Uradni list

Številka 34
Uradni list RS, št. 34/2004 z dne 8. 4. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 34/2004 z dne 8. 4. 2004


29. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola za uskladitev Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960 (MPEC), stran 3671.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola za uskladitev Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960 (MPEC), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 25. marca 2004.
Št. 001-22-27/04
Ljubljana, dne 2. aprila 2004
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol za uskladitev Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, podpisan v Bruslju 27. junija 1997.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v slovenskem in v angleškem jeziku glasi:*
upoštevaje, da razvoj zračnega prometa, potreba po poenotenju ukrepov nacionalne politike posameznih evropskih držav na evropsko raven in tehnološki razvoj zračnega prometa terjajo revizijo Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, dopolnjene s Protokolom z dne 12. februarja 1981 zaradi ustanovitve enovitega evropskega sistema upravljanja zračnega prometa za nadzor splošnega zračnega prometa v evropskem zračnem prostoru na letališčih in okoli njih;
upoštevaje, da bi bilo zaželeno okrepiti sodelovanje med državami v okviru EUROCONTROL-a zaradi učinkovite organizacije in varnega upravljanja zračnega prostora za civilne in za vojaške uporabnike, ki bi temeljilo na osnovnem načelu, da je treba z vidika uporabnikov zračnega prostora slednjega obravnavati kot nedeljiv sistem predvsem z oblikovanjem enotne politike, ciljev, načrtov, standardov in specifikacij, vključno z enotno politiko preletnih pristojbin ob posvetovanju z uporabniki storitev zračnega prometa in ustreznem upoštevanju obrambnih interesov;
upoštevaje potrebo, da bi vsem uporabnikom zračnega prostora zagotovili kar največjo učinkovitost ob najnižjih stroških v skladu z zahtevano stopnjo varnosti in s potrebo po zmanjšanju škodljivih učinkov na okolje na najmanjšo možno mero z usklajevanjem in povezavo služb, ki so pristojne za vodenje zračnega prometa v Evropi;
upoštevaje, da pogodbenice priznavajo potrebo po harmonizaciji in integraciji svojih sistemov za upravljanje zračnega prometa, da bi vzpostavile enovit evropski sistem upravljanja zračnega prometa;
upoštevaje pomembnost lokalnih pobud pri upravljanju zračnega prometa, zlasti na ravni letališč;
upoštevaje, da delovanje enotnega sistema preletnih pristojbin z doslednim upoštevanjem smernic, ki jih je priporočila Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva, zlasti kar zadeva nepristranskost in javnost, sestavlja finančno osnovo enovitega evropskega sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa in poenostavlja posvetovanje z uporabniki;
upoštevaje, da EUROCONTROL za pogodbenice pomeni organ za sodelovanje na področju upravljanja zračnega prometa;
v želji, da bi razširile in okrepile sodelovanje z evropskimi ali mednarodnimi ustanovami, ki imajo interes pri opravljanju nalog, zaupanih EUROCONTROL-u, da bi povečali njegovo učinkovitost;
upoštevaje torej, da bi bilo smotrno vzpostaviti mednarodni sistem za upravljanje zračnega prometa, ki bo deloval onkraj ozemeljskih omejitev posamezne pogodbenice v celotnem zračnem prostoru, ki ga konvencija zajema;
upoštevaje, da je za pogodbenice pomembno Organizaciji zagotoviti pravna sredstva, ki so pomembna za izpolnitev njenih nalog, zlasti pri izterjavi preletnih pristojbin in pri upravljanju pretoka zračnega prometa;
priznavajoč, da bo k varnemu in učinkovitemu uresničevanju nalog Organizacije prispevalo, kjer je v praksi izvedljivo, ločevanje funkcije sprejemanja predpisov od od funkcije opravljanja storitev;
v želji spodbuditi druge evropske države, da postanejo članice te mednarodne organizacije;
sklenejo, kot sledi:
I. člen
Mednarodna konvencija EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, ki je bila dopolnjena s Protokolom z dne 6. julija 1970, ta pa je bil dopolnjen s Protokolom z dne 21. novembra 1978, vse to pa s Protokolom z dne 12. februarja 1981, v nadaljevanju "konvencija", se s tem nadomesti s priloženim prečiščenim besedilom konvencije, ki vključuje besedilo konvencije, ki še velja, in dopolnila, ki jih je sprejela Diplomatska konferenca dne 27. junija 1997.
II. člen
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis vsem državam pogodbenicam konvencije 27. junija 1997.
Prav tako bo pred dnem, ko začne veljati, na voljo za podpis vsem drugim državam, ki so bile povabljene na Diplomatsko konferenco, ki je ta protokol sprejela, in kateri koli drugi državi, ki jo je Stalna komisija pooblastila, da ga podpiše s soglasnim sklepom Stalne komisije.
2. Ta protokol se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri Vladi Kraljevine Belgije.
3. Ta protokol začne veljati 1. januarja 2000, če ga do tega datuma vse države pogodbenice konvencije ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo. Če ta pogoj ni izpolnjen, protokol začne veljati bodisi 1. julija ali 1. januarja po datumu deponiranja zadnje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi, glede na to, ali je ta listina deponirana v prvi ali v drugi polovici leta.
4. Če ta protokol podpiše država, ki ni pogodbenica konvencije in katere listina o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponira po datumu, ko ta protokol začne veljati, bo le-ta za zadevno državo začel veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po deponiranju te listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
5. Vsaka država, ki podpiše ta protokol, a ni pogodbenica konvencije, postane podpisnica konvencije, s tem ko ta protokol ratificira, sprejme ali odobri.
6. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvesti vlade drugih držav pogodbenic konvencije in vse druge države podpisnice tega protokola o vsakem podpisu, vsakem deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi in o vsakem datumu začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu s 3. in 4. odstavkom zgoraj.
III. člen
Ko ta protokol začne veljati, se protokol z dne 6. julija 1970, ki je bil dopolnjen s Protokolom z dne 21. novembra 1978 in z XXXVIII. členom Protokola z dne 12. februarja 1981, nadomesti s Prilogo III (z naslovom "Davčne določbe") k priloženi prečiščeni verziji besedila konvencije.
IV. člen
Ko ta protokol začne veljati, preneha veljati Večstranski sporazum o pristojbinah na zračnih poteh z dne 12. februarja 1981 in ga nadomestijo ustrezne določbe priložene prečiščenega besedila konvencije, vključno z njeno Prilogo IV (z naslovom: "Določbe, ki se nanašajo na enotni sistem preletnih pristojbin").
V. člen
Vlada Kraljevine Belgije ta protokol registrira pri Generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov v skladu s 102. členom Listine Združenih narodov in pri Svetu Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva v skladu s 83. členom Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, podpisane v Čikagu 7. decembra 1944.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so izkazali svoja pooblastila, za katera je bilo ugotovljeno, da so v skladu s pravili, podpisali ta protokol.
SESTAVLJENO v Bruslju 27. junija 1997 v angleškem, bolgarskem, češkem, danskem, francoskem, grškem, hrvaškem, italijanskem, madžarskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, norveškem, portugalskem, romunskem, slovaškem, slovenskem, španskem, švedskem in turškem jeziku v enem samem izvirniku, ki se deponira v arhivu Vlade Kraljevine Belgije, ki vladam drugih držav podpisnic pošlje overjene kopije. V primeru neskladnosti velja besedilo v francoskem jeziku.
1. člen
1. Da bi dosegle harmonizacijo in integracijo za vzpostavitev enotnega Evropskega sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa, pogodbenice soglašajo, da bodo še naprej krepile sodelovanje in razvijale enotne dejavnosti na področju zračne plovbe ob ustreznem upoštevanju obrambnih potreb in omogočanju kar največje svobode vsem uporabnikom zračnega prostora v skladu z zahtevami varnosti pri zagotavljanju racionalnih storitev zračnega prometa in ob upoštevanju potrebe po kar največjem zmanjševanju vplivov na okolje, kjer je to operativno, tehnično in ekonomsko izvedljivo.
Doseganje teh ciljev ne sme vplivati na načelo, da ima vsaka država popolno in izključno suverenost nad zračnim prostorom nad svojim ozemljem, niti na možnost vsake države, da postavlja pogoje v zvezi z varnostjo in zračno obrambo v svojem nacionalnem zračnem prostoru.
S tem namenom se dogovorijo:
(a) da bodo določale evropsko politiko na področju upravljanja zračnega prometa, vključno z opredelitvijo strategije in programov, katerih cilj je povečevati zmogljivost, ki je potrebna za izpolnjevanje zahtev vseh civilnih in vojaških uporabnikov na racionalen način z ohranitvijo zahtevane stopnje varnosti;
(b) da se bodo zavezale vzpostaviti posebne cilje, kar zadeva učinkovitost in racionalnost vodenja operacij zračnega prometa v svojih letalskih informativnih območjih, kot so navedena v Prilogi II k tej konvenciji, s katerim so se države na podlagi ustreznih določb Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu sporazumele o opravljanju storitev zračnega prometa ne glede na načela prostega gibanja v zračnem prostoru, za katerega ne velja suverenost države, ki izhaja iz konvencij, mednarodnih sporazumov in pravil ali načel običajnega mednarodnega javnega prava;
(c) da bodo vključile mehanizme za preverjanje zmogljivosti zračnega prometa in sistem za določanje ciljev;
(d) uresničevale skupen načrt usklajevanja in delovanja storitev in naprav zračne plovbe v Evropi;
(e) da bodo sprejele in izvajale enotne standarde in specifikacije;
(f) da bodo harmonizirale predpise o storitvah zračnega prometa;
(g) da bodo razvijale razpoložljivo zmogljivost za zadovoljevanje potreb zračnega prometa in zagotovile njeno kar najučinkovitejšo uporabo s skupno ustanovitvijo, delovanjem in razvojem enotnega evropskega sistema za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa v okviru uvedbe enovitega evropskega sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa (ATM);
(h) spodbujale enotna naročila sistemov in naprav zračnega prometa,
(i) da bodo izvajale enotno politiko določanja in zaračunavanja pristojbin za uporabnike naprav in storitev zračne plovbe med poletom, v nadaljnjem besedilu: "preletne pristojbine";
(j) da bodo izvajale politiko, ločeno od zagotavljanja storitev, večstranskega razvoja in harmonizacije varnostnih predpisov na področju upravljanja zračnega prometa v okviru celovitega sistema letalske varnosti;
(k) da bodo sodelovale pri projektiranju, izvajanju in nadziranju globalnega satelitskega navigacijskega sistema;
(l) da bodo poiskale nove možnosti za enotno delovanje na področju projektiranja, izvajanja, opravljanja nadzora ali delovanja sistemov in storitev zračne plovbe;
(m) v okviru koncepta "povezovalnih postopkov" (gate-to-gate) bodo razvijale splošno politiko in ustrezen, učinkovit in racionalen proces strateške zasnove in načrtovanja zračnih poti in zračnega prostora.
2. Za ta namen ustanavljajo “Evropsko organizacijo za varnost zračne plovbe (EUROCONTROL)”, v nadaljevanju “Organizacijo”, ki deluje v sodelovanju z državnimi civilnimi in vojaškimi organi ter organizacijami uporabnikov. Organizacijo sestavljajo trije organi:
(a) Generalna skupščina je organ, pristojen za oblikovanje in odobritev splošne politike Organizacije, vključno z:
(i) enotno politiko preletnih pristojbin in dejavnostmi Organizacije v zvezi z drugimi pristojbinami;
(ii) preverjanjem zmogljivosti in funkcijami ocenjevanja, ki jih opravlja Organizacija;
(iii) določanjem ciljev Organizacije, vključno s sprejemanjem standardov, načrtovanjem, izvajanjem in varnostno ureditvijo,
(iv) tehnično in finančno selekcijo glavnih okvirnih programov sodelovanja;
(v) zunanjimi odnosi z državami in organizacijami ter prošnjami za pristop k tej konvenciji.
(b) Svet je organ, pristojen za izvajanje odločitev Generalne skupščine in na podlagi pooblastil, vseh ukrepov, ki veljajo in so obvezujoči za vse pogodbenice, in za nadziranje dela Agencije;
(c) Agencija, katere statut je sestavni del Priloge I k tej konvenciji, je organ, ki mu je zaupano izvajanje nalog Organizacije v skladu z določbami naslednjih členov te konvencije in nalog, ki mu jih je naložila Generalna skupščina ali Svet, in sicer da predlaga ustrezne predloge in uporabi tehnične in finančne vire ter osebje za uresničevanje zapisanih ciljev.
3. Sedež Organizacije je v Bruslju.
2. člen
1. Organizacija opravlja naslednje naloge:
(a) razvija in potrjuje podrobne načrte harmonizacije in integracije storitev in sistemov zračnega prometa pogodbenic, zlasti sistemov zračne plovbe na letališčih in v zraku zaradi vzpostavitve enovitega evropskega sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa;
(b) usklajuje izvedbene načrte pogodbenic, da bi zagotovila približevanje enovitemu evropskemu sistemu za upravljanje zračnega prometa;
(c) v imenu pogodbenic preverja in usklajuje zadeve na področju zračne plovbe, ki jih proučujejo Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva (ICAO) in druge mednarodne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo s civilnim letalstvom, ter usklajuje in tem organom predlaga dopolnitve ali predloge;
(d) določa, načrtuje, razvija, vrednoti in organizira izvajanje enovitega evropskega sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa;
(e) razvija in izvaja enotni evropski sistem za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa v skupnem mednarodnem centru v okviru pododstavka (d) zgoraj;
(f) razvija, sprejema in preverja enotne standarde, specifikacije in postopke v okviru sistemov in storitev upravljanja zračnega prometa;
(g) razvija in potrjuje postopke v skladu s strategijo enotnih naročil sistemov in naprav zračnega prometa;
(h) usklajuje programe pogodbenic za raziskave in razvoj na področju novih tehnologij zračne plovbe, zbira in razpošilja njihove rezultate ter spodbuja in opravlja skupne študije, poskuse in uporabne raziskave, pa tudi tehnični razvoj na tem področju;
(i) vzpostavi neodvisen sistem za preverjanje zmogljivosti, ki se nanaša na vse vidike upravljanja zračnega prometa, vključno s politiko in načrtovanjem, varnostnim upravljanjem na letališčih in okoli njih ter v zračnem prostoru, kakor tudi finančne in gospodarske vidike opravljenih storitev, in določi cilje, ki se nanašajo vse te vidike;
(j) proučuje in spodbuja ukrepe za izboljšanje finančne in splošne učinkovitosti na področju zračne plovbe;
(k) razvija in potrjuje enotna merila, postopke in načine za zagotovitev kar največje učinkovitosti in kakovosti sistemov za upravljanje zračnega prometa in storitev zračnega prometa;
(l) razvija predloge za harmonizacijo evropskih predpisov o storitvah zračnega prometa;
(m) podpira izboljšanje učinkovitosti in prožnosti pri uporabi zračnega prostora med civilnimi in vojaškimi uporabniki;
(n) razvija in potrjuje usklajeno ali enotno politiko za izboljšanje upravljanja zračnega prometa na letališčih in okoli njih;
(o) razvija in potrjuje enotna merila za izbiro in enotno politiko usposabljanja, pridobivanja licenc in preverjanja znanja zaposlenih v storitvah zračnega prometa;
(p) razvija, oblikuje in izvaja elemente prihodnjega enotnega evropskega sistema, ki so ji ga zaupale pogodbenice;
(q) oblikuje, obračunava in pobira preletne pristojbine za pogodbenice, ki so vključene v enoten sistem preletnih pristojbin po Prilogi IV;
(r) določa in izvaja mehanizem za večstranski razvoj in harmonizacijo varnostne ureditve na področju upravljanja zračnega prometa;
(s) izvaja katere koli druge naloge, ki so povezane z načeli in cilji te konvencije.
2. Na zahtevo ene ali več pogodbenic in na podlagi posebnega sporazuma ali sporazumov med Organizacijo in zadevnimi pogodbenicami lahko Organizacija:
(a) pomaga tem pogodbenicam pri načrtovanju, opredelitvi in postavitvi sistemov in storitev zračnega prometa;
(b) zagotavlja in opravlja v celoti ali delno storitve in upravlja naprave zračnega prometa za te pogodbenice;
(c) pomaga tem pogodbenicam pri oblikovanju, obračunavanju in pobiranju pristojbin, ki jih te nalagajo uporabnikom storitev zračne plovbe in ki niso vključene v Prilogo IV te konvencije.
3. Organizacija lahko:
(a) sklepa posebne sporazume z nepogodbenicami, ki so zainteresirane za sodelovanje pri uresničevanju nalog iz 1. odstavka 2. člena;
(b) na zahtevo nepogodbenic ali drugih mednarodnih organizacij zanje opravlja katere koli druge naloge iz tega člena na podlagi posebnih sporazumov med Organizacijo in zadevnimi pogodbenicami.
4. Organizacija zagotavlja, da se, kolikor je v praksi izvedljivo, njene funkcije opravljanja storitev, zlasti tistih po pododstavkih (e), (g), (p) in (q) 1. odstavka 2. člena, 2. odstavka 2. člena in pododstavka (b) 3. odstavka 2. člena, uresničujejo neodvisno od njene funkcije sprejemanja predpisov.
5. Za olajšanje opravljanja svojih nalog lahko Organizacija na podlagi odločitve Generalne skupščine ustanovi podjetja, za katera veljajo posebni členi združevanja, ki temeljijo bodisi na mednarodnem javnem pravu ali na notranji zakonodaji pogodbenice, ali pridobi večinski lastninski delež v takih podjetjih.
