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Uradni list RS, št. 100/2022 z dne 25. 7. 2022
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Uradni list RS, št. 100/2022 z dne 25. 7. 2022


28. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o solidarnostnih ukrepih za zagotovitev zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom (BITSUZP), stran 167.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
U K A Z 
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o solidarnostnih ukrepih za zagotovitev zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom (BITSUZP) 
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o solidarnostnih ukrepih za zagotovitev zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom (BITSUZP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 14. 7. 2022.
Št. 003-02-1/2022-158
Ljubljana, dne 22. julija 2022
Borut Pahor 
Republike Slovenije 
Z A K O N 
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Italijanske republike o solidarnostnih ukrepih za zagotovitev zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom, podpisan v Rimu 22. aprila 2022.
2. člen 
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Italian Republic, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2017 concerning measures to safeguard security of gas supply (hereinafter “the Regulation”), and particularly to Article 13 thereof,
Taking note of Recommendation (EU) 2018/177 of the European Commission, of 2 February 2018, “on the elements to be included in the technical, legal and financial arrangements between Member States for the application of the solidarity mechanism under Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1938 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply” (hereinafter “the Recommendation”),
Aiming to alleviate the effects of a severe emergency and to safeguard the supply of gas to the solidarity protected customers,
Considering that solidarity is needed to safeguard the security of gas supply in the European Union,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 
Subject-matter and scope of the Agreement 
1. This Agreement sets out the technical, legal and financial arrangements for the application of the solidarity mechanism pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (3), of the Regulation and in accordance with the respective national legislation in force.
2. In case of activation of this Agreement, the Providing Party shall take necessary solidarity measures in its gas system in order to supply the solidarity protected customers in the gas system of the Requesting Party.
3. Solidarity obligations shall apply subject to the technically safe and reliable operation of the gas system of the Providing Party.
4. Solidarity measures shall be performed through voluntary measures, based on offers submitted by market players fixing the price for their curtailed supply share, or, where not sufficient, through additional mandatory measures, based on administrative measures authorised by the Providing Party.
Article 2 
For the purposes of this Agreement, the definitions in Article 2 of the Regulation, Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, Article 3 of Regulation (EU) 2017/459, Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 312/2014, Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2015/703 and Article 2 of Directive 2009/73/EC shall apply. Further to this, the following definitions shall apply:
a) “Solidarity measure” shall mean necessary measure in the gas system of the Providing Party, in accordance with Article 13 of the Regulation, by which the gas supply to customers other than solidarity protected customers is curtailed or suspended to the extent necessary and for as long as the gas supply to solidarity protected customers in the Requesting Party is not safeguarded. Solidarity measures shall not be detrimental of operability and safety of gas and electricity systems of the involved Member States as provided for by Article 13, paragraph (1) of the Regulation.
b) “Voluntary measures” shall mean voluntary responses by the market participants to the call of the Providing Party to take measures on the supply and/ or demand side to provide volumes of gas in return for payment of a price determined by the market participant. These measures correspond to so called market-based measures referred to in Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938.
c) “Mandatory measures” shall mean administrative measures on the supply and demand side taken by the Providing Party in its own territory with a view to contributing to the gas supply of the solidarity protected customers of the Requesting Party. These measures correspond to so called non-market-based measures referred to in Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2017/1938.
Further specifications of mandatory measures applicable by the Italian Competent Authority are based upon the mandatory measures provided by the Italian legislation and Emergency Plan.
Further specifications of mandatory measures applicable by the Slovenian Competent Authority are based on the Slovenian legislation, valid plans for security of gas supply and emergency plans.
d) “Requesting Party” shall mean the Party asking for solidarity offers by submitting a solidarity request.
e) “Providing Party” shall mean the Party undertaking solidarity measures and submitting solidarity offers.
f) “Solidarity contracting party” shall mean one of the parties involved in the sale-purchase process related to the solidarity offer, defined in the solidarity offer and in the declaration of acceptance. Unless otherwise specified the Solidarity contracting party shall mean the transmission system operator (hereinafter the TSO).
g) “Solidarity request” shall mean the formal call by the Requesting Party to the Providing Party to provide a solidarity offer.
h) “Solidarity offer” shall mean a set of market participants’ offers based upon voluntary measures or an offer based upon mandatory measures, provided by the Providing Party in line with this Agreement and the related Providing Party’s legislation.
i) “Market participants’ offers” shall mean offers of gas volumes for providing gas with reference to voluntary measures collected by the Solidarity contracting party of the Providing Party. Collection of offers by Solidarity contracting party can be made via IT process or system, such as a dedicated platform, set under the respective national legislation.
j) “Declaration of acceptance” shall mean a written expression that the Requesting Party accepts the whole, or a part of the solidarity offer.
k) “Available transport capacities” shall be the available capacities at the time of delivery, taking into account technical restrictions and nominated capacities at the time of the solidarity offer.
l) “Emergency” or “emergency level” shall mean a crisis situation in line with Article 11, paragraph (1), letter (c) of the Regulation.
m) “Gas Coordination Group” shall mean the technical level body set up by Article 4 of the Regulation.
n) “Delivery day” shall mean the gas day within the meaning of Article 3, paragraph 16 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/459 on which the solidarity measures are to be used.
Article 3 
Solidarity request 
1. The solidarity request shall be dependent on the declaration of an emergency level pursuant to Article 11, paragraph (1), letter (c) of the Regulation and the assurance by the Requesting Party that the preconditions of Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Regulation are met at the time of the introduction of the requested solidarity measures.
2. The Competent Authority of the Requesting Party shall transmit the solidarity request, as provided for in Article 15, to the contact point of the Competent Authority of the directly interconnected Member States, or interconnected via third Country, as in the list of the Gas Coordination Group’s members. After having exhausted all market-based measures and all measures provided in its emergency plan, in accordance with Article 13, paragraph (3) of the Regulation, the Requesting Party may transmit the solidarity request and shall notify this to the European Commission, including the description of the circumstances.
