Uradni list

Številka 72
Uradni list RS, št. 72/1998 z dne 23. 10. 1998
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 72/1998 z dne 23. 10. 1998


46. Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali (MKVSVPZ), stran 309.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali (MKVSVPZ), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 24. septembra 1998.
Št. 001-22-88/98
Ljubljan, dne 2. oktobra 1998
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Konvencija o varstvu selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali, sprejeta 23. junija 1979 v Bonnu.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
RECOGNIZING that wild animals in their innumerable forms are an irreplaceable part of the earth’s natural system which must be conserved for the good of mankind;
AWARE that each generation of man holds the resources of the earth for future generations and has an obligation to ensure that this legacy is conserved and, where utilized, is used wisely;
CONSCIOUS of the ever-growing value of wild animals from environmental, ecological, genetic, scientific, aesthetic, recreational, cultural, educational, social and economic points of view;
CONCERNED particularly with those species of wild animals that migrate across or outside national jurisdictional boundaries;
RECOGNIZING that the States are and must be the protectors of the migratory species of wild animals that live within or pass through their national jurisdictional boundaries;
CONVINCED that conservation and effective management of migratory species of wild animals require the concerted action of all States within the national jurisdictional boundaries of which such species spend any part of their life cycle;
RECALLING Recommendation 32 of the Action Plan adopted by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972) and noted with satisfaction at the Twenty-seventh Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations,
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article I
1. For the purpose of this Convention:
a) “Migratory species“ means the entire population or any geographically separate part of the population of any species or lower taxon of wild animals, a significant proportion of whose members cyclically and predictably cross one or more national jurisdictional boundaries;
b) “Conservation status of a migratory species“ means the sum of the influences acting on the migratory species that may affect its long-term distribution and abundance;
c) “Conservation status“ will be taken as “favourable“ when:
(1) population dynamics data indicate that the migratory species is maintaining itself on a long-term basis as a viable component of its ecosystems;
(2) the range of the migratory species is neither currently being reduced, nor is likely to be reduced, on a long-term basis;
(3) there is, and will be in the foreseeable future sufficient habitat to maintain the population of the migratory species on a long-term basis; and
(4) the distribution and abundance of the migratory species approach historic coverage and levels to the extent that potentially suitable ecosystems exist and to the extent consistent with wise wildlife management;
d) “Conservation status“ will be taken as “unfavourable“ if any of the conditions set out in sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph is not met;
e) “Endangered“ in relation to a particular migratory species means that the migratory species is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range;
f) “Range“ means all the areas of land or water that a migratory species inhabits, stays in temporarily, crosses or overflies at any time on its normal migration route;
g) “Habitat“ means any area in the range of a migratory species which contains suitable living conditions for that species;
h) “Range State“ in relation to a particular migratory species means any State (and where appropriate any other Party referred to under subparagraph (k) of this paragraph) that exercises jurisdiction over any part of the range of that migratory species, or a State, flag vessels of which are engaged outside national jurisdictional limits in taking that migratory species;
i) “Taking“ means taking, hunting, fishing capturing, harassing, deliberate killing, or attempting to engage in any such conduct;
j) “AGREEMENT“ means an international agreement relating to the conservation of one or more migratory species as provided for in Articles IV and V of this Convention; and
k) “Party“ means a State or any regional economic integration organization constituted by sovereign States which has competence in respect of the negotiation, conclusion and application of international agreements in matters covered by this Convention for which this Convention is in force.
2. In matters within their competence, the regional economic integration organizations which are Parties to this Convention shall in their own name exercise the rights and fulfil the responsibilities which this Convention attributes to their member States. In such cases the member States of these organizations shall not be entitled to exercise such rights individually.
3. Where this Convention provides for a decision to be taken by either a two-thirds majority or a unanimous decision of “the Parties present and voting“ this shall mean “the Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote“. Those abstaining from voting shall not be counted amongst “the Parties present and voting“ in determining the majority.
Article II
Fundamental Principles
1. The Parties acknowledge the importance of migratory species being conserved and of Range States agreeing to take action to this end whenever possible and appropriate, paying special attention to migratory species the conservation status of which is unfavourable, and taking individually or in co-operation appropriate and necessary steps to conserve such species and their habitat.
2. The Parties acknowledge the need to take action to avoid any migratory species becoming endangered.
3. In particular, the Parties:
a) should promote, co-operate in and support research relating to migratory species;
b) shall endeavour to provide immediate protection for migratory species included in Appendix I; and
c) shall endeavour to conclude AGREEMENTS covering the conservation and management of migratory species included in Appendix II.
Article III
Endangered Migratory Species: Appendix I
1. Appendix I shall list migratory species which are endangered.
2. A migratory species may be listed in Appendix I provided that reliable evidence, including the best scientific evidence available, indicates that the species is endangered.
3. A migratory species may be removed from Appendix I when the Conference of the Parties determines that:
a) reliable evidence, including the best scientific evidence available, indicates that the species is no longer endangered, and
b) the species is not likely to become endangered again because of loss of protection due to its removal from Appendix I.
4. Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall endeavour:
a) to conserve and, where feasible and appropriate, restore those habitats of the species which are of importance in removing the species from danger of extinction;
b) to prevent, remove, compensate for or minimize, as appropriate, the adverse effects of activities or obstacles that seriously impede or prevent the migration of the species; and
c) to the extent feasible and appropriate, to prevent, reduce or control factors that are endangering or are likely to further endanger the species, including strictly controlling the introduction of, or controlling or eliminating, already introduced exotic species.
5. Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I shall prohibit the taking of animals belonging to such species. Exceptions may be made to this prohibition only if:
a) the taking is for scientific purposes;
b) the taking is for the purpose of enhancing the propagation or survival of the affected species;
c) the taking is to accommodate the needs of traditional subsistence users of such species; or
d) extraordinary circumstances so require;
provided that such exceptions are precise as to content and limited in space and time. Such taking should not operate to the disadvantage of the species.
6. The Conferences of the Parties may recommend to the Parties that are Range States of a migratory species listed in Appendix I that they take further measures considered appropriate to benefit the species.
7. The Parties shall as soon as possible inform the Secretariat of any exceptions made pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article.
Article IV
Migratory Species to be the Subject of AGREEMENTS: Appendix II
1. Appendix II shall list migratory species which have an unfavourable conservation status and which require international agreements for their conservation and management, as well as those which have a conservation status which would significantly benefit from the international cooperation that could be achieved by an international agreement.
2. If the circumstances so warrant, a migratory species may be listed both in Appendix I and Appendix II.
3. Parties that are Range States of migratory species listed in Appendix II shall endeavour to conclude AGREEMENTS where these should benefit the species and should give priority to those species in an unfavourable conservation status.
4. Parties are encouraged to take action with a view to concluding agreements for any population or any geographically separate part of the population of any species or lower taxon of wild animals, members of which periodically cross one or more national jurisdiction boundaries.
5. The Secretariat shall be provided with a copy of each AGREEMENT concluded pursuant to the provisions of this Article.
Article V
Guidelines for AGREEMENTS
1. The object of each AGREEMENT shall be to restore the migratory species concerned to a favourable conservation status or to maintain it in such a status. Each AGREEMENT should deal with those aspects of the conservation and management of the migratory species concerned which serve to achieve that object.
2. Each AGREEMENT should cover the whole of the range of the migratory species concerned and should be open to accession by all Range States of that species, whether or not they are Parties to this Convention.
3. An AGREEMENT should, wherever possible, deal with more than one migratory species.
4. Each AGREEMENT should:
a) identify the migratory species covered;
b) describe the range and migration route of the migratory species;
c) provide for each Party to designate its national authority concerned with the implementation of the AGREEMENT;
d) establish, if necessary, appropriate machinery to assist in carrying out the aims of the AGREEMENT, to monitor its effectiveness, and to prepare reports for the Conference of the Parties;
e) provide for procedures for the settlement of disputes between Parties to the AGREEMENT; and
f) at a minimum, prohibit, in relation to a migratory species of the Order Cetacea, any taking that is not permitted for that migratory species under any other multilateral agreement and provide for accession to the AGREEMENT by States that are not Range States of that migratory species.
5. Where appropriate and feasible, each AGREEMENT should provide for but not be limited to:
a) periodic review of the conservation status of the migratory species concerned and the identification of the factors which may be harmful to that status;
b) co-ordinated conservation and management plans;
c) research into the ecology and population dynamics of the migratory species concerned, with special regard to migration;
d) the exchange of information on the migratory species concerned, special regard being paid to the exchange of the results of research and of relevant statistics;
e) conservation and, where required and feasible, restoration of the habitats of importance in maintaining a favourable conservation status, and protection of such habitats from disturbances, including strict control of the introduction of, or control of already introduced, exotic species detrimental to the migratory species;
f) maintenance of a network of suitable habitats appropriately disposed in relation to the migration routes;
g) where it appears desirable, the provision of new habitats favourable to the migratory species or reintroduction of the migratory species into favourable habitats;
h) elimination of, to the maximum extent possible, or compensation for activities and obstacles which hinder or impede migration;
i) prevention, reduction or control of the release into the habitat of the migratory species of substances harmful to that migratory species;
j) measures based on sound ecological principles to control and manage the taking of the migratory species;
k) procedures for co-ordinating action to suppress illegal taking;
l) exchange of information on substantial threats to the migratory species;
m) emergency procedures whereby conservation action would be considerably and rapidly strengthened when the conservation status of the migratory species is seriously affected; and
n) making the general public aware of the contents and aims of the AGREEMENT.
