Uradni list

Številka 44
Uradni list RS, št. 44/1994 z dne 21. 7. 1994
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 44/1994 z dne 21. 7. 1994


67. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o prosti trgovini med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko, stran 351.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o prosti trgovini med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko, ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 20. junija 1994.
Št. 012-01/94-74
Ljubljana, dne 28. junija 1994.
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o prosti trgovini med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko, podpisan v Ljubljani 4. decembra 1993.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu glasi:
The Republic of Slovenia and the Czech Republic /hereinafter called the contracting Parties/,
Having regard to the Memorandum on the liberalization of the mutual trade relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Czech Republic of 4 May 1993,
Recalling their intention to participate actively in the process of economic integration in Europe and expressing their preparedness to co-operate in seeking ways and means to strengthen this process,
Reaffirming their firm commitment to the principles of a market economy, which constitutes the basis for their relations,
Recalling their firm commitment to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter, and in particular the principles contained in the final document of the Bonn Conference on Economic Co-operation in Europe,
Resolved to this end to eliminate progressively the obstacles to substantially all their mutual trade, in accordance with the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
Firmly convinced that this Agreement will foster the intensification of mutually beneficial trade relations between them and contribute to the process of integration in Europe,
Considering that no provision of this Agreement may be interpreted as exempting the contracting Parties from their obligations under other international agreements, especially the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
Have decided as follows:
Article 1
1. The contracting Parties shall gradually establish a free trade area in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement and in conformity with Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in a transitional period ending on 1 January 1996, at the latest.
2. The objectives of the present Agreement are:
/a/ to promote through the expansion of trade the harmonious development of the economic relations between the contracting Parties and thus to foster in the contracting Parties the advance of economic activity, the improvement of living and employment conditions, and increased productivity and financial stability,
/b/ to provide fair conditions of competition for trade between the contracting Parties,
/c/ to contribute in this way, by the removal barriers to trade, to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade.
Article 2
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to industrial products originating in the contracting Parties. The term "industrial products" means for the purpose of this Agreement the products falling within Chapters 25 to 97 of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, with the exception of the products listed in Annex I.
Article 3
Customs duties on imports
1. No new customs duty on imports shall be introduced in trade between the contracting Parties.
2. Customs duties on imports shall be abolished in accordance with the provisions in Protocol 1 of this Agreement.
Article 4
Basic duties
1. For each product the basic duty to which the successive reductions set out in this Agreement are to be applied shall be the Most Favoured Nation rate of duty applicable on the 1 January 1993.
2. If, after entry into force of this Agreement, any tariff reduction is applied on an erga omnes basis, in particular reductions resulting from the tariff agreement concluded as a result of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, such reduced duties shall replace the basic duties referred to in paragraph 1 as from that date when such reductions are applied.
3. The reduced duties calculated in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be applied rounded to the first decimal place.
4. The contracting Parties shall communicate to each other their respective national basic rates of duties.
Article 5
Charges equivalent to duties
1. No new charge having an effect equivalent to a customs duty on imports shall be introduced in trade between the contracting Parties.
2. All charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties on imports shall be abolished on the date of the entry into force of this Agreement, except as provided for in Annex II.
Article 6
Fiscal duties
The provisions of Article 3 shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.
Article 7
Customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect
1. No new customs duty on exports or charge having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the contracting Parties.
2. The contracting Parties shall abolish between them on the day of the entry into force of this Agreement any customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect.
Article 8
Quantitative restrictions on imports and measures having equivalent effect
1. No new quantitative restrictions on imports or measures having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the contracting Parties.
2. All quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect on imports of products originating in the contracting Parties shall be abolished on the date of the entry into force of this Agreement, except as provided for in Annex III.
Article 9
Quantitative restrictions on exports and measures having equivalent effect
1. No new quantitative restrictions on exports or measures having equivalent effect shall be introduced in trade between the contracting Parties.
2. The contracting Parties do not apply any quantitative restrictions on exports or measures having equivalent effect.
Article 10
Information procedure on draft technical regulations
1. The contracting Parties shall notify each other at the earliest practicable stage and in accordance with the provisions laid down in Annex IV of draft technical regulations and draft amendments thereto, which they intend to issue.
2. The Joint Committee shall decide on the date for implementing the provisions in paragraph 1.
Article 11
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to agricultural products originating in the contracting Parties to this Agreement. The term "agricultural products" means for the purpose of this Agreement the products falling within Chapters 1 to 24 of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System and the products listed in Annex I.
Article 12
Exchange of concessions
1. The contracting Parties to this Agreement grant each other the concessions, specified in the Protocol 2 in accordance with provisions of this Chapter.
2. Taking account of:
– the role of agriculture in their economies,
– the development of trade in agricultural products between the contracting Parties,
– the particular sensitivity of the agricultural products,
– the rules of their agricultural policies,
– the consequences of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
the contracting Parties shall examine the possibilities of granting each other further concessions.
Concessions and agricultural policies
1. Without prejudice to the concessions granted under Article 12, the provisions of this Chapter shall not restrict in any way the pursuance of the respective agricultural policies of the contracting Parties or the taking of any measures under such policies, including the implementation of the results of the Uruguay Round of the Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
2. The contracting Parties shall notify each other changes in their respective agricultural policies pursued or measures applied which may affect the conditions of agricultural trade between them as provided for in this Agreement. On the request of a contracting Party prompt consultations shall be held to examine the situation.
Article 14
Specific safeguards
Notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement and in particular Article 27, if, given the particular sensitivity of the agricultural markets, imports of products originating in a contracting Party, which are the subject to concessions granted under this Agreement, cause serious disturbance to the markets of the other contracting Party, the contracting Party concerned shall enter into consultations immediately to find the appropriate solution. Pending such solution, the contracting Party concerned may take measures it deems necessary.
