Uradni list

Številka 29
Uradni list RS, št. 29/2017 z dne 9. 6. 2017
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 29/2017 z dne 9. 6. 2017


36. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR) v zvezi z elektronskim tovornim listom (MDPMCPB), stran 114.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
U K A Z 
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR) v zvezi z elektronskim tovornim listom (MDPMCPB) 
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR) v zvezi z elektronskim tovornim listom (MDPMCPB), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 24. maja 2017.
Št. 003-02-5/2017-18
Ljubljana, dne 1. junija 2017
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije 
Z A K O N 
1. člen
Ratificira se Dodatni protokol h Konvenciji o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR) v zvezi z elektronskim tovornim listom, sklenjen v Ženevi 20. februarja 2008.
2. člen 
Besedilo dodatnega protokola se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
The Parties to this Protocol, 
Being Parties to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), done at Geneva on 19 May 1956,
Desirous of supplementing the Convention in order to facilitate the optional making out of the consignment note by means of procedures used for the electronic recording and handling of data,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 
For the purposes of this Protocol,
“Convention” means the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR);
“Electronic communication” means information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, optical, digital or similar means with the result that the information communicated is accessible so as to be usable for subsequent reference;
“Electronic consignment note” means a consignment note issued by electronic communication by the carrier, the sender or any other party interested in the performance of a contract of carriage to which the Convention applies, including particulars logically associated with the electronic communication by attachments or otherwise linked to the electronic communication contemporaneously with or subsequent to its issue, so as to become part of the electronic consignment note;
“Electronic signature” means data in electronic form which are attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and which serve as a method of authentication.
Article 2 
Scope and effect of the electronic consignment note 
1. Subject to the provisions of this Protocol, the consignment note referred to in the Convention, as well as any demand, declaration, instruction, request, reservation or other communication relating to the performance of a contract of carriage to which the Convention applies, may be made out by electronic communication.
2. An electronic consignment note that complies with the provisions of this Protocol shall be considered to be equivalent to the consignment note referred to in the Convention and shall therefore have the same evidentiary value and produce the same effects as that consignment note.
Article 3 
Authentication of the electronic consignment note 
1. The electronic consignment note shall be authenticated by the parties to the contract of carriage by means of a reliable electronic signature that ensures its link with the electronic consignment note. The reliability of an electronic signature method is presumed, unless otherwise proved, if the electronic signature:
(a) is uniquely linked to the signatory;
(b) is capable of identifying the signatory;
(c) is created using means that the signatory can maintain under his sole control; and
(d) is linked to the data to which it relates in such a manner that any subsequent change of the data is detectable.
2. The electronic consignment note may also be authenticated by any other electronic authentication method permitted by the law of the country in which the electronic consignment note has been made out.
3. The particulars contained in the electronic consignment note shall be accessible to any party entitled thereto.
Article 4 
Conditions for the establishment of the electronic consignment note 
1. The electronic consignment note shall contain the same particulars as the consignment note referred to in the Convention.
2. The procedure used to issue the electronic consignment note shall ensure the integrity of the particulars contained therein from the time when it was first generated in its final form. There is integrity when the particulars have remained complete and unaltered, apart from any addition or change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage and display.
3. The particulars contained in the electronic consignment note may be supplemented or amended in the cases authorized by the Convention.
The procedure used for supplementing or amending the electronic consignment note shall make it possible to detect as such any supplement or amendment to the electronic consignment note and shall preserve the particulars originally contained therein.
Article 5 
Implementation of the electronic consignment note 
1. The parties interested in the performance of the contract of carriage shall agree on the procedures and their implementation in order to comply with the requirements of this Protocol and the Convention, in particular as regards:
(a) The method for the issuance and the delivery of the electronic consignment note to the entitled party;
(b) An assurance that the electronic consignment note retains its integrity;
(c) The manner in which the party entitled to the rights arising out of the electronic consignment note is able to demonstrate that entitlement;
(d) The way in which confirmation is given that delivery to the consignee has been effected;
(e) The procedures for supplementing or amending the electronic consignment note; and
(f) The procedures for the possible replacement of the electronic consignment note by a consignment note issued by different means.
