Uradni list

Številka 68
Uradni list RS, št. 68/2005 z dne 18. 7. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 68/2005 z dne 18. 7. 2005


39. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma o soglasju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska o izvedbi vojaških vaj in usposabljanja in zagotavljanju podpore države gostiteljice, stran 847.

Na podlagi tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska o izvedbi vojaških vaj in usposabljanja in zagotavljanju podpore države gostiteljice, podpisan 30. junija 2004 v Ljubljani.
2. člen.
Besedilo memoranduma se v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska (v nadaljevanju udeleženki) sta se
V ZVEZI z določbami Sporazuma med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantske pogodbe o statusu njihovih sil (Nato SOFA), sklenjenega 19. junija 1951 v Londonu, in Sporazuma med državami pogodbenicami Severnoatlantskega pakta in drugimi državami, ki sodelujejo v Partnerstvu za mir, glede statusa njihovih sil (PzM SOFA), sklenjenega 19. junija 1995 v Bruslju;
V ZVEZI z Memorandumom o soglasju za vzpostavitev stikov v obrambi in o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska, podpisanim 1. februarja 1995 v Londonu;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU koncepta, na katerem temelji razmestitev oboroženih sil ene udeleženke v državi druge udeleženke za izvedbo obojestransko odobrenih vojaških vaj in usposabljanja;
IN OB UPOŠTEVANJU potreb oboroženih sil ene udeleženke glede podpore države gostiteljice med razmestitvijo v drugi državi;
DOGOVORILI, kot sledi:
V tem memorandumu o soglasju (memorandum) se uporabljajo ti izrazi:
a. Gostujoče sile. Oborožene sile ene od udeleženk, ko so razmeščene na ozemlju druge udeleženke za izvajanje obojestransko dogovorjenih vaj. Izraz vključuje osebje, ladje, letala, vozila, skladišča, opremo, strelivo, izstrelke in življenjske potrebščine skupaj s civilnimi sestavinami teh sil skladno z določbami Nato SOFA ter tudi vse vire za premike po zraku, morju in kopnem in vsemi podpornimi službami, ki so potrebne za razmestitev navedenih sil.
b. Država gostiteljica. Udeleženka ali glede na zahteve sobesedila država, ki sprejme in začasno gosti sile druge udeleženke na svojem ozemlju med obojestransko dogovorjenimi vajami.
c. Podpora države gostiteljice (HNS). Civilna in vojaška pomoč, ki jo ena udeleženka zagotavlja silam druge udeleženke med obojestransko dogovorjenimi vajami, ki potekajo na njenem ozemlju, vključno z zračnim prostorom in ozemeljskimi vodami.
d. Vojaški organi. Ustrezni urad ali vojaška formacija oboroženih sil obeh udeleženk, ki je po potrebi navedena v izvedbenem dogovoru.
e. Vadišča. Območja države gostiteljice, opredeljena v načrtih vaje, na katerih so razmeščene gostujoče sile za izvedbo zadevne vaje.
f. Vaje in usposabljanje. Izraz zajema enostranske, dvostranske in večstranske vaje in dejavnosti usposabljanja, ki vključujejo enote in posameznike ter izmenjavo in dodane enote, vendar ne zajema izobraževanja posameznikov na tečajih.
g. Izvedbeni dogovor. Dodatni dogovor k temu memorandumu, sklenjen za vsako vajo ali druge dejavnosti usposabljanja, v katerem je podroben opis zahtev gostujočih sil in razpoložljivih virov države gostiteljice za uresničitev teh zahtev. Izvedbeni dogovor opredeljuje tudi podrobnosti o zahtevanih postopkih, ki jih izvajata udeleženki v okviru podpore države gostiteljice, ter za izvedbo vaje glede na potrebe. Izvedbeni dogovor je podrejen temu memorandumu in se razlaga v skladu z njegovimi določbami.
1. Namen tega memoranduma je opredeliti odgovornosti in splošna načela glede izvedbe vaj in usposabljanja ter zagotavljanja podpore države gostiteljice. V memorandumu so opisani tudi standardi, vrsta, raven in načini podpore, ki jo država gostiteljica zagotavlja gostujočim silam med vajami.
2. Podrobni postopki in splošne zahteve podpore bodo opredeljene v ustreznih izvedbenih dogovorih. Podrobnosti podpore, ki se odobri za posamezne lokacije vaj, bodo dokumentirane v prilogah k ustreznemu izvedbenemu dogovoru.
3. Če ni drugače navedeno v tem memorandumu, veljajo te določbe o podpori države gostiteljice od vstopa prvih gostujočih sil na ozemlje države gostiteljice pa vse do odhoda zadnjih sil z ozemlja države gostiteljice.
4. Ta memorandum ni v nasprotju z zakoni države gostiteljice ali katerimi koli drugimi mednarodnimi sporazumi, ki veljajo med udeleženkama. Pri nesoglasjih prevladajo določbe slednjih.
1. Pri zadevah, ki jih obravnava ta memorandum, veljajo zlasti ti dokumenti ali dokumenti, ki izhajajo iz njih:
a. Nato SOFA,
b. PzM SOFA,
c. ustrezni načrti in navodila za vajo.
2. Dokumenti Nata, ki lahko usmerjajo oblikovanje izvedbenih dogovorov med udeleženkama, med drugim zajemajo:
a. MC 319/1: Natova logistična načela in politika,
b. MC 334/1: Natova načela in politika podpore države gostiteljice,
c. AJP 4.5: Zavezniška doktrina in postopki združene podpore države gostiteljice,
d. C-M(2002) (49) z dne 17. junija 2002 – Varnost v okviru Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe.
3. Natovi sporazumi o standardizaciji (STANAG), ki usmerjajo oblikovanje izvedbenih dogovorov med udeleženkama, med drugim zajemajo:
a. STANAG 2034: Natovi standardni postopki za vzajemno logistično pomoč (nadomešča STANAG 3381),
b. STANAG 2061: Postopki za razporejanje zavezniških bolnikov v zdravstvenih ustanovah,
c. STANAG 2132: Dokumentacija o medicinski evakuaciji, zdravljenju in vzroku smrti bolnikov,
d. STANAG 3113: Zagotavljanje podpore za gostujoče osebje, zrakoplove in vozila,
e. STANAG 6012: Finančna načela in postopki v zvezi z uporabo vadišč in objektov za usposabljanje.
