Uradni list

Številka 48
Uradni list RS, št. 48/1994 z dne 5. 8. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 48/1994 z dne 5. 8. 1994


71. Zakon o ratifikaciji Garancijske pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za slovenski železniški projekt II, stran 681.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Garancijske pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za Slovenski železniški projekt II
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Garancijske pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za Slovenski železniški projekt II, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 28. julija 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-105
Ljubljana, dne 5. avgusta 1994.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Garancijska pogodba med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za Slovenski železniški projekt II podpisana v Ljubljani dne 11. julija 1994.
2. člen
Garancijska pogodba se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
Luxembourg, 7th July 1994
Ljubljana, 11th July 1994
This Agreement is made between:
The Republic of Slovenia, represented by Mr. Mitja Gaspari, Minister of Finance,
hereinafter called: "THE GUARANTOR", of the first part; and
European Investment Bank having its Head Office at 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Bruno Eynard, Head of Directorate, and by Mr. Michel Deleau, Head of Directorate,
hereinafter called: "THE BANK", of the second part.
– Within the framework of the Protocol (hereinafter called the "Protocol") relating to financial cooperation and the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community (now European Community) (hereinafter called "THE EC") and the Republic of Slovenia, signed in Luxembourg on 5th April 1993, THE GUARANTOR has requested THE BANK to grant a credit to Slovenske Železnice (hereinafter called "THE BORROWER") for the purpose of financing a project which consists in the partial rehabilitation and upgrading of Slovenia's trunk east-west railway line.
– By an agreement (hereinafter called "THE FINANCE CONTRACTS dated 7/11 July 1994 and made between THE BANK and THE BORROWER, THE BANK has agreed to establish in favour of THE BORROWER a credit in an amount equivalent to 13 000 000 (thirteen million) ecus (defined in Schedule A to this Agreement).
– The obligations of THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT are conditional upon the prior execution and delivery by the Republic of Slovenia of a guarantee of performance by THE BORROWER of its financial obligations under THE FINANCE CONTRACT and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
– By Article 12 of the Protocol THE GUARANTOR undertook to make available to debtors, being beneficiaries of loans granted pursuant to the Protocol, or to guarantors of such loans, the currency necessary for the payment of interest and commission and for the amortisation of such loans.
– By Article 10 of the Protocol THE GUARANTOR agreed to grant exemption from all national or local duties or fiscal charges on the interest and all other payments due in respect of loans granted by THE BANK pursuant to the financial cooperation.
– Execution of this Guarantee Agreement has been authorised by the Parliament of Slovenia (Annexure I).
Now therefore it is hereby agreed as follows:
Article 1
Finance Contract
1.01 The GUARANTOR declares that it is well acquainted with the terms, conditions and clauses of THE FINANCE CONTRACT, a true copy of which as signed by the parties is delivered to it.
Article 2
Undertakings by THE GUARANTOR
2.01 THE GUARANTOR, as primary obligor and not merely as surety, guarantees entirely the full and punctual performance of all the monetary obligations of THE BORROWER to THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, including all payments of interest without any limitation, commissions, incidental charges and other expenses and all the sums being due by THE BORROWER to THE BANK under any provision of THE FINANCE CONTRACT, when the guarantee is enforced.
2.02 If THE GUARANTOR should hereafter grant to any third party security for the performance of any of its external debt obligations or any preference or priority in respect thereof, THE GUARANTOR shall so inform THE BANK and shall, if so required by THE BANK, provide to THE BANK equivalent security for the performance of its obligations hereunder or grant to THE BANK equivalent preference or priority. THE GUARANTOR represents that no such security, preference or priority presently exists.
Nothing in this Article 2.02 shall apply to any vendor's lien or to any charge which secures only the purchase price of any land or goods.
2.03 THE GUARANTOR undertakes:
a) to take all necessary measures to ensure the timely completion of THE PROJECT;
b) to furnish information on legislation or regulatory framework affecting the railway sector which may have an impact on the implementation of THE PROJECT.
