Uradni list

Številka 23
Uradni list RS, št. 23/1993 z dne 7. 5. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 23/1993 z dne 7. 5. 1993


31. Zakon o ratifikaciji konvencije o civilnopravnih vidikih mednarodne ugrabitve otrok, stran 236.

Na podlagi prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji konvencije o civilnopravnih vidikih mednarodne ugrabitve otrok
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji konvencije o civilnopravnih vidikih mednarodne ugrabitve otrok, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 25. marca 1993.
Št. 0100-53/93
Ljubljana, dne 2. aprila 1993.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se konvencija o civilnopravnih vidikih mednarodne ugrabitve otrok, ki je bila podpisana 25. oktobra 1980 v Haagu v angleškem in francoskem izvirniku.
2. člen
Besedilo konvencije v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu se glasi:
Article 1
The objects of the present Convention are:
a) to secure the prompt return of children wrongfully removed to or retained in any Contracting State; and
b) to ensure that rights of custody and of access under the law of one Contracting State are effectively respected in the other Contracting States.
Article 2
Contracting States shall take all appropriate measures to secure within their territories the implementation of the objects of the Convention. For this purpose they shall use the most expeditious procedures available.
Article 3
The removal, or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where:
a) it is in breach of. rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; and
b) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention.
The rights of custody mentioned in sub-paragraph above, may arise in particular by operation of law or by reason of a judicial or administrative decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of that State.
Article 4
The Convention shall apply to any child who was habitually resident in a Contracting State immediately before any breach of custody or access rights. The Convention shall cease to apply when the child attains the age of 16 years.
Article 5
For the purposes of this Convention:
a) rights of custody shall include rights relating to the care of the person of the child and, in particular, the right to determine the child's place of residence;
b) rights of access shall include the right to take a child for a limited period of time to a place other than the child's habitual residence.
Article 6
A Contracting State shall designate a Central Authority to discharge the duties which are imposed by the Convention upon such authorities.
Federal States, States with more than one system of law or States having autonomous territorial organizations shall be free to appoint more than one Central Authority and to specify the territorial extent of their powers. Where a State has appointed more than one Central Authority, it shall designate the Central Authority to which applications may be addressed for transmission to the appropriate Central Authority within that State.
Article 7
Central Authorities shall co-operate with each other arid promote co-operation amongst the competent authorities in their respective States to secure the prompt return of children and to achieve the other objects of this Convention.
In particular, either directly or through any intermediary, they shall take all appropriate measures:
a) to discover the whereabouts of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained;
b) to prevent further harm to the child or prejudice to interested parties by taking or causing to be taken provisional measures;
c) to secure the voluntary return of the child or to bring about an amicable resolution of the issues;
d) to exchange, where desirable, information relating to the social, background of the child;
e) to provide information of a general character as to the law of their State in connection with the application of the Convention;
f) to initiate of facilitate the institution.of judicial or administrative proceedings with a view to obtaining the return of the child and, in a proper case, to make arrangements for organizing or securing the' effective exercise of rights of access;
g) where the circumstances so require, to provide or facilitate the provision of legal aid and advice, including the participation of legal counsel and advisers;
h) to provide such administrative, arrangements as may be necessary and appropriate to secure the safe return of the child;
i) to keep each other informed with respect to the operation of this Convention and, as far as possible, to eliminate any obstacles to its application.
Article 8
Any person institution or other body claiming that a child has been removed or retained in breach of custody rights may apply either to the Central Authority of the child's habitual residence or to the Central Authority of any other Contracting State for assistance in securing the return of the child.
The application shall contain:
a) information concerning the identity of the applicant, of the child and to the person alleged to have removed or retained the child;
b) where available, the date of birth of the child;
c) the grounds on which the applicant's claim for return of the child is based;
d) all available information relating to the whereabouts, of the child and the identity of the person with whom the child is presumed to be.
The application may be accompanied or supplemented by:
e) an authenticated copy of any relevant decision or agreement;
f) a certificate or an affidavit emanating from a Central Authority, or other competent authority of the State of the child's habitual residence, or from a qualified person, concerning the relevant law of that State;
g) any other relevant document.
Article 9
If the Central Authority which receives an application referred to in Article 8 has reason to believe that the child is in another Contracting State, it shall directly and without delay transmit the application to the Central Authority of that Contracting State and inform the requesting Central Authority, or the applicant, as the case may be.
Article 10
The Central Authority of the State where the child is shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures in order to obtain the voluntary return of the child.
Article 11
The judicial or administrative authorities of Contracting States shall act expeditiously in proceedings for the return of children.
If the judicial or administrative authority concerned has not reached a decision within six weeks from the date of commencement of the proceedings, the applicant of the Central Authority of the requested State, on its own initiative or if asked by the Central Authority of the requesting State, shall have the right to request a statement of the reasons for the delay. If a reply is received by the Central Authority of the requested State, that Authority shall transmit the reply to the Central Authority of the requesting State, or to the applicant, as the case may be.