3. The solidarity request shall include at least the following information:
– contact details of the Competent Authority of the Requesting Party;
– contact details of the relevant transmission system operator of the Requesting Party;
– volume of gas in MWh/d (considering three decimals) requested at Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point;
– delivery day;
– assurance pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article;
– recognition of the obligation of the Requesting Party to pay compensation for the solidarity in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and Article 13, paragraph (8) of the Regulation.
4. To the extent that the supply security situation allows, the solidarity request shall be transmitted at least 20 hours before the beginning of the delivery day. It will only be possible to respond to solidarity requests made at shorter notice if the crisis situation and the necessary preparatory periods for the gas industry to be able to provide a solidarity offer allows such response. In this case, the Providing Party’s Competent Authority shall undertake best efforts to arrange the offer.
5. The solidarity request shall be generally restricted to, and not exceed, the gas day that follows the gas day of its submission. Further solidarity requests for subsequent gas days may be submitted, considering the deadlines in paragraph 4 of this Article.
6. Following the receipt of the solidarity request, the Competent Authority of the Providing Party shall give without delay confirmation to the Competent Authority of the Requesting Party. If the Requesting Party does not receive any confirmation within half an hour, it shall try to contact the Providing Party’s Competent Authority through any possible means.
Article 4 
Form and Transmission of solidarity offers 
1. The solidarity offer shall include at least the following information:
– contact details of the Competent Authority of the Providing Party;
– contact details of the relevant transmission system operator of the Providing Party;
– contact details of the Solidarity Contracting Party where different from the TSO;
– volume of gas in MWh/d (three decimals) to deliver at Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point;
– delivery day;
– transport capacities at the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point for the offered volume;
– basis of the solidarity offer: voluntary or mandatory measures;
– costs of the solidarity measures as described in Article 12 in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation and Recommendation, excluding cost of possible judicial proceedings;
– details of the recipients of payments.
2. Where the deadline pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 4 of this Agreement is not met, the transmission of the solidarity offer shall take place taking into account all necessary preparatory times for the gas industry. If the Providing Party’s Competent Authority is not able to submit a solidarity offer by the end of the deadline, it shall inform the Requesting Party immediately, mentioning proper justification, and submit its offer as soon as possible.
3. The volume of gas contained in a single solidarity offer shall be equal or lower than the volume of gas requested by the Requesting Party.
4. All solidarity offers shall apply taking into proper account safety and reliability of involved gas systems, the physical constraint of the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point and its available capacity.
Article 5 
Solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures 
1. Following the receipt of a solidarity request, the Providing Party’s Competent Authority shall transmit firstly a solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures to the Requesting Party up to 16 hours before the beginning of the delivery day.
2. A solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures shall contain gas volumes offered by the market participants willing to provide gas in order to sell gas to a Requesting Party, setting the price of their offered gas, any offers’ constraints (e.g. minimum acceptable quantities) and delivered at Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point.
3. The Providing Party’s Competent Authority shall overview the legitimacy of the offers, in case of offer based upon voluntary measures, and check their sustainability and the compliance with the relevant legislation and regulatory acts thereto.
Article 6 
Solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures 
1. Solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures shall be submitted by a Providing Party when there are no more offers based upon voluntary measures to submit to the Requesting Party.
2. The Solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures shall be submitted up to 10 hours before the beginning of the delivery day.
3. A Solidarity offer based on mandatory measures shall contain the potentially available gas volumes effectively available within the time frame provided for in paragraph 2, taking into account the provisions foreseen in Article 2 paragraph 1 letter a), with pricing gas in compliance with Article 12, any offers’ constraints (e.g. minimum acceptable quantities), and including the necessary transport capacity to the delivery point at the time of the provision of the solidarity offer.
4. The Requesting Party, after the receipt of a solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures, shall immediately confirm the receipt of the Solidarity offer and shall check that no other offer based upon voluntary measure, submitted by all possible EU Member States with which the gas system of the Requesting Party has an interconnection point or is connected through the gas system of a third country, according to Article 13 paragraph (2) of the Regulation, is available before accepting it.
5. If there are available solidarity offers based upon voluntary measures regarding paragraph 4, the Requesting Party shall accept these offers before accepting any solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures.
6. When the Requesting Party receives no more solidarity offers based upon voluntary measures regarding paragraph 4, the Competent Authority of the Requesting Party may accept offers based upon mandatory measures.
Article 7 
Acceptance of Solidarity offers 
1. The Requesting Party’s competent authority may accept the entire, or part of the solidarity offer of the Providing Party within the constraints provided in Article 5 paragraph 2 and/or Article 6 paragraph 3, by transmitting a declaration of acceptance to the Providing Party, using contact details specified in the Solidarity offer.
2. The declaration of acceptance shall include the following information:
– contact details of the Competent Authority of the Requesting Party;
– contact details of the relevant transmission system operator of the Requesting Party;
– contact details of Solidarity contracting party, where different from the TSO, for withdrawing gas at the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point and for providing a payment including the details of a clearing account, if applicable;
– volume of gas in MWh/d (with three decimals) to deliver at Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point;
– delivery day;
– commitment to fulfil all obligations agreed upon under this Agreement.
Article 8 
Acceptance of the solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures 
1. The acceptance of the Solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures shall only take place up to 14 hours before the beginning of the delivery day.
2. In order to accept the Solidarity offer based upon voluntary measures, the Requesting Party shall select one or more offers submitted by the Solidarity contracting party and transmit the declaration of acceptance to the Providing Party’s Competent Authority within the deadline.
