Uradni list

Številka 83
Uradni list RS, št. 83/2012 z dne 6. 11. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 83/2012 z dne 6. 11. 2012


71. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju pri varstvu pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami (BMKSVN), stran 295.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju pri varstvu pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami (BMKSVN)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju pri varstvu pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami (BMKSVN), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 26. septembra 2012.
Št. 003-02-7/2012-4
Ljubljana, dne 4. oktobra 2012
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o sodelovanju pri varstvu pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, podpisan v Zagrebu 14. oktobra 2010.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(*):
Vlada Republike Slovenije
in Vlada Republike Makedonije
(v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici),
sta se
v prepričanju o nujnosti medsebojnega sodelovanja pri preprečevanju in ublažitvi posledic naravnih in drugih nesreč (v nadaljnjem besedilu nesreče),
ob upoštevanju vloge Evropske unije, Organizacije združenih narodov in drugih mednarodnih organizacij na področju varstva pred nesrečami
1. člen
Namen sporazuma
(1) Ta sporazum ureja okvirne pogoje prostovoljnega nudenja medsebojne pomoči ob nesrečah na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, pogoje sodelovanja pri preprečevanju nesreč ter druge oblike medsebojnega sodelovanja.
(2) Sodelovanje med pogodbenicama poteka po načelih vzajemnosti in v okviru zmogljivosti držav pogodbenic.
2. člen
Področja sodelovanja
(1) Sodelovanje med pogodbenicama poteka predvsem na naslednjih področjih:
a) izmenjava znanstvenih in tehničnih informacij na področju varstva pred nesrečami;
b) izobraževanje in usposabljanje članov reševalnih ekip in strokovnjakov za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč;
c) sodelovanje pri razvijanju in proizvodnji zaščitne in reševalne opreme;
d) medsebojno obveščanje o nevarnostih nesreč in njihovih posledicah;
e) pomoč ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah pri zaščiti in reševanju ter odpravljanju posledic nesreč.
(2) Za izvajanje tega sporazuma in uresničevanje sodelovanja na področjih iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko pogodbenici skleneta izvedbene dogovore.
(3) Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med državnimi organi, vladnimi in nevladnimi ustanovami ter organizacijami, ki opravljajo dejavnost na področju varstva pred nesrečami.
3. člen
Pomen izrazov
Izrazi, uporabljeni v tem sporazumu, pomenijo:
a) naravne in druge nesreče so nesreče, ki jih povzročijo naravne sile, industrijske dejavnosti in drugi civilizacijsko povzročeni škodni dogodki, razen vojne, ki ogrozijo življenje, premoženje in okolje ter bistveno poslabšajo življenjske razmere;
b) podatki in informacije o nevarnostih so podatki in informacije o nesrečah, katerih namen je zgodnje obveščanje o pretečih nevarnostih, ter uveljavljanje zaščitnih in drugih ukrepov pri zagotavljanju varnosti ljudi, premoženja in okolja;
c) zaščitni ukrepi so preventivni in zaščitni ukrepi in dejavnosti: za preprečevanje, ublažitev in odpravo nevarnosti, ki ogroža prebivalstvo, in za ohranjanje materialnih dobrin in okolja;
d) reševanje in zagotavljanje pomoči so dejavnosti vseh reševalnih sil in sredstev, katerih namen je neposredno in posredno lajšanje in odpravljanje posledic nesreč;
e) reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, so ustrezno usposobljene in opremljene skupine in osebe, ki jih država pošiljateljica določi za dajanje pomoči;
f) zaščitna, reševalna in druga oprema so sredstva za osebno in skupinsko zaščito, reševalna oprema, prevozna sredstva (vozila, plovila in zrakoplovi) ter tehnična in druga sredstva, ki jih uporabljajo reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč;
g) človekoljubna pomoč so živila, pitna voda, zdravila, sanitetni material in drugo blago, namenjeno brezplačni razdelitvi prizadetemu in ogroženemu prebivalstvu kot pomoč pri lajšanju posledic nesreč;
h) država prejemnica je pogodbenica, katere pristojni organi zaprosijo drugo pogodbenico za pomoč;
i) država pošiljateljica je pogodbenica, katere pristojni organi ugodijo prošnji druge pogodbenice za pomoč;
j) država tranzita je država, po ozemlju katere poteka prehod enot za reševanje in pomoč ter opreme za potrebe pogodbenic.