V okviru določb tega memoranduma država gostiteljica:
a. odobri in zagotovi vse potrebne ukrepe za izvedbo:
(1) sprejema gostujočih sil na določenih vstopni točki ali točkah,
(2) premika do predvidenih vadišč,
(3) vaje ali usposabljanja in
(4) vrnitve gostujočih sil do določene izstopne točke ali točk in prek njih
skladno z odobrenimi načrti za vajo in podporo;
b. gostujočim silam dovoli uporabo zračnih poti države gostiteljice na podlagi odobrenih načrtov in nacionalnih postopkov;
c. izpelje vse potrebne ukrepe, ki omogočajo uporabo letaliških in pristaniških objektov, zračnih, pomorskih, cestnih in železniških poti za vstop, sprejem, ponovno razmestitev teh sil in oskrbo skladišč skladno z določbami v načrtih za vajo ali usposabljanje;
d. odobri in uredi uporabo in oskrbovanje iz lokalnih virov in na podlagi posebnega zaprosila tudi storitve gospodarskih virov za zadovoljitev zahtev gostujočih sil v zvezi s skladišči in opremo, vključno z gorivom, hrano, opremo, vozili, objekti za komunikacije, poslovnimi prostori, bolnišničnim zdravljenjem, delovno silo in drugimi storitvami, kot so navedene v ustreznih izvedbenih dogovorih;
e. skladno z ustreznim obvestilom odobri uvoz materialnih sredstev, orožja in streliva na ozemlje ter njihov premik po ozemlju in njihov izvoz, kot zahtevajo gostujoče sile za izvajanje vaj in usposabljanje;
f. pomaga pri carinskih postopkih, ki se zahtevajo za posamezno vajo ali usposabljanje, in obvešča gostujoče sile o posebnih zahtevah glede organizacije varnega uvoza nevarnih snovi ter zlasti eksplozivnih sredstev in streliva ter premiku slednjih po ozemlju in njihovem izvozu;
g. dovoli osebju gostujočih sil, da med vajo nosi osebno orožje in strelivo v času in na mestih, o katerih se dogovorijo vojaški organi države gostiteljice in poveljnik gostujočih sil;
h. zagotovi osebje za zvezo za svetovalne storitve, kot sta tolmačenje in carinjenje, če je navedeno v izvedbenih dogovorih;
i. poskrbi v največji možni meri, da so standardi blaga in storitev, ki so jih deležne gostujoče sile, enakovredni standardom, ki veljajo za lastno vojaško osebje primerljivih činov ali nazivov, razen če se udeleženki ne dogovorita drugače;
j. priskrbi ocene stroškov za blago in storitve, ki jih zagotavlja država gostiteljica;
k. skladno z zahtevo dovoli gostujočim silam, da namestijo merilne in kontrolne naprave za merjenje porabe komunalnih in drugih storitev, pod pogojem, da se te naprave odstranijo ob koncu vaje ter da so gostujoče sile odgovorne za kakršno koli škodo na objektu, na katerem so bile nameščene;
l. svetuje v zvezi z okoljskimi predpisi, ki veljajo med vajo, pri čemer v ustreznih izvedbenih dogovorih določa tista načela in postopke, ki se uporabljajo za varstvo okolja na vadiščih.
V okviru določb tega memoranduma gostujoče sile:
a. izvajajo vaje in usposabljanje skladno z ustreznim izvedbenim dogovorom in uporabljajo objekte države gostiteljice v skladu s postopki, opisanimi v izvedbenem dogovoru, ter kakršnimi koli obstoječimi načrti za nacionalno logistično podporo, ki dopolnjujejo ta izvedbeni dogovor;
b. skladno z določbami 7. člena tega memoranduma povrnejo stroške državi gostiteljici za obojestransko dogovorjeno blago in storitve, ki jih zagotavljajo vojaški organi države gostiteljice, razen za predmete za začasno uporabo. Predmeti, ki jih gostujoče sile prejmejo v začasno uporabo, se uporabljajo skrbno in vrnejo ustreznim vojaškim organom države gostiteljice pred odhodom v enakem stanju, kot so bili predani, razen obrabe pri običajni uporabi;
c. se skladno z določbami Nato SOFA ravnajo po carinskih formalnostih in postopkih države gostiteljice;
d. priskrbijo osebje za zvezo, ki glede na zahteve usklajuje vse logistične dejavnosti z lokalnimi civilnimi organi in na vstopnih in izstopnih točkah;
e. upoštevajo okoljske predpise in postopke, ki veljajo za vajo ali usposabljanje, in tudi veljavne predpise države gostiteljice v zvezi s skladiščenjem, premiki, uporabo, ravnanjem in uničenjem nevarnih snovi in streliva;
f. poskrbijo, da podatke o strelivu (na primer o neto teži eksploziva, vrsti streliva), ki se prevaža, sporočijo ustreznim vojaškim organom države gostiteljice vsaj 30 dni pred razmestitvijo. Podatki zajemajo imena vstopnih in izstopnih točk, prek katerih je načrtovan prevoz streliva ali nevarnih snovi, ter namembni kraj, vključno z datumom prihoda in odhoda;
g. se ravnajo po podrobnih postopkih in dogovorih, ki so določeni v ustreznih načrtih in navodilih za vajo in ustreznih izvedbenih dogovorih v zvezi z administrativnimi in kadrovskimi zadevami, vključno z vnosom denarja, tolmačenjem, uporabo vozil, poročanjem in postopki vrnitve posmrtnih ostankov osebja ter stiki z javnostmi.
