Uradni list

Številka 36
Uradni list RS, št. 36/1994 z dne 22. 6. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 36/1994 z dne 22. 6. 1994


50. Zakon o ratifikaciji garancijske pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za projekt slovenskih železnic/B, stran 281.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam.
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji garancijske pogodbe med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za projekt slovenskih železnic/B, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 26. maja 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-60
Ljubljana, dne 3. junija 1994.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se garancijska pogodba med Republiko Slovenijo in Evropsko investicijsko banko za projekt slovenskih železnic/B, podpisana v Luksemburgu 18. januarja 1994.
2. člen
Garancijska pogodba se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
(Luxembourg, 18th January 1994)
This Agreement is made between:
The Republic of Slovenia, represented by Mr Mitja Gaspari, Minister of Finance,
hereinafter called: »THE GUARANTOR«, of the first part, and
European Investment Bank having its Head Office, at 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr Hans Duborg, Vice-President,
hereinafter called: »THE BANK«, of the second part.
– Within the framework of the Protocol (hereinafter called the »Protocol«) relating to financial cooperation and the Cooperation Agreement between the European Economic Community (now European Community) (hereinafter called »THE EC«) and the Republic of Slovenia, signed in Luxembourg on 5th April 1993, THE GUARANTOR has requested THE BANK to grant a credit to Slovenske Železnice (hereinafter called »THE BORROWER«) for the purpose of financing a project which is designed to assist Slovenia in improving the condition of its core rail network.
– By an agreement (hereinafter called »THE FINANCE CONTRACT«) dated 10/13 December 1993 and made between THE BANK and THE BORROWER. THE BANK has agreed to establish in favour of THE BORROWER a credit, in an amount equivalent to 9000000 (nine million) ecus (defined in Schedule A to this Agreement).
– The obligations of THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT are conditional upon the prior execution and delivery by the Republic of Slovenia of a guarantee of performance by THE BORROWER of its financial obligations under THE FINANCE CONTRACT and the delivery of a favourable legal opinion thereon.
– By Article 12 of the Protocol THE GUARANTOR undertook to make available to debtors, being beneficiaries of loans granted pursuant to the Protocol, or to guarantors of such loans, the currency necessary for the payment of interest and commission and for the amortisation of such loans.
– By Article 10 of the Protocol THE GUARANTOR agreed to grant exemption from all national or local duties or fiscal charges on the interest and all other payments due in respect of loans granted by THE BANK pursuant to the financial cooperation.
– Execution of this Guarantee Agreement has been authorised by the Parliament of Slovenia (Annexure I).
Now therefore it is hereby agreed as follows:
Article 1
Finance Contract
1.01 THE GUARANTOR declares that it is well acquainted with the terms, conditions and clauses of THE FINANCE CONTRACT, a true copy of which as signed by the parties is delivered to it.
Article 2
Undertakings by THE GUARANTOR
2.01 THE GUARANTOR, as primary obligor and not merely as surety, guarantees entirely the full and punctual performance of all the monetary obligations of THE BORROWER to THE BANK under THE FINANCE CONTRACT, including all payments of interest without any limitation, commissions, incidental charges and other expenses and all the sums being due by THE BORROWER to THE BANK under any provision of THE FINANCE CONTRACT, when the guarantee is enforced.
2.02 If THE GUARANTOR should hereafter grant to any third party security for the performance of any of its external debt obligations or any preference or priority in respect thereof, THE GUARANTOR shall so inform THE BANK and shall, if so required by THE BANK, provide to THE BANK equivalent security for the performance of its obligations hereunder or grant to THE BANK equivalent preference or priority. THE GUARANTOR represents that no such security, preference or priority presently exists.
Nothing in this Article 2.02 shall apply to any vendor's lien of to any charge which secures only the purchase price of any land or goods.
