Uradni list

Številka 99
Uradni list RS, št. 99/2007 z dne 30. 10. 2007
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 99/2007 z dne 30. 10. 2007


131. Uredba o ratifikaciji Protokola, ki spreminja posamezne dele Območnega sporazuma za evropsko radiodifuzno območje (Stockholm 1961) z resolucijami, stran 1210.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo in 20/06 – ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol, ki spreminja posamezne dele Območnega sporazuma za evropsko radiodifuzno območje (Stockholm 1961) z Resolucijami, sprejet 16. junija 2006 v Ženevi.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenski jezik glasi:
revising certain parts of the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area (Stockholm, 1961)
(Geneva, 2006)
The undersigned delegates of the following Member States:
Republic of Albania, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, Federal Republic of Germany, Principality of Andorra, Austria, Republic of Belarus, Belgium, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Cyprus, Vatican City State, Republic of Croatia, Denmark, Arab Republic of Egypt, Spain, Republic of Estonia, Russian Federation, Finland, France, Greece, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Iraq, Ireland, State of Israel, Italy, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Republic of Latvia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lebanon, Principality of Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Kingdom of Morocco, Republic of Moldova, Principality of Monaco, Norway, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of Poland, Portugal, Syrian Arab Republic, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Republic of San Marino, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Slovenia, Sweden, Confederation of Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and Ukraine,
meeting in Geneva for a regional radiocommunication conference to revise the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area (Stockholm, 1961) (ST61 Agreement), between 15 May 2006 and 16 June 2006, and working on the basis of its agenda,
noting Article 8 of the ST61 Agreement,
noting further that the ST61 Agreement was amended in 1985 (see the Protocol amending the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area (Geneva, 1985)),
having considered the Agreement adopted by the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz and 470–862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06) (GE06 Agreement),
having also considered the need to harmonize the dates of entry into force and the dates of provisional application of the GE06 Agreement and the revised ST61 Agreement,
recognizing that the analogue Plan annexed to the GE06 Agreement contains the frequency assignments from the updated ST61 Plan as it appears in BR IFIC No. 2569 in frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz which are transferred to the new analogue Plan annexed to the GE06 Agreement as a consequence of abrogation of Annex 2 to the ST61 Agreement in the above-mentioned frequency bands,
have adopted, subject to approval by their competent authorities, a revision of the ST61 Agreement, as contained in this Protocol,
declare that, should a Member State from the European Broadcasting Area make reservations(1) concerning the application of one or more of the provisions of the revised ST61 Agreement, no other Member State from the European Broadcasting Area shall be obliged to observe that provision or those provisions in its relations with that particular Member State.
1 For the purposes of this Protocol, and unless otherwise specified, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below:
1.1 Union: The International Telecommunication Union.
1.2 Secretary-General: The Secretary-General of the Union.
1.3 Constitution: The Constitution of the Union.
1.4 Convention: The Convention of the Union.
1.5 European Broadcasting Area: The area designated in No. 5.14 of the Radio Regulations (Edition of 2004).
1.6 ST61 Agreement: The Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area (Stockholm, 1961), as amended by the Regional Administrative Conference of the Members of the Union in the European Broadcasting Area (Geneva, 1985).
1.7 Conference: The Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the ST61 Agreement (Geneva, 2006).
1.8 Protocol: This Protocol revising certain parts of the ST61 Agreement.
Revision of certain parts of the ST61 Agreement
2.1 The provisions in Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the ST61 Agreement and the associated parts of its Annexes 1 and 2 are abrogated insofar as their application in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz is concerned.
