Uradni list

Številka 51
Uradni list RS, št. 51/1997 z dne 22. 8. 1997
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 51/1997 z dne 22. 8. 1997


59. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske (BPLZTS), stran 1511.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske (BPLZTS), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 26. junija 1997.
Št. 001-22-74/97
Ljubljana, 4. julija 1997
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske, podpisan v Varšavi 23. maja 1996.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:*
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Poljske, v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici, sta se,
ker se zavedata tako prednosti, ki izhajajo iz povečanega znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja za naroda obeh držav, kakor tudi pomena le-tega za razvoj nacionalnih gospodarstev in blaginjo obeh držav,
v prepričanju, da bo mednarodno sodelovanje v znanosti in tehnologiji okrepilo prijateljske vezi in razumevanje med državama,
dogovorili o naslednjem :
1. člen
Pogodbenici razvijata in podpirata znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje med sodelujočimi organizacijami (v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu) obeh držav na podlagi enakosti in v obojestransko korist.
Sodelujejo lahko znanstveni inštituti, znanstvena združenja, univerze, vladne organizacije in druge raziskovalne in razvojne organizacije (v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu).
2. člen
Po tem sporazumu znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje poteka v okviru :
a) znanstvenih in tehnoloških raziskav in razvoja na skupaj dogovorjenih področjih,
b) izmenjav znanstvenikov, strokovnjakov, raziskovalcev in izvedencev,
c) izmenjav znanstvenih in tehnoloških informacij in dokumentacije v zvezi z dejavnostjo sodelovanja,
d) skupnih znanstvenih konferenc, simpozijev, delavnic in drugih srečanj,
e) drugih oblik znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja, o katerih se pogodbenici lahko medsebojno dogovorita.
3. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata in podpirata sodelovanje in udeležbo v multilateralnih in regionalnih znanstvenih, tehnoloških in razvojnih programih in projektih.
4. člen
Sodelovanje po tem sporazumu poteka v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi obeh držav kot tudi v skladu s predpisi mednarodnih organizacij, katerih članici sta pogodbenici.
5. člen
Obravnava intelektualne lastnine, ki izhaja iz dejavnosti sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, se ureja z dogovori o izvajanju med sodelujočimi organizacijami (v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu), v katerih se zagotavlja ustrezno in učinkovito varstvo intelektualne lastnine. Sodelujoče organizacije postanejo solastnice intelektualne lastnine, ki bo izhajala iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu.
Znanstvene in tehnološke informacije nelastninske narave, ki izhajajo iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, so last sodelujočih organizacij in so zaupne; če je treba, so na razpolago tretji strani, če ni drugače pisno dogovorjeno med sodelujočimi organizacijami (v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu).
6. člen
Znanstveniki, strokovnjaki in ustanove drugih držav ali mednarodnih organizacij so lahko na podlagi soglasja teles, odgovornih za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma – kot določa 14. člen, na njihove stroške, če ni drugače dogovorjeno, povabljeni k sodelovanju pri dejavnostih po tem sporazumu.
7. člen
Določbe tega sporazuma se lahko spremenijo ali dopolnijo le s privolitvijo obeh pogodbenic.
Nesporazumi, ki se nanašajo na razlago ali izvajanje tega sporazuma, se rešujejo s posvetovanji v skupni komisiji – ustanovljeni v 9. členu, ali med pogodbenicama.
8. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sklepanje dolgoročnih dogovorov z namenom vzpostavitve trajnega sodelovanja med vladnimi organizacijami, znanstvenimi inštituti, znanstvenimi združenji, visokimi šolami in drugimi raziskovalnimi in razvojnimi centri.
Omenjeni dogovori še posebej določajo:
a) predmet in obseg sodelovanja kot tudi navedbo sodelujočih organizacij, odgovornih za izvajanje – v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu,
b) uporabo rezultatov skupnih raziskovalnih in razvojnih projektov,
c) financiranje sodelovanja.
9. člen
Za namen izvajanja tega sporazuma pogodbenici ustanovita skupno komisijo, sestavljeno iz predstavnikov in izvedencev, ki jih imenujeta pogodbenici.
Skupna komisija določa področja sodelovanja v znanosti in tehnologiji, usklajuje sodelovanje na dogovorjenih področjih in presoja razvoj sodelovanja. Sprejme izvedbeni program sodelovanja, spremlja izvajanje programov, in če je treba, predlaga dejavnosti za uresničitev rezultatov, doseženih pri sodelovanju.