Article 15
Veterinary, Health and Phytosanitary measures
Measures concerning phytosanitary control of plants and phytopharmaceutical preparations will be harmonized with European Union legislation and between the contracting Parties to this Agreement.
The veterino-sanitary measures and the work of the veterinary services will be in accordance with the
Office International des Epizoodies codex and other international conventions in this field. The services commit themselves that they will not introduce discriminatory or other unusual measures which would limit the flow of information, animals, plants or products.
Article 16
Rules of origin and co-operation in customs administration
1. Protocol 3 lays down the rules of origin and related methods of administrative co-operation.
2. The contracting Parties shall take appropriate measures, including regular reviews by the Joint Committee and arrangements for administrative co-operation, to ensure that the provisions of Protocol 3 and Articles 3 to 9, 12, 17 and 28 of this Agreement are effectively and harmoniously applied, and to reduce, as far as possible the formalities imposed on trade, and to achieve mutually satisfactory solutions to any difficulties arising from the operation of those provisions.
Article 17
Internal taxation
1. The contracting Parties shall refrain from any measure or practice of an internal fiscal nature establishing, whether directly or indirectly, discrimination between the products originating in the contracting Parties.
2. Products exported to the territory of one of the contracting Parties may not benefit from repayment of internal taxation in excess of the amount of direct or indirect taxation imposed on them.
Article 18
General exceptions
This Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security; the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants; the protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value; protection of intellectual property or rules relating to gold or silver or the conservation of exhaustible natural resources if such measures are made effective in conjunction with restrictions on domestic production or consumption. Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between the contracting Parties.
Article 19
Security exceptions
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a contracting Party from taking any appropriate measure which it considers necessary:
/a/ to prevent the disclosure of information contrary to its essential security interests;
/b/ for the protection of its essential security interests or for the implementation of international obligations or national policies;
(i) relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war, provided that such measures do not impair the conditions of competition in respect of products not intended for specifically military purposes, and to such traffic in other goods, materials and services as is carried on directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military establishment;
(ii) relating to fissionable materials or the materials from which they are derived;
(iii) taken in time of war or other serious international tension.
Article 20
State monopolies
1. The contracting Parties shall adjust progressively any State monopoly of commercial character so as to ensure that by the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of this Agreement, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of the contracting Parties.
2. The provisions of this Article shall apply to any body through which the competent authorities of the contracting Parties, in law or in fact, either directly or indirectly supervise, determine or appreciably influence imports or exports between the contracting Parties. These provisions shall likewise apply to monopolies delegated by a contracting Party to other bodies.
Article 21
1. Payments in freely convertible currencies relating to trade in goods between the contracting Parties and the transfer of such payments to the territory of the contracting Party to this Agreement, where the creditor resides, shall be free from any restrictions.
2. The contracting Parties shall refrain from any exchange or administrative restrictions on the grant, repayment or acceptance of short and medium term credits to trade in goods in which a resident participates.
3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, until Article VIII of the Articles of the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund becomes applicable for the contracting Parties, the contracting Parties reserve the right to apply exchange restrictions on the grant or acceptance of short and medium term credits related to trade in goods to the extent permitted according to their status under the International Monetary Fund, provided that these restrictions are applied in a non-discriminatory manner as regards the origin of the products and that they are not applied only to specific products or kind of products.
The restrictions shall be of limited duration and shall be eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance. The contracting Party shall inform the other contracting Party promptly of the introduction of such measures and of any changes therein.
Article 22
Rules of competition concerning undertakings
1. The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement in so far as they may affect trade between the contracting Parties:
/a/ all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition;
/b/ abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position in the territories of the contracting Parties as a whole or in substantial part thereof.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to the activities of all undertakings including public undertakings and undertakings to which the contracting Parties grant special or exclusive rights. Undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest or having the character of a revenue-producing monopoly, shall be subject to provisions of paragraph 1 insofar as the application of these provisions does not obstruct the performance, in law or fact, of the particular public tasks assigned to them.
3. With regard to products referred to in Chapter II the provisions stipulated in paragraph 1 /a/ shall not apply to such agreements, decisions and practices which form an integral part of a national market organization.
4. If a contracting Party considers that a given practice is incompatible with paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article and if such practice causes or threatens to cause serious prejudice to the interest of that contracting Party or material injury to its domestic industry, it may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 31.
Article 23
State Aid
1. Any aid granted by a State being a contracting Party to this Agreement or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall, in so far as it may affect trade between the contracting Parties to this Agreement, be incompatible with the proper functioning of this Agreement.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to products referred to in Chapter II.
3. The Joint Committee shall, within three years from the entry into force of this Agreement, adopt the criteria on the basis of which the practices contrary to paragraph 1 shall be assessed, as well as the rules for their implementation.
4. The contracting Parties shall ensure transparency in the area of state aid, inter alia by reporting annually to each other on the total amount and the distribution of the aid given and by providing to the other contracting Party, upon request, information on aid schemes and on particular individual cases of state aid.
5. If a contracting Party considers that a particular practice, including that in agriculture:
– is incompatible with the terms of paragraph 1, and is not adequately dealt with under the implementing rules referred to in paragraph 3, or
– in the absence of such rules, and if such practice causes or threatens to cause serious prejudice to the interest of that contracting Party or material injury to its domestic industry, it may take appropriate measures under the conditions of and in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 31.
Such appropriate measures may only be taken in conformity with the procedures and under the conditions laid down by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and any other relevant instrument negotiated under its auspices which are applicable between the contracting Parties.
Article 24
Public Procurement
1. The contracting Parties consider the liberalization of their respective public procurement markets as an objective of this Agreement.
2. The contracting Parties shall progressively develop their respective regulations for public procurement with a view to grant suppliers of the other contracting Party by the end of 1998, at the latest, access to contract award procedures on their respective public procurement markets according to the provisions of the Agreement on Government Procurement of 12 April 1979 related to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, as amended by a Protocol of Amendments of 2 February 1987.