3. člen
1. Ta konvencija velja za storitve zračne plovbe na zračnih poteh, s tem povezane storitve ob pristajanju in vzletanju ter storitve zračnega prometa na letališčih v letalskih informativnih območjih, navedenih v Prilogi II.
2. (a) Vsako dopolnilo, ki ga želi pogodbenica vključiti v seznam letalskih informativnih območij v Prilogi II, mora Generalna skupščina sprejeti s soglasjem vseh glasujočih, če bi to dopolnilo povzročilo spremembo meja zračnega prostora po tej konvenciji.
(b) Vsako dopolnilo, ki take spremembe ne povzroči, mora zadevna pogodbenica kljub temu sporočiti Organizaciji.
3. Za namene te konvencije izraz "zračni promet" zajema civilne zrakoplove in tiste vojaške, carinske in policijske zrakoplove, ki se ravnajo po postopkih Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva.
Na podlagi posebnega sporazuma iz pododstavka (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena lahko pogodbenica zahteva, da se izraz "zračni promet" uporablja za drug zračni promet, ki poteka na njenem ozemlju.
4. člen
Organizacija je pravna oseba. Na ozemlju pogodbenic ima največjo pravno sposobnost, ki jo za pravne osebe dovoljuje notranje pravo; med drugim ima pravico pridobiti in prenašati lastništvo premičnin in nepremičnin in nastopati kot stranka na sodišču. Razen v primerih, ko ta konvencija ali priloženi statut navajata drugače, jo zastopa Agencija, ki deluje v njenem imenu. Agencija upravlja premoženje Organizacije.
5. člen
1. Generalno skupščino sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic na ministrski ravni. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko imenuje več delegatov, zlasti zaradi zastopanja interesov tako civilnega letalstva kot nacionalne obrambe, vendar ima samo en glas.
2. Svet sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic na ravni generalnih direktorjev za civilno letalstvo. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko imenuje več delegatov, zlasti zaradi zastopanja interesov tako civilnega letalstva kot nacionalne obrambe, vendar ima samo en glas.
3. Za zadeve, povezane z enotnim sistemom preletnih pristojbin, Generalno skupščino in Svet sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic, ki so vključene v enotni sistem preletnih pristojbin pod pogoji, določenimi v Prilogi IV.
4. Predstavnike mednarodnih organizacij, ki lahko prispevajo k delu Organizacije, Generalna skupščina ali Svet povabi, kadar je to primerno, da kot opazovalci sodelujejo v organih Organizacije.
6. člen
1. Generalna skupščina sprejema odločitve, ki zadevajo pogodbenice, Svet in Agencijo, zlasti v primerih, navedenih v pododstavku (a) 2. odstavka 1. člena.
Poleg tega Generalna skupščina:
(a) imenuje generalnega direktorja Agencije na priporočilo Sveta;
(b) ima pravico, da se v imenu Organizacije obrne na Stalno arbitražno sodišče v Haagu za primere, navedene v 34. členu;
(c) določi načela, ki veljajo za delovanje enotnega evropskega sistema za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa, omenjenega v pododstavku (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena;
(d) odobri dopolnila k Prilogi I v skladu s pogoji glasovanja, določenimi v 1. odstavku 8. člena;
(e) odobri dopolnila k Prilogama II in IV v skladu s pogoji glasovanja v 3. odstavku 8. člena;
(f) občasno pregleda naloge Organizacije.
2. Pri oblikovanju enotne politike preletnih pristojbin Generalna skupščina med drugim:
(a) uvaja načela za ocenjevanje stroškov, ki jih pogodbenice in Organizacija zaračunavajo uporabnikom za opravljene preletne storitve in uporabo naprav za zračno plovbo;
(b) določi način izračuna preletnih pristojbin;
(c) določi načela glede oprostitve plačila preletnih pristojbin in se lahko tudi odloči, da za nekatere kategorije preletov, ki so na ta način oproščeni plačila preletnih pristojbin po Prilogi IV, stroške, ki nastanejo v zvezi s preletnimi storitvami in napravami zračne plovbe, plačajo neposredno pogodbenice same;
(d) odobri poročila Sveta, ki se nanašajo na preletne pristojbine.
3. Generalna skupščina lahko:
(a) Svetu predloži v pregled katero koli zadevo, ki je v njeni pristojnosti;
(b) kadar je potrebno, pooblasti Svet za odločanje o zadevah, ki sodijo v njeno splošno pristojnost, kot so navedene v pododstavku (a) 2. odstavka 1. člena;
(c) ustanovi druge pomožne organe, za katere meni, da so potrebni.
7. člen
1. Svet na podlagi pooblastil, ki mu jih podeljuje ta konvencija, lahko sprejema odločitve v zvezi s pogodbenicami pri nalogah, ki jih navaja 1. odstavek 2. člena.
2. Svet na podlagi nadzornih pooblastil, ki mu jih v zvezi z Agencijo podeljuje ta konvencija:
(a) potrjuje po posvetu z organizacijami, ki zastopajo uporabnike zračnega prostora in jih je Svet priznal, petletne in letne delovne programe Agencije, ki mu jih ta predloži za uresničevanje nalog iz 2. člena, skupaj s petletnim finančnim načrtom in proračunom, vključno s finančnimi obveznostmi, poročilom Agencije o dejavnosti in poročili, predloženimi v skladu s pododstavkom (c) 2. odstavka 2. člena, 3. odstavkom 10. člena in 1. odstavkom 11. člena statuta Agencije;
(b) potrjuje načela, ki urejajo splošen ustroj Agencije;
(c) nadzira dejavnosti Agencije na področju pristojbin zračne plovbe;
(d) določa po posvetu z organizacijami, ki zastopajo uporabnike zračnega prostora in jih je Svet priznal, splošne pogoje delovanja enotnega evropskega sistema za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa iz pododstavka (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena, ob doslednem upoštevanju pravic, ki jih uživajo države v zvezi z upravljanjem svojega zračnega prostora. Ti splošni pogoji med drugim določajo pravila, ki se uporabljajo, in postopke za evidentiranje nespoštovanja teh pravil;
(e) izdaja navodila Agenciji na podlagi njenih rednih poročil ali kadar koli se mu to zdi potrebno za uresničevanje nalog, zaupanih Agenciji, in odobri dogovore o sodelovanju med Agencijo in zadevnimi nacionalnimi organizacijami, da Agenciji omogoči sprožanje ustreznih predlogov;
(f) imenuje na predlog generalnega direktorja podjetje za revizorsko svetovanje, ki pomaga revizorskemu odboru pri preverjanju stanja vseh prejemkov in odhodkov;
(g) za storitve Agencije lahko zahteva upravni in tehnični nadzor;
(h) generalnemu direktorju podeli pravico do razpolaganja s proračunom;
(i) odobri imenovanje generalnega direktorja, ki so ga predlagali direktorji Agencije;
(j) odobri statut generalnega direktorja, kadrovski pravilnik, finančne predpise in predpise o pogodbah;
(k) lahko izdaja dovoljenja za pogajanja Agencije o posebnih sporazumih iz 2. člena, sprejme sporazume, ki so bili predmet pogajanj pred njihovo predložitvijo Generalni skupščini v odobritev, ali sklene takšne sporazume v primerih, ko je Svet dobil pooblastilo v skladu z določbami 3. odstavka 13. člena;
(l) odobri Pravilnik o varstvu podatkov;
(m) pri opravljanju nalog, določenih v pododstavku (f) 1. odstavka 2. člena, določi pravila in postopke, ki se uporabljajo za standarde, specifikacije in prakso sistemov ter storitev upravljanja zračnega prometa.
3. Svet ustanovi Komisijo za preverjanje zmogljivosti in Komisijo za varnostno ureditev. Ti komisiji pošiljata ustrezne predloge Svetu, agencijske službe, ki imajo potrebno stopnjo samostojnosti, pa jim dajejo administrativno podporo in pomoč.
4. Svet ustanovi Stalni civilno-vojaški odbor.
5. Svet ustanovi Revizorski odbor, ki mu lahko podeli naloge in za posebna področja dela tudi pooblastila.
6. Svetu lahko pomagajo drugi odbori za druga področja dejavnosti Organizacije.
7. Svet lahko zaupa naloge in za posebna področja dela tudi pooblastila Stalnemu civilno-vojaškemu odboru in drugim odborom, ki so nastali po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije. Takšno podeljevanje nalog ali pooblastil Svetu ne sme onemogočiti, da bi imel vsak trenutek možnost sprožiti določenih zadev v okviru svojih nalog splošnega nadzora.
8. člen
1. Odločitve, ki jih v zvezi s pogodbenicami sprejema Generalna skupščina, zlasti tiste na podlagi pododstavka (a) 2. odstavka 1. člena in prvega pododstavka 1. odstavka 6. člena, oziroma odločitve Sveta na podlagi pododstavka (b) 2. odstavka 1. člena in 1. odstavka 7. člena se potrdijo z večino glasov pod pogojem, da ta večina pomeni vsaj tri četrtine ponderiranih glasov glede na ponderiranje, določeno v 11. členu, in vsaj tri četrtine glasujočih pogodbenic.
To pravilo se uporablja tudi za odločitve v primerih, navedenih v pododstavkih (i), (p), (r) in (s) 1. odstavka 2. člena, 5. odstavku 2. člena, v pododstavkih (a), (c) in (d) 1. odstavka 6. člena, 2. odstavku 6. člena, v (b) pododstavku 3. odstavka 6. člena, v (d), (j) in (k) pododstavkih 2. odstavka 7. člena, v 3., 6. in 7. odstavku 7. člena, 12. členu ter 2. in 3. odstavku 13. člena.
To pravilo se uporablja tudi za odločitve, sprejete v smislu 3. člena Priloge IV. Kadar se te odločitve nanašajo na razrede, tarife in pogoje izvajanja sistema preletnih pristojbin po pododstavku (c) 3. člena Priloge IV, ne veljajo za pogodbenico, ki je glasovala proti. V tem primeru ta pogodbenica predloži izjavo o svojih razlogih in ne sme omajati enotne politike, kot je opredeljena v 2. odstavku 6. člena.
2. Odločitve, ki jih v zvezi z Agencijo sprejema Generalna skupščina, zlasti tiste na podlagi pododstavkov (a) in (c) 2. odstavka 1. člena in 1. pododstavka prvega odstavka 6. člena, oziroma odločitve, ki jih sprejema Svet na podlagi pododstavkov (b) in (c) 2. odstavka 1. člena, se potrdijo z večino glasov pod pogojem, da ta večina predstavlja več kot polovico ponderiranih glasov glede na ponderiranje, določeno v 11. členu, in več kot polovico glasujočih pogodbenic. Pri posebno pomembnih zadevah, in kadar je vsaj ena tretjina pogodbenic upravičena do glasovanja, pomeni večina vsaj tri četrtine glasov namesto ene polovice.
To pravilo se uporablja tudi za odločitve v primerih, navedenih v pododstavku (b) 1. odstavka 6. člena, pododstavku (a) 3. odstavka 6. člena, pododstavkih (a), (b) in (c) 2. odstavka 7. člena in pododstavkov (e) do (i) 2. odstavka 7. člena, pododstavkov (l) in (m) 2. odstavka 7. člena, 2.odstavka 9. člena in 2. odstavka 10. člena.
3. Kljub temu se odločitve sprejemajo soglasno glede na prošnje za pristop k Organizaciji, kot to navaja 39. člen, in dopolnila k Prilogi II, razen v primeru, ki ga navaja pododstavek (b) 2. odstavka 3. člena, in k Prilogi IV, ter pogoje odstopa ali pristopa po 4 in 5. odstavku 36. člena ter 3. in 4. odstavku 38. člena.
4. Odločitve, ki jih sprejemata Generalna skupščina in Svet, so obvezujoče za pogodbenice in za Agencijo na podlagi določb 9. člena.
9. člen
1. Kadar pogodbenica obvesti Generalno skupščino ali Svet, da ji prevladujoči nacionalni razlogi, kot so interesi državne obrambe in varnosti, preprečujejo ravnati v skladu z odločitvami, sprejetimi z večino glasov, kot to določa 1. odstavek 8. člena zgoraj, lahko odstopi od teh odločitev, če v sporočilu Generalni skupščini ali Svetu razloži svoje razloge in da izjavo o tem, ali:
(a) se njen odstop nanaša na zadevo, glede katere ni ugovorov, da velja za druge pogodbenice, s tem da se razume, da pogodbenica, ki je odstopila, te odločitve ne bo izvajala ali pa jo bo izvajala samo deloma;
(b) se ta odstop nanaša na tako pomembno vprašanje nacionalne obrambe in varnosti, da do izvajanja te odločitve sploh ne sme priti, dokler se ne sprejme drugačna odločitev v skladu z dogovori, opisanimi v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka spodaj.
2. (a) Če nastopijo okoliščine iz pododstavka (a) 1. odstavka zgoraj, mora generalni direktor posredovati Generalni skupščini ali Svetu vsaj letna poročila, iz katerih bo razvidno napredovanje k takšni situaciji, v kateri nobena pogodbenica ne bo odstopila.
(b) Če nastopijo okoliščine iz pododstavka (b) 1. odstavka zgoraj, je treba odložiti izvajanje te odločitve in jo v roku, ki ga je treba še določiti, predložiti Generalni skupščini, ki sprejme ponovno odločitev, četudi je prvotno odločitev sprejel Svet. Če se na podlagi tega ponovnega proučevanja zgodi, da druga odločitev potrdi prvo, lahko pogodbenica od tega odstopi pod pogoji, določenimi v pododstavku (a) 1. odstavka zgoraj. Generalna skupščina v obdobju, ki ni daljše od enega leta, preveri prvotno odločitev.
3. V vojni ali sporu določbe te konvencije ne vplivajo na svobodno ravnanje katere koli prizadete pogodbenice. Isto načelo velja za krizno stanje ali izredne razmere. Predvsem pa lahko vsaka pogodbenica začasno privzame odgovornost nad delom ali celoto storitev zračnega prometa v zračnem prostoru, ki je pod njenim nadzorom, v primeru prevladujočih nacionalnih interesov, zlasti na področju obrambe. Evropska arhitektura sistema za upravljanje zračnega prometa bi morala omogočiti učinkovit prevzem teh storitev v skladu z zahtevami pogodbenic.
10. člen
1. Letni prispevek vsake pogodbenice v proračun se določi za vsako proračunsko leto v skladu z naslednjim pravilom:
(a) prvotnih 30% prispevkov se izračuna sorazmerno z vrednostjo bruto domačega proizvoda pogodbenice, kot je določeno v 2. odstavku spodaj;
(b) nadaljnjih 70% prispevkov se izračuna sorazmerno z vrednostjo stroškovne osnove naprav zračnih poti pogodbenice, kot je določeno v 3. odstavku spodaj.
2. Bruto domači proizvod, ki se uporablja za izračun, je vzet iz statistike, ki jo vodi Organizacija za ekonomsko sodelovanje in razvoj – če pa ta nima podatkov, pa iz podatkov drugega organa, ki je enako zanesljiv in ki ga s sklepom določi Svet – tako, da se izračuna aritmetično povprečje zadnjih treh let, za katera so ti podatki na voljo. Vrednost bruto domačega proizvoda se izračuna na podlagi faktorja stroškov in tekočih cen, izraženih v ustrezni evropski obračunski enoti.
3. Stroškovna osnova naprav zračnih poti, ki se uporablja za izračun, pomeni stroškovno osnovo predzadnjega leta pred zadevnim obračunskim letom.
11. člen
1. Ponderiranje, omenjeno v 8. členu, se opravi po naslednji tabeli:
Letni prispevek pogodbenice kot odstotek              Število
vsote letnih prispevkov vseh pogodbenic                glasov
Manj kot 1%                                                 1
Od 1 do manj kot 2%                                         2
Od 2 do manj kot 3%                                         3
Od 3 do manj kot 4 1/2%                                     4
Od 4 1/2 do manj kot 6%                                     5
Od 6 do manj kot 7 1/2%                                     6
Od 7 1/2 do manj kot 9%                                     7
Od 9 do manj kot 11%                                        8
Od 11 do manj kot 13%                                       9
Od 13 do manj kot 15%                                      10
Od 15 do manj kot 18%                                      11
Od 18 do manj kot 21%                                      12
Od 21 do manj kot 24%                                      13
Od 24 do manj kot 27%                                      14
Od 27 do manj kot 30%                                      15
30%                                                        16
2. Število glasov se prvič ugotovi na dan začetka veljavnosti Protokola, na voljo za podpis v Bruslju leta 1997, v zvezi z zgornjo tabelo in v skladu s pravilom v 10. členu zgoraj za določanje letnih prispevkov pogodbenic v proračun Organizacije.
3. Ob pristopu države se število glasov pogodbenic ponovno določi v skladu z enakim postopkom.
4. Število glasov se določi vsako leto znova v skladu z zgoraj navedenimi določbami.
12. člen
Generalna skupščina in Svet sestavita svoj pravilnik, vključno s pravili o volitvah predsednika, podpredsednika, ter pravila o volilnem postopku in kvorumu.
13. člen
1. Organizacija z ustreznimi državami in drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami vzdržuje stike, ki so potrebni za uresničevanje njenih ciljev.
2. Generalna skupščina je, ne da bi to nasprotovalo določbam pododstavka (k) 2. odstavka 7. člena, 3. odstavka tega člena in 15. člena, izključno pooblaščena za sklepanje posebnih sporazumov v imenu Organizacije, ki so potrebni za izvajanje nalog, določenih v 2. členu.
3. Generalna skupščina lahko na predlog Sveta le-temu zaupa odločanje o sklenitvi posebnih sporazumov, ki so potrebni za uresničevanje nalog, določenih v 2. členu.
