Commander
SRCP Sub-regional Contingency Plan
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated
VHF Very High Frequency
2.1 Joint policy for prevention of pollution from ships
2.2 National Authorities responsible for prevention of pollution from ships and designation of Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centres (PPCCs)
2.3 Meetings of national Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centres (PPCCs)
2.4 Prevention phases
2.5 Preliminarly activities
2.6 Preventive activities
The Parties consider prevention of marine pollution incidents from ships as an integral part of their policy for the protection of the marine environment in the Mediterranean Sea in general, and in the Adriatic Sea in particular.
The Parties agree to strengthen their efforts in prevention of pollution from ships in the Adriatic Sea primarily through closer co-operation in the implementation of international regulations adopted globally within the framework of the International Maritime Organization, and in the implementation of multilateral agreements adopted by the States bordering the Adriatic Sea.
All actions taken by the Parties with a view to reduce and, as much as possible, eliminate the risk of pollution incidents in the area covered by the Plan shall be taken in conformity with the strategic orientations adopted within the Mediterranean Action Plan and with the provisions of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention.
The Parties agree in particular that all measures for prevention of accidents causing or likely to cause pollution of the sea in the area covered by the Plan, shall be taken in conformity with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Each Party shall designate an authority responsible for co-ordinating at the national level all activities related to prevention of pollution from ships, and in particular for the exchange of information between the Parties to the present Plan. For the purpose of the Plan such authority shall be called national Pollution Prevention Co-ordination Centre (PPCC).
Prevention activities mentioned in Article 2.1 may fall under the competence of different national authorities or agencies within the Parties, and consequently, several entities might be involved in such activities according to the internal organization of each individual State. However, for the purpose of the Plan each national PPCC shall be responsible for co-ordination of all such entities at the national level.
PPCC and other relevant national authorities or agencies responsible for prevention activities in each of the Parties shall be defined at the first meeting of the national authorities mentioned in Articles 2.3 and 3.5. Relevant information concerning these authorities shall be subsequently attached to the Plan in Annex 1.
Modalities of communication and the appropriate means of communication between national PPCCs and other relevant authorities or agencies of each Party shall also be presented in Annex 1.
PPCC shall have the following responsibilities:
– setting up and maintaining the communication network needed for the implementation of the part of the Plan related to prevention of pollution;
– co-ordinating, at the national level, participation of other national authorities and/or services in activities related to prevention of pollution;
– promoting and co-ordinating monitoring activities;
– co-ordinating activities related to management of PSSA;
– supervising and co-ordinating, at the national level and in co-operation with national Operational Authorities mentioned in paragraph 3.3.a), the updating of the Plan and activities related to its maintenance;
In order to discuss the implementation of the Plan and other relevant matters, the Parties shall organize once a year a joint meeting of national PCCSs and national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation in case of emergency of the part of the Plan dedicated to preparedness and response (cf. Article 3.5).
Each Meeting shall have two Working Groups, one composed of national PPCCs, dedicated to prevention of pollution from ships, and the other composed of national Operational Authorities, dedicated to preparedness for and response to pollution incidents.
The Working Group dedicated to prevention shall discuss questions related to the implementation of the part of the Plan related to prevention of accidental pollution from ships, the results of preliminary activities listed in Article 2.4.1. and of preventive activities listed in Article 2.4.2, as well as other relevant matters.
The first Meeting shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
Regular annual Meetings shall be hosted by each Party consecutively, and following the alphabetical order.
PPCC and the national Operational Authority of the host Party shall jointly, in co-operation with the PPCCs of the other Parties and their respective national Operational Authorities, prepare the agenda and issue a final report of such annual Meetings.
The host country shall also provide secretarial services and other necessary logistic support for the smooth running of such Meetings.
Activities aimed at prevention of pollution from ships shall be divided into two main phases:
i. Preliminary activities
ii. Preventive measures
2.4.1 Preliminary activities
Preliminary activities shall be the activities that will enable the Parties to effectively protect the marine environment within the area covered by the Plan, from the threat posed by pollution from ships. These shall include:
i. Monitoring of the state of the sea
ii. Designation and management of PSSA
iii. Providing appropriate system(s) for control of maritime traffic
iv. Providing necessary facilities and service for the implementation of preventive measures
v. Planning of preventive activities
2.4.2 Preventive measures
Preventive measures shall comprise all activities considered necessary by the Parties aimed at reducing and, as much as possible, eliminating the risk of marine pollution.
2.5.1 Monitoring the sea
In order to better protect the biological diversity and the ecosystem of the water body in the area covered by the Plan the Parties recognize the need for constantly monitoring the state of the sea and the activities taking place both at sea and on shore.
Monitoring shall be achieved by the following tools:
– regular coordinated patrolling of the area covered by the Plan by naval means, aircraft or satellites, in order to prevent any violations of the international law in the field of prevention of pollution from ships;
– sampling the sea waters in the area concerned by the Plan.
In order to ensure the relevance of data concerning the state of the sea the Parties shall:
– promote and coordinate sampling campaigns, analysis, elaboration and subsequent publication of data;
– follow standard guidelines and directives established by central administrations of the Parties concerned, taking also into consideration those agreed upon within the framework of the MEDPOL programme of the Mediterranean Action Plan; and
– endeavour to render useful for other requirements or purposes the results of analyses.
The results of such monitoring activities shall be presented as much as practical in the cartographic form, with a view to facilitating the risk assessment and decision making process.
The Parties shall endeavour to create a central database of parameters defining the state of the sea within the area covered by the Plan, by integrating as appropriate their respective datasets.
The periodicity of monitoring activities shall be decided by the Parties during their regular annual meetings.
2.5.2 Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA)
The Parties recognize the importance of designating certain zones in the area covered by the Plan as PSSAs in accordance with the relevant decisions and guidelines of IMO, and agree to:
– collaborate in designating PSSAs in the area covered by the Plan;
– jointly propose to IMO PSSAs in the area covered by the Plan, as well as Associated Protective Measures;
– control the traffic in PSSAs (providing that such traffic is permitted) or in their vicinity.
2.5.3 Traffic control systems
The Parties to the Plan recognize the importance of the work already carried out by the competent national authorities of the three countries concerned in the establishment of the “Mandatory Ship Reporting System – Adriatic Traffic”.
In order to reduce the risk of incidents that may cause the pollution of the sea in the area covered by the Plan the Parties agree to utilize, within the scope and for the purposes of the Plan, the information acquired through these two systems.
2.5.4 Facilities and services
With a view to rendering possible the effective implementation of envisaged preventive measures, the Parties agree to put in place and to maintain at least the following facilities and services:
– Communication networks including in particular radio-communication networks;
– Meteorological services;
– SAR units;
– Vessel Traffic Management Information Systems (VTMIS);
– Vessels able to render assistance and support ships in distress;
– Pollution response equipment;
– Personnel trained in pollution response activities; and
– Port reception facilities for ship generated wastes.
2.5.5 Planning
The Parties recognize the importance of constant updating and, as necessary, modifying and amending the Plan in accordance with the development of relevant international regulations and of technology, as well as with possible changes in the organizational structure and planning activities at national level of one or more Parties.
In order to keep the Plan always up-to-date, the Parties agree to utilize for planning improvements of preventive measures adopted within the present Plan: the information collected through monitoring activities, the information concerning PSSAs, the development of traffic control systems in the area covered by the Plan, as well as changes in available facilities and services.
Planning activities shall address the improvement of general provisions and operational procedures aimed at prevention of accidental pollution from ships, but also the levels of preparedness and efficiency of response to pollution incidents.
Among planning activities, the Parties shall pay particular attention to training of personnel and to maintenance of the relevant resource.
The Parties shall make necessary arrangements for transmitting to their respective national PPCCs all reports received through the “Mandatory Ship Reporting System – Adriatic Traffic” or through any other existing or future reporting systems, which concern:
a) ships carrying cargoes of oil and/or of any other hazardous and noxious substances; and
b) ships that present a pollution threat for any other reason.
After receiving a report on any such ship the PPCC shall take the following precautionary measures, aimed at preventing pollution and/or at reducing the risk of pollution of the marine environment in the area covered by the Plan:
i. establish and maintain permanent radio contact with the ship, using dedicated frequencies(*);
ii. if deemed necessary, put on stand by a tug boat or boats having sufficient towing capacity for assisting the reported ship;
iii. if deemed necessary, put on stand by appropriate pollution response equipment and personnel; and
iv. take any other measures commensurate with the perceived threat of pollution.
Should the ship reported in accordance with paragraph (a) above fall into category of vessels that do not require assistance for mooring and manoeuvring according to the applicable international and national rules and regulations, PPCC may nevertheless require such ship to use the appropriate assistance in order to reduce the risk of pollution incident.
PPCC shall request the appropriate maritime authorities to conduct a Port State Control inspection on board all ships reported to present threat of marine pollution.
Should any deficiencies, that may cause pollution during normal port operations, be found during inspections mentioned above the PPCC shall require the appropriate port authorities to put in place adequate preventive measures.
Should the ship be found to have on board excessive quantities of waste that are considered to present a potential threat for the marine environment, PPCC shall require the ship to discharge such waste in accordance with the standard procedures in place.
In case when the port in which such excessive quantities of wastes have been found does not have appropriate facilities for receiving it, the PPCC may permit the ship to discharge such waste in the next port of call having adequate reception facilities, within the area covered by the Plan.
All structural deficiencies, as well as those relating to ship’s documents or her crew, that PPCC considers to present a threat for the marine environment in the area covered by the Plan, shall be either permanently or temporarily rectified to the satisfaction of the competent national authorities, in the port where these had been detected.
3.1 Joint preparedness and response policy
3.2 Responsibilities of competent national Authorities
3.3 Designation of national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency, and of national Operations Centres
3.4 Mechanism for activating the Plan in case of emergency
3.5 Meetings of national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency
3.6 Exchange of information
3.7 Joint training and exercises
With a view to organizing co-operation in responding to marine pollution incidents and to effectively assisting each other in case of emergency, the Parties shall, within the framework of this Plan:
– designate competent national Authorities responsible for marine pollution preparedness and response, at governmental and operational levels respectively, who will co-operate in order to respond promptly and effectively to a pollution incident;
– maintain in a permanently operational state an appropriate communications network for the exchange of information relevant to the Plan;
– report to each other pollution incidents occurring in their area of responsibility or pollution incidents occurring in the area of interest which may affect another Party;
– set up and maintain in good working order, appropriate stockpiles of pollution response equipment and products;
– endeavour to have available strike teams composed of persons properly trained and experienced in response to marine pollution incidents. These resources shall be made available to a Party who so requests within the framework of this Plan for use in Joint Response Operations, taking always into consideration that the assisting Party/ies should not deplete its/their national resources beyond a reasonable level of preparedness;
– define and apply in case of activation of the Plan, a common policy regarding pollution response methods and techniques, including elimination of the source of pollution, containment and recovery of floating oil at sea, use of dispersants, protection of sensitive areas, and shore clean-up;
– define a mechanism for financing mutual assistance operations undertaken within the framework of the Plan;
– follow a common policy as regards delivering, receiving, using and returning to the country of origin, any equipment and other resources requested and/or rendered as assistance within the framework of the Plan.
The Parties recognize two levels of responsibility with respect to the implementation of the present Plan, namely governmental and operational levels respectively.
At the governmental level, responsibility for the implementation of the Plan rests with the following competent national Authorities, officially designated by their respective Governments:
Republic of Croatia: Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
Republic of Italy: Ministry of Environment
Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of Defence, Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief
Within the framework of the Plan, the responsibilities of these Authorities include:
– supervising the implementation of the Plan;
– revising and amending the Plan, and
– supervising the preparation and implementation of the National Contingency Plan (NCP) and ensuring compatibility between the NCP and the Plan.
a) Operational Authorities
The responsibility for the implementation of the operational provisions of the Plan in case of emergency and for Joint Response Operations rests with the national Operational Authorities which shall be defined at the first meeting of the national authorities mentioned in Article 3.5. Relevant information concerning these authorities shall be subsequently attached to the Plan in Annex 1.
Within the framework of the Plan the responsibilities of the Operational Authorities include:
i) responsibilities related to the maintenance of the Plan:
– ensuring that the appropriate level of preparedness, including trained personnel, equipment and other means as stipulated by the Plan, is maintained at the national level;
– setting up and maintaining the communication network needed for the implementation of the Plan;
– supervising and co-ordinating, at the national level, all other activities indicated in the Plan;
ii) responsibilities related to the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency:
– activation of the Plan in cases defined in Article 3.4 and notification of other Parties;
– pollution reporting in accordance with the standard POLREP system;
– co-ordination, at the level of each country concerned, of response operations in case of activation of the NCP and Joint Response Operations in case of subsequent activation of the present Plan;
– co-ordination, at the national level, of the participation of other national Authorities and/or services in cases of Joint Response Operations;
– taking decisions concerning requesting and rendering assistance;
– co-ordination of sending, receiving, using and returning, as appropriate, of personnel, equipment and other resources rendered as assistance within the framework of the Plan.
The Operational Authorities shall be the same Authorities that have the overall operational command of marine pollution response measures taken within the framework of their respective NCPs.
b) Operations Centres
The responsibility for receiving reports on pollution incidents and for transmitting this information to their respective national Operational Authorities and other interested parties within the country shall rest with national Operations Centres. The names, addresses and contact numbers of these national Operations Centres shall be defined at the first meeting of the national authorities mentioned in Article 3.5 and subsequently attached to the Plan in Annex 1.
The Plan shall be activated by the Operational Authority of one of the Parties in the following cases:
– occurrence, within the area of responsibility of the Party who activates the Plan, of an incident which threatens to affect or has already affected the area of responsibility of another Party;
– occurrence of an incident within the area of interest, but outside the area of responsibility of the Party who activates the Plan, if in the opinion of the Operational Authority of this Party, there is a reasonable threat for the territorial sea, coasts or other related interests of that Party;
– occurrence, within the area of responsibility of the Party who activates the Plan, of an incident whose severity surpasses the response capabilities of the Party concerned alone.
In the cases of emergency listed above, the Plan shall be activated after consultations with the other Parties concerned. However, when the situation does not permit such consultations, the Plan may be activated by the affected Party without prior consultations.
When in the opinion of the Authority of one of the Parties its interests are threatened by a pollution incident which has occurred just outside the area of responsibility of another Party, and when the other Party/ies have not taken appropriate actions to respond to it, that Party may, after consulting the other Party/ies concerned, activate the Plan.
The operational Authority of the Party who has activated the Plan shall immediately inform the Operational Authorities of the other Parties that the Plan has been activated. Notification, formulated in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2, shall be transmitted to the Operational Authorities of the other Parties through the designated national Operations Centres.
The procedure to be followed in case of activation of the Plan is described in Article 5.1.
The Meetings of national Operational Authorities responsible for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency shall be held together with the Meetings of national PPCCs (cf. Article 2.3).
In these Meetings the national Operational Authorities, defined in Article 3.3, shall discuss in particular questions related to the implementation of the part of the Plan dedicated to preparedness and response, the organization of training courses and/or exercises, and other relevant matters related to the part of the Plan dealing with preparedness and response.
The first Meeting shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
Regular annual Meetings shall be hosted by each Party consecutively, and following the alphabetical order.
The national Operational Authority and the PPCC of the host Party shall, in co-operation with national Operational Authorities of the other Parties and their respective PPCCs, prepare the agenda and issue a final report of such annual Meetings.
The host country shall also provide secretarial services and other necessary logistic support for the smooth running of such Meetings.
The Parties shall keep each other correctly informed at all times on:
a) competent national Authorities, responsible at the governmental level for the implementation of the Plan, and on the responsible officers within these Authorities;
b) national Operational Authorities, responsible at the operational level for the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency and for exercising Operational Command in cases of Joint Response Operations, and on the responsible officers within these Authorities;
c) national Operations Centres;
d) designated national Emergency Response Centres;
e) designated National On-Scene Commanders (NOSC);
f) designated competent Customs Offices;
g) at least those parts of their respective National Contingency Plans which might be relevant in case of conducting Joint Response Operations (cf. Article 3.7);
h) inventories of pollution response equipment and products, as well as other means (e.g. vessels and aircraft) available in each country for use in Joint Response Operations;
i) directories of experts, trained personnel and strike teams designated by each Party to take part in Joint Response Operation.
The information listed above shall be attached to the Plan in the Annexes that will be agreed upon at the first meeting of national authorities.
Parties shall inform each other on any changes in the information listed above as soon as these occur, using the routine communication channels.
Each national Operational Authority is responsible for the accuracy of all information pertinent to its Party and related to the part of the Plan dealing with preparedness and response.
Each national Operational Authority shall acknowledge receipt of any changes and/or modifications regarding the above information, and is responsible for updating its respective copy/copies of the Plan accordingly.
The English language shall be used in all communications related to the Plan.
The Parties shall periodically conduct joint training courses and/or joint exercises.
The main objectives of these training courses and exercises shall be:
– to improve the level of co-operation and co-ordination among operational personnel and, in particular, strike teams of different Parties;
– to test the command structure of the Plan;
– to achieve a satisfactory level of communication among personnel and, in particular, strike teams designated to take part in Joint Response Operations;
– to acquire experience in handling equipment, products and other means which might be used in Joint Response Operations;
– to enable the personnel from different Parties to gain experience in working together.
The Parties shall alternately host such training courses and exercises. The host country shall organize the training course or exercise, and shall provide the necessary logistic support; however, the expenses for the participants and the means deployed in joint exercises shall be borne by their respective Parties. Calendars, programmes, duration and other relevant details concerning such training and exercises shall be decided at regular annual meetings of the Parties.
The Parties may also agree to combine their joint training and exercises in a single programme.
4.1 Assumption of lead role
4.2 National On-Scene Commander (NOSC) / Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC)
4.3 Emergency Response Centres / Joint Emergency Response Centre
4.4 Support teams
4.5 Command structure
4.6 Communications arrangements
4.7 Response planning
4.8 Response strategy
The lead role in the implementation of the Plan in case of emergency shall be assumed by the Operational Authority of the Party whose area of responsibility or area of interest have been affected or are likely to be affected by a pollution incident and who has activated the Plan or requested assistance.
If a pollution incident which has occurred in the area of interest of one of the Parties directly (imminently) threatens the interests of another Party, the Parties may agree, in direct contacts between their Operational Authorities, that the threatened Party will assume the lead role.
The lead role shall be transferred from a Party to another one, when the major part of the pollutant has moved from the area of responsibility of the Party who had initially requested assistance, to the area of responsibility of another Party who is requesting assistance.
The transfer of the lead role in cases when the major part of the pollutant is moving from the area of interest of one Party to the area of responsibility of another Party shall be agreed upon after consultations between the Parties concerned.
The Lead State shall be responsible for:
– surveillance of the pollution
– assessment of the situation
– spill movement forecasting
– reporting
– exercising Operational Command over Joint Response Operations.
For the purpose of the Plan, the Operational Authority of each Party shall nominate an officer who will exercise operational control over all response activities of that Party, including control over personnel (strike teams), equipment and self-contained units (vessels, aircraft). These officers shall be called National On-Scene Commanders (NOSC).
After the activation of the Plan in case of emergency and commencement of the Joint Response Operations, NOSC of the Lead State shall assume the role of the Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC). The SOSC shall have the overall responsibility for all decisions and actions taken in order to combat the pollution and to mitigate its consequences and for co-ordination of Joint Response Operations. The SOSC, working in liaison with his/her Lead Authority, exerts Operational Command over Joint Response Operations.
The NOSCs of the assisting Parties shall operate under the overall Operational Command of the SOSC, but shall nevertheless retain operational control over personnel, equipment and self-contained units of their respective Parties.
In order to relieve the SOSC of a part of his/her duties concerning operational control of national resources, the Lead Authority may, at the time of the activation of the Plan, designate another officer who will have direct operational control of the national resources taking part in the Joint Response Operations and who will act as the NOSC of the lead country.
In exercising his/her functions, the SOSC shall be assisted by a Support Team (cf. Article 3.4).
