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Številka 114
Uradni list RS, št. 114/2006 z dne 9. 11. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 114/2006 z dne 9. 11. 2006


118. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o mednarodnem programu za ohranjanje delfinov (MSOD), stran 1536.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o mednarodnem programu za ohranjanje delfinov (MSOD), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 29. septembra 2006.
Št. 001-22-136/06
Ljubljana, dne 9. oktobra 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o mednarodnem programu za ohranjanje delfinov, sestavljen 15. maja 1998 v Washingtonu D.C.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Parties to this Agreement,
Aware that, in accordance with the relevant provisions of international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) of 1982, all States have the duty to take, or to cooperate with other States in taking, such measures as may be necessary for the conservation and management of living marine resources;
Inspired by the principles contained in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development of 1992, as well as the wish to implement the principles and standards of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries adopted by the FAO Conference in 1995;
Stressing the political will of the international community to contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of fisheries conservation and management measures, through the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas, adopted by the FAO Conference in 1993;
Taking note that the 50th General Assembly of the United Nations, pursuant to resolution A/RES/50/24, adopted the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks ("the United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks");
Reaffirming the commitments established in the La Jolla Agreement of 1992 and in the Declaration of Panama of 1995;
Emphasizing the goals of eliminating dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean and of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;
Considering the importance of the tuna fishery as a source of food and income for the populations of the Parties and that conservation and management measures must address those needs and take into account the economic and social impacts of those measures;
Recognizing the dramatic reduction of incidental dolphin mortality achieved through the La Jolla Agreement;
Convinced that scientific evidence demonstrates that the technique of fishing for tuna in association with dolphins, in compliance with the regulations and procedures established under the La Jolla Agreement and reflected in the Declaration of Panama, has provided an effective method for the protection of dolphins and rational use of tuna resources in the eastern Pacific Ocean;
Reaffirming that multilateral cooperation constitutes the most effective means for achieving the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources;
Committed to ensure the sustainability of tuna stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and to progressively reduce the incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna fishery of the eastern Pacific Ocean to levels approaching zero; to avoid, reduce and minimize the incidental catch and the discard of juvenile tuna and the incidental catch of non-target species, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem;
Have agreed as follows:
Article I. Definitions
For the purposes of this Agreement:
1. “Tuna” means the species of the suborder Scombroidei (Klawe, 1980), with the exception of the genus Scomber.
2. “Dolphins” means species of the family Delphinidae associated with the fishery for yellowfin tuna in the Agreement Area.
3. “Vessel” means a vessel that fishes for tuna with a purse seine.
4. “Parties” means the States or regional economic integration organizations which have consented to be bound by this Agreement and for which this Agreement is in force.
5. “Regional economic integration organization” means a regional economic integration organization to which its member States have transferred competence over matters covered by this Agreement, including the authority to make decisions binding on its member States in respect of those matters;
6. “IATTC” means the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
7. “La Jolla Agreement” means the instrument adopted at the Intergovernmental Meeting held in June, 1992.
8. “International Dolphin Conservation Program” means the international program established pursuant to this Agreement based on the La Jolla Agreement, as formalized, modified and enhanced in accordance with the Declaration of Panama.
9. “On-Board Observer Program” means the program defined in Annex II.
10. “Declaration of Panama” means the Declaration signed in Panama City, Republic of Panama, on October 4, 1995.
11. “Director" means the Director of Investigations of the IATTC.
Article II. Objectives
The objectives of this Agreement are:
1. To progressively reduce incidental dolphin mortalities in the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Agreement Area to levels approaching zero, through the setting of annual limits;
2. With the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery, to seek ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins; and
3. To ensure the long-term sustainability of the tuna stocks in the Agreement Area, as well as that of the living marine resources related to this fishery, taking into consideration the interrelationship among species in the ecosystem, with special emphasis on, inter alia, avoiding, reducing and minimizing bycatch and discards of juvenile tunas and non-target species.
Article III. Area of Application of the Agreement
The area of application of this Agreement (“the Agreement Area”) is defined in Annex I.
Article IV. General Measures
The Parties shall, within the framework of the IATTC:
1. Take measures to ensure the conservation of ecosystems as well as conservation and management measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks and other stocks of living marine resources associated with the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Agreement Area, based on the best scientific evidence available, and apply the precautionary approach, consistent with the relevant provisions of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the United Nations Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. Such measures shall be designed to maintain or restore the biomass of harvested stocks at or above levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield, and with the goal of maintaining or restoring the biomass of associated stocks at or above levels capable of producing maximum sustainable yield; and,
2. Take measures, according to their capacities, to assess the catch and bycatch of juvenile yellowfin tuna and other stocks of living marine resources related to the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area and establish measures in accordance with Article VI to, inter alia, avoid, reduce and minimize the bycatch of juvenile yellowfin tuna and bycatch of non-target species, in order to ensure long-term sustainability of all these species, taking into consideration the interrelationships among species in the ecosystem.
Article V. International Dolphin Conservation
Pursuant to the International Dolphin Conservation Program and in consideration of the objective of this Agreement, the Parties shall, inter alia:
1. Limit total incidental dolphin mortality in the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area to no more than 5,000 annually, through the adoption and implementation of relevant measures, which shall include:
a. The establishment of a system that provides incentives to vessel captains to continue to reduce incidental dolphin mortality, with the goal of eliminating dolphin mortality in this fishery;
b. The establishment within the framework of the IATTC of a system of technical training and certification for fishing captains and crews on the gear and its use, as well as the techniques for the rescue and safety of dolphins;
c. Within the framework of the IATTC, the promotion and support of research to improve gear, equipment, and fishing techniques, including those used in the fishery for tunas associated with dolphins;
d. The establishment of an equitable system for the assignment of dolphin mortality limits (DMLs), consistent with the per-year dolphin mortality caps, in accordance with Annexes III and IV;
e. Requiring their respective vessels that have been assigned a DML, or that otherwise operate in the Agreement Area, to comply with the operational requirements set forth in Annex VIII;
f. The establishment of a system for the tracking and verification of tuna harvested with and without mortality or serious injury of dolphins, based on the elements set forth in Annex IX;
g. The exchange of scientific research data collected by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement on a full and timely basis; and
h. The conduct of research for the purpose of seeking ecologically sound means of capturing large yellowfin tunas not in association with dolphins;
2. Establish per-stock per-year dolphin mortality caps, and review and assess the effects of these caps, in accordance with Annex III; and
3. Review the measures at a Meeting of the Parties.
Article VI. Sustainability of Living Marine Resources
Pursuant to Article IV, the Parties commit to develop and implement, within the framework of the IATTC, measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of living marine resources associated with the purse-seine tuna fishery in the Agreement Area, taking into consideration the interrelationships among species in the ecosystem. To this end, the Parties shall, inter alia:
1. Develop and implement a program for assessing, monitoring and minimizing bycatch of juvenile tuna and non-target species in the Agreement Area;
2. To the maximum extent practicable, develop and require the use of selective, environmentally safe and cost-effective fishing gear and techniques;
3. Require that their vessels operating in the Agreement Area release alive incidentally caught sea turtles and other threatened or endangered species, to the maximum extent practicable; and
4. Request the IATTC to initiate investigations to assess whether the fishing capacity of vessels fishing in the Agreement Area poses a threat to the sustainability of tuna stocks and other living marine resources associated with the fishery and, if so, examine possible measures and recommend their adoption whenever appropriate.
Article VII. Implementation at the National Level
Each Party shall adopt, in accordance with its laws and procedures, the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of and compliance with this Agreement including, as appropriate, the adoption of relevant laws and regulations.
Article VIII. Meeting of the Parties
1. The Parties shall meet periodically to consider matters pertaining to the implementation of this Agreement and to make all decisions relevant thereto.
2. The ordinary Meeting of the Parties shall take place at least once a year, preferably in conjunction with an IATTC meeting.
3. The Parties may also hold extraordinary meetings when deemed necessary. These meetings shall be convened at the request of any Party, provided that such request is supported by a majority of the Parties.
4. The Meeting of the Parties shall be held when a quorum is present. Quorum is reached when a majority of the Parties are present. This rule shall also apply to meetings of subsidiary organs established under this Agreement.
5. The meetings shall be held in Spanish and English, and the documents of the Meeting of the Parties shall be produced in both these languages.
Article IX. Decision Making
All decisions made by the Parties at meetings convened pursuant to Article VIII shall be by consensus.
Article X. Scientific Advisory Board
The functions of the Scientific Advisory Board, established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement, shall be those set forth in Annex V. The Scientific Advisory Board shall be composed and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Annex V.
Article XI. National Scientific Advisory Committees
1. Each Party shall, in accordance with its laws and procedures, establish a National Scientific Advisory Committee (NATSAC) of qualified experts, operating in their individual capacities, from the public and private sectors, and from non-governmental organizations including, inter alia, qualified scientists.
2. The functions of the NATSACs shall be, inter alia, those set forth in Annex VI.
3. The Parties shall ensure that the NATSACs shall cooperate through regular and timely meetings in the review of data and the status of stocks, and in the development of advice for achieving the objectives of this Agreement. Such meetings shall take place at least once a year in conjunction with an ordinary Meeting of the Parties.
Article XII. International Review Panel
The functions of the International Review Panel (IRP), established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement, shall be those set forth in Annex VII. The IRP shall be composed and shall operate in accordance with the provisions of Annex VII.
Article XIII. On-Board Observer Program
The On-Board Observer Program established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement shall operate in accordance with Annex II.
Article XIV. Role of the IATTC
Envisioning that the IATTC shall have an integral role in coordinating the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall, inter alia, request the IATTC to provide Secretariat support and to perform such other functions as are set forth in this Agreement or are agreed upon pursuant to this Agreement.
Article XV. Financing
The Parties shall contribute to the expenses necessary to achieve the objectives of this Agreement, through the establishment and collection of vessel fees, the level of which shall be determined by the Parties, without prejudice to other voluntary financial contributions.
Article XVI. Compliance
1. Each Party shall ensure with respect to vessels under its jurisdiction effective compliance with the measures set forth in this Agreement or adopted pursuant thereto. In particular, each Party shall ensure, through, inter alia, an annual certification and inspection program, that vessels under its jurisdiction comply with:
a. the operational requirements established in Annex VIII; and
b. the on-board observer requirements established in Annex II.
2. In respect of violations, each Party, taking into consideration the recommendations of the IRP, shall apply, consistent with its national laws, sanctions of sufficient gravity as to be effective in securing compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and of measures adopted pursuant thereto and to deprive offenders of the benefits accruing from their illegal activities. Such sanctions shall, for serious offenses, include refusal, suspension or withdrawal of the authorization to fish.
3. The Parties shall establish incentives for the captains and crews of vessels, with the view to enhancing compliance with this Agreement and its objectives.
4. The Parties shall adopt cooperative measures to ensure compliance with this Agreement, building on decisions that have been taken under the La Jolla Agreement.
5. Each Party shall promptly inform the IRP of enforcement actions it has taken pursuant to this Agreement, and the results thereof.
Article XVII. Transparency
1. The Parties shall promote transparency in the implementation of this Agreement, including through public participation, as appropriate.
2. Representatives from intergovernmental organizations and representatives from non-governmental organizations concerned with matters relevant to the implementation of this Agreement shall be afforded the opportunity to take part in meetings of the Parties convened pursuant to Article VIII as observers or otherwise, as appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines and criteria set forth in Annex X. Such intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations shall have timely access to relevant information, subject to procedural rules on access to such information that the Parties may adopt.
Article XVIII. Confidentiality
1. The Meeting of the Parties shall establish rules of confidentiality for all bodies given access to information pursuant to this Agreement.
2. Notwithstanding any confidentiality rules which may be adopted in accordance with paragraph 1 above, any persons with access to such confidential information may disclose such information in connection with legal or administrative proceedings, if requested by a competent authority of the Party concerned.
Article XIX. Cooperation with other Organizations
or Arrangements
The Parties shall cooperate with subregional, regional and global fishery conservation and management organizations and arrangements with the goal of promoting the achievement of the objectives of this Agreement.
Article XX. Settlement of Disputes
1. The Parties shall cooperate in order to prevent disputes. Any Party may consult with one or more other Parties about any dispute related to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement to reach a solution satisfactory to all as quickly as possible.
2. If a dispute is not settled through such consultation within a reasonable period, the Parties in question shall consult among themselves as soon as possible in order to settle the dispute through any peaceful means they may decide upon in accordance with international law.
Article XXI. Rights of States
No provision of this Agreement may be interpreted in such a way as to prejudice or undermine the sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction exercised by any State in accordance with international law, as well as its position or views with regard to matters relating to the law of the sea.
Article XXII. Non-Parties
1. The Parties shall encourage all States and regional economic integration organizations referred to in Article XXIV of this Agreement that are not Parties to become Parties to this Agreement or to adopt laws and regulations consistent with it.
2. The Parties shall cooperate, in accordance with this Agreement and international law, to deter vessels flying the flags of States that are not Parties from carrying out activities that undermine the effectiveness of this Agreement. To this end, the Parties shall, inter alia, call to the attention of non-Parties such activities by their vessels.
3. The Parties shall exchange information among themselves, either directly or through the Director, with respect to activities of vessels flying the flags of non-Parties that undermine the effectiveness of this Agreement.
Article XXIII. Annexes
The Annexes form an integral part of this Agreement and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Agreement includes a reference to the Annexes relating thereto.
Article XXIV. Signature
This Agreement is open for signature at Washington from May 15, 1998, until May 14, 1999 by States with a coastline bordering the Agreement Area and by States or regional economic integration organizations which are members of the IATTC or whose vessels fish for tuna in the Agreement Area while the Agreement is open for signature.
Article XXV. Ratification, Acceptance or Approval
This Agreement is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Signatories in accordance with their domestic laws and procedures.
Article XXVI. Accession
This Agreement shall remain open to accession by any State or regional economic integration organization that meets the requirements in Article XXIV, or is otherwise invited to accede to the Agreement on the basis of a decision by the Parties.
Article XXVII. Entry into Force
1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Depositary.
2. After the date referred to in paragraph 1, with respect to each state or regional economic integration organization that meets the requirements of Article XXIV, the Agreement will enter into force for said state upon deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article XXVIII. Reservations
No reservations may be made to this Agreement.
Article XXIX. Provisional Application
1. This Agreement shall be applied provisionally by a State or regional economic integration organization which consents to its provisional application by so notifying the Depositary in writing. Such provisional application shall become effective from the date of receipt of the notification.
2. Provisional application by a State or regional economic integration organization shall terminate upon the entry into force of this Agreement for that State or regional economic integration organization or upon notification by that State or regional economic integration organization to the Depositary in writing of its intention to terminate provisional application.
Article XXX. Amendments
1. Any Party may propose an amendment to this Agreement by providing to the Depositary the text of a proposed amendment at least sixty days in advance of a Meeting of the Parties. The Depositary shall provide a copy of this text to all other Parties.
