Uradni list

Številka 24
Uradni list RS, št. 24/2018 z dne 13. 4. 2018
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 24/2018 z dne 13. 4. 2018


11. Uradba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah, stran 85.

Na podlagi šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD in 31/15) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
U R E D B O 
o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah 
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah, sklenjen z izmenjavo not 8. novembra 2016.
2. člen 
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
No. 630/23-612/1-3024
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and on behalf of the Government of Ukraine has the honour to propose to conclude the Agreement (in the form of exchange of notes) between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on paid employment of members of the family of employees of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to and international organization as follows:
“The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have agreed on a reciprocal basis that members of the family of diplomatic agents, consular officers, administrative and technical staff of the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State shall have the right for paid employment in the Receiving State. Such paid employment shall be carried out under the terms and conditions established by the Receiving State for its own citizens in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State and after obtaining a relevant permit under this Agreement.
Article 1 
For the purposes of this Agreement the term:
1. “paid employment” means performance of any labour function under the terms and conditions of an employment contract concluded in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State, as well as any independent professional activity envisaging a payment.
2. “a member of the family” means a person, who lives together with and is dependent on the employee of the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State, namely:
a) a spouse;
b) the unmarried dependent children under 18 years old;
c) the unmarried dependent children under 26 years old who are full-time students at a post-secondary educational institution;
d) the unmarried children who are physically or mentally disabled.
Article 2 
1. To obtain a paid employment permit an official note verbale should be sent by the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State.
Such note verbale shall certify that a person is the member of the family as it is defined in Article 1 of this Agreement and indicate a type of paid employment which such person is intended to perform.
2. After confirming that a person has the status of the member of the family as it is defined in Article 1 of this Agreement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State shall issue authorization for the requested person which allows paid employment in the territory of the Receiving State.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State shall communicate in writing such authorization to the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State.
Article 3 
1. A member of the family who enjoys immunities in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations or any other international agreement that provides immunities and who is employed in accordance with this Agreement, shall have no immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of the Receiving State while having paid employment under this Agreement and shall be subject to the relevant legislation in force and court decisions of the Receiving State.
2. In case a member of the family enjoys immunities from criminal jurisdiction in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1946 Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations or any other international agreement that provides immunities in the Receiving State, the Sending State shall waive immunity of such member of the family with regard to criminal jurisdiction in case of committing a crime while having paid employment under this Agreement in the territory of the Receiving State, except in the case when the Sending State considers that such waiving would affect its national interests.
3. The above provision on waiving the immunities from criminal jurisdiction shall not apply to the execution of court decisions of the Receiving State, which shall require a separate waiving. In this case the Sending State shall thoroughly consider the waiving of such immunity.
Article 4 
A member of the family, who has paid employment in the Receiving State under this Agreement, acquires the status of a taxpayer in the Receiving State and shall comply fully with the relevant tax, labour and social security legislation of the Receiving State.
Article 5 
1. This Agreement does not allow a member of the family to be employed on a post which according to the legislation in force of the Receiving State can be taken only by the citizen of the Receiving State.
2. This Agreement does not envisage the automatic recognition by the Parties of any diploma, qualification or scientific or professional degree. Such recognition shall be done in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State or bilateral or multilateral agreements to which the Parties are party.
Article 6 
The permit for paid employment in the Receiving State obtained under this Agreement by members of the family of the employee of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State shall terminate automatically when such employee finishes his/her official functions in the Receiving State.
Article 7 
This Agreement can be amended at any time by the written consent of the Parties confirmed through diplomatic channels. Such amendment shall enter into force in the same manner as this Agreement.
Article 8 
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
2. This Agreement can be terminated at any time by either Party giving a six (6) months advance written notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement.
3. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of permits for paid employment, issued under this Agreement before its termination, which shall remain in force for the period specified in Article 6 of this Agreement.”
If the above proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ukrainian Side proposes that this note and the positive note in reply of the Slovenian Side constitute the Agreement (in the form of exchange of notes) between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on paid employment of members of the family of employees of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Parties through diplomatic channels of the last written notification on the fulfilment of their internal procedures necessary for this Agreement to enter into force.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consiredation.