Article 3
Enforcement of guarantee
3.01 Demand may be made under this Agreement as soon as THE BORROWER has not performed, all or part of the obligations guaranteed pursuant to Article 2 of this Agreement.
3.02 THE GUARANTOR hereby waives irrevocably any objection or exception in law to the total or partial enforcement of this guarantee. It undertakes to perform its obligations upon request in writing or by telegram by THE BANK whenever demand is made and to pay the sums due without any limitation, retention or condition, without THE BANK having to furnish any special evidence in support of its request other than the reason for the demand under this guarantee. In particular, THE BANK is not bound to prove that it has taken any action against THE BORROWER; it is not obliged, prior to the enforcement of this guarantee, to realise securities or to enforce any other security that THE BORROWER or a third party may have constituted.
3.03 The payment by THE GUARANTOR shall fall due oh the fifteenth day following that on which demand is made.
3.04 In the event of THE BANK making demand, the GUARANTOR shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in THE FINANCE CONTRACT, all the monetary obligations of THE BORROWER under THE FINANCE CONTRACT which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
Article 4
4.01 When THE GUARANTOR has made a payment to THE BANK, it is subrogated, to the extent of such payment, to the rights and actions relating to the said payment that THE BANK has against THE BORROWER; this right of subrogation shall not be invoked to the detriment of THE BANK.
Article 5
5.01 THE BANK shall inform THE GUARANTOR of any fact or event of which it becomes aware which is likely to jeopardise the payment or repayment by THE BORROWER of the sums hereby guaranteed: provided however that THE BANK is not bound to seek any such information and shall incur no liability by reason of this provision.
5.02 THE GUARANTOR shall inform THE BANK forthwith of any fact or event likely to jeopardise the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
5.03 THE GUARANTOR shall inform THE BANK of any security given to a third party for the purpose of Article 2.02.
Article 6
Modification of the FINANCE CONTRACT
6.01 THE BANK shall inform THE GUARANTOR of changes, which do not increase the obligations of THE GUARANTOR, made to the FINANCE CONTRACT by THE BANK for the purpose of improving or strengthening the position of THE BANK towards THE BORROWER.
THE BANK shall have the right to grant to THE BORROWER extensions of time of up to three months in respect of each repayment of principal or payment of interest and any other incidental expenses as it sees fit, without being bound to submit its decision to THE GUARANTOR.
Any modifications in THE FINANCE CONTRACT other than those referred to in the above paragraphs of this Article 6 shall be submitted for approval to THE GUARANTOR. The later may refuse its approval only if the proposed modifications are likely to be prejudicial to it in its capacity as guarantor.
Article 7
Guarantee of the EC
7.01 This Guarantee is independent of guarantees given to THE BANK by the EC. THE GUARANTOR hereby waives any right to contribution or indemnity from the EC. If payment is made to THE BANK by the EC on account of any guaranteed sum, the EC may recover from THE GUARANTOR the amount so paid by it.
Article 8
Taxes, Charges and Expenses
8.01 Taxes or fiscal charges, legal costs and other expenses incurred in the execution or implementation of this Guarantee Agreement shall be borne by THE GUARANTOR. THE GUARANTOR shall make payments hereunder without withholding or deduction on account of tax or fiscal charges.
Article 9
Legal regime of the Agreement
9.01 Applicable Law
The legal relations between the parties to this Agreement, its formation and validity shall be governed by the French law.
9.02 Performance
The place of performance of this Agreement is the head office of THE BANK.
9.03 Jurisdiction
The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and all disputes concerning the Guarantee Agreement shall be submitted to such court.
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall be conclusive and shall be accepted as such by the parties without restriction or reservation.
