Uradni list

Številka 38
Uradni list RS, št. 38/2011 z dne 24. 5. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 38/2011 z dne 24. 5. 2011


38. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma, ki ga sklenejo Svet ministrov Republike Albanije ter Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlada Republike Makedonije, Vlada Republike Srbije, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Republike Hrvaške in Vlada Črne gore o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije, povezanega s poravnavo zneskov po obračunih v okviru blagovnega prometa med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo, stran 124.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum, ki ga sklenejo Svet ministrov Republike Albanije ter Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlada Republike Makedonije, Vlada Republike Srbije, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Republike Hrvaške in Vlada Črne gore o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije, povezanega s poravnavo zneskov po obračunih v okviru blagovnega prometa med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo, podpisan 14. decembra 2010 v Tirani.
2. člen
Besedilo memoranduma se v izvirniku v angleškem in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania
The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Government of the Republic of Macedonia
The Government of the Republic of Serbia
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia
The Government of the Republic of Croatia
The Government of Montenegro
on the Settlement of the Debt of the Republic of Albania related to the Settlement of the Amounts on the Accounts under the Commodity Exchange between the Republic of Albania and the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania
The Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
The Government of the Republic of Macedonia,
The Government of the Republic of Serbia,
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia,
The Government of the Republic of Croatia and
The Government of Montenegro
(hereinafter: jointly referred to as “Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro”),
The Agreement on the Succession Issues of 29 June 2001, in particular Annex C of the Agreement,
The Agreement on the Regulation of Membership in the International Financial Organizations and the Distribution of Financial Assets and Liabilities between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro, signed on 10 July 2006,
The Agreed Minutes on Negotiations between the Representatives of the Governmental Committee for the Negotiations of the External Debt of Albania (GCNEDA) and the Representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Slovenia, signed in Tirana on 9 September, 2009,
The need for settlement of the debts of the Republic of Albania under commodity exchange between the Republic of Albania and the former SFRY,
And for the purpose of further developing and strengthening of friendly relations among the parties to this Memorandum.
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Settlement balance
The subject matter of this Memorandum is the reconciled claim of the former SFRY towards the Republic of Albania amounting to 20,768,803.80 Clearing Dollars.
The parties agree to convert the above mentioned amount with the rate of exchange of 1 clearing dollar = 1 US dollar into 20,768,803.80 (twenty million seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and three dollars and eighty cents) US Dollars.
Article 2
Interest shall be payable on the amount referred to in Paragraph 2 of Article 1 of this Memorandum at the 6-month USD LIBOR rate starting from 31 March 2006 which is the date of the signing of the Agreed Minutes on negotiations between the experts of the National Bank of Serbia and the Bank of Albania to reconcile balances on the accounts of Albanian banks with the National Bank of the former SFRY to 30 September 2009.
The regular interest payable on the claim referred to in Paragraph 2 of Article 1 for the period from 31 March 2006 to 30 September 2009 amounts to 3,077,580.48 US Dollars.
The amount of the regular interest due after 30 September 2009 shall be calculated at the 6-month USD LIBOR rate until the date of signature of the bilateral agreement of each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro with the Republic of Albania and be included in the total amount of their respective claims.
Article 3
Final settlement balance
The final settlement balance between the Republic of Albania on one hand and Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro on the other hand amounts to 23,846,384.28 US Dollars including the regular interest calculated for the period from 31 March 2006 to 30 September 2009.
This balance shall be settled in accordance with the provisions of this Memorandum.
Article 4
Distribution of the final balance
1. The final settlement balance, as referred to in Article 3 of this Memorandum, shall be distributed among the parties in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the Annex C to the Agreement on Succession Issues of 29 June 2001, at the following proportions:
Bosnia and Herzegovina                                –15.5%
The Republic of Macedonia                              –7.5%
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia                        –38.0%
(Later The Republic of Serbia and Montenegro)
The Republic of Slovenia                              –16.0%
The Republic of Croatia                               –23.0%
2. The part of the final settlement balance referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article which relates to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (later the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro) shall be divided in accordance with the Agreement on the Regulation of Membership in the International Financial Organizations and the Distribution of Financial Assets and Liabilities between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro, signed on 10 July 2006, in accordance with the established key for distribution of non-allocated financial assets and liabilities at the following proportions:
The Republic of Serbia                               –94.12%
The Republic of Montenegro                            –5.88%
3. The distribution of final settlement balance as referred to in Article 3 of this Memorandum and in accordance with Paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article, shall be carried out at the following proportions:
Bosnia and Herzegovina                                –15.5%
The Republic of Macedonia                              –7.5%
The Republic of Serbia                             –35.7656%
The Republic of Slovenia                              –16.0%
The Republic of Croatia                               –23.0%
Montenegro                                          –2.2344%
4. According to the percentages referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Article, the claims of each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro from the Republic of Albania shall be as follows:
Bosnia and Herzegovina              –3,696,189.56 US Dollars
The Republic of Macedonia           –1,788,478.82 US Dollars
The Republic of Serbia              –8,528,802.42 US Dollars
The Republic of Slovenia           – 3,815,421.48 US Dollars
The Republic of Croatia             –5,484,668.38 US Dollars
Montenegro                            –532,823.61 US Dollars
5. The distribution of the final settlement balance in accordance with Paragraph 4 of this Article shall be valid as of the date of the signing of this Memorandum and shall not be subject to any further revision by the parties.
