Uradni list

Številka 80
Uradni list RS, št. 80/2011 z dne 11. 10. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 80/2011 z dne 11. 10. 2011


78. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Centra Jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj (MPPIOPKD), stran 665.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Centra Jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj (MPPIOPKD)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Centra Jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj (MPPIOPKD), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 23. septembra 2011.
Št. 003-02-8/2011-21
Ljubljana, dne 3. oktobra 2011
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol o privilegijih in imunitetah Centra Jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj, sestavljen v Bukarešti 24. novembra 2010.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Parties to this Protocol,
Considering that the Convention of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center, done at Bucharest, Romania on December 9, 2009, provides that the Member States shall conclude a Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center,
Have agreed as follows:
Title I
General Provisions
Article 1
For the purposes of this Protocol:
(a) “SELEC Convention” means the Convention of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center, done at Bucharest, Romania on December 9, 2009;
(b) “SELEC” means the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center;
(c) “Host Country” means the country where the headquarters of SELEC is located;
(d) “Representatives of the Member States” means members of national delegations participating in meetings convened by SELEC;
(e) “SELEC Staff” means all persons working under the authority and control of the Director General and Directors;
(f) “Director General” means the Director General of SELEC;
(g) “Directors” means the Directors of the SELEC;
(h) “Liaison Officers” means the officers posted by the Member States to the SELEC headquarters;
(i) “Meeting convened by SELEC” means any meeting of any SELEC organ or a subsidiary body or any conference convened by SELEC;
(j) “Property” means all income of SELEC and all property, including funds, assets and other properties that belong to SELEC, either owned or held/administered by the SELEC, in accordance with the official duties performed by the SELEC;
(k) “Premises” means the buildings or parts of buildings including the land ancillary thereto, used only for the purposes of the SELEC, irrespective of ownership;
(l) “Archives” means all records, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, computer and media data, photographs, films, video, sound recordings and any other data, belonging to or held by SELEC.
Article 2
Implementation of the Protocol
SELEC shall cooperate at all times with the appropriate authorities of the Parties to facilitate the proper administration of justice and shall prevent any abuse of the privileges and immunities granted under the provisions of this Protocol.
Title II
Privileges and Immunities of SELEC
Article 3
Immunity from Legal Process
(1) SELEC and its property, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy immunity from every form of legal process except insofar as in any particular case, the Council, by its decision, has authorized the waiver of this immunity. No such waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution, for which a separate waiver shall be necessary.
(2) Without prejudice to the previous paragraph, SELEC shall not enjoy immunity in respect of:
(a) a civil action based on a contractual obligation of SELEC;
(b) a counter-claim directly connected to proceedings instituted by SELEC;
(c) a civil action related to a breach of the rules on the protection of personal data as defined in the SELEC Convention;
(d) a civil action for damages arising out of an accident caused by a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft belonging to or operated on behalf of the SELEC, where these damages are not recoverable from insurance.
Article 4
(1) The premises of the SELEC shall be inviolable. Its property, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.
(2) The archives of the SELEC shall be inviolable wherever located and by whomsoever held.
Article 5
Flag and Emblem
SELEC shall be entitled to display its flag and emblem in its premises and on its means of transport when used for official purposes. The flags of the Member States shall be displayed in the SELEC premises.
Article 6
Facilities and Immunities in Respect of Communications and Publications
(1) The Parties shall permit SELEC to communicate freely and without the need for special permission, for all official purposes, and shall protect the right of SELEC to do so. SELEC shall have the right to use encrypted systems as well as codes and to dispatch and receive official correspondence and other official communications by courier or in sealed bags which shall be subject to the same privileges and immunities as diplomatic couriers and bags.
(2) SELEC shall enjoy, for its official communications, treatment not less favorable than that accorded by the Parties to the diplomatic missions of any state.
(3) The Parties recognize the right of SELEC to publish within their territories for purposes specified in the SELEC Convention. All official communications directed to SELEC and all outward official communications of SELEC, by whatever means or whatever form transmitted shall be inviolable.
