Uradni list

Številka 67
Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002


62. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za nacionalno obrambo Helenske republike o sodelovanju v večnacionalnem centru za usposabljanje za operacije v podporo miru (MPSOTC), stran 756.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za nacionalno obrambo Helenske republike o sodelovanju v večnacionalnem centru za usposabljanje za operacije v podporo miru (MPSOTC), podpisan 13. marca 2001 v Atenah.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia from now on called the “Party” and the Ministry of National Defence of the Hellenic Republic from now on called the “Host Nation“.
Reaffirming their dedication to the purposes and principles provided by the United Nations charter.
Assuming that development of mutual cooperation will contribute to the stability of the wider region and will help to create and improve the good relations between the parties.
Knowing that the politico-military cooperation constitutes the basic element to enhance the UN capabilities in security and peace-keeping.
Confident that there must be a further development in the cooperation and the dialogue between the countries in PSO issues.
Wishing to contribute in the enhancement of training and interoperability of their armed forces, according to the new operation requirements of the Peace Support Operations.
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The basic aim of the Multinational Peace Support Operation Training Center (MPSOTC), is, to improve training according to the new operations requirements of Peace Support Operations (PSO), and to provide the appropriate venue for exchanging ideas and experiences regarding PSO issues.
Article 2
1. The Host Nation undertakes the obligation to provide for the required installations/facilities and the appropriate infrastructure for Communications and Information Systems Support, as well as the necessary Logistic and Host Nation Support, for the unimpeded function of the Center and fulfillment of its mission.
2. The Host Nation and the Party assure that the MPSOTC activities are in accordance with the purposes and principles of UN.
3. The participation in the Center activities is not directed against any other state, and it does not intend to train personnel or military force against any other country or group of countries.
4. Training offered by MPSOTC will be transparent. The Academic Calendar will be promulgated in time, according to article 5 para 3, to the other Party and to the international organizations.
5. The Center activities are in accordance with the EAPC founding principles and are also included in the framework of PfP, and will help the training of individuals and units from the Parties, in the accomplishment of Peace Support Operations, possibly assigned to them by international organizations.
6. This Agreement will not affect in any way the rights and obligations of the Parties, deriving from treaties and agreements that they had previously signed.
7. The Host Nation retains the full right to start discussions and sign other bilateral Agreements of similar nature with other countries or international organizations. The other Party will promptly informed upon the signature of such Agreement.
8. English will be the working language of the Center. Interpretation services might be available in other languages, within means and capabilities, after coordination, between the Host Nation and the country concerned.
Article 3
1. The mission of MPSOTC is, to provide high level theoretical and practical education and training, with comprehensive coverage of Peace Support Operations, to cadres (Staff Officers, Platoon Leaders, Company and Unit Commanders, Observers), as well as to multinational troops (Platoons – Companies – Units), according to current international standards (UN- OSCE – NATO- WEU).
2. In addition, the Center has the mission to provide the appropriate mission oriented pre-deployment training, on all relevant aspects of PSO, to staff officers, military observers and national or multinational contingents, before their deployment for a specific mission, as well as to their replacements.
Article 4
1. MPSOTC is a tri-service establishment subordinate to the National Defence General Staff of the Host Nation.
2. The organizational chart of the Center is in ANNEX A.
3. The Center’s permanent Staff (both faculty and administrative) will be consisted of military (Army, Navy, Air Force), as well as civilian personnel.
4. The Host Nation will provide all necessary military and civilian personnel, except of the following posts which should be filled by international personnel, after previous agreement between the Host Nation and the interesting Party, and the signing of the relevant MOU:
a. Staff Officers.
b. Instructors
5. The Party maintains the right to withdraw their personnel from the Center, after a timely notice to the Host Nation. This notice must be a formal written notification from the responsible authority of the Party provided to the Host Nation MOD one (1) month in advance.
Article 5
1. The Center will provide the following courses:
a. Multinational PSOs Officers (basic and advanced) Course.
(1) Duration: two (2) weeks.
(2) Number of courses per year: four (4)
(3) It is designed for junior and senior officers. (Train the trainers)
(4) The purpose of the course is to train and prepare officers for PSOs related duties and for tasks as military observers, election supervisors, or other PSOs missions in support of relevant international organizations (UN, NATO, OSCE and WEU)
(5) Maximum National participation per course: five (5) trainee officers.
b. Multinational PSOs companies (basic and advanced) Course
(1) Duration of two (2) weeks. During the first week training will be conducted per platoon,while during second week per company.
(2) Number of courses per year: two (2).