3. The Providing Party’s Competent Authority shall transmit the declaration of acceptance immediately to its relevant Solidarity Contracting Party.
4. When the declaration of acceptance is received by the Providing Party, a contract shall enter into force between the Solidarity contracting parties, based on the terms and conditions from this Agreement.
Article 9 
Acceptance of the solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures 
1. The Requesting Party shall decide on accepting the entire, or part of the Solidarity offer according to Article 6 paragraph 3.
2. The acceptance of solidarity offers based upon mandatory measures shall only take place up to 7 hours before the beginning of the delivery day. Solidarity offers not accepted within this period shall expire.
3. Solidarity offers pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2 of this Agreement, can only be accepted within 2 hours from the receipt of the Solidarity offer, in any case 3 hours before the beginning of the delivery day. Solidarity offers not accepted within this period shall expire.
4. When the declaration of acceptance is received by the Providing Party, a contract shall enter into force between the Solidarity contracting parties (entities) specified in the solidarity offer and entities, specified in the declaration of acceptance.
5. On the basis of declaration of acceptance, the Providing Party is obliged to undertake the necessary mandatory measures to ensure that the offered volumes of gas are available taking into account the physical constraint of the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point and its available capacity.
6. By accepting the solidarity offer, the Requesting Party shall commit to fulfilling the compensation obligations pursuant to Article 13, paragraphs (8) and (10) of the Regulation as laid down in accordance with Article 12 of this Agreement.
Article 10 
Transmission and withdrawal of solidarity offer’s gas volume 
1. The volume of gas offered within a solidarity offer shall not exceed the volume technically available at Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point (Delivery Point) taking into account booked and used capacity as well as the physical constraint of the Delivery Point and its available capacity and taking into account the provisions foreseen in Article 2 paragraph 1 letter a).
2. In case of an accepted solidarity offer, all necessary transport capacity within the Providing Party, to and at the Delivery Point is assumed as firm and provided by the Providing Party.
3. The providing Party shall offer the gas quantities at Delivery Point (Providing Party side). The Requesting Party shall ensure that the volumes of gas provided are withdrawn at the Delivery Point (Requesting Party side). In particular, it shall ensure that the transport capacities necessary for withdrawal from the Delivery Point are available and booked in order to match the nomination at the Delivery Point.
4. With an aim to facilitate fulfilment of solidarity gas supply, respective TSOs shall define technical provisions within their specific operational agreements, within six months after this Agreement is signed. The above provisions shall be submitted for the approval to the respective Competent Authority.
5. Irrespectively of the physical withdrawal of gas volume, the Requesting Party shall ensure the fulfilment of payment obligations deriving from the acceptance of the solidarity offer and delivered volume of gas at the Delivery Point (take or pay).
Article 11 
Ending of solidarity supply 
1. The obligation of the Providing Party to apply solidarity measures shall end when:
a) the European Commission finds, after a verification procedure in accordance with Article 11, paragraph (8), point 1 of the Regulation, that the declaration of the emergency is not or is no longer justified,
b) the end of the emergency is declared by the Requesting Party, or no other solidarity request is made in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement for the gas day following the day on which the gas was supplied, or
c) the Member State acting as Providing Party in a solidarity offer can no longer supply its own solidarity protected customers.
2. In the cases of paragraph 1 letters a) and b) of this Article, the solidarity measure shall conclude at the end of the relevant delivery day for which a solidarity request was submitted in accordance with Article 3 of this Agreement. In the case of paragraph 1 letter c) of this Article, the Providing Party shall have the right to end the solidarity measure immediately after the already accepted offers and closed contracts for the present gas day have been fulfilled, and the Providing Party has informed the Requesting Party.
Article 12 
1. In the case of offer based upon voluntary measures, compensation for the contracted volume of gas delivered, pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (8), sentence 1 of the Regulation shall be paid by Solidarity contracting party of the Requesting Party to the Solidarity contracting party of Providing Party and shall include:
a) gas price related to accepted solidarity offers from the market participants and
b) transportation costs to the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point.
2. In case of offer based upon mandatory measures, compensation for the contracted volume of gas delivered, pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (8), sentence 1 of the Regulation, shall be paid directly by Solidarity contracting party of the Requesting Party to the Solidarity contracting party of Providing Party and shall generally – subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article – include:
a) the higher price between:
i. the unbalance gas price registered in the delivery day for users with short position in the Providing Party,
ii. the prices of the emergency measures that have been activated for the offered gas in the Providing Party;
b) compensation and reimbursement, which are not already included in the above price of the emergency measures (pursuant to letter a) of this paragraph), for damages to the Providing Party’s involved sectors of the economy affected by reductions in supply, including technical damages to gas storage facilities caused by an extraordinary utilization calculated in line with the same principles applied internally to the Providing Party, and
c) transportation costs to the Gorizia/Šempeter interconnection point.
3. When determining the appropriate compensation for mandatory measures, the Parties shall ensure that compensation is paid in line with the same principles applying to a national crisis in the providing Member State, if any. Each Party shall promptly inform the other Party on relevant statutory rules and its amendments.
4. The likely costs mentioned in the solidarity offer based upon mandatory measures shall not be exhaustive.
5. The request for compensating the costs arising pursuant to Article 12, paragraph 2 letter b) of this Agreement and Article 13, of the Regulation may be submitted with corresponding documentation following the conclusion of the solidarity measures, within the deadlines provided by the Providing Party’s relevant legislation and regulatory acts.
6. In case judicial proceeding is filed according to Article 13 of the Regulation in front of the courts, the Party in which that proceeding was filed, shall inform the other Party thereof.
Article 13 
Methods of payment, invoicing and deadlines 
1. For accepted offers, payments shall be fully undertaken within 30 calendar days following receipt of the invoice or interim invoice pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article.