2.03 THE GUARANTOR undertakes:
a) to take all necessary measures to ensure the timely completion of THE PROJECT;
b) to furnish information on legislation or regulatory framework affecting the railway sector which may have an impact on the implementation of THE PROJECT.
Article 3
Enforcement of guarantee
3.01 Demand may be made under this Agreement as soon as THE BORROWER has not performed all or part of the obligations guaranteed pursuant to Article 2 of this Agreement.
3.02 THE GUARANTOR hereby waives irrevocably any objection or exception in law to the total or partial enforcement of this guarantee. It undertakes to perform its obligations upon request in writing or by telegram by THE BANK whenever demand is made and to pay the sums due without any limitation, retention or condition, without THE BANK having to furnish any special evidence in support of its request other than the reason for the demand under this guarantee. In particular, THE BANK is not bound to prove that it has taken any action against THE BORROWER; it is not obliged, prior to the enforcement of this guarantee, to realise securities or to enforce any other security that THE BORROWER or a third party may have constituted.
3.03 The payment by the THE GUARANTOR shall fall due on the fifteenth day following that on which demand is made.
3.04 In the event of THE BANK making demand, THE GUARANTOR shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in THE FINANCE CONTRACT, all the monetary obligations of THE BORROWER under THE FINANCE CONTRACT which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
Article 4
4.01 When THE GUARANTOR has made a payment to THE BANK, it is subrogated, to the extent of such payment, to the rights and actions relating to the said payment that THE BANK has against THE BORROWER; this right of subrogation shall not be invoked to the detriment of THE BANK.
Article 5
5.01 THE BANK shall inform THE GUARANTOR of any fact or event of which it becomes aware which is likely to jeopardise the payment or repayment by THE BORROWER of the sums hereby guaranteed: provided however that THE BANK is not bound to seek any such information and shall incur no liability by reason of this provision.
5.02 THE GUARANTOR shall inform THE BANK forthwith of any fact or event likely to jeopardise the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
5.03 THE GUARANTOR shall inform THE BANK of any security given to a third party for the purpose of Article 2.02.
Article 6
Modification of the FINANCE CONTRACT
6.01 THE BANK shall inform THE GUARANTOR of changes, which do not increase the obligations of THE GUARANTOR, made to the FINANCE CONTRACT by THE BANK for the purpose of improving or strengthening the position of THE BANK towards THE BORROWER.
THE BANK shall have the right to grant to THE BORROWER extensions of time of up to three months in respect of each repayment of principal or payment of interest and any other incidental expenses as it sees fit, without being bound to submit its decision to the THE GUARANTOR.
Any modifications in THE FINANCE CONTRACT other than those referred to in the above paragraphs of this Article 6 shall be submitted for approval to THE GUARANTOR. The latter may refuse its approval only if the proposed modifications are likely to be prejudicial to it in its capacity as guarantor.
Article 7
Guarantee of the EC
7.01 This Guarantee is independent of guarantees given to THE BANK by the EC. THE GUARANTOR hereby waives any right to contribution or indemnity from the EC. If payment is made to THE BANK by the EC on account of any guaranteed sum, the EC may recover from THE GUARANTOR the amount so paid by it.
Article 8
Taxes, Charges and Expenses
8.01 Taxes or fiscal charges, legal costs and other expenses incurred in the execution or implementation of this Guarantee Agreement shall be borne by THE GUARANTOR. THE GUARANTOR shall make payments hereunder without withholding or deduction on account of tax or fiscal charges.
Article 9
Legal regime of the Agreement
9.01 Applicable Law
The legal relations between the parties to this Agreement, its formation and validity shall be governed by the French law.
9.02 Performance
The place of performance of this Agreement is the head office of THE BANK.
9.03 Jurisdiction
The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and all disputes concerning the Guarantee Agreement shall be submitted to such court.
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall be conclusive and shall be accepted as such by the parties without restriction or reservation.
