Uradni list

Številka 10
Uradni list RS, št. 10/1995 z dne 18. 2. 1995
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 10/1995 z dne 18. 2. 1995


12. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije (BBECP), stran 47.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 24. januarja 1995.
Št. 012-01/95-4
Ljubljana, dne 2. februarja 1995
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o cestnem prevozu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Belgije, podpisan 23. marca 1994 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, called hereafter the Contracting Parties, striking to create better opportunities for the development of trade relations between their countries and to develop satisfactory transport facilities for goods and passengers;
Taking account of the European liberalisation processs which contributes to the free flow of goods and services and to the free movement of persons;
Considering the basic standpoint of the protection of the environment and traffic safety, have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to the carriage of goods and passengers by road for hire or reward or on own account between the territories of the Contracting Parties, in transit through their territories, and to or from third countries, performed by carriers established on the territory of one of the Contracting Parties.
2. The Contracting Parties shall ensure the rights and obligations arising from the agreements concluded between the European Community and the Republic of Slovenia and of other multilateral agreements signed by both parties.
Arcticle 2
For the purpose of this Agreement:
1. The term “carrier” means a person (including a legal person), who is established on the territory of a Contracting Party and legally admitted in the country of establishment to the international transport market of goods or passengers by road for hire or reward or on his own account in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations.
2. The term “vehicle” means a motor vehicle registered in the territory of a Contracting Party or a combination of vehicles of which at least the motor vehicle is registered in the territory of a Contracting Party and which is used and equipped exclusively for the carriage of goods or the carriage of passengers.
3. The term “bus” means a vehicle for the carriage of pssengers which is suitable by virtue of its construction and equipment for the carriage of more than nine persons, including the driver, and is intended for that purpose.
4. The term “transport” means the conveyance of laden or unladen vehicles by road, even if for a part of the journey the vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer is using railways or waterways.
5. The term “regular bus service” means a service which provides for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being taken up and set down at predetermined stopping points. Regular services shall be open to all, subject, when appropriate, to compulsory reservation. “Special regular bus services” are regular bus services which are accessible only to certain categories of passengers.
6. The term “shuttle service” means a service whereby, by means of repeated outward and return journeys, groups of passengers are carried from a single area of departure to a single area of destination. These groups, made up of passengers who have completed the outward journey are carried back to the place of departure in the course of a subsequent journey.
“Area of departure” and “area of destination” mean respectively the place where the journey begins and the place where the journey ends, together with, in each case, localities within a radius of 50 km.
“Shuttle services with accommodation” include, in addition to transport, accommodation for at least 80% of the passengers with or without meals, at the place of destination and, where necessary, during the journey. Passengers shall stay at the place of destination for at least two nights.
Shuttle services with accommodation may be provided by a group of carriers acting on behalf of the same contractor and passengers may:
– either make the return journey with a different carrier, of the same group, from the outward journey,
– or catch a connection “en route”, with a different carrier, of the same group.
7. The term “occasional service” means a service falling neither within the definition of a regular bus service or a special regular bus service nor within the definition of a shuttle service.
They include:
a) tours, that is to say services whereby the same vehicle is used to carry one or more groups of passengers where each group is brought back to its place of departure, and
b) services which are carried out for groups of passengers, where passengers are not brought back to their points of departure in the course of the same journey, and
c) services which do not meet the criteria mentioned above, i.e. residual services.
Article 3
Access to the market
Each Contracting Party shall allow any carrier established in the territory of the other Contracting Party to carry out any transport of goods or passengers:
a) between any point in its territory and any point outside that territory, and
b) in transit through its territory,
subject to permits or authorisations, to be issued by competent authorities of each Contracting Party.
Article 4
Weights and dimensions
1. Weights and dimensions of vehicles shall be in accordance with the offical registration of the vehicle and may not exceed the limits in force in the host country.
2. A special permit issued by a competent authorities is required if the weights and/or dimensions of a laden or unladen vehicle when engaged in transport under the provisions of this Agreement exceed the permissible maximum in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 5
Compliance with national law
Carriers of a Contracting Party and the crews of their vehicles shall, when on the territory of the other Contracting Party, comply with the laws and regulations in force in that country.