Article 7
(1) Within the scope of its official activities, SELEC and its property shall be exempt from:
(a) all direct taxes, whether levied by national, regional or municipal authorities; it is understood, however, that the SELEC shall not claim exemption from rates, taxes or dues which are no more than charges for public utility services;
(b) customs duties, prohibitions or restrictions on the import or export of goods for official usage, provided that the goods imported are not to be sold or otherwise disposed of in the territory of the Party concerned, except under conditions approved by that Party;
(c) customs duties, prohibitions or restrictions on the import or export of publications for official purposes;
(d) indirect taxation on goods and services, provided for official purposes, including value added tax on these goods and services, under the same conditions as are applied to diplomatic missions in the territory of the Party concerned.
(2) The exemptions provided for in paragraph (1), point (d) of this Article may be granted by way of a refund under the same procedures as are applied to diplomatic missions in the territory of the Party concerned.
Article 8
Freedom of Financial Assets from Restrictions
Without being subject to any financial controls or moratoria of any kind, SELEC may, within the territory of the Parties, freely:
(a) purchase any currencies through authorized channels and hold and dispose of them; and
(b) operate accounts in any currency.
Title III
Privileges and Immunities of the Persons Involved in the Work of SELEC
Article 9
Privileges and Immunities of the Representatives of the Member States
(1) The Representatives of the Member States, while exercising their mission at SELEC and during their journey to and from the place of the meetings convened by SELEC, shall enjoy the following privileges and immunities:
(a) immunity from personal arrest or detention and from seizure of their personal baggage;
(b) immunity from legal process of any kind in respect of words spoken or written and all acts done by them in their capacity as Representatives; this immunity shall continue to be accorded notwithstanding that the persons concerned may have ceased the exercise of their functions as representatives;
(c) inviolability of official documentation, data and other official material in their possession;
(d) the right to use codes and to receive papers or correspondence by courier or in sealed bags;
(e) exemption in respect of themselves and their spouse from immigration restrictions and formalities for aliens registration in the Party they are visiting or through which they are passing in the exercise of their functions;
(f) the same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to representatives of foreign governments on temporary official missions;
(g) the same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to diplomatic agents.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this Article shall not apply between a Representative and the Member State of which he/she is a national or permanent resident or he/she is or has been a Representative.
Article 10
Privileges and Immunities of Liaison Officers
(1) Liaison Officers shall be accorded, in the Host Country, in respect of themselves and the members of their family forming part of their household the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic agents and the members of their family in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.
(2) Liaison Officers shall not engage in any gainful occupation in the Host Country other than the one resulting from their official functions at SELEC.
(3) Liaison Officers who are nationals of or permanent residents in the Host Country shall enjoy immunity from legal process and inviolability only in respect of official acts performed in the exercise of their functions.
(4) In the territory of Parties other than the Host Country, Liaison Officers, while exercising their functions related to the work of the SELEC, shall enjoy the privileges and immunities applicable for Representatives of the Member States as specified in Article 9 with the exceptions of points (e) and (g) of Article 9, paragraph (1).
Article 11
Privileges and Immunities of the Director General, Directors and SELEC Staff
(1) The Director General, Directors, and SELEC Staff shall:
(a) be immune from legal process, even after termination of their duties at the SELEC, in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity and within the limit of their authority;
(b) be exempt from taxation on the salaries, remuneration, and emoluments paid to them by the SELEC;
(c) be exempt, together with the members of their family forming part of their household, from immigration restrictions and formalities for aliens registration;
(d) be accorded the same facilities in respect of currency or exchange restrictions as are accorded to members of comparable rank of diplomatic missions;
(e) be given, together with the members of their family forming part of their household, the same repatriation facilities in time of international crisis as accorded to members of comparable rank of diplomatic missions;
(f) have the right, in the Host Country, in accordance with its laws and regulations, to import free of duty their furniture and effects, including a motor vehicle, at the time of first taking up their post and the right to export them free of duty upon termination of their functions in SELEC;
(g) not be obliged to give evidence as a witness in connection to their official tasks; and
(h) enjoy inviolability of all papers, documents and other official material related to SELEC.
(2) In addition to the privileges and immunities specified in paragraph (1) of this Article, the Director General and the Directors shall be accorded in the Host Country in respect of themselves and the members of their family forming part of their household the privileges and immunities, exemptions and facilities accorded to diplomatic agents and the members of their family in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961.
(3) The privileges and immunities of the Director General, Directors, and SELEC Staff set forth in paragraph (1) of this Article, points (b) through (f), and paragraph (2) of this Article, shall not apply vis-a-vis the Party of which the individual is a national or permanent resident.