1. Če katera od udeleženk predlaga, da v vajo ali usposabljanje na območju druge udeleženke po tem memorandumu vključi osebje iz sil tretje države, med načrtovanjem vaje čim prej o tem uradno obvesti državo gostiteljico. Ta udeleženka ni odgovorna za dogovore in obveznosti glede statusa osebja iz sil tretje države na ozemlju države gostiteljice. Država gostiteljica in tretja država lahko skleneta poseben dogovor ne glede na to, ali je tretja država pogodbenica Nato SOFA ali PzM SOFA ali ne.
2. Če ena od udeleženk organizira vaje ali usposabljanje ali pri taki dejavnosti sodeluje na območju tretje države in k sodelovanju povabi sile druge udeleženke, lahko pomaga tem silam pri zagotavljanju določenih delov podpore države gostiteljice med dejavnostjo. Natančna vsebina podpore se opredeli v izvedbenem dogovoru za posamezno usposabljanje ali vajo. Udeleženka organizatorka pa ni odgovorna za dogovore in obveznosti v zvezi s statusom sil druge udeleženke v tretji zadevni državi.
1. Ustrezni organi države gostiteljice in gostujočih sil se pogajajo o plačilu v gotovini v valuti, ki jo določi država gostiteljica za logistično podporo, materialna sredstva ali storitve, ki se ne zagotavljajo brezplačno na podlagi vzajemnega soglasja ali katerih ne ureja STANAG 3113.
2. Gostujoče sile poravnajo neplačane račune najpozneje v 60 dneh po njihovem prejemu. Pri izračunih teh transakcij udeleženki ravnata v skladu s temi načeli:
a. Odgovorni predstavnik gostujočih sil in organi države gostiteljice se pogajajo o ceni, ki ne vključuje spodaj navedenih stroškov.
b. Če dogovor o končni ceni ni dosežen pred naročilom, se do določitve končne cene v naročilu opredeli zgornja meja odškodninske odgovornosti gostujočih sil, ki naročajo logistično podporo, materialna sredstva ali storitve. Ustrezni organi udeleženk se začnejo takoj pogajati o določitvi končne cene, ki pod določenimi okoliščinami lahko preseže začetno zgornjo mejo odškodninske odgovornosti. Povišanje cene mora utemeljiti udeleženka, ki si prizadeva preseči zgornjo mejo.
c. Za kritje splošnih in administrativnih režijskih stroškov, ki jih ni mogoče neposredno pripisati vadišču in objektom na njem, lahko država gostiteljica zaračuna dodatne 3% h končnemu računu.
d. Ko so računi poravnani, nobena udeleženka ne uveljavlja ali obdrži dobička, ki bi izhajal iz že opravljenih transakcij.
e. Če država gostiteljica v imenu gostujočih sil nabavlja pri lokalnih pogodbenikih, cena ne sme biti manj ugodna kot cena, ki se zaračuna oboroženim silam države gostiteljice za enako podporo, materialna sredstva in storitve, po odbitku zneskov iz devetega odstavka tega člena. V zaračunani ceni pa se lahko upoštevajo razlike, ki nastanejo na primer zaradi dinamike dobave, kraja dobave in drugih podobnih vidikov.
f. Pri prenosu iz lastnih virov države gostiteljice je znesek, ki ga gostujoče sile plačajo za logistično podporo, materialna sredstva in storitve, enak znesku, ki ga lastnim silam zaračuna država gostiteljica na datum prejema naročila.
3. Pri usklajevanju organiziranja oskrbe iz gospodarskih virov vojaških organov države gostiteljice zagotovijo storitve ali sklenejo poslovne pogodbe v imenu gostujočih sil samo, če te posebej soglašajo s storitvami, materialnimi sredstvi idr. in njihovo ceno. Vse storitve in materialna sredstva iz gospodarskih virov temeljijo na uradno sklenjenih dogovorih.
4. Gostujoče sile in organi države gostiteljice vodijo evidenco vseh transakcij med udeleženkama.
5. Računi za zagotovitev logistične podpore, materialnih sredstev ali storitev se lahko oblikujejo po standardnem Natovem obrazcu za zahtevke, prejem in vračilo oziroma obrazcu za račune iz priloge B STANAG 2034 in se sklicujejo na ta memorandum (ali ustrezen izvedbeni dogovor) ter na druge veljavne številke naročil. Računom so priložena dokazila da so jih prejele gostujoče sile in jih je treba plačati na kraju samem na podlagi dogovorov, navedenih v izvedbenem dogovoru, ali pa se pošljejo vojaškim organom gostujočih sil najpozneje v 60 dneh od dneva zagotovitve logistične podpore, materialnih sredstev ali storitev. V računih so navedene postavke za zaračunano logistično podporo, materialna sredstva ali storitve.
6. Gostujoče sile plačajo materialna sredstva, opremo ali storitve iz gospodarskih virov, kot so hrana, najem vozil in pranje perila pred odhodom z območja države gostiteljice, razen če ni drugače določeno s pogodbo ali če obstaja spor glede cene ali izvedbe storitev. V takem primeru si udeleženki prizadevata čim prej rešiti spor, da se pospeši plačilo računov.
7. Država gostiteljica zagotovi osebju gostujočih sil prehrano in nastanitev po enakih standardih, kot veljajo za pripadnike sil države gostiteljice, če sta na razpolago.
8. Gostujoče sile niti začasno niti stalno ne prenesejo logistične podpore, materialnih sredstev ali storitev na drugo državo ali organizacijo brez pisnega soglasja države gostiteljice.
9. Če veljavni zakoni, predpisi in mednarodni sporazumi dopuščajo, ustrezni organi države gostiteljice poskrbijo, da se v povezavi s tem memorandumom ne naložijo davki, carina in podobne pristojbine. Če je davke, carino in podobne pristojbine treba plačati, jih ustrezni organi države gostiteljice določijo na način, ki je najugodnejši za sprejemljivo uresničitev dogovorov iz tega memorandumu.
10. Dodatni podrobni finančni dogovori, vključno z dogovori za plačevanje računov, se ustrezno opredelijo v izvedbenem dogovoru ali dogovorih.
1. Za dogovore v zvezi s sodno pristojnostjo, ki velja za osebje gostujočih sil, se uporabljajo določbe VII. člena Nato SOFA.