Relevant information concerning NOSCs shall be given in Annex 1. It is the responsibility of the Operational Authority of each Party to keep this information up-to-date at all times.
For the purpose of this Plan, each Party shall set up an Operations Centre or properly appoint an already “in place” structure, which will be manned 24 hours a day and which will be equipped with an appropriate communications system and have the necessary facilities to be used as the Emergency Response Centre (ERC) for the Operational Command during Joint Response Operations.
If deemed necessary, each Party may decide to establish more than one ERC.
In cases of activation of the Plan, the ERC of the Lead State shall assume the role of the Joint Emergency Response Centre (JERC). The JERC shall serve as the base of the Supreme On-Scene Commander (SOSC) and as the main communications centre for all communications related to the implementation of the Plan.
Alternate sites for JERC, closer to the scene of the incident, may be specified in lieu of the pre-selected sites at the discretion of the Lead State.
When the lead role is transferred from one Party to another, the ERC of the Party assuming the lead role shall automatically become JERC.
Relevant information concerning ERC(s) of each Party shall be given in Annex 1. It is the responsibility of the Operational Authority of each Party to keep this information up-to-date at all times.
With a view to assisting NOCS and/or SOCS, each Party shall set up its national Support Team, composed of the representatives of various relevant public authorities, national services and industry, including, in particular, the oil and shipping industries.
In case of the activation of the Plan, Support Teams shall operate from their respective national Emergency Response Centres.
The role of the Support Teams is advisory, and their functions include:
a) providing assistance to NOSC / SOSC in case of the activation of the Plan;
b) providing advice to NOSC / SOSC concerning, in particular, methods and techniques for combating marine pollution, safety of navigation and salvage, marine biology and fisheries, (radio) communications, public information and compensation for oil pollution damage;
c) providing support and co-ordinating the activities of national public authorities, services and industry which might take part in Joint Response Operations, concerning in particular the provision of personnel, equipment and other resources, logistic support, immigration and customs formalities;
d) monitoring incoming reports and assessing the situation;
e) co-ordinating all reporting on the status of the pollution incident to their respective national Authorities.
After the termination of response operations, the Support Team shall, together with their respective NOSC:
– review post-incident reports from the NOSC / SOSC on the handling of the pollution incident for the purpose of analyzing and introducing recommendations and improvements needed in the Plan and in their respective National Contingency Plans;
– forward to their respective national Authorities relevant reports and recommendations, including NOSC / SOSC post-incident reports, Support Team debriefing reports and recommendations concerning amendments to the Plan or its Annexes.
The Command Structure for Joint Response Operations is shown in Diagram 1.
The Plan distinguishes between:
a) Operational Command which consists of taking decisions concerning response strategy, defining the tasks of various groups of teams and units and having overall command and co-ordination over all resources taking part in the Joint Response Operations. Following the activation of the Plan, Operational Command over Joint Response Operations is exercised by the Operational Authority of the Lead State (Lead Authority) through its NOSC who, once the Plan has been activated, assumes the role of SOSC.
b) Operational Control which consists of giving orders to specific groups of teams and units, in accordance with the strategy and the tasks defined by the Operational Command. Operational Control over national resources is exercised by the NOSCs of the respective Parties. Operational Control over the resources of the Lead State is exercised by an officer designated to act as NOSC in lieu of the officer who has assumed the role of SOSC.
c) Tactical Command which consists of directing and supervising the actions of each team or unit. Tactical Command is exercised by the Leader of each team or the Commander of each unit taking part in the response operations.
Liaison between the Lead Authority and the assisting Parties shall be maintained, according to the circumstances and to the type and importance of the assistance rendered, in one of the following ways:
a) by direct telefax, telephone, e-mail and/or radio contacts between the Lead Authority (SOSC) and Operational Authorities (NOSCs) of the assisting Parties;
b) by a Liaison Officer, sent to the Lead State by the Operational Authority of the assisting Party with a view to being integrated in the staff of the SOSC. His/her duties shall be to provide the necessary information on the resources rendered as assistance and to facilitate communication with his/her respective NOSC, ERC and/or strike teams and self-contained units taking part in the operations; or
c) by the NOSC of the assisting Party who personally attends at the spill site and participates in the Joint Response Operations.
The communications network established by the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.1 shall be used for all exchanges of information pertinent to the implementation of the Plan.
a) Telefax or e-mail shall be used for all communications between the Operational Authorities, SOSC, NOSCs and their respective Support Teams, particularly in case of emergency.
Telephone and radio communications could also be used; however, all decisions, information relevant to the situation at the site of operations and, in particular, requests for assistance and replies to such requests shall be confirmed by either telefax or e-mail.
b) Operational communications between JERC, SOSC, NOSCs, team and unit Leaders and other participants in the response operations shall be made by using the dedicated* VHF channels (see Annex 5), cellular (portable) telephones and other appropriate means.
Lines of communication to be used in case of Joint Response Operations are shown in Diagram 2.
c) English language shall be used in all communications related to the implementation of the Plan.
Response to a pollution incident within the area of responsibility and/or area of interest of each Party shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the NCP of the Lead State, under the overall Operational Command of the Lead Authority exercised through the SOSC.
In order to help the Joint Response Operations to proceed smoothly, the Parties shall inform each other on the relevant parts of their NCPs and, in particular, those sections describing:
– national response organization;
– likely sources of marine pollution incidents, vulnerable resources and priorities for protection;
– resources available at the national level for responding to marine pollution incidents;
– rules concerning the use of dispersants;
– logistic support available within the country.
Copies of English translations of these sections of the NCPs or, preferably, the complete NCPs are attached to the Plan in Annex 3.
Maps showing possible sources of pollution, environmentally sensitive areas, priorities for protection and areas where the use of dispersants is allowed, restricted or forbidden, within the area of responsibility of each Party, should be part of each NCP.
Deciding upon the response strategy to be applied in each particular pollution incident and the planning of specific operations shall be the responsibility of SOSC. In taking such decisions, the SOSC shall follow the outline given in Article 4.8.
The main outline of the strategy which shall be applied by the Operational Authorities of the Parties, in responding to marine pollution incidents within the framework of the Plan, shall be as follows:
– assessment of the severity of the incident, taking into consideration the following minimum criteria:
– position at which the incident occurred
– type of pollutant
– amount of pollutant which has been released and/or is likely to be released
– movement of pollutant
– degree of risk for human life and/or potential health hazard
– fire/explosion hazard
– potential to damage natural resources
– potential to damage valuable property and/or to have serious economic consequences;
– activation of the National Contingency Plan and notification of the other Parties;
– selection of appropriate response methods;
– evaluation of available and required response resources;
– activation of the Plan and request for assistance;
– implementation of selected response methods, making use of national resources and resources from assisting Parties;
– re-assessment of the situation and modification, when necessary, of response actions;
– termination of response operations;
– de-activation of the Plan;
– the return to the country of origin of personnel, equipment and other means rendered as assistance by the other Parties.
5.1 Response phases
5.2 Spill surveillance
5.3 Requests for assistance within the framework of the Plan
5.4 Joint Response Operations
5.5 Use of dispersants
5.6 Termination of Joint Response Operations and deactivation of the Plan
For the purpose of the Plan, pollution response operations have been divided as follows:
Pre-activation of the Plan
Phase I – Evaluation
Phase II – Notification and consultation
Activation of the Plan
Phase III – Notification of activation
Phase IV – Request for assistance
Phase V – Joint response operations at sea
Phase VI – Joint response operations on shore
It is understood that, according to circumstances, entire phases or parts thereof may take place concurrently.
Pre-activation of the Plan
Phase I (Evaluation)
Notification and verification of the initial information concerning pollution incidents shall be done at the national level, in accordance with the provisions of the NCP.
The Operational Authority of the Party affected by an incident, or the Party likely to be affected first, shall assess and determine, taking into consideration the severity of the incident including its place of occurrence, the nature and quantity of the pollutant and other relevant elements, the level of response required and whether or not to activate the Plan.
Before activating the Plan, the Operational Authority of the Party concerned shall activate its NCP.
Phase II (Notification and consultations)
Regardless of the need for the activation of the Plan, the Operational Authority of the Party in whose area of responsibility or interest the pollution incident has occurred shall, after receiving and verifying the initial incident report, immediately inform the Operational Authorities of the other Parties (cf. Article 3.1 and 6.2) through their national Operations Centres.
If the Operational Authority of the Party concerned considers that it might be necessary to activate the Plan (cf. Article 3.4), it shall immediately consult the Operational Authorities of the other Parties, clearly indicating the extent of the planned response measures and of the assistance which might be required.
Prior to activating the Plan, the Operational Authority shall alert the other relevant authorities in its own country, including the NOSC, in accordance with the provisions of its NCP. It shall also alert REMPEC.
Activation of the Plan
Phase III (Notification of activation)
The decision to activate the Plan shall be taken by the Operational Authority of the Party concerned, following consultations with the Operational Authorities of the other Parties.
After taking the decision to activate the Plan, the Operational Authority of the Party concerned, shall assume the role of Lead Authority and shall:
a) notify the Operational Authorities of the other Parties, through their designated national Operations Centres and in accordance with the procedure described in Article 6.2, that the Plan has been activated;
b) activate its own ERC which shall assume the role of JERC;
c) activate its own Support Team;
d) appoint the SOSC who shall, in liaison with the Lead Authority and his/her Support Team, formulate the strategy for dealing with the incident and evaluate the need for assistance from other Parties. The SOSC shall initiate phases IV, V and VI of the response respectively.
Phase IV (Request for assistance)
The request for assistance, on the basis of the SOSC's requirements and advice, shall be sent following the activation of the Plan, by the Lead Authority to the Operational Authorities of the other Parties in accordance with the procedure outlined in Annex 8 and taking into consideration the previous consultations with the Operational Authorities of the other Parties.
Phase V (Joint Response Operations at sea)
The main objectives of Joint Response Operations at sea are to stop the spillage of the pollutant from the source, to restrict its spreading and movement and to remove as much pollutant as possible from the sea surface before it reaches the shores of one of the Parties.
Joint Response Operations at sea shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures described in the NCP of the Lead State. Operational Command over the Joint Response Operations shall be exercised by the Lead Authority through the SOSC. The use shall primarily be made of the national resources of the Party concerned, which shall be supplemented as necessary by the personnel and means rendered as assistance by the other Parties upon the request of the Lead Authority. The personnel and means of the assisting Parties shall work under direct Operational Control and Tactical Command of their respective NOSCs and unit commanders or team leaders.
During the Joint Response Operations, the ERC of the Lead State, which has assumed the role of JERC, shall serve as the main communication centre and headquarters of the SOSC.
Phase VI (Joint Response Operations on shore)
The main objectives of Joint Response Operations on shore are to protect coastal areas and other vulnerable resources from the impact of the pollutant and to remove the pollutant which has reached the shore in order to prevent recontamination of other coastal areas.
This phase also includes the treatment and final disposal of any collected pollutant and/or contaminated beach material.
The operations on shore shall be conducted by the competent national authorities of the affected Party using its national resources. If the national resources of the affected Party are not sufficient, the Party may ask other Party/Parties to render any practicable assistance in terms of means and specialized personnel.
The Party shall address its request to the national Operational Authorities of the Party/Parties.
The principles of command outlined under Phase V shall also apply for the entire duration of Phase VI.
In order to increase the effectiveness of Joint Response Operations on shore, JERC may be transferred, at the discretion of the Lead Authority, to adequate alternative premises closer to the site of operations (cf. Article 4.3). In such cases, the Lead Authority shall duly inform the Operational Authorities of the assisting Parties of the move.
For the surveillance of spill movement and behaviour, priority shall be given to aerial surveillance, although any other suitable means (ships, vessels) might also be used if aircraft are not immediately available. Whenever appropriate the Parties shall also consider using satellite Earth Observation methods for the surveillance of spill movement.
The surveillance of the spill and its movement, and the transmission of relevant reports to the other Parties, prior to the activation of the Plan, is the responsibility of the Party in whose area of responsibility or area of interest the pollution incident has occurred. Following the activation of the Plan, this responsibility rests with the SOSC, who shall take all necessary measures to ensure regular surveillance of the spill and its movement and behaviour, in order to properly assess the situation and to decide on adequate response measures. For this purpose, the SOSC may request assistance from the other Parties.
Information concerning aircraft suitable for spill surveillance (including technical characteristics and specialized equipment), to which each Party has access, is given in Annex 4.
Reporting procedures, which shall be followed for the purpose of the Plan by the observers/pilots/crews of surveillance aircraft, are given in Annex 6.
Following the activation of the Plan, the Lead Authority may request assistance from the other Parties, in any of the cases described in Article 3.4.
Assistance might be requested in the form of:
a) trained response personnel and, in particular, strike teams;
b) specialized pollution combating equipment;
c) pollution treatment products;
d) other means including in particular self-contained units such as vessels and aircraft, and/or
e) any combination thereof.
The request for assistance shall be formulated in a clear and precise manner, using the standard form defined in Annex 8. It shall contain a detailed description of the kind of assistance required and the purpose for which personnel, equipment, products and/or other means will be used.
The Party receiving a request for assistance shall immediately acknowledge receipt.
The Party receiving a request for assistance shall endeavour to offer it to the requesting Party with the shortest possible delay, taking into consideration that it should not deplete its own national resources beyond a reasonable level of preparedness.
In order to facilitate a prompt response to requests for assistance, Parties shall have part of their national response equipment, products and other means ready for transportation, at short notice, to the other Parties.
Any response personnel and/or means rendered as assistance within the framework of the Plan will act under the overall Operational Command of the SOSC and the Lead Authority; however their respective NOSCs shall retain operational control over them.
Following a decision to render assistance, liaison between the Lead State and the assisting Parties shall be maintained, according to the circumstances and to the type and importance of such assistance, in one of the ways described in Article 4.5.
For the purpose of the Plan, Joint Response Operations signify all pollution response operations in which personnel, equipment, products and/or other means, of at least two Parties are involved.
Joint Response Operations can be carried out at sea and on shore, and include specific operations described in Article 1.4 (cf. also Article 5.1).
The Lead State shall be in full charge of Joint Response Operations. The command structure of the Joint Response Operations is described in Article 4.5.
Personnel, equipment and other means rendered as assistance by the other Parties within the framework of the Plan shall execute their tasks and duties following the decisions of the SOSC, under the direct operational control of their NOSCs and the tactical command of their respective team Leaders and unit Commanders (cf. Article 4.5). If strike teams or self-contained units are put at the disposal of the Lead State, the assisting Party will issue instructions to their respective team Leaders and unit Commanders, who will then exercise tactical command over the details of the operations.
During Joint Response Operations, the SOSC shall, in addition to assuming overall Operational Command, be specifically responsible for co-ordinating the actions taken by national means (strike teams, vessels, aircraft) of the Lead State with those taken by the means of the assisting Parties.
Liaison between the assisting Party and the Lead State during the Joint Response Operations shall be maintained, according to circumstances, either through direct contacts, through the Liaison Officer of the assisting Party integrated in the staff of the SOSC or through NOSCs if these are personally taking part in the operations (cf. Article 4.5).
The Lead Authority shall appoint an officer responsible for receiving the personnel, equipment, products and/or other means from the assisting Parties and for facilitating their participation in the Joint Response Operations from the moment of their arrival in the country to the moment of their departure. This officer shall closely collaborate with the Liaison Officer of the assisting Party.
Each Party shall define its policy regarding the use of dispersants in combating oil pollution and shall describe this policy in its NCP. For this purpose, the Parties shall follow the "Guidelines for the use of dispersants for combating oil pollution at sea in the Mediterranean region" adopted by the Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (Antalya, 12–15 October 1993).
Each Party shall inform the other Parties (cf. Article 4.7) on its policy regarding the use of dispersants. The information shall include a list of the dispersants approved for use in the territorial sea of the Party together with an indication of the zones where the use of dispersants is allowed, restricted or prohibited, as well as any other information deemed relevant.
In case of Joint Response Operations, the Parties shall observe the principle of prior authorization for the use of dispersants. This authorization can only be given by the national Operational Authority of the Party concerned through SOSC or by a person designated by him/her.
In the area of responsibility of each particular Party dispersants shall always be used in accordance with the provisions of the NCP of the Party concerned.
If not otherwise decided in direct contacts between the SOSC and NOSCs of the Parties taking part in Joint Response Operations, the same principle shall also apply in the areas of interest of the Parties.
If a Party has prohibited the use of dispersants in it’s territorial sea, the other Parties participating in Joint Response Operations shall observe this decision.
The SOSC shall terminate the Joint Response Operations when, according to his/her own judgment:
a) pollution response measures have been finalized and the pollutant no longer threatens the interests of any of the Parties; or when
b) the situation has reached a point where the response capabilities and resources of the Lead State are sufficient for successfully finalizing the response activities.
After taking the decision to terminate the Joint Response Operations, the SOSC shall immediately inform the NOSCs of the other Parties and their respective Operational Authorities of this decision and of the deactivation of the Plan.
Following the deactivation of the Plan, all personnel, equipment, unused products and other means which were involved in the Joint Response Operations shall return or be returned to their respective countries of origin.
The Party who requested assistance shall take the necessary measures for the prompt repatriation of the personnel of the assisting Parties, although the co-ordination and preparation of the necessary arrangements for their repatriation remains the responsibility of their respective Operational Authorities.
The Party who requested assistance shall be responsible for returning to the country of origin, unless otherwise agreed, all equipment rendered as assistance and all unused treatment products. All equipment and other means shall be returned clean and in the best possible working order.
The Operational Authorities of the Parties concerned may decide, in direct contacts between them that unused treatment products should remain in the country that requested the assistance.
Self-contained units (vessels, aircraft) shall return to their country of origin using their own power. The Party who requested assistance is responsible for facilitating the formalities related to leaving its territory/territorial sea/airspace, for all units rendered as assistance.
6.1 Communication system
6.2 Pollution reporting system (POLREP)
6.3 Situation reports (SITREPs)
6.4 Post incident reports
6.5 Reports to and communication with REMPEC
The Parties shall establish and maintain an efficient communication system, operational 24 hours a day, which shall serve for:
a) sending and receiving all information concerning prevention of pollution from ships, and in particular reports generated by the “Mandatory Ship Reporting System – Adriatic Traffic” and by any other existing or future reporting system;
b) receiving reports on pollution incidents and transmitting these reports to the Operational Authorities and to other interested parties within the country;
c) activation of the Plan, requesting assistance and the exchange of operational messages during Joint Response Operations.
The system shall comprise national ERCs and national Operations Centres if these are different from ERCs.
Elements of this communication system, including for each Party telephone and telefax numbers, e-mail addresses and allocated radio frequencies and channels, are given in Annex 5.
For the exchange of information concerning pollution incidents, the Parties shall use the pollution reporting system (POLREP) which has been agreed for use within the framework of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention. The POLREP is divided into three parts:
Part I (POLWARN) – is an initial notice (the first information or a warning) of a pollution incident.
Part II (POLINF) – is a detailed supplementary report to Part I.
Part III (POLFAC) – is used for requesting assistance from other Parties and for defining operational matters related to this assistance.
A detailed description of the contents of all three Parts of the POLREP is given in Annex 7.
In situations where the type and extent of the required assistance have not yet been determined, the Party who takes the decision to activate the Plan shall utilize line 53 of the POLINF part of the POLREP message (cf. Annex 7) to inform the other Parties that the Plan has been activated.
For requesting assistance, the Parties shall follow procedure described in Article 5.3 and in Annex 8.
During the entire period between the activation of the Plan in case of emergency and its deactivation the Lead State shall keep the other Parties regularly informed on:
a) the development of the situation regarding pollution incident;
b) the actions taken to combat pollution;
c) the progress of Joint Response Operations;
d) any decisions concerning future response activities;
e) all other relevant information including, in particular, information concerning environmental impact, effects on marine and coastal resources and economic consequences of the pollution incident.
Such information shall be transmitted by the SOSC to the Operational Authorities of the Parties either in the form of POLINF (cf. Annex 7) or as a text, in the form of a specific situation report (SITREP).
