Uradni list

Številka 87
Uradni list RS, št. 87/2015 z dne 13. 11. 2015
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 87/2015 z dne 13. 11. 2015


74. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Madžarske in Vlado Italijanske republike o večnacionalnih silah kopenske vojske (MITHUV-1), stran 555.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
U K A Z 
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Madžarske in Vlado Italijanske republike o večnacionalnih silah kopenske vojske (MITHUV-1) 
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Madžarske in Vlado Italijanske republike o večnacionalnih silah kopenske vojske (MITHUV-1), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 21. oktobra 2015.
Št. 003-02-8/2015-21
Ljubljana, dne 29. oktobra 2015
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije
Z A K O N 
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Madžarske in Vlado Italijanske republike o večnacionalnih silah kopenske vojske, sklenjen 18. novembra 2014 v Bruslju.
2. člen 
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
A G R E E M E N T 
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Italian Republic, hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”;
Recognising that the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Italian Republic are the Founding Nations of the Multinational Land Force (MLF);
Considering that the above-mentioned states are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and the European Union (EU) and subsequently form a part of the NATO and EU security and defence architecture;
Confirming their full commitment to enhance and improve cooperation, security and stability in order to meet 21st century challenges;
Confirming their commitment to the “open door policy”, enabling the participation and cooperation of other countries within the framework of the MLF;
Recognising the need to renew the concept of operations and operational capabilities and consequent need to revise the legal framework of the MLF, with a view to adapting to the new realities;
Considering the decision of the Political-Military Steering Group to revise the existing agreements and to affiliate the MLF to the NRDC-ITA, adopted at the 5th Political-Military Steering Group Meeting, held in Budapest on 21 September 2010;
Having in mind the well-established tradition of the MLF
Have agreed on the following:
Article 1 
Purpose of the Agreement 
1. The purpose of this Agreement is to renew the mission as reflected in the concept of operations and operational capabilities of the MLF, established by the “Agreement among the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Establishment of the Multinational Land Force”, signed on 18 April 1998 in Udine.
2. The Parties reaffirm the general purpose of the MLF, as defined in the “Agreement among the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Establishment of the Multinational Land Force”, signed on 18 April 1998 in Udine, which is:
– to set up a readily available, highly-operational Force capable of providing an effective military response to newly emerging challenges;
– to enhance the level of interoperability among the Parties of the MLF, by improving mutual knowledge and the adaptation of commonly agreed operational procedures.
3. Within this framework, the main goal is to contribute to international security through:
– the creation of conditions and capabilities for combined training in peacetime;
– dissuasion against potential adversaries by engagement of an effective and credible military force;
4. In order to fulfil the above goals, the MLF must be able to:
– plan and conduct multinational training activities aimed at reaching and maintaining appropriate readiness, sustainment capabilities and high operational effectiveness, as well as contributing to the improvement of interoperability;
– conduct UN, EU and NATO led missions;
– conduct other commonly agreed activities by the Parties.
Article 2 
Scope of Employment 
1. The MLF can be employed in a trilateral or multinational context in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Agreement and the implementing Memorandum of Understanding – MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
2. The MLF can be employed as part of a force under the mandate of the UN Security Council or as part of a force led by an International Organisation in accordance with the principles of the United Nations’ Charter.
3. The decision on the employment of the MLF shall be adopted by a unanimous decision of the Parties and shall be further regulated in the MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
4. Depending on the possible limitations set by the national legislation of a Party, high-level political decisions of a Party, or operational capabilities of the designated units of the Parties, the MLF can be employed by a limited number of the Parties pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article and in accordance with the decision based on paragraph 3 of this Article.
Article 3 
MLF’s Decision-Making Bodies 
1. The MLF shall receive instructions, usually through an operational Chain of Command, from the high-level Political-Military Steering Group (hereinafter referred to as PMSG) including high-ranking representatives of Ministries of Defence (MOD) and national General Staffs of the Parties. The PMSG shall establish the conditions for the operational employment and deployment of the MLF. In addition, the PMSG shall provide mutual information and coordination among the Parties on all matters relating to the MLF.
2. The PMSG shall be supported by a multinational-staff-level Political-Military Working Group (PMWG), including technical expert representatives of MODs and Services Staffs that shall meet as required. These structures shall also provide a forum for discussion on the MLF’s development.
