Uradni list

Številka 21
Uradni list RS, št. 21/2015 z dne 27. 3. 2015
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 21/2015 z dne 27. 3. 2015


20. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sedežu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Centrom za razvoj financ (CEF) (BSCEF), stran 208.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
U K A Z 
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sedežu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Centrom za razvoj financ (CEF) (BSCEF) 
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sedežu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Centrom za razvoj financ (CEF) (BSCEF), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 3. marca 2015.
Št. 003-02-2/2015-6
Ljubljana, dne 11. marca 2015
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije 
Z A K O N 
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sedežu med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Centrom za razvoj financ (CEF), podpisan v Ljubljani 18. decembra 2014.
2. člen 
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem jeziku in angleškem jeziku glasi*:
* Prilogi 1 in 2 sta na vpogled v Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
S P O R A Z U M 
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Center za razvoj financ (CEF) (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenika) sta se
– ob upoštevanju določb Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Centra za razvoj financ (CEF) (v nadaljnjem besedilu: sporazum o ustanovitvi), ki je bil sklenjen na Bledu 3. septembra 2013,
– v želji, da se dodatno opredelijo pogoji, ki so potrebni za nemoteno delovanje Centra za razvoj financ (CEF) s sedežem v Ljubljani, v Republiki Sloveniji, in učinkovito izvajanje njegovih dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji,
1. člen 
Pomen izrazov 
V tem sporazumu:
»CEF« pomeni Center za razvoj financ;
»člani upravnega odbora« pomenijo ministre za finance in guvernerje centralnih bank ali vodje drugih ustreznih ustanov ali njihove imenovane predstavnike;
»uradne dejavnosti« pomenijo zagotovitev usposabljanja, strokovno in tehnično pomoč ter vzpostavitev omrežij za izvajanje reform pri upravljanju javnih financ in centralnem bančništvu;
»direktor« pomeni direktorja CEF;
»osebje« pomeni zaposlene pri CEF;
»strokovnjak« pomeni vsako osebo, ki jo kratkoročno najame CEF (za največ 12 mesecev), da opravi zahtevane storitve;
»predstavniki članic CEF« pomenijo člane delegacij, ki sodelujejo na sestankih, ki jih sklicuje CEF;
»sestanek, ki ga skliče CEF« pomeni sestanek organa CEF ali pomožnega organa ali srečanje, ki ga skliče CEF;
»premoženje« pomeni vse prejemke CEF in vse premoženje, vključno s kapitalom, sredstvi in drugim premoženjem CEF, ki so njegova last ali jih poseduje/upravlja v skladu z nalogami CEF;
»prostori« pomenijo zgradbe ali dele zgradb in pripadajoča zemljišča, ki se uporabljajo le za namene CEF, ne glede na lastništvo;
»arhiv« pomeni vse evidence, dopise in pisma, dokumente, rokopise, podatke na računalnikih in nosilcih podatkov, fotografije, filme, videoposnetke, zvočne zapise in druge podatke, ki pripadajo CEF ali jih ima CEF;
»družinski člani« pomenijo zakonce in zunajzakonske partnerje osebja, neporočene vzdrževane otroke osebja do 18. ali do 26. leta, če so vpisani kot redni študenti na višje- in visokošolske izobraževalne ustanove, ter neporočene vzdrževane otroke osebja, ki so telesno ali duševno prizadeti;
»država gostiteljica« pomeni državo, v kateri je sedež CEF;
»organi države gostiteljice« pomenijo državne, organe samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti in druge organe v Republiki Sloveniji.
Vsako sklicevanje na osebo moškega spola pomeni tudi sklicevanje na osebo ženskega spola in obratno.
2. člen 
Status in pravna sposobnost 
CEF je v skladu s sporazumom o ustanovitvi subjekt mednarodnega prava in ima tako pravno sposobnost, kot je potrebna za opravljanje njegovih nalog, vključno s sposobnostjo sklepanja pogodb, pridobivanja nepremičnin in premičnin ter razpolaganja z njimi, začne pravne postopke in v njih sodeluje ter sprejema druge ukrepe, ki so potrebni ali koristni za uresničevanje njegovega namena in dejavnosti.