The Lead State shall also transmit a copy of each report to REMPEC, who may use it for informing the other Contracting Parties to the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and specialized institutions with which it maintains contacts.
The Lead Authority shall endeavour to transmit situation reports at least once a day.
Before dissemination, each report shall be verified by the SOSC.
If pollution combating operations continue at the national level after the deactivation of the Plan, the Party affected by the incident shall continue to inform the other Parties and REMPEC of the situation until the final termination of all pollution response operations.
It is the responsibility of the Operational Authority of each Party to ensure that the situation reports are transmitted to all interested parties within its respective country.
Following the termination of pollution response operations taken at both national level and within the framework of the Plan, the NOSC and/or SOSC respectively shall prepare a post incident report, which shall include:
a) a description of the pollution incident and of the development of the situation;
b) a description of the response measures taken;
c) a description of the assistance rendered by the other Parties;
d) an assessment of the complete response operation;
e) an assessment of the assistance rendered by the other Parties;
f) an estimate of the environmental and economic damage caused by the incident;
g) a description and analysis of the problems encountered in responding to the pollution incident;
h) recommendations regarding the possible improvement of existing arrangements and, in particular, of the provisions of the Plan.
Operational Authority of the Lead country shall send copies of the post-incident reports to all Parties and to REMPEC.
The reports shall be analysed at the national level by the members of each Support Team and their respective NOSCs, who shall prepare recommendations concerning amendments and improvements of the Plan, and if necessary, of their NCPs (cf. Article 4.4).
Questions of common interest might be proposed for discussion during the regular annual Meetings of the Parties (cf. Article 2.3 and 3.5).
The Parties shall send to REMPEC:
a) all POLREPS (including, in particular, information concerning the activation and deactivation of the Plan and all requests for assistance);
b) all SITREPS;
c) all post-incident reports.
In case of activation of the Plan, the Lead Authority shall maintain permanent contact with REMPEC.
Information concerning communications with REMPEC is given in Annex 2, and shall be regularly updated on the basis of the information received from the Centre.
The Parties shall inform REMPEC of any modifications in the Plan or its Annexes, as soon as these are made.
7.1 Logistics
7.2 Financial procedures
7.3 Transboundary movements of response personnel, equipment, products and self-contained units
7.4 Medical insurance and medical assistance
7.5 Responsibility for injury and damage
7.6 Documentation of response operations and related costs
The Lead Authority is responsible for providing all the logistic support necessary for conducting Joint Response Operations.
The Lead Authority shall, in particular:
a) make the necessary arrangements for accommodation and transportation, within the country, of all assisting personnel;
b) take the necessary measures to provide the following facilities for equipment and other means received from the assisting Parties:
– safe storage space or parking places, as appropriate, including cranes, fork-lifts and other handling equipment, as necessary;
– fuel, lubricants and basic repair and maintenance facilities.
As regards the stay in the territory of the Lead State, of vessels and aircraft rendered as assistance by other Parties, the Lead Authority shall take the necessary measures to ensure assistance to the crews at airports and in ports, as appropriate, and to provide security services for ships, aircraft and related equipment, while these are in ports or at airports of the Lead State.
In requesting and rendering assistance, the Parties shall observe the principles laid down in paragraphs 2(a), 3, 4 and 5 of Article 13 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention.
Taking into consideration the provisions of Article 13 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, the Parties also agree to act according to the following principles concerning financial matters related to mutual assistance:
a) The Parties shall inform each other in advance on the wages of personnel, the rental rates for equipment and other means and the cost of treatment products which might be rendered as assistance. The Parties shall agree upon the rates, including the terms of payment, and shall discuss all relevant questions during the regular annual meetings of the Operational Authorities (cf. Article 3.5). The relevant information shall be included in Annex 4.
b) If the Party who requested assistance decides to withdraw the request for whatever reason, it shall nevertheless reimburse the assisting Party for all the expenses incurred up to the moment when the request was withdrawn or when the personnel and equipment return to their country of origin, as appropriate.
c) The Parties shall resolve all questions related to financial matters after the termination of joint operations.
In case of Joint Response Operations, the Party which requested assistance shall directly cover the following expenses related to the stay in its territory of personnel, equipment and means (including vessels and aircraft) of the assisting Party:
a) board and lodging and/or daily subsistence allowance, as appropriate, of all response personnel other than the crews of ships and vessels;
b) any port dues for vessels and ships rendered as assistance;
c) any airport dues for aircraft rendered as assistance;
d) necessary fuel for all equipment and means including, in particular, vessels and aircraft, engaged in Joint Response Operations;
e) medical services provided to injured and ill personnel of the assisting Party;
f) costs related to repatriation of any personnel who died or who were injured or taken ill during Joint Response Operations;
g) maintenance costs for any piece of equipment, vessel and aircraft engaged in Joint Response Operations;
h) repair costs for any piece of equipment, vessel or aircraft damaged in its territory during and due to the Joint Response Operations, if such repair needs to be made prior to returning to the country of origin of such equipment and means;
i) costs of communications related to the Joint Response Operations that have been incurred by the personnel of the assisting Party in the territory of the Lead State.
The assisting Party shall directly cover the following expenses related to the sending to the country which requested the assistance of its personnel, equipment, products or other means including, in particular, vessels and aircraft:
a) mobilization of personnel, equipment, products or other means;
b) costs of transport, of personnel, equipment and products, to and from the country where Joint Response Operations are taking place;
c) fuel for self-contained units (vessels, aircraft) which shall travel to the site of Joint Response Operations using its own power;
d) costs of communications related to Joint Response Operations that are originating from the territory of the assisting Party;
e) insurance of the personnel of the strike team;
f) medical services rendered, following their return to their country of origin, to response personnel who were injured or taken ill during Joint Response Operations;
g) maintenance and repair costs for equipment and means engaged in Joint Response Operations which were incurred after the return of such equipment and means to the country of origin.
Following the termination of the Joint Response Operations and the return of all personnel, equipment and other means which were engaged in the Joint Response Operations, each assisting Party shall prepare a detailed invoice including the costs of assistance rendered to the Lead State and other expenses related to this assistance. The following items shall be included in the invoice:
a) wages of personnel engaged in the Joint Response Operations, calculated on the basis of the price list given in Annex 4 and the daily work logs approved by the SOSC or another responsible officer of the Lead State;
b) costs of rental of equipment and means calculated on the basis of the price list given in Annex 4 and the daily work logs approved by the SOSC or another responsible officer of the Lead State;
c) cost of treatment products used during the Joint Response Operations calculated on the basis of the price list given in Annex 4 and the daily work logs approved by the SOSC or another responsible officer of the Lead State;
d) all expenses incurred by the assisting Party as listed above;
e) costs for replacement of equipment damaged beyond repair during the Joint Response Operations.
Upon receipt of such an invoice, the Party who had requested assistance in accordance with Annex 8 shall directly reimburse the expenses incurred by the assisting Parties in relation to the pollution response measures undertaken by these Parties following the activation of the Plan. It shall subsequently include such invoices in its own claim for reimbursement of pollution response related costs, submitted to the party liable for the pollution incident, its insurers or an international system for compensation of pollution damages, as appropriate.
In order to facilitate the movement of response personnel, equipment and other means including self-contained units such as vessels and aircraft, to the place where the assistance is required, the Parties shall act in conformity with the principles laid down in paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Prevention and Emergency Protocol and shall follow the "Guidelines for Co-operation in Combating Marine Oil Pollution in the Mediterranean" adopted by the Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention in Athens on 11 September 1987 (UNEP/IG.74/5), and in particular the following paragraphs:
"The requesting Party will: (...)
– make arrangements for the rapid entry of equipment, products and personnel prior to their arrival and ensure that customs formalities are facilitated to the maximum extent. Equipment should be admitted on a temporary basis and products should be admitted free of excise and duties.
– ensure that, should ships and aircraft be provided, ships are granted all necessary authorizations and aircraft cleared to fly in the national air space. A flight plan or a flight notification will be filled and accepted as an authorization for aircraft to take off, land ashore or at sea outside regular customs airfields."
Immigration and customs formalities
Each Party shall endeavour to make, at the national level, special arrangements applicable in emergency situations, concerning provisions for the rapid granting of entry visas and work permits for personnel, as well as permits necessary for the transit or temporary importation of the requested equipment and material.
Details of such arrangements shall be included in the National Contingency Plan of each Party, and reproduced in Annex 3 to the Plan. This refers, in particular, to information which the assisting Party should provide to the appropriate national Authorities of the requesting Party in order to facilitate the implementation of these special arrangements.
The Parties shall designate competent Customs Authorities, responsible for the prompt clearing of customs formalities related to the transboundary movement of response personnel and means in cases of activation of the Plan. The Parties shall keep each other permanently informed on such Customs Authorities, and this information, also comprising addresses, telephone and telefax numbers, and e-mail addresses shall be included in Annex 1.
Prior to sending assistance to a Party who so requests, the competent Customs Authority of the assisting Party shall establish direct contact with the competent Customs Authority of the requesting Party, in order to obtain the necessary clearance for the entry of equipment, products and other means into the country.
Overflight procedures
Within the framework of the Plan and upon a specific request of the Lead State, aircraft of the other Parties might be allowed to enter and operate in the airspace of the Lead State for one of the following purposes:
– search and rescue;
– surveillance flights;
– transportation of response personnel, equipment and products;
– spraying of dispersants or other treatment products;
Each Party shall make, in advance, the necessary arrangements concerning the rapid granting of permits and clearances for civilian aircraft (fixed wing or helicopters) of the other Parties who might be requested to take part in response operations within its airspace. Similar arrangements shall be made for the use of airport facilities by civilian fixed wing aircraft and helicopters engaged in Joint Response Operations.
Overflight for the above mentioned purposes, of the national territory or territorial sea of one of the Parties by military aircraft of the other Parties shall be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Parties concerned.
Navigation procedures
Within the framework of the Plan and upon the request of the Lead State, vessels of the other Parties might enter and operate in the territorial sea of the Lead State for one of the following purposes:
– search and rescue;
– salvage operations;
– pollution response operations, including containment and recovery of spilled products, spraying of dispersants or other treatment products, storage and transportation of recovered pollutant;
– transportation of response personnel, equipment and products;
– any other voyage related to pollution response operations.
Each Party shall make, in advance, the necessary arrangements concerning the rapid granting of permits and clearances for the navigation of civilian vessels (ships, boats, specialized anti-pollution vessels) of the other Parties who might be requested to take part in response operations within its internal and territorial sea. Similar arrangements shall be made for the use of port facilities by civilian vessels engaged in Joint Response Operations.
Navigation, for the above mentioned purposes, in the internal or territorial sea of one of the Parties by naval vessels of the other Parties shall be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Parties concerned.
In all cases, the provisions of the International Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, as amended, shall be taken into account by the Parties concerned.
Each Party shall take the necessary measures to insure against death, illness and injury, its personnel who might participate in Joint Response Operations, Joint Exercises and Joint Training Courses.
The Lead State shall endeavour to offer the best possible initial medical care and services to any person from another Party who is injured or taken ill during his/her participation in Joint Response Operations.
The Lead State shall facilitate the repatriation of assisting personnel who are injured or taken ill during Joint Response Operations.
The costs of hospitalization and medical assistance rendered within the Lead State to injured or ill personnel of the assisting Party shall be borne by the Lead State. The Lead State might decide to claim the reimbursement of all such costs from the party responsible for the pollution incident, its insurer or an international system for compensation of pollution damages, as appropriate.
If the strike teams called upon to assist in the response operations cause, at the site of operations including the route for approaching and leaving the site of operations, any damages to third parties, and these damages are related to the response operations, such damages shall be the responsibility of the Party who had requested assistance, except in cases of ill intent, grave fault or gross negligence.
The SOSC shall take the necessary measures to ensure that detailed records of all actions taken in order to respond to a pollution incident, within the framework of the Plan, are accurately kept. For this purpose, the SOSC might include a record keeping officer / financial controller in his/her Support Team.
As a minimum, the following records shall be regularly kept:
a) Description of the situation, decisions taken and response measures implemented;
b) Daily work log, giving details of:
– operations in progress (place, time, purpose);
– equipment and other means in use (place, time, purpose);
– personnel employed (number, time);
– response products and any other material consumed (type, quantity, purpose).
c) Records of all expenditure made in relation to the pollution response operations.
Following the termination of the response operations, these records shall be made available to the national Authority responsible for the submission of claims for compensation.
8.1 Public Relations Officer (PRO)
8.2 Press releases
8.3 Press conferences
8.4 Public information through REMPEC
After the activation of the Plan in case of emergency, the Lead Authority shall designate a Public Relations Officer who shall be seconded to the SOSC's Support Team.
The PRO shall be responsible for:
a) maintaining contacts with the press;
b) preparing press releases on behalf of the SOSC and the Lead Authority;
c) following the information released by the press and clarifying any possible misunderstandings.
During the entire period between the activation and the deactivation of the Plan, press releases shall be prepared and distributed to the press by the PRO on the basis of confirmed information cleared by the SOSC. These press releases shall contain information concerning:
– pollution incident and the development of the situation;
– injuries of personnel and damage to vessels, equipment, etc.
– technical data on vessels involved, type of characteristics of the pollutant, etc.
– measures taken to combat pollution;
– progress of the response measures.
The following guidelines shall be observed when preparing press releases:
– prepare titles / headlines;
– give priority to the most recent and important information;
– use simple sentences and give only one idea per sentence;
– avoid quoting estimates, conjectures and suppositions;
– avoid giving opinions on environmental or other unquantifiable damages;
– draft final wordings very carefully.
Maps showing the area of the incident, the evolution of the spill and the sites of the response operations should accompany press releases whenever possible.
After the activation of the Plan in case of emergency, the Lead Authority may decide, in consultation with the SOSC, to organize one or more press conferences for briefing the media.
The following persons may take part in such press conferences:
– specially designated expert members of the Support Team
– representative(s) of the Lead Authority
– representatives of the other Parties (e.g. Liaison Officers or NOSCs)
– representatives of ship and cargo owners and/or their insurers
Written information on the main facts concerning the pollution incident and the Joint Response Operations, maps and photographs may be prepared in advance by the PRO and approved by the SOSC for use during the press conference.
Guidelines concerning the preparation of press releases (cf. Article 8.2) shall also be observed by participants in press conferences.
REMPEC may use the information provided in conformity with Article 6.5 by the SOSC and the Lead Authority, for informing the other Contracting Parties to the Prevention and Emergency Protocol, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and specialized institutions with which it maintains contact.
If deemed useful, the SOSC may also provide REMPEC with his/her regular press releases, for further distribution to the press whose representatives might contact REMPEC.
Vlada Republike Hrvaške,
Vlada Italijanske republike in
Vlada Republike Slovenije, ki
so pogodbenice Konvencije o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaževanjem (v nadaljevanju Barcelonska konvencija) in njenega Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij in ob izrednih dogodkih v boju proti onesnaževanju Sredozemskega morja (v nadaljevanju Protokol o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih);
so tudi pogodbenice Mednarodne konvencije o pripravljenosti, odzivanju in sodelovanju pri onesnaženju z olji, 1990;
se zavedajo svojih obveznosti, prevzetih s podpisom deklaracije iz Catanie na 13. rednem zasedanju pogodbenic Barcelonske konvencije, in zlasti obveznosti v zvezi z izvajanjem Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih;
se zavedajo tudi, da sta bila med jadransko-jonsko konferenco v Anconi 19. maja 2000 podpisana dvostranska sporazuma, eden med Slovenijo in Italijo, drugi pa med Italijo in Hrvaško, o usklajevanju pri iskanju in reševanju na morju, s katerima države izražajo pripravljenost za sodelovanje pri tem, in navajata postopke, ki jih je treba upoštevati pri iskanju in reševanju na morju;
se zavedajo, da je Sredozemsko morje na splošno, še posebej pa Jadransko morje, glavna pot za prevoz nafte in da obstaja stalna nevarnost za onesnaženje z nafto, kar sredozemskim obalnim državam v jadranski podregiji nalaga obveznost, da nenehno razvijajo ukrepe za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij ter organizirajo in pripravijo ukrepe za odzivanje ob onesnaženju morskega okolja ter da si je treba za to stalno prizadevati na državni, podregionalni in regionalni ravni;
upoštevajo, da lahko usklajeni skupni preprečevalni ukrepi na podregionalni ravni, sprejeti v skladu z ustreznimi mednarodnimi predpisi, precej zmanjšajo nevarnost onesnaženja in prispevajo k varstvu morskega okolja Sredozemlja;
se zavedajo, da so za takojšnje in učinkovito odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja na podregionalni ravni potrebni podregionalni sporazumi, ki vnaprej določajo izvedbene in administrativne postopke ter finančne pogoje pri sodelovanju ob izrednih dogodkih;
ugotavljajo, da je obstoj zmogljivosti držav za odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja, vključno z opremo in usposobljenim osebjem, prvi pogoj za učinkovito regionalno sodelovanje in medsebojno pomoč;
upoštevajo 9. člen Barcelonske konvencije in 4. člen Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih, ki med drugim določa, da "si pogodbenice posamično ali z dvostranskim ali večstranskim sodelovanjem prizadevajo vzdrževati in izboljševati svoje načrte ukrepov in druga sredstva za preprečevanje onesnaževanja in boj proti njemu";
priznavajo pozitivno vlogo Regionalnega pomorskega centra za ukrepanje ob izrednih dogodkih onesnaženja Sredozemskega morja (REMPEC) pri spodbujanju podregionalnega sodelovanja pri preprečevanju onesnaženja morskega okolja Sredozemlja ter pripravljenosti in odzivanju nanj,
1. v okviru Barcelonske konvencije in v skladu s 17. členom Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih sprejmejo PODREGIONALNI NAČRT UKREPOV ZA PREPREČEVANJE VEČJEGA ONESNAŽENJA JADRANSKEGA MORJA, ZA PRIPRAVLJENOST IN ODZIVANJE NANJ (v nadaljevanju "načrt", ki je priložen temu sporazumu), ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene njihovo teritorialno morje, obalo in s tem povezane interese;
2. si podpisnice tega sporazuma po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevajo pomagati tisti, ki utegne zaprositi za pomoč ob izrednem dogodku, pri čemer načrt ne izključuje pravice podpisnice, katere teritorialno morje, obala ali s tem povezani interesi utegnejo biti prizadeti, da zaprosi za pomoč druge države ali organizacije;
3. določijo svoje pristojne organe za izvajanje načrta, njegove spremembe in ponovne preglede kakor tudi za zagotavljanje usklajenosti državnih načrtov ukrepov z načrtom:
za Republiko Hrvaško: preprečevanje: Štab za izvajanje načrta ukrepov ob nenamernem onesnaženju morja v Republiki Hrvaški,
pripravljenost in ukrepanje: Štab za izvajanje načrta ukrepov ob nenamernem onesnaženju morja v Republiki Hrvaški;
za Italijansko republiko: preprečevanje: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Generalni direktorat za varstvo narave,
pripravljenost in ukrepanje: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Generalni direktorat za varstvo narave;
za Republiko Slovenijo: preprečevanje: Ministrstvo za promet, Uprava Republike Slovenije za pomorstvo,
pripravljenost in ukrepanje: Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje;
4. se druge pogodbenice Barcelonske konvencije in njenega Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih iz jadranske podregije lahko temu sporazumu pridružijo s soglasjem podpisnic tega sporazuma;
5. se ta sporazum lahko spremeni na zahtevo katere koli podpisnice s soglasjem drugih podpisnic. Spremembe tega sporazuma se sprejmejo pisno in začnejo veljati trideseti dan po tem, ko vse tri podpisnice uradno obvestijo REMPEC o odobritvi ali ratifikaciji sprememb v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo;
6. so navedeni organi pristojni za tehnične spremembe in posodabljanje načrta v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo;
7. ta sporazum in načrt začneta veljati trideseti dan po tem, ko vse tri podpisnice uradno obvestijo REMPEC o odobritvi ali ratifikaciji tega sporazuma v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Portorožu 9. novembra 2005 v angleškem jeziku v treh izvirnikih.
