Uradni list

Številka 48
Uradni list RS, št. 48/2006 z dne 11. 5. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 48/2006 z dne 11. 5. 2006


54. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Programom Združenih narodov za okolje (UNEP) – Sredozemskim akcijskim načrtom (MAP) o dogovorih za 14. redno zasedanje pogodbenic Konvencije za varstvo morskega okolja in obalnega območja Sredozemlja in njenih protokolov, stran 878.

Na podlagi prve in tretje alineje petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/2003 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Programom Združenih narodov za okolje (UNEP) – Sredozemskim akcijskim načrtom (MAP) o dogovorih za 14. redno zasedanje pogodbenic Konvencije za varstvo morskega okolja in obalnega območja Sredozemlja in njenih protokolov, podpisan 17. junija 2005 v Atenah in 22. avgusta 2005 v Sloveniji.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
WHEREAS at the 13th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution and its Protocols, held in Catania, 11–14 November 2003, the United Nations Environment Programme, Mediterranean Action Plan (hereinafter, referred to as “UNEP/MAP”) accepted the invitation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter, referred to as “the Government”) to hold the 14th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols, at Portoroz, Slovenia, and
WHEREAS the General Assembly of the United Nations, by paragraph 5 of section 1 of its resolution 31/140 of 17 December 1976, decided that sessions of United Nations bodies may be held away from their established headquarters when the Government issuing the invitation for a session to be held within its territory has agreed to defray, after consultations with the Secretary-General of the United Nations as to their nature and possible extent, the actual additional costs directly or indirectly incurred,
NOW THEREFORE, the Government and UNEP/MAP hereby, agree as follows:
Article I
Date and place of the Meeting
The meeting shall be held at Portoroz, Slovenia from 8 November 2005 to 11 November 2005.
Article II
Attendance at the Conference
1. The participants in the meeting shall be invited by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme in accordance with the “Rules of Procedure for meetings and conferences of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution, and its related Protocols” and shall include:
a) Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention;
b) Organizations that have received standing invitations from UNEP/MAP to participate in the meetings in the capacity of observers;
c) Specialized and related agencies of the United Nations;
d) Other intergovernmental organizations;
e) Non-governmental organizations, included in the MAP/NGO List of Partners;
f) Officials of the UNEP/MAP Secretariat;
g) Other persons invited by UNEP/MAP.
2. The Executive Director of UNEP or his representative shall designate the officials of UNEP/MAP assigned to attend the meeting for the purpose of servicing it.
3. The opening and closing sessions of the meeting shall be open to representatives of information media accredited by UNEP/MAP at its discretion after consultation with the Government.
Article III
Premises, equipment, utilities and supplies
1. The Government shall provide, for the duration of the Meeting the necessary premises, including conference rooms for formal and informal meetings, office space, working areas and other related facilities, as specified in Annex A hereto. The Government shall at its expense furnish, equip and maintain in good repair all these premises and facilities in a manner that UNEP/MAP considers adequate for the effective conduct of the Meeting. The conference rooms shall be equipped for reciprocal simultaneous interpretation as specified in Annex A, as well as facilities for the press, and sound recording from the floor. The premises shall be treated as United Nations premises and shall remain at the disposal of UNEP/MAP 24 hours a day, from 2 days prior to the Meeting until the end of the Meeting.
2. The Government shall provide within the conference area a travel agency, and if possible bank, telephone, Internet and telefax facilities and a secretarial service centre equipped in consultation with UNEP/MAP, for the use of delegations to the Meeting.
3. The Government shall bear the cost of all necessary utility services incurred as a result of the meeting, including local telephone communications of the secretariat of the Meeting and its communications by telephone, or telefax with UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi and the UNEP/MAP office in Athens, when such communications are authorized by or on behalf of the Coordinator of UNEP/MAP.
4. The government shall bear the cost of transport and insurance charges, from UNEP/MAP, Athens, to the site of the Meeting and return, of all UNEP/MAP equipment and supplies required for the adequate functioning of the Meeting. UNEP/MAP shall determine the mode of shipment of such equipment and supplies.
Article IV
The Government shall ensure that adequate accommodation in hotels is available at reasonable commercial rates for persons participating in or attending the Meeting.
Article V
Medical facilities
1. Medical facilities adequate for first aid in emergencies shall be provided by the Government near the conference area.
2. For serious emergencies, the Government shall ensure immediate transportation and admission to a hospital.
Article VI
1. The Government shall provide transport between Ljubljana and Trieste airports and the conference area and principal hotels for the members of the UNEP/MAP Secretariat servicing the meeting upon their arrival and departure.
2. The Government shall provide transport for all participants and those attending the Meeting between the Ljubljana and Trieste airports, the principal hotels and the Meeting area.
3. The Government shall provide, if necessary, a car with driver for the official use by the principal officers and the Secretariat of the Meeting, as well as such other local transportation as is required by the Secretariat in connection with the Meeting.
Article VII
Police protection
The Government shall furnish such security measures as may be required to ensure the effective functioning of the Meeting in an atmosphere of security and tranquility free from interference of any kind. The competent authority shall work in close cooperation with a designated senior official of UNEP/MAP.
Article VIII
Local personnel
1. The Government shall appoint an English-speaking liaison officer who shall be responsible, in consultation with UNEP/MAP, for making and carrying out the administrative and personnel arrangements for the Meeting as required under this Agreement.
2. The Government shall recruit and provide an adequate number of local support personnel, necessary for the proper functioning of the Meeting. The exact requirements in this respect are specified in Annex B hereto. Some of these persons shall be available at least 2 days before the opening of the Meeting, as required by UNEP/MAP. UNEP/MAP shall provide the staff specified in Annex C hereto.
Article IX
Financial Arrangements
1. The Government shall cover the cost of the 14th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean and its Protocols, (Portoroz, 8–11 November 2005) as announced by its representative at the 13th Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution and its Protocols, (Catania, 11–14 November 2003). Such cost shall include, but not be restricted to:
– the actual additional cost of travel and staff entitlements of UNEP/MAP officials assigned to plan for, attend or service the Meeting, as specified in Annex C. Arrangements for the travel of UNEP/MAP officials and free-lance conference staff required to plan, attend or service the Meeting and for the shipment of any necessary equipment and supplies shall be made by the UNEP/MAP Secretariat in its related administrative practices regarding travel standards, baggage allowances, subsistence payments and terminal expenses;
– the cost of shipment of documents and equipment from Athens to Portoroz, respectively;
– the provision of the necessary Meeting premises and facilities as specified in Article III;
– the cost of all necessary Meeting premises and facilities as specified in Article III;
– the cost of all necessary utility services incurred as a result of the Meeting, as specified in Article III;
– the cost of providing transport for members of the UNEP/MAP secretariat servicing the Meeting and Representatives of the Contracting Parties as specified in article VI;
– the cost of furnishing police protection as specified in Article VII;
– the cost of providing a liaison officer and an adequate number of local support staff, as specified in Article VIII;
– the actual cost of travel, subsistence payments, fees and terminal expenses of the freelance conference staff assigned to service the Meeting, as specified in Annex D. Arrangements for the travel of the free-lance conference staff required to service the Meeting shall be made by the UNEP/MAP Secretariat in its related administrative practices regarding travel standards, baggage allowances, subsistence payments and terminal expenses;
– the estimated cost of overtime for conference staff, as specified in Annex D.