Article 6
In the event of any infringement of the provisions of this Agreement by a carrier of a Contracting Party, the Contracting Party on whose territory the infringement occurred, shall, without prejudice to its own legal proceedings, notify this to the other Contracting Party which will take such steps as are provided for by its national laws including the revocation of the permit or authorisation or prohibition to do transports on the territory of the other Contracting Party. The Contracting Parties will inform one another about the sanctions that have been imposed.
Article 7
Fiscal matters
1. Vehicles, including their spare parts, carrying out transport in accordance with this Agreement, shall be mutually exempted from all taxes and charges levied on the circulation or possession of the vehicles.
2. Taxes and charges on motor fuel, V A T on transport services and tolls and taxes for special permits as foreseen in Article 4 are not exempted.
3. The fuel contained in the normal tanks of the vehicles, as well as the lubricants contained in the vehicles for the sole purpose of their operation, shall be mutually exempted from customs duties and any other taxes and payments.
Article 8
Joint Committee
1. The competent authorities of the Contracting Parties shall regulate all questions regarding the implementation and the application of this Agreement.
2. For this purpose the Contracting Parties shall establish a Joint Committee.
3. The Joint Committee shall meet regularly at the request of either Contracting Party and shall comprise representatives of the competent authorities of the administration of the Contracting Parties which can invite representatives of road transport associations.
4. The Joint Committee shall draw up its own rules and procedures and shall meet alternately in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties. The meeting will be concluded by drawing up a protocol.
5. Following Article 3, the Joint Committee shall decide upon the type and number of permits or authorisations and the conditions of access to the market. Notwithstanding Article 12, paragraph 2, the Joint Committee can extend the types of transport for which no permits or authorisations are required.
6. The Joint Committee shall give particular consideration to the following subjects:
– the harmonious development of transport between the Contracting Parties, taking into account among others environmental aspects involved;
– the coordination of road transport policies, transport legislation and its implementation by the Contracting Parties at national and international level;
– the formulation of possible solutions for the respective national authorities if problems occur, notably in the field of fiscal, social, customs and environmental matters, including matters of public order;
– the exchange of relevant information;
– the method of fixing weights and dimensions;
– the promotion of cooperation between transport enterprises and institutions;
– the promotion of multimodal transport, including all questions concerning market access.
Article 9
Regular Services
1. Applications for authorisations for regular services shall be submitted to the competent authorities in the country in whose territory the point of departure is situated.
2. The decision to issue authorisations shall be taken jointly by the authorities of the Contracting Parties. They are issued by the competent authorities of both Contracting Parties, each one for its own territory.
3. An application for an authorisation may be rejected if, inter alia:
– the applicant is unable to provide the service that is the subject of the application with equipment directly available to him;
– if in the past the applicant has not complied with national or international legislation on road transport and in particular the conditions and requirements relating to authorisations for international road passenger services or has committed serious breaches of legislation in regard to road safety, in particular with regard to the rules applicable to vehicles and driving and rest periods of drivers;
– if, in the case of an application for renewal of authorisation, the conditions of the authorisation have not been complied with.
4. A decision on whether and authorisation shall be issued shall be taken by competent authorities within three months of the date on which a full application is received.
5. An authorisation shall be valid for a maximum period of three years and may be extended on request.
6. The authorisation or a legalised copy of it shall be carried in the vehicle.
Article 10
Shuttle services
1. No authorisation shall be required for shuttle services with accommodation executed by Slovene carriers or Belgian carriers insofar these services have their departure in Slovenia and in Blegium respectively.
2. Shuttle services without accommodation are treated like regular services.
3. For the shuttle services mentioned under paragraph 1 of this article, passenger waybills, completed in full shall be used.
Article 11
Occasional services
No authorisation shall be required for occasional services. A passenger waybill, completed in full, shall be carried in the vehicle.
Article 12
1. Permits for the transportation of goods shall be issued within the limits of a quota for 1 (one) journey (roundtrip) each and shall be valid for a period of 13 months, starting from January 1 st of each calendar year. The permits shall be carried in the vehicle.