Article VI
Range States
1. A list of the Range States of migratory species listed in Appendices I and II shall be kept up to date by the Secretariat using information it has received from the Parties.
2. The Parties shall keep the Secretariat informed in regard to which of the migratory species listed in Appendices I and II they consider themselves to be Range States, including provision of information on their flag vessels engaged outside national jurisdictional limits in taking the migratory species concerned and, where possible, future plans in respect of such taking.
3. The Parties which are Range States for migratory species listed in Appendix I or Appendix II should inform the Conference of the Parties through the Secretariat, at least six months prior to each ordinary meeting of the Conference, on measures that they are taking to implement the provisions of this Convention for these species.
Article VII
The Conference of the Parties
1. The Conference of the Parties shall be the decision-making organ of this Convention.
2. The Secretariat shall call a meeting of the Conference of the Parties not later than two years after the entry into force of this Convention.
3. Thereafter the Secretariat shall convene ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties at intervals of not more than three years, unless the Conference decides otherwise, and extraordinary meetings at any time on the written request of at least one-third of the Parties.
4. The Conference of the Parties shall establish and keep under review the financial regulations of this Convention. The Conference of the Parties shall, at each of its ordinary meetings, adopt the budget for the next financial period. Each Party shall contribute to this budget according to a scale to be agreed upon by the Conference. Financial regulations, including the provisions on the budget and the scale of contributions as well as their modifications, shall be adopted by unanimous vote of the Parties present and voting.
5. At each of its meetings the Conference of the Parties shall review the implementation of this Convention and may in particular:
a) review and assess the conservation status of migratory species;
b) review the progress made towards the conservation of migratory species, especially those listed in Appendices I and II;
c) make such provision and provide such guidance as may be necessary to enable the Scientific Council and the Secretariat to carry out their duties;
d) receive and consider any reports presented by the Scientific Council, the Secretariat, any Party or any standing body established pursuant to an AGREEMENT;
e) make recommendations to the Parties for improving the conservation status of migratory species and review the progress being made under AGREEMENTS;
f) in those cases where an AGREEMENT has not been concluded, make recommendations for the convening of meetings of the Parties that are Range States of a migratory species or group of migratory species to discuss measures to improve the conservation status of the species;
g) make recommendations to the Parties for improving the effectiveness of this Convention; and
h) decide on any additional measure that should be taken to implement the objectives of this Convention.
6. Each meeting of the Conference of the Parties should determine the time and venue of the next meeting.
7. Any meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall determine and adopt rules of procedure for that meeting. Decisions at a meeting of the Conference of the Parties shall require a two-thirds majority of the Parties present and voting, except where otherwise provided for by this Convention.
8. The United Nations, its Specialized Agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State not a party to this Convention and, for each AGREEMENT, the body designated by the parties to that AGREEMENT, may be represented by observers at meetings of the Conference of the Parties.
9. Any agency or body technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of migratory species, in the following categories, which has informed the Secretariat of its desire to be represented at meetings of the Conference of the Parties by observers, shall be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object:
a) international agencies or bodies, either governmental or non-governmental, and national governmental agencies and bodies; and
b) national non-governmental agencies or bodies which have been approved for this purpose by the State in which they are located.
Once admitted, these observers shall have the right to participate but not to vote.
Article VIII
The Scientific Council
1. At its first meeting, the Conference of the Parties shall establish a Scientific Council to provide advice on scientific matters.
2. Any Party may appoint a qualified expert as a member of the Scientific Council. In addition, the Scientific Council shall include as members qualified experts selected and appointed by the Conference of the Parties; the number of these experts, the criteria for their selection and the terms of their appointments shall be as determined by the Conference of the Parties.
3. The Scientific Council shall meet at the request of the Secretariat as required by the Conference of the Parties.
4. Subject to the approval of the Conference of the Parties, the Scientific Council shall establish its own rules of procedure.
5. The Conference of the Parties shall determine the functions of the Scientific Council, which may include:
a) providing scientific advice to the Conference of the Parties, to the Secretariat, and, if approved by the Conference of the Parties, to any body set up under this Convention or an AGREEMENT or to any Party;
b) recommending research and the co-ordination of research on migratory species, evaluating the results of such research in order to ascertain the conservation status of migratory species and reporting to the Conference of the Parties on such status and measures for its improvement;
c) making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties as to the migratory species to be included in Appendices I and II, together with an indication of the range of such migratory species;
d) making recommendations to the Conference of the Parties as to specific conservation and management measures to be included in AGREEMENTS on migratory species; and
e) recommending to the Conference of the Parties solutions to problems relating to the scientific aspects of the implementation of this Convention, in particular with regard to the habitats of migratory species.
Article IX
The Secretariat
1. For the purposes of this Convention a Secretariat shall be established.
2. Upon entry into force of this Convention, the Secretariat is provided by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. To the extent and in the manner he considers appropriate, he may be assisted by suitable intergovernmental or non-governmental, international or national agencies and bodies technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of wild animals.
3. If the United Nations Environment Programme is no longer able to provide the Secretariat, the Conference of the Parties shall make alternative arrangements for the Secretariat.
4. The functions of the Secretariat shall be:
a) to arrange for and service meetings:
(i) of the Conference of the Parties, and
(ii) of the Scientific Council;
b) to maintain liaison with and promote liaison between the Parties, the standing bodies set up under AGREEMENTS and other international organizations concerned with migratory species;
c) to obtain from any appropriate source reports and other information which will further the objectives and implementation of this Convention and to arrange for the appropriate dissemination of such information;
d) to invite the attention of the Conference of the Parties to any matter pertaining to the objectives of this Convention;
e) to prepare for the Conference of the Parties reports on the work of the Secretariat and on the implementation of this Convention;
f) to maintain and publish a list of Range States of all migratory species included in Appendices I and II;
g) to promote, under the direction of the Conference of the Parties, the conclusion of AGREEMENTS,
h) to maintain and make available to the Parties a list of AGREEMENTS and, if so required by the Conference of the Parties, to provide any information on such AGREEMENTS;
i) to maintain and publish a list of the recommendations made by the Conference of the Parties pursuant to sub-paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of paragraph 5 of Article VII or of decisions made pursuant to sub-paragraph (h) of that paragraph;
j) to provide for the general public information concerning this Convention and its objectives; and
k) to perform any other function entrusted to it under this Convention or by the Conference of the Parties.
Article X
Amendment of the Convention
1. This Convention may be amended at any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
2. Proposals for amendment may be made by any Party.
3. The text of any proposed amendment and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least one hundred and fifty days before the meeting at which it is to be considered and shall promptly be communicated by the Secretariat to all Parties. Any comments on the text by the Parties shall be communicated to the Secretariat not less than sixty days before the meeting begins. The Secretariat shall, immediately after the last day for submission of comments, communicate to the Parties all comments submitted by that day.
4. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting.
5. An amendment adopted shall enter into force for all Parties which have accepted it on the first day of the third month following the date on which two-thirds of the Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance with the Depositary. For each Party which deposits an instrument of acceptance after the date on which two-thirds of the Parties have deposited an instrument of acceptance, the amendment shall enter into force for that Party on the first day of the third month following the deposit of its instrument of acceptance.
Article XI
Amendment of the Appendices
1. Appendices I and II may be amended at any ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
2. Proposals for amendment may be made by any Party.
3. The text of any proposed amendment and the reasons for it, based on the best scientific evidence available, shall be communicated to the Secretariat at least one hundred and fifty days before the meeting and shall promptly be communicated by the Secretariat to all Parties. Any comments on the text by the Parties shall be communicated to the Secretariat not less than sixty days before the meeting begins. The Secretariat shall, immediately after the last day for submission of comments, communicate to the Parties all comments submitted by that day.
4. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties present and voting.
5. An amendment to the Appendices shall enter into force for all Parties ninety days after the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which it was adopted, except for those Parties which make a reservation in accordance with paragraph 6 of this Article.
6. During the period of ninety days provided for in paragraph 5 of this Article, any Party may by notification in writing to the Depositary make a reservation with respect to the amendment. A reservation to an amendment may be withdrawn by written notification to the Depositary and thereupon the amendment shall enter into force for that Party ninety days after the reservation is withdrawn.
Article XII
Effect on International Conventions and Other Legislation
1. Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice the codification and development of the law of the sea by the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea convened pursuant to Resolution 2750 C (XXV) of the General Assembly of the United Nations nor the present or future claims and legal views of any State concerning the law of the sea and the nature and extent of coastal and flag State jurisdiction.
2. The provisions of this Convention shall in no way affect the rights or obligations of any Party deriving from any existing treaty, convention or agreement.
3. The provisions of this Convention shall in no way affect the right of Parties to adopt stricter domestic measures concerning the conservation of migratory species listed in Appendices I and II or to adopt domestic measures concerning the conservation of species not listed in Appendices I and II.
Article XIII
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any dispute which may arise between two or more Parties with respect to the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Convention shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties involved in the dispute.
2. If the dispute cannot be resolved in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, the Parties may, by mutual consent, submit the dispute to arbitration, in particular that of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, and the Parties submitting the dispute shall be bound by the arbitral decision.