2. The total estimated cost referred to in paragraph 1 above to be covered by the Government amounts to Euro 166,671, paid wholly in Euro at a bank account, to be specified at a later stage, should reach UNEP Accounts not later than August 2005.
The UNEP/MAP Fund/Administrative Officer (Mr. Khaled Ben Salah) and a designated UNEP/MAP staff (Ms. A. Mabger) will be the only authorized persons to access this bank account as frequently as needed. Withdrawals/deposits are permitted only with the joint signatures of the both above mentioned designated staff.
3. The deposit required by paragraph 2 above, shall be used only to pay the obligations of UNEP/MAP in respect of the Meeting.
4. After the meeting, UNEP/MAP shall give the Government no later than the end of May 2006 a detailed set of certified accounts showing the actual costs incurred by UNEP/MAP and to be borne by the Government as set out in Annex D to this Agreement. These costs shall be expressed in United State dollars, using the United Nations official rate of exchange a the time the payments are made. UNEP/MAP, on the basis of this detailed set of accounts, shall refund to the Government before the end of 2006, any funds unspent out of the deposit required by paragraph 2 above. Similarly, the Government should report to UNEP/MAP any amounts overspent beyond the Host Country allocation due to sudden/unexpected rise in prices of agreed expenses. The UN fees for November 2005 for the Conference staff, as well as the UN November perdiem for Protoroz will be applicable. The final accounts shall be subject to audit as provided in the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, and the final adjustment of accounts shall be carried out by the Board of Auditors, whose determination shall be accepted as final by both the Government and UNEP/MAP.
Article X
1. The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any action, claim or other demand against UNEP/MAP or its officials and arising out of:
(a) Injury to persons or damage to or loss of property in the premises referred to in article II that are provided by or are under the control of the Government:
(b) Injury to persons or damage to or loss of property caused by, or incurred in using, the transport services referred to in Article VI that are provided by or are under the control of the Government;
(c) The employment for the Meeting of the personnel provided or arranged by the Government under article VIII.
2. The Government shall indemnify and hold harmless UNEP/MAP and its personnel in respect of any such action, claim or other demand.
Article XI
Privileges and immunities
1. The Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations of 13 February 1946, and on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized Agencies of 21 November 1947, to which the Republic of Slovenia is a party, shall be applicable in respect of the Meeting.
(a) In particular, the participants invited by UNEP/MAP shall have the status of experts on mission for the UN within the meaning of the Article VI of the Convention. Officials of the UN participating in or performing functions in connection with the meeting shall enjoy the privileges and immunities provided under Articles V and VII of the Convention. Officials of the specialized agencies participating in the meeting shall be accorded the privileges and immunities provided under Articles VI and VIII of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies.
(b) Without prejudice to the provision of the Conventions on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN and the Specialized Agencies, all participants and persons performing functions in connection with the Meeting shall enjoy privileges, immunities and facilities necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Meeting.
(c) The personnel provided by the Government pursuant to this Agreement shall enjoy immunity from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and any act performed by them in their official capacity in connection with the Meeting.
2. All participants and all persons performing functions in connection with the Meeting shall have the right of unimpeded entry into and exit from the Republic of Slovenia. They shall be granted facilities for speedy travel. Visas and entry permits, where required, shall be granted as speedily as possible, provided the application for the visa is made at least three weeks before the opening of the Meeting.
3. The rooms, offices and facilities, as well as the means of transportation, put at the disposal of the Meeting by the Government shall constitute United Nations premises and properties for the duration of the Meeting within the meaning of Article II of the Convention of 13 February 1946.
4. The Government shall allow the temporary importation, tax-free and duty-free, of all equipment, including technical equipment accompanying representatives of information media, and shall waive import duties and taxes on supplies necessary for the Meeting. It shall issue without delay any necessary import and export permits for this purpose.
Article XII
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute between UNEP/MAP and the Government concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement that is not settled by negotiation or other agreed means of settlement shall be submitted at the request of either party for final decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators, one of whom shall be appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, one by the Government and the third, who shall be the chairman, by the other two arbitrators. If either party fails to appoint an arbitrator within 60 days of the appointment by the other party, or if the first two arbitrators fail to agree on the third arbitrator within 60 days of their appointment, then such arbitrator shall be appointed by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of either party to the dispute. However, any such dispute that involves a question regulated by the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations shall be dealt with in accordance with section 30 of that Convention.
Article XIII
Final provisions
1. This Agreement may be modified by written agreement between UNEP/MAP and the Government.
2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the notification of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia of the completion of the internal legal procedures for its entry into force, and shall remain in force for the duration of the meeting and for such period thereafter as is necessary for all matters relating to any of its provisions to be settled. The Agreement shall be applied provisionally as from upon its signature.