6. The amount of the final settlement balance shall be allocated to the appropriate accounts which are to be opened by the authorized banks of the Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro in accordance with Paragraph 4 of this Article, but no later than 30 days from the signing of this Memorandum.
Article 5
Settlement of Debts
The procedure for and the modality of settlement of debts of the Republic of Albania to each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro shall be regulated by the bilateral inter-governmental agreements between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and the government of each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro, as soon as possible after the signing of this Memorandum.
Article 6
Banking procedures
Within 30 days from the signature of this Memorandum, the National Bank of Serbia (on behalf of NBY of SFRY) shall close in its books all the three existing clearing accounts opened in accordance with interstate clearing agreements between the Republic of Albania and the former SFRY.
The Bank of Albania shall open in its books a single account in the name of the National Bank of Yugoslavia (NBY) of the former SFRY to which the amount of the final balance in US Dollars referred to in Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of this Memorandum is to be credited, and it shall notify the authorized banks of the Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro.
The Bank of Albania shall open in its books 6 sub-accounts on behalf of each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro to which the amounts calculated in accordance with the shares provided for in Paragraph 3 of Article 4 and in the amounts stipulated in Paragraph 4 of Article 4 of this Memorandum are to be credited, and it shall accordingly notify the authorized banks of the Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro in 45 days from the date of the signature of this Memorandum.
The amount of regular interest shall be calculated every six months on the base of 6-month USD LIBOR rate on dates 30 September and 31 March of each year, from the date of 30 September 2009, until at the date of signature of the bilateral agreements between the Republic of Albania and each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro:
a. If 30 September & 31 March are holiday the amount of regular interest shall be calculated on the base of 6-month USD LIBOR rate of the preceding working days.
b. If the date of agreements between the Republic of Albania and each Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro will be different from 30 September& 31 March the amount of regular interest shall be calculated on the base of remain days and 6-month USD LIBOR rate at the agreement days.
These interests shall be calculated from the date 30/09/2009 and the Bank of Albania shall be notified by each of the Successor State of SFRY and Montenegro for this calculation. After the control of these amounts, the Bank of Albania shall sent necessaries confirmations for each part and records the respective interest to each sub-accounts of the balance sheet.
Article 7
Entry into force
This Memorandum shall enter into force on the date of the last notification to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania by governments of the Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro that all of the necessary internal procedures for its entry into force have been completed.
The Memorandum shall be provisionally applied as of the date of its signature. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania will immediately notify governments of Successor States of SFRY and Montenegro when the last of them notifies the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania of the completion of procedures referred to in previous paragraph.
Signed in Tirana on December 14, 2010 in seven copies in the English language, all copies being equally authentic. Each party shall receive one copy.
