Uradni list

Številka 74
Uradni list RS, št. 74/1994 z dne 30. 11. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 74/1994 z dne 30. 11. 1994


102. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o rednem zračnem prometu med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško, stran 1460.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o rednem zračnem prometu med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 9. novembra 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-150
Ljubljana, dne 17. novembra 1994
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o rednem zračnem prometu med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Hrvaško, podpisan 8. julija 1994 na Brdu pri Kranju.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Hrvaške, v nadaljevanju imenovani pogodbenici, sta
kot pogodbenici Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila odprta za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944,
v želji, da skleneta sporazum z namenom, da na podlagi reciprocitete zagotovita podlago za redni zračni promet med svojima ozemljema,
določili svoja pooblaščenca, ki sta se dogovorila o:
1. člen
1. Posamezni izrazi v tem sporazumu, razen če kontekst zahteva drugače, pomenijo:
Pristojna organa - za Republiko Slovenijo Ministrstvo za promet in zveze, Republiška uprava za zračno plovbo in za Republiko Hrvaško Ministrstvo za pomorske zadeve, transport in komunikacije ali v obeh primerih katerakoli oseba ali organ, ki ima posebno pooblastilo omenjenih organov.
Dogovorjeni promet - redni zračni promet na določeni progi v skladu s prilogo k temu sporazumu.
Zračni promet - redni javni prevoz potnikov, tovora ali pošte z letali.
Zmogljivost -
a) v zvezi z letalom koristen tovor, ki ga letalo lahko prepelje na tej progi ali na delu proge,
b) v zvezi z določeno progo zmogljivost letala, ki se uporablja na tej progi, pomnožena s frekvenco operacij letala v določenem časovnem obdobju na progi ali delu proge.
Konvencija - Konvencija o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila odprta za podpis v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944, ter vsaka priloga, sprejeta v skladu z 90. členom omenjene konvencije, in vsaka sprememba prilog ali konvencije v skladu z njenim 90. in 94. členom v tisti meri, v kateri sta obe pogodbenici sprejeli te priloge ali spremembe.
Določeni prevoznik - zračni prevoznik, ki ga je pogodbenica pooblastila za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa v skladu s tem sporazumom.
Mednarodni zračni promet - zračni promet, ki poteka skozi zračni prostor nad ozemljem več kot ene države.
Pristanek v nekomercialne namene - pristanek s kakšnim drugim namenom, razen vkrcavanja ali izkrcavanja potnikov, tovora ali pošte.
Tarife - cene za prevoz potnikov, prtljage in tovora ter pogoji, na podlagi katerih se te cene uporabljajo, vključno s provizijo in drugimi dodatnimi plačili za agencijo ali za prodajo prevoznih listin, izvzeti pa so nadomestila in pogoji za prevoz pošte.
Ozemlje - kopno in pripadajoče teritorialne vode pod suverenostjo pogodbenice.
2. Priloga je sestavni del tega sporazuma. Vsako sklicevanje na sporazum zajema tudi prilogo, razen če je drugače določeno.
Podelitev pravic
2. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica podeli drugi pogodbenici pravice, ki so določene v tem sporazumu in bodo omogočile določenim prevoznikom, da pričnejo in opravljajo mednarodni zračni promet na progah, določenih v prilogi sporazuma.
Določitve in dovoljenja za opravljanje prometa
3. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico določiti enega ali več prevoznikov za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa. To bo določeno z izmenjavo pisnega obvestila med pristojnima organoma pogodbenic.
2. Po prejemu take določitve bo druga pogodbenica brez odlašanja izdala določenemu prevozniku ustrezno dovoljenje za opravljanje prometa.
3. Pristojni organ vsake pogodbenice lahko od določenega prevoznika, ki ga je določila druga pogodbenica, zahteva dokaz, da izpolnjuje pogoje za opravljanje mednarodnega zračnega prometa, predpisane v nacionalni zakonodaji in predpisih v skladu s konvencijo.
Priznavanje potrdil in dovoljenj
4. člen
Spričevala o plovnosti, spričevala o sposobnosti in dovoljenja, ki jih izda ali potrdi ena pogodbenica, bo, dokler so veljavna, priznala tudi druga pogodbenica.
Prometne pravice
5. člen
1. Določeni prevoznik vsake pogodbenice bo imel:
a) pravico do preleta ozemlja druge pogodbenice brez pristanka,
b) pravico do pristanka na ozemlju druge pogodbenice v nekomercialne namene,
c) pravico, da pri opravljanju dogovorjenega prometa na določeni progi pristane na tem ozemlju v krajih, ki so za to progo določeni v prilogi, z namenom da v mednarodnem prometu izkrca ali vkrca potnike, prtljago, tovor ali pošto, ki so namenjeni ali prihajajo z ozemlja druge pogodbenice.