4. člen
Pristojni organi
(1) Za izvajanje tega sporazuma sta pristojna organa držav pogodbenic:
– za Republiko Slovenijo: Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije – Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje;
– za Republiko Makedonijo: Direkcija za zaščito in reševanje.
(2) Pristojna organa se zaradi izvajanja tega sporazuma sestajata po potrebi.
(3) Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma so pristojni organi iz prvega odstavka tega člena pooblaščeni, da vzpostavijo neposredne stike in povezave. Za to pristojni organi izmenjajo naslove in podatke o telekomunikacijskih povezavah (telefon, faks in elektronska pošta) in kontaktnih osebah.
(4) Pogodbenici se pisno obvestita o spremembah pristojnih organov in njihovih naslovov, telekomunikacijskih povezav in oseb za stike najpozneje v 30 dneh od spremembe.
5. člen
Sodelovanje človekoljubnih organizacij
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med njunimi človekoljubnimi organizacijami na področju varstva pred nesrečami.
6. člen
Izmenjava spoznanj in izkušenj
(1) Pogodbenici se zaradi predvidevanja in odpravljanja posledic nesreč ter učinkovitejše zaščite in reševanja obveščata o znanstvenih in tehničnih spoznanjih ter izkušnjah.
(2) Pogodbenici si izmenjujeta informacije o veljavnem notranjem pravu na področju varstva pred nesrečami.
(3) Pogodbenici si prizadevata učinkovito uporabljati rezultate in izsledke znanstvenega in tehničnega sodelovanja na področju varstva pred nesrečami tudi pri gospodarskem in drugem sodelovanju.
7. člen
Izobraževanje in usposabljanje
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje pri izobraževanju in usposabljanju osebja, ki sodeluje pri dejavnostih zaščite in reševanja, in sicer na naslednji način:
a) z vzpostavljanjem neposrednih povezav in sodelovanja izobraževalnih organizacij ter izmenjavo predavateljev, inštruktorjev in drugih strokovnjakov;
b) z organiziranjem izobraževanja in usposabljanja osebja;
c) z izmenjavo učnega gradiva in sredstev ter izkušenj, pridobljenih med dejavnostmi zaščite in reševanja;
d) z organizacijo skupnih vaj na področju zaščite in reševanja.
8. člen
Razvijanje in proizvodnja zaščitne in reševalne ter druge opreme
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med vladnimi ustanovami in poslovnimi subjekti na področju tehnološkega razvoja in proizvodnje zaščitne in reševalne opreme.
9. člen
Obveščanje o nevarnostih in nesrečah
(1) Pogodbenici se obveščata o nevarnostih in nesrečah, ki lahko ogrozijo ali prizadenejo katero od pogodbenic.
(2) Obvestilo o nevarnosti ali nesreči vsebuje: opis nevarnosti ali nesreče, podatke o kraju, času, obsegu in posledicah nesreče ter o sprejetih zaščitnih ukrepih.
(3) Pogodbenici se ob nesreči obvestita tudi o potrebni in razpoložljivi pomoči ter o možnostih in oblikah dajanja pomoči.
(4) Obvestilo o nevarnosti ali nesreči se lahko sporoči pisno ali ustno v jezikih pogodbenic. Ustno obvestilo je treba pisno potrditi.
(5) Za obveščanje o nevarnostih in nesrečah ter za vlaganje in sprejemanje prošenj za pomoč so pristojni organi držav pogodbenic:
– za Republiko Slovenijo:
– Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije – Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje;
– za Republiko Makedonijo:
– Direkcija za zaščito in reševanje.
10. člen
Nudenje pomoči
(1) Pogodbenica, ki jo je prizadela nesreča, lahko prosi za pomoč drugo pogodbenico. Pomoč lahko vključuje reševalne ekipe, posameznike, zaščitno in reševalno opremo ter človekoljubno pomoč.