2. The procedures in paragraph 1 must be referred to in the electronic consignment note and shall be readily ascertainable.
Article 6 
Documents supplementing the electronic consignment note 
1. The carrier shall hand over to the sender, at the latter’s request, a receipt for the goods and all information necessary for identifying the shipment and for access to the electronic consignment note to which this Protocol refers.
2. The documents referred to in Article 6, paragraph 2 (g) and Article 11 of the Convention may be furnished by the sender to the carrier in the form of an electronic communication if the documents exist in this form and if the parties have agreed to procedures enabling a link to be established between these documents and the electronic consignment note to which this Protocol refers in a manner that assures their integrity.
Article 7 
Signature, ratification, accession 
1. This Protocol shall be open for signature by States which are signatories to or Parties to the Convention and are either members of the Economic Commission for Europe or have been admitted to the Commission in a consultative capacity under paragraph 8 of the Commission’s terms of reference.
2. This Protocol shall be open for signature at Geneva from 27 to 30 May 2008 inclusive and after this date, at United Nations Headquarters in New York until 30 June 2009 inclusive.
3. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification by signatory States and open for accession by non-signatory States, referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, which are Parties to the Convention.
4. Such States as may participate in certain activities of the Economic Commission for Europe in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Commission’s terms of reference and which have acceded to the Convention may become Parties to this Protocol by acceding thereto after its entry into force.
5. Ratification or accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
6. Any instrument of ratification or accession, deposited after the entry into force of an amendment to this Protocol adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 hereafter, shall be deemed to apply to the Protocol as modified by the amendment.
Article 8 
Entry into force 
1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after five of the States referred to in article 7, paragraph 3, of this Protocol, have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession.
2. For any State ratifying or acceding to it after five States have deposited their instruments of ratification or accession, this Protocol shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the said State has deposited its instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 9 
1. Any Party may denounce this Protocol by so notifying the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
2. Denunciation shall take effect 12 months after the date of receipt by the Secretary-General of the notification of denunciation.
3. Any State which ceases to be Party to the Convention shall on the same date cease to be Party to this Protocol.
Article 10 
If, after the entry into force of this Protocol, the number of Parties is reduced, as a result of denunciations, to less than five, this Protocol shall cease to be in force from the date on which the last of such denunciations takes effect. It shall also cease to be in force from the date on which the Convention ceases to be in force.
Article 11 
Any dispute between two or more Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Protocol which the Parties are unable to settle by negotiation or other means may, at the request of any one of the Parties concerned, be referred for settlement to the International Court of Justice.
Article 12 
1. Any State may, at the time of signing, ratifying, or acceding to this Protocol, declare by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations that it does not consider itself bound by article 11 of this Protocol. Other Parties shall not be bound by article 11 of this Protocol in respect of any Party which has entered such a reservation.
2. The declaration referred to in paragraph 1 of this article may be withdrawn at any time by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
3. No other reservation to this Protocol shall be permitted.
Article 13 
1. Once this Protocol is in force, it may be amended according to the procedure defined in this article.
2. Any proposed amendment to this Protocol presented by a Party to this Protocol shall be submitted to the Working Party on Road Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) for consideration and decision.
3. The Parties to this Protocol shall make all possible efforts to achieve consensus. If, despite these efforts, consensus is not reached on the proposed amendment, it shall require, as a last resort, for adoption a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting. A proposed amendment adopted either by consensus or by a two-thirds majority of Parties shall be submitted by the secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe to the Secretary-General to be circulated for acceptance to all Parties to this Protocol, as well as to signatory States.
4. Within a period of nine months from the date on which the proposed amendment is communicated by the Secretary-General, any Party may inform the Secretary-General that it has an objection to the amendment proposed.
