Uradni list

Številka 51
Uradni list RS, št. 51/1994 z dne 18. 8. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 51/1994 z dne 18. 8. 1994


73. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenih držav Amerike o spodbujanju investicij, stran 941.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenih držav Amerike o spodbujanju investicij, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 19. julija 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-95
Ljubljana, dne 27. julija 1994
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenih držav Amerike o spodbujanju investicij, podpisan v Washingtonu dne 26. aprila 1994.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Združenih držav Amerike sta se z namenom:
da bi potrdili njuno skupno željo po spodbuditvi gospodarskih aktivnosti v Republiki Sloveniji, ki omogočajo razvoj gospodarskih virov in proizvodnih zmogljivosti v Republiki Sloveniji; in
upoštevaje spoznanje, da je navedeni cilj moč doseči skozi zavarovanje investicij (vključujoč pozavarovanje), kreditiranje in naložbene garancije, ki so v celoti ali deloma podprte s strani Vlade ZDA in ki jih izvaja Korporacija za čezmorske zasebne investicije (Overseas Private Investment Corporation – OPIC) kot Agencija Vlade ZDA;
sporazumeli, kot sledi:
1. člen
Termin »Kritje«, na način, kot je uporabljen v tem sporazumu, pomeni vsakršno naložbeno zavarovanje, pozavarovanje ali naložbeno garancijo, izdano s strani Izdajatelja v zvezi s kakršnimkoli projektom na ozemlju Republike Slovenije, pri čemer pa termin Izdajatelj pomeni Korporacijo za čezmorske zasebne investicije (OPIC), katerokoli agencijo Vlade ZDA, ki bi to korporacijo nasledila, ali njunega zastopnika.
2. člen
(a) (i) V primeru, ko Izdajatelj, na podlagi Kritja izvrši plačilo kateremukoli upravičencu iz tega Kritja, bo Vlada Republike Slovenije skladno z določbami 3. člena tega sporazuma priznala na tej podlagi izvršen prenos kakršnekoli aktive, s katero razpolaga upravičenec iz Kritja, na Izdajatelja, vključujoč tudi aktivo v obliki naložb, gotovine ali kreditov, kakor tudi vstop izdajatelja v katerokoli njegovo pravico, pravni naslov, terjatev, ugodnost in drugo že obstoječe ali bodoče upravičenje v navedeni zvezi.
(ii) V primeru, ko Izdajatelj, kadar nastopa kot upnik iz naslova kredita, pridobi kakršnokoli aktivo ali nasledi kakršnokoli pravico, pravni naslov, terjatev, ugodnost ali drugo upravičenje, bo Vlada Republike Slovenije skladno z določbami 3. člena tega sporazuma priznala tako pridobitev ali nasledstvo pravic.
(b) Izdajatelj v nobenem primeru ne sme zahtevati obsežnejših pravic od tistih, s katerimi razpolaga upravičenec iz Kritja, od katerega so bile te pravice pridobljene na način, kot je določeno v odstavku (a) tega člena.
(c) Izdajatelj kot nekomercialna agencija Vlade Združenih držav Amerike ne podleže zakonodaji in podzakonskim aktom Republike Slovenije, ki urejajo poslovanje na področju komercialnega zavarovanja in poslovanja finančnih organizacij.
(d) Obresti in stroški kreditov, ki jih je odobril ali garantiral Izdajatelj, bodo v Republiki Sloveniji oproščeni davka. Izdajatelj v primerih prenosov, nasledstva ali kakšnega drugačnega načina pridobitve pravic ali premoženja, opisanega v odstavku (a) tega člena, ne bo davčni zavezanec v Republiki Sloveniji. V vseh drugih primerih se v zvezi s transakcijami Izdajatelja v Republiki Sloveniji uporabijo davčni predpisi in postopki, določeni z veljavnimi predpisi Republike Slovenije ali pa s posebnim sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenih držav Amerike.
3. člen
Kadar zakonodaja Republike Slovenije Izdajatelju v celoti ali deloma razveljavlja ali prepoveduje prenos, nasledstvo ali drug način pridobitve pravic na kakršnemkoli premoženju na ozemlju Republike Slovenije, ki je opisan v členu 2 (a) tega sporazuma, bo Vlada Republike Slovenije dovolila Izdajatelju na primeren način urediti prenos takih pravic na fizično ali pravno osebo, ki skladno s slovensko zakonodajo s takimi pravicami lahko razpolaga.
4. člen
(a) Zneske v valuti Republike Slovenije, vključujoč kredite, ki jih je Izdajatelj pridobil na podlagi izplačil upravičencem iz Kritja, bo Izdajatelj na ozemlju Republike Slovenije lahko uporabil in konvertiral na način, ki ne bo manj ugoden od načina, do katerega je imel pravico upravičenec iz Kritja.
(b) Zneske in kredite iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko Izdajatelj prenese na katerokoli fizično ali pravno osebo, ki lahko po takem prenosu te zneske in kredite prosto uporablja na ozemlju Republike Slovenije, skladno z njeno zakonodajo.