(2) Zaprosilo za pomoč iz prvega odstavka tega člena mora vsebovati: podatke o vrsti in obsegu potrebne pomoči, podatke o organih in osebah, s katerimi se vzpostavi stik, ter predlog o oblikah dajanja pomoči.
(3) Pomoč se nudi v skladu s predpisi pogodbenic.
11. člen
Prestop državne meje in bivanje na ozemlju države druge pogodbenice
(1) Zaradi hitrejšega in učinkovitejšega zagotavljanja pomoči pri zaščiti in reševanju ter odpravljanju posledic nesreč pogodbenici reševalnim ekipam in posameznikom, ki nudijo pomoč, zagotovita poenostavljeni postopek za prestop državne meje.
(2) O času in kraju prestopa državne meje, načinu prihoda in odhoda ter o času bivanja reševalnih ekip in posameznikov, ki nudijo pomoč na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, se dogovorita pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka 4. člena.
(3) Reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, morajo imeti ustrezne dokumente, ki so jih izdali pristojni organi države pošiljateljice in ki dokazujejo njihovo identiteto.
(4) Reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, imajo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice pravico nositi svojo uniformo.
(5) Na območje druge pogodbenice ni dovoljeno vnašati orožja, streliva in eksplozivnih sredstev.
(6) Pogodbenici zagotavljata izvajanje tega člena tudi, kadar je ena od njiju država tranzita. Pristojna organa iz prvega odstavka 4. člena se v najkrajšem možnem času obvestita o tranzitnih zahtevah, opredelita izvedbene postopke in po potrebi med prehodom tranzitni skupini zagotovita uradno spremstvo.
12. člen
Vnos in iznos opreme in sredstev pomoči
(1) Ob nesrečah pogodbenici poenostavita postopke v zvezi z vnosom, iznosom in prevozom zaščitne in reševalne opreme ter sredstev pomoči preko državne meje. Pri prestopu državne meje mora vodja reševalne ekipe mejni službi države prejemnice predložiti seznam zaščitne in reševalne opreme ter sredstev pomoči.
(2) Reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, lahko preko državne meje prenesejo le zaščitno in reševalno opremo, sredstva, ki so potrebna za njihovo oskrbo in delovanje, in sredstva pomoči.
(3) Za vnos in iznos zaščitne in reševalne opreme in sredstev pomoči ne veljajo mednarodne prepovedi in omejitve, ki veljajo za uvoz in izvoz blaga v blagovnem prometu. Če se zaščitna in reševalna oprema ne porabi, jo je treba vrniti državi pošiljateljici. Če sredstva ali oprema ostanejo v državi prejemnici kot pomoč, je treba pristojnemu organu države prejemnice sporočiti vrsto, količino in lokacijo opreme, ki o tem obvesti pristojni carinski organ. V tem primeru veljajo predpisi države prejemnice.
(4) Določbe tretjega odstavka tega člena veljajo tudi za vnos zdravil, ki vsebujejo narkotike in psihotropne snovi, v državo prejemnico, za vračilo neporabljenih količin državi pošiljateljici. Vnos in iznos narkotikov in psihotropnih snovi v okviru mednarodnih sporazumov se ne šteje za uvoz in izvoz blaga v zunanji trgovini. Vnos zdravil, ki vsebujejo narkotike in psihotropne snovi, je dovoljen le v količinah, potrebnih za nujno medicinsko pomoč. Uporabljajo se lahko le pod nadzorom ustrezno usposobljenega zdravstvenega osebja v skladu s predpisi pogodbenice, iz katere prihaja reševalna ekipa.
(5) Država pošiljateljica obvešča državo prejemnico o količinah porabljenih zdravil, ki vsebujejo narkotike in psihotropne snovi.
13. člen
Uporaba zrakoplovov in plovil
(1) Zrakoplovi in plovila se lahko uporabljajo za nujni prevoz reševalnih ekip ali posameznikov, ki nudijo pomoč, zaščitne, reševalne in druge opreme ter za druge vrste pomoči v skladu s tem sporazumom.