2. In the case of mandatory measures, the Providing Party shall have the right to submit an interim invoice for the volumes of gas provided.
3. Payments shall be made in Euro and shall be made to or from a clearing account, if so specified, under Article 4, paragraph 1 or Article 7, paragraph 2.
4. Following the end of the solidarity measures, but no later than 12 months, the Parties shall agree on the need for and the time of transmission of the final invoice and of the request for payment for compensation pursuant to Article 12 of this Agreement. Costs arising from procedures pursuant to Article 13, paragraph (8), letter (c) of the Regulation are not subject of that deadline.
5. Delayed payments shall be subject to interest payments from (and including) the payment date, pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article, until and excluding the day of payment at the default interest rate. Here, “default interest rate” shall be the interest rate five-percentage points above the base rate of the European Central Bank.
6. The expenses arising from the implementation of this Agreement shall be covered without any additional cost for the State budget of the Italian Republic.
Article 14 
The Parties shall take all necessary measures at national level and shall undertake the necessary actions in order to ensure compliance with their solidarity obligation and to ensure the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 15 
Means of communication 
1. Communications between the Parties shall primarily take place between Competent Authorities. Communication may take place in line with the contingent situation considering the spirit of cooperation required by the Regulation.
2. The Parties shall ensure that, if the contact details of the Competent Authority change, the contact details contained in the list of members of the Gas Coordination Group are updated and that the other Party is informed of this immediately.
3. Competent authorities of the Parties together prepare, and update when needed, communication forms for solidarity request, solidarity offer and declaration of acceptance.
Article 16 
Applicable law 
This Agreement shall be implemented in accordance with the Italian and Slovenian legislation, as well as applicable international law and the obligations arising from the Italian Republic’s and the Republic of Slovenia’s membership of the European Union.
Article 17 
Settlement of Disputes 
1. Disputes concerning the interpretation or implementation of the present Agreement shall, as far as possible, be settled by the Competent Authorities of the two Parties.
2. If the dispute cannot thus be settled, each Party can appeal to the European Court of Justice. The decisions by the European Court of Justice shall be binding on the Parties.
3. If the European Court of Justice finds that a Party has failed to meet its obligations deriving from this Agreement or has violated the Agreement, the respective Party shall take the necessary measures deriving from the decision of the European Court of Justice within a deadline to be determined by the European Court of Justice.
4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 shall represent an arbitration Agreement between the Parties within the meaning of Article 273 TFEU.
Article 18 
Entry into force 
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last of the two notifications by which the Parties inform each other, through diplomatic channels, that the internal legal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.
Article 19 
Validity and Termination 
This Agreement shall remain in force unless one of the Party notifies the other Party, in writing, of its intention to terminate the Agreement. This Agreement shall be terminated six months following the date of receipt of the notification of termination by the other Party. Termination is without prejudice to any pending obligations arising from this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Rome on 22 April 2022 in two originals in the English language.
For the Government 
of the Republic of Slovenia 
Jernej Vrtovec (s)
For the Government 
of the Italian Republic 
Roberto Cingolani (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Italijanske republike (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
ob upoštevanju Uredbe (EU) 2017/1938 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 25. oktobra 2017 o ukrepih za zagotavljanje zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom (v nadaljnjem besedilu: uredba) in še posebej njenega 13. člena,
ob seznanitvi s Priporočilom Komisije (EU) 2018/177 z dne 2. februarja 2018 o elementih, ki jih je treba vključiti v tehnične, pravne in finančne dogovore med državami članicami za uporabo solidarnostnega mehanizma v skladu s 13. členom Uredbe (EU) 2017/1938 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o ukrepih za zagotavljanje zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom (v nadaljnjem besedilu: priporočilo),
s ciljem ublažiti učinke hudih izrednih razmer in zagotoviti oskrbo s plinom solidarnostno zaščitenim odjemalcem,
glede na to, da je solidarnost potrebna za zagotavljanje zanesljivosti oskrbe s plinom v Evropski uniji,
1. člen
Vsebina in področje uporabe sporazuma
– Ta sporazum določa tehnične, pravne in finančne dogovore za uporabo solidarnostnega mehanizma v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 13. člena uredbe in veljavno nacionalno zakonodajo.
– Pri uporabi tega sporazuma ponudnica sprejme potrebne solidarnostne ukrepe v svojem plinskem sistemu, da oskrbi solidarnostno zaščitene odjemalce v plinskem sistemu prosilke.
– Solidarnostne obveznosti veljajo ob upoštevanju tehnično varnega in zanesljivega delovanja plinskega sistema ponudnice.
– Solidarnostni ukrepi se izvajajo kot prostovoljni ukrepi na podlagi ponudb, ki jih predložijo udeleženci na trgu, s katerimi določijo ceno za zmanjšani delež svojih dobav, ali, kadar to ne zadostuje, z dodatnimi obveznimi ukrepi na podlagi upravnih ukrepov, ki jih odobri ponudnica.
2. člen
Opredelitev izrazov 
Za namen tega sporazuma veljajo opredelitve izrazov iz 2. člena uredbe, 2. člena Uredbe (ES) št. 715/2009, 3. člena Uredbe (EU) 2017/459, 3. člena Uredbe (EU) št. 312/2014, 2. člena Uredbe (EU) 2015/703 in 2. člena Direktive 2009/73/ES. Poleg tega se uporabljajo tudi spodaj navedene opredelitve izrazov:
a) »Solidarnostni ukrep« pomeni potrebni ukrep v plinskem sistemu ponudnice v skladu s 13. členom uredbe, s katerim se oskrba s plinom za odjemalce, ki niso solidarnostno zaščiteni odjemalci, v potrebnem obsegu zmanjša ali se začasno ustavi, in sicer za tako dolgo, dokler oskrba solidarnostno zaščitenih odjemalcev v prosilki ni zagotovljena. Solidarnostni ukrepi ne smejo ogrožati operativnosti in varnosti plinskih in električnih sistemov udeleženih držav članic, kot določa prvi odstavek 13. člena uredbe.
