Uradni list

Številka 52
Uradni list RS, št. 52/2012 z dne 9. 7. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 52/2012 z dne 9. 7. 2012


41. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o Koordinacijskem odboru v okviru Pobude za sodelovanje obrambnih ministrstev jugovzhodne Evrope, stran 163.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o Koordinacijskem odboru v okviru Pobude za sodelovanje obrambnih ministrstev jugovzhodne Evrope, podpisan v Sofiji 21. oktobra 2009.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Defense Ministries of the States participating in the South-Eastern Europe Defense Ministerial (SEDM) process, hereinafter referred to as "the Parties";
– Reaffirming their dedication to the purposes and principles contained in the UN charter.
– Taking into consideration NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) documents;
– Confirming their commitment to contribute to peace and confidence and to foster good neighborly relations and close cooperation among the States in South-Eastern Europe;
– Noting commitment to the aims and principles stated in the Agreement on the Multinational Peace force South-Eastern Europe (hereinafter the MPFSEE Agreement), signed in Skopje on the 26th of September 1998 and concluded within the framework of SEDM;
– Believing that cooperation and partnership among the States of the region of South-Eastern Europe must be further developed for their benefit;
– Recognizing the need to find more effective ways to promote and coordinate numerous regional projects, initiatives and activities within the wider defense and security area in the framework of SEDM process;
– Determined to further develop and strengthen regional security and defense cooperation and willing to contribute to the integration of the region into the Euro-Atlantic structures;
– Noting that initiatives and activities in the SEDM context have multiplied, and therefore desiring to establish an appropriate structure in the framework of SEDM for the coordination of all SEDM initiatives and activities, as a whole;
– Recognizing the achievements of the politico-Military Steering Committee (hereinafter the PMSC, established pursuant to Article IV of the MPFSE Agreement;
Have agreed as follows:
1. SEDM Coordination Committee (SEDM-CC)
1.1. The Parties agree to establish a committee as an extended format of PMSC to coordinate, manage, propose, endorse, supervise and implement all SEDM initiatives and activities beyond the scope of the PMSC, as provided for in the MPFSEE Agreement and its related Protocols. The Basic aims of this committee are to provide the Parties with:
a. Advice, management and coordination of all activities and initiatives held within the SEDM framework;
b. A self-sustaining and standing forum for consultative and implementing purposes accountable to SEDM Ministers.
1.2 To accomplish these aims, SEDM-CC is constituted as a body with the equal participation of all Parties.
1.3 The SEDM-CC shall be responsible for the coordination, management, proposals, endorsement, supervision, and implementation of all activities and initiatives, which take place in the context of SEDM, and for the elaboration of relevant documentation to be submitted to the SEDM Ministers for approval.
1.4 In particular, the SEDM-CC shall have the following key functions:
a. Coordinating all meetings and preparing agendas of MODs, DCHODs and other political-military high-level meetings, through the SEDM-CC Secretariat, in cooperation with the host nation.
b. Elaborating proposals, making Recommendations and drafting assessments on future developments within the SEDM process.
c. Overseeing all SEDM working groups and approving their working plans.
d. Providing politico-military guidance to those working groups, as needed.
e. Promoting and coordinating SEDM activities with activities of other regional and international organizations in accordance with the guidance of the SEDM Ministers.
1.5 The Parties may also agree by consensus on other functions.
1.6 For the SEDM-CC, each Party nominates a delegation, headed by a senior representative who may he advised by experts.
2. SEDM-CC Chairperson
2.1 The SEDM-CC is presided over by the SEDM-CC Chairperson, who is also PMSC Chairperson, appointed by the Chairing Nation in accordance with the Article IV, Paragraph 8 of the MPFSEE Agreement.
2.2 The SEDM-CC Chairperson presides over all meetings and submits SEDM-CC documents to Ministers or DCHODs.
2.3 The SEDM-CC Chairperson performs all his/her duties, with the assistance of the SEDM-CC Secretariat.
3. SEDM-CC Secretariat
3.1 The nation holding the Chairmanship will take over the responsibility of the SEDM-CC Secretariat structure, functioning and manning.
3.2 The SEDM-CC Secretariat supports the Chairperson in the preparation of all documents and the coordination and conduct of all meetings and activities, at any level.
3.3. The Secretariat, under the supervision of the Chairperson, is responsible for the coordination of SEDM initiatives working groups.
3.4 The SEDM-CC Secretariat is responsible for the SEDM official web-site, all promotional publications, correspondence and archives.
4. SEDM Projects
4.1 Projects are common initiatives approved by SEDM Ministers whereby the Parties intend to achieve the objectives mentioned in the preamble of this Agreement.
