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Številka 66
Uradni list RS, št. 66/2011 z dne 22. 8. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 66/2011 z dne 22. 8. 2011


54. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o ustanovitvi in delovanju znanstveno-kulturnih centrov (BRUZKC), stran 600.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o ustanovitvi in delovanju znanstveno-kulturnih centrov (BRUZKC)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o ustanovitvi in delovanju znanstveno-kulturnih centrov (BRUZKC), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 15. julija 2011.
Št. 003-02-7/2011-20
Ljubljana, dne 25. julija 2011
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o ustanovitvi in delovanju znanstveno-kulturnih centrov, podpisan 22. marca 2011 na Brdu pri Kranju.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(*)
med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o ustanovitvi in delovanju znanstveno-kulturnih centrov
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ruske federacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
ob upoštevanju interesa narodov Republike Slovenije in Ruske federacije za izmenjavo humanističnih in kulturnih vrednot ter ohranjanje, plemenitenje in razvijanje tradicionalnih vezi med njima,
ob upoštevanju pomena ozaveščanja o dogajanju na političnem, gospodarskem, kulturnem, znanstvenem in izobraževalnem področju v Republiki Sloveniji in Ruski federaciji,
v želji prispevati k razvoju dvostranskih kulturnih, znanstvenih, tehničnih in informacijskih vezi ter izobraževanja in znanosti
1. člen
Ruska stran ustanovi Ruski znanstveno-kulturni center v Ljubljani. Slovenska stran sme ustanoviti znanstveno-kulturni center Republike Slovenije v Moskvi pod pogoji iz tega sporazuma, če o tem rusko stran vnaprej uradno obvesti. Za Ruski znanstveno-kulturni center v Ljubljani in znanstveno-kulturni center Republike Slovenije v Moskvi se v nadaljnjem besedilu uporablja izraz centra.
Pogodbenici se lahko dogovorita o ustanovitvi centrov v drugih mestih v obeh državah.
Dejavnosti centrov temeljijo na splošno priznanih normah mednarodnega prava in določbah tega sporazuma, pri čemer se upošteva zakonodaja države gostiteljice.
2. člen
Ruski znanstveno-kulturni center v Ljubljani deluje pod pokroviteljstvom vodje diplomatskega predstavništva Ruske federacije v Republiki Sloveniji. Za njegove dejavnosti je odgovorna Zvezna agencija za Skupnost neodvisnih držav, rojake po svetu in mednarodno človekoljubno sodelovanje.
Znanstveno-kulturni center Republike Slovenije v Moskvi deluje pod pokroviteljstvom vodje diplomatskega predstavništva Republike Slovenije v Ruski federaciji.
3. člen
Centra lahko za izvajanje svojih dejavnosti navežeta neposredne stike z ministrstvi, drugimi vladnimi agencijami in ustanovami, organi lokalnih oblasti, društvi, združenji, skladi ter posamezniki v državi gostiteljici.
V skladu z notranjo zakonodajo države gostiteljice lahko centra izvajata dejavnosti tudi zunaj svojih prostorov.
4. člen
Glavne dejavnosti centrov so:
sodelovanje pri izvajanju dvostranskih programov kulturnega, znanstveno-tehničnega in informacijskega sodelovanja;
sodelovanje pri izvajanju politike matične države, ki njenim državljanom v tujini zagotavlja socialne, kulturne, izobraževalne in druge zakonite pravice in interese, jih podpira pri nadaljnjem združevanju ter ohranjanju maternega jezika, nacionalne in kulturne identitete ter razvija vsestranske vezi med organizacijami obeh držav ter njunimi državljani in njihovimi združenji v tujini;
seznanjanje prebivalcev države gostiteljice z zgodovino in kulturo matične države, njeno notranjo in zunanjo politiko na področju kulture in sodelovanja v kulturi ter družbenim, znanstvenim in gospodarskim dogajanjem;
pomoč pri navezovanju stikov in krepitvi sodelovanja med umetniškimi, kulturno-izobraževalnimi, znanstvenimi in strokovnimi organizacijami obeh držav;
spodbujanje učenja jezikov narodov obeh držav;
uporaba informacijskih zmogljivosti centrov pri ustvarjanju ugodnih razmer za širše znanstveno-tehnološko in kulturno sodelovanje med državama;
pomoč pri vzpostavljanju in razvijanju partnerstev med mesti in regijami Republike Slovenije in Ruske federacije;
organizacija informativnih in promocijskih dejavnosti na področju kulture, znanosti in tehnologije;
sodelovanje z mednarodnimi ustanovami, ki spodbujajo kulturo narodov, živečih v Republiki Sloveniji in Ruski federaciji.
