Uradni list

Številka 67
Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 67/2002 z dne 26. 7. 2002


61. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in ministrom za obrambo Kraljevine Belgije o dvostranskem sodelovanju na obrambnem področju, stran 753.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 45/01) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in ministrom za obrambo Kraljevine Belgije o dvostranskem sodelovanju na obrambnem področju, podpisan 18. decembra 2001 v Bruslju.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia
and the Minister of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium,
hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties“
Considering the objectives and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
Desiring to contribute to the strengthening of peace, confidence and stability;
Confirming their common will to achieve the objectives laid down in the Invitation to the Partnership for Peace issued and signed by the member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Brussels on 10 January 1994, and the Partnership for Peace framework document;
Recognizing that the provisions of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Forces and the Protocol thereto (PFP SOFA) done at Brussels on 19 June 1995, will apply to the cooperation established by the present Agreement;
Recalling the Letter of Intent signed by the Ministers of Defence in Ljubljana on 26 February 2001;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The present Agreement establishes the framework for a bilateral cooperation in the field of defence matters based on mutually agreed projects.
Article 2
Areas of cooperation
1. The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation in the following areas:
a) defence doctrine and military issues related to security policy;
b) military research, education and training;
c) peace-keeping operations;
d) logistics, signals and electronics, engineering, military medicine and surgery;
e) military geography and cartography;
f) organization, administration and management of the Armed forces;
g) legislation and military legal issues;
h) military history and museums as well as military archives and publications;
i) social, sports and cultural activities;
j) application of regulations about security at work in the armed forces.
2. The Contracting Parties may decide upon additional areas by mutual consent.
Article 3
Forms of cooperation
The cooperation may take the following forms:
a) official visits and working meetings,
b) exchange of knowledge and experience
c) attendance to conferences and seminars
d) exchange of experts, professors or students between military colleges, academies or training centers, and attendance at courses
e) attendance of participants and observers at training and preparation exercises for peace-keeping operations
f) visits to military units, institutions and installations
g) participation to cultural and sports events.
Article 4
Annual plans
1. Annual plans of bilateral cooperation shall be drawn up pursuant to this Agreement at the level of the Chiefs of Defense Staffs.
2. The Chiefs of Defense Staffs shall determine at the beginning of the current year the date of exchange of the proposals for the plans of bilateral cooperation for the subsequent calendar year. However, on opportunity basis, an additional proposal may also be considered by mutual agreement.
3. A Mixed Commission composed of an equal number of representatives of both Chiefs of Defense Staffs shall consequently prepare the annual plan of bilateral cooperation for the subsequent calendar year. These annual plans will be signed by the head of both national representations.
Article 5
Status of personnel
In connection with the implementation of this Agreement, the status of the personnel will be governed by the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the status of their Forces, done at Brussels on 19 June 1995.
Article 6
Protection of confidential information
1. The Contracting Parties commit themselves to use, handle and safeguard any classified material or information to which they may have access in the framework of the present Arrangement in accordance with the Contracting Parties’ national security laws and regulations to the extent that they provide a degree of protection no less stringent than that provided for these material or information as set forth by the originating Contracting Party.
2. Classified material and information will be transmitted only through official channels between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties.
3. Any classified material or information received in the framework of this Arrangement may not be released or disclosed to third parties by direct or indirect way, without previous written approval of the originating Contracting Party.
Article 7
Financial provisions
1. The sending Contracting Party shall cover the costs of transportation from State to State, and per diems for the members of his delegation.
2. The receiving Contracting Party shall cover the costs of accommodation, services and food supply, transportation on the territory of his country, as well as the costs of cultural events foreseen in the agreed agenda.
Nevertheless, in the case of activities involving groups of more than 10 host participants (such as sport teams, military bands or student groups), the aforementioned costs shall be distributed according to a special agreement between the Contracting Parties.