14. člen
Posebni sporazumi, omenjeni v 2. členu, predpisujejo naloge, pravice in dolžnosti strank v sporazumu skupaj s finančnimi dogovori in določajo ustrezne ukrepe. O takih sporazumih se lahko dogovori Agencija v skladu z določbami pododstavka (k) 2. odstavka 7. člena.
15. člen
V okviru navodil, ki jih izda Svet, lahko Agencija vzpostavlja stike, ki so nujni za usklajevanje zračnega prometa in delovanje služb Agencije, z ustreznimi javnimi ali zasebnimi tehničnimi službami pogodbenic, nepogodbenic ali mednarodnih organizacij. Za ta namen lahko Agencija v imenu Organizacije sklepa pogodbe povsem administrativne, tehnične ali gospodarske narave, če je to potrebno za njeno delovanje, pod pogojem, da o tem obvesti Svet.
16. člen
1. Kjer je to potrebno, se v skladu z notranjim pravom in s posledicami, ki izhajajo iz njegovih določb v zvezi z razlastitvijo v javnem interesu, prizna status javnega interesa za pridobitev nepremičnin, potrebnih za namestitev naprav Organizacije, če s tem soglaša zadevna vlada. Če pridobitev takega premoženja s prijateljskim sporazumom ni mogoča, lahko postopek razlastitve zaradi javnega interesa sprožijo pristojni organi v zadevni državi v skladu z notranjim pravom.
2. Na ozemlju pogodbenic, kjer niso določeni postopki, omenjeni v prejšnjem odstavku, lahko Organizacija uporabi tiste postopke prisilnega odkupa, ki se lahko uporabijo v korist civilnega letalstva in telekomunikacij.
3. Pogodbenice priznavajo Organizaciji pravico, da glede katerih koli naprav in služb, nameščenih oziroma ustanovljenih v njenem imenu na njihovem ozemlju, uporabi notranje pravo, ki se nanaša na omejitve pravic lastnikov nepremičnin, kot velja v primeru javnega interesa za domače službe z enako nalogo, posebej glede služnosti v javnem interesu.
4. Organizacija poravna stroške, ki izhajajo iz uresničevanja določb tega člena, skupaj z izplačili odškodnin v skladu s pravom države, na ozemlju katere je premoženje.
17. člen
Pri opravljanju nalog Organizacije, določenih v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena, se Agencija ravna po predpisih, ki veljajo na ozemljih pogodbenic in v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so ji zaupane storitve v zračnem prometu z mednarodnimi sporazumi, katerih pogodbenice so.
18. člen
Pri opravljanju nalog Organizacije, določenih v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena, Agencija v mejah svojih pooblastil za storitve v zračnem prometu daje vsa potrebna navodila vodjem zrakoplovov. Vodje zrakoplovov so se dolžni ravnati po teh navodilih, razen ob višji sili, omenjeni v predpisih, navedenih v prejšnjem členu.
19. člen
1. Pri opravljanju nalog, predvidenih v pododstavku (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena, Organizacija določa v skladu s splošnimi pogoji iz pododstavka (d) 2. odstavka 7. člena potrebne ukrepe in jih sporoči letalskim prevoznikom in ustreznim službam zračnega prometa. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da se letalski prevozniki, vodje zrakoplovov in ustrezne službe zračnega prometa po njih ravnajo, razen če jim to preprečujejo nujni varnostni razlogi.
2. Za skladnost storitev zračnega prometa pogodbenice s splošnimi pogoji in ukrepi iz 1. odstavka zgoraj je izključno odgovorna omenjena pogodbenica.
3. Če se vodja zrakoplova ali letalski prevoznik ne ravna po splošnih pogojih ali ukrepih iz 1. odstavka zgoraj, lahko na zahtevo Organizacije sproži postopek proti kršilcu:
(a) pogodbenica, kjer je bila evidentirana kršitev, na svojem ozemlju;
(b) Organizacija na podlagi pristojnosti, navedene v 35. členu, če se pogodbenica, v kateri naj bi postopki potekali, s tem strinja.
4. Pogodbenice v svojo notranjo zakonodajo vključijo določbe, ki zagotavljajo spoštovanje splošnih pogojev, določenih v pododstavku (d) 2. odstavka 7. člena.
20. člen
Pri opravljanju nalog Organizacije, določenih v pododstavku (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena, in kjer je to ustrezno, v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena, se kršitve predpisov zračne plovbe, storjene v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so službe zračnega prometa zaupane Agenciji, evidentirajo v poročilih uslužbencev, ki jih Agencija v ta namen posebej pooblasti ne glede na pravico, ki jo imajo uslužbenci pogodbenic po notranjem pravu do poročanja o enakih kršitvah. Zgoraj omenjena poročila imajo pri domačih sodiščih enako veljavo kot tista, ki jih sestavijo državni uslužbenci, pooblaščeni za poročanje o enakih kršitvah.
21. člen
1. Kroženje publikacij in drugih informativnih gradiv, ki jih razpošilja Organizacija v zvezi s svojo uradno dejavnostjo, se ne sme z ničimer omejevati.
2. Pri svojih uradnih sporočilih in prenosu vseh svojih dokumentov Organizacija uživa obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo vsaka pogodbenica dodeljuje primerljivim mednarodnim organizacijam.
22. člen
1. Organizacija je na ozemljih pogodbenic ob ustanovitvi, razpustitvi ali likvidaciji oproščena vseh dajatev, davkov in pristojbin.
2. Organizacija je oproščena vseh dajatev, davkov in pristojbin pri pridobitvi nepremičnin, potrebnih za opravljanje njenih nalog.
3. Organizacija je oproščena vseh neposrednih davkov, ki veljajo zanjo kakor tudi za njeno premoženje, sredstva in dohodke.
4. Organizacija je oproščena vseh posrednih stroškov, ki izhajajo iz odobritve posojil in ki bremenijo Organizacijo.
5. Organizacija je oproščena vsakršnega obdavčenja izjemne ali diskriminacijske narave.
6. Oprostitve, predvidene v tem členu, ne veljajo za davke in pristojbine, ki se pobirajo kot plačilo za komunalne storitve.
23. člen
1. Organizacija je oproščena vseh carinskih dajatev in davkov ali pristojbin z enakim učinkom, razen pristojbin za opravljene storitve. Izvzeta je iz vseh uvoznih ali izvoznih prepovedi ali omejitev glede materialov, opreme, zalog in drugih predmetov, ki jih uvozi za uradno uporabo Organizacije in ki so namenjeni za zgradbe in naprave Organizacije ali za njeno delovanje.
2. Tako uvoženo blago se na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katero je bilo vneseno, ne sme prodajati, posojati ali odtujiti brezplačno ali za plačilo, razen pod pogoji, ki jih določi vlada zadevne pogodbenice.
3. Za zagotovitev, da bodo materiali, oprema, zaloge in drugi predmeti, omenjeni v prvem odstavku in uvoženi za uporabo Organizacije, dejansko dostavljeni Organizaciji in dejansko uporabljeni v njenih uradnih zgradbah in napravah ali za njeno delovanje, se lahko izvajajo kakršni koli nadzorni ukrepi, za katere se meni, da bodo učinkoviti.
4. Poleg tega je Organizacija oproščena vseh carinskih dajatev in izvzeta iz vseh uvoznih ali izvoznih prepovedi ali omejitev za publikacije, na katere se nanaša 13. člen priloženega statuta.
24. člen
1. Organizacija lahko poseduje katero koli valuto in ima račune v kateri koli valuti, če je to potrebno za izvajanje transakcij za lastne potrebe.
2. Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo v skladu s pogoji, predpisanimi v notranjimi pravili ali v mednarodnih sporazumih, izdale Organizaciji potrebna dovoljenja za vsa nakazila sredstev, potrebnih za ustanovitev in delovanje Organizacije, skupaj z izdajo in odplačevanjem posojil, če je izdajo teh posojil odobrila vlada zadevne pogodbenice.
25. člen
1. Agencija lahko zaposli strokovne delavce, ki so državljani pogodbenic.
2. Osebje Organizacije in družinski člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, je tako kot osebje primerljivih mednarodnih organizacij izvzeto iz ukrepov, ki omejujejo priseljevanje in urejajo prijavljanje tujcev.
3. (a) Pogodbenice ob mednarodnih krizah osebju Organizacije in njihovim družinskim članom, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, dodeljujejo enake možnosti za repatriacijo kot osebju drugih mednarodnih organizacij.
(b) Določbe pododstavka (a) zgoraj ne vplivajo na obveznosti osebja do Organizacije.
4. Pri določbah 1. in 2. odstavka tega člena niso dovoljene nikakršne izjeme, razen iz razlogov javne morale, javne varnosti ali javnega zdravja.
5. Osebje Organizacije:
(a) je oproščeno carinskih dajatev in pristojbin, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na opravljene storitve ob uvozu osebnih predmetov, premičnin in drugih gospodinjskih potrebščin, ki niso novi in ki jih prinesejo iz tujine, ko se prvič preselijo na zadevno ozemlje, in ob ponovnem izvozu istih predmetov ali premičnin, ko prenehajo opravljati svojo funkcijo;
(b) lahko ob prevzemu svojih dolžnosti na ozemlju katere koli države pogodbenice začasno uvozi svoj osebni avtomobil brez plačila carine in ga pozneje, vendar najkasneje ob prenehanju opravljanja svoje funkcije, znova izvozi brez plačila dajatev; v obeh primerih ob tem uveljavljajo vse pogoje, za katere vlada zadevne pogodbenice v vsakem posameznem primeru meni, da so potrebni;
(c) uživa nedotakljivost vseh svojih listin in dokumentov.
6. Pogodbenice ugodnosti, omenjene v pododstavkih (a) in (b) 5. odstavka, svojim državljanom niso dolžne podeliti.
7. Poleg privilegijev, oprostitev in ugodnosti za osebje Organizacije uživa generalni direktor Agencije imuniteto pred kazenskim pregonom za dejanja, skupaj z izrečenimi in zapisanimi besedami, storjena pri izpolnjevanju njegovih dolžnosti; ta imuniteta ne velja za prometne prekrške ali za škodo, ki jo povzroči njegovo motorno vozilo ali motorno vozilo, ki ga vozi.
8. Zadevne vlade sprejmejo vse ukrepe, potrebne za neovirana nakazila neto plač.
26. člen
Predstavniki držav pogodbenic pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti med potovanjem do kraja sestanka in med vračanjem uživajo nedotakljivost vseh svojih listin in dokumentov.
27. člen
Organizacija ima svoj sistem socialnega zavarovanja, zato so Organizacija, generalni direktor in osebje Organizacije oproščeni plačila obveznih prispevkov v državne ustanove socialnega zavarovanja, ne da bi to vplivalo na sporazume med Organizacijo in pogodbenicami, obstoječe ob začetku veljavnosti tega Protokola, ki je na voljo za podpis v Bruslju leta 1997.
28. člen
1. Pogodbene obveznosti Organizacije ureja pravo, ki se uporablja za zadevno pogodbo.
2. Kar zadeva nepogodbene obveznosti, Organizacija plača odškodnino za škodo, nastalo zaradi malomarnosti njenih organov ali njenih zaposlenih med izpolnjevanjem njihovih službenih dolžnosti, če jim je to škodo mogoče pripisati. Zgornja določba ne izključuje pravice do drugih odškodnin po notranjem pravu pogodbenic.
29. člen
1. (a) Naprave Organizacije so nedotakljive. Premoženje in sredstva Organizacije so oproščena kakršnega koli odvzema, razlastitve ali zaplembe.
(b) Arhivi Organizacije in vse listine ter dokumenti, ki so njena last, so nedotakljivi ne glede na to, kje so.
2. Premoženja in sredstev Organizacije ni mogoče zaseči niti nad njimi opraviti izvršbe, razen na podlagi sodne odločbe. Take sodne odločitve ni mogoče izdati, razen če je Organizacija dobila pravočasno obvestilo o zadevnem postopku in je imela možnost, da takšni odločitvi nasprotuje. Naprav Organizacije ni mogoče v nobenem primeru zaseči niti nad njimi opraviti izvršbe.
3. Določbe tega člena ne preprečujejo, da bi pristojni organi države, v kateri ima Organizacija sedež, in drugih držav, v katerih so te naprave in arhivi, ne bi imeli dostopa do naprav in arhivov Organizacije, in sicer zaradi sodne preiskave in zagotavljanja izvršbe sodnih določb na njihovih ozemljih. O tem morajo prej obvestiti generalnega direktorja Agencije.
30. člen
1. Organizacija vedno sodeluje s pristojnimi organi pogodbenic, da bi olajšala normalno delovanje sodišč, zagotovila spoštovanje policijskih predpisov in preprečila zlorabe, ki bi lahko bile posledica privilegijev, imunitet, oprostitev ali olajšav, določenih s to konvencijo.
2. Organizacija v največji možni meri olajšuje opravljanje javnih del znotraj in v bližini nepremičnin, ki so ji bile dodeljene v uporabo na ozemlju pogodbenic.
31. člen
Pri opravljanju nalog, določenih v pododstavku (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena, in kadar je to primerno, v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena, so mednarodni sporazumi in notranji predpisi, ki se nanašajo na vstop, prelet in varnost na ozemlju zadevnih pogodbenic, za Agencijo zavezujoči. Agencija stori vse potrebno, da se ti sporazumi in predpisi uporabljajo.
32. člen
Pri opravljanju nalog, določenih v pododstavku (e) 1. odstavka 2. člena, in kadar je to primerno, v pododstavku (b) 2. odstavka 2. člena, Agencija posreduje tistim pogodbenicam, ki to zahtevajo, vse potrebne informacije o zrakoplovu, s katerimi je bila seznanjena pri opravljanju svojih nalog v zvezi z zračnim prostorom zadevne pogodbenice, zato da pogodbenice lahko zagotovijo, da se mednarodni sporazumi in notranji predpisi uporabljajo.
33. člen
Pogodbenice priznavajo, da je nujno, da Agencija doseže finančno ravnotežje in si zagotovi ustrezna finančna sredstva v mejah in pod pogoji, ki so določeni v tej konvenciji in v statutu Agencije v Prilogi I.
34. člen
1. Vsak spor med dvema ali več pogodbenicami ali med eno ali več pogodbenicami in Organizacijo glede razlage, uporabe ali izvajanja te konvencije, vključno z obstojem, veljavnostjo ali prenehanjem veljavnosti konvencije, ki ga ni možno rešiti v šestih mesecih z neposrednimi pogajanji ali z drugimi sredstvi, se predloži v arbitražo Stalnemu arbitražnemu sodišču v Haagu v skladu z neobveznimi pravili arbitraže omenjenega sodišča.
2. Razsodniki so trije.
3. Kraj razsodišča je Den Haag. Mednarodni urad Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča je registrator in zagotavlja vse upravne storitve, ki jih zahteva Stalno arbitražno sodišče.
4. Odločitve Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča so zavezujoče za strani v sporu.
35. člen
1. Ne glede na uporabo določb Priloge IV o prisilni izterjavi preletnih pristojbin imajo sodišča pogodbenic izključno pristojnost obravnavanja sporov, ki nastanejo med Organizacijo, ki jo zastopa generalni direktor, in katero koli fizično ali pravno osebo v zvezi z uporabo aktov Organizacije.
2. Ne glede na uporabo določb Priloge IV o prisilni izterjavi preletnih pristojbin postopek poteka v tisti državi pogodbenici:
a) kjer ima toženec bivališče ali registrirano pisarno;
b) kjer ima toženec poslovne prostore, če niti njegovo bivališče niti registrirana pisarna nista na ozemlju pogodbenice;
c) v primeru neobstoja razlogov za pristojnost iz pododstavkov (a) in (b) zgoraj pa v državi, kjer ima toženec premoženje;
d) v primeru neobstoja razlogov za pristojnost iz pododstavkov (a) do (c) zgoraj pa tam, kjer ima EUROCONTROL svoj sedež.
36. člen
1. Dopolnila, sprejeta pod pogoji, predpisanimi v tej konvenciji, k Statutu Agencije iz Priloge I, in k določbam v členih od 16 naprej, ki se nanašajo na enotni sistem preletnih pristojbin v Prilogi IV, so veljavna in učinkujejo na ozemlju pogodbenic.
2. Davčnih določb iz Priloge III in določb členov 1 do 15, ki se nanašajo na enoten sistem preletnih pristojbin iz Priloge IV, Generalna skupščina ne sme spreminjati.
3. Priloga IV je zavezujoča za vsako pogodbenico v obdobju petih let od datuma, ko ta konvencija začne veljati. Petletno obdobje se samodejno podaljša za naslednje petletno obdobje. Za pogodbenico, ki Generalno skupščino pisno obvesti vsaj dve leti pred iztekom tega petletnega obdobja, da ne soglaša s podaljšanjem obdobja, Priloga IV ni več zavezujoča po izteku tega petletnega obdobja.
4. Pravice in obveznosti pogodbenice, ki izstopa, se lahko po potrebi določijo v posebnem sporazumu, ki ga ta sklene z Organizacijo.
Ta sporazum s soglasjem glasujočih odobri Generalna skupščina, s tem da pogodbenica, ki izstopa, ne glasuje.
5. Pogodbenica, ki jo Priloga IV več ne zavezuje, lahko kadar koli pisno zahteva od Generalne skupščine, da postane Priloga IV zanjo znova zavezujoča. Priloga IV bo znova zavezujoča za zadevno pogodbenico šest mesecev po dnevu, ko Generalna skupščina to zahtevo sprejme s soglasjem glasujočih pogodbenic, ki so vključene v enoten sistem. Zadevno pogodbenico bo Priloga IV zavezovala v obdobju petih let od dne, ko se je zavezala. To obdobje se samodejno podaljša pod enakimi pogoji, kot so navedeni v 3. odstavku zgoraj.
