Uradni list

Številka 83
Uradni list RS, št. 83/2012 z dne 6. 11. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 83/2012 z dne 6. 11. 2012


74. Sklep o potrditvi Programa sodelovanja med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Države Izrael na področju izobraževanja, znanosti, kulture, mladih in športa za obdobje 2012–2014, stran 309.

Na podlagi osmega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Potrdi se Program sodelovanja med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Države Izrael na področju izobraževanja, znanosti, kulture, mladih in športa za obdobje 2012–2014, podpisan v Jeruzalemu 26. julija 2012.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the State of Israel (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"), guided by their desire to strengthen their friendly relations and to promote exchanges in the spheres of culture, education and science, based on the Agreement on Cooperation in the fields of Culture, Science and Education between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia signed in Ljubljana on 16 June 1993 have agreed on the following program of Cooperation for the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Both Parties are convinced that this cooperation shall contribute to the development of their relations and to raising awareness, particularly among youth, of the history and culture of the people of both countries and agree to promote cooperation in order to improve and strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries.
1.1. The Parties shall promote exchange of information and constructive contacts between the two countries, in various aspects of education.
1.2. The Parties shall encourage the development of cooperation between educational institutes of both countries.
1.3. The Parties shall, in accordance with their budgetary means, promote the exchanges of information, experience, documentation and experts in the following areas:
– The education system of both countries
– Teacher training and life-long training for teachers
– School organization and management
– Education regulations (such as service regulations for teachers etc.)
– Special needs education
– Decentralization and school autonomy
– Civic Education
– Gifted children education
– Cultural and religious integration of minority groups (including joint projects)
– Anti-drug programs (including joint projects)
– Foreign language teaching
– Informal and formal education
– Collaborative learning (i.e. Literature, cinema and more)
– Inclusive education
– Culture and Heritage
– Adult education (life long learning)
– Science and technology education
– Youth contribution to the community
– Development of life skills
– Arts education
In Israel, information on the educational system can be obtained from the website of the Ministry of Education: www.education.gov.il.
In Slovenia information on the educational system can be obtained from the website: http://www.mizks.gov.si/.
1.4. The Parties are committed to preventing the publication of text books which encourage racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia, in order to counter prejudice and negative stereotypes. Each Party will bring to the attention of the other if such publications are detected.
1.5. The Parties shall put special emphasis on research and educational work related to the tragic fate of the Jewish community of Slovenia during the Second World War under the Nazi occupation.
The Slovene Party shall continue to include the issue of the Holocaust in the school curriculum.
1.6. The Parties stress the importance of enabling young people to learn about the Holocaust during their schooling, with reference also to the contents of the Stockholm Declaration of January 2000, which emphasizes the unique historical character of the Holocaust and denounces the still lingering dangers of genocide, racism, antisemitism, and xenophobia. In this context, the Parties shall support educational activities undertaken at schools of all levels that aim at combating racism and anti-Semitism.
1.7. The Parties shall encourage participation of teachers and particularly, history teachers, in courses dealing with the history of the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism which are organized by the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem. The three-week courses for English speaking participants are conducted every year in July.
1.8. The Parties shall act to promote the teaching of the language, literature, history and culture of the other country at their respective primary, secondary and higher education institutions. For this purpose, the corresponding experts from the partner country will be invited to deliver lectures, hold seminars and conduct other educational activities. The conditions under which the experts shall perform their respective activities in the receiving country shall be negotiated between the respective institutions of both countries or through diplomatic channels.
1.9. The Parties shall encourage cooperation between schools on various projects based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
2.1. The Israeli Party shall offer one(1) annual Modern Hebrew summer language course and five (5) specialization scholarships for one (1) academic year (eight months) for Slovene post-graduate or research students who wish to undertake studies in an Israeli university.
Information for applicants (closing date for submitting applications, age limit, necessary documents, application forms, details on grant benefits etc.) will be available on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs: http://www.mfa.gov.il and will be published annually through diplomatic channels.
2.2. The Slovene Party shall offer up to three nine (9) month scholarships each academic year for Israeli postgraduate students.
2.3. These scholarships are subject to the budgetary frameworks of the Parties.
3.1. The Parties shall promote the exchange of publications, literature, research materials and other information in the field of higher education.
3.2. The Parties shall enable participation of three (3) academics each in national and international conferences/seminars and other similar events to be held in both countries for a period of up to five (5) days each, while this Program is in force.
3.3. The Parties shall cooperate in the promotion of studies relating to the cultures, languages and modern history of each other’s country in the respective universities.
4.1. The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between scientific and research institutions. The content of this cooperation shall be agreed upon by the competent institutions of both countries.