10. člen
Stroški izmenjave izvedencev, znanstvenikov in drugih strokovnjakov, ki nastanejo po tem sporazumu, se bodo krili na naslednji način: sodelujoča organizacija, ki pošilja, plača stroške povratne poti med glavnima mestoma obeh držav, organizacija, ki sprejema, pa plača v celoti stroške nastanitve in potovanj znotraj države, če ni drugače dogovorjeno med sodelujočimi organizacijami – v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu.
11. člen
Pogodbenica, ki sprejema, se zavezuje, da bo v primeru nujne pomoči ali nenadne bolezni osebe, ki se nahaja na ozemlju pogodbenice, zagotovila prvo medicinsko pomoč.
Stroške medicinske pomoči bo stran, ki sprejema, krila v skladu s posebnim sporazumom med ministrstvoma za zdravstvo držav pogodbenic – ali pa bo stroške krila sodelujoča organizacija pošiljateljica (v skladu z aneksom k temu sporazumu) na podlagi individualnega zavarovanja.
12. člen
Ta sporazum začne veljati na dan, ko pogodbenici druga drugo obvestita, da je sporazum odobren v skladu z zakonskimi predpisi obeh držav.
Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem zadnjega obvestila.
Ta sporazum velja pet let in ostane veljaven nadaljnja petletna obdobja, če katera od pogodbenic šest mesecev pred iztekom pisno ne sporoči svoje namere, da ga odpove.
Prekinitev tega sporazuma se ne nanaša na projekte ali programe po tem sporazumu, ki ob prekinitvi tega sporazuma če niso končani.
13. člen
Ko začne veljati ta sporazum med pogodbenicama, prenehata veljati med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Poljsko Sporazum o znanstveno-tehničnem sodelovanju med Federativno ljudsko republiko Jugoslavijo in Ljudsko republiko Poljsko, podpisan 14. novembra 1955, ter Protokol o spremembah sporazuma, podpisan 25. marca 1965.
14. člen
Telesi, odgovorni za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma, sta Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Državni komite za znanstveno raziskovanje Republike Poljske.
Sestavljeno v Varšavi dne 23. maja 1996 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem, poljskem in angleškem jeziku, vsa tri besedila so enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah v razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Andrej Umek l. r.
Za Vlado
Republike Poljske
Aleksander Luczak l. r.
V skladu s poljskimi zakoni se kot sodelujoče organizacije iz Republike Poljske, omenjene v 1., 5., 8., 10. in 11. členu, štejejo:
1. Znanstvene enote:
– znanstvene in raziskovalne enote Poljske akademije znanosti,
– visoke šole in/ali organizacijske enote visokih šol, navedene v njihovih statutih,
– Poljska akademija umetnosti in znanosti.
2. Raziskovalne in razvojne ustanove:
– razvojno-raziskovalni inštituti,
– razvojno-raziskovalni centri,
– osrednji laboratoriji,
– druge ustanove, ki se ukvarjajo z znanstveno dejavnostjo in so navedene v poljskem registru znanstveno-raziskovalnih ustanov.
(C. VLADNE ORGANIZACIJE, ki jih priznavata telesi, odgovorni za izvajanje določil tega sporazuma – glej 14. člen).
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Poland hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”
Recognizing the advantages to be derived by the people of the two countries from the increased scientific and technological cooperation, as well as of its importance for the development of national economies and prosperity of both countries.
Convinced that international cooperation in science and technology will strengthen the bonds of friendship and understanding between the two countries,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall develop and support scientific and technological cooperation between cooperating organizations (in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement) of the two countries on the basis of the equality and to the benefit of both countries.
Cooperating organizations may include scientific institutes, scientific societies, universities, government agencies and other research and development organizations (in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement).
Article 2
According to this agreement, scientific and technological cooperation shall be promoted through:
a) scientific and technological research and development in areas jointly agreed upon,
b) exchange of scientists, specialists, researchers and experts,
c) exchange of science and technology information and documentation in the context of cooperative activities,
d) joint scientific conferences, symposia, workshops and other meetings,
e) other forms of scientific and technological cooperation which can mutually be agreed upon by the two Contracting Parties.
Article 3
Contracting Parties shall encourage and support cooperation and participation in multilateral and regional scientific, technological and development programmes and projects.