Kyiv, November 3, 2016 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
of the Republic of Slovenia 
Št. 630/23-612/1-3024
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Ukrajine izraža odlično spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in ima v imenu Vlade Ukrajine čast predlagati sklenitev naslednjega Sporazuma (v obliki izmenjave not) med Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine in Vlado Republike Slovenije o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah:
»Vlada Republike Slovenije in Kabinet ministrov Ukrajine, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenika, sta se na podlagi vzajemnosti dogovorila, da imajo družinski člani diplomatov, konzularnih uslužbencev, članov administrativnega in tehničnega osebja diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji pravico do opravljanja pridobitne dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici. Taka pridobitna dejavnost se opravlja pod pogoji, ki v državi sprejemnici veljajo za njene državljane, in v skladu z njeno veljavno zakonodajo po pridobitvi ustreznega dovoljenja po tem sporazumu.
1. člen
V tem sporazumu izraz:
1. »pridobitna dejavnost« pomeni opravljanje kakršnega koli dela po pogodbi o zaposlitvi, sklenjeni v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo države sprejemnice, ter samostojno opravljanje dejavnosti za plačilo;
2. »družinski član« pomeni vzdrževano osebo, ki živi v skupnem gospodinjstvu s članom diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji, in sicer:
a) zakonca;
b) neporočene vzdrževane otroke do 18. leta;
c) neporočene vzdrževane otroke do 26. leta, če so redni študentje visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov;
d) neporočene otroke, ki so telesno ali duševno prizadeti.
2. člen
1. Diplomatsko predstavništvo, konzulat ali predstavništvo države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji pošlje ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice uradno verbalno noto z zaprosilom za soglasje k opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti.
Verbalna nota potrjuje, da je ta oseba družinski član, kakor je opredeljeno v 1. členu tega sporazuma, in navaja vrsto pridobitne dejavnosti, ki jo namerava opravljati.
2. Potem ko se preveri, da ima oseba status družinskega člana, kakor je opredeljeno v 1. členu tega sporazuma, ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice osebi izda soglasje za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti na njenem ozemlju.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice o soglasju pisno obvesti diplomatsko predstavništvo, konzulat ali predstavništvo države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji.
3. člen
1. Družinski član, ki uživa imunitete v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih iz leta 1961, Dunajsko konvencijo o konzularnih odnosih iz leta 1963, Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov iz leta 1946 ali drugim mednarodnim sporazumom, po katerem so opredeljene imunitete, in ki se zaposli po tem sporazumu, med zaposlitvijo po tem sporazumu ne uživa imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo države sprejemnice v civilnih in upravnih zadevah in zanj veljajo veljavna zakonodaja in sodne odločbe države sprejemnice.
2. Država pošiljateljica se za družinskega člana, ki je upravičen do imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih iz leta 1961, Dunajsko konvencijo o konzularnih odnosih iz leta 1963, Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov iz leta 1946 ali drugem mednarodnem sporazumu, po katerem so opredeljene imunitete v državi sprejemnici, odreče imuniteti pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji med opravljanjem pridobitne dejavnosti po tem sporazumu na ozemlju države sprejemnice, razen če država pošiljateljica ne meni, da bi odrek vplival na njene nacionalne interese.
3. Zgornja določba o odreku imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah se ne uporablja za izvrševanje sodnih odločb države sprejemnice, za kar je potreben poseben odrek. V tem primeru država pošiljateljica resno preuči odrek taki imuniteti.
4. člen
Družinski član, ki v državi sprejemnici opravlja pridobitno dejavnost po tem sporazumu, pridobi status davčnega zavezanca v državi sprejemnici in spoštuje njeno davčno, delovno in socialnovarstveno zakonodajo.
5. člen
1. Ta sporazum družinskemu članu ne omogoča zasedbe delovnega mesta, na katerem se v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo države sprejemnice lahko zaposli samo njen državljan.