Za Vlado
Republike Hrvaške
Nikola Ružinski l.r.
Za Vlado
Italijanske republike
Daniele Verga l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik l.r.
Republika Hrvaška
Italijanska republika
Republika Slovenija
Podregionalni načrt ukrepov za preprečevanje večjega onesnaženja Jadranskega morja, za pripravljenost in odzivanje nanj je bil pripravljen v skladu s 17. členom Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij in ob izrednih dogodkih v boju proti onesnaževanju Sredozemskega morja (Protokol o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih) h Konvenciji o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaževanjem (Barcelonska konvencija).
Načrt je bil pripravljen kot del projekta za razvoj podregionalnega sistema za preprečevanje in boj proti večjemu onesnaženju morja, ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene teritorialno morje, obale in druge s tem povezane interese Hrvaške, Italije in Slovenije v Jadranskem morju. Pripravljen je bil s strokovno pomočjo Regionalnega pomorskega centra za ukrepanje ob izrednih dogodkih onesnaženja Sredozemskega morja (REMPEC) v okviru Sredozemskega akcijskega načrta (MAP).
Projekt za razvoj podregionalnega sistema za preprečevanje in boj proti večjemu onesnaženju morja, ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene teritorialno morje, obale in druge s tem povezane interese Hrvaške, Italije in Slovenije v Jadranskem morju, prispeva k izvajanju Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji.
IMO – OMI                                      UNEP – PNUE
Regionalni pomorski center za ukrepanje ob izrednih dogodkih onesnaženja Sredozemskega morja REMPEC Sredozemski akcijski načrt MAP
1.1 Okvir
1.2 Namen in cilji
1.3 Področje uporabe in zemljepisni obseg
1.4 Opredelitev pojmov in kratice
2.1 Skupna politika za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij
2.2 Državni organi, odgovorni za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij, in določitev centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja
2.3 Sestanki državnih centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja
2.4 Stopnje preprečevanja
2.5 Predhodne dejavnosti
2.6 Preprečevalni ukrepi
3.1 Skupna politika pripravljenosti in odzivanja
3.2 Odgovornosti pristojnih državnih organov
3.3 Določitev državnih izvedbenih organov, odgovornih za izvajanje načrta ob izrednih dogodkih, in državnih izvedbenih centrov
3.4 Mehanizem za aktiviranje načrta ob izrednem dogodku
3.5 Sestanki državnih izvedbenih organov, odgovornih za izvedbo načrta ob izrednih dogodkih
3.6 Izmenjava podatkov
3.7 Skupno usposabljanje in vaje
4.1 Prevzem vodilne vloge
4.2 Poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem
4.3 Centri za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih/skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih
4.4 Skupine za podporo
4.5 Organiziranost poveljevanja
4.6 Organiziranost komuniciranja
4.7 Načrtovanje odzivanja
4.8 Strategija odzivanja
5.1 Stopnje odzivanja
5.2 Nadziranje razlitja
5.3 Prošnje za pomoč v okviru načrta
5.4 Skupni ukrepi odzivanja
5.5 Uporaba disperzantov
5.6 Dokončanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja in prenehanje izvajanja načrta
6.1 Sistem sporočanja
6.2 Sistem poročanja o onesnaženju (POLREP)
6.3 Poročila o stanju (SITREP)
6.4 Končna poročila
6.5 Poročila in sporočila REMPEC-u
7.1 Logistika
7.2 Finančni postopki
7.3 Čezmejni prehodi osebja, opreme, izdelkov in samostojnih enot, ki sodelujejo pri odzivanju
7.4 Zdravstveno zavarovanje in zdravniška pomoč
7.5 Odgovornost za poškodbe in škodo
7.6 Dokumentacija o ukrepih odzivanja in z njimi povezanih stroških
8.1 Oseba za stike z javnostmi
8.2 Sporočila za javnost
8.3 Tiskovne konference
8.4 Obveščanje javnosti prek REMPEC-a
PRILOGA 1 Imenik pristojnih državnih organov
1.1 Izvedbeni centri, centri za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, državni poveljniki na kraju samem in drugi pomembni naslovi
1.2 Stroški za preprečevanje
1.3 Notranja merila
PRILOGA 2 Komunikacije z REMPEC-om
PRILOGA 3 Državni načrti ukrepov ob izrednih dogodkih ali njihovi ustrezni deli
3.1 Italijanska republika
3.2 Republika Hrvaška
3.3 Republika Slovenija
PRILOGA 4 Imenik osebja in seznam opreme, izdelkov in drugih sredstev za ukrepanje, ki bi jih lahko vsaka pogodbenica ponudila kot pomoč ob aktiviranju načrta
PRILOGA 5 Sistem sporočanja
PRILOGA 6 Smernice za pošiljanje poročil o razlitju nafte (nadziranje iz zraka)
PRILOGA 7 Sistem poročanja o onesnaženju (POLREP)
PRILOGA 8 Splošna oblika prošnje za pomoč
PRILOGA 9 Priročnik za zahtevke
PRILOGA 10 Diagrami poteka organizacije preprečevanja, pripravljenosti in odzivanja
1.1 Okvir
1.2 Namen in cilji
1.3 Področje uporabe in zemljepisni obseg
1.4 Opredelitev pojmov in kratice
Severni Jadran je pomemben vir ne samo z vidika ekološke dediščine, za katero je značilen bogat ekosistem, temveč tudi kot prostor številnih gospodarskih dejavnosti, ki potekajo na površini morja in v njegovih globinah, ter pomemben dejavnik razvoja storitvenih dejavnosti.
Severni Jadran je tudi zaprt del sredozemskega bazena z zelo počasno izmenjavo voda. To daje lokalnemu ekosistemu posebne značilnosti, zaradi česar je posebej občutljiv za ohranjanje in posledično preprečevanje onesnaževanja. Jadransko morje ločuje od preostalega Sredozemskega morja Jonsko morje, ki so pljuča Jadrana, tako da prispeva k izmenjavi voda v bazenu. Kroženje Jadranskega morja je v glavnem nasprotno smeri urnega kazalca.
Zaradi velike gostote prebivalstva in koncentracije industrije in drugih gospodarskih dejavnosti je v severnem delu Jadranskega morja pomorski promet nasploh, predvsem pa promet tankerjev za prevoz nafte, izjemno gost.
Plovne poti na tem območju v bistvu zaznamujejo tokovi blaga in vrste ladij, ki ga prevažajo. Trgovinska menjava in z njo povezani tokovi se v glavnem vzpostavljajo med pristanišči in naselji in vplivajo na obliko prometa glede na njihovo zemljepisno lego. Oblika prometa je prav tako odvisna od obstoja linijskega prometa med pristanišči, saj je to poleg vpliva na vrsto uporabljenih plovil povezano tudi z razvojem zmogljivosti in storitev na kopnem, kar povečuje zmogljivost pristanišč. To lahko posledično omogoči konkurenčno prednost takih pristanišč pred drugimi, ki so kljub boljši zemljepisni legi stroškovno manj primerna.
Zlasti v Jadranskem morju lahko po eni sami plovni poti poteka več tokov blaga, ki niso odvisni od gospodarskih dejavnosti v matičnih in namembnih pristaniščih. Razlog za to je, da se lahko ista plovna pot uporablja za dostop do več pristanišč, ki oskrbujejo različne trge, in zaradi tega lahko isto plovno pot uporabljajo različne vrste ladij, odvisno od trga (suhi tovor, tekoči tovor, blago v zabojnikih ali v razsutem stanju, blago, ki je lahko nevarno, strupeno ali škodljivo).
Občutljivost posamezne plovne poti ni odvisna zgolj od blaga, temveč tudi od stanja in zmogljivosti plovil, ki blago prevažajo, ter zlasti od njihove povprečne starosti, od upoštevanja predpisov o varnosti plovbe in varstvu morskega okolja in od usposobljenosti posadk za ravnanje z ladjo in tovorom.
Ne nazadnje je občutljivost plovne poti odvisna tudi od načina ravnanja z ladijskimi odpadki, ki skupaj z drugimi nevarnostmi, povezanimi s tovorom, določa raven tveganja posamezne plovne poti.
Hrvaška, Italija in Slovenija, tri države, ki mejijo na zgornji del Jadranskega morja, so pogodbenice Konvencije o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaževanjem (Barcelonska konvencija) in njenega Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij in ob izrednih dogodkih v boju proti onesnaževanju Sredozemskega morja (Protokol o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih) iz leta 2002, ki je nadomestil Protokol o sodelovanju v boju zoper onesnaženje Sredozemskega morja z nafto in drugimi škodljivimi snovmi v primeru nezgod iz leta 1976. Vse tri države, ki so razvile vsaka svoj notranji sistem za pripravljenost na onesnaženje morskega okolja in odzivanje nanj, imajo vsaka svoj državni načrt ukrepov ter usposobljeno osebje in materialna sredstva za ukrepanje ob razlitju nafte.
Ob zavedanju, da lahko hudo onesnaženje na eni strani močno poškoduje jadranski ekosistem in na drugi strani povzroči škodo gospodarskim dejavnostim v regiji, zlasti turizmu, ribištvu in pridobivanju energije, so predstavniki Hrvaške, Italije in Slovenije na rednem zasedanju točk za stike Regionalnega pomorskega centra za ukrepanje ob izrednih dogodkih onesnaženja Sredozemskega morja (REMPEC) sporočili, da bodo njihove države začele pripravljati podregionalni načrt ukrepov za Jadransko morje in ga bodo nato sprejele.
O tej pobudi je razpravljala tudi Stalna mešana slovensko-hrvaško-italijanska komisija za varstvo voda Jadranskega morja in obalnih območij in dosegla predhodni dogovor o področju uporabe in splošni zasnovi takega načrta. Na koncu je bila zamisel predstavljena v okviru jadransko-jonske pobude, zlasti njene okrogle mize o varstvu okolja in trajnostnem razvoju, in predstavniki teh treh držav so se odločili, da bodo začeli pripravljati podregionalni načrt ukrepov. Skupaj so zaprosili REMPEC za pomoč pri izvedbi tega projekta in REMPEC je zanj zagotovil potrebna finančna sredstva v svojem proračunu za dveletno obdobje 2002–2003.
Februarja 2003 je REMPEC na Malti organiziral srečanje pristojnih organov Hrvaške, Italije in Slovenije, ki so razpravljali ter se dogovorili o okvirni zasnovi prihodnjega načrta in o časovnem načrtu za njegovo pripravo. Ob upoštevanju smernic Mednarodne pomorske organizacije (IMO) o pripravi načrtov ukrepov, zlasti podregionalnih, in izkušenj REMPEC-a na tem področju so se predstavniki teh treh držav odločili, da mora prihodnji načrt temeljiti na vzorcu, ki ga je razvil REMPEC in so ga sprejeli že na drugih območjih sredozemske regije kakor tudi v drugih regionalnih morjih po svetu pod pokroviteljstvom IMO in UNEP.
Na pobudo REMPEC-a so se te tri države odločile, da v načrt poleg dela, ki se nanaša na pripravljenost in odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja, vključijo tudi del, ki obravnava preprečevanje takih dogodkov.
Namen tega podregionalnega načrta ukrepov (načrt) je v okviru Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji in v skladu z obveznostmi pogodbenic po tem protokolu vzpostaviti mehanizem medsebojne pomoči, s katerim bodo pristojni organi Hrvaške, Italije in Slovenije sodelovali, da bi uskladili in združili svoje dejavnosti pri preprečevanju onesnaženja morskega okolja in odzivanju nanj, ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene teritorialno morje, obalo in s tem povezane interese ene ali več držav ali ob onesnaženju presega razpoložljivo zmogljivost za ukrepanje posamezne države.
Da se poleg pripravljenosti za takojšnje in učinkovito odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja, ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene območja odgovornosti oziroma interesna območja teh treh držav, čim bolj zmanjša nevarnost onesnaženja morskega okolja, obravnava načrt tudi dejavnosti, povezane s preprečevanjem takega onesnaženja.
Ob upoštevanju navedenih namenov so posamezni cilji načrta:
a) določiti obseg sodelovanja med ustreznimi organi pogodbenic načrta pri preprečevanju onesnaženja morskega okolja;
b) določiti obseg sodelovanja za izvajanje načrta ob izrednih dogodkih med pristojnimi organi na izvedbeni ravni;
c) opredeliti območja odgovornosti pogodbenic načrta;
d) porazdeliti odgovornost in predvideti prenos odgovornosti z ene države na drugo;
e) določiti načela poveljevanja in povezav ter opredeliti ustrezno organiziranost;
f) predvideti vse potrebno za delovanje ladij in zrakoplovov ene pogodbenice na območju odgovornosti drugih pogodbenic;
g) opredeliti vrsto pomoči, ki jo je mogoče zagotoviti, in pogoje, pod katerimi bo zagotovljena;
h) vnaprej določiti finančne pogoje in administrativne postopke za skupno ukrepanje ob izrednem dogodku.
Da bi pogodbenice dosegle te cilje, nameravajo za izvajanje podregionalnega načrta ukrepov:
– razviti ustrezne dejavnosti in sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe, katerih cilj je zmanjšati nevarnost onesnaženja ali posledice za okolje;
– razviti ustrezno omrežje ali omrežja za izmenjavo informacij o preprečevanju onesnaženja morskega okolja;
– razviti ustrezne ukrepe pripravljenosti in učinkovite sisteme za odkrivanje onesnaženja, ki prizadene ali lahko prizadene območja odgovornosti pogodbenic, in za poročanje o njem;
– spodbujati in izvajati podregionalno sodelovanje pri preprečevanju nenamernega onesnaženja z nafto z ladij, načrtovanje ukrepov, nadzor nad onesnaženjem in čiščenje;
– izvajati potrebne ukrepe za omejitev širjenja in čim bolj zmanjšati nevarnost, ki jo povzroči onesnaženje morskega okolja;
– razviti in izvajati programe usposabljanja in praktičnih vaj za različne ravni osebja, ki sodeluje pri preprečevanju onesnaženja z nafto in boju proti njemu;
– razviti postopke za povečanje regionalnega sodelovanja.
Ne glede na to se pogodbenice strinjajo, da bo odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja, ki nastane na območju odgovornosti ene pogodbenice, usklajeno z državnim načrtom ukrepov te pogodbenice.
Področje uporabe
Del načrta, ki obravnava preprečevanje onesnaženja morja (2. poglavje), se uporablja za opredelitev in izvajanje vseh ukrepov, katerih cilj je čim bolj zmanjšati in po možnosti odpraviti nevarnost nesreč v pomorskem prometu, ki lahko povzročijo onesnaženje morskega okolja na območju Jadranskega morja, na katero se nanaša načrt.
Del načrta, ki obravnava pripravljenost in odzivanje na onesnaženje morskega okolja (3.–8. poglavje), se uporablja, kadar posamezen izredni dogodek povzroči ali utegne povzročiti onesnaženje morskega okolja, ki lahko prizadene eno ali več pogodbenic in je takega obsega, da je zaprosilo drugih pogodbenic za pomoč upravičeno. Izredni dogodek je lahko razlitje, do katerega pride na območju odgovornosti ene pogodbenice in ogroža območje odgovornosti druge pogodbenice, ali razlitje, ki ne ogroža drugih držav, vendar zahteva protiukrepe, ki presegajo zmogljivosti prizadete pogodbenice.
Zemljepisni obseg
Načrt se nanaša na območje Jadranskega morja med črto, ki povezuje Bari (Italija) in rt Oštro (Prevlaka) (Hrvaška) na jugu ter severno obalo Tržaškega zaliva na severu.
V tem načrtu:
nafta pomeni nafto v kateri koli obliki, vključno s surovo nafto, pogonskim gorivom, naftnim muljem, odpadnimi naftnimi derivati in prečiščenimi naftnimi derivati;
nevarna in škodljiva snov pomeni katero koli snov razen nafte, ki bi lahko ob vnosu v morsko okolje ogrozila zdravje ljudi, škodovala živim organizmom in življenju v morju, poškodovala dobrine ali ovirala drugo zakonito rabo morja in obalnih območij;
onesnaževalo pomeni onesnaževalne snovi, vključno z nafto ter nevarnimi in škodljivimi snovmi;
izredni dogodek pomeni trčenje ladij, nasedenje, požar, eksplozijo, napako ali okvaro v ladijski zgradbi, navtično napako ali drug dogodek na ladji ali zunaj nje, ki povzroči materialno škodo ali neposredno nevarnost za nastanek take škode na ladji ali tovoru;
onesnaženje pomeni dogodek ali zaporedje dogodkov istega izvora, katerih posledica je ali je lahko izpust nafte ter nevarnih in škodljivih snovi, ki ogroža ali lahko ogroža morsko okolje ali s tem povezane interese ene ali več držav in zahteva nujno ukrepanje ali drugo obliko takojšnjega odziva;
s tem povezani interesi v skladu s 1. členom Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih pomenijo interese obalne države, ki so neposredno prizadeti ali ogroženi, in se med drugim nanašajo na:
a) pomorske dejavnosti na obalnih območjih, v pristaniščih ali rečnih ustjih, vključno z ribolovnimi dejavnostmi;
b) zgodovinske in turistične znamenitosti tega območja, vključno z vodnimi športi in rekreacijo;
c) zdravje obalnega prebivalstva;
d) kulturno, estetsko, znanstveno in izobraževalno vrednost območja;
e) ohranitev biotske pestrosti in trajnostne rabe morskih in obalnih bioloških virov;
Protokol o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih pomeni Protokol o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij in ob izrednih dogodkih v boju proti onesnaževanju Sredozemskega morja h Konvenciji o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaževanjem (Barcelonska konvencija), sprejet 25. januarja 2002 na Malti;
načrt pomeni podregionalni načrt ukrepov za preprečevanje večjega onesnaženja Jadranskega morja, ki ogroža Hrvaško, Italijo in Slovenijo, ter za pripravljenost in odzivanje nanj;
pogodbenice pomenijo Republiko Hrvaško, Italijansko republiko in Republiko Slovenijo;
območje odgovornosti pomeni teritorialno morje Republike Hrvaške, Italijanske republike oziroma Republike Slovenije v Jadranskem morju, kakor je določeno v skladu z mednarodnim pravom;
interesno območje pomeni vode, ki niso vključene v območje odgovornosti, v katerih onesnaženje prizadene ali lahko prizadene s tem povezane interese ene ali več pogodbenic;
vodilna država pomeni pogodbenico, na katere območju odgovornosti ali interesnem območju je prišlo do onesnaženja in ki je aktivirala načrt ali zaprosila za pomoč na njegovi podlagi;
vladni organ pomeni imenovani organ na vladni ravni, pristojen za vprašanja, povezana z onesnaženjem morja;
izvedbeni organ (preprečevanje) pomeni imenovani organ, pristojen za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij;
izvedbeni organ (odzivanje) pomeni imenovani organ, izvedbeno pristojen za vprašanja, povezana z onesnaženjem morskega okolja;
center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja pomeni prostor s 24-urnim dežurstvom na dan in ustrezno komunikacijsko opremo za sprejemanje, obdelavo in pošiljanje vseh podatkov in sprejetje potrebnih ukrepov za preprečevanje;
vodilni organ pomeni izvedbeni organ vodilne države;
izvedbeno poveljevanje pomeni splošno usklajevanje in nadzor nad skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja, vključno z državnimi sredstvi in enoto za hitro posredovanje, opremo in drugimi sredstvi (zrakoplovi, plovili), ki jih dajo na razpolago kot pomoč druge pogodbenice. Izvaja ga izvedbeni organ vodilne države z vrhovnim poveljnikom na kraju samem;
izvedbeni nadzor pomeni neposredni nadzor nad osebjem, sredstvi in enotami, ki sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, vključno z dajanjem navodil in zagotavljanjem podatkov, potrebnih za izvajanje ukrepov odzivanja. Izvajajo ga poveljniki pogodbenice na kraju samem, ki sodelujejo pri izvajanju ukrepov, ali častniki, ki jih ti določijo;
taktično poveljevanje pomeni usmerjanje in nadziranje opravljanja posebnih nalog skupin in/ali enot na kraju izvajanja ukrepov. Izvajajo ga vodje takih skupin in/ali poveljniki enot;
vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem pomeni častnika vodilne države, določenega za splošno izvedbeno poveljevanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, ki se izvajajo na podlagi načrta;
poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem pomeni častnika, ki ga je določil izvedbeni organ, ki ima izvedbeni nadzor nad vsemi sredstvi svoje države za ukrepanje ob onesnaženju, ki lahko ob zaprosilu sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja (opomba: poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem je po možnosti, vendar ne nujno, isti častnik, ki opravlja nalogo poveljnika na kraju samem po državnem načrtu ukrepov);
oseba za zveze pomeni osebo pogodbenice, ki sodeluje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja in je del osebja vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, za zagotavljanje potrebnih podatkov o državnih sredstvih, danih na razpolago vodilni državi kot pomoč, in za pomoč pri povezavah s poveljnikom pogodbenice na kraju samem;
oseba za stike z javnostmi pomeni osebo, odgovorno za obveščanje medijev o poteku dogodkov in za poročanje vrhovnemu poveljniku na kraju samem o odzivu javnosti;
center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih pomeni prostor s 24-urnim dežurstvom na dan in z ustrezno komunikacijsko opremo, ki ga je za potrebe načrta vzpostavila vsaka pogodbenica in se uporablja kot delovni prostor poveljnika pogodbenice na kraju samem oziroma vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, ko se načrt aktivira;
skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih pomeni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih vodilne države;
enota za hitro posredovanje pomeni skupino, ki je bila poslana kot pomoč iz ene pogodbenice v drugo, da bi sodelovala kot samostojna enota pri ukrepih odzivanja. Vključuje lahko osebje na plovilu, zrakoplovu ali druge samostojne enote ali osebje, ki pomaga pri čiščenju obale;
ukrepi na morju pomenijo ukrepe, vključno s posredovanjem pri izvoru onesnaženja, nadzorom iz zraka, omejitvijo širjenja onesnaževala, pobiranjem onesnaževala, spuščanjem sredstev za delovanje na onesnaževala s plovil in zrakoplovov, ali kateri koli drug ukrep na morju kot odziv na onesnaženje, da se omeji širjenje in omogoči odstranjevanje onesnaževala ter ublažijo posledice onesnaženja;
ukrepi na obali pomenijo ukrepe na obali ali morju neposredno ob njej, da bi pobrali, odstranili ali uničili onesnaževalo in zmanjšali njegov vpliv ali učinke;
poročilo o onesnaženju pomeni poročilo o izrednem dogodku, s katerim ena pogodbenica opozori drugi pogodbenici na razlitje in ju obvesti o aktiviranju načrta;
poročilo o razmerah pomeni poročilo, s katerim vodilna država obvesti drugi pogodbenici o razmerah;
regionalni informacijski sistem pomeni skupek pisnih dokumentov, računalniške podatkovne zbirke, modele ter sistem za podporo odločanju, ki jih REMPEC zbira, pripravlja, posodablja, objavlja in redno pošilja sredozemskim obalnim državam, ki vsebujejo potrebne podatke o različnih vidikih pripravljenosti in odzivanja ob nenamernem onesnaženju morskega okolja z nafto in drugimi škodljivimi snovmi.