Article XIV
1. The provisions of this Convention shall not be subject to general reservations. Specific reservations may be entered in accordance with the provisions of this Article and Article XI.
2. Any State or regional economic integration organization may, on depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, enter a specific reservation with regard to the presence on either Appendix I or Appendix II or both, of any migratory species and shall then not be regarded as a Party in regard to the subject of that reservation until ninety days after the Depositary has transmitted to the Parties notification that such reservation has been withdrawn.
Article XV
This Convention shall be open for signature at Bonn for all States and any regional economic integration organization until the twenty-second day of June 1980.
Article XVI
Ratification, Acceptance, Approval
This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, which shall be the Depositary.
Article XVII
After the twenty-second day of June 1980 this Convention shall be open for accession by all non-signatory States and any regional economic integration organization. Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary.
Article XVIII
Entry into Force
1. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the date of deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Depositary.
2. For each State or each regional economic integration organization which ratifies, accepts or approves this Convention or accedes thereto after the deposit of the fifteenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third month following the deposit by such State or such organization of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article XIX
Any Party may denounce this Convention by written notification to the Depositary at any time. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the Depositary has received the notification.
Article XX
1. The original of this Convention, in the English, French, German, Russian and Spanish languages, each version being equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Depositary. The Depositary shall transmit certified copies of each of these versions to all States and all regional economic integration organizations that have signed the Convention or deposited instruments of accession to it.
2. The Depositary shall, after consultation with the Governments concerned, prepare official versions of the text of this Convention in the Arabic and Chinese languages.
3. The Depositary shall inform all signatory and acceding States and all signatory and acceding regional economic integration organizations and the Secretariat of signatures, deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, entry into force of this Convention, amendments thereto, specific reservations and notifications of denunciation.
4. As soon as this Convention enters into force, a certified copy thereof shall be transmitted by the Depositary to the Secretariat of the United Nations for registration and publication in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized to that effect, have signed this Convention.
DONE at Bonn on 23 June 1979.
(as amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988, 1991 and 1994)
Effective: 9 September 1994
1. Migratory species included in this Appendix are referred to:
a) by the name of the species or subspecies; or
b) as being all of the migratory species included in a higher taxon or designated part thereof.
2. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only.
3. The abbreviation “ (s.l.)“ is used to denote that the scientific name is used in its extended meaning.
4. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species indicates that the species, or a separate population of that species, or a higher taxon which includes that species is included in Appendix II.
    Tadarida brasiliensis
    Gorilla gorilla beringei
    Balaenoptera musculus
    Megaptera novaeangliae
    Balaena mysticetus
    Eubalaena glacialis
    Eubalaena australis/1
    Panthera uncia
    Monachus monachus*
    Equus grevyi
    Vicugna vicugna* (except Peruvian populations)2
    Cervus elaphus barbarus
    Bos sauveli
    Bos grunniens
    Addax nasomaculatus
    Gazella cuvieri
    Gazella dama
    Gazella dorcas (only Northwest African populations)
    Gazella leptoceros
    Oryx dammah*
    Diomedea albatrus
    Pterodroma cahow
    Pterodroma phaeopygia
    Pelecanus crispus*
    Pelecanus onocrotalus* (only Palearctic populations)
    Egretta eulophotes
    Ciconia boyciana
    Geronticus eremita*
    Chloephaga rubidiceps *
    Oxyura leucocephala *
    Haliaeetus albicilla*
    Haliaeetus pelagicus*
    Grus japonensis*
    Grus leucogeranus *
    Grus nigricollis*
    Chlamydotis undulata* (only Northwest African populations)
    Otis tarda* (Middle-European population)
    Numenius borealis*
    Numenius tenuirostris*
    Larus audouinii*
    Larus leucophthalmus*
    Larus relictus
    Larus saundersi
    Synthliboramphus wumizusume
    Dendroica kirtlandii
    Serinus syriacus
    Chelonia mydas*
    Caretta caretta*
    Eretmochelys imbricata*
    Lepidochelys kempii*
    Lepidochelys olivacea*
    Dermochelys coriacea*
    Podocnemis expansa* (only Upper Amazon populations)
    Gavialis gangeticus
    Pangasianodon gigas
1. Migratory species included in this Appendix are referred to:
a) by the name of the species or subspecies; or
b) as being all of the migratory species included in a higher taxon or a designated part thereof.
Unless otherwise indicated, where reference is made to a taxon higher than species, it is understood that all the migratory species within that taxon could significantly benefit from the conclusion of AGREEMENTS.
2. The abbreviation “spp.“ following the name of a Family or Genus is used to denote all migratory species within that Family or Genus.
3. Other references to taxa higher than species are for the purposes of information or classification only.
4. The abbreviation “ (s.l.)“ is used to indicate that the scientific name is used in its extended meaning.
5. An asterisk (*) placed against the name of a species or higher taxon indicates that the species, or a separate population of that species, or one or more species included in that higher taxon is included in Appendix I.
    R. spp. (only European populations)
    V. spp. (only European populations)
    Tadarida teniotis
    Platanista gangetica
    Pontoporia blainvillei
    Inia geoffrensis
    Delphinapterus leucas
    Monodon monoceros
    Phocoena phocoena (North and Baltic Sea, western
    North Atlantic and Black Sea populations)
    Neophocaena phocaenoides
    Phocoenoides dalli
    Sousa chinensis
    Sousa teuszii
    Sotalia fluviatilis
    Lagenorhynchus albirostris (only North and Baltic Sea populations)
    Lagenorhynchus acutus (only North and Baltic Sea populations)
    Lagenorhynchus australis
    Grampus griseus (only North and Baltic Sea populations)
    Tursiops truncatus (North and Baltic Sea, western Mediterranean, and Black 
      Sea populations)
    Stenella attenuata (eastern tropical Pacific population)
    Stenella longirostris (eastern tropical Pacific populations)
    Stenella coeruleoalba (eastern tropical Pacific and western Mediterranean 
    Delphinus delphis (North and Baltic Sea, western Mediterranean, Black Sea 
      and eastern tropical Pacific populations)
    Orcaella brevirostris
    Cephalorhynchus commersonii (South American population)
    Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
    Orcinus orca (eastern North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific populations)
    Globicephala melas (only North and Baltic Sea populations)3
    Berardius bairdii
    Hyperoodon ampullatus
    Phoca vitulina (only Baltic and Wadden Sea populations)
    Halichoerus grypus (only Baltic Sea populations)
    Monachus monachus*
    Loxodonta africana
    Dugong dugon
    Vicugna vicugna*4
    Oryx dammah *
    Gazella gazella (only Asian populations)
    Gavia stellata (Western Palearctic populations)
    Gavia arctica arctica
    Gavia arctica suschkini
    Gavia immer immer (Northwest European population)
    Gavia adamsii (Western Palearctic population)
    Podiceps grisegena grisegena
    Podiceps auritus (Western Palearctic populations)
    Phalacrocorax nigrogularis
    Phalacrocorax pygmaeus
    Pelecanus onocrotalus* (Western Palearctic populations)
    Pelecanus crispus*
    Botaurus stellaris stellaris (Western Palearctic populations)
    Ixobrychus minutus minutus (Western Palearctic populations)
    Ixobrychus sturmii
    Ardeola rufiventris
    Ardeola idae
    Egretta vinaceigula
    Casmerodius albus albus (Western Palearctic populations)
    Ardea purpurea purpurea (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
    Mycteria ibis
    Ciconia nigra
    Ciconia episcopus microscelis
    Ciconia ciconia
    Plegadis falcinellus
    Geronticus eremita *
    Threskiornis aethiopicus aethiopicus
    Platalea alba (excluding Malagasy population)
    Platalea leucorodia
    Ph. spp.
    A. spp.*
    C. spp.
    Pandion haliaetus
    A. spp.*
    F. spp.
    Coturnix coturnix coturnix
    Porzana porzana (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
    Porzana parva parva
    Porzana pusilla intermedia
    Fulica atra atra (Mediterranean and Black Sea populations)
    Aenigmatolimnas marginalis
    Sarothrura boehmi
    Grus spp.*
    Anthropoides virgo
    Chlamydotis undulata* (only Asian populations)
    Otis tarda*
    R. spp.
    Dromas ardeola
    Burhinus oedicnemus
    Glareola pratincola
    Glareola nordmanni
    C. spp.
    S. spp.*
    P. spp.
    Larus hemprichii
    Larus leucophthalmus*
    Larus ichthyaetus (West Eurasian and African population)
    Larus melanocephalus
    Larus genei
    Larus audouinii*
    Larus armenicus
    Sterna nilotica nilotica (West Eurasian and African populations)
    Sterna caspia (West Eurasian and African populations)
    Sterna maxima albidorsalis
    Sterna bergii (African and Southwest Asian populations)
    Sterna bengalensis (African and Southwest Asian populations)
    Sterna sandvicensis sandvicensis
    Sterna dougallii (Atlantic population)
    Sterna hirundo hirundo (populations breeding in the Western Palearctic)
    Sterna paradisaea (Atlantic populations)
    Sterna albifrons
    Sterna saundersi
    Sterna balaenarum
    Sterna repressa
    Chlidonias niger niger
    Chlidonias leucopterus (West Eurasian and African population)