SIGNED this 17th day of June 2005 in Athens and at 22nd August 2005 Slovenia, in duplicate in English being the authentic text.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Janez Podobnik (s)
Paul Mifsud (s)
1. Meetings Rooms and Offices
• A meeting room from 6 November, from 09.00h, through 11 November 2005 to accommodate approximately 160 participants, classroom style, equipped with tables, chairs, microphones, receivers, reciprocal simultaneous interpretation equipment between four languages (four interpretation booths), which conforms to the standards set by the Association of International Conference Interpreters (AIIC), and facilities for sound recording from the floor;
• A meeting room from 6 November, from 09.00h, through 11 November 2005 to accommodate approximately 30 participants, U shape, equipped with tables, chairs, microphones, receivers, reciprocal simultaneous interpretation equipment between two languages (two interpretation booths), which conforms to the standards set by the Association of International Conference Interpreters (AIIC), and facilities for sound recording from the floor;
• A large office, close to the meeting room, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005 to accommodate the Typists and Conference Officer. This office should be equipped with 15 large tables, 15 chairs, desk lamps, in-house telephone line, local telephone line, Internet connection, and 15 power extension cords with five (5) outlets;
• An area, close to the office of the typists, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005 to accommodate the report writers and translators who will service the meeting. This office should be equipped with 15 tables, 15 chairs, desk lamps, in-house telephone line, Internet connection and 6 power extension cords with three (3) outlets;
• An area outside the meeting room from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005 equipped with three large tables, three chairs, and in-house telephone line, to be used for registration of participants;
• An area or office close to the offices, from 7 November, 09.00 through 11 November 2005, equipped with one large table, 17 chairs, in-house telephone line and one power extension cords with three (3) outlets, to be used by the interpreters;
• One large office (or area), close to the office of the typists, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005, to be used for the photocopy machines. This area should be equipped with two large tables, three chairs;
• One office close to the meeting room, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005, to accommodate the Executive Director of UNEP. This office should be equipped with one desk, one arm-chair, one meeting table with 10 chairs, one personal computer, Internet connection, in-house telephone line, direct international telephone line and fax line;
• One office close to the meeting room, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005, to accommodate the MAP Coordinator. This office should be equipped with one desk, one arm-chair, one meeting table with 10 chairs, one personal computer, Internet connection, in-house telephone line and direct international telephone line;
• One office close to the meeting room, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005, to accommodate the MAP Deputy Coordinator. This office should be equipped with one desk, one arm-chair, four chairs, one personal computer, Internet connection, in-house telephone line, direct international telephone line and fax line;
• One large office, close to the meeting room from 6 November, through 11 November 2005 to accommodate the Substantive Officers of the meeting. This office should be equipped with 6 tables, 6 chairs, desk lamps, 3 power extension cords with three (3) outlets, in-house, three personal computers, Internet connection, in-house telephone line, direct international telephone line as well as fax;
• One office close to the meeting room, from 6 November, 09.00h, through 11 November 2005, to accommodate the MAP Information Officer. This office should be equipped with one desk, one table, six chairs, one personal computer, one printer, Internet connection, in-house telephone line, direct international telephone line and fax line;
• One large office, equipped with tables and chairs and the necessary facilities for the press (15 PCs with internet connection, 5 with Arabic software and Arabic keyboards, 4 with French software, one photocopier, two printers to be availabe on 7 November, 09.00h).
2. Other facilities in the Conference Area
• An area outside the meeting room, from 7 November (09.00H) through 11 November 2005, equipped with fax line (in-coming faxes), telephone line (in-coming calls), 5 personal computers (with Internet connection), one printer and a photocopy machine to be used by the participants. This office and equipment should be manned and supervised by Host Country personnel.
• Banking facilities;
• Travel Agency;
• First Aid Station.
3. Word Processing Equipment for the UNEP/MAP staff (to be available 6 November, 09.00h)
a) A total of 18 IBM PCs or compatibles with the following minimum hardware specifications:
• Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz (800MHz FSB) Processor, ATX motherboard based on the Intel 865 chipset or better, 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port, 4 USB ports, 2 PS/2 ports1 GB DDRAM (Dual Channel 400 MHZ), Intel PRO 100+ Management Adapter Network Interface Card, 40 GB hard disk drive SERIAL ATA, 3.5" Floppy disk drive, VGA card with 16 MB, 17" SVGA colour monitor (1024x768, 85Hz), PS/2 Mouse, PS/2 Keyboard 105 Keys US layout
b) 8 HP4050N laser printers or better and 1 colour inkjet;
c) PCS will be loaded with:
• MS Windows 2000 Professional SP4 (English version) or MS Windows XP Professional SP1 (English version), MS Office 2000, Antivirus software (Norton Antivirus 2002)
d) 50 3.5" HD diskettes
e) All the PCS should be connected to a peer-to-peer network with a 100 Mbs HUB.
f) Seven of the PCS should have access to Internet.
g) One of the PCS should be equipped with a CD Recorder, for backup purposes
4. Other Equipment
• Tape recording equipment and cassettes to record the meetings proceedings;
• Glasses, water jugs, gavel for the podium;
• 2 heavy duty photocopiers, capable of producing 60–80 copies per minute, with sorter and stapler (to be available on 6 November, 09.00h) for exclusive use by UNEP/MAP
• one photocopier for the Press
• one photocopier for the delegates
5. Stationery (to be available on 6 November, 09.00h) Stationery required for the proper functioning of the meetings.
• hand staplers and corresponding staples: 10
• big staple and corresponding staples: 2
• staple removers: 3
• scissors: 6
• punches: 4
• rolls of scotch tape: 5
• line pads, A4 size: 50 for the staff
• pads, A4: 160 for the delegates
• pencils: 30
• file folders, plastic: 50
• erasers: 5
• rulers: 10
• pens: 160 black for participants, 50 black for the staff, 50 blue for the staff, 30 red for the staff
• boxes of small paper clips:10
• boxes of large paper clips: 5
• boxes of rubber bands: 2
• reams of photocopying paper:150 reams (500 sheets per ream)
– 8 pocket-memos and 6 transcribers complete with earphones, foot pedals and cassettes to be used by the translators and conference typists.
• 1 liaison officer responsible for organizational arrangements for the duration of the meeting as well as for 2 days prior to the meetings and 1 day after the meeting;
• 4 information clerks English and/or French speaking for the period 7 November through 11 November 2005;
• 4 clerks English and/or French speaking for the period 7 November through 11 November 2005;
• adequate personnel to operate the simultaneous interpretation and tape recording equipment for the duration of the meeting;
• one electrician available for the period 6 November (09.00h) through 11 November 2005;
• one photocopy technician to be available on a 24 hours stand-by basis, for the period 6 November (09.00h) through 11 November 2005;
• one computer technician to be available on a 24 hours stand-by basis, for the period 6 November (09.00h) through 11 November 2005;
• Cleaners and other personnel required for the proper functioning of the meeting;
• 17 Interpreters, members of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), for the period 8 November through 11 November 2005;
• 18 Translators/RevisersReport Writers English, French, Spanish for the period 8 November through 11 November 2005;
• 9 Audio-Typists (3 French, 3 Spanish, 3 Arabic for the period 8 November through 11 November 2005;
• 2 Secretaries from MEDUNIT Athens for the period 6 November through 11 November 2005 to assist with the set-up of the documentation counter and registration desk, act as Secretaries to the Coordinator and Substantive Officers and service the meeting;
• 4 Audio-Typists from MEDUNIT Athens for the period 7 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Coordinator from UNEP/MAP for the period 7 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Deputy Coordinator from UNEP/MAP for the period 7 November through 14 November 2005;
• 1 Substantive Officer for the period 7 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 MEDPOL Coordinator for the period 8 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Disbursing Officer for the period 6 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Information Officer for the period 6 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Budget Assistant from MEDUNIT Athens for the period 6 November through 11 November 2005;
• 1 Conference Officer for the period 6 November through 11 December 2005;
• 1 Computer Expert for the period 6 November through 11 December 2005.