Article 12
Privileges and Immunities of Representatives of Operational Partners
Representatives of Operational Partners who are posted to SELEC under a cooperation agreement shall be accorded the privileges and immunities that are accorded to Liaison Officers of the Member States, except to the extent those privileges and immunities are limited by the cooperation agreement concluded between the Operational Partner and SELEC.
Article 13
(1) Each Party shall notify the names and positions/functions of its Representatives and Liaison Officers, as well as the members of the Liaison Officers’ family forming part of their household to the Director General and Depositary.
(2) Each Operational Partner shall notify the names of its Representatives to the Director General and Depositary.
(3) Director General shall specify on an updated list that shall be communicated to each Party the names and positions of persons listed below:
(a) Director General;
(b) Directors;
(c) Members of SELEC Staff;
(d) Liaison Officers; and
(e) Representatives of Operational Partners.
Article 14
Entry, Stay, Departure and Transit
The Parties shall facilitate, if necessary, the entry into and stay in the territory of a Party and shall not put any impediment in the way of the departure from that Party of the persons listed below where that entry or stay is related to SELEC’s official activity, and shall ensure that no impediment is put in the way of their transit to or from a place of official business in connection with SELEC:
(a) the Representatives of Member States;
(b) the Liaison Officers; and
(c) the Director General, Directors, and SELEC Staff.
Article 15
Duration of Privileges and Immunities
(1) In the territory of the Host Country, each person entitled to privileges and immunities in accordance with this Title shall enjoy those privileges and immunities from the moment he/she enters the Host Country on proceeding to take up his/her post or, if already in the Host Country, from the moment his/her arrival is notified by the sending Party to the competent authorities of the Host Country. When the functions of these persons come to an end, privileges and immunities that they enjoy in the Host Country shall normally cease at the moment when they leave the Host Country, or on expiry of a reasonable period in which to do so. However, with respect to the acts done by those persons in the exercise of their functions, immunity shall continue to subsist.
(2) While exercising his/her official business in a connection with SELEC in the territory of the Parties other than the Host Country, each person entitled to privileges and immunities in accordance with this Title shall enjoy those privileges and immunities from the moment he/she enters the territory and during his/her stay in the territory of the Party concerned. However, it is understood that nothing in this Protocol shall prevent the relevant authorities of the Parties to require a reasonable evidence provided by SELEC confirming that the persons claiming the treatment provided in this Protocol are travelling on the official business of SELEC.
Article 16
Limitation of Immunities
Immunity from legal process shall not apply in respect of a civil action for damages arising from an accident in the territory of a Party caused by a vehicle, vessel or aircraft operated by any Representative of a Member State, Liaison Officer, Director General, Director, member of the SELEC Staff, or Representative of an Operational Partner, nor shall immunity from legal process apply in respect of a traffic offense.
Article 17
Waiver of Immunities
(1) Privileges and immunities in this Protocol are accorded not for the personal benefit of individuals themselves, but in order to safeguard the independent exercise of their functions in connection with SELEC.
(2) Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities in accordance with this Protocol to respect the laws and regulations of the Host Country and other Parties.
(3) Competence of waiving immunity shall be as follows:
(a) in respect of Representatives of the Member States and Liaison Officers the waiving of immunity shall be within the competence of the sending Party. Such Party shall have the right and duty to waive the immunity in cases where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and would not prejudice the purposes for which the immunity is accorded;
(b) in respect of the Director General and the Directors, the Council shall have the right and duty to waive the immunity where the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of SELEC;
(c) in respect of a member of the SELEC Staff, the Director General shall have the right and duty to waive the immunity where the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of SELEC;
(d) in respect of Representatives of an Operational Partner, the waiving of immunity shall be within the competence of the sending Operational Partner. Such Operational Partner shall have the right and duty to waive the immunity in cases where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and would not prejudice the purposes for which the immunity is accorded.
(4) No such waiver of immunity shall extend to any measure of execution, for which a separate waiver shall be necessary.
(5) SELEC shall cooperate at all times with the competent authorities of the Parties and Operational Partners in order to facilitate the proper administration of justice and shall prevent any abuse of the privileges and immunities granted under the provisions of this Protocol.
Title IV
Final provisions
Article 18
Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval and Accession
(1) This Protocol shall be open for signature by the signatory States to the SELEC Convention.
(2) This Protocol is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatory States in accordance with their respective legal requirements.
(3) After its entry into force, any other Party to the SELEC Convention may accede to this Protocol.
