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Številka 26
Uradni list RS, št. 26/2003 z dne 13. 3. 2003
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 26/2003 z dne 13. 3. 2003


14. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju (BHRPS), stran 573.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju (BHRPS), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 26. februarja 2003.
Št. 001-22-16/03
Ljubljana, 6. marca 2003
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Hrvaške o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju, podpisan v Zagrebu dne 6. novembra 2002.
2. člen
Sporazum se v slovenskem in v angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Hrvaške (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se
– ob upoštevanju prijateljskih odnosov med državama;
– ob upoštevanju nacionalne zakonodaje in mednarodnopravnih obveznosti obeh držav;
– z namenom, da bi okrepili obojestranska prizadevanja pri preprečevanju nevarnosti in zagotavljanju javne varnosti ter poglobili sodelovanje policijskih organov;
– v prepričanju, da je sodelovanje na obmejnih območjih bistvenega pomena za zagotavljanje javnega reda, še posebej za uspešen boj proti nedovoljenim migracijskim tokovom;
– s ciljem, da bi s pomočjo usklajenih ukrepov in načrtov učinkoviteje delovali proti čezmejni kriminaliteti;
– v prizadevanju, da bi tudi pri izvajanju poostrenih ukrepov v čim manjšem obsegu omejevali čezmejni promet,
sporazumeli o naslednjem:
1. člen
Področje sodelovanja
Pogodbenici bosta v okviru tega sporazuma in v okviru nacionalne zakonodaje okrepili sodelovanje pri preprečevanju nevarnosti in zagotavljanju javne varnosti, še zlasti pri zagotavljanju javnega reda in na področju preprečevanja, odkrivanja in preiskovanja kaznivih dejanj (v nadaljevanju zatiranje kriminalitete) na obmejnih območjih, ob upoštevanju predpisov, ki urejajo varstvo podatkov.
2. člen
Pristojni organi
(1) Pristojni policijski organi (v nadaljevanju policijski organi) po tem sporazumu so:
– V Republiki Sloveniji: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna policijska uprava z njenimi notranjimi organizacijskimi enotami, kot tudi območne policijske enote (v nadaljevanju policijske uprave) v okviru svojih pristojnosti;
– V Republiki Hrvaški: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Ravnateljstvo policije z njegovimi notranjimi organizacijskimi enotami, kot tudi območne policijske enote (v nadaljevanju policijske uprave) v okviru svojih pristojnosti.
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti medsebojno obvestita o spremembah glede navedenih pristojnih organov. Policijski organi pogodbenic se neposredno medsebojno seznanjajo s pristojnostmi znotraj posamezne pogodbenice za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
3. člen
Obmejna območja
(1) Obmejna območja po tem sporazumu so:
– V Republiki Sloveniji: območja krajevnih pristojnosti policijskih uprav Koper, Postojna, Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Krško, Celje, Maribor in Murska Sobota;
– V Republiki Hrvaški: območja krajevnih pristojnosti policijskih uprav: istarske, primorsko-goranske, karlovačke, zagrebačke, krapinsko-zagorske, varaždinske in međimurske.
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti medsebojno obvestita o spremembah navedenih obmejnih območij.
A. Čezmejno policijsko sodelovanje
4. člen
Izmenjava informacij med pogodbenicama
(1) Policijski organi pogodbenic si izmenjujejo informacije, ki so pomembne za izvajanje tega sporazuma, še zlasti pa informacije:
– v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, storjenimi na obmejnih območjih, njihovimi osumljenimi storilci in udeleženci ter v zvezi z okoliščinami oziroma načini storitve kaznivega dejanja in izvedenimi ukrepi;
– iskanih osebah in predmetih;
– novih pojavnih oblikah kriminalitete na obmejnih območjih;
– neposredno bližajočih se varnostnih dogodkih in aktivnostih na obmejnih območjih;
– strokovno-tehničnih zadevah, pomembnih za sodelovanje po tem sporazumu;
– veljavni nacionalni zakonodaji in drugih predpisih v pogodbenicah, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje tega sporazuma.
(2) Policijski organi si ob dogovorjenih terminih izmenjujejo informacije, pomembne za izdelavo skupnih analiz varnostne problematike na obmejnih območjih.
