Uradni list

Številka 11
Uradni list RS, št. 11/2001 z dne 16. 2. 2001
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 11/2001 z dne 16. 2. 2001


12. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Norveške o medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah (BNOMPC), stran 304.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Norveške o medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah (BNOMPC), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 31. januarja 2001.
Št. 001-22-12/01
Ljubljana, dne 9. februarja 2001
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Kraljevine Norveške o medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah, podpisan v Oslu 25. februarja 2000.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi*:
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Kraljevine Norveške, v nadaljevanju pogodbenici, sta
glede na to, da kršitve carinske zakonodaje škodujejo gospodarskim, davčnim, javno-zdravstvenim in trgovinskim interesom njunih držav,
glede na pomembnost zagotavljanja natančne odmere carinskih dajatev in drugih davkov na uvoz ali izvoz blaga kot tudi ustrezno izvajanje določb glede prepovedi, omejitev in kontrole,
v prepričanju, da sodelovanje med njunimi carinskimi organi lahko prispeva k večji učinkovitosti ukrepov pri carinskih kršitvah,
ker se zavedata obstoječih prijateljskih odnosov med Slovenijo in Norveško,
z željo, da bi povečali in izpopolnili sedanjo medsebojno pomoč pogodbenic,
ob upoštevanju Priporočila Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje o medsebojni upravni pomoči z dne 5. decembra 1953
sklenili naslednje:
1. člen
V tem sporazumu:
a) “carinska zakonodaja“ pomeni zakone in predpise, ki jih uveljavljajo carinski organi pri uvozu, izvozu in tranzitu blaga in vsakem drugem postopku, ki se nanaša na odmero carin, dajatev in druge kontrole v zvezi z gibanjem blaga čez državne meje;
b) “carinski organ“ pomeni v Sloveniji Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije, na Norveškem pa Direktorat za carine in trošarine (Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet);
c) “kršitev“ pomeni vsako kršitev carinske zakonodaje kot tudi vsak poskus kršitve takšne zakonodaje;
d) “carinske dajatve“ pomenijo vse carine, davke, pristojbine ali druge dajatve, ki se odmerjajo in pobirajo pri uporabi carinske zakonodaje;
e) “organ prosilec“ pomeni pristojni carinski organ pogodbenice, ki prosi za pomoč pri carinskih zadevah;
f) “zaprošeni organ“ pomeni pristojni carinski organ pogodbenice, ki prejme zaprosilo za pomoč pri carinskih zadevah;
g) “osebni podatki“ so vsi podatki, ki se nanašajo na določeno ali določljivo osebo.
2. člen
1. Pogodbenici si po svojih carinskih organih medsebojno pomagata v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo in določbami tega sporazuma:
a) da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo carinske zakonodaje, še posebej s preprečevanjem, preiskovanjem in odkrivanjem kršitev te zakonodaje;
b) z izmenjavo informacij, ki jih je treba uporabljati pri odmeri carinskih dajatev in izvajanju ter uveljavljanju carinske zakonodaje.
2. Pomoč, kot je predvidena v tem sporazumu, poteka skladno z notranjo zakonodajo in na področjih, ki so v sodni pristojnosti zaprošenega organa ter v mejah njegove pristojnosti in razpoložljivih virov. Po potrebi lahko zaprošeni organ poskrbi, da pomoč zagotovi drug pristojni organ v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo.
3. člen
1. Pomoč se izvaja z neposrednim sodelovanjem med Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije v Sloveniji in Direktoratom za carine in trošarine na Norveškem.
2. Carinski organi si na lastno pobudo ali na zaprosilo medsebojno dajejo vse ustrezne informacije o aktivnostih, ki utegnejo imeti za posledico kršitve na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
4. člen
1. Na zaprosilo carinski organi eni drugim priskrbijo vse ustrezne informacije, ki bi lahko olajšale:
a) odmero carinskih dajatev in natančno določitev carinske vrednosti in carinske razvrstitve blaga;
b) izvajanje prepovedi in omejitev pri uvozu in izvozu;
c) odkrivanje prevozov in pošiljk blaga z navedbo vrednosti, razpolaganja in namembnega kraja.
