Uradni list

Številka 42
Uradni list RS, št. 42/1995 z dne 21. 7. 1995
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 42/1995 z dne 21. 7. 1995


53. Uredba o ratifikaciji Statuta Mednarodnega centra za registracijo serijskih publikacij, stran 764.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Statut Mednarodnega centra za registracijo serijskih publikacij, sprejet 14. novembra 1974 v Parizu.
2. člen
Statut se v angleškem jeziku in v slovenskem prevodu glasi:
Article 1
1. The Centre established in Paris shall be responsible for the introduction and operation of an automated system for the registration of periodicals in all branches of knowledge. It shall co-operate, to the extent necessary, with national and regional centres working in the same field.
2. The Centre shall be an autonomous institution whose activities are conducted for the benefit of the Member States and Associate members of the Organization in the manner laid down in these Statutes.
Article 2
Member States and Associate Members of the Organization wishing to benefit from the work of the Centre shall send to the Director-General of the Organization a notification to this effect, in which they announce their accession to these Statutes. The Director-General shall inform the Centre and the Member States and Associate Members of such notification.
Article 3
The organs of the Centre shall be:
(1) the General Assembly;
(2) the Governing Board;
(3) the Technical Advisory Committee;
(4) the Director.
Article 4
The General Assembly shall consist of one representative of each of the Member States and Associate Members of the Organization which have acceded to these Statutes and one representative of the Director-General.
It shall meet every two years.
It shall draw up its own rules of procedure.
It shall appoint the members of the Governing Board referred to in Article 5 (1) (c).
It shall lay down the general policy governing the Centre’s activities.
It shall fix the amount of the contributions of the Member States and Associate Members of the Organization which have acceded to these Statutes. In no case should the financial contribution of any Member State, with the exception of voluntary contributions, exceed 20 per cent of that part of the budget not covered by the contributions of both the Organization and the host State.
It may adopt amendments to these Statutes by majority vote including the votes of the representative of the host State and the representative of the Director-General of the Organization.
Article 5
1. The Centre shall be controlled by a Governing Board composed of:
(a) one representative of the host State;
(b) one representative of the Director-General of the Organization;
(c) ten representatives of the States which have acceded to these Statutes, who shall be elected by the General Assembly. Half of the States represented in the Governing Board are renewable every two years;
(d) one representative of the Intergovernmental Council for the Central Information Programme.
Representatives of any other intergovernmental or non-governmental organization contributing to the operation of the Centre may be allowed by the Board to attend its sessions, without the right to vote.
2. The Governing Board shall elect its own Chairman.
3. The Governing Board shall be endowed with all powers necessary for the administration of the Centre. It shall adopt the Centre’s programmes of work and its budget. It shall approve the annual reports submitted to it by the Director of the Centre.
4. The Governing Board shall meet in ordinary session once a year and in extra-ordinary session if summoned by the Chairman, either on his own initiative or on that of the Director-General of the Organization, or on the demand of half of its members.
5. The Governing Board shall draw up its own rules of procedure. Its decisions shall be taken by simple majority vote, except in respect of approval of the budget and the decisions provided for in Article 10 (2) which shall require a two-thirds majority, including the votes of the representative of the host State and the representative of the Director-General of the Organization.
6. For a transitory period, the number of the representatives of the States which have acceded to the Statutes and which are elected by the General Assembly can be less than 10 on the first Governing Board; in that case the term of office of the representatitves will end with the second General Assembly meeting.
Article 6
The Director of the Centre shall be assisted by a Technical Advisory Committee. The members of this Committee shall be chosen and appointed by the Director of the Centre, in consultation with the Director-General of the Organization. These appointments must be approved by the Governing Board of the Centre.
Article 7
1. The Centre shall be administered by a Director assisted by the staff required to carry out the responsibilities of the Centre and appointed in the manner laid down in the following paragraph.
2. The Director shall be appointed by the Government of the host State, in agreeement with the Director-General of the Organization.
3. The Seecretariat shall consist of persons appointed by the Director, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Governing Board.
Article 8
The Director shall exercise the following responsibilities:
(a) He shall direct the work of the Centre in conformity with the programmes or directives adopted by the Governing Board.
(b) He shall submit to the Governing Board the draft programmes and the draft annual budget.
