Uradni list

Številka 59
Uradni list RS, št. 59/2004 z dne 28. 5. 2004
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 59/2004 z dne 28. 5. 2004


61. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembi Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) in Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola (MPKEPUP), stran 4118.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembi Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) in Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola (MPKEPUP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 20. maja 2004.
Št. 001-22-114/04
Ljubljana, dne 28. maja 2004
Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol o spremembi Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) in Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola, podpisan v Bruslju dne 28. novembra 2002.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
amending the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol Convention) and the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol
THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES to this Protocol and High Contracting Parties to the Convention on the establishment of a European Police Office and to the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol, Member States of the European Union,
REFERRING to the Act of the Council of the European Union of 28 November 2002,
(1) Pursuant to Article 30(2)(a) of the Treaty on European Union, the Council is to enable Europol to facilitate and support the preparation, and to encourage the coordination and carrying out, of specific investigative actions by the competent authorities of the Member States, including operational actions of joint teams comprising representatives of Europol in a support capacity.
(2) Rules need to be laid down governing such participation of Europol in joint investigation teams. These rules should address the role of Europol officials in these teams, the exchange of information between Europol and the joint investigation team, as well as non-contractual liability for damage caused by Europol officials participating in these teams.
(3) Pursuant to Article 30(2)(b) of the Treaty on European Union, measures need to be adopted allowing Europol to ask the competent authorities of the Member States to conduct and coordinate investigations in specific cases.
(4) The Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol should be amended to the effect that the immunity of Europol's staff members in respect to words spoken or written, and/or acts performed by them in the exercise of their official functions, does not extend to their activities as participants in the joint investigation teams,
Article 1
The Europol Convention is hereby amended as follows:
1. The following points shall be added to Article 3(1):
"6. to participate in a support capacity in joint investigation teams, according to Article 3a;
7. to ask the competent authorities of the Member States concerned to conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases, according to Article 3b.";
2. The following Articles shall be inserted:
(a) "Article 3a
Participation in joint investigation teams
1. Europol officials may participate in a support capacity in joint investigation teams, including those teams set up in accordance with Article 1 of the Framework Decision of 13 June 2002 on joint investigation teams or in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention of 29 May 2000 on mutual assistance in criminal matters between the Member States of the European Union, as far as those teams are investigating criminal offences for which Europol is competent under Article 2. Europol officials may, within the limits provided for by the law of the Member State where the joint investigation team operates and in accordance with the arrangement referred to in paragraph 2, assist in all activities and exchange information with all members of the joint investigation team, in accordance with paragraph 3. However, they shall not take part in the taking of any coercive measures.
2. The administrative implementation of the participation of Europol officials in a joint investigation team shall be laid down in an arrangement between the Director of Europol and the competent authorities of the Member States participating in the joint investigation team, with the involvement of the National Units. The rules governing such arrangements shall be determined by the Management Board of Europol acting by a majority of two thirds of its members.
3. Europol officials shall carry out their tasks under the leadership of the leader of the team, taking into account the conditions laid down in the arrangement referred to in paragraph 2.
4. In accordance with the arrangement referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, officials of Europol may liaise directly with the members of the joint investigation team and provide members and seconded members of the joint investigation team, in accordance with the present Convention, with information from any of the components of the computerised system of collected information referred to in Article 6. In case of direct liaison, the National Units of the Member States represented in the team as well as the Member States which provided the information shall at the same time be informed thereof by Europol.
5. Information obtained by a Europol official while part of a joint investigation team may, with the consent and under the responsibility of the Member State which provided the information, be included in any of the components of the computerised system under the conditions laid down in this Convention.
6. During the operations of a joint investigation team referred to in this Article, Europol officials shall, with respect to offences committed against or by them, be subject to national law of the Member State of operation applicable to persons with comparable functions.";
(b) "Article 3b
Requests made by Europol to initiate criminal investigations
1. Member States should deal with any request from Europol to initiate, conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases and should give such requests due consideration. Europol should be informed whether the requested investigation will be initiated.
2. If the competent authorities of the Member State decide not to comply with a request from Europol, they shall inform Europol of their decision and of the reasons for it unless they are unable to give their reasons because:
(i) to do so would harm essential national security interests; or
(ii) to do so would jeopardise the success of investigations under way or the safety of individuals.