(2) O nudenju pomoči ter uporabi zrakoplovov in plovil pri zaščiti in reševanju je treba nemudoma obvestiti organ, ki je zaprosil za pomoč, in mu sporočiti natančne podatke o vrsti in oznakah zrakoplovov in plovil, njihovih posadkah in tovoru ter druge potrebne podatke. Čas, predvideno smer letenja ali plovbe ter kraj pristanka določi država prejemnica.
(3) V zvezi s prestopom državne meje se za posadke zrakoplovov in plovil ter reševalne ekipe in posameznike, ki nudijo pomoč, smiselno uporabljajo določbe 11. člena tega sporazuma. Za zrakoplove in plovila, prepeljano zaščitno in reševalno opremo in sredstva pomoči veljajo določbe 12. člena tega sporazuma.
(4) Pri uporabi zrakoplovov veljajo predpisi pogodbenic, ki urejajo letenje zrakoplovov. Vsak načrt leta mora vsebovati potrebne podatke, ki se nanašajo na nameravan let ali na del leta zrakoplova. Te podatke je treba poslati enotam služb zračnega prometa. Za pogodbenici so obvezni standardi in usmeritve Mednarodne organizacije za civilno letalstvo.
(5) Pri uporabi plovil veljajo predpisi pogodbenic s področja plovbe po celinskih vodah ter mednarodni predpisi in standardi.
14. člen
Uporaba vojaških zrakoplovov in vojaških plovil
Uporaba vojaških zrakoplovov in vojaških plovil za namene tega sporazuma je dovoljena le v soglasju z državo prejemnico.
15. člen
Pristojnosti za vodenje
(1) Za vodenje reševalnih akcij in nudenje pomoči so v vseh primerih pristojni organi države prejemnice.
(2) Organi iz prvega odstavka tega člena zaupajo naloge izključno vodjem reševalnih ekip države pošiljateljice, ki svoje podrejene seznanijo s podrobnostmi izvajanja.
16. člen
Zaščita in pomoč pri delu reševalnih ekip
Pristojni organi države prejemnice zagotovijo reševalnim ekipam in posameznikom države pošiljateljice, ki opravljajo naloge reševanja in zagotavljanja pomoči, nujno medicinsko oskrbo, ustrezno zaščito in pomoč.
17. člen
Stroški pomoči
(1) Država pošiljateljica ni upravičena do zahtevka za povračilo stroškov za dano pomoč od države prejemnice. To velja tudi za stroške, ki bi nastali zaradi uporabe, poškodbe ali izgube zaščitne, reševalne in druge opreme vključno s prevoznimi sredstvi.
(2) Stroške pomoči, ki jo dajejo pravne ali fizične osebe s posredovanjem države pošiljateljice, krije država prejemnica. To pomoč mora država prejemnica zahtevati neposredno in se mora strinjati z nadomestitvijo stroškov za dano pomoč.
(3) Prevozna sredstva, ki se uporabljajo pri izvajanju pomoči, so oproščena plačila za uporabo prometne infrastrukture ter morebitnih dajatev ali drugih prispevkov.
(4) Če reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, porabijo zaloge, ki so jih pripeljali s seboj, stroške za njihovo oskrbo, nastanitev in potrebna materialna sredstva do zaključka izvajanja pomoči krije država prejemnica. Po potrebi se jim zagotovi ustrezna logistična podpora in medicinska oskrba.
18. člen
Povračila in odškodnine
(1) Pogodbenici se odpovedujeta vsakemu zahtevku za povračilo škode na zaščitni, reševalni in drugi opremi, če je škodo povzročila reševalna ekipa ali posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, po tem sporazumu, in škoda ni bila povzročena namerno.
(2) Pogodbenici se odpovedujeta vsem zahtevkom za odškodnino v primeru telesne poškodbe in trajnih posledicah za zdravje ali smrti udeleženca v reševalni akciji, če se je to zgodilo med opravljanjem reševalnih nalog po tem sporazumu, razen če to ni bilo povzročeno namerno.