3. The receiving Contracting Party shall provide adequate emergency health care and dental care, including hospitalization, under the same conditions as comparable personnel of his Armed forces. However, repatriation costs shall be borne by the sending Contracting Party.
4. Other expenses arising in connection with the implementation of this Agreement shall be covered as punctually agreed between the Contracting Parties.
Article 8
Settlement of disputes
Disputes arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled exclusively by consultation between the Contracting Parties.
Article 9
Final provisions
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date that both Contracting Parties have notified to each other in writing that all internal legal requirements have been fulfilled.
2. This Agreement is concluded for a initial period of five years and then by tacit renewal for successive one-year periods. Either Contracting Party can terminate this Agreement by notification in writing 90 days prior to the latter deadline or to the expiry of a subsequent one-year period.
3. This Agreement may be amended by mutual agreement between the Contracting Parties. Amendments must be proposed in writing and shall enter into force in accordance with the first paragraph of this article.
Done at Brussels on 18 December 2001 in two original copies in English language.
The Minister of Defence of
the Republic of Slovenia
Dr Anton Grizold (s)
The Minister of Defence of
the Kingdom of Belgium
André Flahaut (s)
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije
in minister za obrambo Kraljevine Belgije,
v nadaljevanju pogodbenika, sta se
ob upoštevanju ciljev in načel Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov,
v želji prispevati h krepitvi miru, zaupanja in stabilnosti,
potrjujoč skupno pripravljenost doseči cilje, navedene v vabilu k Partnerstvu za mir, ki so ga 10. januarja 1994 izdale in podpisale države članice Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe, in v okvirnem dokumentu Partnerstva za mir,
zavedajoč se, da se določbe Sporazuma med državami pogodbenicami Severnoatlantskega pakta in drugimi državami, ki sodelujejo v Partnerstvu za mir, glede statusa njihovih sil in pripadajočega Protokola (PzM SOFA), sklenjenega v Bruslju 19. junija 1995, uporabljajo za sodelovanje, ki ga opredeljuje ta sporazum,
sklicujoč se na Pismo o nameri, ki sta ga ministra za obrambo podpisala v Ljubljani 26. februarja 2001,
dogovorila o naslednjem:
1. člen
Ta sporazum opredeljuje dvostransko sodelovanje na področju obrambnih zadev, ki temelji na vzajemno dogovorjenih projektih.
2. člen
Področja sodelovanja
1. Pogodbenika razvijata sodelovanje na teh področjih:
a) obrambna doktrina in vojaška vprašanja, ki se nanašajo na varnostno politiko;
b) vojaške raziskave, izobraževanje in usposabljanje;
c) operacije za ohranjanje miru;
d) logistika, zveze in elektronika, inženirstvo, vojaška medicina in kirurgija;
e) vojaška geografija in kartografija;
f) organizacija, upravljanje in vodenje oboroženih sil;
g) zakonodaja in vojaška pravna vprašanja;
h) vojaška zgodovina in muzeji ter vojaški arhivi in publikacije;
i) družbene, športne in kulturne dejavnosti;
j) uporaba predpisov o varstvu pri delu v oboroženih silah.
2. Pogodbenika se lahko sporazumno odločita o dodatnih področjih.
3. člen
Oblike sodelovanja
Oblike sodelovanja so lahko naslednje:
a) uradni obiski in delovni sestanki;
b) izmenjava znanja in izkušenj;
c) sodelovanje na konferencah in seminarjih;
d) izmenjava strokovnjakov, profesorjev ali študentov med vojaškimi kolidži, akademijami ali centri za usposabljanje in sodelovanje na tečajih;
e) sodelovanje udeležencev in opazovalcev na usposabljanju in pripravljalnih vajah za operacije za ohranjanje miru;
f) obiski vojaških enot, ustanov in naprav;
g) sodelovanje na kulturnih in športnih prireditvah.