3. Upon the proposal by the PMWG the PMSG can establish non-permanent Working groups (WG) comprised by Subject Matter Experts to support the decision making process of the MLF. These WG shall meet as required and report to the PMWG.
Article 4 
Force and Command Structure 
1. The MLF is a Force consisting of peacetime establishment Command structures, designated units and crisis establishment structures, based on the concept of a “Lead Nation”.
2. In accordance with the Lead Nation concept within the peacetime establishment, there is no permanent stationing of forces outside of their designated national bases. The appropriate level of integration shall be reached by the assignment of the Parties’ personnel to the MLF HQ. This shall also facilitate the integration of the different components at the beginning of an operation or exercise.
3. The Italian Republic, acting as the “Lead Nation”, shall provide the seat for the MLF HQ, the MLF HQ Commander and the bulk of the MLF HQ framework, reinforced by selected personnel from the other Parties on a permanent basis and adequately augmented in contingencies. The number of other Parties’ personnel in the MLF HQ on a permanent basis shall reflect the number of personnel they designate to the MLF Forces.
4. The capabilities designated by the Parties shall be specified in the MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
5. The designated capabilities are not permanently assigned, but are available “on call”, in order to facilitate force generation and assembly. Each Party shall be required to identify capabilities annually at the end of each year, valid for the coming year.
Article 5 
Training and Activation of the MLF 
1. When the MLF is activated for training or operational purposes, the MLF HQ Commander will be appointed as Commander Multinational Land Force (hereinafter referred to as COMMLF).
2. For the planning and conduct of operations and training the MLF HQ shall be augmented by Crisis Establishment personnel as agreed in the appropriate MOU. However, national troop contributions will be confirmed by the PMSG.
3. Responsibilities of COMMLF shall be detailed in the MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
4. In operations and exercises, the operational Chain of Command shall be established jointly by the National Authorities, taking into account the specific employment of the MLF.
5. In accordance with the agreed principles, in case of operations and following the Transfer of Authority (TOA), the units of the MLF shall be transferred by each Party to the Operational Control (OPCON) of COMMLF and in particular circumstances under the OPCON of a Commander of the higher echelon.
6. It is the responsibility of the Parties to equip, train and maintain forces designated for the MLF, up to an operational and readiness status coherent with the standards set up for the MLF.
7. Details regarding training, activation and operations conducted by the MLF shall be included in the MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
Article 6 
Official and Working Languages 
The official languages of the MLF are the national languages of the Parties. English will be the working language and all operational documents are to be issued in this language.
Article 7 
Financial and Logistic Aspects 
1. The costs related to the establishment, administration and operation of the MLF HQ, shall be borne by a multinational budget funded in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding “About the organisation of the Multinational Land Force”.
2. The costs not covered by the multinational budget are born by the Parties in accordance with principles set by the MOU “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force” or any other appropriate arrangement.
3. Detailed logistic arrangements regarding the constitution and operation of the MLF shall be included in the Memorandum of Understanding “About the Organisation of the Multinational Land Force” or any other appropriate arrangement.
Article 8 
Legal Considerations 
The provisions of the Agreement between the Parties of the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their Forces (NATO SOFA, dated 19 June 1951) will regulate the status of the MLF personnel, as applicable.
Article 9 
Participation of Other Countries in the MLF 
1. Any state may accede to this Agreement upon obtaining written consent of all Parties and signature of a Note of Accession to this Agreement. The sample Note of Accession is attached in Annex A to this Agreement.
2. Any NATO, NATO PfP or EU Member State forces, as well as other friendly Nations’ forces can participate in a particular MLF training activity or operation upon prior consent of the Parties and upon signing an appropriate Memorandum of Understanding or Technical Arrangement with the Parties specifying such participation.
Article 10 
Security Clauses 
1. “CLASSIFIED INFORMATION” is any information or material, to which one of the Parties or MLF has assigned a security classification.
2. All classified information exchanged or generated in connection with this Agreement, will be protected in accordance with the applicable national and international laws and regulations of the Parties.
3. Classified information will be transferred only through the government-to-government channels approved by National Security Authority or Competent Security Authority designated by the Parties.