    Merops apiaster
    Coracias garrulus
    M. (s.l.) spp.
    C. spp.*
    D. spp.*
    Podocnemis expansa*
Crocodylus porosus
    Acipenser fulvescens
    Danaus plexippus
1 Formerly listed as Eubalaena glacialis (s.l.)
2 Formerly listed as Lama vicugna* (except Peruvian populations)
3 Formerly listed as Globicephala melaena (only North and Baltic Sea populations)
4 Formerly listed as Lama vicugna*
PRIZNAVAJO, da so prosto živeče živali v svojih neštetih oblikah nenadomestljiv del naravnega sistema na zemlji, ki ga moramo ohraniti v dobro človeštva;
SE ZAVEDAJO, da vsaka človeška generacija upravlja zemeljske vire za prihodnje generacije in je njena dolžnost zagotoviti, da se ta zapuščina ohrani, in ko se uporablja, se mora uporabljati smotrno;
SE ZAVEDAJO, da so z okoljskega, ekološkega, genetskega, znanstvenega, estetskega, rekreacijskega, kulturnega, izobraževalnega, družbenega in gospodarskega vidika prosto živeče živali vse večja vrednota;
SO ZASKRBLJENE zlasti za tiste vrste prosto živečih živali, ki se selijo čez mejo ali zunaj meja državne jurisdikcije;
PRIZNAVAJO, da države varujejo in morajo varovati selitvene vrste prosto živečih živali, ki živijo znotraj ali gredo čez meje njihove državne jurisdikcije;
SO PREPRIČANE, da varstvo in učinkovito upravljanje selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali zahtevata skupno ukrepanje vseh držav, v katerih znotraj meja njihove državne jurisdikcije te vrste preživijo katero koli obdobje svojega življenjskega ciklusa;
UPOŠTEVAJO Priporočilo 32 Načrta ukrepanja, ki ga je sprejela Konferenca Združenih narodov o človekovem okolju (Stockholm, 1972) in so ga z zadovoljstvom sprejeli na sedemindvajsetem zasedanju Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov,
SO SE SPORAZUMELE o naslednjem:
1. člen
1. Za namene te konvencije:
a) “selitvena vrsta“ pomeni celotno populacijo ali kateri koli zemljepisno ločeni del populacije neke vrste ali nižje sistematske skupine prosto živečih živali, katerih znaten del ciklično in napovedljivo prehaja čez eno ali več meja državne jurisdikcije;
b) “varstveno stanje selitvene vrste“ pomeni seštevek vseh vplivov, ki delujejo na selitveno vrsto in lahko vplivajo na njeno dolgoročno razširjenost in številčnost v prihodnosti;
c) “varstveno stanje vrste“ bo upoštevano kot “ugodno“, kadar:
(1) podatki o dinamiki populacije kažejo, da se selitvena vrsta, dolgoročno gledano, vzdržuje kot preživetja sposoben sestavni del svojega ekosistema;
(2) se območje razširjenosti selitvene vrste trenutno ne zmanjšuje, niti ni verjetno, da se bo dolgoročno zmanjšalo;
(3) je in bo tudi v predvidljivi prihodnosti dovolj ustreznega življenskega prostora za dolgoročno ohranitev populacije selitvene vrste;
(4) se razširjenost in številčnost selitvene vrste približata zgodovinskemu obsegu in ravnem v taki meri, da obstojijo zanjo primerni ekosistemi in da je to združljivo s smotrnim upravljanjem prosto živečih živali;
d) “varstveno stanje vrste“ bo upoštevano kot “neugodno“, če kateri koli pogoj iz točke c tega odstavka ne bo izpolnjen;
e) “prizadetost“ določene selitvene vrste pomeni, da tej vrsti preti nevarnost izumrtja na vsem območju razširjenosti ali na njegovem znatnem delu;
f) “območje razširjenosti“ pomeni vsa območja kopnega ali vode, kjer se selitvene vrste naseljujejo, začasno zadržujejo, jih prečkajo ali preletijo kadar koli na svoji običajni selitveni poti;
g) “življenjski prostor“ pomeni vsako površino na območju razširjenosti selitvene vrste, kjer so življenjske razmere primerne za to selitveno vrsto;
h) “država na območju razširjenosti“ pomeni v povezavi z neko selitveno vrsto vsako državo (ali kadar je to primerno vsako drugo pogodbenico, omenjeno v točki (k) tega odstavka), ki izvaja jurisdikcijo nad katerim koli delom območja razširjenosti te selitvene vrste, ali državo, katere plovila, ki plovejo pod njeno zastavo, lovijo to selitveno vrsto zunaj meja njene državne jurisdikcije;
i) “odvzem“ pomeni prilaščanje, lov, ribolov, zadrževanje v ujetništvu, vznemirjanje, namerno ubijanje ali kakršen koli poskus izvajanja takih dejanj;
j) “SPORAZUM“ pomeni mednarodni sporazum, ki se nanaša na varstvo ene ali več selitvenih vrst, kot je predvideno v 4. in 5. členu te konvencije, in
k) “pogodbenica“ pomeni državo ali katero koli regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so jo ustanovile suverene države in je pristojna za pogajanja, sklepanje in zvajanje mednarodnih sporazumov o zadevah, ki jih obravnava ta konvencija in za katero konvencija velja.
2. Regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so pogodbenice te konvencije, o zadevah, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, v svojem imenu uresničujejo pravice in izpolnjujejo obveznosti, ki jih ta konvencija pripisuje njihovim državam članicam. V takih primerih države članice teh organizacij ne smejo posamezno uresničevati teh pravic.
3. Kadar ta konvencija predvideva sprejemanje odločitev z dvotretjinsko večino ali s soglasno odločitvijo “pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo“, to pomeni “pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo za ali proti“. Tiste, ki se glasovanja vzdržijo, se pri določanju večine ne štejejo med “pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo“.
2. člen
Temeljna načela
1. Pogodbenice priznavajo pomembnost varovanja selitvenih vrst in soglašajo, da države na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst ukrepajo v tej smeri, kadar koli je to mogoče in primerno. Pri tem morajo posebno pozornost posvetiti tistim selitvenim vrstam, katerih varstveno stanje je neugodno, in posamezno ali z medsebojnim sodelovanjem sprejeti ustrezne in potrebne ukrepe za varstvo teh vrst in njihovega življenjskega prostora.
2. Pogodbenice priznavajo potrebo po ukrepanju, da bi se izognile prizadetosti katere koli selitvene vrste.
3. Pogodbenice:
a) naj bi še posebej spodbujale in podpirale raziskave v zvezi s selitvenimi vrstami in pri njih sodelovale;
b) si še posebej prizadevajo za takojšnje zavarovanje selitvenih vrst vključenih v Dodatek I, in
c) si še posebej prizadevajo za sklepanje SPORAZUMOV o varstvu selitvenih vrst in upravljanju selitvenih vrst, ki so vključene v Dodatek II.
3. člen
Prizadete selitvene vrste: Dodatek I
1. V Dodatku I so navedene prizadete selitvene vrste.
2. Selitvena vrsta je lahko uvrščena v Dodatek I, če obstajajo zanesljivi dokazi o njeni prizadetosti, vključno z najboljšimi znanstvenimi dokazi, ki so na voljo.
3. Selitvena vrsta je lahko izločena iz Dodatka I, če Konferenca pogodbenic odloči, da:
a) je zanesljivo dokazano, vključno z najboljšimi znanstvenimi dokazi, ki so na voljo, da vrsta ni več prizadeta;
b) ni verjetnosti, da ta vrsta ponovno postane prizadeta zaradi prenehanja varovanja, ki je posledica njene izločitve iz Dodatka I.
4. Pogodbenice, države na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, vključenih v Dodatek I, si prizadevajo:
a) ohraniti in kadar je izvedljivo in primerno, obnoviti tiste življenjske prostore vrst, ki so pomembni za preprečitev nevarnosti njihovega izumrtja;
b) ustrezno preprečiti, odpraviti, nadomestiti ali zmanjšati škodljive učinke dejavnosti ali ovire, ki resno motijo ali preprečujejo selitev vrst in
c) če je to izvedljivo in primerno, preprečiti, zmanjšati ali nadzorovati dejavnike, ki ogrožajo ali bodo lahko ogrozili vrsto, vključno s strogim nadzorom uvajanja tujerodnih vrst in nadzorom ali odstranjevanjem že naseljenih tujerodnih vrst, če je to izvedljivo in primerno.
5. Pogodbenice, države na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatku I, prepovejo odvzem živali teh vrst. Izjemoma je dovoljen odvzem:
a) v znanstvene namene,
b) z namenom povečati razširjenost ali možnost preživetja prizadete vrste,
c) zaradi zadovoljevanja tradicionalnih življenjskih potreb porabnikov takih vrst ali
d) kadar to zahtevajo izjemne okoliščine,
pod pogojem, da se te izjeme natančno vsebinsko opredelijo ter krajevno in časovno omejijo. Tak odvzem ne sme škodovati vrsti.
6. Konferenca pogodbenic lahko priporoči pogodbenicam, državam na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatku I, da sprejmejo ustrezne dodatne ukrepe v korist vrst.