Glavne kratice, uporabljene v tem dokumentu, so:
ERC center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih
HQ štab
IMO Mednarodna pomorska organizacija
IOPC FUNDS Mednarodni sklad za povrnitev škode, nastale zaradi onesnaženja z nafto
JERC skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih
NCP državni načrt ukrepov
NOSC poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem
OPRC Mednarodna konvencija o pripravljenosti, odzivanju in sodelovanju ob onesnaženju z olji, 1990
POLREP poročilo o onesnaženju
PPCC center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja
PSSA posebej občutljivo morsko območje
REMPEC Regionalni pomorski center za ukrepanje ob izrednih dogodkih onesnaženja Sredozemskega morja
SITREP poročilo o stanju
SOSC vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem
SRCP podregionalni načrt ukrepov
UTC univerzalni koordinirani čas
UKV ultrakratki val
2.1 Skupna politika za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij
2.2 Državni organi, odgovorni za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij, in določitev centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja
2.3 Sestanki državnih centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja
2.4 Stopnje preprečevanja
2.5 Predhodne dejavnosti
2.6 Preprečevalni ukrepi
Pogodbenice štejejo preprečevanje onesnaževanja morja z ladij za sestavni del svoje politike o varstvu morskega okolja v Sredozemskem morju nasploh in zlasti v Jadranskem morju.
Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da bodo okrepile svoja prizadevanja za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij v Jadranskem morju predvsem s tesnim sodelovanjem pri izvajanju mednarodnih predpisov, sprejetih na svetovni ravni v okviru Mednarodne pomorske organizacije, in pri izvajanju večstranskih sporazumov, ki so jih sprejele države ob Jadranskem morju.
Vsi ukrepi, ki jih pogodbenice sprejmejo zaradi zmanjšanja in po možnosti odprave nevarnosti onesnaženja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, se sprejmejo v skladu s strateškimi usmeritvami, sprejetimi v Sredozemskem akcijskem načrtu, in s Protokolom o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji.
Pogodbenice se zlasti strinjajo, da se vsi ukrepi za preprečevanje nesreč, ki povzročijo ali lahko povzročijo onesnaženje morja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, sprejmejo v skladu s Konvencijo Združenih narodov o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu (UNCLOS).
Vsaka pogodbenica določi organ, pristojen na državni ravni za usklajevanje vseh dejavnosti, povezanih s preprečevanjem onesnaževanja z ladij, in zlasti za izmenjavo podatkov med pogodbenicami načrta. V načrtu se tak organ imenuje državni center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja.
Preprečevalne dejavnosti, navedene v točki 2.1, lahko spadajo v pristojnost različnih državnih organov ali služb v pogodbenicah in je lahko zato v take dejavnosti vključenih več enot v skladu z notranjo organizacijo posamezne države. V načrtu pa je državni center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja pristojen za usklajevanje teh enot na državni ravni.
Državni centri za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja in drugi ustrezni državni organi ali službe, odgovorni za preprečevanje v posamezni pogodbenici, se opredelijo na prvem sestanku državnih organov, navedenih v točkah 2.3 in 3.5. Ustrezni podatki o teh organih so v prilogi 1.
V prilogi 1 se prav tako navedejo postopki komuniciranja in ustrezni načini komuniciranja med državnimi centri za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja in drugimi ustreznimi organi ali službami vsake pogodbenice.
Državni centri za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja so pristojni za:
– vzpostavljanje in vzdrževanje komunikacijskega omrežja, potrebnega za izvajanje dela načrta, ki se nanaša na preprečevanje onesnaževanja;
– usklajevanje sodelovanja drugih državnih organov in/ali služb pri dejavnostih, povezanih s preprečevanjem onesnaževanja, na državni ravni;
– spodbujanje in usklajevanje spremljanja;
– usklajevanje dejavnosti, povezanih z upravljanjem posebej občutljivih morskih območij;
– nadziranje in usklajevanje posodabljanja načrta in s tem povezanih dejavnosti na državni ravni in s sodelovanjem državnih izvedbenih organov iz točke 3.3.a.
Da bi razpravljale o izvajanju načrta in drugih s tem povezanih zadevah, pogodbenice enkrat letno organizirajo skupni sestanek državnih centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja in državnih izvedbenih organov, ki so ob izrednem dogodku odgovorni za izvajanje dela načrta, ki se nanaša na pripravljenost in odzivanje (glej točko 3.5).
Na vsakem sestanku se oblikujeta dve delovni skupini, ena, ki jo sestavljajo državni centri za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja, je za preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij, druga, ki jo sestavljajo državni izvedbeni organi, pa je za pripravljenost in odzivanje na onesnaženje.
Delovna skupina za preprečevanje obravnava vprašanja, povezana z izvajanjem dela načrta, ki se nanaša na preprečevanje nenamernega onesnaževanja z ladij, rezultate predhodnih dejavnosti iz točke 2.4.1 in preprečevalne dejavnosti iz točke 2.4.2 kakor tudi druge s tem povezane zadeve.
Na prvem sestanku se sprejme poslovnik.
Pogodbenice so po abecednem redu gostiteljice rednih letnih sestankov.
Državni center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja in državni izvedbeni organ pogodbenice gostiteljice pripravita v sodelovanju z državnima centroma za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja drugih pogodbenic in njunima državnima izvedbenima organoma dnevni red ter izdata končno poročilo letnih sestankov.
Država gostiteljica zagotovi tudi tajniške storitve in drugo potrebno logistično podporo za nemoten potek takih sestankov.
Dejavnosti, katerih cilj je preprečevanje onesnaževanja z ladij, delimo na dve glavni stopnji:
i. predhodne dejavnosti,
ii. preprečevalni ukrepi.
2.4.1 Predhodne dejavnosti
Predhodne dejavnosti so dejavnosti, ki bodo pogodbenicam omogočile, da učinkovito zavarujejo morsko okolje na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, pred grožnjo onesnaževanja z ladij. To vključuje:
i. spremljanje stanja morja,
ii. določitev in upravljanje posebej občutljivih morskih območij,
iii. zagotavljanje ustreznega sistema ali sistemov za nadzor pomorskega prometa,
iv. zagotavljanje potrebnih objektov in naprav ter storitev za izvajanje preprečevalnih ukrepov,
v. načrtovanje preprečevalnih dejavnosti.
2.4.2 Preprečevalni ukrepi
Preprečevalni ukrepi so dejavnosti, za katere pogodbenice menijo, da so potrebne in katerih cilj je zmanjšanje ter po možnosti odprava nevarnosti onesnaženja morja.
2.5.1 Spremljanje stanja morja
Da bi bolje zavarovale biotsko pestrost in ekosistem vodnega telesa na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, se pogodbenice zavedajo, da je treba nenehno spremljati stanje in dejavnosti na morju in obali.
Spremljanje se zagotovi z:
– rednim usklajenim patruljiranjem območja, na katero se nanaša načrt, s pomorskimi sredstvi, zrakoplovi ali sateliti, da se preprečijo kršitve mednarodnih predpisov o preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij;
– vzorčenjem morske vode na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt.
Da bi pogodbenice zagotovile ustreznost podatkov o stanju morja:
– spodbujajo in usklajujejo programe vzorčenj, analizo, obdelavo in nato objavo podatkov;
– upoštevajo uveljavljene smernice in navodila, ki jih določijo osrednje uprave posameznih pogodbenic, pa tudi smernice in navodila, dogovorjene v okviru programa MEDPOL Sredozemskega akcijskega načrta, in
– si prizadevajo za uporabnost izsledkov analiz za druge zahteve ali namene.
Ugotovitve takega spremljanja se po možnosti prikažejo v kartografski obliki zaradi lažje presoje tveganja in odločanja.
Pogodbenice si prizadevajo za vzpostavitev osrednje podatkovne zbirke vrednosti, s katerimi se opredeljuje stanje morja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, tako da ustrezno združujejo svoje podatkovne zbirke.
Pogodbenice določijo pogostost spremljanja na svojih rednih letnih sestankih.
2.5.2 Posebej občutljiva morska območja
Pogodbenice se zavedajo pomembnosti razglasitve nekaterih delov območja, na katero se nanaša načrt, za posebej občutljiva morska območja v skladu z ustreznimi odločitvami in smernicami IMO, in se strinjajo, da bodo:
– sodelovale pri razglasitvi posebej občutljivih morskih območij na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt;
– skupaj predlagale IMO posebej občutljiva morska območja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, in spremljajoče varstvene ukrepe;
– nadzirale promet na posebej občutljivih morskih območjih (če je tak promet dovoljen) ali v njihovi bližini.
2.5.3 Sistema za nadzor prometa
Pogodbenice načrta se zavedajo pomena dela, ki so ga že opravili pristojni državni organi vseh treh držav pri vzpostavljanju sistema obveznega javljanja ladij na Jadranu.
Da bi pogodbenice zmanjšale nevarnost izrednih dogodkov, ki lahko povzročijo onesnaženje morja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, se strinjajo, da bodo skladno z namenom in področjem uporabe načrta uporabile podatke, pridobljene s tema dvema sistemoma.
2.5.4 Objekti, naprave in službe
Da bi pogodbenice omogočile učinkovito izvajanje predvidenih preprečevalnih ukrepov, se strinjajo, da bodo vzpostavile in vzdrževale vsaj te objekte, naprave in službe:
– komunikacijska omrežja, ki vključujejo zlasti radijskokomunikacijska omrežja;
– meteorološke službe;
– enote za iskanje in reševanje;
– sistem za nadzor ladijskega prometa in informacij (VTMIS);
– plovila, ki lahko pomagajo ladjam v stiski;
– opremo za odzivanje ob onesnaženju;
– osebje, usposobljeno za odzivanje ob onesnaženju, in
– pristaniške objekte in naprave za sprejem ladijskih odpadkov.
2.5.5 Načrtovanje
Pogodbenice se zavedajo pomembnosti stalnega posodabljanja in po potrebi spreminjanja načrta v skladu z razvojem ustreznih mednarodnih predpisov in tehnologij kakor tudi z morebitnimi spremembami v organizacijskem ustroju in pri načrtovanju na državni ravni ene ali več pogodbenic.
Da bi bil načrt vedno posodobljen, se pogodbenice dogovorijo, da bodo pri načrtovanju izboljšav preprečevalnih ukrepov, sprejetih v tem načrtu, uporabile: podatke, zbrane s spremljanjem, podatke o posebej občutljivih morskih območjih, razvoju sistemov za nadzor prometa na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, kakor tudi o spremembah razpoložljivih objektov, naprav in služb.
Načrtovanje mora vključevati izboljšanje splošnih določb in izvedbenih postopkov s ciljem preprečevanja nenamernega onesnaženja z ladij, pa tudi ravni pripravljenosti in učinkovitosti odzivanja ob onesnaženju.
Pogodbenice med dejavnostmi načrtovanja namenjajo posebno pozornost usposabljanju osebja in vzdrževanju ustreznih sredstev.
Pogodbenice ukrenejo vse potrebno za prenos poročil svojim državnim centrom za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja, ki jih prejmejo po sistemu obveznega javljanja ladij na Jadranu ali drugih obstoječih oziroma prihodnjih sistemih poročanja, v zvezi z:
a) ladjami, ki prevažajo nafto in/ali katere koli druge nevarne in škodljive snovi, in
b) ladjami, ki pomenijo nevarnost onesnaženja iz katerega koli drugega razloga.
Po prejemu poročila o taki ladji center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja sprejme previdnostne ukrepe, katerih cilj je preprečevanje onesnaženja in/ali zmanjšanje nevarnosti onesnaženja morskega okolja na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt:
i. vzpostavi in vzdržuje stalno radijsko zvezo z ladjo s pomočjo določenih frekvenc(1);
ii. če meni, da je potrebno, da v stanje pripravljenosti vlačilec ali plovila, ki imajo zadostno vlečno zmogljivost, da lahko pomagajo ladji;
iii. če meni, da je potrebno, da v stanje pripravljenosti ustrezno opremo in osebje za ukrepanje ob onesnaženju;
iv. sprejme vse druge ukrepe, sorazmerne z zaznano nevarnostjo onesnaženja.
Če ladja, o kateri je bilo poslano poročilo v skladu s točko a, spada v kategorijo plovil, ki po ustreznih mednarodnih in notranjih pravilih in predpisih ne potrebujejo pomoči za privez in manevriranje, lahko center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja od take ladje kljub temu zahteva, da uporabi ustrezno pomoč, da se zmanjša tveganje za onesnaženje.
Center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja zaprosi ustrezne pomorske organe, da pomorska inšpekcija opravi pregled na vseh ladjah, za katere je bilo sporočeno, da pomenijo nevarnost za onesnaženje morja.
Če se med navedenimi pregledi ugotovijo pomanjkljivosti, ki lahko povzročijo onesnaženje med običajnimi pristaniškimi dejavnostmi, center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja od ustreznih pristaniških organov zahteva, da izvedejo ustrezne preprečevalne ukrepe.
Če se ugotovi, da so na ladji prevelike količine odpadkov, ki lahko pomenijo grožnjo za morsko okolje, center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja od ladje zahteva, da take odpadke raztovori v skladu z uveljavljenimi standardnimi postopki.
Če pristanišče, v katerem so bile ugotovljene prevelike količine odpadkov, nima ustreznih zmogljivosti za njihov sprejem, lahko center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja ladji dovoli, da take odpadke raztovori v naslednjem namembnem pristanišču, ki ima ustrezne zmogljivosti za njihov sprejem in je na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt.
Vse konstrukcijske pomanjkljivosti kakor tudi pomanjkljivosti, ki se nanašajo na ladijsko dokumentacijo ali njeno posadko, ki po mnenju centra za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja lahko pomenijo grožnjo za morsko okolje na območju, na katero se nanaša načrt, se v skladu z zahtevami pristojnih državnih organov odpravijo trajno ali začasno v pristanišču, v katerem so bile ugotovljene.
3.1 Skupna politika pripravljenosti in odzivanja
3.2 Odgovornosti pristojnih državnih organov
3.3 Določitev državnih izvedbenih organov, odgovornih za izvajanje načrta ob izrednih dogodkih, in državnih izvedbenih centrov
3.4 Mehanizem za aktiviranje načrta ob izrednem dogodku
3.5 Sestanki državnih izvedbenih organov, odgovornih za izvedbo načrta ob izrednih dogodkih
3.6 Izmenjava podatkov
3.7 Skupno usposabljanje in vaje
Pogodbenice zaradi organiziranja sodelovanja pri odzivanju ob onesnaženju morja in zaradi učinkovite medsebojne pomoči ob izrednem dogodku na podlagi načrta:
– določijo pristojne državne organe, odgovorne za pripravljenost in odzivanje ob onesnaženju morja na vladni oziroma izvedbeni ravni, ki bodo sodelovali zaradi takojšnjega in učinkovitega odzivanja ob onesnaženju morja;
– skrbijo, da komunikacijsko omrežje za izmenjavo podatkov, pomembnih za načrt, stalno deluje;
– se obveščajo o onesnaženju na svojem območju odgovornosti ali interesnem območju, ki lahko prizadene drugo pogodbenico;
– ustvarijo ustrezne zaloge opreme in izdelkov za odzivanje ob onesnaženju ter skrbijo, da so v dobrem stanju;
– si prizadevajo, da imajo na razpolago enote za hitro posredovanje, ki jih sestavlja ustrezno usposobljeno in izkušeno osebje za odzivanje ob onesnaženju morskega okolja. Te enote dajo na razpolago pogodbenici, ki za to zaprosi na podlagi tega načrta, da jih uporabi pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, pri čemer je treba vedno upoštevati, da pogodbenica ali pogodbenici, ki pomagata, ne smeta svojih sredstev izčrpati pod mejo, ki se še šteje za primerno raven pripravljenosti;
– če se aktivira načrt, opredelijo in izvajajo skupno politiko glede metod in tehnik za odzivanje ob onesnaženju ter za odstranitev izvora onesnaženja, omejitev širjenja in pobiranje nafte s površine morja, uporabo disperzantov, zavarovanje občutljivih območij in čiščenje obale;
– opredelijo mehanizem za financiranje medsebojne pomoči, ki se izvaja po tem načrtu;
– upoštevajo skupno politiko glede dobave, sprejema in uporabe opreme in drugih sredstev, za katere se zaprosi in/ali se dajo na razpolago kot pomoč po tem načrtu, ter njihovega vračila v matično državo.
Pogodbenice pri izvajanju tega načrta upoštevajo dve ravni odgovornosti, in sicer vladno in izvedbeno.