2. Če ustrezni organi države gostiteljice odvzamejo prostost osebju gostujočih sil, je treba o tem nemudoma obvestiti vodstvo vaje ali usposabljanja in najvišje predstavnike države gostiteljice in gostujočih sil, ki se udeležujejo vaje. Ti nato obvestijo svoje ustrezne vojaške organe.
1. Dogovori v zvezi z vodenjem in poveljevanjem so usklajeni z nacionalnimi načrti in postopki oziroma načrti in postopki, ki jih primerno določita udeleženki za posamezno vajo ali usposabljanje, opredeljeno v ustreznem izvedbenem dogovoru.
2. Ob sovražnostih, ki sledijo razglasitvi vojne ali drugim dogodkom, se osebje gostujočih sil v nobeni vlogi ne uporabi za aktivne operacije, država gostiteljica pa temu osebju pomaga, da dobi navodila svoje vlade.
10. ČLEN
1. Zahtevke, ki izhajajo iz uresničevanja tega memoranduma ali so z njim povezani, obravnava država gostiteljica v skladu z VIII. členom Nato SOFA. Posebni administrativni dogovori se vključijo v ustrezni izvedbeni dogovor.
2. Zahtevke v zvezi z dejavnostmi v povezavi s tem memorandumom in za katere ni mogoče uporabiti VIII. člena Nato SOFA, obravnava najprimernejša udeleženka, po posvetovanju, kar zapišeta v ustreznem izvedbenem dogovoru.
3. Škodo, ki nastane na skupni lastnini udeleženk ali jo ta povzroči in je tretja stran ne more poplačati, poravnata udeleženki v enakovrednem deležu.
4. Udeleženki izvajalcem ne povrneta stroškov za odškodninske zahtevke tretjih strani.
11. ČLEN
1. Vsi tajni podatki, ki se izmenjujejo ali nastanejo v povezavi s tem memorandumom, se uporabijo, pošljejo, hranijo, obravnavajo in varujejo v skladu z notranjimi varnostnimi zakoni in predpisi udeleženk.
2. Prenos tajnih podatkov poteka samo po poti vlada vladi oziroma po poteh, ki jih odobrijo določeni varnostni organi udeleženk. Na teh podatkih je označena stopnja tajnosti in država izvora.
3. Vsaka udeleženka izvaja vse razpoložljive zakonite ukrepe, da prepreči nadaljnje razkritje teh podatkov, ki se pošiljajo ali nastanejo po tem memorandumu, razen če druga udeleženka soglaša s takim razkritjem.
4. Vsaka udeleženka poskrbi, da je dostop do tajnih podatkov omejen na tiste osebe, ki so bile ustrezno varnostno preverjene in potrebujejo take podatke zaradi sodelovanja pri vaji ali usposabljanju.
5. Država gostiteljica poskrbi, da nepooblaščeno osebje, ki vadišče, strelišče ali območja za podporo vaje uporablja za prehod, ne moti poteka usposabljanja.
6. Podrobni varnostni postopki so opisani v ustreznih izvedbenih dogovorih.
12. ČLEN
1. Poveljnik gostujočih sil je odgovoren za dobro zdravstveno in zobozdravstveno stanje osebja gostujočih sil pred udeležbo na vaji ali pri usposabljanju. Osebje gostujočih sil se razmesti s celotno potrebno količino predhodno predpisanih zdravil za celotno obdobje razmestitve, s čimer se zagotovi neprekinjeno zdravljenje v celotnem obdobju razmestitve.
2. Zdravstveno in zobozdravstveno varstvo zagotovi država gostiteljica v skladu z IX. členom Nato SOFA. Poleg tega mora imeti osebje gostujočih sil ustrezno zdravstveno zavarovanje za dejavnosti, ki niso del njihovega odobrenega usposabljanja.
3. Zdravstvena in zobozdravstvena podpora za gostujoče sile, ki sodelujejo na vaji, je opisana v ustreznem izvedbenem dogovoru. Vsebuje tudi podatke o lokacijah in vrstah razpoložljivih zdravstvenih objektov, ki so v bližini načrtovanega vadišča.
4. Organi države gostiteljice v čim večji možni meri poskrbijo, da imajo za izvedbo nujnih nalog letala in helikopterji MEDEVAC gostujočih sil največjo prednost pri prehodu vadišča ter premikih v okviru vadišča in z njega ter da imajo dostop do zračnega prostora države gostiteljice skladno z notranjimi postopki.
5. Pri uresničevanju tega memoranduma se kot smernice lahko uporabijo določbe STANAG 2061 (Postopki za razporejanje zavezniških bolnikov po zdravstvenih objektih) in STANAG 2132 (Dokumentacija o medicinski evakuaciji, zdravljenju in vzroku smrti bolnikov).
6. Osnovna zdravstvena oskrba in nujna zobozdravstvena pomoč, ki ju izvajajo zdravstvene službe države gostiteljice, ter evakuacija z vojaškimi letali in helikopterji se zagotavljajo brezplačno. Če pa za prevoz ranjenega osebja v bolnišnico, ki jo izberejo gostujoče sile, zaprosijo za vire države gostiteljice ob uporabi njenih zmogljivosti, prevzamejo organi gostujočih sil odgovornost za vračilo nastalih prevoznih stroškov.
7. Organi gostujočih sil povrnejo organom države gostiteljice tudi stroške nujne evakuacije s civilnimi letali in helikopterji ter tudi za zdravstveno nego svojega osebja v lokalnih civilnih zdravstvenih ustanovah države gostiteljice. V tem primeru lahko gostujoče sile za plačilo takega zdravljenja uporabijo veljavne mednarodne ali dvostranske sporazume o zdravstveni ali socialni varnosti.
13. ČLEN
1. Kadar vojaški organi države gostiteljice preiskujejo nesrečo ali nezgodo, v kateri je bilo udeleženo osebje gostujočih sil, lahko njihovi organi zahtevajo prisotnost opazovalca pri vsaki uradni vojaški preiskavi. Če se prisotnost opazovalca odobri, nima pravice do navzkrižnega zasliševanja ali kakršnega koli sodelovanja ter ni prisoten pri posvetovanju o ugotovitvah ali priporočilih preiskave. Čin opazovalca običajno ni višji od čina vodje preiskave. Organi gostujočih sil lahko izvajajo dodatne preiskave, če to zahtevajo njihovi zakoni ali predpisi. Gostujoče sile krijejo vse stroške svojega sodelovanja pri preiskavi.
