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Številka 37
Uradni list RS, št. 37/2013 z dne 29. 4. 2013
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 37/2013 z dne 29. 4. 2013


38. Sklep o potrditvi Kulturnega, znanstvenega in študijskega programa izmenjave med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran v letih 2011–2014 (1390–1393 A.H.), stran 331.

Na podlagi osmega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o potrditvi Kulturnega, znanstvenega in študijskega programa izmenjave med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran v letih 2011–2014 (1390–1393 A.H.)
1. člen
Potrdi se Kulturni, znanstveni in študijski program izmenjave med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran v letih 2011–2014 (1390–1393 A.H.), podpisan v Ljubljani 11. julija 2011.
2. člen
Program se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(*):
Kulturni, znanstveni in študijski program izmenjave med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran v letih 2011–2014 (1390–1393 A.H.)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Islamske republike Iran (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se z željo, da bi razvili in okrepili prijateljske odnose med državama na podlagi Sporazuma o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Islamske republike Iran, ki je bil podpisan 13. aprila 1994, kar ustreza 24. ordibehešta 1373 A. H., dogovorili za sodelovanje na področju kulture, znanosti in šolstva v letih 2011–2014, kar ustreza letom 1390–1393 A. H.
1. poglavje – Kultura in umetnost
1. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa izmenjujeta podatke, izkušnje, knjige, publikacije, fotografije in diapozitive, filme in mikrofilme, avdio in video CD-je s področja kulture, umetnosti, književnosti, arheologije, antropologije in jezikoslovja.
2. člen
Pogodbenici med trajanjem tega programa vabita umetniške skupine k sodelovanju na državnih in mednarodnih festivalih, ki bodo potekali v obeh državah, in k izvajanju kulturnih in umetniških programov.
3. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa izmenjujeta povabila k sodelovanju na seminarjih, festivalih, srečanjih in drugih mednarodnih kulturnih ter umetniških prireditvah v obeh državah.
4. člen
Pogodbenici med trajanjem tega programa sodelujeta na državnih in mednarodnih kinematografskih festivalih ter spodbujata izmenjavo med kinematografskimi ustanovami.
5. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa izmenjujeta strokovnjake za kulturno dediščino, da bi vzpostavili sodelovanje na področjih arheologije, antropologije, tradicionalne umetnosti ter varstva in obnove kulturnih in zgodovinskih spomenikov.
6. člen
Slovenska stran predlaga skupno razstavo o mitraizmu (čaščenju kulta Mitre) in mitrejskih spomenikih ter organizacijo znanstvenega srečanja, na podlagi katerega bi nastala publikacija o slovenskih in iranskih spomenikih Mitri. Na slovenski strani bo ta projekt izvajal Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož.
7. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje svojih držav na mednarodnih festivalih, ki bodo potekali na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
Slovenska stran vabi iransko stran k sodelovanju na:
1. pomladanskem Mednarodnem srečanju pisateljev (PEN) na Bledu,
2. mednarodnem festivalu alternativne glasbe Druga godba, ki poteka predvsem v Ljubljani v drugi polovici maja,
3. Festivalu Lent v Mariboru v drugi polovici junija in prvi polovici julija,
4. festivalu stare glasbe SEVIQC Brežice v drugi polovici junija in prvi polovici julija,
5. Festivalu Ljubljana julija in avgusta,
6. Festivalu Radovljica v drugi polovici avgusta,
7. Mednarodnem literarnem festivalu Vilenica, kjer se srečujejo pesniki, pisatelji in esejisti, organizira pa ga Društvo slovenskih pisateljev v drugi polovici septembra,
8. Ljubljanskem mednarodnem filmskem festivalu (LIFFe) novembra.
8. člen
Narodni knjižnici pogodbenic si izmenjujeta informacije, izkušnje, knjige, publikacije, rokopise, mikrofilme, strokovnjake in pripravnike, se udeležujeta srečanj in razstav, povezanih s knjigami in bibliotekarstvom, se obiskujeta ter na področju bibliotekarstva izvajata skupne raziskovalne in izobraževalne projekte, nudita bibliotekarske storitve in izdajata publikacije.