The Council of Ministers
of the Republic of Albania
Xhentil Demiraj (s)
The Council of Ministers
of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ljubiša Vladušić (s)
The Government
of the Republic of Macedonia
Zoran Petrov (s)
The Government
of the Republic of Serbia
Zoran Ćirović (s)
The Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Miranda Groff Ferjančič (s)
The Government
of the Republic of Croatia
Zdravko Rogić (s)
The Government
of Montenegro
Dušan Perović (s)
M E M O R A N D U M,
ki ga sklenejo Svet ministrov Republike Albanije ter Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, Vlada Republike Makedonije, Vlada Republike Srbije, Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Republike Hrvaške in Vlada Črne gore o poravnavi dolga Republike Albanije, povezanega s poravnavo zneskov po obračunih v okviru blagovnega prometa med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo
Svet ministrov Republike Albanije
Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine,
Vlada Republike Makedonije,
Vlada Republike Srbije,
Vlada Republike Slovenije,
Vlada Republike Hrvaške in
Vlada Črne gore
(v nadaljnjem besedilu: države naslednice SFRJ in Črna gora)
so se ob upoštevanju
Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva z dne 29. junija 2001, zlasti priloge C sporazuma,
Sporazuma o urejanju članstva v mednarodnih finančnih organizacijah ter razdelitvi finančnih sredstev in obveznosti med Republiko Srbijo in Republiko Črno goro, podpisanega 10. julija 2006,
potrjenega zapisnika o pogajanjih med predstavniki Vladnega odbora za pogajanja o zunanjem dolgu Albanije (GCNEDA) ter predstavniki Bosne in Hercegovine, Republike Hrvaške, Republike Makedonije, Republike Srbije, Črne gore in Republike Slovenije, podpisanega v Tirani 9. septembra 2009,
potrebe po poravnavi dolgov Republike Albanije v okviru blagovnega prometa med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo SFRJ,
nadaljnjega razvoja in krepitve prijateljskih odnosov med pogodbeniki tega memoranduma
1. člen
Saldo za poravnavo
Predmet tega memoranduma je usklajena terjatev nekdanje SFRJ do Republike Albanije v znesku 20.768.803,80 klirinškega dolarja.
Pogodbeniki se strinjajo, da se omenjeni znesek preračuna v USD po tečaju 1 klirinški dolar je 1 USD in znaša 20.768.803,80 USD (dvajset milijonov sedemsto oseminšestdeset tisoč osemsto tri ameriške dolarje in osemdeset centov).
2. člen
Obresti se plačajo na znesek iz drugega odstavka 1. člena tega memoranduma po šestmesečni obrestni meri USD LIBOR od 31. marca 2006, to je datuma podpisa potrjenega zapisnika o pogajanjih med strokovnjaki Narodne banke Srbije in Banke Albanije zaradi uskladitve saldov na računih albanskih bank z Narodno banko nekdanje SFRJ, do 30. septembra 2009.
Redne obresti, ki se plačajo na terjatev iz drugega odstavka 1. člena za obdobje od 31. marca 2006 do 30. septembra 2009, znašajo 3.077.580,48 USD.
Znesek rednih obresti, ki zapade po 30. septembru 2009, se izračuna po šestmesečni obrestni meri USD LIBOR do datuma podpisa dvostranskega sporazuma med posamezno državo naslednico SFRJ in Črno goro ter Republiko Albanijo in se vključi v skupni znesek vsakokratnih terjatev.
3. člen
Končni saldo za poravnavo
Končni saldo za poravnavo med Republiko Albanijo po eni ter državami naslednicami SFRJ in Črno goro po drugi strani znaša 23.846.384,28 USD, vključno z rednimi obrestmi, izračunanimi za obdobje od 31. marca 2006 do 30. septembra 2009.
Ta saldo se poravna v skladu z določbami tega memoranduma.
4. člen
Razdelitev končnega salda
1. Končni saldo za poravnavo, naveden v 3. členu tega memoranduma, se v skladu z drugim odstavkom 5. člena priloge C Sporazuma o vprašanjih nasledstva z dne 29. junija 2001 med pogodbenike razdeli po teh deležih:
Bosna in Hercegovina                                  –15,5%
Republika Makedonija                                   –7,5%
Zvezna republika Jugoslavija                          –38,0%
(pozneje Republika Srbija in Črna gora)
Republika Slovenija                                   –16,0%
Republika Hrvaška                                     –23,0%
2. Tisti del končnega salda za poravnavo iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ki se nanaša na Zvezno republiko Jugoslavijo (pozneje Republika Srbija in Črna gora), se na podlagi Sporazuma o urejanju članstva v mednarodnih finančnih organizacijah ter razdelitvi finančnih sredstev in obveznosti med Republiko Srbijo in Republiko Črno goro, podpisanega 10. julija 2006, in v skladu s ključem, določenim za razdelitev nerazporejenih finančnih sredstev in obveznosti, razdeli po teh deležih:
Republika Srbija                                     –94,12%
Republika Črna gora                                   –5,88%
3. Končni saldo za poravnavo, naveden v 3. členu tega memoranduma, se ob upoštevanju prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena razdeli po teh deležih:
Bosna in Hercegovina                                  –15,5%
Republika Makedonija                                   –7,5%
Republika Srbija                                   –35,7656%
Republika Slovenija                                   –16,0%
Republika Hrvaška                                     –23,0%
Črna gora                                           –2,2344%
4. V skladu z odstotki, navedenimi v tretjem odstavku tega člena, so terjatve posameznih držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore do Republike Albanije naslednje:
Bosna in Hercegovina                       –3.696.189,56 USD
Republika Makedonija                       –1.788.478,82 USD
Republika Srbija                           –8.528.802,42 USD
Republika Slovenija                        –3.815.421,48 USD
Republika Hrvaška                          –5.484.668,38 USD
Črna gora                                    –532.823,61 USD
5. Razdelitev končnega salda za poravnavo v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega člena velja z dnem podpisa tega memoranduma in je pogodbeniki ne smejo spremeniti.