5. člen
Centra v skladu s svojimi dejavnostmi:
oblikujeta zbirke informativnega in referenčnega gradiva ter zbirke podatkov o kulturnem, znanstveno-tehnološkem, družbenopolitičnem in gospodarskem razvoju matične države, gostita konference, simpozije, seminarje in posvete s področja mednarodnega znanstvenega in kulturnega sodelovanja;
zainteresiranim ustanovam in posameznikom v državi gostiteljici zagotavljata informacije in svetujeta pri vzpostavljanju stikov s kulturnovzgojnimi, znanstvenimi, izobraževalnimi in strokovnimi organizacijami v matični državi;
sodelujeta pri kulturni vzgoji in obveščanju rojakov, ki živijo v državi gostiteljici, ter vzdržujeta stike z njihovimi združenji;
prirejata predstave umetniških ansamblov in posameznih umetnikov ter skrbita za predvajanje del s področja televizijskega in filmskega ustvarjanja;
prirejata razstave del s področja likovne in uporabne umetnosti, oblikovanja, arhitekture, fotografije, književnosti, ljudske umetnosti itn.;
na različnih področjih delovanja ustanavljata javne odbore in klube, v katere se vključujejo ugledni posamezniki iz lokalne in poslovne skupnosti, ugledni akademiki in kulturniki ter predstavništva tujih držav, organizacije obeh držav in mediji;
prirejata tečaje jezika in seznanjanja s kulturo narodov obeh držav ter ekskurzije za državljane države gostiteljice in zagotavljata metodološko podporo raziskovalcem ter učiteljem jezika in kulture, ki delujejo v lokalnih znanstvenih in izobraževalnih ustanovah;
pomagata pri izboru državljanov države gostiteljice, ki se potegujejo za študij in prakso v matični državi;
pomagata združenjem in klubom rojakov pri izvajanju njihovih dejavnosti;
spodbujata dejavnosti združenj in klubov diplomantov izobraževalnih ustanov matične države v državi gostiteljici, prispevata k ohranjanju vezi med takimi združenji, klubi in ustreznimi izobraževalnimi ustanovami ter prirejata strokovne seminarje za diplomante v državi gostiteljici;
podpirata dejavnosti svojih knjižnic in druge storitve obveščanja zainteresiranih organizacij in posameznikov v državi gostiteljici;
sodelujeta z združenji in društvi prijateljstva, izobraževalnimi, kulturnimi in znanstvenimi ustanovami v državi gostiteljici ter kulturnimi in informacijskimi centri drugih držav.
Centra se lahko ukvarjata z drugimi dejavnostmi, ki so skladne z namenom tega sporazuma in zakonodajo države gostiteljice.
6. člen
Centra lahko uživata pravice pravnih oseb v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice.
7. člen
Pogodbenici zagotavljata, da se javnost lahko neovirano udeležuje dogodkov, ki jih prirejata centra.
Pogodbenici na podlagi vzajemnosti z ustreznimi ukrepi zagotovita varnost zaposlenih in prostorov svojih centrov ter dogodkov, ki jih centra prirejata.
8. člen
Centra sta neprofitni organizaciji. Vseeno pa lahko za kritje dela stroškov vzdrževanja in poslovanja:
zaračunavata vstopnino za dogodke, ki jih prirejata, ter organizirata plačljive jezikovne tečaje in druge dejavnosti;
prodajata periodične publikacije, kataloge, plakate, programske brošure, reprodukcije, avdio-vizualne in didaktične pripomočke ne glede na vrsto zapisa podatkov ter druge izdelke, neposredno povezane z dogodki, ki jih prirejata, če s tem ne kršita trgovinskih predpisov in pravic intelektualne lastnine.