2. poglavje – Znanost
9. člen
Pogodbenici priporočata izvajanje določb Memoranduma o soglasju med Ministrstvom za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za znanost, raziskave in tehnologijo Islamske republike Iran o sodelovanju na področju raziskav in razvoja, ki je bil podpisan 6. farvardina 1381, kar ustreza 26. marcu 2002.
10. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa izmenjujeta informacije, knjige in publikacije, znanstvene in raziskovalne dokumente, mikrofilme ter programsko opremo s področja znanosti, izobraževanja, raziskovanja in tehnologije.
11. člen
Pogodbenici med trajanjem tega programa poleg prirejanja skupnih znanstvenih, raziskovalnih in tehnoloških razstav izvajata skupne raziskovalne projekte in na podlagi dogovora tudi drugače sodelujeta na področju znanosti in tehnologije.
12. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje strokovnjakov, profesorjev in raziskovalcev iz obeh držav ter njihovo udeležbo na mednarodnih znanstvenih in izobraževalnih konferencah, simpozijih in seminarjih v obeh državah.
3. poglavje – Izobraževanje
13. člen
Pogodbenici se obveščata o pogojih študija in programih štipendiranja za tuje državljane.
14. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa izmenjujeta informacije in inovacije s področja organizacije izobraževalnega sistema, izobraževalnih vsebin, gradiv, programov, virov, dokumentov in filmov, strokovnega in poklicnega izobraževanja in športa ter izobraževanja nadarjenih otrok in otrok s posebnimi potrebami.
15. člen
Pogodbenici si med trajanjem tega programa na podlagi vzajemnosti izmenjujeta strokovnjake in izkušnje na področju izobraževanja na podlagi neposrednih dogovorov med zainteresiranimi ustanovami.
16. člen
Pogodbenici preučita možnosti za medsebojno priznanje izobraževalnih programov in zato spodbujata izmenjavo informacij med državama.
17. člen
Pogodbenici podpirata sodelovanje na področju učenja jezika in spoznavanja književnosti druge države.
18. člen
Pogodbenici si izmenjujeta informacije, knjige in dokumente o zgodovini, kulturi in civilizaciji obeh držav za objektivno predstavitev teh področij v svojih učbenikih.
4. poglavje – Šport in turizem
19. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata sodelovanje med športnimi organizacijami z izmenjavo športnih ekip in delegacij ter najnovejših znanstvenih dosežkov obeh držav na področju športa.
20. člen
Pogodbenici spodbujata obojestranska povabila učencev, študentov in mladine iz druge države k sodelovanju na mednarodnih športnih festivalih in tekmovanjih v obeh državah.
21. člen
Pogodbenici sprejmeta ukrepe za predstavitev turističnih zanimivosti druge države z izmenjavo turističnih informacij, publikacij in turističnega reklamnega gradiva.
22. člen
Pogodbenici sodelujeta z izmenjavo informacij in dokumentov o ustanavljanju in vlogi nacionalnih turističnih organizacij in ustanov v svojih državah.
5. poglavje – Splošni in finančni pogoji
23. člen
Določbe tega programa ne vplivajo na izvajanje katerega koli drugega programa, za katerega se državi kakor koli dogovorita.
24. člen
Dejavnosti, predvidene v tem programu, se izvajajo v skladu s pravili in predpisi posamezne države.
25. člen
Država pošiljateljica državo sprejemnico po uradni poti seznani z izmenjavami med trajanjem tega programa.
26. člen
Vloge, povezane z ocenami raziskovalnih in znanstvenih projektov, se sporočijo drugi strani po uradni poti. Vloga naj vsebuje podatke o izobrazbi prosilca, času bivanja in želenem kraju obiska.
27. člen
Stroške pošiljanja filmov, mikrofilmov in kopij zgodovinskih ter kulturnih dokumentov krije država pošiljateljica.
28. člen
Stroške prevoza predstavnikov in obiskovalcev krije država pošiljateljica, medtem ko stroške nastanitve, hrane in lokalnih prevozov krije država sprejemnica.
29. člen
Stroške prevoza opreme umetniških skupin krije država pošiljateljica, medtem ko stroške bivanja, hrane in lokalnega prevoza ter stroške ustreznega razstavnega prostora krije država sprejemnica.