5. člen
Carinski organi na lastno pobudo ali na zaprosilo pošljejo organu prosilcu vse ustrezne podatke glede postopkov, s katerimi se krši ali se utegne kršiti carinska zakonodaja, še posebej podatke, ki se nanašajo na:
a) fizične in pravne osebe, za katere se ve ali sumi, da kršijo carinsko zakonodajo;
b) nova sredstva ali metode pri izvajanju takšnih postopkov;
c) blago ali gibanje blaga, za katero je znano, da se z njim krši carinska zakonodaja;
d) prevozna sredstva, za katera se utemeljeno domneva, da so bila, so ali utegnejo biti uporabljena pri postopkih, s katerimi se krši carinska zakonodaja.
6. člen
Na zaprosilo se carinski organi medsebojno obveščajo:
a) ali je potekal izvoz blaga, uvoženega v carinsko območje ene pogodbenice iz carinskega območja druge pogodbenice, v skladu s carinsko zakonodajo;
b) ali je potekal uvoz blaga, izvoženega iz carinskega območja ene pogodbenice v carinsko območje druge pogodbenice, v skladu s carinsko zakonodajo, in kadar je to primerno, navedejo carinski postopek, ki je bil uporabljen za blago.
7. člen
1. Carinski organi na lastno pobudo ali na zaprosilo sporočijo vse razpoložljive informacije o izidih poizvedb.
2. Če zaprošeni organ nima na voljo zahtevanih informacij, ravna v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo, da bi pridobil takšne informacije.
8. člen
Na zaprosilo organa prosilca zaprošeni organ v skladu s svojo zakonodajo sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, da bi vsem fizičnim ali pravnim osebam, ki jih to zadeva in ki prebivajo ali so ustanovljene na njegovem ozemlju, poslal vse dokumente in jih obvestil o vseh odločitvah, sprejetih v okviru tega sporazuma.
9. člen
Carinski organi pogodbenic na lastno pobudo ali na zaprosilo vzdržujejo nadzor nad:
a) fizičnimi osebami, ki se gibajo v carinskem območju in še posebej ko vstopajo vanj ali iz njega, če obstaja utemeljena domneva, da kršijo ali so kršile carinsko zakonodajo;
b) pravnimi osebami, za katere obstaja utemeljena domneva, da so kršile, kršijo ali bi lahko kršile carinsko zakonodajo;
c) vsakim prevoznim sredstvom, za katero obstaja utemeljena domneva, da je bilo, je ali utegne biti uporabljeno pri postopkih, s katerimi se krši carinska zakonodaja;
d) gibanjem blaga v carinsko območje ali iz njega, za katero je bilo sporočeno, da bi lahko povzročilo kršitev carinske zakonodaje.
10. člen
1. Na zaprosilo organa prosilca zaprošeni organ sproži vse uradne poizvedbe o postopkih, ki so ali so videti kot kršitve carinske zakonodaje. Izide takšnih poizvedb je treba sporočiti organu prosilcu.
2. Zaprošeni organ lahko na posebno zaprosilo privoli, da smejo biti uradniki organa prosilca navzoči med izvajanjem nameravanih ukrepov.
3. Kadar so v okoliščinah, predvidenih s tem sporazumom, predstavniki ene pogodbenice navzoči na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, je nujno, da lahko kadar koli predložijo dokaz o svoji uradni pristojnosti. Ne smejo biti v uniformi ali nositi orožja.
11. člen
1. Zaprosila po tem sporazumu morajo biti pisna. Podatki ali dokumenti, potrebni za izpolnitev takšnih zaprosil, se priložijo zaprosilu. Ustna zaprosila se lahko sprejmejo, vendar morajo biti čim prej pisno potrjena.
2. Zaprosila po prvem odstavku tega člena morajo vsebovati te podatke:
a) navedbo carinskega organa, ki vlaga zaprosilo;
b) navedbo zaprošenega ukrepa;
c) navedbo predmeta zaprosila in razlog zanj;
d) kratek opis kršitev, zakonodaje in drugih pravnih elementov v zvezi s tem;
e) čim natančnejše in izčrpnejše navedbe o fizičnih ali pravnih osebah, ki so cilj preiskave;
f) povzetek pomembnejših dejstev in že opravljenih poizvedb.