9.04 Waiver
The parties hereto agree that this Guarantee Agreement is of a commercial nature and hereby undertake to waive any immunities which they may now or hereafter enjoy in any country from the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
9.05 Evidence of Sums due
In any legal action arising out of this Guarantee Agreement the certificate of THE BANK as to any amount due to THE BANK under this Guarantee Agreement shall be prima facie evidence of such amount.
9.06 Entry into effect
This Agreement shall enter into effect after its ratification by the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 10
Final Clauses
10.01 Notices
Notices and other communications given hereunder shall be sent to the respective address set out below except that notices to THE GUARANTOR relating to litigation whether pending or threatened shall be sent to address mentioned under 2) below where THE GUARANTOR elects domicile:
1) Ministry of Finance
Župančičeva, 3
61000 Ljubljana
2) Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
179, Avenue Louise
1050 Brussels
– for THE BANK:
100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Each party may, by notice to the other, change its addresses as set out above, provided that the address in 2) above may only be changed to another address within THE EC.
10.02 Form of Notice
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex, confirmed fax or any other means of transmission which afords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
10.03 Recitals, Schedule and Annexes
The Recitals and Schedule A (Definition of the Ecu) form part of this Guarantee Agreement.
The following Annex is attached hereto: Annex I – Authority of Signatory.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in three originals in the English language.
This Guarantee Agreement has been initialed on behalf of SLOVENIA by Mr. Andrej Kavcic and on behalf of THE BANK by Ms. Stefania Caltabiano.
Signed for and on behalf of REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA
The Minister of Finance
Mitja Gaspari, (s)
Signed for and on behalf of
The Head of Directorate
Bruno Eynard, (s)
The Head of Directorate
Michel Deleau, (s)
this 7th day of July 1994, at Luxembourg
this 11th day of July 1994, at Ljubljana
Schedule A
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of the European Communities (now Council of the European Union) No 3180/78 of 18th December 1978, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 30th December 1978 (No L 379), as amended by Regulation of the Council No 2626/84 of 15th September 1984 published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 16th September 1984 (No L 247) and by Regulation of the Council No 1971/89 of 18th June 1989 published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 4th July 1989 (No L 189), and in particular its first Article, and in accordance with the announcement published by the European Communities in the Official Journal of 21st September 1989 (No C 241), the ecu is defined as the sum of the following amounts of the currencies of the Member States of the EC:
German mark                                          0,6242
French franc                                          1,332
pound Sterling                                      0,08784
Italian lira                                          151,8
Dutch guilder                                        0,2198
Belgian franc                                         3,301
Luxembourg franc                                      0,130
Spanish peseta                                        6,885
Danish krone                                         0,1976
Irish pound                                        0,008552
Greek drachma                                         1,440
Portuguese escudo                                     1,393
Any change in the composition of the ecu which is decided upon pursuant to Article 2 of Regulation No 3180/78 shall apply automatically to the present definition.
If THE BANK should consider that the ecu shall have ceased to be used within the European Monetary System (as established by the Resolution of the European Council of 5th December 1978) and for the settlement of transactions between the central monetary authorities of the Member States of the European Communities and the institutions created by or by virtue of the treaties establishing the European Communities, it shall so notify THE BORROWER. As from the date of notification, the ecu shall be replaced by the amounts of the currencies of which it was composed according to the most recent definition of the ecu decided upon by the Council of the European Union before the date of such notification.
The value of the ecu in any currency shall correspond to that determined by the Commission of the European Communities on the basis of daily quotations of market exchange rates. In default of such a determination, the value of the ecu in any currency shall be fixed by applying the cross rate between that currency and any currency listed in the daily tables published by the Commission of the European Communities. If neither of the two preceding methods is applicable, the value of the ecu in any currency shall be equal to the sum of the equivalents in that currency of the amounts of the currencies listed in the first paragraph above.