3. člen 
1. Sedež CEF je v Ljubljani na naslovu Cankarjeva 18, v stavbi na parcelni številki 2776, številka stavbe 36, katastrska občina 1725 – Ajdovščina, katere lastnica je v celoti Republika Slovenija, in vključuje naslednje dele stavbe:
a) celotno visoko pritličje, razen treh prostorov (učilnice in dveh testnih sob), z uporabo skupnih delov in naprav, ki so jasno označeni na tlorisu nadstropja v prilogi 1, ki je sestavni del tega sporazuma;
b) celotno četrto nadstropje z uporabo skupnih delov in naprav, katerega prostori so označeni na tlorisu nadstropja v prilogi 2, ki je sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. Vlada Republike Slovenije daje prostore iz prejšnjega odstavka v brezplačno uporabo CEF, kar se šteje kot letni prispevek Republike Slovenije v CEF in k uradni razvojni pomoči, ovrednoten po tržni vrednosti najemnine, ki se navede v letnem poročilu CEF.
3. CEF prosto uporablja prostore sedeža v skladu z namenom in dejavnostmi iz sporazuma o ustanovitvi. CEF prostorov iz prvega odstavka tega člena ne sme dati v podnajem.
4. CEF krije obratovalne stroške in stroške rednega vzdrževanja. Stroške investicijskega vzdrževanja krije Republika Slovenija, razen če se pogodbenika ne dogovorita drugače. CEF uporablja prostore iz prvega odstavka tega člena s skrbnostjo dobrega gospodarja.
5. Vlada Republike Slovenije lahko zagotovi CEF tudi druge prostore v lasti Republike Slovenije.
4. člen 
Nedotakljivost prostorov
1. Prostori CEF so nedotakljivi.
2. Organi države gostiteljice vanje ne smejo vstopiti, razen s privolitvijo direktorja CEF ali osebe, ki jo ta pooblasti. Ob požaru ali drugih izrednih dogodkih, pri katerih so potrebni takojšnji zaščitni ukrepi, se šteje, da CEF s tem soglaša.
3. CEF ne sme dovoliti, da bi njegovi prostori postali zatočišče za osebe, ki se izogibajo prijetju po katerem koli slovenskem zakonu ali ki jih morajo državni organi izročiti drugi državi ali ki se skušajo izogniti vročitvi sodnega poziva.
4. V prostorih CEF se lahko vročijo uradne listine, ki jih izdajo slovenski organi.
5. člen 
CEF je odgovoren za varnost in vzdrževanje reda v svojih prostorih. Prav tako je odgovoren za spoštovanje veljavne slovenske zakonodaje skladno s sporazumom o ustanovitvi.
6. člen 
Pomoč in sodelovanje v varnostnih zadevah 
1. Pristojni slovenski organi si s potrebno skrbnostjo prizadevajo ohraniti mir v prostorih CEF, tako da posameznikom ali skupinam preprečijo nepooblaščen vstop vanje ali povzročanje nemirov v njihovi neposredni bližini.
2. Pristojni slovenski organi in CEF tesno sodelujejo pri učinkovitem zagotavljanju varnosti v prostorih CEF in njihovi neposredni bližini.
3. Osebe, ki so po slovenski zakonodaji pristojne za vzdrževanje javnega reda in miru, lahko v prostore CEF vstopijo le na prošnjo ali z izrecnim pooblastilom direktorja CEF ali osebe, ki jo ta pooblasti, v tem primeru pa jim osebje CEF zagotovi ustrezno pomoč.
4. Pristojni slovenski organi in CEF se medsebojno obveščajo o vsem, kar je povezano z varnostjo v prostorih CEF. Obveščajo se zlasti o imenih in statusu organov, ki so odgovorni za varnost.
7. člen
Javne storitve 
CEF ima na voljo osnovne javne storitve pod enakimi pogoji kot diplomatska predstavništva v Republiki Sloveniji.
8. člen 
Uradna korespondenca 
1. Država gostiteljica pri uradni korespondenci CEF ne obravnava manj ugodno kot diplomatska predstavništva v Republiki Sloveniji.
2. Uradna korespondenca CEF je nedotakljiva ne glede na sredstva ali obliko pošiljanja.
3. CEF ima pravico pošiljati in prejemati uradno korespondenco in drug material po kurirju ali v zapečatenih pošiljkah, katerih status je glede privilegijev in imunitet izenačen s statusom diplomatskega kurirja in diplomatske pošiljke.