3. The Joint Committee shall examine developments related to the achievement of the objectives of this Article and may recommend practical modalities of implementing the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article so as to ensure free access, transparency and full balance of rights and obligations.
4. During the examination referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the Joint Committee may consider, especially in the light of developments in this area in international relations, the possibility of extending the coverage and/or the degree of the market opening provided for in paragraph 2.
5. The contracting Parties shall endeavour to accede to the relevant Agreements negotiated under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Article 25
Protection of intellectual property
1. The contracting Parties shall grant and ensure protection of intellectual properly rights on a non-discriminatory basis, including measures for the grant and enforcement of such rights. The protection shall be gradually improved and, before the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of this Agreement, of a level corresponding to the substantive standards of the multilateral agreements which are specified in Annex V.
2. For the purpose of this Agreement "intellectual property protection" includes in particular protection of copyright, comprising computer programs and databases, and neighbouring rights, trade marks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, topographies of integrated circuits, as well as undisclosed information on know-how.
3. Protection of topographies of integrated circuits ensured by any contracting Party shall be granted on reciprocal basis.
4. The contracting Parties shall co-operate in matters of intellectual property. They shall hold, upon request of any contracting Party, expert consultations on these matters, in particular on activities relating to the existing or to future international conventions on harmonization, administration and enforcement of intellectual property and on activities in international organizations, such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, World Intellectual Property Organization, as well as relations of contracting Parties with third countries on matters concerning intellectual property.
Article 26
If a contracting Party finds that dumping within the meaning of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade is taking place in trade relations governed by this Agreement, it may take appropriate measures against that practice in accordance with Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and agreements related to that Article, under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 31.
Article 27
General safeguards
Where any product is being imported in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause:
/a/ serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products in the territory of the importing contracting Party, or
/b/ serious disturbances in any related sector of the economy or difficulties which could bring about serious deterioration in the economic situation of a region, the contracting Party concerned may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 31.
Article 28
Structural adjustment
1. Exceptional measures of limited duration which derogate from the provisions of Article 3 may be taken by any of the contracting Parties in the form of increased customs duties.
2. These measures may only concern infant industries, or certain sectors undergoing restructuring or facing serious difficulties, particularly where these difficulties produce important social problems.
3. Customs duties on imports applicable in the contracting Party concerned to products originating in the other contracting Party introduced by these measures may not exceed 25% ad valorem and shall maintain an element of preference for products originating in the contracting Parties. The total value of imports of the products which are subject to these measures may not exceed 15% of total imports of industrial products from the other contracting Party as defined in Chapter I., during the last year for which statistics are available.
4. These measures shall be applied for a period not exceeding five years unless a longer duration is authorized by the Joint Committee.
5. No such measures can be introduced in respect of a product if more than five years elapsed since the elimination of all duties and quantitative restrictions or charges or measures having an equivalent effect concerning that product.
6. The contracting Party concerned shall inform the other contracting Party of any exceptional measures it intends to take and, at the request of the other contracting Party, consultations shall be held within the Joint Committee on such measures and the sectors to which they apply before they are applied. When taking such measures the contracting Party concerned shall provide the Joint Committee with a schedule for the elimination of the customs duties introduced under this Article. This schedule shall provide for a phasing out of these duties starting at the latest two years after their introduction, at equal annual rates. The Joint Committee may decide on a different schedule.
Article 29
Re-export and serious shortage
Where compliance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 9 leads to:
/a/ re-export towards a third country against which the exporting contracting Party maintains for the product concerned quantitative export restrictions, export duties or measures or charges having equivalent effect; or
/b/ a serious shortage, or threat thereof, of a product essential to the exporting contracting Party; and where the situations referred to above give rise or are likely to give rise to major difficulties for the exporting contracting Party, that contracting Party may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 31.
Article 30
Fulfillment of obligations
1. The contracting Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement. They shall see to it that the objectives set out in this Agreement are attained.
2. If a contracting Party considers that the other contracting Party has failed to fulfill an obligation under this Agreement, the contracting Party concerned may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 31.
Article 31
Procedure for the application of safeguard measures
1. Before initiating the procedure for the application of safeguard measures set out in the following paragraphs of the present Article, the contracting Parties shall endeavour to solve any differences between them through direct consultations.
2. In the event of a contracting Party subjecting imports of products liable to give rise to the situation referred to in Article 27 to an administrative procedure having as its purpose the rapid provision of information on the trend of trade flows, it shall inform the other contracting Party.
3. Without prejudice to paragraph 7 of the present Article, a contracting Party which considers resorting to safeguard measures shall promptly notify the other contracting Party thereof and supply all relevant information. Consultations between the contracting Parties shall take place without delay in the Joint Committee with a view to finding a solution.
4. /a/ As regards Articles 26, 27 and 29, the Joint Committee shall examine the case or the situation and may take any decision needed to put an end to the difficulties notified by the contracting Party concerned. In the case of the absence of such decision within thirty days of the matter being referred to the Joint Committee, the contracting Party concerned may adopt the measures necessary in Order to remedy the situation.
/b/ As regards Article 30, the contracting Party concerned may take appropriate measures after the consultations have been concluded or a period of three months has elapsed from the date of the first notification to the other contracting Party.
/c/ As regards Articles 22 and 23, the contracting Party concerned shall give the Joint Committee all the assistance required in order to examine the case and, where appropriate, eliminate the practice objected to. If the contracting Party in question fails to put an end to the practice objected to within the period fixed by the Joint Committee or if the Joint Committee fails to reach an agreement within thirty working days of the matter being referred to it, the contracting Party concerned may adopt the appropriate measures to deal with the difficulties resulting from the practice in question.