3. Replies to requests by Europol to initiate, conduct or coordinate investigations in specific cases as well as information to Europol about the results of investigations should be forwarded through the competent authorities in the Member States in accordance with the rules laid down in the Europol Convention and the relevant national legislation.
4. On the basis of a cooperation agreement to be signed with Eurojust, Europol shall, when making a request to initiate criminal investigations, inform Eurojust thereof.";
(c) "Article 39a
Liability with regard to Europol's participation in joint investigation teams
1. The Member State in the territory of which damage was caused by officials of Europol operating in accordance with Article 3a in that Member State during their assistance in operational measures shall make good such damage under the conditions applicable to damage caused by its own officials.
2. Unless otherwise agreed by the Member State concerned, Europol shall reimburse in full any sums it has paid to the victims or persons entitled on their behalf for damage referred to in paragraph 1. Any dispute between that Member State and Europol over the principle or amount of repayment must be referred to the Management Board, which shall settle the matter by a two-thirds majority.";
3. The following points shall be inserted in Article 28(1):
"1a. shall, acting by a majority of two thirds of its members, determine the rules governing the administrative implementation of the participation of Europol officials in joint investigation teams (Article 3a(2)); ";
"21a. shall act by a two-third majority in disputes between a Member State and Europol concerning the liability with regard to Europol's participation in joint investigation teams (Article 39a); ".
Article 2
The following paragraph shall be added to Article 8 of the Protocol on the privileges and immunities of Europol, the members of its organs, the deputy directors and the employees of Europol:
"4. In accordance with Article 17(2), the immunity referred to in paragraph 1(a) shall not be granted in respect of official acts required to be undertaken in fulfilment of the tasks set out in Article 3a of the Convention regarding the participation of Europol officials in joint investigation teams.".
Article 3
1. This Protocol shall be subject to adoption by the Member States in accordance with their respective constitutional requirements.
2. Member States shall notify the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union of the completion of their constitutional requirements for adopting this Protocol.
3. This Protocol shall enter into force ninety days after the notification, referred to in paragraph 2, by the Member State which, being a member of the European Union on the date of adoption by the Council of the act establishing this Protocol, is the last to fulfil that formality.
Article 4
1. This Protocol shall be open to accession by any State which becomes a member of the European Union if this Protocol has not entered into force on the date of deposit of the instruments of accession to the Europol Convention in accordance with Article 46 of the Europol Convention.
2. Instruments of accession to this Protocol shall be deposited simultaneously with the instruments of accession to the Europol Convention in accordance with Article 46 thereof.
3. The text of this Protocol in the language of the acceding State, drawn up by the Council of the European Union, shall be authentic.
4. If, on the expiry of the period referred to in Article 46(4) of the Europol Convention, this Protocol has not entered into force, it shall enter into force for the acceding Member State on the date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Article 3(3) thereof.
5. If this Protocol enters into force in accordance with Article 3(3) before the period referred to in Article 46(4) of the Europol Convention has expired but after the deposit of the instrument of accession referred to in paragraph 2, the acceding Member State shall accede to the Europol Convention as amended by virtue of this Protocol, in accordance with Article 46 of the Europol Convention.
Article 5
1. The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall act as depository of this Protocol.
2. The depository shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities information on the progress of adoptions and accessions and also any other notification concerning this Protocol.
Done at Brussels on the twenty-eighth day of November in the year two thousand and two.
o spremembi Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada (Konvencija o Europolu) in Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola
VISOKE POGODBENICE tega protokola in visoke pogodbenice Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega policijskega urada in Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola, države članice Evropske unije,
OB SKLICEVANJU na Akt Sveta Evropske unije z 28. novembra 2002,
(1) Na podlagi člena 30(2)(a) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji Svet omogoča Europolu olajšati in podpreti pripravo posebnih preiskovalnih dejanj pristojnih organov držav članic ter spodbujati njihovo usklajevanje in izvajanje, vključno z operativnimi dejanji skupnih skupin, v katerih sodelujejo tudi predstavniki Europola v podporni funkciji.
(2) Za takšno sodelovanje Europola v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah je treba določiti pravila. Ta pravila naj bi obravnavala vlogo uradnikov Europola v teh skupinah, izmenjavo informacij med Europolom in skupno preiskovalno skupino ter nepogodbeno odgovornost za škodo, ki jo povzročijo uradniki Europola med sodelovanjem v teh skupinah.