b) »Prostovoljni ukrepi« pomenijo prostovoljne odzive udeležencev na trgu na poziv ponudnice, da sprejme ukrepe na strani ponudbe in/ali povpraševanja za zagotovitev količine plina v zameno za plačilo cene, ki jo določi udeleženec na trgu. Ti ukrepi ustrezajo tako imenovanim tržnim ukrepom iz 13. člena Uredbe (EU) 2017/1938.
c) »Obvezni ukrepi« pomenijo upravne ukrepe na strani ponudbe in povpraševanja, ki jih ponudnica sprejme na svojem ozemlju, da bi prispevala k oskrbi s plinom solidarnostno zaščitenih odjemalcev prosilke. Ti ukrepi ustrezajo tako imenovanim netržnim ukrepom iz 13. člena Uredbe (EU) 2017/1938.
Druge podrobnosti o obveznih ukrepih italijanskega pristojnega organa temeljijo na obveznih ukrepih, predvidenih v italijanski zakonodaji in načrtu za izredne razmere.
Druge podrobnosti o obveznih ukrepih slovenskega pristojnega organa temeljijo na slovenski zakonodaji, veljavnih načrtih za zanesljivost oskrbe s plinom in načrtih za izredne razmere.
d) »Prosilka« pomeni pogodbenico, ki prosi za solidarnostne ponudbe s predložitvijo prošnje za solidarnostno pomoč.
e) »Ponudnica« pomeni pogodbenico, ki izvede solidarnostne ukrepe in predloži solidarnostne ponudbe.
f) »Solidarnostna pogodbena stranka« pomeni eno od strank, vključenih v postopek prodaje in nakupa po solidarnostni ponudbi, in je opredeljena v solidarnostni ponudbi in izjavi o sprejetju. Če ni drugače določeno, solidarnostna pogodbena stranka pomeni operaterja prenosnega sistema (v nadaljnjem besedilu: OPS).
g) »Prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč« pomeni uradni poziv prosilke ponudnici, naj zagotovi solidarnostno ponudbo.
h) »Solidarnostna ponudba« pomeni sklop ponudb udeležencev na trgu na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov ali ponudbo na podlagi obveznih ukrepov, ki jo pošlje ponudnica v skladu s tem sporazumom in svojo zakonodajo.
i) »Ponudbe udeležencev na trgu« pomenijo ponudbe količin plina za dobavo na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov, ki jih zbere solidarnostna pogodbena stranka ponudnice. Solidarnostna pogodbena stranka lahko ponudbe zbere z informacijskim postopkom ali v informacijskem sistemu, kot je posebna spletna platforma, vzpostavljena v skladu z ustrezno nacionalno zakonodajo.
j) »Izjava o sprejetju« pomeni pisno izjavo, da prosilka sprejme celotno solidarnostno ponudbo ali njen del.
k) »Razpoložljive prenosne zmogljivosti« pomenijo razpoložljive zmogljivosti v času dobave z upoštevanjem tehničnih omejitev in nominalnih zmogljivosti v času solidarnostne ponudbe.
l) »Izredne razmere« ali »stopnja izrednih razmer« pomeni krizo po točki c prvega odstavka 11. člena uredbe.
m) »Koordinacijska skupina za plin« pomeni organ na tehnični ravni, ustanovljen po 4. členu uredbe.
n) »Dan dobave« pomeni plinski dan po šestnajstem odstavku 3. člena Uredbe Komisije (EU) 2017/459, ko se uporabijo solidarnostni ukrepi.
3. člen
Prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč 
1. Prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč je odvisna od razglasitve stopnje izrednih razmer v skladu s točko c prvega odstavka 11. člena uredbe in od zagotovila prosilke, da so ob uvedbi zahtevanih solidarnostnih ukrepov izpolnjeni pogoji iz tretjega odstavka 13. člena uredbe.
2. Pristojni organ prosilke pošlje prošnjo za solidarnostno pomoč, kot je določeno v 15. členu, kontaktni točki pristojnega organa države članice, s katero je povezana neposredno ali skozi tretjo državo, kot je navedeno na seznamu članov koordinacijske skupine za plin. Potem ko je prosilka že uporabila vse tržne ukrepe in vse ukrepe, opredeljene v svojem načrtu za izredne razmere, v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 13. člena uredbe lahko pošlje prošnjo za solidarnostno pomoč, ki vključuje opis okoliščin, in o tem obvesti Evropsko komisijo.
3. Prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč vključuje vsaj te informacije:
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega organa prosilke;
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega operaterja prenosnega sistema prosilke;
– količino plina v MWh/dan (ob upoštevanju treh decimalnih mest), ki se zahteva na povezovalni točki Gorica/Šempeter;
– dan dobave;
– zagotovilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena;
– priznavanje obveznosti prosilke, da plača nadomestilo za solidarnostno pomoč v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in osmim odstavkom 13. člena uredbe.
4. Če stanje glede varnosti oskrbe to dopušča, se prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč pošlje vsaj 20 ur pred začetkom dneva dobave. Na prošnje za solidarnostno pomoč, poslane v krajšem roku, bo mogoče odgovoriti le, če bodo krizne razmere in pripravljalna obdobja, potrebna, da podjetja plinskega gospodarstva zagotovijo solidarnostno ponudbo, omogočala tak odziv. V tem primeru se bo pristojni organ ponudnice po najboljših močeh potrudil pripraviti ponudbo.
5. Prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč je na splošno omejena največ na plinski dan, ki sledi plinskemu dnevu, ko je bila prošnja vložena. Glede na roke iz četrtega odstavka tega člena je mogoče vložiti prošnje za solidarnostno pomoč za nadaljnje plinske dneve.