(c) He shall convene the General Assembly, in consultation with the Director-General of the Organization, and shall prepare its provisional agenda.
(d) He shall convene the Governing Board, prepare the provisional agenda for its sessions and submit to it any proposals which he considers desirable for the running of the Centre.
(e) He shall draw up and submit to the Governing Board and to the General Assembly the reports on the activities of the Centre.
(f) He shall represent the Centre in legal proceedings and in all its actions as a legal entity.
Article 9
1. The resources of the Centre shall consist of the contributions which it receives from the Organization and from the Government of the host State, of any contributions which it may rreceive from other Member States or Associate Members of the Organization or from any other organization and of any remuneration which it may receive for the supply of services in the course of its work.
Contributions other than those of Member States and Associate Members will be submitted to the Governing Board for approval.
2. The respective contributions of the host State and of the Organization shall be fixed for two-year periods by exchange of letters between the Centre and its contributories after each session of the General Conference of the Organization.
3. The amount of the contributions of the other Member States or Associate Members of the Organization referred to in Article 2 of these Statutes shall be determined by the General Assembly on a proposal of the Governing Board according to the dispositions of Article 4.
Article 10
1. The Member States and Associate Members of the Organiziation which have acceded to these Statutes may withdraw from them by notifying the Director of the Centre in writintg; the latter shall inform all the Member States and Associate Members which have acceded to these Statutes of the receipt of such notification. That decision shall take effect as from the receipt of notification by the Director of the Centre unless a later date is specified in the notification. The party withdrawing from these Statutes shall renounce all share in the assets of the Centre.
2. If the Organization or the host State withdraws from the Centre, the latter shall be put into liquidation and the Governing Board shall take all measures which it considers suitable, particularly as regards disposing of the Centre’s assets. Before putting the Centre into liquidation, the Governing Board shall consider all possibilities of transferring it to another Member State or Associate Member of the Organization.
1. člen
1. Center, ki je bil ustanovljen v Parizu, je odgovoren za uvedbo in delovanje avtomatskega sistema za registracijo periodičnega tiska na vseh področjih. Center sodeluje, kolikor je potrebno, z nacionalnimi in regionalnimi centri, ki delujejo na istem področju.
2. Center je avtonomna institucija, katere aktivnosti se razvijajo v korist držav članic in pridruženih članic organizacije na način, ki ga določa ta statut.
2. člen
Države članice in pridružene članice organizacije, ki želijo koristiti delo centra, pošljejo generalnemu direktorju organizacije v ta namen notifikacijo, v kateri naznanijo svoj pristop k temu statutu. Generalni direktor informira center in države članice in pridružene članice o taki notifikaciji.
3. člen
Organi centra so:
1. generalna skupščina,
2. upravni odbor,
3. tehnično posvetovalni komite,
4. direktor.
4. člen
Generalna skupščina je sestavljena iz po enega delegata vsake države članice in pridružene članice organizacije, ki so pristopile k temu statutu, ter enega predstavnika generalnega direktorja.
Sestaja se vsaki dve leti.
Sprejema svoj poslovnik.
Imenuje člane upravnega odbora na osnovi 5. člena (1) (c).
Določa splošno politiko upravljanja centrovih aktivnosti.
Določa vsoto kontribucij držav članic in pridruženih članic organizacije, ki so pristopile k temu statutu. V nobenem primeru finančna kontribucija države članice, razen prostovoljnih prispevkov, ne presega 20% tistega dela proračuna, ki ni pokrit s prispevkom organizacije in države gostiteljice.
Lahko sprejema dopolnila tega statuta z večino glasov, vključno z glasovi predstavnikov države gostiteljice in predstavnika generalnega direktorja organizacije.
5. člen
1. Center nadzoruje upravni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo:
a) en predstavnik države gostiteljice,
b) en predstavnik generalnega direktorja organizacije,
c) deset predstavnikov držav, ki so pristopile k temu statutu, ki jih izvoli generalna skupščina. Polovica članov upravnega odbora se menja vsaki dve leti,
d) en predstavnik Medvladnega sveta za osrednji informacijski program.
Upravni odbor lahko dovoli katerikoli drugi medvladni in nevladni organizaciji, ki prispeva k delovanju centra, da sodeluje na sestankih brez pravice glasovanja.