9.04 Waiver
The parties hereto agree that this Guarantee Agreement is of a commercial nature and hereby undertake to waive any immunities which they may now or hereafter enjoy in any country from the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
9.05 Evidence of Sums due
In any legal action arising out of this Guarantee Agreement the certificate of THE BANK as to any amount due to THE BANK under this Guarantee Agreement shall be prima facie evidence of such amount.
9.06 Entry into effect
This Agreement shall enter into effect after its ratification by Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 10
Final Clauses
10.01 Notices
Notices and other communications given hereunder shall be sent to the respective address set out below except that notices to THE GUARANTOR relating to litigation whether pending or threatened shall be sent to the address mentioned under 2) below where THE GUARANTOR elects domicile:
1) Ministry of Finance Župančičeva, 3
61000 Ljubljana
2) Slovenian Embassy
45, Bd Charlemagne
1040 Brussels
– for THE BANK:
100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Each party may, by notice to the other, change its addresses as set out above, provided that the address in 2) above may only be changed to another address within THE EC.
10.02 Form of Notice
Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Contract or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex, confirmed fax or any other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period.
10.03 Recitals, Schedule and Annexes
The Recitals and Schedule A (Definition of the Ecu) form part of this Guarantee Agreement.
The following Annex is attached hereto: Annex I -Authority of Signatory.
In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in three originals in the English language.
This Guarantee Agreement has been initialed on behalf of SLOVENIA by Mr Dušan Hočevar and on behalf of THE BANK by Mr Manfredi Tonci Ottieri.
Signed for and on behalf of
Republic of Slovenia
The Minister of Finance
Mitja Gaspari, (s)
Signed for and on behalf of
European Investment Bank
The Vice President
Hans Duborg, (s)
this 18th day of January 1994, at Luxembourg.
Schedule A
Pursuant to the Regulation of the Council of the European Communities (now Council of the European Union) No 3180/78 of 18th December 1978, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 30th December 1978 (No L 379), as amended by Regulation of the Council No 2626/84 of 15th September 1984 published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 16th September 1984 (No L 247) and by Regulation of the Council No 1971/89 of 19th June 1989 published in the Official Journal of the European Communities of 4th July 1989 (No L 189), and in particular its first Article, and in accordance with, the announcement published by the European Communities in the Official Journal of 21st September 1989 (No C 241), the ecu is defined as the sum of the following amounts of the currencies of the Member States of the EC:
|German mark:             |0,6242  |
|French franc:            | 1,332  |
|pound Sterling:          |0,08784 |
|Italian lira:            |151,8   |
|Dutch guilder:           |0,2198  |
|Belgian franc:           |3,301   |
|Luxembourg franc:        |0,130   |
|Spanish peseta:          |6,885   |
|Danish krone:            |0,1976  |
|Irish pound:             |0,008552|
|Greek drachma:           |1,440   |
|Portuguese escudo:       |1,393   |
Any change in the composition of the ecu which is decided upon pursuant to Article 2 of Regulation No 380/78 shall apply automatically to the present definition.
If THE BANK should consider that the ecu shall have ceased to be used within the European Monetary System (as established by the Resolution of the European Council of 5th December 1978) and for the settlement of transactions between the central monetary authorities of the Member States of the European Communities and the institutions created by or by virtue of the treaties establishing the European Communities, it shall so notify THE BORROWER. As from the date of notification, the ecu shall be replaced by the amounts of the currencies of which it was composed according to the most recent definition of the ecu decided upon by the Council of the European Union before the date of such notification.
The value of the ecu in any currency shall correspond to that determined by the Commission of the European Communities on the basis of daily quotations of market exchange rates. In default of such a determination, the value of the ecu in any currency shall be fixed by applying the cross-rate between that currency and any currency listed in the daily tables published by the Commission of the European Communities. If neither of the two preceding methods is applicable, the value of the ecu in any currency shall be equal to the sum of the equivalents in that currency of the amounts of the currencies listed in the first paragraph above.