5. The safeguard measures taken shall be notified immediately to the other contracting Party. They shall be restricted with regard to their extent and to their duration to what is strictly necessary in order to rectify the situation giving rise to their application and shall not be in excess of the injury caused by the practice or the difficulty in question. Priority shall be given to such measures as will least disturb the functioning of this Agreement.
6. The safeguard measures taken shall be the subject of periodic consultations within the Joint Committee with a view to their relaxation as soon as possible, or abolition when conditions no longer justify their maintenance.
7. Where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make prior examination impossible, the contracting Party concerned may, in the cases of Articles 26, 27 and 29, apply forthwith the provisional measures strictly necessary to remedy the situation. The measures shall be notified without delay and consultations between the contracting Parties shall take place as soon as possible within the Joint Committee.
Article 32
Balance of payments difficulties
1. The contracting Parties shall endeavour to avoid the imposition of restrictive measures including measures relating to imports for balance of payments purposes.
2. Where one of the contracting Parties is in serious balance of payments difficulties, or under imminent threat thereof, the contracting Party concerned may, in accordance with the conditions established under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, adopt restrictive measures, including measures related to imports, which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The measures shall be progressively relaxed as balance of payments conditions improve and they shall be eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance. The contracting Party concerned shall inform the other contracting Party forthwith of their introduction and, whenever practicable, of a time schedule for their removal.
Article 33
Evolutionary clause
1. Where a contracting Party considers that it would be useful in the interests of the economies of the contracting Parties to develop and deepen the relations established by this Agreement by extending them to fields not covered thereby, it shall submit a reasoned request to the other contracting Party. The contracting Parties may instruct the Joint Committee to examine such a request and, where appropriate, to make recommendations, particularly with a view to opening negotiations.
2. Agreements resulting from the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 will be subject to ratification or approval by the contracting Parties in accordance with their national legislation.
Article 34
The Joint Committee
1. The contracting Parties agree to set up the Joint Committee composed of representatives of the contracting Parties.
2. The implementation of this Agreement shall be supervised and administered by the Joint Committee.
3. For the purpose of the proper implementation of this Agreement, the contracting Parties shall exchange information and, at the request of any contracting Party, shall hold consultations within the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee shall keep under review the possibility of further removal of the obstacles to trade between the contracting Parties.
4. The Joint Committee may take decisions in the cases provided for in this Agreement. On other matters the Joint Committee may make recommendations.
Article 35
Procedures of the Joint Committee
1. For the proper implementation of this Agreement the Joint Committee shall meet whenever necessary but at least once a year. Each contracting Party may request that a meeting be held.
2. The Joint Committee shall act by common agreement.
3. If a representative in the Joint Committee of a contracting Party to this Agreement has, under the reservation, accepted a decision subject to the fulfillment of constitutional requirements, the decision shall enter into force, if no later date is contained therein, on the day the lifting of the reservation is notified.
4. For the purpose of this Agreement the Joint Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure which shall, inter alia, contain provisions for convening meetings and for the designation of the Chairman and his term of office.
5. The Joint Committee may decide to set up such subcommittees and working groups as it considers necessary to assist it in accomplishing its tasks.
Article 36
Trade relations governed by this and other Agreements
1. This Agreement shall apply to trade relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Czech Republic.
2. This Agreement shall not prevent the maintenance or establishment of customs unions, free trade areas or arrangements for frontier trade to the extent that these do not negatively affect the trade regime and in particular the provisions concerning rules of origin provided for by this Agreement.
Article 37
Annexes and Protocols
The Annexes I-V and the Protocols 1-3 to this Agreement are an integral part of it. The Joint Committee may decide to amend the Annexes and Protocols in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of the Article 35.
Article 38
Amendments to this Agreement other than those referred to in paragraph 4 of Article 34 which are approved by the Joint Committee shall be submitted to the contracting Parties to this agreement for acceptance and shall enter into force if accepted by both contracting Parties in accordance with their national legislation.
Amendments shall enter into force on the date of a receipt of a last diplomatic note confirming that all procedures required by the national legislations for the entry into force of the amendments by each contracting Party have been completed.
Article 39
Entry into force
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the 1 January 1994 provided that both contracting Parties have notified each other before this date confirming that all procedures required by national legislations for entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.
2. In the event that this Agreement has not entered into force in accordance with the provision of paragraph 1, it shall enter into force on the date of the last notification of a contracting Party that the procedures referred to in the paragraph 1 have been completed.
3. Contracting Parties shall apply this Agreement provisionally from the 1 January 1994 if this Agreement cannot enter into force by 1 January 1994.
Article 40
Validity and Termination
Each contracting Party may terminate the Agreement including the provisional application by means of a written notification to the other contracting Party. The termination shall take effect six months after the date on which the notification was received by the other contracting Party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Agreement.
Done in the Duplicate at Ljubljana on this 4th day of December 1993 in the English language.
For the Republic of Slovenia
Janez Drnovšek (s)
For the Czech Republic
Vaclav Klaus (s)
1. The contracting Parties declare their readiness to examine within the Joint Committee the possibility of extending to each other any concessions they grant or will grant to third countries with which they concluded a Free Trade Agreement or other similar agreement to which Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade applies.
2. As regards paragraph 2 of Article 4, the contracting Parties agree that where a reduction of duties is effected by way of a suspension of duties made for a particular period of time, such reduced duties shall replace the basic duties only for the period of such suspension; and that whenever a partial suspension of duties is made, the preferential margin between the contracting Parties will be preserved.
3. The contracting Parties would apply the automatic licences which will not negatively influence the development of mutual trade and will be in accordance with of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade rules. The contracting Parties agree that Article 9 does not apply when measures covered by this Article might be required for the administration of international obligations.