Predmeti z razstav, ki jih centra organizirata v svojih prostorih ali drugje, se lahko prodajo, vendar je treba zanje plačati davke ali carine, če tako določajo zakoni in drugi predpisi države gostiteljice.
9. člen
Pogodbenici si na podlagi vzajemnosti pomagata pri pridobivanju ustreznih zemljišč ter pri najemu, nakupu in gradnji objektov (prostorov) za centra v skladu z zakonodajo države gostiteljice.
Načrtovanje, gradnjo in razvoj objektov (prostorov) centrov na podlagi pooblastila opravi pogodbenica pošiljateljica v skladu s prostorskoureditvenimi predpisi države gostiteljice. Pogodbenica pošiljateljica lahko izbere izvajalca teh del.
10. člen
Davčna ureditev, ki velja za centra in njune zaposlene, temelji na nacionalni zakonodaji države gostiteljice.
11. člen
Pogodbenici na podlagi vzajemnosti dovolita, da sta centra v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo začasno oproščena carin, vendar morata uvožene predmete znova izvoziti. Uvožene predmete centra potrebujeta za svoje dejavnosti v skladu s tem sporazumom in niso namenjeni za prodajo.
Ti predmeti se lahko na ozemlju države gostiteljice prodajo le pod pogojem, da so plačane carine in izpolnjene druge zakonske zahteve države gostiteljice.
12. člen
Pogodbenici sami izbereta zaposlene v svojem centru. Ti so lahko državljani države pošiljateljice, države gostiteljice ali tretje države. V tem primeru se izbor uskladi s pristojnimi organi države gostiteljice.
Vodja centra in njegov namestnik sta državljana države pošiljateljice in imata lahko diplomatski status.
Pogodbenici se obveščata o zaposlitvah osebja ter o začetku in koncu njihovega službovanja v centrih.
13. člen
Za zaposlene v centrih in njihove družinske člane, ki so državljani države pošiljateljice ter nimajo stalnega prebivališča v državi gostiteljici, veljata delovna zakonodaja in sistem socialnega varstva države pošiljateljice.
Za druge zaposlene veljata delovna zakonodaja in sistem socialnega varstva države gostiteljice.
14. člen
Med službovanjem v centru lahko zaposleni in njihovi družinski člani, ki z njimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu in so državljani države pošiljateljice, v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo države gostiteljice uvozijo svojo osebno lastnino brez carinskih dajatev. Država gostiteljica lahko zahteva, da se ta lastnina ponovno izvozi.
15. člen
Vstop in bivanje zaposlenih v centru in njihovih družinskih članov, ki z njimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu in so državljani države pošiljateljice ali tretje države, ureja notranja zakonodaja države gostiteljice o vstopu in bivanju tujih državljanov. Če notranja zakonodaja države gostiteljice ne določa drugače, se družinskim članom zaposlenih lahko izda vizum ali dovoljenje za prebivanje sočasno kot zaposlenim, če so izpolnjeni vsi drugi pogoji, ki jih določa notranja zakonodaja. Vloge zaposlenih in njihovih družinskih članov za izdajo vizuma in dovoljenja za prebivanje se obravnavajo prednostno.
16. člen
Nesporazumi pri razlagi in izvajanju sporazuma se rešujejo s pogajanji.
17. člen
Sporazum začne veljati na dan prejema zadnjega od pisnih uradnih obvestil, s katerima se pogodbenici obvestita, da so končani notranji postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Sporazum se sklene za obdobje petih let in se samodejno podaljšuje za nadaljnja petletna obdobja, razen če ena od pogodbenic vsaj šest mesecev pred potekom veljavnosti druge pisno uradno ne obvesti, da ga namerava odpovedati.