5. člen
Medsebojno komuniciranje in telekomunikacijske povezave
(1) Policijski organi lahko za izvajanje tega sporazuma izboljšujejo medsebojno komuniciranje s pomočjo:
– imenovanja kontaktnih oseb z dobrim znanjem jezika druge pogodbenice, če je to mogoče;
– kratkoročne napotitve strokovnjakov v drugo pogodbenico na podlagi zaprosila;
– medsebojnih študijskih obiskov strokovnjakov;
– izmenjave informacij o pomembnih telekomunikacijskih povezavah in elektronskih naslovih policijskih organov.
(2) Policijski organi lahko za izvajanje tega sporazuma izboljšujejo medsebojne telekomunikacijske povezave z:
– zagotavljanjem neposrednih povezav za prenos govora, podatkov ali slike;
– vzpostavljanjem radijskih zvez na dogovorjenih frekvencah v primeru posebnih potreb;
– sodelovanjem pri zagotavljanju nemotenega delovanja policijskih radijskih sistemov.
6. člen
Usklajevanje policijskih aktivnosti
Policijski organi lahko za izboljševanje učinkovitosti sodelovanja po tem sporazumu:
– imenujejo koordinacijske službe za zatiranje kriminalitete na obmejnih območjih;
– izdelujejo skupne analize varnostne problematike in načrte operativnih aktivnosti na obmejnih območjih;
– izvajajo usklajene operativne aktivnosti ob skupni državni meji.
7. člen
Uporaba posebne policijske opreme
(1) Policijski organi lahko po potrebi in na podlagi predhodnega dogovora za izboljšanje učinkovitosti sodelovanja po tem sporazumu začasno uporabljajo posebno policijsko opremo druge pogodbenice.
(2) Oprema iz prvega odstavka tega člena je oproščena morebitnih potrebnih dovoljenj, uvoznih in izvoznih dajatev, carin, davka na dodano vrednost, drugih javnih dajatev, pristaniških taks, dajatev za skladiščenje in morebitnih drugih dajatev.
8. člen
Izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje
Sodelovanje policijskih organov lahko poteka tudi na področju izobraževanja, izpopolnjevanja in usposabljanja, predvsem s pomočjo:
– izmenjave izkušenj in informacij o metodah ter oblikah policijskega dela;
– zagotavljanja podpore pri učenju jezika druge pogodbenice;
– skupnih delovnih srečanj;
– usposabljanja strokovnjakov;
– udeležbe opazovalcev pri različnih vajah;
– izmenjave gostujočih predavateljev.
9. člen
Pomoč pri dogodkih večjega pomena, naravnih in civilizacijskih nesrečah
Policijski organi si lahko medsebojno pomagajo pri pomembnejših javnih zbiranjih in podobnih dogodkih večjega pomena, naravnih in civilizacijskih nesrečah, ki vplivajo na varnostno situacijo na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, tako da:
– se takoj, ko je to mogoče, medsebojno obveščajo o takšnih dogodkih in o dognanjih v zvezi s temi dogodki;
– sprejmejo in z drugo pogodbenico usklajujejo potrebne policijske ukrepe v zvezi s temi dogodki;
– na zaprosilo pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju se dogodki pojavijo, zagotovijo pomoč v možnem obsegu, in sicer z napotitvijo strokovnjakov in svetovalcev ter po potrebi z zagotavljanjem opreme.
B. Posebne organizacijske oblike čezmejnega policijskega sodelovanja
10. člen
Mešane patrulje ob skupni državni meji
(1) Z namenom preprečevanja nevarnosti za javni red, zatiranja kriminalitete in varovanja državne meje smejo policijski organi pogodbenic ob skupni državni meji opravljati delo v obliki mešanih patrulj.
(2) Pri izvajanju nalog v okviru mešanih patrulj so uradne osebe druge pogodbenice pooblaščene, da v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju se ukrepa, ugotavljajo identiteto oseb in ustavljajo osebe, ki so se poskušale izogniti policijski kontroli.
(3) Pri opravljanju uradnih dejanj velja nacionalna zakonodaja tiste pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju uradne osebe delujejo.
11. člen
Skupne kontaktne službe
(1) Na državnem območju pogodbenic so lahko v bližini državne meje trajno ali začasno vzpostavljene skupne kontaktne službe, v katerih delujejo uradne osebe policijskih organov obeh pogodbenic. Stroške, ki nastanejo z vzpostavitvijo in obratovanjem, krijeta pogodbenici v sorazmerju z deležem skupnih površin skupne kontaktne službe.
(2) Uradne osebe v skupnih kontaktnih službah analizirajo, izmenjujejo in posredujejo pomembne informacije za obmejna območja in na druge načine s svojim delovanjem prispevajo k usklajenemu sodelovanju po tem sporazumu.