5. The proposed amendment shall be deemed to have been accepted if, by the end of the period of nine months foreseen in the preceding paragraph, no objection has been notified by a Party to this Protocol. If an objection is stated, the proposed amendment shall be of no effect.
6. In the case of a country which becomes a Contracting Party to this Protocol between the moment of notification of a proposal for amendment and the end of the nine-month period foreseen in paragraph 4 of this article, the secretariat of the Working Party on Road Transport of the Economic Commission for Europe shall notify the new State Party about the proposed amendment as soon as possible. The latter may inform the Secretary-General before the end of this period of nine months that it has an objection to the proposed amendment.
7. The Secretary-General shall notify, as soon as possible, all the Parties of objections raised in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Article as well as of any amendment accepted according to paragraph 5 above.
8. Any amendment deemed to have been accepted shall enter into force six months after the date of notification of such acceptance by the Secretary-General to Parties.
Article 14 
Convening of a diplomatic conference 
1. Once this Protocol is in force, any Party may, by notification to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, request that a conference be convened for the purpose of reviewing this Protocol. The Secretary-General shall notify all Parties of the request and a review conference shall be convened by the Secretary-General if, within a period of four months following the date of notification by the Secretary-General, not less than one fourth of the Parties to this Protocol notify him of their concurrence with the request.
2. If a conference is convened in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Secretary-General shall notify all the Parties and invite them to submit within a period of three months such proposals as they may wish the Conference to consider. The Secretary-General shall circulate to all Parties the provisional agenda for the Conference together with the texts of such proposals at least three months before the date on which the Conference is to meet.
3. The Secretary-General shall invite to any conference convened in accordance with this article all States referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4, of this Protocol.
Article 15 
Notifications to States 
In addition to the notifications provided for in Articles 13 and 14, the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify the States referred to in Article 7, paragraph 1, above, and the States which have become Parties to this Protocol in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 7, of:
(a) Ratifications and accessions under Article 7;
(b) The dates of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Article 8;
(c) Denunciations under Article 9;
(d) The termination of this Protocol in accordance with article 10;
(e) Declarations and notifications received in accordance with Article 12, paragraphs 1 and 2.
Article 16 
The original of this Protocol shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who shall send certified true copies thereof to all the States referred to Article 7, paragraphs 1, 3 and 4, of this Protocol.
DONE at Geneva, this twentieth day of February two thousand and eight, in a single copy in the English and French languages, each text being equally authentic.
Pogodbenice tega protokola,
ki so pogodbenice Konvencije o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR), sklenjene v Ženevi 19. maja 1956, so se
v želji dopolniti konvencijo tako, da s postopki, ki se uporabljajo za elektronsko zapisovanje podatkov in ravnanje z njimi, olajšajo neobvezno izdajo tovornega lista,
1. člen 
Opredelitev izrazov 
V tem protokolu
»konvencija« pomeni Konvencijo o pogodbi za mednarodni cestni prevoz blaga (CMR);
»elektronska komunikacija« pomeni informacije, ki nastanejo, se pošljejo, prejmejo ali shranijo z elektronskimi, optičnimi, digitalnimi ali podobnimi sredstvi, tako da so sporočene informacije dostopne za poznejše sklicevanje;
»elektronski tovorni list« pomeni tovorni list, ki ga z elektronsko komunikacijo izda prevoznik, pošiljatelj ali katera koli druga stranka, ki je zainteresirana za izvajanje prevozne pogodbe, za katero se uporablja konvencija, vključno s podatki, ki so smiselno povezani z elektronsko komunikacijo s prilogami ali so z njo kako drugače povezani ob ali po njegovi izdaji, tako da postanejo del elektronskega tovornega lista;
»elektronski podpis« pomeni podatke v elektronski obliki, ki so dodani k drugim elektronskim podatkom ali so smiselno povezani z njimi in so namenjeni preverjanju pristnosti.