9. člen 
Zastava, znak in oznake 
CEF lahko namesti svojo zastavo, znak in druge oznake, ki jih sprejme upravni odbor, v svojih prostorih ali pred njimi ter na prevoznih sredstvih, ki se uporabljajo v uradne namene.
10. člen 
Oprostitev plačila davkov in carine 
1. Poleg oprostitev iz sporazuma o ustanovitvi je CEF oproščen:
a) vseh neposrednih davkov, ki se nanašajo na prostore in uradne dejavnosti CEF;
b) vseh carinskih dajatev za motorna vozila, ki se uporabljajo za službene namene, in za njihove rezervne dele, ki se uvažajo v Republiko Slovenijo.
2. Blaga, uvoženega v skladu s točko b prejšnjega odstavka, CEF ne sme odtujiti, dati v uporabo drugim osebam ali kako drugače uporabiti za druge namene pred potekom enega leta od dneva uvoza.
3. Oprostitev se ne nanaša na pristojbine, davke ali dajatve, ki pomenijo plačilo za storitve javnih služb.
11. člen 
Privilegiji in imunitete članov upravnega odbora in predstavnikov članic CEF 
Privilegiji in imunitete članov upravnega odbora in predstavnikov članic CEF so opredeljeni v sporazumu o ustanovitvi.
12. člen 
Privilegiji in imunitete direktorja in osebja 
1. Poleg privilegijev in imunitet iz sporazuma o ustanovitvi direktor in osebje uživajo še privilegije iz tega sporazuma.
2. Direktor in člani osebja, ki so zaposleni na sistemiziranem delovnem mestu v CEF za najmanj eno leto ter nimajo slovenskega državljanstva ali pred zaposlitvijo niso imeli stalnega prebivališča v Republiki Sloveniji, so upravičeni do oprostitve plačila davka na dodano vrednost pri nabavi ali uvozu predmetov za osebno rabo in gospodinjstvo v vrednosti nad 116 eurov skupaj z davkom na dodano vrednost v šestih mesecih od prve selitve v Republiko Slovenijo in od trenutka prevzema funkcije v CEF.
3. Predmetov, ki so oproščeni davka na dodano vrednost v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom, ni dovoljeno odtujiti, dati v uporabo drugim osebam ali kako drugače uporabiti za druge namene pred potekom enega leta brez plačila dajatev.
13. člen 
Namen privilegijev in imunitet 
1. Privilegiji in imunitete iz sporazuma o ustanovitvi in iz tega sporazuma se podeljujejo zaradi zagotavljanja nemotenega opravljanja nalog, povezanih s CEF, in ne zaradi osebne koristi upravičencev.
2. Ne glede na privilegije in imunitete morajo vsi, ki jih uživajo, spoštovati zakone in druge predpise države gostiteljice ter se ne vmešavati v notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
3. CEF ves čas sodeluje s pristojnimi slovenskimi organi, da se zagotovi spoštovanje slovenske zakonodaje ter prepreči zloraba privilegijev in imunitet po določbah tega sporazuma.
14. člen 
Trajanje privilegijev in imunitet 
1. Na ozemlju države gostiteljice upravičenci uživajo privilegije in imunitete od trenutka, ko nastopijo funkcijo v CEF. Če nastop funkcije ni vnaprej uradno sporočen pristojnemu organu države gostiteljice, pa od takrat, ko je to sporočeno.
2. Ko te osebe prenehajo opravljati funkcijo, privilegiji in imunitete, ki so jih uživale na ozemlju države gostiteljice, prenehajo takoj, ko ga zapustijo, ali po poteku razumnega roka, v katerem to storijo. Za dejanja, ki so jih te osebe storile pri opravljanju funkcije, imuniteta velja še naprej.
15. člen 
Socialna varnost 
1. CEF se glede socialne varnosti obravnava enako kot diplomatska predstavništva v Republiki Sloveniji. Vsak zaposleni v CEF mora biti vključen v sistem socialne varnosti.