Article 12
Where a child has been wrongfully removed or retained in terms of Article 3 and, at the date of the commencement of the proceedings before the judicial or administrative authority of the Contracting State where the child is, a period of less than one year has elapsed from the date of the wrongful removal or retention, the authority concerned shall order the return of the child forthwith.
The judicial or administrative authority, even where the proceedings have been commenced after the expiration of the period of one year referred to in the preceding paragraph, shall also order the return of the child, unless it is demonstrated that the child is now settled in its new environment.
Where the judicial or administrative authority in the requested State has reason to believe that the child has been taken to another State, it may stay the proceedings or dismiss the application for return of the child.
Article 13
Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the judicial or administrative authority of the requested State is not bound to order the return of the child if the person, institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that:
a) the person, institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal or retention; or
b) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation.
The judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child it if finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views.
In considering the. circumstances referred, to in this Article, the judicial and administrative authorites shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided by the Central Authority or other competent authority of the child's habitual residence.
Article 14
In ascertaining whether there Has been a wrongful removal or retention within the meaning of Article 3, the judicial or administrative authorities of the requested State may take notice directly of the law of and of judicial or administrative decisions, formally recognized or not in the State of the habitual residence of thé child, without recourse to the specifie procedures for the proof of that law or for the recognition of foreign decisions which would otherwise be applicable.
Article 15
The judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State may, prior to the making of an order for the return of the child, request that the applicant obtain from the authorities of the State of the habitual residence of the child a decision or other determination that the removal or retention was wrongful within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention, where such a decision or determination may be obtained in that State. The Central Authorities of the Contracting States shall so far as practicable assist applicants to obtain such a decision or determination.
Article 16
After receiving notice of a wrongful removal or retention of a child in the sense of Article 3, the judicial or administrative authorities of the Contracting State to which the child has been removed or in which it has been retained shall not decide on the merits of rights of custody until it has been determined that the child is not be returned under this Convention or unless an application under this Convention is not lodged within a reasonable time following receipt of the notice.
Article 17
The sole fact that a decision relating to custody has been given in or is entitled to recognition in the requested State shall not be a ground for refusing to return a child under this Convention, but the judicial or administrative authorities of the requested State may take account of the reasons for that decision in applying the Convention.
Article 18
The provisions of the Chapter do not limit the power of a judicial or administrative authority to order the return of the child at any time.
Article 19
A decision under this Convention concerning the return of the child shall not be taken to be a determination on the merits of any custody issue.
Article 20
The return of the child under the provisions of Article 12 may be refused if this would not be permitted by the fundamental principles of the requested State relating to the protection of humain rights and fundamental freedoms.
Article 21
An application to make arrangements for organizing or securing the effective exercise of rights of access may be presented to the Central Authorities of the Contracting States in the same way as an application for the return of a child.
The Central Authorities are bound by the obligations of co-operation which are set forth in Article 7 to promote the peaceful enjoyment of access rights and the fulfilment of any conditions to which the exercise of those rights may be subject. The Central Authorities shall take steps to remove, as far as possible, all obstacles to the exercise of such rights.
The Central Authorities, either directly or through intermediaries, may initiate or assist in the institution of proceedings with a view organizing or protecting these rights and securing respect for the conditions to which the exercise of these rights may be subject.
Article 22
No security, bond or deposit however described, shall be required to guarantee the payment of costs and expenses in the judicial or administrative proceedings failing within the scope of this Convention.
Article 23
No legalization or similar formality may be required in the context of this Convention.
Article 24
Any application, communication or other document sent to the Central Authority of the requested State shall be in the original language, and shall be accompanied by a translation into the official language or one of the official languages of the requested State or, where that is not feasible, a translation into French or English.
However, a Contracting State may, be making a reservation in accordance with Article 42, object to the use of either French or English, but not both in any application, communication or other document sent to its Central Authority.
Article 25
Nationals of the Contracting States and persons who are habitually resident within those States shall be entitled in matters concerned with the application of this Convention to legal aid and advice in any other Contracting State on the same conditions as if they themselves were nationals of and habitually resident in that State.
Article 26
Each Central Authority shall bear its own costs in applying this Convention.
Central Authorities and other public services of Contracting States shall not impose any charges in relation to applications submitted under this Convention. In particular, they may not require any payment from the applicant towards the cost and expenses of the proceedings or, where applicable, those arising from the participation of legal counsel or advisers. However, they may require the payment of. the expenses incurred or to be incurred in implementing the return of the child.
However, a Contracting State may, by making a reservation in accordance with Article 42, declare that it shall not be bound to assume any costs referred to in the preceding paragraph resulting from the participation of legal counsel of advisers or from court proceedings, except insofar as those costs may be covered by covered by its system of legal aid and advice.
Upon ordering the return of a child or issuing an order concerning rights of access under this Convention, the. judicial or administrative authorities may, where appropriate, direct the person who removed or retained the child, or who prevented the exercise of rights of access, to pay necessary expenses incurred by or on behalf of the applicant, including travel expenses, any costs incurred or payments made for locating the child, the costs of legal representation of the applicant, and those of returning the child.