(3) Uradne osebe v skupnih kontaktnih službah delujejo izključno po navodilih in v skladu s svojimi policijskimi pravili. Skupne operativne aktivnosti uradne osebe v skupnih kontaktnih službah izvajajo le po predhodnem soglasju pristojnih policijskih organov in samo v tistih oblikah, ki so predvidene v tem sporazumu.
12. člen
Skupne delovne skupine
Policijski organi lahko po potrebi ustanavljajo skupne delovne skupine za izvajanje policijskih nalog, v okviru katerih lahko uradne osebe ene pogodbenice na državnem območju druge pogodbenice delujejo le s svetovanjem ali zagotavljanjem strokovne pomoči.
13. člen
Napotitev oficirjev za zvezo
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ob soglasju pristojnega policijskega organa druge pogodbenice napoti oficirje za zvezo k policijskim organom druge pogodbenice.
(2) Oficirji za zvezo lahko delujejo s svetovanjem, zagotavljanjem strokovne pomoči, posredovanjem informacij in izpolnjevanjem nalog v okviru navodil obeh pogodbenic.
(3) Oficirji za zvezo, ki jih je ena pogodbenica napotila v tretjo državo, lahko ob medsebojnem soglasju pristojnih policijskih organov pogodbenic zastopajo tudi interese druge pogodbenice.
14. člen
Pravni položaj in pooblastila uradnih oseb organov druge pogodbenice
(1) Če uradne osebe policijskih organov v okviru sodelovanja po tem sporazumu opravljajo naloge na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, nimajo uradnih pooblastil, če ta sporazum izrecno ne določa drugače. Pri izvajanju vseh ukrepov morajo upoštevati nacionalno zakonodajo druge pogodbenice. Pooblaščeni pa so, da:
a) nosijo uniformo, osebno kratkocevno službeno orožje, gumijevko in sredstva za vklepanje in vezanje, razen če policijski organ pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju uradne osebe naloge izvajajo, v konkretnem primeru tega ne dovoli oziroma uporabo dodatno pogojuje;
b) v primeru silobrana uporabijo službeno orožje;
c) brez potne listine vstopijo na državno območje druge pogodbenice in se na obmejnem območju po tem sporazumu zadržujejo toliko časa, kot je potrebno za izpolnjevanje nalog, pod pogojem, da imajo pri sebi veljavno službeno izkaznico;
d) pri čezmejnih aktivnostih uporabljajo službena policijska vozila, razen če policijski organ druge pogodbenice v konkretnem primeru tega ne dovoli oziroma uporabo dodatno pogojuje;
e) na državnem območju druge pogodbenice uporabljajo tehnična sredstva, ki so potrebna za izvedbo ukrepov po tem sporazumu in je njihova uporaba v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo te pogodbenice.
(2) Uradne osebe lahko za izpolnjevanje nalog po tem sporazumu v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena državno mejo prestopijo tudi zunaj mejnih prehodov, če je to za izvedbo teh nalog nujno potrebno.
15. člen
Prehod čez državno območje druge pogodbenice s ciljem opravljanja dela na lastnem državnem območju
Uradna policijska vozila smejo v skladu s protokolom pristojnih policijskih organov iz 22. člena tega sporazuma in s ciljem opravljanja dela na lastnem državnem območju brez predhodne najave prehajati državno območje druge pogodbenice v tistih primerih, ko do tega dela državnega območja ni možen dostop iz lastne države. Pri takem prehodu državnega območja uradne osebe policijskih organov nimajo uradnih pooblastil.
16. člen
Zaščita in delovnopravna razmerja
(1) Pogodbenici sta dolžni napotenim uradnim osebam druge pogodbenice pri njihovem izvajanju nalog po tem sporazumu zagotoviti enako zaščito in pomoč kot lastnim uradnim osebam.
(2) Za uradne osebe ene pogodbenice se med opravljanjem nalog po tem sporazumu na državnem območju druge pogodbenice uporablja notranja delovnopravna zakonodaja prve pogodbenice, še zlasti v smislu disciplinske in odškodninske odgovornosti.
17. člen
Odškodninska odgovornost
(1) Če uradna oseba pogodbenice pri izvajanju nalog po tem sporazumu povzroči škodo na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, je do tretje oškodovane osebe odškodninsko odgovorna pod istimi pogoji in v enakem obsegu, kot če bi škodo povzročile uradne osebe druge pogodbenice.