2. Zaposleni v CEF, ki so državljani Republike Slovenije ali imajo v njej stalno prebivališče in niso napoteni na delo v Republiko Slovenijo iz druge države članice EU ali države, s katero ima Republika Slovenija sklenjen sporazum o socialnem zavarovanju, morajo biti vključeni v slovenski sistem socialne varnosti. Za te zaposlene mora CEF spoštovati obveznosti, ki jih delodajalcem nalagajo predpisi o socialnem zavarovanju v Republiki Sloveniji.
3. Tisti zaposleni, ki niso opredeljeni v prvem stavku prejšnjega odstavka, imajo pravico, da se vključijo v sistem socialne varnosti Republike Slovenije. CEF v tem primeru ni zavezan za plačilo prispevkov za socialno varnost. Če se v ta sistem ne vključijo, ne morejo uveljavljati pravic iz socialnega zavarovanja v Republiki Sloveniji. Če zaposleni ali njihovi družinski člani, ki niso vključeni v sistem socialnega zavarovanja Republike Slovenije, zaradi nujnih ali nepredvidenih okoliščin koristijo nujne zdravstvene storitve v Republiki Sloveniji, je za kritje teh stroškov v celoti odgovoren CEF.
4. CEF mora ob nastopu dela pridobiti dokazila, da je vsak zaposleni, ki je napoten na delo v Republiko Slovenijo iz druge države članice EU ali države, s katero ima Republika Slovenija sklenjen sporazum o socialnem zavarovanju, vključen v sistem socialne varnosti v tej državi za celotno obdobje napotitve na delo v Republiko Slovenijo. Obliko in izdajatelja potrdila urejajo predpisi EU ali sporazumi o socialnem zavarovanju, ki jih je Republika Slovenija sklenila s tretjimi državami.
16. člen 
Uradno obvestilo o nastopu in prenehanju funkcije ter izkaznice 
1. Ko direktor ali član osebja nastopi svojo funkcijo ali jo preneha opravljati, CEF v treh dneh od njegovega prihoda ali odhoda o tem uradno obvesti Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
2. Na podlagi zaprosila CEF Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo izda diplomatske izkaznice za direktorja in njegove družinske člane, ki niso slovenski državljani ali v Republiki Sloveniji nimajo stalnega prebivališča, ter službene izkaznice za osebje in njegove družinske člane, ki niso slovenski državljani ali v Republiki Sloveniji nimajo stalnega prebivališča.
3. Izkaznica je javni dokument, ki izkazuje istovetnost in posebni status imetnika ter je hkrati tudi dovoljenje za začasno prebivanje tujca v Republiki Sloveniji. Uporablja se za namen, za katerega je bila izdana.
17. člen 
Reševanje sporov 
1. Vsi spori med slovenskimi organi in CEF v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma ali katerega koli dodatnega sporazuma ali katero koli vprašanje v zvezi s prostori CEF ali odnosi med CEF in slovenskimi organi se rešujejo z medsebojnim posvetovanjem in pogajanji.
2. Vsak spor med Republiko Slovenijo in CEF v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma ali katerega koli dodatnega sporazuma ali kakršno koli vprašanje glede prostorov, ki se ne reši s pogajanji ali drugim dogovorjenim načinom reševanja, se pošlje v končno presojo arbitražnemu sodišču, sestavljenemu iz treh arbitrov, katerih odločitev je dokončna in zavezujoča. Enega arbitra določi direktor CEF, drugega pa Vlada Republike Slovenije. Ta dva arbitra nato imenujeta še tretjega.
3. Spori iz prejšnjega odstavka glede stvarnopravnih vprašanj, zlasti glede 3. člena tega sporazuma, se rešujejo pred sodišči v Republiki Sloveniji v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije.
18. člen 
Končne določbe 
1. Sporazum se lahko spremeni pisno na podlagi medsebojnega soglasja pogodbenikov. Vse spremembe začnejo veljati v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena.
2. Sporazum začne veljati na dan prejema uradnega obvestila, s katerim Vlada Republike Slovenije obvesti CEF o končanju postopka, potrebnega za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
3. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas in vsak od pogodbenikov ga lahko odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom drugemu pogodbeniku. V tem primeru sporazum preneha veljati šest (6) mesecev po dnevu prejema takega uradnega obvestila.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani 18. decembra 2014 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado 
Republike Slovenije 
Dušan Mramor l.r.