Na vladni ravni so za izvajanje načrta odgovorni pristojni državni organi, ki jih uradno imenujejo njihove vlade:
Republika Hrvaška: Ministrstvo za varstvo okolja, prostorsko načrtovanje in gradbeništvo,
Italijanska republika: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor,
Republika Slovenija: Ministrstvo za obrambo, Uprava Republike Slovenije za civilno zaščito in reševanje.
Odgovornosti teh organov po načrtu so:
– nadziranje izvajanja načrta;
– pregledovanje in spreminjanje načrta ter
– nadziranje priprave in izvajanja državnega načrta ukrepov ter zagotavljanje združljivosti državnega in tega načrta.
a) Izvedbeni organi
Odgovornost za izvajanje izvedbenih določb načrta ob izrednem dogodku in za skupne ukrepe odzivanja imajo državni izvedbeni organi, ki se določijo na prvem sestanku državnih organov iz točke 3.5. Ustrezni podatki o teh organih so v prilogi 1.
Izvedbeni organi po tem načrtu so odgovorni:
i. v zvezi z vzdrževanjem načrta za:
– zagotavljanje ustrezne pripravljenosti na državni ravni, vključno z usposobljenim osebjem, opremo in drugimi sredstvi skladno z načrtom;
– vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje komunikacijskega omrežja za izvajanje načrta;
– nadziranje in usklajevanje vseh drugih dejavnosti iz načrta na državni ravni;
ii. v zvezi z izvajanjem načrta ob izrednem dogodku za:
– aktiviranje načrta v primerih iz točke 3.4 in uradno obveščanje drugih pogodbenic;
– poročanje o onesnaženju v skladu s standardnim poročilom o onesnaženju;
– usklajevanje odzivanja na ravni posamezne države, če se aktivira državni načrt ukrepov, in skupnih ukrepov odzivanja, če se ta načrt aktivira pozneje;
– usklajevanje sodelovanja drugih državnih organov in/ali služb na državni ravni pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
– sprejemanje odločitev o zaprosilu za pomoč in zagotavljanju pomoči;
– usklajevanje pošiljanja, sprejemanja, uporabe oziroma vračanja osebja, opreme in drugih sredstev, danih na razpolago kot pomoč po tem načrtu.
Izvedbeni organi po tem načrtu in organi, ki imajo celotno poveljstvo nad izvajanjem ukrepov odzivanja ob onesnaženju morskega okolja po posameznih državnih načrtih ukrepov, so isti organi.
b) Izvedbeni centri
Državni izvedbeni centri so odgovorni za sprejemanje poročil o onesnaženju in za prenos teh podatkov svojim izvedbenim organom in drugim zainteresiranim stranem v državi. Imena, naslovi in številke za stike teh centrov se določijo na prvem sestanku državnih organov iz točke 3.5 in se nato vključijo v prilogo 1.
Načrt aktivira izvedbeni organ ene pogodbenice:
– ob izrednem dogodku na območju odgovornosti pogodbenice aktivira načrt, ki grozi, da bo prizadel ali je že prizadel območje odgovornosti druge pogodbenice;
– ob izrednem dogodku na interesnem območju, vendar zunaj območja odgovornosti pogodbenice, ki aktivira načrt, če po mnenju izvedbenega organa te pogodbenice obstaja utemeljena nevarnost za teritorialno morje, obalo ali druge s tem povezane interese te pogodbenice;
– ob izrednem dogodku na območju odgovornosti pogodbenice, ki aktivira načrt, katerega resnost presega zmožnosti za odzivanje te pogodbenice.
Ob navedenih izrednih dogodkih se načrt aktivira po posvetovanju z drugima pogodbenicama. Kadar pa razmere takega posvetovanja ne omogočajo, lahko načrt aktivira prizadeta pogodbenica brez predhodnega posvetovanja.
Če po mnenju organa ene pogodbenice njene interese ogroža onesnaženje, ki je nastalo zelo blizu območja odgovornosti druge pogodbenice in če druga pogodbenica ali pogodbenici nista sprejeli ustreznih ukrepov za odziv na onesnaženje, lahko prva pogodbenica po posvetovanju z drugo pogodbenico ali pogodbenicama aktivira načrt.
Izvedbeni organ pogodbenice, ki je aktivirala načrt, takoj obvesti izvedbena organa drugih pogodbenic, da je bil načrt aktiviran. Uradno obvestilo, oblikovano v skladu s točko 6.2, pošlje izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic prek državnih izvedbenih centrov.
Postopek, ki se uporabi pri aktiviranju načrta, je opisan v točki 5.1.
Sestanki državnih izvedbenih organov, odgovornih za izvedbo načrta ob izrednih dogodkih, so skupaj s sestanki državnih centrov za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja (glej točko 2.3).
Na teh sestankih državni izvedbeni organi, opredeljeni v točki 3.3, obravnavajo zlasti vprašanja, povezana z izvajanjem dela načrta, namenjenega pripravljenosti in odzivanju, organizacijo usposabljanja in/ali vaj in druge pomembne zadeve, povezane z delom načrta, ki obravnava pripravljenost in odzivanje.
Na prvem sestanku se sprejme poslovnik.
Pogodbenice so po abecednem redu gostiteljice rednih letnih sestankov.
Državni izvedbeni organ in center za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja pogodbenice gostiteljice pripravita v sodelovanju z državnima izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic in njunima centroma za usklajevanje preprečevanja onesnaževanja dnevni red in izdata končno poročilo o letnih sestankih.
Država gostiteljica prav tako zagotovi tajniške storitve in drugo potrebno logistično podporo za nemoten potek sestankov.
Pogodbenice se vedno primerno obveščajo o:
a) pristojnih državnih organih, odgovornih na vladni ravni za izvajanje načrta, in o odgovornih uslužbencih teh organov;
b) državnih izvedbenih organih, odgovornih na izvedbeni ravni za izvajanje načrta ob izrednem dogodku in izvajanje izvedbenega poveljevanja pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, in o pristojnih uslužbencih teh organov;
c) državnih izvedbenih centrih;
d) vnaprej določenih državnih centrih za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih;
e) imenovanih poveljnikih pogodbenic na kraju samem;
f) vnaprej določenih pristojnih carinskih uradih;
g) vsaj tistih delih svojih državnih načrtov ukrepov, ki bi lahko bili pomembni za izvajanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja (glej točko 3.7);
h) seznamih opreme in izdelkov za odzivanje ob onesnaženju kakor tudi o drugih sredstvih (npr. plovilih in zrakoplovih), ki so v vsaki državi na razpolago za uporabo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
i) imenikih strokovnjakov, usposobljenega osebja in udarnih skupin, ki jih določi vsaka pogodbenica za sodelovanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Navedeni podatki so v prilogah načrta, o vsebini katerih se dogovorijo državni organi na prvem sestanku.
Pogodbenice se obvestijo o spremembah teh podatkov takoj, ko nastanejo, po rednih komunikacijskih poteh.
Vsak državni izvedbeni organ je odgovoren za točnost vseh podatkov, ki se nanašajo na njegovo pogodbenico in na del načrta, ki obravnava pripravljenost in odzivanje.
Vsak državni izvedbeni organ potrdi prejem katerih koli sprememb teh podatkov in je skladno s tem odgovoren za posodabljanje svojega načrta.
Pri vseh stikih, povezanih z načrtom, se uporablja angleški jezik.
Pogodbenice imajo redna skupna usposabljanja in/ali skupne vaje.
Glavni cilji usposabljanja in vaj so:
– izboljšati raven sodelovanja in usklajevanja med izvedbenim osebjem in zlasti med skupinami za hitro posredovanje posameznih pogodbenic;
– preizkusiti organiziranost poveljevanja po načrtu;
– doseči zadovoljivo komuniciranje med osebjem in zlasti med skupinami za hitro posredovanje, določenimi za sodelovanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
– pridobiti izkušnje pri ravnanju z opremo, izdelki in drugimi sredstvi, ki se lahko uporabijo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
– omogočiti osebju posameznih pogodbenic, da pridobijo izkušnje pri skupnem delu.
Pogodbenice izmenično organizirajo usposabljanje in vaje. Država gostiteljica organizira usposabljanje ali vajo in zagotovi potrebno logistično podporo; stroške za udeležence in sredstva, uporabljena pri skupnih vajah, pa krijejo njihove pogodbenice. O razporedu, programih, trajanju in drugih pomembnih podrobnostih v zvezi z usposabljanjem in vajami odločajo pogodbenice na rednih letnih sestankih.
Pogodbenice se lahko tudi dogovorijo, da združijo svoja skupna usposabljanja in vaje v en program.
4.1 Prevzem vodilne vloge
4.2 Poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem
4.3 Centri za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih/skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih
4.4 Skupine za podporo
4.5 Organiziranost poveljevanja
4.6 Organiziranost komuniciranja
4.7 Načrtovanje odzivanja
4.8 Strategija odzivanja
Vodilno vlogo pri izvajanju načrta ob izrednem dogodku prevzame izvedbeni organ pogodbenice, katere območje odgovornosti ali interesno območje je prizadelo ali lahko prizadene onesnaženje in ki je aktivirala načrt ali zaprosila za pomoč.
Če onesnaženje, ki je nastalo na interesnem območju ene pogodbenice, neposredno (neizogibno) ogroža interese druge pogodbenice, se pogodbenice lahko v neposrednih stikih med svojimi izvedbenimi organi dogovorijo, da bo vodilno vlogo prevzela ogrožena pogodbenica.
Vodilna vloga se prenese z ene pogodbenice na drugo, ko je večina onesnaževala prešla z območja odgovornosti pogodbenice, ki je prva zaprosila za pomoč, na območje odgovornosti druge pogodbenice, ki prosi za pomoč.
Kadar večina onesnaževala prehaja z interesnega območja ene pogodbenice na območje odgovornosti druge pogodbenice, se prizadete pogodbenice po posvetovanju dogovorijo o prenosu vodilne vloge.
Vodilna država je pristojna za:
– nadziranje onesnaženja,
– presojo stanja,
– napoved gibanja razlitja,
– poročanje,
– poveljevanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Za potrebe načrta izvedbeni organ vsake pogodbenice imenuje častnika za izvedbeni nadzor nad vsemi dejavnostmi odzivanja te pogodbenice, vključno z nadzorom nad osebjem (skupine za hitro posredovanje), opremo in samostojnimi enotami (plovila, zrakoplovi). Častniki se imenujejo poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem.
Po aktiviranju načrta ob izrednih dogodkih in začetku skupnih ukrepov odzivanja poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem vodilne države prevzame vlogo vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem. Vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem ima skupno odgovornost za vse odločitve in ukrepe, sprejete za boj proti onesnaževanju in ublažitev njegovih posledic ter za usklajevanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja. Vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem, ki deluje v povezavi s svojim vodilnim organom, poveljuje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Poveljnika na kraju samem pogodbenic, ki pomagata, delujeta pod skupnim izvedbenim poveljstvom vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, vendar kljub temu obdržita izvedbeni nadzor nad osebjem, opremo in samostojnimi enotami svojih pogodbenic.
Da bi vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem razbremenili dela njegovih dolžnosti v zvezi z izvedbenim nadzorom državnih sredstev, lahko vodilni organ ob aktiviranju načrta določi drugega častnika, ki bo neposredno izvedbeno nadziral enote svoje pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja in bo deloval kot poveljnik na kraju samem vodilne države.
Vrhovnemu poveljniku na kraju samem pri opravljanju njegovih nalog pomaga skupina za podporo (glej točko 3.4).
Ustrezne informacije o poveljniku pogodbenice na kraju samem so v prilogi 1. Za stalno posodabljanje teh podatkov je odgovoren izvedbeni organ vsake pogodbenice.
Za potrebe tega načrta vsaka pogodbenica vzpostavi izvedbeni center ali določi ustrezno že obstoječe telo s 24-urnim dežurstvom na dan, ki bo opremljeno z ustreznim komunikacijskim sistemom in imelo potrebne zmogljivosti, ki se bodo uporabljale kot center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih za izvedbeno poveljevanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Vsaka pogodbenica se lahko odloči, da vzpostavi več kot en center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, če meni, da je potrebno.
Pri aktiviranju načrta prevzame center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih vodilne države vlogo skupnega centra za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih. Skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih se uporablja kot center vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem in kot glavni komunikacijski center za vse komunikacije, povezane z izvajanjem načrta.
Namesto predhodno izbranih lokacij lahko vodilne države po presoji izberejo druge lokacije za skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, ki so bliže kraju izrednega dogodka.
Če se vodilna vloga prenese z ene pogodbenice na drugo, postane center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih pogodbenice, ki prevzame vodilno vlogo, skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih.
Ustrezni podatki o centru za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih vsake pogodbenice so v prilogi 1. Izvedbeni organ vsake pogodbenice je odgovoren za dopolnjevanje teh podatkov.
Vsaka pogodbenica za pomoč poveljniku pogodbenice na kraju samem in/ali vrhovnemu poveljniku na kraju samem vzpostavi svojo državno skupino za podporo, sestavljeno iz predstavnikov različnih ustreznih javnih organov, svojih služb in gospodarstva, zlasti naftne industrije in pomorskega prometa.
Pri aktiviranju načrta skupine za podporo delujejo iz svojih državnih centrov za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih.
Vloga skupin za podporo je svetovalna, njihove naloge pa so:
a) zagotavljanje pomoči poveljniku pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovnemu poveljniku na kraju samem pri aktiviranju načrta;
b) zagotavljanje svetovanja poveljniku pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovnemu poveljniku na kraju samem zlasti glede metod in tehnik za boj proti onesnaževanju morja, varnosti plovbe in reševanja, morske biologije in ribištva, (radijskih) komunikacij, obveščanja javnosti in odškodnine zaradi onesnaženja z nafto;
c) zagotavljanje podpore in usklajevanje dejavnosti javnih organov pogodbenice, služb in gospodarstva, ki bi lahko sodelovali pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, zlasti glede zagotavljanja osebja, opreme in drugih sredstev, logistične podpore, vstopnih in carinskih postopkov;
d) spremljanje prejetih poročil in ocenjevanje razmer;
e) usklajevanje poročanja o stanju onesnaženja ustreznim državnim organom.
Po koncu ukrepov odzivanja skupina za podporo skupaj s poveljnikom pogodbenice na kraju samem:
– pregleda končno poročilo poveljnika pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem o obvladanju onesnaženja zaradi analize ter vključitve potrebnih priporočil in izboljšav v načrt in v ustrezne državne načrte ukrepov;
– pošlje svojim državnim organom ustrezna poročila in priporočila, vključno s končnim poročilom poveljnika pogodbenice na kraju samem/vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, poročili skupine za podporo in priporočili glede sprememb načrta ali njegovih prilog.
Organiziranost poveljevanja za skupne ukrepe odzivanja je prikazana v diagramu 1.
Načrt razlikuje med:
a) izvedbenim poveljevanjem, ki zajema sprejemanje odločitev v zvezi s strategijo odzivanja, opredeljevanje nalog različnih skupin in enot ter skupno poveljevanje in usklajevanje vseh sredstev, ki so vključena v skupne ukrepe odzivanja. Pri aktiviranju načrta opravlja izvedbeno poveljevanje nad skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja izvedbeni organ vodilne države (vodilni organ) prek svojega poveljnika na kraju samem, ki prevzame vlogo vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem po aktiviranju načrta;
b) izvedbenim nadzorom, ki zajema dajanje ukazov posameznim skupinam in enotam v skladu s strategijo in nalogami, ki jih opredeli izvedbeno poveljstvo. Izvedbeni nadzor nad državnimi sredstvi opravljajo poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem. Izvedbeni nadzor nad sredstvi vodilne države opravlja častnik, določen za poveljnika pogodbenice na kraju samem namesto častnika, ki je prevzel vlogo vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem;
c) taktičnim poveljevanjem, ki zajema vodenje in nadziranje ukrepov vsake skupine ali enote. Taktično poveljevanje opravlja vodja vsake skupine ali poveljnik vsake enote, ki sodeluje pri ukrepih odzivanja.
Zveza med vodilnima organoma pogodbenic, ki pomagata, se vzdržuje glede na okoliščine ter vrsto in pomembnost zagotovljene pomoči:
a) z neposrednimi stiki po telefaksu, telefonu, e-pošti in/ali radijskih zvezah med vodilnim organom (vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem) in izvedbenima organoma pogodbenic, ki pomagata (poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem), ali
b) prek osebe za zveze, ki jo v vodilno državo pošlje izvedbeni organ pogodbenice, ki pomaga, da se vključi med osebje vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem. Njene dolžnosti so priskrbeti potrebne informacije o sredstvih, danih na razpolago kot pomoč, in olajšati stike z njenim poveljnikom na kraju samem, centrom za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih in/ali skupinami za hitro posredovanje ter samostojnimi enotami, ki sodelujejo pri ukrepih, ali
c) prek poveljnika na kraju samem tiste pogodbenice, ki daje pomoč, ki je osebno prisoten na kraju razlitja in sodeluje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Komunikacijsko omrežje, ki ga vzpostavijo pogodbenice v skladu s točko 3.1, se uporablja za vse izmenjave podatkov, povezanih z izvajanjem načrta.
a) Telefaks ali e-pošta se uporablja za vsa sporočila med izvedbenimi organi, vrhovnim poveljnikom na kraju samem, poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem in njihovimi skupinami za podporo, zlasti ob izrednem dogodku.
Uporabijo se lahko tudi telefonske in radijske zveze, vendar se vse odločitve, podatki, pomembni za stanje na kraju ukrepov, in zlasti prošnje za pomoč ter odgovori nanje potrdijo po telefaksu ali e-pošti.
b) Med izvajanjem ukrepov stiki med skupnim centrom za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, vrhovnim poveljnikom na kraju samem, poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem, vodji skupin in enot ter drugimi udeleženci pri ukrepih odzivanja potekajo po določenih kanalih za ultrakratke valove (glej prilogo 5), mobilnih (prenosnih) telefonih in drugih ustreznih sredstvih.
Poti komuniciranja, ki se uporabijo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, so prikazane v diagramu 2.
c) Pri vseh stikih, povezanih z izvajanjem načrta, se uporablja angleški jezik.
Odzivanje ob onesnaženju na območju odgovornosti in/ali interesnem območju vsake pogodbenice poteka v skladu z državnim načrtom ukrepov vodilne države pod skupnim izvedbenim poveljstvom vodilnega organa prek vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem.
Da bi pripomogle k nemotenemu poteku skupnih ukrepov odzivanja, pogodbenice druga drugo obveščajo o ustreznih delih državnih načrtov ukrepov in zlasti o delih, ki opisujejo:
– državno organizacijo za odzivanje;
– verjetne vire onesnaženja morskega okolja, ranljive vire in prednostne naloge za varstvo;
– sredstva, ki so na razpolago na državni ravni za odzivanje ob onesnaženju morskega okolja;
– pravila o uporabi disperzantov;
– logistično podporo, ki je na razpolago v državi.
Izvodi angleških prevodov teh delov državnih načrtov ukrepov ali po možnosti celotnih državnih načrtov ukrepov so v prilogi 3.
Karte, ki prikazujejo morebitne vire onesnaženja, okoljsko občutljiva območja, prednostna območja za varovanje in območja, na katerih je uporaba disperzantov dovoljena, omejena ali prepovedana, ki so na območju odgovornosti posamezne pogodbenice, morajo biti del vsakega državnega načrta ukrepov.
Za odločanje o strategiji odzivanja, ki se uporabi v vsakem posameznem primeru onesnaženja, in načrtovanje posameznih ukrepov je odgovoren vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem. Pri sprejemanju takih odločitev upošteva točko 4.8.