2. člen 
Področje uporabe in učinek elektronskega tovornega lista 
1. Ob upoštevanju določb tega protokola se lahko tovorni list iz konvencije, pa tudi vsaka zahteva, izjava, navodilo, prošnja, pridržek ali druga komunikacija v zvezi z izvajanjem prevozne pogodbe, za katero se uporablja konvencija, izda z elektronsko komunikacijo.
2. Šteje se, da je elektronski tovorni list, ki je v skladu z določbami tega protokola, enakovreden tovornemu listu iz konvencije ter ima enako dokazno vrednost in enake učinke kot tovorni list iz konvencije.
3. člen 
Preverjanje pristnosti elektronskega tovornega lista 
1. Stranke prevozne pogodbe preverijo pristnost elektronskega tovornega lista z zanesljivim elektronskim podpisom, ki zagotavlja povezanost z elektronskim tovornim listom. Če se ne dokaže drugače, se domneva, da je način elektronskega podpisa zanesljiv, če je elektronski podpis:
(a) povezan izključno s podpisnikom;
(b) tak, da omogoča identifikacijo podpisnika;
(c) ustvarjen s sredstvi, ki so izključno pod podpisnikovim nadzorom, in
(d) povezan s podatki, na katere se nanaša, tako, da je mogoče zaznati vsako poznejšo spremembo teh podatkov.
2. Pristnost elektronskega tovornega lista se lahko preveri tudi s katerim koli drugim elektronskim načinom preverjanja pristnosti, ki ga dovoljuje zakonodaja države, v kateri je bil elektronski tovorni list izdan.
3. Podatki, ki jih vsebuje elektronski tovorni list, so dostopni vsem strankam, ki so do njih upravičene.
4. člen 
Pogoji za vzpostavitev elektronskega tovornega lista 
1. Elektronski tovorni list vsebuje enake podatke kot tovorni list iz konvencije.
2. Postopek, ki se uporablja za izdajo elektronskega tovornega lista, zagotavlja celovitost podatkov v njem od takrat, ko se elektronski list prvič ustvari v končni obliki. Podatki so celoviti, kadar ostanejo popolni in nespremenjeni, z izjemo dopolnitev ali sprememb, ki nastanejo pri običajni komunikaciji, shranjevanju in prikazu.
3. Podatki v elektronskem tovornem listu se lahko v primerih, ki jih dovoljuje konvencija, dopolnijo ali spremenijo.
Postopek za dopolnjevanje ali spreminjanje elektronskega tovornega lista omogoča zaznavanje vsake dopolnitve ali spremembe elektronskega tovornega lista in ohranja izvirne podatke.
5. člen 
Izvajanje elektronskega tovornega lista 
1. Stranke, ki so zainteresirane za izvajanje prevozne pogodbe, se zaradi skladnosti z zahtevami tega protokola in konvencije dogovorijo o postopkih in njihovem izvajanju, zlasti glede:
(a) načina izdaje in dostave elektronskega tovornega lista upravičeni stranki;
(b) zagotovila, da je elektronski tovorni list celovit;
(c) načina, na katerega lahko stranka, upravičena do pravic, ki izhajajo iz elektronskega tovornega lista, izkaže svojo upravičenost;
(d) načina izdaje potrdila o opravljeni dostavi prejemniku;
(e) postopkov za dopolnjevanje ali spreminjanje elektronskega tovornega lista in
(f) postopkov za morebitno zamenjavo elektronskega tovornega lista s tovornim listom, ki je izdan z drugimi sredstvi.
2. Postopki iz prvega odstavka se morajo navesti v elektronskem tovornem listu in morajo biti zlahka preverljivi.
6. člen 
Dokumenti, ki dopolnjujejo elektronski tovorni list 
1. Prevoznik pošiljatelju na njegovo zahtevo izroči potrdilo o prevzemu blaga in vse informacije, potrebne za identifikacijo pošiljke in dostop do elektronskega tovornega lista, na katerega se nanaša ta protokol.