4. When elaborating the criteria and rules indicated in paragraph 3 of Article 23, the contracting Parties:
– shall aim at ensuring their greatest possible conformity with the relevant criteria and rules used under the Agreements between each of the contracting Parties of this Agreement and the European Communities;
– shall define the conditions and/or situations when temporary derogations from the provisions of paragraph 1 may be applicable;
– shall review the conditions under which actions against state aid practices may be taken.
5. Concerning paragraph 4 of Article 23 the Joint Committee shall within one year following the entry into force of this Agreement discuss and adopt the necessary rules for the implementation of transparency measures.
6. As regards paragraph 2 of Article 24, should the situation in the Czech Republic enable it the full liberalization of the public procurement market would be introduced in the relation between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia before the end of 1998.
7. Those concessions listed in Annexes to the Protocol 2 which are classified in the Combined Nomenclature of Description and Coding of Goods will be administered by the Republic of Slovenia in accordance to its national Harmonized System of Description and Coding of Goods at the six digits level until the Republic of Slovenia would apply the Combined Nomenclature. It will be taken care of that the products listed in the column "Description of products" will be included in the application. Disputes which might arise because of administering the Combined and Harmonized Nomenclature System will be settled by consultations between the contracting Parties.
8. The contracting Parties to this Agreement recognize the growing importance of the trade in services. In their efforts to gradually develop and broaden their cooperation they will co-operate with the aim of achieving a gradual liberalization and mutual opening of markets for trade in services.
The contracting Parties will discuss in the Joint Committee this co-operation with the aim to develop and deepen their relations under this Agreement.
/referred to in paragraph 2 of Article 3/
1. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Czech Republic to products originating in the Republic of Slovenia listed in Annex A to this Protocol shall be progressively reduced in accordance with the following timetable:
– on January 1, 1994 – to 50% of the basic duty,
– on January 1, 1995 – to 25% of the basic duty,
– on January 1, 1996 – the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
2. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Czech Republic to products originating in the Republic of Slovenia not listed in Annex A to this Protocol shall be abolished on the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
3. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia to products originating in the Czech Republic listed in Annex B to this Protocol shall be progressively reduced in accordance with the following timetable:
– on January 1, 1994 – to 50% of the basic duty,
– on January 1, 1995 – to 25% of the basic duty,
– on January 1, 1996 – the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
4. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia to products originating in the Czech Republic listed in Annex B1 to this Protocol shall be progressively reduced in accordance with the following timetable:
– on January 1, 1994 – to 92% of the basic duty
– on January 1, 1995 – to 82% of the basic duty
– on January 1, 1996 – to 70% of the basic duty
– on January 1, 1997 – to 50% of the basic duty
– on January 1, 1998 – to 25% of the basic duty
– on January 1, 1999 – the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
This reduction is valid only for the period in which passenger cars made in the Republic of Slovenia and imported to the Czech Republic do not comply with the conditions of Protocol 3 of this Agreement. In case these passenger cars comply with the conditions of Protocol 3 of this Agreement customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia to passenger cars made in the Czech Republic shall be completely eliminated.
5. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia to products originating in the Czech Republic not listed in Annexes B and B1 to this Protocol shall be abolished on the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
/referred to in Article 12 /
1. The reductions of customs duties agreed under this Protocol are related to the Most Favoured Nation duty rates /conventional duty rates/ applied at the time of actual importation.
2. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Czech republic shall be reduced in respect of products listed in the Annex A to this Protocol and originating in the Republic of Slovenia by 50% in the 1st year, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement, within the limits of tariff quotas set out in that Annex.
Customs duties on imports applicable in the Czech Republic shall be reduced in respect of products listed in the Annex B to this Protocol and originating in the Republic of Slovenia in 5 equal annual steps by 10% each, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement, within the limits of tariff quotas set out in that Annex.
Rate of duty on import of beer (HS 2203) originating in the Republic of Slovenia and applicable in the Czech Republic (Annex A) shall be reduced to 15% in the 1st year, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement.
3. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia shall be reduced in respect of products listed in the Annex C to this Protocol and originating in the Czech Republic by 50% in the 1st year, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement, within the limits of tariff quotas set out in that Annex.
Customs duties on imports applicable in the Republic of Slovenia shall be reduced in respect of products listed in the Annex D to this Protocol and originating in the Czech Republic in 5 equal annual steps by 10% each, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement, within the limits of tariff quotas set out in that Annex.
Rate of duty on import of beer (HS 2203) originating in the Czech Republic and applicable in the Republic of Slovenia (Annex C) shall be reduced to 12% in the 1st year, starting from the entry into force of this Agreement, within the limits of tariff quotas set out in that Annex.
4. For products listed in Annexes to this Protocol subject to import licensing import licenses shall be issued automatically up to the quantities specified therein.
Definition of the concept of "originating products"
For the purpose of implementing this Agreement, and without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 2 and 3, the following products shall be considered as products originating in a contracting Party of this Agreement:
(a) products wholly obtained in that contracting Party within the meaning of Article 4;
(b) products obtained in that contracting Party incorporating materials which have not been wholly obtained there, provided that:
(i) such materials have undergone sufficient working or processing in that contracting Party within the meaning of Article 5, or that
(ii) such materials originate, in one of the contracting Parties of this Agreement.
Products originating, within the meaning of this Protocol, in any contracting Party, and exported from one contracting Party to the other contracting Party in the same state or having undergone in the exporting state working or processing not going beyond that referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 5 retain their origin.
Cumulation with materials originating in the Slovak Republic
1. Notwithstanding Article 1 (b) and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 4, materials originating in the Slovak Republic within the meaning of the Protocol 3 annexed to the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic, shall be considered as originating in a contracting Party and it shall not be necessary that such material have undergone sufficient working or processing there, provided however that they have undergone working or processing going beyond that referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 5 of this Protocol.