2. Amendments to this Agreement that are adopted by consensus at a Meeting of the Parties shall enter into force on the date on which all Parties have deposited instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval with the Depositary.
3. Unless the Parties decide otherwise, the Annexes to this Agreement may be amended, by consensus, at any Meeting of the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed, amendments to an Annex shall enter into force for all Parties upon adoption.
Article XXXI. Withdrawal
Any Party may withdraw at any time after twelve months from the date on which this Agreement entered into force with respect to that Party by giving written notice of withdrawal to the Depositary. The Depositary shall inform the other Parties of the withdrawal within 30 days of receipt of such notice. The withdrawal shall become effective six months after receipt of such notice.
Article XXXII. Depositary
The original texts of this Agreement shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America, which shall send certified copies thereof to the Signatories and the Parties thereto, and to the Secretary General of the United Nations for registration and publication, pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned plenipotentiaries, having been duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
DONE AT Washington, D.C., on this fifteenth day of May, 1998, in English and Spanish, both texts being equally authentic.
Annex I
Agreement Area
The Agreement Area comprises the area of the Pacific Ocean bounded by the coastline of North, Central, and South America and by the following lines:
a. The 40°N parallel from the coast of North America to its intersection with the 150°W meridian;
b. The 150°W meridian to its intersection with the 40°S parallel;
c. And the 40°S parallel to its intersection with the coast of South America.
Annex II
On-Board Observer Program
1. The Parties shall maintain an On-Board Observer Program in accordance with the provisions of this Annex. As a component of this Program, each Party may also maintain its own national observer program, in accordance with the provisions of this Annex.
2. Each Party shall require its vessels with a carrying capacity greater than 363 metric tons (400 short tons) and that operate in the Agreement Area, to carry an observer during each fishing trip in the Agreement Area. At least 50 percent of the observers on the vessels of each Party shall be IATTC observers; the remainder may be from the Party’s national observer program, based on criteria set forth in this Annex as well as any other criteria established by the Meeting of the Parties.
3. All observers must:
a. have completed the technical training required by the guidelines that the Parties establish;
b. be a national of one of the Parties or a member of the scientific staff of the IATTC;
c. be capable of performing the duties set forth in paragraph 4 of this Annex; and
d. be included in a list of observers maintained by the IATTC or, if part of a national observer program, by the Party maintaining such program.
4. The duties of the observers shall be, inter alia:
a. to gather all pertinent information on the fishing operations of the vessel to which the observer is assigned as is necessary for implementation of this Agreement;
b. to make available to the captain of the vessel to which the observer is assigned all measures established by the Parties pursuant to this Agreement;
c. to make available to the captain of the vessel to which the observer is assigned the record of dolphin mortality of that vessel;
d. to prepare reports on information gathered in accordance with this paragraph, and provide the vessel captain with the opportunity to include in such reports any information the captain might deem to be relevant;
e. to provide such reports to the Director or the pertinent national program, to be used in accordance with Annex VII, paragraph 1, of this Agreement; and
f. to perform such other functions as agreed by the Parties.
5. The observers shall:
a. except to the extent required under paragraphs 4(d) and 4(e) of this Annex, treat as confidential all information with respect to the fishing operations of the vessels and of the vessel owners, and accept this requirement in writing as a condition of appointment as an observer;
b. comply with requirements established in the laws and regulations of the Party which exercises jurisdiction over the vessel to which the observer is assigned, insofar as such requirements are not incompatible with the provisions of this Annex;
c. refrain from issuing or endorsing any certificate or other documentation relating to the fishing operations of the vessel, except as may be approved by the Parties; and
d. respect the hierarchy and general rules of behavior which apply to all vessel personnel, provided such rules do not interfere with the duties of the observers described in this Annex and with the obligations of vessel personnel set forth in paragraph 6 of this Annex.
6. The responsibilities of the Parties and vessel captains regarding observers shall include the following, inter alia:
a. Observers shall be allowed access to vessel personnel and to the gear and equipment specified in Annex VIII;
b. Upon request, observers shall also be allowed access to the following equipment, if present on the vessel to which they are assigned, in order to facilitate the carrying out of their duties set forth in paragraph 4:
i. satellite navigation equipment;
ii. radar display viewing screens when in use;
iii. high-powered binoculars including during the chase and encirclement of dolphins to facilitate identification, except when in use by vessel personnel; and
iv. electronic means of communication;
c. Observers shall have access to the vessel working deck during net and fish retrieval and to any specimen, alive or dead, that is brought aboard the vessel during a set in order to collect biological samples in accordance with the On-Board Observer Program or as otherwise required by competent national authorities as part of a national observer program;
d. Observers shall be provided accommodations, including lodging, food, and adequate sanitary facilities equal to those of the crew;
e. Observers shall be provided with adequate space on the bridge or pilothouse for clerical work, as well as space on deck adequate for carrying out observer duties; and
f. The Parties shall ensure that captains, crew, and vessel owners do not obstruct, intimidate, interfere with, influence, bribe, or attempt to bribe an observer in the performance of his or her duties.
7. The Parties shall:
a. ensure that any observers from their respective national programs collect information in the same manner as is required for IATTC observers; and
b. provide to the Director copies of all raw data collected by observers from their respective national programs in a timely manner upon the conclusion of the trip during which the data were collected, along with summaries and reports comparable to those provided by IATTC observers.
8. In a timely manner after each trip observed by an IATTC observer, the Director, in a manner consistent with any applicable confidentiality requirements, is requested to provide to the Party under whose jurisdiction the vessel fished, copies of all raw data, summaries, and reports pertaining to the trip.
9. Notwithstanding other provisions of this Annex, if the Director determines that the placement of an observer from the On-Board Observer Program is not practical, a vessel subject to the jurisdiction of a Party that fishes in the Agreement Area without setting on dolphins may use a trained observer from another international program, provided such program is approved by the Parties, to collect pertinent information for the On-Board Observer Program, and to confirm to the Director that such vessel does not set on dolphins.
10. Observers from the On-Board Observer Program may be assigned to vessels of non-Parties at the discretion of the Director, provided the vessel and the vessel captain comply with all the requirements of this Annex, and all other applicable requirements of this Agreement. The Director is requested to inform the Parties of any such assignment in a timely manner.
11. Fees
a. The Parties shall establish the amount of the annual vessel fees to cover the costs of the On-Board Observer Program. The fees shall be calculated on the basis of the carrying capacity of each vessel or any other standard specified by the Parties.
b. At the time a Party submits to the Director the list of vessels under Annex IV to this Agreement, it shall also submit payment, in U.S. dollars, for the fees established under paragraph 11(a) of this Annex, specifying which vessels the payment covers.
c. No observer shall be assigned to a vessel for which the fees, as required under paragraph 11(b) of this Annex, have not been paid.
Annex III
Per-Stock, Per-Year Dolphin Mortality Caps
1. The Parties shall establish, at a meeting convened pursuant to Article VIII of this Agreement, a per-stock, per-year dolphin mortality cap for each stock of dolphins, determined by the Meeting of the Parties, based on the best available scientific evidence, of between 0.2 percent and 0.1 percent of the Minimum Estimated Abundance (N(min)) as calculated by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service or equivalent calculation standard as might be developed or recommended by the Scientific Advisory Board but in no event shall the total annual incidental dolphin mortality exceed 5,000, consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. In the year 2001 and thereafter, the per-stock, per-year cap shall be 0.1 percent of N(min).
2. The Parties shall conduct in 1998, or as soon as possible thereafter, a scientific review and assessment of progress toward the year 2001 objective, and consider recommendations as appropriate. Up to the year 2001, in the event that annual mortality of 0.2 percent of N(min) is exceeded for any stock of dolphins, all sets on that stock and on any mixed schools containing members of that stock shall cease for that year. Beginning in the year 2001, in the event that annual mortality of 0.1 percent of N(min) is exceeded for any stock of dolphins, all sets on that stock and on any mixed schools containing members of that stock shall cease for that year. In the event that annual mortality of 0.1 percent of N(min) is exceeded for either eastern spinner or northeastern spotted dolphin stocks, the Parties shall conduct a scientific review and assessment and consider further recommendations.
3. For purposes of this Agreement, the Parties shall use the current estimate of absolute abundance for the dolphin stocks of the eastern Pacific Ocean presented by Wade and Gerrodette to the International Whaling Commission in 1992, based on U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service research vessel data for the period 1986-1990, until the Parties agree on an updated set of figures. Such updates could result from the analysis of data from future research cruises and indices of abundance and other relevant scientific data from the Parties, the IATTC and other scientific organizations.
4. The Parties shall establish a system, based on real-time observer reporting, to ensure effective implementation and compliance with the per-stock, per-year dolphin mortality cap.
5. Within six months of the entry into force of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish a system for the allocation of the per-stock per-year dolphin mortality cap for each stock for the ensuing year and years thereafter. This system shall provide for the distribution of the mortality limits in Paragraph 1 of this Annex among vessels of the Parties which are eligible for Dolphin Mortality Limits, in accordance with Annex IV. When establishing this system, the Parties shall consider the best available scientific evidence on the distribution and abundance of the stocks in question, and other variables which the Meeting of the Parties shall define at a later date.
Annex IV
Dolphin Mortality Limits (DMLs)
I. Assignment of DMLs
1. Each Party shall provide to the Meeting of the Parties, through the Director, prior to October 1 of each year, a list of vessels under its jurisdiction of carrying capacity greater than 363 metric tons (400 short tons) that have requested a full-year DML for the following year, indicating those other vessels that are likely to be operating in the Agreement Area in the following year, and vessels that have requested a second-semester DML for the following year.
2. The IRP shall, by November 1 of each year, or later if agreed by the IRP, provide to the Meeting of the Parties a list of qualified applicant vessels eligible to receive a DML. For purposes of this Agreement, a vessel shall be considered qualified if:
a. it has been certified by the relevant national authorities to be in possession of all of the dolphin safety gear and equipment required in Annex VIII;
b. its captain and crew have received approved training in dolphin release and rescue techniques comparable to a standard established by the Meeting of the Parties;
c. it is over 363 metric tons (400 short tons) carrying capacity in size;
d. it has a captain considered qualified due to his or her prior record of performance; and
e. the vessel is not deemed to be disqualified under Section II of this Annex.
3. A vessel shall not be considered qualified under paragraph 2 if, on the date of the request pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Annex, the vessel is operating under the jurisdiction of a Party whose applicable laws and regulations prohibit vessels under its jurisdiction from fishing for tuna in association with dolphins; nor shall DMLs be assigned to any Party in order to provide permits for fishing in the Agreement Area to vessels flying the flag of another State whose applicable laws and regulations prohibit vessels under its jurisdiction from fishing for tuna in association with dolphins.
4. 98 percent, or such other unreserved portion as the Parties might determine, of the overall dolphin mortality limit for the fishery (5,000, or such other lower limit as the Parties might determine) shall be used to calculate into an average individual vessel DML (ADML) and distributed among the Parties for the succeeding year, as set forth in paragraph 5 of this Section.
5. The ADML shall be calculated by dividing the unreserved portion of the overall DML for the fishery established under paragraph 4 by the total number of qualified vessels requesting full-year DMLs. The distribution of DMLs among Parties shall be determined by multiplying the ADML by the number of qualified vessels requesting full-year DMLs and operating under the jurisdiction of each Party.
6. The remaining two percent, or such other portion as the Parties might determine, of the overall DML for the fishery shall be maintained as a separate Reserve DML Allocation (RDA), to be managed at the discretion of the Director. Any Party may request that the Director assign DMLs from such RDA to vessels fishing under its jurisdiction which do not normally fish for tuna in the Agreement Area but which may, from time to time, desire to participate in the fishery in the Agreement Area on a limited basis, provided that such vessels and their captains and crews meet the operational and training requirements set forth in Annex VIII of this Agreement and that the requirements set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3, of this Section are met. Any accidental mortalities caused by vessels operating in the Agreement Area under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties that have not requested DMLs for their fleet shall also be deducted from this RDA.
7. No DML shall be assigned to a vessel which has been determined by the Parties to have engaged in a pattern of violations, as confirmed through enforcement actions taken against such vessel by the Party under whose jurisdiction it operates, which diminish the effectiveness of the International Dolphin Conservation Program.
8. The individual Parties with qualified vessels that will be fishing for tuna in association with dolphins shall manage their DMLs in a responsible manner, provided that no individual vessel shall receive a total annual DML in excess of the DML established for 1997 by the IRP, and reported in the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the IRP, held on February 19-20, 1997, under the La Jolla Agreement. No Party shall allocate to the total of its qualified vessels a greater number of DMLs than those that such Party has been allocated under Sections I and III of this Annex. No initial assignment of DMLs may result in any vessel receiving a DML in excess of the ADML unless its performance in reducing dolphin mortalities, as measured by the IRP based upon the previous two years’ data, is better than the average performance of the international fleet as a whole. No initial assignment of DMLs may result in any vessel receiving a DML in excess of the ADML if, during the previous year, it has committed any of the infractions identified in Section III, paragraph 4 of this Annex, subject to the conditions established pursuant to that paragraph.
9. Should the total mortalities of the fleet of any Party meet or exceed the total amount of DML distributed to it pursuant to this Annex, fishing for tuna in association with dolphins shall cease for all vessels operating under the jurisdiction of that Party.
10. Each Party shall, no later than February 1 of each year, notify the Director of the initial allocation of its distributed DML among its fleet. No vessel may begin fishing for tunas associated with dolphins until the Director receives such notification.
II. Utilization of DMLs
1. Any vessel which is assigned a full-year DML and does not set on dolphins prior to April 1 of that year, or which is assigned a second-semester DML and does not set on dolphins by December 31 of that year, or which is assigned a per-trip DML from the RDA and does not set on dolphins during that trip, unless as a result of force majeure or extraordinary circumstances, as agreed by the IRP, shall lose its DML and may not set on dolphins for the remainder of that year. Any such vessel that loses its DML on two consecutive occasions shall not be eligible to receive a DML for the following year.
2. Within six months following entry into force of this Agreement, the IRP, in cooperation with the scientific staff of the IATTC, shall develop and recommend a system by which to measure DML utilization in order to deter frivolous requests for DMLs. Such recommended system shall be presented for consideration by the Meeting of the Parties.
III. Use of forfeited or unutilized DMLs
1. After April 1 of each year, any DMLs which the Director determines will not be utilized pursuant to Section II or which have otherwise been forfeited shall be reallocated to the Parties consistent with this Section.