Za Center 
za razvoj financ (CEF) 
Mira Dobovišek l.r.
H E A D Q U A R T E R S  A G R E E M E N T 
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) (hereinafter: the Contracting Parties),
– Having regard to the provisions of the Agreement on Establishing the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF) (hereinafter: Agreement Establishing the CEF) concluded in Bled on 3 September 2013,
– Desiring to further define the terms and conditions for the smooth operation of the Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF), with headquarters in Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia, and the effective performance of its activities in the Republic of Slovenia,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1 
For the purposes of this Agreement, the terms used herein shall have the following meaning:
"CEF" means the Center of Excellence in Finance.
"Members of the Governing Board" means the Ministers of Finance and Governors of Central Banks or heads of other relevant institutions or their nominated representatives.
"Official activities" means the provision of training, professional and technical assistance, and facilitation of networks for the purpose of implementing reforms in public financial management and central banking.
"Director" means the Director of the CEF.
"Staff" means any employee of the CEF.
"Expert" means any person contracted by the CEF for a short term (up to twelve months) to deliver requested services.
"Representatives of the CEF Members" means members of delegations participating in meetings convened by the CEF.
"Meeting convened by the CEF" means any meeting of any CEF organ or a subsidiary body or any conference convened by the CEF.
"Property" means all income of the CEF and all property, including funds, assets and other properties that belong to the CEF, either owned or held/administered by the CEF, in accordance with the official duties performed by the CEF.
“Premises” means the buildings or parts of buildings, including the land ancillary thereto, used only for the purposes of the CEF, irrespective of ownership.
"Archives" means all records, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, computer and media data, photographs, films, video, sound recordings and any other data belonging to or held by the CEF.
"Family members" means spouses and common-law partners of the Staff, unmarried dependent children of the Staff up to 18 years of age, or up to 26 years of age if enrolled as full-time students at post-secondary educational institutions, and unmarried dependent children of the Staff who are physically or mentally disabled.
"Host country" means the country where the headquarters of CEF is located.
"Host country authorities" means state authorities, local government authorities and other authorities of the Republic of Slovenia.
Any reference to a person of the male sex shall be deemed also to constitute a reference to a person of the female sex, and viceversa.
Article 2 
Status and Legal Capacity 
The CEF possesses international legal personality in accordance with the Agreement Establishing the CEF and shall possess such legal capacity as is necessary for the exercise of its functions, including the capacity to contract, to acquire and to dispose movable and immovable property, enter into and respond to legal proceedings and take such other actions as may be necessary or useful for its purposes and activities.
Article 3 
1. The headquarters of the CEF shall be located at Cankarjeva 18 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in a building on plot No. 2776, building No. 36, cadastral community 1725 – Ajdovščina, which is fully owned by the Republic of Slovenia, and shall comprise the following:
a) The entire elevated ground floor of the building, with the exception of three rooms (a classroom and two test rooms), including the common areas and facilities that are clearly marked on the floor plan attached hereto as Annex 1;
b) The entire fourth floor with common areas and facilities marked on the floor plan attached hereto as Annex 2.
2. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall make available to the CEF free of charge the premises referred to in the preceding paragraph, which shall be considered as Slovenia’s annual contribution to the CEF and to the Official Development Assistance (ODA), and shall be valued according to the rental value indicated in the CEF’s Annual Report.
3. The CEF shall freely use the headquarter premises in line with the purpose and the activities set out in the Agreement Establishing the CEF. The CEF may not sublet the premises referred to in the first paragraph of this Article.
4. The CEF shall cover operating and regular maintenance costs. Major maintenance costs shall be borne by the Republic of Slovenia unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting Parties. The CEF shall use the premises referred to in the first paragraph of this Article with due care and diligence.
5. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia may also make available to the CEF other premises owned by the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 4 
Inviolability of Premises 
1. The premises of the CEF shall be inviolable.
2. The Host Country authorities shall have no access to the premises without the permission of the CEF Director or any person authorised by him. In the event of a fire or other emergency warranting immediate measures of protection, the CEF shall be deemed to have consented to such measures.
3. The CEF must not allow its premises to become a refuge from justice for persons who are avoiding apprehension under any Slovenian law, extradition by national authorities to a foreign state or the service of process.