3. Jezik sporazumevanja med carinskimi organi je angleščina. Podatki, dokumenti in druga sporočila med carinskimi organi se pošiljajo v izvirnem jeziku in so poleg tega prevedeni v angleščino ali v jezik, ki je sprejemljiv za carinski organ, ki jih prejme.
4. Če zaprosilo ne izpolnjuje formalnih pogojev, je mogoče zahtevati njegov popravek ali dopolnitev. Vendar se zaradi tega ne smejo odložiti ukrepi, ki jih je treba nemudoma sprejeti.
5. Podatki, določeni s tem sporazumom, se lahko za isti namen nadomestijo s podatki v kakršni koli elektronski obliki. Hkrati je treba poslati vse ustrezno gradivo ali druge podatke, ki so potrebni za razlago ali uporabo teh podatkov.
12. člen
Izvirne spise in dokumente je mogoče zahtevati, le kadar overjene kopije ne bi zadostovale. Poslane izvirnike je treba vrniti ob prvi priložnosti.
13. člen
1. Dobljene podatke je mogoče uporabiti le za namene tega sporazuma, za druge namene pa se lahko uporabijo le s predhodnim pisnim soglasjem carinskega organa, ki je podatke dal.
2. Vsi podatki, sporočeni v kakršni koli obliki, v skladu s tem sporazumom so zaupni ali za interno uporabo. Varovani bodo z obvezo uradne tajnosti in bodo enako zaščiteni kot podobni podatki po ustreznih zakonih pogodbenice, ki jih je prejela.
3. Carinski organi lahko v skladu z nameni in določbami tega sporazuma uporabijo dobljene podatke in pregledane dokumente v svojih poročilih, pričevanjih in dokaznem gradivu v sodnih ali upravnih postopkih.
14. člen
1. Dobljeni osebni podatki se smejo uporabiti le za namene in po pogojih, ki jih določi zaprošeni organ. Zaprošeni organ lahko določi nadaljnje omejitve glede uporabe osebnih podatkov, če bi načrtovana uporaba ogrozila varstvo osebnih podatkov registriranih oseb ali na kakršen koli drug način povzročila neskladnost z notranjo zakonodajo, ki velja na ozemlju zaprošene države pogodbenice.
2. Na zahtevo pogodbenice, ki je priskrbela podatke, je pogodbenica, ki je podatke prejela, odgovorna zanje in mora poročati o njihovi uporabi.
3. Osebni podatki se lahko sporočijo le organom odkrivanja in pregona. Takšni podatki se lahko pošljejo drugim organom le s predhodnim soglasjem organa, ki je podatke dal.
4. Organ, ki priskrbi podatke, mora zagotoviti veljavnost in pravilnost podatkov, ki jih je treba poslati. Če pošiljatelj podatkov ugotovi, da so bili poslani bodisi nepravilni osebni podatki ali osebni podatki za interno uporabo, mora o tem nemudoma obvestiti prejemnika. Prejemnik podatkov mora osebne podatke popraviti, uničiti, zbrisati ali jih vrniti, če je to potrebno.
5. Nepravilne ali nepopolne podatke oziroma nepomembne podatke je treba na pobudo ali zahtevo pogodbenic popraviti ali zbrisati. Osebne podatke je treba zbrisati, ko ni več potrebe za njihovo uporabo.
6. Osebni podatki se vpišejo v za to odobreni register in se učinkovito zavarujejo pred objavo, spremembo, uničenjem, poškodovanjem in nepooblaščenim dostopom.
15. člen
Na zaprosilo lahko carinski organi pooblastijo svoje uradnike, da v okviru omejitev dodeljenega pooblastila nastopajo kot priče ali izvedenci v sodnih ali upravnih postopkih v zvezi z zadevami iz tega sporazuma, ki so v sodni pristojnosti pogodbenice, in da predložijo takšne predmete, dokumente ali njihove overjene kopije, ki bi lahko bili potrebni za postopke. V zaprosilu za prihod pred sodišče je treba posebej navesti, o kateri zadevi in na podlagi katerega pravnega naslova ali v kakšni vlogi bo uradnik zaslišan.
1. Kadar se oceni, da se z izpolnjevanjem zaprosila za pomoč kršijo suverenost, varnost in javni interes ali drugi bistveni interesi pogodbenice ali da se krši kakšna industrijska, poslovna ali poklicna skrivnost, je mogoče pomoč odreči, jo zagotoviti delno ali pod določenimi pogoji ali zahtevami.