2. Vojaški organi gostujočih sil navadno prejmejo ustrezne ugotovitve in priporočila preiskave. Zahteve za podrobnejše informacije obravnavajo organi države gostiteljice.
14. ČLEN
1. O smrti pripadnika gostujočih sil na območju države gostiteljice se obvestijo ustrezni organi. Smrt potrdi zdravnik države gostiteljice.
2. Če ustrezni organ države gostiteljice zahteva obdukcijo umrlega, jo skladno z notranjimi postopki izvede za to imenovan zdravnik države gostiteljice. Pri obdukciji, katere kraj in čas določi ustrezni organ države gostiteljice, lahko prisostvuje tudi zdravnik, ki ga imenuje organ gostujočih sil.
3. Organi gostujočih sil poskrbijo za prevoz trupla, takoj ko jim to dovoli ustrezni organ države gostiteljice. Vrnitev posmrtnih ostankov v domovino poteka v skladu s predpisi države gostiteljice. Na zahtevo organov države gostiteljice jih organi gostujočih sil obvestijo o dogovorih za prevoz posmrtnih ostankov z območja države gostiteljice. Gostujoče sile krijejo vse stroške, ki izhajajo iz te zahteve.
15. ČLEN
Kadar je primerno, podrobne postopke za varstvo okolja obravnava ustrezen izvedbeni dogovor. Vsi zahtevki glede okoljskih vprašanj se obravnavajo po načelih 10. člena.
16. ČLEN
Organi države gostiteljice zagotovijo faks, telefonske, podatkovne in radijske naprave, ki so podrobno opredeljene v ustreznem izvedbenem dogovoru.
17. ČLEN
Spori zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega memoranduma ali izvedbenih dogovorov se rešujejo s pogajanji med udeleženkama na najnižji ustrezni ravni in se ne predložijo v reševanje državnemu ali mednarodnemu razsodišču ali tretji strani.
18. ČLEN
Ta memorandum se lahko kadar koli pisno spremeni ob obojestranskem soglasju udeleženk. Spremembe začnejo veljati v skladu s postopkom iz prvega odstavka 19. člena.
19. ČLEN
1. Ta memorandum začne veljati s potrditvijo obeh udeleženk, da so dokončani potrebni notranji postopki, in velja, dokler ga udeleženki ne odpovesta ob obojestranskem soglasju ali ga ena udeleženka šest mesecev vnaprej ne odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom. Potrditev o dokončanju ustreznih postopkov se sporoči z izmenjavo diplomatskih not.
2. Če se ta memorandum odpove, se še naprej naprej uporabljajo ustrezne določbe za zadeve, ki ob odpovedi niso rešene, kot na primer:
a. določila 7. člena (Logistika in finance), 10. člena (Zahtevki in odškodninska odgovornost) in 17. člena (Reševanje sporov) veljajo, dokler niso dokončno rešena vsa neporavnana plačila, zahtevki in spori, in
b. določila 11. člena (Zaščita tajnih podatkov in varnost) veljajo, dokler taki podatki in gradivo niso uničeni ali vrnjeni izvorni udeleženki.
To besedilo je dogovor, ki sta ga o vprašanjih, navedenih v njem, dosegli Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska.
Podpisano v Ljubljani 30. junija 2004 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako veljavni.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Milan Jazbec l. r.
Za Vlado
Združenega kraljestva
Velika Britanija in
Severna Irska
Hugh Mortimer l. r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereafter jointly referred to as the Participants):
HAVING REGARD TO the provisions of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO SOFA), done at London on 19 June 1951, and of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP SOFA), done at Brussels on 19 June 1995;
HAVING REGARD TO the Memorandum of Understanding on Defence Contacts and Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland signed in London on 1 February 1995;
IN CONSIDERATION OF the concept behind the deployment of the Participants’ Armed Forces to each other’s country for the conduct of mutually approved military exercises and training;
AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the needs of the Armed Forces of one Participant for Host Nation Support when deployed to the other’s country;
HAVE REACHED the following understandings:
In this Memorandum of Understanding (Memorandum) the following definitions apply:
a. Visiting Forces. The Armed Forces of one Participant when deployed to the territory of the other Participant for the purposes of conducting mutually approved exercises. The term includes the personnel, ships, aircraft, vehicles, stores, equipment, ammunition, missiles and provisions, together with civilian components of such forces as defined in the NATO SOFA, as well as all air, sea and surface movement resources, together with their supporting services, required to deploy the forces mentioned above.
b. Host Nation. The Participant or, as the context requires, the State which receives and temporarily hosts the forces of the other Participant on its territory during mutually approved exercises.
c. Host Nation Support (HNS). The civil and military assistance rendered by one Participant to the forces of the other Participant during mutually approved exercises held in its territory, including airspace and territorial waters.
d. Military Authorities. The appropriate office or military formation of the Armed Forces of either Participant and specified, if necessary, in the Implementing Arrangement.
e. Training Areas. Those areas in the Host Nation defined in the exercise plans in which Visiting Forces are deployed for the purpose of conducting the exercise in question.
f. Exercises and Training. This term includes unilateral, bilateral and multilateral exercises and training activities involving both units and individuals, exchanges and attachments of units but excludes education of individuals on courses.
g. Implementing Arrangement. A follow-on arrangement to this Memorandum which will be concluded for each exercise or other training activity and which will detail the requirements of the Visiting Forces and the Host Nation resources available to meet those requirements. The Implementing Arrangement will also detail the necessary procedures to be implemented by the Participants for the provision of HNS and, as required, the conduct of the exercise. The Implementing Arrangement will be a subordinate document to this Memorandum and will be interpreted consistently with the provisions of it.