7. Pogodbenice takoj, ko je mogoče, obvestijo Sekretariat o vsaki izjemi, ki je v skladu s petim odstavkom tega člena.
4. člen
Selitvene vrste, ki jih bodo obravnavali SPORAZUMI: Dodatek II
1. V Dodatku II je naveden seznam selitvenih vrst, katerih varstveno stanje je neugodno in za katerih varstvo in upravljanje so potrebni mednarodni sporazumi, kot tudi tistih vrst, ki bi se jim varstveno stanje zaradi mednarodnega sodelovanja na podlagi mednarodnega sporazuma lahko bistveno izboljšalo.
2. Vrsta je lahko navedena tako v Dodatku I kot v Dodatku II, če okoliščine to upravičujejo.
3. Pogodbenice na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatku II, si prizadevajo sklepati SPORAZUME, kadar bi ti koristili vrstam, in naj bi dajale prednost vrstam, katerih varstveno stanje je neugodno.
4. Pogodbenice si prizadevajo sklepati sporazume za vsako populacijo ali zemljepisno ločeni del populacije katere koli vrste ali nižje sistematske skupine prosto živečih živali, katerih predstavniki občasno prehajajo čez eno ali več meja državne jurisdikcije.
5. Sekretariat mora dobiti po en izvod vsakega SPORAZUMA, ki je sklenjen v skladu z določbami tega člena.
5. člen
Smernice za SPORAZUME
1. Cilj vsakega SPORAZUMA mora biti obnovitev ali ohranitev ugodnega varstvenega stanja selitvene vrste. Vsak SPORAZUM naj obravnava tiste vidike varstva selitvenih vrst in njihovega upravljanja, ki bodo pripomogli k temu cilju.
2. Vsak SPORAZUM naj zajema celotno območje razširjenosti določene selitvene vrste in naj bi bil na voljo za pristop vsem državam na območju razširjenosti te vrste, ne glede na to, ali so pogodbenice te konvencije ali ne.
3. SPORAZUM naj, kjer koli je mogoče, obravnava več kot eno selitveno vrsto.
4. Vsak SPORAZUM naj:
a) točno določi selitvene vrste, ki jih obravnava;
b) opiše območje razširjenosti in selitveno pot vrste;
c) za vsako pogodbenico določi državni organ, pristojen za izvajanje SPORAZUMA;
d) če je potrebno, uvede ustrezen mehanizem za pomoč pri uresničevanju ciljev SPORAZUMA, za nadzor njegove učinkovitosti in za pripravo poročila za Konferenco pogodbenic;
e) predvidi postopke za reševanje sporov med pogodbenicami SPORAZUMA in
f) vsaj prepove vsak odvzem osebkov iz reda kitov (Cetacea), kot ga prepovedujejo tudi drugi večstranski SPORAZUMI, ter predvidi pristop k SPORAZUMU državam, ki niso države na območju razširjenosti teh selitvenih vrst.
5. Vsak SPORAZUM naj, če je primerno in izvedljivo, zagotovi najmanj:
a) redni pregled varstvenega stanja obravnavane selitvene vrste in ugotovi, kateri dejavniki lahko škodijo temu stanju;
b) usklajene načrte varstva in upravljanja;
c) raziskovanje ekologije in populacijske dinamike obravnavanih selitvenih vrst s posebnim poudarkom na selitvi;
d) izmenjavo informacij o obravnavani selitveni vrsti s posebnim poudarkom na izmenjavi rezultatov raziskav in s tem povezano statistiko;
e) ohranjanje in kjer je potrebno in izvedljivo, obnovo življenjskih prostorov, ki so pomembni za ohranjanje ugodnega varstvenega stanja vrste in zavarovanje takih življenjskih prostorov pred motečimi posegi, vključno s strogim nadzorom naseljevanja tujerodnih vrst ali že naseljenih tujerodnih vrst, ki škodujejo selitvenim vrstam;
f) ohranjanje mreže ustreznih življenjskih prostorov, ki so primerno razporejeni glede na selitvene poti;
g) če je to zaželeno, zagotavljanje novih življenjskih prostorov, primernih za selitvene vrste ali ponovno naseljevanje selitvenih vrst v primerne življenjske prostore;
h) če je le mogoče, odstranitev dejavnosti in ovir, ki preprečujejo ali motijo selitev ali nadomestitev zanje;
i) preprečevanje, zmanjšanje ali nadzor izpusta snovi, škodljivih za selitveno vrsto, v njen življenjski prostor;
j) ukrepe, ki temeljijo na ekoloških načelih, za nadzor in upravljanje odvzemov osebkov selitvenih vrst;
k) postopke za usklajeno delovanje za preprečevanje nezakonitih odvzemov;
l) izmenjavo informacij o bistvenih nevarnostih za selitvene vrste;
m) nujne postopke za znatno in hitro krepitev varstvenega ukrepanja, če je varstveno stanje selitvene vrste resno prizadeto in
n) seznanjanje javnosti o vsebini in ciljih SPORAZUMA.
6. člen
Države na območju razširjenosti
1. Sekretariat dopolnjuje seznam držav na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatkih I in II s podatki, ki jih prejme od pogodbenic.
2. Pogodbenice, ki se štejejo za države na območju razširjenosti katere od selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatkih I in II, o tem obveščajo Sekretariat, vključno s podatki o plovilih pod njihovo zastavo, ki zunaj meja državne jurisdikcije lovijo določene selitvene vrste, in kjer je to mogoče, o prihodnjih načrtih za tak lov.
3. Pogodbenice, države na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatkih I ali II, preko Sekretariata obvestijo Konferenco pogodbenic vsaj šest mesecev pred vsakim rednim zasedanjem Konference pogodbenic o ukrepih, ki jih izvajajo za uresničevanje določb te konvencije za te vrste.
7. člen
Konferenca pogodbenic
1. Konferenca pogodbenic je organ odločanja te konvencije.
2. Sekretariat skliče zasedanje Konference pogodbenic najkasneje dve leti po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije.
3. Po tem Sekretariat sklicuje redna zasedanja Konference pogodbenic v presledkih največ treh let, razen če Konferenca ne odloči drugače, in izredna zasedanja kadar koli na pisno zahtevo najmanj ene tretjine pogodbenic.
4. Konferenca pogodbenic določi in nadzira finančne predpise te konvencije. Konferenca pogodbenic na vsakem svojem rednem zasedanju sprejme proračun za naslednje finančno obdobje. Vsaka pogodbenica k temu proračunu prispeva v skladu z lestvico, za katero se dogovori Konferenca. Finančne predpise, vključno z določbami o proračunu in lestvico prispevkov kot tudi njihove spremembe, sprejmejo pogodbenice, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, soglasno.
5. Na vsakem svojem zasedanju Konferenca pogodbenic pregleda izvajanje konvencije, posebej pa:
a) pregleda in oceni varstveno stanje selitvenih vrst;
b) oceni napredek, ki je bil dosežen pri varstvu selitvenih vrst, zlasti navedenih v Dodatkih I in II;
c) sprejme potrebne določbe in smernice, ki bodo omogočale Znanstvenemu svetu in Sekretariatu opravljati njune obveznosti;
d) sprejme in upošteva vsa poročila, ki jih predložijo Znanstveni svet, Sekretariat, katera koli pogodbenica ali katero koli stalno telo, ustanovljeno na podlagi SPORAZUMOV;
e) daje priporočila pogodbenicam za izboljšanje varstvenega stanja selitvenih vrst in presoja napredek, ki je bil narejen v okviru SPORAZUMOV;
f) v primerih, ko SPORAZUM ni bil sklenjen, daje priporočila za sklic zasedanj pogodbenic, ki so države na območju razširjenosti selitvene vrste ali skupine selitvenih vrst, da bi obravnavale ukrepe za izboljšanje varstvenega stanja teh vrst;
g) daje priporočila pogodbenicam za učinkovitejše izvajanje konvencije in
h) odloča o vseh dodatnih ukrepih, ki naj bi jih izvedle za uresničevanje ciljev te konvencije.
6. Konferenca pogodbenic na vsakem zasedanju določi čas in kraj naslednjega zasedanja.
7. Konferenca pogodbenic na vsakem zasedanju določi in sprejme poslovnik za to zasedanje. Konferenca pogodbenic na zasedanjih sprejema odločitve z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo, če konvencija ne določa drugače.
8. Organizacijo združenih narodov, njene specializirane agencije, Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo in države, ki niso pogodbenice te konvencije, in telesa, ki jih za vsak SPORAZUM določijo pogodbenice tega SPORAZUMA, lahko na zasedanjih Konference pogodbenic zastopajo opazovalci.
9. Vsaka agencija ali telo, ki ustreza spodnjima kategorijama in je tehnično usposobljena za zavarovanje in varstvo selitvenih vrst ter njihovo upravljanje in je Sekretariat seznanila s svojo željo, da jo na zasedanjih Konference pogodbenic zastopajo opazovalci, bo sprejeta, razen če temu nasprotuje najmanj ena tretjina prisotnih pogodbenic:
a) mednarodne vladne ali nevladne agencije ali telesa in državne vladne agencije ali telesa;
b) državne nevladne agencije ali telesa, ki jim je država, v kateri so, v ta namen odobrila zastopanje.
S sprejetjem imajo opazovalci pravico do udeležbe, ne pa glasovanja.