4.2 Projects' cycle and function will be regulated by internal SEDM projects guidance approved by SEDM-CC.
The role of the SEDM-CC to coordinate and manage SEDM activities referred to in this Agreement does not include MPFSEE-related activities and does not constitute any change to or revision of the existing agreed functions, duties and responsibilities of the PMSC in relation to the MPFSEE Agreement, which continue to he in force without prejudice.
1. The SEDM-CC will hold either regular meetings before or after the meetings of the PMSC, twice a year, or special meetings held in response to a specific request by any Party or upon invitation by the Chairperson. Regular meetings and meetings upon invitation by the Chairperson will be hosted by the Party holding the Chairmanship. Special meetings will be hosted by the requesting Party.
2. The hosting Party of the SEDM-CC meeting covers all costs related to the meeting facilities, administrative expenses, internal transportation, accommodation and meals.
1. Participation in the SEDM process is based on the principle of volunteering and consensus of all SEDM member states.
2. Principles, criteria and procedures for participation in the SEDM process will be regulated by a framework document approved by SEDM Ministers.
3. Any State requesting full membership in the SEDM process shall be required to accede to this Agreement by signing a Note of Accession. This Note of Accession will be signed by all Parties.
1. Disputes arising from the interpretation or application of this Agreement will be settled by consultations among the Parties without recourse to outside jurisdiction.
2. Any Party may propose amendments to this Agreement in writing at any time. Any such amendments will be effective when accepted in writing by all Parties in accordance with respective national legal procedures.
1. This Agreement shall be subject to approval in accordance with respective national legal procedures. Upon completion of national legal procedures, each Party shall notify the depositary State. After all Parties have notified the depositary State that they have completed national legal procedures, this Agreement will enter into effect. 'The depositary shall duly inform all Parties.
2. The Parties agree, in so far as national legal procedures permit, to begin implementation of the provisions contained in this Agreement upon signature.
3. Upon entry into effect of this Agreement, the Agreement on the Establishment of a Coordination Committee in the Framework of the SEDM Process, signed in Thessaloniki on 9th October 2000 will be superseded and terminated.
This Agreement shall remain in effect for an indefinite period of time, unless the Parties decide otherwise.
1. This Agreement may be denounced by any Party at any time. The denunciation will be effected by a written notification addressed by this Party to the depositary. In such a case the depositary shall duly inform all Parties.
2. The denunciation shad take effect thirty days after the date of receipt of such notification. After the expiration of this period, the Agreement shall cease to be in effect as regards the Party that denounced it, but it shall continue to be in effect for the remaining Parties.
3. If, on the effective denunciation date, there are still unresolved financial issues or claims that affect the denouncing Party, this Agreement shall continue to apply with respect to the resolution of these issues or claims.
Done in Sofia on the 21st of October 2009 in one original, in the English language, which will be deposited with the government of Greece.
The latter will provide certified copies to all Parties.
On behalf of the Parties:
Mr. Arben IMAMI (s)
Minister of Defence
Dr. Selmo CIKOTIĆ (s)
Minister of Defence
Mr. Nikolay MLADENOV (s)
Minister of Defence
Mr. Pjer ŠIMUNOVIĆ (s)
State Secretary of Defence
Minister of Defence
Mr. Evangelos VENIZELOS (s)
Minister of Defence
Mr. Giuseppe COSSIGA (s)
Undersecretary of state for Defence
Mr. Viorel OANCEA (s)
State Secretary for Defence Policy
nd Planing
Dr. Ljubica JELUŠIČ (s)
Minister of Defence
Mr. Mehmet Vecdi GÖNÜL (s)
Minister of Defence
Mr. Valerii IVASHCHENKO (s)
Acting Minister of Defence
Mr. Alexander VERSHBOW (s)
Assistant Secretary of Defence