Article 27
When it is manifest that the requirements of this Convention are not. fulfilled or that the application is otherwise not well founded, a Central Authority is not bound to accept the application. In that case, the Central Authority shall forthwith inform the applicant or the Central Authority through which the application was submited, as the case may be, of its reasons.
Article 28
A Central Authority may require that the application be accompanied by a written authorization empowering in to act on behalf of the applicant, or to designate a representative so to act.
Article 29
This Convention shall not preclude any person, institution or body who claims that there has been a breach of custody or access rights within the meaning of Article 3 or 21 from applying directly to the judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State, whether or not under the provisions of this Convention.
Article 30
Any application submitted to the Central Authorities or directly to the judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State in accordance with the terms of this Convention, together with documents and any other information appended thereto or provided by a Central Authority, shall be admissible in the courts or administrative authorities of the Contracting States.
Article 31
In relation to a State which in matters of custody of children has two or more systems of law applicable in different territorial units:
a) any reference to habitual residence in that State shall be construed as referring to habitual residence in a territorial unit of that State;
b) any reference to the law of the State of habitual residence shall be construed as referring to the law of the territorial unit in that State where the child habitually resides.
Article 32
In relation to a State which in matters of custody of children has two or more systems of law applicable to different categories of persons, any reference to the law of that State shall be construed as referring to the legal system specified by the law of that State.
Article 33
A State within which different territorial units have their own rules of law in respect of custody of children shall not be bound to apply this Convention where a State with a unified system of law would not be bound to do so.
Article 34
This Convention shall take priority in matters within its scope over the Convention of 5 October 1961 concerning the powers of authorities and the law applicable in respect of the protection of minors, as between Parties to both Conventions. Otherwise the present Convention shall not restrict the application of an international instrument in force between the State of origin and the State addressed or other law of the State addressed for the purposes of obtaining the return of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained or of organizing access rights.
Article 35
This Convention shall apply as between Contracting States only to wrongful removals or retentions occurring after its entry into force in those States.
Where a declaration has been made under Article 39 or 40, the reference in the preceding paragraph to a Contracting State shall be taken to refer to the territorial unit or units in relation to which this Convention applies.
Article 36
Nothing in this Convention shall prevent two of more Contracting States, in order to limit the restrictions to which the return of the child may be subject, from agreeing among themselves to derogate from any provision of this Convention which may imply such a restriction.
Article 37
The Convention shall be open for signature by the States which were Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law at the time of its Fourteenth Session. It shall be ratified, accepted or approved and the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Article 38
Any other State may accede to the Convention.
The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Convention shall enter into force for a State acceding to it on the first day of the third calendar month after Jhe deposit of its instrument of accession.
The accession will have effect only as regards the relations between the acceding State and such Contracting States as will have declared their acceptance of the accession. Such a declaration shall be deposited at the ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; this Ministry shall forward, through diplomatic channels, a certified copy to each of the Contracting States.
The Convention will enter into force as between the acceding State and the State that has declared its acceptance of the accession on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of the declaration of acceptance.
Article 39
Any State may, at the time of signature, ratification, aceptance, approval or accession, declare that the Convention shall extend to all the territories for the international relations of which it is responsible, or to one or more of them. Such a declaration shall take effect at the time the Convention enters into force for the State.
Such declaration, as well as any subsequent extension, shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Article 40
If a Contracting State has two or more territorial units in which different systems of law are applicable in relation to matters dealt with in this Convention, it may at the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession declare that this Convention shall extend to all ijs territorial units or only to one or more of them and may modify thus declaration by submitting another declaration at any time.
Any such declaration shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and shall state expressly the territorial units to which the Convention applies.
Article 41
Where a Contracting State has a system of government under which executive, judicial and legislative powers are distributed between central and other authorities within that State, its signature of ratification, acceptance or approval of or accession to this Convention, or its making of any declaration in terms of Article 40 shall carry no implication as to the internal distribution of powers within that State.
Article 42
Any State may, not later than the time of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, or at the time of making a declaration in terms of Article 39 or 40, make one or both of the reservations provided for in Article 24 arid Article 26, third paragraph. No other reservation shall be permitted.
Any State may at any time withdraw a reservation it has made. The withdrawal shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The reservation shall cease to have effect on the first day of the third calendar month after the notification referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Article 43
The Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification acceptance, approval or accession referred to in Articles 37 and 38.
Thereafter the Convention shall enter into force:
1) for each State ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to it subsequently, on the first day of the third calendar month after the deposit of its instrument of ratification acceptance, approval or accession;
2) for any territory or territorial unit to which the Convention has been extended in conformity with Article 39 or 40, on the first day of the third calendar month after the notification referred to in that Article.
Article 44
The Convention shall remain in force for five years from the date of its entry into force in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 43 even for States which subsequently have ratified, accepted, approved it or acceded to it.
If there has been no denunciation, if shall be renewed tacitly every five years.
Any denunciation shall be notified to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at least six months before the expiry of the five year period. It may be limited to certain of the territories or territorial units to which the Convention applies.