30. člen
Stroške prevoza razstavnih predmetov v državo sprejemnico in iz nje ter stroške zavarovanja pri tem krije država pošiljateljica, država sprejemnica pa krije stroške lokalnega prevoza in zavarovanja.
Slednja prav tako krije stroške ustreznega razstavnega prostora.
31. člen
Država pošiljateljica poskrbi za ustrezno zdravstveno zavarovanje oseb, izmenjanih v skladu s tem programom za čas njihovega bivanja v državi sprejemnici, pred njihovim prihodom v državo sprejemnico.
32. člen
Pri vstopu državljanov ene pogodbenice na ozemlje druge pogodbenice in med njihovim bivanjem na tem ozemlju velja zanje nacionalna zakonodaja, ki ureja pogoje za vstop v državo in bivanje v njej za tuje državljane.
33. člen
Pogoji za izmenjavo in finančne podrobnosti, povezani s štipendijami, kratkoročnim študijem in izobraževalnimi tečaji, se določijo z dogovorom med pristojnimi organi.
34. člen
Ta program začne veljati 60. dan po podpisu in velja do podpisa novega programa.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 11. julija 2011, kar ustreza 20. TIRU 1390 A.H., v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, perzijskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah v razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Tadej Rupel l.r.
Za Vlado
Islamske republike
Ali Reza Esmaeili
Exchange Programme in the Fields of Culture, Science and Education between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the period from 2011 to 2014 (1390 to 1393 AH)
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (hereinafter referred to as "the Contracting Parties"), in their desire to develop and strengthen friendly relations between their respective countries on the basis of the Agreement on Cooperation in the fields of Education, Culture and Science between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran signed on 13 April 1994 i.e. 24 Ordibehesht 1373 AH, agreed to cooperate in the fields of culture, science and education from 2011 to 2014, which corresponds to the period from 1390 to 1393 AH.
Chapter 1 – Culture and Art
Article 1
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall exchange data, experience, books, publications, photographs and reversal films, films and microfilms, audio and video CDs from the spheres of culture, art, literature, archaeology, anthropology, and linguistics.
Article 2
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall extend invitations to art groups for participation in national and international festivals held in both countries and for the implementation of cultural and artistic programmes.
Article 3
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall exchange invitations to participate in seminars, festivals, meetings and other international cultural and art events in both countries.
Article 4
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall participate in national and international cinematographic festivals and encourage the exchange between cinematic institutions.
Article 5
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall exchange cultural heritage experts with a view to establishing cooperation in archaeology, anthropology, traditional arts as well as the protection and conservation of cultural and historical monuments.
Article 6
The Slovenian side proposes a joint exhibition on Mithraism (i.e. worship of the Mithra cult) and Mithraic monuments as well as the organisation of a scientific conference to form the basis for a publication on Slovenian and Iranian monuments to Mithra. The Slovenian side shall task the Ptuj Ormož Regional Museum (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož) to carry out this project.
Article 7
The Contracting Parties encourage cooperation of the two countries in international festivals to be held on the territory of the other Contracting Party.
The Slovenian side invites the Iranian side to participate in the following events:
1.) International spring writers’ congress (PEN) in Bled;
2.) International alternative music festival Druga godba held primarily in Ljubljana in the second half of May;
3.) Festival Lent in Maribor in the second half of June and the first half of July;
4.) Early Music festival Brežice in the second half of June and the first half of July;
5.) Summer Festival Ljubljana in July and August;
6.) Early Music Festival Radovljica in the second half of August;
7.) Vilenica International Literary Festival bringing together poets, writers and essayists, organised by the Slovenian Writers' Association in the second half of September;
8.) Ljubljana International Film Festival "Liffe" in November.
Article 8
The national libraries of the Contracting Parties shall exchange information, experience, books, publications, manuscripts, microfilms, experts and trainees, participate in meetings and exhibitions relating to books and library science, visit each other and conduct joint research and educational projects in the field of library science, offer services and issue publications.
Chapter 2 – Science
Article 9
The Contracting Parties recommend the implementation of the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Joint Research and Development Cooperation Program signed on 6 Farvardin 1381, which corresponds to 26 March 2002.
Article 10
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information, books and publications, scientific and research documents, microfilms and software in the fields of science, education, research, and technology.