2. Pošiljatelj lahko dokumente iz točke g drugega odstavka 6. člena in 11. člena konvencije predloži prevozniku v obliki elektronske komunikacije, če so ti dokumenti v tej obliki in so se stranke dogovorile o postopkih, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev povezave med temi dokumenti in elektronskim tovornim listom, na katerega se nanaša ta protokol, na način, ki zagotavlja njihovo celovitost.
7. člen 
Podpis, ratifikacija, pristop 
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis državam, ki so podpisnice ali pogodbenice konvencije in so ali članice Ekonomske komisije za Evropo ali sprejete v to komisijo s posvetovalnim statusom po osmem odstavku poslovnika komisije.
2. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis v Ženevi od 27. do vključno 30. maja 2008 in po tem dnevu na sedežu Združenih narodov v New Yorku do vključno 30. junija 2009.
3. Države podpisnice ta protokol ratificirajo, za države iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ki niso njegove podpisnice in so pogodbenice konvencije, pa je protokol na voljo za pristop.
4. Države, ki lahko sodelujejo pri nekaterih dejavnostih Ekonomske komisije za Evropo v skladu z enajstim odstavkom njenega poslovnika in so pristopile h konvenciji, lahko postanejo pogodbenice tega protokola, tako da k njemu pristopijo po začetku njegove veljavnosti.
5. Ratifikacija ali pristop se izvede z deponiranjem listine pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.
6. Šteje se, da se vsaka listina o ratifikaciji ali pristopu, ki se deponira po začetku veljavnosti spremembe tega protokola, sprejete v skladu z določbami 13. člena tega protokola, nanaša na protokol, kakor je bil spremenjen s to spremembo.
8. člen 
Začetek veljavnosti 
1. Ta protokol začne veljati devetdeseti dan po tem, ko pet držav iz tretjega odstavka 7. člena tega protokola deponira svoje listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
2. Za vsako državo, ki protokol ratificira ali k njemu pristopi po tem, ko pet držav deponira svoje listine o ratifikaciji ali pristopu, začne ta protokol veljati devetdeseti dan po tem, ko ta država deponira svojo listino o ratifikaciji ali pristopu.
9. člen 
1. Pogodbenica lahko ta protokol odpove z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov.
2. Odpoved začne učinkovati dvanajst mesecev po dnevu, ko generalni sekretar prejme uradno obvestilo o odpovedi.
3. Na dan, ko država preneha biti pogodbenica konvencije, preneha biti tudi pogodbenica tega protokola.
10. člen 
Če se po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola zaradi odpovedi število pogodbenic zmanjša na manj kot pet, ta protokol preneha veljati z dnem, ko je začela učinkovati zadnja odpoved. Prav tako preneha veljati z dnem, ko preneha veljati konvencija.
11. člen 
Spor med dvema ali več pogodbenicami zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega protokola, ki ga pogodbenice ne morejo rešiti s pogajanjem ali kako drugače, se lahko na zahtevo katere koli med njimi predloži v obravnavo Meddržavnemu sodišču.
12. člen 
1. Država lahko ob podpisu ali ratifikaciji tega protokola ali pristopu k njemu z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Združenih narodov, izjavi, da je 11. člen tega protokola ne zavezuje. Drugih pogodbenic 11. člen tega protokola glede pogodbenice, ki je izrazila tak pridržek, ne zavezuje.
2. Izjava iz prvega odstavka tega člena se lahko kadar koli umakne z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Združenih narodov.
3. K temu protokolu niso dovoljeni nobeni drugi pridržki.
13. člen 
1. Po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola se ta protokol lahko spremeni v skladu s postopkom, opredeljenim v tem členu.
2. Vsaka sprememba tega protokola, ki jo predlaga pogodbenica protokola, se predloži v obravnavo in odločitev delovni skupini za cestni promet Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo (UNECE).