(2) Pogodbenici, ki je odškodnino oškodovancu ali njegovim pravnim naslednikom poravnala, mora le-to povrniti druga pogodbenica, razen če ni prišlo do izvajanja nalog na podlagi zaprosila prve pogodbenice. Če pogodbenici utrpita škodo, ne uveljavljata odškodnine, razen če uradne osebe niso povzročile škode naklepno ali iz hude malomarnosti.
18. člen
Varstvo osebnih podatkov
Pristojni organi pogodbenic ob upoštevanju načel Konvencije o varstvu posameznikov glede na avtomatsko obdelavo osebnih podatkov (Strasbourg, 28. januar 1981) in Priporočila št. R (87) 15 Odbora ministrov Sveta Evrope državam članicam, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov v policijskem sektorju (Strasbourg, 17. september 1987), zagotavljajo naslednje pogoje za varstvo osebnih podatkov, ki jih izmenjujejo v okviru sodelovanja:
a) pristojni organ, ki prejme takšne podatke, jih sme uporabljati samo za namene in pod pogoji, ki jih določi pristojni organ, ki jih je poslal;
b) pristojni organ, ki je podatke prejel, na zahtevo pristojnega organa, ki je podatke poslal, slednjega obvesti o obdelavi takšnih podatkov in o njenih rezultatih;
c) osebni podatki se smejo posredovati samo organom in organizacijam, ki so pristojne za področja, ki so predmet sodelovanja po tem sporazumu. Takšni podatki se smejo posredovati drugim organom in organizacijam samo po predhodnem pisnem soglasju pristojnega organa, ki je te podatke poslal;
d) pristojni organ, ki je poslal zahtevane podatke, mora zagotoviti, da so podatki točni, da je posredovanje podatkov nujno potrebno in da je v skladu s svojim namenom. Če bi se izkazalo, da so bili posredovani netočni podatki ali podatki, ki se ne smejo razkriti, se o tem takoj obvesti pristojni organ, ki je podatke prejel, ta pa nemudoma uniči vse podatke, ki so bili poslani pomotoma ali brez dovoljenja, ali popravi netočne podatke;
e) na zahtevo upravičenega posameznika se mu vsi podatki o njem in njihova nameravana obdelava obrazložijo. Kar zadeva dajanje informacij o osebnih podatkih, se uporablja nacionalna zakonodaja države pristojnega organa, ki je podatke poslal;
f) pristojni organ, ki posreduje podatke v skladu s svojo nacionalno zakonodajo, ob tem določi tudi veljavne pogoje za njihov izbris. Ne glede na to je treba vse podatke, ki se nanašajo na določeno osebo, izbrisati, ko niso več potrebni. Pristojni organ, ki je podatke poslal, mora biti obveščen o izbrisu in o razlogih zanj. Vsi prejeti osebni podatki se uničijo po prenehanju veljavnosti tega sporazuma;
g) pristojni organi so dolžni voditi evidenco o posredovanju, prejemu in izbrisu osebnih podatkov;
h) pristojni organi zagotovijo učinkovito varstvo osebnih podatkov, da bi nepooblaščenim osebam preprečili dostop do njih, in jih ne smejo spreminjati ali objavljati.
19. člen
Obdelava podatkov, zbranih na državnem območju druge pogodbenice
(1) Določbe tega poglavja veljajo tudi za podatke, ki so bili zbrani s pomočjo čezmejnega delovanja na državnem območju druge pogodbenice. Te podatke pogodbenica evidentira v svojih evidencah in jih posreduje pogodbenici, na državnem območju katere so bili zbrani.
(2) Uradniki, ki delujejo na državnem območju druge pogodbenice, nimajo neposrednega dostopa do osebnih podatkov, ki jih obdeluje druga pogodbenica.
20. člen
Odškodninska odgovornost zaradi kršitev varstva podatkov
Če je posameznik zaradi posredovanja podatkov v okviru izmenjave podatkov po tem sporazumu protipravno oškodovan, je odškodninsko odgovoren pristojni organ, ki je podatke prejel, v skladu s svojo nacionalno zakonodajo. V odnosu do oškodovanca se odgovornost ne more prenesti na pristojni organ, ki je podatke posredoval. Če pristojni organ, ki je podatke prejel, poravna škodo, ki je nastala zaradi nepravilno posredovanih podatkov, mu pristojni organ, ki je podatke posredoval, povrne sredstva v višini poravnane škode.