2. Products which have acquired originating status by virtue of paragraph 1 shall only continue to be considered as products originating in the contracting Parties when the value added there exceeds the value of the materials used originating in the Slovak Republic. If this is not so, the products concerned shall be considered for the purpose of implementing this Agreement or the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic, as originating in the Slovak Republic.
No account shall be taken in this allocation of materials originating in the Slovak Republic which have undergone sufficient working or processing in the contracting Parties.
3. "Value added" shall be taken to be the ex-works price of the products minus the customs value of all the materials used which do not originate in the contracting Party where these products are obtained.
4. For the purpose of this Article identical rules of origin to those in this Protocol shall be applied in trade between the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic.
The following shall be considered as wholly obtained in a contracting Party within the meaning of subparagraph (a) of Article 1:
(a) mineral products extracted from its soil or from its seabed:
(b) vegetable products harvested there;
(c) live animals born and raised there;
(d) products from live animals raised there;
(e) products obtained by hunting or fishing conducted there;
(f) products of sea fishing and other products taken from the sea by its vessels;
(g) products made aboard its factory ships exclusively from products referred to in subparagraph (f);
(h) used articles collected there fit only for the recovery of raw materials;
(i) waste and scrap resulting from manufacturing operations conducted there;
(j) goods produced there exclusively from products specified in subparagraphs (a) to (i).
1. The expressions "Chapters" and "headings" used in this Protocol shall mean the Chapters and the headings (four digit codes) used in the nomenclature which makes up the "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System" (hereinafter referred to as the Harmonized System or HS). The expression "classified" shall refer to the classification of a product or material under a particular heading.
2. For the purposes of Article 1, non-originating materials are considered to be sufficiently worked or processed when the product obtained is classified within a heading which is different from those in which all the non-originating materials used in its manufacture are classified, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.
3. For a product mentioned in columns 1 and 2 of the List in Annex II to this Protocol, the conditions set out in column 3 for the product concerned must be fulfilled instead of the rule in paragraph 2.
4. For the products of Chapters 84 to 91 inclusive, as an alternative to satisfying the conditions set out in column 3, the exporter may opt to apply the conditions set out in column 4 instead.
5. For the purpose of implementing paragraph (b) (i) of Article 1, the following shall still be considered as insufficient working or processing to confer the status of originating product, whether or not there is a change of heading:
(a) operations to ensure the preservation of merchandise in good condition during transport and storage (ventilation, spreading out, drying, chilling, placing in salt, sulphur dioxide or other aqueous solutions, removal of damaged parts, and like operations);
(b) simple operations consisting of removal of dust, sifting or screening, sorting, classifying, matching (including the making-up of sets of articles), washing, painting, cutting up;
(c) (i) changes of packing and breaking up and assembly of consignments;
(ii) simple placing in bottles, flasks, bags, cases, boxes, fixing on cards or boards, etc., and all other simple packing operations;
(d) affixing marks, labels or other like distinguishing signs on products or their packaging;
(e) simple mixing of products, whether or not of different kinds, where one or more components of the mixtures do not meet the conditions laid down in this Protocol to enable them to be considered as originating products;
(f) simple assembly of parts of articles to constitute a complete article;
(g) a combination of two or more operations specified in subparagraphs (a) to (f);
(h) slaughter of animals.
6. In order to determine whether goods are originating products it shall not be necessary to establish whether the power and fuel, plant and equipment, and machines and tools used to obtain such goods originate in third countries or not.
7. Accessories, spare parts and tools dispatched with a piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle which are part of the normal equipment and included in the price thereof or are not separately invoiced are regarded as one with the piece of equipment, machine, apparatus or vehicle in question.
8. Sets, within the meaning of General Rule 3 of the Harmonized System, shall be regarded as originating when all component articles are originating products. Nevertheless, when a set is composed of originating and non-originating articles, the set as a whole shall be regarded as originating provided that the value of the non-originating articles does not exceed 15 per cent of the ex-works price of the set.
1. The term "value" in the List in Annex II to this Protocol shall mean the customs value at the time of the import of the non-originating materials used or, if this is not known and cannot be ascertained, the first ascertainable price paid or the materials in the territory concerned. Where the value of the originating materials used needs to be established, this paragraph shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
2. The term "ex-works price" in the List in Annex II shall mean the ex-works price of the product obtained minus any internal taxes which are or may be, repaid when the product obtained is exported.
1. Goods originating in the sense of this Protocol and constituting a single shipment which is not split up may be transported through territory other than that of the contracting Parties and/or of the Czech Republic, should the occasion arise, transhipment or temporary warehousing in such territory, provided that the crossing of latter territory is justified for geographical reasons, that the goods have remained under the surveillance of the customs authorities in the country of transit or of warehousing, that they have not entered into the commerce of such countries or been delivered for home use there and have not undergone operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good condition.
2. The conditions set out in Article 1 relative to the acquisition of originating status must be fulfilled without interruption in a contracting Party except as provided for in Articles 2 and 3.
If originating products exported from a contracting Party to this Agreement to another country are returned, except in so far as provided for in Articles 2 and 3, they must be considered as non-originating unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
– the goods returned are the same goods as those exported, and
– they have not undergone any operations beyond that necessary to preserve them in good condition while in that country or after being exported.
Proof of origin
1. Originating products within the meaning of this Protocol shall, on importation into a contracting Party, benefit from this Agreement upon submission of one of the following documents:
(a) an EUR.l movement certificate, hereinafter referred to as an "EUR.1 certificate" or an EUR.l certificate valid for a long term and invoices referring to such certificate made out in accordance with Article 13;
(b) an invoice bearing the exporter's declaration as given in Annex IV to this Protocol, made out by any exporter for any consignment consisting of one or more packages containing originating products whose total value does not exceed 5.110 ECU;
(c) an invoice bearing the approved exporter's declaration as given in Annex IV to this Protocol, made out in accordance with Article 13.
