Uradni list

Številka 46
Uradni list RS, št. 46/1995 z dne 9. 8. 1995
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 46/1995 z dne 9. 8. 1995


54. Zakon o ratifikaciji Mednarodne konvencije Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, stran 769.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi zakona o ratifikaciji Mednarodne konvencije Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Mednarodne konvencije Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 24. julija 1995.
Št. 012-01/95-62
Ljubljana, dne 1. avgusta 1995
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Mednarodna konvencija Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, sprejeta v Bruslju 13. decembra 1960 in spremenjena z Dodatnim protokolom k Mednarodni konvenciji Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost na zračnih poteh, sprejetim v Bruslju 6. julija 1970, Protokolom o dopolnitvi Dodatnega protokola k Mednarodni konvenciji Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 6. julija 1970, sprejetim 21. novembra 1978, in Protokolom, ki spreminja Mednarodno konvencijo Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, sprejetim v Bruslju 12. februarja 1981.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
The Federal Republic of Germany,
The Kingdom of Belgium,
The French Republic,
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
The Kingdom of the Netherlands,
Considering that the entry into service and general employment of turbine-engined transport aircraft may give rise to far-reaching changes in the organisation of air traffic control.
Considering that, from the operational standpoint, modern types of aricraft are characterised:
– by high speeds,
– by the necessity, for reasons of economical operation, of being able to make an uninterrupted climb at a high speed to optimum operating altitudes and of remaining at those altitudes until a point as near as possible to the destination of the aircraft has been reached,
Considering that those characteristics imply not only the adaptation or reorganisation of existing control methods and procedures but also the creation, above a certain level, of new flight information regions organised in whole or in part into control areas,
Considering that, having regard to the rapid progress in the technical development of such aircraft, the control of air traffic at a high altitude can no longer be envisaged within the restriced framework of national frontiers, in the case of the majority of European countries.
Considering therefore that it is expedient to create an international control organisation operating in respect of air space which extends beyond the limits of the territory of a single State,
Considering that in so far as pertains to the lower air space it may be of advantage in certain cases to entrust the air traffic services in part of the territory of one Contracting Party to the aforesaid international organisation or to another Contracting Party,
Considering moreover that internationalised control presupposes the adoption of a common policy and the standardisation of regulations based on the Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.), due regard being paid to the requirements of national defence,
Considering furthermore that it is highly desirable to co-ordinate the action taken by the States in respect of the training of personnel of the air navigation services and in the field of study and research relating to air traffic problems,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. The Contracting Parties agree to strengthen their co-operation in matters of air navigation and in particular to provide for the common organisation of the air traffic services in the upper air space.
2. For this purpose they hereby establish a “European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation” (EUROCONTROL), hereinafter called “the Organisation”. The Organisation shall comprise two organs:
– a “permanent Commission for the safety of air navigation”, hereinafter called “the Commission”;
– an “air traffic services Agency”, hereinafter called “the Agency”, of which the Statute is annexed to the present Convention.
3. The seat of the Organisation shall be at Brussels.
Article 2
1. Any one of the Contracting Parties may, in respect of the lower air space, and having regard to practical operational requirements, request a decision from the Commission that the air traffic services for the whole or part of its lower air space be entrusted to the Organisation or to another Contracting Party.
2. In the latter case, the abstention of a third Contracting Party shall not form an obstacle to the validity of the decision of the Commission, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the present Convention.
3. The provisions of this Article which relate to the option of any one Contracting Party to entrust to another Contracting Party the air traffic services for the whole or part of its lower air space shall not be deemed to limit the right of the Contracting Parties to conclude with one another bilateral agreements for the same purpose.
Article 3
For the purposes of the present Convention the expression “air traffic” comprises civil aircraft and those military, customs and police aircraft which conform to the procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (I. C. A. O.).
Article 4
The Organisation shall have legal personality. In the territory of the Contracting Parties it shall have the fullest legal capacity to which corporate bodies are entitled under national law; it shall inter alia have the right to acquire or transfer movable or immovable property and to go to law. Except as otherwise provided in the present Convention or the Statute annexed thereto, it shall be represented by the Agency which shall act in its name. The Agency shall administer the property of the Organisation.
Article 5
The Commission shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall be entitled to two representatives but shall have one vote only.
Article 6
1. The aim of the Commission shall be to promote, in co-operation with the national military authorities, the adoption of measures and the installation and operation of facilities designed to:
– ensure the safety of air navigation,
– ensure an orderly and rapid flow of air traffic,
within defined air space under the sovereignty of the Contracting Parties or in respect of which the air traffic services have been entrusted to those Parties under international agreements.
2. For this purpose the Commission shall be responsible for:
a) the study, on the basis of the Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation and having regard to the requirements of national defence, of the standardisation of national regulations governing air traffic and the standardisation of the operation of the services responsible for ensuring the safety and regulation of air traffic;
b) the promotion of a common policy to be followed in respect of radio aids, telecommunications and corresponding airborne equipment, destined to ensure the safety of aircraft;
c) the promotion and co-ordination of studies relating to air navigation services and installations in order to take account of technical developments, and, if necessary, the study of amendments to the Regional Air Navigation Plans to be submitted to the International Civil Aviation Organisation;
d) the determination, in accordance with the provisions of Article 38 of the present Convention, of the configuration of the air space in respect of which the air traffic services are entrusted to the Agency;
the exercise of the powers which devolve upon the Commission under Article 2 of the present Convention;
e) the determination of the policy to be followed by the Agency in respect of remuneration for services rendered to users, and, where applicable, the approval of the tariffs and conditions of application of charges established by the Agency;
f) the study of measures designed to facilitate the financing in investments required for the functioning of the Agency or more generally of the services of the Contracting Parties which participate in the work of ensuring the safety of air navigation;
g) the exercise of the power of general supervision of the activities of the Agency in application of Article 20 of the present Convention and of Article 8, Article 9, Article 10, Article 11, Article 12, Article 13 paragraph 3 a), Article 14 paragraph 2, Article 17 paragraph 2, Article 23 paragraphy 2 and 4, Article 28 paragraph 3, Article 29 paragraphs 1 and 3, Article 30 paragraph 1, Article 34 paragraph 1 and Article 37 of the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 7
For the accomplishment of its task, the Commission:
a) shall formulate recommendations in cases falling within the scope of paragraph 2, a), b) and c) of Article 6 of the present Convention;
b) shall take decisions in cases falling within the scope of paragraph 1 of Article 2, paragraph 2 d) of Article 6, paragraph 2 of Article 9, paragraph 2 of Article 12 and Article 13 of the present Convention;
c) shall give directives to the Agency in cases falling within the scope of paragraph 2 e) and paragraph 2 f) of Article 6 and of Article 20 and Article 31 of the present Convention;
d) shall take all the necessary measures for the exercise of the functions which devolve upon it under paragraph 2 g) of Article 6 of the present Convention:
e) shall, where necessary, refer disputes to the arbitral tribunal for which provision is made in paragraph 1 of Article 33 of the present Convention.
Article 8
1. Recommendations shall be formulated by a majority of the members of the Commission. The representatives of the Contracting Parties concerned shall propose to the competent authorities of their respective countries all the necessary measures for the implementation of the recommendations which they have agreed to on the Commission.
2. Decisions shall require the unanimous vote of the Commission. They shall have binding effect for each of the Contracting Parties.
3. The directives of the Commission shall require a majority of the votes of the Contracting Parties, it being understood:
– that those votes shall be subject to the weighting prescribed in the table in Article 9 hereunder which weighting is based on the Gross National Products of the Contracting Parties.
– that those votes shall represent the majority of the Contracting Parties.
4. The conclusions arising from deliberations under paragraphs d) and e) of Article 7 shall be adopted in accordance with the rules specified in paragraph 3 of this Article, except in cases where different rules are applicable under express provisions of the Convention or of the Statute annexed thereto.
Article 9
1. The weight table referred to in the preceding Article is as follows:
according to factor cost and current prices                          Number
in thousands of millions of new French francs                        of votes
Less than 10                                                             1
From 10 inclusive to 20 exclusive                                        2
From 20 inclusive to 30 exclusive                                        3
From 30 inclusive to 46 2/3 exclusive                                    4
From 46 2/3 inclusive to 63 1/3 exclusive                                5
From 63 1/3 inclusive to 80 exclusive                                    6
From 80 inclusive to 110 exclusive                                       7
From 110 inclusive to 140 exclusive                                      8
From 140 inclusive to 200 exclusive                                      9
From 200 inclusive to 260 exclusive                                     10
From 260 inclusive to 320 exclusive                                     11
From 320 inclusive to 380 exclusive                                     12
and thereafter on additional vote for each additional increase of sixty thousand million new French francs, or fraction thereof, in the G. N. P. specified above.
2. The Gross National Product (G. N. P.) to be used for the calculations shall be obtained from the statistics compiled by the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (O. E. E. C.) – or failing that by any other body affording equivalent guarantees and designated under a decision of the Commission – by calculating the arithmetical mean for the last three years for which those statistics are available. The value of the Gross National Product (G. N. P.) shall be that which is calculated on the basis of factor cost and current prices.
3. The numbers of votes shall be established initially by reference to the above weight table and in accordance with the rule, given in paragraph 2 of this Article, for determining the Gross National Product, and the numbers so established shall take effect from the date of entry into force of the present Convention.
4. In the case of the accession of a new State, the numbers of votes of the Contracting Parties shall be re-established in accordance with the same procedure.
5. The numbers of votes shall in all cases be re-established, under the same conditions, when three years have elapsed since the date on which those numbers were last established.
Article 10
1. The Commission shall establish its rules of procedure which shall be adopted unanimously.
2. Those rules shall include inter alia the rules relating to the office of President, to the establishment of working groups and to the working languages of the Commission.
Article 11
The staff and facilities required for the operation of te Commission shall be made available to it by the Agency.
Article 12
1. The Commission shall maintain with the appropriate States and international Organisations the necessary relations for the realization of the aims of the Organisation.
2. The Commission shall in particular, subject to the rights conferred upon the Agency under Article 31 of the present Convention, be alone empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organisation those agreements with international Organisations, member States of the Organisation or other States which are necessary for the execution of the tasks entrusted to it by the present Convention and for the functioning of the organs established by that Convention or created for the purpose of its application.
Article 13
Agreements may be concluded between the Organisation and any State which is not a Party to the present Convention but which is desirous of using the services of the Agency. In such cases, action shall be taken by the Commission on a report being submitted by the Agency.
Article 14
The Contracting Parties shall entrust to the Agency the air traffic services in the air space defined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 d), of Article 6 and of Article 38 of the present Convention.
Article 15
1. The character of public interest shall where necessary be recognised in accordance with national law and with the consequences which results from the provisions of that law relating to expropriation in the public interest, as regards the acquisition of immovable property necessary for the siting of the Organisation’s installations, subject to the agreement of the Government concerned. The procedure of expropriation for reasons of public interest may be set in motion by the competent authorities of the State concerned, in accordance with its national law, for the purpose of acquiring such property failing amicable agreement.
2. In the territory of the Contracting Parties where the procedure refered to in the preceding paragraph is not in existence, the Organisation may have the benefit of those procedures for compulsory purchase which can be used for the benefit of civil aviation and telecommunications.
3. The Contracting Parties recognise the right of the Organisation to benefit, in respect of any installations and services established on its behalf in their respective territories, from the application of national law as to those restrictions on the rights of owners of immovable property which may exist in the public interest for the benefit of national services for the same purpose and in particular as to easements in the public interest.
4. The Organisation shall bear the expenses consequent upon the application of the provisions of this Article, including the compensation payable in accordance with the law of the State in the territory of which the property is situated.
Article 16
The Contracting Parties shall, to the extent that they are competent to do so, and in particular in respect of the allocation of radio frequencies, take the necessary measures to ensure that the Organisation can accomplish all those operations which fulfil its purpose.
Article 17
1. For the accomplishment of its task, the Agency shall apply for the purpose of air traffic control the regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties and in the air space in respect of which the air traffic services have been entrusted to them under international agreements to which they are parties.
2. In case of difficulty in applying the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Agency shall bring the matter before the Commission which shall make recommendations to the Contracting Parties regarding the necessary measures to be taken, under the conditions prescribed in paragraph 2 a), of Article 6 of the present Convention.
Article 18
For the accomplishment of its task and within the limits of the powers conferred on the air traffic services, the Agency shall give all necessary instructions to aircraft commanders. The aircraft commanders shall be bound to comply with those instructions, except in the cases of force majeure provided for in the regulations referred to in the preceding Article.
Article 19
Infringements of the air navigation regulations committed in the air space in which the air traffic services have been entrusted to the Agency shall be recorded in reports by officers specially authorised by the Agency for that purpose, without prejudice to the right under national law of officers of the Contracting Parties to report infringements of the same nature. The reports referred to above shall have the same effect in national courts as those drawn up by national officers qualified to report infringements of the same nature.
Article 20
The Agency shall establish, where applicable, in application of the directives of the Commission formulated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 e) of Article 6 to the present Convention, the tariffs and conditions of application of those charges which the Organisation is entitled to collect from users. The Agency shall submit those tariffs and conditions for the approval of the Commission.
Article 21
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated, in the State in which its seat is located and in the territories of the Contracting Parties, from all duties, taxes and charges in respect of its creation, dissolution or liquidation.
2. The Organisation shall be exonerated from any duties, taxes and charges entailed by the acquisition of the immovable property required for the accomplishment of its task.
3. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all direct taxes applicable to it, its property, assets and income.
4. The Organisation shall be exonerated from any indirect fiscal charges consequential on the issue of loans and incident upon the Organisation.
5. It shall be exonerated from any taxation of an exceptional or discriminating nature.
6. The exonerations provided for in this Article shall not apply to taxes and charges collected as payment for public utility services.
Article 22
1. The Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and taxes or charges of equivalent effect, other than charges in respect of services rendered, and shall be exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of materials, equipment, supplies and other articles imported for the official use of the Organisation and destined for the buildings and installations of the Organisation or for its functioning.
2. The goods so imported may not be sold, loaned or transferred, either without payment or against payment, in the territory of the Party into which they have been introduced, except under the conditions fixed by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
3. Any control measures deemed to be expedient may be taken to ensure that the materials, equipment, supplies and other articles referred to in paragraph 1 and imported for consignment to the Organisation have been effectively delivered to that Organisation and are effectively used for its official buildings and installations or for its functioning.
4. Furthermore, the Organisation shall be exonerated from all customs duties and exempt from any import or export prohibition or restriction in respect of the publications falling within the scope of Article 36 of the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 23
1. The Organisation may hold any currency and have accounts in any currency in so far as is necessary for the execution of the transactions required for its purpose.
2. The Contracting Parties undertake to give the Organisation the necessary authorisations for all the transfers of funds, in accordance with the conditions prescribed under national regulations and international agreements as applicable, entailed by the establishment and activity of the Organisation, including the issue and service of loans when the issue of those loans has been authorised by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
Article 24
1. The Agency may call upon the services of qualified persons who are nationals of the Contracting Parties.
2. The Contracting Parties shall apply to the persons referred to in the preceding paragraph the regulations relating to immigration, or other formalities regarding the registration of aliens, in such manner that the said regulations or formalities cannot place an obstacle in the way of admission to the country, exercise of a function at the Agency or repatriation.
3. No exception may be made to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article except for reasons of public policy, public safety or public health.
4. Persons employed by the Organisation:
a) shall be granted exemption from customs duties and charges, other than those in respect of services rendered, in the case of the importation of their personal effects, movable property and other household effects which are not new, which they bring from abroad on first taking up residence in the territory in question, and in the case of the re-exportation of those same effects and movable property, when they relinquish their duties;
b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, and not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned.
5. The Contracting Parties shall not be obliged to grant to their own nationals the facilities provided for above.
6. The Governments concerned shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the unrestricted transfer of net salaries.
Article 25
1. The contractual liability of the Organisation shall be governed by the law applicable to the contract concerned.
2. With regard to non-contractual liability, the Organisation shall make reparation for damage caused by the negligence of its organs, or of its servants in the scope of their employment, in so far as that damage can be attributed to them. The foregoing provision shall not preclude the right to other compensation under the national law of the Contracting Parties.
Article 26
1. The installations and archives of the Organisation shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the Organisation shall be exempt from any measure of requisition, expropriation or confiscation by administrative action.
2. The property and assets of the Organisation may not be seized nor may execution be levied upon them, except by a judicial decision. The installations of the Organisation shall not, howerer, be seized nor shall execution be levied upon them.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not prejudice access to the installations and archives of the Organisation by the competent authorities of the State in which the Organisation has its seat, and of other countries in which those installations and archives may be situated, in order to enable judicial inquiries to be carried out and to ensure the execution of judicial decisions in their respective territories.
Article 27
1. The Organisation shall collaborate at all times with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in order to facilitate the good administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and to prevent any abuse to which the privileges, immunities, exemptions or facilities specified in the present Convention could give rise.
2. The Organisation shall facilitate as far as possible the execution of public works inside or in the vicinity of any immovable property allocated for its use in the territories of the Contracting Parties.
Article 28
1. For the accomplishment of its task the Agency shall be empowered to construct the buildings and installations which it requires and to operate directly the air traffic services which are entrusted to it.
2. In order, however, to reduce expenditure relating to both investment and administration, the Agency sball call upon national technical services and make use of existing national installations, whenever this is possible, in order to avoid any duplication.
Article 29
International agreements and national regulations relating to the admission to, flight over and security of the territory of the Contracting Parties shall be binding on the Agency which shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the application of such agreements and regulations.
Article 30
In order that the Contracting Parties may be able to verify that national regulations and international agreements are being applied, the Agency shall be bound to give those Contracting Parties which so request all the necessary information relating to the aircraft of which it has cognizance in the exercise of its functions.
Article 31
Within the scope of the directives given by the Commission, those relations which are essential for the co-ordination of air traffic and for the operation of the services of the Agency may be established by the Agency with the appropriate technical services, public or private, of the Contracting Parties, of non-contracting States or of international organisations. For that purpose, contracts of a purely administrative, technical or commercial nature, in so far as they are required for the operation of the Agency, may be entered into by the Agency, in the name of the Organisation, on condition that the Agency so informs the Commission.
Article 32
The Contracting Parties recognize that it is necessary for the Agency to achieve financial equilibrium and undertake to make available to it, taking into account its own revenue, the appropriate financial resources within the limits and conditions defined in the Statute annexed hereto.