(c) Določbe tega člena se uporabljajo tudi za katerekoli zneske in kredite v denarni enoti Republike Slovenije, ki bi jih Izdajatelj sprejel ob poravnavi obveznosti iz naslova kreditov Izdajatelja za projekte v Republiki Sloveniji.
5. člen
(a) Morebitni spori med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenih držav Amerike v zvezi z razlago tega sporazuma ali spori, ki po mnenju ene od obeh vlad predstavljajo spor po mednarodnem pravu in izhajajo iz kateregakoli projekta ali dejavnosti, za katero je bilo izdano Kritje, se bodo reševali v največji možni meri s pogajanji med obema vladama. Kolikor obe vladi ne bosta razrešili spora na sporazumen način v roku šestih mesecev od dne, ko je ena od njiju vložila zahtevo za pogajanja, bo spor, vključujoč vprašanje o tem, ali gre za spor po mednarodnem pravu, predložen na pobudo ene od obeh vlad arbitražnemu senatu, ki naj spor razreši skladno z odstavkom (b) tega člena.
(b) Arbitražni senat iz prejšnjega odstavka tega člena se oblikuje in bo deloval na naslednji način:
(i) vsaka od obeh vlad imenuje po enega arbitra; imenovana arbitra bosta sporazumno imenovala predsednika arbitražnega senata, ki mora biti državljan tretje države in katerega imenovanje mora biti sprejemljivo za obe vladi. Arbitri morajo biti imenovani v roku treh mesecev, predsednik senata pa v roku šestih mesecev od dne, ko je ena od obeh vlad prejela zahtevek za arbitražni postopek. Kolikor imenovanja arbitrov niso izvršena v navedenih časovnih rokih, lahko vsaka od obeh vlad, če med njima ni dosežen kakšen drugačen sporazum, zahteva od Generalnega tajnika Stalnega arbitražnega sodišča, naj imenuje manjkajočega arbitra ali arbitre, pri čemer se obe vladi vnaprej strinjata, da bosta sprejeli tako imenovanje ali imenovanja.
(ii) Arbitražni senat bo svojo odločitev v sporu utemeljil na v konkretnem primeru uporabnih načelih in pravilih mednarodnega prava. Odločitve sprejema arbitražni senat z večino glasov. Odločitev arbitražnega senata je končna in obvezujoča za obe strani v sporu.
(iii) V arbitražnem postopku nosi vsaka od obeh vlad stroške za svojega arbitra in stroške svojega zastopstva pred arbitražnim senatom, pri čemer bodo stroški predsednika arbitražnega senata in drugi stroški arbitražnega postopka razdeljeni v enakih delih med obe vladi. V svoji razsodbi lahko arbitražni senat odloči o drugačni delitvi zgoraj navedenih stroškov med obe vladi.
(iv) V vseh ostalih zadevah postopka in o samem postopku odloča arbitražni senat samostojno.
(c) Ta sporazum z ničimer ne omejuje pravic obeh vlad, kot predstavnic suverenih držav, vložiti zahtevek po mednarodnem pravu glede katerekoli pravice, ki ju imata po tem ali kakem drugem mednarodnem sporazumu.
6. člen
a) Ta sporazum stopi v veljavo na dan, ko Vlada Republike Slovenije obvesti Vlado Združenih držav Amerike, da so izpolnjeni vsi zakoniti pogoji za veljavnost sporazuma.
b) Ta sporazum ostane v veljavi še dvanajst mesecev potem, ko je ena od obeh vlad drugi vladi poslala pisno izjavo o prenehanju sporazuma. Določbe tega sporazuma se bodo uporabljale za Kritja, ki so bila izdana, ali za posojila, ki so bila odobrena pred prenehanjem tega sporazuma.
c) Z dnem uveljavitve bo ta sporazum med Vladama Republike Slovenije in Združenih držav Amerike nadomestil sporazum o jamstvu za naložbe med Vlado Združenih držav Amerike in Vlado Socialistične federativne Republike Jugoslavije, ki je bil sklenjen z izmenjavo not, podpisanih 18. januarja 1973 v Beogradu. Za reševanje zadev iz citiranega sporazuma, ki se nanašajo na Republiko Slovenijo ali na kakršnokoli naložbo, garantirano v skladu s citiranim sporazumom, se bodo uporabljale določbe pričujočega sporazuma.
Podpisano v Washingtonu dne 26. aprila 1994 v dvojniku, in sicer v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta oba teksta sporazuma enakovredna.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Mitja Gaspari l. r.
Za Vlado
Združenih držav Amerike
Ruth R. Harkin l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United States of America;
Affirming their common desire to encourage economic activities in the Republic of Slovenia which promote the development of the economic resources and productive capacities of the Republic of Slovenia; and
Recognizing, that this objective can be promoted through investment insurance (including reinsurance), loans and investment guaranties which are backed in whole or in part by the Government of the United States of America and provided by the Overseas Private Investment Corporation ("OPIC"), an agency of the Government of the United States of America;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
As used in this Agreement, the term "Coverage" shall refer to any investment insurance, reinsurance or investment guaranty which is provided by an Issuer in connection with a project in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, and the term "Issuer" shall refer to OPIC, any successor agency of the Government of the United States of America, and the agent of either.