2. No permits or authorisations shall be required for the following types of transport or for unladen journeys made in conjunction with such transport:
a) personal belongings in the context of a household removal;
b) material, items, works of art destined for auctions, exhibitions or the equipment of noncommercial character in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
c) material and items meant exceptionally for advertising, education and information purposes;
d) sets and accessories, animals for theatre, music shows, professional film or sporting events, circus, fairs taking place in the territory of the other Contracting Party;
e) broadcasting or professional sound recording equipment, professional film or TV equipment;
f) funeral transport;
g) carriage of mail as a public service;
h) carriage of vehicles which have suffered damage or breakdown;
i) the carriage of bees or fish progeny;
j) the carriage of goods in motor vehicles, the permissible laden weight of which, including that of trailers, does not exceed 6 tons or the permissible payload of which, including that of trailers, does not exceed 3,5 tons;
k) carriage of medical goods and equipment or other goods necessary in case of emergency, in particular for natural disasters and humanitarian aid.
3. Each permit shall be accompanied by a journey report that has to be filled in before the journey starts. The permit has to be stamped by the customs while entering the territory of the other Contracting Party. When crossing the border on a place where no customs are available, the driver has to put in ink on the place of the customs stamp on the permit the place, date and hour of border crossing.
4. According to Article 4, paragraph 2, the application for a special authorisation for the vehicles carrying goods of which weight and dimensions exceed limits permitted in the territory of the host Contracting Party, should contain:
1. Name and adress of the operator;
2. Vehicle mark, type and plate numbers;
3. Number of axles and axle spread;
4. Dimensions and weight of the vehicle;
5. Loading capacity;
6. Dimensions and weight of goods;
7. If necessary the drawing of the vehicle together with goods;
8. Load on each axle;
9. The address of the place of loading and unloading;
10. The planned place of border crossing and date as well as route.
Article 13
Entry into force and duration
1. The present Agreement shall enter into force when both Contracting Parties will have notified to each other the fulfilment of their constitutional formalities with regard to the conclusion and the entering into force of international agreements. From that date the Agreement between the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Belgium on Transport of travellers and goods by road, done by commercial vehicles and annex signed in Brussels on July lst 1963 is terminated in regard to the relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Belgium.
2. The Agreement shall remain in force for a period of one year after its entry into force. Thereafter, the Agreement shall be tacitly extended from year to year unless a Contracting Party has, prior to the date of extension, given a six month written notice of its intention to terminate it.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this agreement.
DONE in twofold at Ljubljana, on 23 March 1994 in the English language.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Lojze Peterle, (s)
For the Government
of the Kingdom of Belgium
Willy Claes, (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Kraljevine Belgije, v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici, sta v želji, da bi v interesu krepitve trgovinskih odnosov med državama in razvijanja zadovoljivih možnosti za cestni prevoz blaga in potnikov;
z upoštevanjem evropskega liberalizacijskega procesa, ki prispeva k prostemu pretoku blaga in storitev ter svobodnemu gibanju ljudi;
pri čemer sta upoštevali tudi varovanje okolja in varnost prometa, sklenili naslednje:
1. člen
1. Določbe tega sporazuma bodo veljale za cestni prevoz blaga in potnikov za plačilo, najem ali za lastni račun med ozemljema pogodbenic, tranzitno čez njuni ozemlji, v ali iz tretjih držav, s prevozniki, ustanovljenimi na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic.
2. Pogodbenici bosta zagotovili pravice in obveznosti iz sporazumov, sklenjenih med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo ter drugih večstranskih sporazumov, ki sta jih sklenili pogodbenici.
2. člen
V tem sporazumu posamezni izrazi pomenijo naslednje:
1. “Prevoznik” je oseba (vključno s pravno osebo), ki je bila ustanovljena na ozemlju pogodbenice in v državi svojega sedeža lahko opravlja cestni prevoz blaga ali potnikov za najem, plačilo ali za lastni račun, v skladu z veljavnimi državnimi zakoni in predpisi.
2. “Vozilo” je motorno vozilo, registrirano na ozemlju pogodbenice, ali skupina vozil, od katerih je vsaj motorno vozilo registrirano na ozemlju pogodbenice in ki se uporablja ter je opremljeno izključno za prevoz blga ali potnikov.