Article 33
1. Any dispute which may arise either between the Contracting Parties, or between the Contracting Parties and the Organisation represented by the Commission, relating to the interpretation or application of the present Convention or of its Annexes and which it has not been possible to settle by direct negotiation or by any other method, shall be referred to arbitration on the request of any one of the parties.
2. For that purpose, each of the parties shall in each case nominate an arbitrator, and the arbitrators shall agree on the nomination of a third arbitrator. Should one of the parties not have nominated its arbitrator within two months of the date of receipt of the request of the other party, or should the nominated arbitrators fail, within those two months, to agree on the nomination of the third arbitrator, any party may request the President of the International Court of Justice to make the nominations.
3. The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure.
4. Each party shall bear the costs of its own arbitrator and its representation in the proceedings before the tribunal; the costs of the third arbitrator and the other costs shall be borne equally by the parties to the dispute. The arbitral tribunal may however determine a different sharing of costs if it thinks fit.
5. The decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be binding on the parties to the dispute.
Article 34
1. The Statute of the Agency, likewise any modifications which, subject to the conditions prescribed in the present Convention and in the Statute annexed thereto, are made to the aforesaid Statute shall be valid and have effect in the territory of the Contracting Parties.
2. Any modification of the provisions of the Statute shall be subject to the approval of the Commission, carried by the unanimous vote of its members.
3. The provisions of Articles 1, 22 to 26 inclusive and 30 of the Statute annexed hereto shall not, however, be subject to modification.
Article 35
The Governments of the Contracting Parties concerned shall consult together on the measures to be taken to meet any emergency or war, having regard to the difficulties of applying the provisions of the present Convention in whole or in part.
Article 36
The Contracting Parties undertake to ensure the application to the Agency of current statutory provisions designed to ensure the continuity of public services.
Article 37
The present Convention shall apply:
a) (i) with respect to the Contracting Parties listed in Annex II, to their territories as defined in the said Annex;
(ii) with respect to the other Contracting Parties, to their territories as defined by them, with the agreement of the Commission carried by a unanimous vote, at the time of the accession of those Parties;
b) to any territory for the international relations of which a Contracting Party is responsible and to which the Convention has been extended under paragraph 2 of this Article.
2. a) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland may, at the time of signature or of ratification of the present Convention or at any subsequent time, declare by a written notification addressed to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium that the Convention shall extend to all or part of the Channel Islands and of the Isle of Man; the Convention shall then extend to the territories indicated in the notification, from the date of receipt of that notification or from any other date which may be specified therein.
b) Subject to the unanimous agreement of the Commission and to the conclusion of a preliminary financial agreement with the Organisation, any Contracting Party may, at any time after the entry into force of the present Convention, extend the application of the Convention to any territory for the international relations of which it is responsible. It shall notify the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium of that extension; the Convention shall then extend to the territories indicated in the notification, from the date of receipt of that notification or from any other date which may be agreed with the Commission.
3. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall inform all the Contracting Parties of any extension of the Convention under paragraph 2 of this Article, and shall indicate in each case the date on which the Convention has been so extended.
Article 38
The Agency shall provide the air traffic services:
a) in the upper air space above the territories referred to in the preceding Article and also in the upper air space contiguous to the aforesaid air space and in respect of which the air traffic services have been entrusted to the Contracting Parties by international agreement, subject to the rights of the Commission under Article 6 of the present Convention;
b) in the lower air space as determined under Article 2 of the present Convention;
c) in air space which forms the subject of agreements with third States, in application of the provisions of Article 13 of the present Convention.
Article 39
1. The present Convention shal remain in force for a period of twenty years from the date of its entry into force.
2. That period shall be automatically prolonged for periods of five years, provided that no Contracting Party has, by written notice to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium at least two years before the expiry of the current period, expressed its intention of denouncing the Convention.
3. If, in application of the foregoing, the Organisation is dissolved, it shall be deemed to exist for the purposes of its liquidation.
Article 40
1. The present Convention shall be ratified.
2. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium.
3. The Convention shall come into force on the first day of the month following the deposit of the instrument of ratification of the last signatory State to complete that formality.
4. Nevertheless, as soon as the Convention has been ratified by four signatory States whose territories form a coherent whole from the standpoint of the organisation of air traffic services, one of which shall be the State in which the seat of the Organisation is located, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall enter into communication with the Governments concerned in order that they may decide, if they think fit, having regard to the requirements of safety, to bring the Convention into force immediately between themselves. In the case of any signatory State whose instrument of ratification is not deposited until after the entry into force of the Convention, the latter shall take effect in respect of that State only from the date of the signing of a financial agreement between that signatory State and the Organisation.
5. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other signatory States of any deposit of an instrument of ratification and of the date of entry into force.
Article 41
1. The accession to the present Convention of any non-signatory State shall be subject to the agreement of the Commission carried by a unanimous vote. Such accession shall form the subject of a preliminary financial agreement between the non-signatory State and the Organisation, in accordance with Article 24 of the Statute annexed hereto.
2. The President of the Commission shall notify the non-signatory State of the decision to accept the accession.
3. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall notify the Governments of the other signatory and acceding States.
4. Accession shall take effect from the first day of the month following the deposit of the instrument of accesion.
Article 42
The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall cause the present Convention to be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organisation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, after presentation of their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed the present Convention and have affixed thereto their seals.
DONE at Brussels this 13th day of December, 1960, in the German, English, French and Dutch languages, in a single copy which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium which shall transmit certified copies to all the signatory States. In the case of any inconsistency, the text in the French language shall prevail.
to the “EUROCONTROL” International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation
The States party to the “EUROCONTROL” International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation signed at Brussels on the 13th of December 1960 (hereinafter called “the Convention”), which set up the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation “EUROCONTROL,” (hereinafter called “the Organisation”),
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. Without prejudice to the exoneration provided for in Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention, when the Organisation in the exercise of its official activities makes substantial acquisitions of property or employs services of substantial value in respect of which indirect duties, taxes or charges (including such duties, taxes or charges levied on importation other than those referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Convention) have been paid or are payable, the Governments of the Member States shall, whenever possible, take appropriate action to offset the effect on the Organisation of such duties, taxes or charges by means of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation or by means of remission or of reimbursement to the Organisation of the amount of the duties, taxes or charges.
2. With regard to payments by the Organisation to Member States in respect of capital investments made by those States, in so far as the cost thereof is to be refunded by the Organisation, the said States shall ensure that their statements of the amounts in question submited to the Organisation do not include duties, taxes or charges from which the Organisation would have been exempt or which would be refunded to it or which would be the subject of an adjustment of the financial contributions to the Organisation if the Organisation had made those investments itself.
3. The provisions of this Article shall not apply in respect of duties, taxes or charges collected as payment for public utility services.
Article 2
Property acquired by the Organisation to which paragraph 1 of Article 1 applies may not be sold or otherwise disposed of except in accordance with conditions laid down by the Governments of the States concerned.
Article 3
1. When the Director General of the Agency or any official or servant subject to the Staff Regulations envisaged in Article 14 of the Statute of the Agency or the General Conditions of Service for the Staff of the Eurocontrol Maastricht Centre is taxed by a Member State on the salary and emoluments paid to him by the Organisation, the Member State concerned shall take appropriate action to make as exact a financial adjustment as possible in favour of the relevant budget of the Organisation in respect of the amount of the tax.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation.
Article 4
For the purpose of the present Protocol, the Organisation shall act in concert with the relevant authorities of the Member States concerned.
Article 5
Any dispute which may arise between the Contracting Parties, or between the Contracting Parties and the Organisation represented by the Commission, relating to the interpretation or application of the present Protocol shall be settled in accordance with procedure set out in Article 33 of the Convention.
Article 6
The present Protocol shall remain in force until the expiry of the Convention.
Article 7
1. The present Protocol shall be ratified.
2. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium.
3. The present Protocol shall come into force on the first day of the month following the deposit of the instrument of ratification of the last State party to the Convention to complete that formality.
4. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other States party to the Convention of any deposit of an instrument of ratification and of the date of entry into force.
Article 8
1. Accession to the present Protocol is open to any non-signatory State which makes a request to accede to the Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 41.
2. The agreement of the Commission stipulated in the said Article 41 shall be subject to the accession of the State concerned to the present Protocol.
3. The instrument of accession to the present Protocol shall be deposited at the same time as the instrument of accession to the Convention with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall notify the Governments of the other signatory and acceding States.
4. Accession to the present Protocol shall take effect from the same day as the accession to the Convention.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, after presentation of their full power, found to be in good and due form, have signed the present Protocol and have affixed thereto their seals.
DONE at Brussels, this sixth day of July, 1970, in the English, German, French and Dutch languages, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall transmit certified copies to all the signatory States. In the case of any inconsistency, the text in the French language shall prevail.
for the Amendment of the Additional Protocol to the “EUROCONTROL” International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation dated 6 July 1970
The States Parties to the Additional Protocol to the “EUROCONTROL”, International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation signed at Brussels on 6 July 1970 (hereinafter called “the Additional Protocol”)
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
As from the date of entry into force of the present Protocol the text of Article 3 of the Additional Protocol shall be superseded by the following text:
“1. The Director General of the Agency and the staff members of the Organisation, including the Permanent Delegate, shall be subject, under the conditions and rules laid down by the Permanent Commission, to a tax for the benefit of the Organisation on salaries and emoluments paid by the Organisation, which shall take effect within a period of one year from the date of entry into force of this provision. As from the date on which this tax is applied, such salaries and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax. The Contracting States may, however, take into account the salaries and emoluments thus exempted when assessing the amount of tax payable on income from other sources.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and annuities paid by the Organisation.
3. The names, titles, addresses as well as remunerations and where appropriate pensions of employees and former employees to whom the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present article are applicable shall be communicated periodically to the Contracting States.”
Article 2
Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1 of the present Protocol, obligations under Article 3 of the Additional Protocol shall remain binding until the relevant claims and commitments have been fully discharged.
Article 3
1. The present Protocol shall be ratified, accepted or approved.
2. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium.
3. The present Protocol shall come into force on the first day of the year following the deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the last State party to the Additional Protocol to complete that formality.
4. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other States parties to the Additional Protocol of any deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval and the date of its entry into force.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, after presentation of their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed the present Protocol and have affixed thereto their seals.
DONE at Brussels, this 21st of November, 1978, in the English, German, French and Dutch languages, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall transmit certified copies to all the signatory States. In the case of any inconsistency, the text in the French language shall prevail.
amending the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960
The Federal Republic of Germany,
The Kingdom of Belgium,
The French Republic,
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
The Kingdom of the Netherlands,
The Portuguese Republic,
Considering that developments in air traffic require the revision of the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960 providing for the establishment of a European system organised jointly by the Member States for the control of general air traffic in the upper airspace,
Considering that it is desirable to continue and to strengthen the co-operation between the States within the framework of EUROCONTROL, in particular through the formulation of common long-term objectives and medium-term plans in consultation with users of air traffic services, in order to achieve maximum efficiency at minimum cost in the provision of air traffic services.
Desiring to extend and to strengthen co-operation with other States which have an interest in the execution of the tasks entrusted to EUROCONTROL in order to increase its efficiency, in particular with regard to traffic flow management,
Desiring to encourage interested States to become Members of EUROCONTROL,
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
The EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as amended by the Additional Protocol signed at Brussels on 6 July 1970, in turn amended by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 21 November 1978, hereinafter called “the Convention”, is hereby amended as provided in the following articles.
Article II
Article 1 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following:
“Article 1
1. The Contracting Parties agree to strengthen their co-operation and to develop their joint activities in the field of air navigation, making due allowance for defence needs and providing maximum freedom for all airspace users consistent with the required level of safety. They have accordingly agreed:
(a) to establish common long-term objectives in the field of air navigation and, in that framework, to institute a medium-term common plan for air traffic services and facilities;
(b) to draw up common plans for advanced training, for procedural measures, and for research and development programmes relating to facilities and services for the safety, efficiency and expeditious flow of air traffic;
(c) to concert any other measures necessary to ensure the safe and orderly flow of air traffic;
(d) to constitute a common fund of experience in operational, technical and financial aspects of air navigation;
(e) to co-ordinate their activities with regard to air traffic flow management by establishing an international system of air traffic flow management in order to ensure the most effective utilisation of the airspace.
2. For this purpose they hereby establish a “European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL)”, hereinafter called “the Organisation”, which shall act in co-operation with the national civil and military authorities. The Organisation shall comprise two organs:
–a “Permanent Commission for the safety of air navigation”, hereinafter called “the Commission”, which shall constitute the organ responsible for formulating the Organisation’s general policy;
–an “Agency for the safety of air navigation”, hereinafter called “the Agency”, the Statute of which is in Annex 1 to the present Convention. The Agency shall be the organ responsible for the performance of the tasks prescribed by the present Convention or entrusted to it, in pursuance thereof, by the Commission.
3. The headquarters of the Organisation shall be in Brussels.”
Article III
Article 2 of the Convention shall be revoked. Article 6 of the Convention shall become Article 2 and shall read as follows:
“Article 2
1. The Organisation shall undertake the following tasks:
(a) to analyse the future needs of air traffic and new techniques necessary for meeting such needs;
(b) to develop and adopt common long-term objectives in the field of air navigation;
(c) to co-ordinate the medium-term national plans in order to establish a common medium-term plan in respect of air traffic services and facilities within the frameword of the long-term objectives referred to in (b) above;
(d) to promote common policies for ground and airborne air navigation systems, and the training of the staff of air traffic services;
(e) to study and promote measures for improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the field of air navigation;
(f) to promote and conduct studies, tests and trials relating to air navigation; to collect and distribute the results of studies, tests and trials carried out by the Contracting Parties in the field of air navigation;
(g) to co-ordinate the Contracting Parties’ research and development programmes relating to new techniques in the field of air navigation;
(h) to examine matters in the field of air navigation being studied by the International Civil Aviation Organization and other international organisations concerned with civil aviation;
(i) to study amendments to the Regional Air Navigation Plans to be submitted to the International Civil Aviation Organization;
(j) to perform any other tasks with which it might be entrusted pursuant to Article 1.1 (c);
(k) to assist the Contracting Parties and interested non-member States in the institution and operation of an international air traffic flow management system;
(l) to establish and collect charges levied on users of air navigation services in accordance with the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges, and on behalf of the Contracting Parties and of non-member States parties to that Agreement.
Special agreements may be concluded by the Organisation and non-member States interested in participating in the performance of such tasks.
2. At the request of one or more Contracting Parties, the Organisation may be entrusted with the following tasks:
(a) to assist such Parties in the performance of specific air navigation tasks such as the design and setting up of air traffic facilities and services;
(b) to provide and operate, wholly or in part, air traffic services and facilities on behalf of such Parties;
(c) to assist such Parties in the calculation and collection of charges which are levied by them on users of air navigation services and which are not covered by the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges.
The perfomance of such tasks shall in each case be governed by a special agreement between the Organisation and the Parties concerned.
3. The Organisation may further, at the request of one or more non-member States, be entrusted with the following tasks:
(a) to assist such States in air traffic flow management and in the planning and provision of air navigation services and equipment;
(b) to assist such States in the calculation and collection of charges not covered by the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges which are levied by them on users of air navigation services.
The performance of such tasks shall in each case be governed by special agreements between the Organisation and the States concerned.”
Article IV
Articles 3 and 37 of the Convention shall be combined into a new Article 3 and shall read as follows:
“Article 3
1. The present Convention shall apply to en route air navigation services and related approach and aerodrome services for air traffic in the Flight Information Regions in Annex 2.
2. Any amendment which a Contracting Party wishes to make to the list of its Flight Information Regions in Annex 2 shall be subject to the unanimous agreement of the Commission if it would result in a change in the overall limits of the airspace covered by the Convention. Any amendment which does not result in such a change shall be notified to the Organisation by the Contracting Party concerned.
3. For the purposes of the present Convention the expression “air traffic” shall comprise civil aircraft and those military, customs and police aircraft which conform to the procedures of the International Civil Aviation Organization.”
Article V
Article 5 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following:
“Article 5
1. The Commission shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party may appoint several delegates in order, in particular, to allow the representation of the interests of both civil aviation and national defence, but shall have only one vote.
2. For the purposes of Article 2.1 (l) the Commission shall be enlarged to include representatives of non-member States which are parties to the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges. The Commission thus enlarged shall take decisions in accordance with the provisions of the said Agreement.
3. Where provision to that effect is made in other agreements concluded between the Organisation and non-member States in accordance with Article 2.1, in particular for air traffic flow management, the Commission shall be enlarged and shall take decisions in sccordance with the provisions of those agreements.”
Article VI
Article 7 of the Convention shall become Article 6 and shall read as follows:
“Article 6
1. For the accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Organisation by Article 2.1, the Commission shall take the following measures:
(a) with regard to the Contracting Parties:
it shall take a decision:
– in the cases referred to in Article 2.1 (b) and (c);
– in the cases referred to in Article 2.1 (a) and (d) to (k) whenever the Commission deems it necessary for the Contracting Parties to commit themselves to common action; in such cases it may also issue a recommendation to the Contracting Parties;
(b) with regard to the Agency:
– it shall approve the annual work programme and the investment and work programmes extending over several years to be submitted to it by the Agency for the accomplishment of the tasks referred to in Article 2.1, and also the budget and the activity report; it shall give directives to the Agency, whenever it deems this to be necessary for the accomplishemnt of the tasks assigned to the Agency;
– it shall take all necessary measures in exercising its supervisory powers under the present Convention and the Statute of the Agency;
– it shall give the Agency a discharge in respect of its administration of the budget.
2. In addition, the Commission shall:
(a) approve the Staff Regulations and the Financial Regulations as well as measures to be taken in pursuance of Article 7.2, and of Article 19.3 of the Statute of the Agency;
(b) appoint the members of the control board for a five-year period in pursuance of Article 22.1 of the Statute of the Agency.
3. The Commission shall authorise the opening by the Agency of negotiations relating to the special agreements referred to in Article 2 and shall approve the agreements negotiated by the Agency.
4. Proceedings on behalf of the Organisation may be initiated by the Commission before the arbitral tribunal provided for under Article 31.”