Obrambna ministrstva držav, ki sodelujejo pri Pobudi za sodelovanje obrambnih ministrstev jugovzhodne Evrope (SEDM), v nadaljnjem besedilu (pogodbenice),
– ob ponovni potrditvi svoje zavezanosti ciljem in načelom, zapisanim v Ustanovni listini Združenih narodov,
– ob upoštevanju dokumentov zveze NATO in Partnerstva za mir (PzM),
– ob potrditvi svoje zavezanosti prispevati k miru in zaupanju ter krepiti dobrososedske odnose in tesno sodelovanje med državami jugovzhodne Evrope,
– ob upoštevanju zavezanosti ciljem in načelom, navedenim v Sporazumu o multinacionalnih mirovnih silah jugovzhodne Evrope (v nadaljnjem besedilu sporazum MPFSEE), podpisanem 26. septembra 1998 v Skopju in sklenjenem v okviru SEDM,
– v prepričanju, da je treba sodelovanje in partnerstvo med državami regije jugovzhodne Evrope razvijati naprej v njihovo korist,
– ob priznavanju, da je treba poiskati učinkovitejše načine spodbujanja in usklajevanja številnih regionalnih projektov, pobud in dejavnosti znotraj širšega področja obrambe in varnosti v okviru SEDM,
– odločene, da še naprej razvijajo in krepijo regionalno sodelovanje na področju varnosti in obrambe ter pripravljene prispevati k vključitvi držav regije v evro-atlantske povezave,
– ob ugotovitvi, da se je število pobud in dejavnosti v okviru SEDM povečalo, ter da želijo zato vzpostaviti v okviru SEDM ustrezno strukturo za koordinacijo pobud in dejavnosti SEDM kot celote,
– ob priznavanju dosežkov Politično-vojaškega usmerjevalnega odbora (v nadaljnjem besedilu PMSC), ustanovljenega po IV. členu sporazuma MPFSEE,
so se dogovorile:
1. Koordinacijski odbor SEDM (SEDM-CC)
1.1 Pogodbenice soglašajo, da ustanovijo odbor kot razširjeni PMSC, ki usklajuje, upravlja, predlaga, potrjuje, nadzoruje in izvaja vse pobude in dejavnosti SEDM, ki presegajo pristojnosti PMSC, kakor to določa sporazum MPFSEE in njegovi protokoli. Temeljni cilji tega odbora so nuditi pogodbenicam:
a. svetovanje, upravljanje in usklajevanje vseh dejavnosti in pobud v okviru SEDM,
b. samostojen stalni forum za potrebe posvetovanja in izvajanja, ki je odgovoren ministrom SEDM.
1.2 SEDM-CC je za dosego teh ciljev sestavljen kot organ, v katerem so enakovredno zastopane vse pogodbenice.
1.3 SEDM-CC je pristojen za usklajevanje, upravljanje, predloge, potrjevanje, nadzor in izvajanje vseh dejavnosti in pobud v okviru SEDM ter za pripravo ustrezne dokumentacije, ki se predloži v potrditev ministrom SEDM.
1.4 Glavne naloge SEDM-CC pa so zlasti:
a. usklajevanje vseh sestankov in priprava dnevnih redov sestankov obrambnih ministrov, namestnikov načelnikov generalštabov ter drugih politično-vojaških sestankov na visoki ravni prek sekretariata SEDM-CC in v sodelovanju z državo gostiteljico,
b. priprava predlogov, priporočil in osnutkov ocen o prihodnjem razvoju pobude SEDM,
c. nadzor nad vsemi delovnimi skupinami SEDM in potrjevanje njihovih delovnih načrtov,
d. politično-vojaško usmerjanje teh delovnih skupin, če je potrebno,
e. spodbujanje in usklajevanje dejavnosti SEDM z dejavnostmi drugih regionalnih in mednarodnih organizacij skladno z usmeritvami ministrov SEDM.
1.5 Pogodbenice se lahko soglasno dogovorijo tudi o drugih nalogah.
1.6 Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje v SEDM-CC svojo delegacijo, vodi pa jo visoki predstavnik, ki mu lahko svetujejo strokovnjaki.
2. Predsedujoči SEDM-CC
2.1 Predsedujoči predseduje SEDM-CC in je obenem tudi predsedujoči PMSC, imenuje pa ga predsedujoča država skladno z osmim odstavkom IV. člena sporazuma MPFSEE.
2.2 Predsedujoči SEDM-CC vodi vse sestanke in predloži dokumente SEDM-CC ministrom ali namestnikom načelnikov generalštabov.
2.3 Predsedujoči opravlja vse svoje naloge s pomočjo sekretariata SEDM-CC.
3. Sekretariat SEDM-CC
3.1 Predsedujoča država prevzame odgovornost za sestavo, delovanje in kadrovsko zasedbo sekretariata SEDM-CC.
3.2 Sekretariat SEDM-CC pomaga predsedujočemu pri pripravi vseh dokumentov ter usklajevanju in vodenju vseh sestankov in dejavnosti na vseh ravneh.
3.3 Sekretariat je pod nadzorom predsedujočega odgovoren za usklajevanje delovnih skupin za pobude SEDM.
3.4 Sekretariat SEDM-CC je odgovoren za uradno spletno stran SEDM, vse promocijske publikacije, korespondenco in arhiv.
4. Projekti SEDM
4.1 Projekti so skupne pobude, ki so jih potrdili ministri SEDM in s katerimi nameravajo pogodbenice doseči cilje, navedene v uvodnih določbah tega sporazuma.
