Uradni list

Številka 190
Uradni list RS, št. 190/2020 z dne 17. 12. 2020
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 190/2020 z dne 17. 12. 2020


27. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov, stran 87.

Na podlagi pete alineje šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD, 31/15 in 30/18 – ZKZaš) Vlada Republike Slovenije izdaja
U R E D B O 
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov, sklenjen z izmenjavo not 13. julija 2020 in 7. septembra 2020.
2. člen 
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to propose to conclude the Agreement (in the form of the exchange of Notes) between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on mutual visa representation as follows:
The Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”,
recalling the trustful cooperation between the Polish and the Slovenian consular services, characterised by mutual confidence,
acknowledging the fact that it is in the common interest of Parties to avoid a disproportionate effort on the part of visa applicants to have access to consulates, taking into consideration the European Union law in the field of Common Visa Policy,
have agreed as follows:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
of the Republic of Slovenia 
Article 1 
1. The Parties shall represent each other in the process of examining applications and issuing visas, referred to in the Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code), hereinafter referred to as „the Visa Code”, in accordance with the European Union law, this Agreement and technical arrangements, concluded pursuant to Article 8 of this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “technical arrangements”.
2. When performing the actions defined in paragraph 1, the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Parties shall assist each other.
Article 2 
Acting pursuant to Article 1 of this Agreement, the Parties shall respect the relevant regulations on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
Article 3 
The Party representing the other Party (hereinafter referred as the representing and represented Party) pursuant to Article 1 of this Agreement shall act with the same diligence as when issuing visas and collecting data on its own behalf. Neither Party can be held liable for activities carried out within representation on behalf of the other Party.
Article 4 
1. Representation may be limited to one or several parts of the process of issuing visas, in particular – to providing visa information, making appointments for personal visits at the consulate, conducting interviews, collecting applications with supporting documents, enrolling of biometric identifiers and collecting the visa fee.
2. The representing Party shall receive visa applications, enclosed documentation, collect and process the data including enrolling biometric identifiers, and in case of admissibility verify the entry conditions and conduct the risk assessment.
3. In cases when a diplomatic mission or a consular post of a Party decides that a visa should not be issued it is authorized to refuse to issue a visa after examination of the application.
4. Visas with limited territorial validity may be issued under representation only when the limited territorial validity of the visa is caused by the fact that the travel document of the applicant, recognized by the Parties, is not recognized by other Member States as regulated by the Commission Implementing Decision C(2019) 4469 replacing the Annex to Implementing Decision C(2013) 4914 establishing the list of travel documents which entitle the holder to cross the external borders and which may be endorsed with a visa.
Article 5 
Consultations concerning visa applications received by the representing Party, requiring the opinion of the central authorities of the represented Party or the central authorities of other Member States shall be conducted by the representing Party.
Article 6 
1. The fees for processing visa application or for issuing visas shall be credited to the diplomatic mission or consular post to which the application was submitted.
2. The Parties shall notify one another about which categories of visas are issued without charging a fee. The cost associated with processing all visa applications shall be assumed in full by representing diplomatic mission or consular post and shall not be charged to the other Party.
Article 7 
The competent authorities of the Parties for the implementation of this Agreement are:
1) for the Republic of Slovenia:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2) for the Republic of Poland:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Article 8 
The competent authorities of the Parties shall conclude technical arrangements by way of exchange of notes, in which they specify the diplomatic missions and consular posts competent to implement the provisions of this Agreement, and the essential technical and financial particulars of cooperation.
Article 9 
Any dispute regarding the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved between the Parties through diplomatic channels.
Article 10 
This Agreement may be amended at any time, in whole or in part, on the initiative of any Party through diplomatic channels.
Article 11 
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It may be terminated by either Party by means of written notification through diplomatic channels. Termination shall take effect thirty (30) days following the day of receipt of the notification by the other Party.
2. Either Party shall reserve the right to temporarily suspend, in whole or in part, the implementation of this Agreement. The other Party shall be notified of temporary suspension of the Agreement through diplomatic channels at least 72 hours prior to the introduction of such a measure.
3. The Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland on the Cooperation in Visa Issuance concluded in Warsaw on 14 March 2008 shall cease to have effect on the date when this Agreement shall enter into force.
4. The Annex to the Agreement mentioned in paragraph 3 listing the third countries where the visa representation takes place, shall remain applicable until new technical arrangement enters into force.