Entry into force and provisional application of the Protocol
3.1 The provisions of the Protocol shall apply provisionally as from 17 June 2006 at 0001 hours UTC.
3.2 The Protocol shall enter into force on 17 June 2007 at 0001 hours UTC.
Approval of the Protocol
4.1 Any Member State from the European Broadcasting Area signatory of the Protocol shall deposit its instrument of approval of the Protocol, as soon as possible, with the Secretary-General, who shall at once inform the other Member States of the Union, it being understood that for Member States which are not party to the ST61 Agreement (as amended or not), such approval shall also imply the approval of, or accession to, the ST61 Agreement. The Secretary-General is authorized to take, at any time, any appropriate action aimed at the timely implementation of the provisions of this paragraph.
Accession to the Protocol
5.1 Any Member State in the European Broadcasting Area which is a party-to the ST61 Agreement (as amended or not) but not a signatory of the Protocol, shall deposit its instrument of accession to the latter, as soon as possible, with the Secretary-General, who shall at once inform the other Member States of the Union. The Secretary-General is authorized to take, at any time, any appropriate action aimed at the timely implementation of the provisions of this paragraph.
5.2 Accession to the Protocol shall be made without reservation and shall become effective on the date on which the instrument of accession is received by the Secretary-General.
Approval of or accession to the ST61 Agreement
6.1 Any Member State from the European Broadcasting Area approving or acceding to the ST61 Agreement after the entry into force of the Protocol shall be considered as also approving or acceding to the Protocol.
Amendment and revision of the Protocol
7.1 The Protocol shall not be amended or revised except by a competent regional radiocommunication conference of the Member States from the European Broadcasting Area convened in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Constitution and Convention.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the delegates of the Member States of the International Telecommunication Union from the European Broadcasting Area named below have, on behalf of their respective competent authorities, signed one copy of these Final Acts. In case of dispute, the French text shall prevail. This copy shall remain deposited in the archives of the Union. The Secretary-General shall forward one certified true copy to each Member State of the International Telecommunication Union from the European Broadcasting Area.
Done at Geneva, 16 June 2006
Suspension of the Article 4 procedure of the Regional Agreement for the European Broadcasting Area (Stockholm, 1961)
The Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the ST61 Agreement (Geneva, 2006),
a) the actions taken by the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz and 470–862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06), regarding the establishment of the reference situation for analogue television;
b) that the reference situation for the analogue television, established by RRC-06, for the territories governed by the Stockholm 1961 (ST61) Agreement, coincides with the updated version of the ST61 Plan, as included in BR IFIC No. 2569 with a publication date 16 May 2006;
c) that the updated version of the ST61 Plan, as included in BR IFIC No. 2569, contains all frequency assignments successfully coordinated by 15 March 2006, which were communicated to the Radiocommunication Bureau by 15 March 2006, provided that the relevant information (e.g. TB3 notices or equivalent statements) has been provided to the Bureau by 21 April 2006;
d) the necessity for harmonizing the scopes of the ST61 Plan and the analogue television plan annexed to the Regional Agreement established by RRC-06,
that the Regional Agreement established by RRC-06 contains a procedure to update the analogue television plan in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz,
resolves to instruct the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau
1 to cease processing submissions under Article 4 of the ST61 Agreement in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz after the publication of BR IFIC No. 2569 of 16 May 2006, including the processing of the submissions from administrations in these bands whose processing was not completed in time for inclusion in BR IFIC No. 2569;
2 to delete from databases of the Radiocommunication Bureau all entries (notices) related to pending frequency assignments under the procedure of Article 4 of the ST61 Agreement, in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz, which did not result in a Plan entry for inclusion in the updated version of the ST61 Plan included in BR IFIC No. 2569.