3. “Avtobus” je vozilo za prevoz potnikov, načrtovano in opremljeno tako, da lahko prevaža več kot devet oseb, vključno z voznikom in se uporablja v ta namen.
4. “Prevoz” je potovanje natovorjenih ali raztovorjenih vozil po cesti, tudi če vozilo, prikolica ali polprikolica na določenem odseku potovanja potuje po železnici ali po vodi.
5. “Redni avtobusni promet” je storitev, ki obsega prevoz potnikov v določenih presledkih na določenih progah, s tem da potniki vstopajo in izstopajo na vnaprej določenih mestih za zaustavljanje. Ta promet mora biti na voljo vsem, pri čemer je po potrebi treba narediti obvezno rezervacijo. “Posebni redni avtobusni promet” je redni avtobusni promet samo za določeno vrsto potnikov.
6. “Promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj” je storitev, ki obsega prevoz potnikov v določenih presledkih v obe smeri z enega samega mesta odhoda na eno samo mesto prihoda. Te skupine, ki jih sestavljajo potniki z že opravljenim potovanjem na cilj, se vrnejo na mesto odhoda v eni od nadaljnjih voženj.
“Mesto odhoda” in “mesto prihoda” sta mesti, kjer se potovanje prične in konča, pri čemer ti lokaciji vključujeta tudi mesta v oddaljenosti do 50 km.
“Promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj s prenočevanjem” je poleg prevoza tudi namestitev za vsaj 80% potnikov, z ali brez hrane, na mestu prihoda in, po potrebi, med potovanjem. Potniki morajo ostati na mestu prihoda vsaj dve noči.
Promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj s prenočevanjem lahko nudi skupina prevoznikov, ki delajo za istega delodajalca, in potniki lahko:
– potujejo nazaj s prevoznikom iz iste skupine, ki ni isti kot na progi tja,
– ali se “na poti” odločijo za drugega prevoznika iz iste skupine.
7. “Občasni prevoz” je prevoz, ki ne spada niti v definicijo rednega avtobusnega prometa ali posebnega rednega avtobusnega prometa niti v definicijo prometa na stalni progi tja in nazaj.
V to storitev spadajo:
a) krožna potovanja z istim vozilom, ki prevažajo eno ali več skupin potnikov in je vsaka skupina tudi pripeljana nazaj na mesto odhoda, in
b) prevozne storitve za skupine potnikov, ki niso pripeljani nazaj na mesto odhoda v času istega potovanja, ter
c) prevozne storitve, ki so izven zgoraj navedenih kriterijev, ali tako imenovane preostale storitve.
3. člen
Dostop do trga
Vsaka pogodbenica bo prevozniku s sedežem na ozemlju druge pogodbenice dovolila prevoz blaga ali potnikov:
a) med katerim koli krajem na njenem ozemlju in katerim koli krajem zunaj tega ozemlja in
b) tranzitno čez njeno ozemlje,
če ima dovolilnico ali dovoljenje za takšno storitev, ki ga izdajo pristojni organi vsake pogodbenice.
4. člen
Teže in velikosti
1. Teže in velikosti vozil morajo biti v skladu z uradno registracijo vozila in ne smejo preseči veljavnih omejitev, ki veljajo v državi.
2. Če teža in/ali velikost natovorjenega ali raztovorjenega vozila, uporabljenega za prevoz v skladu z določili tega sporazuma, preseže dovoljeno omejitev na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, je potrebna posebna dovolilnica prisotjnih organov.
5. člen
Upoštevanje zakonov druge podpisnice
Prevozniki ene podpisnice in posadke njihovih vozil morajo, ko so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, spoštovati veljavne predpise in zakone te države.
6. člen
Če prevozniki ene ali druge pogodbenice kršijo določila tega sporazuma, bo podpisnica, na katere ozemlju je bila storjena kršitev, brez škode za svoje lastne pravne postopke, uradno opozorila drugo podpisnico, ki bo ukrepala v skladu s svojimi državnimi zakoni vključno z razveljavitvijo dovolilnice ali dovoljenja ali prepovedjo prevozov na ozemlju druge pogodbenice. Pogodbenici bosta obvestili druga drugo o sprejetih sankcijah.