6. Po prejemu prošnje za solidarnostno pomoč pristojni organ ponudnice nemudoma potrdi prejem pristojnemu organu prosilke. Če prosilka v pol ure ne prejme potrditve, poskuša kakor koli drugače vzpostaviti stik s pristojnim organom ponudnice.
4. člen
Oblika in pošiljanje solidarnostnih ponudb 
1. Solidarnostna ponudba vključuje vsaj te informacije:
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega organa ponudnice;
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega operaterja prenosnega sistema ponudnice;
– kontaktne podatke solidarnostne pogodbene stranke, če to ni OPS;
– količino plina v MWh/dan (tri decimalna mesta) za dobavo na povezovalni točki Gorica/Šempeter;
– dan dobave;
– prenosno zmogljivost povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter za ponujeno količino;
– podlago za solidarnostno ponudbo: prostovoljni ali obvezni ukrepi;
– stroške solidarnostnih ukrepov, kot so opisani v 12. členu, v skladu z določbami uredbe in priporočila, toda brez stroškov morebitnih sodnih postopkov;
– podatke o prejemnikih plačil.
2. Če rok iz četrtega odstavka 3. člena tega sporazuma ni izpolnjen, se solidarnostna ponudba pošlje ob upoštevanju vseh potrebnih pripravljalnih rokov za podjetja plinskega gospodarstva. Če pristojni organ ponudnice solidarnostne ponudbe ne more predložiti do izteka roka, o tem nemudoma obvesti prosilko in navede ustrezne razloge ter čim prej predloži svojo ponudbo.
3. Količina plina v posamezni solidarnostni ponudbi je enaka količini plina ali manjša od količine plina, za katero prosi prosilka.
4. Vse solidarnostne ponudbe veljajo ob ustreznem upoštevanju varnosti in zanesljivosti vključenih plinskih sistemov, fizičnih omejitev povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter in razpoložljivih zmogljivosti.
5. člen
Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov 
1. Ko pristojni organ ponudnice prejme prošnjo za solidarnostno pomoč, najprej pošlje prosilki solidarnostno ponudbo na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov do 16 ur pred začetkom dneva dobave.
2. Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov vsebuje količino plina, ki jo ponudijo udeleženci na trgu, ki so pripravljeni dobaviti plin, da bi ga prodali prosilki, ter določijo ceno ponujenega plina in morebitne omejitve (npr. minimalna sprejemljiva količina) za plin, ki je ponujen in dostavljen do povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter.
3. Pristojni organ ponudnice preveri zakonitost ponudb na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov, in ali so trajnostne ter v skladu z zakonodajo in regulativnimi akti s tega področja.
6. člen
Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi obveznih ukrepov 
1. Solidarnostno ponudbo na podlagi obveznih ukrepov ponudnica predloži prosilki, kadar ni več ponudb na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov.
2. Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi obveznih ukrepov se pošlje do 10 ur pred začetkom dneva dobave.
3. Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi obveznih ukrepov mora vsebovati morebitno razpoložljivo količino plina, ki je dejansko na voljo v roku iz drugega odstavka, ob upoštevanju določb točke a prvega odstavka 2. člena, in ceno plina, ki je v skladu z 12. členom, vključno z morebitnimi omejitvami ponudbe (npr. minimalna sprejemljiva količina), in ki vključuje tudi potrebno prenosno zmogljivost do prevzemnega mesta v času oddaje solidarnostne ponudbe.
4. Po prejemu solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi obveznih ukrepov prosilka nemudoma potrdi njen prejem in pred sprejetjem preveri, ali ni na voljo nobena druga ponudba na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov, ki bi jo predložila katera koli država članica EU, s katero je plinski sistem prosilke povezan prek povezovalne točke ali plinskega sistema tretje države v skladu z drugim odstavkom 13. člena uredbe.
5. Če so na voljo solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov iz četrtega odstavka, prosilka sprejme te ponudbe, preden sprejme katero koli solidarnostno ponudbo na podlagi obveznih ukrepov.
6. Kadar prosilka ne prejme novih solidarnostnih ponudb na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov iz četrtega odstavka, lahko pristojni organ prosilke sprejme ponudbe na podlagi obveznih ukrepov.
7. člen
Sprejetje solidarnostne ponudbe 
1. Pristojni organ prosilke lahko sprejme celotno solidarnostno ponudbo ponudnice ali njen del v okviru omejitev iz drugega odstavka 5. člena in/ali tretjega odstavka 6. člena, tako da pošlje izjavo o sprejetju ponudnici in pri tem uporabi kontaktne podatke, določene v solidarnostni ponudbi.
2. Izjava o sprejetju vsebuje te informacije:
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega organa prosilke;
– kontaktne podatke pristojnega operaterja prenosnega sistema prosilke;
– kontaktne podatke pogodbene stranke, povezane s solidarnostno pomočjo, če ni operater prenosnega sistema, za prevzem plina na povezovalni točki Gorica/Šempeter in za plačilo, vključno s podatki o klirinškem računu, če je to potrebno;
– količino plina v MWh/dan (tri decimalna mesta) za dobavo na povezovalni točki Gorica/Šempeter;
– dan dobave;
– zavezanost izpolnitvi vseh obveznosti, dogovorjenih na podlagi tega sporazuma.
8. člen
Sprejetje solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov 
1. Solidarnostna ponudba na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov se sprejme najpozneje 14 ur pred začetkom dneva dobave.
2. Za sprejetje solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov prosilka izbere eno ponudbo ali več ponudb, ki jih predloži solidarnostna pogodbena stranka, in v roku pošlje izjavo o sprejetju pristojnemu organu ponudnice.