Article 11
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall organise joint scientific, research and technological exhibitions as well as conduct joint research projects and, on the basis of mutual agreement, also engage in other forms of cooperation in the fields of science and technology.
Article 12
The Contracting Parties support the cooperation of experts, professors and researchers from both countries and their participation in international scientific and educational conferences, symposiums and seminars in both countries.
Chapter 3 – Education
Article 13
The Contracting Parties shall inform each other on study conditions and scholarship programmes for foreign citizens.
Article 14
During the validity of the Programme, the Contracting Parties shall exchange information and innovations in the fields of the organisation of education system, educational contents, materials, programmes, sources, documents and films, professional and vocational education and sport as well as the education of gifted children and children with special needs.
Article 15
During the validity of the Programme and on the basis of reciprocity, the Contracting Parties shall exchange experts and experience in the field of education, based on direct agreements between interested institutions.
Article 16
The Contracting Parties shall examine the possibilities of mutual recognition of educational programmes and to this end encourage the exchange of information between the two countries.
Article 17
The Contracting Parties shall support cooperation in learning the language and literature of the other country.
Article 18
The Contracting Parties shall exchange information, books and documents relating to history, culture and the civilisation of both countries for objective depiction in their respective textbooks.
Chapter 4 – Sport and Tourism
Article 19
The Contracting Parties shall encourage cooperation between sports organisations through the exchange of sports teams and delegations and the latest scientific achievements of both countries in sport.
Article 20
The Contracting Parties shall encourage invitations to pupils, students and the youth from the other country to participate in international sport festivals and competitions in both countries.
Article 21
The Contracting Parties shall take measures for the presentation of tourist attractions of the other country through the exchange of information, publications and commercial material in the field of tourism.
Article 22
The Contracting Parties shall cooperate through the exchange of information and documents relating to the establishment and the status of national tourist boards and institutions in their respective countries.
Chapter 5 – General and Financial Conditions
Article 23
The provisions of this Programme do not affect the implementation of any other programme agreed upon in any way by the two countries.
Article 24
Activities envisaged by this Programme shall be implemented in accordance with the rules and regulations of either country.
Article 25
The Sending State shall notify the Receiving State of the exchanges during the validity of the Programme through official channels.
Article 26
Applications related to research and scientific reviews of the projects shall be communicated to the other Contracting Party through official channels. The application should contain the applicant's level of education, duration of stay and the desired destination.
Article 27
The costs of deliveries of films, microfilms and copies of historical and cultural documents shall be covered by the Sending State.
Article 28
The costs of transport of delegates and visitors shall be covered by the Sending State; the costs of accommodation, food and local transport shall be covered by the Receiving State.
Article 29
The costs of transport of equipment of art groups shall be covered by the Sending State; the costs of accommodation, food and local transport and the costs of exhibition space shall be covered by the Receiving State.
Article 30
The costs of transport of exhibits to the Receiving State and back and transport insurance shall be covered by the Sending State; the costs of local transport and insurance shall be covered by the Receiving State.
The latter shall also cover the costs of an adequate exhibition space.
Article 31
The Sending State shall arrange adequate health insurance for persons exchanged in compliance with the Programme prior to their arrival in the Receiving State for the period of their stay in that State.
Article 32
National legislation regulating the conditions of entry in the country and stay of foreign citizens applies to the entry of citizens of one Contracting Party in the territory of the other, and during their stay on that territory.
Article 33
The conditions for the exchange and financial details related to scholarships, short-term study and educational courses shall be arranged through an agreement between the competent authorities.
Article 34
This Programme shall take effect on the 60th day after its signing and shall apply until the signing of a new programme.
Done in Ljubljana on 11 July 2011 which corresponds to 20 TIR AH in two original copies in the Slovene, Persian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of
Slovenia Tadej
Rupel (s)
For the Government
of the Islamic
Republic of Iran
Ali Reza Esmaeili
3. člen
Za izvajanje kulturnega, znanstvenega in študijskega programa izmenjave skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport.
4. člen
Ta sklep začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-16/2013
Ljubljana, dne 11. aprila 2013
EVA 2012-1811-0112
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Alenka Bratušek l.r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v perzijskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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