4.2. The Parties shall encourage mutual exchange of scientific and research workers with the objective of research, studies, consultations and discussions in scientific disciplines. The terms and conditions of such exchanges shall be agreed upon by the relevant institutions and/or through diplomatic channels, as appropriate.
4.3. The Parties shall encourage joint scientific and technological research, research and development projects in areas of mutual interest, as well as the exchange of scientific and technical information and publications.
4.4. The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between universities, academies of sciences, and other scientific research institutions.
General review
The Parties welcome the high level of reciprocal cultural activities, noting the valuable role played by cultural ties between the two countries. The Parties reaffirm their intentions to continue to encourage direct cooperation between cultural institutions, organizations and individuals in both countries.
The Parties shall encourage initiatives designed to assist public and private organizations and individuals engaged in promoting and sponsoring cultural activities of Israeli origin in Slovenia and cultural activities of Slovene origin in Israel.
5.1. The Parties shall support the exchange of music, theatre, visual and plastic arts, design, dance and all other artistic groups or individuals participating in tours, festivals and other cultural events, including conferences, symposia, mutual performances, workshops, artistic exposures and meetings involving the exchange of information and experiences. In addition, the Parties shall encourage visits of art critics, science writers and journalists dealing with culture, with the aim of promoting a better understanding of the sociological and cultural developments taking place in the other country.
5.2. Performing arts festivals:
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of experts and artists for performances and participation in their festivals of the performing arts. The details relating to these exchanges, such as the number of artists and length of stays, will be based on principles of reciprocity, and will be agreed upon by the Parties and/or relevant institutions, as appropriate.
The Parties shall inform one another in advance through diplomatic channels about major international festivals to be held in their respective countries, in order to facilitate such participation. Information will also be published on the websites of the respective competent authorities and institutions.
5.3. Plastic Arts, photography and design:
The Parties shall cooperate in the field of fine arts and handicraft fairs. They shall encourage the exchange of exhibitions and cooperation between artists, folk craftsmen, art experts and specialists in traditional folk works.
The Parties shall encourage exchange of exhibition curators or experts in the field of art restoration, which will be agreed upon between relevant institutions or associations.
5.4. Architecture:
The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between architects, architectural institutions and the exchange of architects, as well as information sharing and the promotion of exhibitions.
5.5. Museums and Exhibitions:
The Parties shall encourage direct contacts between museums, galleries and similar institutions in both countries, including exchanges of specialists, curators, materials, special exhibits and information.
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of contemporary art exhibitions including works of art from museums, official and alternative exhibition spaces, private galleries, artist training schools and galleries, and the realization of joint contemporary arts projects.
5.6. Music:
The Parties shall encourage the presentation of the work of their composers in the other country. They shall also support direct contacts between musicians (conductors, soloists, etc.), music organizations, institutions, associations, orchestras and conservatories in all areas of music, including the exchange of recordings and personal visits on a commercial and non commercial basis.
The Parties shall strive to facilitate the participation of their musicians as well as jurors and observers in major festivals, competitions and events organized in both countries.
5.7. Dance:
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of dancers, choreographers, dance experts, teachers and producers of dance festivals. The Parties shall also jointly participate in developing multilateral cultural cooperation.
5.8. Theatre:
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of actors, directors, playwrights, critics etc. The Parties shall also jointly participate in developing multilateral cultural cooperation.
6.1. The Parties shall encourage cooperation in the protection of cultural heritage, exchanging information about relevant national laws and regulations. In addition they shall encourage activities aimed at preserving sites of mutual interest.
6.2. The Parties shall encourage direct cooperation between institutions in the field of the protection of cultural heritage. They shall also exchange professionals, academic experts, information and publicity material as well as information on seminars.
6.3. The Parties shall encourage cooperation between relevant authorities and institutions with a view of preventing the illegal trade in cultural heritage goods in accordance with international law and their respective national Law.
6.4. The Parties shall encourage cooperation in the field of archaeological excavations, urban conservation and architecture research. Details of this cooperation shall be agreed upon by the competent authorities of both Parties.
6.5. The Parties shall encourage the relevant authorities in their respective countries to exchange information and publications of archeological content. They shall also encourage the organization of joint seminars on subjects of mutual interest to be held during the course of this Program. Details in this regard shall be determined by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Preventive Archeology Centre.
6.6. During the course of this Program, the Parties shall exchange experts from the fields of archaeology, preservation of antiquities, restoration of cultural heritage or conservation of monuments and architecture. Details in this regard shall be determined by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia.
7.1. The Parties shall work jointly to promote the translation of contemporary prose, poetry and other literary works of their country into the languages of the other Party. The Parties shall also encourage the distribution of these translated works.
For this purpose the Parties shall encourage exchange of writers, poets or translators, the details of which will be agreed upon between relevant institutions or associations.