2. On the first working day in April of each year, the full-year DMLs assigned to those vessels that have not utilized them, pursuant to Section II, or have otherwise forfeited them, shall be redistributed among the Parties by the Director, consistent with the formula established pursuant to Section I, paragraph 5, but after first adjusting such formula as set forth in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) below. Such additional DMLs may be reallocated by the individual Parties among qualified vessels under the jurisdiction of such Party, subject to limitations and conditions set forth in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this Section.
a. In performing the reallocation, any vessels that may have lost or otherwise forfeited DMLs under this paragraph, and any vessels requesting second-semester DMLs after the deadline set forth in Section I, paragraph 1, shall not be considered.
b. Prior to establishing the number of DMLs available for reallocation under this Section, adjustment shall be made by subtracting from such number any observed dolphin mortalities caused by those vessels that lost their DMLs under Section II, paragraph 1.
c. Prior to establishing the number of DMLs available for reallocation under this Section, the Director shall deduct one third of the ADML calculated pursuant to Section I, paragraph 5, for allocation to each vessel requesting a second-semester DML prior to the deadline established pursuant to Section I, paragraph 1. Such second-semester DMLs shall be allocated by the Director to the Parties proportionately, based upon the jurisdiction of respective Parties over vessels covered under this subparagraph. The second-semester DMLs assigned to such vessels by the Parties under whose jurisdiction they operate shall not exceed one-third of the ADML calculated pursuant to Section I, paragraph 5. Such vessels may not begin setting on dolphins before July 1 of that year.
3. Any Party may adjust the DMLs of its qualified vessels which meet the criteria set forth in Section I, paragraph 2, of this Annex either upward or downward, provided that no vessel is assigned an adjusted DML in excess of 50 percent above its initial DML, unless its performance in successfully reducing dolphin mortalities, as measured by the IRP, is in the upper 60 percent of the performance of the international fleet as a whole, as determined by the IRP, based upon the prior year’s data. A Party making such an adjustment shall so notify the Director no later than May 1, and no such adjustment shall take effect until the Director has been notified.
4. No vessel may have its initial DML adjusted upward by any Party if the IRP had determined, and the Party with jurisdiction over the vessel concurs, that during that year or the previous year:
a. the vessel fished without an observer;
b. the vessel set on dolphins without a DML;
c. the vessel set on dolphins after reaching its DML;
d. the vessel knowingly set on a banned dolphin stock;
e. the captain, crew, or the vessel owner committed any of the actions described in Annex II, Paragraph 6(f) of this Agreement;
f. the vessel made a sanctionable night set; or
g. the vessel used explosives during any phase of a fishing operation involving dolphins.
For infractions described in (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), and (g), a Party will be deemed to have provided such concurrence if it does not object to the IRP within six months of a referral of a possible violation from the IRP. For the infraction described in (e), a Party will be deemed to have provided such concurrence if it does not object to the IRP within 12 months of such referral.
5. No vessel may be eligible to receive an additional allocation of DML by a Party unless it has on board all of the required dolphin safety gear and equipment throughout the year; and no such upward allocation may be made for a vessel which has exceeded its initial DML prior to April 1, unless due to force majeure or extraordinary circumstances, as agreed by the Meeting of the Parties, in consultation with the IRP.
6. For any vessel exceeding its DML, as it may be adjusted pursuant to this Annex, during a given year, the amount of such excess, plus an additional 50 percent of that amount, unless the IRP recommends otherwise, shall be deducted from DMLs assigned to that vessel by a Party under whose jurisdiction the vessel operates over subsequent years in a manner prescribed by the IRP.
7. If at any time a vessel meets or exceeds its DML, as it may be adjusted pursuant to this Annex, that vessel shall immediately cease all fishing for tuna in association with dolphins.
IV. Implementation
1. The Parties shall ensure that in the implementation of the DML system established by this Annex, the per-stock, per-year dolphin mortality caps, as specified in Annex III, are not exceeded.
2. In cases involving unusual or extraordinary circumstances not foreseen in this Annex, the Parties, as recommended by the IRP, may take such measures as are necessary, consistent with the provisions of this Annex, in order to implement the DML system.
3. If the mortality in any given year increases above levels which the IRP considers to be significant, the IRP shall recommend that the Parties hold a meeting to review and identify the causes of mortality and formulate options to address such causes.
Annex V
Scientific Advisory Board
1. The Parties shall maintain the Scientific Advisory Board of technical specialists established pursuant to the La Jolla Agreement to assist the Director in matters regarding research to
a. modify current purse-seine technology to make it less likely to cause dolphin mortality and
b. seek alternative means of capturing large yellowfin tuna.
2. The functions and responsibilities of the Board shall be to:
a. Meet at least once each year;
b. Review plans, proposals, and research programs of the IATTC to seek to meet the objectives set forth in paragraph 1 above;
c. Provide advice to the Director concerning the design, facilitation, and guidance of research to achieve the objectives set forth in paragraph 1 above; and
d. Assist the Director in locating sources of funding to conduct such research.
3. The Board will consist of no more than 10 members, no more than two of whom shall be from any one country, selected from the international community of scientists, fishing gear experts, the fishing industry, and environmentalists. The members will be proposed by the Director on the basis of their technical expertise, and each one will be subject to approval by the Parties.
Annex VI
National Scientific Advisory Committees
1. The functions of the National Scientific Advisory Committees (NATSACs), established in accordance with Article XI of this Agreement, shall be, inter alia, to:
a. Receive and review relevant data, including data provided to national authorities by the Director;
b. Advise and recommend to their governments measures and actions that should be undertaken to conserve and manage stocks of living marine resources in the Agreement Area;
c. Make recommendations to their governments regarding research needs, including research concerning ecosystems, the effects of climatic, environmental and socioeconomic factors, the effects of fishing as well as on measures contemplated in this Agreement, fishing techniques and practices, and gear technology research, including the development and use of selective environmentally safe and cost-effective fishing gear; and the coordination and facilitation of such research;
d. Conduct scientific reviews and assessments by the year 1998 or as soon as possible thereafter, regarding progress toward the year 2001 objective of achieving a per-stock, per-year cap of 0.1 percent N(min), and make appropriate recommendations to their governments concerning these reviews and assessments, as well as additional assessments in the year 2001 consistent with this Agreement;
e. Ensure the regular and timely full exchange of data among the Parties and the NATSACs on catch of tuna and associated species and bycatch, including dolphin mortality data, for the purposes of developing conservation and management recommendations to their governments as well as recommendations for enforcement and scientific research while not violating the confidentiality of business confidential data;
f. Consult with other experts as necessary for the purpose of gathering as much information as possible that might be useful for achieving the objectives of this Agreement; and
g. Perform such other functions as their respective governments might assign to them.
2. Reports of the NATSACs, including of their cooperative meetings, shall be made available to the Parties and the public, in a manner consistent with any applicable confidentiality requirements.
3. The Director may convene, in addition to the meetings pursuant to Article XI, paragraph 3, meetings with the purpose of facilitating consultation among the NATSACs.
4. The functions of the meetings of the NATSACs shall be to:
a. Exchange information;
b. Review IATTC research to achieve the objectives of this Agreement; and
c. Make recommendations to the Director concerning the future research program to achieve the objectives of this Agreement.
5. The NATSAC members from any Party who attend the meeting shall be designated by that Party.
Annex VII
International Review Panel
1. In compliance with Article XII of this Agreement, the International Review Panel (IRP) shall have the following functions:
a. Each year compile a list of the vessels that qualify for DMLs as agreed in Annex IV;
b. Analyze the reports submitted to the IRP, regarding all tuna-fishing trips made by vessels covered by this Agreement;
c. Identify possible infractions, based on the list of possible infractions approved by the Meeting of the Parties;
d. Inform each Party, through the Director, of possible infractions committed by vessels flying its flag or operating under its jurisdiction, and receive from that Party information on the actions taken;
e. Maintain an updated report on the actions taken by the Parties to provide adequate training for fishing captains, and maintain a list of those fishing captains determined to be complying with established performance requirements, based on the information provided by each of the Parties;
f. Recommend to the Meeting of the Parties pertinent measures for achieving the objectives of this Agreement, in particular those related to the use of gear, equipment and fishing techniques, considering improvements in technologies, as well as the adoption of appropriate incentives for captains and crews to meet the objectives of this Agreement;
g. Prepare and provide the Meeting of the Parties an annual report on those aspects of the operation of the fleet relating to the implementation of this Agreement, including a summary of possible infractions identified and the actions taken by the Parties;
h. Recommend to the Parties ways to progressively reduce dolphin mortality incidental at the fishery in the Agreement Area; and
i. Perform other functions as assigned by the Meeting of the Parties.
2. The IRP shall be made up of representatives of the Parties ("governmental members"), three representatives of non-governmental environmental organizations with recognized experience in matters pertaining to this Agreement and with offices in the territory of a Party, and three representatives from the tuna industry that operates under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the Agreement Area ("non-governmental members").
3. The non-governmental members shall have a two-year term of membership, starting at the first meeting of the IRP immediately after their election.
4. The non-governmental members will be elected in accordance with the following procedure:
a. Prior to the expiration of the term of a non-governmental member, the relevant non-governmental organizations may present candidates’ nominations 60 days before the expiration of the term to the Director. A curriculum vitae should accompany each nomination. The current non-governmental members may be nominated for additional periods.
b. Once the nominations are received, the Director shall transmit them in writing to the Parties within 10 days. The Parties should send their votes to the Director within 20 days of the transmittal of the nominations by the Director. In this election, the three nominees from each non-governmental sector who receive the most votes shall be elected; the nominee who receives the fourth largest number of votes shall be designated the alternate member. In the case of a tie, the Director should solicit a new vote from the Parties to determine the member and the alternate.
c. If a non-governmental position becomes permanently vacant, because of death, resignation, or failure to participate in three consecutive meetings of the IRP, the alternate shall fill the position for the remainder of that position's term. The candidate who received the fifth largest number of votes in the elections referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be designated the alternate member. If additional vacancies occur, the Director shall inform the relevant non-governmental organizations so that new candidates may be submitted for an election process consistent with that described in paragraphs (a) and (b).
d. Each alternate may attend the meetings of the IRP, but shall have no speaking rights if all the members of his/her respective sector are present.
5. The IRP shall hold at least three meetings a year, one of which will preferably be held on the occasion of the ordinary Meeting of the Parties.
6. The IRP may convene additional meetings at the request of at least two of the Parties, provided that a majority of the Parties support the request.
7. The IRP meetings shall be chaired by a Presider elected by the governmental members at the beginning of each meeting, who shall decide on matters of order. Any member shall have the right to ask that any decision made by the Presider be decided as specified in Paragraph 9 of this Annex.
8. The meetings shall be in Spanish and English, and IRP documents shall also be produced in both languages.
9. The decisions at the meetings of the IRP shall be adopted by consensus among the governmental members.
10. The following criteria shall be applied to attendance at IRP meetings:
a. There shall be no restrictions on the number of persons a Party can include in its delegation to an IRP meeting.
b. Any IATTC member State or Signatory to this Agreement may be represented by an observer.
c. Any State not a member of the IATTC and any State or regional economic integration organization not a signatory to this Agreement may be represented by an observer, with prior notification to IRP governmental members, unless any governmental member of the IRP objects in writing.
d. The Director may invite representatives of intergovernmental organizations as observers, with prior notification to IRP members, unless any governmental member of the IRP objects in writing.
e. In any cases referred to in (c) and (d) above, the Director shall not disclose the identity of the objecting Party.
f. Each observer is limited to two delegates, but may bring more with the approval of two-thirds of the governmental members of the IRP.
11. In cases of urgency, and without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 9 of this Annex, the IRP may take decisions by correspondence through a vote of the governmental members, under the following procedures:
a. The proposal shall be circulated to all members of the IRP, in writing, with all pertinent documentation, at least fourteen days before the proposed effective date of the resolution, action, or measure; the votes shall be transmitted to the Director no less than seven days before the proposed effective date;
b. The proposal shall be considered urgent unless a simple majority of the governmental members objects in writing; the proposal shall be accepted unless any governmental member objects in writing; and
c. The Director shall circulate the proposal as well as the accompanying documentation, receive and count the votes, and inform the IRP members of the results of a vote as soon as the voting closes.
12. The Director will carry out the functions of the Secretary, which shall include:
a. Assisting in the convening and organization of IRP meetings;
b. Presenting information required by the IRP for carrying out its functions and responsibilities, including observer IRP forms and field data forms providing information on the activities of the vessels, dolphin mortality, and the presence, condition, and use of the dolphin safety equipment and gear;
c. Preparing minutes of all meetings and draft special reports and documents dealing with the activities of the IRP;
d. Providing to each Party, for its consideration, recommendations and information concerning possible infractions identified by the IRP for vessels under its jurisdiction;
e. Distributing to the IRP information received from Parties on the actions taken on possible infractions identified by the IRP;
f. Publishing the Annual Report of the IRP and making it available to the public, in accordance with the instructions given by the Meeting of the Parties;
g. Presenting to the members of the IRP information received from the Parties referred to in Paragraph 1(e) of this Annex; and
h. Carrying out other tasks necessary for the accomplishment of the IRP’s functions, as assigned by the Parties.
13. The rules of procedure of the IRP may be modified by the Meeting of the Parties. Modifications may be recommended by the IRP.
14. The members of the IRP and any other participants invited to attend IRP meetings as observers shall treat all the information presented at such meetings in accordance with the provisions of confidentiality set forth in Article XVIII of this Agreement.
Annex VIII
Operational Requirements for Vessels
1. For the purposes of this Annex:
a. “Strip” means a section of net that is approximately 6 fathoms deep.
b. “Backdown” means the procedure for releasing captured dolphins by shifting the vessel’s engine(s) into reverse during net retrieval, causing the net remaining in the water to form a channel, and the corkline at the apex of the channel to submerge.
c. “Bunch” means a length of corkline gathered together.
d. “Sack-up” means that part of the fishing process when the catch is concentrated near the surface for loading aboard the vessel.
2. Dolphin Safety Gear and Equipment Requirements
A vessel with a carrying capacity of more than 363 metric tons (400 short tons) operating in the Agreement Area shall:
a. Have a purse seine equipped with a dolphin safety panel (DSP) with the following characteristics:
i. A minimum length of 180 fathoms (as measured before installation), except that the minimum length of the DSP in nets deeper than 18 strips must be determined in a ratio of 10 fathoms in length for each strip of net depth. The DSP must be installed so as to cover the backdown channel along the corkline, beginning at the outboard end of the last bow bunch pulled and continuing to at least two-thirds the distance from the apex of the backdown channel to the point where the net is secured at the stern. The DSP shall consist of small-mesh webbing not to exceed 1 Ľ inches (3.2 cm) stretched mesh, extending downward from the corkline to a minimum depth of two strips.
ii. Each end shall be identified with a highly visible marker.
iii. Any space between the corks or the corkline and the small mesh shall not exceed 1 3/8 inches (3.5 cm) in diameter.
b. Have at least three operable speedboats. All operable speedboats shall be equipped with towing bridles or posts, and tow lines;
c. Have an operable raft suitable for the observation and rescue of dolphins;
d. Have at least two operable facemasks suitable for underwater observation; and
e. Have an operable long-range floodlight with a minimum output of 140,000 lumens.