Article VII
Aricle 8 of the Convention shall become Article 7 and shall read as follows:
“Article 7
1. Decisions shall be taken by the Commission by unanimous vote of the Contracting Parties and shall be binding on the Contracting Parties. However, should a Contracting Party notify the Commission that overriding national considerations prevent it from acting on a unanimous decision taken in respect of the matters referred to in Article 2.1 (b) and (c), it may derogate from that decision subject to communication to the Commission of the grounds for the derogation. Within six months of such notification, the Commission shall either revise its previous decision or decide whether certain conditions or limits should apply to the derogation. In either case, the Commission’s decision shall require a unanimous vote of the Contracting Parties.
2. The Commission shall decide upon the measures referred to in Articles 6.2 (a), 6.3 and 11.3 by unanimity of the votes cast.
3. Unless otherwise provided, directives and measures in the cases provided for in Article 6.1 (b) and 6.4 shall require a majority of the votes in the Commission, it being understood that:
– those votes shall be subject to the weighting provided for in Article 8 below,
– those votes shall represent the majority of the Contracting Parties voting.
4. The measures referred to in Article 6.2 (b) shall be taken by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 3 above, provided that the majority calculated accordingly is not less than 70% of the weighted votes cast.
5. Recommendations by the Commission shall require the votes of the majority of the Contracting Parties.”
Article VIII
Article 9 of the Convention shall become Article 8 and shall read as follows:
“Article 8
1. The weighting referred to in Article 7 shall be determined according to the following table:
Annual contribution of a Contracting Party
as a percentage of the total annual contributions of               Number
all the Contracting Parties                                        of votes
Less than 1%                                                          1
From 1 to less than 2%                                                2
From 2 to less than 3%                                                3
From 3 to less than 4½%                                               4
From 4½ to less than 6%                                               5
From 6 to less than 7½%                                               6
From 7½ to less than 9%                                               7
From 9 to less than 11%                                               8
From 11 to less than 13%                                              9
From 13 to less than 15%                                             10
From 15 to less than 18%                                             11
From 18 to less than 21%                                             12
From 21 to less than 24%                                             13
From 24 to less than 27%                                             14
From 27 to less than 30%                                             15
30%                                                                  16
2. The numbers of votes shall be initially established with effect from the date of entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981 by reference to the above table and in accordance with the rule in Article 19 of the Statute of the Agency fot determining the annual contributions of the Contracting Parties to the Organisation’s budget.
3. In the event of the accession of a State, the numbers of votes of the Contracting Parties shall be re-established in accordance with the same procedure.
4. The numbers of votes shall be re-established each year in accordance with the foregoing provisions.”
Article IX
Articles 10 and 11 of the Convention shall become Articles 9 and 10.
Article X
Article 12 of the Convention shall become Article 11 and shall read as follows:
“Article 11
1. The Commission shall maintain with the appropriate States and international organisations the necessary relations for the realisation of the aims of the Organisation.
2. The Commission in particular, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 6.3 and 13, be alone empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organisation those agreements with international organisations, the Contracting Parties or other States which are necessary for the performance of the Organisation’s tasks provided for in Article 2.
3. At the proposal of the Agency, the Commission may delegate to the Agency the decision to open negotiations and to conclude agreements necessary for the performance of the tasks referred to in Article 2.”
Article XI
A new Article 12 shall be inserted in the Convention and shall read as follows:
“Article 12
The agreements between the Organisation and one or more Contracting Parties, or one or more non-member States, or an international organisation, relating to the tasks referred to in Article 2 shall stipulate the respective tasks, rights and obligations of the Parties to the agreements together with the financial arrangements, and shall establish the measures to be taken. Such agreements may be negotiated by the Agency in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6.3 and 11.3.”
Article XII
Article 13 and 14 of the Convention shall be revoked. Article 31 of the Convention shall become Article 13. Article 15 of the Convention shall become Article 14. Article 16 of the Convenion shall be revoked.
Article XIII
Article 17 of the Convention shall become Article 15 and shall read as follows:
“Article 15
In the event of the Organisation performing the tasks provided for in Article 2.2 (b), the agency shall apply the regulations in force in the territories of the Contracting Parties and in the airspace in respect of wich the provision of air traffic services is entrusted to them under international agreements to which they are Parties.”
Article XIV
Article 18 of the Convention shall become Article 16 and shall read as follows:
“Article 16
In the event of the Organisation performing the tasks provided for in Article 2.2 (b), the Agency shall, within the limits of the powers conferred on the air traffic services, give all necessary instructions to aircraft commanders. The aircraft commanders shall be bound to company with those instructions, except in the cases of force majeure provided for in the ragulations referred to in the preceding article.”
Article XV
Article 19 of the Convention shall become Article 17 and shall read as follows:
“Article 17
In the event of the Organisation performing the tasks provided for in Article 2.2 (b), infringements of the air navigation ragulations committed in the airspace in which the provision of air traffic services is entrusted to the Agency shall be recorded in reports by officers specifically authorised by the Agency for that purpose, without prejudice to the right under national law of officers of the Contracting Parties to report infringements of the same nature. The reports referred to above shall have the same effect in national courts as those drawn up by national officers qualified to report infringements of the same nature.”
Article XVI
A new Article 18 shall be inserted in the Convention and shall read as follows:
1. The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Organisation in connection with its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.
2. For its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Organisation shall enjoy treatment not less favourable than that accorded by each Contracting Party to comparable international organisations.”
Article XVII
Article 20 of the Convention shall be revoked. Articles 21, 22 and 23 of the Convention shall become Articles 19, 20 and 21. In the old Article 22.4 the reference to Article 36 of the Statute of the Agency shall be replaced by a reference to Article 25 of the Statute.
Article XVIII
Article 24 of the Convention shall become Article 22 and shall read as follows:
“Article 22
1. The Agency may call upon the services of qualified persons who are nationals of the Contracting Parties.
2. The staff of the Organisation, and members of their families forming part of their households, shall enjoy the exemption from measures restricting immigration and governing aliens’ registration generally accorded to staff members of comparable international organisations.
3. (a) The Contracting Parties, in time of international crisis, shall accorf to the staff of the Organisation, and the members of their families forming part of their households, the same repatriation facilities as the staff of other international organisations.
(b) The provisions of (a) above shall not affect the staff’s obligations to the Organisation.
4. No exception may be made to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article except for reasons of public policy, public safety or public health.
5. The staff of the Organisation:
(a) shall be granted exemption from customs duties and charges, other than tose in respect of services rendered, in the case of the importation of their personal effects, movable property and other household effects which are not new, which they bring from abroad on first taking up residence in the territory in question, and in the case of the re-exportation of those same effects and movable property, when they relinquish their duties;
(b) may, on taking up their duties in the territory of any one of the Contracting Parties, import their personal motor car temporarily with exemption from duty, and subsequently, but not later than on termination of their period of service, re-export that vehicle with exemption from duty, subject, however, in either event, to any conditions deemed to be necessary in each individual case by the Government of the Contracting Party concerned:
(c) shall enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.
6. The Contracting Parties shall not be obliged to grant to their own nationals the facilities provided for in paragraph 5 (a) and (b) above.
7. In addition to the privileges, exemptions and facilities granted to the staff of the Organisation, the Director General of the Agency shall enjoy immunity from jurisdiction in respect of acts, including words spoken and written, done by him in the exercise of his functions; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a motor traffic offence or in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle belonging to or driven by him.
8. The Governments concerned shall take all the necessary measures to ensure the unrestricted transfer of net salaries.”
Article XIX
A new Article 23 shall be inserted in the Convention and shall read as follows:
“Article 23
Representatives of teh Contracting Parties shall, while exercising their functions and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, enjoy inviolability for all their official papers and documents.”
Article XX
A new Article 24 shall be inserted in the Convention and shall read as follows:
“Article 24
By reason of its own social security scheme, the Organisation, the Director General and staff of the Organisation shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security bodies, without prejudice to arrangements between the Organisation and Contracting Parties existing at the entry into force of the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981.”
Article XXI
Article 26 of the Convention shall read as follows:
“Article 26
1. (a) The installations of the Organisation shall be inviolable. The property and assets of the Organisation shall be exempt from any measure of requisition, expropriation or confiscation.
(b) The archives of the Organisation and all official papers and documents belonging to it shall be inviolable, wherever located.
2. The property and assets of the Organisation may not be seized, nor may execution be levied upon them, except by a judicial decision. The installations of the Organisation shall not, however, be seized nor shall execution be levied upon them.
3. Nevertheless, in order to enable judicial inquiries to be carried out and to ensure the execution of judicial decisions in their respective territories, the competent authorities of the State in which the Organisation has its headquarters and of other States in which installations and archives of the Organisation are located shall, after having informed the Director General of the Agency, have access to such installations and archives.”
Article XXII
Article 28 of the Convention shall be revoked.
Article XXIII
Article 29 of the Convention shall become Article 28 and shall read as follows:
“Article 28
In the event of the Organisation performing the tasks provided for in Article 2.2 (b), international agreements and national regulations relating to the admission to, flight over and security of, the territory of the Contracting parties shall be binding on the Agency, which shall take all necessary measures to ensure the application of such agreements and regulations.”
Article XXIV
Article 30 of the Convention shall become Article 29 and shall read as follows:
“Article 29
In the event of the Organisation performing the tasks provided for in Article 2.2 (b), the Agency shall be bound to give those Contracting Parties which so request all necessary information relating to the aircraft of which it has cognisance in the exercise of its functions, in order that the Contracting Parties may be able to verify that international agreements and national regulations are being applied.”
Articel XXV
Article 32 of the Convention shall become Article 30.
Article XXVI
Article 33 of the Convention shall become Article 31.
Article XXVII
Article 34 of the Convention shall become Article 32; paragraph 3 thereof shall be replaced by the following:
“3. The provisions of Articles 1, 11, 19 and 20 of the Statute annexed hereto shall not, however, be subject to modification by the Commission.”
Article XXVIII
Article 35 of the Convention shall become Article 33 and shall read as follows:
“Article 33
In the event of a state of emergency or war, the provisions of the present Convention shall not affect the freedom of action of the Contracting Parties involved.”
Article XXIX
Article 36 of the Convention shall become Article 34.
Article XXX
Article 38 of the Convention shall be revoked.
Article XXXI
Article 39 of the Convention shall become Article 35: paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The validity of the present Convention, as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981, shall be extended for a period of twenty years from the date of entry into force of the said Protocol.
2. That period shall be automatically prolonged for periods of five years, unless a Contracting Party has, by written notice given to the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium at least two years before the expiry of the current period, expressed its intention to terminate the Convention. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other States parties to the Convention of such notice.”
Article XXXII
Article 40 of the Convention shall be revoked.
Article XXXIII
Article 41 of the Convention shall become Article 36; paragraphs 1 and 4 thereof shall be replaced by the following:
“1. The accession to the present Convention, as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981, of any State not signatory to the said Protocol shall be subject:
(a) to the agreement of the Commission carried by a unanimous vote, and
(b) to the State depositing at the same time an instrument of accession to the Multilateral Agreement ralating to Route Charges opened for signature at Brussels in 1981.
4. Accession shall take effect from the first day of the second month following the deposit of the instrument of accession.”
Article XXXIV
Article 42 of the Convention shall be revoked.
Article XXXV
Annex I to the Convention, incorporating the Statute of the Agency, shall be replaced by Annex 1 to the present Protocol.
Article XXXVI
Annex II to the Convention shall be replaced by Annex 2 to the present Protocol, entitled “Flight Information Regions (Article 3 of the Convention)”.
Article XXXVII
The Protocol of Signature of the Convention shall be revoked.
The following amendments shall be made to the Additional Protocol to the Convention signed at Brussels on 6 July 1970, as amended by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 21 November 1978:
1. The references to Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention and to paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Convention in Atricle 1.1 of the 1970 Protocol are replaced by references to Articles 19 and 20 of the Convention as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981, and to paragraph 1 of Article 20 of the Convention as amended by the said Protocol.
2. For the purposes of applying Article 2 of the 1978 Protocol, the reference to Article 14 of the Statute of the Agency in Article 3.1 of the 1970 Protocol is replaced by a reference to Article 12 of the Statute of the Agency set out in Annex 1 to the Convention as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981.
3. The reference to Article 33 of the Convention in Article 5 of the 1970 Protocol is replaced by a reference to article 31 of the Convention as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981.
4. The reference to Article 41 of the Convention in Article 8.1 and 2 of the 1970 Protocol is replaced by a reference to Article 36 of the Convention as amended by the Protocol opened for signature at Brussels in 1981.
Article XXXIX
The transitional provisions covering transfer from the arrangements existing under the Convention to the arrangements under the Convention as amended by the present Protocol are set out in Annex 3 to the present Protocol.
Article XL
1. The present Protocol shall be open to signature by all States parties to the Convention until 28 February 1981.
It shall also be open to signature, prior to the date of its entry into force, by any other State invited to the diplomatic conference at which it is adopted, and any other State granted the right of signature by unanimous agreement of the Permanent Commission.
2. The present Protocol shall be subject to ratification. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium.
3. The present Protocol shall enter into force on 1 March 1983, provided that all the States parties to the Convention have ratified it by that date. If not, it shall enter into force on either 1 July or 1 January following the deposit of the last instrument of ratification, according to whether it was deposited during the first or the second six months of the year.
4. In the case od any State signatory to the present Protocol which is not party to the Convention and whose instrument of ratification is deposited after the date of entry into force of the present Protocol, the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the instrument of ratification is deposited.
5. Any State signatory to the present Protocol which is not party to the Convention shall, on ratification of the Protocol, also become a party to the Convention as amended by the Protocol.
6. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall notify the Governments of the other States parties to the Convention and the Government of any State signatory to the present Protocol of any signature, the deposit of any instrument of ratification and the dates of entry into force of the present Protocol in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 above.
Article XLI
Ratification of the present Protocol shall be deemed to constitute ratification of the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges opened for signature in 1981.
Article XLII
The Convention and the present Protocol shall constitute a single instrument, which shall be designated the “EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Co-operation for the Safety of Air Navigation as amended at Brussels in 1981”.
Article XLIII
The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium shall cause the present Protocol to be registered with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, and with the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, in accordance with Article 83 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, after presentation of their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have signed the present Protocol.
DONE at Brussels, this 12th day of February 1981, in the German, English, French, Dutch and Portuguese languages, in a single original, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, which shall transmit certified copies to the Governments of the other signatory States. In the case of any inconsistency, the text in the French language shall prevail.
Statute of the Agency
Article 1
The Agency established by Article of the Convention shall be governed by the present Statute.
Article 2
1. The Agency shall be the organ responsible for the performance of the tasks entrusted to it by the Convention or by the Commission.
2. When the Agency provides air navigation, its objective shall be:
(a) to prevent collisions between aircraft;
(b) to ensure the orderly and rapid flow of air traffic;
(c) to provide advice and information conducive to the safe and efficient conduct of flights;
(d) to notify appropriate organisations regarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assist such organisations as required.
3. The Agency shall install the necessary facilities for the performance of its tasks and shall ensure their satisfactory operation.
4. To that end, the Agency shall work in close collaboration with the military authorities in order to meet as efficiently and economically as possible the requirements of air traffic and the special requirements of military aviation.
5. For the accomplishment of its task on the conditions laid down in Article 7.2 below, the Agency may, among other things, construct and operate the buildings and installations it requires, in particular air traffic research and experimental centres, air traffic flow management centres, and schools for the advanced and specialised training of personnel of air navigation services. However, it shall call upon national technical services and make use of existing national installations whenever this is possible, in order to avoid any duplication.
Article 3
Subject to the powers conferred upon the Commission, the Agency shall be administered by a Committee of Management, hereinafter called “the Committee”, and by a Director General.
Article 4
1. The Committee shall be composed of representatives of each of the Contracting Parties, which may appoint several representatives in order to allow in particular the representation of the interests of both civil aviation and national defence. Only one of the representatives shall have the power to vote and he shall be a highly placed official exercising in his country responsibilities in matters of air navigation. Each representative shall have an alternate who shall validly represent him if he is unable to be present.
2. For the purposes of Article 2.1 (l) of the Convention, the Committee shall be enlarged to include representatives of non-member States which are parties to the Multilateral Agreement relating to Route Charges. The Committee thus enlarged shall take decisions in accordance with the provisions of the said Agreement.
3. Where provision to that effect is made in the other agreements concluded by the Organisation with non-member States in accordance with Article 2.1 of the Convention, in particular for air traffic flow management, the Committee shall be enlarged and shall take decisions in accordance with the provisions of those agreements.
Article 5
1. For meetings of the Committee a quorum shall consist of the representatives, entitled to vote, of all but one of the Contracting Parties.
2. If the quorum is not attained, the deliberations shall be deferred until a meeting to be convened for a later date not earlier than ten days after the preceding meeting; at that meeting a quorum shall consist of at least half the number of representatives entitled to vote.
Article 6
1. The Committee shall establish its rules of procedure, including rules governing the election of a President and Vice-President and the appointment of a Secretary.
2. Those rules shall include provisions relating to disqualifacations. Furthermore, they shall prescribe that notices convening meetings shall be sent by letter or, in case of urgency, by telegram, and shall include the agenda.
3. The rules shall be subject to the approval of the Commission.
Article 7
1. The Committee shall make decisions on the organisation of the Agency in respect of which proposals shall be submitted to it by the Director General.
2. It shall, however, submit for the approval of the Commission measures to be taken in pursuance of Article 2.5 above.
Article 8
Every year the Committee shall report to the Commission on the activities and financial position of the Organisation.
Article 9
1. At the request of the Commission, the Committee shall prepare investment and work programmes extending over several years. The programmes shall be subject to the approval of the Commission.
2. In particular, the Committee shall, for submission for approval by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Convention:
(a) draw up a programme of tasks provided for in Article 2.1 (a), (e), (f) and (j) of the Convention;
(b) formulate the long-term common objectives provided for in Atricle 2.1 (b) of the Convention;
(c) study the research and development programmes provided fot in Article 2.1 (g) of the Convention;
(d) draw up the medium-term common plans provided for in Article 2.1 (c) of the Convention and formulate the common policies in respect of ground and airborne systems and personnel training provided for in paragraph 1 (d) of the said article;
(e) adopt the agreements provided for in Article 2 of the Convention;
(f) arrange for the studies provided for in Article 2.1 (h) and (i) of the Convention.
3. Within the limits of any delegation by the Commission pursuant to Article 11.3 of the Convention, the Committee shall take the decision to open negotiations with a view to conclusion of the agreements referred to in Article 2 of the Convention and shall approve where appropriate the agreements negotiated.