(3) Na podlagi člena 30(2)(b) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji je treba sprejeti ukrepe, ki Europolu omogočajo, da pristojne organe držav članic zaprosi za vodenje in usklajevanje preiskav v posebnih primerih.
(4) Protokol o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola bi bilo treba spremeniti tako, da se imuniteta članov osebja Europola glede njihovih besed, ki jih izgovorijo ali zapišejo pri opravljanju uradnih dolžnosti in/ali dejanj, ki jih pri tem storijo, ne razširi na njihove dejavnosti v okviru sodelovanja v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah –
Člen 1
Konvencija o Europolu se spremeni kot sledi:
1. Členu 3(1) se dodajo naslednje točke:
"6. sodelovati v podporni funkciji v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah v skladu s členom 3a;
7. zaprositi pristojne organe zadevnih držav članic za vodenje ali usklajevanje preiskav v posebnih primerih v skladu s členom 3b.";
2. Vstavijo se naslednji členi:
(a) "Člen 3a
Sodelovanje v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah
1. Uradniki Europola lahko v podporni funkciji sodelujejo v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah, vključno s skupinami, ustanovljenimi v skladu s členom 1 Okvirnega sklepa z dne 13. junija 2002 o skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah ali v skladu s členom 13 Konvencije z dne 29. maja 2000 o medsebojni pravni pomoči v kazenskih zadevah med državami članicami Evropske unije, kolikor te skupine preiskujejo kazniva dejanja, za katera je pristojen Europol na podlagi člena 2. Uradniki Europola lahko v okviru omejitev, ki jih predvideva zakonodaja države članice, kjer deluje skupna preiskovalna skupina, in v skladu z dogovorom iz odstavka 2, nudijo pomoč pri vseh dejavnostih in izmenjujejo informacije z vsemi člani skupne preiskovalne skupine v skladu z odstavkom 3. Vendar pa ne sodelujejo pri izvajanju prisilnih ukrepov.
2. Upravno izvajanje sodelovanja Europola v skupni preiskovalni skupini se določi v dogovoru med direktorjem Europola in pristojnimi organi držav članic, ki sodelujejo v skupni preiskovalni skupini, ob sodelovanju nacionalnih enot. Pravila, ki urejajo takšne dogovore, določi Upravni odbor Europola, ki odloča z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov.
3. Uradniki Europola opravljajo svoje naloge pod vodstvom vodje skupine, pri čemer upoštevajo pogoje, določene v dogovoru iz odstavka 2.
4. Uradniki Europola se lahko v skladu z dogovorom iz odstavkov 2 in 3 neposredno povežejo s člani skupne preiskovalne skupine in v skladu s to konvencijo članom ali posojenim članom skupne preiskovalne skupine posredujejo informacije iz katere koli od računalniško vodenih zbirk informacij, navedenih v členu 6. V primeru neposredne povezave Europol o tem hkrati obvesti tako nacionalne enote držav članic, ki so zastopane v skupini, kot tudi države članice, ki so posredovale informacije.
5. Informacije, ki jih dobi Europol v okviru sodelovanja v skupni preiskovalni skupini, se lahko s soglasjem države članice, ki je posredovala informacije, in v okviru njene odgovornosti, vključijo v katero koli od računalniško vodenih zbirk informacij pod pogoji, določenimi v tej konvenciji.
6. Med dejavnostmi skupne preiskovalne skupine, na katere se nanaša ta člen, za uradnike Europola glede kaznivih dejanj, ki so bila storjena proti njim ali ki so jih storili sami, velja nacionalna zakonodaja države članice, v kateri se izvajajo dejavnosti, in sicer na enak način, kot velja za osebe s primerljivimi funkcijami.
(b) "Člen 3b
Zaprosila Europola za začetek preiskav kaznivih dejanj
1. Države članice naj bi obravnavale vsako zaprosilo Europola za začetek, vodenje ali usklajevanje preiskav v posebnih primerih in ga skrbno preučile. Europol bi bilo treba obvestiti, ali se bo preiskava, za katero je zaprosil, začela izvajati.