6. V skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega člena in najpozneje 30 dni po podpisu tega memoranduma se znesek končnega salda za poravnavo nakaže na ustrezne račune, ki jih odprejo pooblaščene banke držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore.
5. člen
Poravnava dolgov
Postopek in način poravnave dolgov Republike Albanije do posamezne države naslednice SFRJ in Črne gore se določita čim prej po podpisu tega memoranduma z dvostranskimi medvladnimi sporazumi med Svetom ministrov Republike Albanije ter vladami posameznih držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore.
6. člen
Bančni postopki
Narodna banka Srbije (v imenu NBJ SFRJ) v 30 dneh po podpisu tega memoranduma v svojih poslovnih knjigah zapre vse tri obstoječe klirinške račune, odprte v skladu z meddržavnimi klirinškimi sporazumi med Republiko Albanijo in nekdanjo SFRJ.
Banka Albanije odpre v svojih poslovnih knjigah za Narodno banko Jugoslavije (NBJ) nekdanje SFRJ enoten račun, v dobro katerega se knjiži znesek končnega salda v USD iz prvega odstavka 3. člena tega memoranduma, in o tem uradno obvesti pooblaščene banke držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore.
Banka Albanije odpre v svojih poslovnih knjigah za vsako državo naslednico SFRJ in Črno goro 6 podračunov, v dobro katerih se knjižijo zneski, izračunani v skladu z deleži iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena, v zneskih, določenih v četrtem odstavku 4. člena tega memoranduma, ter o tem v 45 dneh po datumu podpisa tega memoranduma uradno obvesti pooblaščene banke držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore.
Znesek rednih obresti se od 30. septembra 2009 izračuna vsakih šest mesecev na podlagi šestmesečne obrestne mere USD LIBOR, ki velja 30. septembra in 31. marca vsakega leta, do datuma podpisa dvostranskih sporazumov med Republiko Albanijo ter posamezno državo naslednico SFRJ in Črno goro.
a. Če sta 30. september in 31. marec praznika, se znesek rednih obresti izračuna na podlagi šestmesečne obrestne mere USD LIBOR iz predhodnih delovnih dni.
b. Če datuma sporazumov med Republiko Albanijo ter posamezno državo naslednico SFRJ in Črno goro nista 30. september in 31. marec, se znesek rednih obresti izračuna na podlagi preostalih dni in šestmesečne obrestne mere USD LIBOR na datume sporazuma.
Te obresti se obračunavajo od 30. septembra 2009, države naslednice SFRJ in Črna gora pa o tem obračunu uradno obvestijo Banko Albanije. Banka Albanije po preveritvi teh zneskov pošlje potrebne potrditve za vsak delež in vpiše pripadajoče obresti v posamezne podračune bilance.
7. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta memorandum začne veljati z dnem zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim vlade držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore obvestijo Svet ministrov Republike Albanije, da so njihovi notranji postopki, potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti, končani.
Ta memorandum se začasno uporablja od datuma podpisa. Svet ministrov Republike Albanije nemudoma uradno obvesti vlade držav naslednic SFRJ in Črne gore, ko ga zadnja od njih uradno obvesti o končanju postopka iz prejšnjega odstavka.
Podpisano v Tirani 14. decembra 2010 v sedmih izvodih v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsi izvodi enako verodostojni. Vsaka podpisnica prejme en izvod.
Svet ministrov
Republike Albanije
Xhentil Demiraj l.r.
Svet ministrov
Bosne in Hercegovine
Ljubiša Vladušić l.r.
Vlado Republike Makedonije
Zoran Petrov l.r.
Republike Srbije
Zoran Ćirović l.r.
Republike Slovenije
Miranda Groff Ferjančič l.r.
Vlado Republike Hrvaške
Zdravko Rogić l.r.
Vlado Črne gore
Dušan Perović l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-19/2011
Ljubljana, dne 21. aprila 2011
EVA 2011-1811-0043
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l.r.

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