3. Pristojni organ ponudnice nemudoma pošlje izjavo o sprejetju svoji solidarnostni pogodbeni stranki.
4. S tem ko ponudnica prejme izjavo o sprejetju, začne veljati pogodba med solidarnostnimi pogodbenimi strankami po pogojih iz tega sporazuma.
9. člen
Sprejetje solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi obveznih ukrepov 
1. Prosilka se odloči, ali bo sprejela celotno solidarnostno ponudbo iz tretjega odstavka 6. člena ali samo njen del.
2. Solidarnostne ponudbe na podlagi obveznih ukrepov se sprejmejo najpozneje 7 ur pred začetkom dneva dobave. Solidarnostne ponudbe, ki niso sprejete v tem času, prenehajo veljati.
3. Solidarnostne ponudbe iz drugega odstavka 4. člena tega sporazuma je mogoče sprejeti najpozneje v 2 urah po prejemu solidarnostne ponudbe, vsekakor pa 3 ure pred začetkom dneva dobave. Solidarnostne ponudbe, ki niso sprejete v tem času, prenehajo veljati.
4. S tem ko ponudnica prejme izjavo o sprejetju, začne veljati pogodba med solidarnostnimi pogodbenimi strankami (subjekti), navedenimi v solidarnostni ponudbi, in subjekti, navedenimi v izjavi o sprejetju.
5. Na podlagi izjave o sprejetju mora ponudnica sprejeti obvezne ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev ponujenih količin plina ob upoštevanju fizičnih omejitev povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter in njene razpoložljive zmogljivosti.
6. S sprejetjem solidarnostne ponudbe se prosilka obveže, da bo izpolnila obveznosti glede nadomestila iz osmega in desetega odstavka 13. člena uredbe, kot je določeno v 12. členu tega sporazuma.
10. člen
Prenos in prevzem količine plina iz solidarnostne ponudbe 
1. Količina plina, ponujena v okviru solidarnostne ponudbe, ne sme preseči količine, ki je tehnično razpoložljiva na povezovalni točki Gorica/Šempeter (prevzemno mesto) ob upoštevanju zakupljene in uporabljene zmogljivosti ter fizične omejitve prevzemnega mesta in njegove razpoložljive zmogljivosti ob upoštevanju določb točke a prvega odstavka 2. člena.
2. Če je solidarnostna ponudba sprejeta, se razume, da so vse potrebne prenosne zmogljivosti v ponudnici do prevzemnega mesta in na njem zagotovljene ter jih zagotovi ponudnica.
3. Ponudnica poskrbi za prenos količine plina do prevzemnega mesta (na strani ponudnice). Prosilka poskrbi za prevzem količine dobavljenega plina na prevzemnem mestu (na strani prosilke). Prosilka še posebej zagotovi, da so prenosne zmogljivosti, ki so potrebne za prevzem na prevzemnem mestu, na voljo in zakupljene, da ustrezajo napovedani količini na prevzemnem mestu.
4. Da bi se omogočilo izpolnjevanje solidarnostne oskrbe s plinom, OPS v šestih mesecih po podpisu tega sporazuma opredelita tehnične določbe v svojih posebnih operativnih sporazumih. Te določbe predložita v odobritev vsak svojemu pristojnemu organu.
5. Ne glede na fizični prevzem količine plina prosilka zagotovi izpolnitev plačilnih obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz sprejetja solidarnostne ponudbe in količine plina, dobavljenega na prevzemno mesto (vzemi ali plačaj).
11. člen
Prenehanje solidarnostne oskrbe 
1. Obveznost ponudnice, da izvaja solidarnostne ukrepe, preneha, ko:
a) Evropska komisija v postopku preverjanja v skladu s prvim pododstavkom osmega odstavka 11. člena uredbe ugotovi, da razglasitev izrednih razmer ni oziroma ni več upravičena,
b) prosilka razglasi prenehanje izrednih razmer oziroma ni poslana nobena nova prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč po 3. členu tega sporazuma za plinski dan, ki sledi dnevu dobave plina, ali
c) država članica ponudnica v solidarnostni ponudbi ne more več oskrbovati svojih solidarnostno zaščitenih odjemalcev.
2. V primerih iz točk a in b prvega odstavka tega člena solidarnostni ukrep preneha ob koncu tistega dneva dobave, za katerega je bila po 3. členu tega sporazuma predložena prošnja za solidarnostno pomoč. V primeru iz točke c prvega odstavka tega člena ima ponudnica pravico končati solidarnostni ukrep takoj po izpolnitvi že sprejetih ponudb in sklenjenih pogodb za tekoči plinski dan, pri čemer je ponudnica o tem obvestila prosilko.
12. člen
1. V primeru ponudbe na podlagi prostovoljnih ukrepov solidarnostna pogodbena stranka prosilke izplača nadomestilo za pogodbeno količino dobavljenega plina v skladu s prvim stavkom osmega odstavka 13. člena uredbe solidarnostni pogodbeni stranki ponudnice, ki vključuje:
a) ceno plina iz sprejetih solidarnostnih ponudb udeležencev na trgu in
b) stroške prenosa do povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter.
2. V primeru ponudbe na podlagi obveznih ukrepov solidarnostna pogodbena stranka prosilke izplača nadomestilo za pogodbeno količino dobavljenega plina v skladu s prvim stavkom osmega odstavka 13. člena uredbe neposredno solidarnostni pogodbeni stranki ponudnice, ki ob upoštevanju tretjega in četrtega odstavka tega člena na splošno vključuje:
a) višjo ceno med:
i. ceno plina za negativna odstopanja, registrirano na dan dobave, za uporabnike pri ponudnici,
ii. cenami nujnih ukrepov, ki jih je ponudnica izvedla za ponujeni plin;
b) nadomestilo in povračilo, ki še nista vključena v zgoraj navedeno ceno nujnih ukrepov (iz točke a tega odstavka), za škodo v gospodarskih sektorjih ponudnice, ki jih je prizadelo zmanjšanje dobave, vključno s tehnično škodo v skladiščih plina zaradi izredne uporabe, izračunano na enak način, kot se uporablja v ponudnici, in
c) stroške prenosa do povezovalne točke Gorica/Šempeter.