7.2. The Parties shall encourage writers and editors to participate in seminars, workshops and poetry readings aimed at promoting greater understanding between the two literary communities. The Parties shall support participation of poets and writers in festivals and literary events, the details of which will be agreed upon between relevant institutions or associations.
7.3. The Parties shall encourage direct contacts between book publishers and national libraries.
7.4. Each Party shall extend invitations to the other for participation in their respective International Book fairs on a commercial basis and non commercial basis, while this Program is in force.
The Israeli Party invites the Slovene Party to participate in the Jerusalem International Book Fair that takes place every two years in Jerusalem. www.jerusalembookfair.com/
The Slovene Party invites the Israeli Party to participate in the Slovenian International Book Fair. (www.knjiznisejem.si)
8.1. Each Party shall encourage mutual visits of an expert or public figure in the field of cinema. For this purpose the Parties shall encourage exchange of experts in the fields of cinema and audiovisual to participate in festivals, conferences, reviews, meetings, retrospectives and other prestigious international events, the details of which will be agreed upon between relevant institutions or associations.
8.2. The Parties shall encourage cooperation between cinema and television experts as well as film and television institutes.
The Parties welcome the direct cooperation between the Film and Television Schools as well as between their national cinematheques and the exchange of students and teachers in this field.
8.3. The Parties express their interest in promoting co-productions between Slovene and Israeli film producers. The Parties shall discuss and conclude a co-production (of films and video) agreement, with the aim to facilitate future film co-productions.
8.4. The Parties shall encourage cooperation between the television authorities in the two countries, as well as the exchange of materials (feature and documentary) and experts in this area, on a commercial and non-commercial basis. In addition, the Parties shall encourage holding workshops on the topic of educational television, staff training and background material aimed at enhancing each country's knowledge and understanding of the other country.
9.1. The Parties shall promote reciprocal cooperation between the archive departments of state and public institutions and libraries, in accordance with their respective legislation, through exchanges of experts, scientific publications, microfilms, books, digital information, document copies, databases and regulations. The exchanges shall take place in accordance with domestic laws and regulations of each country and will be subject to the budgetary frameworks of the Parties.
9.2. The Parties shall consider the exchange of one (1) archivist or librarian for up to five (5) days during the period of this program in order to acquire information on the organization of the respective archives / libraries as well as study and research missions.
The Parties shall cooperate in the field of education, science, culture, sports, youth and communications in the framework of UNESCO and other international organizations, such as the European Union and the Council of Europe, with the purpose of exchanging information and the implementation of common programs of action.
11.1. The Parties agree that the exchange of youth and young adults constitute a major contribution to the relations between the two countries. They shall therefore support such programs.
Emphasis will be placed on the active participation of young people in the community and the promotion of youth cooperation and networking through the specific youth activities.
11.2. The Parties shall encourage mutual projects of professionals and experts in the field of youth. Details in this regard shall be determined between the Israel Youth Exchange Council and the Office of Republic of Slovenia for Youth.
The Parties shall encourage cooperation in sports, mainly by exchanging of sports teams, trainers and experts in diverse disciplines. Details shall be worked out through mutual consultations between interested organizations of both countries. The terms and conditions of these exchanges shall be agreed upon between interested organizations of both countries.
13.1. Each Party shall ensure legal means for the protection of intellectual property rights of all materials obtained in the framework of this Program, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in its country.
13.2. Intellectual property rights acquired or created as a result of joint activity in accordance with this program will be allocated by mutually agreed conditions set out in separate agreements prior to commencing the joint activity.
13.3. No Party shall transmit any commercially valuable confidential information obtained in pursuance of this Program to any third Party without prior written consent of the Party from which such information originated.
14.1. Financial and other provisions, as well as the schedules of the events, shall be agreed upon by mutual consultations between the relevant authorities of both countries. Failing any special agreements, the financial provisions will be adjusted on the basis of reciprocity, namely:
– The sending Party shall cover the international travel expenses of their delegations, and shall ensure the covering of transportation of special equipment.
– The receiving Party shall cover the costs of accommodation in its country, and ensure the covering of transportation and other expenses within its country.
14.2 Exchange of individuals (artists, experts etc.): The exchange shall be regulated as follows:
– Each Party shall send to the other data (curriculum vitae, objectives of the visit, languages spoken, proposed itinerary and scheduled arrival and departure dates) in English, at least sixty (60) days prior to the expected date of visit of the delegation or individuals.
– The receiving Party shall confirm the acceptance of the proposal within one (30) days, or as soon as it is possible.
– Invited persons or delegations should be able to communicate in either the language of the receiving country or institution, or English or any other language mutually agreed upon.
– Each individual and delegation shall be responsible for their own medical insurance.