The exchange rates between the ecu and the national currencies most widely traded on the international foreign exchange markets are available daily and are published periodically in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
Luksemburg, 7. julij 1994
Ljubljana, 11. julij 1994
Pogodba je sklenjena med:
Republiko Slovenijo, ki jo zastopa g. Mitja Gaspari, minister za finance,
v nadaljevanju imenovano: "GARANT", na eni strani, in
Evropsko investicijsko banko s sedežem na 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, ki jo zastopata g. Bruno Eynard, predstojnik urada in g. Michel Deleau, predstojnik urada,
v nadaljevanju imenovano: "BANKO", na drugi strani.
Z oziroma na to,
– da je v okviru Protokola (v nadaljevanju imenovanega "Protokol") o finančnem sodelovanju med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo (zdaj Evropsko skupnostjo) (v nadaljevanju imenovano "ES") in Republiko Slovenijo, ki je bil podpisan v Luksemburgu dne 5. aprila 1993, GARANT zaprosil BANKO, da odobri kredit Slovenskim železnicam (v nadaljevanju imenovanim "POSOJILOJEMALEC") za namen financiranja projekta, ki ga sestavljata delna obnova in modernizacija magistralne slovenske železniške proge v smeri vzhod-zahod;
– da se je s pogodbo (v nadaljevanju imenovano "FINANČNA POGODBA"), sklenjeno med BANKO in POSOJILOJEMALCEM dne 7/11 julija 1994, banka dogovorila, da odpre v korist POSOJILOJEMALCA kredit v znesku, enakem 13,000.000 ECU (trinajst milijonov) (vrednost ECU je določena v Prilogi A te pogodbe);
– da so obveznosti BANKE v okviru FINANČNE POGODBE odvisne od predhodnega podpisa in izročitve garancije Republike Slovenije o POSOJILOJEMALČEVEM izvrševanju njegovih finančnih obveznosti v okviru FINANČNE POGODBE in od izročitve ugodnega pravnega mnenja o tem;
– da se je GARANT v skladu s členom 12 Protokola obvezal, da bo dal dolžnikom, ki so koristniki posojil, odobrenih v skladu s Protokolom, ali garantom takih posojil, na razpolago valuto, ki je potrebna za plačilo obresti in provizije in za odplačilo takšnih posojil;
– da se je v skladu s členom 10 Protokola GARANT strinjal, da bo obresti in vsa druga plačila, dolžna z ozirom na posojila, ki jih odobri BANKA v skladu s finančnim sodelovanjem, oprostil vseh državnih in lokalnih dajatev ali finančnih stroškov;
– da je sklenitev te pogodbe odobril parlament Slovenije (Aneks I),
se zato zdaj s tem dogovori, kot sledi:
Člen 1
Finančna pogodba
1.01 GARANT izjavlja, da je dobro seznanjen z roki, pogoji in določbami FINANČNE POGODBE, katere pristni izvod, podpisan s strani pogodbenic, mu je bil izročen.
Člen 2
Obveznosti GARANTA
2.01 GARANT kot prvi zavezanec in ne samo porok v okviru FINANČNE POGODBE v celoti jamči za popolno in točno izvrševanje finančnih obveznosti POSOJILOJEMALCA nasproti BANKI, vkjučno z vsemi plačili obresti brez kakršnekoli omejitve, vključno s provizijami, priložnostnimi stroški in drugimi izdatki, in za vse vsote, ki jih POSOJILOJEMALEC dolguje BANKI v okviru katerekoli določbe FINANČNE POGODBE, ko garancija stopi v veljavo.
2.02 Če bi GARANT po tem odobril neki tretji stranki jamstvo za izvrševanje katerekoli obveznosti zunanjega dolga ali kakršnokoli preferenco ali prioriteto s tem v zvezi, mora o tem GARANT BANKO obvestiti in mora, če BANKA tako zahteva, priskrbeti BANKI enakovredno jamstvo za izvršitev njegovih obveznosti v tem okviru ali dati BANKI enakovredno preferenco ali prioriteto. GARANT potrdi, da zdaj ne obstaja nobeno takšno jamstvo, preferenca ali prioriteta.