2. Če se pristojni organi države članice odločijo, da zaprosilu Europola ne bodo ugodili, o svoji odločitvi in razlogih zanjo obvestijo Europol, razen če takšnih razlogov ne morejo podati, ker bi to:
(i) škodovalo bistvenim interesom nacionalne varnosti; ali
(ii) ogrozilo uspeh preiskav, ki so v teku, ali varnost posameznih oseb.
3. Odgovori na zaprosila Europola za začetek, vodenje ali usklajevanje preiskav v posebnih primerih ter informacije o rezultatih preiskav, namenjene Europolu, naj bi se posredovali preko pristojnih organov držav članic v skladu s pravili, določenimi v Konvenciji o Europolu in ustrezni nacionalni zakonodaji.
4. Europol na podlagi sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki se sklene z Eurojustom, slednjega obvesti o vsakem zaprosilu za začetek preiskave kaznivih dejanj.";
(a) "Člen 39a
Odgovornost v zvezi s sodelovanjem Europola v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah
1. Država članica, na katere ozemlju so organi Europola, ki v skladu s členom 3a delujejo v tej državi članici, med sodelovanjem pri izvajanju operativnih ukrepov povzročili škodo, takšno škodo nadomesti pod enakimi pogoji, kot bi jo v primeru, če bi škodo povzročili njeni uradniki.
2. Razen če se država članica ne dogovori drugače, ji Europol v celoti povrne vso odškodnino, ki jo je plačala žrtvam ali njihovim pravnim naslednikom za škodo iz odstavka 1. Morebitni spori med to državo članico in Europolom glede načela ali zneska povračila se morajo predložiti Upravnemu odboru, ki o zadevi odloči z dvotretjinsko večino.";
3. V člen 28(1) se vstavi:
"1a. z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članov določi pravila, ki urejajo upravno izvajanje sodelovanja Europola v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah (člen 3a(2));";
"21a. z dvotretjinsko večino odloča v sporih med državo članico in Europolom glede odgovornosti v zvezi s sodelovanjem Europola v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah (člen 39a);".
Člen 2
V členu 8 Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Europola, članov njegovih organov, namestnikov direktorja in uslužbencev Europola, se doda naslednji odstavek:
"4. V skladu s členom 17(2) se imuniteta iz odstavka 1(a) ne podeli v zvezi z uradnimi dejanji, ki se izvajajo pri izpolnjevanju nalog, določenih v členu 3a Konvencije o sodelovanju uradnikov Europola v skupnih preiskovalnih skupinah.".
Člen 3
1. Države članice sprejmejo ta protokol v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi pravili.
2. Države članice uradno obvestijo generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evropske unije, da so končani postopki, ki so v skladu z ustavnimi pravili potrebni za sprejetje tega protokola.
3. Ta protokol začne veljati 90 dni po tem, ko obvestilo iz odstavka 2 pošlje država članica, ki kot članica Evropske unije na dan, ko Svet sprejme akt o pripravi tega protokola, kot zadnja izpolni to formalnost.
Člen 4
1. K temu protokolu lahko pristopi katera koli država, ki postane članica Evropske unije, če ta protokol ne začne veljati z dnem deponiranja listih o pristopu h Konvenciji o Europolu v skladu s členom 46 Konvencije o Europolu.
2. Listine o pristopu k temu protokolu se deponirajo hkrati s listinami o pristopu h Konvenciji o Europolu v skladu s členom 46 Konvencije.
3. Besedilo tega protokola v jeziku pristopne države, ki ga sestavi Svet Evropske unije, je enako verodostojno.
4. Če ob izteku obdobja iz člena 46(4) Konvencije o Europolu ta protokol še ni začel veljati, bo za državo članico pristopnico začel veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu s členom 3(3).
5. Če ta protokol začne veljati v skladu s členom 3(3) pred iztekom obdobja iz člena 46(4) Konvencije o Europolu, vendar po deponiranju listine o pristopu iz odstavka 2, država članica pristopnica pristopi h Konvenciji o Europolu, kakor je spremenjena s tem protokolom, v skladu s členom 46 Konvencije o Europolu.
Člen 5
1. Depozitar tega protokola je Generalni sekretar Sveta Evropske unije.
2. Depozitar v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti objavi informacije o poteku sprejemanja in pristopov ter vsa druga obvestila v zvezi s tem protokolom.
V Bruslju, osemindvajsetega novembra dva tisoč dva.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-05/04-42/1
Ljubljana, dne 20. maja 2004
EPA 1300-III
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.

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