estimate as of 30 January 2004
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic
|                                                                In US Dollars|
|A. COST OF CONFERENCE STAFF:                                          |      |
|US$ 147,320                                                           |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|INTERPRETERS: US$62,135                                               |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|Salary of 17 internationally recruited interpreters X US$376 fee per  |31,960|
|day X 4 days, plus one fee for travel                                 |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 17                                    | 2,040|
|plus perdiem US$131 X 5 days (travel dates 7 November – 12 November) X|11,135|
|17                                                                    |      |
|plus air-tickets US$1000 X 17                                         |17,000|
|                                                                      |      |
|REVISERS: US$58,050                                                   |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|Salary of 18 internationally recruited revisers X US$290 fee per day X|26,100|
|4 days, plus one fee for travel                                       |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 18                                    | 2,160|
|plus perdiem US$131 X 5 days (travel dates 7 November – 12 November) X|11,790|
|18                                                                    |      |
|plus air-tickets US$1000 X 18                                         |18,000|
|                                                                      |      |
|AUDIO-TYPISTS: US$27,135                                              |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|Salary of 9 internationally recruited typists X US$248 fee per day X 4|11,160|
|days, plus one fee for travel                                         |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 9                                     | 1,080|
|plus perdiem US$131 X 5 days (travel dates 7 November – 12 November) X| 5,895|
|9                                                                     |      |
|plus air-tickets US$1000 X 9                                          | 9,000|
|                                                                      |      |
|B. COST OF TRAVEL OF MEDU STAFF: US$30,365                            |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|1 Coordinator, 1 Deputy Coordinator X 5 perdiem for grade D-1 (travel | 1,310|
|dates 7 November – 12 November) USD$131 X 5 X 2                       |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 2                                     |   240|
|plus air-ticket US$1000 X 2                                           | 2,000|
|1 Substantive Officer, 1 Conference Officer,                          | 5,502|
|1 Computer Expert, 1 Disbursing officer,                              |      |
|2 Secretaries X 7 perdiem US$131                                      |      |
|(travel dates 5 November – 12 November) X 6                           |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 6                                     |   720|
|plus air-ticket US$1000 X 6                                           | 6,000|
|1 Information Officer, 1 Budget Assistant, 1 Secretary, X 6 perdiem   | 2,358|
|US$131 (travel dates 6 November – 12 November) x 3                    |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 3                                     |   360|
|plus air-ticket US$1000 X 3                                           |  3000|
|4 typists X 5 perdiem US$131 (travel dates 7 November – 12 November)  | 2,620|
|plus terminal expenses US$120 X 4                                     |   480|
|plus air-ticket US$1000 X 4                                           | 4,000|
|1 MEDPOL Coordinator X 5 perdiem US$131 (travel dates 7 November – 12 |   655|
|November)                                                             |      |
|plus terminal expenses US$120                                         |   120|
|plus air-ticket US$1000                                               | 1,000|
|                                                                      |      |
|C. MISCELLANEOUS including shipping of documents and equipment        | 8,000|
|Athens/Portoroz/Athens                                                |      |
|plus 10% contingencies (including overtime of free-lance conference   |18,569|
|staff)                                                                |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|Grand total                                                       US$204,254 |
UN Perdiem Jan 04 for Portoroz:                         US$131,00
UN net fee per day for Interpreters Jan 04              US$376,00
UN net fee per day for Revisers Jan 04                  US$289,35
UN net fee per day for Typists Jan 04                   US$248,00
(Admin. Instruction in SF
GLEDE NA TO, da je Sredozemski akcijski načrt v okviru Programa Združenih narodov za okolje (v nadaljevanju »UNEP/MAP«) na 13. rednem zasedanju pogodbenic Konvencije o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaženjem sprejel povabilo Vlade Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju »vlada«), naj bo 14. redno zasedanje pogodbenic Konvencije za varstvo morskega okolja in obalnega območja Sredozemlja ter njenih protokolov v Portorožu v Sloveniji in
GLEDE NA TO, da je Generalna skupščina Združenih narodov s petim odstavkom 1. poglavja svoje resolucije 31/140 z dne 17. decembra 1976 odločila, da so lahko zasedanja organov Združenih narodov zunaj njihovega stalnega sedeža, kadar vlada, ki izda povabilo za zasedanje na svojem ozemlju, po posvetu z generalnim sekretarjem Združenih narodov glede vrste in mogoče višine dejanskih dodatnih neposrednih ali posrednih stroškov soglaša s tem, da bo krila te stroške, se
ZARADI TEGA vlada in UNEP/MAP sporazumeta, kot sledi:
1. člen
Datum in kraj zasedanja
Zasedanje bo od 8. do 11. novembra 2005 v Portorožu v Sloveniji.
2. člen
Udeležba na konferenci
1. Izvršni direktor Programa Združenih narodov za okolje bo udeležence povabil na zasedanje v skladu s Poslovnikom za srečanja in konference pogodbenic Konvencije o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaženjem in z njo povezanih protokolov. Med udeleženci so:
a) pogodbenice Barcelonske konvencije;
b) organizacije, ki so prejele uradna vabila UNEP/MAP, da se udeležujejo srečanj kot opazovalke;
c) specializirane in z njimi povezane agencije Združenih narodov;
d) druge medvladne organizacije;
e) nevladne organizacije, vključene na seznam sodelujočih pri MAP/NVO;
f) uslužbenci Sekretariata UNEP/MAP;
g) druge osebe, ki jih povabi UNEP/MAP.
2. Izvršni direktor UNEP ali njegov predstavnik imenujeta uradnike UNEP/MAP, ki se bodo udeleževali sestankov, da bodo pomagali pri delu.
3. Začetkov in sklepnih delov zasedanj se lahko udeležijo predstavniki sredstev obveščanja, ki jih UNEP/MAP akreditira po lastni presoji in posvetu z vlado.
3. člen
Prostori, oprema, priključki in pisarniški material
1. Vlada zagotovi za zasedanje potrebne prostore, vključno s sejnimi dvoranami za uradna in neuradna srečanja, pisarne, delovne površine in druge s tem povezane ugodnosti in sredstva, kot je določeno v prilogi A k temu sporazumu. Vlada za svoje stroške oskrbi, opremi in vzdržuje vse te prostore in pripomočke v dobrem stanju, tako kot je po mnenju UNEP/MAP ustrezno za učinkovito vodenje zasedanja. Sejne dvorane so opremljene za izmenično simultano tolmačenje, kot je določeno v prilogi A, ter opremo za novinarje in tonsko snemanje na zasedanju. Prostori se štejejo za prostore Združenih narodov in so UNEP/MAP na razpolago 24 ur dnevno, in sicer dva dni pred zasedanjem pa vse do konca zasedanja.
2. Vlada na kraju zasedanja zagotovi potovalno agencijo in po možnosti bančne storitve, povezave za telefon, internet in telefaks ter sekretariat, opremljen po posvetu z UNEP/MAP za potrebe delegacij, ki se udeležujejo zasedanja.