4. The corresponding security classifications are:
„Korlátozott terjesztésű!”
Information marked with any of the MLF security classifications shall be protected in the same manner as information with the corresponding national security classification as indicated in the above table.
5. Access to classified information on the basis of this Agreement is permitted to personnel of the Parties who have a “need-to-know” and an adequate level of security clearance in compliance with national laws and regulations.
6. The Parties shall ensure that all classified information exchanged will be used only for the intended purpose within the objectives and the scope of this Agreement.
7. Transfer of classified information to Third Parties, obtained as a result of cooperation in the field of defence materials covered by this Agreement, will be subject to the prior written consent of the Security Authority of the generating Party.
8. The exchange and protection of classified information shall be regulated in detail in the applicable bilateral agreements.
9. Without prejudice to the immediate effect of the clauses contained in this article, further aspects of security relating to classified information shall be governed by follow-on documents.
Article 11 
Settlement of Disputes 
Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultation between the Parties only.
Article 12 
Implementation Arrangements 
Detailed questions concerning the MLF and other operational aspects will be settled in separate Memorandum of Understanding or other relevant documents signed by the appropriate authorities of the Parties.
Article 13 
Final Provisions 
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
2. The Agreement shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the Parties. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Depositary.
3. The Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit of the last instrument of ratification, acceptance, or approval.
4. For any State that accedes to the Agreement this Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the date of deposit of that State’s instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
5. On the day this Agreement enters into force the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government of Hungary and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Establishment of a Multinational Land Force, signed in Udine on 18 April 1998, shall cease to apply.
6. The entry into force of this Agreement does not affect the validity of any arrangement concluded between the respective authorities of the Parties in connection with the implementation of the subject matter, provided that the content thereof does not conflict with the present Agreement.
7. This Agreement may be amended by the mutual consent of the Parties. The amendment shall be proposed in writing, through diplomatic channels, and shall enter into force according to paragraph 2 of this Article.
8. This Agreement may be terminated by unanimous consent of the Parties at any time. Any Party may withdraw from the Agreement by giving twelve (12) month’s written notice to the other Parties.
9. If this Agreement is terminated, or if any of the Parties withdraw from the Agreement, the Parties will settle all outstanding issues and other possible areas of interest related to the termination or withdrawal from the Agreement.
10. Termination of this Agreement terminates all implementing Arrangements/MOUs.
Signed in one original in the English language. The original of this Agreement will be deposited with the Government of the Italian Republic who will act as a Depositary, and will provide certified true copies to each Party.
In witness thereof, the undersigned Representatives, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this agreement.
Done in Brussels on 18 November 2014
For the Government 
of the Republic of Slovenia: 
Janko Veber (s)
For the Government 
of Hungary: 
Csaba Heude (s)
For the Government 
of the Italian Republic: 
Roberta Pinotti (s)
S P O R A Z U M 
Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Madžarske in Vlada Italijanske republike, v nadaljevanju pogodbenice, so se
ob priznavanju, da so Vlada Republike Slovenije, Vlada Madžarske in Vlada Italijanske republike ustanovne države večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske (MLF);
ob upoštevanju, da so omenjene države članice Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe (Nato) in Evropske unije (EU) ter so tako del njune varnostne in obrambne arhitekture;
ob potrditvi svoje polne zavezanosti pospeševanju in izboljšanju sodelovanja, varnosti in stabilnosti pri spoprijemanju z izzivi 21. stoletja;
ob potrditvi svoje zavezanosti »politiki odprtih vrat«, s katero se omogočata udeležba in sodelovanje drugih držav v okviru MLF;
ob priznavanju potrebe po prenovi koncepta operacij in operativnih zmogljivosti ter posledično potrebe po reviziji pravnega okvira MLF zaradi prilagajanja novim okoliščinam;
ob upoštevanju odločitve politično-vojaške usmerjevalne skupine, da revidira obstoječe sporazume in pridruži MLF k NRDC-ITA, kar je bilo sprejeto na 5. seji politično-vojaške usmerjevalne skupine v Budimpešti 21. septembra 2010;
ob upoštevanju dobro uveljavljene tradicije MLF
1. člen
Namen sporazuma 
1. Namen tega sporazuma je obnoviti poslanstvo, kot se kaže v zasnovi delovanja in operativnih zmogljivosti MLF, določenih s Sporazumom med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Republike Italije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o ustanovitvi večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske, podpisanim 18. aprila 1998 v Vidmu.