14.3 Scholarships:
The terms and conditions of the specialization scholarships granted by the Israeli Party for one academic year shall be published yearly through governmental channels as well as on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs: http://www.mfa.gov.il.
The Israeli Party shall provide participants in the Summer Course of the ULPAN Language School / beneficiaries of the scholarships accepted within this Program, with the following:
a. free tuition;
b. allowance to cover the living expenses in accordance with the conditions of the language school / academic institutions;
c. health insurance, with the exception of dental care and chronic diseases.
The terms and conditions of the scholarships granted by the Slovenian Party for each academic year shall be published yearly through governmental channels as well as on the websites of the Ministry responsible for higher education (http://www.mizks.gov.si/) and CMEPIUS – Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (http://www.cmepius.si/en/)
14.4 Exchange of exhibitions: The financial provisions for each project will be separately agreed upon between the Parties.
15.1. This Program does not exclude the realization of other exchanges in the cultural, scientific and educational fields.
15.2. The Parties agree that all initiatives mentioned in this Program shall be carried out within the limits of the funds allocated in their respective annual budgets.
15.3. All activities and exchanges realized in accordance with this Program shall be implemented in accordance with the Law of the Parties.
15.4. All differences that might arise in the course of this Program shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
15.5. The Parties entrust their competent authorities with the implementation of this Program.
15.6. This Program can be amended or modified by mutual consent of the Parties. The amendments or modifications shall be made in writing.
15.7. This Program shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after its signature and shall remain in force until 31 December 2014. It shall be automatically extended for an additional period of three (3) years, unless either Party notifies the other by a Diplomatic Note of its intention to terminate it, at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of its intended termination.
Signed in Jerusalem on the 26th day of July 2012, which corresponds to the 7th day of Av, 5772, in two original copies in the English language.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Alenka Suhadolnik (s)
For the Government
of the State of Israel
Raphael Gamzou (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Države Izrael (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se v želji okrepiti prijateljske odnose ter spodbuditi izmenjavo v kulturi, izobraževanju in znanosti na podlagi Sporazuma o sodelovanju v kulturi, znanosti in izobraževanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Države Izrael, podpisanega v Ljubljani 16. junija 1993, sporazumeli o naslednjem programu sodelovanja za leta 2012, 2013 in 2014.
Pogodbenici sta prepričani, da takšno sodelovanje prispeva k razvoju njunih odnosov in k ozaveščanju o zgodovini in kulturi narodov v obeh državah predvsem med mladimi, zato sta se dogovorili, da bosta spodbujali sodelovanje ter s tem izboljšali in okrepili medsebojno poznavanje in prijateljstvo med državama.
1.1 Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo informacij in tvorne stike med državama na različnih področjih izobraževanja.
1.2 Podpirata razvoj sodelovanja med izobraževalnimi ustanovami obeh držav.
1.3 V skladu s svojimi proračunskimi sredstvi se zavzemata za izmenjavo informacij, izkušenj, dokumentacije in strokovnjakov z naslednjih področij:
– izobraževalni sistem obeh držav,
– usposabljanje in permanentno izobraževanje učiteljev,
– organiziranost in vodenje šol,
– predpisi s področja izobraževanja (kot so predpisi o poučevanju itn.),
– izobraževanje učencev s posebnimi potrebami,
– decentralizacija in avtonomnost šol,
– državljanska vzgoja,
– izobraževanje nadarjenih učencev,
– kulturno in versko vključevanje manjšinskih skupin (vključno s skupnimi projekti),
– programi boja proti drogam (vključno s skupnimi projekti),
– poučevanje tujih jezikov,
– neformalno in formalno izobraževanje,
– skupinsko učenje (npr. književnosti, kinematografije idr.),
– integrirani oddelki,
– kultura in dediščina,
– izobraževanje odraslih (vseživljenjsko učenje),
– izobraževanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije,
– prispevek mladih k skupnosti,
– pridobivanje veščin za samostojno življenje,
– umetnostna vzgoja.
Informacije o izobraževalnem sistemu v Izraelu so na voljo na spletni strani Ministrstva za šolstvo: www.education.gov.il.
Informacije o izobraževalnem sistemu v Sloveniji so na voljo na spletni strani http://www.mizks.gov.si/.
1.4 Pogodbenici se z namenom boja proti predsodkom in negativnim stereotipom zavezujeta, da bosta preprečili objavo učbenikov, ki vzbujajo rasizem, antisemitizem in ksenofobijo. Če bosta odkrili take knjige, bosta o tem druga drugo obvestili.
1.5 Pogodbenici poudarjata raziskovalno in izobraževalno dejavnost, povezano s tragično usodo slovenske judovske skupnosti med drugo svetovno vojno pod nacistično okupacijo.
Slovenska stran bo temo holokavsta še naprej uvrščala v učne načrte šol.