37. člen
Pogodbenice se zavežejo, da bodo Agenciji zagotovile uporabo sedanjih obveznih določb, namenjenih zaščiti in kontinuiteti tistih javnih služb, ki so potrebne za ustrezno delovanje operativnih služb.
38. člen
1. Ta konvencija, kot je bila dopolnjena s Protokolom z dne 12. februarja 1981 in nadalje s Protokolom, ki je bil na voljo za podpis v Bruslju leta 1997, se podaljša za nedoločeno obdobje.
2. Po dvajsetletni veljavnosti tako podaljšane konvencije jo lahko katera koli pogodbenica preneha uporabljati, tako da o tem pisno obvesti Vlado Kraljevine Belgije, ki s tem obvestilom seznani vlade drugih pogodbenic.
Odločitev o izstopu začne učinkovati ob koncu tistega leta, ki sledi letu, v katerem je prišlo do obvestila o izstopu, pod pogojem, da je bil pred tem datumom sklenjen poseben sporazum, določen v 3. odstavku spodaj. V nasprotnem primeru začne odločitev o izstopu veljati z datumom, ki je naveden v omenjenem posebnem sporazumu.
3. Pravice in obveznosti pogodbenice, ki izstopa, zlasti finančne, se določijo s posebnim sporazumom, sklenjenim med njo in Organizacijo.
Ta sporazum zahteva soglasno potrditev glasujočih v Generalni skupščini, vendar pogodbenica, ki izstopa, ne glasuje.
4. Organizacija se lahko razpusti, če se število pogodbenic zniža pod 50% podpisnic prej omenjenega protokola iz leta 1997, in sicer na podlagi soglasne odločitve glasujočih v Generalni skupščini.
5. Če se ob upoštevanju zgoraj navedenega Organizacija razpusti, njen status pravne osebe in pravna sposobnost v smislu 4. člena še naprej veljata za namene razpustitve Organizacije.
39. člen
1. Pristop k tej konvenciji, kot je bila dopolnjena s Protokolom z dne 12. februarja 1981 in s Protokolom, ki je na voljo za podpis v Bruslju leta 1997, katere koli države, ki ni podpisnica slednjega protokola, je odvisen od soglasja Generalne skupščine, ki ga soglasno izrazijo vsi glasujoči.
2. Predsednik Generalne skupščine obvesti državo nepodpisnico o odločitvi, da se sprejme njen pristop.
3. Listina o pristopu se deponira pri Vladi Kraljevine Belgije, ki o tem obvesti vlade drugih držav podpisnic in držav, ki pristopajo.
4. Pristop začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po deponiranju listine o pristopu.
40. člen
1. K tej konvenciji, dopolnjeni s Protokolom z dne 12. februarja 1981 in s Protokolom, na voljo za podpis v Bruslju leta 1997, lahko pristopijo regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje na način in pod pogoji, o katerih se dogovorijo pogodbenice in tiste organizacije, katerih članica ali članice so podpisnice. Ta način in pogoji so navedeni v Dodatnem protokolu h konvenciji.
2. Listina o pristopu se deponira pri Vladi Kraljevine Belgije, ki o tem obvesti druge stranke.
3. Pristop regionalnih organizacij za gospodarsko povezovanje učinkuje od prvega dne drugega meseca po deponiranju listine o pristopu pod pogojem, da je Dodatni protokol iz 1. odstavka zgoraj že začel veljati.
Sedanje prečiščeno besedilo določb za uveljavitev te konvencije in njenih prilog je sestavljeno v angleškem, bolgarskem, češkem, danskem, francoskem, grškem, hrvaškem, italijanskem, madžarskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, norveškem, portugalskem, romunskem, slovaškem, slovenskem, španskem, švedskem in turškem jeziku. V skladu s končno določbo Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, s končno določbo Protokola z dne 12. februarja 1981, s katerim se dopolni omenjena konvencija, ter s končno določbo Protokola, ki je na voljo za podpis v Bruslju v 1997, ki povzema omenjeno konvencijo, ki je bila večkrat spremenjena, velja besedilo v francoskem jeziku, če bi prišlo do neskladnosti med besedili.
1. člen
1. Agencija je organ, odgovoren za uresničevanje ciljev in opravljanje nalog, ki so zapisane v konvenciji ali ki jih določijo Generalna skupščina ali Svet in njuni pomožni organi. Sproža in ustreznim organom pošilja predloge v zvezi z opravljanjem različnih nalog teh organov in v zvezi z drugimi nalogami, ki so naložene Organizaciji. Poleg tega zagotavlja podporo Generalni skupščini in Svetu ter njunim pomožnim organom pri opravljanju njunih nadzornih nalog.
2. Pri opravljanju nalog Agenciji lahko pomagajo, kadar je to potrebno, civilni in vojaški izvedenci, ki jih določijo države ali ustrezne organizacije, ki opravljajo storitve.
3. Agencija ima ključno vlogo pri medvladnem sodelovanju in usklajevanju na področju zračne plovbe. Pošilja predloge in zagotavlja potrebno podporo pri približevanju in izvajanju enovitega evropskega sistema upravljanja zračnega prometa.
4. Še zlasti pa opravlja pravne, informativne, podporne in svetovalne storitve pogodbenicam in na podlagi sporazumov v skladu z 2. členom konvencije priznanim mednarodnim organizacijam in nepogodbenicam.
5. Agencija zlasti:
(a) usklajuje izvedbene načrte pogodbenic, da bi zagotovila približevanje k enotnemu evropskemu sistemu upravljanja zračnega prometa;
(b) pregleduje zadeve na področju zračne plovbe, ki jih proučujejo Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva (ICAO) in druge mednarodne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo s civilnim letalstvom, ter usklajuje in predlaga dopolnila k dokumentom ICAO;
(c) oblikuje predloge za podrobno načrtovanje harmonizacije in integracije storitev in sistemov zračnega prometa, zlasti letališke in zračne komponente sistemov zračne plovbe pogodbenic zaradi vzpostavitve enovitega Evropskega sistema upravljanja zračnega prometa;
(d) oblikuje predloge, ki zadevajo dogovore za strateško načrtovanje in projektiranje zračnih poti in pripadajočih struktur zračnega prostora v dogovoru s civilnimi in vojaškimi izvedenci, ki jih imenujejo države;
(e) oblikuje predloge za harmonizacijo evropskih predpisov o storitvah zračnega prometa, oblikuje usklajeno ali enotno politiko izboljšav pri upravljanju zračnega prometa na letališčih in okoli njih ter podpira izboljšave za bolj učinkovito in fleksibilno uporabo zračnega prostora med civilnimi in vojaškimi uporabniki;
(f) predlaga ali svetuje glede vseh vidikov politike in načrtovanja. Njen obseg ni omejen na upravljanje zračnega prometa na rutah, ampak obsega celovit sistem povezovalnih postopkov (gate-to-gate). Pri pripravljanju teh predlogov Agenciji pomagajo domači izvedenci;
(g) prouči in podpira ukrepe za večjo racionalnost in učinkovitost na področju zračne plovbe;
(h) oblikuje enotna merila, postopke in metode, s katerimi zagotovi največjo učinkovitost in kakovost sistemov upravljanja in storitev zračnega prometa;
(i) usklajuje programe za raziskavo, razvoj, preizkuse in ocenjevanje (RDTE) nacionalnih organizacij za upravljanje zračnega prometa, vključno z zbiranjem in objavo rezultatov;
(j) vodi skupne študije, teste in uporabne raziskave in druge vrste strokovnega razvoja;
(k) določa, projektira, razvija, vrednoti in organizira izvajanje enovitega sistema upravljanja zračnega prometa pod okriljem Sveta.
6. Ko Agencija opravlja storitve zračne plovbe, so njeni cilji:
(a) da preprečuje trčenja zrakoplovov;
(b) da zagotovi urejen in hiter pretok zračnega prometa;
(c) da daje nasvete in informacije, potrebne za varno in učinkovito opravljanje poletov;
(d) da obvešča ustrezne organizacije o zrakoplovih, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri iskanju ali reševanju, in po potrebi tem organizacijam pomaga.
7. Agencija tesno sodeluje z organizacijami uporabnikov, da kar najučinkoviteje in najgospodarneje zadovolji vse potrebe civilnega letalstva. Delovati mora ob tesnem sodelovanju z vojaškimi oblastmi, da bi pod enakimi pogoji izpolnila posebne zahteve vojnega letalstva.
8. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog lahko Agencija med drugim gradi potrebne zgradbe in naprave ter jih upravlja. Vendar pa se mora obrniti na nacionalne tehnične službe in uporabiti obstoječe nacionalne naprave, kjer koli je to tehnično in ekonomsko utemeljeno, da ne bi prišlo do podvajanja.
2. člen
1. V skladu s pooblastili, ki jih imata Generalna skupščina in Svet, Agencijo vodi generalni direktor, ki uživa veliko upravljavsko neodvisnost, kar zadeva izvajanje, uporabo in učinkovito delovanje tehničnih, finančnih in kadrovskih zmogljivosti, ki so mu na voljo. Za ta namen sprejema ukrepe, ki se mu zdijo potrebni pri izpolnjevanju njegovih obveznosti.
2. Vendar pa generalni direktor zaradi predložitve v odobritev Svetu v skladu z določbami konvencije:
(a) izdela letne in petletne delovne programe, iz katerih so razvidni učinki na stroške in tarifne enote;
(b) sestavi petletni finančni načrt in proračun skupaj s finančnimi obveznostmi, in kot je predvideno v Prilogi IV, stopnje in tarife;
(c) predstavi Svetu letno poročilo o dejavnostih in finančnem položaju Organizacije;
(d) predstavi načela, povezana s splošnim ustrojem Agencije; za podrobnosti tega ustroja je izključno odgovoren generalni direktor.
3. Poleg tega generalni direktor:
(a) V rednih časovnih presledkih predloži Svetu poročila in ga prosi za navodila, kadar koli obstaja tveganje, da ciljev ne bo mogoče uresničiti, ali ko so prekoračeni roki ali zgornja finančna meja ali ob večjih spremembah programov;
(b) sklepa sporazume, omenjene v 2. členu konvencije, v okviru smernic, ki jih izda Svet.
3. člen
Generalni direktor izdela in predloži Svetu v odobritev predpise o pogodbah, ki se nanašajo na:
a) sklepanje pogodb za dobavo blaga in storitev Organizaciji;
b) dobavo blaga in storitev, ki jih posreduje Organizacija;
c) prodajo presežkov in razpolaganje z njimi.
4. člen
Generalni direktor izdela in predloži Svetu v odobritev finančni pravilnik, ki določa predvsem pogoje plačevanja nacionalnih prispevkov kakor tudi pogoje, pod katerimi lahko Agencija dobi posojilo in ki zagotavljajo ustrezno finančno upravljanje, vključno z notranjo revizijo.
5. člen
1. Ne glede na pravico pogodbenic, da predložijo predloge, generalni direktor izdela in predloži v odobritev Svetu kadrovski pravilnik Agencije:
a) ki mora zajemati zlasti določbe o državljanstvu osebja, postopkih in načelih izbiranja in zaposlovanja, o lestvicah plač, pokojninah, notranjih davkih, nesposobnosti za delo, poklicni molčečnosti in kontinuiteti službe;
b) osebje Agencije se izbere izmed državljanov pogodbenic. Osebje iz držav nepogodbenic se lahko zaposli na podlagi sporazumov iz 3. odstavka 2. člena konvencije ali v izjemnih primerih na podlagi dobro utemeljene odločitve generalnega direktorja.
2. Administrativno razsodišče Mednarodne organizacije dela ima izključno pristojnost v sporih med Organizacijo in osebjem Agencije. Za te spore niso pristojna nobena druga sodišča ali razsodišča, ne državna ne mednarodna.
6. člen
1. Generalnega direktorja za dobo petih let imenuje z večino glasujočih Generalna skupščina v skladu z 11. členom te konvencije pod pogojem, da večina, izračunana v skladu z omenjenim členom, ni manjša od treh četrtin ponderiranih glasov vseh glasujočih pogodbenic. Njegov mandat se lahko enkrat na enak način podaljša. Statut generalnega direktorja odobri Svet.
2. Generalni direktor zastopa Organizacijo v pravnih postopkih in v vse civilne namene.
3. V skladu s politiko, ki jo sprejmeta Generalna skupščina in Svet, generalni direktor tudi:
(a) lahko imenuje osebje in mu odpove službo v skladu s kadrovskim pravilnikom; imenovanje na funkciji A1 in A2, navadno za pet let z enkratnim podaljšanjem, odobri Svet;
(b) si lahko izposodi denar v skladu s finančnimi predpisi in v mejah, ki jih za ta namen določi Svet;
(c) lahko sklepa pogodbe v skladu s predpisi o pogodbah po 3. členu in v mejah, ki jih za ta namen določi Svet;
(d) sestavi in Svetu predloži v odobritev pravilnik o varstvu podatkov, določen v pododstavku (l) 2. odstavka 7. člena konvencije;
(e) sestavi in Svetu predloži v odobritev pravila in postopke, ki se uporabljajo za standarde, specifikacije in prakso v sistemu in storitvah upravljanja zračnega prometa.
4. Generalni direktor lahko opravlja zgoraj navedene naloge brez poprejšnje predložitve zadev Svetu, vendar pa Svet obvešča o vseh ukrepih, sprejetih med izvajanjem zgoraj omenjenih pooblastil.
5. Svet določa pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko imenuje namestnik generalnega direktorja, če ta ne more izpolnjevati svojih dolžnosti.
7. člen
1. Prihodki in odhodki proračuna morajo biti usklajeni. Za vsako finančno leto se pripravijo ocene vseh prihodkov in odhodkov Agencije.
2. Finančno leto se začne 1. januarja in konča 31. decembra.
3. Osnutek proračuna in osnutek petletnega finančnega načrta generalni direktor predloži Svetu v odobritev najkasneje do 31. oktobra preteklega leta.
8. člen
1. Organizacija lahko najema posojila na mednarodnih finančnih trgih, da pridobi sredstva, ki so potrebna za opravljanje njenih nalog.
2. Organizacija lahko odobrava posojila na finančnih trgih držav pogodbenic v skladu z notranjim pravom, ki ureja notranja posojila, ali če takega prava ni, s soglasjem pogodbenice.
3. Finančni predpisi določajo postopke, po katerih Organizacija najema in odplačuje posojila.
4. Vsak proračun in vsak petletni finančni načrt določata najvišji znesek, ki si ga lahko Organizacija izposodi v letih, ki jih pokrivata ta proračun in petletni finančni načrt.
5. V zadevah, ki spadajo v pristojnost tega člena, Organizacija deluje v dogovoru s pristojnimi organi držav pogodbenic ali z njihovimi emisijskimi bankami.
9. člen
Če okoliščine to zahtevajo, se lahko proračun in petletni finančni načrt med finančnim letom popravita v skladu z zahtevami, ki so predpisane za njuno pripravo in odobritev.
10. člen
1. Dokazila proračunskih dohodkov in odhodkov Agencije in njeno finančno poslovanje vsako leto pregleda Revizorski odbor.
2. Revizorskemu odboru pomagajo zunanji svetovalci za revizijo. Zunanjo svetovalno revizorsko agencijo imenuje Svet za triletno obdobje v skladu s pododstavkom (f) 2. odstavka 7. člena konvencije.
3. Namen revizije, ki jo opravi Revizorski odbor s pomočjo zunanjih svetovalcev za revizijo, je ugotoviti regularnost prihodkov in odhodkov ter zagotoviti zdravo finančno poslovanje. Revizorski odbor Svetu predloži ob koncu vsakega finančnega leta poročilo, ki vsebuje pripombe Agencije. Svet lahko Agenciji svetuje, da sprejme kakršne koli ustrezne ukrepe, ki jih priporoča revizorsko poročilo v skladu s pododstavkom (a) 2.odstavka 7. člena konvencije.
4. Revizorski odbor zagotovi delovanje ustreznega internega nadzornega mehanizma znotraj Agencije, ki je v skladu z zdravo poslovno prakso in vodenjem.
5. Revizorski odbor lahko opravi revizijo drugih finančnih zadev, povezanih z Agencijo, v skladu z dogovorjenim opisom del in nalog.
11. člen
1. Administrativne ali tehnične inšpekcije služb Agencije se lahko opravijo, če to zahteva Svet bodisi na lastno pobudo bodisi na zahtevo generalnega direktorja.
2. Take inšpekcije opravljajo uradniki iz državnih uprav pogodbenic ob zunanji pomoči, če se zahteva. Vsak inšpekcijski odbor je sestavljen iz najmanj dveh oseb, ki imata različno državljanstvo, in bi moral, če je to le mogoče, vključevati osebo, ki je sodelovala v prejšnji inšpekciji.
12. člen
Svet določi delovne jezike Agencije.
13. člen
Agencija izdaja publikacije, ki so potrebne za njeno delovanje.
14. člen
Vse osnutke dopolnil Statuta je treba predložiti v odobritev Generalni skupščini v skladu z določbami pododstavka (d) 1. odstavka 6. člena konvencije.
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1. člen
1. Ne glede na davčne oprostitve, določene v 22. in 23. členu konvencije, vlade držav članic Organizacije v primerih, kadar Organizacija pri opravljanju svojih uradnih dejavnosti pridobi premoženje večje vrednosti ali naroči storitve večje vrednosti, glede katerih so plačane oziroma se plačujejo posredne dajatve, davščine ali pristojbine (skupaj s takšnimi dajatvami, davščinami in drugimi obveznostmi glede uvoza, ki niso zajete s prvim odstavkom 23. člena konvencije), kadar koli je to mogoče, ustrezno ukrepajo za finančno razbremenitev Organizacije glede plačila takšnih dajatev, davščin ali pristojbin bodisi z ustrezno prilagoditvijo finančnih prispevkov Organizaciji bodisi z odpustom ali povračilom zneskov teh davščin, dajatev ali pristojbin Organizaciji.