(4) Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
Article 19
No reservations may be made to this Protocol.
Article 20
Entry into Force and Duration of the Protocol
(1) This Protocol shall enter into force on the sixtieth day following the date when nine signatory States have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval.
(2) For each State which ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Protocol after the date of its entry into force, this Protocol shall enter into force on the date of the deposit by that State of its respective instruments.
(3) This Protocol shall remain in force so long as the SELEC Convention remains in force.
Article 21
(1) This Protocol may be amended on the proposal of any Party.
(2) Any such proposal shall be communicated by the Director General to the Parties at least six months before submission to the Council for consideration and approval.
(3) Amendments to this Protocol approved pursuant to paragraph (2) above shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Parties and shall enter into force according to the procedures set forth in Article 20.
Article 22
Settlement of Disputes
In case of a dispute between two or more Parties or between a Party and SELEC concerning the interpretation or application of this Protocol, the parties concerned shall seek a solution through mutual consultations and negotiations. Should such consultations and negotiations fail to resolve the dispute within six months, the parties shall submit the dispute to the Council for consideration and appropriate action.
Article 23
(1) Each Party may withdraw from this Protocol at any time by written notification to the SELEC Secretariat and to the Depositary, which shall then transmit a certified copy of that notification to each Party.
(2) Each Party that withdraws from the SELEC Convention, according to the procedures set forth in Article 51 of that Convention, withdraws at the same time from this Protocol.
(3) Withdrawal shall take effect three months from the date on which the notification was received by the Depositary.
Article 24
(1) The Government of Romania shall act as Depositary of this Protocol.
(2) The Depositary shall transmit a certified copy of the original to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
The original of this Protocol in a single copy in the English language shall be deposited with the Depositary which shall transmit a certified copy to each Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Protocol
Done at Bucharest, Romania on November 24, 2010.
Pogodbenice tega protokola so se
ob upoštevanju Konvencije o Centru jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj, ki je bila podpisana 9. decembra 2009 v Bukarešti v Romuniji in določa, da države članice sklenejo Protokol o privilegijih in imunitetah Centra jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj,
I. del
Splošne določbe
1. člen
Pomen izrazov
V tem protokolu:
(a) »konvencija SELEC« pomeni Konvencijo Centra jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj, podpisano 9. decembra 2009 v Bukarešti v Romuniji;
(b) »SELEC« pomeni Center jugovzhodne Evrope za odkrivanje in pregon kaznivih dejanj;
(c) »država gostiteljica« pomeni državo, v kateri je sedež SELEC-a;
(d) »predstavniki držav članic« pomenijo člane nacionalnih delegacij, ki sodelujejo na sestankih, ki jih sklicuje SELEC;
(e) »osebje SELEC-a« pomeni osebe, ki delajo pod vodstvom in nadzorom generalnega direktorja in direktorjev;
(f) »generalni direktor« pomeni generalnega direktorja SELEC-a;
(g) »direktorji« pomenijo direktorje SELEC-a;
(h) »uradniki za zvezo« pomenijo uradnike, ki jih države članice pošljejo na sedež SELEC-a;
(i) »sestanek, ki ga skliče SELEC« pomeni sestanek katerega koli organa SELEC-a ali pomožnega organa ali konferenco, ki jo skliče SELEC;
(j) »premoženje« pomeni vse prejemke SELEC-a in vse premoženje, vključno s kapitalom, sredstvi in drugim premoženjem SELEC-a, ki so njegova last ali jih poseduje, skladno z uradnimi nalogami SELEC-a;
(k) »prostori« pomenijo zgradbe in dele zgradb ter pripadajoče zemljišče, ki se uporabljajo le za namene SELEC-a, ne glede na lastništvo;
(l) »arhiv« pomeni vse evidence, korespondenco, dokumente, izvirnike, podatke na računalnikih in nosilcih podatkov, fotografije, filme, videoposnetke, zvočne zapise ali druge podatke, ki pripadajo SELEC-u ali jih poseduje.
2. člen
Izvajanje protokola
SELEC ves čas sodeluje s pristojnimi organi pogodbenic ter tako prispeva k učinkovitemu delovanju pravosodnega sistema in preprečuje zlorabo privilegijev in imunitet iz tega protokola.