4. Official documents issued by Slovenian authorities may be served on the premises of the CEF.
Article 5 
The CEF shall be responsible for the maintenance of order and security on its premises. The CEF shall also have the responsibility to comply with the applicable Slovenian legislation in accordance with the Agreement Establishing the CEF.
Article 6 
Assistance and Cooperation in Security Matters 
1. The competent Slovenian authorities shall exercise due diligence in ensuring that the tranquillity of the premises of the CEF is not disturbed by any person or group attempting unauthorised entry into or creating disturbances in their immediate vicinity.
2. The competent Slovenian authorities and the CEF shall closely cooperate to effectively provide security both on the premises of the CEF and in their immediate vicinity.
3. Persons empowered to maintain law and order according to the Slovenian legislation may enter the premises only at the request or upon explicit authorisation of the CEF Director or a person authorised by him; in such cases, the Staff shall provide them with all necessary assistance.
4. The competent Slovenian authorities and the CEF shall notify each other of all matters relating to the security of the premises of the CEF. They shall, in particular, notify each other of the name and status of any authority responsible for security.
Article 7 
Public Services 
Essential public services shall be made available to the CEF under the same terms and conditions as those provided to diplomatic missions in the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 8 
Official Correspondence 
1. As regards official correspondence, the CEF shall enjoy treatment no less favourable than that accorded by the Host Country to diplomatic missions in the Republic of Slovenia.
2. The official correspondence of the CEF, by whatever means or in whatever form it is transmitted, shall be inviolable.
3. The CEF shall have the right to send and receive official correspondence and other materials by courier or in sealed bags, which shall be granted the same status in terms of privileges and immunities as that granted to diplomatic couriers and diplomatic bags.
Article 9 
Flag, Emblem and Markings 
The CEF may display its flag, logo and other designations, adopted by the Governing Board of the CEF, on its premises and on the motor vehicles used for official purposes.
Article 10 
Exemption from Taxes and Duties 
1. In addition to the exemption referred to in the Agreement Establishing the CEF, the CEF shall be exempt from:
a) Any direct tax in respect of the premises and official activities of the CEF;
b) Any customs duty on motor vehicles used for official purposes and on spare parts that are imported in the Republic of Slovenia.
2. The CEF may not alienate, make available to other persons or use for any other purposes the goods imported in accordance with item b of the preceding paragraph before the expiry of one year from the date of import.
3. The exemption shall not apply to charges, taxes or duties which constitute payment for public services.
Article 11 
Privileges and Immunities of Members of the Governing Board and Representatives of the CEF Members 
The privileges and immunities of the Members of the Governing Board and representatives of the CEF Members are specified in the Agreement Establishing the CEF.
Article 12 
Privileges and Immunities of the Director and the Staff 
1. In addition to the privileges and immunities specified in the Agreement Establishing the CEF, the Director and the Staff shall also enjoy the privileges under this Agreement.
2. The Director and the Staff holding an established post at the CEF for at least one year and who are not Slovenian nationals or have not held permanent residency status prior to their employment with the CEF shall be entitled to VAT exemption for purchasing or importing personal effects and household goods in the value of at least EUR 116 incl. VAT within six months from the date of their first arrival in the Republic of Slovenia and from the moment of taking up their post at the CEF.
3. Items subject to exemption under the preceding paragraph may not be alienated, made available to other persons or used for any other purposes before the expiry of one year without paying duty.
Article 13 
Purpose of the Privileges and Immunities 
1. The privileges and immunities specified in the Agreement Establishing the CEF and in this Agreement shall be accorded not for the personal benefit of individuals themselves, but in order to ensure the smooth performance of tasks in connection with the CEF.
2. Without prejudice to their privileges and immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities in accordance with this Agreement to respect the laws and regulations of the Host Country and not interfere in the internal affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
3. The CEF shall cooperate at all times with the competent Slovenian authorities in order to ensure the compliance with the Slovenian law and prevent any abuse of the privileges and immunities granted under the provisions of this Agreement.
Article 14 
Duration of Privileges and Immunities 
1. Persons entitled to privileges and immunities shall enjoy such privileges and immunities in the Host Country territory from the moment they assume their post at the CEF or, if this had not been notified in advance, from the moment when the take up of their post was notified to the competent authorities of the Host Country.