2. Določeni prevoznik nima pravice, da na ozemlju druge pogodbenice za plačilo ali najemnino vkrca potnike, prtljago, tovor ali pošto, ki so namenjeni v drug kraj na ozemlju te pogodbenice.
Oprostitev carin in drugih dajatev
6. člen
1. Zrakoplovi, ki jih uporablja določeni prevoznik pogodbenice, kakor tudi njihova običajna oprema, rezervni deli, gorivo, mazivo, zaloge na letalu, vključno s hrano, pijačo in tobakom, bodo oproščeni carinskih in drugih dajatev, ki jih predpisuje druga pogodbenica, po prihodu na ozemlje te pogodbenice ali kadar so vkrcani na zrakoplov na tem ozemlju, če so ta oprema in zaloge namenjene izključno za uporabo na tem zrakoplovu, ko opravlja dogovorjeni promet.
2. Gorivo, mazivo, rezervni deli, običajna oprema in zaloge na zrakoplovu, ki so začasno uvoženi na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, z namenom da se natovorijo ali vgradijo v zrakoplov določenega prevoznika ali pa ponovno izvozijo s tega ozemlja, bodo oproščeni carinskih in drugih dajatev. Enako velja za propagandno gradivo in prevozne dokumente.
3. Običajna oprema kakor tudi predmeti in zaloge v zrakoplovu, ki ga uporablja določeni prevoznik ene pogodbenice, se smejo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice izkrcati le z odobritvijo carinskih organov s tega ozemlja. V takem primeru so lahko pod nadzorom omenjenih organov, dokler niso ponovno izvoženi ali drugače porabljeni v skladu s carinskimi predpisi.
4. Oprostitve iz tega člena bodo veljale tudi, če bo določeni prevoznik katerekoli pogodbenice sklenil z drugim prevoznikom ali prevozniki dogovor o najemu ali prevozu predmetov, določenih v 1. in 2. odstavku tega člena, na ozemlje druge pogodbenice, vendar le če tak prevoznik ali prevozniki pri drugi pogodbenici podobno uživajo take oprostitve.
Zavrnitev, začasna ustavitev ali preklic
7. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico, da zavrne, začasno ustavi ali prekliče uresničevanje pravic iz 2. člena ali da določenemu prevozniku druge pogodbenice glede uresničevanja teh pravic določi pogoje, če:
a) določeni prevoznik ne dokaže, da ima druga pogodbenica ali njeni državljani večinski delež lastništva in dejanski nadzor nad prevoznikom,
b) določeni prevoznik ne spoštuje zakonov in predpisov pogodbenice, ki te pravice daje, ali ne opravlja dogovorjenega prometa v skladu s tem sporazumom.
2. Pravice, določene v 1. odstavku tega člena, bo pogodbenica uporabila šele po posvetovanju z drugo pogodbenico, razen če sta takojšnja začasna ustavitev ali določitev pogojev potrebni, da se prepreči nadaljnje kršenje zakonov.
Določitev zmogljivosti
8. člen
1. Določeni prevozniki imajo poštene in enake možnosti, da opravljajo dogovorjeni promet na določenih progah med ozemljema pogodbenic. Da bi zagotovili pošteno in enako obravnavanje, se bodo pravočasno dogovorili o frekvencah svojega rednega prometa, o tipih letal, ki se bodo uporabljala, ter o redih letenja.
2. Tako dogovorjene rede letenja bodo predložili v soglasje obeh pristojnih organov najmanj 30 dni pred predlaganim dnem njihove uveljavitve. V posebnih primerih je ta rok lahko skrajšan v soglasju s pristojnimi organi.
3. Če se določeni prevozniki v razumnem času ne morejo sporazumeti o omenjenih redih letenja, si bosta pristojna organa prizadevala rešiti spor. Redi letenja, določeni v skladu s tem členom za eno obdobje, bodo veljali za to obdobje, dokler ne bodo v skladu s tem členom določeni novi redi letenja.
4. Promet, ki izhaja iz ozemlja ali je namenjen na ozemlje tretjih držav, bo z dogovorjenim prometom povezan v skladu s:
a) potrebami prometa, ki izhaja ali je namenjen na ozemlje pogodbenice, ki je določila prevoznika,
b) prometnimi potrebami območja, čez katero prevoznik vozi, pri čemer se upoštevata lokalni in regionalni promet,
c) potrebami celotne operacije prevoznika.