Article 2
(a) (i) If the Issuer makes payment to any party under Coverage, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall, subject to the provisions of Article 3 of this Agreement, recognize the transfer to the Issuer of any assets, including those in the form of investment as well as currency or credits, in connection with such payment, as well as the succession of the Issuer to any right, title, claim, privilege, or cause of action existing, or which may arise, in connection therewith.
(ii) If the Issuer, in the exercise of its rights as a creditor, acquires any such assets or succeeds to any right, title, claim, privilege or cause of action, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall, subject to the provisions of Article 3 of this Agreement, recognize such acquisition or succession.
(b) The Issuer shall assert no greater rights than those of the party from whom such rights were acquired as described in paragraph (a) of this Article.
(c) The Issuer, as a non-commercial agency of the Government of the United States of America, shall not be subject to regulation under the laws of the Republic of Slovenia applicable to commercial insurance or financial organizations.
(d) Interest and fees on loans made or guaranteed by the Issuer shall be exempt from tax in the Republic of Slovenia. The Issuer shall not be subject to tax in the Republic of Slovenia as a result of any transfer, succession or other acquisition described in paragraph (a) of this Article. In all other cases, tax treatment of transaction conducted by the Issuer in the Republic of Slovenia shall be determined by applicable law of the Republic of Slovenia or specific agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United States of America.
Article 3
To the extent that the laws of the Republic of Slovenia partially or wholly invalidate or prohibit the transfer, succession or other acquisition, as described in Article 2 (a) of this Agreement, of any interest in any property within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia by the Issuer, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall permit the Issuer to make appropriate arrangements pursuant to which such interests are transferred to a person or entity permitted to own such interests under the laws of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 4
(a) Amounts in the currency of the Republic of Slovenia, including credits thereof, acquired by the Issuer in connection with payment to a party under Coverage shall be accorded treatment in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia no Jess favorable as to use and conversion than the treatment to which such funds would be entitled in the hands of the party under Coverage.
(b) Such amounts and credits may be transferred by the Issuer to any person or entity and upon such transfer shall be freely available for use by such person or entity in territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with its laws.
(c) The provisions of this Article shall also apply to any amounts and credits in the currency of the Republic of Slovenia which may be accepted by the Issuer in settlement of obligations with respect to loans made by the Issuer for projects in the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 5
(a) Any dispute between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United States of America regarding the interpretation of this Agreement or which, in the opinion of one of the Governments, presents a question of international law arising out of any project or activity for which Coverage has been issued shall be resolved, insofar as possible, through negotiations between the two Governments. If, at the end of six months following the request for negotiations, the two Governments have not resolved the dispute by agreement, the dispute, including the question of whether such dispute presents a question of international law, shall be submitted, at the initiative of either Government, to an arbitral tribunal for resolution in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Article.
(b) The arbitral tribunal referred to in paragraph (a) of this Article, shall be established and function as follows:
(i) Each Government shall appoint one arbitrator; these two arbitrators shall, by agreement, designate a president of the arbitral tribunal who shall be a citizen of a third state and whose appointment shall be subject to acceptance by the two Governments. The arbitrators shall be appointed within three months and the president within six months of the date of receipt of either Government's request for arbitration. If the appointments are not made within the foregoing time limits, either Government may, in the absence of any other agreement, request the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration to make the necessary appointment or appointments, and both Governments agree to accept such appointment or appointments.
(ii) The arbitral tribunal shall base its decision on the. applicable principles and rules of international law. The arbitral tribunal shall decide by majority vote. Its decision shall be final and binding.
(iii) During the proceedings, each of the Governments shall pay the expense of its arbitrator and of its representation in the proceedings before the arbitral tribunal, whereas the expenses of the president and other costs of arbitration shall be paid in equal parts by the two Governments. In its award, the arbitral tribunal may, in its discretion, reallocate expenses and costs between the two Governments.
(iv) In all other matters, the arbitral tribunal shall regulate its own procedures.
c) Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the right of either government to assert a claim under international law in its sovereign capacity, as distinct from any rights it may have under this Agreement.
Article 6
(a) This Agreement shall enter into force on the date on which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia notifies the Government of the United States of America that all necessary legal requirements for entry into force of this Agreement have been fulfilled.
(b) This Agreement shall continue in force until the expiration of twelve months from the date on which either Government shall have given written notice of termination of this Agreement to the other. Notwithstanding termination of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall continue to apply with respect to Coverage issued or loans made at any time before the date of termination.
(c) Upon entry into force, this Agreement shall supersede the agreement on investment guaranties between the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the United States of America effected by exchange of notes signed at Belgrade on January 18, 1973, as between the Governments of the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America. Any matter concerning the Republic of Slovenia relating to such agreement or to any investment guaranteed in accordance with such agreement shall be resolved under the terms of the present Agreement.
Done at Washington on the 26th day of April, 1994 in duplicate, in the Slovenian and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Mitja Gaspari, (s)
For the Government of
the United States of America
Ruth R. Harkin, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 410-01/94-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. julija 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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