The Agreement is concluded in the English language.
If the above proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland proposes that the present note and the reply to it shall constitute an Agreement (in the form of the exchange of Notes) between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on Mutual Visa Representation, which shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of receipt of the last of the written notifications by which the Parties notify each other that their internal legal procedures for the entry into force of the Agreement have been completed.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.
Warsaw, 13 July 2020
No. ZKO – 1221/10
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and has the honour to confirm the receipt of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Note No DK. 3301.15.2019/23 of 13 July 2020 stating the following:
»The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honour to propose to conclude the Agreement (in the form of the exchange of Notes) between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on mutual visa representation as follows:
The Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”,
recalling the trustful cooperation between the Polish and the Slovenian consular services, characterised by mutual confidence,
acknowledging the fact that it is in the common interest of Parties to avoid a disproportionate effort on the part of visa applicants to have access to consulates, taking into consideration the European Union law in the field of Common Visa Policy,
have agreed as follows:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
of the Republic of Poland 
Article 1 
1. The Parties shall represent each other in the process of examining applications and issuing visas, referred to in the Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code), hereinafter referred to as „the Visa Code”, in accordance with the European Union law, this Agreement and technical arrangements, concluded pursuant to Article 8 of this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “technical arrangements”.
2. When performing the actions defined in paragraph 1, the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Parties shall assist each other.
Article 2 
Acting pursuant to Article 1 of this Agreement, the Parties shall respect the relevant regulations on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
Article 3 
The Party representing the other Party (hereinafter referred as the representing and represented Party) pursuant to Article 1 of this Agreement shall act with the same diligence as when issuing visas and collecting data on its own behalf. Neither Party can be held liable for activities carried out within representation on behalf of the other Party.
Article 4 
1. Representation may be limited to one or several parts of the process of issuing visas, in particular – to providing visa information, making appointments for personal visits at the consulate, conducting interviews, collecting applications with supporting documents, enrolling of biometric identifiers and collecting the visa fee.
2. The representing Party shall receive visa applications, enclosed documentation, collect and process the data including enrolling biometric identifiers, and in case of admissibility verify the entry conditions and conduct the risk assessment.
3. In cases when a diplomatic mission or a consular post of a Party decides that a visa should not be issued it is authorized to refuse to issue a visa after examination of the application.
4. Visas with limited territorial validity may be issued under representation only when the limited territorial validity of the visa is caused by the fact that the travel document of the applicant, recognized by the Parties, is not recognized by other Member States as regulated by the Commission Implementing Decision C(2019) 4469 replacing the Annex to Implementing Decision C(2013) 4914 establishing the list of travel documents which entitle the holder to cross the external borders and which may be endorsed with a visa.
Article 5 
Consultations concerning visa applications received by the representing Party, requiring the opinion of the central authorities of the represented Party or the central authorities of other Member States shall be conducted by the representing Party.
Article 6 
1. The fees for processing visa application or for issuing visas shall be credited to the diplomatic mission or consular post to which the application was submitted.
2. The Parties shall notify one another about which categories of visas are issued without charging a fee. The cost associated with processing all visa applications shall be assumed in full by representing diplomatic mission or consular post and shall not be charged to the other Party.
Article 7 
The competent authorities of the Parties for the implementation of this Agreement are:
1) for the Republic of Slovenia:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2) for the Republic of Poland:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Article 8 
The competent authorities of the Parties shall conclude technical arrangements by way of exchange of notes, in which they specify the diplomatic missions and consular posts competent to implement the provisions of this Agreement, and the essential technical and financial particulars of cooperation.
Article 9 
Any dispute regarding the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved between the Parties through diplomatic channels.
Article 10 
This Agreement may be amended at any time, in whole or in part, on the initiative of any Party through diplomatic channels.
Article 11 
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It may be terminated by either Party by means of written notification through diplomatic channels. Termination shall take effect thirty (30) days following the day of receipt of the notification by the other Party.
2. Either Party shall reserve the right to temporarily suspend, in whole or in part, the implementation of this Agreement. The other Party shall be notified of temporary suspension of the Agreement through diplomatic channels at least 72 hours prior to the introduction of such a measure.
3. The Agreement between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland on the Cooperation in Visa Issuance concluded in Warsaw on 14 March 2008 shall cease to have effect on the date when this Agreement shall enter into force.