2. Če zaprosilu za pomoč ni mogoče ugoditi, je treba organu prosilcu nemudoma sporočiti razloge za zavrnitev zagotavljanja pomoči.
3. Kadar organ prosilec zaprosi za pomoč, ki je sam ne bi mogel zagotoviti, če bi ga zanjo prosili, mora na to dejstvo opozoriti v svojem zaprosilu. Zaprošeni organ se odloči, kako se bo odzval na takšno zaprosilo.
17. člen
Pogodbenici se odpovesta vsem medsebojnim zahtevkom za povračilo stroškov, nastalim pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, razen, kadar je to primerno, za stroške izvedencev in prič ter tolmačev in prevajalcev, ki niso zaposleni v javni službi.
18. člen
Določbe iz tega sporazuma veljajo na carinskem območju pogodbenic.
19. člen
Izvajanje tega sporazuma se zaupa osrednjim carinskim organom pogodbenic. Ti odločajo o vseh praktičnih ukrepih in dogovorih, potrebnih za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
20. člen
1. Sporazum se začasno uporablja od dneva podpisa in začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca, ki sledi datumu, ko se pogodbenici med seboj obvestita z izmenjavo diplomatskih not, da so bile izpolnjene vse potrebne notranjepravne zahteve za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
2. Carinski organi pogodbenic soglašajo, da se sestanejo zaradi ponovnega pregleda sporazuma ali obravnave drugih carinskih zadev, ki bi lahko izhajale iz njihovega medsebojnega odnosa, na zahtevo enega od carinskih organov ali po petih letih od dneva začetka veljavnosti sporazuma, razen če se med seboj ne obvestijo, da tak pregled ali obravnava drugih carinskih zadev ni potreben. Pogodbenici lahko spremenita ali dopolnita ta sporazum na podlagi medsebojnega soglasja.
3. Ta sporazum velja nedoločen čas. Veljati preneha šest mesecev od dneva, ko ena pogodbenica drugo pogodbenico po diplomatski poti pisno obvesti o želji, da prekine ta sporazum.
DA BI TO POTRDILA, sta podpisana, ki sta ju pravilno pooblastili njuni vladi, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sklenjeno v Oslu dne 25. februarja 2000 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, norveškem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa tri besedila enako verodostojna. Pri razlikah v razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Franc Košir l.r.
Za Vlado
Kraljevine Norveške
Marit Wiig l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,
Considering that offences against Customs Legislation are prejudicial to the economic, fiscal, public health and commercial interests of their respective countries,
Considering the importance of assuring the accurate assessment of customs duties and other taxes collected on the importation or exportation of goods, as well as proper implementation of provisions relating to prohibition, restriction and control,
Convinced that action against customs offences can be made more effective by cooperation between their Customs Authorities,
Bearing in mind the existing friendly relations between Slovenia and Norway,
Wishing to enhance and supplement the present mutual assistance between the Contracting Parties,
Having regard to the Recommendation of the Customs Co-operation Council on Mutual Administrative Assistance of December 5, 1953,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement:
a) “Customs Legislation“ shall mean laws and regulations enforced by the Customs Authorities concerning the importation, exportation, and transit of goods and any other procedure relating to assessment of customs duties, charges and other controls in respect of the movement of goods across national boundaries;
b) “Customs Authority“ shall mean in Slovenia, the Ministry of Finance – Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije) and in Norway, the Directorate of Customs and Excise (Toll- og avgiftsdirektoratet);
c) “Offence“ shall mean any violation of Customs Legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation;
d) “Customs Duties“ shall mean all duties, taxes, fees or other charges which are levied and collected in application of Customs Legislation;
e) “Applicant Authority“ shall mean the competent Customs Authority of a Contracting Party which makes a request for assistance in customs matters;
f) “ Requested Authority“ shall mean the competent Customs Authority of a Contracting Party which receives a request for assistance in customs matters;
g) “Personal Data“ shall mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable person.