1.6 Pogodbenici poudarjata, kako pomembno je mladim med izobraževanjem omogočiti učenje o holokavstu, navezano tudi na vsebino Stockholmske deklaracije iz januarja 2000, ki poudarja edinstveno zgodovinsko naravo holokavsta in obsoja še vedno prisotno nevarnost genocida, rasizma, antisemitizma in ksenofobije. V zvezi s tem v šolah na vseh stopnjah izobraževanja podpirata izobraževalne dejavnosti, katerih namen je boj proti rasizmu in antisemitizmu.
1.7 Pogodbenici spodbujata udeležbo učiteljev, zlasti zgodovine, na tečajih o zgodovini holokavsta in antisemitizma, ki jih organizira spominski center mučenikov in junakov holokavsta Jad Vašem v Jeruzalemu. Tritedenski tečaji v angleščini potekajo julija vsako leto.
1.8 Pogodbenici si prizadevata za poučevanje jezika, književnosti, zgodovine in kulture druge države na svojih osnovnošolskih, srednješolskih in visokošolskih ustanovah. V ta namen bodo ustrezni strokovnjaki iz partnerske države vabljeni k izvedbi predavanj, seminarjev in drugih izobraževalnih dejavnosti. Pogoji, pod katerimi strokovnjaki izvajajo svoje dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici, se opredelijo med posameznimi ustanovami obeh držav ali po diplomatski poti.
1.9 Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje med šolami pri različnih projektih z uporabo informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije.
2.1 Izraelska stran vsako leto ponudi eno (1) štipendijo za poletni tečaj moderne hebrejščine in pet (5) štipendij za specializacijo za eno (1) študijsko leto (osem mesecev) slovenskim podiplomskim študentom ali raziskovalcem, ki želijo študirati na izraelskih univerzah.
Informacije za prosilce (rok za oddajo prijav, starostna meja, potrebni dokumenti, prijavnice, podrobnosti o štipendiji itd.) so na voljo na spletni strani Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve http://www.mfa.gov.il in se vsako leto sporočijo po diplomatski poti.
2.2 Slovenska stran vsako študijsko leto ponudi do tri devetmesečne (9-mesečne) štipendije za izraelske podiplomske študente.
2.3 Štipendije so odvisne od proračunskega okvira pogodbenic.
3.1 Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo publikacij, literature, raziskovalnega gradiva in drugih informacij s področja visokega šolstva.
3.2 Med trajanjem programa omogočita izmenjavo treh (3) visokošolskih učiteljev na državnih in mednarodnih konferencah/seminarjih in drugih podobnih dogodkih v obeh državah, ki trajajo do pet (5) dni.
3.3 Pogodbenici spodbujata študij kulture, jezika in sodobne zgodovine obeh držav na univerzah v svojih državah.
4.1 Pogodbenici podpirata neposredno sodelovanje med znanstvenimi in raziskovalnimi ustanovami. O vsebini sodelovanja se dogovorijo pristojne ustanove obeh držav.
4.2 Pogodbenici spodbujata vzajemno izmenjavo znanstvenih in raziskovalnih delavcev za namen znanstvenih raziskav, študij, posvetovanj in razprav. Pogoji izmenjav se opredelijo med pristojnimi ustanovami ali, če je to primerno, po diplomatski poti.
4.3 Pogodbenici se zavzemata za skupne znanstvene in tehnološke raziskave, raziskovalno-razvojne projekte na področjih skupnega interesa ter izmenjavo znanstvenih in tehničnih informacij in publikacij.
4.4 Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med univerzami, akademijami znanosti in drugimi znanstvenoraziskovalnimi ustanovami.
Splošni pregled
Pogodbenici odobravata visoko raven vzajemnih kulturnih dejavnosti in opozarjata na dragoceno vlogo kulturnih vezi med državama. Hkrati potrjujeta, da nameravata še naprej spodbujati neposredno sodelovanje med kulturnimi ustanovami, organizacijami in posamezniki v obeh državah.
Pogodbenici podpirata pobude za pomoč javnim in zasebnim organizacijam in posameznikom, ki se ukvarjajo s promocijo in sponzoriranjem kulturnih dejavnosti iz Izraela v Sloveniji in kulturnih dejavnosti iz Slovenije v Izraelu.
5.1 Pogodbenici podpirata izmenjavo skupin s področja glasbe, gledališča, vizualne in likovne umetnosti, oblikovanja, plesa ter drugih umetniških skupin ali posameznikov, ki sodelujejo na turnejah, festivalih in drugih kulturnih prireditvah, vključno s konferencami, simpoziji, skupnimi predstavami, delavnicami, razstavami in srečanji, ki vključujejo izmenjavo informacij in izkušenj. Poleg tega si prizadevata za obiske umetnostnih kritikov, znanstvenih piscev in kulturnih novinarjev, da bi prispevali k boljšemu poznavanju socioloških in kulturnih pojavov v drugi državi.