4. The Annex to the Agreement mentioned in paragraph 3 listing the third countries where the visa representation takes place, shall remain applicable until new technical arrangement enters into force.
The Agreement is concluded in the English language.
If the above proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland proposes that the present note and the reply to it shall constitute an Agreement (in the form of the exchange of Notes) between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on Mutual Visa Representation, which shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of receipt of the last of the written notifications by which the Parties notify each other that their internal legal procedures for the entry into force of the Agreement have been completed.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration.«
In reply the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia has the honour to confirm that these provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and that the Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland No DK. 3301.15.2019/23 of 13 July 2020 and this Note constitute an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Poland on Mutual Visa Representation.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 7 September 2020
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast predlagati sklenitev Sporazuma (v obliki izmenjave not) med Vlado Republike Poljske in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov:
Vlada Republike Poljske in Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
ob upoštevanju sodelovanja med poljskimi in slovenskimi konzularnimi službami, ki temelji na vzajemnem zaupanju,
ob zavedanju, da je izogibanje nesorazmernim naporom prosilcev za vizume pri dostopu do konzulatov v skupnem interesu obeh pogodbenic,
ob upoštevanju prava Evropske unije na področju skupne vizumske politike
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve 
Republike Slovenije 
1. člen 
1. Pogodbenici se v postopkih preverjanja vlog in izdaje vizumov po Uredbi (ES) št. 810/2009 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. julija 2009 o vizumskem zakoniku Skupnosti (Vizumski zakonik) (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Vizumski zakonik) zastopata v skladu s pravom Evropske unije, tem sporazumom in tehničnimi dogovori, sklenjenimi na podlagi 8. člena sporazuma (v nadaljnjem besedilu: tehnični dogovori).
2. Diplomatska predstavništva in konzulati pogodbenic si pomagajo pri izvajanju nalog, opredeljenih v prvem odstavku.
2. člen 
V skladu s 1. členom sporazuma pogodbenici spoštujeta ustrezne predpise o varovanju posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov.
3. člen 
Pogodbenica, ki v skladu s 1. členom sporazuma zastopa drugo pogodbenico, ravna enako vestno kot pri izdaji vizumov in zbiranju podatkov v svojem imenu. Nobena pogodbenica ni odgovorna za dejavnosti, ki jih v okviru zastopanja opravi v imenu druge pogodbenice.
4. člen 
1. Zastopanje se lahko omeji na enega ali več delov postopka za izdajo vizumov, zlasti na informacije o vizumih, naročanje na osebne obiske na konzulatih, opravljanje razgovorov, sprejemanje vlog in spremnih dokumentov, zajem biometričnih identifikatorjev in zaračunavanje vizumske takse.
2. Zastopajoča pogodbenica sprejema vizumske vloge in dodatne dokumente, zbira in obdeluje podatke, vključno z zajemom biometričnih identifikatorjev, in če je vloga dopustna, preveri pogoje za vstop ter opravi oceno tveganja.
3. Če diplomatsko predstavništvo ali konzulat zastopajoče pogodbenice odloči, da se vizum ne izda, je zastopajoča pogodbenica pooblaščena, da po obravnavi vloge zavrne izdajo vizuma.
4. Zastopajoča pogodbenica lahko izda vizum z omejeno ozemeljsko veljavnostjo le, kadar potne listine prosilca, ki jo priznavata pogodbenici, ne priznavajo druge države članice, kot določa Izvedbeni sklep Komisije C(2019) 4469, ki nadomešča Prilogo k Izvedbenemu sklepu C(2013) 4914 o seznamu potnih listin, ki imetniku omogočajo prehod zunanjih meja in v katere se lahko vpiše vizum.
5. člen 
Posvetovanja o vizumskih vlogah, ki jih sprejme zastopajoča pogodbenica in pri katerih je potrebno mnenje centralnih organov zastopane pogodbenice ali drugih držav članic, izvaja zastopajoča pogodbenica.
6. člen 
1. Takse za obdelavo vizumskih vlog ali izdajo vizumov se knjižijo v dobro diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata, pri katerem je bila vloga vložena.
2. Pogodbenici druga drugo uradno obvestita, katere kategorije vizumov se izdajajo brez zaračunavanja taks. Stroške, povezane z obdelavo vseh vizumskih vlog, v celoti krije diplomatsko predstavništvo ali konzulat zastopajoče pogodbenice in se ne zaračunavajo drugi pogodbenici.