(3) Če je bila pri opravljanju nalog iz tega sporazuma povzročena škoda tretji osebi, prevzame odgovornost država prejemnica, kakor če bi to škodo povzročile njene reševalne ekipe in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, razen če posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, in reševalne ekipe države pošiljateljice škode niso povzročili namerno.
(4) Odškodninska odgovornost, določena v prvem in drugem odstavku tega člena, obstaja od prihoda na ozemlje ali v zračni prostor države prejemnice do zapustitve njenega ozemlja ali zračnega prostora.
(5) Pogodbenici izvajata določbe tega člena tudi, kadar sta državi tranzita.
19. člen
Uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijskih sredstev
(1) Pristojni organi pogodbenic zagotovijo informacijsko-komunikacijske povezave, zlasti telefonske, radijske in druge zveze med organi, reševalnimi ekipami in posamezniki, ki nudijo pomoč, v skladu s tem sporazumom, pri čemer upoštevajo mednarodno dogovorjena pravila komuniciranja. Pristojni organi pogodbenic zagotavljajo tudi dostop do svetovnega spleta.
(2) Pogodbenici si izmenjata sezname radijskih frekvenc, ki se za komuniciranje lahko uporabljajo na njunem ozemlju.
20. člen
Začetek veljavnosti sporazuma
(1) Ta sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas.
(2) Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega uradnega obvestila, da so izpolnjeni notranje pravni pogoji za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
21. člen
Vpliv tega sporazuma na druge sporazume
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti pogodbenic po drugih mednarodnih sporazumih.
22. člen
Reševanje sporov
Pogodbenici spore v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma rešujeta izključno s posvetovanji in pogajanji.
23. člen
Spremembe sporazuma
(1) Sporazum lahko pogodbenici spremenita s podpisom ločenega protokola, ki začne veljati v skladu z drugim odstavkom 20. člena tega sporazuma.
(2) Pisna obvestila pogodbenic o spremembah podatkov pristojnih organov in njihovih naslovov, telekomunikacijskih povezav in oseb za stike ne štejejo za spremembe tega sporazuma.
24. člen
Prenehanje veljavnosti sporazuma
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico pisno po diplomatski poti odpovedati sporazum. V tem primeru sporazum preneha veljati tri mesece od dneva prejema uradnega obvestila o njegovi odpovedi.
(2) Prenehanje veljavnosti tega sporazuma ne vpliva na obveznosti glede njegovega izvajanja, ki na dan prenehanja veljavnosti še trajajo.
Sestavljeno v Zagrebu dne 14. oktobra 2010 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, makedonskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri različni razlagi ali uporabi določb tega sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Boris Balant l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Makedonije
Shaban Saliu l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties");
Convinced of the necessity of mutual cooperation in the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of natural and other disasters (hereinafter referred to as "disasters");
Considering the role of the European Union, the United Nations Organization and other international organizations in the area of protection against disasters;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Purpose of the Agreement
(1) This Agreement shall regulate the framework conditions for the voluntary provision of mutual assistance in the event of disasters in the territory of the other Party, conditions for cooperation in the area of disaster prevention and other forms of mutual cooperation.
(2) Cooperation between the Parties shall follow the principles of reciprocity and shall be conducted within the capabilities of the Parties.
Article 2
Areas of Co-operation
(1) Co-operation between the Parties shall include in particular the following areas:
a) exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and expertise in the field of protection against disasters;
b) education and training of personnel who participate in protection and rescue activities;
c) development and production of protection and rescue equipment;
d) mutual notification of disaster risks and their consequences;
e) assistance in the case of disasters in the areas of protection and rescue, as well as elimination of their consequences.
(2) For the implementation of this Agreement and realisation of co-operation in the areas referred to in the previous paragraph, the Parties may conclude implementing arrangements.
(3) The Parties shall advance co-operation between the national authorities, governmental and non-governmental institutions and organizations engaged in protection against disasters.