(3) The purpose of the course is to train and prepare platoons and companies for participation in PSOs, either in multinational or national formations, and also to provide the necessary mission tailored pre-deployment training. Course curriculum provides for both theoretical and practical (exercises) lessons conducted ‘’in-door” and in the field.
(4) Minimum national participation is one organic platoon.
c. Multinational PSOs Logistics Course
(1) Duration of one (1) Week.
(2) Number of courses per year: One (1)
(3) The purpose of the course is to train and prepare officers from different countries for assignment as Logistic Staff Officers in Multinational Brigade HQs, or Multinational service support HQs and/or in National Contingents for the conduct of PSOs.
(4) Course curriculum provides for both theoretical and practical (exercises) lessons conducted in-door and in the field.
(5) Maximum National participation per course: five (5) trainee officers.
d. CFE Inspectors/Escorts Course
(1) Duration of two (2) weeks.
(2) Number of courses per year: One (1)
(3) The purpose of the course is to train and prepare designated individuals to perform duties as Inspectors and Escorts in the framework of the Conventional Forces Europe (CFE) Treaty.
(4) Course curriculum provides for both theoretical and practical (exercises) lessons.
(5) Maximum National participation per course: five (5) trainee officers.
2. Upon graduation, the trainees will receive official course certificates, prepared by the MPSOTC.
3. During May every year, the Host Nation should provide the Academic Calendar for the next year to the other party and to the international organizations.
4. The provisions of this Article can be modified at any time, by the Host Nation, which is obliged to notify the other party six (6) months before the new provisions come into force.
Article 6
1. The necessary information concerning the size of the participation (number of cadres or troops) and the procedures of transportation, armament clearance, during entrance and exit, as well as other details will be provided by the responsible directorate of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, to the MPSOTC and to the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, to enable the Host Nation to plan for the reception and transportation from the entry point to the Center.
2. The above information has to be provided at least one month before the date of arrival, by sending “Joining Report.”
3. The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, may dispatch to the Center for troop training organic platoons or companies, fully equipped and will coordinate with the Host Nation regarding the structure of its contingent, as well as the arrival, accommodation and departure details.
4. The Center keeps the right, during the course, to specifically organize the trainees, in order to form the suitable force for the conduct of the training.
5. Leaves or days off are normally not authorized during the course. In emergency situations and after a written notification from the relevant authority of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, the Commandant of the Center can grant short leaves either for Greece or for the country of origin.
6. The trainees, during the course, have to wear either duty uniforms or field uniforms, as it will be indicated in the course schedule.
7. Foreign trainees (military or civilians) should conform to the security regulations of the Host Nation’s Armed Forces.
Article 7
1. The legal status of the personnel of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, while in Greece for purposes to this Agreement shall be governed by the PfP SOFA (Agreement between NATO and PfP nations, regarding the Status of their Forces), which was signed on 19 June 95.
2. The Commandant of the Center has the authority to issue orders, regarding the function of the Center, to all of his subordinates, as well as to all trainees. All personnel are to obey such orders, as long as they do not contradict their national laws and regulations.
3. Chain of Command and discipline within each national contingent are defined according to the national regulations of the country of origin.
4 The Center’s official correspondence with the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, will be conducted through the designated Directorate of the MOD of the Republic of Slovenia,
Article 8
1. Logistic support of the Center is a Host Nation responsibility.
2. Details of Host Nation Support will be defined in a separate MOU to be signed between the Host Nation and the Party.
3. The Host Nation is responsible to keep the Logistic and Administrative Support Platoon at the appropriate strength and readiness in order to provide the necessary support for the smooth function of the Center.
Article 9
Disputes arising from the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled by direct consultations between the Parties, without recourse to outside jurisdiction.
Article 10
1. With the exception of the provision of the art. 5 par. 4 of this agreement, either the Host Nation or the Party has the right to propose written amendments to any article of this Agreement.
2. These amendments will enter into force on the date of the exchange of diplomatic notes on the completion of internal legal procedures of both the Host Nation and the Party.
3. The instruments of acceptance of the amendments will be deposited with the MOD of the Host Nation.
Article 11
The present Agreement with its Annex ‘’A” shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of diplomatic notes on the completion of internal legal procedures and both the Host Nation and the Party shall act according to the provision of the Agreement from the date of its signature.
Article 12
This Agreement shall be valid for an indefinite period, unless the Host Nation and the Party agree otherwise.
Article 13
1. The present Agreement may be terminated by either the Host Nation or the Party at any time.
2. Either the Host Nation or the Party which is interested in terminating the Agreement, will send a written notification to the Ministry of Defence of the other Part.