7. člen
1. Vozila, vključno z njihovimi rezervnimi deli, ki opravljajo prevoze v skladu s tem sporazumom, bodo vzajemno oproščena plačila vseh davkov in pristojbin na promet ali posest vozil.
2. Vozila ne bodo oproščena davkov na motorna goriva, davka na dodano vrednost prevoznih storitev in cestnin ter davkov za posebne dovolilnice, kot so predvidene v 4. členu.
3. Goriva v običajnih rezervoarjih vozila ter maziva, ki so v vozilu in služijo edino za delovanje vozil, bodo vzajemno oproščena carinskih in drugih dajatev ter plačil.
8. člen
Mešana komisija
1. Pristojni organi obeh pogodbenic bodo usklajevali vsa vprašanja glede uresničevanja in uporabe tega sporazuma.
2. V skladu s tem bosta pogodbenici ustanovili mešano komisijo.
3. Mešana komisija se bo redno sestajala na zahtevo ene ali druge podpisnice in jo bodo sestavljali predstavniki pristojnih organov pogodbenic, ki bodo lahko povabili predstavnike združenj cestnih prevoznikov.
4. Mešana komisija bo sama določila svoja pravila in postopke in se bo sestajala izmenično na ozemlju ene ali druge pogodbenice. Sestanki se bodo zaključevali s protokolom.
5. V skladu s 3. členom, bo mešana komisija odločala o vrsti in številu dovolilnic ali dovoljenj ter o pogojih nastopa na trgu. Ne glede na drugi odstavek 12. člena lahko mešana komisija razširi seznam tistih vrst prevoza, za katere dovolilnica ali dovoljenja niso potrebna.
6. Mešana komisija si bo zlasti prizadevala za:
– usklajen razvoj prometa med državama pogodbenic ob hkratnem upoštevanju, med drugim tudi ekoloških vidikov;
– koordinacijo med strategijami cestnega prevoza, prevozno zakonodajo in njenim uresničevanjem s strani pogodbenic tako na državni kot na mednarodni ravni;
– možne rešitve, ki naj jih sprejmejo ustrezni državni organi, če nastopijo problemi, zlasti davčni, družbeni, carinski in ekološki, vključno z motnjami javnega reda;
– izmenjavo ustreznih informacij;
– metodologijo določanja teže in velikosti;
– pospeševanje sodelovanja med prevoznimi podjetji in ustanovami;
– pospeševanje kombiniranega prevoza, vključno z vprašanji prodora na trg.
9. člen
Redni prevozi
1. Vloge za odobritev rednih prevozov obravnavajo pristojni organi države, na ozemlju katere se nahaja mesto odhoda.
2. Organi obeh podpisnic skupaj sprejmejo odločitev o izdaji dovoljenj, nato pa jih izdajo vsak za svoje ozemlje.
3. Vloga za dovoljenje bo med drugim zavrnjena, če:
– prosilec ni sposoben nuditi storitve, navedene v vlogi, z opremo, s katero neposredno razpolaga:
– v preteklosti prosilec ni upošteval državne ali mednarodne zakonodaje o cestnem prometu in še posebno pogojev in zahtev v zvezi z dovoljenji za mednarodni cestni prevoz potnikov ali je odgovoren za resne kršitve cestno varnostnih zakonov, zlasti pravil, ki veljajo za vozila in vožnjo ter čas počitka voznika:
– pri vlogi za obnovitev dovoljenja, pogoji za izstavitev dovoljenja niso bili upoštevani.
4. Odločitev o tem, ali bo dovoljenje izstavljeno, sprejmejo pristojni organi v treh mesecih od dneva, ko so prejeli popolno vlogo.
5. Dovoljenje bo veljalo za največ tri leta in bo na zahtevo podaljšano.
6. Dovoljenje ali njegova pravnomočna kopija mora biti vedno v vozilu.
10. člen
Promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj
1. Za promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj s prenočitvijo, ki ga opravljajo slovenski ali belgijski prevozniki, ni potrebno dovoljenje, če je mesto odhoda v Sloveniji ali Belgiji.