2. Ta sporazum ne predvideva samodejnega priznavanja diplom, poklicnih kvalifikacij ali znanstvenih ali strokovnih nazivov pogodbenikov. Za tako priznavanje se uporabljajo veljavna zakonodaja države sprejemnice ali dvostranski ali večstranski sporazumi, katerih pogodbenika sta pogodbenika.
6. člen
Dovoljenje za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici, ki ga po tem sporazumu pridobijo družinski člani člana diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji, samodejno preneha, ko se temu izteče napotitev v državi sprejemnici.
7. člen
Sporazum se lahko kadar koli spremeni s pisnim soglasjem pogodbenikov po diplomatski poti. Spremembe začnejo veljati na enak način kakor sporazum.
8. člen
1. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas.
2. Pogodbenika ga lahko kadarkoli odpovesta, tako da o tem 6 (šest) mesecev prej pisno obvestita drugega pogodbenika.
3. Odpoved sporazuma ne vpliva na veljavnost dovoljenj za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti, izdanih po tem sporazumu pred odpovedjo, ki ostanejo v veljavi do izteka obdobja iz 6. člena.«
Če Vlada Republike Slovenije meni, da je navedeni predlog sprejemljiv, ima ukrajinska stran čast predlagati, da ta nota in povratna nota slovenske strani sestavljata Sporazum (v obliki izmenjave not) med Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine in Vlado Republike Slovenije o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah, ki začne veljati na dan, ko pogodbenika prejmeta zadnje pisno uradno obvestilo po diplomatski poti, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Ukrajine izkorišča tudi to priložnost, da Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ponovno izrazi svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Kijev, 3. november 2016 
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve 
Republike Slovenije 
No. 5611-43/2016/6 (30/16)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and has the honour to confirm the receipt of the Ministry‘s note No. 630/23-612/1-3024 of 3 November 2016 stating the following:
“The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have agreed on a reciprocal basis that members of the family of diplomatic agents, consular officers, administrative and technical staff of the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State shall have the right for paid employment in the Receiving State. Such paid employment shall be carried out under the terms and conditions established by the Receiving State for its own citizens in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State and after obtaining a relevant permit under this Agreement.
Article 1 
For the purposes of this Agreement the term:
1. “paid employment” means performance of any labour function under the terms and conditions of an employment contract concluded in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State, as well as any independent professional activity envisaging a payment.
2. “a member of the family” means a person, who lives together with and is dependent on the employee of the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State, namely:
a) a spouse;
b) the unmarried dependent children under 18 years old;
c) the unmarried dependent children under 26 years old who are full-time students at a post-secondary educational institution;
d) the unmarried children who are physically or mentally disabled.
Article 2 
1. To obtain a paid employment permit an official note verbale should be sent by the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State.
Such note verbale shall certify that a person is the member of the family as it is defined in Article 1 of this Agreement and indicate a type of paid employment which such person is intended to perform.
2. After confirming that a person has the status of the member of the family as it is defined in Article 1 of this Agreement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State shall issue authorization for the requested person which allows paid employment in the territory of the Receiving State.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Receiving State shall communicate in writing such authorization to the diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State.
Article 3 
1. A member of the family who enjoys immunities in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations or any other international agreement that provides immunities and who is employed in accordance with this Agreement, shall have no immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction of the Receiving State while having paid employment under this Agreement and shall be subject to the relevant legislation in force and court decisions of the Receiving State.
2. In case a member of the family enjoys immunities from criminal jurisdiction in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, the 1946 Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations or any other international agreement that provides immunities in the Receiving State, the Sending State shall waive immunity of such member of the family with regard to criminal jurisdiction in case of committing a crime while having paid employment under this Agreement in the territory of the Receiving State, except in the case when the Sending State considers that such waiving would affect its national interests.
3. The above provision on waiving the immunities from criminal jurisdiction shall not apply to the execution of court decisions of the Receiving State, which shall require a separate waiving. In this case the Sending State shall thoroughly consider the waiving of such immunity.
Article 4 
A member of the family, who has paid employment in the Receiving State under this Agreement, acquires the status of a taxpayer in the Receiving State and shall comply fully with the relevant tax, labour and social security legislation of the Receiving State.