7. člen 
Pristojna organa pogodbenic za izvajanje sporazuma sta:
1) za Republiko Slovenijo:
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
2) za Republiko Poljsko:
Minister za zunanje zadeve
8. člen 
Pristojna organa pogodbenic skleneta tehnične dogovore z izmenjavo not, v katerih navedeta diplomatska predstavništva in konzulate, ki so pristojni za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma, ter bistvene tehnične in finančne podrobnosti sodelovanja.
9. člen 
Pogodbenici morebitne spore glede izvajanja ali razlage sporazuma rešujeta po diplomatski poti.
10. člen 
Sporazum se lahko na pobudo ene ali druge pogodbenice po diplomatski poti kadarkoli v celoti ali delno spremeni.
11. člen 
1. Sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Katera koli pogodbenica ga lahko odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom po diplomatski poti. Odpoved začne veljati 30 (trideset) dni po prejemu uradnega obvestila druge pogodbenice.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica si pridržuje pravico, da v celoti ali delno začasno preneha izvajati sporazum. Drugo pogodbenico se o začasnem prenehanju izvajanja sporazuma uradno obvesti po diplomatski poti najmanj 72 ur pred uvedbo tega ukrepa.
3. Sporazum med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Ministrom za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske o sodelovanju pri izdaji vizumov, sklenjen v Varšavi dne 14. marca 2008, preneha veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
4. Priloga k sporazumu, omenjena v tretjem odstavku, s seznamom tretjih držav, kjer se izvaja vizumsko zastopanje, se uporablja do takrat, ko začne veljati nov tehnični dogovor.
Ta sporazum je sklenjen v angleškem jeziku.
Če Vlada Republike Slovenije meni, da je navedeni predlog sprejemljiv, ima poljska stran čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota – odgovor slovenske strani sestavljata Sporazum (v obliki izmenjave not) med Vlado Republike Poljske in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov, ki začne veljati na dan prejema zadnjega pisnega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici obvestita, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Varšava, 13. julija 2020
Št. ZKO – 1221/10
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske in ima čast potrditi prejem note Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske št. DK.3301.15.2019/23 z dne 13. julija 2020, ki se glasi:
»Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima čast predlagati sklenitev Sporazuma (v obliki izmenjave not) med Vlado Republike Poljske in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov:
Vlada Republike Poljske in Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
ob upoštevanju sodelovanja med poljskimi in slovenskimi konzularnimi službami, ki temelji na vzajemnem zaupanju,
ob zavedanju, da je izogibanje nesorazmernim naporom prosilcev za vizume pri dostopu do konzulatov v skupnem interesu obeh pogodbenic,
ob upoštevanju prava Evropske unije na področju skupne vizumske politike
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve 
Republike Poljske 
1. člen 
1. Pogodbenici se v postopkih preverjanja vlog in izdaje vizumov po Uredbi (ES) št. 810/2009 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 13. julija 2009 o vizumskem zakoniku Skupnosti (Vizumski zakonik) (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Vizumski zakonik) zastopata v skladu s pravom Evropske unije, tem sporazumom in tehničnimi dogovori, sklenjenimi na podlagi 8. člena sporazuma (v nadaljnjem besedilu: tehnični dogovori).
2. Diplomatska predstavništva in konzulati pogodbenic si pomagajo pri izvajanju nalog, opredeljenih v prvem odstavku.
2. člen 
V skladu s 1. členom sporazuma pogodbenici spoštujeta ustrezne predpise o varovanju posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov.
3. člen 
Pogodbenica, ki v skladu s 1. členom sporazuma zastopa drugo pogodbenico, ravna enako vestno kot pri izdaji vizumov in zbiranju podatkov v svojem imenu. Nobena pogodbenica ni odgovorna za dejavnosti, ki jih v okviru zastopanja opravi v imenu druge pogodbenice.
4. člen 
1. Zastopanje se lahko omeji na enega ali več delov postopka za izdajo vizumov, zlasti na informacije o vizumih, naročanje na osebne obiske na konzulatih, opravljanje razgovorov, sprejemanje vlog in spremnih dokumentov, zajem biometričnih identifikatorjev in zaračunavanje vizumske takse.