2. Pogodbenice ponovno potrjujejo splošni namen MLF, kot je opredeljen v Sporazumu med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Republike Italije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o ustanovitvi večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske, podpisanem 18. aprila 1998 v Vidmu, in sicer:
– vzpostavitev hitro razpoložljivih in visoko operativnih sil, ki omogočajo učinkovit vojaški odziv na novonastajajoče izzive;
– povečanje povezljivosti med pogodbenicami MLF z izboljšanjem skupnega znanja in prilagajanjem skupno dogovorjenih operativnih postopkov.
3. Pri tem je glavni namen prispevati k mednarodni varnosti z:
– vzpostavitvijo pogojev in zmogljivosti za skupno usposabljanje v miru;
– odvračanjem potencialnih nasprotnikov z uporabo učinkovite in verodostojne vojaške sile.
4. Za izpolnitev omenjenih ciljev morajo biti MLF sposobne:
– načrtovati in izvajati večnacionalno usposabljanje, katerega namen je doseči in vzdrževati primerno pripravljenost, podporne zmogljivosti in visoko operativno učinkovitost ter prispevati k izboljšanju povezljivosti;
– izvajati naloge pod vodstvom ZN, EU in Nata;
– izvajati druge dejavnosti, o katerih se pogodbenice skupno dogovorijo.
2. člen
Področje delovanja 
1. MLF lahko delujejo v tristranskem ali večnacionalnem okviru v skladu z ustreznimi določbami tega sporazuma in izvedbenim Memorandumom o soglasju (MOU) o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
2. MLF lahko delujejo kot del sil v skladu z mandatom Varnostnega sveta ZN ali pod vodstvom mednarodne organizacije v skladu z načeli Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.
3. Odločitev glede uporabe MLF se sprejme s soglasno odločitvijo pogodbenic in se potem ureja v MOU o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
4. Glede na možne omejitve notranje zakonodaje pogodbenice, politične odločitve na visoki ravni pogodbenice ali operativne zmožnosti določenih enot pogodbenic se MLF lahko uporabijo ob omejenem številu pogodbenic skladno z drugim odstavkom tega člena in odločitvijo na podlagi tretjega odstavka tega člena.
3. člen
Organi odločanja MLF 
1. MLF prejema navodila običajno prek operativne linije poveljevanja od višje politično-vojaške usmerjevalne skupine (v nadaljevanju PMSG), ki vključuje visoke predstavnike ministrstev za obrambo in nacionalnih generalštabov pogodbenic. PMSG mora vzpostaviti pogoje za operativno uporabo in napotitev MLF. Poleg tega PMSG zagotovi tudi skupne informacije in usklajevanje med pogodbenicami glede vseh zadev o MLF.
2. Podporo PMSG zagotavlja večnacionalna politično-vojaška delovna skupina (PMWG) na štabni ravni, ki vključuje tehnično-strokovne predstavnike ministrstev za obrambo in štabov zvrsti, ki se sestanejo po potrebi. Te strukture delujejo tudi kot forum za razpravo o razvoju MLF.
3. Na predlog PMWG lahko PMSG ustanovi začasne delovne skupine (WG), ki jih za podporo pri sprejemanju odločitev MLF sestavljajo področni strokovnjaki. Te delovne skupine se sestanejo po potrebi in poročajo PMWG.
4. člen
Struktura sil in poveljniška struktura 
1. MLF so sile, sestavljene iz poveljniških struktur mirnodobne sestave, odrejenih enot in struktur krizne sestave na temelju koncepta vodilne države.
2. V skladu s konceptom vodilne države znotraj mirnodobne sestave sile niso stalno nameščene zunaj svojih odrejenih nacionalnih baz. Ustrezna raven povezovanja se doseže z dodelitvijo osebja pogodbenic v poveljstvo MLF. To obenem olajša vključevanje različnih elementov na začetku operacije ali vaje.