Sestavljeno na Brdu pri Kranju dne 22. marca 2011 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, ruskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah v razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Samuel Žbogar l.r.
Vladimir Titov l.r.
between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on Establishment and Operation of the Scientific and Cultural Centres
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
Having regard to the interest of the peoples of the Republic of Slovenia and the Russian Federation in sharing humanistic and cultural values, as well as preserving, mutually enriching and developing traditional ties between them,
Attaching great importance to raising public awareness of political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational developments in the Republic of Slovenia and the Russian Federation,
Seeking to contribute to developing bilateral cultural, scientific, technical and information ties, education and science,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Russian Party establishes the Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre in Ljubljana. The Slovenian Party is entitled to establish a Scientific and Cultural Centre under the terms of the present Agreement provided that it notifies the Russian Party in advance. The Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre in Ljubljana and a Slovenian Scientific and Cultural Centre in Moscow are hereinafter referred to as the Centres.
The Parties may establish, as mutually agreed, such Centres in other cities in both States.
The activities of the Centres shall be based on universally recognized norms of international law and provisions of this Agreement, and take into account the legislation of the host State.
Article 2
The Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre in Ljubljana shall operate under the auspices of the Head of the Diplomatic Mission of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Slovenia. The activities of the Russian Scientific and Cultural Centre shall be covered by the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, compatriots living abroad and international humanitarian cooperation.
The Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Republic of Slovenia in Moscow shall operate under the auspices of the Head of the Diplomatic Mission of the Republic of Slovenia in the Russian Federation.
Article 3
To implement their activities, the respective Centres may establish direct contacts with ministries, other governmental agencies and organisations, local authorities, societies, associations, funds, as well as with individuals of the host State.
The Centres may perform their activities outside their premises in accordance with the national legislation of the host State.
Article 4
The main functions of the Centres include:
Participation in the implementation of bilateral programmes of cultural, scientific and technical, and information cooperation;
Participation in the implementation of their respective countries' policy aimed at supporting their citizens abroad to ensure their social and cultural, educational and other legitimate rights and interests, promoting their further consolidation, preserving their native language, national and cultural identity, developing comprehensive bonds between the organisations of both States with their nationals abroad and the associations thereof;
Providing the public of the host State with information on the history and culture of the country, its domestic and foreign policy in the field of culture and cultural cooperation, social, scientific and economic developments;
Facilitating contacts and wider cooperation among artistic, cultural and educational, scientific and professional organisations of the two States;
Promoting the study of languages of the peoples of the two States;
Using the information capacities of the Centres to establish favourable conditions for wider scientific and technological as well as cultural cooperation between the two States;
Facilitating the establishment and development of partner relations among cities and regions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Slovenia;
Arranging information and promotion activities in the fields of culture, science and technology;
Cooperating with the international institutions promoting national cultures of the peoples living in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 5
The Centres, in accordance with their functions, shall:
Establish information and reference materials pools and data banks on cultural, scientific and technological, socio-political and economic development of their respective States, hold conferences, symposia, seminars and consultations on issues pertaining to international scientific and cultural cooperation;
Provide information and consultative support of the interested entities and individuals of the host State on establishing contacts with cultural education, scientific, educational and professional organisations of their respective States;
Engage in cultural education and information activities for compatriots residing in the host State and maintain contacts with their associations;
Organise performances of art companies and individual performers, television and cinema shows;
Organise exhibitions of works of fine art, applied art, design, architecture, photographs, books, folk art, etc.;
Establish public boards and clubs in various fields of their activities, involving reputable persons representing local and business communities, prominent academic and cultural figures, as well as representations of foreign countries, organisations of both States, and mass media;
Organise courses to study the languages and cultures of peoples of their respective States, study tours for the citizens of the host State, provide methodological assistance to researchers and language and culture teachers working in local scientific and educational institutions;
Assist in selecting citizens of the host State to be sent to study and practice to their respective States;
Assist compatriots' associations and clubs in their activities;
Facilitate the activities of associations and clubs of graduates of educational institutions of their respective States in the host State, contribute to maintaining the ties among such associations and clubs and the relevant educational institutions, as well as organise professional development seminars for the graduates in the host State;
Support the activities of the Centres' libraries and other information services for the interested organisations and individuals in the host State;
Cooperate with friendship associations and societies, educational, cultural and scientific institutions of the host States, and cultural and information centres of third States.