3. Dolphin Protection and Release Requirements and Prohibitions
A vessel with a carrying capacity of more than 363 metric tons (400 short tons) operating in the Agreement Area shall:
a. Perform backdown during every set in which dolphins are captured, until it is no longer possible to remove live dolphins from the net by this procedure. At least one crewman shall be deployed during backdown to aid in the release of dolphins;
b. Continue efforts to release any live dolphins remaining in the net after backdown, so that all live dolphins are released prior to the initiation of the sack-up procedure;
c. Not sack-up or brail live dolphins;
d. Avoid injuring or killing dolphins captured in the course of fishing operations;
e. Complete backdown no later than thirty minutes after sunset, as determined by an accurate and reliable source approved by the Parties. A set that does not meet this requirement is termed a "night set";
f. Not use any type of explosive during any phase of a fishing operation involving dolphins (underwater flares are not considered to be explosives);
g. Cease setting on dolphins when its DML has been reached;
h. Not intentionally set on dolphins if the vessel does not have a DML; and
i. Perform a periodic net alignment to ensure the proper location of the dolphin safety panel during the backdown procedure, based on criteria established by the IRP.
It is emphasized that the above requirements should not lead to crewmen being placed in situations that present unnecessary risks to their personal safety.
4. Exceptions
a. A vessel without a DML is exempt from the requirements of Paragraph 2 of this Annex and from the obligation of carrying out the backdown manoeuvre mentioned in Paragraph 3 of this Annex unless the Party with jurisdiction over that vessel determines otherwise.
b. Any such vessel that captures dolphins accidentally shall attempt to release the dolphins, using every means at its disposal, including aborting the set, and taking into consideration the requirements set forth in paragraph 3 of this Annex.
5. Treatment of Observers
Captains, crew, and other personnel shall comply with their responsibilities regarding the presence of observers aboard their vessels, as specified in Annex II, paragraph 6.
6. Vessels under 363 metric tons (400 short tons)
No vessel with a carrying capacity of 363 metric tons (400 short tons) or less may intentionally set on dolphins.
Elements of a Tuna Tracking and Verification
1. Pursuant to Article V, paragraph 1(f), the Parties shall establish a program to track and verify tuna harvested by vessels in the Agreement Area, based on the following elements:
a. the use of weight calculation for the purposes of tracking tuna caught, landed, processed and exported;
b. additional measures to enhance current observer coverage, including the establishment of criteria for training and for improving monitoring and reporting capabilities and procedures;
c. the designation of well location, procedures for sealing holds, procedures for monitoring and certifying both above and below deck, or through equally effective methods;
d. the reporting, receipt, and database storage of radio and facsimile transmittals from vessels containing information related to the tracking and verification of such tuna;
e. the shore-based verification and tracking of such tuna throughout the fishing, transshipment, and canning process by means of On-board Observer Program trip records ;
f. the use of periodic audits and spot checks for caught, landed, and processed tuna products; and
g. the provision of timely access to relevant data.
2. Each Party shall implement this program in its respective territory, on vessels subject to its jurisdiction and in marine areas with respect to which it exercises sovereignty or sovereign rights and jurisdiction.
Annex X
Guidelines and Criteria for the Participation of Observers at Meetings of the Parties
1. The Director shall invite to Meetings of the Parties convened pursuant to Article VIII intergovernmental organizations whose work is relevant to the implementation of this Agreement, as well as non-Parties whose participation may promote implementation of this Agreement.
2. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with recognized experience in matters pertaining to this Agreement shall be eligible to participate as observers in all Meetings of the Parties convened pursuant to Article VIII except meetings held in executive session or meetings of Heads of Delegation.
3. Any NGO desiring to participate as an observer in a Meeting of the Parties shall notify the Director of its desire to participate at least 50 days in advance of the Meeting. The Director shall notify the Parties of the names of such NGOs at least 45 days prior to the beginning of the Meeting.
4. If a Meeting of the Parties is held with less than 50 days notice, the Director shall have greater flexibility concerning the timing of the sending of the invitations.
5. An NGO desiring to participate as an observer may do so unless a majority of the Parties formally objects for cause in writing at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the meeting in question.
6. Any participating observer may:
a. attend meetings, subject to paragraph 2 of this Annex, but not vote;
b. make oral statements during the meetings upon the invitation of the chairman;
c. distribute documents at the meeting, with the approval of the chairman; and
d. engage in other activities, as appropriate and as approved by the chairman.
7. The Director may require NGO observers to pay reasonable fees, and to cover costs attributable to their attendance (e.g. copying expenses).
8. All observers admitted to a Meeting of the Parties shall be sent or otherwise provided the same documentation generally available to Parties, except documentation containing business-confidential data.
9. All observers admitted to a Meeting of the Parties shall comply with all rules and procedures applicable to other participants in the meeting.
Pogodbenice tega sporazuma,
ki se zavedajo, da imajo v skladu z ustreznimi določbami mednarodnega prava, kot se odražajo v Konvenciji Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu (UNCLOS) iz leta 1982, vse države dolžnost, da sprejmejo ali sodelujejo z drugimi državami pri sprejetju takšnih ukrepov, ki so morda potrebni za ohranjanje in upravljanje živih morskih virov;
ki so jih navdihnila načela iz Deklaracije o okolju in razvoju iz Ria iz leta 1992, kakor tudi želja izvajati načela in standarde iz Kodeksa odgovornega ribištva, sprejetega na konferenci FAO leta 1995;
ki poudarjajo politično voljo mednarodne skupnosti prispevati k večji učinkovitosti ribiških ohranjevalnih in upravljalskih ukrepov s Sporazumom o spodbujanju upoštevanja mednarodnih ohranjevalnih in upravljalskih ukrepov s strani ribiških plovil na odprtem morju, sprejetem na Konferenci FAO leta 1993;
ki upoštevajo, da je bil na 50. generalni skupščini Združenih narodov v skladu z resolucijo A/RES/50/24 sprejet Sporazum za izvajanje določb iz Konvencije Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu z dne 10. decembra 1982, ki se nanašajo na ohranjanje in upravljanje čezconskih staležev in izrazito selivskih staležev rib („Sporazum Združenih narodov o čezconskih in izrazito selivskih staležih rib“);
ki ponovno potrjujejo obveznosti iz Sporazuma iz La Jolle iz leta 1992 in iz Panamske deklaracije iz leta 1995;
ki poudarjajo cilje odprava smrtnosti delfinov pri ribolovu na tune z zaporno plavarico v vzhodnem Tihem oceanu in iskanje ekološko neškodljivih načinov ribolova velikega rumenoplavutega tuna, ki ne bodo povezani z delfini;
ki upoštevajo pomen ribolova tunov kot vira prehrane in prihodka za prebivalstvo pogodbenic ter da morajo ohranjevalni in upravljalski ukrepi upoštevati te potrebe, kakor tudi njihove gospodarske in socialne posledice;
ki spoznavajo dramatično znižanje naključne smrtnosti delfinov, doseženo s Sporazumom iz La Jolle;
ki so prepričane, da je znanstveno potrjeno, da tehnika ribolova tunov v povezavi z delfini, ki je v skladu s predpisi in postopki, sprejetimi s Sporazumom iz La Jolle in izraženimi v Panamski deklaraciji, zagotavlja učinkovit način varstva delfinov in razumno rabo virov tunov v vzhodnem Tihem oceanu;
ki ponovno potrjujejo, da je večstransko sodelovanje najučinkovitejši način za dosego ciljev glede ohranjanja in trajnostne rabe živih morskih virov
ki se zavezujejo, da bodo zagotavljale trajnost staležev tunov v vzhodnem Tihem oceanu in postopno zniževale naključno smrtnost delfinov pri ribolovu tunov v vzhodnem Tihem oceanu vse do števila nič; da bodo preprečevale in zmanjševale naključni ulov in število zavrženih nedoraslih tunov ter naključni ulov neciljnih vrst, ob upoštevanju medsebojne odvisnosti vrst v ekosistemu,
so se dogovorile:
Člen I. Opredelitve
V tem sporazumu:
1. „tun“ pomeni vrsto iz podreda Scombroidei (Klawe, 1980), razen rodu Scomber;
2. „delfin“ pomeni vrsto družine Delphinidae v zvezi z ribolovom rumenoplavutega tuna na območju iz Sporazuma;
3. „plovilo“ pomeni plovilo, ki lovi tune z zaporno plavarico;
4. „pogodbenice“ pomeni države ali regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so privolile v to, da je ta sporazum zanje zavezujoč, in za katere Sporazum velja;
5. „regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje“ pomeni regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, na katero so njene države članice prenesle pristojnost glede zadev, ki jih ureja ta sporazum, vključno s pristojnostjo za sprejem odločitev v zvezi s temi zadevami, ki so za njene države članice zavezujoče;
6. „IATTC“ pomeni Medameriško komisijo za tuna v tropih;
7. „Sporazum iz La Jolle“ pomeni listino, ki je bila sprejeta na medvladnem zasedanju junija 1992;
8. „Mednarodni program za ohranjanje delfinov“ pomeni mednarodni program, sprejet v skladu s tem sporazumom, ki temelji na Sporazumu iz La Jolle, kot je bil oblikovan, prirejen in razširjen v skladu s Panamsko deklaracijo;
9. „Opazovalni program na krovu“ pomeni program, določen v Prilogi II;
10. „Panamska deklaracija“ pomeni deklaracijo, podpisano v mestu Panama, v Republiki Panami, dne 4. oktobra 1995;
11. „Direktor“ pomeni preiskovalnega direktorja IATTC.
Člen II. Cilji
Cilji Sporazuma so:
1. postopno zmanjšati naključno smrtnost delfinov pri ribolovu tunov z zaporno plavarico na območju iz Sporazuma do števila blizu ničle z določitvijo letnih zgornjih meja;
2. z dolgoročnim ciljem odprave smrtnost delfinov pri tovrstnem ribolovu, poiskati ekološko neškodljive načine ribolova velikega rumenoplavutega tuna, ki ne bodo povezani z delfini; in
3. zagotoviti dolgoročno trajnost staležev tunov na območju iz Sporazuma, kakor tudi živih morskih virov v zvezi s tovrstnim ribolovom, ob upoštevanju medsebojne odvisnosti vrst v ekosistemu, med drugim s posebnim poudarkom na preprečevanju in zmanjševanju prilovov in števila zavrženih nedoraslih tunov ter neciljnih vrst.
Člen III. Območje uporabe sporazuma
Območje uporabe tega sporazuma (območje iz Sporazuma) je določeno v Prilogi I.
Člen IV. Splošni ukrepi
Pogodbenice v okviru IATTC:
1. sprejmejo ukrepe za zagotovitev ohranjanja ekosistemov kakor tudi ohranjevalne in upravljalske ukrepe za zagotovitev dolgoročne trajnosti staležev tunov ter drugih staležev živih morskih virov v zvezi z ribolovom tunov z zaporno plavarico na območju iz Sporazuma, ki temeljijo na najboljših razpoložljivih znanstvenih dokazih, ter uporabljajo previdnostni pristop v skladu z ustreznimi določbami iz Kodeksa odgovornega ribištva in Sporazuma Združenih narodov o čezconskih staležih in izrazito selivskih staležih rib. Takšni ukrepi so zasnovani za ohranjanje ali obnavljanje biomase staležev lovljenih rib na ravni, ki lahko daje največji trajnostni pridelek, ali nad njo, in imajo cilj ohranjati ali obnavljati biomaso z njimi povezanih staležev na ravni, ki lahko daje največji trajnostni pridelek, ali nad njo, in
2. v skladu s svojimi zmožnostmi sprejmejo ukrepe za oceno ulova in prilovov nedoraslih rumenoplavutih tunov ter drugih staležev živih morskih virov pri ribolovu na tune z zaporno plavarico na območju iz Sporazuma ter med drugim v skladu s členom VI sprejmejo ukrepe za preprečevanje in zmanjševanje prilovov nedoraslih rumenoplavutih tunov ter prilovov neciljnih vrst, da se zagotovi dolgoročna trajnost vseh teh vrst, ob upoštevanju medsebojne odvisnosti vrst v ekosistemu.
Člen V. Mednarodni program za ohranjanje
V skladu z Mednarodnim programom za ohranjanje delfinov in ob upoštevanju cilja iz tega sporazuma pogodbenice med drugim:
1. Omejijo skupno število naključnih smrti delfinov pri ribolovu tunov z zaporno plavarico na območju iz Sporazuma na največ 5 000 letno s sprejetjem in izvajanjem ustreznih ukrepov, ki vključujejo:
a. vzpostavitev sistema, ki zagotavlja spodbude za kapitane plovil, da še naprej znižujejo naključno smrtnost delfinov, s ciljem ukiniti smrtnost delfinov pri tovrstnem ribolovu;
b. uvedbo sistema tehničnega usposabljanja in certificiranja v okviru IATTC, namenjenega kapitanom in posadkam ribiških plovil v zvezi z ribiškim orodjem in njegovo uporabo kakor tudi v zvezi s tehnikami reševanja in varovanja delfinov;
c. pospeševanje in podporo raziskav v okviru ITTC za izboljšanje orodja, opreme in ribolovnih tehnik, vključno s tistimi, ki se uporabljajo pri ribolovu tunov v povezavi z delfini;
d. vzpostavitev nepristranskega sistema za dodelitev zgornjih meja smrtnosti delfinov (DML) ob upoštevanju letnih omejitev smrtnosti delfinov, v skladu s prilogama III in IV;
e. zahtevanje od svojih zadevnih ribiških plovil, ki jim je bila dodeljena DML ali ki drugače ribarijo na območju iz Sporazuma, da izpolnjujejo operativne zahteve iz Priloge VIII;
f. vzpostavitev sistema za sledenje in preverjanje ujetih tunov s smrtnostjo ali resnimi poškodbami delfinov in brez njih, na podlagi sestavin iz Priloge IX;
g. pravočasno izmenjavo vseh znanstveno raziskovalnih podatkov, ki jih pogodbenice zberejo v skladu s tem sporazumom; in
h. opravljanje raziskav za iskanje ekološko neškodljivih načinov ribolova velikih rumenoplavutih tunov, ki ne bodo povezani z delfini;
2. V skladu s Prilogo III določijo staležne letne omejitve smrtnosti delfinov ter pregledajo in ocenijo učinke teh omejitev.
3. Na srečanju pogodbenic ponovno presodijo ukrepe.
Člen VI. Trajnost živih morskih virov
V skladu s členom IV se pogodbenice zavežejo, da bodo v okviru IATTC razvijale in izvajale ukrepe za zagotavljanje dolgoročne trajnosti živih morskih virov pri ribolovu tunov z zaporno plavarico na območju iz Sporazuma ob upoštevanju medsebojne odvisnosti vrst v ekosistemu. V ta namen pogodbenice med drugim:
1. razvijejo in izvajajo program za ocenjevanje, spremljanje in zmanjševanje prilovov nedoraslih tunov in neciljnih vrst na območju iz Sporazuma;
2. v največji možni meri razvijejo in zahtevajo uporabo selektivnega, okolju neškodljivega ter rentabilnega ribiškega orodja in tehnik;
3. od svojih plovil, ki delujejo na območju iz Sporazuma, zahtevajo, da po naključju ujete morske želve in druge ogrožene vrste v največji možni meri spustijo žive; in
4. od ITTC zahtevajo, da začne s poizvedovanjem, da se oceni, ali ribolovne zmogljivosti plovil, ki ribarijo na območju iz Sporazuma, ogrožajo trajnost staležev tunov in drugih živih morskih virov v zvezi z ribištvom, in če je temu tako, preučijo možne ukrepe ter priporočijo njihovo sprejetje, kadar je to ustrezno.
