Uradni list

Številka 7
Uradni list RS, št. 7/2012 z dne 31. 1. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 7/2012 z dne 31. 1. 2012


1. Sklep o potrditvi Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Svetom ministrov Republike Albanije o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije, stran 1.

Na podlagi osmega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o potrditvi Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Svetom ministrov Republike Albanije o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Potrdi se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Svetom ministrov Republike Albanije o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije, podpisan 11. oktobra 2011 v Ljubljani in 25. oktobra 2011 v Tirani.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
A g r e e m e n t
between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on the settlement of the debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”,
in order to:
– develop long-term and stable trade, economic and financial co-operation based on principles of mutual benefits,
– finalize the settlement of the debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia, and
– in accordance with the Memorandum between The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and the Government of Montenegro, on the Settlement of the Debt of the Republic of Albania related to the Settlement of the Amounts on the Accounts under the Commodity Exchange between the Republic of Albania and the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, signed on 14 December 2010 in Tirana, Albania,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties confirm that:
1. The final settlement balance between the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Slovenia, including the regular interest calculated for the period from 31 March 2006 to 30 September 2009, amounts to Clearing Dollars 3,815,421.48 (say: three million eight hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-one 48/100 US Clearing Dollars).
2. The amount stipulated in point 1 of this Article, constitutes the debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia in Clearing Dollars as of 30 September 2009.
Article 2
The Parties agree that the debt calculated in Clearing Dollars, as stipulated in Article 1.2 will be converted to debt calculated in United States Dollars (USD), using the conversion rate of 1 Clearing Dollar = 1USD.
Article 3
The Parties agree that:
1. After the conversion referred to in Article 2, the debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia as of 30 September 2009 amounts to USD 3,815,421.48 (say: three million eight hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and twenty-one 48/100 United States Dollars).
2. The debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia shall be increased for the amount of interest calculated for the period from 30 September 2009 to the date of the signing of this agreement. The applicable interest rate shall be the 6-month USD LIBOR rate on 31 March and 30 September of each year and interest shall be capitalized. If either of 31 March or 30 September falls on a holiday of either country, the applicable USD LIBOR rate shall be that of the preceding working day. If the date of this agreement will be different from 30 September or 31 March, the amount of regular interest shall be calculated on the base of remaining days and 6-month USD LIBOR rate at the agreement days.
Article 4
The Parties agree on the following conditions on the settlement of debt of the Republic of Albania towards the Republic of Slovenia.
1. After entering into force of this Agreement, the Ministry of Finance of Albania on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, will transfer to the account previously specified by the Ministry of Finance of Republic of Slovenia, the total amount of debt in the following way:
a. Four semi-annual payments of principal with accrued interest on 31 March and 30 September of each year, which are hereto defined as payment dates;
b. The first payment date of principal and interest shall be the date occurring first after the entry into force of this agreement;
2. The Ministry of Finance of Albania on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania shall pay to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Slovenia regular interest starting from the date of signature of this agreement.
a. The interest shall be calculated based on the actual number of days elapsed and a 360-day year;
b. The applicable interest rate shall be the 6-month USD LIBOR rate on 31 March and 30 September of each year. If either of 31 March or 30 September falls on a holiday of either country, the applicable USD LIBOR rate shall be that of the preceding working day;
3. Interest applicable on late principal and interest payments (late interest) shall be calculated at the rate of 6-month USD LIBOR plus 4% per annum.
Article 5
The Parties agree to settle any disputes arising from this Agreement in a friendly manner.
If the dispute can not be settled amicably, the Parties agree that the dispute is finally settled in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, by three arbiters. Each Party shall appoint one arbiter and these two members shall appoint a third arbiter – Chairman of the arbitral tribunal.
If the Parties fail to appoint a third member – Chairman of the arbitral tribunal, the third arbiter shall be appointed in accordance with mentioned Rules of Arbitration.