2. Zastopajoča pogodbenica sprejema vizumske vloge in dodatne dokumente, zbira in obdeluje podatke, vključno z zajemom biometričnih identifikatorjev, in če je vloga dopustna, preveri pogoje za vstop ter opravi oceno tveganja.
3. Če diplomatsko predstavništvo ali konzulat zastopajoče pogodbenice odloči, da se vizum ne izda, je zastopajoča pogodbenica pooblaščena, da po obravnavi vloge zavrne izdajo vizuma.
4. Zastopajoča pogodbenica lahko izda vizum z omejeno ozemeljsko veljavnostjo le, kadar potne listine prosilca, ki jo priznavata pogodbenici, ne priznavajo druge države članice, kot določa Izvedbeni sklep Komisije C(2019) 4469, ki nadomešča Prilogo k Izvedbenemu sklepu C(2013) 4914 o seznamu potnih listin, ki imetniku omogočajo prehod zunanjih meja in v katere se lahko vpiše vizum.
5. člen 
Posvetovanja o vizumskih vlogah, ki jih sprejme zastopajoča pogodbenica in pri katerih je potrebno mnenje centralnih organov zastopane pogodbenice ali drugih držav članic, izvaja zastopajoča pogodbenica.
6. člen 
1. Takse za obdelavo vizumskih vlog ali izdajo vizumov se knjižijo v dobro diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata, pri katerem je bila vloga vložena.
2. Pogodbenici druga drugo uradno obvestita, katere kategorije vizumov se izdajajo brez zaračunavanja taks. Stroške, povezane z obdelavo vseh vizumskih vlog, v celoti krije diplomatsko predstavništvo ali konzulat zastopajoče pogodbenice in se ne zaračunavajo drugi pogodbenici.
7. člen 
Pristojna organa pogodbenic za izvajanje sporazuma sta:
1) za Republiko Slovenijo:
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve
2) za Republiko Poljsko:
Minister za zunanje zadeve
8. člen 
Pristojna organa pogodbenic skleneta tehnične dogovore z izmenjavo not, v katerih navedeta diplomatska predstavništva in konzulate, ki so pristojni za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma, ter bistvene tehnične in finančne podrobnosti sodelovanja.
9. člen 
Pogodbenici morebitne spore glede izvajanja ali razlage sporazuma rešujeta po diplomatski poti.
10. člen 
Sporazum se lahko na pobudo ene ali druge pogodbenice po diplomatski poti kadarkoli v celoti ali delno spremeni.
11. člen 
1. Sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Katera koli pogodbenica ga lahko odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom po diplomatski poti. Odpoved začne veljati 30 (trideset) dni po prejemu uradnega obvestila druge pogodbenice.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica si pridržuje pravico, da v celoti ali delno začasno preneha izvajati sporazum. Drugo pogodbenico se o začasnem prenehanju izvajanja sporazuma uradno obvesti po diplomatski poti najmanj 72 ur pred uvedbo tega ukrepa.
3. Sporazum med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Ministrom za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske o sodelovanju pri izdaji vizumov, sklenjen v Varšavi dne 14. marca 2008, preneha veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
4. Priloga k sporazumu, omenjena v tretjem odstavku, s seznamom tretjih držav, kjer se izvaja vizumsko zastopanje, se uporablja do takrat, ko začne veljati nov tehnični dogovor.
Ta sporazum je sklenjen v angleškem jeziku.
Če Vlada Republike Slovenije meni, da je navedeni predlog sprejemljiv, ima poljska stran čast predlagati, da ta nota in nota – odgovor slovenske strani sestavljata Sporazum (v obliki izmenjave not) med Vlado Republike Poljske in Vlado Republike Slovenije o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov, ki začne veljati na dan prejema zadnjega pisnega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici obvestita, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje odlično spoštovanje.«
V odgovor ima Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije čast potrditi, da so te določbe za Vlado Republike Slovenije sprejemljive in da nota Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske št. DK.3301.15.2019/23 z dne 13. julija 2020 in ta nota sestavljata Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o vzajemnem zastopanju pri izdaji vizumov.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Poljske svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 7. septembra 2020
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen 
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-17/2020
Ljubljana, dne 9. decembra 2020
EVA 2020-1811-0033
Vlada Republike Slovenije 
Janez Janša 
predsednik vlade 

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