3. Vlada krije stroške za vse potrebne priključke, nastale v zvezi z zasedanjem, vključno z lokalnimi telefonskimi povezavami sekretariata zasedanja in njegovimi povezavami za telefon in telefaks s sedežem UNEP v Nairobiju in pisarno UNEP/MAP v Atenah, kadar jih odobri koordinator UNEP/MAP ali so opravljene v njegovem imenu.
4. Vlada krije stroške prevoza in zavarovanja celotne opreme in pisarniškega gradiva UNEP/MAP, potrebna za ustrezno delovanje zasedanja, od sedeža UNEP/MAP v Atenah do kraja zasedanja in nazaj. UNEP/MAP določi način prevoza take opreme in gradiva.
4. člen
Vlada zagotovi, da je osebam, ki sodelujejo na zasedanju ali se ga udeležujejo, na razpolago ustrezna nastanitev v hotelih po razumnih prodajnih cenah.
5. člen
Zdravstvene storitve
1. Vlada v bližini kraja zasedanja zagotovi ustrezne zdravstvene storitve prve pomoči.
2. Ob nujnih primerih vlada zagotovi takojšen prevoz do bolnišnice in bolnišnično oskrbo.
6. člen
1. Vlada članom Sekretariata UNEP/MAP, ki po svojem prihodu in odhodu opravljajo različne naloge, potrebne za zasedanje, zagotovi prevoz z letališč Ljubljana in Trst do kraja zasedanja in glavnih hotelov.
2. Vlada vsem udeležencem zasedanja zagotovi prevoz z letališč Ljubljana in Trst do kraja zasedanja in glavnih hotelov.
3. Vlada glavnim funkcionarjem in sekretariatu zasedanja po potrebi zagotovi vozilo z voznikom za službene namene ter druge lokalne prevoze, ki jih zahteva sekretariat v zvezi z zasedanjem.
7. člen
Policijsko varstvo
Vlada zagotovi morebitne varnostne ukrepe, potrebne za učinkovito delovanje zasedanja, v varnem in mirnem vzdušju ter brez kakršnih koli motenj. Pristojni organ tesno sodeluje z imenovanim višjim funkcionarjem UNEP/MAP.
8. člen
Lokalno osebje
1. Vlada imenuje angleško govorečega uradnika za zvezo, ki je po posvetu z UNEP/MAP odgovoren za sklenitev in izvajanje administrativnih in kadrovskih dogovorov za zasedanje, določenih po tem sporazumu.
2. Vlada najame in zagotovi ustrezno število lokalnega osebja za podporo, potrebnega za uspešen potek zasedanja. Podrobne zahteve v tem pogledu so navedene v prilogi B k temu sporazumu. Nekatere osebe so po naročilu UNEP/MAP na razpolago vsaj dva dni pred začetkom zasedanja. UNEP/MAP pa zagotovi osebje, določeno v prilogi C k temu sporazumu.
9. člen
Finančni dogovori
1. Vlada krije stroške 14. rednega zasedanja pogodbenic Konvencije za varstvo morskega okolja in obalnega območja Sredozemlja ter njenih protokolov (Portorož, 8.–11. november 2005), kot je njen predstavnik naznanil na 13. rednem zasedanju pogodbenic Konvencije o varstvu Sredozemskega morja pred onesnaženjem in njenih protokolov (Catania, 11.–14. november 2003). Ti stroški med drugim vključujejo:
– dejanske dodatne stroške v zvezi s potovanjem in pravicami osebja UNEP/MAP, določenega, da načrtuje storitve za zasedanje, se ga udeležuje ali opravlja naloge zanj, kot je to določeno v prilogi C. Dogovore za potovanje uradnikov UNEP/MAP in neodvisnega konferenčnega osebja, potrebnega za načrtovanje, oskrbovanje ali opravljanje nalog za zasedanje ter pošiljanje potrebne opreme in gradiva, sklepa Sekretariat UNEP/MAP v skladu s tem povezano administrativno prakso glede standarda potovanja, dodatka za prtljago, dnevnic in dodatnih stroškov;
– stroške pošiljanja dokumentov in opreme od Aten do Portoroža;
– zagotovitev potrebnih prostorov in pripomočkov za zasedanje, kot je določeno v 3. členu;
– stroške v zvezi z vsemi potrebnimi priključki, nastale v zvezi z zasedanjem, kot je opredeljeno v 3. členu;
– stroške zagotavljanja prevoza za člane Sekretariata UNEP/MAP, ki opravljajo naloge, povezane z zasedanjem, in za predstavnike pogodbenic iz 6. člena;
– stroške zagotavljanja policijskega varstva, kot je opredeljeno v 7. členu;
– stroške zagotovitve uradnika za zvezo in ustreznega števila lokalnega osebja za podporo, kot je opredeljeno v 8. členu;
– dejanske stroške potovanja, dnevnic, honorarjev in dodatnih stroškov neodvisnega konferenčnega osebja, določenega za opravljanje storitev za zasedanje, kot je določeno v prilogi D. Dogovore za potovanje neodvisnega konferenčnega osebja, potrebnega za oskrbo zasedanja, sklepa Sekretariat UNEP/MAP v skladu s tem povezano administrativno prakso glede standarda potovanja, dodatka za prtljago, dnevnic in dodatnih stroškov;
– ocenjene stroške nadur konferenčnega osebja, kot je določeno v prilogi D.
2. Skupni ocenjeni stroški iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ki jih krije vlada, znašajo 166.671 evrov in se v celoti plačajo v evrih na bančni račun UNEP, ki bo določen pozneje, in to najpozneje avgusta 2005.
Upravitelj sklada UNEP/MAP (g. Khaled Ben Salah) in uradno imenovana oseba UNEP/MAP (ga. A. Mabger) bosta edini osebi, ki bosta imeli dostop do tega bančnega računa, kolikorkrat bo potrebno. Denarni dvigi/pologi so dovoljeni le s skupnim podpisom obeh navedenih pooblaščenih oseb.