Article 10
The Committee shall draw up, and submit for the Commission’s approval:
– regulations relating to tenders, the letting of contracts for the supply of goods and services to the Organisation and the conditions governing such contracts;
– the general conditions of contract for the supply of services by the Organisation.
Article 11
The Committee shall draw up and submit for the Commission’s approval the Financial Regulations, which shall determine, in particular, the accounting procedures to be followed in respect of income and expenditure, the conditions governing payment of national contributions and the terms on which loans may be raised by the Organisation.
Article 12
1. The Committee shall draw up and submit for the Commission’s approval the Agency’s Staff Regulations:
– they shall include, in particular, provisions relating to the nationality of personnel, salary scales, pensions, disqualifications for office, professional secrecy and continuity of the service;
– they shall specify those posts which may not be held in plurality with any other post without the special authorisation of the Director General.
2. The administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation shall have sole jurisdiction in disputes between the Organisation and the personnel of the Agency, to the exclusion of the jurisdiction of all other courts and tribunals, national or international.
Article 13
1. The Agency shall be empowered to recruit personnel directly only if the Contracting Parties are unable to make qualified personnel available to it. However, the agency may agree with States which are not members of the Organisation to permit the employment of qualified personnel from such States in connection with the implementation of the agreements referred to in Article 5.2 and 3 of the Convention.
2. Personnel provided by a national administration shall be subject, throughout the period of the employment by the Agency, to the Agency’s Staff Regulations, without prejudice to the retention of those career benefits which are guaranteed by national regulations.
3. Staff provided by a national administration may always be returned to that administration without the return being regarded as a disciplinary measure.
Article 14
1. Decisions shall be taken by the Committee by a weighted majority vote.
2. A weighted majority shall mean more than half the votes cast, it being understood that:
– those votes are weighted in accordance with Article 8 of the Convention;
– those votes represent a majority of the Contracting Parties voting.
3. Should an equal number of votes be cast for and against the proposal, the President shall decide either to take a second vote during the same meeting, or to include the proposal in the agenda of a further meeting for which he shall fix the date. Should an equal number of votes again be cast during the further meeting, the President shall have a casting vote.
Article 15
1. The Director General shall be appointed for a term of office of five years by the committee by a vote taken in accordance with article 14.2, provided that the majority calculated in accordance with the aforesaid paragraph 2 is not less than 70% of the weighted votes cast. His term of office may be renewed in the same manner.
2. The Director General shall represent the Organisation in legal proceedings and for all civil purposes.
3. Furthermore, in conformity with the general policy established by the Committee and the Commission, the Director General:
(a) shall be responsible for the efficient functioning of the Agency;
(b) may appoint the staff and may terminate their services in accordance with the Staff Regulations;
(c) may borrow money for a term not exceeding one year in accordance with the financial Regulations and within the limits detemined for that purpose by the Commission;
(d) may enter into contracts both for the supply of goods and services to the Organisation and the sale of goods and services by the Organisation in accordance with the Regulations referred to in Article 10 and within the limits determined fot those purposes by the Commission.
4. The Director General may discharge the aforesaid functions without prior reference to the Committee, but in all cases he shall keep the Committee informed of the measures taken in the exercise of the aforesaid powers.
5. The Committee shall determine the conditions under which a substitute for the Director General may be appointed should he be unable to perform his duties.
Atricle 16
1. Estimates of all receipts and expenditure of the Agency shall be prepared for each financial year.
2. The budget shall be balanced as between receipts and expenditure. Agency receipts and expenditure in respect of research and experimental centres, schools and any other institutions set up under Article 2.5 above shall be recorded in detail in a special statement.
3. Financial Regulations adopted pursuant to Article 11 above shall make provision for estimating, putting into effect and auditing the Agency’s receipts and expenditures, subject to the provisions of the present Statute.
Article 17
1. The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.
2. The estimates for each financial year shall be submitted by the Committee for the approval of the Commission not later than 31 October in each year.
Article 18
The Committee shall submit for approval by the Commission proposals concerning the format of the budget and the unit of account to be used.
Article 19
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 below, the annual contribution of each Contracting Party to the budget shall be determined, for each financial year, in accordance with the following formula:
(a) an initial 30% of the contribution shall be calculated in proportion to the value of the Gross National Product of the Contracting Party, as defined in paragraph 3 below;
(b) a further 70% of the contribution shall be calculated in proportion to the value of the route facility cost-base of the Contracting Party, as defined in paragraph 4 below.
2. No Contracting Party shall be required to pay, in any given financial year, a contribution in excess of 30% of the total amount of contributions from the Contracting Parties. Should the contribution of any one Contracting Party calculated in accordance with paragraph 1 above exceed 30%, the excess shall be distributed among the other Contracting Parties according to the rules laid down in the aforesaid paragraph.
3. The Gross National Product to be used for the calculations shall be obtained from the statistics compiled by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – or failing that by any other body affording equivalent guarantees and designated under a decision of the Commission – by calculating the arithmetical mean for the last three years for which those statistics are available. The value of the Gross National Product shall be that which is calculated on the basis of factor cost and current prices expressed in European Units of Account.
4. The route facility cost-base to be used for the calculations shall be the cost-base established in respect of the last year but one preceding the financial year concerned.
Article 20
1. The Organisation may borrow on the international financial markets in order to obtain the necessary resources fot the accomplishment of its tasks.
2. The Organisation may issue loans on the financial markets of a Contracting Party in accordance with national law relating to internal loans, or, in the absence of such law, with the agreement of the Contracting Party.
3. The Financial Regulations shall determine the procedures by which the Organisation raises and repays loans.
4. Each budget shall specify the maximum amount which the Organisation may borrow during the year covered by that budget.
5. In matters falling within the scope of the present article, the Organisation shall act in agreement with the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties or with their banks of issue.
Article 21
The budget may be revised during the financial year, if circumstances so require, in accordance with the requirements prescribed for its preparation and approval.
Aricle 22
1. The accounts of all budgetary receipts and expenditure shall be examined annually by a control board consisting of two expert officials belonging to the administrations of the Contracting Parties. These officials, who shall have different nationalities, shall be appointed by the Commission on the proposal of the Committee in accordance with Article 6.2 (b) of the Convention. The expenditures relating to the control board shall be borne by the Organisation.
2. The audit, which shall be made from the vouchers and if necessary in situ, shall be designed to establish the regularity of the receipts and expenditures and to verify that the financial administration is satisfactory. The control board shall present a report to the Commission after the end of each financial year.
Article 23
1. Administrative or technical inspections of the services of the Agency may be carried out, if so required by the Commission, acting either on its own initiative or at the request of the Committee or Director General.
2. Such inspections shall be made by officers of the administrations of the Contracting Parties. Each inspection committee shall consist of at least two persons of different nationalities and shall include as far as possible a person who has taken part in a previous inspection.
Article 24
The Committee shall determine the working languages of the Agency.
Article 25
The Agency shall issue the publications necessary for its operation.
Article 26
The Committee shall submit for the approval of the Commission any modifications of the Statute which are considered to be necessary by the Committee, subject to the provisions of Article 32.3 of the Convention.
Flight Information Regions
(Article 3 of the Convention)
Contracting Parties
.        Flight Information Regions
The Federal Republic of Germany
.        Hannover upper Flight Information Region
         Rhein Upper Flight Information Region
         Bremen Flight Information Region
         Düsseldorf Flight Information Region
         Frankfurt Flight Information Region
         München Flight Information Region
The Kingdom of Belgium
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
.        Bruxelles Upper Flight Information Region
         Bruxelles Flight Information Region
The French Republic
.        France Upper Flight Information Region
         Paris Flight Information Region
         Brest Flight Information Region
         Bordeaux Flight Information Region
         Marseille Flight Information Region
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
.        Scottish Upper Flight Information Region
         Scottich Flight Information Region
         London Upper Flight Information Region
         London Flight Information Region
.        Shannon Upper Flight Information Region
         Shannon Flight Information Region
The Kingdom of the Netherlands
.        Amsterdam Flight Information Region
The Portuguese Republic
.        Lisboa Upper Flight Information Region
         Lisboa Flight Information Region
         Santa Maria Flight Information Region
Zvezna Republika Nemčija,
Kraljevina Belgija,
Republika Francija,
Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske,
Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg,
Kraljevina Nizozemska
so se:
upoštevaje, da lahko začetek splošne uporabe turbinskih transportnih zrakoplovov povzroči daljnosežne spremembe v organizaciji nadzora zračnega prometa,
upoštevaje, da so za sodobne tipe zrakoplovov z operativnega stališča značilne:
– visoke hitrosti,
– nujnost, da se jim iz razlogov gospodarnosti poleta omogoči neprekinjeno vzpenjanje pri visoki hitrosti do optimalne višine letenja in ostajanje na tej višini do točke, ki je čim bliže cilju leta,
upoštevaje, da te značilnosti silijo ne le k prilagoditvi oziroma reorganizaciji sedanjih metod in postopkov zračnega nadzora, temveč tudi k ustvaritvi novih letalsko informativnih območij nad določeno višino, v celoti ali delno vključenih v nadzorovana območja,
upoštevaje, da glede na hitro napredovanje tehničnega razvoja takih zrakoplovov nadzor zračnega prometa v velikih višinah v primeru večine evropskih držav ne more biti več predviden v omejenem okviru državnih meja,
upoštevaje, da bi bilo torej nujno ustvariti mednarodno nadzorno organizacijo, ki bi delovala v okviru zračnega prostora, ki presega meje ozemlja posamezne države,
upoštevaje, da bi bilo v določenih primerih koristno tudi v pogledu spodnjega zračnega prostora zaupati zgoraj omenjeni mednarodni organizaciji ali kaki drugi pogodbenici varnost zračnega prometa na delu ozemlja kake pogodbenice,
upoštevaje, da internacionalizacija zračnega nadzora predpostavlja sprejem skupne politike in standardizacije predpisov na podlagi Standardov in Priporočene prakse Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva (ICAO) ob sočasnem upoštevanju potreb državne obrambe,
upoštevaje, da bi bilo zelo zaželeno uskladiti postopke, ki jih države izvajajo za usposabljanje osebja služb zračne plovbe in na področju študij ter raziskav v zvezi s problemi v zračnem prometu,
dogovorile o naslednjem:
1. člen
1. Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da bodo okrepile svoje sodelovanje na področju zračne plovbe, in zlasti, da bodo poskrbele za skupno organizacijo storitev zračnega prometa v zgornjem zračnem prostoru.
2. V ta namen se ustanovi “Evropska organizacija za varnost zračne plovbe” (EUROCONTROL), v nadaljnjem besedilu “Organizacija”. Organizacijo sestavljata dva organa:
– ”stalna Komisija za varnost zračne plovbe”, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Komisija”;
– ”Agencija za službe zračnega prometa”, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Agencija”, katere statut je priloga te konvencije.
3. Sedež Organizacije je v Bruslju.
2. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko v pogledu spodnjega zračnega prostora in ob upoštevanju zahtev praktičnega dela zaprosi za odločitev Komisije, da se službe zračnega prometa v celoti ali v delu njenega spodnjega zračnega prostora zaupa Organizaciji ali kaki drugi pogodbenici.
2. V slednjem primeru vzdržani glas kake tretje pogodbenice ne pomeni ovire za veljavnost odločitve Komisije, ne glede na določbe drugega odstavka 8. člena te konvencije.
3. Določbe tega člena, ki so povezane z možnostjo pogodbenic, da zaupajo službe zračnega prometa v celoti ali v delu svojega spodnjega zračnega prostora kaki drugi pogodbenici, ne omejujejo pravice pogodbenic, da med seboj sklepajo dvostranske dogovore v enak namen.
3. člen
V namene te konvencije izraz “zračni promet” zajema civilne zrakoplove in tiste vojaške, carinske in policijske zrakoplove, ki se ravnajo po postopkih Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva (ICAO).
4. člen
Organizacija je pravna oseba. Na ozemlju pogodbenic ima največjo pravno sposobnost, ki jo za pravne osebe dovoljuje nacionalna zakonodaja; med drugim ima pravico pridobiti in prenašati lastništvo premičnin in nepremičnin in nastopiti kot stranka na sodišču. Razen v primerih, ko ta konvencija ali priloženi statut navajata drugače, jo zastopa Agencija, ki deluje v njenem imenu. Agencija upravlja premoženje Organizacije.
5. člen
Komisijo sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico do dveh predstavnikov, vendar ima samo en glas.
6. člen
1. Cilj Komisije je v sodelovanju z državnimi vojaškimi organi podpirati sprejemanje ukrepov in nameščanje ter uporabo opreme z namenom:
– zagotovitve varnosti zračne plovbe;
– zagotovitve urejenega in hitrega pretoka zračnega prometa
v določenem zračnem prostoru, ki je v suverenosti pogodbenic ali v katerem so bile službe zračnega prometa zaupane pogodbenicam v skladu z mednarodnimi sporazumi.
2. V ta namen je Komisija odgovorna za naslednje naloge:
a) proučevanje standardizacije državnih predpisov, ki urejajo zračni promet, in standardizacije delovanja služb, odgovornih za zagotavljanje varnosti in upravljanje zračnega prometa, v skladu s Standardi in Priporočeno prakso Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva in ob upoštevanju zahtev nacionalne varnosti;
b) podpiranje skupne politike na področju radijske opreme, telekomunikacij in ustrezne letalske tehnike, namenjene zagotavljanju varnosti zrakoplova;
c) podpiranje in usklajevanje študij, povezanih s službami in napravami zračne plovbe ter z uvajanjem tehničnih inovacij, po potrebi pa tudi študij sprememb regionalnih načrtov zračne plovbe, ki se jih predloži Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva;
d) določanje oblike zračnega prostora, v katerem je varnost zračne plovbe zaupana Agenciji, v skladu z določbami 38. člena te konvencije;
uveljavljanje pooblastil Komisije po 2. členu te konvencije;
e) zastavljanje politike Agencije v pogledu plačil za storitve, opravljene za uporabnike, in, kjer je to relevantno, odobravanje tarif in pogojev pobiranja pristojbin, ki jih določa Agencija;
f) proučevanje ukrepov, ki so bili pripravljeni za pospeševanje financiranja naložb, potrebnih za delovanje Agencije ali širše služb, ki v pogodbenicah sodelujejo pri zagotavljanju varnosti zračne plovbe;
g) izvajanje pooblastil splošnega nadzora dejavnosti Agencije pri uveljavljanju 20. člena te konvencije in 8. člena, 9. člena, 10. člena, 11. člena, 12. člena, točke a) tretjega odstavka 13. člena, drugega odstavka 14. člena, drugega odstavka 17. člena, drugega in četrtega odstavka 23. člena, tretjega odstavka 28. člena, prvega in tretjega odstavka 29. člena, prvega odstavka 30. člena, prvega odstavka 34. člena in 37. člena priloženega statuta.
7. člen
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog Komisija:
a) oblikuje priporočila v primerih iz točk a), b) in c) drugega odstavka 6. člena te konvencije;
b) sprejema odločitve v primerih iz prvega odstavka 2. člena, točke d) drugega odstavka 6. člena, drugega odstavka 9. člena, drugega odstavka 12. člena in 13. člena te konvencije;
c) izdaja navodila Agenciji v primerih iz točk e) in f) drugega odstavka 6. člena, 20. člena in 31. člena te konvencije;
d) sprejema vse ukrepe, potrebne za opravljanje nalog po točki g) drugega odstavka 6. člena te konvencije;
e) po potrebi posreduje nesoglasja razsodišču, ki ga predvideva prvi odstavek 33. člena te konvencije.
8. člen
1. Priporočila oblikuje večina članov Komisije. Predstavniki pogodbenic, na katere se nanaša priporočilo, predlagajo pristojnim organom v svojih državah vse ukrepe, potrebne za uveljavitev priporočil, o katerih so se dogovorili na Komisiji.
2. Odločitve se sprejemajo s soglasnim sklepom vseh članov Komisije. Zavezujoče so za vse pogodbenice.
3. Navodila Komisije se sprejemajo z večino glasov pogodbenic, pod čemer se razume:
– da se te glasove ponderira po postopku, predpisanem v razpredelnici v 9. členu spodaj; to ponderiranje temelji na bruto nacionalnem proizvodu pogodbenic,
– da ti glasovi predstavljajo večino pogodbenic.
4. Sklepe, ki izhajajo iz odstavkov d) in e) 7. člena, se sprejema v skladu s pravili, navedenimi v tretjem odstavku tega člena, razen v primerih, ko veljajo drugačna pravila po izrecnih določbah te konvencije ali priloženega statuta.
9. člen
1. Razpredelnica za ponderiranje, omenjeno v prejšnjem členu, je naslednja:
glede na faktor stroškov in trenutne cene                        Število
v milijardah novih francoskih frankov                            glasov
Manj kot 10                                                         1
Od vključno 10 do manj kot 20                                       2
Od vključno 20 do manj kot 30                                       3
Od vključno 30 do manj kot 46 2/3                                   4
Od vključno 46 2/3 do manj kot 63 1/3                               5
Od vključno 63 1/3 do manj kot 80                                   6
Od vključno 80 do manj kot 110                                      7
Od vključno 110 do manj kot 140                                     8
Od vključno 140 do manj kot 200                                     9
Od vključno 200 do manj kot 260                                    10
Od vključno 260 do manj kot 320                                    11
Od vključno 320 do manj kot 380                                    12
dalje pa po en dodaten glas za vsakih dodatnih šestdeset milijard novih francoskih frankov ali delež tega zneska BNP, kot je naveden zgoraj.
2. Bruto nacionalni proizvod (BNP), ki se uporablja za izračun, se pridobi iz statističnih podatkov, ki jih zbira Organizacija za evropsko gospodarsko sodelovanje (OEEC) - oziroma, če to ni mogoče, kako drugo telo, ki lahko ponudi enakovredna jamstva in ki se v ta namen pooblasti z odlokom Komisije -, z izračunom aritmetičnega povprečja za zadnja tri leta, za katera so statistični podatki dostopni. Veljavno vrednost bruto nacionalnega proizvoda se izračuna na podlagi faktorja stroškov in trenutnih cen.
3. Število glasov se določi v skladu z zgornjo razpredelnico za ponderiranje in v skladu s postopkom za ugotavljanje bruto nacionalnega proizvoda, ki je naveden v drugem odstavku tega člena. Tako določene številke začno veljati na dan začetka veljavnosti te konvencije.