21. člen
Določbe glede tajnosti
(1) Pogodbenici jamčita za tajnost vseh posredovanih podatkov, ki sta jih označili kot tajne v skladu s svojo nacionalno zakonodajo.
(2) Pošiljanje gradiva, podatkov in tehnične opreme, posredovane v skladu s tem sporazumom, tretji državi je mogoče samo s pisnim soglasjem pristojnega organa pogodbenice pošiljateljice.
22. člen
Izvedbeni dogovori
(1) Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna policijska uprava, na strani Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Ravnateljstvo policije, na strani Republike Hrvaške skleneta protokol o izvajanju posebnih organizacijskih oblik čezmejnega policijskega sodelovanja iz 10., 11., 12., 13. in 15. člena tega sporazuma, če pa je to potrebno, lahko skleneta protokol tudi za izvajanje drugih v tem sporazumu predvidenih oblik sodelovanja.
(2) Pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka tega člena se medsebojno obveščata o vseh za izvajanje tega sporazuma pomembnih okoliščinah.
23. člen
Vpliv tega sporazuma na druge sporazume
(1) Ta sporazum ne vpliva na obstoječe pravice in obveznosti pogodbenic iz drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki obvezujejo pogodbenici.
(2) Določbe tega sporazuma v ničemer ne prejudicirajo določitve, razmejitve in označitve državne meje med pogodbenicama.
24. člen
Reševanje sporov
(1) Spore glede izvajanja tega sporazuma rešujeta Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Generalna policijska uprava, in Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Hrvaške, Ravnateljstvo policije.
(2) Če spora ne moreta rešiti organa iz prvega odstavka tega člena, se spor rešuje po diplomatski poti.
25. člen
Začetek veljavnosti, trajanje in prenehanje sporazuma
(1) Ta sporazum začne veljati trideseti dan po dnevu prejema zadnje diplomatske note, s katero se pogodbenici medsebojno obvestita, da sta izpolnili notranjepravne pogoje, predvidene za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
(2) Ta sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko sporazum po diplomatski poti kadar koli pisno odpove. Odpoved začne veljati tri mesece od dneva, ko je druga pogodbenica prejela obvestilo o odpovedi.
(3) Vsaka od pogodbenic lahko izvajanje tega sporazuma začasno delno ali v celoti zadrži. O zadržanju izvajanja sporazuma kot tudi o prenehanju zadržanja je treba takoj pisno po diplomatski poti obvestiti drugo pogodbenico.
Sestavljeno v Zagrebu dne 6. novembra 2002 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, hrvaškem in angleškem jeziku, vsa besedila so enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah v razlagi sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
dr. Rado Bohinc l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Hrvaške
Šime Lučin l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: Contracting Parties):
– Reaffirming the amicable relations between the two countries;
– Following the internal legislation and international law obligations binding the two countries;
– Aiming to strengthen their mutual efforts towards preventing danger and ensuring public safety, and to foster cooperation between their police authorities;
– Confident that cooperation in the border regions is paramount for ensuring public order and, above all, for effectively combating illegal migration flows;
– Committed to pursuing co-ordinated measures and plans in order to combat cross-border crime more effectively;
– Endeavouring to ensure that the stricter regime affects cross-border traffic to the smallest possible extent,
hereby agree as follows:
Article 1
Scope of Cooperation
Pursuant to this Agreement and to the internal legislation of the two countries, the Contracting Parties shall foster their cooperation towards preventing danger and ensuring public safety, particularly regarding public order and the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal offences (hereinafter: suppression of crime) in the border regions, while respecting the regulations which govern data protection.
Article 2
Competent Authorities
(1) Pursuant to this Agreement, the competent police authorities (hereinafter: police authorities) shall be:
– in the Republic of Slovenia: the Ministry of the Interior, the General Police Directorate with its internal organisational units, and regional police units (hereinafter: police departments) within the framework of their competencies;
– in the Republic of Croatia: the Ministry of the Interior, the General Police Directorate with its internal organisational units, and regional police units (hereinafter: police departments) within the framework of their competencies.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of any changes regarding the competent authorities specified above. The police authorities of the Contracting Parties shall directly notify each other of the competencies within an individual Contracting Party applying to the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 3
Border Regions
(1) Pursuant to this Agreement, border regions shall be deemed to be:
– in the Republic of Slovenia: the regions falling within the local jurisdiction covered by the Koper, Postojna, Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Krško, Celje, Maribor and Murska Sobota Police Departments;
– in the Republic of Croatia: the regions falling within the local jurisdiction covered by the Istra, Primorsko-Goranska, Karlovac, Zagreb, Krapina-Zagorje, Varaždin and Međimurje Police Departments.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of any changes in the border regions specified above.