The exchange rates between the ecu and the national currencies most widely traded on the international foreign exchange markets are available daily and are published periodically in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
(Luksemburg, 18. januar 1994)
Ta pogodba je sklenjena med: Republiko Slovenijo, ki jo zastopa g. Mitja Gaspari, minister za finance,
v nadaljevanju imenovana »GARANT«, na eni strani in
Evropsko investicijsko banko s sedežem v 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, ki jo zastopa g. Hans Duborg, podpredsednik,
v nadaljevanju imenovana »BANKA«, na drugi strani.
– V okviru protokola (v nadaljevanju imenovan »protokol«) v zvezi s finančnim sodelovanjem ter v okviru pogodbe o sodelovanju, sklenjene med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo (sedaj Evropska skupnost) (v nadaljevanju imenovana »ES«) in Republiko Slovenijo, podpisane v Luksemburgu 5. aprila 1993, je GARANT zaprosil BANKO, da odobri posojilo Slovenskim železnicam (v nadaljevanju imenovane »POSOJILOJEMALEC«) za financiranje projekta, ki naj bi pomagal Sloveniji pri izboljšanju stanja osnovnega železniškega omrežja.
– S pogodbo (v nadaljevanju imenovana »POGODBA O FINANCIRANJU«) z dne 10./13. decembra 1993, sklenjeno med BANKO in POSOJILOJEMALCEM, je BANKA odobrila posojilo v vrednosti 9,000.000 (devet milijonov) ekujev (definicija v Dodatku A k tej pogodbi) v korist POSOJILOJEMALCA.
– Obveznosti BANKE po POGODBI O FINANCIRANJU so pogojene s tem, da Republika Slovenija predhodno izda in predloži garancijo za izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti s strani POSOJILOJEMALCA po POGODBI O FINANCIRANJU, kakor tudi ugodno pravno mnenje o le-tem.
– V 12. členu protokola se je GARANT zavezal, da bo dolžnikom, ki so koristniki posojil, odobrenih v skladu s protokolom, ali garantom teh posojil dal na razpolago valuto, potrebno za plačilo obresti in provizije ter za odplačilo teh posojil.
– V 10. členu protokola je GARANT soglašal, da bo obresti in vsa druga plačila, zapadla v zvezi s posojili, ki jih je odobrila BANKA v skladu s finančnim sodelovanjem, oprostil vseh državnih ali lokalnih taks ali davčnih bremen.
– Podpis te garancijske pogodbe je odobril parlament Republike Slovenije (Priloga 1).
Zato sta se stranki dogovorili, kot sledi:
1. člen
Pogodba o financiranju
1.01 GARANT izjavlja, da je dobro seznanjen s pogoji in določili POGODBE O FINANCIRANJU, katere original s podpisi strank je prejel.
2. člen
Obveznosti GARANTA
2.01 GARANT kot primarni zavezanec in ne samo kot porok v celoti jamči za popolno in točno izpolnjevanje vseh finančnih obveznosti POSOJILOJEMALCA BANKI v skladu s POGODBO O FINANCIRANJU, vključno z vsemi plačili obresti brez kakršnihkoli omejitev, provizij, pripadajočih stroškov in drugih izdatkov ter vseh zneskov, ki jih dolguje POSOJILOJEMALEC BANKI v skladu z določili POGODBE O FINANCIRANJU, ko se garancija uveljavlja.
2.02 Če bi GARANT kasneje nudil jamstvo tretji stranki za izpolnjevanje katerekoli od svojih obveznosti zunanjega dolga, prioriteto ali ugodnosti s tem v zvezi, bo GARANT o tem obvestil BANKO in bo, če bo BANKA to zahtevala, nudil BANKI enakovredno jamstvo za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti po tej pogodbi ali enakovredno prioriteto ali ugodnosti. GARANT izjavlja, da trenutno ne obstajajo tako jamstvo, prioriteta ali ugodnosti.