Revision of certain Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the European VHF/UHF Broadcasting Conference (Stockholm, 1961)
The Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the revision of the ST61 Agreement (Geneva, 2006),
that certain Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the European VHF/UHF Broadcasting Conference (Stockholm, 1961) (ST61) relate to the use of the frequency bands 174–230 MHz and 470–862 MHz, which are addressed by the provisions adopted by the Regional Radiocommunication Conference for the planning of the digital terrestrial broadcasting service in Region 1 (parts of Region 1 situated to the west of meridian 170° E and to the north of parallel 40° S, except the territory of Mongolia) and in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz and 470–862 MHz (Geneva, 2006) (RRC-06),
that the provisions in Resolutions 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 adopted by the ST61 Conference are abrogated as from 17 June 2006 at 0001 hours UTC insofar as their application in the frequency bands 174–230 MHz (for Morocco, 170–230 MHz) and 470–862 MHz is concerned.
ki spreminja posamezne dele Območnega sporazuma za evropsko radiodifuzno območje (Stockholm 1961)
(Ženeva 2006)
Podpisani delegati držav članic:
Republike Albanije, Ljudske demokratične republike Alžirije, Kneževine Andore, Avstrije, Belgije, Republike Belorusije, Republike Bolgarije, Republike Ciper, Češke republike, Danske, Estonije, Finske, Francije, Grčije, Republike Hrvaške, Republike Irak, Irske, Italije, Države Izrael, Hašemitske kraljevine Jordanije, Republike Latvije, Libanona, Kneževine Lihtenštajn, Luksemburga, Republike Madžarske, Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, Malte, Kraljevine Maroko, Republike Moldove, Kneževine Monako, Zvezne republike Nemčije, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Norveške, Republike Poljske, Portugalske, Romunije, Ruske federacije, Republike San Marino, Sirske arabske republike, Slovaške republike, Republike Slovenije, Republike Srbije, Španije, Švedske, Švicarske konfederacije, Tunizije, Turčije, Ukrajine, Vatikanske mestne države ter Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska,
ki so se med 15. majem in 16. junijem 2006 sestali v Ženevi na območni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah, da bi pregledali Območni sporazum o evropskem radiodifuznem območju (Stockholm 1961) (sporazum ST61), in delali na podlagi dnevnega reda, so
ob upoštevanju 8. člena sporazuma ST61,
ob nadaljnjem upoštevanju, da je bil sporazum ST61 spremenjen v letu 1985 (glej Protokol, ki spreminja Območni sporazum o evropskem radiodifuznem območju (Ženeva 1985)),
ob upoštevanju sporazuma, ki ga je sprejela območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za načrtovanje digitalne prizemne radiodifuzne storitve v območju 1 (deli območja 1, ki so zahodno od poldnevnika 170° V in severno od vzporednika 40° J, razen ozemlja Mongolije) in v Islamski republiki Iran v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz in 470–862 MHz (Ženeva 2006) (RRC-06) (sporazum GE06),
tudi ob upoštevanju potrebe po uskladitvi datumov veljavnosti in datumov začasne uporabe sporazuma GE06 in pregledanega sporazuma ST61,
ob priznavanju, da analogni načrt, ki je priloga sporazuma GE06, zajema dodelitve frekvenc iz posodobljenega načrta ST61, kakor je zapisan v BR IFIC št. 2569, v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz, ki so preneseni v novi analogni načrt, ki je priloga sporazuma GE06, zaradi razveljavitve priloge 2 k sporazumu ST61 v omenjenih frekvenčnih pasovih,
sprejeli spremembe sporazuma ST61, kakor so zajete v tem protokolu, s pridržkom, da jo potrdijo njihovi pristojni organi,
izjavljajo, da to ne zavezuje nobene druge države članice z evropskega radiodifuznega območja k upoštevanju te določbe ali teh določb v razmerju do države članice z evropskega radiodifuznega območja, ki da pridržke(2) glede uporabe ene ali več določb spremenjenega sporazuma ST61.