II. del
Privilegiji in imunitete SELEC-a
3. člen
Imuniteta pred sodnim postopkom
(1) SELEC in njegovo premoženje ne glede na to, kje je ali kdo ga poseduje, uživata imuniteto pred vsakim sodnim postopkom, razen če svet v posameznem primeru ne odloči, da se imuniteta odpove. Odpoved imunitete ne velja za sredstva izvršbe, za katera je potrebna posebna odpoved.
(2) Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek SELEC ne uživa imunitete glede:
(a) civilne tožbe, ki izhaja iz pogodbene obveznosti SELEC-a;
(b) nasprotnega zahtevka, neposredno povezanega s postopkom, ki ga začne SELEC;
(c) civilne tožbe zaradi kršitve pravil o varstvu osebnih podatkov iz konvencije SELEC;
(d) civilne tožbe za povrnitev škode zaradi nesreče, ki jo povzroči vozilo, plovilo ali zrakoplov, ki pripada SELEC-u ali se upravlja v njegovem imenu, če take škode ni mogoče povrniti na podlagi zavarovanja.
4. člen
(1) Prostori SELEC-a so nedotakljivi. Njegovo premoženje ima ne glede na to, kje je in kdo ga poseduje, imuniteto pred preiskavo, zasegom, zaplembo, razlastitvijo ali drugo obliko poseganja z izvršilnimi, upravnimi, sodnimi ali zakonodajnimi dejanji.
(2) Arhiv SELEC-a je nedotakljiv ne glede na to, kje je in kdo ga poseduje.
5. člen
Zastava in znak
SELEC ima pravico, da namesti svojo zastavo in znak v svojih prostorih ter na prevoznih sredstvih, kadar se uporabljajo v uradne namene. Zastave držav članic se izobesijo v prostorih SELEC-a.
6. člen
Olajšave in imunitete pri sporazumevanju in publikacijah
(1) Pogodbenice dovolijo SELEC-u, da se brez posebnega dovoljenja prosto sporazumeva za vse uradne namene, in to pravico SELEC-a spoštujejo. SELEC lahko uporablja šifrirne sisteme in kode ter pošilja in prejema uradno korespondenco in druga uradna sporočila po kurirju ali v zapečatenih pošiljkah, ki imajo enake privilegije in imunitete kot diplomatski kurirji in pošiljke.
(2) SELEC-a pri uradnem sporazumevanju pogodbenice ne obravnavajo manj ugodno kot diplomatskih predstavništev držav.
(3) Pogodbenice na svojih ozemljih spoštujejo pravico SELEC-a do objavljanja za namene konvencije SELEC. Uradno sporazumevanje s SELEC-om in njegovo uradno sporazumevanje z drugimi sta nedotakljivi ne glede na sredstvo ali obliko pošiljanja.
7. člen
(1) V okviru svojih uradnih dejavnosti sta SELEC in njegovo premoženje oproščena:
(a) vseh neposrednih davkov, ki jih obračunajo državne, regionalne ali občinske oblasti; razume pa se, da SELEC ne zahteva oprostitve plačil, davkov in dajatev, ki pomenijo strošek storitev javnih služb;
(b) carin, prepovedi ali omejitev pri uvozu in izvozu blaga za uradno uporabo, če uvoženo blago ni namenjeno za prodajo ali odsvojitev na ozemlju pogodbenice, razen pod pogoji, ki jih ta odobri;
(c) carin, prepovedi ali omejitev pri uvozu in izvozu publikacij za uradne namene;
(d) posredne obdavčitve blaga in storitev, opravljenih za uradne namene, vključno z davkom na dodano vrednost tega blaga in storitev, pod enakimi pogoji, kot veljajo za diplomatska predstavništva na ozemlju pogodbenice.
(2) Izjeme iz točke d prvega odstavka tega člena se lahko uveljavljajo kot vračilo plačanega davka po enakih postopkih, kot veljajo za diplomatska predstavništva na ozemlju pogodbenice.
8. člen
Omejitev prosta finančna sredstva
SELEC lahko brez finančnega nadzora ali moratorija na ozemljih pogodbenic prosto:
(a) po uradnih poteh kupuje katero koli valuto, z njo razpolaga in jo proda ter
(b) upravlja račune v kateri koli valuti.