5.2 Festivali odrskih umetnosti:
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo strokovnjakov in umetnikov pri predstavah in sodelovanje na svojih festivalih odrskih umetnosti. Podrobnosti v zvezi s temi izmenjavami, kot sta število umetnikov in čas bivanja, temeljijo na načelu vzajemnosti in se opredelijo med pogodbenicama ali ustreznimi ustanovami.
Za lažje sodelovanje pogodbenici druga drugo po diplomatski poti vnaprej obvestita o pomembnejših mednarodnih festivalih v svoji državi. Informacije bodo objavljene tudi na spletnih straneh pristojnih organov in ustanov.
5.3 Likovna umetnost, fotografija in oblikovanje:
Pogodbenici sodelujeta na področju sejmov likovne umetnosti in rokodelstva. Zavzemata se za izmenjavo razstav ter sodelovanje med umetniki, rokodelci, umetnostnimi strokovnjaki in strokovnjaki za ljudsko obrt.
Pogodbenici podpirata izmenjavo kustosov razstav ali strokovnjakov za restavratorstvo, za kar se dogovorijo ustrezne ustanove ali združenja.
5.4 Arhitektura:
Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med arhitekti, arhitekturnimi ustanovami, izmenjavo arhitektov in informacij ter promocijo razstav.
5.5 Muzeji in razstave:
Pogodbenici si prizadevata za neposredne stike med muzeji, galerijami in podobnimi ustanovami v obeh državah, vključno z izmenjavo strokovnjakov, kustosov, gradiva, posebnih eksponatov in informacij.
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo razstav sodobne umetnosti, vključno z umetninami iz muzejev, uradnih in alternativnih razstavnih prostorov, zasebnih galerij, umetniških šol in galerij ter izvedbo skupnih projektov sodobne umetnosti.
5.6 Glasba:
Pogodbenici se zavzemata za predstavitev del svojih skladateljev v drugi državi. Spodbujata tudi neposredne stike med glasbeniki (dirigenti, solisti itd.), glasbenimi organizacijami, ustanovami, društvi, orkestri in konservatoriji na vseh področjih glasbe, vključno z izmenjavo posnetkov in obiski na komercialni in nekomercialni osnovi.
Pogodbenici si prizadevata olajšati sodelovanje svojih glasbenikov ter članov žirije in opazovalcev na večjih festivalih, tekmovanjih in prireditvah v obeh državah.
5.7 Ples:
Pogodbenici spodbujata izmenjavo plesalcev, koreografov, plesnih strokovnjakov, učiteljev in producentov plesnih festivalov. Sodelujeta tudi pri razvoju večstranskega kulturnega sodelovanja.
5.8 Gledališče:
Pogodbenici si prizadevata za izmenjavo igralcev, režiserjev, dramatikov, kritikov itd. Sodelujeta tudi pri razvoju večstranskega kulturnega sodelovanja.
6.1 Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje na področju varstva kulturne dediščine, pri tem pa si izmenjata informacije o ustreznih nacionalnih zakonih in drugih predpisih. Poleg tega podpirata dejavnosti za ohranitev obeležij skupnega interesa.
6.2 Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredno sodelovanje med ustanovami na področju varstva kulturne dediščine. Poleg tega si izmenjavata strokovnjake, akademike, informacije in promocijsko gradivo ter informacije o seminarjih.
6.3 Pogodbenici se zavzemata za sodelovanje med pristojnimi organi in ustanovami, da bi v skladu z mednarodnim in svojim notranjim pravom preprečili nezakonito trgovanje s predmeti kulturne dediščine.
6.4 Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje na področju arheoloških izkopavanj, ohranjanja urbane dediščine in arhitekturnih raziskav. O podrobnostih sodelovanja se dogovorijo pristojni organi obeh držav.
6.5 Pogodbenici spodbujata ustrezne organe v obeh državah k izmenjavi informacij in publikacij z arheološko vsebino. Poleg tega si prizadevata za pripravo skupnih seminarjev o temah v skupnem interesu, ki bodo potekali med trajanjem programa. S tem povezane podrobnosti določita Izraelski urad za starine in Center za preventivno arheologijo pri Zavodu za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije.
6.6 Med trajanjem programa pogodbenici izmenjavata strokovnjake s področja arheologije, ohranjanja starin, restavriranja kulturne dediščine ter ohranjanja spomenikov in arhitekture. S tem povezane podrobnosti določita Izraelski urad za starine in Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije.