Article 4
Exchange of Information Between the Contracting Parties
(1) The police authorities of the Contracting Parties shall exchange information important for the implementation of this Agreement, and in particular information:
– regarding criminal offences committed in the border regions, the relevant suspects and other participants, and information regarding the circumstances and methods of the commitment of criminal offences and action taken;
– on wanted persons and objects;
– on new forms of crime detected in the border regions;
– on imminent security incidents and related activities in the border regions;
– on professional-technical affairs important for cooperation pursuant to this Agreement;
– on internal legislation and other regulations valid in the Contracting Parties and relevant to the implementation of this Agreement.
(2) The police authorities shall, within the agreed-upon time limits, exchange information important for conducting common analyses of security problems in the border regions.
Article 5
Mutual Communication and Telecommunication Links
(1) For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement, the police authorities shall improve their mutual communication through:
– the appointment of contact persons with a good knowledge of the other Contracting Party’s language, if possible;
– the short-term referral of experts to the other Contracting Party based on a request;
– mutual study visits by experts;
– exchange of information on important telecommunication links and electronic addresses of the police authorities.
(2) For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement, the police authorities shall improve their mutual telecommunication links through:
– the provision of direct connections for the transmission of voice, data or images;
– the establishment of radio links at agreed-upon frequencies in the event of special requirements;
– cooperation in order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of police radio systems.
Article 6
Co-ordination of Police Activities
For the purpose of fostering cooperation pursuant to this Agreement, the Contracting Parties may:
– appoint co-ordination services for the suppression of crime in the border regions;
– draw up joint analyses of security problems and plans of operational activities in the border regions;
– carry out co-ordinated operational activities along the common state border.
Article 7
Use of Special Police Equipment
(1) For the purpose of fostering cooperation pursuant to this Agreement, the police authorities – according to the needs and on the basis of prior agreement – may temporarily use the special police equipment of the other Contracting Party.
(2) The equipment referred to in the first paragraph of this article shall be exempt from possible required licences, import and export duties, customs duties, value added tax, other public taxes, port duties and warehouse fees, as well as from other possible types of duties.
Article 8
Education, Specialisation and Training
The cooperation between the police authorities may also be pursued in the sphere of education, specialisation and training, particularly by:
– the exchange of experience and information on methods and forms of police work;
– the provision of support for learning the language of the other Contracting Party;
– common working meetings;
– training of experts;
– participation of observers in various exercises;
– exchange of visiting lecturers.
Article 9
Assistance in Case of Major Events, Natural and Man-made Disasters
The police authorities may provide mutual assistance in the event of major public gatherings and similar major events, natural and man-made disasters that affect the security conditions in the territory of the other Contracting Party in such a manner that:
– as soon as possible, they mutually notify each other of such events and of the findings connected with these events;
– in cooperation with the other Contracting Party, establish and co-ordinate the necessary police measures in connection with these events;
– upon request of the Contracting Party in whose territory the events emerge, they provide each other, to the best of their ability, with assistance by referring experts and consultants and, if necessary, provide each other with necessary equipment.
Article 10
Mixed Patrols along the Common State Border
(1) For the purpose of preventing danger to public order, suppressing crime and protecting the state border, the police authorities of the Contracting Parties may carry out tasks in the form of mixed patrols along the common state border.
(2) During the performance of mixed patrol tasks, the official persons of the other Contracting Party shall be empowered, in accordance with the internal legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the action is taken, to establish the identity of persons and to stop persons who attempt to evade police control.
(3) During the performance of official acts, the applicable law shall be the internal legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the official persons are taking action.
Article 11
Common Contact Services
(1) In the territories of the Contracting Parties, common contact services may be established on a permanent or temporary basis in the vicinity of the state border, which shall be composed of official persons of the police authorities of both Contracting Parties. The costs incurred by the establishment and operation of these services shall be covered by the Contracting Parties proportionally to the common areas covered by the relevant common contact service.
(2) The official persons participating in the common contact services shall analyse, exchange and forward important information on the border regions, and otherwise contribute to achieving co-ordinated cooperation pursuant to this Agreement.
(3) The official persons participating in the common contact services shall act exclusively in accordance with instructions and the police rules applying to them. The official persons participating in the common contact services shall perform the common operational activities on the basis of the prior approval by the competent police authorities and in the manner foreseen by this Agreement.