III. del
Privilegiji in imunitete oseb, vključenih v delo SELEC-a
9. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete predstavnikov držav članic
(1) Predstavniki držav članic pri opravljanju svojih nalog pri SELEC-u ter med potovanjem na kraj sestanka, ki ga skliče SELEC, in nazaj uživajo te privilegije in imunitete:
(a) imuniteto pred prijetjem ali pridržanjem in zasegom osebne prtljage;
(b) imuniteto pred vsakim sodnim postopkom glede izrečenih ali zapisanih besed in vseh dejanj, ki jih storijo kot predstavniki; to imuniteto uživajo tudi po prenehanju opravljanja nalog predstavnika;
(c) nedotakljivost uradnih dokumentov, podatkov in drugega uradnega gradiva, ki ga imajo v posesti;
(d) pravico uporabljati kode in prejemati listine in korespondenco po kurirju ali v zapečatenih pošiljkah;
(e) oprostitev omejitev zanje in za njihove zakonce glede priseljevanja in uradnih postopkov za prijavo tujcev v pogodbenici, ki jo obiščejo ali čez katero potujejo pri opravljanju svojih nalog;
(f) enake ugodnosti glede valutnih in deviznih omejitev, kot se priznavajo predstavnikom tujih vlad na začasnih uradnih misijah;
(g) enake imunitete in ugodnosti glede svoje osebne prtljage, kot jih imajo diplomatski predstavniki.
(2) Prvi odstavek tega člena se ne uporablja med predstavnikom in državo članico, katere državljan je ali v kateri ima stalno prebivališče ali katere predstavnik je ali je bil.
10. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete uradnikov za zvezo
(1) Uradniki za zvezo in njihovi družinski člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, v državi gostiteljici uživajo privilegije in imunitete, oprostitve in ugodnosti, kot jih po Dunajski konvenciji o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961 uživajo diplomatski predstavniki in njihovi družinski člani.
(2) Uradniki za zvezo v državi gostiteljici ne opravljajo druge pridobitne dejavnosti, razen tiste, ki izhaja iz njihovih uradnih nalog pri SELEC-u.
(3) Uradniki za zvezo, ki so državljani države gostiteljice ali imajo v njej stalno prebivališče, uživajo imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom in nedotakljivost le glede uradnih dejanj, ki jih storijo pri opravljanju svojih nalog.
(4) Uradniki za zvezo na ozemlju drugih pogodbenic, razen v državi gostiteljici, pri opravljanju s SELEC-om povezanih nalog uživajo privilegije in imunitete, ki veljajo za predstavnike držav članic, kot določa 9. člen, razen točk e in g prvega odstavka 9. člena.
11. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete generalnega direktorja, direktorjev in osebja SELEC-a
(1) Generalni direktor, direktorji in osebje SELEC-a:
(a) imajo imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom glede izrečenih ali zapisanih besed ter vseh dejanj, storjenih pri opravljanju njihovih uradnih nalog v okviru njihovih pooblastil tudi po prenehanju opravljanja nalog za SELEC;
(b) so oproščeni davkov na plače, nadomestila in honorarje, ki jim jih izplača SELEC;
(c) so skupaj z družinskimi člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, izvzeti iz omejitev glede priseljevanja in uradnih postopkov za prijavo tujcev;
(d) imajo enake ugodnosti glede valutnih in deviznih omejitev, kot se priznavajo članom diplomatskih predstavništev primerljive stopnje;
(e) v mednarodni krizi imajo skupaj z družinskimi člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, enake ugodnosti pri vrnitvi v domovino kot člani diplomatskih predstavništev primerljive stopnje;
(f) imajo v državi gostiteljici ob prvem prevzemu dolžnosti po njeni zakonodaji pravico, da brez dajatev uvozijo pohištvo in druge predmete za osebno uporabo, vključno z motornim vozilom, in pravico, da jih ob prenehanju opravljanja nalog pri SELEC-u brez dajatev izvozijo;
(g) na sodišču niso dolžni pričati glede svojih uradnih nalog ter
(h) uživajo nedotakljivost vseh listin, dokumentov in drugega uradnega gradiva SELEC-a.
(2) Generalni direktor in direktorji ter njihovi družinski člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, imajo poleg privilegijev in imunitet iz prvega odstavka tega člena v državi gostiteljici privilegije in imunitete, oprostitve in ugodnosti, kot jih imajo po Dunajski konvenciji o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961 diplomatski predstavniki in njihovi družinski člani.