3. Pologi iz drugega odstavka tega člena se smejo uporabiti samo za plačilo obveznosti UNEP/MAP v zvezi z zasedanjem.
4. UNEP/MAP po koncu zasedanja, najpozneje pa konca maja 2006, izroči vladi popolno dokumentacijo potrjenih finančnih poročil o dejanskih stroških, nastalih pri UNEP/MAP, ki jih mora kriti vlada, kot je predvideno v prilogi D k temu sporazumu. Ti stroški so izraženi v ameriških dolarjih po uradnem menjalnem tečaju Združenih narodov ob plačilu. UNEP/MAP na podlagi teh finančnih poročil še pred koncem leta 2006 vrne vladi vsa neporabljena sredstva, ki so bila položena na podlagi drugega odstavka tega člena. Podobno mora tudi vlada poročati UNEP/MAP o vseh čezmerno porabljenih zneskih glede na sredstva, dodeljena državi gostiteljici, kot posledici nenadnega/nepričakovanega dviga cen dogovorjenih stroškov. Za konferenčno osebje se uporabljajo tarife Združenih narodov, veljavne za november 2005, in dnevnice za Portorož, veljavne prav tako za november 2005. Opravljena bo revizija končnih obračunov, kot je določeno v finančnih predpisih in pravilniku Združenih narodov, medtem ko jih bo končno uskladila nadzorna komisija, njeno končno odločitev pa sprejela vlada in UNEP/MAP.
10. člen
1. Vlada je odgovorna za obravnavo vseh tožb, zahtevkov ali drugih zahtev do UNEP/MAP ali njegovih uradnikov, uvedenih zaradi:
a) telesne poškodbe ali škode na premoženju ali njegove izgube v prostorih iz 2. člena, ki jih zagotovi vlada ali so pod njenim nadzorom;
b) telesne poškodbe ali škode na premoženju ali njegove izgube, povzročene ali nastale pri uporabi prevoznih storitev iz 4. člena, ki jih zagotovi vlada ali so pod njenim nadzorom;
c) najema osebja za zasedanje, ki ga na podlagi 8. člena zagotovi ali organizira vlada.
2. Vlada poravna škodo UNEP/MAP in njegovemu osebju ter ju zavaruje pred vsakršno tovrstno tožbo, zahtevkom ali drugimi takimi zahtevami.
11. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete
1. Za zasedanje se uporabljata Konvencija o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov z dne 13. februarja 1946 in Konvencija o privilegijih in imunitetah specializiranih agencij z dne 21. novembra 1947, katerih pogodbenica je Republika Slovenija.
a) Predvsem udeleženci, ki jih povabi UNEP/MAP, imajo po 6. členu konvencije status strokovnjakov na službenem potovanju za potrebe Združenih narodov. Uradniki Združenih narodov, ki se udeležujejo zasedanja ali opravljajo naloge v zvezi z njim, uživajo privilegije in imunitete, zagotovljene po 5. in 7. členu konvencije. Uradnikom specializiranih agencij, ki se udeležijo zasedanja, se priznajo privilegiji in imunitete, zagotovljeni po 6. in 8. členu Konvencije o privilegijih in imunitetah specializiranih agencij.
b) Ne glede na Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov in Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah specializiranih agencij vsi udeleženci in osebe, ki opravljajo naloge v zvezi z zasedanjem, uživajo privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti, potrebne za neodvisno opravljanje njihovih nalog v zvezi z zasedanjem.
c) Osebje, ki ga po tem sporazumu zagotovi vlada, uživa imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom v zvezi z izrečenimi ali napisanimi besedami in vsakršnimi dejanji, storjenimi pri opravljanju naloge v zvezi z zasedanjem.
2. Vsi udeleženci in vse osebe, ki opravljajo naloge v zvezi z zasedanjem, imajo pravico do neoviranega vstopa v Republiko Slovenijo in izstopa iz nje. Zagotovljene so jim ugodnosti za hitro potovanje. Če so zahtevani vizumi in vstopna dovoljenja, so jim izdani, kakor hitro je mogoče, če je vloga za njihovo izdajo vložena vsaj tri tedne pred začetkom zasedanja.
3. Prostori, pisarne in pripomočki ter prevozna sredstva, ki jih da vlada na razpolago zasedanju po 2. členu konvencije z dne 13. februarja 1946 med trajanjem zasedanja, so prostori in premoženje Združenih narodov.
4. Vlada omogoči začasen uvoz vse opreme brez davkov in carin, vključno s tehnično opremo, ki jo imajo s seboj predstavniki sredstev javnega obveščanja, in se odreče uvoznim dajatvam in davkom za pisarniško gradivo, potrebno za zasedanje. V ta namen nemudoma izda vsa potrebna uvozna in izvozna dovoljenja.
12. člen
Reševanje sporov
Vse spore med UNEP/MAP in vlado v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma, ki niso rešeni s pogajanjem ali na drug dogovorjen način reševanja, se na zahtevo ene ali druge stranke predložijo v končno odločitev razsodišču treh razsodnikov, od katerih enega imenuje generalni sekretar Združenih narodov, drugega vlada, tretjega, ki je predsednik, pa imenujeta prva dva razsodnika. Če ena stranka ne imenuje razsodnika v 60 dneh po tem, ko je razsodnika imenovala druga stranka, ali če se prva dva razsodnika ne sporazumeta o tretjem razsodniku v 60 dneh po svojem imenovanju, potem tretjega razsodnika na zahtevo ene in druge stranke v sporu imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča. Tak spor, povezan z vprašanjem, ki ga ureja Konvencija o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov, se obravnava v skladu s 30. poglavjem te konvencije.
13. člen
Končne določbe
1. Sporazum se lahko spremeni s pisnim sporazumom med UNEP/MAP in vlado.
2. Sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema uradnega obvestila Vlade Republike Slovenije o dokončanju vseh notranjepravnih postopkov za začetek njegove veljavnosti in velja med zasedanjem in toliko časa po njem, kot je potrebno za rešitev vseh vprašanj, povezanih z njegovimi določbami. Sporazum se začasno uporablja od dne, ko je podpisan.
PODPISANO dne 17. junija 2005 v Atenah in 22. avgusta 2005 v Sloveniji v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik l.r.
Paul Mifsud l.r.
