Uradni list

Številka 38
Uradni list RS, št. 38/2009 z dne 22. 5. 2009
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 38/2009 z dne 22. 5. 2009


Ob-3890/09 , Stran 1263
1. Name and registered office of the organiser of the competitive tender: The Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Defence, Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 Ljubljana. 2. Subject of lease: Technical data for the airplane: Na tem mestu je v objavi uporabljena tabela ali kakšen drug element, ki ni tekst. Takšen element je viden v PDF datoteki! 3. Type of legal transaction Tenderer offers a lease on a Falcon 2000 EX airplane. Tenderers may submit optional offers, such as leasing the airplane in the management. When submitting optional offers, the tenderers shall submit a tender containing detailed description of commercial and technical elements of business as well as a sample contract. 4. Additional information on the public competitive tender: requests for more detailed information regarding the tender may be sent to the following e-mail address: glavna.pisarna@mors.si. 5. Manner, place and deadline of tender submission Tenders shall be considered only if they arrive in closed envelopes no later than 15. 6. 2009 to the following address: Republika Slovenija, Ministrstvo za obrambo, Vojkova cesta 55, 1000 Ljubljana. Tenders, which shall arrive after the deadline for the submission of tenders (i.e. untimely tenders), shall be rejected by the Working group for the preparation of a suitable solution regarding the further usage of Falcon 2000 EX airplane and returned unopened to the sender. Tenders may also be submitted personally at the Registry of the Ministry of Defence, Vojkova cesta 55 in Ljubljana every working day from 9:00 to 14:00. The front of the envelope has to contain the following text: Oddaja ponudbe za Falcon 2000 EX, Oznaka: »Ne odpiraj – Ponudba«. The reverse side of the envelope has to contain the name and address of the tenderer. Opening of the tenders shall take place on 15. 6. 2009 at 10 a.m. at the Ministry of Defence, Vojkova cesta 55, in Ljubljana. 6. Validity of tenders: tender shall be valid at least up to 31. 7. 2009. 7. Condition for participation at the invitation to tender Both domestic and foreign legal persons may participate at the tender, under the following conditions: 1. Tenderer and their legal representative(s) is/are not in any criminal proceedings for a criminal offence over the bribery or they have not been convicted for such an offence. Tenderer and their legal representative(s) must submit a certificate from the Ministry of Justice (the certificate must not be older than 3 months) or a written statement under criminal and material liability as a declaration on oath, that tenderer and his representative(s) is/are not in criminal proceedings for a criminal offence of bribery or that they have not been convicted for any such offence. 2. There has not been any receivership, bankruptcy or liquidation introduced or started against the tenderer and that they have not ceased with their activities due to a judicial or any other compulsory decision. Tenderer shall submit an extract from judicial or other equivalent register, proving that no receivership, bankruptcy or liquidation has been introduced against them, demonstrating their most recent situation (the extract may not be older than 3 months) or a written statement under criminal and material liability as a declaration on oath, that there has not been any receivership, bankruptcy or liquidation introduced or started against the tenderer and that they have not ceased with their activities due to a judicial or any other compulsory decision. 3. Tenderer is required to have legal capacity and be financially fit. Tenderer shall submit a report on their financial situation (balance sheet for 2008) as well as information on their credit rating, which may not be older than 3 months. 4. Tenderer shall submit a Tender Bond in the amount of 50.000,00 EUR, valid at least until 31. 7. 2009. 8. Other conditions of the tender and for the contract conclusion: a) Tenderer shall submit an extract from judicial or other equivalent register (the extract may not be older than 3 months) demonstrating their most recent situation. b) Minimum lease period is 4 years. c) Leaser shall use the airplane for their needs and shall not sublease it without a written permission of the lessor. Sub-lease is occasionally granted, however, this does not reduce the obligations and responsibilities of the leaser. The usage of the airplane has to be in accordance with the FAR Part 91 and FAR Part 135 or equivalent regulations. d) Leaser shall maintain the airplane from the time of acceptance until its return, in accordance with the maintenance system prescribed by the airplane manufacturer, in a maintenance organization authorized for this type of aircraft by the civil aviation authority of the country where the maintenance organization is located and which is recommended by the manufacturer. e) Leaser shall not implement any technical changes or modifications except those which shall be prescribed as explicitly requested by the manufacturer of the airplane or the aviation authority of the country of the manufacturer in order to ensure safe flight. f) Leaser shall not change the existing airplane configuration without lessor’s consent. g) Leaser shall arrange insurance for the airplane for the duration of the contract. h) Leaser shall maintain airworthiness of the airplane for the duration of the contract. i) After the conclusion of contract, leaser shall have to pay a deposit in the amount of 500.000,00 EUR, which lessor may keep in case of a breach of contract. 9. Conclusion of contract The Ministry of Defence shall conclude a contract for the lease of the Falcon 2000 EX airplane with the most advantageous tenderer. After receiving the tenders, the procurer may carry out negotiations with the most advantageous tenderers. The criterion for the selection of the most advantageous tenderer is a higher offered price for the lease. In case the offered prices for the lease are not economically justified, the evaluation of the optional offers shall be carried out. 10. Ministry of Defence or the Government of the Republic of Slovenia may terminate the tender at any time prior to the conclusion of legal business. 11. The Ministry of Defence is not obliged to conclude a contract with the most advantageous or any other tenderer.

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