Prevozne tarife
9. člen
1. Tarife v dogovorjenem prometu morajo biti določene na primerni ravni, pri čemer bo ustrezna pozornost posvečena vsem pomembnim dejavnikom, vključno s stroški prevoza, primernemu dobičku, razmeram na konkurenčnem trgu in tarifam, ki jih drugi prevozniki zaračunavajo na kateremkoli delu dogovorjenega prometa. Če je mogoče, se o tarifah sporazumejo določeni prevozniki obeh pogodbenic.
2. Določeni prevozniki se bodo o tarifah, kadar bo le mogoče, dogovorili po postopku za določanje tarif, uveljavljenem v Mednarodnem združenju zračnih prevoznikov. Kadar to ne bo mogoče, se bodo o tarifah za vsako določeno progo dogovorili določeni prevozniki. V vsakem primeru bodo tarife predložene v odobritev pristojnim organom obeh pogodbenic; zahtevo je treba vložiti najmanj 30 dni pred predlagano uveljavitvijo. Ta rok se lahko skrajša s soglasjem pristojnih organov. Če v 30 dneh od preložitve tarif noben pristojni organ drugemu pristojnemu organu ne sporoči svojega nestrinjanja, se bo štelo, da so tarife odobrene.
3. Če se določeni prevozniki v razumnem času ne morejo dogovoriti o tarifah ali če pristojni organ katerekoli pogodbenice ne odobri tarif, ki so mu bile predložene v skladu z določili 2. odstavka tega člena, si bosta pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic prizadevala, da se o njih dogovorita. Taka posvetovanja se bodo začela v 30 dneh, potem ko postane očitno, da se določeni prevozniki ne morejo dogovoriti o tarifi, ali potem ko pristojni organ ene pogodbenice sporoči drugemu pristojnemu organu svoje nestrinjanje s tarifo.
4. Če ni mogoče doseči sporazuma v skladu z 2. odstavkom tega člena, bo spor razrešen v skladu z določili, ki urejajo reševanje sporov iz tega sporazuma.
5. Nobene nove ali spremenjene tarife ne bodo veljavne, če jih ne bodo odobrili pristojni organi obeh pogodbenic ali če jih v skladu z določili, ki urejajo reševanje sporov, ne določi arbitraža. Dokler niso tarife v skladu s tem členom dokončno določene, se uporabljajo veljavne tarife.
6. Pristojna organa pogodbenic si bosta po najboljših močeh prizadevala, da bi zagotovila, da bodo določeni prevozniki spoštovali dogovorjene tarife, registrirane pri pristojnih organih obeh pogodbenic, in da noben prevoznik ne bo na noben način neposredno ali posredno nezakonito zmanjševal nobenega deleža teh tarif.
Transfer dohodka in obdavčevanje
10. člen
1. Vsak določeni prevoznik bo imel pravico, da svojo državo v skladu z veljavnimi deviznimi predpisi po uradnem menjalnem tečaju nakaže prihodke, dosežene s prevozom potnikov, prtljage, tovora in pošte, zmanjšane za lokalne stroške.
2. Če obstaja, se uporablja poseben plačilni sporazum med pogodbenicama.
3. Dohodki, doseženi z opravljanjem dogovorjenega prometa, bodo obdavčeni samo na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katerem ima zadevni določeni prevoznik svoj sedež.
4. Kjer obstaja poseben sporazum o izogibanju dvojnemu obdavčevanju in je vanj vključen zračni promet, se uporabljajo njegova določila.
Predstavništva prevoznikov, prodaja kart in promocija prodaje
11. člen
1. Določeni prevoznik vsake pogodbenice bo imel enake možnosti, kot jo ima prevoznik druge pogodbenice na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, da ustanovi predstavništvo in da v skladu z zakoni zaposli trgovsko in tehnično osebje, potrebno za opravljanje dogovorjenega prometa na določenih progah. Imel bo pravico, da prodaja zračni prevoz neposredno ali po določenih agentih, v lokalni valuti ali v katerikoli konvertibilni valuti ter da na ozemlju druge pogodbenice reklamira prodajo.
2. Vendar pa se bo prodaja zračnega prevoza za kraje zunaj ozemelj pogodbenic lahko opravljala le za konvertibilno valuto.