4. V primeru pristopa nove države se število glasov pogodbenic določi na novo v skladu z enakim postopkom.
5. Število glasov se v vsakem primeru na novo določi pod enakimi pogoji po preteku treh let od dne, ko so bile te številke nazadnje določene.
10. člen
1. Komisija sestavi in soglasno sprejme svoj poslovnik.
2. Poslovnik med drugim vsebuje pravila o uradu predsednika, o ustanavljanju delovnih skupin in o delovnih jezikih Komisije.
11. člen
Osebje in pripomočke, potrebne za delo Komisije, zagotovi Agencija.
12. člen
1. Komisija z ustreznimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami vzdržuje stike, ki so potrebni za uresničevanje ciljev Agencije.
2. Komisija je še posebej, v skladu s pravicami, ki jih ima Agencija po 31. členu te konvencije, izključno pooblaščena za sklepanje tistih sporazumov v imenu Organizacije z mednarodnimi organizacijami, državami članicami Organizacije ali drugimi državami, ki so potrebni za opravljanje nalog, ki so ji zaupane v skladu s to konvencijo, in za delovanje organov, ustanovljenih po tej konvenciji ali ustanovljenih v namene njenega uresničevanja.
13. člen
Organizacija lahko sklepa sporazume z državami, ki niso pogodbenice te konvencije, vendar si želijo uporabljati storitve Agencije. V teh primerih ukrepe sprejema Komisija na podlagi poročila, ki ga predloži Agencija.
14. člen
Pogodbenice zaupajo Agenciji službe zračnega prometa v zračnem prostoru, določenem v skladu z določbami točke d) drugega odstavka 6. člena in določbami 38. člena te konvencije.
15. člen
1. Kjer je to potrebno, se v skladu z državno zakonodajo in s posledicami, ki izhajajo iz določb te zakonodaje v zvezi z razlastitvijo v javnem interesu, prizna status javnega interesa za pridobitev nepremičnin, potrebnih za namestitev naprav Organizacije, če s tem soglaša zadevna vlada. Če pridobitev takega premoženja s prijateljskim sporazumom ni mogoča, lahko postopek razlastitve zaradi javnega interesa v skladu s svojo državno zakonodajo sprožijo pristojni organi v zadevni državi.
2. Na ozemlju pogodbenic, kjer niso določeni postopki, omenjeni v prejšnjem odstavku, lahko Organizacija uporabi tiste postopke prisilnega odkupa, ki se lahko uporabijo v korist civilnega letalstva in telekomunikacij.
3. Pogodbenice priznavajo Organizaciji pravico, da glede katerih koli naprav in služb, nameščenih oziroma ustanovljenih v njenem imenu na njihovem ozemlju, uporabi državno zakonodajo, ki se nanaša na omejitve pravic lastnikov nepremičnin, kot velja v primeru javnega interesa za domače službe z enako nalogo, posebej glede služnosti v javnem interesu.
4. Organizacija bo poravnala stroške, ki izhajajo iz uresničevanja določb tega člena, skupaj z izplačili odškodnin v skladu z zakonodajo države, na ozemlju katere je premoženje.
16. člen
Pogodbenice v okviru svojih pristojnosti, še zlasti pri dodeljevanju radijskih frekvenc, sprejemajo vse potrebne ukrepe, da zagotovijo, da lahko Organizacija opravi tiste operacije, s katerimi izpolnjujejo svoj namen.
17. člen
1. Agencija pri opravljanju svojih nalog v namene nadzora zračnega prometa uveljavlja predpise, ki veljajo na ozemljih pogodbenic in v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so bile le-tem zaupane službe zračnega prometa z mednarodnim sporazumom, katerega pogodbenice so.
2. V primeru težav pri uveljavljanju določb prejšnjega odstavka Agencija predloži zadevo Komisiji, ki izda pogodbenicam priporočila v zvezi s potrebnimi ukrepi pod pogoji, predpisanimi v točki a) drugega odstavka 6. člena te konvencije.
18. člen
Pri opravljanju svojih nalog in v okviru pooblastil služb zračnega prometa Agencija izdaja vsa potrebna navodila vodjem zrakoplovov. Vodje zrakoplovov morajo ta navodila izpolnjevati, razen v primeru višje sile, predvidene v predpisih, omenjenih v prejšnjem členu.
19. člen
Kršitve predpisov zračne plovbe, zagrešene v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so službe zračnega prometa zaupane Agenciji, se evidentirajo v poročilih uslužbencev, ki jih Agencija posebej pooblasti v ta namen. Pri tem ne bodo kršene pravice uslužbencev pogodbenic, da v skladu z državno zakonodajo poročajo o enakih kršitvah. Zgoraj omenjena poročila imajo pri državnih sodiščih enako veljavo kot tista, ki jih sestavijo državni uslužbenci, pooblaščeni za poročanje o enakih kršitvah.
20. člen
Kjer je to predvideno, Agencija pri uresničevanju navodil Komisije, oblikovanih v skladu z določbami točke e) drugega odstavka 6. člena te konvencije, določi tarife in pogoje pobiranja tistih pristojbin, ki jih je Organizacija pooblaščena pobirati od uporabnikov. Agencija te tarife in pogoje predloži v odobritev Komisiji.
21. člen
1. Organizacija je v državi, kjer je njen sedež, in v državah pogodbenicah oproščena vseh dajatev, davkov in pristojbin pri njeni ustanovitvi, razpustitvi ali likvidaciji.
2. Organizacija je oproščena vseh dajatev, davkov in pristojbin pri pridobitvi nepremičnin, potrebnih za opravljanje njenih nalog.
3. Organizacija je oproščena vseh neposrednih davkov, ki veljajo zanjo in za njeno premoženje, sredstva in dohodke.
4. Organizacija je oproščena vseh posrednih fiskalnih pristojbin, ki izhajajo iz izdaje posojil in ki bremenijo Organizacijo.
5. Organizacija je oproščena vsakršnega obdavčenja izjemne ali diskriminacijske narave.
6. Oprostitve, predvidene v tem členu, ne veljajo za davke in pristojbine, ki se pobirajo kot plačilo za komunalne storitve.
22. člen
1. Organizacija je oproščena vseh carinskih dajatev in davkov ali pristojbin z enakim učinkom, razen pristojbin za opravljene storitve. Izvzeta je iz vseh uvoznih ali izvoznih prepovedi ali omejitev glede materialov, opreme, zalog in drugih predmetov, ki jih uvozi za uradno uporabo Organizacije in ki so namenjeni za stavbe in naprave Organizacije ali za njeno delovanje.
2. Tako uvoženo blago se na ozemlju pogodbenice, v katero je bilo vneseno, ne sme prodajati, posojati ali odtujiti brezplačno ali za plačilo, razen pod pogoji, ki jih določi vlada zadevne pogodbenice.
3. Za zagotovitev, da bodo materiali, oprema, zaloge in drugi predmeti, omenjeni v prvem odstavku in uvoženi za uporabo Organizacije, dejansko dostavljeni Organizaciji in dejansko uporabljeni v njenih uradnih stavbah in napravah ali za njeno delovanje, se lahko izvajajo kakršni koli nadzorni ukrepi, za katere se meni, da bodo učinkoviti.
4. Poleg tega je Organizacija oproščena vseh carinskih dajatev in izvzeta iz vseh uvoznih ali izvoznih prepovedi ali omejitev za publikacije, na katere se nanaša 36. člen priloženega statuta.
23. člen
1. Organizacija lahko poseduje katero koli valuto in ima račune v kateri koli valuti, če je to potrebno za izvrševanje transakcij za lastne potrebe.
2. Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo v skladu s pogoji, predpisanimi v državni zakonodaji ali v mednarodnih sporazumih, izdale Organizaciji potrebna dovoljenja za vsa nakazila sredstev, potrebnih za ustanovitev in delovanje Organizacije, skupaj z izdajo in odplačevanjem posojil, če je izdajo teh posojil odobrila vlada zadevne države članice.
24. člen
1. Agencija lahko zaposli strokovne delavce, ki so državljani držav pogodbenic.
2. Pogodbenice za osebe, omenjene v prejšnjem odstavku, uveljavljajo predpise v zvezi s priseljevanjem in druge formalnosti, ki veljajo za prijavljanje tujcev, tako da omenjeni predpisi ali formalnosti ne pomenijo ovire za vstop v državo, delovanje Agencije ali repatriacijo.
3. Pri določbah prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena niso dovoljene nikakršne izjeme, razen iz razlogov javne morale, javne varnosti ali javnega zdravja.
4. Osebje Organizacije:
a) je oproščeno carinskih dajatev in pristojbin, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na opravljene storitve, v primeru uvoza osebnih predmetov, premičnin in drugih gospodinjskih potrebščin, ki niso novi in ki jih prinesejo iz tujine, ko se prvič priseljujejo na zadevno ozemlje, in v primeru ponovnega izvoza istih predmetov ali premičnin, ko prenehajo opravljati svojo funkcijo;
b) lahko ob prevzemu svojih dolžnosti na ozemlju katere koli države pogodbenice začasno uvozi svoj osebni avtomobil brez plačila carine in ga pozneje, vendar najkasneje ob prenehanju opravljanja svoje funkcije, znova izvozi brez plačila dajatev; v obeh primerih se ob tem uveljavljajo vsi pogoji, za katere vlada zadevne pogodbenice v vsakem posameznem primeru meni, da so potrebni.
5. Pogodbenice zgoraj omenjenih ugodnosti niso obvezane podeliti svojim državljanom.
6. Zadevne vlade sprejmejo vse ukrepe, potrebne za neovirana nakazila neto plač.
25. člen
1. Pogodbene obveznosti Organizacije ureja zakon, ki velja za zadevno pogodbo.
2. Kar zadeva nepogodbene obveznosti Organizacija plača odškodnino za škodo, nastalo zaradi malomarnosti njenih organov ali njenih zaposlenih med opravljanjem njihovih službenih dolžnosti, če jim je to škodo mogoče pripisati. Zgornja določba ne izključuje pravice do drugih odškodnin po državni zakonodaji pogodbenic.
26. člen
1. Naprave in arhivi Organizacije so nedotakljivi. Premoženje in sredstva Organizacije so oproščena kakršne koli zasege, razlastitve ali zaplembe z administrativnim ukrepom.
2. Premoženja in sredstev Organizacije ni mogoče zaseči niti nad njimi izvrševati sodb, razen s sodno odločbo. Naprav Organizacije ni mogoče v nobenem primeru zaseči niti nad njimi izvrševati sodb.
3. Določbe tega člena ne preprečujejo, da bi imeli pristojni organi države, v kateri ima Organizacija sedež, in drugih držav, v katerih se nahajajo te naprave in arhivi, dostop do naprav in arhivov Organizacije, in sicer v namene sodne preiskave in zagotavljanja izvršbe sodnih odločb na njihovih ozemljih.
27. člen
1. Organizacija bo vedno sodelovala s pristojnimi organi pogodbenic, da bi olajšala normalno delovanje sodišč, zagotovila spoštovanje policijskih predpisov in preprečila zlorabe, ki bi lahko bile posledica privilegijev, imunitet, oprostitev ali olajšav, določenih s to konvencijo.
2. Organizacija v največji možni meri olajšuje izvajanje javnih del znotraj in v bližini nepremičnin, ki so ji bile dodeljene v uporabo na ozemlju pogodbenic.
28. člen
1. V namene opravljanja svojih nalog je Agencija pooblaščena, da gradi stavbe in naprave, ki jih potrebuje, in da neposredno izvaja storitve zračnega prometa, ki so ji bile zaupane.
2. Da zmanjša porabo v zvezi z naložbami in administracijo, se Agencija obrača na državne tehnične službe in uporablja državne naprave, kadar koli je to mogoče, da se tako izogne nepotrebnemu podvajanju.
29. člen
Mednarodni sporazumi in državni predpisi, ki se nanašajo na vstop, prelet in varnost ozemlja države članice, so za Agencijo zavezujoči, zato mora uveljavljati vse ukrepe za zagotovitev uresničevanja takih sporazumov in predpisov.
30. člen
Da se lahko pogodbenice prepričajo, ali se državni predpisi in mednarodni sporazumi izvajajo, mora Agencija posredovati pogodbenicam, ki to zahtevajo, vse potrebne podatke v zvezi z zrakoplovi, za katere je pristojna pri opravljanju svojih nalog.
31. člen
V okviru navodil, ki jih izda Komisija, lahko Agencija vzpostavlja stike, ki so nujni za koordinacijo zračnega prometa in delovanje služb Agencije, z ustreznimi javnimi ali zasebnimi tehničnimi službami pogodbenic, tretjih držav in mednarodnih organizacij. V ta namen lahko Agencija v imenu Organizacije podpisuje pogodbe povsem administrativne, tehnične ali gospodarske narave, če je to potrebno za njeno delovanje in če o tem obvesti Komisijo.
32. člen
Pogodbenice priznajo, da si mora Agencija zagotoviti finančno ravnotežje, zato se zavezujejo, da ji bodo ob upoštevanju njenih lastnih prihodkov namenile ustrezna finančna sredstva v mejah in pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v priloženem statutu.
33. člen
1. Vsa nesoglasja, ki se lahko v zvezi s tolmačenjem ali uveljavljanjem te konvencije ali njenih prilog pojavijo med samimi pogodbenicami ali med pogodbenicami in Organizacijo, ki jo predstavlja Komisija, in ki jih ni mogoče poravnati z neposrednimi pogajanji ali kako drugače, se na zahtevo katere koli izmed strani v sporu posredujejo razsodišču.
2. V ta namen vsaka stran v posameznem primeru imenuje po enega razsodnika, oba razsodnika pa se dogovorita o imenovanju tretjega razsodnika. Če katera od strani v dveh mesecih po prejemu zahtevka druge strani ne imenuje svojega razsodnika ali če imenovana razsodnika v teh dveh mesecih ne dosežeta sporazuma o tretjem razsodniku, lahko katera koli stran zahteva od predsednika Mednarodnega sodišča, da opravi ustrezna imenovanja.
3. Razsodišče samo določi svoj poslovnik.
4. Vsaka stran nosi stroške svojega razsodnika in svojega zastopanja v postopku pred razsodiščem; stroške tretjega razsodnika in druge stroške si obe strani v sporu enakopravno razdelita. Razsodišče lahko, če meni, da je to primerno, določi tudi drugačno delitev stroškov.
5. Odločitve razsodišča so zavezujoče za strani v sporu.
34. člen
1. Statut Agencije in vse njegove spremembe, uvedene pod pogoji, predpisanimi v tej konvenciji in v priloženem statutu, veljajo in se uporabljajo na ozemlju držav pogodbenic.
2. Vse spremembe določb statuta mora odobriti Komisija s soglasnim sklepom svojih članov.
3. Določb 1. člena, 22. do vključno 26. člena in 30. člena priloženega statuta ni mogoče spremeniti.
35. člen
O ukrepih, ki so potrebni v primeru izrednega stanja ali vojne, se ob upoštevanju težav pri uveljavljanju določb te konvencije skupaj posvetujejo vlade prizadetih pogodbenic.
36. člen
Pogodbenice se obvezujejo, da bodo za zagotovitev kontinuitete javnih služb v pogledu Agencije zagotavljale uveljavljanje veljavnih statutarnih določb.
37. člen
1. Ta konvencija velja:
a) (i) za pogodbenice, navedene v Prilogi II, za njihova ozemlja, kot so definirana v omenjeni prilogi;
(ii) za druge pogodbenice, za njihova ozemlja, kot jih definirajo same, s soglasjem Komisije, soglasno izglasovanem ob pristopu teh pogodbenic;
b) za vsa ozemlja, za mednarodne odnose katerih je odgovorna kaka pogodbenica in na katera je bila razširjena veljavnost te konvencije v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena.
2. a) Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske lahko ob podpisu ali ratifikaciji te konvencije ali kadar koli pozneje s pisnim obvestilom, posredovanim vladi Kraljevine Belgije, razglasi, da se veljavnost te konvencije razširi na celoto ali del Kanalskih otokov in na otok Man; konvencija se razširi na ozemlja, navedena v obvestilu, na dan prejema obvestila oziroma ob kakem drugem datumu, ki je naveden v obvestilu.
b) S soglasnim sklepom Komisije in sklenitvijo preliminarnega finančnega sporazuma z Organizacijo lahko vsaka pogodbenica kadar koli po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije razširi veljavnost te konvencije na vsako ozemlje, za katerega mednarodne odnose je odgovorna. O tej razširitvi mora obvestiti vlado Kraljevine Belgije; konvencija se razširi na ozemlja, navedena v obvestilu, na dan prejema obvestila oziroma ob kakem drugem datumu, o katerem se dogovori s Komisijo.
3. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvesti vse pogodbenice o vsaki razširitvi veljavnosti te konvencije po drugem odstavku tega člena in v vsakem primeru navede datum, ko je bila veljavnost konvencije razširjena.
38. člen
Agencija skrbi za službe zračnega prometa:
a) v zgornjem zračnem prostoru nad ozemlji, omenjenimi v prejšnjem členu, in v zgornjem zračnem prostoru, ki se stika z zgoraj omenjenim zračnim prostorom in za katerega so bile službe zračnega prometa zaupane pogodbenicam z mednarodnim sporazumom v skladu s pravicami Komisije po 6. členu te konvencije;
b) v spodnjem zračnem prostoru, kot je določen v 2. členu te konvencije;
c) v zračnem prostoru, ki je predmet sporazuma s tretjimi državami, pri uveljavljanju določb 13. člena te konvencije.
39. člen
1. Ta konvencija velja dvajset let od dne začetka svoje veljavnosti.
2. To obdobje se avtomatično podaljšuje za obdobja po pet let, razen če kaka pogodbenica s pisnim obvestilom vladi Kraljevine Belgije najmanj dve leti pred iztekom veljavnega obdobja izrazi svoj namen, da odpoveduje konvencijo.
3. Če se pri uveljavljanju zgornjih določb Organizacija razpusti, se bo štelo, da obstaja do zaključka postopka likvidacije.
40. člen
1. To konvencijo morajo pogodbenice ratificirati.
2. Ratifikacijske listine se deponirajo pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije.
3. Konvencija začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po tem, ko ratifikacijsko listino deponira zadnja podpisnica, ki izpolni to formalnost.