2. Pri plačilih, ki jih Organizacija posreduje državam članicam za kapitalske investicije, ki jih te države izvedejo, omenjene države v obsegu investicijskih stroškov, ki jih je dolžna povrniti Organizacija, zagotovijo, da v obračunskih bilancah, ki jih v zvezi s tem predložijo Organizaciji, ni dajatev, davščin ali pristojbin, ki bi jih bila Organizacija bodisi oproščena bodisi bi ji bili povrnjeni oziroma bi glede njih prišlo do prilagoditev finančnih prispevkov Organizaciji, če bi te investicije izvedla sama.
3. Določbe tega člena se ne uporabljajo za dajatve, davščine ali pristojbine, ki se zaračunavajo kot plačila javnih storitev.
2. člen
Prodaja oziroma drugačno razpolaganje s premoženjem, ki ga pridobi Organizacija in za katero se uporabljajo določbe 1. odstavka 1. člena, je mogoče le v skladu s pogoji, ki jih določijo vlade zadevnih držav.
3. člen
1. V skladu s pravili in pod pogoji, ki jih določi Generalna skupščina, so generalni direktor Agencije in člani osebja Organizacije glede plač in honorarjev, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija, davčni zavezanci v korist Organizacije. Te plače in honorarji so oproščeni plačila dohodnine, ki se uporablja v njihovih matičnih državah.
Vendar pa smejo države članice upoštevati te plače in honorarje, ki so oproščeni plačila dohodnine, ko ugotavljajo davčno osnovo za plačilo davka na prejemke iz drugih virov.
2. Prvi odstavek se ne nanaša na pokojnine in rente, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija.
3. Imena, funkcije, naslovi in nagrade ter v nekaterih primerih pokojnine uslužbencev in nekdanjih uslužbencev, za katere se uporabljajo določbe 1. in 2. odstavka tega člena, se občasno posredujejo državam članicam.
4. člen
Za namen te priloge Organizacija ravna v dogovoru z ustreznimi oblastmi zadevnih držav članic.
5. člen
1. S to prilogo se nadomesti Dodatni protokol h konvenciji, podpisan v Bruslju 6. julija 1970, ki je dopolnjen s Protokolom, podpisanim v Bruslju 21. novembra 1978, oba pa dopolnjena s členom XXXVIII Protokola, podpisanega v Bruslju 12. februarja 1981, ki dopolnjuje konvencijo.
2. Ne glede na določbe 1. odstavka zgoraj ostanejo obveznosti iz 3. člena Dodatnega protokola z dne 6. julija 1970 zavezujoče, dokler ustrezne zahteve in zadolžitve niso v celoti izpolnjene.
1. člen
Pogodbenice soglašajo, da še naprej vodijo enotni sistem oblikovanja, zaračunavanja in pobiranja preletnih pristojbin kot enkratno pristojbino za vsak posamezen polet in da v ta namen uporabljajo storitve EUROCONTROL-a.
2. člen
Organizacija oblikuje, zaračunava in pobira preletne pristojbine od uporabnikov preletnih storitev zračne plovbe na predlog pogodbenic, ki so vključene v enoten sistem preletnih pristojbin.
3. člen
Pri zadevah, povezanih s preletnimi pristojbinami, je Svet tisti organ, ki je odgovoren za določanje dogovorov glede izvajanja odločitev Generalne skupščine o preletnih pristojbinah in nadziranju nalog Agencije na tem področju.
Svet med drugim:
(a) pripravlja odločitve Generalne skupščine glede politike preletnih pristojbin;
(b) določa denarno enoto, v kateri so izražene preletne pristojbine;
(c) določa v skladu z odločitvami, sprejetimi na podlagi 2. odstavka 6. člena te konvencije, pogoje za izvajanje sistema, vključno s plačilnimi pogoji, merskimi enotami in tarifami, ter obdobje, za katero veljajo;
(d) odobri poročila, ki se nanašajo na dejavnosti EUROCONTROL-a za preletne pristojbine;
(e) sprejme finančne predpise, ki se uporabljajo v sistemu plačevanja preletnih pristojbin;
(f) odobri dopolnitve proračuna, ki se nanašajo na dejavnosti EUROCONTROL-a glede preletnih pristojbin.
4. člen
Preletne pristojbine, navedene na računu, ki ga izda Organizacija, pomenijo edino plačilo za vsak posamezen polet in so edina terjatev EUROCONTROL-a, ki je plačljiva na njegovem sedežu.
5. člen
1. Pristojbino plača letalski prevoznik, ki je upravljal zrakoplov med poletom. Če pristojbina ni poravnana, je mogoče zrakoplov, na katerega se nanaša dolg, zapleniti ne glede na to, v čigavi posesti je, če pravo zadevne pogodbenice to dovoljuje.
2. Tam, kjer se za identifikacijo poleta uporablja označevalnik ICAO ali drug priznan označevalnik, EUROCONTROL šteje, da je letalski prevoznik tista agencija, ki upravlja zrakoplov in ji je bil označevalnik ICAO dodeljen oziroma je bil v postopku dodeljevanja med poletom ali prepoznan v načrtu poleta ali prepoznan po tistem označevalniku ICAO ali drugem priznanem označevalniku med sporazumevanjem s kontrolo zračnega prometa ali na kateri koli drug način.
3. Če letalski prevoznik ni znan, se šteje, da je upravljavec zrakoplova njegov lastnik, razen če dokaže, katera druga oseba ga je upravljala.
4. Letalski prevoznik in lastnik zrakoplova sta solidarno dolžna poravnati pistojbino, če pravo zadevne pogodbenice to dovoljuje.
6. člen
1. Če dolgovani znesek ni plačan, se lahko sprejmejo ukrepi za prisilno izterjavo, vključno s pridržanjem in prodajo zrakoplova, če to dovoljuje pravo pogodbenice, v kateri je zadevni zrakoplov pristal.
2. Na zahtevo EUROCONTROL-a lahko ukrepi vključujejo preverjanje upravnega pooblastila za zračni promet ali za upravljanje zračnega prometa, izdanega osebi, ki je dolžna poravnati pristojbino, če to dopušča zadevna zakonodaja; preverjanje lahko opravi pogodbenica ali kateri koli pristojni organ.
7. člen
1. Postopke za izterjavo dolgovanih zneskov lahko sproži EUROCONTROL ali na njegovo zahtevo pogodbenica ali drug organ, ki ga je pogodbenica za ta namen pooblastila.
2. Izterjava se opravi po sodnem ali upravnem postopku.
3. Vsaka pogodbenica EUROCONTROL obvesti o postopkih, ki se uporabljajo v tej državi, in o pristojnih sodiščih, razsodiščih ali upravnih organih.
8. člen
Postopki izterjave potekajo na ozemlju tiste pogodbenice:
(a) kjer ima dolžnik bivališče ali registriran urad;
(b) kjer ima dolžnik svoj poslovni sedež, če nima bivališča ali registriranega urada na ozemlju pogodbenice;
(c) v primeru neobstoja razlogov za pristojnost iz pododstavkov (a) in (b) zgoraj pa v državi, kjer ima dolžnik svoje premoženje;
(d) kjer ima EUROCONTROL svoj sedež, če ne obstajajo razlogi za pristojnost iz pododstavkov (a) do (c) zgoraj.
9. člen
1. Ne glede na določbe 5., 6., 7. in 8. člena lahko pogodbenica ali drug organ, ki ga pogodbenica pooblasti, na zahtevo EUROCONTROL-a sproži postopek za izterjavo dolgovanega zneska s pridržanjem in prodajo zrakoplova v skladu z upravnim ali sodnim postopkom zadevne pogodbenice.
2. Pravica do pridržanja in prodaje se uporablja tudi za opremo, rezervne dele, gorivo, skladišča in dokumentacijo pridržanega ali prodanega zrakoplova.
3. Veljavnost in učinek pridržanja in prodaje določa pravo pogodbenice, kjer je bilo pridržanje opravljeno.
10. člen
EUROCONTROL ima pravico sprožiti postopke pri pristojnih sodiščih, razsodiščih in upravnih organih držav, ki niso pogodbenice te konvencije.
11. člen
Druge pogodbenice priznavajo in izvajajo spodaj navedene odločitve, ki so sprejete v eni od pogodbenic:
(a) dokončne odločitve sodišč ali razsodišč;
(b) odločitve upravnih organov, o katerih lahko odloča sodišče ali razsodišče, pa to ni mogoče bodisi zaradi tega, ker je sodišče ali razsodišče odločilo o pritožbi z dokončno odločitvijo ali ker je bila pritožba umaknjena ali ker je pretekel čas, v katerem je dovoljeno vložiti pritožbo.
12. člen
Odločitve, navedene v 11. členu, se ne priznavajo oziroma izvajajo v naslednjih primerih:
(a) če sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, ki je odločitev izdal, ni pristojen v skladu z 8. členom;
(b) če je odločitev v nasprotju z javno politiko pogodbenice, na katero se nanaša;
(c) če dolžnik ni pravočasno prejel obvestila o odločitvi upravnega organa ali o začetku postopka, da bi lahko pripravil obrambo ali se pritožil na sodišče ali razsodišče;
(d) če je bil postopek glede istih preletnih pristojbin predhodno začet in še vedno o njem ni odločeno na sodišču, razsodišču ali pri upravnem organu pogodbenice, na katero se nanaša;
(e) če je odločitev nezdružljiva z odločitvijo, ki je bila o isti preletni pristojbini sprejeta v pogodbenici, na katero se nanaša,
(f) če je sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, ki je odločitev izdal, odločal o predhodnem vprašanju glede statusa ali pravne sposobnosti fizičnih oseb, pravic na premoženju, ki izhajajo iz zakonske zveze, oporok ali nasledstva, na način, ki nasprotuje določbam mednarodnega zasebnega prava v tisti pogodbenici, na katero se odločitev nanaša, razen če bi bil enak rezultat dosežen z uporabo pravil mednarodnega zasebnega prava te pogodbenice.
13. člen
Če je odločitve, navedene v 11. členu, možno izvajati v pogodbenici, ki je odločitev izdala, jih je treba izvajati v skladu s pravom pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša. Če je potrebno, sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša, na podlagi zahtevka izda odločbo o izvršbi.
14. člen
1. Zahtevku je treba priložiti:
(a) overjeno kopijo odločitve;
(b) če je bila odločitev sodišča ali razsodišča izdana po uradni dolžnosti, je treba priložiti izvirnik ali overjeno kopijo dokumenta, s katerim je bil dolžnik pravočasno obveščen o začetku postopka;
(c) v primeru upravne odločbe dokument, ki dokazuje, da so bile izpolnjene zahteve iz 11. člena;
(d) dokument, ki potrjuje, da je odločitev izvršljiva v pogodbenici, ki je odločitev izdala, in da je dolžnik pravočasno prejel obvestilo o odločitvi.
2. Priloži se pravilno overjen prevod vseh dokumentov, če to zahteva sodišče, razsodišče ali upravni organ pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša. Obličnost ali podobna formalnost ni potrebna.
15. člen
1. Zahtevek se lahko zavrne zgolj zaradi enega od razlogov, navedenih v 12. členu. V nobenem primeru odločitev glede bistvenih sestavin ne more biti spremenjena v pogodbenici, na katero se odločitev nanaša.
2. Postopek priznanja in izvršitve odločitve poteka v skladu s pravom pogodbenice, na katero se odločitev nanaša, če ta konvencija ne določa drugače.
16. člen
Zneski, ki jih pobira EUROCONTROL, se izplačajo pogodbenicam v skladu z odločitvami Sveta.
17. člen
Če je dolg izterjala pogodbenica, mora ta znesek brez odlašanja plačati EUROCONTROL-u, ki ravna v skladu s 16. členom. Stroški izterjave, ki jih je ta pogodbenica imela, bremenijo EUROCONTROL.
18. člen
Pristojni organi pogodbenic sodelujejo z EUROCONTROL-om pri določanju in pobiranju preletnih pristojbin.
19. člen
Če se Svet soglasno odloči opustiti izterjavo pristojbine, lahko prizadete pogodbenice uporabijo kateri koli ukrep, ki se jim zdi primeren. V tem primeru se določbe te konvencije, ki se nanašajo na izterjavo, priznanje in izvršbo odločitev, prenehajo uporabljati.
Considering that the growth in air traffic, the need to centralise the national policy measures of each European State at European level and technological developments in air traffic require a revision of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as amended by the amending Protocol of 12 February 1981, in order to provide for the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system for the control of general air traffic in European airspace and at and around airports;
Considering that it is desirable to strengthen the co-operation between the States within the framework of EUROCONTROL with the aim of efficiently organising and safely managing the airspace for both civil and military users, based upon the fundamental principle that the airspace should, from the perspective of the airspace users, be considered as a seamless system, in particular through the establishment of common policies, objectives, plans, standards and specifications, including a common policy in respect of route charges, in close consultation with users of air traffic services and taking due account of defence interests;
Considering the need to ensure that all airspace users may enjoy maximum efficiency at the minimum cost consistent with the required level of safety and the need to minimise the adverse environmental impact by means of harmonisation and integration of the services responsible for air traffic management in Europe;
Considering that the Contracting Parties acknowledge the need to harmonise and integrate their air traffic management systems in order to create a uniform European air traffic management system;
Considering the importance of local air traffic management initiatives, particularly at airport level;
Considering that the operation of a common route charges system, with due regard to the guidelines recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organization, in particular concerning equity and transparency, supports the financial bases of the uniform European air traffic management system and facilitates consultation with users;
Considering that EUROCONTROL constitutes for the Contracting Parties the body for co-operation in the field of air traffic management;
Desiring to extend and to strengthen co-operation with the European or international institutions which have an interest in the execution of the tasks entrusted to EUROCONTROL in order to increase its efficiency;
Considering therefore that it is expedient to create a European air traffic management system operating beyond the territorial limits of the individual Contracting Parties throughout the airspace covered by the Convention;
Considering that it is important for the Contracting Parties to provide the Organisation with the legal means necessary to fulfil its tasks, mainly in the area of route charge recovery and air traffic flow management;
Recognising that the safe and efficient realisation of the Organisation’s tasks will benefit from the separation where practicable of its regulatory and service provision functions;
Desiring to encourage other European States to become members of this international organisation.
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
The EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as amended by the Protocol of 6 July 1970, in turn amended by the Protocol of 21 November 1978, all amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981, hereinafter called “the Convention”, is hereby replaced by the consolidated version of the Convention annexed hereto, which incorporates the text of the Convention remaining in force together with the amendments made by the Diplomatic Conference held on 27 June 1997.
Article II
1. This Protocol shall be opened for signature by all States Parties to the Convention on 27 June 1997.
It shall also be open, prior to the date of its entry into force, for signature by any other State invited to the Diplomatic Conference at which it was adopted and any other State authorised to sign it by unanimous vote of the Permanent Commission.
2. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium.
3. This Protocol shall enter into force on 1 January 2000 provided all the States Parties to the Convention have ratified, accepted or approved it by that date. Where this condition is not met, it shall enter into force either on 1 July or 1 January following the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, according to whether the said deposit is effected in the first or the second half of the year.
4. In the case of any State signatory to this Protocol which is not a Party to the Convention and whose instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval is deposited after the date of this Protocol’s entry into force, the latter shall enter into force in respect of that State on the first day of the second month following the deposit of the relevant instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
5. Any State signatory to this Protocol which is not a Party to the Convention shall become a Party to the Convention by virtue of ratification, acceptance or approval of this Protocol.
6. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other States Parties to the Convention and any other States signatories to this Protocol of each signature, each deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval and each date of entry into force of this Protocol pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 above.
Article III
With effect from the entry into force of this Protocol, the Protocol of 6 July 1970, as amended by the Protocol of 21 November 1978, and by Article XXXVIII of the Protocol of 12 February 1981, shall be replaced by Annex III (entitled “Tax Provisions”) to the consolidated version of the text of the Convention annexed hereto.
Article IV
With effect from the entry into force of this Protocol, the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges of 12 February 1981 shall be terminated and replaced by the relevant provisions of the consolidated text of the Convention annexed hereto, including its Annex IV (entitled “Provisions relating to the common route charges system”).
Article V
The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall have this Protocol registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations and with the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation pursuant to Article 83 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, having presented their Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed this Protocol.
DONE at Brussels, this 27th day of June 1997, in the German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech and Turkish languages, in a single original, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall transmit certified copies to the Governments of the other signatory States. In the case of any inconsistency, the text in the French language shall prevail.
Article 1
1. In order to achieve harmonisation and integration with the aim of establishing a uniform European air traffic management system, the Contracting Parties agree to strengthen their co-operation and to develop their joint activities in the field of air navigation, making due allowance for defence needs and providing maximum freedom for all airspace users consistent with the required level of safety in the provision of cost-effective air traffic services, and taking into account the need to minimise, where this is feasible, inter alia, in operational, technical and economic terms, any adverse environmental impact.
The pursuit of these objectives shall not prejudice the principle that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory nor the capacity of every State to exercise its prerogatives with regard to security and defence in its national airspace.