Nič v tem členu 2.02 se ne nanaša na zastavo prodajalca ali na obremenitev, s katero je zavarovana samo nabavna cena zemljišča ali blaga.
2.03 GARANT se zavezuje:
a) da bo ukrenil vse potrebno za zagotovitev pravočasnega zaključka PROJEKTA;
b) da bi nudil informacije o zakonodaji ali predpisih za področje železnic, ki bi lahko vplivale na izvajanje PROJEKTA.
3. člen
Uveljavitev garancije
3.01 V skladu s to pogodbo je lahko zahtevek izdan, kakor hitro POSOJILOJEMALEC ne izpolni vseh obveznosti ali del le-teh, ki so garantirane v 2. členu te pogodbe.
3.02 GARANT se s tem nepreklicno odpoveduje ugovoru ali pravnemu ugovoru na celotno ali delno uveljavljanje te garancije. Zavezuje se, da bo izpolnil svoje obveznosti na zahtevo BANKE v pisni obliki ali po telegramu, kadarkoli bo BANKA ta zahtevek izdala, in da bo plačal dolgovane zneske brez omejitev, pridržkov ali pogojev, ne da bi bilo BANKI potrebno predložiti kako posebno dokazilo k svojemu zahtevku, razen da navede razlog za zahtevek po tej garanciji. Predvsem pa BANKA ni dolžna dokazovati, da je sprožila ukrepe proti POSOJILOJEMALCU; ni zavezana, da pred uveljavitvijo te garancije uveljavlja jamstva ali druga zavarovanja, ki jih je mogoče imenoval POSOJILOJEMALEC ali tretja stranka.
3.03 Plačilo GARANTA zapade na petnajsti dan po datumu zahtevka.
3.04 V primeru, da BANKA izda zahtevek, ima GARANT pravico, da v skladu s pogoji iz POGODBE O FINANCIRANJU POSOJILOJEMALCA takoj razreši vseh finančnih obveznosti iz POGODBE O FINANCIRANJU, ki še niso poravnane v času take razrešitve.
4. člen
4.01 Ko GARANT izvede plačilo BANKI, nadomesti POSOJILOJEMALCA glede tega plačila ter pravic in postopkov v zvezi z omenjenim plačilom, ki jih ima BANKA do POSOJILOJEMALCA; ta pravica do subrogacije ne sme biti v škodo BANKE
5. člen
5.01 BANKA bo obvestila GARANTA o vsaki zadevi ali dogodku, za katerega izve in ki bi lahko ogrozil plačilo ali poplačilo garantiranih zneskov s strani POSOJILOJEMALCA. Vendar pa BANKA ni zavezana iskati takih informacij in ne sprejema nobene obveznosti glede tega določila.
5.02 GARANT bo nemudoma obvestil BANKO o vsaki zadevi ali dogodku, ki bi lahko ogrozil izpolnjevanje njegovih obveznosti po tej pogodbi.
5.03 GARANT bo obvestil BANKO o vsakem jamstvu, ki ga bo nudil tretji stranki za namen iz člena 2.02.
6. člen
6.01 BANKA bo obvestila GARANTA o spremembah, ki ne povečujejo obveznosti GARANTA, ki pa jih je BANKA vnesla v POGODBO O FINANCIRANJU z namenom izboljšati in utrditi položaj BANKE in POSOJILOJEMALCA.
Če se BANKI zdi primerno, ima pravico odobriti POSOJILOJEMALCU dodatni rok do treh mesecev za vsako odplačilo glavnice ali plačilo obresti in za vse druge sorodne izdatke, ne da bi morala to svojo odločitev sporočiti GARANTU.