The denunciation shall have effect only as regards the State which has notified it. The Convention shall remain in force for the other Contracting States.
Article 45
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands shall notify the States Members of the Conference, and the States which have acceded in accordance with Article 38, of the following:
l).the signatures and ratifications, acceptances and approvals referred to in Article 37;
2) the accession referred to in Article 38;
3) the date on which the Convention enters into force in accordance with Article 43;
4) the extensions referred to in Article 39;
5) the declarations referred to in Articles 38 and 40;
6) the reservations referred to in Article 24 and Article 26, third paragraph, and the withdrawals referred to in Article 42;
7) the denunciations referred to in Article 44.
In witness whereof the undersigned being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention.
Done at The Hague, on the 25 day of October 1990, in the English and French languages, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and of which a certified copy shall be sent, through diplomatic channels, to each of the State Members of the Hague Conference on Private International Law at the date of its Fourteenth Session.
1. člen
Cilji te konvencije so:
a) zagotoviti čimprejšnjo vrnitev otrok, ki so bili nezakonito odpeljani ali zadržani v kakšni pogodbenici;
b) zagotoviti, da se pravice do skrbi za otroka in osebnih stikov z njim po zakonu ene izmed pogodbenic dejansko spoštujejo v drugi pogodbenici.
2. člen
Pogodbenice bodo sprejele vse ustrezne ukrepe, da na svojem območju zagotovijo uresničevanje ciljev konvencije, To bodo zagotovile, z najučinkovitejšimi razpoložljivimi postopki.
3. člen
Šteje se, da je otrok nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan:
a) če so s tem kršene pravice do skrbi zanj, ki jih je dobila oseba, institucija ali katerokoli drugo bodisi kolektivno bodisi posamično telo po zakonu države, v kateri je otrok stalno prebival, preden je bil odpeljan ali zadržan;
b) če so se v času, ko je bil otrok odpeljan ali zadržan, te pravice uveljavljale bodisi kolektivno bodisi posamično ali bi se uveljavljale, če otrok ne bi bil odpeljan ali zadržan.
Pravice do skrbi za otroka, omenjene v prvem odstavku pod a), se lahko pridobijo predvsem z izvajanjem zakona ali na podlagi sodne ali upravne odločbe ali na podlagi sporazuma, ki ima pravni učinek po zakonu zadevne države.
4. člen
Konvencija se uporablja za otroka, ki je živel v pogodbenici neposredno pred kakršnokoli kršitvijo pravice do skrbi zanj ali osebnih stikov z njim. Konvencija se neha uporabljati, ko otrok dopolni 16 let.
5. člen
V tej konvenciji pomenita izraza: a) »pravica do skrbi za otroka« – pravice, ki se nanašajo na skrb za otrokovo osebnost, zlasti pa pravico do določitve kraja otrokovega prebivališča;
b) »pravica do osebnih stikov z otrokom« – pravico, da se otrok za določen čas odpelje iz kraja stalnega prebivališča.
6. člen
Pogodbenica določi centralni izvršilni organ, ki izpolnjuje obveznosti, ki so po konvenciji predvidene za tak organ.
Zvezne države, države z več kot enim pravnim sistemom ali države, ki imajo avtonomne teritorialne enote, lahko določijo več centralnih izvršilnih organov in navedejo njihovo teritorialno pristojnost. Če je država določila več centralnih izvršilnih organov, določi centralni izvršilni organ, ki se mu lahko pošiljajo prošnje, da jih pošlje naprej ustreznemu centralnemu izvršilnemu organu v tej državi.
7. člen
Centralni izvršilni organi sodelujejo med seboj in pospešujejo sodelovanje med pristojnimi organi v pogodbenicah, da bi se zagotovila čim hitrejša vrnitev otroka in dosegli drugi cilji te konvencije:
Centralni izvršilni organi bodisi neposredno bodisi po posredniku ukrene vse potrebno:
a) da se odkrije kraj, kjer živi otrok, ki je bil nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan;
b) da se preprečijo nadaljnje morebitne nevarnosti za otroka ali pristranskost do ene izmed zainteresiranih strank za začasnim ukrepom ali pobudo zanj;
c) da se zagotovi prostovoljna vrnitev otroka ali sporazumno reši to vprašanje;
d) da se, kjer je to potrebno, izmenjajo informacije o socialnem poreklu otroka;
e) da se dajo splošne informacije o veljavnem pravu zadevne države v zvezi z uporabo te konvencije;
f) da se začne ali olajša začetek sodnega ali upravnega postopka za zagotovitev vrnitve, otroka in, kjer je to mogoče, za sklenitev ustreznih sporazumov o organiziranju ali zagotovitvi učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravice do osebnih stikov z njim;
g) da se tam, kjer to zahtevajo okoliščine, zagotovijo pravna pomoč in nasveti ali olajša njihovo zagotavljanje, vštevši tudi sodelovanje zagovornikov in pravnih svetovalcev;
h) da se sklenejo potrebni in ustrezni upravni sporazumi za zagotovitev varne vrnitve otroka;
i) da se zagotovi vzajemna izmenjava informacij, ki se nanašajo na uporabo te konvencije, in, če je to mogoče, odpravijo vse ovire pri njeni uporabi.