To this end, they agree:
(a) to determine a European policy in the air traffic management field, involving the definition of strategies and programmes whose objective is to develop the capacity needed to meet the requirements of all civil and military users in a cost-effective manner while maintaining the required level of safety;
(b) to commit themselves to the establishment of specific targets regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of air traffic management operations in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II to this Convention in which States, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, have agreed to provide air traffic services without prejudice to the principles of free movement in airspace not subject to the sovereignty of the States which result from conventions, international agreements, and the rules or principles of customary public international law;
(c) to introduce an air traffic management performance review and target setting system;
(d) to implement a common convergence and implementation plan for air navigation services and facilities in Europe;
(e) to adopt and apply common standards and specifications;
(f) to harmonise air traffic services regulations;
(g) to develop the available capacity to meet the air traffic demand and to ensure its most effective utilisation through the joint establishment, operation and development of a common European air traffic flow management system, in the framework of the introduction of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(h) to encourage common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities;
(i) to implement a common policy for the establishment and calculation of charges levied on users of en route air navigation facilities and services, hereinafter called "route charges";
(j) to implement a mechanism, separate from service provision, for the multilateral development and harmonisation of a safety regulatory regime in the field of air traffic management within a total aviation safety system approach;
(k) to participate in the design, the implementation and the monitoring of a global navigation satellite system;
(l) to identify new possibilities for common actions in the field of design, implementation, monitoring or operation of systems and services in air navigation;
(m) in the context of a “gate-to-gate” concept, to develop an overall policy and an appropriate, efficient and effective process for the strategic design and planning of routes and airspace.
2. For this purpose they hereby establish a "European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)", hereinafter called "the Organisation", which shall act in co-operation with the national civil and military authorities and the user organisations. The Organisation shall comprise three organs:
(a) a General Assembly, which shall constitute the organ responsible for the formulation and approval of the Organisation's general policy, including:
(i) the common policy for route charges and the Organisation's other charges activities;
(ii) the performance review and assessment functions of the Organisation;
(iii) the setting of objectives for the Organisation, including those of standardisation, planning, performance and safety regulation;
(iv) the technical and financial selection of major framework programmes for co-operation;
(v) external relations with States and organisations and applications for accession to this Convention;
(b) a Council, which shall constitute the organ tasked with implementing the General Assembly's decisions and, subject to the powers conferred upon the latter, ruling on all measures which are addressed to and binding on the Contracting Parties, and supervising the Agency's work;
(c) an Agency, whose Statute is contained in Annex I to this Convention, which shall be the organ entrusted to undertake the Organisation’s tasks, in accordance with the provisions of the following articles of this Convention and the tasks assigned to it by the General Assembly or the Council, to initiate relevant proposals and to deploy the technical, financial and staff resources to achieve the objectives laid down.
3. The headquarters of the Organisation shall be in Brussels.
Article 2
1. The Organisation shall undertake the following tasks:
(a) to develop and endorse detailed plans for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems of the Contracting Parties, in particular the ground and airborne air navigation systems, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(b) to coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties so as to secure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system;
(c) to examine and coordinate on behalf of the Contracting Parties matters in the field of air navigation studied by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and to coordinate and submit amendments or proposals to these bodies;
(d) to define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(e) to develop and operate a common European air traffic flow management system at a common international centre in the framework of (d) above;
(f) to develop, adopt, and keep under review common standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services;
(g) to develop and endorse procedures towards a strategy for the common procurement of air traffic systems and facilities;
(h) to coordinate the Contracting Parties’ research and development programmes relating to new techniques in the field of air navigation, to collect and distribute their results and to promote and conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as technical developments in this field;
(i) establish an independent performance review system that will address all aspects of air traffic management, including policy and planning, safety management at and around airports and in the airspace, as well as financial and economic aspects of services rendered, and set targets that will address all these aspects;
(j) to study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation;
(k) to develop and endorse common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services;
(l) to develop proposals for the harmonisation of European air traffic services regulations;
(m) to support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users;
(n) to develop and endorse coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports;
(o) to develop and endorse common criteria for the selection, and common policies for the training, licensing, and proficiency checking of air traffic services staff;
(p) to develop, establish and operate the future common European system elements entrusted to it by the Contracting Parties;
(q) to establish, bill and collect the route charges on behalf of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system as provided for in Annex IV;
(r) to establish and implement a mechanism for the multilateral development and harmonisation of safety regulation in the air traffic management field;
(s) to perform any other task relating to the principles and objectives of this Convention.
2. At the request of one or more Contracting Parties and on the basis of a special agreement or agreements between the Organisation and the Contracting Parties concerned, the Organisation may:
(a) assist such Contracting Parties in the planning, specification and setting up of air traffic systems and services;
(b) provide and operate, wholly or in part, air traffic facilities and services on behalf of such Contracting Parties;
(c) assist such Contracting Parties in the establishment, billing and collection of charges which are levied by them on users of air navigation services and which are not covered by Annex IV to this Convention.
3. The Organisation may:
(a) conclude special agreements with non-Contracting Parties interested in participating in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1;
(b) at the request of non-Contracting Parties or other international organisations, perform on their behalf any other tasks pursuant to this Article, on the basis of special agreements between the Organisation and the Parties concerned.
4. The Organisation shall, as far as is practicable, ensure that its service provision functions, in particular those provided for in Articles 2.1 (e), 2.1 (g), 2.1 (p), 2.1 (q), 2.2 and 2.3 (b), are exercised independently of its regulatory functions.
5. In order to facilitate the execution of its tasks, the Organisation may, by decision of the General Assembly, create undertakings governed by specific articles of association governed either by public international law or by the national law of a Contracting Party, or acquire majority shareholdings in such undertakings.
Article 3
1. This Convention shall apply to en route air navigation services and related approach and aerodrome services for air traffic in the Flight Information Regions listed in Annex II.
2. (a) Any amendment which a Contracting Party wishes to make to the list of its Flight Information Regions in Annex II shall be decided upon by the General Assembly by unanimity of the votes cast if it would result in a change in the overall limits of the airspace covered by this Convention.
(b) Any amendment which does not result in such a change shall nevertheless be notified to the Organisation by the Contracting Party concerned.
3. For the purposes of this Convention the expression "air traffic" shall comprise civil aircraft and those military, customs and police aircraft which conform to the procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
On the basis of a special agreement, as provided for in Article 2.2(b), a Contracting Party may request that the expression "air traffic" shall apply to other air traffic operating within its territory.
Article 4
The Organisation shall have legal personality. In the territory of the Contracting Parties it shall have the fullest legal capacity to which corporate bodies are entitled under national law; it shall inter alia have the right to acquire or transfer movable or immovable property and to go to law. Except as otherwise provided in this Convention or the Statute at Annex I, it shall be represented by the Agency, which shall act in its name. The Agency shall administer the property of the Organisation.
Article 5
1. The General Assembly shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at Ministerial level. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
2. The Council shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties at the level of the Directors General for Civil Aviation. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the interests of both civil aviation and national defence to be represented, but shall have only a single voting right.
3. On matters relating to the common route charges system, the General Assembly and the Council shall be made up of representatives of the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system under the conditions stipulated in Annex IV.
4. The representatives of international organisations which can contribute to the work of the Organisation shall, where appropriate, be invited by the General Assembly, or the Council, to participate as observers, in bodies of the Organisation.
Article 6
1. The General Assembly shall take decisions with regard to the Contracting Parties, the Council and the Agency, in particular in the cases referred to in Article 1.2(a).
In addition, the General Assembly shall:
(a) appoint the Director General of the Agency, on the Council's recommendation;
(b) authorise recourse on behalf of the Organisation to the Permanent Court of Arbitration of The Hague in the cases referred to in Article 34;
(c) establish the principles applied for the operation of the common European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1(e);
(d) approve amendments to Annex I in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.1;
(e) approve amendments to Annexes II and IV in conformity with the voting conditions provided for in Article 8.3;
(f) periodically review the tasks of the Organisation.
2. To formulate the common policy for route charges, the General Assembly shall, inter alia:
(a) establish the principles governing the assessment of the costs chargeable by the Contracting Parties and the Organisation to the users in respect of the en-route air navigation facilities and services provided to them;
(b) determine the formula to be applied in calculating route charges;
(c) determine the principles governing exemption from the route charges and may further decide that for certain categories of flights thus exempted from the payment of route charges governed by Annex IV, the costs incurred in respect of en-route air navigation facilities and services may be recovered directly by the Contracting Parties;
(d) approve reports by the Council relating to route charges.
3. The General Assembly may:
(a) refer to the Council for examination any matter falling within its competence;
(b) delegate to the Council, where necessary, the power to take decisions in the matters falling within its general competence, referred to in Article 1.2(a);
(c) establish other subsidiary bodies as it may consider to be necessary.
Article 7
1. The Council, pursuant to the powers conferred on it by this Convention, may take decisions with regard to the Contracting Parties, in the tasks referred to in Article 2.1.
2. The Council, pursuant to its supervisory powers as conferred on it in regard to the Agency by this Convention:
(a) shall approve, after having consulted representative organisations of airspace users recognised by the Council, the Agency’s five-year and annual work programmes submitted to it by the Agency for the accomplishment of the tasks referred to in Article 2, together with the five-year financial plan and the budget, including the financial obligations, the Agency’s activity report and the reports submitted pursuant to Articles 2.2 (c), 10.3 and 11.1 of the Statute of the Agency;
(b) shall approve the principles governing the general structure of the Agency;
(c) shall supervise the activities of the Agency in the field of air navigation charges;
(d) shall determine, after having consulted the representative organisations of airspace users and airports recognised by the Council, the general conditions for the operation of the common European air traffic flow management system provided for in Article 2.1 (e), taking due account of the prerogatives exercised by the States in regard to management of their airspace. These general conditions shall specify, inter alia, the rules applicable as well as the procedures for recording non-compliance with these rules;
(e) shall issue directives to the Agency on the basis of regular reports from the latter or whenever it deems it to be necessary for the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Agency, and shall approve arrangements for co-operation between the Agency and national organisations concerned to enable the Agency to initiate the appropriate proposals;
(f) shall appoint, on a proposal by the Director General, the firm of consultant auditors to assist the Audit Board in the examination of the accounts of all receipts and expenditure;
(g) may require that the Agency’s services be the subject of administrative and technical inspections;
(h) shall give the Director General discharge in respect of his/her administration of the budget;
(i) shall approve the appointment by the Director General of the Directors of the Agency;
(j) shall approve the Statute of the Director General, the Staff Regulations, the Financial Regulations and the Contract Regulations;
(k) may authorise the opening by the Agency of negotiations related to the special agreements referred to in Article 2, adopt the agreements negotiated before submitting them for approval by the General Assembly or conclude such agreements where the Council has been delegated powers pursuant to the provisions of Article 13.3;
(l) shall approve a Regulation on data protection;
(m) in the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(f), shall determine the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
3. The Council shall establish a Performance Review Commission and a Safety Regulation Commission. These Commissions will initiate relevant proposals to the Council and receive administrative support and assistance from the Agency services which have the necessary degree of independence to exercise their functions.
4. The Council shall establish a Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee.
5. The Council shall establish an Audit Board to which it may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers.
6. The Council may be assisted by other committees in other fields of activity of the Organisation.
7. The Council may delegate duties and, under specific terms of reference, delegate powers to the Civil/Military Interface Standing Committee and any Committee created after the entry into force of this Convention. Such delegations of duties or powers shall not prevent the Council from being able to raise matters at any time as part of its task of general supervision.
Article 8
1. Decisions taken with regard to the Contracting Parties by the General Assembly, in particular on the basis of Article 1.2(a) and the first subparagraph of Article 6.1, or by the Council, in particular on the basis of Article 1.2(b) and Article 7.1, shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, on condition that the said majority represents at least three-quarters of the weighted votes cast, according to the weighting provided for in Article 11, and at least three-quarters of the Contracting Parties casting a vote.
This rule shall also apply to decisions taken in the cases referred to in Articles 2.1(i), (p), (r) and (s), 2.5, 6.1(a), (c) and (d), 6.2, 6.3(b), 7.2(d), (j) and (k), 7.3, 7.6 and 7.7, 12, 13.2 and 13.3.
This rule shall also apply to decisions taken in pursuance of Article 3 of Annex IV. These decisions, when they refer to the unit rates, tariffs and conditions of application of the Route Charges System referred to in Article 3(c) of Annex IV, shall not apply in regard to a Contracting Party if that Contracting Party has voted against and so decides. In this case, this Contracting Party shall submit an explanatory statement of its reasons and cannot put in question the common policy as defined in Article 6.2.
2. Decisions taken with regard to the Agency by the General Assembly, in particular on the basis of Article 1.2(a) and (c) and the first subparagraph of Article 6.1, or by the Council, in particular on the basis of Article 1.2(b) and (c), shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast, on condition that the majority represents more than half the weighted votes cast, according to the weighting provided for in Article 11, and more than half the Contracting Parties casting a vote. In matters of particular importance, and where at least one-third of the Contracting Parties entitled to vote so request, the majority must represent at least three-quarters of the weighted votes cast instead of more than half.
This rule shall also apply to decisions taken in the cases referred to in Articles 6.1(b), 6.3(a), 7.2(a) to (c), (e) to (i), (l) and (m), 9.2 and 10.2.
3. However, decisions shall be taken by unanimity of the votes cast with regard to applications to accede to the Organisation as referred to in Article 39, any amendments made to Annex II, except in the case referred to in Article 3.2(b), and to Annex IV, and the conditions governing withdrawal or accession referred to in Articles 36.4, 36.5, 38.3 and 38.4.
4. Decisions taken by the General Assembly and the Council shall be binding on the Contracting Parties and the Agency, subject to the provisions of Article 9.
Article 9
1. Where a Contracting Party notifies the General Assembly or the Council that overriding national considerations pertaining to national defence and security interests prevent it from acting on a decision adopted by a majority of the votes cast as provided for in Article 8.1 above, it may derogate from that decision subject to communication to the General Assembly or the Council of an explanation of the reasons and a statement as to whether:
(a) the derogation refers to a matter on which there is no objection to the decision taking effect for the other Contracting Parties, it being understood that the Contracting Party concerned shall not apply the decision or shall apply it only in part;
(b) the derogation refers to a question of such importance to national defence and security interests that the decision must not be implemented at all until a second decision has been taken pursuant to the arrangements described in sub-paragraph 2(b) below.
2. (a) In the event of the application of the circumstances of sub-paragraph 1(a) above, the Director General shall provide the General Assembly or the Council with reports at least annually to show progress being made towards a situation in which no Contracting Party derogates.
(b) In the event of the application of sub-paragraph 1(b) above, implementation of the decision shall be suspended and, within a period to be determined, be submitted to the General Assembly for a second decision, even if the first was a Council decision. If, as a result of this re-examination, the second decision confirms the first, a Contracting Party may derogate therefrom under the conditions laid down in sub-paragraph 1(a) above. The General Assembly will review the first decision within a period not exceeding one year.
3. In the event of a state of war or conflict, the provisions of this Convention shall not affect the freedom of action of any of the Contracting Parties affected. The same principle shall apply in the event of a state of crisis or national emergency. In particular, each Contracting Party may temporarily resume responsibility for all or part of the air traffic services in the airspace under its control on the grounds of overriding national considerations, especially in the area of defence. The European air traffic management system architecture should allow the effective resumption of such services in accordance with the Contracting Parties' requirements.
Article 10
1. The annual contribution of each Contracting Party to the budget shall be determined, for each financial year, in accordance with the following formula:
(a) an initial 30% of the contribution shall be calculated in proportion to the value of the Gross National Product of the Contracting Party, as defined in paragraph 2 below;
(b) a further 70% of the contribution shall be calculated in proportion to the value of the route facility cost base of the Contracting Party, as defined in paragraph 3 below.
2. The Gross National Product to be used for the calculations shall be obtained from the statistics compiled by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – or failing that by any other body affording equivalent guarantees and designated under a decision of the Council – by calculating the arithmetical mean for the last three years for which those statistics are available. The value of the Gross National Product shall be that which is calculated on the basis of factor cost and current prices expressed in the appropriate European Unit of Account.
3. The route facility cost base to be used for the calculations shall be the cost base established in respect of the last year but one preceding the financial year concerned.
Article 11
1. The weighting referred to in Article 8 shall be determined according to the following table:
Annual Contribution of a Contracting Party                   Number
as a percentage of the total annual contributions          of votes
of all the Contracting Parties
Less than 1%                                                      1
From 1 to less than 2%                                            2
From 2 to less than 3%                                            3
From 3 to less than 41/2%                                         4
From 41/2 to less than 6%                                         5
From 6 to less than 71/2%                                         6
From 71/2 to less than 9%                                         7
From 9 to less than 11%                                           8
From 11 to less than 13%                                          9
From 13 to less than 15%                                         10
From 15 to less than 18%                                         11
From 18 to less than 21%                                         12
From 21 to less than 24%                                         13
From 24 to less than 27%                                         14
From 27 to less than 30%                                         15
30%                                                              16
2. The number of votes shall be initially established with effect from the date of entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 by reference to the above table and in accordance with the rule in Article 10 above for determining the annual contributions of the Contracting Parties to the Organisation's budget.
3. In the event of the accession of a State, the numbers of votes of the Contracting Parties shall be re-established in accordance with the same procedure.
4. The numbers of votes shall be re-established each year in accordance with the foregoing provisions.
Article 12
The General Assembly and the Council shall establish their rules of procedure, including rules governing the election of a President and Vice-President, and the rules of application of the voting procedures and the quorum.
Article 13
1. The Organisation shall maintain with the appropriate States and other international organisations the necessary relations for the realisation of its aims.
2. The General Assembly shall, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7.2(k), of paragraph 3 of this article and of Article 15, be alone empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organisation the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
3. The General Assembly may, on a proposal from the Council, delegate to the latter the decision to conclude the special agreements which are necessary for the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.