1. Sejne sobe in pisarne, ki morajo biti na razpolago
od 6. novembra do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure:
– sejna soba, ki sprejme okoli 160 udeležencev, v razporeditvi šolskega razreda, opremljena z mizami, stoli, mikrofoni, slušalkami, opremo za simultano tolmačenje v štirih jezikih (štiri kabine), kar je v skladu s standardi Združenja mednarodnih konferenčnih tolmačev (AIIC), in z opremo za tonsko snemanje na zasedanju;
– sejna soba, ki sprejme okoli 30 udeležencev, U-oblike, opremljena z mizami, stoli, mikrofoni, slušalkami, opremo za simultano tolmačenje v dveh jezikih (dve kabini), kar je v skladu s standardi Združenja mednarodnih konferenčnih tolmačev (AIIC), in z opremo za tonsko snemanje na zasedanju;
– večja pisarna tik ob sejni sobi za strojepiske in konferenčnega uradnika. Pisarna mora biti opremljena s 15 velikimi mizami, 15 stoli, namiznimi lučmi, interno telefonsko povezavo, lokalno telefonsko povezavo, priključkom na internet in 15 električnimi podaljški s petimi (5) vtičnicami;
– prostor za poročevalce in prevajalce, ki bodo opravljali naloge za zasedanje, blizu pisarne za strojepiske. Prostor mora biti opremljen s 15 mizami, 15 stoli, namiznimi lučmi, interno telefonsko povezavo, lokalno telefonsko povezavo, priključkom na internet in šestimi (6) električnimi podaljški s tremi (3) vtičnicami;
od 7. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure:
– prostor zunaj sejne sobe za prijavo udeležencev, opremljen s tremi velikimi mizami, tremi stoli in interno telefonsko povezavo;
– prostor ali pisarna za konferenčne tolmače blizu pisarn, opremljena z eno veliko mizo, 17 stoli, interno telefonsko povezavo in enim električnim podaljškom s tremi (3) vtičnicami;
od 6. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure:
– ena večja pisarna (ali prostor) za namestitev fotokopirnih strojev blizu pisarne strojepisk. Prostor mora biti opremljen z dvema velikima mizama in tremi stoli;
– ena pisarna tik ob sejni sobi za izvršnega direktorja UNEP. Pisarna mora biti opremljena z eno pisalno mizo, enim naslanjačem, eno sejno mizo z desetimi stoli, enim osebnim računalnikom, priključkom na internet, interno telefonsko povezavo, neposredno mednarodno telefonsko povezavo in povezavo za telefaks;
– ena pisarna tik ob sejni sobi za koordinatorja MAP. Pisarna mora biti opremljena z eno pisalno mizo, enim naslanjačem, eno sejno mizo z desetimi stoli, enim osebnim računalnikom, priključkom na internet, interno telefonsko povezavo in neposredno mednarodno telefonsko povezavo;
– ena pisarna tik ob sejni sobi za namestnika koordinatorja MAP. Pisarna mora biti opremljena z eno pisalno mizo, enim naslanjačem, štirimi stoli, enim osebnim računalnikom, priključkom na internet, interno telefonsko povezavo, neposredno mednarodno telefonsko povezavo in povezavo za telefaks;
– ena večja pisarna blizu sejne sobe za tematske uradnike zasedanja. Pisarna mora biti opremljena s šestimi mizami, šestimi stoli, namiznimi lučmi, tremi električnimi podaljški s tremi (3) vtičnicami, tremi osebnimi računalniki, priključkom na internet, interno telefonsko povezavo, neposredno mednarodno telefonsko povezavo ter telefaksom;
– ena pisarna tik ob sejni sobi za uradnika MAP za obveščanje. Pisarna mora biti opremljena z eno pisalno mizo, eno mizo, šestimi stoli, enim osebnim računalnikom, enim tiskalnikom, priključkom na internet, interno telefonsko povezavo, neposredno mednarodno telefonsko povezavo in povezavo za telefaks;
7. novembra od 9. ure
– ena večja pisarna, opremljena z mizami in stoli ter potrebnimi napravami za novinarje (15 osebnih računalnikov z dostopom do interneta, pet z arabsko programsko opremo in arabskimi tipkovnicami, štiri s francosko programsko opremo, en fotokopirni stroj in dva tiskalnika).
2. Druge storitve na kraju zasedanja
7. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure
– prostor zunaj sejne sobe za udeležence, opremljen s priključkom za telefaks (vhodna telefaks sporočila), telefonsko povezavo (vhodni klici), petimi osebnimi računalniki (z dostopom do interneta), enim tiskalnikom in fotokopirnim strojem. Pisarno in opremo upravlja in nadzoruje osebje države gostiteljice.
– bančne storitve;
– potovalna agencija;
– ambulanta prve pomoči.
3. Oprema za urejevanje besedil za osebje UNEP/MAP (6. novembra od 9. ure):
a) skupaj 18 osebnih računalnikov IBM ali drugih, ki ustrezajo navedenim nujnim specifikacijam za strojno opremo:
– procesor Intel Pentium 4 2,4GHz (800MHz FSB), matična plošča, ki temelji na kompletu mikrovezja Intel 865 ali boljšem, 2 serijska vhoda, 1 vzporedni vhod, 4 vhodi USB, 2 PS/2 vhoda 1GB DDRAM (dvokanalni 400 MHZ), Intel PRO 100+kartični vmesnik za Management Adapter, pogon trdega diska 40 GB SERIAL ATA, 3,5-palčni disketni pogon, kartica VGA s 16 MB, 17-palčni barvni monitor SVGA (1024 x 768, 85 Hz), miška PS/2, tipkovnica PS/2 105 z ameriškim razporedom;
b) osem laserskih tiskalnikov HP4050N ali boljših in ena brizgalna barvna kartuša;
c) osebni računalniki so naloženi z računalniškim programom:
– MS Windows 2000 Professional SP4 (angleška različica) ali MS Windows XP Professional SP1 (angleška različica), MS Office 2000, antivirusnim programom (Norton Antivirus 2002);
d) 50 3,5- palčnih disket;
e) vsi osebni računalniki morajo biti priključeni na omrežje enakovrednih računalnikov s 100 Mbs HUB;
f) sedem osebnih računalnikov mora imeti dostop do interneta;
g) eden od osebnih računalnikov mora biti opremljen z zapisovalnikom zgoščenk za varnostno kopiranje.
4. Druga oprema
– oprema za snemanje na magnetofonski trak in kasete za snemanje razprav med zasedanjem;
– kozarci, vrč za vodo in leseno kladivce za govorniški oder;
– dva visoko zmogljiva fotokopirna stroja za izključno uporabo UNEP/MAP, sposobna narediti 60–80 fotokopij v minuti, z napravo za razvrščanje in spenjanje (na razpolago 6. novembra od 9. ure);
– en fotokopirni stroj za novinarje;
– en fotokopirni stroj za delegate.
5. Pisalne potrebščine (na razpolago 6. novembra od 9. ure)
Pisalne potrebščine, potrebne za nemoten potek sestankov:
– ročni spenjalniki s pripadajočimi sponkami: 10
– velik spenjalnik s pripadajočimi sponkami: 2
– odstranjevalnik sponk: 3
– škarje: 6
– luknjači: 4
– zvitki prozornega lepilnega traku: 5
– pisalni bloki s črtami formata A 4: 50 za osebje
– pisalni bloki formata A 4: 160 za delegate
– svinčniki: 30
– plastične mape za dokumente: 50
– radirke: 5
– ravnila: 10
– pisala: 160 črnih za udeležence, 50 črnih za osebje, 50 modrih za osebje, 30 rdečih za osebje
– škatlice z majhnimi sponkami za papir: 10
– škatlice z velikimi sponkami za papir: 5
– škatlice z gumicami: 2
– zavitki papirja za fotokopiranje: 150 zavitkov (500 listov v zavitku)
– osem žepnih beležnic in šest naprav za transkribiranje skupaj s slušalkami, nožnimi pedali in kasetami za prevajalce in konferenčne strojepiske.