Article 3
Definitions of Terms
Terms used in this Agreement shall have the following meanings:
a) "natural and other disasters" are disasters caused by natural forces, industrial activity and other man-made events, excluding war, which endanger life, property and the environment and significantly worsen living conditions;
b) "data and information on hazards" are data on disasters, the purpose of which is early notification of imminent danger and implementation of protection and other measures for ensuring security for people, property and the environment;
c) "protective measures" are preventive and protective measures and activities:
– for the prevention, mitigation and elimination of a danger threatening the population,
– for the preservation of material goods and the environment.
d) "rescue and disaster relief" are the activities of all rescue forces and resources, the purpose of which is direct and indirect mitigation and elimination of the consequences of disasters;
e) "rescue and disaster relief teams and individuals" are adequately trained and equipped teams and persons designated by the sending State for the provision of assistance;
f) "protection, rescue and other equipment" are means of personal and collective protection, rescue equipment, means of transport (vehicles, vessels and aircraft), and technical and other means used by rescue teams and individuals providing assistance;
g) "humanitarian aid" is food, potable water, medications, medical supplies and other items intended for free distribution to an affected or threatened population as assistance in mitigating the consequences of disasters;
h) "receiving State" is the Party whose competent authorities request disaster relief from the other Party;
i) "sending State" is the Party whose competent authorities grant the assistance request of the other Party;
j) "country of transit" is a country whose territory is crossed by rescue and disaster relief units and equipment for the needs of the Parties.
Article 4
Competent Authorities
(1) Authority for the implementation of this Agreement shall lie with:
– for the Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia – Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief;
– For the Republic of Macedonia: Protection and Rescue Directorate.
(2) The competent authorities shall meet as necessary for efficient implementation of the Agreement.
(3) In implementing this Agreement, the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall be authorized to establish direct contacts and links. In this regard, the competent authorities shall exchange addresses and data on telecommunication links (telephone, fax and electronic mail) and points of contact.
(4) The Parties shall inform each other in writing of any subsequent changes of the competent authorities and their addresses, telecommunication links and points of contact, no later than 30 days following the date of change.
Article 5
Co-operation among Humanitarian Organizations
The Parties shall encourage co-operation among the humanitarian organizations of both Parties in the area of protection against disasters.
Article 6
Exchange of Knowledge and Experience
(1) The Parties shall inform each other of scientific and technical findings and experience for the purpose of anticipating and eliminating disasters, as well as more efficient protection and rescue.
(2) The Parties shall exchange information on applicable national law in the area of protection against disasters.
(3) The Parties shall strive for the efficient use of the results and findings of scientific and technical co-operation in the area of protection against disasters in economic and other forms of cooperation.
Article 7
Education and Training
The Parties shall promote mutual co-operation in the area of education and training of personnel who participate in protection and rescue activities through:
a) the establishment of direct links and co-operation between educational organizations and the exchange of lecturers, instructors and other experts;
b) the organisation of education and training of personnel;
c) the exchange of educational and teaching materials, as well as experience gained during protection and rescue activities;
d) the organisation of joint exercises in the area of protection and rescue.
Article 8
Development and Production of Protection and Rescue Equipment
The Parties shall encourage co-operation between government institutions and business entities in the areas of technological development and production of protection and rescue equipment.
Article 9
Notification of Threats and Disasters
(1) The Parties shall inform each other of threats and disasters that may threaten or affect either Party.
(2) A notification of a threat or disaster shall contain: a description of the threat or disaster, information on the location, time, scale and consequences of the disaster, as well as on protective measures taken.
(3) In the event of a disaster, the Parties shall also inform each other about required and available assistance, and the possibilities and manner of its provision.
(4) A notification of a threat or disaster may be communicated in writing or orally in the languages of the Parties. Oral notification must be confirmed in writing.
(5) The competent authorities of the Parties for notification of threats and disasters and for sending and receiving requests for assistance are:
− for the Republic of Slovenia:
− Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia – Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief;
− for the Republic of Macedonia:
− Protection and Rescue Directorate.
Article 10
Providing Assistance
(1) A Party affected by a disaster may request assistance from the other Party. Assistance may include rescue teams, individuals, protection and rescue equipment and humanitarian aid.