Article 5 
1. This Agreement does not allow a member of the family to be employed on a post which according to the legislation in force of the Receiving State can be taken only by the citizen of the Receiving State.
2. This Agreement does not envisage the automatic recognition by the Parties of any diploma, qualification or scientific or professional degree. Such recognition shall be done in accordance with the legislation in force of the Receiving State or bilateral or multilateral agreements to which the Parties are party.
Article 6 
The permit for paid employment in the Receiving State obtained under this Agreement by members of the family of the employee of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization of the Sending State shall terminate automatically when such employee finishes his/her official functions in the Receiving State.
Article 7 
This Agreement can be amended at any time by the written consent of the Parties confirmed through diplomatic channels. Such amendment shall enter into force in the same manner as this Agreement.
Article 8 
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
2. This Agreement can be terminated at any time by either Party giving a six (6) months advance written notice to the other Party of its intention to terminate this Agreement.
3. Termination of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of permits for paid employment, issued under this Agreement before its termination, which shall remain in force for the period specified in Article 6 of this Agreement.
If the above proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Ukrainian Side proposes that this note and the positive note in reply of the Slovenian Side constitute the Agreement (in the form of exchange of notes) between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on paid employment of members of the family of employees of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Parties through diplomatic channels of the last written notification on the fulfilment of their internal procedures necessary for this Agreement to enter into force.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia has the honour to confirm that these provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and that the Note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine No. 630/23-612/1-3024 of 3 November 2016 and this Note constitute the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on paid employment of members of the family of employees of diplomatic mission, consular post or mission to an international organization, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Parties through diplomatic channels of the last written notification on the fulfilment of their internal procedures necessary for this Agreement to enter into force.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 8 November 2016
Št. 5611-43/2016/6 (30/16)
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje odlično spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Ukrajine in ima čast potrditi prejem note ministrstva št. 630/23-612/1-3024 z dne 3. novembra 2016, ki obvešča o naslednjem:
»Vlada Republike Slovenije in Kabinet ministrov Ukrajine, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenika, sta se na podlagi vzajemnosti dogovorila, da imajo družinski člani diplomatov, konzularnih uslužbencev, članov administrativnega in tehničnega osebja diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji pravico do opravljanja pridobitne dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici. Taka pridobitna dejavnost se opravlja pod pogoji, ki v državi sprejemnici veljajo za njene državljane, in v skladu z njeno veljavno zakonodajo po pridobitvi ustreznega dovoljenja po tem sporazumu.
1. člen
V tem sporazumu izraz:
1. »pridobitna dejavnost« pomeni opravljanje kakršnega koli dela po pogodbi o zaposlitvi, sklenjeni v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo države sprejemnice, ter samostojno opravljanje dejavnosti za plačilo;
2. »družinski član« pomeni vzdrževano osebo, ki živi v skupnem gospodinjstvu s članom diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji, in sicer:
a) zakonca;
b) neporočene vzdrževane otroke do 18. leta;
c) neporočene vzdrževane otroke do 26. leta, če so redni študentje visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov;
d) neporočene otroke, ki so telesno ali duševno prizadeti.
2. člen
1. Diplomatsko predstavništvo, konzulat ali predstavništvo države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji pošlje ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice uradno verbalno noto z zaprosilom za soglasje k opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti.
Verbalna nota potrjuje, da je ta oseba družinski član, kakor je opredeljeno v 1. členu tega sporazuma, in navaja vrsto pridobitne dejavnosti, ki jo namerava opravljati.
2. Potem ko se preveri, da ima oseba status družinskega člana, kakor je opredeljeno v 1. členu tega sporazuma, ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice osebi izda soglasje za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti na njenem ozemlju.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve države sprejemnice o soglasju pisno obvesti diplomatsko predstavništvo, konzulat ali predstavništvo države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji.
3. člen
1. Družinski član, ki uživa imunitete v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih iz leta 1961, Dunajsko konvencijo o konzularnih odnosih iz leta 1963, Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov iz leta 1946 ali drugim mednarodnim sporazumom, po katerem so opredeljene imunitete, in ki se zaposli po tem sporazumu, med zaposlitvijo po tem sporazumu ne uživa imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo države sprejemnice v civilnih in upravnih zadevah in zanj veljajo veljavna zakonodaja in sodne odločbe države sprejemnice.