Člen VII. Izvajanje na nacionalni ravni
Vsaka pogodbenica v skladu s svojo zakonodajo in postopki sprejme potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovi izvajanje in upoštevanje tega sporazuma, vključno s sprejetjem ustreznih zakonov in drugih predpisov, kjer je ustrezno.
Člen VIII. Zasedanje pogodbenic
1. Pogodbenice zasedajo v rednih časovnih presledkih, da preučijo zadeve v zvezi z izvajanjem tega sporazuma in sprejmejo odločitve v zvezi s tem.
2. Redno zasedanje pogodbenic poteka vsaj enkrat letno, po možnosti skupaj z zasedanjem IATTC.
3. Pogodbenice imajo lahko tudi izredno zasedanje, kadar menijo, da je potrebno. Takšna zasedanja se skličejo na zahtevo katere koli pogodbenice, če takšno zahtevo podpre večina pogodbenic.
4. Zasedanje pogodbenic se izvede, kadar so sklepčne. Sklepčnost je dosežena, kadar je prisotna večina pogodbenic. To pravilo se uporablja tudi za zasedanje pomožnih teles, ustanovljenih na podlagi tega sporazuma.
5. Zasedanje poteka v španščini in angleščini, dokumenti o zasedanju pogodbenic se pripravijo v obeh jezikih.
Člen IX. Odločanje
Vse odločitve, ki jih sprejmejo pogodbenice na zasedanjih, sklicanih na podlagi člena VIII, se sprejmejo soglasno.
Člen X. Znanstveno svetovalni odbor
Naloge znanstveno svetovalnega odbora, ustanovljenega na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle, so naloge iz Priloge V. Znanstveno svetovalni odbor se sestavi in deluje v skladu z določbami iz Priloge V.
Člen XI. Nacionalni znanstveno svetovalni odbori
1. Vsaka pogodbenica v skladu s svojo zakonodajo in postopki ustanovi nacionalni svetovalno znanstveni odbor (Natsac) strokovnih izvedencev iz javnega in zasebnega sektorja ter iz nevladnih organizacij, med drugim vključno z usposobljenimi znanstveniki, ki delujejo kot posamezniki.
2. Naloge nacionalnih znanstveno svetovalnih odborov so med drugim naloge iz Priloge VI.
3. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da Natsac sodelujejo na rednih in pravočasnih zasedanjih pri pregledu podatkov in stanja staležev ter pri pripravi nasvetov za dosego ciljev iz tega sporazuma. Takšna zasedanja potekajo vsaj enkrat letno skupaj z rednim zasedanjem pogodbenic.
Člen XII. Mednarodna komisija za preverjanje
Naloge Mednarodne komisije (IRP) za preverjanje, ustanovljene na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle, so naloge iz Priloge VII. IRP se sestavi in deluje v skladu z določbami iz Priloge VII.
Člen XIII. Opazovalni program na krovu
Opazovalni program na krovu, uveden na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle, se izvaja v skladu s Prilogo II.
Člen XIV. Vloga IATTC
Ker se predvideva, da bo IATTC tesno sodelovala pri usklajevanju izvajanja tega sporazuma, pogodbenice med drugim IATTC zaprosijo, da jim zagotovi tajniško podporo in opravi tiste druge naloge, ki so določene v Sporazumu ali so dogovorjene na podlagi tega sporazuma.
Člen XV. Financiranje
Pogodbenice prispevajo za stroške, potrebne za dosego ciljev iz tega sporazuma, z uvedbo in pobiranjem ladijskih pristojbin, višino katerih določijo pogodbenice, ne glede na druge prostovoljne finančne prispevke.
Člen XVI. Upoštevanje ukrepov
1. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotovi, da plovila pod njeno jurisdikcijo učinkovito izvajajo ukrepe iz tega sporazuma ali sprejete v skladu z njim. Vsaka pogodbenica zlasti zagotovi, med drugim z letnim certifikacijskim in inšpekcijskim programom, da plovila pod njeno jurisdikcijo izpolnjujejo:
a. operativne zahteve iz Priloge VIII; in
b. zahteve opazovanja na krovu iz Priloge II.
2. V skladu s svojo zakonodajo in ob upoštevanju priporočil IRP vsaka pogodbenica za kršitve uporablja kazni, ki so dovolj stroge, da zagotavljajo učinkovito izpolnjevanje določb iz tega sporazuma in ukrepov, sprejetih na njegovi podlagi, ter odvzem ugodnosti kršiteljem zaradi njihovih nezakonitih dejavnosti. Pri večjih prekrških takšne kazni vključujejo zavrnitev, začasni odvzem ali odvzem dovoljenja za ribolov.
3. Pogodbenice določijo spodbude za kapitane in posadke plovil, z namenom krepiti upoštevanje tega sporazuma in njegovih ciljev.
4. Pogodbenice sprejmejo skupne ukrepe, da zagotovijo upoštevanje tega sporazuma, utemeljene na odločitvah, sprejetih na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle.
5. Vsaka pogodbenica takoj obvesti IRP o ukrepih za zagotavljanje upoštevanja ukrepov, sprejetih na podlagi tega sporazuma, ter o njihovih rezultatih.
Člen XVII. Preglednost
1. Pogodbenice spodbujajo preglednost pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, vključno s sodelovanjem javnosti, kjer je ustrezno.
2. Predstavnikom medvladnih organizacij in predstavnikom nevladnih organizacij, ki jih zadevajo vprašanja, pomembna za izvajanje tega sporazuma, se omogoči, da sodelujejo na zasedanjih pogodbenic, sklicanih na podlagi člena VIII, kot opazovalci ali kako drugače, kot je ustrezno, v skladu s smernicami in merili iz Priloge X. Takšne medvladne in nevladne organizacije imajo pravočasni dostop do pomembnih podatkov, ob upoštevanju postopkovnih pravil za dostop do tovrstnih podatkov, ki jih sprejmejo pogodbenice.
Člen XVIII. Zaupnost podatkov
1. Na zasedanju pogodbenic se sprejmejo pravila glede zaupnosti podatkov za vsa telesa, ki imajo dostop do podatkov na podlagi tega sporazuma.
2. Ne glede na katerokoli pravilo o zaupnosti, ki se lahko sprejme v skladu s odstavkom 1, lahko vsakdo, ki ima dostop do takšnih zaupnih podatkov, takšne podatke razkrije v zvezi s pravnimi ali upravnimi postopki, če to od njega zahteva pristojni organ zadevne pogodbenice.
Člen XIX. Sodelovanje z drugimi organizacijami
ali programi
Pogodbenice sodelujejo s podregionalnimi, regionalnimi in globalnimi ribiškimi ohranjevalnimi in upravljalskimi organizacijami ter programi s ciljem spodbujati izpolnjevanje ciljev iz tega sporazuma.
Člen XX. Reševanje sporov
1. Pogodbenice med seboj sodelujejo, da preprečijo spore. Vsaka pogodbenica se lahko posvetuje z eno ali več drugimi pogodbenicami glede kateregakoli spora v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo določb iz tega sporazuma, da se čim prej poišče za vse zadovoljiva rešitev.
2. Če se spor s takšnim posvetovanjem ne reši v razumnem času, se zadevne pogodbenice čim prej posvetujejo med seboj, da rešijo spor na katerikoli miren način, ki ga izberejo v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
Člen XXI. Pravice držav
Nobena določba iz tega sporazuma se ne sme razlagati tako, da bi ogrožala ali posegala v suverenost, suverene pravice ali jurisdikcijo, ki jih ima katerekoli država v skladu z mednarodnim pravom, kakor tudi ne v njena stališča glede zadev v zvezi s pomorskim pravom.
Člen XXII. Nepogodbenice
1. Pogodbenice spodbujajo vse države in regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje iz člena XXIV tega sporazuma, ki niso pogodbenice, da postanejo pogodbenice tega sporazuma ali da sprejmejo zakone in druge predpise v skladu z njim.
2. V skladu s tem sporazumom in mednarodnim pravom pogodbenice sodelujejo pri odvračanju plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavami držav, ki niso pogodbenice, od izvajanja aktivnosti, ki ogrožajo učinkovitost tega sporazuma. V ta namen pogodbenice nepogodbenice med drugim opozorijo na takšne aktivnosti njihovih plovil.
3. Pogodbenice si bodisi neposredno ali preko direktorja med seboj izmenjujejo podatke o aktivnostih plovil, ki plujejo pod zastavami nepogodbenic in ogrožajo učinkovitost tega sporazuma.
Člen XXIII. Priloge
Priloge so sestavni del tega sporazuma in če ni izrecno drugače določeno, sklicevanje na ta sporazum vključuje sklicevanje na njegove priloge.
Člen XXIV. Podpis
Ta sporazum je od 15. maja 1998 do 14. maja 1999 na voljo v Washingtonu, da ga podpišejo države, katerih obalne črte mejijo na območje iz Sporazuma, in države ali regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so članice IATTC ali katerih plovila lovijo tune na območju iz Sporazuma, medtem ko je Sporazum na voljo za podpis.
Člen XXV. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev
Podpisnice ta sporazum ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo v skladu s svojo nacionalno zakonodajo in postopki.
Člen XXVI. Pristop
Ta sporazum ostane na voljo za pristop katerekoli države ali regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz člena XXIV ali se jo na podlagi odločitve pogodbenic kako drugače povabi, da pristopi k Sporazumu.
Člen XXVII. Začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati po deponiranju četrte listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu pri depozitarju.
2. Za vsako državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki izpolnjuje zahteve iz člena XXIV, bo po datumu iz odstavka 1 Sporazum začel veljati po deponiranju njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
Člen XXVIII. Pridržki
Pridržki k temu sporazumu niso dopustni.
Člen XXIX. Začasna uporaba
1. Ta sporazum začasno uporablja država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki privoli v njegovo začasno uporabo tako, da o tem pisno obvesti depozitarja. Takšna začasna uporaba začne veljati z datumom prejema tega obvestila.
2. Začasna uporaba države ali regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje preneha, ko za to državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje začne veljati ta sporazum ali ko ta država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje pisno obvesti depozitarja, da namerava prekiniti začasno uporabo.
Člen XXX. Spremembe
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko predlaga spremembo tega sporazuma tako, da depozitarju dostavi besedilo predlagane spremembe vsaj 60 dni pred zasedanjem pogodbenic. Depozitar dostavi en izvod tega besedila vsem drugim pogodbenicam.
2. Spremembe tega sporazuma, ki se sprejmejo soglasno na zasedanju pogodbenic, začnejo veljati potem, ko so vse pogodbenice deponirale listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi pri depozitarju.
3. Priloge k temu sporazumu se lahko soglasno spremenijo na katerem koli zasedanju pogodbenic, razen če se pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače. Spremembe priloge začnejo veljati za vse pogodbenice po njihovem sprejetju, razen če ni drugače dogovorjeno.
Člen XXXI. Odstop od sporazuma
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko od Sporazuma odstopi kadarkoli po preteku 12 mesecev od datuma, ko je ta sporazum zanjo začel veljati, tako da o tem pisno obvesti depozitarja. Depozitar o odstopu obvesti druge pogodbenice v 30 dneh po prejemu takšnega obvestila. Odstop začne veljati šest mesecev po prejemu takšnega obvestila.
Člen XXXII. Depozitar
Izvirna besedila tega sporazuma se deponirajo pri vladi Združenih držav Amerike, ki pošlje njihove overjene izvode njegovim podpisnicam in pogodbenicam ter generalnemu sekretarju Združenih narodov v evidenco in objavo, v skladu s členom 102 Listine Združenih narodov.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani pooblaščenci, ki so jih pravilno pooblastile pristojne vlade, podpisali ta sporazum.
V Washingtonu, petnajstega maja 1998, v angleščini in španščini, obe besedili sta enako verodostojni.
Priloga I
Območje iz sporazuma
Območje iz Sporazuma obsega območje Tihega oceana, ki ga omejuje obalna črta Severne, Srednje in Južne Amerike ter naslednje črte:
a. vzporednik 40° S od obale Severne Amerike do tam, kjer seka poldnevnik 150° Z;
b. poldnevnik 150° Z do tam, kjer seka vzporednik 40° J;
c. vzporednik 40° J do tam, kjer seka obalo Južne Amerike.
Priloga II
Opazovalni program na krovu
1. Pogodbenice izvajajo opazovalni program na krovu v skladu z določbami iz te priloge. Kot sestavni del tega programa lahko vsaka pogodbenica izvaja tudi svoj nacionalni opazovalni program v skladu z določbami iz te priloge.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica od svojih plovil z nosilnostjo nad 363 ton (400 ameriških ton), ki delujejo na območju iz Sporazuma, zahteva, da imajo med vsakim ribolovnim potovanjem na območju iz Sporazuma na krovu opazovalca. Vsaj 50 % opazovalcev na plovilih vsake pogodbenice je opazovalcev IATTC. Drugi opazovalci se lahko določijo iz nacionalnega opazovalnega programa pogodbenice na podlagi meril iz te priloge kakor tudi drugih meril, sprejetih na zasedanju pogodbenic.
3. Vsi opazovalci morajo:
a. uspešno zaključiti tehnično usposabljanje, zahtevano v smernicah, ki jih sprejmejo pogodbenice;
b. biti morajo državljani ene od pogodbenic ali člani znanstvenega osebja IATTC;
c. biti morajo sposobni opravljati naloge iz odstavka 4 te priloge;
d. vključeni morajo biti v seznam opazovalcev, ki ga vodi IATTC, ali če gre za sestavni del nacionalnega opazovalnega programa, pogodbenica, ki vodi takšen program.
4. Naloge opazovalcev so med drugim naslednje:
a. zbiranje vseh ustreznih podatkov o ribolovnih delovanjih plovila, kateremu je opazovalec dodeljen, ki so potrebni za izvajanje tega sporazuma;
b. kapitanu plovila, kateremu je opazovalec dodeljen, dati na voljo vse ukrepe, ki so jih sprejele pogodbenice na podlagi tega sporazuma;
c. kapitanu plovila, kateremu je opazovalec dodeljen, dati na voljo podatke o smrtnosti delfinov za to plovilo;
d. pripravljati poročila o podatkih, zbranih v skladu s tem odstavkom, in kapitanu plovila nuditi možnost, da v tovrstna poročila vključi vse podatke, za katere meni, da so pomembni;
e. takšna poročila priskrbeti direktorju ustreznega nacionalnega programa za uporabo v skladu z odstavkom 1 Priloge VII k temu sporazumu;
f. opravljati druge naloge, kot jih dogovorijo pogodbenice.