Strategija izvedbenih organov pogodbenic pri odzivanju ob onesnaženju morskega okolja po načrtu vključuje v glavnem:
– oceno resnosti izrednega dogodka ob upoštevanju najmanj teh meril:
– položaj, na katerem je prišlo do izrednega dogodka,
– vrsta onesnaževala,
– količina onesnaževala, ki je bilo sproščeno in/ali utegne biti sproščeno,
– gibanje onesnaževala,
– stopnja nevarnosti za življenje ljudi in/ali morebitna ogroženost zdravja,
– nevarnost požara/eksplozije,
– možnost za povzročitev škode na naravnih virih,
– možnost za povzročitev škode na imetju večje vrednosti in/ali za resne gospodarske posledice;
– aktiviranje državnega načrta ukrepov in uradno obveščanje drugih pogodbenic;
– izbiro ustreznih načinov odzivanja;
– oceno razpoložljivih in potrebnih sredstev za odzivanje;
– aktiviranje načrta in prošnjo za pomoč;
– izvajanje izbranih načinov odzivanja, pri čemer se uporabijo državna sredstva in sredstva pogodbenic, ki pomagata;
– ponovno oceno razmer in po potrebi spremembo odzivanja;
– dokončanje ukrepov odzivanja;
– prenehanje izvajanja načrta;
– vrnitev osebja, opreme in drugih sredstev, ki so jih kot pomoč dale na razpolago druge pogodbenice, v matično državo.
5.1 Stopnje odzivanja
5.2 Nadziranje razlitja
5.3 Prošnje za pomoč v okviru načrta
5.4 Skupni ukrepi odzivanja
5.5 Uporaba disperzantov
5.6 Dokončanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja in prenehanje izvajanja načrta
Za potrebe načrta so ukrepi odzivanja ob onesnaženju razdeljeni na:
pripravo na aktiviranje načrta
stopnja I – ocena
stopnja II – obveščanje in posvetovanje
aktiviranje načrta
stopnja III – obveščanje o aktiviranju
stopnja IV – prošnja za pomoč
stopnja V – skupni ukrepi odzivanja na morju
stopnja VI – skupni ukrepi odzivanja na obali
Glede na okoliščine lahko celotne stopnje ali njihovi deli potekajo sočasno.
Priprava na aktiviranje načrta
Stopnja I (ocena)
Prvi podatki o onesnaženju se sporočajo in preverjajo na državni ravni v skladu z državnim načrtom ukrepov.
Izvedbeni organ pogodbenice, ki jo je prizadelo onesnaženje, ali pogodbenice, ki jo bo verjetno prvo prizadelo, glede na resnost izrednega dogodka, pri čemer upošteva kraj nastanka onesnaženja, vrsto ter količino onesnaževala in drugih pomembnih dejavnikov, oceni in določi raven potrebnega odzivanja in ali je treba aktivirati načrt.
Pred aktiviranjem načrta izvedbeni organ prizadete pogodbenice aktivira svoj državni načrt ukrepov.
Stopnja II (obveščanje in posvetovanje)
Ne glede na potrebo po aktiviranju načrta izvedbeni organ pogodbenice, na katere območju odgovornosti ali interesnem območju je prišlo do onesnaženja, po prejemu in preveritvi prvega poročila o onesnaženju takoj obvesti izvedbena organa drugih pogodbenic (glej točki 3.1 in 6.2) s pomočjo svojega državnega izvedbenega centra.
Če izvedbeni organ prizadete pogodbenice meni, da bi bilo treba aktivirati načrt (glej točko 3.4), se takoj posvetuje z izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic, pri čemer jasno navede obseg načrtovanih ukrepov in pomoč, ki bi bila potrebna.
Pred aktiviranjem načrta izvedbeni organ opozori druge ustrezne organe v svoji državi, vključno s poveljnikom pogodbenice na kraju samem, v skladu z državnim načrtom ukrepov. Prav tako opozori regionalni center REMPEC.
Aktiviranje načrta
Stopnja III (obveščanje o aktiviranju)
Odločitev o aktiviranju načrta sprejme izvedbeni organ prizadete pogodbenice po posvetovanjih z izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic.
Po sprejetju odločitve o aktiviranju načrta prevzame izvedbeni organ prizadete pogodbenice vlogo vodilnega organa in:
a) uradno obvesti izvedbena organa drugih pogodbenic s pomočjo njunih v ta namen določenih državnih izvedbenih centrov in v skladu s postopkom iz točke 6.2, da je načrt aktiviran;
b) aktivira svoj center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, ki prevzame vlogo skupnega centra za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih;
c) aktivira svojo skupino za podporo;
d) imenuje vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, ki v povezavi z vodilnim organom in svojo skupino za podporo oblikuje strategijo za obvladovanje izrednega dogodka in oceni potrebo po pomoči drugih pogodbenic. Vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem sproži stopnje odzivanja IV, V in VI.
Stopnja IV (prošnja za pomoč)
Vodilni organ po aktiviranju načrta na podlagi zahtev in nasvetov vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem pošlje prošnjo za pomoč izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic v skladu s postopkom iz priloge 8 ob upoštevanju predhodnih posvetovanj z izvedbenima organoma drugih pogodbenic.
Stopnja V (skupni ukrepi odzivanja na morju)
Glavni cilji skupnih ukrepov odzivanja na morju so ustaviti iztekanje onesnaževala iz izvora onesnaženja, omejiti njegovo širjenje in gibanje ter odstraniti čim več onesnaževala s površine morja, preden doseže obalo ene pogodbenice.
Skupni ukrepi odzivanja na morju se izvajajo v skladu s postopki iz državnega načrta ukrepov vodilne države. Izvedbeno poveljevanje nad skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja opravlja vodilni organ prek vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem. Uporabijo se predvsem državna sredstva prizadete pogodbenice, ki se po potrebi dopolnijo z osebjem in sredstvi, ki jih na prošnjo vodilnega organa kot pomoč zagotovita drugi pogodbenici. Osebje in sredstva pogodbenic, ki pomagata, delujejo pod neposrednim izvedbenim nadzorom in taktičnim poveljevanjem poveljnikov pogodbenic na kraju samem ter poveljnikov enot in vodij skupin.
Med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja so center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih vodilne države, ki je prevzel vlogo skupnega centra za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih, glavni komunikacijski center in štab vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem.
Stopnja VI (skupni ukrepi odzivanja na obali)
Glavni cilji skupnih ukrepov odzivanja na obali so zavarovati obalna območja in druge ranljive vire pred učinki onesnaževala in odstraniti onesnaževalo, ki je doseglo obalo, da se prepreči onesnaženje drugih obalnih območij.
Ta stopnja vključuje tudi čiščenje in končno odstranjevanje pobranega onesnaževala in/ali onesnaženih snovi na obali.
Ukrepe na obali izvajajo pristojni državni organi prizadete pogodbenice ob uporabi državnih sredstev. Če državna sredstva prizadete pogodbenice ne zadoščajo, lahko pogodbenica zaprosi drugi pogodbenici, da zagotovita pomoč v obliki sredstev in usposobljenega osebja.
Pogodbenica naslovi svojo prošnjo na državna izvedbena organa pogodbenic.
Načela poveljevanja iz stopnje V se uporabljajo tudi za stopnjo VI.
Da bi povečali učinkovitost skupnih ukrepov odzivanja na obali, se lahko skupni center za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih po presoji vodilnega organa preseli v ustrezne druge prostore, ki so bliže kraju ukrepov (glej točko 4.3). V takih primerih vodilni organ pravilno obvesti izvedbena organa pogodbenic, ki pomagata, o preselitvi.
Pri nadziranju gibanja in obnašanja razlitja ima prednost opazovanje iz zraka, čeprav se lahko uporabijo tudi druga primerna sredstva (ladje, plovila), če zrakoplovi niso takoj na razpolago. Po potrebi pogodbenice proučijo tudi možnost za uporabo satelitskega opazovanja Zemlje za nadziranje gibanja razlitja.
Za nadziranje razlitja in njegovega gibanja ter pošiljanje ustreznih poročil drugima pogodbenicama pred aktiviranjem načrta je odgovorna pogodbenica, na katere območju odgovornosti ali interesnem območju je prišlo do onesnaženja. Po aktiviranju načrta ima to odgovornost vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem, ki sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev rednega nadziranja razlitja ter njegovega gibanja in obnašanja, da bi pravilno ocenil razmere in se odločil o ustreznem odzivanju. V ta namen lahko vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem zaprosi za pomoč drugi pogodbenici.
Podatki o zrakoplovih, primernih za nadziranje razlitja (vključno s tehničnimi značilnostmi in posebno opremo), do katerih ima dostop vsaka pogodbenica, so v prilogi 4.
Postopki poročanja, ki jih morajo za potrebe načrta upoštevati opazovalci/piloti/posadke zrakoplova za nadzor, so v prilogi 6.
Po aktiviranju načrta lahko vodilni organ zaprosi za pomoč drugih pogodbenic v primerih iz točke 3.4.
Pomoč je lahko v obliki:
a) usposobljenega osebja za posredovanje in zlasti skupin za hitro posredovanje;
b) posebne opreme za boj proti onesnaževanju;
c) izdelkov za čiščenje onesnaženja;
d) drugih sredstev, zlasti samostojnih enot, kot so plovila in zrakoplovi, in/ali
e) katere koli njihove kombinacije.
Prošnja za pomoč se oblikuje jasno in natančno z uporabo standardnega obrazca iz priloge 8. Vsebovati mora podroben opis vrste zaprošene pomoči in namen, za katerega se bodo uporabili osebje, oprema, izdelki in/ali druga sredstva.
Pogodbenica, ki prejme prošnjo za pomoč, takoj potrdi njen prejem.
Pogodbenica, ki prejme prošnjo za pomoč, si prizadeva, da jo pogodbenici prosilki čim prej zagotovi ob upoštevanju, da ne sme svojih državnih sredstev izčrpati pod mejo, ki se še šteje za primerno raven pripravljenosti.
Da se omogoči takojšen odziv na prošnje za pomoč, imajo pogodbenice del svoje državne opreme, izdelkov in drugih sredstev za odzivanje pripravljen za prevoz za pošiljanje drugima pogodbenicama v zelo kratkem času.
Osebje in/ali sredstva za odzivanje, dani na razpolago kot pomoč po načrtu, delujejo pod skupnim izvedbenim poveljstvom vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem in vodilnega organa; njihovi poveljniki na kraju samem pa zadržijo izvedbeni nadzor nad njimi.
Po odločitvi za pomoč se zveza med vodilno državo in pogodbenicama, ki pomagata, vzdržuje glede na okoliščine ter na vrsto in pomembnost pomoči na enega od načinov iz točke 4.5.
Za potrebe načrta skupni ukrepi odzivanja pomenijo vse ukrepe odzivanja na onesnaženje, v katere so vključeni osebje, oprema, izdelki in/ali druga sredstva vsaj dveh pogodbenic.
Skupni ukrepi odzivanja se lahko izvajajo na morju in na obali in vključujejo ukrepe iz točke 1.4 (glej tudi točko 5.1).
Vodilna država je v celoti odgovorna za izvajanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja. Organiziranost poveljevanja ob skupnih ukrepih odzivanja je opisana v točki 4.5.
Osebje, oprema in druga sredstva, ki jih kot pomoč dajejo na razpolago druge pogodbenice po načrtu, opravljajo svoje naloge in dolžnosti v skladu z odločitvami vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem pod neposrednim izvedbenim nadzorom svojih poveljnikov na kraju samem in taktičnim poveljevanjem svojih vodij skupin ter poveljnikov enot (glej točko 4.5). Če se dajo vodilni državi na razpolago skupine za hitro posredovanje ali samostojne enote, daje pogodbenica, ki pomaga, navodila svojim vodjem skupin in poveljnikom enot, ki nato taktično poveljujejo pri podrobnostih ukrepov.
Med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja je vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem poleg prevzema skupnega izvedbenega poveljevanja izrecno odgovoren za usklajevanje ukrepov, ki se izvajajo z državnimi sredstvi (skupine za hitro posredovanje, plovila, zrakoplovi) vodilne države z ukrepi, ki se izvajajo s sredstvi pogodbenic, ki pomagata.
Zveza med pogodbenico, ki pomaga, in vodilno državo se med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja vzdržuje glede na okoliščine z neposrednimi stiki prek osebe za zveze pogodbenice, ki pomaga, vključene med osebje vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem, ali prek poveljnikov pogodbenic na kraju samem, če osebno sodelujejo pri ukrepih (glej točko 4.5).
Vodilni organ imenuje osebo, odgovorno za sprejemanje osebja, opreme, izdelkov in/ali drugih sredstev pogodbenic, ki pomagata, in za njihovo lažje sodelovanje pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja od trenutka njihovega prihoda v državo do trenutka odhoda. Ta tesno sodeluje z osebo za zveze pogodbenice, ki pomaga.
Vsaka pogodbenica opredeli svojo politiko glede uporabe disperzantov v boju proti onesnaženju z nafto in jo opiše v državnem načrtu ukrepov. V ta namen pogodbenice upoštevajo Smernice za uporabo disperzantov za boj proti onesnaženju z nafto na morju v sredozemski regiji, sprejete na osmem rednem zasedanju pogodbenic Barcelonske konvencije (Antalija, od 12. do 15. oktobra 1993).
Vsaka pogodbenica obvesti drugi pogodbenici (glej točko 4.7) o svoji politiki glede uporabe disperzantov. Informacije vključujejo seznam disperzantov, odobrenih za uporabo v teritorialnem morju pogodbenice, skupaj z navedbo območij, v katerih je uporaba disperzantov dovoljena, omejena ali prepovedana, kakor tudi druge podatke, za katere meni, da so pomembni.
Pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja pogodbenice za uporabo disperzantov upoštevajo načelo predhodne odobritve. Uporabo lahko odobri samo državni izvedbeni organ pogodbenice prek vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem oziroma osebe, ki jo ta imenuje.
Na območju odgovornosti vsake posamezne pogodbenice se disperzanti vedno uporabljajo v skladu z državnim načrtom ukrepov pogodbenice.
Če v neposrednih stikih med vrhovnim poveljnikom na kraju samem in poveljniki pogodbenic na kraju samem, ki sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, ni odločeno drugače, se to načelo prav tako uporabi na interesnih območjih pogodbenic.
Če je pogodbenica prepovedala uporabo disperzantov v svojem teritorialnem morju, pogodbenici, ki sodelujeta pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, to odločitev upoštevata.
Vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem po svoji presoji dokonča skupne ukrepe odzivanja, ko:
a) so ukrepi odzivanja ob onesnaženju dokončani in onesnaževalo ne ogroža več interesov katere koli pogodbenice ali
b) je stanje doseglo točko, ko odzivne zmogljivosti in sredstva vodilne države zadoščajo za uspešno dokončanje odzivanja.
Po odločitvi o dokončanju skupnih ukrepov odzivanja vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem takoj obvesti poveljnika drugih pogodbenic na kraju samem in njuna izvedbena organa o tej odločitvi in o prenehanju ukrepov načrta.
Po prenehanju ukrepov načrta se vse osebje, oprema, neuporabljeni izdelki in druga sredstva, ki so bila vključena v skupne ukrepe odzivanja, vrnejo v matične države.
Pogodbenica, ki je zaprosila za pomoč, sprejme potrebne ukrepe za takojšnjo vrnitev osebja pogodbenic, ki sta pomagali, čeprav sta za usklajevanje in pripravo potrebnih postopkov za njihovo vrnitev še vedno odgovorna njuna izvedbena organa.
Pogodbenica, ki je zaprosila za pomoč, je odgovorna za vrnitev vse opreme, dane na razpolago kot pomoč, in vseh neuporabljenih izdelkov za čiščenje v matično državo, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače. Vsa oprema in druga sredstva se vrnejo čisti in v najboljšem mogočem delujočem stanju.
Izvedbeni organi pogodbenic se lahko pri medsebojnih neposrednih stikih odločijo, da neuporabljeni izdelki za čiščenje ostanejo v državi, ki je za pomoč zaprosila.
Samostojne enote (plovila, zrakoplovi) se vrnejo v matično državo na lastni pogon. Pogodbenica, ki je za pomoč zaprosila, je odgovorna, da olajša postopke, povezane z zapustitvijo njenega ozemlja/teritorialnega morja/zračnega prostora, vsem enotam, ki so bile dane za pomoč.
6.1 Sistem sporočanja
6.2 Sistem poročanja o onesnaženju (POLREP)
6.3 Poročila o stanju (SITREP)
6.4 Končna poročila
6.5 Poročila in sporočila REMPEC-u
Pogodbenice vzpostavijo in vzdržujejo učinkovit sistem komuniciranja, ki deluje 24 ur na dan in se uporablja za:
a) pošiljanje in sprejemanje vseh podatkov o preprečevanju onesnaževanja z ladij in zlasti poročil, ki nastanejo z uporabo sistema obveznega javljanja ladij na Jadranu ali drugega obstoječega ali prihodnjega sistema poročanja;
b) prejemanje poročil o onesnaženju in pošiljanje teh poročil izvedbenim organom in drugim zainteresiranim stranem v državi;
c) aktiviranje načrta, prošnja za pomoč in izmenjava izvedbenih sporočil med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja.
Sistem vključuje državne centre za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih in državne izvedbene centre, če ti niso centri za odzivanje ob izrednih dogodkih.
Sestavni deli tega sistema sporočanja, vključno s telefonskimi in telefaks številkami, e-naslovi in dodeljenimi radijskimi frekvencami in kanali, so v prilogi 5.
Pogodbenice za izmenjavo podatkov o onesnaženju uporabljajo sistem za poročanje o onesnaženju iz Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji. Sistem poročanja o onesnaževanju se deli na tri dele:
I. del (POLWARN) je prvo obvestilo (prva informacija ali opozorilo) o onesnaženju;
II. del (POLINF) je podrobno dopolnilno poročilo k I. delu;
III. del (POLFAC) se uporablja za prošnjo za pomoč drugih pogodbenic in za opredelitev izvedbenih zadev, povezanih s to pomočjo.
Podroben opis vsebine vseh treh delov sistema poročanja o onesnaženju je v prilogi 7.
Kadar vrsta in obseg potrebne pomoči še nista določena, pogodbenica, ki sprejme odločitev, da bo aktivirala načrt, uporabi 53. vrstico II. dela (POLINF) poročila sistema poročanja o onesnaženju (glej prilogo 7), da obvesti drugi pogodbenici, da je načrt aktiviran.
Za prošnjo za pomoč pogodbenice upoštevajo postopek iz točke 5.3 in priloge 8.
Od aktiviranja načrta ob izrednem dogodku do prenehanja ukrepov načrta vodilna država drugo pogodbenico redno obvešča o:
a) razvoju dogodkov v zvezi z onesnaženjem;
b) ukrepih za boj proti onesnaženju;
c) poteku skupnih ukrepov odzivanja;
d) odločitvah o prihodnjih ukrepih odzivanja;
e) vseh drugih pomembnih zadevah, zlasti pa o vplivih na okolje, učinkih na morske in obalne vire in o gospodarskih posledicah onesnaženja.
Take informacije pošlje vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem izvedbenim organom pogodbenic v obliki POLINF (glej prilogo 7) ali kot besedilo v obliki posebnega poročila o stanju.
Vodilna država pošlje izvod vsakega poročila tudi REMPEC-u, ki ga lahko uporabi za obveščanje drugih pogodbenic Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji, mednarodnih organizacij, nevladnih organizacij in specializiranih ustanov, s katerimi vzdržuje stike.
Vodilni organ si prizadeva za pošiljanje poročil o stanju vsaj enkrat dnevno.
Vsako poročilo pred razpošiljanjem potrdi vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem.
Če se ukrepi za boj proti onesnaženju nadaljujejo na državni ravni po prenehanju ukrepov načrta, pogodbenica, ki jo je prizadel izredni dogodek, še naprej obvešča druge pogodbenice in REMPEC o stanju do dokončanja vseh ukrepov odzivanja.
Izvedbeni organ vsake pogodbenice je odgovoren, da se poročila o stanju pošljejo vsem zainteresiranim stranem v njegovi državi.