1. The purpose of this Memorandum is to identify the responsibilities and general principles concerning the conduct of exercises and training and the provision of HNS. The Memorandum will also describe the standards, type, level, and methods of support that the Host Nation will provide to the Visiting Forces during exercises.
2. Detailed procedures and general support requirements will be covered in the relevant Implementing Arrangement(s). The detailed support approved for each exercise location will be documented in Annexes to the relevant Implementing Arrangement.
3. Unless otherwise stated in this Memorandum, the provisions for HNS arrangements described herein will apply from the entry of initial components of the Visiting Forces into the territory of the Host Nation and continue until the last components of those forces depart from the territory of the Host Nation.
4. This Memorandum is not intended to conflict with the laws of the Host Nation or any international agreements which might be in force between the Participants and in any case of conflict, the provisions of the latter will prevail.
1. In matters covered in this Memorandum the following documents, in particular, or their successors, will be applicable:
a. the NATO SOFA;
b. the PfP SOFA; and
c. the relevant exercise plans and instructions.
2. NATO documents that may guide the establishment of the Participants’ Implementing Arrangements include but are not limited to:
a. MC 319/1: NATO Principles and Policies for Logistics;
b. MC 334/1: NATO Principles and Policies for Host Nation Support;
c. AJP 4.5: Allied Joint Host Nation Doctrine and Procedures; and
d. C-M(2002) (49) dated 17 June 2002 – Security within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
3. NATO Standardisation Agreements (STANAGs) that may guide the establishment of the Participants’ Implementing Arrangements include but are not limited to:
a. STANAG 2034: NATO Standard Procedures for Mutual Logistic Assistance (supersedes STANAG 3381);
b. STANAG 2061: Procedures for Disposition of Allied Patients by Medical Installations;
c. STANAG 2132: Documentation Relative to Medical Evacuation, Treatment and Cause of Death of Patients;
d. STANAG 3113: Provision of Support to Visiting Personnel, Aircraft and Vehicles; and
e. STANAG 6012: Financial Principles and Procedures Relating to the Use of Training Areas and Training Facilities.
Within the provisions of this Memorandum the Host Nation will:
a. Authorise and take all necessary measures to facilitate:
(1) the reception of Visiting Forces at the designated point(s) of entry,
(2) the onward movement to the designated Training Areas,
(3) the conduct of the exercise or training activity, and
(4) the recovery of Visiting Forces to and through the designated point(s) of departure
in accordance with approved exercise and support plans;
b. Authorise Visiting Forces to use the Host Nation’s national air routes based on the approved plans and national procedures;
c. Take all necessary measures to facilitate the use of airport and port facilities, air, sea, road and rail routes in order to ensure entry, reception, redeployment of those forces and supply of stores as specified in the exercise or training plans;
d. Authorise and arrange for the supply and use of local resources, including, if specifically requested to do so, services from commercial sources, to meet the requirements of the Visiting Forces for stores and equipment, including fuel, rations, equipment, vehicles, communications facilities, premises, hospitalisation, labour and other services as specified in the relevant Implementing Arrangement(s);
e. Authorise, subject to proper notification, the import into, movement within and export from its territory of materiel, rations, weapons and ammunition as required by the Visiting Forces for the purpose of conducting exercises and training;
f. Assist in the necessary customs procedures for the exercise or training activity in question, and notify the Visiting Forces of specific requirements for managing the safe import into, movement within, and export from its territory of hazardous materials and in particular explosives and ammunition;
g. Authorise the Visiting Forces personnel to carry individual arms and ammunition during the exercise at such times and in such places as determined between the appropriate Host Nation military authorities and the Commander of the Visiting Forces;
h. Provide liaison staff for advisory services such as interpretation and management of customs clearances, if specified in Implementing Arrangements;
i. Ensure, as far as possible, that the standard of goods and services rendered to the Visiting Forces is equivalent to those provided to its own military personnel of comparable rank or classification, unless otherwise mutually determined by the Participants;
j. Provide estimates of costs for the goods and services to be rendered by the Host Nation;
k. Authorise Visiting Forces to install consumption measurement and control devices for utilities and services, as required, on the understanding that such devices will be removed at the end of the exercise and that the Visiting Forces will be responsible for any damage caused to the facility monitored by such actions;
l. Advise on the environmental regulations applicable during the exercise, specifying in the relevant Implementing Arrangements those pertinent principles and procedures for the protection of the environment in the Training Area(s).
Within the provisions of this Memorandum, the Visiting Forces will:
a. Conduct exercises and training in accordance with the relevant Implementing Arrangement and use the Host Nation facilities in accordance with the procedures outlined in that Implementing Arrangement and with any existing National Logistic Support Plans supplementing this Implementing Arrangement;
b. Subject to the provisions of Section 7 of this Memorandum, reimburse the Host Nation for all mutually approved supplies and services rendered by the military authorities of the Host Nation, save for those items provided for temporary use. Any items provided for temporary use by the Visiting Forces will be used with care and returned to the appropriate Host Nation military authorities prior to departure in the same condition in which they were received, except for wear and tear encountered during normal use;
c. Subject to the provisions of the NATO SOFA, comply with the customs formalities and procedures of the Host Nation;
d. Provide liaison personnel to co-ordinate all logistic activities with local civil authorities, as required, and at points of entry and departure;
e. Comply with the environmental regulations and procedures relevant to the exercise or training activity, as well as any regulations in force in the Host Nation concerning the storage, movement, use, handling and disposal of hazardous materials and munitions;
f. Ensure that details of munitions (for example Net Explosive Quantity, type of munitions) to be transported are notified to the relevant Host Nation military authorities at least 30 days in advance of deployment. Such details will include names of points of entry and departure through which the munitions or hazardous materials are planned to be transported and their destinations, including arrival and departure dates;
g. Comply with the detailed procedures and arrangements outlined collectively in the relevant exercise plans and instructions and the relevant Implementing Arrangement(s) with respect to administrative and personnel matters, including, for example, import of currency, interpreter support, vehicle operations, reporting and repatriation procedures for deceased personnel, and exercise public relations.