Nič v tem členu 2.02 se ne nanaša na kakršnokoli pravico prodajalca do zaplembe ali do kakršnekoli obremenitve, ki zavaruje samo nabavno ceno za neko zemljišče ali blago.
2.03 GARANT se obveže:
a) da bo ukrenil vse potrebno, da bo zagotovil pravočasno dovršitev PROJEKTA;
b) da bo priskrbel informacije o zakonodaji ali okviru zakonske ureditve v zvezi z železniškim sektorjem, kar bi lahko vplivalo na realizacijo PROJEKTA.
Člen 3
Uveljavitev garancije
3.01 Takoj, ko POSOJILOJEMALEC ni izpolnil vseh ali dela svojih obveznosti, ki jih garantira člen 2.02 te pogodbe, se lahko uveljavlja zahteva v okviru te pogodbe.
3.02 GARANT se s tem nepreklicno odreče vsakemu ugovoru ali izjemi po zakonu do popolne ali delne uveljavitve te garancije. Obveže se, da bo izvršil svoje obveznosti na zahtevo v obliki pisma ali telegrama, ki ga pošlje BANKA, kadarkoli pride do zahteve, in da bo plačal dolžne vsote brez kakršnekoli omejitve, pridržanja ali pogoja, ne da bi BANKA morala predložiti kakršnokoli drugo posebno dokazilo v podporo svoje zahteve, razen razloga za zahtevo v okviru te garancije. BANKA ni dolžna dokazovati, da je vložila tožbo proti POSOJILOJEMALCU; pred uveljavitvijo te garancije ni obvezana, da vnovči varščino ali uveljavlja katerokoli drugo jamstvo, ki ga je vzpostavil POSOJILOJEMALEC ali neka tretja stranka.
3.03 Plačilo GARANTA zapade na petnajsti dan po datumu, na katerega je bila zahteva dana.
3.04 V primeru, da BANKA pošlje zahtevo, ima GARANT pravico, da v okviru pogojev, navedenih v FINANČNI POGODBI, takoj izpolni vse finančne obveznosti POSOJILOJEMALCA v okviru FINANČNE POGODBE, ki še niso plačane ob času takšne izpolnitve.
Člen 4
Subrogacija (prenos pravic)
4.01 Ko je garant izvršil plačilo BANKI, preidejo nanj v obsegu takšnega plačila pravice in tožbe v zvezi s tem plačilom, ki jih BANKA ima proti POSOJILOJEMALCU; ta pravica subrogacije se ne sme izvršiti na škodo BANKE.
Člen 5
5.01 BANKA obvesti GARANTA o vsakem dejstvu ali dogodku, za katerega izve, da bi lahko ogrozil POSOJILOJEMALČEVO plačilo ali vračilo vsot. ki se jih s tem garantira; pod pogojem, da BANKA ni zavezana iskati takšne informacije in ne prevzema nobenih dolžnosti v zvezi s to določbo.
5.02 GARANT takoj obvesti BANKO o vsakem dejstvu ali dogodku, ki bi lahko ogrozil izvrševanje njegovih obveznosti v okviru te pogodbe.
5.03 GARANT BANKO obvesti o vsakem jamstvu, ki ga da neki tretji stranki za namen v skladu s členom 2.02.
Člen 6
Spremembe FINANČNE POGODBE 6.01 BANKA GARANTA obvesti o spremembah, ki ne povečujejo obveznosti GARANTA, ki jih v FINANČNI POGODBI BANKA postavlja za namen izboljšanja ali okrepitve položaja BANKE nasproti POSOJILOJEMALCU.
BANKA ima pravico, da POSOJILOJEMALCU odobri podaljšanje rokov do tri mesece z ozirom na vsako vračilo glavnice ali plačilo obresti in katerihkoli drugih priložnostnih stroškov, ki se ji zdijo primerni, ne da bi zato bila zavezana, da predloži svojo odločitev GARANTU.