Article 4
Cooperation under this Agreement shall be subject to the applicable national laws and regulations of both countries, as well as to the regulations of the international organizations Contracting Parties are members of.
Article 5
The treatment of intellectual property arising from the cooperative activities under this Agreement shall be regulated by the implementing arrangements between the cooperative organizations (in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement) in which an adequate and efficient intellectual property protection shall be guaranteed. The cooperating organizations shall become joint owners of intellectual property resulting from cooperation under this Agreement.
Scientific and technological information of non-proprietary nature deriving from the activities under this Agreement shall be possessed by cooperating organizations and kept secret; if necessary such information shall be made available to a third party, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the cooperative organizations (in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement).
Article 6
Scientists, specialists and institutions from other countries or international organizations may be invited, upon consent of the bodies responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement, as provided in Article 14, to participate at their own expense, unless otherwise agreed, in activities being carried out under this Agreement.
Article 7
The provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only upon the consent of both Contracting Parties.
Any disputes related to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through consultations within the Joint Commission – established in Article 9 or between the Parties.
Article 8
The Contracting Parties shall encourage conclusion of the long-term arrangements aimed at establishing lasting cooperation between the government agencies, scientific institutes, scientific societies, higher educational schools and other research and development centres.
The arrangements mentioned above determine in particular:
a) the object and the scope of the cooperation, as well as indication of the cooperating organizations responsible for its implementation – in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement,
b) the use of the results of joint research and development projects,
c) financing of the cooperation.
Article 9
For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement the Contracting Parties shall set up a Joint Commission consisting of representatives and experts designated by each Contracting Party.
The Joint Commission shall agree the areas of the cooperation in science and technology, shall coordinate cooperation in agreed areas and shall review the progress of such cooperation. It shall draw up Executive Programme of Cooperation, control the implementation of programmes, and propose, if necessary the way of execution of the results of cooperative activities.
Article 10
The cost of exchange of experts, scientists and other specialists, resulting from this Agreement, will be covered on the following basis: the sending cooperating organization is paying for the return trip fee between the capitals of the two countries and the receiving cooperating organization is paying for the full accommodation and trips within its territory, if not agreed upon differently by cooperating organizations – in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement.
Article 11
In case of personal emergency or sudden illness of the person being present on the territory of the Receiving Contracting Party it commits itself to give the first medical aid.
The cost of the medical assistance will be borne by the Receiving Party according to the separate Agreement between the respective Ministries of Health Care of the both Contracting Parties – or it will be borne by the sending cooperating organization (in accordance with the Annex to this Agreement), on the basis of the individual assurance.
Article 12
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date when the Contracting Parties notify each other, that the Agreement has been approved in accordance with the legal procedures of each country.
The date of the last notification is deemed to be the date of the coming into force of the Agreement.
This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years and continue in force thereafter for successive periods of five years, unless either Contracting Party notifies in writing six months in advance of its intention to denounce the Agreement.
The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the projects or programmes undertaken under this Agreement and not fully executed at the time of the termination of this Agreement.
Article 13
After this Agreement between the Contracting Parties having entered into force in the relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Poland the Agreement between Yugoslav Federal People’s Republic and People’s Republic of Poland, signed on 14 November 1955 for the scientific-technical cooperation and the Protocol on its changes of 25 March 1965, shall not be applied.
Article 14
The responsible bodies for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement are the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland.
Done in Warsaw, this 23 day of May 1996 in Slovene, Polish and English languages, in two copies each, all three texts being equally authentic. In case of different interpretation, the English text prevails.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Andrej Umek (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Poland
Aleksander Luczak (s)
According to Polish law Polish cooperating organizations mentioned in Art. 1, Art. 5, Art. 8, Art. 10 and Art. 11 should be read as follows:
1. Scientific units:
– scientific and research units of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
– schools of higher education and/or organizational units of schools of higher education listed in their statutes,
– Polish Academy of Arts and Science.
2. Research and Development institutions:
– R&D institutes,
– R&D centres,
– central laboratories,
– other institutions conducting scientific activity and listed in the Polish Register of R&D institutions.
(C. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES accepted by the bodies responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement – see Art. 14).
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 630-02/97-10/1
Ljubljana, 26. junija 1997
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.
* Besedilo sporazuma v poljskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodne pravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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