Article 12
Joint Working Groups
The police authorities may, if necessary, establish joint working groups for the performance of police tasks, within the framework of which the official persons of one Contracting Party may operate in the territory of the other Contracting Party exclusively as providers of consulting services or expert assistance.
Article 13
Referral of Liaison Officers
(1) Subject to the approval by the competent police authority of the other Contracting Party, each Contracting Party may refer liaison officers to the police authorities of the other Contracting Party.
(2) Liaison officers may operate as providers of consulting services, expert assistance, information, and assist in the performance of tasks following the instructions of the two Contracting Parties.
(3) Subject to the mutual approval by the competent police authorities of the two Contracting Parties, liaison officers referred by one Contracting Party to a third country may also represent the interests of the other Contracting Party.
Article 14
Legal Status and Powers of Official Persons of the Other Contracting Party’s Authorities
(1) If – within the framework of cooperation pursuant to this Agreement – official persons of the police authorities perform tasks in the territory of the other Contracting Party, they shall have no official powers unless specifically otherwise determined by this Agreement. In the performance of all measures, they shall act in accordance with the legal order of the other Contracting Party. They shall, however, be empowered:
a) to wear a uniform, carry a personal short-barrel service weapon, a truncheon, handcuffs and other restraining means, unless the police authority of the Contracting Party, in whose territory the tasks of an official person are performed, does not permit this in a specific case, or if it imposes additional conditions for the use of these means;
b) to use their service weapon in the event of self-defence;
c) to enter the territory of the other Contracting Party without a travel document, and stay in the border regions laid down in this Agreement for as long as this is necessary for accomplishing their tasks, provided they carry on them a valid service identity card;
d) to use official police vehicles during their cross-border activities, unless the police authority of the other Contracting Party does not permit this in a specific case, or if it imposes additional conditions for their use;
e) to use, in the territory of the other Contracting Party, technical means needed for the implementation of the measures pursuant to this Agreement, whereby their use is to be in conformity with the internal legislation of that Contracting Party.
(2) For the performance of tasks pursuant to this Agreement, official persons may, in accordance with the first paragraph of this article, cross the state border even outside border crossings, if necessary for the performance of these tasks.
Article 15
Crossing the Territory of the other Contracting Party with the Aim of taking Action on one’s own Territory
Without prior announcement and in conformity with the Protocol concluded between the competent police authorities referred to in article 22 of this Agreement, official police vehicles may cross the territory of the other Contracting Party, with the aim of taking action in their own territory in cases in which the access to the part of the territory in question is not possible from their own country. In the course of such crossing, the official persons of the police authorities shall not execute their police powers.
Article 16
Protection and Labour Law Relations
(1) During the performance of tasks, the Contracting Parties shall be obliged to provide the official persons referred by the other Contracting Party with the same protection and assistance enjoyed by their own official persons.
(2) During the performance of tasks in the territory of the Contracting Party and pursuant to this Agreement, the official persons of the other Contracting Party shall be subject to the internal labour legislation of their own Contracting Party, especially in terms of disciplinary responsibility and liability for damages.
Article 17
Liability for Damages
(1) If, during the performance of tasks pursuant to this Agreement, an official person of one of the Contracting Parties causes damage in the territory of the other Contracting Party, this official person shall be liable for the damage caused to a third party under the same conditions and to the same extent as if the damage were caused by an official person of the other Contracting Party.
(2) The Contracting Party, which compensates the injured party or his/her legal successors for the damage, shall be reimbursed for this damage by the other Contracting Party, unless the performance of tasks had been undertaken on the basis of a request submitted by the first Contracting Party. If the damage is suffered by the Contracting Parties, the Contracting Parties shall not institute compensation proceedings against each other, unless the official persons had caused the damage intentionally or due to gross negligence.