2. When the functions of these persons come to an end, privileges and immunities they enjoy in the territory of the Host Country shall normally cease at the moment when they leave the Host Country, or on expiry of a reasonable period in which to do so. However, with respect to the acts done by those persons in the exercise of their functions, immunity shall continue to subsist.
Article 15 
Social Security 
1. In terms of social security, the CEF shall be accorded the same treatment as that granted to diplomatic missions in the Republic of Slovenia. Each member of the Staff shall be included in the social security system.
2. The Staff who are nationals of or have permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia and have not been posted to work in the Republic of Slovenia by another EU Member State or a state with which it has concluded a social insurance agreement must be covered by the Slovenian social security scheme. In respect of these members of the Staff, the CEF shall be bound by the obligations imposed on employers by the social security regulations in the Republic of Slovenia.
3. Staff not covered by the first sentence of the preceding paragraph shall be entitled to join the social security scheme of the Republic of Slovenia. In such cases, the CEF shall not be liable for the payment of social security contributions. Without joining the social security scheme, members of the Staff shall not be able to exercise their rights to social security benefits in the Republic of Slovenia. If, due to emergency or other unforeseeable circumstances, the Staff or their family members who are not covered by the social security scheme of the Republic of Slovenia use emergency health care services in the Republic of Slovenia, the costs of these services will be borne entirely by the CEF.
4. On the taking up of duties by the Staff posted to work in the Republic of Slovenia by another EU Member State or a state with which Slovenia has concluded a social insurance agreement, the CEF must provide evidence that the Staff are covered by the social security scheme of that country for the entire duration of their posting to the Republic of Slovenia. The form and the issuer of the certificate shall be provided for by EU regulations or social insurance agreements concluded between the Republic of Slovenia and third countries.
Article 16 
Notification of Appointments and Departures and Cards 
1. When the Director or Staff take up or relinquish their duties, the CEF shall duly notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia within three days after their arrival or departure.
2. At the request filed by the CEF, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia shall issue, in accordance with the Slovenian legislation, diplomatic identity cards to the Director and his family members who are not Slovenian nationals or do not hold permanent residency status in the Republic of Slovenia, and official identity cards to the Staff and their family members who are not Slovenian nationals or do not hold permanent residency status in the Republic of Slovenia.
3. These identity cards shall constitute public documents proving the identity and special status of the holder and shall simultaneously serve as temporary residence permits for foreign nationals in the Republic of Slovenia. The cards shall be used for the purposes for which they have been issued.
Article 17 
Settlement of Disputes 
1. Any dispute arising between the Slovenian authorities and the CEF relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement or any additional agreement or any issue arising in connection with the premises of the CEF or the relationship between the CEF and the Slovenian authorities shall be settled by consultation and negotiation.
2. Any dispute between the Republic of Slovenia and the CEF arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement or any additional agreement or any issue concerning the premises of the CEF that is not settled by negotiation or other agreed modes of settlement shall be submitted to an arbitral tribunal composed of three arbitrators, whose decision shall be final and binding. One arbitrator shall be appointed by the Director of the CEF and the other by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The two arbitrators shall then appoint the third arbitrator.
3. The disputes under the preceding paragraph regarding in rem issues, in particular regarding Article 3 of this Agreement, shall be settled before the courts of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the law of the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 18 
Final Provisions 
1. This Agreement may be amended or modified by mutual consent of the Contracting Parties in writing. All amendments shall take effect in accordance with the second paragraph of this Article.
2. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the notification by which the Government of the Republic of Slovenia notifies the CEF of the completion of the procedure required for its entry into force.
3. This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time and may be terminated by either Contracting Party by giving written notice to the other. Such notice shall take effect six (6) months after the date of its receipt.
Done at Ljubljana on 18 December 2014 in two originals in the Slovenian and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.
For the Government 
of the Republic of Slovenia Dušan Mramor (s)
For the Center 
Of Excellence in Finance (CEF) 
Mira Dobovišek (s)
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Vlada Republike Slovenije.
4. člen 
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 411-01/14-31/11
Ljubljana, dne 3. marca 2015
EPA 2015-VI
Državni zbor 
Republike Slovenije 
dr. Milan Brglez l.r.

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