2. The following originating products within the meaning of this Protocol shall, on importation into a contracting Party, benefit from this Agreement without being necessary to produce any of the documents referred to in paragraph 1:
(a) products sent as small packages from private persons to private persons, provided that the value of the products does not exceed 365 ECU;
(b) products forming part of travellers' personal luggage, provided that the value of the products does not exceed 1.025 ECU.
These provisions shall be applied only when such goods are not imported by way of trade and have been declared as meeting the conditions required for the application of this Agreement and where there is no doubt as to the veracity of such declaration.
Importations which are occasional and consist solely of goods for the personal use of the recipients or travellers or their families shall not be considered as importations by way of trade if it is evident from the nature and quantity of the goods that no commercial purpose is in view.
3. Amounts in the national currency of the exporting contracting Party equivalent to the amounts expressed in ECU shall be fixed by the exporting contracting Party and communicated to the other contracting Party. When the amounts are higher than the corresponding amounts fixed by the importing contracting Party, the importing contracting Party shall accept them if the goods are invoiced in the currency of the exporting contracting Party.
4. If the goods, which are fulfilling the requirements of this Protocol, are invoiced in the currency of a third State, the importing contracting Party shall recognize the equivalents of the value limits expressed in the national currency of that State.
5. Up to and including April 30, 1995, the unit of account, to be used in any given national currency shall be the equivalent in that national currency of the unit of account as at the first working day in October 1992.
For each successive period of two years, the limits shall be equivalent in that national currency of the ECU as at the first working day in October in the year immediately preceding that two-year period.
The equivalents of the value limits, referred to in Article 8 of this Protocol, expressed in the national currencies are to be changed in accordance with the above mentioned terms.
1. An EUR.1 certificate shall be issued by the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party when the goods to which it relates are exported. It shall be made available to the exporter as soon as actual exportation has been effected or ensured.
2. The EUR.l certificate shall be issued by the customs authorities of a contracting Party if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in that contracting Party within the meaning of Article 1.
3. The customs authorities of a contracting Party may, provided that the goods to be covered by the EUR.l certificates are in its territory, issue EUR.l certificates under the conditions laid down in this Protocol if the goods to be exported can be considered as products originating in one of the contracting Parties within the meaning of Articles 1 and 2 or in the Czech Republic within the meaning of Article 3 and provided that the goods covered by the EUR.l certificate are in its territory, except the cases mentioned in Article 16.
In such cases, the issue of the EUR.l certificate is subject to the presentation of the evidence of origin issued or made out previously.
4. An EUR.l certificate may be issued only where it can serve as the documentary evidence required for the purpose of implementing the treatment provided for in this Agreement.
The date of issue of the EUR.l certificate must be indicated in the Box 11 on the EUR.l certificate reserved for the customs authorities.
5. In exceptional circumstances an EUR.l certificate may also be issued after exportation of the goods to which it relates if it was not issued at the time of exportation because of errors, involuntary omissions or special circumstances.
The customs authorities may issue an EUR.l certificate retrospectively only after verifying that the particulars supplied in the exporter's application agree with those on the corresponding document.
EUR.l certificates issued retrospectively must be endorsed with one of the following phrases:
6. In the event of the theft, loss or destruction of an EUR.l certificate, the exporter may apply to the customs authorities which issued it for a duplicate to be made out on the basis of the export documents in their possession. The duplicate issued in this way must be endorsed with one of the following words:
The duplicate, which must bear the date of issue of the original EUR.l certificate, shall take effect as from that date.
7. The endorsements referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 shall be inserted in the Box 7 'Remarks' on the EUR.l certificate.
8. It shall always be possible to replace one or more EUR.l certificates by one or more EUR.l certificates, provided that this is done at the customs office where the goods are located.
9. For the purpose of verifying whether the conditions stated in paragraphs 2 and 3 have been met, the customs authorities shall have the right to call for any documentary evidence or to carry out any check which they consider appropriate.
10. The provisions of paragraphs 2 to 9 above shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the evidence of origin made out by approved exporters under the conditions set out in Article 13.
1. An EUR.l certificate shall be issued only on application having been made in writing by the exporter or, under the exporter's responsibility, by his authorized representative, on the form of which a specimen is given in Annex III to this Protocol, which shall be completed in accordance with this Protocol.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party to ensure that the form referred to in paragraph 1 is properly completed. In particular, they shall check whether the box reserved for the description of the goods has been completed in such a manner as to exclude any possibility of fraudulent additions. To this end, the description of the goods must be given without leaving any blank lines. Where the box is not completely filled, a horizontal line must be drawn below the last line of the description, the empty space being crossed through.
3. Since the EUR.l certificate constitutes the documentary evidence for the application of this Agreement, it shall be the responsibility of the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party to take any steps necessary to verify the origin of the goods and to check the other statements on the certificate.
4. When an EUR.l certificate is issued within the meaning of paragraph 5 of Article 9, after the goods to which it relates have actually been exported, the exporter must in the application referred to in paragraph 1:
(a) indicate the place and date of exportation of the goods to which the EUR.l certificate relates, and
(b) certify that no EUR.l certificate was issued at the time of exportation of the goods in question and state the reasons.
5. Applications for EUR.l certificates and the evidence of origin referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of Article 9, upon presentation of which new EUR.l certificates are issued, must be preserved for at least two years by the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party.
1. EUR.l certificates shall be made out on the form of which a specimen is given in Annex III to this Protocol. This form shall be printed in one or more of the official languages of the contracting Parties to this Agreement or in Czech or in English. EUR.l certificates shall be made out in one of those languages and in accordance with the provisions of the domestic law of the exporting contracting Party; if they are handwritten, they shall be completed in ink in capital letters and in one run.