8. člen
Znanstveni svet
1. Na svojem prvem zasedanju Konferenca pogodbenic ustanovi Znanstveni svet, za svetovanje o strokovnih zadevah.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko imenuje usposobljenega strokovnjaka za člana Znanstvenega sveta. Poleg tega Znanstveni svet kot člane vključuje tudi usposobljene strokovnjake, ki jih izbere in imenuje Konferenca pogodbenic; število teh strokovnjakov, merila za njihov izbor in pogoje za njihovo imenovanje določi Konferenca pogodbenic.
3. Znanstveni svet se sestaja na zahtevo Sekretariata glede na odločitve Konference pogodbenic.
4. Znanstveni svet sprejme svoj poslovnik, ki ga potrdi Konferenca pogodbenic.
5. Konferenca pogodbenic določi naloge Znanstvenega sveta, ki lahko vključujejo:
a) zagotavljanje strokovnih nasvetov Konferenci pogodbenic, Sekretariatu, in če tako odobri Konferenca pogodbenic, kateri koli pogodbenici ter vsakemu telesu, ki je ustanovljeno na podlagi te konvencije ali SPORAZUMA;
b) priporočanje in usklajevanje raziskav o selitvenih vrstah, vrednotenje rezultatov teh raziskav z namenom ugotoviti varstveno stanje selitvenih vrst in obveščanje Konference pogodbenic o tem stanju in ukrepih za njegovo izboljšanje;
c) pripravo priporočil Konferenci pogodbenic o selitvenih vrstah, ki jih je treba vključiti v Dodatka I in II, skupaj z navedbo razširjenosti teh selitvenih vrst;
d) pripravo priporočil Konferenci pogodbenic o posebnih varstvenih ukrepih in ukrepih upravljanja, ki jih je treba vključiti v SPORAZUME o selitvenih vrstah in
e) pripravo priporočil Konferenci pogodbenic za reševanje problemov, ki se nanašajo na strokovne vidike uresničevanja konvencije, posebej kar zadeva življenjske prostore selitvenih vrst.
9. člen
1. Sekretariat je ustanovljen za potrebe te konvencije.
2. Po začetku veljavnosti konvencije izvršilni direktor Programa Združenih narodov za okolje določi Sekretariat. Pri tem mu lahko pomagajo v obsegu in na način, ki je po njegovem mnenju primeren, ustrezne medvladne ali nevladne, mednarodne ali državne agencije in telesa, ki so strokovno usposobljena za varstvo, ohranjanje in upravljanje prosto živečih živali.
3. Če Program Združenih narodov za okolje ne bo mogel več zagotavljati dela Sekretariata, se Konferenca pogodbenic v zvezi s Sekretariatom drugače dogovori.
4. Naloge sekretariata so:
a) priprava zasedanj in pomoč na zasedanjih:
i) Konference pogodbenic in
ii) Znanstvenega sveta;
b) vzdrževanje in spodbujanje stikov med pogodbenicami, stalnimi telesi, ustanovljenimi s SPORAZUMI in drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s selitvenimi vrstami;
c) iz vseh ustreznih virov pridobiti poročila in druge informacije za doseganje ciljev in uresničevanje konvencije ter poskrbeti za ustrezno širjenje takih informacij;
d) usmerjati pozornost Konference pogodbenic na vsa vprašanja, povezana s cilji te konvencije;
e) pripravljati poročila za Konferenco pogodbenic o delu Sekretariata in o uresničevanju konvencije;
f) skrbeti za seznam držav na območju razširjenosti selitvenih vrst, vključenih v Dodatka I in II, in ga objavljati;
g) pod vodstvom Konference pogodbenic spodbujati sklepanje SPORAZUMOV;
h) skrbeti za seznam SPORAZUMOV in ga dati na voljo pogodbenicam in če to zahteva Konferenca pogodbenic, priskrbeti vsako informacijo o teh SPORAZUMIH;
i) objavljati in skrbeti za seznam priporočil, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pogodbenic v skladu s točkami e), f) in g) petega odstavka 7. člena, ali seznam odločitev, ki jih sprejme v skladu s točko h) tega odstavka;
j) skrbeti za obveščanje javnosti o tej konvenciji in njenih ciljih in
k) opravljati vse druge naloge, ki so mu zaupane s to konvencijo ali mu jih zaupa Konferenca pogodbenic.
10. člen
Spremembe konvencije
1. Ta konvencija se lahko spremeni na vseh rednih ali izrednih zasedanjih Konference pogodbenic.
2. Predloge za spremembo lahko da vsaka pogodbenica.
3. Besedilo vsake predložene spremembe in razloge zanjo je treba sporočiti Sekretariatu najmanj sto petdeset dni pred zasedanjem, na katerem naj bi se sprememba obravnavala, in Sekretariat jo takoj sporoči pogodbenicam. Pogodbenice sporočijo pripombe k besedilu Sekretariatu najmanj šestdeset dni pred začetkom zasedanja. Sekretariat takoj naslednji dan po izteku roka za pripombe sporoči pogodbenicam vse pripombe, ki so prispele do tega dne.
4. Spremembe se sprejemajo z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
5. Sprejeta sprememba začne veljati za pogodbenice, ki so jo sprejele prvi dan tretjega meseca po datumu, ko sta dve tretjini pogodbenic deponirali listino o sprejetju pri depozitarju. Za vsako pogodbenico, ki deponira listino o sprejetju po datumu, na katerega sta dve tretjini pogodbenic deponirali listino o sprejetju, začne za to pogodbenico sprememba veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca po tem, ko je deponirala svojo listino o sprejetju.
11. člen
Spremembe dodatkov
1. Dodatka I in II se lahko spremenita na vseh rednih ali izrednih zasedanjih Konference pogodbenic.
2. Predloge za spremembo lahko da vsaka pogodbenica.
3. Besedilo vsake predložene spremembe in razloge zanjo, ki temeljijo na najboljših razpoložljivih znanstvenih dokazih, je treba sporočiti Sekretariatu najmanj sto petdeset dni pred začetkom zasedanja, Sekretariat jih takoj sporoči pogodbenicam. Pogodbenice sporočijo pripombe k besedilu Sekretariatu najmanj šestdeset dni pred začetkom zasedanja. Sekretariat takoj naslednji dan po izteku roka za pripombe sporoči pogodbenicam vse pripombe, ki so prispele do tega dne.
4. Spremembe se sprejmejo z dvotretjinsko večino pogodbenic, ki so prisotne in glasujejo.
5. Sprememba dodatkov začne veljati za vse pogodbenice devetdeset dni po sprejetju na zasedanju Konference pogodbenic, razen za tiste pogodbenice, ki izrazijo pridržke v skladu s šestim odstavkom tega člena.
6. V devetdesetih dneh, kot je predvideno v petem odstavku tega člena, lahko vsaka pogodbenica s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju izrazi pridržek glede spremembe. Pridržek glede spremembe se lahko umakne s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju in sprememba začne veljati za to pogodbenico devetdeset dni po umiku pridržka.
12. člen
Učinek na mednarodne konvencije in drugo zakonodajo
1. V tej konvenciji nič ne posega v kodifikacijo in razvoj pomorskega prava Konference Združenih narodov za pomorsko pravo, sklicane v skladu z Resolucijo Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov št. 2750 C (XXV), niti ne posega v sedanje ali poznejše zahteve ter pravna mnenja katere koli države v zvezi s pomorskim pravom in naravo ter obsegom obalne jurisdikcije držav in jurisdikcije države ladijske zastave.
2. Določbe te konvencije v nobenem primeru ne vplivajo na pravice ali obveznosti pogodbenic, ki izhajajo iz katere koli obstoječe pogodbe, konvencije ali sporazuma.
3. Določbe te konvencije v nobenem primeru ne vplivajo na pravico pogodbenic da sprejmejo strožje ukrepe za varstvo selitvenih vrst, navedenih v Dodatkih I in II, ali pa sprejmejo notranje ukrepe za varstvo vrst, ki niso navedene v Dodatkih I in II.
13. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Vsak spor, ki bi nastal med dvema ali več pogodbenicami v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo določb te konvencije, se rešuje s pogajanji med pogodbenicami, vpletenimi v spor.
2. Če se spor ne da rešiti v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, lahko pogodbenice z medsebojnim soglasjem predložijo spor arbitraži, zlasti Stalnemu arbitražnemu sodišču v Haagu, in arbitražna odločitev zavezuje pogodbenice, ki so predložile spor sodišču.
14. člen
1. Glede določb te konvencije ni mogoče izražati splošnih pridržkov. Poseben pridržek se lahko da v skladu z določbami tega in 11. člena.
2. Vsaka država ali regionalna organizacija za gospodarsko povezovanje lahko po deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu da poseben pridržek glede prisotnosti katere koli selitvene vrste v Dodatku I, II ali obeh. Tako ne bo obravnavana kot pogodbenica glede na vsebino pridržka vse do izteka devetdeset dni od tedaj, ko je depozitar poslal pogodbenicam uradno obvestilo, da je tak pridržek umaknjen.
15. člen
Ta konvencija je na voljo za podpis v Bonnu za vse države in vse regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje do dvaindvajsetega junija 1980.
16. člen
Ratifikacija, sprejetje, odobritev
To konvencijo je treba ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri Vladi Zvezne republike Nemčije, ki je depozitar.
17. člen
Po dvaindvajsetem juniju 1980 je ta konvencija na voljo za pristop vsem državam in vsem organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki niso podpisnice. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri depozitarju.
18. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
1. Konvencija začne veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca po datumu deponiranja petnajste listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu pri depozitarju.
2. Za vsako državo ali regionalno organizacijo za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki ratificira, sprejme ali odobri konvencijo ali k njej pristopi po deponiranju petnajste listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, konvencija začne veljati prvi dan tretjega meseca po datumu, ko je ta država ali organizacija deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
19. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove konvencijo s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju. Odpoved začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po tem, ko depozitar prejme pisno uradno obvestilo.
20. člen
1. Izvirniki te konvencije v angleškem, francoskem, nemškem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer je vsako besedilo enako verodostojno se deponirajo pri depozitarju. Depozitar pošlje potrjene kopije vsakega teh besedil vsem državam in regionalnim organizacijam za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so podpisale konvencijo ali deponirale listine o pristopu k njej.
2. Depozitar po posvetu s pristojnimi vladami pripravi uradno verzijo besedila te konvencije v arabskem in kitajskem jeziku.
3. Depozitar obvesti vse države in vse regionalne organizacije za gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so podpisnice ali so h konvenciji pristopile, ter Sekretariat o podpisih, deponiranju listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, začetku veljavnosti konvencije, njenih spremembah, o posebnih pridržkih in o uradnih obvestilih o odpovedi.
4. Takoj ko začne konvencija veljati, depozitar pošlje overjen izvod konvencije Sekretariatu Združenih narodov zaradi registracije in objave v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
DA BI TO POTRDILI, so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali to konvencijo.
SESTAVLJENO v Bonnu triindvajsetega junija tisoč devetsto devetinsedemdeset.
(kot ju je spremenila Konferenca pogodbenic v letih 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994)
veljata od 9. septembra 1994
1. Selitvene vrste, ki so vključene v ta dodatek, se navajajo:
a) z imenom vrste ali podvrste ali
b) kot višja sistematska skupina, v katero so vključene vse selitvene vrste ali so opredeljene kot njen del.
2. Druga sklicevanja na sistematske skupine, višje kot so vrste, se navajajo le kot informacija ali za namene razvrščanja.
3. Okrajšava “(s.l.)“ se uporablja za označevanje širšega pomena nekega znanstvenega imena.
4. Zvezdica (*) poleg imena vrste pomeni, da so vrsta oziroma ločena populacija te vrste ali višja sistematska skupina, ki zajema to vrsto, vključene v Dodatek II.
SESALCI (Mammalia)
NETOPIRJI (Chiroptera)
buldoški netopirji (Molossidae)
    mehiški buldoški netopir (Tadarida brasiliensis)
PRVAKI (Primates)
velike človeku podobne opice (Pongidae)
    gorska gorila (Gorilla gorilla beringei)
KITI in DELFINI (Cetacea)
brazdasti kiti (Balaenopteridae)
    sinji kit (Balaenoptera musculus)
    kit grbavec (Megaptera novaeangliae)
gladki kiti (Balaenidae)
    grenlandski kit (Balaena mysticetus)
    ledni ali biskajski kit (Eubalaena glacialis)1 
    južnomorski ali kapski kit (Eubalaena australis)1
ZVERI (Carnivora)
mačke (Felidae)
    snežni leopard ali irbis (Panthera uncia)
pravi tjulnji (Phocidae)
    sredozemska medvedjica (Monachus monachus) *
konji, osli in zebre (Equidae)
    grevyjeva ali kraljevska zebra (Equus grevyi)
kamele (Camelidae)
    vikunja (Vicugna vicugna) * – razen perujskih populacij2
jeleni (Cervidae)
    podvrsta navadnega jelena (Cervus elaphus barbarus)
rogarji ali votlorogi (Bovidae)
    kuprej ali kamboški gozdni vol (Bos sauveli)
    jak ali godrnjavi bivol (Bos grunniens)
    mendeška antilopa (Addax nasomaculatus)
    cuvierjeva gazela (Gazella cuvieri)
    jelenja gazela (Gazella dama)
    navadna gazela (Gazella dorcas) – samo severozahodne afriške populacije
    vitkoroga gazela (Gazella leptoceros)
    sabljarka (Oryx dammah) *¸
PTIČI (Aves)
CEVONOSCI (Procellariiformes)
albatrosi (Diomedeidae)
    kratkorepi albatros (Diomedea albatros)
viharniki (Procellariidae)
    Pterodroma cahow
    Pterodroma phaeopygia
VESLONOŽCI (Pelecaniformes)
pelikani (Pelecanidae)
    kodrasti pelikan (Pelecanus crispus) *
    rožnati pelikan (Pelecanus onocrotalus) * – samo palearktične populacije
MOČVIRNIKI (Ciconiiformes)
čaplje (Ardeidae)
    Egretta eulophotes
štorklje (Ciconiidae)
    Ciconia boyciana
ibisi (Threskiornithidae)
    Geronticus eremita *
PLOJKOKLJUNI (Anseriformes)
gosi, labodi in race (Anatidae)
    rdečeglava gos (Chloephaga rubidiceps) *
    evropska beloglavka (Oxyura leucocephala) *
UJEDE (Falconiformes)
kragulji (Accipitridae)
    belorepec ali postojna (Haliaeetus albicilla) *
    orjaški orel (Haliaeetus pelagicus) *
ŽERJAVOVCI (Gruiformes)
žerjavi (Gruidae)
    mandžurski žerjav (Grus japonensis) *
    nunski žerjav (Grus leucogeranus) *
    Grus nigricollis *
droplje (Otididae)
    ovratničarka (Chlamydotis undulata) * – samo severozahodne afriške 
    velika droplja (Otis tarda) * – srednjeevropska populacija
POBREŽNIKI (Charadriiformes)
sloke (Scolopacidae)
    severni škurh (Numenius borealis) *
    tenkokljuni škurh (Numenius tenuirostris) *
galebi (Laridae)
    progastokljuni galeb (Larus audouinii) *
    Larus leucophthalmus *
    Larus relictus
    Larus saundersi
njorke (Alcidae)
    Synthliboramphus wumizusume
PEVCI (Passeriformes)
gozdni pevci (Parulidae)
    Dendroica kirtlandii
ščinkavci (Fringillidae)
    Serinus syriacus
PLAZILCI (Reptilia)
ŽELVE (Testudinata)
morske želve (Cheloniidae)
    orjaška črepaha (Chelonia mydas) *
    glavata kareta (Caretta caretta) *
    prava kareta (Eretmochelys imbricata) *
    Lepidochelys kempii *
    zelenkasta želva (Lepidochelys olivacea) *
orjaške usnjače (Dermochelyidae)
    usnjača (Dermochelys coriacea) *
pelomeduzne želve (Pelomedusidae)
    južnoameriški arav (Podocnemis expansa) * – samo populacije gornje Amazonke
KROKODILI (Crocodylia)
gangeški gaviali (Gavialidae)
    gangeški gavial (Gavialis gangeticus)
RIBE (Pisces)
PRAVI SOMI (Siluriformes)
stekleni somi (Schilbeidae)
    orjaški som (Pangasianodon gigas)
1. Selitvene vrste, ki so zajete v tem dodatku, se navajajo:
a) z imenom vrste ali podvrste ali
b) kot višja sistematska skupina, v katero so vključene vse selitvene vrste ali so opredeljene kot njen del.
Kadar se omenja sistematska skupina, ki je višja od vrste in če ni drugače označeno, to pomeni, da imajo lahko vse selitvene vrste te skupine veliko koristi od sklenitve SPORAZUMOV.
2. Okrajšava “spp.“ poleg imena družine ali rodu se uporablja za označevanje vseh selitvenih vrst te družine ali rodu.
3. Druga sklicevanja na sistematske skupine, višje kot so vrste, se navajajo le kot informacija ali za namene razvrščanja.
4. Okrajšava “(s.l.)“ se uporablja za označevanje širšega pomena nekega znanstvenega imena.
5. Zvezdica (*) poleg imena vrste ali višje sistematske skupine pomeni, da so vrsta ali ločena populacija te vrste oziroma ena ali več vrst iz te sistematske skupine, vključene v dodatek I.