Varnost zračne plovbe
12. člen
1. V skladu s pravicami in obveznostmi po mednarodnem pravu pogodbenici ponovno potrjujeta, da je medsebojna obveznost varovanja civilnega zračnega prometa pred nezakonitimi dejanji sestavni del tega sporazuma. Brez omejevanja svojih pravic in obveznosti po mednarodnem pravu bosta pogodbenici še posebej ravnali v skladu z določili Konvencije o kaznivih dejanjih in določenih drugih dejanjih, storjenih na letalih, podpisane v Tokiu 14. septembra 1963, Konvencije o zatiranju nezakonite ugrabitve zrakoplovov, podpisane v Haagu 16. decembra 1970, Konvencije o zatiranju nezakonitih dejanj zoper varnost civilnega letalstva, podpisane v Montrealu 23. septembra 1971, in njenega dopolnilnega Protokola o zatiranju nezakonitih nasilnih dejanj na letališčih za mednarodno civilno zrakoplovstvo, podpisanega v Montrealu 24. februarja 1988.
2. Pogodbenici si bosta na zahtevo medsebojno pomagali, da bi preprečili nezakonite ugrabitve civilnih letal in druga nezakonita dejanja proti varnosti takih letal, njihovih potnikov in posadk, letališč in navigacijskih naprav ter vsako drugo ogrožanje varnosti civilne zračne plovbe.
3. Pogodbenici bosta v medsebojnih odnosih ravnali v skladu z določili Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva o varnosti civilne zračne plovbe, ki so opredeljena v prilogah konvencije, v tisti meri, v kateri ta določila veljajo za obe pogodbenici. Pogodbenici bosta zahtevali od letalskih družb, ki so vpisane v njunem registru ali opravljajo pretežni del svoje dejavnosti ali imajo sedež na njunem ozemlju, ter od letaliških podjetij na svojem ozemlju, da delujejo v skladu s takimi varnostnimi predpisi.
4. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da morajo navedene letalske družbe spoštovati letalske varnostne predpise, navedene v 3. odstavku tega člena, ki jih zahteva druga pogodbenica za vstop, odhod oziroma dokler so letala na ozemlju te pogodbenice. Vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja, da se bodo na njenem ozemlju učinkovito izvajali primerni ukrepi za zavarovanje letal in za pregled potnikov, posadke, ročne prtljage, prtljage, tovora in zalog na letalu pred in med vkrcavanjem in natovarjanjem. Pogodbenici bosta z naklonjenostjo obravnavali vsako zahtevo druge pogodbenice za uvedbo razumnih dodatnih varnostnih ukrepov zaradi neposredne grožnje.
5. Ob nezakoniti ugrabitvi ali grožnji z ugrabitvijo oziroma drugih nezakonitih dejanjih proti varnosti letal, potnikov in posadke, letališč ali navigacijskih naprav bosta pogodbenici pomagali druga drugi, s tem da bosta poskrbeli za komunikacije in druge ustrezne ukrepe, da bi se čim hitreje in varno končal tak incident ali grožnja.
6. Če ena od pogodbenic ne ravna v skladu s predpisi o varnosti civilne zračne plovbe iz tega člena, lahko pristojni organi druge pogodbenice zahtevajo takojšnje posvetovanje s pristojnimi organi te pogodbenice.
13. člen
Pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic si bosta na zahtevo zagotavljala periodične ali druge statistične podatke, razumno potrebne za pregled zmogljivosti, ki se zagotavljajo v dogovorjenem prometu. Te statistike bodo vsebovale podatke, ki se nanašajo na zmogljivost prometa, ki ga opravljajo določeni prevozniki v dogovorjenem prometu, vključno z odhodnim in namembnim krajem prevoza.
Posvetovanja in spremembe
14. člen
1. Katerakoli pogodbenica lahko kadarkoli zahteva posvetovanje o uresničevanju, razlagi, uporabi ali spremembi tega sporazuma. Tako posvetovanje med pristojnima organoma se bo začelo v 60 dneh, potem ko druga pogodbenica prejme pisno zahtevo, če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
2. Vsaka tako dogovorjena sprememba bo pričela veljati po postopku, ki ga določa ta sporazum.
3. Če za obe pogodbenici prične veljati večstranska konvencija o zračnem prometu, se bo ta sporazum spremenil v skladu z določili te konvencije.
4. O spremembi priloge se lahko pristojna organa dogovorita neposredno, veljati pa bo začela, ko bo potrjena z izmenjavo diplomatskih not.
Reševanje sporov
15. člen
1. Ob morebitnem nasprotju ali sporu pri razlagi ali uporabi sporazuma si bosta pogodbenici zlasti prizadevali, da ju rešita s pogajanji.
2. Če rešitve ni mogoče doseči s pogajanji, lahko katerakoli pogodbenica predloži spor v odločitev arbitražnemu sodišču treh razsodnikov.