3. Pri določanju ustreznega nadomestila za obvezne ukrepe pogodbenici zagotovita, da se nadomestilo izplača na enak način, kot velja v času morebitne notranje krize v državi članici, ki je priskrbela pomoč. Vsaka pogodbenica nemudoma obvesti drugo pogodbenico o predpisih s tega področja in njihovih spremembah.
4. Verjetni stroški, navedeni v solidarnostni ponudbi na podlagi obveznih ukrepov, niso dokončni.
5. Zahteva za nadomestilo stroškov, ki nastanejo v skladu s točko b drugega odstavka 12. člena tega sporazuma in 13. členom uredbe, se lahko predloži z ustrezno dokumentacijo po prenehanju solidarnostnih ukrepov v rokih, ki jih določajo zakonodaja in regulativni akti ponudnice s tega področja.
6. Če se na sodišču sproži sodni postopek iz 13. člena uredbe, pogodbenica, v kateri je bil postopek sprožen, o tem obvesti drugo pogodbenico.
13. člen
Načini plačila, izdajanje računov in roki 
1. Plačila za sprejete ponudbe se v celoti izvedejo v 30  oledarskih dneh po prejemu računa ali vmesnega računa iz drugega odstavka tega člena.
2. Pri uporabi obveznih ukrepov ima ponudnica pravico predložiti vmesni račun za dobavljeno količino plina.
3. Plačila se izvedejo v evrih in na klirinški račun ali z njega, če je tako določeno, v skladu s prvim odstavkom 4. člena ali drugim odstavkom 7. člena.
4. Po prenehanju solidarnostnih ukrepov, vendar najpozneje v 12 mesecih, se pogodbenici dogovorita, ali je treba poslati končni račun in zahtevek za plačilo nadomestila iz 12. člena tega sporazuma ter kdaj. Za stroške, ki izhajajo iz postopkov iz točke c osmega odstavka 13. člena uredbe, ta rok ne velja.
5. Za zamude pri plačilih se plačajo obresti od datuma, določenega za plačilo (in vključno z njim), v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, do dneva plačila in brez vključenega tega dneva po zamudni obrestni meri. V tem sporazumu »zamudna obrestna mera« pomeni obrestno mero, ki je za pet odstotnih točk višja od osnovne obrestne mere Evropske centralne banke.
6. Stroški, ki izhajajo iz izvajanja tega sporazuma, se krijejo brez dodatnih stroškov za državni proračun Italijanske republike.
14. člen
Pogodbenici sprejmeta vse potrebne ukrepe na državni ravni in naredita vse potrebno, da zagotovita izvajanje svojih solidarnostnih obveznosti in tega sporazuma.
15. člen
Način komuniciranja 
1. Pogodbenici med seboj komunicirata predvsem po pristojnih organih. Komuniciranje lahko poteka v skladu z vsakokratnimi razmerami in v luči sodelovanja, predvidenega z uredbo.
2. Pri spremembi kontaktnih podatkov pristojnih organov pogodbenici zagotovita, da se kontaktni podatki na seznamu članov koordinacijske skupine za plin posodobijo in da je druga pogodbenica o tem nemudoma obveščena.
3. Pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic skupaj pripravita in po potrebi posodobita obrazce za prošnjo za solidarnostno pomoč, solidarnostno ponudbo in izjavo o sprejetju.
16. člen
Veljavna zakonodaja 
Ta sporazum se izvaja v skladu z italijansko in slovensko zakonodajo ter veljavnim mednarodnim pravom in obveznostmi, ki izhajajo iz članstva Italijanske republike in Republike Slovenije v Evropski uniji.
17. člen
Reševanje sporov 
1. Spore v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma rešujeta, kolikor je mogoče, pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic.
2. Če spora tako ni mogoče rešiti, se vsaka pogodbenica lahko pritoži pri Evropskem sodišču. Odločitve Evropskega sodišča so za pogodbenici zavezujoče.
3. Če Evropsko sodišče ugotovi, da pogodbenica ni izpolnila svojih obveznosti iz tega sporazuma ali ga je kršila, ta pogodbenica sprejme potrebne ukrepe, ki izhajajo iz odločitve Evropskega sodišča, v roku, ki ga to določi.
4. Drugi in tretji odstavek pomenita arbitražni sporazum med pogodbenicama v smislu 273. člena PDEU.
18. člen
Začetek veljavnosti 
Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega od obeh uradnih obvestil, s katerima se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti medsebojno obvestita, da so bili zaključeni notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
19. člen
Veljavnost in odpoved 
Ta sporazum velja, dokler ena od pogodbenic pisno ne obvesti druge pogodbenice o svoji nameri, da ga odpove. Ta sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po dnevu, ko druga pogodbenica prejme uradno obvestilo o odpovedi. Odpoved ne vpliva na katere koli nerešene obveznosti iz tega sporazuma.
V potrditev tega sta spodaj podpisana, ki sta bila za to pravilno pooblaščena, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Rimu 22. aprila 2022 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado 
Republike Slovenije 
Jernej Vrtovec l.r.
Za Vlado 
Italijanske republike 
Roberto Cingolani l.r.
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za energetiko.
4. člen 
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 320-04/21-3/16
Ljubljana, dne 14. julija 2022
Državni zbor 
Republike Slovenije 
mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič 

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