– en uradnik za zvezo, odgovoren za organizacijska vprašanja, med trajanjem zasedanja ter dva dni pred zasedanjem in en dan po zasedanju;
– štirje angleško in/ali francosko govoreči referenti za obveščanje od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– štirje angleško in/ali francosko govoreči pisarniški referenti od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– ustrezno osebje za upravljanje opreme za simultano tolmačenje in snemanje na magnetofonski trak med trajanjem zasedanja;
– en električar, na razpolago od 6. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure;
– en fotokopirni tehnik, ki je dežuren in na razpolago 24 ur na dan, od 6. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure;
– en računalniški tehnik, ki je dežuren in na razpolago 24 ur na dan, od 6. do 11. novembra 2005 od 9. ure;
– čistilke in drugo osebje, potrebno za ustrezno delovanje zasedanja.
– 17 tolmačev, članov Mednarodnega združenja konferenčnih tolmačev (AIIC), od 8. do 11. novembra 2005;
– 18 prevajalcev/redaktorjev/piscev poročil v angleškem, francoskem, in španskem jeziku od 8. do 11. novembra 2005;
– devet strojepisk za pisanje magnetogramov sej (tri za francoski, tri za španski in tri za arabski jezik) od 8. do 11. novembra 2005;
– dva tajnika iz delovne enote za morsko okolje (MEDUNIT) v Atenah od 6. do 11. novembra 2005 za pomoč pri organizaciji dokumentacijske službe in okenca za prijavo udeležencev, opravljanje tajniških poslov za koordinatorja in ključne uradnike zasedanja ter opravljanje različnih nalog za zasedanje;
– štiri strojepiske za pisanje magnetogramov sej iz delovne enote za morsko okolje (MEDUNIT) v Atenah od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega koordinatorja iz UNEP/MAP od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega namestnika koordinatorja iz UNEP/MAP od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega tematskega uradnika od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega koordinatorja raziskovanja onesnaževanja morskega okolja (MEDPOL) od 8. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega finančnega uradnika od 6. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega uradnika za obveščanje od 6. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega pomočnika za proračun iz delovne enote za morsko okolje (MEDUNIT) v Atenah od 7. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega konferenčnega uradnika od 6. do 11. novembra 2005;
– enega računalniškega strokovnjaka od 6. do 11. novembra 2005.
Predračun na dan 30. januarja 2004
Jeziki: angleški, francoski, španski, arabski
|                                                         v ameriških dolarjih|
|A. STROŠKI KONFERENČNEGA OSEBJA: 147.320 USD                          |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|TOLMAČI: 62.135 USD                                                   |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|plača 17 mednarodno najetih tolmačev x 376 USD/dan x štiri dniplus en |31.960|
|honorar za potovanje                                                  |      |
|plus dodatni stroški 120 USD x 17                                     |  2040|
|plus dnevnica 131 USD x pet dni (potovalna dneva 7. in 12. nov.) x 17 |11.135|
|plus letalske vozovnice 1000 USD x 17                                 |17.000|
|                                                                      |      |
|REDAKTORJI: 58.050 USD                                                |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|plača 18 mednarodno najetih redaktorjev x 290 USD/dan x štiri dniplus |26.100|
|en honorar za potovanje                                               |      |
|plus dodatni stroški 120 USD x 18                                     |  2160|
|plus dnevnica 131 USD x pet dni (potovalna dneva 7. in12. nov.) x 18  |11.790|
|plus letalske vozovnice 1000 USD x 18                                 |18.000|
|                                                                      |      |
|STROJEPISKE MAGNETOGRAMOV:                                            |      |
|27.125 USD                                                            |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|plača devetih mednarodno najetih strojepisk x 248 USD/dan x štiri     |11.160|
|dniplus en honorar za potovanje                                       |      |
|plus dodatni stroški 120 USD x devet                                  |  1080|
|plus dnevnica 131 USD x 5 dni                                         |  5895|
|(potovalna dneva 7. in 12. nov.) x devet                              |      |
|plus letalske vozovnice 1000 USD x devet                              |  9000|
|                                                                      |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|en koordinator, en namestnik koordinatorja x pet dnevnic za položaj D-|  1310|
|1 (potovalna dneva 7. in 12. nov.) 131 USD x pet x dva                |      |
|plus dodatni stroški: 120 USD x dva                                   |   240|
|plus letalska vozovnica: 1000 USD x dva                               |  2000|
|en tematski uradnik, en konferenčni uradnik, en računalniški          |  5502|
|strokovnjak, en finančni uradnik, dva tajnika x sedem dnevnic 131 USD |      |
|(potovalna dneva 5. in 12. nov.) x šest                               |      |
|plus dodatni stroški: 120 USD x šest                                  |   720|
|plus letalska vozovnica: 1000 USD x šest                              |  6000|
|en uradnik za obveščanje, en pomočnik za proračun, en tajnik x šest   |  2358|
|dnevnic 131 USD (potovalna dneva 6. in 12. nov.) x tri                |      |
|plus dodatni stroški: 120 USD x tri                                   |   360|
|plus letalska vozovnica: 1000 USD x tri                               |  3000|
|štiri strojepiske x pet dnevnic 131 USD (potovalna dneva 7. in 12.    |  2620|
|nov.)                                                                 |      |
|plus dodatni stroški: 120 USD x štiri                                 |   480|
|plus letalska vozovnica: 1000 USD x štiri                             |  4000|
|en koordinator raziskav o onesnaževanju morja (MEDPOL) x pet dnevnic  |   655|
|131 USD (potovalna dneva 7. in 12. nov.)                              |      |
|plus dodatni stroški: 120 USD                                         |   120|
|plus letalska vozovnica: 1000 USD                                     |  1000|
|                                                                      |      |
|C. RAZNO, vključno s pošiljanjem dokumentov in                        |  8000|
|opremeAtene/Portorož/Atene                                            |      |
|plus 10% nepredvidenih izdatkov (vključno z nadurnim delom neodvisnega|18.569|
|konferenčnega osebja)                                                 |      |
|                                                                      |      |
|VSE SKUPAJ                                                204.254 USD        |
Dnevnica Združenih narodov jan. 04
za Portorož:                                            131.00 USD
Neto tarifa Združenih narodov/dan
za konferenčne tolmače jan.04                           376,00 USD
Neto tarifa Združenih narodov/dan
za redaktorje jan. 04:                                  289,00 USD
Neto tarifa Združenih narodov/dan
za strojepiske jan. 04:                                 248,00 USD
(Upr. navodilo SF 309,30: 1,25)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-21/2006
Ljubljana, dne 6. aprila 2006
EVA 2006-1811- 0049
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.

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