8. člen
Katerakoli oseba; institucija ali drugo telo, ki trdi, da je bila s tem, ko je bil otrok odpeljan ali zadržan, kršena pravica do skrbi zanj, se lahko obrne na centralni izvršilni organ države, v kateri je otrokovo stalno prebivališče, ali na centralni izvršilni organ katerekoli druge pogodbenice za pomoč pri zagotovitvi vrnitve otroka.
Takšna prošnja vsebuje:
a) podatke o identiteti prosilca, otroka in osebe, za katero se trdi, da je odpeljala otroka ali ga zadržala;
b) kjer je to mogoče, datum otrokovega rojstva;
c) dejstva, na katerih temelji prošnja za vrnitev otroka;
d) vse razpoložljive informacije v zvezi s krajem, kjer je otrok, in identiteto osebe, za katero se domneva, da je otrok z njo.
K prošnji se lahko priložijo naslednji dokumenti:
e) overjena kopija katerekoli pomembne odločbe ali sporazuma;
f) potrdilo ali garantno pismo, ki ga izda centralni izvršilni organ ali drug pristojen organ države, v kateri je otrokovo stalno prebivališče, ali uradna oseba, in sicer v zvezi z relevantnim pravom te države;
g) kakršenkoli drug relevanten dokument.
9. člen
Če centralni izvršilni organ, ki prejme prošnjo iz 8. člena, upravičeno verjame, da je otrok v kakšni drugi pogodbenici, nemudoma pošlje prošnjo neposredno centralnemu izvršilnemu organu te pogodbenice in o tem obvesti centralni organ, ki je poslal prošnjo, ali prosilca, odvisno od primera.
10. člen
Centralni izvršilni organ države, v kateri je otrok, ukrene ali odredi, da se ukrene vse potrebno, da bi se zagotovila prostovoljna vrnitev otroka.
11. člen
Sodni ali upravni organi pogodbenic takoj izvedejo postopek za vrnitev otroka.
Če ustrezni sodni ali upravni organi ne odločijo v šestih tednih po začetku postopka, ima prosilec ali centralni izvršilni organ države, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva, pravico, da na lastno pobudo ali na zahtevo centralnega izvršilnega organa države, ki je poslala zahtevo, zahteva obrazložitev odlašanja. Če prejme odgovor centralni izvršilni organ države, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva, pošlje odgovor centralnemu izvršilnemu organu države, ki je poslala zahtevo, ali prosilcu, odvisno od primera.
12. člen
Če je bil otrok nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan po 3. členu, na dan, ko se je začel postopek pred sodnim ali upravnim organom pogodbenice, v kateri je otrok, pa je minilo manj kot leto dni od dneva, ko je bil nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan, odredi pristojni organ takojšnjo vrnitev otroka.
Tudi če se je pravni postopek začel po poteku enoletnega roka iz prejšnjega odstavka, odredi sodni ali upravni organ vrnitev otroka, če se ne dokaže, da se je otrok prilagodil novemu okolju.
Če sodni ali upravni organ v državi, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva, upravičeno verjame, da je bil otrok odpeljan v kakšno drugo državo, lahko ustavi postopek ali zavrže prošnjo za vrnitev otroka.
13. člen
Sodnemu ali upravnemu organu države, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva, ne glede na določbe prejšnjega člena ni treba odrediti vrnitve otroka, če oseba, institucija ali kakšno drugo telo, ki nasprotuje njegovi vrnitvi, dokaže:
a) da v času, ko je bil otrok odpeljan ali zadržan, oseba, institucija ali drugo telo, ki skrbi za otrokovo osebnost, ni dejansko uveljavljalo pravice do skrbi zanj, ali da se je strinjalo ali pozneje pristalo, da se otrok odpelje ali zadrži;
b) da obstaja resna nevarnost, da bi bil otrok zaradi vrnitve izpostavljen telesnemu nasilju ali duševni travmi ali kako drugače pripeljan v neugoden položaj.
Prav tako lahko sodni ali upravni organ zavrne, da odredi otrokovo vrnitev, če ugotovi, da otrok nasprotuje vrnitvi in da je dopolnil tisto starost in je na taki stopnji zrelosti, ko je treba upoštevati njegovo mnenje.
Pri obravnavi, okoliščin iz tega člena upoštevata sodni in upravni organ podatke o otrokovem socialnem poreklu, ki jih dobita od centralnega izvršilnega organa ali kakšnega drugega pristojnega organa države, v kateri je otrokovo stalno prebivališče.
14. člen
Pri ugotavljanju, ali je otrok nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan po 3. členu, lahko sodni in upravni organ države, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva, neposredno uporabljajo pravo ter sodne ali upravne odločbe, in sicer ne glede na to, ali se uradno priznajo v državi otrokovega stalnega prebivališča ali ne, ne da bi se izvedli posebni postopki za dokazovanje tega prava ali za priznavanje tujih odločb, ki bi se sicer izvedli.