5. Opazovalci:
a. razen kolikor to zahtevata odstavka 4(d) in 4(e) te priloge, kot zaupne obravnavajo vse podatke o ribolovnih delovanjih plovil in lastnikih plovil ter to zahtevo sprejmejo pisno kot pogoj za imenovanje za opazovalca;
b. upoštevajo zahteve, določene v zakonih in drugih predpisih pogodbenice, pod jurisdikcijo katere je plovilo, kateremu je opazovalec dodeljen, kolikor so te zahteve združljive z določbami te priloge;
c. vzdržijo se objave ali overitve kakršnihkoli potrdil ali drugih dokumentov v zvezi z ribolovnimi delovanji plovila, razen če to odobrijo pogodbenice;
d. spoštujejo hierarhijo in splošna pravila obnašanja, ki se uporabljajo za celotno osebje plovila, če takšna pravila ne posegajo v naloge opazovalcev iz te priloge ter v obveznosti osebja plovila iz odstavka 6 te priloge.
6. Pogodbenice in kapitani plovil imajo glede opazovalcev med drugim naslednje odgovornosti:
a. opazovalcem se dovoli dostop do osebja plovila ter do orodja in opreme iz Priloge VIII;
b. zaradi lažjega opravljanja njihovih nalog iz odstavka 4 se na zahtevo opazovalcem dovoli tudi dostop do naslednje opreme, če jo plovilo, kateremu so dodeljeni, ima:
i. do opreme za satelitsko navigacijo;
ii. do zaslonskih prikazov radarja, kadar je v uporabi;
iii. do daljnogledov za obe očesi z veliko ločljivostjo, vključno med zasledovanjem in obkrožanjem delfinov zaradi lažjega prepoznavanja, razen kadar jih uporablja osebje plovila;
iv. do elektronskih sredstev obveščanja;
c. opazovalci imajo med izvlečenjem mrež in ulova dostop do delovnega krova ter do vseh živali, bodisi živih ali mrtvih, ki se prinesejo na krov plovila med ribolovom, zaradi jemanja bioloških vzorcev v skladu z opazovalnim programom na krovu ali kot to zahtevajo pristojni nacionalni organi kot sestavni del nacionalnega opazovalnega programa;
d. opazovalcem se zagotovi nastanitev, vključno s prostorom za bivanje, hrano in ustreznimi sanitarnimi prostori, enakovrednimi prostorom, ki jih uporablja posadka;
e. opazovalcem se zagotovi ustrezen prostor na poveljniškem mostu ali v krmarnici za pisarniško delo kakor tudi prostor na krovu, primeren za opravljanje opazovalnih nalog;
f. pogodbenice zagotovijo, da kapitani, posadka in lastniki plovil ne ovirajo, ustrahujejo, posegajo, vplivajo, podkupujejo ali skušajo podkupiti opazovalca pri opravljanju njegovih nalog.
7. Pogodbenice:
a. zagotovijo, da vsi opazovalci iz njihovega ustreznega nacionalnega programa zbirajo podatke tako, kot se to zahteva za opazovalce IATTC;
b. pravočasno po vsakem potovanju, med katerim so se podatki zbirali, direktorju priskrbijo kopije vseh neobdelanih podatkov, ki jih zberejo opazovalci iz njihovih ustreznih nacionalnih programov, skupaj s povzetki in poročili, primerljivimi s tistimi, ki jih priskrbijo opazovalci IATTC.
8. Pravočasno po vsakem potovanju, ki ga je opazoval opazovalec ITTC, se od direktorja na način, ki je v skladu z vsemi veljavnimi zahtevami po zaupnosti, zaprosi, da pogodbenici, pod jurisdikcijo katere plovilo ribari, priskrbi kopije vseh neobdelanih podatkov, povzetkov in poročil v zvezi s potovanjem.
9. Ne glede na druge določbe iz te priloge, če direktor odloči, da namestitev opazovalca iz opazovalnega programa na krovu ni izvedljiva, lahko plovilo pod jurisdikcijo pogodbenice, ki ribari na območju iz Sporazuma in ne obkroža delfinov, uporabi usposobljenega opazovalca iz drugega mednarodnega programa, če so takšen program odobrile pogodbenice, da zbira ustrezne podatke za opazovalni program na krovu in da direktorju potrdi, da to plovilo ne lovi delfinov.
10. Opazovalci iz opazovalnega programa na krovu se lahko po presoji direktorja dodelijo plovilom nepogodbenic, če plovilo in njegov kapitan izpolnjujeta vse zahteve iz te priloge ter druge zahteve iz tega sporazuma, ki se uporabljajo. Direktorja se zaprosi, da pogodbenice pravočasno obvesti o vseh takšnih dodelitvah.
11. Pristojbine
a. Pogodbenice določijo znesek letne pristojbine za plovila za pokritje stroškov opazovalnega programa na krovu. Pristojbine se izračunajo na podlagi nosilnosti posameznih plovil ali kakšnega drugega normativa, ki ga določijo pogodbenice.
b. Ko pogodbenica direktorju predloži seznam plovil na podlagi Priloge IV k temu sporazumu, hkrati predloži tudi plačilo pristojbin v ameriških dolarjih, uvedenih na podlagi odstavka 11(a) te priloge, in pri tem navedejo, katera plovila so zajeta v plačilo.
c. Opazovalec se ne dodeli plovilu, za katero niso bile plačane pristojbine, zahtevane na podlagi odstavka 11(b) te priloge.
Priloga III
Največje letne meje smrtnosti delfinov na stalež
1. Na zasedanju, sklicanem v skladu s členom VIII tega sporazuma, pogodbenice uvedejo Največje letne meje smrtnosti delfinov na stalež za vsak stalež delfinov, določen na zasedanju pogodbenic, na podlagi najboljšega razpoložljivega znanstvenega dokaza med 0,2 % in 0,1 % najmanjše ocenjene številčnosti (Nmin), kot jo izračuna Nacionalna služba Združenih držav za morsko ribištvo ali se izračuna na podlagi enakovrednega izračunskega normativa, ki ga lahko pripravi ali priporoči Znanstveno svetovalni odbor, v skladu z določbami iz tega sporazuma pa v nobenem primeru skupno število letnih naključnih smrti delfinov ne sme presegati 5 000. Za leto 2001 in kasnejša leta velja letna omejitev na stalež 0,1 % najmanjše ocenjene številčnosti (Nmin).
2. Pogodbenice v letu 1998 ali čim prej po tem datumu opravijo znanstveno presojo in oceno napredka proti cilju za leto 2001 ter proučijo priporočila, kot je ustrezno. Do leta 2001 velja, da če se letna stopnja smrtnosti 0,2 % Nmin za katerikoli stalež delfinov preseže, se ribolov, ki zajema ta stalež in vse druge mešane jate, ki vsebujejo člane tega staleža, za to leto ustavi. Z letom 2001 začne veljati pravilo, da če se letna stopnja smrtnosti 0,1 % Nmin za katerikoli stalež delfinov preseže, se ribolov, ki zajema ta stalež in vse druge mešane jate, ki vsebujejo člane tega staleža, za to leto ustavi. Če se letna stopnja smrtnosti 0,1 % Nmin preseže za staleže vzhodnega dolgokljunega ali severo-vzhodnega progastega delfina, pogodbenice pripravijo znanstveno presojo in oceno ter preučijo dodatna priporočila.
3. Za namene tega sporazuma pogodbenice uporabijo trenutno oceno absolutne številčnosti za staleže delfinov vzhodnega oceana, ki sta jo predstavila Wade in Gerrodette Mednarodni komisiji za lov na kite leta 1992 in temelji na raziskovalnih podatkih o plovilih Nacionalne službe Združenih držav za morsko ribištvo za čas od 1986 do 1990, dokler se pogodbenice ne dogovorijo glede posodobljenega niza podatkov. Te posodobitve so lahko rezultat analize podatkov iz bodočih raziskovalnih križarjenj in kazalci številčnosti ter drugi ustrezni znanstveni podatki pogodbenic, IATTC in drugih znanstvenih organizacij.
4. Pogodbenice vzpostavijo sistem, utemeljen na poročanju opazovalcev v realnem času, da zagotovijo učinkovito izvajanje in upoštevanje staležne letne omejitve smrtnosti delfinov.
5. V šestih mesecih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma pogodbenice vzpostavijo sistem za dodelitev največjih letnih mej smrtnosti delfinov na stalež za vsak stalež za naslednje leto in leta zatem. Ta sistem predvideva razdelitev omejitev smrtnosti iz odstavka 1 te priloge med plovila pogodbenic, ki so upravičena, da se jim dodeli omejitev smrtnosti delfinov v skladu s prilogo IV. Pri vzpostavljanju tega sistema pogodbenice preučijo najboljše znanstvene dokaze za porazdelitev in številčnost zadevnih staležev ter druge spremenljivke, ki jih kasneje določijo pogodbenice na svojem zasedanju.
Priloga IV
Zgornje meje smrtnosti delfinov
(Dolphin Mortality Limits - DML)
I. Dodelitev DML
1. Do 1. oktobra vsako leto vse pogodbenice prek direktorja za svoje zasedanje priskrbijo seznam plovil pod svojo jurisdikcijo z nosilnostjo nad 363 tonami (400 ameriškimi tonami), za katera zaprosijo za celoletne DML za naslednje leto in pri tem navedejo tudi druga plovila, ki bodo v naslednjem letu verjetno delovala na območju iz sporazuma, ter plovil, za katera zaprosijo za DML za drugo polletje naslednjega leta.
2. IRP do 1. novembra vsako leto ali kasneje, če je z IRP tako dogovorjeno, priskrbi za zasedanje pogodbenic seznam plovil prosilcev, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje in so upravičena do prejema DML. Za namene tega sporazuma se plovilo šteje, da izpolnjuje pogoje:
a. če ima potrdilo pristojnih nacionalnih organov, da sta njegovo celotno orodje in oprema varna za delfine, kot to zahteva Priloga VIII;
b. če so bili njegov kapitan in posadka ustrezno usposobljeni za postopke spuščanja in reševanja delfinov, primerljive s standardom, ki ga določijo pogodbenice na svojem zasedanju;
c. če je njegova nosilnost nad 363 tonami (400 ameriškimi tonami)
d. če ima kapitana, ki velja za usposobljenega glede na poročilo o njegovih predhodnih doseženih rezultatih;
e. če se plovilo ne šteje za izločenega na podlagi Razdelka II te priloge.
3. Plovilo se ne šteje, da izpolnjuje pogoje po odstavku 2, če na dan zahtevka v skladu z odstavkom 1 te priloge plovilo deluje pod jurisdikcijo pogodbenice, katere veljavni zakoni in drugi predpisi prepovedujejo plovilom pod njeno jurisdikcijo ribolov tunov v povezavi z delfini; DML se prav tako ne dodeli nobeni pogodbenici z namenom, da se zagotovi dovoljenje za ribolov na območju iz Sporazuma plovilom, ki plujejo pod zastavo druge države, katere veljavni zakoni in drugi predpisi prepovedujejo plovilom pod njeno jurisdikcijo ribolov tunov v povezavi z delfini.
4. 98 % ali tolikšen drug nerezerviran delež, kot ga lahko določijo pogodbenice, celotne zgornje meje smrtnosti delfinov za ribištvo (5 000 ali takšna druga nižja meja, kot jo lahko določijo pogodbenice), se uporabi za izračun povprečne DML posameznih plovil (ADML) in se razdeli med pogodbenice za naslednje leto, kot to določa odstavek 5 tega razdelka.
5. ADML se izračuna tako, da se nerezervirani delež celotne DML za ribištvo, določen na podlagi odstavka 4, deli s celotnim številom plovil, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje in zaprosijo za celoletne DML. Razdelitev DML med pogodbenice se določi tako, da se ADML pomnoži s številom plovil, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje in zaprosijo za celoletne DML ter delujejo pod jurisdikcijo posameznih pogodbenic.
6. Preostala 2 % celotne DML za ribolov ali takšen delež, kot ga pogodbenice lahko določijo, se hrani kot ločena rezervna dodelitev DML (RDA), ki jo upravlja direktor po svoji presoji. Katerakoli pogodbenica lahko zaprosi, da direktor DML iz takšnih rezervnih RDA dodeli plovilom, ki ribarijo pod njeno jurisdikcijo in običajno ne lovijo tunov na območju iz Sporazuma, vendar pa občasno lahko želijo omejeno sodelovati pri ribolovu na območju iz Sporazuma, če takšna plovila ter njihovi kapitani in posadka izpolnjujejo zahteve za delovanje in zahteve glede usposobljenosti iz Priloge VIII tega sporazuma in če so izpolnjene zahteve iz odstavkov 2 in 3 tega razdelka. Vse naključne smrti, ki jih povzročijo plovila, ki ribarijo na območju iz Sporazuma pod jurisdikcijo katerekoli pogodbenice, ki ni zaprosila za dodelitev DML njenemu ladjevju, se prav tako odštejejo od tega RDA.
7. DML se ne dodeli plovilu, za katerega pogodbenice določijo, da je bil del ponavljajočega se vzorca kršitev, kar so potrdili izvršilni ukrepi, ki jih je proti temu plovilu sprejela pogodbenica, pod jurisdikcijo katere deluje, ki zmanjšujejo učinkovitost Mednarodnega programa za ohranjanje delfinov.
8. Posamezne pogodbenice s plovili, ki bodo lovile tune v povezavi z delfini, odgovorno upravljajo s svojimi DML, če nobeno posamezno plovilo na prejme celotne letne DML, ki presega DML, ki jo je na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle za leto 1997 določila IRP in je zabeležena v zapisniku 14. zasedanja IRP, ki je potekalo 19. in 20. februarja 1997. Nobena pogodbenica ne dodeli skupnemu številu svojih plovil, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje, večje število DML, kot ji je bilo dodeljeno na podlagi Razdelka I in III te priloge. Nobena začetna dodelitev DML ne sme imeti za posledico, da bi katerokoli plovilo prejelo DML, ki je višje od ADML, razen če je njena uspešnost pri zniževanju smrtnosti delfinov, ki jo izmeri IRP na podlagi podatkov za predhodni leti, boljša od povprečne uspešnosti mednarodne flote kot celote. Nobena začetna dodelitev DML ne sme imeti za posledico, da bi katerokoli plovilo prejelo DML, ki bi presegalo ADML, če je med predhodnim letom zagrešila kršitve iz odstavka 4 Razdelka III te priloge, ob upoštevanju pogojev, določenih na podlagi navedenega odstavka.
9. Če bi skupna vrednost smrtnosti flote katerekoli pogodbenice dosegla ali presegla skupno vrednost DML, ki ji je bila dodeljena v skladu s to prilogo, se ribolov tunov v povezavi z delfini ustavi za vsa plovila, ki delujejo pod jurisdikcijo navedene pogodbenice.