4.2. Potek in delovanje projektov bodo urejale notranje usmeritve za projekte SEDM, ki jih potrdi SEDM-CC.
Vloga SEDM-CC glede usklajevanja in vodenja dejavnosti SEDM iz tega sporazuma ne vključuje dejavnosti, povezanih z MPFSEE, in ne uvaja nobene spremembe ali revizije obstoječih dogovorjenih nalog, dolžnosti in odgovornosti PMSC v zvezi s sporazumom MPFSEE, ki ostaja v veljavi.
1. SEDM-CC se redno sestaja dvakrat letno pred sestanki PMSC ali po njih ali na izrednih zasedanjih, sklicanih na posebno zahtevo katere od pogodbenic ali na povabilo predsedujočega. Redne sestanke in sestanke, sklicane na povabilo predsedujočega, gosti predsedujoča pogodbenica. Izredna zasedanja gosti pogodbenica, ki jih zahteva.
2. Pogodbenica gostiteljica sestanka SEDM-CC krije vse stroške, ki so povezani s prostori in opremo za sestanke, administracijo, notranjimi prevozi, namestitvijo in prehrano.
1. Sodelovanje pri pobudi SEDM temelji na načelu prostovoljnosti in soglasja vseh držav članic SEDM.
2. Načela, merila in postopke za sodelovanje pri pobudi SEDM ureja okvirni dokument, ki ga potrdijo ministri SEDM.
3. Vsaka država, ki zaproša za polno članstvo v pobudi SEDM, mora za pristop k temu sporazumu podpisati pristopno noto. To pristopno noto podpišejo vse pogodbenice.
1. Vse spore, ki nastanejo zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma, rešujejo pogodbenice z medsebojnimi posvetovanji brez predložitve zadeve sodnim oblastem.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli v pisni obliki predlaga spremembe tega sporazuma. Vsaka taka sprememba začne veljati, ko jo pisno odobrijo vse pogodbenice v skladu s svojimi notranje pravnimi postopki.
1. Ta sporazum se odobri v skladu s posameznimi notranje pravnimi postopki pogodbenic. Po končanih notranje pravnih postopkih vsaka od pogodbenic o tem uradno obvesti državo depozitarko. Sporazum začne veljati, ko vse pogodbenice uradno obvestijo državo depozitarko, da so končale notranje pravne postopke. Depozitar o tem seznani vse pogodbenice.
2. Pogodbenice soglašajo, da – kolikor to dopuščajo notranje pravni postopki – začnejo izvajati določbe tega sporazuma po podpisu.
3. Z uveljavitvijo tega sporazuma se nadomesti in preneha veljati Sporazum o ustanovitvi Koordinacijskega odbora v okviru pobude SEDM, ki je bil podpisan 9. oktobra 2000 v Solunu.
Ta sporazum velja za nedoločen čas, razen če se pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače.
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ta sporazum kadar koli odpove. Odpoved izvede s pisnim uradnim obvestilom, ki ga naslovi na depozitarja. V takem primeru depozitar o tem seznani vse pogodbenice.
2. Odstop začne veljati trideset dni po prejemu takega uradnega obvestila. Po tem obdobju sporazum preneha veljati za pogodbenico, ki ga je odpovedala, ostane pa v veljavi za vse druge pogodbenice.
3. Če na dan uveljavitve odpovedi še vedno obstajajo nerešene finančne zadeve ali zahtevki do pogodbenice v odstopu, se za razrešitev teh zadev ali zahtevkov ta sporazum uporablja še naprej.
Sestavljeno v Sofiji dne 21. oktobra 2009 v enem izvirniku v angleškem jeziku, ki se deponira pri vladi Grčije.
Ta pošlje overjene kopije vsem pogodbenicam.
Za pogodbenice:
Arben IMAMI l.r.
Minister za obrambo
dr. Selmo CIKOTIĆ l.r.
Minister za obrambo
Nikolaj MLADENOV l.r.
Minister za obrambo
Državni sekretar za obrambo
Minister za obrambo
Evangelos VENIZELOS l.r.
Minister za obrambo
Giuseppe COSSIGA l.r.
Državni podsekretar za obrambo
Viorel OANCEA l.r.
Državni sekretar za obrambno politiko in načrtovanje
dr. Ljubica JELUŠIČ l.r.
Ministrica za obrambo
Mehmet Vecdi GONUL l.r.
Minister za obrambo
Valerii IVASHCHENKO l.r.
Vršilec dolžnosti ministra za obrambo
Aleksander VERSHBOW l.r.
Pomočnik sekretarja za obrambo
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-20/2012/5
Ljubljana, dne 21. junija 2012
EVA 2012-1811-0005
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.

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