15. člen
Sodni ali upravni organi pogodbenice lahko, preden izdajo nalog za vrnitev otroka, zahtevajo, da prosilec dobi od organa države, v kateri je otrokovo stalno prebivališče, odločbo ali druge dokaze, da je bil otrok nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan po 3. členu konvencije, če se taka odločba ali dokazi lahko dobijo v tej državi. Centralni izvršilni organi pogodbenic bodo, kolikor je to mogoče, pomagali prosilcem, da dobijo take odločbe ali dokaze.
16. člen
Ko dobi sodni «li upravni organ pogodbenice, v katero je bil otrok odpeljan ali' v kateri je zadržan, obvestilo 6 tem, da je bil otrok nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan po 3. členu, ne izda meritorne odločbe o pravici do skrbi za otroka, dokler se ne ugotovi, da se otrok ne bo vrnil na podlagi te konvencije ali če ni vložena prošnja na podlagi te konvencije – v razumnem časovnem obdobju po prejemu obvestila.
17. člen
Samo dejstvo, da je izdana odločba, ki se nanaša na skrb za otroka, ali da jo je treba priznati v državi, ki ji je poslana zahteva, še ni podlaga za zavrnitev vrnitve otroka na podlagi te konvencije, vendar pa lahko sodni in upravni organi države, ki ji je poslana zahteva, upoštevajo razloge za izdajo te odločbe pri uporabi te konvencije.
18. člen
Določbe tega poglavja ne omejujejo pooblastila sodnega ali upravnega organa, da kadarkoli odredi vrnitev otroka.
19. člen
Odločba na podlagi te konvencije v zvezi z vrnitvijo otroka se ne šteje za meritorno odločbo o kateremkoli vprašanju v zvezi s pravico do skrbi za otroka.
20. člen
Vrnitev otroka na podlagi 12. člena se lahko zavrne, če bi to pomenilo kršitev temeljnih načel varstva človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin države, ki ji je bila poslana zahteva.
21. člen
Prošnja za sklenitev sporazuma za organiziranje ali zagotovitev učinkovitega uveljavljanja pravice do osebnih stikov z otrokom se lahko vloži pri centralnih izvršilnih organih pogodbenic enako kot prošnja za vrnitev otroka.
Centralni izvršilni organi morajo spoštovati obveznosti o sodelovanju, določene v 7. členu, da bi se kar najmanj ovirala pravica do osebnih stikov z otrokom in izpolnili vsi pogoji, od katerih je lahko odvisno uveljavljanje teh pravic. Centralni izvršilni organi ukrenejo vse, kar je mogoče, da se odpravijo vse ovire pri uveljavljanju teh pravic.
Centralni izvršilni organi lahko neposredno ali po posrednikih dajo pobudo ali pomagajo, da se začne postopek za organiziranje ali varstvo teh pravic in zagotovitev pogojev, od katerih je lahko odvisno njihovo uveljavljanje.
22. člen
Za kritje stroškov in odhodkov sodnih ali upravnih postopkov pri izvajanju te konvencije se ne zahteva nobeno jamstvo niti kot varščina niti kot depozit.
23. člen
Ne zahteva se nobena legalizacija ali podobna formalnost v kontekstu te konvencije.
24. člen
Vse prošnje, dopisi ali druga dokumentacija, ki se pošiljajo centralnim izvršilnim organom zaprošene države, se pošljejo v izvirniku, priloži pa se jim prevod v uradni jezik ali enega izmed uradnih jezikov države, ki se ji pošilja zahteva, če pa to ni mogoče, se prevedejo v francoski ali angleški jezik.
Pogodbenica lahko s pridržkom v skladu z 42. členom nasprotuje uporabi bodisi francoskega bodisi angleškega jezika, vendar pa ne obeh, in sicer pri vseh prošnjah, dopisih ali drugi dokumentaciji, ki se pošilja njenim centralnim izvršilnim organom.
25. člen
Državljani pogodbenic in osebe, ki prebivajo v teh državah, imajo pravico do pravne pomoči in svetovalnih storitev glede vprašanj v zvezi z uporabo te konvencije v katerikoli drugi pogodbenici pod enakimi pogoji kot domači državljani in osebe, ki stalno prebivajo v tej državi.
26. člen
Vsak centralni izvršilni organ plača Svoje stroške pri uporabi te konvencije.
Centralni izvršilni organ in druge javne službe držav pogodbenic ne zahtevajo nobenih dajatev v zvezi s prošnjami, vloženimi na podlagi te konvencije. Zlasti ne smejo zahtevati od prosilcev nobenih povračil za stroške in izdatke, v zvezi s postopki ali, kjer to ustreza, za stroške v zvezi, z udeležbo pravnega zagovornika ali svetovalca. Lahko pa zahtevajo povračilo stroškov, ki so nastali ali ki bodo nastali v zveži z vrnitvijo otroka.