Vse spremembe v POGODBI O FINANCIRANJU, razen tistih, ki so omenjene v gornjih odstavkih tega 6. člena, je treba predložiti v odobritev GARANTU. Ta sme odkloniti odobritev samo, če bi bile predlagane spremembe lahko neugodne zanj kot GARANTA.
7. člen
Garancija Evropske gospodarske skupnosti
7.01 Ta garancija je neodvisna od garancij, ki jih je BANKI odobrila ES. GARANT se odpoveduje vsaki pravici do prispevkov ali odškodnine s strani ES. Če BANKI poravna plačilo ES na račun kateregakoli garantiranega zneska, lahko ES ta plačani znesek izterja od GARANTA.
8. člen
Davki, takse in izdatki
8.01 Davke ali takse, pravne stroške in druge izdatke, ki bi nastali pri izvajanju te garancijske pogodbe, plača GARANT. GARANT izvede plačila po tej pogodbi brez odbitkov ali pridržkov na račun davkov ali taks.
9. člen
Pravni režim pogodbe
9.01 Veljavno pravo
Za pravne odnose med pogodbenima strankama, za njeno sestavo in veljavnost se uporablja francosko pravo.
9.02 Izvedba
Kraj izvedbe te pogodbe je sedež BANKE.
9.03 Pristojnost sodne oblasti
Pogodbeni stranki priznavata sodišče Evropskih skupnosti kot izključno pristojno in bosta predložili vse spore v zvezi z garancijsko pogodbo temu sodišču.
Odločitev sodišča Evropskih skupnosti bo dokončna in jo bosta stranki sprejeli kot tako brez pridržkov ali omejitev.
9.04 Odpoved pravicam
Pogodbeni stranki soglašata, da je ta garancijska pogodba komercialne narave in se zato zavezujeta, da se bosta odpovedali vsaki imuniteti, ki jo mogoče uživata zdaj ali bi jo kasneje uživali v katerikoli državi na podlagi pristojnosti sodišča Evropskih skupnosti.
9.05 Dokazila o dolgovanih zneskih
V primeru sodnega spora v zvezi s to garancijsko pogodbo pomeni potrdilo BANKE o zneskih, ki se še dolgujejo BANKI po tej garancijski pogodbi, prima facie dokaz o teh zneskih.
9.06 Začetek veljavnosti
Ta pogodba začne veljati potem, ko jo ratificira parlament Republike Slovenije.
10. člen
Končne določbe
10.01 Obvestila
Obvestila in druga sporočila, ki bodo dana po tej pogodbi, se pošljejo na spodaj navedene naslove, razen da bodo obvestila GARANTU v zvezi s sproženo ali grozečo pravdo poslana na naslov pod 2) spodaj, kjer je GARANT izbral svoj domicil:
1) Ministrstvo za finance
Župančičeva 3
61000 Ljubljana
2) Slovenska ambasada
45, Bd Charlemagne
1040 Brussels
– za BANKO:
100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
L-2950 Luxembourg-Kirchberg
Vsaka stranka lahko z obvestilom drugi stranki spremeni zgoraj navedene naslove, pod pogojem, da se naslov pod 2) zgoraj lahko spremeni samo v drug naslov znotraj ES.
10.02 Oblika obvestila
Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so v tej pogodbi določeni fiksni rok ali ki sama s fiksnimi roki zavezujejo naslovljenca, se izročijo osebno, pošljejo s priporočenim pismom, s telegramom, po teleksu, potrjeno po telefaksu ali na drug način, pri katerem naslovljenec lahko dokaže prejem. Datum potrdila ali odvisno od primera navedeni datum prejema prenosa je odločilen pri ugotavljanju časa.
10.03 Preambula, dodatki in priloge
Preambula in Dodatek A (Definicija ekuja) predstavljata del te garancijske pogodbe.
Priložena je naslednja priloga: Priloga I – Pooblastilo podpisnika.
V dokaz sta stranki podpisali to pogodbo v treh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Garancijsko pogodbo je v imenu SLOVENIJE parafiral g. Dušan Hočevar, v imenu BANKE pa jo je parafiral g. Manfredi Tonci Ottieri.