4. Čim konvencijo ratificirajo prve štiri države podpisnice, katerih ozemlja s stališča organizacije služb zračnega prometa tvorijo povezano celoto in od katerih mora biti ena država, v kateri je sedež Organizacije, vlada Kraljevine Belgije stopi v stik z zadevnimi vladami, da se, če menijo, da je to primerno, in ob upoštevanju zahtev varnosti, odločijo, da začno to konvencijo med seboj nemudoma uveljavljati. V primeru države podpisnice, katere ratifikacijska listina je deponirana šele po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije, začne ta veljati za to državo šele na dan podpisa finančnega sporazuma med to državo podpisnico in Organizacijo.
5. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvesti vlade drugih držav podpisnic o vsakem deponiranju ratifikacijskih listin in o dnevu začetka veljavnosti.
41. člen
1. O pristopu vsake nove države k tej konvenciji odloča Komisija s soglasnim glasovanjem. Tak pristop je predmet preliminarnega finančnega sporazuma med to državo in Organizacijo v skladu s 24. členom priloženega statuta.
2. Predsednik Komisije obvesti državo, ki ni podpisnica, o odločitvi, da se sprejme njen pristop h konvenciji.
3. Pristopna listina se deponira pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije, ki o tem obvesti vlade drugih držav podpisnic in držav, ki so v postopku pristopanja h konvenciji.
4. Pristop začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po deponiranju pristopne listine.
42. člen
Vlada Kraljevine Belgije bo to konvencijo registrirala pri Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva.
V potrditev dogovorjenega so podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki po predložitvi svojih pooblastil, ki so bila ocenjena kot pravilna in v zahtevani obliki, podpisali to konvencijo in jo opremili s svojimi pečati.
SKLENJENO v Bruslju dne 13. decembra 1960 v nemškem, angleškem, francoskem in nizozemskem jeziku, v enem izvirniku, ki ostane deponiran v arhivih vlade Kraljevine Belgije, ki bo posredovala overovljene kopije vsem državam podpisnicam. V primeru neskladnosti je veljavno francosko besedilo.
k Mednarodni konvenciji EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe
Države pogodbenice Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, podpisane v Bruslju 13. decembra 1960 (v nadaljevanju: Konvencija), s katero je bila ustanovljena Evropska organizacija za varnost zračne plovbe EUROCONTROL (v nadaljevanju: Organizacija),
so se sporazumele o naslednjem:
1. člen
1. Ne glede na davčne oprostitve, določene v 21. in 22. členu Konvencije, morajo vlade držav članic Organizacije v primerih, kadar Organizacija pri opravljanju svojih uradnih dejavnosti pridobi premoženje večje vrednosti ali naroči storitve večje vrednosti, glede katerih so plačane oziroma se plačujejo posredne dajatve, davščine ali druge obveznosti (skupaj s takšnimi dajatvami, davščinami in drugimi obveznostmi glede uvoza, ki niso zajete s prvim odstavkom 22. člena Konvencije), kadar koli je to mogoče, ustrezno ukrepati za finančno razbremenitev Organizacije glede plačila takšnih dajatev, davščin oziroma drugih obveznosti bodisi z ustrezno prilagoditvijo finančnih prispevkov Organizaciji bodisi z odpustom ali povračilom zneskov teh davščin, dajatev ali drugih obveznosti Organizaciji.
2. Pri plačilih, ki jih Organizacija opravi državam članicam zaradi kapitalskih investicij, ki jih te države izvedejo, morajo omenjene države v obsegu investicijskih stroškov, ki jih je dolžna povrniti Organizacija, zagotoviti, da v obračunskih bilancah, ki jih v zvezi s tem predložijo Organizaciji, ni dajatev, davščin ter drugih obveznosti, ki bi jih bila Organizacija bodisi oproščena bodisi bi ji bili povrnjeni oziroma bi glede njih prišlo do prilagoditev finančnih prispevkov Organizaciji, če bi te investicije izvedla sama.
3. Določbe tega člena ne veljajo za dajatve, davščine ter druge obveznosti, ki se zaračunavajo kot plačila javnih storitev.
2. člen
Prodaja oziroma drugačno razpolaganje s premoženjem, ki ga pridobi Organizacija in za katerega veljajo določbe prvega odstavka 1. člena, je mogoče le v skladu s pogoji, ki jih določijo vlade zadevnih držav.
3. člen
1. Kadar generalnemu direktorju Agencije oziroma drugemu uradniku ali uslužbencu, za katerega veljajo Pravila o opravljanju službe, predvidena v 14. členu Agencije oziroma Splošni pogoji službe za osebje Centra EUROCONTROL v Maastrichtu, država članica obdavči plačo ali honorar, ki mu ga izplača Organizacija, mora zadevna država članica ustrezno ukrepati, tako da za ta znesek davka v korist relevantnega proračuna Organizacije izvede najtočnejšo finančno prilagoditev, ki je v danih okoliščinah možna.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka tega člena ne veljajo za pokojnine in rente, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija.
4. člen
V namen tega Protokola bo Organizacija ravnala v dogovoru z ustreznimi oblastmi zadevnih držav članic.
5. člen
Vsi spori, ki nastanejo med pogodbenimi strankami oziroma med pogodbenimi strankami in Organizacijo, ki jo zastopa Komisija, v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega Protokola, se rešujejo v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določa 33. člen Konvencije.
6. člen
Ta Protokol velja, dokler ne poteče veljavnost Konvencije.
7. člen
1. Ta Protokol se ratificira.
2. Ratifikacijske listine se deponirajo pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije.
3. Ta Protokol začne veljati prvi dan naslednjega meseca po deponiranju ratifikacijske listine zadnje države pogodbenice Konvencije, ki s tem izpolni ta formalni pogoj.
4. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvesti vlade drugih držav pogodbenic Konvencije o vsakem deponiranju ratifikacijske listine ter o datumu začetka veljavnosti.
8. člen
1. K Protokolu lahko pristopi vsaka država, ki ni podpisnica Konvencije, ki vloži prošnjo za pristop h Konvenciji v skladu z določbami 41. člena.
2. Za pristop zadevne države k temu Protokolu je potrebno soglasje Komisije, ki ga zahteva 41. člen.
3. Listina o pristopu k temu Protokolu se deponira hkrati z listino o pristopu h Konvenciji pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije, ki o tem obvesti druge države podpisnice in pristopnice.
4. Pristop k temu Protokolu postane veljaven na dan pristopa h Konvenciji.
V potrditev dogovorjenega so podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki po predložitvi svojih pooblastil v pravilni in zahtevani obliki podpisali ta Protokol in ga opremili s svojimi pečati.
Sklenjeno v Bruslju, dne 6. julija 1970 v angleškem, nemškem, francoskem in nizozemskem jeziku, v enem izvirniku, ki ostane deponiran v arhivu vlade Kraljevine Belgije, ki pošlje overjene kopije vsem državam podpisnicam. V primeru neskladnosti je veljavno francosko besedilo.
o dopolnitvi Dodatnega protokola k Mednarodni konvenciji EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 6. julija 1970
Države pogodbenice Dodatnega protokola k Mednarodni konvenciji Eurocontrol o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, podpisane v Bruslju dne 6. julija 1970 (v nadaljevanju: Dodatni protokol),
so se sporazumele o naslednjem:
1. člen
Z dnem uveljavitve tega Protokola se besedilo 3. člena Dodatnega protokola nadomesti z naslednjim besedilom:
“1. Pod pogoji, ki jih določi stalna komisija, so generalni direktor Agencije ter člani osebja Organizacije, skupaj s stalnim predstavnikom, glede njihovih plač in honorarjev, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija, zavezani davku v korist Organizacije, ki začne veljati v enem letu po datumu uveljavitve te določbe. Od dneva, ko začne veljati ta davek, so omenjene plače in honorarji prosti davkov na dohodek, ki veljajo v matičnih državah osebja, vendar pa smejo države pogodbenice ne glede na navedeno upoštevati te plače in honorarje pri ugotavljanju davčne osnove za plačilo davka na prejemke iz drugih virov.
2. Določba prvega odstavka ne velja za pokojnine in rente, ki jih izplačuje Organizacija.
3. Imena, funkcije, naslovi ter nagrade in, v ustreznih primerih, pokojnine uslužbencev oziroma nekdanjih uslužbencev, za katere veljajo določbe prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena, se periodično posredujejo državam pogodbenicam.”
2. člen
Ne glede na določbe 1. člena tega Protokola ostanejo obveznosti iz 3. člena Dodatnega protokola veljavne do polne izpolnitve zahtevkov in dolžnosti, vsebovanih v navedenem členu.
3. člen
1. Ta Protokol se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri.
2. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejemu oziroma odobritvi se deponirajo pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije.
3. Ta Protokol začne veljati prvi dan naslednjega leta po deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejemu oziroma odobritvi zadnje države članice, ki s tem izpolni ta formalni pogoj.
4. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvesti vlade drugih držav pogodbenic Dodatnega Protokola o vsakem deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejemu oziroma odobritvi ter o datumu njegove uveljavitve.
V potrditev dogovorjenega so podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki po predložitvi svojih pooblastil v pravilni in zahtevani obliki, podpisali ta Protokol in ga opremili s pečati.
Sklenjeno v Bruslju, dne 21. novembra 1978, v angleškem, nemškem, francoskem in nizozemskem jeziku, v enem izvirniku, ki ostane deponiran pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije, ki posreduje overjene kopije vsem državam podpisnicam. V primeru neskladnosti je veljavno francosko besedilo.
ki dopolnjuje Mednarodno konvencijo EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960
Zvezna Republika Nemčija,
Kraljevina Belgija,
Republika Francija,
Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske,
Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg,
Kraljevina Nizozemska,
Republika Portugalska,
so se:
upoštevaje, da razvoj zračnega prometa zahteva revizijo Mednarodne konvencije EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, s katero je ustanovljen evropski sistem, ki ga skupno organizirajo države članice za nadzor splošnega zračnega prometa v zgornjem zračnem prostoru,
upoštevaje, da bi bilo zaželeno nadaljevati in okrepiti sodelovanje med državami v okviru Eurocontrola, zlasti z oblikovanjem skupnih dolgoročnih ciljev in srednjeročnih načrtov ob posvetovanju z uporabniki storitev zračnega prometa, da bi dosegli kar največjo učinkovitost ob kar najmanjših stroških pri ponudbi storitev zračnega prometa,
v želji, da bi razširile in okrepile sodelovanje z drugimi državami, ki imajo interes pri izvrševanju nalog, zaupanih Eurocontrolu, da bi povečali njegovo učinkovitost, zlasti kar zadeva urejanje pretoka prometa,
v želji, da bi spodbudile zainteresirane države, da postanejo članice Eurocontrola,
dogovorile o naslednjem:
I. člen
Mednarodna konvencija EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe z dne 13. decembra 1960, kot je bila dopolnjena z dodatnim protokolom, podpisanim v Bruslju dne 6. julija 1970, in s protokolom, podpisanim v Bruslju dne 21. novembra 1978, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Konvencija”, se s tem dopolni, kot je navedeno v naslednjih členih.
II. člen
1. člen Konvencije se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
“1. člen
1. Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da bodo okrepile svoje sodelovanje in razvile skupne dejavnosti na področju zračne plovbe ob ustreznem upoštevanju obrambnih potreb in omogočanju kar največje svobode vsem uporabnikom zračnega prostora v skladu z zahtevami varnosti. V skladu s tem so se dogovorile:
(a) za zastavitev skupnih dolgoročnih ciljev na področju zračne plovbe in v tem okviru za pripravo srednjeročnega skupnega načrta za storitve in naprave zračnega prometa;
(b) za izdelavo skupnih načrtov za višješolsko usposabljanje, za proceduralne ukrepe in za raziskovalne in razvojne programe v zvezi s pripomočki in storitvami za varnost, učinkovitost in hitrost pretoka zračnega prometa;
(c) za uskladitev vseh drugih ukrepov, ki so potrebni za zagotovitev varnega in urejenega pretoka zračnega prometa;
(d) za ustanovitev skupnega sklada izkušenj v operativnih, tehničnih in finančnih vidikih zračne plovbe;
(e) za usklajevanje svojih dejavnosti v zvezi z upravljanjem pretoka zračnega prometa z ustanovitvijo mednarodnega sistema za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa, da bi zagotovile kar najučinkovitejšo uporabo zračnega prostora.
2. V ta namen ustanavljajo “Evropsko organizacijo za varnost zračne plovbe (Eurocontrol)”, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Organizacijo”, ki bo delovala v sodelovanju z državnimi civilnimi in vojaškimi organi. Organizacijo sestavljata dva organa:
– ”stalna Komisija za varnost zračne plovbe”, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Komisija”, ki je organ, odgovoren za oblikovanje splošne politike Organizacije;
– ”Agencija za varnost zračnega prometa”, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Agencija”, katere statut je Priloga 1 te konvencije. Agencija je organ, odgovoren za opravljanje nalog, ki so predpisane v tej konvenciji in ki jih ji v skladu z njo zaupa Komisija.
3. Sedež Organizacije je v Bruslju.”
III. člen
2. člen Konvencije se črta. 6. člen postane 2. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“2. člen
1. Komisija opravlja naslednje naloge:
(a) analizira prihodnje potrebe zračnega prometa in nove tehnike, potrebne za izpolnjevanje teh potreb;
(b) razvija in sprejema skupne dolgoročne cilje na področju zračne plovbe;
(c) usklajuje srednjeročne nacionalne načrte, da bi ustanovila skupni srednjeročni načrt za storitve in naprave zračnega prometa v okviru dolgoročnih ciljev, omenjenih v točki (b);
(d) spodbuja skupno politiko na področju sistemov zračne plovbe na tleh in v zraku ter na področju usposabljanja osebja služb zračnega prometa;
(e) proučuje in spodbuja ukrepe za izboljšanje finančne in splošne učinkovitosti na področju zračne plovbe;
(f) spodbuja in vodi študije, teste in raziskave v zvezi z zračno plovbo; zbira in razpečuje rezultate raziskav, testov in raziskav, ki jih opravljajo pogodbenice na področju zračne plovbe;
(g) usklajuje raziskave in razvojne programe pogodbenic v zvezi z novimi tehnikami na področju zračne plovbe;
(h) proučuje zadeve na področju zračne plovbe, ki jih raziskuje Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva in druge mednarodne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo s civilnim letalstvom;
(i) proučuje amandmaje regionalnih načrtov za zračno plovbo, ki so predloženi Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva;
(j) opravlja vse druge naloge, ki se ji lahko zaupajo v skladu s točko (c) prvega odstavka 1. člena;
(k) pomaga pogodbenicam in zainteresiranim tretjim državam pri uvajanju in delovanju mednarodnega sistema za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa;
(l) določa in pobira pristojbine, zaračunane uporabnikom storitev zračnega prometa v skladu z Večstranskim sporazumom o pristojbinah za zračne poti in v imenu pogodbenic in tretjih držav, ki so pogodbenice Sporazuma.
Organizacija lahko sklepa posebne sporazume s tretjimi državami, ki jih zanima sodelovanje pri izvajanju teh nalog.
2. Na zahtevo ene ali več držav pogodbenic se lahko Organizaciji zaupajo tudi naslednje naloge:
(a) da tem pogodbenicam pomaga pri opravljanju specifičnih nalog zračne plovbe, kot je načrtovanje in postavljanje naprav in služb zračnega prometa;
(b) da organizira in upravlja, v celoti ali delno, službe in pripomočke zračnega prometa v imenu teh pogodbenic;
(c) da pomaga tem pogodbenicam pri izračunavanju in pobiranju pristojbin, ki jih zaračunavajo uporabnikom storitev zračnega prometa in ki niso zajete v Večstranskem sporazumu o pristojbinah za zračne poti.
Opravljanje teh nalog v vsakem posameznem primeru ureja poseben sporazum med Organizacijo in zadevnimi pogodbenicami.
3. Organizaciji se lahko dalje na zahtevo ene ali več tretjih držav zaupa tudi naslednje naloge:
(a) da pomaga tem državam pri upravljanju pretoka zračnega prometa in pri načrtovanju in ponujanju storitev in opreme zračne plovbe;
(b) da pomaga tem državam pri izračunavanju in pobiranju pristojbin, ki niso zajete v Večstranskem sporazumu o pristojbinah za zračne poti in ki jih zaračunavajo uporabnikom storitev zračnega prometa.
Opravljanje teh nalog v vsakem posameznem primeru ureja poseben sporazum med Organizacijo in zadevnimi pogodbenicami.”
IV. člen
3. in 37. člen Konvencije se združita v nov 3. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“3. člen
1. Ta konvencija velja za storitve zračne plovbe na zračnih poteh, s tem povezane storitve ob pristajanju in vzletanju in storitve zračnega prometa na letališčih v letalskih informativnih območjih, navedenih v Prilogi 2.
2. Vsak amandma, ki ga želi uvesti kaka pogodbenica v seznam letalskih informativnih območij v Prilogi 2, mora biti sprejet s soglasnim sklepom Komisije, če bi imel za posledico spremembo skupnih meja zračnega prostora, ki ga pokriva ta konvencija. Vsak amandma, ki nima za posledico take spremembe, mora zadevna država pogodbenica sporočiti Organizaciji.
3. V namene te konvencije izraz “zračni promet” zajema civilne zrakoplove in tiste vojaške, carinske in policijske zrakoplove, ki se ravnajo po postopkih Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva.”
V. člen
5. člen Konvencije se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
“5. člen
1. Komisijo sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic. Pogodbenice lahko imenujejo več delegatov, zlasti da omogočijo zastopanje interesov tako civilnega letalstva kot državne obrambe, vendar pa ima vsaka pogodbenica le en glas.
2. V namene točke (l) prvega odstavka 2. člena se Komisija razširi, tako da vključuje tudi člane tretjih držav, ki so pogodbenice Večstranskega sporazuma o pristojbinah za zračne poti. Tako razširjena Komisija odloča v skladu z določbami omenjenega Sporazuma.
3. Če to zahtevajo določbe drugih sporazumov, sklenjenih med Organizacijo in tretjimi državami v skladu s prvim odstavkom 2. člena, zlasti v zvezi z upravljanjem pretoka zračnega prometa, se Komisija razširi in odloča v skladu z določbami teh sporazumov.”