The arbitration decision shall be final, binding on both Parties and executive within the time specified in the decision.
The Parties agree that the arbitration shall be conducted pursuant to the procedure established by the Rules of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce, Paris. The applicable law is the French substantive law.
The arbitration will be held in Paris, or elsewhere, if the Parties agree that it is suitable for the settlement of the dispute.
Language of arbitration shall be English.
Article 6
This Agreement shall be amended only with a written consent of both Parties.
Article 7
Notices to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be addressed as follows:
For the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania
Ministry of Finance
General Public Debt Management Department
Bulevardi “Deshmoret e Kombit”, Nr. 1, Tirana, Albania
Tel: ++35542228405
Fax: ++35542228494
For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Finance
Župančičeva 3
SI – 1000
Tel: +386 1 369 6680
Fax: +386 1 369 6689
Article 8
The Agreement shall be approved according to the laws of each of the Parties. It shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the last diplomatic note confirming that all internal legal requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
The Agreement remains valid until all obligations of both Parties arising from the Agreement are fulfilled.
Done in two original copies in English language.
On behalf
of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Janez Košak (s)
Authorised representative for
Annex C of the Agreement on
succession issues
Ljubljana, 11 October 2011
On behalf
of the Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Albania
Ridvan Bode (s)
Minister of finance
Tirana, 25 October 2011
S p o r a z u m
med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Svetom ministrov Republike Albanije o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Svet ministrov Republike Albanije (v nadaljevanju: pogodbenika) sta se
– da bi razvila dolgoročno in trdno trgovinsko, gospodarsko in finančno sodelovanje, ki temelji na načelih vzajemne koristi,
– da bi dokončno uredila poravnavo dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije in
– v skladu z Memorandumom, ki ga sklenejo Svet ministrov Republike Albanije ter Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlada Republike Makedonije, Vlada Republike Srbije, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Republike Hrvaške in Vlada Črne gore o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije, povezanega s poravnavo zneskov po obračunih v okviru blagovnega prometa med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo, podpisanim 14. decembra 2010 v Tirani v Albaniji,
1. člen
Pogodbenika potrjujeta:
1. Končni saldo za poravnavo med Republiko Albanijo in Republiko Slovenijo, vključno z rednimi obrestmi, izračunanimi za obdobje od 31. marca 2006 do 30. septembra 2009, znaša 3.815.421,48 klirinškega dolarja (z besedami: tri milijone osemsto petnajst tisoč štiristo enaindvajset klirinških dolarjev in oseminštirideset centov).
2. Znesek, določen v 1. točki tega člena, je dolg Repub­like Albanije do Republike Slovenije v klirinških dolarjih na 30. september 2009.
2. člen
Pogodbenika se strinjata, da se dolg, izračunan v klirinških dolarjih in opredeljen v 2. točki 1. člena, preračuna v dolg, izračunan v ameriških dolarjih (USD) po tečaju 1 klirinški dolar je 1 USD.
3. člen
Pogodbenika se strinjata:
1. Po preračunu iz 2. člena znaša dolg Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije na 30. september 2009 3.815.421,48 USD (z besedami: tri milijone osemsto petnajst tisoč štiristo enaindvajset ameriških dolarjev in oseminštirideset centov).
2. Dolg Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije se poveča za znesek obresti, izračunanih za obdobje od 30. septembra 2009 do dneva podpisa tega sporazuma. Veljavna obrestna mera je 6-mesečni LIBOR za USD 31. marca in 30. septembra vsakega leta, obresti pa se pripišejo glavnici. Če sta 31. marec ali 30. september praznik v kateri od obeh držav, se uporabi tisti LIBOR za USD, ki velja prejšnji delovni dan. Če datum podpisa tega sporazuma ni 30. september ali 31. marec, se znesek rednih obresti izračuna na podlagi preostalih dni in 6-mesečnega LIBOR za USD na dan podpisa sporazuma.