3. Pogodbenica, ki je začela arbitražni postopek, bo določila svojega razsodnika in o tem po diplomatski poti obvestila drugo pogodbenico. Druga pogodbenica bo svojega razsodnika določila v 60 dneh, ta, tako določena, pa bosta izbrala tretjega razsodnika, ki bo hkrati predsednik razsodišča in ne sme biti državljan nobene pogodbenice.
4. Če druga pogodbenica ne določi razsodnika v roku ali če v določenem času ni imenovan tretji razsodnik, lahko pogodbenica, ki je postopek začela, zahteva, da predsednik sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva določi razsodnika ali razsodnike.
5. Vsaka pogodbenica bo plačala stroške za svojega razsodnika. Preostale stroške arbitražnega sodišča si bosta pogodbenici delili po enakih deležih.
6. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta spoštovali končno odločitev, ki jo bo sprejelo arbitražno sodišče po 2. odstavku tega člena, in se odpovedujeta vsakemu pravnemu sredstvu zoper omenjeno odločitev.
16. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadarkoli po diplomatski poti pisno sporoči drugi pogodbenici, da odpoveduje ta sporazum. O tem mora hkrati obvestiti Mednarodno organizacijo civilnega letalstva. Sporazum preneha veljati na koncu veljavnosti reda letenja za posamezno sezono, v kateri preteče eno leto od prejema sporočila o odpovedi, razen če je sporočilo pred potekom te dobe sporazumno umaknjeno.
2. Če druga pogodbenica ne potrdi prejema obvestila o odpovedi, se šteje, da ga je prejela 14 dni po dnevu, ko ga je prejela Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva.
17. člen
Ta sporazum in njegove spremembe se registrirajo pri Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva.
18. člen
Ta sporazum se bo začasno uporabljal od dneva podpisa; veljati pa bo začel prvega dne meseca, ki bo sledil datumu, ko bosta pogodbenici z izmenjavo diplomatskih not druga drugo obvestili, da so izpolnjene njune notranjepravne zahteve za njegovo uveljavitev.
V potrditev dogovorjenega sta podpisana pooblaščenca, ki sta ju pooblastili njuni vladi, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno na Brdu pri Kranju dne 8. julija 1994 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, hrvaškem in angleškem jeziku.
Ob morebitnem neskladju pri uresničevanju, razlagi ali uporabi je odločilno besedilo v angleškem jeziku.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije:
Janez Drnovšek l. r.

Za Vlado
Republike Hrvaške:
Nikica Valentić l. r.
A) Proga, ki jo bo v obe smeri opravljal prevoznik, ki ga bo določila Vlada Republike Slovenije
Kraji vzletanja v Sloveniji:
vsa mednarodna letališča.
Namembni kraji na Hrvaškem:
vsa mednarodna letališča.
B) Proga, ki jo bo v obe smeri opravljal prevoznik, ki ga bo določila Vlada Republike Hrvaške
Kraji vzletanja na Hrvaškem:
vsa mednarodna letališča.
Namembni kraji v Sloveniji:
vsa mednarodna letališča.
C) Določeni prevoznik lahko opravlja promet v krajih vmesnega pristajanja in v naslednjih krajih, ne da bi uresničeval prometne pravice do pete svobode.
O morebitnem uresničevanju prometne pravice do pete svobode se lahko dogovorita pristojna organa obeh pogodbenic.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Croatia, hereinafter referred to as Contracting Parties,
being Parties to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944,
desiring to conclude an agreement for the purpose of establishing scheduled air services between their respective territories on the basis of reciprocity,
have appointed plenipotentiaries who have agreed as follows:
Article 1.
1. For the purposes of this Agreement terms given below have the following meaning, unless the context otherwise requires:
Aeronautical authorities - in the case of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Transport and Communication, Civil Aviation Authority, and in the case of the Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Communications, or in both cases any person or body duly authorised by special power of attorney of the said authorities.
Agreed services - any scheduled air services operated on a specified route according to the annex to the agreement.
Air service - any scheduled air service performed by aircraft for the public transportation of passengers, cargo or mail.
Capacity -
a) in relation to an aircraft, the payload of that aircraft commercially available on the whole or a section of a specified route,
b) in relation to a specified route, the capacity of the aircraft used on such route, multiplied by the frequency operated by such aircraft during a given period on a whole or section of a specified route.
Convention - the Convention on International Civil Aviation opened for signature at Chicago on the seventh day of December 1944 and includes any Annex adopted under article 90 of that Convention and any amendment to the Annexes or to the Convention under articles 90 or 94 thereof, insofar as those Annexes and amendments have been adopted by both Contracting Parties.