(3) Privilegiji in imunitete generalnega direktorja, direktorjev in osebja SELEC-a iz točk od b do f prvega odstavka tega člena in drugega odstavka tega člena se ne uporabljajo v pogodbenici, katere državljani so ali imajo v njej stalno prebivališče.
12. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete predstavnikov operativnih partnerjev
Predstavniki operativnih partnerjev, ki delajo pri SELEC-u po sporazumu o sodelovanju, imajo enake privilegije in imunitete kot uradniki za zvezo držav članic, razen če niso ti privilegiji in imunitete omejeni s sporazumom o sodelovanju, sklenjenim med operativnim partnerjem in SELEC-om.
13. člen
Uradno obveščanje
(1) Pogodbenica uradno sporoči osebna imena in položaje/funkcije svojih predstavnikov in uradnikov za zvezo ter družinskih članov uradnikov za zvezo, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, generalnemu direktorju in depozitarju.
(2) Operativni partner uradno sporoči osebna imena svojih predstavnikov generalnemu direktorju in depozitarju.
(3) Generalni direktor pripravi posodobljen seznam z osebnimi imeni in položaji spodaj navedenih oseb ter ga pošlje vsem pogodbenicam:
(a) generalni direktor,
(b) direktorji,
(c) člani osebja SELEC-a,
(d) uradniki za zvezo in
(e) predstavniki operativnih partnerjev.
14. člen
Vstop, prebivanje, odhod in tranzit
Pogodbenice spodaj navedenim osebam po potrebi olajšajo vstop na svoje ozemlje in prebivanje na njem ter ne ovirajo njihovega odhoda, če sta vstop in prebivanje povezana z uradno dejavnostjo SELEC-a, ter zagotovijo, da tudi njihov tranzit do kraja opravljanja uradne dejavnosti SELEC-a in nazaj ni oviran:
(a) predstavniki držav članic,
(b) uradniki za zvezo in
(c) generalni direktor, direktorji in osebje SELEC-a.
15. člen
Trajanje privilegijev in imunitet
(1) Oseba, upravičena do privilegijev in imunitet na ozemlju države gostiteljice skladno s tem delom, te privilegije in imunitete uživa od vstopa v državo gostiteljico zaradi prevzema dolžnosti, ali če je že v njej, od trenutka, ko država pošiljateljica obvesti pristojne organe države gostiteljice o njenem prihodu. Ko te osebe prenehajo opravljati naloge, privilegiji in imunitete, ki jih uživajo v državi gostiteljici, običajno prenehajo, ko jo zapustijo ali ko poteče razumno obdobje, v katerem naj bi jo zapustile. Še vedno pa uživajo imuniteto glede dejanj, ki so jih storile pri opravljanju svojih nalog.
(2) Osebi, upravičeni do privilegijev in imunitet po tem delu, se pri opravljanju njenih s SELEC-om povezanih uradnih nalog na ozemlju pogodbenic, razen v državi gostiteljici, ti privilegiji in imunitete priznavajo od vstopa na ozemlje pogodbenice in med njenim prebivanjem na njem. Nobena določba tega protokola pristojnim organom pogodbenic ne preprečuje, da od SELEC-a zahtevajo ustrezna dokazila, s katerimi se potrjuje, da osebe, ki zahtevajo obravnavanje v skladu s tem protokolom, potujejo zaradi opravljanja uradnih nalog SELEC-a.
16. člen
Omejitev imunitet
Imuniteta pred sodnim postopkom ne velja za civilno tožbo za povrnitev škode, ki je posledica nesreče na ozemlju pogodbenice, ki jo povzroči vozilo, plovilo ali zrakoplov, ki ga upravlja predstavnik države članice, uradnik za zvezo, generalni direktor, direktor, član osebja SELEC-a ali predstavnik operativnega partnerja; prav tako imuniteta ne velja pred sodnim postopkom zaradi prometnega prekrška.
17. člen
Odpoved imunitete
(1) Privilegiji in imunitete v tem protokolu se posameznikom priznavajo zaradi zagotavljanja neodvisnega opravljanja nalog, povezanih s SELEC-om, in ne zaradi njihove osebne koristi.
(2) Vse osebe, ki uživajo privilegije in imunitete po tem protokolu, morajo ne glede na svoje privilegije in imunitete spoštovati zakone in druge predpise države gostiteljice in drugih pogodbenic.