4. člen
Pogodbenika se strinjata s temi pogoji poravnave dolga Republike Albanije do Republike Slovenije:
1. Po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma Ministrstvo za finance Albanije v imenu Sveta ministrov Republike Albanije nakaže na račun, ki ga predhodno navede Ministrstvo za finance Republike Slovenije, celotni znesek dolga tako:
a. štiri polletna plačila glavnice z obračunanimi obrestmi 31. marca in 30. septembra vsakega leta, ki sta opredeljena kot datuma plačil;
b. prvi datum plačila glavnice in obresti je tisti datum, ki je prvi po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
2. Ministrstvo za finance Albanije v imenu Sveta ministrov Republike Albanije plačuje Ministrstvu za finance Republike Slovenije redne obresti od dneva podpisa tega sporazuma.
a. Obresti se izračunajo na podlagi dejanskega števila poteklih dni in 360-dnevnega leta.
b. Veljavna obrestna mera je 6-mesečni LIBOR za USD 31. marca in 30. septembra vsakega leta. Če sta 31. marec ali 30. september praznik v kateri od obeh držav, se uporabi tisti LIBOR za USD, ki velja prejšnji delovni dan.
3. Obresti, ki veljajo za zakasnela plačila glavnice in obresti (zamudne obresti), se izračunajo po 6-mesečnem LIBOR-ju za USD s pribitkom 4% letno.
5. člen
Pogodbenika se strinjata, da bosta vse spore, ki nastanejo na podlagi tega sporazuma, reševala po mirni poti.
Če spora ni mogoče rešiti po mirni poti, se pogodbenika strinjata, da spor dokončno rešijo trije razsodniki v skladu z Arbitražnimi pravili Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice v Parizu. Vsak pogodbenik imenuje enega razsodnika, ta dva člana pa imenujeta tretjega razsodnika, ki je predsednik arbitražnega sodišča.
Če pogodbenika ne imenujeta tretjega člana, to je predsednika arbitražnega sodišča, se tretji razsodnik imenuje v skladu z omenjenimi arbitražnimi pravili.
Arbitražna odločba je dokončna ter zavezujoča za oba pogodbenika in izvršljiva v roku, določenem v odločbi.
Pogodbenika se strinjata, da se arbitraža vodi po postopku, določenim z Arbitražnimi pravili Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice v Parizu. Uporabi se francosko materialno pravo.
Arbitražni postopek poteka v Parizu ali drugje, če se pogodbenika strinjata, da je to primerno za razrešitev spora.
Jezik arbitražnega postopka je angleščina.
6. člen
Sporazum se lahko spremeni le s pisnim soglasjem obeh pogodbenikov.
7. člen
Obvestila, ki jih je treba poslati v skladu s tem sporazumom, se naslovijo na:
za Svet ministrov Republike Albanije
Ministrstvo za finance
Sektor za upravljanje javnega dolga
Bulevardi »Deshmoret e Kombit«, št. 1, Tirana, Albanija
Tel.: +35542228405
Telefaks: +35542228494
za Vlado Republike Slovenije
Ministrstvo za finance
Župančičeva 3
Tel.: +386 1 369 6680
Telefaks: +386 1 369 6689
8. člen
Sporazum se odobri v skladu z zakonodajo vsakega pogodbenika. Veljati začne z dnem prejema zadnje diplomatske note, s katero se potrjuje, da so izpolnjene vse notranjepravne zahteve za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Sporazum velja, dokler pogodbenika ne izpolnita vseh iz njega izhajajočih obveznosti.
Sestavljeno v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Janez Košak l.r.
predstavnik za prilogo C
sporazuma o vprašanjih
Ljubljana, 11. oktober 2011
Za Svet ministrov Republike Albanije
Ridvan Bode l.r.
Minister za finance
Tirana, 25. oktober 2011
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
4. člen
Ta sklep začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 51002-68/2011
Ljubljana, dne 5. januarja 2012
EVA 2011-1811-0135
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Mitja Gaspari l.r.

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