3. Termination shall take effect one month after the receipt of the above mentioned written notification.
4. In the case that there are financial matters or claims pending at the time of termination, the present Agreement will remain in force until the specific issues are definitely settled.
Done in Athens on March 13th, 2001 in two originals in the English language.
For the Ministry of
Defence of the
Republic of Slovenia
Dr Anton Grizold (s)
For the Ministry of
National Defence of
the Hellenic Republic
Apostolos Athanasios
Tsohatzopoulos (s)
“A” Organization Chart of the MPSO
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, v nadaljevanju “država pogodbenica” in Ministrstvo za nacionalno obrambo Helenske republike, v nadaljevanju “država “gostiteljica”,
ponovno potrjujeta svojo predanost ciljem in načelom, določenim v Ustanovni listini Organizacije združenih narodov,
predvidevata, da bo razvoj medsebojnega sodelovanja prispeval k stabilnosti širše regije in pomagal vzpostaviti in izboljšati dobre odnose med pogodbenicama,
se zavedata, da je politično in vojaško sodelovanje temeljna prvina pri krepitvi zmogljivosti OZN za ohranjanje varnosti in miru,
sta prepričani, da se morajo sodelovanje in pogovori med državama o vprašanjih, povezanih z operacijami v podporo miru, nadalje razvijati,
želita prispevati h krepitvi usposabljanja in povezljivosti svojih oboroženih sil v skladu z novimi operativnimi zahtevami operacij v podporo miru,
zato sta se sporazumeli, kot sledi:
1. člen
Glavni cilj Večnacionalnega centra za usposabljanje za operacije v podporo miru (MPSOTC) je izboljšati usposabljanje glede na nove operativne zahteve operacij v podporo miru (PSO) in zagotoviti ustrezno mesto za izmenjavo zamisli in izkušenj pri vprašanjih, povezanih z operacijami v podporo miru.
2. člen
1. Država gostiteljica prevzema obveznost, da bo zagotovila potrebne naprave/objekte ter ustrezno infrastrukturo za komunikacijsko in informacijsko podporo kot tudi potrebno logistično podporo in podporo države gostiteljice za neovirano delovanje Centra in izpolnjevanje njegove naloge.
2. Država gostiteljica in pogodbenica zagotavljata, da so dejavnosti MPSOTC v skladu s cilji in načeli OZN.
3. Sodelovanje pri dejavnostih Centra ni usmerjeno proti nobeni drugi državi in njegov namen ni usposobiti osebja ali vojaških sil proti kateri koli drugi državi ali skupini držav.
4. Usposabljanje, ki ga zagotavlja MPSOTC, bo pregledno. Razpored izobraževanja bo v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 5. člena pravočasno sporočen drugi pogodbenici in mednarodnim organizacijam.
5. Dejavnosti Centra so v skladu z ustanovnimi načeli Evro-atlantskega partnerskega sveta (EAPS) in so prav tako vključene v okvir Partnerstva za mir (PzM); pomagale bodo usposabljati posameznike in enote pogodbenic za izvajanje operacij v podporo miru, ki jim jih utegnejo dodeliti mednarodne organizacije.
6. Ta sporazum ne bo na noben način vplival na pravice in obveznosti pogodbenic na podlagi mednarodnih pogodb in sporazumov, ki sta jih predhodno podpisali.
7. Država gostiteljica ima vso pravico, da začne pogovore z drugimi državami ali mednarodnimi organizacijami in z njimi podpiše druge dvostranske sporazume podobne narave. Druga pogodbenica bo o podpisu takega sporazuma takoj obveščena.
8. Delovni jezik Centra bo angleščina. Tolmačenje v druge jezike bo lahko na voljo v okviru sredstev in zmogljivosti po uskladitvi med državo gostiteljico in udeleženo državo.
3. člen
1. Naloga MPSOTC je zagotoviti častniškemu osebju (štabnim častnikom, poveljnikom vodov, čet in enot, opazovalcem) kot tudi večnacionalnim vojaškim enotam (vodom, četam, enotam) visoko raven teoretičnega in praktičnega izobraževanja in usposabljanja z izčrpno obravnavo operacij v podporo miru po veljavnih mednarodnih standardih (OZN, OVSE, NATO, ZEU).
2. Poleg tega je naloga Centra zagotoviti štabnim častnikom, vojaškim opazovalcem in nacionalnim ali večnacionalnim kontingentom ter njihovim zamenjavam ustrezno pripravljalno usposabljanje za določeno nalogo o vseh pomembnih vidikih operacij v podporo miru pred njihovo razporeditvijo na tako nalogo.