10. Vsaka pogodbenica najkasneje do 1. februarja vsako leto obvesti direktorja o začetni dodelitvi DML, ki jo je razdelila med svoje ladjevje. Nobeno plovilo ne sme začeti z ribolovom tunov v povezavi z delfini, dokler direktor ne prejme takšnega obvestila.
II. Koriščenje DML
1. Vsako plovilo, ki mu je bila dodeljena celoletna DML in ne obkroža delfinov pred 1. aprilom določenega leta, ali mu je bila dodeljena DML za drugo polletje in ne obkroža delfinov do 31. decembra določenega leta, ali mu je bila dodeljena DML za posamezno potovanje iz RDA in ne obkroža delfinov med tem potovanjem, razen v primeru višje sile ali izrednih okoliščin, kot je dogovorjeno z IRP, izgubi svojo DML in ne sme obkrožati delfinov celotni preostali čas tega leta. Vsako takšno plovilo, ki izgubi svojo DML v dveh zaporednih primerih, ni upravičeno do prejema DML za naslednje leto.
2. V šestih mesecih po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma IRP v sodelovanju z znanstvenim osebjem IATTC razvije in priporoči sistem za merjenje izkoriščenosti DML, da se odvrne neutemeljene zahtevke za DML. Takšen priporočeni sistem se predloži v preučitev zasedanju pogodbenic.
III. Uporaba odvzetih ali neizkoriščenih DML
1. Po 1. aprilu vsako leto se vse DML, za katere direktor določi, da ne bodo izkoriščene v skladu z Razdelkom II, ali so bile kako drugače odvzete, ponovno dodelijo pogodbenicam v skladu s tem Razdelkom.
2. Direktor vsako leto na prvi delovni dan v aprilu celoletne DML, dodeljene tistim plovilom, ki jih niso izkoristila v skladu z Razdelkom II ali ki so jim bile drugače odvzete, ponovno razdeli med pogodbenice v skladu s formulo, določeno na podlagi Razdelka I(5), po prvi prilagoditvi pa s tisto formulo, kot je določena v pododstavkih (a), (b) in (c). Takšne dodatne DML lahko pogodbenice ponovno dodelijo plovilom, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje in so pod jurisdikcijo takšne pogodbenice, ob upoštevanju omejitev in pogojev iz odstavkov 3, 4, 5, 6 in 7 tega razdelka.
a. Pri ponovni dodelitvi DML se ne upoštevajo tista plovila, ki so morda izgubila ali so jim bile kako drugače odvzete DML na podlagi tega odstavka, in vsa plovila, ki so zaprosila za DML za drugo polletje po preteku roka iz Razdelka I(1).
b. Pred določitvijo števila DML, ki je na voljo za ponovno dodelitev na podlagi tega razdelka, se opravi prilagoditev tako, da se od tega števila odštejejo vsi zapaženi smrtni primeri, ki so jih povzročila plovila, ki so izgubila svoje DML na podlagi Razdelka II(1).
c. Pred določitvijo števila DML, ki je na voljo za ponovno dodelitev na podlagi tega Razdelka, direktor odšteje eno tretjino ADML, izračunane v skladu z Razdelkom I(5), za dodelitev vsem tistim plovilom, ki zaprosijo za DML za drugo polletje pred potekom roka, določenega v skladu z Razdelkom I(1). Takšne DML za drugo polletje direktor sorazmerno dodeli pogodbenicam na podlagi jurisdikcije ustreznih pogodbenic nad plovili, zajetimi v tem pododstavku. DML za drugo polletje, ki jih dodelijo plovilom pogodbenice, pod jurisdikcijo katerih delujejo, ne presegajo ene tretjine ADML, izračunane v skladu z Razdelkom I(5). Takšna plovila ne smejo začeti z obkroževanjem delfinov pred 1. julijem navedenega leta.
3. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko prilagodi DML svojih plovil, ki izpolnjujejo merila iz Razdelka I(2) te priloge bodisi navzgor ali navzdol, pod pogojem, da se nobenemu plovilu ne dodeli prilagojena DML, ki za 50 % presega njegovo začetno DML, razen če ni njegova uspešnost pri zniževanju smrtnosti delfinov, ki jo meri IRP, v zgornjih 60 % uspešnosti mednarodne flote kot celote, kot jo določi IRP na podlagi podatkov za predhodno leto. Pogodbenica, ki opravi tako prilagoditev, o tem obvesti direktorja najkasneje do 1. maja, nobena takšna prilagoditev pa ne začne veljati, dokler o njej ni obveščen direktor.
4. Nobena pogodbenica ne sme prilagoditi navzgor svoj začetni DML, če je IRP odločila, pogodbenica z jurisdikcijo nad plovilom pa se strinja, da je v tem letu ali v predhodnem letu:
a. plovilo ribarilo brez opazovalca;
b. plovilo obkrožalo delfine brez DML;
c. plovilo obkrožalo delfine po tem, ko je doseglo svojo DML;
d. plovilo zavestno obkrožalo prepovedani stalež delfinov;
e. kapitan, posadka ali lastnik plovila zagrešili katero od dejanj iz Priloge II(6)(f) tega sporazuma;
f. plovilo opravilo kaznivo nočno obkrožanje;
g. v katerikoli fazi ribolova, ki vključuje delfine, plovilo uporabilo razstrelivo.
Za prekrške, opisane v (a), (b), (c), (d), (f) in (g), velja, da se pogodbenica strinja, če ne vloži ugovora pri IRP v šestih mesecih potem, ko IRP naznani možen prekršek. Za prekrške, opisane v (e), velja, da se pogodbenica strinja, če ne vloži ugovora pri IRP v dvanajstih mesecih po njihovi naznanitvi.
5. Nobeno plovilo ni upravičeno, da od pogodbenice prejme dodatne dodelitve DML, če nima skozi celo leto na krovu vsega potrebnega orodja in opreme, varnih za delfine; nobena takšna dodelitev navzgor se ne sme opraviti za plovilo, ki je preseglo svojo začetno DML pred 1. aprilom, razen če ni to povzročila višja sila ali izredne okoliščine, kot se dogovorijo pogodbenice na svojem zasedanju po posvetovanju z IRP.
6. Za vsako plovilo, ki preseže svojo DML, kot se lahko prilagodi v skladu s to prilogo, se med zadevnim letom vsota takšnih prekoračitev in dodatnih 50 % te vsote, razen če IRP ne priporoči drugače, odšteje od DML, ki jo zadevnemu plovilu dodeli pogodbenica, pod jurisdikcijo katere deluje v naslednjih letih na način, ki ga predpiše IRP.
7. Če kadarkoli plovilo doseže ali preseže svojo DML, kot se lahko prilagodi v skladu s to prilogo, to plovilo takoj preneha z vsakim ribolovom tunov v povezavi z delfini.
IV. Izvajanje
1. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da pri izvajanju sistema DML, uvedenega na podlagi te priloge, staležne letne omejitve smrtnosti delfinov, kot so opisane v Prilogi III, niso prekoračene.
2. V primerih, ki zajemajo nenavadne ali izredne okoliščine, ki v tej prilogi niso predvidene, pogodbenice lahko v skladu z določbami iz te priloge, kot to priporoči IRP, sprejmejo takšne ukrepe, kot so potrebni za izvajanje sistema DML.
3. Če se smrtnost v danem letu poveča nad ravni, ki jih IRP šteje za znatne, IRP priporoči, da se pogodbenice zberejo na zasedanju in pregledajo ter poiščejo vzroke smrtnosti ter oblikujejo možnosti za odpravo teh vzrokov.
Priloga V
Znanstveno svetovalni odbor
1. Pogodbenice vzdržujejo Znanstveno svetovalni odbor tehničnih strokovnjakov, ustanovljen na podlagi Sporazuma iz La Jolle, da direktorju pomaga v zadevah, povezanih z raziskavami:
a. za spremembo tehnologije z zaporno plavarico, da se zmanjša verjetnost povzročanja smrtnosti delfinov;
b. za iskanje nadomestnih načinov ribolova velikega rumenoplavutega tuna.
2. Naloge in pristojnosti odbora so:
a. da zaseda vsaj enkrat letno;
b. da pregleda načrte, predloge in raziskovalne programe IATTC, da se skušajo izpolniti cilji iz odstavka 1;
c. da direktorju svetuje pri načrtovanju, pospeševanju in usmerjanju raziskav za dosego ciljev iz odstavka 1;
d. da pomaga direktorju pri iskanju finančnih virov za izvajanje takšnih raziskav.
3. Odbor sestavlja največ 10 članov, največ po dva iz ene države, izbranih iz mednarodne skupnosti znanstvenikov, izvedencev za ribolovno orodje, iz ribiške industrije in okoljevarstvenikov. Člane predlaga direktor na podlagi njihovih strokovnih izkušenj in znanja, vsakega posebej pa potrdijo pogodbenice.
Priloga VI
Nacionalni znanstveno svetovalni odbori
1. Naloge Nacionalnih znanstveno svetovalnih odborov (National Scientific Advisory Committees — NATSAC), ustanovljenih v skladu s členom XI tega sporazuma, so med drugim:
a. da prejemajo in pregledujejo ustrezne podatke, vključno s podatki, ki jih nacionalnim organom priskrbi direktor;
b. da svojim vladam svetujejo in priporočajo ukrepe, ki bi jih bilo treba sprejeti za ohranjanje in upravljanje staležev živih morskih virov na območju iz Sporazuma;
c. da svojim vladam dajejo priporočila glede raziskovalnih potreb, vključno z raziskavami ekosistemov, posledic klimatskih, okoljskih in socialnoekonomskih dejavnikov, posledic ribolova, kakor tudi glede ukrepov iz tega sporazuma, ribolovnih tehnik in postopkov ter tehnoloških raziskav orodij, vključno z razvojem in uporabo selektivnega in za okolje neškodljivega ter rentabilnega ribolovnega orodja, ter da usklajujejo in pospešujejo takšne raziskave;
d. da do leta 1998 ali čim prej potem znanstveno presodijo in ocenijo približevanje cilju za leto 2001 doseči staležno letno omejitev 0,1 % Nmin, za svoje vlade pa v zvezi s temi presojami in pregledi pripravijo ustrezna priporočila, leta 2000 pa tudi dodatne ocene v skladu s tem sporazumom;
e. da zagotovijo redno in pravočasno izmenjavo vseh podatkov med pogodbenicami in NATSAC o vrstah, povezanih z ribolovom tunov, ter o prilovih, vključno s podatki o smrtnosti delfinov, da za svoje vlade pripravijo ohranjevalna in upravljalska priporočila kakor tudi priporočila za njihovo uveljavljanje in znanstvene raziskave, pri tem pa ne smejo kršiti zaupnosti zaupnih poslovnih podatkov;
f. da se po potrebi z drugimi izvedenci posvetujejo glede zbiranja čim večjega števila podatkov, ki so lahko koristni pri doseganju ciljev iz tega sporazuma;
g. da opravljajo tudi druge naloge, ki jim jih lahko dodelijo njihove vlade.
2. Poročila nacionalnih znanstveno svetovalnih odborov, vključno s poročilom o njihovem skupnem zasedanju, so na voljo pogodbenicam in javnosti tako, da je to v skladu z vsemi veljavnimi zahtevami po zaupnosti.
3. Direktor lahko skliče poleg zasedanj v skladu s členom XI(3) tudi zasedanja, katerih namen je olajšati medsebojno posvetovanje med Natsac.
4. Naloge zasedanj Natsac so:
a. izmenjava podatkov;
b. pregled raziskav IATTC za dosego ciljev iz tega sporazuma;
c. priprava priporočil za direktorja glede bodočega raziskovalnega programa za dosego ciljev iz tega sporazuma.
5. Člane Natsac iz katerekoli pogodbenice, ki sodelujejo na zasedanju, določi zadevna pogodbenica.
Priloga VII
Mednarodna komisija za preverjanje
1. V skladu s členom XII tega sporazuma ima Mednarodna komisija za preverjanje (International Review Panel — IRP) naslednje naloge:
a. vsako leto pripravi seznam plovil, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje za dodelitev DML, kot je dogovorjeno v Prilogi IV;
b. analizira predložena poročila o vseh ribolovnih potovanjih za lov na tune, ki so jih opravila v tem sporazumu zajeta plovila;
c. ugotavlja možne kršitve na podlagi seznama možnih kršitev, ki se odobri na zasedanju pogodbenic;
d. vsako pogodbenico preko direktorja obvesti o možnih prekrških, ki so jih zagrešila plovila, ki plujejo pod njeno zastavo ali delujejo pod njeno jurisdikcijo, od navedene pogodbenice pa sprejme podatke o sprejetih ukrepih;
e. vodi in sproti dopolnjuje poročilo o ukrepih, ki jih sprejmejo pogodbenice za zagotavljanje ustreznega usposabljanja kapitanov ribiških plovil, in vodi seznam tistih kapitanov ribiških plovil, za katere je bilo na podlagi podatkov, ki jih zagotovijo posamezne pogodbenice, določeno, da izpolnjujejo sprejete zahteve glede doseganja rezultatov;
f. na zasedanju pogodbenic priporoči ustrezne ukrepe za doseganje ciljev iz tega sporazuma, zlasti tiste, ki se nanašajo na uporabo ribolovnega orodja, opreme in ribolovnih tehnik, ob upoštevanju izboljšav in tehnologij, kakor tudi sprejetje ustreznih spodbud za kapitane in posadke za doseganje ciljev iz tega sporazuma;
g. za zasedanje pogodbenic pripravi in dostavi letno poročilo o tistih vidikih delovanja ladjevja, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje tega sporazuma, vključno s povzetkom možnih ugotovljenih kršitev ter ukrepov pogodbenic;
h. pogodbenicam priporoči načine za postopno znižanje smrtnosti delfinov, ki jo po naključju povzroči ribolov na območju iz Sporazuma;
i. opravlja druge naloge, ki ji jih dodelijo pogodbenice na svojem zasedanju.
2. IRP sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic (vladni člani), trije predstavniki nevladnih okoljevarstvenih organizacij s priznanimi izkušnjami o zadevah iz tega sporazuma in z uradi na ozemlju pogodbenice, ter trije predstavniki iz industrije tunov, ki deluje pod jurisdikcijo katerekoli od pogodbenic na območju iz Sporazuma (nevladni člani).