(2) A request for assistance referred to in paragraph 1 of this article must contain: information on the type and scope of required assistance, information on institutions and persons with which a link should be established, as well as a proposal for the manner of providing assistance.
(3) Assistance shall be provided in accordance with the regulations of the Parties.
Article 11
Crossing the State Border and Stay in the Territory of the Other Party
(1) In order to provide faster and more efficient assistance in protection and rescue, as well as elimination of the consequences, the Parties shall grant rescue teams and individuals providing assistance a simplified procedure for crossing the state border.
(2) The competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 4 shall agree on the time and location of crossing the state border, on the manner of arrival and departure, and on the duration of stay of rescue teams and individuals providing assistance in the territory of the other Party.
(3) Rescue teams and individuals providing assistance must possess relevant documents issued by the competent authorities of the sending State, which prove their identity.
(4) Members of rescue teams and individuals providing assistance shall be entitled to wear their uniforms in the territory of the other Party.
(5) It is prohibited to bring weapons, ammunition and explosive ordnance to the territory of the other Party.
(6) The Parties shall also ensure implementation of this article in the event of one of them being a country of transit. The competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 4 shall, at the earliest possible time, inform each other of transit requirements, specify implementation procedures and, if necessary, provide the transit group with an official escort during transit.
Article 12
Temporary Importation and Exportation of Equipment and Disaster Relief
(1) In the event of disasters, the Parties shall simplify procedures in relation to the temporary importation, exportation and transportation of protection and rescue equipment and disaster relief across the state border. When crossing the state border, the rescue team leader must submit a list of protection and rescue equipment and means of disaster relief to the border control authority of the receiving State.
(2) Rescue teams and individuals providing assistance may only take across the state border protection and rescue equipment and means required for their own provision and operation and for disaster relief.
(3) No international prohibitions and restrictions, as apply for the import and export of commercial goods, shall apply for the import and export of protection and rescue equipment and means of disaster relief. Should protection and rescue equipment not be used, it must be returned to the sending State. In the case of resources or equipment remaining as aid in the receiving State, the competent authority of the receiving State must be notified of the type, quantity and location of the equipment. This authority shall relay this information to the relevant customs authorities. In this case, the regulations of the receiving State shall apply.
(4) The provisions of paragraph 3 of this article shall also apply to temporary importation of medications containing narcotics and psychotropic substances into the receiving State, and to the return of unused quantities of these to the sending State. The temporary importation and exportation of narcotics and psychotropic substances within international agreements shall not be considered to be import and export of goods in foreign trade. Medications containing narcotics and psychotropic substances may only be imported in quantities required for urgent medical assistance and used under the supervision of medical professionals with proper medical training, in accordance with the regulations of the Party of the rescue team.
(5) The sending State shall inform the receiving State of the quantities of medication containing narcotics and psychotropic substances used.
Article 13
Use of Aircraft and Vessels
(1) Aircraft and vessels may be used for emergency transportation of rescue teams or individuals providing assistance, of protection, rescue and other equipment, and of other types of assistance in accordance with this Agreement.
(2) The authority requesting assistance must be immediately informed of the provision of disaster relief and the use of aircraft and vessels for protection and rescue, and given detailed information on the type and codes of the aircraft or vessels, their crews, cargo and other required parameters. The receiving State shall specify the time, planned flight or navigation route and location of arrival.
(3) The provisions of Article 11 of this Agreement shall apply as appropriate for aircraft and vessel crews, for rescue teams and individuals providing assistance, with regard to crossing the state border. The provisions of Article 12 of this Agreement shall apply for aircraft and vessels, protection and rescue equipment transported, and disaster relief.
(4) The regulations of the Parties governing aircraft flights shall apply to the use of aircraft. Each flight plan must contain required information concerning the planned aircraft flight or part thereof and must be submitted to Air Traffic Service units. The Parties shall be bound by the standards and guidelines of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
(5) The use of vessels shall be subject to regulations of the Parties in relation to navigation on inland waterways, as well as international regulations and standards.
