Uradni list

Številka 67
Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002


64. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Latvije o sodelovanju na področju obrambe, stran 765.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Latvije o sodelovanju na področju obrambe, podpisan 17. aprila 2002 v Ljubljani.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi*:
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Latvije, v nadaljevanju “pogodbenika“, sta
– v želji, da bi okrepila vzajemne odnose med ministrstvoma za obrambo v skladu z vsebino in v smislu Ustanovne listine OZN in Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, Pariške listine in Dunajskega dokumenta 1992 ter drugih ustreznih dokumentov OVSE,
– ker uresničujeta sodelovanje, ki poteka v okviru Evroatlantskega partnerskega sveta,
– ker si prizadevata sodelovati pri graditvi demokracije, miru in enotnosti s pomočjo mehanizmov sodelovanja po vsej evropski celini,
– ob spoznanju, da bo to povečalo varnost med evropskimi državami, s tem pa tudi varnost Evrope kot celote,
– ker priznavata Organizacijo severnoatlantske pogodbe za steber stabilnosti in varnosti,
– ker si prizadevata okrepiti miroljubno sodelovanje in stabilnost v Evropi,
– v želji, da bi dogradila in okrepila sodelovanje, ki že poteka v okviru Partnerstva za mir, in
– ker želita s sodelovanjem ministrstev za obrambo obeh držav in njunih oboroženih sil razviti medsebojno zaupanje,
dosegla naslednje soglasje:
1. člen
1. Ta sporazum vzpostavlja okvir sodelovanja na področju obrambe med ministrstvoma za obrambo in oboroženimi silami pogodbenikov, kot sledi:
a) organizacijski in postopkovni vidik dejavnosti ministrstev za obrambo in oboroženih sil pri razvijanju demokratično nadzorovanih, odgovornih in učinkovito vodenih oboroženih sil;
b) dvostranska izmenjava mnenj in zamisli s področja obrambe, obrambnih zasnov, varnosti in nadzora oboroževanja;
c) izmenjava izkušenj pri usposabljanju enot, vojaškem izobraževanju, upravljanju in vodenju osebja;
d) izmenjava zamisli o sodelovanju med vojaškimi in civilnimi organi;
e) izmenjava zamisli, izobraževanje in usposabljanje predvsem z vidika mirovnih operacij;
f) sodelovanje in izmenjava izkušenj pri načrtovanju, graditvi in vzdrževanju objektov.
2. Pogodbenika lahko vprašanja sodelovanja na področjih, navedenih v prvem odstavku tega člena, natančneje opredelita v dodatnih protokolih k temu sporazumu.
3. Sodelovanje lahko poteka z izmenjavo osebja ali informacij.
2. člen
1. Stiki na področju obrambnega sodelovanja temeljijo na medsebojno dogovorjenih dogodkih. Pogodbenika lahko pripravita konkretne predloge, ki bodo izmenjani po ustreznih vojaškodiplomatskih poteh.
2. Na temelju teh predlogov pogodbenika izdelata letni program sodelovanja, ki ga pooblaščena predstavnika pogodbenikov podpišeta najpozneje 15. novembra v tekočem letu. Letni program se z medsebojnim soglasjem pogodbenikov lahko kadar koli spremeni.
3. člen
Predstavniki pogodbenika pošiljatelja imajo med bivanjem na ozemlju pogodbenika gostitelja tak status, kot je določen s Sporazumom med državami pogodbenicami Severnoatlantskega pakta in drugimi državami, ki sodelujejo v Partnerstvu za mir, glede statusa njihovih sil ter protokolom k njemu.
4. člen
1. Za namene sodelovanja pogodbenik pošiljatelj krije te stroške:
a) stroške potovanja v državo pogodbenika gostitelja in iz nje;
b) stroške zavarovanja članov delegacije skupaj z zdravstvenim zavarovanjem, ki ne vključuje nujne zdravstvene oskrbe.
2. Pogodbenik gostitelj krije te stroške:
a) stroške nastanitve in prehrane;
b) stroške potovanja po ozemlju svoje države;
c) stroške nujne zdravstvene oskrbe.
5. člen
1. Pogodbenika zagotavljata varstvo informacij in podatkov, ki so jima v dvostranskih stikih dani na voljo, v skladu z zakoni in predpisi, ki veljajo v eni in drugi državi.
2. Pogodbenika soglašata, da informacij, ki jih prejemata, ne bosta uporabljala v škodo interesov drugega pogodbenika niti jih brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja pogodbenika, ki je take informacije in podatke zbral in dal na voljo, ne bosta dala tretjim stranem.
6. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati na dan, ko se pogodbenika po diplomatski poti uradno obvestita, da so bile izpolnjene vse notranjepravne zahteve za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
2. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Vsak pogodbenik ga lahko odpove s 6-mesečnim odpovednim rokom in o tem obvesti drugega pogodbenika.
3. Ta sporazum se s soglasjem obeh pogodbenikov lahko kadar koli spremeni. Spremembe so pisne.
4. Pogodbenika vse spore, nastale v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma, rešujeta s pogajanji in jih ne predložita v reševanje kateri koli tretji strani.
V potrditev tega sta podpisana, ki sta bila za to pravilno pooblaščena, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani dne 17. aprila 2002 v dveh izvodih v slovenskem, latvijskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa tri besedila enako verodostojna. Ob različni razlagi tega sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Republike Slovenije
Dr. Anton Grizold l. r.
Za Ministrstvo za obrambo
Republike Latvije
Girts Valdis Kristovskis l. r.
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, hereinafter refereed to as “the Parties”,
– Guided by the wish to strengthen mutual relations between their Ministries of Defence in the letter and spirit of the Charter of the UN and the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter and the Vienna Document 1992 and other relevant OSCE-documents,
– in fulfilment of the co-operation taking place within the framework of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council,
– striving to participate in the building of democracy, peace and unity by use of mechanisms of co-operation on the whole European continent,
– recognising that it will enhance security between European states and thus the security of Europe as a whole,
– recognising the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as a pillar of stability and security,
– aiming at a strengthening of peaceful co-operation and stability in Europe,
– desiring to complement and reinforce co-operation undertaken within the framework of the Partnership for Peace,
– expressing the wish to develop mutual trust through the co-operation of the Ministries of Defence of both countries and their armed forces,
have reached the following understanding:
Article 1
1. This Agreement establishes the framework for co-operation in the field of defence between the Ministries of Defence and Armed Forces of the Parties as follows:
a) Organisational and procedural aspect of activities of Ministries of Defence and Armed Forces in the process of developing democratically controlled, responsible and effectively managed armed forces,
b) bilateral dialogue and exchange of ideas in the field of defence, defence concepts, security and arms control,
c) exchange of experience in the field of training of troops, military education, administration and management of personnel,
d) exchange of ideas in the field of co-operation between military and civilian authorities,
e) exchange of ideas, education and training in the field of particle aspect of peace-keeping,
f) co-operation and exchange of experience in the planning, construction and maintenance of buildings.
2. Detailed issues of co-operation in the fields specified in paragraph 1 of this Article can be defined accurately by the Parties in the form of additional protocols to this Agreement.
3. The co-operation may take place either through the exchange of personnel or by the exchange of information.
Article 2
1. Relations in the field of defence co-operation will be based on mutually agreed events. Both Parties can make concrete proposals, which will be exchanged through the appropriate military diplomatic channels.
2. Based on these proposals the Parties will develop an Annual programme on co-operation, which will be signed by authorised representatives of the Parties not later than 15 November of the current year. The annual programme may be amended at any time with mutual consent of both Parties.
Article 3
While staying on the territory of the Hosting Party, the status of the representatives of the Sending Party will be governed by the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of Their Forces and its Protocol.
Article 4
1. For the purposes of co-operation the Sending Party will bear the following expenses:
a) travel costs to and from the Hosting Party;
b) insurance costs of members of delegation, including non-emergency medical insurance
2.The Hosting Party will bear the following expenses:
a) costs of accommodation and meals;
b) costs of travelling within its territory;
c) costs of emergency medical care.
Article 5
1. The Parties shall guarantee the protection of information and data made available to them in bilateral contacts in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in each of the states.
2. The Parties hereto agree not to use the information they receive to the detriment of the interests of the other Party and shall not submit such information to third Parties without prior written consent from the Party that collected and made available such information and data.
Article 6
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of notification by both Parties through diplomatic channels that all internal legal requirements for its entry into force have been completed.
2. This Agreement is concluded for unlimited period of time. It may be terminated by any Party by giving 6 months notice to the other Party.
3. This Agreement may be amended at any time with the consent of both Parties. Amendments will be in writing.
4. Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement will be resolved by the Parties through negotiations and will be not referred to any third Party for settlement.
In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Ljubljana on 17 April 2002 in duplicate in the Slovenian, Latvian and English language, all three texts equally authentic. In case of different interpretation of this Agreement the English text will prevail.
For the Ministry of Defence of
the Republic of Slovenia
Dr Anton Grizold (s)
For the Ministry of Defence of
the Republic of Latvia
Girts Valdis Kristovskis (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 800-23/2002-2
Ljubljana, dne 9. julija 2002
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
* Besedilo v latvijskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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