Katerokoli spremembo v FINANČNI POGODBI, razen teh, opisanih v zgornjih odstavkih člena 6, je treba predložiti v odobritev GARANTU. Le-ta lahko odkloni svojo odobritev, če bi predlagane spremembe lahko bile zanj kot garanta škodljive.
Člen 7
Garancija ES
7.01 Ta garancija ni odvisna od garancij, ki jih BANKI da ES. GARANT se s tem odreče vsaki pravici do prispevka ali jamstva s strani ES. Če ES izvrši plačilo BANKI na račun katerekoli garantirane vsote, ES lahko zahteva tako plačani znesek nazaj od GARANTA.
Člen 8 Davki, stroški in izdatki
8.01 Davke ali finančne stroške, pravne stroške in druge izdatke, ki nastanejo pri izvršitvi ali izvajanju te Garancijske pogodbe, nosi GARANT. V okviru te pogodbe mora GARANT izvršiti plačila brez pridržka ali odbitka na račun davka ali finančnih stroškov.
Člen 9
Pravni režim pogodbe
9.01 Veljavno pravo
Pravna razmerja med strankami te pogodbe, oblika in veljavnost pogodbe se podrejajo francoskemu pravu.
9.02 Izvedba
Kraj izvedbe te pogodbe je sedež BANKE.
9.03 Pristojnost sodne oblasti
Stranke te pogodbe se podrejajo izključni pristojnosti sodne oblasti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti in vse spore v zvezi s to Garancijsko pogodbo se predloži takšnemu sodišču.
Odločitev sodišča Evropskih skupnosti je dokončna in jo morajo stranke kot tako sprejeti brez omejitve ali pridržka.
9.04 Odrekanje
Stranke te pogodbe se strinjajo, da je ta Garancijska pogodba komercialne narave in se s tem obvežejo, da se odrečejo vsem imunitetam, ki bi jih zdaj ali kasneje imeli v kakšni državi od pristojnosti sodne oblasti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti.
9.05 Dokazilo o zapadlih vsotah
Pri vsakem pravnem postopku, ki izhaja iz te Garancijske pogodbe, je potrdilo BANKE za katerikoli znesek, dolžan BANKI v okviru te Garancijske pogodbe, dokaz prima facie o takšnem znesku.
9.06 Začetek veljavnosti
Ta pogodba stopi v veljavo potem, ko jo je ratificiral parlament Republike Slovenije.
Člen 10
Končne določbe
10.01 Obvestila
Obvestila in druga sporočila, ki se jih pošilja v tem okviru, se pošilja na ustrezne naslove, navedene spodaj, razen obvestil, ki jih je GARANTU v zvezi s pravdo v teku ali s katero se grozi, treba poslati na naslov, naveden spodaj pod 2), kjer si GARANT izbere domicil:
1) Ministrstvo za finance Župančičeva 3
61000 Ljubljana
2) Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije 179, Avenue Louise
1050 Brussels
– za BANKO:
100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Vsaka od strank lahko z obvestilom, ki ga pošlje drugi stranki, spremeni svoje zgoraj navedene naslove, pod pogojem, da se naslov pod 2) zgoraj lahko zamenja samo z drugim naslovom znotraj ES. 10.02 Oblika obvestil
Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so določeni roki v tej pogodbi ali v katerih so določeni roki, ki so zavezujoči za naslovnika, se izročijo osebno, s priporočenim pismom, telegramom, teleksom, potrjenim faksom ali nekim drugim sredstvom obveščanja, ki omogoča dokazilo, da je prejemnik sporočilo prejel. Datum oddaje ali prejema sporočila je odločilen za določitev roka.
10.03 Uvodne navedbe, priloga in aneksi
Uvodne navedbe in Priloga A (Definicija ECU) tvorijo del te Garancijske pogodbe.
K tej pogodbi je priložena tudi priloga: Priloga I – Pooblastilo podpisnika.