7.1 Pogodbenici s skupnimi močmi spodbujata prevode sodobnih proznih, pesniških in drugih književnih del svoje države v jezike druge pogodbenice. Spodbujata tudi distribucijo prevedenih del.
V ta namen si prizadevata za izmenjavo pisateljev, pesnikov ali prevajalcev, o podrobnostih pa se bodo dogovorile ustrezne ustanove ali društva.
7.2 Pogodbenici pisatelje in urednike spodbujata k sodelovanju na seminarjih, delavnicah in branjih poezije, namenjenih boljšemu poznavanju literarnih krogov obeh držav. Prizadevata si za sodelovanje pesnikov in pisateljev na festivalih in literarnih dogodkih, za kar se dogovorijo ustrezne ustanove ali združenja.
7.3 Pogodbenici spodbujata neposredne stike med založniki in nacionalnima knjižnicama.
7.4 Pogodbenici si med trajanjem programa pošiljata vabila za sodelovanje na svojih mednarodnih knjižnih sejmih na komercialni in nekomercialni osnovi.
Izraelska stran povabi slovensko stran k udeležbi na mednarodnem knjižnem sejmu, ki poteka vsaki dve leti v Jeruzalemu. www.jerusalembookfair.com/
Slovenska stran povabi izraelsko stran k udeležbi na slovenskem knjižnem sejmu. (www.knjiznisejem.si)
8.1 Pogodbenici spodbujata vzajemne obiske strokovnjaka ali druge javne osebnosti s področja kinematografije. V ta namen podpirata izmenjavo strokovnjakov s področja kinematografije in avdiovizualne produkcije, ki sodelujejo na festivalih, konferencah, pregledih, srečanjih, retrospektivah in drugih uveljavljenih mednarodnih prireditvah, o podrobnostih pa se bodo dogovorile ustrezne ustanove ali društva.
8.2 Pogodbenici se zavzemata za sodelovanje med strokovnjaki s področja kinematografije in televizije ter filmskimi in televizijskimi zavodi.
Odobravata tudi neposredno sodelovanje med filmskimi in televizijskimi akademijami ter nacionalnima kinotekama ter izmenjavo študentov in predavateljev na tem področju.
8.3 Pogodbenici izražata interes za spodbujanje koprodukcij med slovenskimi in izraelskimi filmskimi producenti. Da bi olajšali prihodnje filmske koprodukcije, se bosta dogovorili o sklenitvi koprodukcijske pogodbe (za filme in videe).
8.4 Pogodbenici si prizadevata za sodelovanje med televizijskimi hišami obeh držav, izmenjavo gradiva (igranih in dokumentarnih filmov) in strokovnjakov s tega področja na komercialni in nekomercialni osnovi. Poleg tega se zavzemata za pripravo delavnic na temo izobraževalnih oddaj, usposabljanja osebja in informativnega gradiva, s katerim bi državi spodbudili k medsebojnemu spoznavanju in razumevanju.
9.1 Pogodbenici v skladu s svojo zakonodajo podpirata sodelovanje med arhivi državnih in javnih ustanov ter med knjižnicami, z izmenjavami strokovnjakov, znanstvenih publikacij, mikrofilmov, knjig, digitalnih informacij, kopij dokumentov, zbirk podatkov in predpisov. Izmenjave potekajo v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo in predpisi obeh držav in so odvisne od proračunskega okvira pogodbenic.
9.2 Pogodbenici preučita možnost izmenjave enega (1) arhivarja ali knjižničarja med trajanjem tega programa za največ pet (5) dni, da bi pridobili informacije o organiziranosti arhivov/knjižnic, ter študijskih in raziskovalnih obiskov.
Pogodbenici sodelujeta na področju izobraževanja, znanosti, kulture, športa, mladine in komunikacij v okviru Unesca in drugih mednarodnih organizacij, kot sta Evropska unija in Svet Evrope, da bi izmenjali informacije in izvajali skupne programe dela.
11.1 Pogodbenici se strinjata, da izmenjava mladih in mlajših odraslih pomembno prispeva k odnosom med državama. Zato podpirata tovrstne programe.
Poudarek bo namenjen dejavnemu sodelovanju mladih v skupnosti ter spodbujanju sodelovanja in povezovanja mladih prek konkretnih dejavnosti.
11.2 Pogodbenici podpirata vzajemne projekte strokovnjakov s področja mladine. Podrobnosti v zvezi s tem opredelita Izraelski svet za izmenjavo mladih in Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino.
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje v športu, zlasti z izmenjavo ekip, trenerjev in strokovnjakov iz različnih športnih panog. Podrobnosti se opredelijo s posvetovanji med zainteresiranimi organizacijami obeh držav. O pogojih izmenjav se dogovorijo zainteresirane organizacije obeh držav.