1. If one Participant proposes to include personnel from a third country’s forces in exercise or training activities in the other’s territory under this Memorandum, that Participant will notify the Host Nation of this at the earliest opportunity during the exercise planning process but will not be responsible for arrangements and obligations concerning the status of the third country’s personnel in the territory of the Host Nation. Whether the third country is or is not a Party to either the NATO or PfP SOFA, a separate arrangement may be necessary between the Host Nation and the third country.
2. In the event that one Participant organises or takes part in a training or exercise activity on the territory of a third country and invites forces of the other Participant to take part in this activity, it may assist those Forces where possible in providing certain elements of HNS for the duration of the activity. The exact nature of the support will be defined in the Implementing Arrangement for each training or exercise activity. However, the organising Participant will not be responsible for arrangements and obligations concerning the status of forces of the other Participant in the third country concerned.
1. For any logistic support, supplies or services which are not provided free of charge by mutual consent, or guided by STANAG 3113, the relevant authorities of the Host Nation and the Visiting Forces will negotiate payment in cash using the currency specified by the Host Nation.
2. The Visiting Forces will pay outstanding balances no later than 60 days after receipt of invoices. In pricing these transactions, the Participants will observe the following principles:
a. The responsible representative of the Visiting Forces and Host Nation authorities will negotiate a price not including charges excluded below.
b. When a definitive price is not negotiated in advance of the order, the order will set forth a maximum limitation of liability for the Visiting Forces who will be ordering the logistic support, supplies or service, pending negotiation of a final price. The relevant authorities of the Participants will promptly enter into negotiations to establish a final price, which may under certain circumstances exceed the initial maximum limitation of liability. The burden of justifying the increase will rest with the Participant seeking to exceed the maximum.
c. To cover the general and administrative overhead costs not directly attributable to the training area and its facilities the Host Nation may add a surcharge of 3% of the final invoice.
d. At the time accounts are settled, neither Participant will make or retain any profit resulting from the transactions being settled.
e. In the case of specific acquisitions by the Host Nation from local contractors on behalf of the Visiting Forces, the cost will be no less favourable than the price charged to the Armed Forces of the Host Nation for identical support, supplies and services less any amounts as set out in paragraph 9 of this Section. However, the price charged may take into account differentials due, for example, to delivery schedules, points of delivery and other similar considerations.
f. In the case of transfers from the Host Nation’s own resources, the amount paid by the Visiting Forces for logistic support, supplies and services provided will be the same as the Host Nation charges its own forces as of the date the order is accepted.
3. In fulfilling their co-ordination role with respect to facilitating supply from commercial sources, the Host Nation military authorities will not obtain services or commit to any commercial contracts on behalf of the Visiting Forces unless the latter have specifically consented to accept the services, supplies etc, and have also consented to pay a specified cost for them. All services and supplies from commercial sources will be based upon formal contractual arrangements.
4. Both the Visiting Forces and the Host Nation authorities will maintain records of all transactions between the Participants.
5. Invoices for the provision of logistic support, supplies or services may be guided by the form of the Standard NATO Form for Request, Receipt and Return or Invoice, at Annex B of STANAG 2034 and will refer to this Memorandum (or a relevant Implementing Arrangement) as well as to any applicable order number. Invoices will be accompanied by evidence of receipt by the Visiting Forces and are to be either settled locally through arrangements detailed in the Implementing Arrangement or sent to the Visiting Forces’ military authorities no later than 60 days from the date that the logistic support, supplies or services were provided to those forces. The invoices will itemise the charges for the various logistic support, supplies or services being billed.
6. The Visiting Forces will pay for supplies, equipment or services from commercial sources such as food, vehicle hire and laundry prior to departure from the Host Nation’s territory, unless otherwise contractually determined or unless a dispute regarding cost or receipt of services exists. In case of the latter situation arising, every effort will be made to resolve the dispute as soon as possible in order to expedite settlement of accounts.
7. Subject to availability, the Host Nation will provide Visiting Forces personnel with messing and accommodation to the same standard as would be provided to members of the Host Nation forces.
8. The Visiting Forces will not retransfer logistic support, supplies or services, either temporarily or permanently, to another nation or organisation without written consent of the Host Nation.
9. Insofar as existing laws, regulations and international agreements permit, the relevant authorities of the Host Nation will ensure that taxes, customs duties and similar charges will not be imposed in connection with this Memorandum. Where such taxes, customs duties and similar charges are payable, the relevant authorities of the Host Nation will administer them in the manner most favourable to the satisfactory execution of the arrangements described in this Memorandum.
10. Further detailed financial arrangements, including those for settlement of accounts, will be specified, as appropriate, in the relevant Implementing Arrangement(s).
1. The arrangements for jurisdiction which will apply to Visiting Forces personnel will be as laid down in Article VII of the NATO SOFA.
2. If any Visiting Forces personnel are taken into custody by the appropriate authorities of the Host Nation, the Directing Staff of the exercise or training activity and the senior Host Nation and Visiting Forces representatives participating in the exercise must be informed immediately. They in turn will then inform their appropriate military authorities.
1. Command and control arrangements will be in accordance with national plans and procedures or such plans and procedures as are determined between the Participants, as appropriate for the exercise or training activity concerned and detailed in the relevant Implementing Arrangements.
2. In the event of hostilities, whether following a declaration of war or otherwise, Visiting Forces personnel are not to be employed on active operations in any role and will be assisted by the Host Nation in seeking directions from their government.
1. Claims arising out of, or in connection with, the execution of this Memorandum will be handled by the Host Nation in accordance with Article VIII of the NATO SOFA. Specific administrative arrangements will be covered in the relevant Implementing Arrangement.
2. Claims arising from activity undertaken in connection with this Memorandum where Article VIII of the NATO SOFA cannot be applied will be processed by the most appropriate Participant, as determined by consultation between the Participants and recorded in the relevant Implementing Arrangement.
3. In the case of damage caused to or by the common property of the Participants, where the cost of making good such damage is not recoverable from a third party, such cost will be borne equally by the Participants.
4. The Participants will not indemnify contractors against third party liability claims.
1. All classified information exchanged or generated in connection with this Memorandum will be used, transmitted, stored, handled and safeguarded in accordance with the Participants’ national security laws and regulations.