SESALCI (Mammalia)
NETOPIRJI (Chiroptera)
podkovnjaki (Rhinolophidae)
    R. spp. – samo evropske populacije
gladkonosi ali navadni netopirji (Vespertilionidae)
    V. spp. – samo evropske populacije
buldoški netopirji (Molossidae)
    buldoški dolgorepi netopir (Tadarida teniotis)
KITI in DELFINI (Cetacea)
rečni delfini (Platanistidae)
    gangeška pliskavka ali gangeški delfin ali kljunarica (Platanista gangetica)
    laplatska pliskavka (Pontoporia blainvillei)
    orinoška pliskavka (Inia geoffrensis)
samorogi (Monodontidae)
    beli kit ali beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)
    samorog ali enorožec ali narval (Monodon monoceros)
rjave pliskavke (Phocoenidae)
    pristaniška rjava pliskavka ali rjavi ribjek ali svinjek (Phocoena phocoena)
      – populacije Severnega in Baltiškega morja, severozahodnega Atlantika in 
      Črnega morja
    brezplavuti svinjek ali pliskavičjak (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
    dallova rjava pliskavka (Phocoenoides dalli)
delfini (Delphinidae)
    indopacifiški beli delfin (Sousa chinensis)
    atlantski beli delfin (Sousa teuszii)
    amazonski topozobi delfin (Sotalia fluviatilis)
    belokljuni pisani delfin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) – samo populacije 
      Severnega in Baltiškega morja
    atlantski pisani delfin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) – samo populacije Severnega 
      in Baltiškega morja
    južni pisani delfin (Lagenorhynchus australis)
    okrogloglavi delfin (Grampus griseus) – samo populacije Severnega in 
      Baltiškega morja
    velika pliskavka (Tursiops truncatus) – populacije Severnega in Baltiškega 
      morja, zahodnega Sredozemskega morja in Črnega morja
    vitki progasti delfin (Stenella attenuata) – populacija vzhodnega tropskega 
      Tihega oceana
    dolgokljuni progasti delfin (Stenella longirostris) – populacije vzhodnega 
      tropskega Tihega oceana
    navadni progasti delfin (Stenella coeruleoalba) – populacije vzhodnega 
      tropskega Tihega oceana in zahodnega Sredozemskega morja
    navadni delfin ali navadna pliskavica (Delphinus delphis) – populacije 
    Severnega in Baltiškega morja, zahodnega Sredozemskega morja, Črnega morja 
      in vzhodnega tropskega Tihega oceana
    iravadski delfin (Orcaella brevirostris)
    maldivska kratkogobčna pliskavka (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) – populacija 
      Južne Amerike
    južnoafriška kratkogobčna pliskavka (Cephalorhynchus heavisidii)
    orka ali sabljarica ali kit ubijalec (Orcinus orca) – populacije 
      severovzhodnega Atlantika in sevrovzhodnega Tihega oceana
    dolgoplavuta mrka pliskavka ali obloglavka (Globicephala melas) – samo 
      populacije Severnega in Baltiškega morja3
kljunati kiti (Ziphiidae)
    severni črni kit (Berardius bairdii)
    severni račji kit (Hyperoodon ampullatus)
pravi tjulnji (Phocidae)
    navadni tjulenj (Phoca vitulina) – samo populacije Baltiškega in Waddenskega 
    sivi ali stožčastoglavi tjulenj (Halichoerus grypus) – samo populacije 
      Baltiškega morja
    sredozemska medvedjica (Monachus monachus) *
TROBČARJI (Proboscidea)
sloni (Elephantidae)
    afriški slon (Loxodonta africana)
dugongi ali vilastorepe morske krave (Dugongidae)
    dugong (Dugong dugon)
kamele (Camelidae)
    vikunja (Vicugna vicugna) *4
rogarji ali votlorogi (Bovidae)
    sabljarka (Oryx dammah) *
    gorska gazela (Gazella gazella) – samo azijske populacije
PTIČI (Aves)
SLAPNIKI (Gaviiformes)
slapniki (Gavidae)
    rdečegrli slapnik (Gavia stellata) – zahodne palearktične populacije
    podvrsta severnega slapnika (Gavia arctica arctica)
    podvrsta severnega slapnika (Gavia arctica suschkini)
    podvrsta lednega slapnika (Gavia immer immer) – severozahodna evropska 
    rumenokljuni ledni slapnik (Gavia adamsii) – zahodna palearktična populacija
POTAPNIKI (Podicipediformes)
ponirki (Podicipedidae)
    podvrsta rdečevratega ponirka (Podiceps grisegena grisegena)
    zlatouhi ponirek (Podiceps auritus) – zahodna palearktična populacija
VESLONOŽCI (Pelecaniformes)
kormorani (Phalacrocoracidae)
    Phalacrocorax nigrogularis
    pritlikavi kormoran (Phalacrocorax pygmaeus)
pelikani (Pelecanidae)
    rožnati pelikan (Pelecanus onocrotalus) * – zahodne palearktične populacije
    kodrasti pelikan (Pelecanus crispus) *
MOČVIRNIKI (Ciconiiformes)
čaplje (Ardeidae)
    podvrsta velike bobnarice (Botaurus stellaris stellaris) – zahodne 
      palearktične populacije
    podvrsta male bobnarice ali čapljice (Ixobrychus minutus minutus) – zahodne 
      palearktične populacije
    Ixobrychus sturmii
    Ardeola rufiventris
    Ardeola idae
    Egretta vinaceigula
    Casmerodius albus albus – zahodne palearktične populacije
    podvrsta rjave čaplje (Ardea purpurea purpurea) – populacije, ki gnezdijo na 
      vzhodu palearktike
štorklje (Ciconiidae)
    Mycteria ibis
    črna štorklja (Ciconia nigra)
    Ciconia episcopus microscelis
    bela štorklja (Ciconia ciconia)
    ibisi (Threskiornithidae)
    rjava ali navadna plevica (Plegadis falcinellus)
    Geronticus eremita *
    podvrsta svetega ibisa (Threskiornis aethiopicus aethiopicus)
    Platalea alba – razen madagaskarske populacije
    žličarka (Platalea leucorodia)
plamenci ali flamingi (Phoenicopteridae)
    Ph. spp.
PLOJKOKLJUNI (Anseriformes)
gosi, labodi in race (Anatidae)
    A. spp. *
UJEDE (Falconiformes)
jastrebi novega sveta (Cathartidae)
    C. spp.
ribji orli (Pandionidae)
ribji orel (Pandion haliaetus)
kragulji (Accipitridae)
    A. spp. *
sokoli (Falconidae)
    F. spp.
KURE (Galliformes)
poljske kure (Phasianidae)
    prepelica (Coturnix coturnix coturnix)
ŽERJAVOVCI (Gruiformes)
mokoži (Rallidae)
    grahasta tukalica (Porzana porzana) – populacije, ki gnezdijo na zahodu 
    podvrsta male tukalice (Porzana parva parva)
    podvrsta pritlikave tukalice (Porzana pusilla intermedia)
    liska (Fulica atra atra) – sredozemske populacije in populacije Črnega morja
    Aenigmatolimnas marginalis
    Sarothrura boehmi
žerjavi (Gruidae)
    žerjavi (Grus spp. *)
    deviški žerjav (Anthropoides virgo)
droplje (Otididae)
    ovratničarka (Chlamydotis undulata) * – samo azijske populacije
    velika droplja (Otis tarda) *
POBREŽNIKI (Charadriiformes)
sabljarke (Recurvirostridae)
    R. spp.
čapljarji (Dromadidae)
    morski tekač (Dromas ardeola)
prlivke (Burhinidae)
    prlivka (Burhinus oedicnemus)
tekalci (Glareolidae)
    rjava komatna tekica (Glareola pratincola)
    črna komatna tekica (Glareola nordmanni)
deževniki (Charadriidae)
    C. spp.
sloke (Scolopacidae)
    S. spp. *
liskonožci (Phalaropodidae)
    P. spp.
galebi (Laridae)
    Larus hemprichii
    Larus leucophthalmus *
    Larus ichtyaetus – zahodno evrazijske in afriške populacije
    črnoglavi galeb (Larus melanocephalus)
    zalivski galeb (Larus genei)
    progastokljuni galeb (Larus audouinii) *
    Larus armenicus
čigre (Sternidae)
    Sterna nilotica nilotica – zahodno evrazijske in afriške populacije
    Sterna caspia – zahodno evrazijske in afriške populacije
    Sterna maxima albidorsalis
    Sterna bergii – afriške in jugozahodne azijske populacije
    Sterna bengalensis – afriške in jugozahodne azijske populacije
    podvrsta obmorska čigra (Sterna sandvicensis sandvicensis)
    rožnata čigra (Sterna dougallii) – atlantska populacija podvrsta navadne 
      čigre (Sterna hirundo hirundo) – populacije, ki gnezdijo na zahodu 
    Sterna paradisea – atlantske populacije
    mala čigra (Sterna albifrons)
    Sterna saundersi
    Sterna balaenarum
    Sterna repressa
    podvrsta črne čigre (Chlidonias niger niger)
    belokrila čigra (Chlidonias leucopterus) – populacije zahodne evrazije in 
VPIJATI (Coraciiformes)
čebelarji (Meropidae)
    čebelar (Merops apiaster)
zlatovranke (Coraciidae)
    zlatovranka (Coracias garrulus)
PEVCI (Passeriformes)
muharji (Muscicapidae)
    M.(s.l.) spp.
PLAZILCI (Reptilia)
ŽELVE (Testudines)
morske želve (Cheloniidae)
    C. spp. *
orjaške usnjače (Dermochelyidae)
    D. spp. *
pelomeduzne želve (Pelomedusidae)
    južnoameriški arav (Podocnemis expansa) *
KROKODILI (Crocodylia)
pravi krokodili (Crocodylidae)
    indijski krokodil ali letvičar (Crocodilus porosus)
RIBE (Pisces)
JESETRI (Acipenseriformes)
jesetri (Acipenseridae)
    vzhodnoameriški jeseter (Acipenser fulvescens)
ŽUŽELKE (Insecta)
METULJI (Lepidoptera)
monarhi (Danaidae)
    severnoameriški monarh (Danaus plexippus)
1 Eubalaena glacialis in Eubalena australis prej Eubalaena glacialis (s.l.)
2 prej Lama vicugna* – razen perujskih populacij
3 prej Globicephala melanena – samo populacije Severnega in Baltiškega morja
4 prej Lama vicugna *
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 801-12/98-2/1
Ljubljana, dne 24. septembra 1998
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.

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