Article 2
1. The Contracting Parties shall through their Customs Authorities, in accordance with their national legislation and the provisions of this Agreement assist each other:
a) in order to ensure that Customs Legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, investigation and detection of Offences of this legislation;
b) by exchange of information to be used in assessment of Customs Duties and administering and enforcing the Customs Legislation.
2. Assistance as provided for in this Agreement, shall be proceeded in accordance with national legislation and in the areas within the jurisdiction of the Requested Authority and within the limits of its competence and available resources. If necessary, the Requested Authority can arrange for assistance to be provided for by another competent authority in accordance with national legislation.
Article 3
1. Assistance shall be carried out in direct communication between the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in Slovenia and the Directorate of Customs and Excise in Norway.
2. The Customs Authorities shall, on their own initiative, or upon request, furnish each other with all relevant information regarding activities which may result in Offences within the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Article 4
1. At request the Customs Authorities shall provide each other with all relevant information which may facilitate:
a) the assessment of Customs Duties and exact determination of customs value and tariff classification of goods;
b) the implementation of import and export prohibitions and restrictions;
c) the identification of transportation and shipment of goods showing value, disposition and destination.
Article 5
The Customs Authorities shall at their own initiative or upon request supply the Applicant Authority with all relevant information relating to operations which are or may be in breach of their Customs Legislation, particularly information pertaining to:
a) natural or legal persons known or suspected of committing Offences of the Customs Legislation;
b) new means or methods in carrying out such operations;
c) goods or movements of goods known to be subject to breaches of the Customs Legislation;
d) means of transport for which there are grounds for believing that they have been, are or may be used in operations in breach of the Customs Legislation.
Article 6
At request the Customs Authorities shall inform one another whether:
a) goods imported into the customs territory of a Contracting Party have been exported from the customs territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with the Customs Legislation;
b) goods exported from the customs territory of a Contracting Party have been imported into the customs territory of the other Contracting Party in accordance with the Customs Legislation, specifying, where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.
Article 7
1. The Customs Authorities shall at their own initiative or at request communicate all available information concerning the results of enquiries.
2. If the Requested Authority does not possess the requested information, it shall proceed in accordance with national legislation in order to obtain such information.
Article 8
At request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall, in accordance with its legislation, take all necessary measures in order to deliver all documents and notify all decisions falling within the scope of this Agreement to natural or legal persons concerned residing or established in its territory.
Article 9
The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall on their own initiative or on request maintain surveillance of:
a) natural persons moving within and in particular entering and leaving the customs territory when there are grounds for believing that they are or have been in breach of Customs Legislation;
b) legal persons of whom there are grounds for believing that they have been, are or may be used in breach of Customs Legislation;
c) any means of transport for which there are grounds for believing that they have been, are or may be used in operations in breach of Customs Legislation;
d) movements of goods into or out of its customs territory notified as possibly giving rise to breaches of Customs Legislation.
Article 10
1. At request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall initiate all official inquiries concerning operations which are or appear to be an Offence to the Customs Legislation. The results of such inquiries shall be communicated to the Applicant Authority.
2. The Requested Authority may upon specific request give its consent to that officials from the Applicant Authority may be present during the process of the action to be taken.
3. When in the circumstances provided for by this Agreement, representatives of one of the Contracting Parties are present in the territory of the other Contracting Party, they must at all times be able to furnish proof of their official capacity. They must not be in uniform or carry arms.
Article 11
1. Requests pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in writing. Information or documents necessary for the execution of such requests shall accompany the request. Oral requests may be accepted, but must be confirmed in writing as soon as possible.
2. Requests pursuant to paragraph 1 of this article shall include the following information:
a) the Customs Authority making the request;
b) the measure requested;
c) the object of and the reason for the request;
d) a short description of the offences, the legislation and other legal elements involved;
e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons who are the target of the investigation;
f) a summary of the relevant facts and of the enquiries already carried out.
3. All communication between the Customs Authorities shall take place in the English language. Information, documents and other communication between the Customs Authorities shall, in addition to being transmitted in the original language, be translated into English or a language acceptable to the receiving Customs Authority.
4. If a request does not meet the formal requirements, its correction or completion may be requested; however, this must not delay any measures which must be taken immediately.
5. Information provided for in this Agreement may be replaced by electronic information produced in any form for the same purpose. All relevant material or data required for the interpretation or application of the information shall also be supplied.