13.1 Pogodbenici v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi svoje države zagotovita pravna sredstva za varstvo pravic intelektualne lastnine vseh gradiv, pridobljenih na podlagi tega programa.
13.2 Pravice intelektualne lastnine, pridobljene ali ustvarjene s skupno dejavnostjo skladno s tem programom, se dodelijo na podlagi pogojev, vzajemno določenih s posebnimi sporazumi pred začetkom skupne dejavnosti.
13.3 Nobena od pogodbenic tretjim osebam ne posreduje zaupnih informacij s tržno vrednostjo, ki jih je pridobila pri izvajanju tega programa, ne da bi pred tem pridobila pisno soglasje pogodbenice, ki je vir teh informacij.
14.1 Finančne in druge določbe ter programi prireditev se sprejmejo s posvetovanji med pristojnimi organi obeh držav. Če ne bodo sprejeti posebni dogovori, bodo finančne določbe prilagojene na podlagi vzajemnosti, in sicer:
– pogodbenica pošiljateljica krije mednarodne potne stroške svojih delegacij in predstavnikov ter poskrbi za kritje prevoza posebne opreme;
– pogodbenica sprejemnica krije stroške bivanja v svoji državi ter poskrbi za kritje prevoznih in drugih stroškov v svoji državi.
14.2 Izmenjava posameznikov (umetnikov, strokovnjakov itd.): Izmenjava je urejena na naslednji način:
– vsaka pogodbenica pošlje drugi podatke (življenjepis, namen obiska, znanje jezikov, predlagani načrt potovanja ter predvideni datum prihoda in odhoda) v angleškem jeziku vsaj šestdeset (60) dni pred predvidenim obiskom delegacije ali posameznikov;
– pogodbenica sprejemnica potrdi sprejem predloga čim prej ali najpozneje v tridesetih (30) dneh;
– povabljeni posamezniki ali delegacije naj bi se bili sposobni sporazumevati v jeziku države ali ustanove sprejemnice, v angleščini ali drugem jeziku, o katerem se dogovorita obe strani;
– vsak posameznik in delegacija poskrbi za svoje zdravstveno zavarovanje.
14.3 Štipendije:
Pogoji za pridobitev štipendij izraelske pogodbenice za specializacijo za eno študijsko leto so objavljeni vsako leto po vladni poti in na spletni strani izraelskega Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve: http://www.mfa.gov.il.
Izraelska pogodbenica udeležencem poletnega tečaja v jezikovni šoli ULPAN / upravičencem do štipendij, ki so sprejeti na podlagi tega programa, zagotovi naslednje:
a. oprostitev šolnine;
b. žepnino za kritje življenjskih stroškov v skladu s pogoji jezikovne šole / akademskih ustanov;
c. zdravstveno zavarovanje, ki ne krije zobozdravstvenega varstva in kroničnih bolezni.
Pogoji za pridobitev štipendij slovenske pogodbenice za vsako študijsko leto so objavljeni vsako leto po vladni poti in na spletni strani ministrstva, pristojnega za visoko šolstvo (http://www.mizks.gov.si/), in CMEPIUS – Centra Republike Slovenije za mobilnost in evropske programe izobraževanja in usposabljanja (http://www.cmepius.si/en/).
14.4 Izmenjava razstav: O finančnih določbah vsakega projekta se pogodbenici dogovorita posebej.
15.1 Program ne izključuje izvedbe drugih izmenjav na področju kulture, znanosti in izobraževanja.
15.2 Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se vse pobude iz programa izvedejo s sredstvi, dodeljenimi iz njunih letnih proračunov.
15.3 Vse dejavnosti in izmenjave v skladu s programom se izvajajo skladno z zakonodajo pogodbenic.
15.4 Vsa razhajanja, ki bi se utegnila pojaviti med trajanjem programa, se uredijo po diplomatski poti.
15.5 Pogodbenici svojim pristojnim organom zaupata izvedbo tega programa.
15.6 Program se lahko spremeni ali prilagodi, če v to privolita obe pogodbenici. Dopolnitve ali spremembe morajo biti pisne.
15.7 Program začne veljati trideseti dan po podpisu in velja do 31. decembra 2014. Samodejno se podaljša za dodatna tri (3) leta, razen če ena od pogodbenic druge z diplomatsko noto najmanj devetdeset (90) dni pred potekom uradno ne obvesti, da ga namerava odpovedati.
Podpisano v Jeruzalemu dne 26. julija 2012, kar ustreza 7. dnevu Ava leta 5772, v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Alenka Suhadolnik l.r.
Za Vlado
Države Izrael
Raphael Gamzou l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje programa sodelovanja skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport.
4. člen
Ta sklep začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-35/2012/4
Ljubljana, dne 27. septembra 2012
EVA 2012-1811-0089
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Radovan Žerjav l.r.

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