Article 18
Protection of Personal Data
Following the principles of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Automatic Processing of Personal Data (Strasbourg, 28 January 1981) and the Recommendation No. R 87(15) of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to the Member States, regulating the protection of personal data in the police sector (Strasbourg, 17 September 1987), the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall ensure the following conditions for the protection of personal data exchanged within the framework of their cooperation:
a) the competent authority which receives such data (hereinafter: the competent receiving authority) may use them exclusively for the purposes and under the conditions specified by the competent authority which sends the data (hereinafter: the competent sending authority);
b) at the request of the competent sending authority, the competent receiving authority shall notify the competent sending authority of this data processing and its results;
c) personal data may be forwarded exclusively to the authorities and organisations competent for the areas that are the subject of cooperation pursuant to this Agreement. Such data may be forwarded to other authorities and organisations only on the basis of the prior approval by the competent sending authority;
d) the competent authority sending the required data must ensure that the data are accurate, that the forwarding of data is indispensable and in compliance with its purpose. If the forwarded data are found to be incorrect or may not be disclosed, the competent receiving authority shall be immediately notified of this, and shall immediately destroy all the data sent by mistake or without permission, or rectify the incorrect data;
e) at the request of an entitled individual, the latter shall be submitted an explanation of all his personal data and their intended processing. The submission of information applying to personal data shall be subject to the internal legislation of the country of the competent sending authority;
f) the competent authority, which forwards data in accordance with its internal legislation, shall at the same time specify the conditions for the deletion of the data. Nevertheless, all data applying to a specific person shall be deleted once they are no longer needed. The competent sending authority shall be notified of their deletion and of the reasons for the deletion. All personal data received shall be destroyed after the expiration of the validity of this Agreement;
g) the competent authorities shall be obliged to keep a record of the forwarding, receipt and deletion of personal data;
h) the competent authorities shall ensure the effective protection of personal data, in order to prevent unauthorised persons to access the data, and shall be permitted neither to modify nor to publish the data.
Article 19
Processing of Data Collected on the Territory of the other Contracting Party
(1) The provisions of this Chapter shall also apply to the data collected by means of cross-border activities in the territory of the other Contracting Party. The Contracting Party shall enter the data in its records and forward it to the Contracting Party, on whose territory the data were collected.
(2) The officials operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall have no direct access to the personal data processed by the other Contracting Party.
Article 20
Liability for Damages arising from Data Protection Violations
If an individual unlawfully suffers damage due to data forwarded within the framework of the exchange of data pursuant to this Agreement, the liability for damages shall lie with the competent receiving authority, in accordance with its internal legislation. In relation to the injured party, the liability may not be transferred to the competent authority which forwarded the data. If the competent receiving authority settles the damage caused due to incorrectly forwarded data, the competent authority, which forwarded the data shall settle the funds in the amount equalling the damage compensation.
Article 21
Provisions on Confidentiality
(1) The Contracting Parties shall guarantee the confidentiality for the forwarded data designated as confidential in accordance with their internal legislation.
(2) The material, data and technical equipment forwarded pursuant to this Agreement may be sent to a third country only subject to the written approval by the competent authority of the sending Contracting Party.
Article 22
Implementing Agreements
(1) The General Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia and the General Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia shall conclude a Protocol for the implementation of special organisational forms of cross-border police cooperation referred to in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 of this Agreement and – if necessary – they may also conclude a Protocol for the implementation of other forms of cooperation foreseen by this Agreement.
(2) The competent authorities referred to in the first paragraph of this article shall notify each other of all circumstances relevant to the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 23
Impact of this Agreement on other Agreements
(1) This Agreement shall have no impact on the existing rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties arising from other international agreements binding the Contracting Parties.
(2) The provisions of this Agreement shall not prejudice the determination, delimitation and designation of the state border between the Contracting Parties.
Article 24
Settlement of Disputes
(1) Disputes regarding the implementation of this Agreement shall be settled by the General Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, and the General Police Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior the Republic of Croatia.
(2) If the dispute cannot be settled by the authorities referred to in the first paragraph of this article, it shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 25
Entry into Force, Duration and Termination of the Agreement
(1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the day of the receipt of the last diplomatic note by which the Contracting Parties have notified each other that they have fulfilled the conditions stipulated by their internal legislation for the entering into force of this Agreement.
(2) This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time. Either Contracting Party may at any time denounce the Agreement in writing through diplomatic channels. The denunciation shall take effect three months from the day the other Contracting Party has received the denunciation notice.
(3) Either Contracting Party may temporarily partially or entirely suspend the application of this Agreement. Such suspension of the Agreement, or the cessation of the suspension, shall be immediately notified to the other Contracting Party in writing through diplomatic channels.
Done in Zagreb, on 6th November 2002, in two originals in the Slovene, Croatian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergences in the interpretation of the Agreement, the text in English shall prevail.
On behalf of the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Dr Rado Bohinc, (s)
On behalf of the Government
of the Republic of Croatia
Šime Lučin, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 200-10/03-28/1
Ljubljana, dne 26. februarja 2003
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v hrvaškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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