(3) Pristojnost za odpoved privilegijev in imunitet je naslednja:
(a) za odpoved imunitete predstavnikom držav članic in uradnikom za zvezo je pristojna pogodbenica pošiljateljica. Pogodbenica ima pravico in dolžnost odpovedati imuniteto, kadar bi po njenem mnenju ovirala sodni postopek in ne bi vplivala na namene, za katere se prizna;
(b) svet ima pravico in dolžnost odpovedati imuniteto generalnemu direktorju in direktorjem, kadar bi ovirala sodni postopek in bi jo bilo mogoče odpovedati, ne da bi to vplivalo na interese SELEC-a;
(c) generalni direktor ima pravico in dolžnost odpovedati imuniteto članom osebja SELEC-a, kadar bi ovirala sodni postopek in bi jo bilo mogoče odpovedati, ne da bi to vplivalo na interese SELEC-a;
(d) za odpoved imunitete predstavnikom operativnega partnerja je pristojen operativni partner pošiljatelj. Operativni partner ima pravico in dolžnost odpovedati imuniteto, kadar bi po njegovem mnenju ovirala sodni postopek in ne bi vplivala na namene, za katere se prizna.
(4) Odpoved imunitete ne velja za sredstva izvršbe, za katera je potrebna posebna odpoved.
(5) SELEC ves čas sodeluje s pristojnimi organi pogodbenic in operativnih partnerjev ter tako pripomore k učinkovitemu delovanju pravosodnega sistema in preprečevanju zlorab privilegijev in imunitet iz tega protokola.
IV. del
Končne določbe
18. člen
Podpis, ratifikacija, sprejetje, odobritev in pristop
(1) Protokol je na voljo za podpis državam podpisnicam konvencije SELEC.
(2) Protokol se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri v skladu z notranjepravnimi zahtevami držav podpisnic.
(3) K protokolu lahko po začetku njegove veljavnosti pristopi katera koli pogodbenica konvencije SELEC.
(4) Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu se deponirajo pri depozitarju.
19. člen
Pridržki k temu protokolu niso mogoči.
20. člen
Začetek veljavnosti in trajanje protokola
(1) Protokol začne veljati šestdeseti dan po dnevu, ko je devet držav podpisnic deponiralo svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
(2) Za vsako državo, ki ratificira, sprejme, odobri protokol ali k njemu pristopi po dnevu začetka njegove veljavnosti, začne protokol veljati z dnem deponiranja njene listine.
(3) Protokol velja tako dolgo kot konvencija SELEC.
21. člen
(1) Protokol se lahko spremeni na predlog katere koli pogodbenice.
(2) Generalni direktor obvesti pogodbenice SELEC-a o predlogu za spremembo vsaj šest mesecev pred njegovo predložitvijo svetu v obravnavno in odobritev.
(3) Spremembe tega protokola, ki se odobrijo po drugem odstavku, pogodbenice ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo, veljati pa začnejo skladno s postopki iz 20. člena.
22. člen
Reševanje sporov
Spori med dvema ali več pogodbenicami ali med pogodbenico in SELEC-om zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega protokola se rešujejo z medsebojnimi pogovori in pogajanji. Če s pogovori in pogajanji ni mogoče razrešiti spora v šestih mesecih, se spor predloži v obravnavo in ustrezno ukrepanje svetu.
23. člen
(1) Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove protokol s pisnim uradnim obvestilom sekretariatu in depozitarju, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo tega obvestila vsem pogodbenicam.
(2) Pogodbenica, ki odpove konvencijo SELEC po postopkih iz 51. člena konvencije, obenem odpove tudi ta protokol.
(3) Odpoved začne veljati tri mesece po dnevu, ko je depozitar prejel uradno obvestilo.
24. člen
(1) Depozitar tega protokola je Vlada Romunije.
(2) Depozitar pošlje overjeno kopijo izvirnika sekretariatu Združenih narodov v registracijo in objavo skladno s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
Izvirnik protokola je v enem izvodu v angleškem jeziku in je deponiran pri depozitarju, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vsem pogodbenicam.
V POTRDITEV NAVEDENEGA so podpisani, ki so jih za to pravilno pooblastile njihove vlade, podpisali ta protokol.
Sestavljeno v Bukarešti v Romuniji 24. novembra 2010.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbita Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve in Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
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Ljubljana, dne 23. septembra 2011
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Republike Slovenije
Ljubo Germič l.r.

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