VI. člen
7. člen Konvencije postane 6. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“6. člen
1. Za izpolnjevanje nalog, ki jih Organizaciji nalaga prvi odstavek 2. člena, Komisija sprejema naslednje ukrepe:
(a) za pogodbenice:
– v primerih, omenjenih v točkah (b) in (c) prve točke 2. člena;
– v primerih, omenjenih v točkah (a) in (d) do (k), ko Komisija oceni za potrebno, da se države pogodbenice obvežejo k skupnemu delovanju; v takih primerih lahko tudi izdaja priporočila pogodbenicam;
(b) za Agencijo:
– odobrava letne delovne programe ter naložbene in delovne programe za več let, ki jih predloži Agencija z namenom izpolnjevanja nalog, omenjenih v prvi točki drugega odstavka, ter proračun in poročilo o delovanju; Agenciji izdaja direktive, kadar ugotovi, da je to potrebno za izpolnjevanje nalog, zaupanih Agenciji;
– sprejema vse potrebne ukrepe pri uveljavljanju nadzornih pooblastil v skladu s to konvencijo in statutom Agencije;
– Agenciji izdaja potrdila o upravljanju s proračunom.
2. Poleg tega Komisija:
(a) odobrava kadrovske in finančne predpise in ukrepe, ki se jih sprejema v skladu z drugim odstavkom 7. člena in tretjim odstavkom 19. člena statuta Agencije;
(b) imenuje člane nadzornega odbora za obdobje pet let v skladu s prvim odstavkom 22. člena statuta Agencije.
3. Komisija izdaja dovoljenja za pogajanja Agencije o posebnih sporazumih, omenjenih v 2. členu, in odobrava sporazume, za katere se Agencija dogovori.
4. Komisija lahko v imenu Organizacije sproži postopke pred razsodiščem, omenjenim v 31. členu.”
VII. člen
8. člen Konvencije postane 7. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“7. člen
1. Komisija sprejema svoje odločitve s soglasnim sklepom držav pogodbenic. Sklepi komisije so za države pogodbenice obvezujoči. Če pa kaka pogodbenica obvesti Komisijo, da ji nujni državni oziri preprečujejo, da bi ravnala v skladu s soglasnim sklepom, sprejetim v zvezi z zadevami, ki jih omenjata točki (b) in (c) prvega odstavka 2. člena, lahko odstopi od te odločitve po posredovanju razlogov za to odstopanje Komisiji. V roku šest mesecev po takem obvestilu Komisija bodisi revidira svojo odločitev bodisi odloči, ali naj za odstopanje veljajo določeni pogoji ali omejitve. V vsakem primeru je za odločitev Komisije potreben soglasen sklep držav pogodbenic.
2. Komisija odloča o ukrepih, omenjenih v točki (a) drugega odstavka 6. člena, tretji točki 6. člena in tretji točki 11. člena, s soglasnim sklepom.
3. Razen če je določeno drugače, direktive in ukrepi, omenjeni v točki (b) prvega odstavka 6. člena in v četrtem odstavku 6. člena, zahtevajo večino glasov Komisije, kar pomeni:
– da glasovi zapadajo ponderiranju, ki ga predpisuje 8. člen te konvencije,
– da ti glasovi predstavljajo večino glasujočih pogodbenic.
4. Ukrepe, omenjene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 6. člena, sprejme Komisija v skladu s tretjim odstavkom zgoraj, če ustrezno izračunana večina ni manjša od 70 % ponderiranih glasov glasujočih.
5. Priporočila Komisije se izglasujejo z večino glasov pogodbenic.”
VIII. člen
9. člen Konvencije postane 8. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“8. člen
1. Ponderiranje, omenjeno v 7. členu, se opravi v skladu z naslednjo tabelo:
Letni prispevek pogodbenice
kot odstotek vsote letnih prispevkov                            Število
vseh pogodbenic                                                 glasov
Manj kot 1 %                                                       1
Od 1 do manj kot 2 %                                               2
Od 2 do manj kot 3 %                                               3
Od 3 do manj kot 4 1/2 %                                           4
Od 4 1/2 do manj kot 6 %                                           5
Od 6 do manj kot 7 1/2 %                                           6
Od 7 1/2 do manj kot 9 %                                           7
Od 9 do manj kot 11 %                                              8
Od 11 do manj kot 13 %                                             9
Od 13 do manj kot 15 %                                            10
Od 15 do manj kot 18 %                                            11
Od 18 do manj kot 21 %                                            12
Od 21 do manj kot 24 %                                            13
Od 24 do manj kot 27 %                                            14
Od 27 do manj kot 30 %                                            15
30 %                                                              16
2. Število glasov se prvič ugotovi na dan začetka veljavnosti tega protokola, ki se začne podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981, v skladu z zgornjo tabelo in v skladu z določbami 19. člena statuta Agencije za ugotavljanja letnih prispevkov pogodbenic v proračun Organizacije.
3. V primeru pristopa nove države se število glasov pogodbenic določi na novo v skladu z enakim postopkom.
4. Število glasov se na novo določi vsako leto v skladu z zgoraj navedenimi določbami.”
IX. člen
10. in 11. člen Konvencije postaneta 9. in 10. člen.
X. člen
12. člen Konvencije postane 11. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“11. člen
1. Komisija z ustreznimi državami in mednarodnimi organizacijami vzdržuje stike, ki so potrebni za izpolnjevanje ciljev Organizacije.
2. Komisija je, ne da bi to škodovalo določbam tretjega odstavka 6. člena in 13. člena, izključno pristojna za sklepanje tistih sporazumov v imenu Organizacije z mednarodnimi organizacijami, pogodbenicami in tretjimi državami, ki so potrebni za opravljanje nalog Organizacije v skladu z 2. členom.
3. Na predlog Agencije lahko Komisija prepusti Agenciji odločitev, da začne pogajanja in sklepa sporazume, potrebne za opravljanje nalog, omenjenih v 2. členu.”
XI. člen
V Konvencijo se vstavi nov 12. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“12. člen
Sporazumi med Organizacijo in eno ali več državami pogodbenicami, med Organizacijo in eno ali več tretjimi državami ali med Organizacijo in kako drugo mednarodno organizacijo v zvezi z nalogami, omenjenimi v 2. členu, morajo predpisovati naloge, pravice in dolžnosti strank v sporazumu, vsebovati finančne uredbe in določati ustrezne ukrepe. O takih sporazumih se lahko dogovori Agencija v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka 6. člena in tretjega odstavka 11. člena.”
XII. člen
13. in 14. člen Konvencije se črtata. 31. člen Konvencije postane 13. člen. 15. člen Konvencije postane 14. člen. 16. člen Konvencije se črta.
XIII. člen
17. člen Konvencije postane 15. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“15. člen
Ko Organizacija opravlja naloge, predvidene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 2. člena, se Agencija ravna po predpisih, ki veljajo na ozemljih pogodbenic in v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so jim zaupane službe zračnega prometa z mednarodnim sporazumom, katerega pogodbenice so.”
XIV. člen
18. člen Konvencije postane 16. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“16. člen
Ko Organizacija opravlja naloge, predvidene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 2. člena, Agencija v mejah svojih pooblastil daje vsa potrebna navodila vodjem zrakoplovov. Vodje zrakoplovov morajo ta navodila izpolnjevati, razen v primeru višje sile, predvidene v predpisih, omenjenih v prejšnjem členu.”
XV. člen
19. člen Konvencije postane 17. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje
“17. člen
Ko Organizacija opravlja naloge, predvidene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 2. člena, se kršitve predpisov zračne plovbe, zagrešene v zračnem prostoru, v katerem so službe zračnega prometa zaupane Agenciji, evidentirajo v poročilih uslužbencev, ki jih Agencija posebej pooblasti v ta namen. Pri tem ne bodo kršene pravice uslužbencev pogodbenic, da v skladu z državno zakonodajo poročajo o enakih kršitvah. Zgoraj omenjena poročila imajo pri državnih sodiščih enako veljavo kot tista, ki jih sestavijo državni uslužbenci, pooblaščeni za poročanje o enakih kršitvah.”
XVI. člen
V Konvencijo se vstavi nov 18. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“18. člen
1. Kroženje publikacij in drugih informativnih gradiv, ki jih razpečuje Organizacija v zvezi s svojo uradno dejavnostjo, se ne sme z ničimer omejevati.
2. Pri svojih uradnih sporočilih in prenosu vseh svojih dokumentov Organizacija uživa obravnavo, ki ni manj ugodna od tiste, ki jo vsaka pogodbenica dodeljuje primerljivim mednarodnim organizacijam.”
XVII. člen
20. člen Konvencije se črta. 21., 22. in 23. člen Konvencije postanejo 19., 20. in 21. člen. V četrtem odstavku starega 22. člena se sklic na 36. člen statuta Agencije spremeni v sklic na 25. člen statuta.
XVIII. člen
24. člen Konvencije postane 22. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“22. člen
1. Agencija lahko zaposli strokovne delavce, ki so državljani pogodbenic.
2. Osebje Organizacije in člani njihovih družin, ki tvorijo del njihovega gospodinjstva, so izvzeti iz ukrepov, ki omejujejo priseljevanje in urejajo prijavljanje tujcev, enako kot osebje primerljivih mednarodnih organizacij.
3. (a) Pogodbenice med mednarodnimi krizami osebju Organizacije in članom njihovih družin, ki tvorijo del njihovega gospodinjstva, dodeljujejo enake možnosti za repatriacijo kot osebju drugih mednarodnih organizacij.
(b) Določbe točke (a) zgoraj ne prizadevajo dolžnosti osebja do Organizacije.
4. Pri določbah prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena niso dovoljene nikakršne izjeme, razen iz razlogov javne morale, javne varnosti ali javnega zdravja.
5. Osebje Organizacije:
(a) je oproščeno carinskih dajatev in pristojbin, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na opravljene storitve, v primeru uvoza osebnih predmetov, premičnin in drugih gospodinjskih potrebščin, ki niso novi in ki jih prinesejo iz tujine, ko se prvič priseljujejo na zadevno ozemlje, in v primeru ponovnega izvoza istih predmetov ali premičnin, ko prenehajo opravljati svojo funkcijo;
(b) lahko ob prevzemu svojih dolžnosti na ozemlju katere koli države pogodbenice začasno uvozi svoj osebni avtomobil brez plačila carine in ga pozneje, vendar najkasneje ob prenehanju opravljanja svoje funkcije, znova izvozi brez plačila dajatev; v obeh primerih ob tem uveljavljajo vse pogoje, za katere vlada zadevne pogodbenice v vsakem posameznem primeru meni, da so potrebni;
(c) uživa nedotakljivost vseh svojih listin in dokumentov.
6. Pogodbenice ugodnosti, omenjene v točkah (a) in (b) petega odstavka, niso obvezane podeliti svojim državljanom.
7. Poleg zgoraj navedenih privilegijev, oprostitev in ugodnosti za osebje Organizacije generalni direktor Agencije uživa imuniteto pred kazenskim pregonom za dejanja, skupaj z izrečenimi in zapisanimi besedami, opravljena pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti; ta imuniteta ne velja za prometne prekrške ali za škodo, ki jo povzroči njegovo motorno vozilo ali motorno vozilo, ki ga vozi.
8. Zadevne vlade sprejmejo vse ukrepe, potrebne za neovirana nakazila neto plač.”
XIX. člen
V Konvencijo se vstavi nov 23. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“23. člen
Predstavniki držav pogodbenic pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti, med potovanjem do kraja sestanka in med vračanjem uživajo nedotakljivost vseh svojih uradnih papirjev in dokumentov.”
XX. člen
V Konvencijo se vstavi nov 24. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“24. člen
Ker ima Organizacija svojo shemo socialnega zavarovanja, so Organizacija, generalni direktor in osebje Organizacije izvzeti plačila obveznih prispevkov v državne organe socialnega zavarovanja, ne da bi to škodovalo sporazumom med Organizacijo in pogodbenicami, ki obstajajo ob začetku veljavnosti tega protokola, ki se začne podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981.”
XXI. člen
26. člen Konvencije se popravi v naslednjo obliko:
“26. člen
1. (a) Naprave in arhivi Organizacije so nedotakljivi. Premoženje in sredstva Organizacije so oproščeni kakršne koli zasege, razlastitve ali zaplembe.
(b) Arhivi Organizacije in vsi uradni papirji ter dokumenti, ki so njena last, so nedotakljivi, ne glede na to, kje so.
2. Premoženja in sredstev Organizacije ni mogoče zaseči niti nad njimi izvrševati sodb, razen s sodno odločbo. Naprave Organizacije ni mogoče v nobenem primeru zaseči niti nad njimi izvrševati sodb.
3. Določbe tega člena ne preprečujejo, da bi imeli pristojni organi države, v kateri ima Organizacija sedež, in drugih držav, v katerih se nahajajo te naprave in arhivi, dostop do naprav in arhivov Organizacije, in sicer v namene sodne preiskave in zagotavljanja izvršbe sodnih odločb na njihovih ozemljih. O tem morajo prej obvestiti generalnega direktorja Agencije.”
XXII. člen
28. člen Konvencije se črta.
XXIII. člen
29. člen Konvencije postane 28. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“28. člen
Ko Organizacija opravlja naloge, predvidene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 2. člena, so mednarodni sporazumi in državni predpisi, ki se nanašajo na vstop, prelet in varnost ozemlja države članice, zanjo zavezujoči, zato mora uveljavljati vse ukrepe za zagotovitev uresničevanja takih sporazumov in predpisov.”
XXIV. člen
30. člen Konvencije postane 29. člen, ki se glasi:
“29. člen
Ko Organizacija opravlja naloge, predvidene v točki (b) drugega odstavka 2. člena, mora Agencija posredovati tistim pogodbenicam, ki to zahtevajo, vse potrebne informacije v zvezi z letalom, s katerimi je bila seznanjena pri opravljanju svojih funkcij, zato da pogodbenice lahko preverijo, ali se upoštevajo mednarodni sporazumi in nacionalni predpisi.”
XXV. člen
32. člen Konvencije postane 30. člen.
XXVI. člen
33. člen Konvencije postane 31. člen.
XXVII. člen
34. člen Konvencije postane 32. člen; njegov tretji odstavek se zamenja z naslednjim besedilom:
“3. Določb 1., 11., 19. in 20. člena priloženega statuta ni mogoče spremeniti.”
XXVIII. člen
35. člen Konvencije postane 33. člen, katerega besedilo je naslednje:
“33. člen
V primeru izrednega stanja ali vojne določbe te Konvencije ne prizadevajo svobode delovanja zadevnih držav pogodbenic.”
XXIX. člen
36. člen Konvencije postane 34. člen.
XXX. člen
38. člen Konvencije se črta.
XXXI. člen
39. člen Konvencije postane 35. člen; prvi in drugi odstavek se zamenjata z naslednjim besedilom:
“1. Ta Konvencija, kot je bila dopolnjena s Protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981, velja dvajset let po dnevu začetka veljavnosti omenjenega Protokola.
2. Veljavnost te Konvencije se avtomatično podaljšuje za obdobja petih let, razen če kaka pogodbenica s pisnim obvestilom vladi Kraljevine Belgije najmanj dve leti pred iztekom trenutnega obdobja izrazi svoj namen, da izstopi iz te konvencije. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije o tem obvestilu obvesti vlade drugih držav pogodbenic te konvencije.”
XXXII. člen
40. člen Konvencije se črta.
XXXIII. člen
41. člen Konvencije postane 36. člen; prvi in četrti odstavek se zamenjata z naslednjim besedilom:
“1. Pristop k tej Konvenciji, kot je bila dopolnjena s Protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981, katere koli države, ki ni podpisnica omenjenega Protokola, zapada:
(a) odobritvi Komisije, ki mora biti sprejeta s soglasnim sklepom, in
(b) zahtevi, da država sočasno deponira listino o pristopu k Večstranskemu sporazumu o pristojbinah na zračnih poteh, ki je bil odprt za podpis v Bruslju leta 1981.
4. Pristop začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po deponiranju pristopne listine.”
XXXIV. člen
42. člen Konvencije se črta.
XXXV. člen
Priloga I Konvencije, ki vsebuje statut Agencije, se zamenja s Prilogo 1 tega protokola.
XXXVI. člen
Priloga II Konvencije se zamenja s Prilogo 2 tega protokola z naslovom “Letalska informativna območja (3. člen Konvencije)”.
XXXVII. člen
Protokol o podpisovanju Konvencije se črta.
Dodatni protokol h Konvenciji, podpisan v Bruslju 6. julija 1970, kot je bil dopolnjen s protokolom, podpisanim v Bruslju 21. novembra 1978, se dopolni z naslednjimi amandmaji:
1. Sklicevanje na 21. in 22. člen ter prvi odstavek 22. člena Konvencije v prvem odstavku 1. člena protokola iz leta 1970 se zamenja s sklicevanjem na 19. in 20. člen Konvencije, kot je bila dopolnjena s tem protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981, in prvi odstavek 20. člena Konvencije, kot je bila dopolnjena z istim protokolom.
2. V namene uveljavljanja 2. člena protokola iz leta 1978 se sklicevanje na 14. člen statuta Agencije v prvem odstavku 3. člena protokola iz leta 1970 zamenja s sklicevanjem na 12. člen statuta Agencije, navedenega v Prilogi 1 Konvencije, kot je bila popravljena s tem protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981.
3. Sklicevanje na 33. člen Konvencije v 5. členu protokola iz leta 1970 se zamenja s sklicevanjem na 31. člen Konvencije, kot je bila popravljena s tem protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981.
4. Sklicevanje na 41. člen Konvencije v prvem in drugem odstavku 8. člena protokola iz leta 1970 se zamenja s sklicevanjem na 36. člen Konvencije, kot je bila popravljena s tem protokolom, ki se je začel podpisovati v Bruslju leta 1981.
XXXIX. člen
Prehodne določbe, ki pokrivajo prehod iz določb, veljavnih po Konvenciji, v odločbe, veljavne po Konvenciji, kot je bila popravljena s tem protokolom, so navedene v Prilogi 3 tega protokola.
XL. člen
1. Ta protokol je odprt za podpis za vse države pogodbenice Konvencije do 28. februarja 1981.
Do dne začetka njegove veljavnosti je odprt za podpis tudi za druge države, ki so bile vabljene na diplomatsko konferenco, na kateri je bil sprejet, in druge države, ki se jim da pravica do podpisa s soglasnim sklepom stalne Komisije.