Article 14
Use of Military Aircraft and Military Vessels
The use of military aircraft and military vessels for the purposes of this Agreement shall only be permitted in agreement with the receiving State.
Article 15
Responsible Authority
(1) The competent authorities of the receiving State shall in all cases be responsible for the management of rescue operations and the provision of assistance.
(2) The authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of this article shall only entrust tasks to heads of rescue teams of the sending State, who shall in turn inform their subordinates of the details of execution.
Article 16
Protection and Support of Rescue Teams’ Operations
The competent authorities of the receiving State shall provide rescue teams and individuals of the sending State performing rescue tasks and providing assistance, with emergency medical care as well as proper protection and support.
Article 17
Costs of Assistance
(1) The sending State shall not be entitled to claim reimbursement of costs from the receiving State for assistance provided. This shall also apply to costs incurred through the use, damage or loss of protection, rescue and other equipment, including transportation means.
(2) Costs of assistance provided by legal or natural persons through the sending State shall be covered by the receiving State. The receiving State must request this assistance directly and agree to reimburse the costs of assistance provided.
(3) Transportation means used for the provision of assistance shall be exempt from payment for the use of traffic infrastructure and possible charges or other contributions.
(4) Should rescue teams and individuals providing assistance run out of supplies brought with them, the receiving State shall cover the costs of their upkeep, accommodation and required supplies until the completion of their task of assistance. If necessary, proper logistical support and medical care shall be provided for them.
Article 18
Reimbursements and Damages
(1) The Parties shall renounce all claims for reimbursement for damage to protection, rescue and other equipment, provided that the damage is caused by the rescue team or individual assisting in performing rescue and disaster relief tasks according to this Agreement, and that the damage is not intentional.
(2) The Parties shall renounce any entitlement to compensation in the case of personal injuries and permanent consequences for health or in the event of death of a participant in a rescue operation, when this has occurred during the performance of rescue tasks under this Agreement, except in cases when it is intentional.
(3) In the case of damage inflicted on third persons during the performance of tasks covered by this Agreement, the receiving State shall assume responsibility as if the damage had been caused by its own rescue teams and individuals providing assistance, except in cases when damage is inflicted deliberately by the rescue teams or individuals providing assistance of the sending State.
(4) The damage liability specified in paragraph 1 and 2 of this article shall exist from arrival in the territory or airspace of the receiving State and until departure from its territory or airspace.
(5) The Parties shall also implement the provisions of this article in the event of them being countries of transit.
Article 19
Use of Information and Communication Means
(1) The competent authorities of the Parties shall provide mutual information and communication links, in particular telephone, radio and other links between the authorities, rescue teams and individuals providing assistance, in accordance with this Agreement, while respecting internationally agreed rules of communication. The competent authorities of the Parties shall also provide Internet access.
(2) The Parties shall exchange lists of radio frequencies authorized for use in their territories for the purposes of mutual communication.
Article 20
Entry into Force
(1) The Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
(2) The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last notification that the necessary requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
Article 21
Impact of the Agreement on Other Agreements
This Agreement does not prejudice the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from other international agreements.
Article 22
Settlement of Disputes
The Parties shall resolve disputes regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement exclusively by mutual consultations and negotiations.
Article 23
(1) The Parties may amend the Agreement by signing a separate protocol that shall enter into force in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 20 of this Agreement.
(2) Written notices of the Parties concerning modification of data of competent authorities and their addresses, telecommunication links and points of contact shall not be regarded as amendments to the Agreement.
Article 24
Termination of the Agreement
(1) Either Party has the right to terminate this Agreement in writing through diplomatic channels. Termination of the Agreement shall take effect three months from the date of receipt of the notification of its termination.
(2) Termination of this Agreement shall not prejudice obligations regarding its implementation that are still applicable on the date of its termination.
Done at Zagreb on 14 October 2010 in two originals each in the Slovene, Macedonian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the case of divergence of interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Boris Balant (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of Macedonia
Shaban Saliu (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo (Uprava Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje).
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-07/10-20/12
Ljubljana, dne 26. septembra 2012
EPA 1177-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Gregor Virant l.r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v makedonskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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