The respective Centres may engage in other activities consistent with the purposes of this Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the host State.
Article 6
The Centres may enjoy the rights of legal entities in accordance with the legislation of the host State.
Article 7
The Parties shall grant unimpeded public access to the events organised by the Centres.
The Parties shall take, on a reciprocal basis, relevant measures to ensure security of the employees and premises of their Centres, as well as the events they organise.
Article 8
The Centres shall be non-profit organisations. Nevertheless, in order to cover a part of maintenance and operation costs, the Centres may:
Charge fees for visiting the events they organize, attending their language courses and other activities;
Sell periodicals, catalogues, posters, programmes, reproductions, audiovisual and didactic materials regardless of the type of the data record, and other products related directly to the events they organise provided that this does not infringe trading regulations and violate intellectual property rights.
Exhibits from the exhibitions organised by the Centres on their premises or at any other location may be offered for sale subject to the payment of any taxes or customs duties as may be payable under the laws and other regulations of the host State.
Article 9
The Parties shall assist each other, on a reciprocal basis, in acquiring proper land plots as well as in the leasing, purchasing and constructing of facilities (premises) for the Centres, pursuant to the legislation of the host State.
When authorized, design, construction and development of the facilities (premises) of the Centres shall be carried out by the sending Party pursuant to the urban development regulations of the host State. The sending Party may appoint contractors to perform the work in question.
Article 10
Tax regime applicable to the Centres and their employees shall be based on the national legislation of the host States.
Article 11
Parties shall, on the basis of reciprocity and in accordance with their national legislation, grant the Centres temporary exemption from customs duties under the obligation of re-exporting these items. The imported items are not intended for sale and are necessary for activities of the Centres in accordance with this Agreement.
Such items may be disposed of on the territory of the host State only subject to the payment of customs duties and fulfilment of other requirements established by the legislation of the host State.
Article 12
Each Party shall appoint employees of its Centres. These may include citizens of the sending State, the host State or a third State. In the latter case the appointment shall be agreed with the competent authorities of the host State.
The Head of the Centre and his deputy shall be citizens of the sending State and may have diplomatic status.
The Parties shall inform each other of the recruitment of personnel of the Centres, of the employees' entry into service and termination of work at the Centres.
Article 13
The employees of the Centres and their family members who are citizens of the sending State and who do not permanently reside in the host State shall be subject to the labour legislation and social system of the sending State.
Other employees of the Centres shall be subject to the labour legislation and social system of the host State.
Article 14
During the period of their employment at the Centres, the employees and their family members living in the same household who are citizens of the sending State are allowed to import their personal belongings free of customs duties in accordance with the national legislation of the host State. The host State may require that these belongings be re-exported.
Article 15
The entry and residence of employees of the Centre and family members living in the same household who are citizens of the sending State or third State is governed by the national legislation of the host State on the entry and residence of foreign nationals. Unless otherwise stipulated by the national legislation of the host State, family members of employees may be issued with a visa or residence permit at the same time as the employee, provided that all other conditions under national legislation are met. Visa and residence permit applications of employees and their family members shall be granted priority treatment.
Article 16
Issues arising from interpretation and application of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiations.
Article 17
The Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification by which the Parties notify each other of the completion of the internal procedures necessary for its entry into force.
The Agreement shall be concluded for a period of five years. It shall be extended automatically for successive five-year terms unless either Party notifies the other in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement at least six months prior to the termination of the corresponding term.
Done at Brdo pri Kranju on 22 March 2011 in two originals, each in the Slovenian, Russian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
Samuel Žbogar (s)
Vladimir Titov (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 610-02/10-4/11
Ljubljana, dne 15. julija 2011
EPA 1391-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Pavel Gantar l.r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v ruskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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