Po dokončanju ukrepov odzivanja ob onesnaženju na državni ravni in po načrtu poveljnik pogodbenice na kraju samem in/ali vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem pripravi končno poročilo, ki vključuje:
a) opis onesnaženja in razvoj dogodkov,
b) opis sprejetih ukrepov odzivanja,
c) opis pomoči drugih pogodbenic,
d) oceno ukrepov odzivanja v celoti,
e) oceno pomoči drugih pogodbenic,
f) oceno okoljske in gospodarske škode, ki jo je povzročil izredni dogodek,
g) opis in analizo problemov, nastalih pri odzivanju na onesnaženje,
h) priporočila za morebitno izboljšanje obstoječe ureditve in zlasti določb načrta.
Izvedbeni organ vodilne države pošlje izvode končnih poročil vsem pogodbenicam in REMPEC-u.
Poročila na državni ravni analizirajo člani vsake skupine za podporo in njihovi poveljniki na kraju samem, ki pripravijo priporočila za spremembe in izboljšave načrta in po potrebi svojih državnih načrtov ukrepov (glej točko 4.4).
Vprašanja skupnega pomena se lahko predlagajo za razpravo med rednimi letnimi sestanki pogodbenic (glej točki 2.3 in 3.5).
Pogodbenice pošiljajo REMPEC-u:
a) vsa poročila o onesnaženju (POLREP) (zlasti informacije v zvezi z aktiviranjem in prenehanjem ukrepov načrta in vse prošnje za pomoč),
b) vsa poročila o stanju (SITREP),
c) vsa končna poročila.
Pri aktiviranju načrta vzdržuje vodilni organ stalne stike z REMPEC-om.
Podatki za komuniciranje z REMPEC-om so v prilogi 2 in se redno dopolnjujejo s podatki, prejetimi s centra.
Pogodbenice obvestijo REMPEC o vseh spremembah načrta ali njegovih prilog, takoj ko se sprejmejo.
7.1 Logistika
7.2 Finančni postopki
7.3 Čezmejni prehodi osebja, opreme, izdelkov in samostojnih enot, ki sodelujejo pri odzivanju
7.4 Zdravstveno zavarovanje in zdravniška pomoč
7.5 Odgovornost za poškodbe in škodo
7.6 Dokumentacija o ukrepih odzivanja in z njimi povezanih stroških
Vodilni organ je odgovoren za zagotavljanje vse logistične podpore, potrebne za izvajanje skupnih ukrepov odzivanja.
Vodilni organ zlasti:
a) poskrbi za nastanitev in prevoz vsega osebja, ki pomaga, v državi;
b) sprejme potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev objektov in naprav za opremo in druga sredstva, ki jih prejme od pogodbenic, ki pomagata:
– varen prostor za hrambo oziroma parkirišča, tudi za žerjave, viličarje in po potrebi drugo opremo;
– gorivo, mazivo ter objekte in naprave za popravila in vzdrževanje.
Vodilni organ sprejme potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje pomoči posadkam na letališčih oziroma v pristaniščih za plovila in zrakoplove, ki jih dasta kot pomoč drugi pogodbenici, in varnostnih storitev za ladje, zrakoplove in pripadajočo opremo, kadar so v pristaniščih ali na letališčih vodilne države.
Pri prošnji za pomoč in dajanju pomoči pogodbenice upoštevajo načela iz točke a drugega odstavka ter tretjega, četrtega in petega odstavka 13. člena Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih k Barcelonski konvenciji.
Ob upoštevanju 13. člena Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih se pogodbenice prav tako dogovorijo, da bodo glede finančnih zadev, povezanih z medsebojno pomočjo, ravnale v skladu s temi načeli:
a) Pogodbenice se obveščajo o plačah osebja, najemninah za opremo in drugih sredstvih ter stroških za izdelke za čiščenje, ki bi lahko bili dani kot pomoč. Pogodbenice se dogovorijo o cenah, vključno s plačilnimi pogoji, in obravnavajo vsa pomembna vprašanja med rednimi letnimi sestanki izvedbenih organov (glej točko 3.5). Ustrezne informacije so v prilogi 4.
b) Če se pogodbenica, ki je za pomoč zaprosila, odloči, da prošnjo iz katerega koli razloga umakne, povrne kljub temu pogodbenici, ki je pomoč dala, vse stroške, ki so nastali do trenutka, ko je bila prošnja umaknjena oziroma ko se osebje in oprema vrnejo v matično državo.
c) Pogodbenice rešujejo vsa vprašanja, povezana s finančnimi zadevami, po koncu skupnih ukrepov.
Pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja pogodbenica, ki je zaprosila za pomoč, neposredno krije stroške, povezane z zadrževanjem osebja, opreme in sredstev (vključno s plovili in zrakoplovi) pogodbenice, ki pomaga, na njenem ozemlju:
a) po potrebi za hrano in prenočišče in/ali dnevnice vsega osebja, ki sodeluje pri ukrepih, razen posadk ladij in drugih plovil;
b) vse pristaniške pristojbine za ladje in druga plovila, dane kot pomoč;
c) vse letališke pristojbine za zrakoplove, dane kot pomoč;
d) potrebno gorivo za vso opremo in sredstva, zlasti za plovila in zrakoplove, uporabljene pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
e) zdravstvene storitve za poškodovano in bolno osebje pogodbenice, ki pomaga;
f) stroške, povezane z vrnitvijo osebja, ki je med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja umrlo ali se je poškodovalo ali zbolelo;
g) stroške vzdrževanja za vsak del opreme, plovila in zrakoplova, uporabljenega pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja;
h) stroške popravil za vsak del opreme, plovila ali zrakoplova, ki je bil poškodovan na njenem ozemlju med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja in zaradi njih, če je treba opremo in sredstva popraviti pred vrnitvijo v matično državo;
i) stroške za komuniciranje v zvezi s skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja, ki jih je imelo osebje pogodbenice, ki je pomagala, na ozemlju vodilne države.
Pogodbenica, ki je pomagala, neposredno krije te stroške, povezane s pošiljanjem svojega osebja, opreme, izdelkov ali drugih sredstev, zlasti plovil in zrakoplovov, v državo, ki je za pomoč zaprosila, za:
a) mobilizacijo osebja, opreme, izdelkov ali drugih sredstev;
b) prevoz osebja, opreme in izdelkov v državo, v kateri potekajo skupni ukrepi odzivanja, in iz nje;
c) gorivo za samostojne enote (plovila, zrakoplove), ki potujejo na kraj skupnih ukrepov odzivanja na lastni pogon;
d) komuniciranje v zvezi s skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja, ki je potekalo na ozemlju pogodbenice, ki je pomagala;
e) zavarovanje osebja skupine za hitro posredovanje;
f) zdravstvene storitve, dane osebju, ki je bilo poškodovano ali je zbolelo med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja, po njihovi vrnitvi v matično državo;
g) vzdrževanje in popravila opreme in sredstev, ki so bili uporabljeni pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, nastali po njihovi vrnitvi v matično državo.
Pogodbenica, ki je pomagala, po končanih skupnih ukrepih odzivanja in vrnitvi vsega osebja, opreme in drugih sredstev, ki so bili vključeni v skupne ukrepe odzivanja, pripravi podroben račun za stroške za pomoč vodilni državi in druge izdatke v zvezi s to pomočjo. Račun vključuje:
a) plače osebja, ki je sodelovalo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, izračunane po ceniku iz priloge 4 in dnevnikov dela, ki jih je potrdil vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem ali druga odgovorna oseba vodilne države;
b) stroške za najem opreme in sredstev, izračunane po ceniku iz priloge 4, in dnevnikov dela, ki jih je potrdil vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem ali druga odgovorna oseba vodilne države;
c) stroške za izdelke za čiščenje, ki se uporabljajo med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja, izračunane po ceniku iz priloge 4, in dnevnikov dela, ki jih je potrdil vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem ali druga odgovorna oseba vodilne države;
d) vse izdatke države, ki je pomagala, nastale v zvezi z navedenim v prejšnjih treh točkah;
e) stroške za zamenjavo opreme, ki je bila med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja tako poškodovana, da je ni več mogoče popraviti.
Po prejemu takega računa pogodbenica, ki je za pomoč zaprosila v skladu s prilogo 8, takoj povrne stroške, ki so nastali pogodbenicama, ki sta pomagali, v zvezi z ukrepi odzivanja ob onesnaženju, ki sta jih pogodbenici sprejeli po aktiviranju načrta. Zatem take račune vključi v svoj lastni zahtevek za povračilo stroškov za odzivanje ob onesnaženju, ki ga predloži strani, odgovorni za onesnaženje, njeni zavarovalnici oziroma mednarodnemu sistemu za odškodnino zaradi onesnaženja.
Da bi olajšale prihod osebja, opreme in drugih sredstev, vključno s samostojnimi enotami, kot so plovila in zrakoplovi, na kraj, na katerem je pomoč potrebna, ravnajo pogodbenice v skladu z načeli iz tretjega odstavka 12. člena Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih ter upoštevajo Smernice za sodelovanje pri boju proti onesnaževanju z nafto v Sredozemskem morju, ki so bile sprejete na petem rednem zasedanju pogodbenic Barcelonske konvencije 11. septembra 1987 v Atenah (UNEP/IG.74/5), in zlasti teh odstavkov:
"Pogodbenica, ki prosi za pomoč, bo:...
– poskrbela za potrebne ukrepe za hiter vnos opreme in izdelkov ter vstop osebja pred njihovim prihodom in zagotovila kar najbolj poenostavljene carinske postopke. Za opremo se dovoli začasni uvoz, izdelki pa se uvozijo brez plačila trošarin in carin;
– če se dajo na razpolago ladje in zrakoplovi, zagotovila ladjam vsa potrebna dovoljenja, zrakoplovom pa dovoljenje za let v državnem zračnem prostoru. Izpolni se obrazec o načrtu leta ali uradnem obvestilu o letu, ki se sprejme kot dovoljenje za vzlet ali pristanek zrakoplovov na kopnem ali morju zunaj rednih carinskih letališč."
Vstopni in carinski postopki
Vsaka pogodbenica si prizadeva za sprejetje posebnih postopkov na državni ravni, ki veljajo v izrednih razmerah za hitro odobritev vstopnih vizumov in izdajo delovnih dovoljenj za osebje ter dovoljenj, potrebnih za tranzit ali začasni uvoz zaprošene opreme in materiala.
Podrobnosti o teh postopkih se vključijo v državni načrt ukrepov vsake pogodbenice in navedejo v prilogi 3. To se zlasti nanaša na podatke, ki jih mora pogodbenica, ki pomaga, priskrbeti ustreznim državnim organom pogodbenice, ki je zaprosila za pomoč, zaradi lažjega izvajanja teh posebnih postopkov.
Pogodbenice določijo pristojne carinske organe, odgovorne za takojšnjo izvedbo carinskih postopkov, povezanih s čezmejnimi prehodi osebja in sredstev pri aktiviranju načrta. Pogodbenice se stalno obveščajo o teh carinskih organih; ti podatki, tudi naslovi, telefonske in telefaks številke, e-naslovi, so v prilogi 1.
Pred pošiljanjem pomoči pogodbenici, ki zanjo zaprosi, pristojni carinski organ pogodbenice, ki pomaga, vzpostavi neposreden stik s pristojnim carinskim organom pogodbenice, ki je za pomoč zaprosila, da bi dobil potrebno dovoljenje za vnos opreme, izdelkov in drugih sredstev v državo.
Postopki ob preletih
Po načrtu in na izrecno zahtevo vodilne države se lahko zrakoplovom drugih pogodbenic dovolita vstop in delovanje v zračnem prostoru vodilne države zaradi:
– iskanja in reševanja,
– opazovalnih letov,
– prevoza osebja, opreme in izdelkov, vključenih v ukrepe odzivanja,
– razprševanja disperzantov ali drugih izdelkov za čiščenje.
Vsaka pogodbenica vnaprej določi postopke, potrebne za hitro izdajo dovoljenj za civilne zrakoplove (z nepremičnimi krili ali helikopterje) drugih pogodbenic, ki ju lahko zaprosi za sodelovanje pri ukrepih odzivanja v svojem zračnem prostoru. Podobni postopki se določijo za uporabo letaliških objektov in naprav za zrakoplove z nepremičnimi krili in helikopterje, ki sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
O preletih, ki jih za navedene namene opravijo vojaški zrakoplovi drugih pogodbenic čez državno ozemlje ali teritorialno morje ene pogodbenice, odločajo vpletene pogodbenice o vsakem primeru posebej.
Postopki plovbe
Po načrtu in na zahtevo vodilne države lahko plovila drugih pogodbenic vplujejo v teritorialno morje vodilne države in delujejo v njem zaradi:
– iskanja in reševanja,
– reševanja plovil in tovora,
– ukrepov odzivanja ob onesnaženju, vključno z omejitvijo širjenja in pobiranjem razlitih onesnaževal, razprševanjem disperzantov ali drugih izdelkov za čiščenje ter shranjevanjem in prevozom pobranega onesnaževala,
– prevoza osebja, opreme in izdelkov, ki so vključeni v ukrepe odzivanja,
– drugih potovanj, povezanih z ukrepi odzivanja ob onesnaženju.
Vsaka pogodbenica vnaprej določi postopke, potrebne za hitro izdajo dovoljenj za plovbo civilnih plovil (ladij, čolnov, posebnih plovil za boj proti onesnaževanju) drugih pogodbenic, ki ju lahko zaprosi za sodelovanje pri ukrepih odzivanja v svojih notranjih vodah in teritorialnem morju. Podobni postopki se določijo za uporabo pristaniških objektov in naprav za civilna plovila, ki sodelujejo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
O plovbi vojaških plovil drugih pogodbenic za navedene namene v notranjih vodah ali teritorialnem morju ene pogodbenice odločajo vpletene pogodbenice o vsakem primeru posebej.
Pri vseh primerih vpletene pogodbenice upoštevajo spremenjeno Mednarodno konvencijo o olajšavah v mednarodnem pomorskem prometu.
Vsaka država sprejme ukrepe, potrebne za zavarovanje ob smrti, bolezni in poškodbi svojega osebja, ki bi lahko sodelovalo pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, skupnih vajah in skupnem usposabljanju.
Vodilna država si prizadeva, da bo zagotovila najboljšo mogočo prvo zdravstveno oskrbo in storitve vsaki osebi iz druge pogodbenice, ki se poškoduje ali zboli med sodelovanjem pri skupnih ukrepih odzivanja.
Vodilna država omogoči čim lažjo vrnitev osebja, ki je pomagalo in se poškodovalo ali zbolelo med skupnimi ukrepi odzivanja.
Stroške za bolnišnično oskrbo in zdravniško pomoč, ki jo zagotovi vodilna država poškodovanemu ali bolnemu osebju pogodbenice, ki pomaga, krije vodilna država. Vodilna država se lahko odloči, da bo zahtevala, da ji stran, odgovorna za onesnaženje, njena zavarovalnica oziroma mednarodni sistem za odškodnino zaradi onesnaženja povrne vse take stroške.
Če skupine za hitro posredovanje, določene za pomoč pri ukrepih odzivanja, povzročijo na kraju ukrepov, pa tudi na poti do njega in nazaj, škodo tretjim stranem, če je povezana z ukrepi odzivanja, je za tako škodo odgovorna pogodbenica, ki je za tako pomoč zaprosila, razen če gre za slab namen, veliko napako ali veliko malomarnost.
Vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi podrobno evidenco o vseh ukrepih odzivanja na onesnaženje po načrtu. V ta namen lahko vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem v svojo skupino za podporo vključi osebo za vodenje evidence/finančnega nadzornika.
Redno je treba voditi vsaj te evidence:
a) opis stanja, sprejete odločitve in izvedeni ukrepi odzivanja;
b) dnevnik dela, ki navaja podrobne podatke o:
– ukrepih, ki potekajo (kraj, čas, namen);
– uporabljeni opremi in drugih sredstvih (kraj, čas, namen);
– vključenem osebju (število, čas);
– porabljenih izdelkih in drugem materialu (vrsta, količina, namen);
c) vsi izdatki v zvezi z ukrepi odzivanja ob onesnaženju.
Po dokončanju ukrepov odzivanja se dajo te evidence na razpolago državnemu organu, odgovornemu za predložitev odškodninskih zahtevkov.
8.1 Oseba za stike z javnostmi
8.2 Sporočila za javnost
8.3 Tiskovne konference
8.4 Obveščanje javnosti prek REMPEC-a
Po aktiviranju načrta ob izrednem dogodku določi vodilni organ osebo za stike z javnostmi, ki je razporejena v skupino za podporo vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem.
Oseba za stike z javnostmi je odgovorna za:
a) vzdrževanje stikov z novinarji;
b) pripravo sporočil za javnost v imenu vrhovnega poveljnika na kraju samem in vodilnega organa;
c) spremljanje objavljenih informacij in razjasnitev morebitnih nesporazumov.
V celotnem obdobju med aktiviranjem in prenehanjem ukrepov načrta oseba za stike z javnostmi pripravlja in daje novinarjem sporočila za javnost na podlagi potrjenih informacij, ki jih odobri vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem. Sporočila za javnost vsebujejo informacije o:
– onesnaženju in razvoju dogodkov,
– poškodbah osebja in škodi na plovilih, opremi itd.,
– tehničnih podatkih o vpletenih plovilih in lastnostih onesnaževala itd.,
– ukrepih za boj proti onesnaženju,
– poteku ukrepov odzivanja.
Pri pripravi sporočil za javnost se upoštevajo smernice za:
– pripravo naslovov,
– dajanje prednosti najnovejšim in najpomembnejšim informacijam,
– uporabo preprostih stavkov, v stavku je treba navesti le eno misel,
– izogibanje ocenam, ugibanju in domnevam,
– izogibanje mnenjem o okoljski ali drugi količinsko neopredeljivi škodi,
– skrbno pripravo končnega besedila.
Po možnosti je treba sporočilom za javnost dodati karte, ki prikazujejo območje izrednega dogodka, razvoj razlitja in kraj ukrepov odzivanja.
Po aktiviranju načrta ob izrednem dogodku se lahko vodilni organ v posvetovanju z vrhovnim poveljnikom na kraju samem odloči za organizacijo ene ali več tiskovnih konferenc za obveščanje medijev.
Na takih tiskovnih konferencah lahko sodelujejo:
– vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem,
– posebej imenovani strokovni člani skupine za podporo,
– oseba za stike z javnostmi,
– predstavnik ali predstavniki vodilnega organa,
– predstavniki drugih pogodbenic (npr. osebe za zveze ali poveljniki pogodbenice na kraju samem),
– predstavniki lastnikov ladje in tovora in/ali njihovih zavarovalnic.
Pisne informacije o glavnih dejstvih v zvezi z onesnaženjem in skupnih ukrepih odzivanja, karte in fotografije lahko vnaprej pripravi oseba za stike z javnostmi ter jih za uporabo na tiskovni konferenci odobri vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem.
Smernice za pripravo sporočil za javnost (glej točko 8.2) upoštevajo tudi udeleženci tiskovnih konferenc.
REMPEC lahko informacije, ki jih v skladu s točko 6.5 dasta vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem in vodilni organ, uporabi za obveščanje drugih pogodbenic Protokola o sodelovanju pri preprečevanju in ob izrednih dogodkih, mednarodnih organizacij, nevladnih organizacij in specializiranih ustanov, s katerimi vzdržuje stike.
Če vrhovni poveljnik na kraju samem meni, da je koristno, lahko REMPEC-u predloži tudi svoja redna sporočila za javnost za posredovanje novinarjem, če bi se obrnili na REMPEC.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma so odgovorna Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ministrstvo za obrambo in Ministrstvo za promet.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-39/2008
Ljubljana, dne 29. maja 2008
EVA 2008-1811-0037
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(*) The Parties agree to use for the purpose of the Plan radio frequencies defined and agreed upon under the “Mandatory Ship Reporting System - Adriatic Traffic”
(1) Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da bodo pri izvajanju načrta uporabljale radijske frekvence, opredeljene in dogovorjene v sistemu obveznega javljanja ladij na Jadranu.

AAA Zlata odličnost

Nastavitve piškotkov

Vaše trenutno stanje

Prikaži podrobnosti