4. člen
1. MPSOTC je ustanova treh rodov, podrejena generalštabu nacionalne obrambe države gostiteljice.
2. Organizacijska shema Centra je v PRILOGI A.
3. Stalno osebje Centra (učno in administrativno) bo sestavljeno iz vojaškega (kopenska vojska, mornarica, zračne sile) in civilnega osebja.
4. Država gostiteljica bo zagotovila vso potrebno vojaško in civilno osebje, razen naslednjih delovnih mest, ki jih je treba zapolniti z mednarodnim osebjem po predhodnem dogovoru med državo gostiteljico in udeleženo pogodbenico ter po podpisu ustreznega MOS (memoranduma o soglasju):
a. štabni častniki,
b. strokovni učitelji.
5. Pogodbenica ima pravico umakniti svoje osebje iz Centra, potem ko je o tem državo gostiteljico pravočasno obvestila. Obvestilo mora biti uradno pisno obvestilo pristojnega organa pogodbenice, poslano Ministrstvu za obrambo države gostiteljice en (1) mesec vnaprej.
5. člen
1. Center bo zagotavljal naslednje tečaje:
a. Tečaj za častnike za večnacionalne operacije v podporo miru (osnovni in nadaljevalni)
(1) Trajanje: dva (2) tedna.
(2) Število tečajev na leto: štiri (4).
(3) Namenjen je nižjim in višjim častnikom (usposabljanje učnega osebja)
(4) Namen tečaja je usposobiti in pripraviti častnike za dolžnosti, povezane z operacijami v podporo miru, in za naloge vojaških opazovalcev, nadzornikov volitev ali za druge naloge operacij v podporo miru kot pomoč ustreznim mednarodnim organizacijam (OZN, NATO, OVSE in ZEU).
(5) Največja udeležba iz posamezne države na tečaj: pet (5) tečajnikov.
b. Tečaj za čete za večnacionalne operacije v podporo miru (osnovni in nadaljevalni)
(1) Trajanje dva (2) tedna. V prvem tednu bo potekalo usposabljanje vodov, v drugem tednu pa čete.
(2) Število tečajev na leto: dva (2).
(3) Namen tečaja je usposobiti ter pripraviti vode in čete za sodelovanje v operacijah v podporo miru v večnacionalnih ali nacionalnih sestavah ter zagotoviti tudi potrebno pripravljalno in nalogi prilagojeno usposabljanje pred razporeditvijo na določeno nalogo. Učni načrt tečaja zagotavlja teoretični in praktični pouk (vaje), ki poteka v predavalnicah in na terenu.
(4) Najmanjša udeležba iz posamezne države je en osnovni vod.
c. Tečaj logistike za večnacionalne operacije v podporo miru
(1) Trajanje en (1) teden.
(2) Število tečajev na leto: en (1).
(3) Namen tečaja je usposobiti in pripraviti častnike iz različnih držav za dolžnosti logističnih štabnih častnikov v poveljstvih večnacionalnih brigad ali v poveljstvih večnacionalnih sil za zaledno podporo in/ali v nacionalnih kontingentih za izvedbo operacij v podporo miru.
(4) Učni načrt tečaja zagotavlja teoretični in praktični pouk (vaje), ki poteka v predavalnicah in na terenu.
(5) Največja udeležba iz posamezne države na tečaj: pet (5) tečajnikov.
d. Tečaj za inšpektorje CFE/spremljevalce
(1) Trajanje dva (2) tedna.
(2) Število tečajev na leto: en (1).
(3) Namen tečaja je usposobiti in pripraviti posameznike, določene za opravljanje dolžnosti inšpektorjev in spremljevalcev v okviru Sporazuma o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi (CFE).
(4) Učni načrt tečaja zagotavlja teoretični in praktični pouk (vaje).
(5) Največja udeležba iz posamezne države na tečaj: pet (5) tečajnikov.
2. Po opravljenem tečaju bodo tečajniki prejeli uradna spričevala o opravljenem tečaju, ki jih bo pripravil MPSOTC.
3. V maju vsakega leta mora država gostiteljica predložiti drugi pogodbenici in mednarodnim organizacijam razpored izobraževanja za naslednje leto.
4. Država gostiteljica lahko kadar koli spremeni določbe tega člena in o tem je dolžna obvestiti drugo pogodbenico šest (6) mesecev pred začetkom veljavnosti novih določb.