3. Italijanska republika, ki ima vlogo »vodilne države«, zagotovi sedež poveljstva MLF (MLF HQ), poveljnika MLF HQ in večji del sestave MLF HQ, ki je stalno okrepljena z izbranim osebjem drugih pogodbenic ter se ustrezno poveča ob nepredvidljivih razmerah. Število drugega stalnega osebja pogodbenic v poveljstvu MLF mora odražati število osebja, ki ga te namenijo silam MLF.
4. Zmogljivosti, ki jih dodelijo pogodbenice, se določijo v MOU o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
5. Odrejene zmogljivosti niso dodeljene za stalno, ampak so na voljo »na poziv«, da se omogočita oblikovanje in zbiranje sil. Vsaka pogodbenica ob koncu vsakega leta opredeli svoje zmogljivosti za naslednje leto.
5. člen
Usposabljanje in aktiviranje MLF 
1. Ob aktiviranju MLF za usposabljanje ali operativne namene je poveljnik poveljstva MLF imenovan za poveljnika večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske (v nadaljevanju COMMLF).
2. Za načrtovanje in izvajanje operacij ter usposabljanj se MLF HQ okrepi z osebjem iz krizne sestave, kot je dogovorjeno v ustreznem MOU. Kljub temu pa sodelovanje nacionalnih enot potrdi PMSG.
3. Obveznosti COMMLF so podrobno opredeljene v MOU o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
4. Za operacije in vaje nacionalni organi skupno oblikujejo operativno linijo poveljevanja, upoštevajoč specifično uporabo MLF.
5. V skladu z dogovorjenimi načeli v primeru operacij in po prenosu pristojnosti (TOA) vsaka od pogodbenic premesti enote MLF pod operativno kontrolo (OPCON) COMMLF in v posebnih okoliščinah pod OPCON poveljnika višjega ešalona.
6. Pogodbenice so odgovorne za opremljanje, usposabljanje in vzdrževanje sil, namenjenih za MLF, do stanja operativnosti in pripravljenosti v skladu s standardi, določenimi za MLF.
7. Podrobnosti glede usposabljanja, aktiviranja in operacij, ki jih izvajajo MLF, bodo vključene v MOU o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
6. člen
Uradni in delovni jeziki 
Uradni jeziki MLF so nacionalni jeziki pogodbenic. Delovni jezik je angleški in vsi operativni dokumenti se izdajajo v tem jeziku.
7. člen
Finančni in logistični vidiki 
1. Stroški v zvezi z oblikovanjem, upravljanjem in delovanjem MLF HQ se krijejo iz večnacionalnega proračuna, ki se financira v skladu z določbami Memoranduma o soglasju o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske.
2. Stroške, ki niso zajeti v večnacionalnem proračunu, krijejo pogodbenice v skladu z načeli, določenimi v MOU o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske ali v drugem ustreznem dogovoru.
3. Podrobni logistični dogovori o sestavi in delovanju MLF se vključijo v Memorandum o soglasju o organizaciji večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske ali drug ustrezen dogovor.
8. člen
Pravni vidiki 
Status osebja MLF, kot je primerno, urejajo določbe Sporazuma med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantske pogodbe o statusu njihovih sil (NATO SOFA z dne 19. junija 1951).
9. člen
Sodelovanje drugih držav v MLF 
1. K temu sporazumu lahko pristopi katera koli država, potem ko pridobi pisno dovoljenje vseh pogodbenic in ko podpiše noto o pristopu. Vzorec note o pristopu je v prilogi A tega sporazuma.
2. Vse sile držav članic Nata, Natovega Partnerstva za mir ali Evropske unije kot tudi druge sile prijateljskih držav lahko sodelujejo v posameznem usposabljanju ali operaciji MLF po predhodnem dovoljenju pogodbenic in podpisu ustreznega memoranduma o soglasju ali tehničnega dogovora, ki podrobno opredeljuje tako sodelovanje.
10. člen
Varnostne klavzule 
1. »TAJNI PODATKI« so vse informacije ali gradivo, ki so ga ena od pogodbenic ali MLF označile s stopnjo tajnosti.
2. Vsi tajni podatki, ki se izmenjujejo ali nastanejo v zvezi s tem sporazumom, se varujejo v skladu z veljavnim notranjim in mednarodnim pravom ter predpisi pogodbenic.