3. Mandat nevladnih članov traja dve leti in se začne na prvem zasedanju IRP takoj po njihovi izvolitvi.
4. Nevladni člani se izvolijo po naslednjem postopku:
a. pred potekom mandata nevladnega člana lahko ustrezne nevladne organizacije direktorju predložijo imenovanje kandidatov 60 dni pred potekom mandata. Vsakemu imenovanju je treba dodati življenjepis. Sedanji nevladni člani se imenujejo za dodatno obdobje;
b. ko direktor prejme imenovanja, jih ta v pisni obliki v roku desetih dni pošlje pogodbenicam. Pogodbenice morajo poslati direktorju svoj glas v 20 dneh potem, ko je direktor razposlal imenovanja. Pri teh volitvah so izvoljene tiste tri predlagane osebe iz vsakega nevladnega področja, ki so prejele največje število glasov; predlagana oseba, kiprejme četrto največje število glasov, se imenuje za nadomestnega člana. Pri neodločenem glasovanju mora direktor izvesti novo glasovanje pogodbenic, da se določi člana in nadomestnega člana;
c. če nevladno mesto postane trajno nezasedeno zaradi smrti, odstopa ali neudeležbe na treh zaporednih zasedanjih IRP, nadomestni član zasede to mesto za preostali čas mandata tega mesta. Kandidat, ki je prejel peto največje število glasov pri glasovanju iz odstavkov (a) in (b), se imenuje za nadomestnega člana. Če se pojavi dodatno prosto mesto, direktor o tem obvesti pristojne nevladne organizacije, tako da se v postopek glasovanja, ki je v skladu s postopkom iz odstavkov (a) in (b), lahko vključijo novi kandidati.
d. Vsak nadomestni član lahko sodeluje na zasedanju IRP, vendar nima pravice govoriti, če so prisotni vsi člani iz njegovega področja.
5. IRP ima vsaj tri zasedanja letno, eno se po možnosti opravi hkrati z rednim zasedanjem pogodbenic.
6. Na zahtevo vsaj dveh pogodbenic IRP lahko skliče dodatna zasedanja, če večina pogodbenic podpre to zahtevo.
7. Zasedanjem IRP predseduje predsednik, ki ga izvolijo vladni člani na začetku vsakega zasedanja in ki določi vrstni red zadev. Vsak član ima pravico zahtevati, da se o vsaki odločitvi, ki jo sprejme predsednik, odloča, kot je opisano v odstavku 9 te priloge.
8. Zasedanja potekajo v španščini in angleščini, dokumenti IRP se prav tako pripravijo pripravijo v obeh jezikih.
9. Odločitve se na zasedanjih IRP sprejmejo s soglasjem med vladnimi člani.
10. Za udeležbo na zasedanjih IRP se uporabljajo naslednja merila:
a. število oseb, ki jih pogodbenica lahko vključi v svojo delegacijo za zasedanje IRP, ni omejeno;
b. vsako državo članico IATTC ali podpisnico tega sporazuma lahko zastopa opazovalec;
c. vsako državo, ki ni članica IATTC, in vsako državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki nista podpisnici tega sporazuma, lahko zastopa opazovalec, če se o tem predhodno obvesti vladne člane IRP, razen če kateri od vladnih članov IRP temu pisno nasprotuje;
d. direktor lahko povabi predstavnike medvladnih organizacij kot opazovalce, če o tem predhodno obvesti člane IRP, razen če kateri od vladnih članov IRP temu pisno nasprotuje;
e. v nobenem od primerov iz (c) in (d) direktor ne sme razkriti, katera pogodbenica je temu nasprotovala;
f. vsaka opazovalka je omejena na dva delegata, lahko pa jih pošlje več, če to odobrita dve tretjini vladnih članov IRP.
11. V nujnih primerih in ne glede na določbe iz odstavka 9 te priloge lahko IRP sprejme odločitve dopisno z glasovanjem vladnih članov po naslednjem postopku:
a. predlog se razpošlje vsem članom IRP v pisni obliki skupaj z vso zadevno dokumentacijo vsaj 14 dni pred predlaganim datumom začetka veljavnosti resolucije ali ukrepa; glasovi se pošljejo direktorju najkasneje sedem dni pred predlaganim datumom začetka veljavnosti;
b. predlogi se obravnavajo kot nujni, razen če navadna večina vladnih članov temu pisno nasprotuje. Predlog se sprejme, razen če kateri od vladnih članov temu pisno nasprotuje;
c. direktor predlog skupaj s spremljajočo dokumentacijo razpošlje, sprejme in prešteje glasove ter obvesti člane IRP o rezultatih glasovanja, kakor hitro je glasovanje končano.
12. Direktor opravlja naloge tajnika, ki zajemajo:
a. nudenje pomoči pri sklicanju in organizaciji zasedanj IRP;
b. predložitev podatkov, ki jih IRP potrebuje za izvajanje svojih nalog in pristojnosti, vključno z obrazci IRP za opazovalce in obrazci za podatke s terena, ki zagotavljajo podatke o aktivnostih plovil, smrtnosti delfinov ter o prisotnosti, stanju in uporabi za delfine varnega ribolovnega orodja in opreme;
c. priprava zapisnikov vseh zasedanj in osnutkov posebnih poročil ter dokumentov, ki obravnavajo dejavnosti IRP;
d. priprava predlogov in podatkov o možnih kršitvah, ki jih je ugotovila IRP za plovila pod njeno jurisdikcijo za vsako pogodbenico v njeno preučitev;
e. pošiljanje IRP podatkov, ki jih prejme od pogodbenic o ukrepih, sprejetih glede možnih kršitev, ki jih ugotovi IRP;
f. objava letnega poročila IRP, ki ga da na voljo javnosti v skladu z navodili, danimi na zasedanju pogodbenic;
g. predložitev podatkov iz odstavka 1(e) te priloge, prejetih od pogodbenic, članom IRP;
h. opravljanje drugih nalog, potrebnih za izpolnjevanje nalog IRP, kot mu jih dodelijo pogodbenice.
13. Poslovnik IRP se lahko spremeni na zasedanju pogodbenic. Spremembe lahko priporoči IRP.
14. Člani IRP in vsi drugi udeleženci, povabljeni, da sodelujejo na zasedanjih IRP kot opazovalci, ravnajo z vsemi podatki, predstavljenimi na takšnih zasedanjih, v skladu z določbami o zaupnosti iz člena XVIII tega sporazuma.
Priloga VIII
Zahteve za delovanje plovila
1. Za namene te priloge:
a. “pas“ pomeni del mreže, ki sega približno 6 sežnjev globoko;
b. “spuščanje“ pomeni postopek za spuščanje ujetih delfinov s prestavitvijo ladijskega(-ih) motorja(-ev) v vzratno prestavo med izvlečenjem mreže, kar povzroči, da mreža ostane v vodi in oblikuje kanal, plutovinasta vrv na sredi tega kanala pa se potopi;
c. “zvitek“ pomeni več metrov skupaj zvite plutovinaste vrvi;
d. “izvlečenje“ pomeni tisti del ribolovnega postopka, ko je ulov zgoščen blizu površine, da se ga naloži na krov plovila.
2. Zahteve za orodje in opremo, varno za delfine
Plovilo z nosilnostjo nad 363 tonami (400 ameriškimi tonami), ki deluje na območju iz Sporazuma:
a. ima zaporno plavarico opremljeno z za delfine varno ploščo (dolphin safety panel — DSP), ki ima naslednje lastnosti:
i. dolga je najmanj 180 sežnjev (merjeno pred njeno namestitvijo), razen da je treba najkrajšo dolžino DSP v mrežah, globjih od 18 pasov, določiti v razmerju 10 sežnjev po dolžini za vsak pas globine mreže. DSP je treba namestiti tako, da pokriva kanal, ki nastane pri umikanju vzdolž plutovinaste vrvi, začenši pri zunajkrmnem koncu zadnjega potegnjenega zvitka in se nadaljuje vsaj dve tretjini razdalje od sredine kanala, ki nastane pri umikanju, do točke, kjer je mreža pritrjena na krmo. DSP je sestavljen iz tkanine z majhnimi očesi, ki ne presegajo 1 ¼ inče (3,2 cm) pri raztegnjenem očesu, in sega od plutovinaste vrvi najmanj do globine dveh pasov;
ii. oba konca sta označena z dobro vidnim označevalcem;
iii. noben prostor med pluto ali plutovinasto vrvjo in majhnim očesom ne sme presegati 1 3/8 inče (3,5 cm) po premeru;
b. ima vsaj tri hitre motorne čolne, pripravljene za uporabo; vsi hitri motorni čolni pripravljeni za uporabo so opremljeni z vlečnimi verigami ali drogovi in vlečnimi vrvmi;
c. ima za uporabo pripravljen splav, primeren za opazovanje in reševanje delfinov;
d. ima pripravljeni za uporabo vsaj dve maski za obraz, primerni za podvodno opazovanje;
e. ima žaromet, pripravljen za uporabo, z najmanjšo močjo svetlobnega toka 140 000 lumnov.
3. Zahteve in prepovedi glede varovanja in spuščanja delfinov
Plovilo z nosilnostjo nad 363 tonami (400 ameriškimi tonami), ki deluje na območju iz Sporazuma:
a. izvede spuščanje med vsakim obkrožanjem, pri katerem so bili ujeti delfini, dokler niso izčrpane možnosti za odstranitev živih delfinov iz mreže po tem postopku. Vsaj en član posadke se med spuščanjem dodeli za pomoč pri spuščanju delfinov;
b. si še naprej prizadeva spustiti žive delfine, ki so ostali v mreži po spuščanju, tako da se vsi živi delfini spustijo pred začetkom izvajanja postopka izvlečenja mreže;
c. ne izvleče ali zajame živih delfinov;
d. se izogiba poškodovanju ali ubijanju ujetih delfinov med ribolovnim delovanjem;
e. zaključi s spuščanjem najkasneje v 30 minutah po sončnem zahodu, kot ga določijo pogodbenice s točnim in zanesljivim virom. Obkrožanje, ki ne izpolnjuje te zahteve, je označeno kot nočno obkrožanje.
f. v nobeni fazi ribolova, ki vključuje delfine, ne uporablja nobene vrste eksploziva (podvodni svetlobni signali se ne štejejo za eksplozivne);
g. preneha z obkrožanjem delfinov, ko doseže svojo DML;
h. namerno ne obkroža delfinov, če plovilu ni bila dodeljena DML;
i. na podlagi meril, ki jih sprejme IRP, redno preverja namestitev mrež, da med postopkom spuščanja zagotovi pravilno namestitev za delfine varne plošče.
Poudarja se, da zaradi zgornjih zahtev ne sme priti do okoliščin, ki bi člane posadke spravile v nepotrebno nevarnost.
4. Izjeme
a. Plovilo brez dodeljene DML je izvzeto od zahtev iz odstavka 2 te priloge in od obveznosti, da mora izvajati manever spuščanja iz odstavka 3 te priloge, razen če pogodbenica, pod jurisdikcijo katere je plovilo, določi drugače.
b. Vsako takšno plovilo, ki ujame delfine po naključju, skuša delfine spustiti z uporabo vseh razpoložljivih sredstev, vključno z zaustavitvijo obkrožanja, in upošteva zahteve iz odstavka 3 te priloge.
5. Ravnanje z opazovalci
Kapitani, posadke in drugo osebje izpolnjuje svoje odgovornosti glede prisotnosti opazovalcev na krovu svojih plovil, kot je opisano v Prilogi II(6).
6. Plovila pod 363 tonami (400 ameriškimi tonami)
Nobeno plovilo z nosilnostjo 363 ton (400 ameriških ton) ali manj ne sme namerno obkrožati delfinov.
Priloga IX
Sestavni deli programa za sledenje
in preverjanje tunov
1. V skladu s odstavkom 1(f) člena V pogodbenice sprejmejo program za sledenje in preverjanje tunov, ki jih ujamejo plovila na območju iz Sporazuma, na podlagi naslednjih sestavnih delov:
a. uporaba izračuna mase za namene sledenja ujetih, iztovorjenih, predelanih in izvoženih tunov;
b. dodatni ukrepi za povečanje trenutnega obsega opazovanja, vključno s sprejetjem meril za usposabljanje ter izboljšanje možnosti in postopkov spremljanja in poročanja;
c. določitev mesta za shrambo za ribe, postopkov zatesnenja ladijskih skladišč, postopkov njihovega spremljanja in opazovanja ter certificiranja, tako na krovu kot pod njim, ali z enako učinkovitimi postopki;
d. poročanje, sprejemanje in hranjenje podatkovnih baz, poslanih s plovil po radiu in faksu, ki vsebujejo podatke o sledenju in preverjanju takšnih tunov;
e. preverjanje in sledenje takšnih tunov z obale med ribolovom, pretovarjanjem in konzerviranjem s pomočjo poročil o ribolovnih potovanjih iz opazovalnega programa na krovu;
f. uporaba rednih nadzorov in preverjanj na mestu samem ujetih, iztovorjenih in predelanih proizvodov iz tune;
g. zagotavljanje pravočasnega dostopa do zadevnih podatkov.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica izvaja ta program na svojem zadevnem ozemlju, na plovilih pod njeno jurisdikcijo in na morskih območjih, nad katerimi ima suverenost ali suverene pravice in jurisdikcijo.
Priloga X
Smernice in merila za sodelovanje opazovalcev na zasedanju pogodbenic
1. Direktor povabi na zasedanje pogodbenic, sklicano v skladu s členom VIII, medvladne organizacije, katerih delovanje je pomembno za izvajanje tega sporazuma, kakor tudi nepogodbenice, katerih sodelovanje lahko pospeši izvajanje tega sporazuma.
2. Nevladne organizacije s priznanimi izkušnjami v zvezi z zadevami, ki se nanašajo na ta sporazum, imajo pravico sodelovati kot opazovalke na vseh zasedanjih pogodbenic, sklicanih v skladu s členom VIII, razen na zasedanjih, ki potekajo v obliki zaprtih sej, ali na zasedanjih vodij delegacij.
3. Vsaka nevladna organizacija, ki želi sodelovati kot opazovalka na zasedanju pogodbenic, o tej svoji želji obvesti direktorja vsaj 50 dni pred zasedanjem. Direktor pogodbenicam sporoči imena takšnih nevladnih organizacij vsaj 45 dni pred začetkom zasedanja.
4. Če je bilo zasedanje napovedano manj kot 50 dni prej, ima direktor bolj proste roke glede določitve datuma za razpošiljanje vabil.
5. Nevladna organizacija, ki želi sodelovati kot opazovalka, to lahko stori, razen če večina pogodbenic temu pisno nasprotuje vsaj 30 dni pred začetkom zadevnega zasedanja.
6. Vsaka sodelujoča opazovalka se lahko:
a. udeleži zasedanja na podlagi odstavka 2 te priloge, vendar ne sme glasovati;
b. na povabilo predsednika da ustne izjave;
c. z dovoljenjem predsednika na zasedanju razdeli dokumente;
d. sodeluje pri drugih dejavnostih, kot je ustrezno in kot to odobri predsednik.
7. Direktor lahko od nevladnih organizacij opazovalk zahteva plačilo zmerne pristojbine in pokritje stroškov, povezanih z njihovo udeležbo (npr. stroškov kopiranja).
8. Vsem opazovalkam, sprejetim na zasedanje pogodbenic, se pošljejo ali drugače dostavijo enaki dokumenti, ki so na splošno na voljo pogodbenicam, razen dokumentacije, ki vsebuje zaupne poslovne podatke.
9. Vse opazovalke, sprejete na zasedanje pogodbenic, upoštevajo vsa pravila in postopke, ki veljajo za druge udeležence zasedanja.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 801-12/06-24/1
Ljubljana, dne 29. septembra 2006
EPA 956-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.

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