2. Upravni odbor izvoli svojega predsednika.
3. Upravnemu odboru so dana vsa pooblastila, ki so potrebna za upravljanje centra. Sprejema program dela centra in njegov proračun. Odobrava letna poročila, ki mu jih predloži direktor centra.
4. Upravni odbor se sestaja na rednih zasedanjih enkrat letno in na izrednih zasedanjih, ki jih skliče predsednik, bodisi na lastno iniciativo ali na iniciativo generalnega direktorja organizacije, oziroma na zahtevo polovice svojih članov.
5. Upravni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik. Sklepe sprejema z navadno večino, razen v primeru odobravanja proračuna in sklepov po 10. členu (2), ki zahtevajo dvetretjinsko večino, vključno z glasovoma predstavnika države gostiteljice in predstavnika generalnega direktorja organizacije.
6. V prehodnem obdobju je lahko število predstavnikov držav, ki so pristopile k statutu in ki jih je izvolila generalna skupščina, manjše kot deset za prvi upravni odbor. V tem primeru mandat predstavnikov preneha z drugim zasedanjem generalne skupščine.
6. člen
Direktorju centra lahko pomaga tehnični posvetovalni komite. Člane tega komiteja izbere in imenuje direktor centra po posvetovanju z generalnim direktorjem organizacije. Ta imenovanja mora odobriti upravni odbor centra.
7. člen
1. Center vodi direktor, kateremu pomaga osebje, ki je nujno za uresničevanje odgovornosti centra, in ki se imenuje na način, ki ga določa naslednji člen.
2. Direktorja imenuje država gostiteljica v dogovoru z generalnim direktorjem organizacije.
3. Sekretariat sestavljajo osebe, ki jih imenuje direktor v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi upravni odbor.
8. člen
Direktor ima naslednje odgovornosti:
a) vodi delo centra v skladu s programom in smernicami, ki jih sprejme upravni odbor,
b) predloži upravnemu odboru osnutek programa in osnutek letnega proračuna,
c) sklicuje generalno skupščino po posvetovanju z generalnim direktorjem organizacije in pripravi predlog dnevnega reda,
d) sklicuje upravni odbor, pripravlja predlog dnevnega reda za zasedanja ter mu predloži vsak predlog, za katerega meni, da je potreben za vodenje centra,
e) oblikuje in predloži upravnemu odboru in generalni skupščini poročila o dejavnosti centra,
f) predstavlja center v pravnih zadevah in v vseh njegovih dejavnostih kot njegov polnopravni predstavnik.
9. člen
Sredstva centra so sestavljena iz prispevkov, ki jih dobi od organizacije in vlade države gostiteljice, prispevkov, ki jih lahko dobi od katerekoli druge države članice ali pridruženega člana organizacije ali katerekoli druge organizacije in iz dohodkov, ki jih lahko dobi za izvajanje uslug pri svojem delu.
Prispevki, ki jih ne dobi od držav članic in pridruženih članic, morajo biti predloženi upravnemu odboru, da jih odobri.
2. Pripadajoči prispevki države gostiteljice in organizacije se določajo za dveletno obdobje z izmenjavo pisem med centrom in kontributoricama po vsakem zasedanju generalne konference organizacije.
3. Višino prispevkov drugih držav članic in pridruženih članic organizacije iz 2. člena tega statuta določa generalna skupščina na predlog upravnega odbora v skladu z določilom 4. člena.
10. člen
1. Države članice in pridružene članice organizacije, ki so pristopile k temu statutu, lahko odstopijo od statuta, s tem da pisno obvestijo direktorja centra. Le-ta o prejemu takega obvestila obvesti države članice in pridružene članice organizacije, ki so pristopile k statutu. To obvestilo stopi v veljavo, ko ga prejme direktor centra, razen če je v obvestilu naveden kasnejši datum. Stran, ki odstopa od statuta, se odpoveduje vsakršnih deležev na premoženje centra.
2. Če od statuta odstopi organizacija oziroma država gostiteljica, se center likvidira in upravni odbor podvzame vse ukrepe, katere šteje za primerne, še posebej glede na premoženje centra. Preden se center likvidira, upravni odbor preuči vse možnosti za prenos v kakšno drugo državo članico ali pridruženo članico organizacije.
3. člen
Za izvajanje statuta skrbi Ministrstvo za kulturo
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-05/95-32/1-8
Ljubljana, dne 6. julija 1995
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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