Uradni list

Številka 8
Uradni list RS, št. 8/1996 z dne 12. 2. 1996
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 8/1996 z dne 12. 2. 1996


3. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dogovora med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kanade o medsebojnem vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita (BCAVD), stran 5.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Dogovora med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kanade o medsebojnem vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita (BCAVD), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 26. januarja 1996.
Št. 001-22-3/96
Ljubljana, dne 3. februarja 1996
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Dogovor med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kanade o medsebojnem vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita, sklenjen z izmenjavo not 28. julija 1995.
2. člen
Dogovor se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku ter prevodu glasi:
Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti izraža spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast predlagati sklenitev Dogovora med Vlado Kanade in Vlado Republike Slovenije o medsebojnem vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita. Dogovor opredeljuje skupni postopek za prošnjo in pridobitev potnih dokumentov za državljane brez dokumentov, ki so prekršili zakon, in za katere se izda veljaven sklep o vračanju. Izraz “brez dokumentov” v tem dogovoru je opredeljen kot “brez veljavnega kanadskega ali slovenskega potnega lista”. Naslednji predlog naj bi zadostil pravnim in praktičnim zahtevam obeh vlad.
1. Dokaz o državljanstvu
(a) Predlagano je, da bo pristojni organ države prosilke, če se odredi vračanje državljana ene ali druge države pogodbenice, vložil prošnjo za potni dokument neposredno pri diplomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu druge države pogodbenice.
(b) Diplomatsko-konzularno predstavništvo si bo prizadevalo, da na take prošnje odgovori v 10 delovnih dneh, tako da bodisi izda potni dokument ali formalno obvesti pristojni organ, da oseba ni njihov državljan.
(c) Prošnje za potni dokument bodo vsebovale vse razpoložljive življenjepisne podatke in dokumente o posamezniku, ki ga je treba vrniti, da bi olajšali potrditev državljanstva. Ta postopek se bo uporabljal v vseh zaprošenih primerih, ne glede na to ali je posameznik, ki ga je treba vrniti, trenutno v priporu ali ne.
(d) Razgovor, osebno ali po telefonu, se bo uporabljal kot skrajno sredstvo, ki bo diplomatsko-konzularnemu predstavništvu omogočilo, da preveri državljanstvo osebe v primerih, ko življenjepisni podatki oziroma dokumentacija niso bili prepričljivi. Če bo šlo za osebni razgovor, ga bo konzularni uslužbenec lahko opravil v kraju pripora. Pristojni organ bo sodeloval po svojih najboljših močeh, da bo olajšal razgovor, bodisi po telefonu ali osebno.
(e) Država pogodbenica, ki odredi vračanje državljana druge države pogodbenice, krije tudi vse stroške v zvezi z vračanjem.
(f) Pristojni organ se zavezuje, da se vsaka oseba, vrnjena v drugo državo pogodbenico, za katero se kasneje izkaže, da ni njen državljan, vrne na njihove stroške.
2. Izdajanje potnih dokumentov
(a) Ko so postopki, opisani v 1. delu, opravljeni in se ugotovi državljanstvo, bo diplomatsko-konzularno predstavništvo nemudoma izdalo potni dokument v časovnem roku, omenjenem v 1. (b) delu, da bi olajšalo vrnitev osebe. Pristojni organ države prosilke se zavezuje, da bo vrnitev opravilo v skladu z običajnimi mednarodnimi postopki, ki priznavajo človeško dimenzijo tega suverenega prisilnega ukrepa.
(b) Pristojni organ države prosilke si bo tudi prizadeval, da bo hkrati z vsako prošnjo diplomatsko konzularnemu predstavništvu predložil načrt potovanja.
(c) Načrti potovanja in drugi podatki v zvezi z vračanjem se bodo zagotovili pod pogojem, da je tako gradivo zaupna informacija, ki jo varujejo predpisi o varstvu osebnih podatkov obeh držav pogodbenic. Če je načrt potovanja iz kakršnega koli razloga treba spremeniti, potem ko je bil potni dokument že izdan, si bo pristojni organ države prosilke prizadeval, da bo o takih spremembah pred vrnitvijo obvestil organe druge države pogodbenice.
Če so zgornji predlogi za Vlado Republike Slovenije sprejemljivi, ima Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota odgovor Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije sestavljata Dogovor med Vlado Kanade in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita.
Ta dogovor se uporablja od 1. avgusta 1995 in začne veljati 1. januarja 1996.
Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje globoko spoštovanje.
Budimpešta, 28. julij 1995
The Canadian Embassy in Budapest presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to introduce a proposal for the conclusion of the Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the mutual removal of the citizens of both countries whose entry or residence in the territory of the other country are illegal. The Arrangement defines a common understanding on the process to follow to apply for and obtain travel documents for undocumented citizens who have violated the law and are the subject of an effective removal order. The term “undocumented” in this Arrangement is defined as not in possession of a valid Canadian or Slovenian passport. The following proposal is intended to satisfy the legal and practical requirements of both governments.
1. Proof of nationality
(a) It is proposed that, where the removal of a citizen of the respective country is ordered, the relevant authority of the demanding state will initiate a request for a travel document directly with the diplomatic or consular mission of the other Contracting State.