Pogodbenica lahko s pridržkom v skladu z 42. členom izjavi, da ne prevzema nobenih stroškov iz prejšnjega odstavka, ki izhajajo iz udeležbe pravnega zagovornika ali svetovalca ali iz sodnega postopka, razen v primeru, če se ti stroški krijejo na podlagi njenega sistema pravne pomoči in svetovalnih storitev.
Po izdaji naloga za vrnitev otroka ali naloga v zvezi s pravico do osebnih stikov z njim, v skladu s to konvencijo, lahko sodni ali upravni organi, kjer to ustreza, naložijo osebi, ki je odpeljala ali zadržala otroka ali ki je preprečila uveljavitev pravice do stikov z njim, da plača potrebne stroške, ki jih je imel prosilec ali kakšna druga oseba v njegovem imenu, vštevši potne stroške, vse stroške z iskanjem otroka in njegovim odkrivanjem, stroške pravnega predstavljanja prosilca in stroške v zvezi z vrnitvijo otroka.
27. člen
Kadar je očitno, da zahteve iz te konvencije niso izpolnjene ali da prošnja sicer nima pravilne pravne podlage, je centralnemu izvršilnemu organu ni treba sprejeti. V tem primeru centralni izvršilni organ o svojih razlogih takoj obvesti prosilca ali centralni izvršilni organ, po katerem je bila prošnja poslana, odvisno od primera.
28. člen
Centralni izvršilni organ lahko zahteva, da se prošnji priloži pisno pooblastilo, ki mu daje pravico, da zastopa prosilca ali da imenuje predstavnika, ki bo deloval namesto njega.
29. člen
Ta konvencija ne onemogoča nobene osebe, institucije ali telesa, ki trdi, da je bila kršena pravica do skrbi za otroka ali osebnih stikov z njim po 3. ali 21. členu, da se s prošnjo obrne neposredno na sodne ali upravne organe pogodbenice, ne glede na to, ali je to predvideno s to konvencijo ali ne.
30. člen
Vse prošnje, poslane centralnim izvršilnim organom ali neposredno sodnim ali upravnim organom pogodbenice v skladu s pogoji te konvencije, skupaj z dokumenti in vsemi drugimi priloženimi podatki ali podatki, ki jih daje centralni izvršilni organ, se sprejemajo na sodiščih ali v upravnih organih pogodbenic.
31. člen
Kar zadeva državo, ki ima glede pravice do skrbi za otroka ali osebnih stikov z njim dva ali več pravnih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo v različnih teritorialnih enotah:
a) se kakršnokoli sklicevanje na stalno prebivališče v tej državi šteje za sklicevanje na stalno prebivališče v eni izmed teritorialnih enot te države;
b) se kakršnokoli, sklicevanje na zakon države stalnega prebivališča šteje za sklicevanje na zakon teritorialne enote države, v kateri je otrokovo stalno prebivališče.
32. člen
Kar zadeva državo, ki ima glede skrbi za otroka dva ali več pravnih sistemov, ki se uporabljajo za različne, kategorije oseb, se kakršnokoli sklicevanje na zakon te države šteje za sklicevanje na pravni sistem, ki ga določa zakon te države.
33. člen
Državi, v kateri imajo različne teritorialne enote lastne pravne predpise o skrbi za otroke, ni treba uporabljati te konvencije tam, kjer tega ni treba storiti državi z enotnim pravnim sistemom.
34. člen
Ta konvencija ima glede vprašanj s področja njene uporabe prednost pred konvencijo z dne 5. oktobra 1961 o pooblastilih odgovornih organov in pravu, ki se uporablja za varstvo mladoletnikov, med podpisnicami obeh konvencij. Ta konvencija ne omejuje uporabe veljavnega mednarodnega instrumenta med državo porekla in državo, ki se ji pošilja prošnja, ali drugega zakona države, ki se ji pošilja prošnja za vrnitev otroka, ki je bil nezakonito odpeljan ali zadržan, ali za uveljavitev pravice do osebnih stikov z njim.
35. člen
Ta konvencija se uporablja med pogodbenicami samo za primere, ko so bili otroci nezakonito odpeljani ali zadržani po njeni uveljavitvi v teh državah.
V primeru izjave na podlagi 39. ali 40. člena se sklicevanje iz prejšnjega odstavka na pogodbenico šteje za sklicevanje na teritorialno enoto ali enote, za katere se uporablja ta konvencija.
36. člen
Nič iz te konvencije ne more onemogočiti dveh ali več pogodbenic, da se zaradi omejitve restrikcij, ki utegnejo veljati za otrokovo vrnitev, med seboj dogovorijo, da ne upoštevajo tistih določb te konvencije, ki utegnejo pomeniti tako omejitev.
37. člen
Ta konvencija je odprta za podpis državam, ki so bile članice Haaške konference o mednarodnem zasebnem pravu ob njenem XIV. zasedanju.
Konvencija se lahko ratificira, lahko se k njej pristopi ali se lahko sprejme, listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali pristopu pa se deponirajo pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske.
38. člen
Katerakoli druga država lahko pristopi h konvenciji.
Listine o pristopu se deponirajo pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske.