2. Ta protokol mora biti ratificiran. Listine o ratifikaciji se deponirajo pri vladi Kraljevine Belgije.
3. Ta protokol začne veljati 1. marca 1983, če ga do tega datuma ratificirajo vse države pogodbenice Konvencije. Če se to ne zgodi, začne veljati bodisi 1. julija bodisi 1. januarja po deponiranju zadnje listine o ratifikaciji, glede na to, ali je bil deponiran v prvem ali drugem šestmesečju v letu.
4. V primeru države podpisnice tega protokola, ki ni pogodbenica Konvencije, njena listina o ratifikaciji pa je bila deponirana po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola, ta protokol začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po datumu, ko je listina o ratifikaciji deponirana.
5. Vsaka država podpisnica tega protokola, ki ni pogodbenica Konvencije, ob ratifikaciji tega protokola postane tudi pogodbenica Konvencije, kot je bila dopolnjena s tem protokolom.
6. Vlada Kraljevine Belgije obvešča vlade drugih pogodbenic Konvencije in vlade vseh držav podpisnic tega protokola o vsakem podpisu, vsakem deponiranju listin o ratifikaciji in o datumih začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu s 3. in 4. odstavkom zgoraj.
XLI. člen
Ratifikacija tega protokola velja tudi kot ratifikacija Večstranskega sporazuma o pristojbinah na zračnih poteh, ki je bil odprt za podpis leta 1981.
XLII. člen
Konvencija in ta protokol predstavljata enoten dokument, ki se imenuje “Mednarodna konvencija EUROCONTROL o sodelovanju za varnost zračne plovbe, kot je bila dopolnjena v Bruslju leta 1981”.
XLIII. člen
Vlada Kraljevine Belgije bo ta protokol registrirala pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov in pri Svetu Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva v skladu s 83. členom Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, podpisane v Chicagu 7. decembra 1944.
V potrditev dogovorjenega so spodaj podpisani pooblaščeni predstavniki po predložitvi svojih pooblastil, ki so bila ocenjena kot pravilna in v ustrezni obliki, podpisali ta protokol.
Sklenjeno v Bruslju, dne 12. februarja 1981 v nemškem, angleškem, francoskem, nizozemskem in portugalskem jeziku v enem samem izvirniku, ki ostane deponiran v arhivih vlade Kraljevine Belgije, ki bo posredovala overovljene kopije vsem državam podpisnicam. V primeru neskladnosti je veljavno francosko besedilo.
Statut Agencije
1. člen
Delo Agencije, ustanovljene s 1. členom Konvencije, ureja ta Statut.
2. člen
1. Agencija je organ, odgovoren za opravljanje nalog, ki so ji poverjene s Konvencijo ali s strani Komisije.
2. Ko Agencija opravlja storitve zračne plovbe, so njeni cilji:
(a) da preprečuje trčenja med zrakoplovi;
(b) da zagotovi urejen in hiter pretok zračnega prometa;
(c) da daje nasvete in informacije, potrebne za varno in učinkovito opravljanje poletov;
(d) da obvešča ustrezne organizacije o zrakoplovih, ki potrebujejo pomoč pri iskanju ali reševanju, in po potrebi tem organizacijam pomaga.
3. Agencija namesti vse potrebne naprave za opravljanje svojih nalog in zagotavlja njihovo zadovoljivo delovanje.
4. V ta namen Agencija tesno sodeluje z vojaškimi oblastmi, da kar najučinkoviteje in najgospodarneje izpolni vse potrebe zračnega prometa in posebne potrebe vojaškega letalstva.
5. Za izpolnjevanje svojih nalog pod pogoji, določenimi v drugem odstavku 7. člena spodaj, lahko Agencija med drugim gradi in upravlja stavbe in naprave, ki jih potrebuje, zlasti raziskovalne in eksperimentalne centre zračnega prometa, centre za upravljanje pretoka zračnega prometa in šole za višje in specializirano usposabljanje osebja služb zračne plovbe. Pri tem pa se, kjer je to le mogoče, opira na državne tehnične službe in uporablja obstoječe državne naprave, da bi se izognila podvajanju.
3. člen
V skladu s pooblastili, ki jih ima Komisija, Agencijo upravljata Upravni odbor, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Odbor”, in generalni direktor.
4. člen
1. Odbor sestavljajo predstavniki vseh pogodbenic, ki lahko imenujejo po več predstavnikov, da omogočijo predstavitev interesov tako civilnega letalstva kot obrambe države. Le eden od predstavnikov ima pravico glasovanja; ta predstavnik mora biti visok uslužbenec, ki v svoji državi opravlja dolžnosti v zračni plovbi. Vsak predstavnik ima svojega namestnika, ki ga lahko veljavno zastopa, kadar sam ne more biti navzoč.
2. V namene alinee (l) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije se Odbor razširi s predstavniki držav nečlanic, ki so pogodbenice Večstranskega sporazuma o pristojbinah na zračnih poteh. Tako razširjeni Odbor odloča v skladu z določbami omenjenega Sporazuma.
3. Kjer to določajo določbe drugih sporazumov, ki jih Organizacija sklepa z državami nečlanicami v skladu s prvim odstavkom 2. člena Konvencije, zlasti v zvezi z upravljanjem pretoka zračnega prometa, se Odbor razširi in odloča v skladu z določbami teh sporazumov.
5. člen
1. Na sestankih Odbora je za sklepčnost potrebna navzočnost predstavnikov, ki so pooblaščeni za glasovanje, vseh držav pogodbenic, razen ene.
2. Če Odbor ni sklepčen, se razpravljanje preloži do sestanka, ki se skliče najmanj deset dni po prejšnjem sestanku; na tem sestanku je za sklepčnost potrebna navzočnost najmanj polovice vseh predstavnikov, ki imajo pravico glasovanja.
6. člen
1. Odbor sestavi svoj poslovnik, skupaj s pravili v zvezi z izvolitvijo predsednika in podpredsednika ter z imenovanjem tajnika.
2. Ta poslovnik mora zajemati določbe v zvezi z diskvalifikacijami. Predpisovati mora tudi, da se vabila na sestanke pošiljajo v pismu oziroma v nujnih primerih s telegramom in da morajo vključevati dnevni red.
3. Poslovnik mora odobriti Komisija.
7. člen
1. Odbor odloča o organiziranosti Agencije na osnovi predlogov, ki jih predloži generalni direktor.
2. Vendar pa mora Odbor ukrepe, ki jih sprejema v skladu s 5. odstavkom 2. člena zgoraj, predložiti v odobritev Komisiji.
8. člen
Odbor vsako leto poroča Komisiji o dejavnosti in finančnem stanju Organizacije.
9. člen
1. Na zahtevo Komisije Odbor pripravi naložbene in delovne programe za več let. Programe mora odobriti Komisija.
2. Za predložitev v odobritev Komisiji Odbor v skladu z določbami Konvencije še posebej:
(a) izdela program nalog, predvidenih v alineah (a), (e), (f) in (j) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije;
(b) formulira dolgoročne skupne cilje, predvidene v alinei (b) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije;
(c) proučuje raziskovalne in razvojne programe, predvidene v alinei (g) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije;
(d) izdela srednjeročne skupne načrte, predvidene v alinei (c) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije, in oblikuje skupno politiko glede zemeljskih in zračnih sistemov in usposabljanja osebja, omenjenega v alinei (d) prvega odstavka omenjenega člena;
(e) sprejema sporazume, predvidene v 2. členu Konvencije;
(f) organizira študije, predvidene v alineah (h) in (i) prvega odstavka 2. člena Konvencije.
3. Odbor v mejah zadolžitev, ki mu jih poveri Komisija v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 11. člena Konvencije, odloča o začetku pogajanj z namenom sklenitve sporazumov, omenjenih v 2. členu Konvencije, in po potrebi odobri dogovorjene sporazume.
10. člen
Odbor izdela in predloži Komisiji v odobritev:
– predpise v zvezi z razpisi, z najemi pogodb za dobavo blaga in storitev Organizaciji in s pogoji, ki urejajo take pogodbe;
– splošne pogoje pogodb o storitvah Organizacije.
11. člen
Odbor izdela in predloži Komisiji v odobritev finančni pravilnik, ki določa predvsem računovodske postopke za evidentiranje prihodkov in odhodkov, pogoje, ki urejajo plačevanje prispevkov držav, in pogoje, po katerih lahko Organizacija najema posojila.
12. člen
1. Odbor izdela in predloži v odobritev Komisiji kadrovski pravilnik Agencije:
– ki mora zajemati zlasti določbe v zvezi z državljanstvom osebja, lestvicami plač, pokojninami, diskvalifikacijami za delo, poslovno tajnostjo in kontinuiteto službe;
– ki mora določati položaje, ki jih ni mogoče zasedati obenem z drugimi položaji brez posebnega dovoljenja generalnega direktorja.
2. Administrativno razsodišče Mednarodne organizacije dela ima izključno pristojnost v sporih med Organizacijo in osebjem Agencije. Za te spore niso pristojna nobena druga sodišča ali razsodišča, ne državna ne mednarodna.
13. člen
1. Agencija je pooblaščena za neposredno zaposlovanje osebja le, če ji države pogodbenice ne morejo dati na razpolago usposobljenega osebja. Agencija pa se lahko dogovori z državami, ki niso članice Organizacije, da dovolijo zaposlitev usposobljenega osebja iz teh držav v zvezi z uveljavljanjem sporazumov, omenjenih v drugem in tretjem odstavku 5. člena Konvencije.
2. Osebje, ki ga da na razpolago državna uprava, je ves čas svoje zaposlitve pri Agenciji podvrženo kadrovskemu pravilniku Agencije, kar pa ne izključuje ohranitve ugodnosti v zvezi z delovno dobo, ki jih zagotavljajo državni predpisi.
3. Osebje, ki ga da na razpolago državna uprava, se lahko kadarkoli vrne upravi, ne da bi ta vrnitev veljala kot disciplinski ukrep.
14. člen
1. Odbor sprejema odločitve s ponderirano večino glasov.
2. Ponderirana večina glasov pomeni kot polovica vseh oddanih glasov, kar pomeni, da:
– so ti glasovi ponderirani v skladu z 8. členom Konvencije;
– da ti glasovi predstavljajo večino vseh glasujočih držav pogodbenic.
3. Če se za predlog in proti njemu našteje enako število glasov, predsednik odloči, ali naj se glasovanje na istem sestanku ponovi ali naj se vključi na dnevni red naslednjega sestanka, za katerega določi datum. Če je tudi na naslednjem sestanku oddano enako število glasov, odloči glas predsednika.
15. člen
1. Generalnega direktorja za dobo petih let imenuje Odbor z glasovanjem v skladu z drugim odstavkom 14. člena pod pogojem, da večina, izračunana v skladu z omenjenim drugim odstavkom, ni manjša od 70 % ponderiranih glasov vseh glasujočih. V ta mandat je lahko imenovan na enak način.
2. Generalni direktor predstavlja Organizacijo v sodnih postopkih in v vse civilne namene.
3. V skladu s splošno politiko, ki jo zastavita Odbor in Komisija, je generalni direktor tudi:
(a) odgovoren za učinkovito delovanje Agencije;
(b) lahko imenuje osebje in prekine njihovo službo v skladu s kadrovskim pravilnikom;
(c) lahko najema posojila za rok, ki ne presega enega leta, v skladu s finančnimi predpisi in v mejah, ki jih v ta namen določi Komisija
(d) lahko sklepa pogodbe tako za dobavo blaga in storitev Organizaciji kot za prodajo blaga in storitev Organizacije v skladu s predpisi, omenjenimi v 10. členu, in v mejah, ki jih v ta namen določi Komisija.
4. Generalni direktor lahko opravlja zgoraj navedene funkcije brez poprejšnje predložitve zadev Komisiji, vendar pa mora v vseh primerih obveščati Komisijo o svojem ravnanju pri uveljavljanju zgoraj omenjenih pooblastil.
5. Odbor določa pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko imenuje namestnik generalnega direktorja, če ta ne more opravljati svojih dolžnosti.
16. člen
1. Za vsako finančno leto se pripravijo ocene prejemkov in izdatkov Agencije.
2. Proračun mora biti uravnotežen med prejemki in izdatki. Prejemki in izdatki Agencije v zvezi z raziskovalnimi in eksperimentalnimi centri, šolami in drugimi ustanovami, ustanovljenimi v skladu s 5. odstavkom 2. člena zgoraj, se podrobno evidentirajo v posebnem poročilu.
3. Finančni predpisi, sprejeti v skladu z 11. členom zgoraj, morajo vsebovati določbe za ocenjevanje, uresničevanje in revizijo prejemkov in izdatkov Agencije v skladu z določbami tega statuta.
17. člen
1. Finančno leto se začne 1. januarja in konča 31. decembra.
2. Ocene za vsako finančno leto Odbor predloži v odobritev Komisiji najkasneje do 31. oktobra vsako leto.
18. člen
Odbor predloži v odobritev Komisiji predloge v zvezi z obliko proračuna in računovodskimi enotami, ki naj se jih uporablja.
19. člen
1. Brez prejudiciranja določb drugega odstavka spodaj se letni prispevek vsake pogodbenice v proračun za vsako finančno leto določi v skladu z naslednjo formulo:
(a) začetnih 30 % prispevka se izračuna v razmerju z vrednostjo bruto nacionalnega proizvoda pogodbenice, kot je definiran v tretjem odstavku spodaj;
(b) preostalih 70 % prispevka se izračuna v razmerju z vrednostjo stroškovne osnove naprav za zračne poti pogodbenice, kot je definirana v četrtem odstavku spodaj.
2. Nobeni državi pogodbenici ni treba v nobenem finančnem letu plačati prispevka, ki bi presegal 30 % celotnega zneska prispevkov vseh pogodbenic. Če bi prispevek kake pogodbenice, izračunan v skladu s prvim odstavkom zgoraj, presegal 30 %, se presežek razdeli med druge pogodbenice v skladu s pravili, določenimi v zgoraj omenjenem odstavku.
3. Bruto nacionalni proizvod, ki se uporablja za izračun, se pridobi iz statističnih podatkov, ki jih zbira Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj - oziroma, če to ni mogoče, kako drugo telo, ki lahko ponudi enakovredna jamstva in ki se v ta namen pooblasti z odlokom Komisije - z izračunom aritmetičnega povprečja za zadnja tri leta, za katera so statistični podatki dostopni. Veljavno vrednost bruto nacionalnega proizvoda se izračuna na podlagi faktorskih stroškov in trenutnih cen, izraženih v evropskih računovodskih enotah.
4. Stroškovna osnova naprav za zračne poti, ki se uporablja pri izračunih, je stroškovna osnova, ugotovljena v predzadnjem letu pred zadevnim finančnim letom.
20. člen
1. Organizacija lahko najema posojila na mednarodnih finančnih trgih, da pridobi sredstva, ki so potrebna za izvajanje njenih nalog.
2. Organizacija lahko izdaja posojila na finančnih trgih držav pogodbenic v skladu z državno zakonodajo, ki ureja notranja posojila, ali, če takih zakonov ni, s soglasjem pogodbenice.
3. Finančni predpisi morajo določiti postopke, po katerih Organizacija najema in odplačuje posojila.
4. Vsak proračun mora določati najvišji znesek, ki si ga lahko Organizacija izposodi v letu, ki ga pokriva ta proračun.
5. Pri zadevah, ki spadajo v pristojnost tega člena, Organizacija deluje v dogovoru s pristojnimi organi držav pogodbenic ali z njihovimi emisijskimi bankami.
21. člen
Če okoliščine to zahtevajo, se lahko proračun med finančnim letom popravi v skladu z zahtevami, ki so predpisane za njegovo pripravo in odobritev.
22. člen
1. Evidenco vse proračunskih prejemkov in izdatkov vsako leto prouči nadzorni odbor, ki ga sestavljata dva uradna izvedenca, ki pripadata upravi pogodbenic. Ta izvedenca, ki morata biti različnih državljanstev, imenuje Komisija na predlog Odbora v skladu z alineo (b) drugega odstavka 6. člena Konvencije. Izdatke v zvezi z nadzornim odborom krije Organizacija.
2. Finančna revizija, opravljena na podlagi dokumentov in po potrebi na kraju samem, se določi za ugotovitev pravilnosti prejemkov in izdatkov in za potrditev, da je finančno poslovanje sprejemljivo. Nadzorni odbor Komisiji po koncu vsakega finančnega leta predloži poročilo.
23. člen
1. Upravne ali tehnične inšpekcije služb Agencije se lahko opravi, če tako zahteva Komisija bodisi na lastno pobudo bodisi na zahtevo Odbora ali generalnega direktorja.
2. Take inšpekcije opravljajo uradniki iz uprav pogodbenic. Vsak inšpekcijski odbor mora biti sestavljen iz najmanj dveh oseb različnih državljanstev in mora, če je to le mogoče, vključevati osebo, ki je sodelovala pri prejšnji inšpekciji.
24. člen
Odbor določi delovne jezike Agencije.
25. člen
Agencija izdaja publikacije, ki so potrebne za njeno delovanje.
26. člen
Odbor predloži v odobritev Komisiji vse spremembe tega statuta, za katere oceni, da so potrebne, v skladu z določbami 3. odstavka 32. člena Konvencije.
Letalska informativna območja
(3. člen Konvencije)
Država pogodbenica
.        Letalska informativna območja
Zvezna republika Nemčija
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Hannover
         Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Ren
         Letalsko informativno območje Bremen
         Letalsko informativno območje Düsseldorf
         Letalsko informativno območje Frankfurt
         Letalsko informativno območje München
Kraljevina Belgija
Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Bruselj
         Letalsko informativno območje Bruselj
Republika Francija
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Francija
         Letalsko informativno območje Pariz
         Letalsko informativno območje Brest
         Letalsko informativno območje Bordeaux
         Letalsko informativno območje Marseille
Združeno kraljestvo Velike Britanije in Severne Irske
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Škotske
         Letalsko informativno območje Škotske
         Zgornje letalsko informativno območje London
         Letalsko informativno območje London
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Shannon
         Letalsko informativno območje Shannon
Kraljevina Nizozemska
.        Letalsko informativno območje Amsterdam
Republika Portugalska
.        Zgornje letalsko informativno območje Lizbona
         Letalsko informativno območje Lizbona
         Letalsko informativno območje Santa Maria
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za promet in zveze.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/94-15/2
Ljubljana, dne 24. julija 1995
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Jožef Školč l. r.

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