Article 14
The special agreements referred to in Article 2 shall stipulate the respective tasks, rights and obligations of the Parties to the agreements, together with the financial arrangements, and shall establish the measures to be taken. Such agreements may be negotiated by the Agency in accordance with the provisions of Article 7.2(k).
Article 15
Within the scope of the directives given by the Council, those relations which are essential for the co-ordination of air traffic and for the operation of the services of the Agency may be established by the Agency with the appropriate technical services, public or private, of the Contracting Parties, of non-Contracting Parties or of international organisations. For that purpose, contracts of a purely administrative, technical or commercial nature, in so far as they are required for the operation of the Agency, may be entered into by the Agency, in the name of the Organisation, on condition that the Agency so informs the Council.
Article 16
1. The character of public interest shall, where necessary, be recognised, in accordance with national law and with the consequences which result from the provisions of that law relating to expropriation in the public interest, as regards the acquisition of immovable property necessary for the siting of the Organisation's installations, subject to the agreement of the Government concerned. The procedure of expropriation for reasons of public interest may be set in motion by the competent authorities of the State concerned, in accordance with its national law, for the purpose of acquiring such property failing amicable agreement.
2. In the territory of the Contracting Parties where the procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph is not in existence, the Organisation may have the benefit of those procedures for compulsory purchase which can be used for the benefit of civil aviation and telecommunications.
3. The Contracting Parties recognise the right of the Organisation to benefit, in respect of any installations and services established on its behalf in their respective territories, from the application of national law as to those restrictions on the rights of owners of immovable property which may exist in the public interest for the benefit of national services for the same purpose and in particular as to easements in the public interest.
4. The Organisation shall bear the expenses consequent upon the application of the provisions of this Article, including the compensation payable in accordance with the law of the State in the territory of which the property is situated.
Article 17
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall apply the regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties and in the airspace in respect of which the provision of air traffic services is entrusted to them under international agreements to which they are Parties.
Article 18
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall, within the limits of the powers conferred on the air traffic services, give all the necessary instructions to aircraft commanders. The aircraft commanders shall be bound to comply with those instructions, except in the cases of force majeure provided for in the regulations referred to in the preceding article.
Article 19
1. In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e), the Organisation shall determine, in accordance with the general conditions provided for in Article 7.2(d), the necessary regulatory measures, and shall communicate them to aircraft operators and to the appropriate air traffic services. The Contracting Parties shall ensure that aircraft operators, aircraft commanders and the appropriate air traffic services comply therewith, unless prevented by compelling reasons of safety.
2. Compliance by a Contracting Party's air traffic services with the general conditions and the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be the sole responsibility of the said Contracting Party.
3. In the event of non-compliance by an aircraft operator or an aircraft commander with the general conditions or the regulatory measures referred to in paragraph 1 above, proceedings may be instituted against the offender at the Organisation's request:
(a) by the Contracting Party where non-compliance was recorded, in its own territory;
(b) by the Organisation in accordance with the grounds of jurisdiction set out in Article 35, if the Contracting Party, where the proceedings are to be instituted, agrees.
4. The Contracting Parties shall incorporate into their national legislation provisions which ensure the observance of the general conditions provided for in Article 7.2(d).
Article 20
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), infringements of the air navigation regulations committed in the airspace in which the Agency performs these tasks shall be recorded in reports by officers specifically authorised by the Agency for that purpose, without prejudice to the right under national law of officers of the Contracting Parties to report infringements of the same nature. The reports referred to above shall have the same effect in national courts as those drawn up by national officers qualified to report infringements of the same nature.
Article 21
1. The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Organisation in connection with its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.
2. For its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall enjoy treatment no less favourable than that accorded by each Contracting Party to comparable international organisations.
Article 22
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated in the territories of the Contracting Parties from all duties, taxes and charges in respect of its creation, dissolution or liquidation.
2. It shall be exonerated from any duties, taxes and charges entailed by the acquisition of the immovable property required for the accomplishment of its task.
3. It shall be exonerated from all direct taxes applicable to it, as well as its property, assets and income.
4. It shall be exonerated from any indirect fiscal charges consequential on the issue of loans and incident upon the Organisation.
5. It shall be exonerated from any taxation of an exceptional or discriminating nature.
6. The exonerations provided for in this article shall not apply to taxes and charges collected as payment for general utilities.
Article 23
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and taxes or charges of equivalent effect, other than charges in respect of services rendered, and shall be exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of materials, equipment, supplies and other articles imported for the official use of the Organisation and destined for the buildings and installations of the Organisation or for its functioning.
2. The goods so imported may not be sold, loaned or transferred, either without payment or against payment, in the territory of the Contracting Party into which they have been introduced, except under the conditions fixed by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
3. Any control measures deemed to be expedient may be taken to ensure that the materials, equipment, supplies and other articles referred to in paragraph 1 and imported for consignment to the Organisation have been effectively delivered to that Organisation and are effectively used for its official buildings and installations or for its functioning.
4. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of the publications falling within the scope of Article 13 of the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 24
1. The Organisation may hold any currency and have accounts in any currency in so far as is necessary for the execution of the transactions required for its purpose.
2. The Contracting Parties undertake to give the Organisation the necessary authorisations for all the transfers of funds, in accordance with the conditions prescribed under national regulations and international agreements as applicable, entailed by the establishment and activity of the Organisation, including the issue and service of loans when the issue of those loans has been authorised by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
Article 25
1. The Agency may call upon the services of qualified persons who are nationals of the Contracting Parties.
2. The staff of the Organisation and members of their families forming part of their households, shall enjoy the exemption from measures restricting immigration and governing aliens' registration generally accorded to staff members of comparable international organisations.
3. (a) The Contracting Parties, in time of international crisis, shall accord to the staff of the Organisation, and the members of their families forming part of their households, the same repatriation facilities as the staff of other international organisations.
(b) The provisions of (a) above shall not affect the staff's obligations to the Organisation.
4. No exception may be made to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article except for reasons of public policy, public safety or public health.
5. The staff of the Organisation:
(a) shall be granted exemption from customs duties and charges, other than those in respect of services rendered, in the case of the importation of their personal effects, movable property and other household effects which are not new, which they bring from abroad on first taking up residence in the territory in question, and in the case of the re-exportation of those same effects and movable property, when they relinquish their duties;
(b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, but not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned;
(c) shall enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
6. The Contracting Parties shall not be obliged to grant to their own nationals the facilities provided for in paragraph 5 (a) and (b) above.
7. In addition to the privileges, exemptions and facilities granted to the staff of the Organisation, the Director General of the Agency shall enjoy immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts, including words spoken and written, done by him/her in the exercise of his/her functions; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a motor traffic offence or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him/her.
8. The Governments concerned shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the unrestricted transfer of net salaries.
Article 26
Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, while exercising their functions and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
Article 27
By reason of its own social security scheme, the Organisation, the Director General and personnel of the Organisation, shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security bodies, without prejudice to arrangements between the Organisation and Contracting Parties existing at the entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997.
Article 28
1. The contractual liability of the Organisation shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract concerned.
2. With regard to non-contractual liability, the Organisation shall make reparation for damage caused by the negligence of its organs, or of its servants in the scope of their employment, in so far as that damage can be attributed to them. The foregoing provision shall not preclude the right to other compensation under the national law of the Contracting Parties.
Article 29
1. (a) The installations of the Organisation shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the Organisation shall be exempt from any measure of requisition, expropriation or confiscation.
(b) The archives of the Organisation and all official papers and documents belonging to it shall be inviolable, wherever located.
2. The property and assets of the Organisation may not be seized, nor may execution be levied upon them, except by a judicial decision. Such judicial decision shall not be made unless the Organisation has been given reasonable notice of the proceedings in question and has had an adequate opportunity to oppose the making of the decision. The installations of the Organisation shall not, however, be seized nor shall execution be levied upon them.
3. Nevertheless, in order to enable judicial inquiries to be carried out and to ensure the execution of judicial decisions in their respective territories, the competent authorities of the State in which the Organisation has its headquarters and of other States in which installations and archives of the Organisation are located shall, after having informed the Director General of the Agency, have access to such installations and archives.
Article 30
1. The Organisation shall collaborate at all times with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in order to facilitate the good administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and to prevent any abuse to which the privileges, immunities, exemptions or facilities specified in this Convention could give rise.
2. The Organisation shall facilitate, as far as possible, the execution of public works inside or in the vicinity of any immovable property allocated for its use in the territories of the Contracting Parties.
Article 31
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), international agreements and national regulations relating to the admission to, flight over and security of, the territory of the Contracting Parties concerned shall be binding on the Agency, which shall take all necessary measures to ensure the application of such agreements and regulations.
Article 32
In the performance of the tasks provided for in Article 2.1(e) and, where appropriate, Article 2.2(b), the Agency shall give to those Contracting Parties which so request all necessary information relating to the aircraft of which it has cognisance in the exercise of its functions related to the airspace of the Contracting Party concerned, in order that the Contracting Parties concerned may be able to verify that international agreements and national regulations are being applied.
Article 33
The Contracting Parties recognise that it is necessary for the Agency to achieve financial equilibrium and undertake to make available to it the appropriate financial resources, within the limits and conditions defined in the present Convention and the Statute of the Agency at Annex I.
Article 34
1. Any dispute arising between two or more Contracting Parties or between one or more Contracting Parties and the Organisation relating to the interpretation, application or performance of this Convention, including its existence, validity or termination, which cannot be settled within a period of six months by direct negotiation or by any other means, shall be referred to arbitration of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in accordance with the Optional Rules for Arbitration of the said Court.
2. The number of arbitrators shall be three.
3. The place of arbitration shall be The Hague. The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall serve as Registrar, and shall provide such administrative services as the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall direct.
4. The decisions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration shall be binding on the Parties to the dispute.
Article 35
1. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, the courts of the Contracting Parties shall have sole jurisdiction to hear disputes arising between the Organisation, represented by the Director General, and any natural person or corporate body, in connection with the application of acts of the Organisation.
2. Without prejudice to the application of the provisions of Annex IV for the enforced recovery of route charges, proceedings shall be instituted in the Contracting Party:
(a) where the defendant has his/her residence or registered office;
(b) where the defendant has a place of business, if neither his/her residence nor his/her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party;
(c) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above, where the defendant has assets;
(d) in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above, where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters.
Article 36
1. The amendments made in conformity with the conditions prescribed in this Convention, to the Statute of the Agency set out in Annex I, and to Articles 16 et seq. of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV, shall be valid and have effect in the territory of the Contracting Parties.
2. The tax provisions set out in Annex III and Articles 1 to 15 of the provisions relating to the common route charges system set out in Annex IV shall not be subject to amendment by the General Assembly.
3. Each Contracting Party shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the date on which this Convention enters into force. The five-year period shall be extended automatically for further five-year periods. A Contracting Party which has notified the General Assembly in writing, not less than two years before the expiry of the five-year period, that it does not consent to the extension of the period, shall cease to be bound by Annex IV at the expiry of this five-year period.
4. The rights and obligations of the withdrawing Contracting Party may be determined if necessary in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement will require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the General Assembly, with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
5. The Contracting Party which is no longer bound by Annex IV may at any time request the General Assembly in writing to be bound once more by Annex IV. The Contracting Party in question shall again be bound by Annex IV six months after the day on which the General Assembly accepts the said request by unanimity of the votes cast by the Contracting Parties participating in the common system. The Contracting Party concerned shall be bound by Annex IV for a period of five years from the day on which it became bound. This period shall be extended automatically subject to the same conditions as those set out in paragraph 3 above.
Article 37
The Contracting Parties undertake to ensure to the Agency the application of current statutory provisions designed to safeguard the continuity of those general utilities required for the proper running of operational services.
Article 38
1. The Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981 and subsequently by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be extended for an indefinite period.
2. Once the Convention as thus extended has been in force for twenty years, any Contracting Party may terminate application, as far as it is concerned, of the Convention by giving written notification to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall inform the Governments of the other Contracting States of such notification.
The decision to withdraw shall take effect at the end of the year following the year in which notification of withdrawal is given, provided that the special agreement provided for in paragraph 3 below has been concluded by that date. Failing this, the decision to withdraw shall take effect on the date laid down in the said special agreement.
3. The rights and obligations, in particular of a financial nature, of the withdrawing Contracting Party shall be determined in a special agreement concluded between it and the Organisation.
This agreement shall require to be approved by unanimity of the votes cast by the General Assembly with the withdrawing Contracting Party taking no part in the vote.
4. The Organisation may be dissolved if the number of Contracting Parties is reduced to less than 50% of the Parties signatories to the aforesaid 1997 Protocol, subject to a decision of the General Assembly carried by unanimity of the votes cast.
5. If, in application of the above, the Organisation is dissolved, its legal personality and capacity, within the meaning of Article 4, shall continue to exist for the purposes of winding up the Organisation.
Article 39
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, of any State not signatory to the latter Protocol shall be subject to the agreement of the General Assembly expressed by unanimity of the votes cast.
2. The President of the General Assembly shall notify the non-signatory State of the decision to accept the accession.
3. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the Governments of the other signatory and acceding States.
4. Accession shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession.
Article 40
1. The accession to the Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 12 February 1981 and by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997, shall be open to regional economic integration organisations on terms and conditions to be agreed between the Contracting Parties and those organisations, of which one or more signatory States are members, these terms and conditions to be contained in an additional Protocol to the Convention.
2. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the other Parties.
3. Accession of a regional economic integration organisation shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession, provided that the additional Protocol referred to in paragraph 1 above has entered into force.
The present consolidated text of the enacting terms of the Convention and its Annexes are drawn up in the German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech and Turkish languages. In accordance with the final provision of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, the final provision of the Protocol of 12 February 1981 amending the aforesaid Convention as well as the final provision of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1997 consolidating the aforesaid Convention, as variously amended, the text in the French language shall prevail, in the event of any inconsistency between the texts.
Article 1
1. The Agency shall be the organ responsible for achieving the objectives and performing the tasks laid down in the Convention or set by the General Assembly or by the Council and their subsidiary bodies. It shall initiate and submit proposals to the relevant bodies related to the exercise of the various functions and the performance of the various tasks of these bodies as well as to other tasks delegated to the Organisation. It shall also provide support to the General Assembly and the Council and their subsidiary bodies in the execution of their supervisory functions.
2. In the performance of its tasks, the Agency may be assisted, where necessary, by civil and military experts appointed by States or by the service providers' organisations concerned.
3. The Agency shall act as the focal point for intergovernmental co-operation and coordination in the field of air navigation. It shall submit proposals and provide the necessary support with a view to convergence towards, and implementation of, a uniform European air traffic management system.
4. In particular, it shall provide regulatory, information, support and advisory services to the Contracting Parties, and, on the basis of agreements pursuant to Article 2 of the Convention, to recognised international organisations and to non-Contracting States.
5. In particular, the Agency shall:
(a) coordinate the implementation plans of the Contracting Parties to ensure convergence towards a uniform European air traffic management system;
(b) examine matters in the field of air navigation under study by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation and coordinate and submit amendments to ICAO documents;
(c) develop proposals for detailed planning for the harmonisation and integration of the air traffic services and systems, in particular the ground and airborne components of air navigation systems of the Contracting Parties, with a view to the establishment of a uniform European air traffic management system;
(d) develop proposals concerning the arrangements for the strategic planning and design of routes and supporting airspace structures, in coordination with civil and military experts appointed by States;
(e) develop proposals for the harmonisation of air traffic services regulations, develop coordinated or common policies to improve air traffic management at and around airports and support the improvement of efficiency and flexibility in the use of airspace between civil and military users;
(f) make proposals or play an advisory role in all aspects of policy and planning. Its scope is not limited to en-route air traffic management but enlarged to cater for an integrated "gate-to-gate" approach to air traffic management. It is assisted by national experts in preparing these proposals;
(g) study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation;
(h) develop common criteria, procedures and methods to ensure the highest efficiency and quality of air traffic management systems and air traffic services;
(i) coordinate Research, Development, Trials and Evaluation (RDTE) programmes of national air traffic management organisations, including the collection and dissemination of results;
(j) conduct common studies, tests and applied research as well as other technical developments;
(k) define, design, develop, validate and organise the implementation of a uniform system for European air traffic management under the aegis of the Council.
6. When the Agency provides air navigation services, its aim shall be:
(a) to prevent collisions between aircraft;
(b) to ensure the orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic;
(c) to provide advice and information conducive to the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
(d) to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
7. The Agency shall work in close collaboration with the users’ organisations in order to meet as efficiently and economically as possible the requirements of civil aviation. It shall work in close collaboration with the military authorities to meet, under the same conditions, the special requirements of military aviation.
8. For the accomplishment of its task, the Agency may, among other things, construct and operate the buildings and installations it requires. However, it shall call upon national technical services and make use of existing national installations whenever this is technically and economically justified, in order to avoid any duplication.
Article 2
1. Subject to the powers conferred upon the General Assembly and the Council, the Agency shall be managed by a Director General who shall enjoy wide management independence with regard to the implementation, utilisation and efficient operation of the technical, financial and personnel resources placed at his disposal. To this end, he/she shall take the measures which he/she deems necessary in order to fulfil his/her obligations.
2. Nevertheless, the Director General shall, with a view to submission for approval by the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Convention:
(a) elaborate annual and five-year work programmes stating the impact on the trends in the costs and unit rates;
(b) draw up the five-year financial plan and the budget including the financial obligations, and, as provided for in Annex IV, the unit rates and tariffs;
(c) present an annual report to the Council on the activities and financial position of the Organisation;
(d) present the principles governing the general structure of the Agency, the details of this structure being the sole responsibility of the Director General.