Pomen izrazov
1 Če ni določeno drugače, izrazi v tem protokolu pomenijo:
1.1 zveza: Mednarodna telekomunikacijska zveza,
1.2 generalni sekretar: generalni sekretar zveze,
1.3 ustava: ustava zveze,
1.4 konvencija: konvencija zveze,
1.5 evropsko radiodifuzno območje: območje, določeno v št. 5.14 Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah (izdaja 2004),
1.6 sporazum ST61: Območni sporazum o evropskem radiodifuznem območju (Stockholm 1961), kakor je bil spremenjen na območni upravni konferenci članic zveze z evropskega radiodifuznega območja (Ženeva 1985),
1.7 konferenca: Območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za spremembe sporazuma ST61 (Ženeva 2006),
1.8 protokol: ta protokol, ki spreminja posamezne dele sporazuma ST61.
Spremembe posameznih delov sporazuma ST61
2.1 3., 4. in 5. člen sporazuma ST61 in deli prilog 1 in 2 se prekličejo, če se to nanaša na njihovo uporabo v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz.
Začetek veljavnosti in začasna uporaba protokola
3.1 Protokol se začasno uporablja od 17. junija 2006 ob 1.00 po usklajenem svetovnem času (ob 0001h po UTC).
3.2 Ta protokol začne veljati 17. junija 2007 ob 1.00 po usklajenem svetovnem času.
Odobritev protokola
4.1 Vsaka država članica z evropskega radiodifuznega območja, podpisnica protokola, čim prej deponira svojo listino o odobritvi protokola pri generalnem sekretarju, ta pa nemudoma obvesti druge države članice zveze, pri čemer se razume, da za države članice, ki niso pogodbenice sporazuma ST61 (kakor je bil ali ni bil spremenjen), taka odobritev pomeni tudi odobritev sporazuma ST61 ali pristop k njemu. Generalni sekretar je pooblaščen, da kadarkoli sprejme vsak ustrezen ukrep za pravočasno izvajanje določb tega odstavka.
Pristop k protokolu
5.1 Vsaka država članica z evropskega radiodifuznega območja, ki je pogodbenica sporazuma ST61 (kakor je bil ali ni bil spremenjen), ni pa podpisnica protokola, čim prej deponira svojo listino o pristopu k protokolu pri generalnem sekretarju, ta pa takoj obvesti druge države članice zveze. Generalni sekretar je pooblaščen, da kadarkoli sprejme vsak ustrezen ukrep za pravočasno izvajanje tega odstavka.
5.2 Pristop k protokolu se opravi brez pridržka in začne veljati z dnem, ko generalni sekretar prejme listino o pristopu.
Odobritev sporazuma ST61 ali pristop k njemu
6.1 Za vsako državo iz evropskega radiodifuznega območja, ki odobri sporazum ST61 ali pristopi k njemu po začetku veljavnosti protokola, se šteje, da potrjuje protokol ali pristopa k njemu.
Spremembe in dopolnitve protokola
7.1 Spremembe ali dopolnitve protokola niso mogoče, razen če jih ne sprejme ali dopolni pristojna območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah držav članic iz evropskega radiodifuznega območja, sklicana v skladu s postopki, določenimi v ustavi in konvenciji.
V POTRDITEV NAVEDENEGA so delegati držav članic Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze iz evropskega radiodifuznega območja, ki so navedeni spodaj, v imenu svojih pristojnih organov podpisali en izvod teh sklepnih listin. Ob morebitnem sporu prevlada francosko besedilo. Ta izvod je deponiran v arhivih zveze. Generalni sekretar pošlje overjeno kopijo izvirnika vsaki državi članici Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze z evropskega radiodifuznega območja.