Designated airline - an airline designated by one Contracting Party to the other as authorised to operate the agreed services according to the Agreement.
International air service - an air service passing through the air space over the territory of more than one state.
Stop for non-traffic purposes - a landing for any purpose other than taking on or discharging passengers, cargo or mail.
Tariffs - the prices to be paid for the carriage of passengers, baggage and cargo and conditions under which those prices apply, including commission charges and other additional remuneration for agency or sale of transportation documents, but excluding remuneration and conditions for the carriage of mail.
Territory - the land areas and territorial waters adjacent thereto under the sovereignty of the Contracting Party.
2. The Annex to this Agreement forms an integral part of this Agreement, and all references to the Agreement shall include the Annex except where otherwise provided.
Grant of Rights
Article 2.
Each Contracting Party grants the other Party the rights specified in this Agreement to enable the designated airlines to establish and operate international air service on the routes specified in the Annex thereto.
Designations and Operating Authorisations
Article 3.
1. Each Contracting Party is entitled to designate to the other Party one or more airlines for the purpose of operating the agreed services. Such designation shall be effected by virtue of a written notification between the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties.
2. On receipt of such designation, the other Contracting Party shall, without delay grant the designated airline the appropriate operating authorisation.
3. The aeronautical authorities of each Contracting Party may require from the designated airline of the other Party, an evidence that it is qualified to meet conditions for the operation of international air services, prescribed under its national laws and regulations in conformity with the provisions of the Convention.
Recognition of Certificates and Licenses
Article 4
Certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency and licenses issued or rendered valid by one Contracting Party and still in force shall, during the period of their validity, be recognised as valid by the other Contracting Party.
Traffic Rights
Article 5.
1. The designated airline of each Contracting Party has the right:
a) to fly without landing across the territory of the other Contracting Party
b) to make stops in that territory for non - traffic purposes
c) to stop in that territory, while operating the agreed services on a specified route, at points specified for that route in the Annex, for the purpose of discharging and taking on passengers, baggage, cargo or mail on the international air service destined for or coming from the territory of the other Contracting Party.
2. The designated airline is not entitled to take on board in the territory of the other Party passengers, baggage, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire and destined for another point in the territory of that Party.
Exemption from Customs and Other Charges
Article 6.
1. Aircraft operated by the designated airline of each Contracting Party, as well as their regular equipment, spare parts, fuel, lubricants, aircraft stores including food, beverages and tobacco on board such aircraft shall be exempt, upon arrival in the territory of the other Party, or when taken on board such aircraft in that territory, from customs and other duties or charges imposed by other Contracting Party, provided such equipment and supplies are intended solely for the use on board such aircraft operating the agreed services.
2. Fuel, lubricants, spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft stores temporary imported in the territory of the other Contracting Party, which are to be loaded or installed in the aircraft of the designated airline, or reexported from that territory, shall be exempt from customs and other duties or charges. The same shall apply to the advertising prospects and transport documentation.
3. The normal board equipment as well as the materials and supplies retained on board the aircraft operated by the designated airline of one Contracting Party, may be unloaded in the territory of the other Contracting Party only with approval of the customs authorities of that territory. In such a case, they may be placed under supervision of the said authorities until they are reexported or otherwise disposed of in accordance with customs regulations.
4. The exemptions provided for by this Article, shall also be available in situation where the designated airline of either Contracting Party has entered into arrangements with another airline or airlines, for the loan or transfer in the territory of the other Contracting Party of the items specified in paragraph 1 and 2 of this Article, provided such other airline or airlines similarly enjoy such exemptions from such other Contracting Party.
Refusal, Suspension and Revocation
Article 7.
1. Each Contracting Party is entitled to refuse, suspend or revoke the exercise of rights according to Article 2, to the designated airline of the other Contracting Party, or condition the performance of those rights in any case when:
a) the designated airline cannot prove that substantial ownership and effective control of the designated airline are vested in the other Party or its nationals,
b) the designated airline fails to comply with the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Party granting the rights, or fails to operate the agreed services according to this Agreement.
2. The rights specified in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be exercised by a Contracting Party only after consultation with the other Party, unless the immediate suspension or conditioning is necessary to prevent further infringement of its national laws.
Capacity Regulations
Article 8.
1. The designated airlines are entitled to an equal and fair opportunity to operate the agreed service on the specified routes between the territories of the Contracting Parties. In order to achieve a fair and equal treatment, they shall agree in due time upon the frequencies of their scheduled services, types of aircraft to be used and the flight schedules.
2. The schedules so agreed upon shall be submitted for approval to both aeronautical authorities at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of application. In special cases, the time limit may be reduced subject to the consent of the said authorities.