3. Furthermore, the Director General shall:
(a) submit reports at regular intervals and seek instructions from the Council whenever there is a risk of the objectives not being achieved, of the deadlines or financial ceilings being exceeded, or in the event of major changes to programmes;
(b) negotiate the agreements referred to in Article 2 of the Convention, within the framework of the directives issued by the Council.
Article 3
The Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council's approval, the Contract Regulations relating to:
(a) the letting of contracts for the supply of goods and services to the Organisation;
(b) the supply of goods and services by the Organisation;
(c) the sale or disposal of surplus assets.
Article 4
The Director General shall draw up, and submit for the Council's approval, the Financial Regulations, which shall determine, in particular, the conditions governing payment of national contributions, as well as the terms on which loans may be raised by the Agency, and will ensure proper financial management, including internal audit.
Article 5
1. Without prejudice to the right of the Contracting Parties to submit proposals, the Director General shall draw up and submit for the Council's approval, the Agency's Staff Regulations:
(a) they shall include, in particular, provisions relating to the nationality of personnel, selection and recruitment procedures and principles, salary scales, pensions, internal tax, disqualification for office, professional secrecy and continuity of the service;
(b) the Agency's staff shall be recruited from among nationals of the Contracting Parties. Personnel from non-Contracting States may be employed pursuant to the agreements provided for in Article 2.3 of the Convention, or in exceptional cases by duly substantiated decision of the Director General.
2. The Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation shall have sole jurisdiction in disputes between the Organisation and the personnel of the Agency, to the exclusion of the jurisdiction of all other courts and tribunals, national or international.
Article 6
1. The Director General shall be appointed for a term of office of five years by the General Assembly by a majority of the votes cast, on condition that the said majority attains three-quarters of the weighted votes cast according to the weighting provided for in Article 11 of the Convention and at least three-quarters of the Contracting Parties casting a vote. His/her term of office may be renewed once in the same manner. The Statute of the Director General shall be approved by the Council.
2. The Director General shall represent the Organisation in legal proceedings and for all civil purposes.
3. Furthermore, in conformity with the policies adopted by the General Assembly and the Council, the Director General:
(a) may appoint the staff and may terminate their services in accordance with the Staff Regulations; appointments to Grade A1 and A2 functions for a term of office of five years normally, renewable once, shall be subject to approval by the Council;
(b) may borrow money in accordance with the Financial Regulations and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council;
(c) may enter into contracts in accordance with the Contract Regulations referred to in Article 3 and within the limits determined for that purpose by the Council;
(d) shall draw up and submit for the Council's approval the Regulation on data protection provided for in Article 7.2(l) of the Convention;
(e) shall draw up and submit for the Council’s approval the rules and procedures applicable to standards, specifications and practices for air traffic management systems and services.
4. The Director General may discharge the aforesaid functions without prior reference to the Council, but he/she shall keep the Council informed of all measures taken in the exercise of the aforesaid powers.
5. The Council shall determine the conditions under which a substitute for the Director General may be appointed should he/she be unable to perform his/her duties.
Article 7
1. The Budget shall be balanced as between receipts and expenditure.
Estimates of all receipts and expenditure of the Agency shall be prepared for each financial year.
2. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
3. The draft budget and draft five-year financial plan shall be submitted by the Director General for the approval of the Council not later than 31 October of the preceding year.
Article 8
1. The Organisation may borrow on the international financial markets in order to obtain the necessary resources for the accomplishment of its tasks.
2. The Organisation may issue loans on the financial markets of a Contracting Party in accordance with national law relating to internal loans, or, in the absence of such law, with the agreement of the Contracting Party.
3. The Financial Regulations shall determine the procedures by which the Organisation raises and repays loans.
4. Each budget and each five-year financial plan shall specify the maximum amount which the Organisation may borrow during the years covered by that budget and the five-year financial plan.
5. In matters falling within the scope of this article, the Organisation shall act in agreement with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties or with their banks of issue.
Article 9
The budget and the five-year financial plan may be revised during the financial year, if circumstances so require, in accordance with the requirements prescribed for their preparation and approval.
Article 10
1. The accounts of all the Agency budgetary receipts and expenditure, and the Agency’s financial management, shall be audited annually by an Audit Board.
2. The Audit Board shall be assisted in its work by external consultant auditors. The outside firm of consultant auditors shall be appointed by the Council for a three-year term in accordance with Article 7.2(f) of the Convention.
3. The purpose of the audit carried out by the Audit Board, with the assistance of external consultant auditors, shall be to establish the regular nature of receipts and expenditure and to ensure sound financial management. The Audit Board shall submit to the Council at the close of each financial year a report incorporating the Agency’s comments. The Council may direct the Agency to take any appropriate measures recommended in the audit report, in pursuance of Article 7.2(a) of the Convention.
4. The Audit Board shall ensure that an appropriate internal control mechanism is put in place within the Agency, which is in line with sound corporate practice and management.
5. The Audit Board may review other financial issues relating to the Agency in line with its Terms of Reference.
Article 11
1. Administrative or technical inspections of the services of the Agency may be carried out, if so required by the Council, acting either on its own initiative or at the request of the Director General.
2. Such inspections shall be made by officers of the administrations of the Contracting Parties, with external assistance if required. Each inspection committee shall consist of at least two persons of different nationalities and should include as far as possible a person who has taken part in a previous inspection.
Article 12
The Council shall determine the working languages of the Agency.
Article 13
The Agency shall issue the publications necessary for its operation.
Article 14
All draft amendments of the Statute shall be submitted for the approval of the General Assembly pursuant to the provisions of Article 6.1(d) of the Convention.
Federal Republic of Germany
Berlin Upper Flight Information Region
Hannover Upper Flight Information Region
Rhein Upper Flight Information Region
Bremen Flight Information Region
Düsseldorf Flight Information Region
Frankfurt Flight Information Region
München Flight Information Region
Berlin Flight Information Region
Republic of Austria
Wien Flight Information Region
Kingdom of Belgium – Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Bruxelles Upper Flight Information Region
Bruxelles Flight Information Region
Republic of Bulgaria
Sofia Flight Information Region
Varna Flight Information Region
Republic of Cyprus
Nicosia Flight Information Region
Republic of Croatia
Zagreb Flight Information Region
Kingdom of Denmark
København Flight Information Region
Kingdom of Spain
Madrid Upper Flight Information Region
Madrid Flight Information Region
Barcelona Upper Flight Information Region
Barcelona Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Upper Flight Information Region
Islas Canarias Flight Information Region
French Republic – Principality of Monaco (*)
France Upper Flight Information Region
Paris Flight Information Region
Brest Flight Information Region
Bordeaux Flight Information Region
Marseille Flight Information Region (*)
Reims Flight Information Region
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Scottish Upper Flight Information Region
Scottish Flight Information Region
London Upper Flight Information Region
London Flight Information Region
Hellenic Republic
Athinai Upper Flight Information Region
Athinai Flight Information Region
Republic of Hungary
Budapest Flight Information Region
Shannon Upper Flight Information Region
Shannon Flight Information Region
Shannon Oceanic Transition Area enclosed by the following co-ordinates: 51° North 15° West, 51° North 8° West, 48° 30' North 8° West, 49° North 15° West, 51°North 15° West at and above FL55
Italian Republic
Milano Upper Flight Information Region
Roma Upper Flight Information Region
Brindisi Upper Flight Information Region
Milano Flight Information Region
Roma Flight Information Region
Brindisi Flight Information Region
Republic of Malta
Malta Flight Information Region
Kingdom of Norway
Oslo Upper Flight Information Region
Stavanger Upper Flight Information Region
Trondheim Upper Flight Information Region
Bodø Upper Flight Information Region
Oslo Flight Information Region
Stavanger Flight Information Region
Trondheim Flight Information Region
Bodø Flight Information Region
Bodø Oceanic Flight Information Region
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Amsterdam Flight Information Region
Portuguese Republic
Lisboa Upper Flight Information Region
Lisboa Flight Information Region
Santa Maria Flight Information Region
Bucuresti Flight Information Region
Slovak Republic
Bratislava Flight Information Region
Republic of Slovenia
Ljubljana Flight Information Region
Kingdom of Sweden
Malmö Upper Flight Information Region
Stockholm Upper Flight Information Region
Sundsvall Upper Flight Information Region
Malmö Flight Information Region
Stockholm Flight Information Region
Sundsvall Flight Information Region
Swiss Confederation
Switzerland Upper Flight Information Region
Switzerland Flight Information Region
Czech Republic
Praha Flight Information Region
Republic of Turkey
Ankara Flight Information Region
Istanbul Flight Information Region
Article 1
1. Without prejudice to the exonerations provided for in Articles 22 and 23 of the Convention, when the Organisation in the exercise of its official activities makes substantial acquisitions of property or employs services of substantial value in respect of which indirect duties, taxes or charges (including such duties, taxes or charges levied on importation other than those referred to in Article 23.1 of the Convention) have been paid or are payable, the Governments of the Member States shall, whenever possible, take appropriate action to offset the effect on the Organisation of such duties, taxes or charges by means of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation or by means of remission or of reimbursement to the Organisation of the amount of the duties, taxes or charges.
2. With regard to payments by the Organisation to Member States in respect of capital investments made by those States, in so far as the cost thereof is to be refunded by the Organisation, the said States shall ensure that their statements of the amounts in question submitted to the Organisation do not include duties, taxes or charges from which the Organisation would have been exempt or which would be refunded to it or which would be the subject of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation if the Organisation had made those investments itself.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply in respect of duties, taxes or charges collected as payment for public utility services.
Article 2
Property acquired by the Organisation to which Article 1.1 applies may not be sold or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with conditions laid down by the Governments of the States concerned.
Article 3
1. The Director General of the Agency and the Staff members of the Organisation shall be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation in accordance with the rules and conditions determined by the General Assembly. Such salaries and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax.
The Member States may, however, take into account salaries and emoluments exempted from national income tax when assessing the amount of the tax payable on other income of those in receipt of the said salaries and emoluments.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation.
3. The names, titles, addresses as well as remunerations and where appropriate pensions of employees and former employees to whom the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present article are applicable shall be communicated periodically to the Member States.
Article 4
For the purpose of this Annex, the Organisation shall act in concert with the relevant authorities of the Member States concerned.
Article 5
1. This Annex shall replace the Additional Protocol to the Convention signed at Brussels on 6 July 1970, as amended by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 21 November 1978, both in turn amended by Article XXXVIII of the Protocol signed at Brussels on 12 February 1981 amending the Convention.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, obligations under Article 3 of the Additional Protocol of 6 July 1970 shall remain binding until the relevant claims and commitments have been fully discharged.
Article 1
The Contracting Parties agree to continue to administer a joint system for the establishment, billing and collection of route charges as a single charge per flight and to use for this purpose the services of EUROCONTROL.
Article 2
The Organisation shall establish, bill and collect the route charges levied on users of en route air navigation services on a proposal from the Contracting Parties participating in the common route charges system.
Article 3
In matters relating to route charges, the Council shall be the body responsible for determining the arrangements for giving effect to the General Assembly's decisions in route charge matters and supervising the Agency's tasks in this field.
The Council shall inter alia:
(a) prepare decisions for the General Assembly in route charge policy matters;
(b) determine the unit of account in which route charges are expressed;
(c) determine, in accordance with decisions taken on the basis of Article 6.2 of the Convention, the conditions of application of the system, including the conditions of payment, as well as the unit rates and tariffs and the period during which they are to apply;
(d) approve reports relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities;
(e) adopt the Financial Regulations applicable to the Route Charges System;
(f) approve the budgetary annexes relating to EUROCONTROL route charges activities.
Article 4
The route charges indicated on the bill issued by the Organisation shall constitute a single charge due in respect of each flight, which shall constitute a single claim by EUROCONTROL, payable at its Headquarters.
Article 5
1. The charge shall be payable by the person who was the operator of the aircraft at the time when the flight was performed. The charge shall attach as a lien to the aircraft which incurred the charge, irrespective of in whose hands it may be, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
2. Where an ICAO designator or any other recognised designator is used in identification of the flight, EUROCONTROL may deem the operator to be the aircraft operating agency to whom the ICAO designator was allocated or was in the process of allocation at the time of the flight or identified in the filed flight plan or identified by use of that ICAO or other recognised designator in communication with air traffic control or by any other means.
3. If the identity of the operator is not known, the owner of the aircraft shall be regarded as the operator unless he/she proves which other person was the operator.
4. The operator and the owner of the aircraft shall be jointly and severally liable to pay the charge, if the law of the Contracting Party concerned so permits.
Article 6
1. Where the amount due has not been paid, measures may be taken to enforce recovery, including detention and sale of aircraft, if the law of the Contracting Party where the aircraft has landed so permits.
2. Measures may also include, at EUROCONTROL's request, the review by a Contracting Party or any competent body of the administrative authorisation connected with air transport or air traffic management issued to a person liable to pay the charge, if the relevant legislation so provides.
Article 7
1. Proceedings for recovery of the amount due shall be instituted either by EUROCONTROL or, at EUROCONTROL's request, by a Contracting Party, or by any body authorised for that purpose by a Contracting Party.
2. Recovery shall be effected by judicial or administrative procedure.
3. Each Contracting Party shall inform EUROCONTROL of the procedures applied in that State and of the competent courts, tribunals or administrative authorities.
Article 8
Recovery proceedings shall be instituted in the territory of the Contracting Party:
(a) where the debtor has his/her residence or registered office;
(b) where the debtor has a place of business, if neither his/her residence nor his/her registered office is situated in the territory of a Contracting Party;
(c) where, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the debtor has assets;
(d) where EUROCONTROL has its headquarters, in the absence of the grounds of jurisdiction set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) above.
Article 9
1. The provisions of Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall not prevent any Contracting Party, or any body authorised by a Contracting Party, acting at the request of EUROCONTROL, from proceeding with the recovery of the amount due by the detention and sale of aircraft in accordance with the administrative or judicial procedure of the relevant Contracting Party.
2. The power so to detain and sell shall extend to the equipment, spare parts, fuel, stores and documents of the aircraft detained or sold.
3. The validity and effect of detention and sale shall be determined by the law of the Contracting Party where the detention has been effected.
Article 10
EUROCONTROL shall have the capacity to institute proceedings before the competent courts, tribunals and administrative authorities of States not parties to the Convention.
Article 11
The following decisions taken in a Contracting Party shall be recognised and enforced in the other Contracting Parties:
(a) final decisions of a court or tribunal;
(b) decisions of an administrative authority which have been subject to review by a court or tribunal, but are no longer so, either because the court or tribunal has dismissed the appeal by a final decision, or because the appeal has been withdrawn, or because the time for lodging the appeal has expired.
Article 12
The decisions referred to in Article 11 shall not be recognised or enforced in the following cases:
(a) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin was not competent in accordance with Article 8;
(b) if the decision is contrary to public policy of the Contracting Party addressed;
(c) if the debtor did not receive notice of the decision of the administrative authority or of the institution of the proceedings in sufficient time to enable him/her to defend the case or to appeal to a court or a tribunal;
(d) if proceedings relating to the same route charges have been previously instituted and are still pending before a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed;
(e) if the decision is incompatible with a decision relating to the same route charges given in the Contracting Party addressed;
(f) if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party of origin, in order to arrive at its decision, has decided a preliminary question concerning the status or legal capacity of natural persons, rights in property arising out of a matrimonial relationship, wills or succession in a way that conflicts with a rule of the private international law of the Contracting Party addressed, unless the same result would have been obtained by the application of the rules of private international law of that Contracting Party.
Article 13
The decisions referred to in Article 11, if enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin, shall be enforced in accordance with the law of the Contracting Party addressed. If necessary, an order of enforcement shall on request be issued by a court, tribunal or an administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed.
Article 14
1. The request shall be accompanied by:
(a) a certified copy of the decision;
(b) in the case of a decision of a court or tribunal rendered by default, the original or a certified copy of a document establishing that notice of the institution of the proceedings was duly served on the debtor;
(c) in the case of an administrative decision, a document establishing that the requirements of Article 11 have been met;
(d) a document establishing that the decision is enforceable in the Contracting Party of origin and that the debtor has received notice of the decision in due time.
2. A duly certified translation of the documents shall be supplied if the court, tribunal or administrative authority of the Contracting Party addressed so requires. No legalisation or similar formality shall be required.
Article 15
1. The request can be rejected only for one of the reasons set forth in Article 12. In no case may the decision be reviewed on its merits in the Contracting Party addressed.
2. The procedure for the recognition and enforcement of the decision shall be governed by the law of the Contracting Party addressed insofar as the Convention does not otherwise provide.
Article 16
The amount collected by EUROCONTROL shall be paid to the Contracting Parties in accordance with the decisions of the Council.
Article 17
Where the claim is recovered by a Contracting Party, the amount collected shall be paid without delay to EUROCONTROL, which shall proceed in accordance with Article 16. The recovery costs incurred by that Contracting Party shall be charged to EUROCONTROL.
Article 18
The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall co-operate with EUROCONTROL in the establishment and collection of route charges.
Article 19
If the Council decides unanimously to abandon recovery of a charge, the Contracting Parties concerned may take whatever action they deem fit. In such a case, the provisions of the Convention relating to recovery and to recognition and enforcement of decisions shall cease to apply.
3. člen
Za izvajanje Protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za promet.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/04-42/1
Ljubljana, dne 25. marca 2004
EPA 1126-III
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Besedilo protokola v bolgarskem, češkem, danskem, francoskem, grškem, hrvaškem, italijanskem, madžarskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, norveškem, portugalskem, romunskem, slovaškem, španskem, švedskem in turškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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