(b) The diplomatic or consular mission will endeavour to respond within 10 working days to such requests by either issuing a travel document or advising formally the competent authority that the individual is not their citizen.
(c) Requests for a travel document will include all available biographical information and documents on the individual to be removed to assist in the confirmation of nationality. This procedure will apply to all requested cases whether the individual to be removed is currently in detention or not.
(d) An interview, in person or by telephone, will be used as the ultimate means of enabling the diplomatic or consular mission to verify the citizenship of the subject in cases where biographical data and or the documentation was not conclusive. If in person, the Consular officer will be able to conduct the interview at the place of detention. The competent authority will extend its fullest cooperation to facilitate the interview whether by telephone or in person.
(e) The Contracting State ordering the removal of the citizen of the other Contracting State shall carry all costs concerning the removal.
(f) The competent authority undertakes to accept the return at its own expenses of any individual removed to the other Contracting State who is later determined not to be its citizen.
2. Issuance of travel documents
(a) Once the procedures in section l have been completed and nationality has been established, a travel document will be issued by the diplomatic or consular mission without delay, within the timeframe described in section 1. (b), to facilitate the removal of the individual. The competent authority of the requesting State undertakes to execute the removal according to international practices which recognize the human dimension of this sovereign enforcement action.
(b) All efforts will be made to provide a proposed travel intinerary simultaneously with any application to the diplomatic or consular mission by the competent authority.
(c) Travel itineraries and other information relevant to the removal will be provided with the understanding that such material is privileged and confidential information protected by the Privacy Act of both Contracting States. If for any reason, the travel itinerary must be changed after the travel document has been issued, the competent authority of the requesting State will endeavour to advise the authorities of the other Contracting State of such changes prior to the removal.
If the foregoing proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Canadian Embassy has the honour to suggest that this note and the note in answer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia will constitute the Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the mutual removal of the citizens of both countries whose entry or residence in the territory of the other country are illegal.
This Arrangement shall be applied as of August 1, 1995 and will enter into effect on January lst, 1996.
The Canadian Embassy in Budapest avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Budapest, July 28, 1995
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža odlično spoštovanje Veleposlaništvu Kanade v Budimpešti in ima čast potrditi prejem note Veleposlaništva številka 0795/95 z dne 28. julija 1995, ki se glasi:
“Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti izraža spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast predlagati sklenitev Dogovora med Vlado Kanade in Vlado Republike Slovenije o medsebojnem vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita. Dogovor opredeljuje skupni postopek za prošnjo in pridobitev potnih dokumentov za državljane brez dokumentov, ki so prekršili zakon, in za katere se izda veljaven sklep o vračanju. Izraz “brez dokumentov” v tem dogovoru je opredeljen kot “brez veljavnega kanadskega ali slovenskega potnega lista”. Naslednji predlog naj bi zadostil pravnim in praktičnim zahtevam obeh vlad.
1. Dokaz o državljanstvu
(a) Predlagano je, da bo pristojni organ države prosilke, če se odredi vračanje državljana ene ali druge države pogodbenice, vložil prošnjo za potni dokument neposredno pri diplomatsko-konzularnem predstavništvu druge države pogodbenice.
(b) Diplomatsko-konzularno predstavništvo si bo prizadevalo, da na take prošnje odgovori v 10 delovnih dneh, tako da bodisi izda potni dokument ali formalno obvesti pristojni organ, da oseba ni njihov državljan.
(c) Prošnje za potni dokument bodo vsebovale vse razpoložljive življenjepisne podatke in dokumente o posamezniku, ki ga je treba vrniti, da bi olajšali potrditev državljanstva. Ta postopek se bo uporabljal v vseh zaprošenih primerih, ne glede na to ali je posameznik, ki ga je treba vrniti, trenutno v priporu ali ne.
(d) Razgovor, osebno ali po telefonu, se bo uporabljal kot skrajno sredstvo, ki bo diplomatsko-konzularnemu predstavništvu omogočilo, da preveri državljanstvo osebe v primerih, ko življenjepisni podatki oziroma dokumentacija niso bili prepričljivi. Če bo šlo za osebni razgovor, ga bo konzularni uslužbenec lahko opravil v kraju pripora. Pristojni organ bo sodeloval po svojih najboljših močeh, da bo olajšal razgovor, bodisi po telefonu ali osebno.
(e) Država pogodbenica, ki odredi vračanje državljana druge države pogodbenice, krije tudi vse stroške v zvezi z vračanjem.
(f) Pristojni organ se zavezuje, da se vsaka oseba, vrnjena v drugo državo pogodbenico, za katero se kasneje izkaže, da ni njen državljan, vrne na njihove storške.
2. Izdajanje potnih dokumentov
(a) Ko so postopki, opisani v 1. delu, opravljeni in se ugotovi državljanstvo, bo diplomatsko-konzularno predstavništvo nemudoma izdalo potni dokument v časovnem roku, omenjenem v 1. (b) delu, da bi olajšalo vrnitev osebe. Pristojni organ države prosilke se zavezuje, da bo vrnitev opravilo v skladu z običajnimi mednarodnimi postopki, ki priznavajo človeško dimenzijo tega suverenega prisilnega ukrepa.