3. If the designated airlines cannot agree in the reasonable time on the schedules mentioned above, both aeronautical authorities shall endeavour to settle the controversy. The schedules established for one season according to this article, will remain in force for the respective season, until new schedules have been established according to this Article.
4. The traffic originating in or destined for the territories of the third states, shall be linked to the agreed service according to:
a) the requirements of traffic originating in or destined for the territory of the Contracting party designating the airline,
b) the traffic requirements of the area through which the airline passes, taking into consideration the local and regional service,
c) the requirements of through airline operations.
Transport Tariffs
Article 9.
1. The tariffs on any agreed service shall be established at a reasonable level, due regard being paid to all relevant factors including cost of operation, reasonable profit, competitive market situation and the tariffs of other airlines for any part of the agreed service. If possible, the tariffs shall be agreed upon by the designated airlines of both Contracting Parties.
2. The agreement on the tariffs shall, whenever possible, be reached by the designated airlines through the rate-fixing machinery of the International Air Transport Association. When this is not possible, tariffs in respect of each specified route, shall be agreed upon between the designated airlines. In any case the tariffs shall be subject to the approval of the aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties, and the demand for it is to be submitted not less than 30 days prior to proposed application. The above time limit may be reduced subject to the consent of the said authorities. If within 30 days after the submission of the tariffs neither of the aeronautical authorities notifies to the other aeronautical authorities their disapproval, these tariffs shall be considered approved.
3. If the designated airlines cannot agree in the reasonable time on the tariffs, or if the aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party do not approve the tariffs submitted to them according to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall endeavour to agree on those tariffs. Such negotiations shall begin within 30 days from the date when it becomes obvious that the designated airlines cannot agree upon a tariff or the aeronautical authorities of one Contracting Party have notified to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party their disapproval on a tariff.
4. If the agreement under paragraph 3 of this Article cannot be reached, the controversy shall be settled according to the rules governing the disputes arising from this Agreement.
5. No new or amended tariffs shall be valid unless they are approved by the aeronautical authorities of both Parties or are awarded by the arbitration according to the rules governing the disputes. Until final award on the tariffs is issued, according to this Article, the tariffs already in force shall apply.
6. The aeronautical authorities of each Contracting Party shall exercise their best efforts to ensure that the designated airlines conform to the agreed tariffs filed with the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties, and that no airline illegally rebates any portion of such tariffs by any means, directly or indirectly.
Transfer of Revenues and Taxation
Article 10.
1. Each designated airline shall have the right to remit to its country in accordance with the foreign exchange regulations in force, at the official rate of exchange, receipts in excess of sums locally disbursed in due proportion to the carriage of passengers, baggage, cargo and mail.
2. Where a special payment agreement exists between the Contracting Parties, it shall apply.
3. Profits from the operation of the agreed services shall be taxable only in the territory of the Contracting Party where the principal place of business of the concerned designated airline is.
4. Where a special agreement exists for the avoidance of double taxation and the air service is included, the provisions of the latter shall apply.
Airline Representation, Ticketing and Sales Promotion
Article 11.
1. The designated airline of each Contracting Party shall have the same opportunity as that given to the airline of the other Contracting Party in the territory of the other Contracting Party to establish the office and to employ, subject to the laws, commercial and technical personnel for the performance of the agreed service on the specified routes. It shall have the right to sell air transportation, either directly or through appointed agents in local currency or in any other convertible currency and to advertise sales in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
2. However, the sale of air transportation for the points beyond the territories of the Contracting Parties can be effected in a convertible currency only.
Aviation Security
Article 12.
1. Consistently with their rights and obligations under international law, the Contracting Parties reaffirm that their obligation to each other to protect the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of the present agreement. Without limiting the generality of their rights and obligations under international law, the Contracting Parties shall in particular act in conformity with the provisions of the Convention on Offences and Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, signed at Tokyo on 14 September 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, signed at Hague on 16 December 1970, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 23 September 1971 and its supplementary Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, signed at Montreal on 24 February 1988.
2. The Contracting Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistance to each other to prevent acts of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports and air navigation facilities, and any other threat to the security of civil aviation.
3. The Contracting Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the aviation security provisions established by the International Civil Aviation Organisation and designated as Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation to the extent that such security provisions are applicable to the Contracting Parties; they shall require that operators of aircraft of their registry or operators of aircraft who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory and the operators of airport in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.