2. Država pošiljateljica se za družinskega člana, ki je upravičen do imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah v skladu z Dunajsko konvencijo o diplomatskih odnosih iz leta 1961, Dunajsko konvencijo o konzularnih odnosih iz leta 1963, Konvencijo o privilegijih in imunitetah Združenih narodov iz leta 1946 ali drugem mednarodnem sporazumu, po katerem so opredeljene imunitete v državi sprejemnici, odreče imuniteti pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji med opravljanjem pridobitne dejavnosti po tem sporazumu na ozemlju države sprejemnice, razen če država pošiljateljica ne meni, da bi odrek vplival na njene nacionalne interese.
3. Zgornja določba o odreku imunitete pred sodno pristojnostjo v kazenskih zadevah se ne uporablja za izvrševanje sodnih odločb države sprejemnice, za kar je potreben poseben odrek. V tem primeru država pošiljateljica resno preuči odrek taki imuniteti.
4. člen
Družinski član, ki v državi sprejemnici opravlja pridobitno dejavnost po tem sporazumu, pridobi status davčnega zavezanca v državi sprejemnici in spoštuje njeno davčno, delovno in socialnovarstveno zakonodajo.
5. člen
1. Ta sporazum družinskemu članu ne omogoča zasedbe delovnega mesta, na katerem se v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo države sprejemnice lahko zaposli samo njen državljan.
2. Ta sporazum ne predvideva samodejnega priznavanja diplom, poklicnih kvalifikacij ali znanstvenih ali strokovnih nazivov pogodbenikov. Za tako priznavanje se uporabljajo veljavna zakonodaja države sprejemnice ali dvostranski ali večstranski sporazumi, katerih pogodbenika sta pogodbenika.
6. člen
Dovoljenje za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti v državi sprejemnici, ki ga po tem sporazumu pridobijo družinski člani člana diplomatskega predstavništva, konzulata ali predstavništva države pošiljateljice pri mednarodni organizaciji, samodejno preneha, ko se temu izteče napotitev v državi sprejemnici.
7. člen
Sporazum se lahko kadar koli spremeni s pisnim soglasjem pogodbenikov po diplomatski poti. Spremembe začnejo veljati na enak način kakor sporazum.
8. člen
1. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas.
2. Sporazum lahko pogodbenika kadarkoli odpovesta, tako da o tem 6 (šest) mesecev prej pisno obvestita drugega pogodbenika.
3. Odpoved sporazuma ne vpliva na veljavnost dovoljenj za opravljanje pridobitne dejavnosti, izdanih po tem sporazumu pred odpovedjo, ki ostanejo v veljavi do izteka obdobja iz 6. člena.
Če Vlada Republike Slovenije meni, da je navedeni predlog sprejemljiv, ima ukrajinska stran čast predlagati, da ta nota in povratna nota slovenske strani sestavljata Sporazum (v obliki izmenjave not) med Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine in Vlado Republike Slovenije o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah, ki začne veljati na dan, ko pogodbenika prejmeta zadnje pisno uradno obvestilo po diplomatski poti, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.«
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ima čast potrditi, da so te določbe za Vlado Republike Slovenije sprejemljive in da nota Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Ukrajine št. 630/23-612/1-3024 z dne 3. novembra 2016 in ta nota sestavljata Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o opravljanju pridobitne dejavnosti za družinske člane članov diplomatskih predstavništev, konzulatov ali predstavništev pri mednarodnih organizacijah, ki začne veljati na dan, ko pogodbenika prejmeta zadnje pisno uradno obvestilo po diplomatski poti, da so končani notranjepravni postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izkorišča tudi to priložnost, da Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Ukrajine ponovno izrazi svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 8. november 2016
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen 
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-11/2018
Ljubljana, dne 5. aprila 2018
EVA 2017-1811-0011
Vlada Republike Slovenije 
dr. Miroslav Cerar l.r.

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