3. Tajni podatki se prenašajo samo po medvladnih poteh, ki jih odobri nacionalni varnostni organ ali pristojni varnostni organ, ki ga določijo pogodbenice.
4. Ustrezne stopnje tajnosti so:
»Korlátozott terjesztésü!«
Podatki, označeni s stopnjo tajnosti MLF, se obravnavajo in varujejo na enak način kot podatki z ustrezno nacionalno stopnjo tajnosti, prikazano v zgornji preglednici.
5. Dostop do tajnih podatkov po tem sporazumu je dovoljen osebju pogodbenic na podlagi »potrebe po seznanitvi« in ustreznega dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi.
6. Pogodbenice morajo zagotoviti, da bodo vsi izmenjani tajni podatki uporabljeni zgolj glede na namembnost v okviru ciljev in področja tega sporazuma.
7. Za prenos tajnih podatkov, ki so nastali kot rezultat sodelovanja na področju priprave gradiva za obrambne namene po tem sporazumu, tretjim stranem je potrebno predhodno pisno dovoljenje varnostnega organa pogodbenice, pri kateri so nastali ti podatki.
8. Izmenjava in varovanje tajnih podatkov sta podrobno urejena v veljavnih dvostranskih sporazumih.
9. Ne glede na takojšnjo veljavnost določb tega člena bodo dodatni varnostni vidiki, ki se nanašajo na tajne podatke, urejeni v nadaljnjih dokumentih.
11. člen
Reševanje sporov 
Kateri koli spor v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma se rešuje samo s posvetovanjem med pogodbenicami.
12. člen
Izvedbeni dogovori 
Podrobna vprašanja glede MLF in drugih operativnih vidikov bodo urejena v posebnem memorandumu o soglasju ali drugih ustreznih dokumentih, ki jih podpišejo pooblaščeni organi pogodbenic.
13. člen
Končne določbe 
1. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas.
2. Sporazum morajo ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti pogodbenice. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri depozitarju.
3. Sporazum začne veljati trideseti dan po datumu deponiranja zadnje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
4. Za države, ki pristopijo k sporazumu, začne ta veljati trideseti dan po datumu deponiranja listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu zadevne države.
5. Na dan, ko začne veljati ta sporazum, preneha veljati Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Madžarske in Vlado Republike Italije o ustanovitvi večnacionalnih sil kopenske vojske, podpisan v Vidmu 18. aprila 1998.
6. Začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma ne vpliva na veljavnost katerega koli dogovora, sklenjenega med zadevnimi organi pogodbenic v zvezi z izvajanjem sporazuma, če ti dogovori niso v nasprotju s tem sporazumom.
7. Ta sporazum je mogoče spremeniti s privoljenjem pogodbenic. Spremembo je treba predlagati pisno po diplomatski poti, veljati pa začne v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena.
8. S soglasno privolitvijo pogodbenic lahko ta sporazum kadar koli preneha veljati. Katera koli pogodbenica lahko na podlagi pisnega obvestila, ki ga dvanajst (12) mesecev vnaprej pošlje drugima pogodbenicama, odstopi od tega sporazuma.
9. Če ta sporazum preneha veljati ali katera koli od pogodbenic odstopi od njega, pogodbenice uredijo vse nerešene zadeve in druga pomembna vprašanja v zvezi s prenehanjem veljavnosti sporazuma ali odstopom od njega.
10. S prenehanjem tega sporazuma prenehajo veljati vsi izvedbeni dogovori/MOU.
Podpisano v enem izvirniku v angleškem jeziku. Izvirnik tega sporazuma se hrani pri Vladi Italijanske republike kot depozitarki, ki vsaki pogodbenici zagotovi overjen izvod.
V potrditev tega so podpisani predstavniki, ki so jih pravilno pooblastile njihove vlade, podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Bruslju dne 18. novembra 2014
Za Vlado 
Republike Slovenije 
Janko Veber l.r
Za Vlado 
Csaba Heude l.r.
Za Vlado 
Italijanske republike 
Roberta Pinotti l.r.
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo.
4. člen 
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 200-10/14-2/11
Ljubljana, dne 21. oktobra 2015
EPA 1936-VI
Državni zbor 
Republike Slovenije 
dr. Milan Brglez l.r.

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