V dokaz tega so stranke sklenile to pogodbo v treh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Garancijsko pogodbo je parafiral za Slovenijo g. Andrej Kavčič in za BANKO ga. Stefania Caltabiano.
Podpisano za in v imenu
minister za finance
Mitja Gaspari l. r.
Podpisano za in v imenu
Predstojnik urada
Bruno Eynard l. r.
predstojnik urada
Michel Deleau l. r.
7. julija 1994, v Luksemburgu
11. julija 1994, v Ljubljani
Priloga A
V skladu z uredbo Sveta Evropskih skupnosti (zdaj Svet Evropske unije) št. 3180/78 z dne 18. decembra 1978, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti 30. decembra 1978 (št. L 379), in dopolnjeno z uredbo Sveta št. 2626/84 z dne 15. septembra 1984, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti 16. septembra 1984 (št. L 247) in z uredbo Sveta št. 1971/89 z dne 19. junija 1989, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti 4. julija 1989 (št. L 189), in še posebej z njenim prvim členom, in v skladu z objavo Evropskih skupnosti, objavljeno v Uradnem listu 21. septembra 1989 (št. C 241), je ECU definiran kot vsota naslednjih zneskov valut držav članic ES:
nemška marka                         0,6242
francoski frank                       1,332
funt sterling                       0,08784
italijanska lira                      151,8
nizozemski gulden                    0,2198
belgijski frank                       3,301
luksemburški frank                    0,130
španska pezeta                        6,885
danska krona                         0,1976
irski funt                         0,008552
grška drahma                          1,440
portugalski escudo                    1,393
Vsaka sprememba sestave ECU, ki je določena v skladu z 2. členom uredbe št. 3180/78, se avtomatsko nanaša na sedanjo definicijo.
Če bi BANKA menila, da se bo ECU nehal uporabljati v okviru evropskega monetarnega sistema (kot je določeno z Resolucijo Evropskega sveta z dne 5. decembra 1978) in za ureditev transakcij med centralnimi monetarnimi oblastmi držav članic Evropskih skupnosti in institucijami, ki so ustanovljene s pogodbami ali na osnovi pogodb, ki ustanavljajo Evropske skupnosti, mora o tem obvestiti POSOJILOJEMALCA. Z datumom obvestila bo ECU nadomeščen z zneski valut, iz katerih je bil sestavljen po zadnji definiciji ECU, ki jo je določil Svet Evropske unije pred datumom tega obvestila.
Vrednost ECU v katerikoli valuti mora ustrezati tisti, ki jo je določila Komisija Evropskih skupnosti na osnovi dnevnih tržnih deviznih tečajev. V primeru izostanka takšne določitve, se vrednost ECU v katerikoli valuti določi s pomočjo povprečja tečaja med to valuto in neko drugo valuto, navedeno v dnevnih tabelah, ki jih objavlja Komisija Evropskih skupnosti. Če nobena od obeh prej navedenih metod ni uporabna, je vrednost ECU v vsaki valuti enaka vsoti ekvivalentnih zneskov valut v tej valuti, ki so navedeni v prvem odstavku zgoraj.
Menjalni tečaji med ECU in nacionalnimi, valutami, s katerimi se najbolj na široko trguje na mednarodnih deviznih trgih, so dnevno na razpolago in se občasno objavljajo v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
3. člen
Slovenske železnice Ljubljana sklenejo z ministrstvom, pristojnim za finance, pogodbo o načinu in pogojih zavarovanja garancije Republike Slovenije. S pogodbo se uredijo viri za vračilo zneskov, plačanih iz naslova garancije, instrumenti zavarovanja in realizacije terjatev ter način urejanja odnosov v primeru statusnih sprememb.
4. člen
Za izvajanje te garancijske pogodbe ter vseh pravic in obveznosti za Republiko Slovenijo, ki izhajajo iz pogodbe, skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
5. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 440-03/94-49/1
Ljubljana, dne 28. julija 1994
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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