Konvencija začne veljati za državo, ki k njej pristopi, prvega dne tretjega koledarskega meseca po tem, ko je bila deponirana listina o pristopu.
Pristop je veljaven samo v odnosih med državo, ki pristopi, in tistimi pogodbenicami, ki izjavijo, da sprejemajo pristop. Tako izjavo mora dati tudi katerakoli država članica, ki ratificira, sprejme ali potrdi konvencijo po pristopu. Taka izjava se deponira pri Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske; to ministrstvo po diplomatski poti pošlje vsaki pogodbenici overjeno kopijo izjave.
Konvencija začne veljati med državo, ki pristopi, in državo, ki je izjavila, da sprejema pristop, prvega dne tretjega koledarskega meseca po tem, ko je bila deponirana izjava o sprejetju.
39. člen
Vsaka država sme ob podpisu, ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu izjaviti, da se bo konvencija uporabljala za vsa območja, za katerih mednarodne odnose je odgovorna, ali za eno ali več območij. Ta izjava postane veljavna ob uveljavitvi konvencije za to državo.
Taka izjava ter vsaka poznejša razširitev uporabe se pošljeta Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske.
40. člen
Če ima pogodbenica dve ali več teritorialnih enot, v katerih se za vprašanja, ki jih ureja ta konvencija, uporabljajo različni pravni sistemi, lahko ob podpisu, ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu izjavi, da se bo ta konvencija uporabljala za vse njene teritorialne enote ali samo za eno ali za več enot, ter lahko to izjavo kadarkoli nadomesti z drugo.
O vseh tovrstnih izjavah se obvesti Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske z izrecno navedbo teritorialnih enot, za katere se konvencija uporablja.
41. člen
Pri pogodbenici s političnim sistemom, po katerem so izvršilna, sodna in zakonodajna pooblastila razdeljena med centralno in druge oblasti v okviru te države, nimajo podpis; ratifikacija, sprejetje in potrditev, konvencije ali pristop k njej ali izjava po 40. členu nobenih posledic v zvezi z njeno notranjo delitvijo.
42. člen
Vsaka država lahko najpozneje ob ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu ali ko da izjavo po. 39. ali 40. členu, izjavi enega ali oba pridržka iz 24. člena in tretjega odstavka 26. člena. Drugi pridržki niso dovoljeni.
Vsaka država lahko kadarkoli umakne pridržek, ki ga je imela, to pa mora sporočiti Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske.
Pridržek neha biti veljaven prvega dne tretjega koledarskega meseca po obvestilu iz prejšnjega odstavka.
43. člen
Konvencija začne veljati prvi dan tretjega koledarskega meseca po deponiranju tretje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu v skladu s 37. in 38. členom. Po tem začne konvencija veljati:
1) za vsako državo, ki jo ratificira, sprejme, potrdi ali k njej pristopi – prvega dne tretjega koledarskega meseca po deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu;
2) za vsako območje ali teritorialno enoto, na katero je razširjena uporaba konvencije v skladu z 39. in 40. členom – prvega dne tretjega koledarskega meseca po obvestilu iz omenjenega člena.
44. člen
Konvencija velja pet let, šteto od dneva njene uveljavitve v skladu s prvim odstavkom 43. člena, in sicer tudi za države, ki jo pozneje ratificirajo, sprejmejo, potrdijo ali k njej pristopijo.
Če ni pisnih izjav o nasprotnem, se konvencija avtomatično obnavlja vsakih pet let.
Vse take izjave je treba poslati ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske najmanj šest mesecev pred potekom petletnega obdobja. Lahko se omejijo na določena območja ali teritorialne enote, za katere se konvencija uporablja.
Take izjave so veljavne samo za državo, ki je o tem poslala obvestilo. Konvencija ostane v veljavi za druge pogodbenice.
45. člen
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Kraljevine Nizozemske obvesti države članice konference in države, ki pristopijo h konvenciji v skladu z 38. členom:
1) o podpisih, ratifikacijah, sprejetjih in potrditvah po 37. členu;
2) o pristopih po 38. členu;
3) o datumu uveljavitve konvencije v skladu s 43. členom;
4) o razširitvi uporabe po 39. členu;
5) o izjavah iz 38. in 40. člena;
6) o pridržkih po 24. členu in tretjem odstavku 26. člena ter njihovem umiku iz 42. člena;
7) o izjavah iz 44. člena.
Da bi to potrdili, so spodaj podpisani pooblaščenci podpisali to konvencijo.
Sestavljeno v Haagu 25. oktobra 1980 v angleščini in francoščini – obe besedili sta verodostojni – samo v enem izvodu, ki bo shranjen v arhivu vlade Kraljevine Nizozemske, njegova kopija pa bo po diplomatski poti poslana vsaki članici Haaške konference o mednarodnem zasebnem pravu, ki se je udeležila XIV. zasedanja.
3. člen
Centralni izvršilni organ po 6. členu konvencije je Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbijo Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Ministrstvo za pravosodje in Ministrstvo za zdravstvo.
5. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 542-01/91-3/3
Ljubljana, dne 25. marca 1993.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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