4. člen
Letni načrti
1. Letni načrti dvostranskega sodelovanja se skladno s tem sporazumom pripravijo na ravni načelnikov generalštabov.
2. Na začetku tekočega leta načelnika generalštabov določita datum izmenjave predlogov za načrte dvostranskega sodelovanje za prihodnje koledarsko leto. Vendar se lahko, če je za to priložnost in vzajemno soglasje, preuči dodaten predlog.
3. Mešana komisija, v kateri je enako število predstavnikov obeh načelnikov generalštabov, nato pripravi letni načrt dvostranskega sodelovanja za prihodnje koledarsko leto. Te letne načrte podpišeta vodji obeh delegacij.
5. člen
Status osebja
Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma se status osebja ureja s Sporazumom med državami pogodbenicami Severnoatlantskega pakta in drugimi državami, ki sodelujejo v Partnerstvu za mir, glede statusa njihovih sil, sklenjenim v Bruslju 19. junija 1995.
6. člen
Varstvo zaupnih informacij
1. Pogodbenika se obvezujeta, da bosta uporabljala, obravnavala in varovala vsa gradiva ali informacije s stopnjo zaupnosti, ki so jima dostopne v okviru tega sporazuma, skladno z notranjo zakonodajo in predpisi pogodbenikov do te mere, ko stopnja varovanja ni nič manjša od tiste, ki jo za ta gradiva ali informacije določi pogodbenik, pri katerem so nastale.
2. Gradiva in informacije s stopnjo zaupnosti si smejo pristojni organi pogodbenikov izmenjavati samo po uradni poti.
3. Katero koli gradivo ali informacije s stopnjo zaupnosti, prejete po tem sporazumu, ne smejo biti neposredno ali posredno izročene ali razkrite tretjim osebam brez predhodne pisne odobritve pogodbenika, pri katerem so nastale.
7. člen
Finančne določbe
1. Pogodbenik pošiljatelj krije stroške prevoza od države do države in dnevnic za člane svoje delegacije.
2. Pogodbenik sprejemnik krije stroške nastanitve, storitev in prehrane, prevoza po ozemlju svoje države in stroške kulturnih prireditev, predvidenih v dogovorjenem programu.
Kadar pa je v dejavnosti vključenih več kot 10 gostujočih udeležencev (kot so športne ekipe, vojaške godbe ali študentske skupine), si pogodbenika stroške delita skladno s posebnim dogovorom.
3. Pogodbenik sprejemnik zagotovi ustrezno nujno zdravstveno in zobozdravstveno pomoč, vključno z bolnišničnim zdravljenjem, pod pogoji, primerljivimi s tistimi, ki veljajo za njegove oborožene sile. Stroške vrnitve v domovino pa krije pogodbenik pošiljatelj.
4. O kritju drugih stroškov, ki nastanejo pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, se pogodbenika natančno dogovorita.
8. člen
Reševanje sporov
Spore, ki nastanejo pri razlagi ali izvajanju tega sporazuma, pogodbenika rešujeta izključno z medsebojnim posvetovanjem.
9. člen
Končne določbe
1. Sporazum začne veljati z dnem, ko pogodbenika drug drugega pisno obvestita, da so bile izpolnjene vse notranjepravne zahteve.
2. Sporazum je sklenjen za začetno obdobje petih let in se molče podaljšuje za zaporedna enoletna obdobja. En ali drug pogodbenik ga lahko odpove s pisnim obvestilom 90 dni pred skrajnim rokom ali iztekom nadaljnjega enoletnega obdobja.
3. Sporazum lahko pogodbenika sporazumno spremenita. Spremembe morajo biti predložene pisno in začnejo veljati skladno s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
Sestavljeno v Bruslju 18. decembra 2001 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Minister za obrambo
Republike Slovenije
dr. Anton Grizold l. r.
Minister za obrambo
Kraljevine Belgije
André Flahaut l. r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 800-16/2001-2
Ljubljana, dne 9. julija 2002
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r.

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