2. Classified information will be transferred only through Government-to-Government channels or through channels approved by the Designated Security Authorities of the Participants. Such information will bear the level of classification and denote the country of origin.
3. Each Participant will take all lawful steps available to it to ensure that classified information provided or generated pursuant to this Memorandum is protected from further disclosure unless the other Participant consents to such disclosure.
4. Each Participant will ensure that access to classified information is limited to those persons who possess requisite security clearances and have a specific need for access to classified information in order to participate in the exercise or training activity.
5. The Host Nation will ensure that training is conducted without interference by unauthorised personnel trespassing in the Training Area(s), range(s) or exercise support area(s).
6. Detailed security procedures will be specified in the relevant Implementing Arrangement(s).
1. The Visiting Forces commander has a responsibility to ensure that the Visiting Forces personnel are medically and dentally fit prior to participating in the exercise or training activity in question. Visiting Forces personnel are to deploy with all the necessary amounts of pre-prescribed medication to cover the period of deployment in order to ensure continued treatment throughout the period of deployment.
2. Medical and dental treatment will be provided by the Host Nation in accordance with Article IX of the NATO SOFA. In addition, Visiting Forces personnel should be covered by appropriate health care insurance when undertaking activities that are not part of their authorised training.
3. Medical and dental support provided to Visiting Forces participating in the exercise will be outlined in the relevant Implementing Arrangement, which will identify the locations and types of medical facilities available in the vicinity of the planned Training Area(s).
4. Host Nation authorities will ensure as far as possible that Visiting Forces MEDEVAC aircraft, including helicopters, will be given the highest priority to transit to, within and from the relevant Training Area and given access to airspace of the Host Nation in accordance with its national procedures to fulfil any emergency mission.
5. The provisions of STANAG 2061 (Procedures for Disposition of Allied Patients by Medical Installations) and STANAG 2132 (Documentation Relative to Medical Evacuation, Treatment and Cause of Death of Patients) may be used as a guide in the application of this Memorandum.
6. Basic medical care and emergency dental treatment by the Host Nation medical services and the evacuation by military aircraft, including helicopters, will be provided free of charge. However, where assistance is required from Host Nation resources to transfer injured personnel to a hospital of the Visiting Forces’ choice using Host Nation assets, the Visiting Forces authorities will accept responsibility for any reimbursement required for the transportation costs involved.
7. The Visiting Forces authorities will also reimburse the Host Nation authorities for emergency evacuation by civil medical aircraft, including helicopters, as well as medical care extended to their personnel at local Host Nation civilian medical facilities, with the exception that the Visiting Forces may take advantage of any applicable international or bilateral agreements on medical or social security arrangements to defray the costs of such treatment.
1. Where the military authorities of the Host Nation investigate an accident or incident involving personnel of the Visiting Force, the authorities of the Visiting Force may request to have an observer present at any formal military inquiry. If the request is approved, the observer will not be permitted to cross-examine, or to participate in any other way, and will not be present when the inquiry is deliberating on its findings and recommendations. The observer will normally be no higher in corresponding rank than the head of the inquiry. The authorities of the Visiting Force may conduct such further investigations as may be required by their laws or regulations. The Visiting Force will bear all costs incurred by their participation in an inquiry.
2. The military authorities of the Visiting Force will normally be provided with the relevant findings and recommendations of the inquiry. Any requests for more specific information will be considered sympathetically by the authorities of the Host Nation.
1. The death of a member of the Visiting Forces on Host Nation territory will be reported to the relevant Host Nation authority. The death will be certified by a doctor of the Host Nation.
2. If the appropriate Host Nation authority requires that an autopsy be carried out on the deceased, this will be done in accordance with its national procedures by a doctor of the Host Nation appointed for the purpose. A doctor appointed by the Visiting Forces authorities may also attend the autopsy, which will take place at a time and location stipulated by the appropriate Host Nation authority.
3. The Visiting Forces authorities will arrange for the disposal of the body as soon as authorisation to do so is received from the appropriate Host Nation authority. Repatriation of the body will be in accordance with the regulations of the Host Nation. The Visiting Forces authorities will inform the Host Nation authorities, on request, of the arrangements made for transporting the body out of the territory of the Host Nation. The Visiting Forces will bear all the costs arising from this requirement.
Detailed procedures for the protection of the environment will be addressed, where appropriate, in the relevant Implementing Arrangement. All claims relating to environmental issues will be dealt with under the principles outlined in Section 10.
The Host Nation authorities will provide a range of telephone, fax, data and radio facilities as detailed in the relevant Implementing Arrangement.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Memorandum or of any relevant Implementing Arrangements will be resolved by negotiation between the Participants at the lowest appropriate level and will not be referred to any national or international tribunal or third party for settlement.
This Memorandum may be amended at any time, in writing, with the mutual consent of the Participants. Amendments will come into effect under the procedure in section 19.1.
1. This Memorandum will come into effect on confirmation by both Participants that the necessary internal procedures have been completed and will remain in effect unless terminated either by mutual consent or by one Participant on giving six months’ prior notice in writing to the other. Confirmation that the relevant procedures have been completed will be notified by an exchange of diplomatic notes.
2. In the event that this Memorandum is terminated, the relevant provisions will continue to be applied in respect of any matters not resolved at the time of termination, for example:
a. the provisions of Sections 7 (Logistics and Finance), 10 (Claims and Liabilities), and 17 (Settlement of Disputes) will remain in effect until all outstanding payments, claims and disputes are finally settled; and
b. the provisions of Section 11 (Protection of Classified Information and Security) will remain in effect until all such information and material is either destroyed or returned to the originating Participant.
The foregoing represents the understandings reached between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland upon the matters referred to therein.
Signed in Ljubljana on 30 June 2004 in duplicate in the Slovenian and English languages, both texts having equal validity.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Milan Jazbec (s)
For the Government of
the United Kingdom
of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
Hugh Mortimer (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-64/2005/3
Ljubljana, dne 7. julija 2005
EVA 2004-1811-0123
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l. r.

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