2. Promet na stalni progi tja in nazaj brez prenočitve se obravnava kot redni promet.
3. Pri prometu, ki je navaden v prvem odstavku tega člena, se morajo uporabljati v celoti izpolnjeni seznami potnikov.
11. člen
Občasni prevoz
Za občasni prevoz dovoljenje ni potrebno. V vozilu mora biti v celoti izpolnjen seznam potnikov.
12. člen
1. Dovolilnice za prevoz blaga se izstavijo za vsako posamezno (1) potovanje (v obe smeri) in veljajo 13 mesecev, šteto od 1. januarja koledarskega leta. Dovolilnice morajo biti v vozilu.
2. Dovolilnice ali dovoljenja niso potrebna za naslednje vrste prevozov ali za vožnje praznih vozil v zvezi s prevozi:
a) osebnih predmetov pri selitvah gospodinjstev;
b) materiala, predmetov, umetniških del za dražbe, razstave ali nekomercialne opreme na ozemlju druge pogodbenice;
c) materiala in opreme, ki je namenjena izključno reklami, izobraževanju in informiranju;
d) odrske opreme in rekvizitov ter živali za gledališče, glasbene predstave, profesionalne filmske ali športne prireditve, cirkusa, sejme, ki so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice;
e) opreme za profesionalno tonsko oddajanje ali snemanje, profesionalne filmske ali TV opreme;
f) posmrtnih ostankov;
g) pošte kot javne službe;
h) vozil, ki so v okvari ali poškodovana;
i) čebel ali ribjega zaroda;
j) blaga na motornih vozilih, katerih dovoljena bruto teža vključno s težo prikolice ne presega 6 ton ali teža tovora na motornem vozilu in prikolici ne presega 3,5 ton;
k) zdravniškega blaga in opreme ali drugega blaga, ki je potrebno v sili, še posebno za naravne nesreče in humanitarno pomoč.
3. Vsaki dovolilnici mora biti priloženo poročilo o potovanju, ki se izpolni pred pričetkom potovanja. Ob vstopu na ozemlje druge pogodbenice mora carina dovolilnico žigosati. Pri prečkanju meje na prehodu, ki nima carinske službe, mora voznik na mestu carinskega žiga na dovolilnici s črnilom vpisati mesto, datum in uro prečkanja meje.
4. V skladu z drugim odstavkom 4. člena mora vloga za posebno dovoljenje za vozila z blagom, katerih teža in velikost presegajo meje, ki so dovoljene na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, vsebovati:
1. ime in naslov voznika;
2. model in vrsto vozila ter registrsko številko:
3. število osi in osni razmak;
4. dimenzije in težo vozila;
5. nosilnost vozila;
6. dimenzije in težo blaga;
7. če je potrebno, skico vozila skupaj z blagom;
8. obremenitev posamezne osi;
9. naslov mesta natovarjanja in raztovarjanja;
10. planirano mesto prehoda meje, datum prehoda in vozno pot.
13. člen
Pričetek in konec veljavnosti
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati, ko obe pogodbenici druga drugo obvestita, da so izpolnjene njune ustavne formalnosti glede sklenitve in začetka veljavnosti mednarodnih sporazumov. Od tega datuma sporazum med Socialistično federativno republiko Jugoslavijo in Kraljevino Belgijo o cestnem prevozu potnikov in blaga, ki ga opravljajo komercialna vozila, in dodatek, podpisan v Bruslju 1. julija 1963, preneha glede na odnose med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Belgijo.
2. Sporazum bo veljal eno leto. Po izteku tega časa bo avtomatsko podaljševan iz leta v leto, razen če ena od podpisnic vsaj šest mesecev pred datumom njegovega izteka pisno ne izrazi namena, da ga ne želi podaljšati.
V DOKAZ, da se strinjajo z navedenimi določbami, pooblaščeni predstavniki podpišejo ta sporazum.
Sklenjeno v dvojniku v Ljubljani dne 23. marca 1994 v angleščini.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Lojze Peterle l. r.
Za Vlado
Kraljevine Belgije
Willy Claes l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-07/94-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 24. januarja 1995
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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