Podpisano za in v imenu
Republike Slovenije
Minister za finance
Mitja Gaspari l. r.
Podpisano za in v imenu
Evropske investicijske
Hans Duborg l. r.
V Luksemburgu, 18. januarja 1994.
Dodatek A
V skladu z odredbo Sveta Evropskih skupnosti (zdaj Svet Evropske unije) št. 3180/78 z dne 18. decembra 1978, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti z dne 30. decembra 1978 (št. L 379) in dopolnjeno z odredbo Sveta št. 2626/84 z dne 15. septembra 1984, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti z dne 16. septembra 1984 (št. L 247), ter v skladu z odredbo Sveta št. 1971/89 z dne 19. junija 1989, objavljeno v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti z dne 4. julija 1989 (št. L 189), predvsem pa v skladu s prvim členom in z razglasom, ki so ga Evropske skupnosti objavile v Uradnem listu 21. septembra 1989 (št. C 241), je eku definiran kot vsota naslednjih vrednosti valut držav članic ES:
|nemška marka:        |0,6242  |
|francoski frank:     |1,332   |
|funt sterling:       |0,08784 |
|italijanska lira:    |151,8   |
|nizozemski forint:   |0,2198  |
|belgijski frank:     |3,301   |
|luksemburški frank:  |0,130   |
|španska pezeta:      |6,885   |
|danska krona:        |0,1976  |
|irski funt:          |0,008552|
|grška drahma:        |1,440   |
|portugalski eskudo:  |1,393   |
Vsaka sprememba v sestavi ekuja, o kateri je sprejeta odločitev v skladu z 2. členom odredbe št. 3180/78, velja avtomatično skupaj s sedanjo definicijo.
Če bi bila BANKA mnenja, da se je eku nehal uporabljati znotraj evropskega monetarnega sistema (ki je bil oblikovan z resolucijo Evropskega sveta z dne 5. decembra 1978) in za poravnavo transakcij med osrednjimi monetarnimi organi držav članic Evropskih skupnosti in institucijami, ki so bile oblikovane na podlagi sporazumov o ustanovitvi Evropskih skupnosti, bo o tem obvestila POSOJILOJEMALCA. Od dne obvestila dalje bodo eku nadomestile vrednosti valut, iz katerih je bil sestavljen, v skladu z najnovejšo definicijo ekuja, o kateri je sprejel sklep Svet Evropske skupnosti pred datumom tega obvestila.
Vrednost ekuja v drugi valuti bo ustrezala vrednosti, ki jo je določila komisija Evropskih skupnosti na podlagi dnevnih vrednosti na deviznem tečajnem trgu. Če take odločitve ne bi bilo, se vrednost ekuja v drugi valuti določi z uporabo križnega tečaja med to valuto in drugo valuto, navedeno na dnevnih tečajnih listah, ki jih objavlja komisija Evropskih skupnosti. Če ni mogoče uporabiti nobene od zgornjih dveh metod, je vrednost ekuja v drugi valuti enaka vsoti protivrednosti zneskov valut iz prvega odstavka zgoraj v tej valuti.
Tečaji med ekujem in nacionalnimi valutami, ki se najbolj pogosto uporabljajo na mednarodnih deviznih trgih, so dnevno na razpolago in se periodično objavljajo v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti.
3. člen
Slovenske železnice Ljubljana sklenejo z Ministrstvom za finance pogodbo o načinu in pogojih zavarovanja poroštva Republike Slovenije. S pogodbo se uredijo viri za vračilo zneskov, plačanih iz naslova poroštva, instrumenti zavarovanja in realizacije terjatev ter način urejanja odnosov v primeru statusnih sprememb.
4. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
5. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 440-03/94-39/1
Ljubljana, dne 26. maja 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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