Sestavljeno v Ženevi 16. junija 2006
Zadržanje postopka iz 4. člena Območnega sporazuma o evropskem radiodifuznem območju (Stockholm 1961)
Območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za spremembe sporazuma ST61 (Ženeva 2006) se je
ob upoštevanju
a) ukrepov, ki jih je sprejela območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za načrtovanje digitalne prizemne radiodifuzne storitve v območju 1 (deli območja 1, ki so zahodno od poldnevnika 170° V in severno od vzporednika 40° J, razen ozemlja Mongolije) in v Islamski republiki Iran na frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz in 470–862 MHz (Ženeva 2006) (RRC-06) v zvezi z ugotovitvijo referenčne situacije za analogno televizijo;
b) da se referenčna situacija za analogno televizijo, ki jo je vpeljala območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah 2006, za ozemlja, za katera velja sporazum Stockholm 1961 (ST61), ujema s posodobljeno različico načrta ST61, kakor je zajeta v BR IFIC št. 2569, objavljenem 16. maja 2006;
c) da posodobljena različica načrta ST61, kakor je vključena v BR IFIC št. 2569, zajema vse dodelitve frekvenc, ki so uspešno usklajene do 15. marca 2006 in sporočene Uradu za radiokomunikacije do 15. marca 2006, pod pogojem, da so ustrezne informacije (tj. obvestila TB3 ali ustrezne izjave) uradu predložene do 21. aprila 2006;
d) potrebe po uskladitvi področij uporabe načrta ST61 in analognega televizijskega načrta, ki je priloga območnega sporazuma, ki ga je pripravila RRC-06,
ob priznavanju,
da območni sporazum, ki ga je pripravila RRC-06, zajema postopek za posodobitev načrta analogne televizije v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz,
odločila, da dà direktorju Urada za radiokomunikacije navodila, da
1 preneha obdelovati vloge po 4. členu sporazuma ST61 v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz po objavi BR IFIC št. 2569 z dne 16. maja 2006, vključno z obdelovanjem vlog uprav v teh pasovih, katerih obdelava ni bila pravočasno končana, da bi bile vključene v BR IFIC št. 2569;
2 iz podatkovnih zbirk Urada za radiokomunikacije črta vse vnose (obvestila), ki se nanašajo na nerešene dodelitve frekvenc po postopku iz 4. člena sporazuma ST61 v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz in niso bili vpisani v načrt za vključitev v posodobljeno različico načrta ST61, ki je vključen v BR IFIC št. 2569.
Spremembe nekaterih resolucij in priporočil, ki jih je sprejela evropska konferenca o radiodifuziji VHF/UHF (Stockholm 1961)
Območna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah za spremembe sporazuma ST61 (Ženeva 2006) se je
ob upoštevanju,
da se nekatere resolucije in priporočila, ki jih je sprejela evropska konferenca o radiodifuziji VHF/UHF (Stockholm 1961) (ST61), nanašajo na uporabo frekvenčnih pasov 174–230 MHz in 470–862 MHz, ki jih obravnavajo določbe, sprejete na območni konferenci za radiokomunikacije za načrtovanje digitalne prizemne radiodifuzne storitve v območju 1 (deli območja 1, ki so zahodno od poldnevnika 170° V in severno od vzporednika 40° J, razen ozemlja Mongolije) in v Islamski republiki Iran na frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz in 470–862 MHz (Ženeva 2006) (RRC-06),
da se določbe v resolucijah 1, 2, 3 in 4 ter priporočilih 1, 2, 3, 4 in 5, ki jih je sprejela konferenca ST61, razveljavijo od 17. junija 2006 ob 1.00 po usklajenem svetovnem času, če se to nanaša na njihovo uporabo v frekvenčnih pasovih 174–230 MHz (za Maroko 170–230 MHz) in 470–862 MHz.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sklepnih listin skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Republika Slovenija ob deponiranju svoje listine o pristopu sporoči generalnem sekretarju ITU naslednjo izjavo:
»Republika Slovenija uradno izjavlja, da podpira izjave in pridržke svoje države ob podpisu sklepnih listin predhodnih konferenc zveze za pripravo mednarodnih pogodb, kakor da bi bili dani v celoti na tej območni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah.«
5. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-52/2007
Ljubljana, dne 16. oktobra 2007
EVA 2007-1811-0090
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(1) These reservations shall not relate to Article 2 of this Protocol.
(2) Ti pridržki se ne nanašajo na 2. člen tega protokola.

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