6. člen
1. Potrebne podatke v zvezi z obsegom udeležbe (število osebja ali čet) in postopki prevoza, carinjenja vojaške opreme med vstopom in izstopom kot tudi druge podrobnosti bo pristojna direkcija Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije zagotovila MPSOTC in Generalštabu Helenske nacionalne obrambe, da bi državi gostiteljici omogočila načrtovati sprejem in prevoz od vstopnega mejnega prehoda do Centra.
2. Zgoraj navedene podatke je treba zagotoviti najmanj en mesec pred datumom prihoda s predložitvijo Poročila o pridruženju.
3. Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije lahko v Center za usposabljanje enot pošlje osnovne vode ali čete z vso opremo in z državo gostiteljico uskladi sestavo svojega kontingenta ter podrobnosti glede prihoda, nastanitve in odhoda.
4. Center ima pravico, da med tečajem organizira tečajnike tako, da oblikuje ustrezne enote za izvajanje usposabljanja.
5. Dopusti ali prosti dnevi med tečajem običajno niso dovoljeni. V nujnih primerih in na podlagi predhodnega pisnega obvestila, ki ga pošlje ustrezen organ Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije, lahko poveljnik Centra odobri kratke dopuste v Grčiji ali v matični državi.
6. Med tečajem morajo tečajniki nositi službene ali bojne uniforme, kot bo to navedeno v načrtu tečaja.
7. Tuji tečajniki (vojaški ali civilni) se morajo ravnati po varnostnih predpisih oboroženih sil države gostiteljice.
7. člen
1. Pravni status osebja Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije med bivanjem v Grčiji za namene tega sporazuma ureja PzM SOFA (Sporazum med Natom in državami članicami PzM o statusu njihovih sil), ki je bil podpisan dne 19. junija 1995.
2. Poveljnik Centra ima pooblastila, da izdaja ukaze glede delovanja Centra vsem svojim podrejenim in tečajnikom. Vse osebje mora take ukaze ubogati, razen če so ti v nasprotju z njegovo notranjo zakonodajo.
3. Linija poveljevanja in disciplina v vsakem kontingentu posamezne države sta opredeljeni v skladu s predpisi matične države.
4. Uradno dopisovanje Centra z Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije bo potekalo prek za to določene službe Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
8. člen
1. Za logistično podporo Centra je odgovorna država gostiteljica.
2. Podrobnosti glede podpore države gostiteljice bodo opredeljene v posebnem MOS, ki bo podpisan med državo gostiteljico in pogodbenico.
3. Država gostiteljica je odgovorna, da zagotovi vod ustrezne številčnosti in pripravljenosti za potrebno logistično in administrativno podporo za nemoteno delovanje Centra.
9. člen
Spore, ki izhajajo iz razlage ali izvajanja tega sporazuma, bosta pogodbenici reševali z neposrednim medsebojnim posvetovanjem brez pomoči zunanje jurisdikcije.
10. člen
1. Država gostiteljica ali pogodbenica ima pravico predlagati pisne spremembe katerega koli člena tega sporazuma, razen določbe četrtega odstavka 5. člena tega sporazuma.
2. Te spremembe začnejo veljati na dan izmenjave diplomatskih not o dokončanju notranjepravnih postopkov v državi gostiteljici in pogodbenici.
3. Listini o sprejetju sprememb se deponirata pri Ministrstvu za obrambo države gostiteljice.
11. člen
Ta sporazum s prilogo A začne veljati na dan izmenjave diplomatskih not o dokončanju notranjepravnih postopkov; država gostiteljica in pogodbenica se ravnata po določbah tega sporazuma od datuma njegovega podpisa.
12. člen
Ta sporazum velja nedoločen čas, razen če se država gostiteljica in pogodbenica dogovorita drugače.
13. člen
1. Ta sporazum lahko kadar koli odpove bodisi država gostiteljica ali pogodbenica.
2. Država gostiteljica ali pogodbenica, ki želi odpovedati sporazum, pošlje uradno obvestilo Ministrstvu za obrambo druge pogodbenice.
3. Odpoved začne veljati en mesec po prejemu omenjenega uradnega obvestila.
4. Če ob odpovedi obstajajo nerešene finančne zadeve ali terjatve, ta sporazum še naprej velja, dokler se taka vprašanja dokončno ne rešijo.
Sestavljeno v Atenah dne 13. marca 2001 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Ministrstvo za
Republike Slovenije
Dr. Anton Grizold l. r.
Za Ministrstvo za
nacionalno obrambo
Helenske republike
Apostolos Athanasios
Tsohatzopoulos l. r.
A –Organizacijska shema MPSOTC
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 800-17/2001-2
Ljubljana, dne 9. julija 2002
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.
* Priloga A je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodnopravne zadeve Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.

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