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Uradni list RS, št. 57/2012 z dne 27. 7. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 57/2012 z dne 27. 7. 2012


Št. 478-3/2012/3 Ob-3727/12 , Stran 1761
Št. 478-3/2012/3 Ob-3727/12
Contracting Authority: Pursuant to the Act on Physical Assets of the State, Regions and Municipalities (RS Official Gazette, no. 86/10) and the Decree on the Management of Physical Assets of the State, Regions and Municipalities (RS Official Gazette, no. 34/11), the Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Langusova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana announces
Call for Tenders
for Sale of Movable Property
1. Name and seat of the tendering authority: Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Langusova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana. 2. Subject of sale Description Na tem mestu je v objavi uporabljena tabela ali kakšen drug element, ki ni tekst. Takšen element je viden v PDF datoteki! Technical information: Na tem mestu je v objavi uporabljena tabela ali kakšen drug element, ki ni tekst. Takšen element je viden v PDF datoteki! Commercial information: Na tem mestu je v objavi uporabljena tabela ali kakšen drug element, ki ni tekst. Takšen element je viden v PDF datoteki! Status of aircraft: Na tem mestu je v objavi uporabljena tabela ali kakšen drug element, ki ni tekst. Takšen element je viden v PDF datoteki! Information in the sections Aircraft hrs/cyc and no. of hrs/cyc for engines 1 and 2 reflects the situation on 24 May 2012 and is subject to change due to the continuing airworthiness and maintenance of the aircraft until its sale. 3. Type of legal transaction: Sale of aircraft. 4. Inspection of aircraft Inspection of aircraft will be possible on the basis of a preliminary arrangement. Interested buyers can obtain detailed information on the subject of sale for their tenders at the following point of contact: Polonca Vagaja Hribar, tel. +386 1 244 66 03, e-mail: polona.vagaja-hribar@caa.si. 5. Tendering security Tenders must be accompanied with a certificate of paid security in the amount of 10% of the tendered price. Security shall be paid on the transaction account of the Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, no: IBAN SI56 0110 0600 0036 204, under »Security for the purchase of aircraft 2012«. The security will be included in the purchase price of the successful tenderer or withheld if the tenderer fails to conclude a contact. Unsuccessful tenderers will receive the security without interest within 30 days after the written contract award notification. 6. Conditions of sale – The aircraft will be sold on an »as is« basis. – Tenderers will receive written notification about the result of the tender procedure within 8 days after the public opening of tenders. – The successful tenderer is obliged to conclude a contract of sale with the seller within 15 days after confirmed receipt of notification of the contract award in electronic form, or within 15 days of the service of the notification of the contract award. – The seller shall hand over the aircraft to the buyer, and the buyer shall take over the aircraft within 8 days upon paying the full purchase price. – Until handover of the subject of the contract to the buyer, the seller will suffer incidental demolition or damage to property. When the subject of the contract is handed over, the buyer will suffer damage. If the subject of the contract has not been handed over to the buyer due to the buyer`s delay in taking over the aircraft, the buyer shall suffer damage from the start of the delay. – Expenses for transfer of ownership and any other costs arising from the sale will be borne by the buyer. – All expenses and charges arising from maintenance, airworthiness, insurance and other matters in relation to the subject of the contact incurred until handover of the aircraft will be borne by the seller. Expenses incurred after handover of the aircraft will be borne by the buyer. – The best tenderer will be selected on the basis of the price. The best tenderer is the one offering the highest price. The price tendered shall be expressed in Euros and cannot be lower than 12.600.227,00 EUR. Should there be several qualifying tenders among the ones received, the selection will be based on further negotiations. – Only tenders meeting the required conditions will be considered. The written tender shall include: name of tenderer, address and telephone number, and the tender price. Tenderers are required to furnish: – Certificate of paid security; – Complete bank account number and bank details; – Written statement about acceptance of tender conditions; and – Power of attorney for a person participating as an agent in the opening of tenders. 7. Method and term of the purchase price payment The buyer shall pay the price according to the invoice issued by the seller on the account of the Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia no. IBAN SI56 0110 0600 0036 204 within 30 days at the latest. The payment of the full purchase price within the fixed timeframe is the essential element of the sales contract. 8. Terms for submission of tenders Tenders should be delivered to the address: Javna agencija za civilno letalstvo Republike Slovenije, Langusova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, by mail or in person to the mailroom (Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Langusova ulica 4, 1000 Ljubljana, 1st floor, room no. 18) by 2 pm on 27 August 2012 at the latest in order to be considered for opening. The front page of the envelope shall bear the inscription: »Ne odpiraj – Ponudba – Prodaja letala -2012« (in English: Do not open – Tender – Sale of Aircraft – 2012). The back page of the envelope shall be furnished with the name and address of the tenderer. 9. Tender validity period: Tenderers shall be bound by their tenders until 31 December 2012. 10. Time and location of the opening of tenders Public opening of tenders will take place at 11 am on 31 August 2012 in the premises of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning, Langusova ulica 4, Ljubljana (6th floor, conference room no. 601). 11. Termination of procedure The Government of the Republic of Slovenia may terminate the sale procedure before the conclusion of the legal transaction, whereby tenderers shall be compensated for their expenses in the amount of costs stated for the receipt of the tender documentation. 12. Point of contact for the tender procedure: First name and last name: Polonca Vagaja Hribar, E-mail address: polona.vagaja-hribar@caa.si. The text of the call for tenders has been published on the website of the Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia: http://www.caa.si. The intent for sale can also be found in international aviation publications.
Civil Aviation Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

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