(b) Pristojni organ države prosilke si bo tudi prizadeval, da bo hkrati z vsako prošnjo diplomatsko konzularnemu predstavništvu predložil načrt potovanja.
(c) Načrti potovanja in drugi podatki v zvezi z vračanjem se bodo zagotovili pod pogojem, da je tako gradivo zaupna informacija, ki jo varujejo predpisi o varstvu osebnih podatkov obeh držav pogodbenic. Če je načrt potovanja iz kakršnega koli razloga treba spremeniti, potem ko je bil potni dokument že izdan, si bo pristojni organ države prosilke prizadeval, da bo o takih spremembah pred vrnitvijo obvestil organe druge države pogodbenice.
Če so zgornji predlogi za Vlado Republike Slovenije sprejemljivi, ima Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota odgovor Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije sestavljata Dogovor med Vlado Kanade in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita.
Ta dogovor se uporablja od 1. avgusta 1995 in začne veljati 1. januarja 1996.
Veleposlaništvo Kanade v Budimpešti tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje globoko spoštovanje.”
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ima čast sporočiti Veleposlaništvu Kanade v Budimpešti, da so predlogi sprejemljivi za Vlado Republike Slovenije in da glede na to nota Veleposlaništva in ta nota odgovor sestavljata Dogovor med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kanade o vračanju državljanov obeh držav, katerih vstop ali bivanje na ozemlju druge države sta nezakonita.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije tudi ob tej priložnosti Veleposlaništvu Kanade v Budimpešti ponovno izraža svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, dne 28. julija 1995
Veleposlaništvo Kanade
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Canadian Embassy in Budapest and has the honour to confirm the receipt of the Embassy’s Note No. 0795/95 of July 28 1995 which reads as follows:
“The Canadian Embassy in Budapest presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to introduce a proposal for the conclusion of the Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the mutual removal of the citizens of both countries whose entry or residence in the territory of the other country are illegal. The Arrangement defines a common understanding on the process to follow to apply for and obtain travel documents for undocumented citizens who have violated the law and are the subject of an effective removal order. The term “undocumented” in this Arrangement is defined as not in possession of a valid Canadian or Slovenian passport. The following proposal is intended to satisfy the legal and practical requirements of both governments.
1. Proof of nationality
(a) It is proposed that, where the removal of a citizen of the respective country is ordered, the relevant authority of the demanding state will initiate a request for a travel document directly with the diplomatic or consular mission of the other Contracting State.
(b) The diplomatic or consular mission will endeavour to respond within 10 working days to such requests by either issuing a travel document or advising formally the competent authority that the individual is not their citizen.
(c) Requests for a travel document will include all available biographical information and documents on the individual to be removed to assist in the confirmation of nationality. This procedure will apply to all requested cases whether the individual to be removed is currently in detention or not.
(d) An interview, in person or by telephone, will be used as the ultimate means of enabling the diplomatic or consular mission to verify the citizenship of the subject in cases where biographical data and or the documentation was not conclusive. If in person, the Consular officer will be able to conduct the interview at the place of detention. The competent authority will extend its fullest cooperation to facilitate the interview whether by telephone or in person.
(e) The Contracting State ordering the removal of the citizen of the other Contracting State shall carry all costs concerning the removal.
(f) The competent authority undertakes to accept the return at its own expenses of any individual removed to the other Contracting State who is later determined not to be its citizen.
2. Issuance of travel documents
(a) Once the procedures in section l have been completed and nationality has been established, a travel document will be issued by the diplomatic or consular mission without delay, within the timeframe described in section 1. (b), to facilitate the removal of the individual. The competent authority of the requesting State undertakes to execute the removal according to international practices which recognize the human dimension of this sovereign enforcement action.
(b) All efforts will be made to provide a proposed travel intinerary simultaneously with any application to the diplomatic or consular mission by the competent authority.
(c) Travel itineraries and other information relevant to the removal will be provided with the understanding that such material is privileged and confidential information protected by the Privacy Act of both Contracting States. If for any reason, the travel itinerary must be changed after the travel document has been issued, the competent authority of the requesting State will endeavour to advise the authorities of the other Contracting State of such changes prior to the removal.
If the foregoing proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Canadian Embassy has the honour to suggest that this note and the note in answer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia will constitute the Arrangement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the mutual removal of the citizens of both countries whose entry or residence in the territory of the other country are illegal.
This Arrangement shall be applied as of August 1, 1995 and will enter into effect on January lst, 1996.
The Canadian Embassy in Budapest avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia has the honour to inform the Canadian Embassy in Budapest that the proposals are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and that accordingly the Embassy’s note and this note in answer constitute the Arrangement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of Canada on the mutual removal of the citizens of both countries whose entry or residence in the territory of the other country are illegal.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Canadian Embassy in Budapest the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, on July 28, 1995
Canadian Embassy
3. člen
Za izvajanje dogovora skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 213-04/95-13/1
Ljubljana, dne 26. januarja 1996
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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