Article 12
Original files and documents shall be requested only in cases where certified copies would be insufficient. Originals which have been transmitted shall be returned at the earliest opportunity.
Article 13
1. Information obtained shall be used solely for the purposes of this Agreement, and may be used for other purposes only with the prior written consent of the Customs Authority which furnished the information.
2. Any information communicated in whatever form pursuant to this Agreement shall be of a confidential or restricted nature. It shall be covered by the obligation of official secrecy and shall enjoy the protection extended to similar information under the relevant laws of the Contracting Party which received it.
3. The Customs Authorities may, in accordance with the purposes and provisions of this Agreement, use the information obtained and documents consulted in their reports, testimonies and records of evidence in judicial or administrative proceedings.
Article 14
1. Personal Data obtained shall be used solely for the purposes and subject to the conditions stated by the Requested Authority. The Requested Authority may state additional restrictions concerning the use of Personal Data if the planned use would threaten the protection of the Personal Data of the registered persons, or in any other way create any conflict with the national legislation in force in the territory of the State of the requested Contracting Party.
2. At request of the party which supplied the information the recipient party shall account for and report the use of that information.
3. Personal Data may be provided only to authorities of law enforcement. Such information can be forwarded to other authorities only in possession of the prior consent of the providing authority.
4. The providing authority must ensure the validity and correctness of the information to be transferred. If the supplier finds that either incorrect or restricted Personal Data have been transferred, he must inform the recipient immediately. The recipient of the information must implement the correction of the information or destroy, erase or return the Personal Data if necessary.
5. Incorrect or incomplete data, or data which are of no importance, shall be corrected or erased on the parties own initiative or at request. Personal Data shall be deleted when the need for their use cease to exist.
6. Personal Data shall be registered in an authorized register and effectively be protected against publication, modification, destruction, damage and unauthorised access.
Article 15
At request the Customs Authorities may authorize its officials, within the limitations of the authorization granted, to appear as witnesses or experts in judicial, or administrative proceedings in respect of the matters covered by this Agreement in the jurisdiction of the Contracting Party, and produce such objects, documents or authenticated copies thereof, as may be needed for the proceedings. The request for an appearance must indicate specifically on what matter and by virtue of what title or qualification the official will be questioned.
Article 16
1. If compliance with a request for assistance is considered to infringe upon the sovereignty, security, public policy or other essential interests of a party, or involve violation of an industrial, commercial or professional secret, assistance may be refused, provided partly or provided subject to certain conditions or requirements.
2. If a request for assistance cannot be complied with, the Applicant Authority shall be notified without delay and shall be informed of the reasons for the refusal to provide assistance.
3. If the Applicant Authority requests assistance which itself would be unable to provide if so asked, it shall draw attention to that fact in the request. The Requested Authority shall decide how to respond to such a request.
Article 17
The Contracting Parties shall waive all claims on each other for the reimbursement of expenses incurred pursuant to this Agreement, except, as appropriate, for expenses to experts and witnesses and to interpreters and translators who are not public service employees.
Article 18
The provisions of this Agreement shall be effective within the customs territories of the Contracting Parties.
Article 19
The application of this Agreement shall be entrusted to the central Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties. They shall decide on all practical measures and arrangements necessary for the application of the Agreement.
Article 20
1. This Agreement shall apply provisionally from the date of its signing and shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties notify one another by an exchange of diplomatic notes that all necessary national legal requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
2. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties agree to meet in order to review this Agreement or to discuss any other customs matters which may arise out of the relationship between them upon the request of one of the Customs Authorities or at the end of five years from the date of its entry into force, unless they notify one another in writing that no such review or discussion about other customs matters is necessary. The Contracting Parties may revise or amend this Agreement by mutual consent.
3. This Agreement shall remain in force indefinitely. It shall be terminated six months from the date on which either Contracting Party shall have given written notice through diplomatic channels to the other Contracting Party of its desire for the termination of this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Oslo on 25 February 2000 in two originals in the Slovene, Norwegian, and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In the event of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Franc Košir, (s)
For the Government of
the Kingdom of Norway
Marit Wiig, (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbita Ministrstvo za finance in Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 437-01/00-9/1
Ljubljana, dne 31. januarja 2001
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l. r.

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