3. Pogodbenice tega protokola si po najboljših močeh prizadevajo doseči soglasje. Če se soglasje o predlagani spremembi kljub prizadevanjem ne doseže, je za sprejetje v skrajnem primeru potrebna dvotretjinska večina prisotnih in glasujočih pogodbenic. Sekretariat Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo predlagano spremembo, ki je sprejeta soglasno ali z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, predloži generalnemu sekretarju, ki jo pošlje v sprejetje vsem pogodbenicam tega protokola in tudi državam podpisnicam.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko v devetih mesecih od dneva sporočila generalnega sekretarja o predlagani spremembi obvesti generalnega sekretarja, da ugovarja predlagani spremembi.
5. Šteje se, da je predlagana sprememba sprejeta, če ji do konca obdobja devetih mesecev iz prejšnjega odstavka nobena pogodbenica tega protokola ne ugovarja. Če se izrazi ugovor, predlagana sprememba ne učinkuje.
6. Če država postane pogodbenica tega protokola v času med uradnim obvestilom o predlogu za spremembo in koncem devetmesečnega obdobja iz četrtega odstavka tega člena, sekretariat delovne skupine za cestni promet Ekonomske komisije za Evropo novo državo pogodbenico čim hitreje obvesti o predlagani spremembi. Nova država pogodbenica lahko pred iztekom navedenega obdobja devetih mesecev obvesti generalnega sekretarja, da ugovarja predlagani spremembi.
7. Generalni sekretar čim hitreje uradno obvesti vse pogodbenice o ugovorih, izraženih v skladu s četrtim in šestim odstavkom tega člena, in o spremembah, sprejetih v skladu s petim odstavkom.
8. Vsaka sprememba, za katero se šteje, da je bila sprejeta, začne veljati šest mesecev po dnevu, ko generalni sekretar uradno obvesti pogodbenice o njenem sprejetju.
14. člen 
Sklic diplomatske konference 
1. Po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola lahko vsaka pogodbenica z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov zahteva sklic konference za revizijo tega protokola. Generalni sekretar o tej zahtevi uradno obvesti vse pogodbenice in skliče revizijsko konferenco, če ga v štirih mesecih po dnevu njegovega uradnega obvestila najmanj četrtina pogodbenic tega protokola uradno obvesti, da soglaša s to zahtevo.
2. Če je konferenca sklicana v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom, generalni sekretar o tem uradno obvesti vse pogodbenice in jih povabi, da v treh mesecih predložijo predloge, za katere želijo, da se obravnavajo na konferenci. Generalni sekretar pošlje vsem pogodbenicam začasni dnevni red konference skupaj z besedili teh predlogov najmanj tri mesece pred dnevom začetka konference.
3. Generalni sekretar povabi na vsako konferenco, sklicano v skladu s tem členom, vse države iz prvega, tretjega in četrtega odstavka 7. člena tega protokola.
15. člen 
Uradno obveščanje držav 
Poleg uradnih obvestil iz 13. in 14. člena generalni sekretar Združenih narodov države iz prvega odstavka 7. člena in države, ki so postale pogodbenice tega protokola v skladu s tretjim in četrtim odstavkom 7. člena, uradno obvešča o:
(a) ratifikacijah in pristopih po 7. členu;
(b) dnevih začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu z 8. členom;
(c) odpovedih po 9. členu;
(d) prenehanju veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu z 10. členom;
(e) izjavah in uradnih obvestilih, prejetih v skladu s prvim in drugim odstavkom 12. člena.
16. člen 
Izvirnik tega protokola je deponiran pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov, ki pošlje overjene kopije izvirnika vsem državam iz prvega, tretjega in četrtega odstavka 7. člena tega protokola.
SKLENJENO v Ženevi dvajsetega februarja dva tisoč osem v enem izvodu v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni.
3. člen 
Za izvajanje dodatnega protokola skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za cestni promet.
4. člen 
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-07/17-33/9
Ljubljana, dne 24. maja 2017
EPA 1937-VII
Državni zbor 
Republike Slovenije 
dr. Milan Brglez l.r.

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