4. Each Contracting Party agrees that such operators of aircraft may be required to observe the aviation security provisions referred to in paragraph 3 above required by the other Contracting Party for entry into, departure from, or while within the territory of that other Contracting Party. Each Contracting Party shall ensure that adequate measures are effectively applied within its territory to protect the aircraft and to inspect passengers, crew, carry-on items, baggage, cargo and aircraft stores prior to and during boarding or loading. Each Contracting Party shall also give sympathetic consideration to any request from the other Contracting Party for reasonable special security measures to meet a particular threat.
5. When an incident or threat of an incident of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, their passengers and crew, airports or air navigation facilities occurs, the Contracting Parties shall assist each other by facilitating Communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat thereof.
6. Should a Contracting Party depart from the aviation security provisions of this Article, the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party may request immediate consultation with the aeronautical authorities of that Party.
Article 13.
The aeronautical authorities of both Contracting Parties, shall supply each other upon request, with such periodic or other statistics as may reasonably be required, for the purpose of reviewing the capacity provided for on the agreed services. Those statistics shall include data relating to the capacity of traffic carried by designated airlines on the agreed services, including the origin and destination of the traffic.
Consultations and Amendments
Article 14.
1. Either Contracting Party may at any time request consultations on the implementation, interpretation, application or amendment of the present agreement. Such consultations between the aeronautical authorities, shall begin within a period of 60 days from the date the other Contracting Party receives the written request, unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties.
2. Any amendment so stipulated shall come into force according to the procedure set for this Agreement.
3. If a multilateral convention concerning air transport comes into force in respect of both Contracting Parties, this Agreement shall be amended so as to conform with the provisions of that convention.
4. The amendment to the Annex may be stipulated directly between the aeronautical authorities and shall come into force when it has been confirmed by exchange of diplomatic notes.
Settlement of Disputes
Article 15.
1. In case of a controversy or a dispute arising from the interpretation or application of the Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall in the first place endeavour to settle it by negotiation.
2. If the settlement cannot be reached by negotiation, either Party may submit the dispute for decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators.
3. The Contracting Party initiating the arbitral proceeding shall appoint its arbitrator and notify this through diplomatic channel to the other Party. The other Contracting Party shall appoint its arbitrator within 60 days and the two arbitrators so appointed shall choose the third arbitrator who will act as president of the tribunal, and who must not be a national of either Party.
4. If the other Contracting Party fails to appoint an arbitrator within time limit, or the third arbitrator is not appointed within specified time, the Party initiating the arbitration shall request the appointment of an arbitrator or arbitrators as the case may be, from the President of Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The rules of arbitral procedure shall be set by the tribunal.
5. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses of its arbitrator. The remaining expenses of the arbitral tribunal shall be shared equally by the Contracting Parties.
6. The Contracting Parties undertake to comply with the final decision awarded by the tribunal under paragraph 2 of this Article and waive any legal remedy against the aforesaid award.
Article 16
1. Either Contracting Party may at any time give to the other Contracting Party written notice through diplomatic channels of its decision to terminate the Agreement. Such notice shall be simultaneously communicated to the International Civil Aviation Organization. The Agreement shall terminate at the end of a flight schedules period during which one year after the date of receipt of the notice will have elapsed, unless the notice is withdrawn by mutual agreement before the expiry of this period.
2. If the other Contracting Party does not acknowledge receipt of the notice, it shall be deemed to have been received 14 days after the receipt of the notice by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Article 17.
This Agreement and any amendments thereto shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Coming into Force
Article 18.
The present agreement shall be applied provisionally from the date of its signature; it shall enter into force on the first day of the next month, following the date on which the two Contracting Parties have notified each other in an exchange of diplomatic notes that the requirements for its entry into force under their respective constitutional procedures have been fulfilled.
In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto by their respective Governments, have sighed the present Agreement.
Done at Brdo pri Kranju on this 8th day of July 1994 in two originals in the Slovenian, Croatian and Enghsh languages.
In the case of any divergence of implementation, interpretation or application, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia:
Janez Drnovšek, (s)

For the Government
of the Republic of Croatia:
Nikica Valentić, (s)
A) The route to be operated in both directions by the designated airline of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Points of departure in Slovenia:
all terminal points
Points of arrival in Croatia:
all terminal points
B) The route to be operated in both directions by the designated airline of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
Points of departure in Croatia:
all terminal points
Points of arrival in Slovenia:
all terminal points
C) Any intermediate points and points beyond may be served by the designated airline of each Contracting Party without exercising Fifth Freedom traffic rights.
The eventual exercise of Fifth Freedom traffic rights may be agreed upon by the aeronautical authorities of the two Contracting Parties.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/94-12/1
Ljubljana, dne 9. novembra 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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