2. The EUR.l certificate shall be 210 x 297 millimetres. A tolerance of up to plus 8 millimetres or minus 5 millimetres in the length may be allowed. The paper used must be white-sized writing paper not containing mechanical pulp and weighing not less than 25 grammes per square metre. It shall have a printed green guilloche pattern background making any falsification by mechanical or chemical means apparent to the eye.
3. The contracting Parties may reserve the right to print the EUR.l certificates themselves or may have them printed by printers approved by them.
1. An EUR.l certificate must be submitted, within four months of the date of issue by the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party, to the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party where the goods are entered, in accordance with the procedures laid down by that contracting Party. The said authorities may require a translation of a certificate. They may also require the import declaration to be accompanied by a statement from the importer to the effect that the goods meet the conditions required for the implementation of this Agreement.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 5 of Article 5, where, at the request of the person declaring the goods at customs, a dismantled or non-assembled article falling within Chapter 84 or 85 of the Harmonized System is imported by instalments under the conditions laid down by the competent authorities, it shall be considered to be a single article and an EUR.l certificate may be submitted for the whole article upon importation of the first instalment.
3. An EUR.l certificate which is submitted to the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party after the final date for presentation specified in paragraph 1 may be accepted for the purpose of applying preferential treatment, where the failure to submit the certificate by the final date is due to force majeure or exceptional circumstances.
In other cases of belated presentation, the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party may accept the EUR.l certificates where the goods have been submitted to them before the said final date.
4. The discovery of slight discrepancies between the statements made in the EUR.l certificate and those made in the documents submitted to the customs office for the purpose of carrying out the formalities for importing the goods shall not ipso facto render the certificate null and void, provided it is duly established that the certificate corresponds to the goods.
5. EUR.l certificates shall be preserved by the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party in accordance with the rules in force in that contracting Party.
6. Proof that the conditions set out in Article 7 have been met shall be provided by submission to the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party of either:
(a) a single supporting transport document, made out in the exporting contracting Party or in the Czech Republic, under the cover of which the transit country has been crossed;
(b) or a certificate issued by the customs authorities of the transit country containing:
– an exact description of the goods,
– the date of unloading and reloading of the goods and, where applicable, the names of the ships,
– certified proof of the conditions under which the goods have stayed in the transit country;
(c) or, failing these, any substantiating documents.
1. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 7 of Article 9 and paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Article 10 a simplified procedure for the issue of the documentation relating to the evidence of origin shall be applicable under the terms of the provisions set out below.
2. The customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party may authorize any exporter, hereinafter referred to as "approved exporter", who makes frequent shipments for which EUR.l certificates may be issued, and who offers to the satisfaction of the customs authorities all guarantees necessary to verify the originating status of the goods, not to submit to the customs office in the exporting contracting Party at the time of export either the goods or the application for an EUR.l certificate relating to those goods, for the purpose of obtaining an EUR.l certificate under the conditions laid down in paragraphs 1 to 4 of Article 9 and paragraph 2 of Article 12.
3. In addition, the customs authorities may authorize an approved exporter to draw up EUR.l certificates, valid for a maximum period of one year from the date of issue, hereinafter referred to as "LT certificates". One LT certificate can cover only shipments of the same sort of goods from one approved exporter to one importer. The authorization shall be granted only where the originating status of the goods to be exported is expected to remain unchanged for the period of validity of the LT certificate. If any goods are no longer covered by the LT certificate, the approved exporter shall immediately inform the customs authorities who gave the authorization.
Where the simplified procedure applies, the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party may prescribe the use of EUR.l certificates bearing a distinctive sign by which they may be identified.
4. The authorization referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall stipulate, at the choice of customs authorities, that Box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.l certificate must:
(a) either be endorsed beforehand with the stamp of the competent customs office of the exporting contracting Party and the handwritten or non-handwritten signature of an official of that office; or
(b) be endorsed by the approved exporter with a special stamp which has been approved by the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party and corresponds to the specimen given in Annex V to this Protocol; this stamp may be pre-printed on the form.
Box 11, 'Customs endorsement', of the EUR.l certificate shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
5. In the case referred to in paragraph 4 (a), one of the following phrases shall be entered in Box 7 'Remarks' of the EUR.l certificate:
The approved exporter shall indicate in Box 13, 'Request for verification', the name and address of the customs authority competent to verify the EUR.l certificate.
6. In the case referred to in paragraph 3, one of the following phrases should be entered in Box 7 'Remarks' of the EUR.l certificate:
and date indicated in numerals certified by stamp and signature of customs authorities.
It shall not be required to refer in Box 8 and Box 9 of the LT certificate to the marks and numbers and number and kind of packages and the gross weight (kg) or other measure (litres, m3, etc.). Box 8 must, however, contain a description and designation of the goods which is sufficiently precise to allow for their identification.
7. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article, the LT certificate must be submitted to the customs office of the importing contracting Party at or before the first importation of any goods to which it relates. When the importer carries out the customs clearance at several customs offices in the contracting Party of importation, the customs authorities may request him to produce a copy of the LT certificate to all of those offices.
8. Where an LT certificate has been submitted to the customs authorities, the evidence of the originating status of the imported goods shall, during the validity of the LT certificate, be given by invoices which satisfy the following conditions:
(a) when an invoice includes both goods originating in a contracting Party, and non-originating goods, the exporter shall distinguish clearly between these two categories;
(b) the exporter shall state on each invoice the number of the LT certificate which covers the goods and the date of expiry of the certificate and the name(s) of the country or countries in which the goods originate.
The statement on the invoice made by the exporter of the number of the LT certificate with the indication of the country of origin shall constitute a declaration that the goods fulfill the conditions laid down in this Protocol for the acquisition of preferential origin status in trade between the contracting Parties of this Agreement. The customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party may require that the entries, which, under the above provisions, must appear on the invoice, be supported by the manuscript signature followed by the name of the signatory in clear script;
(c) the description and the designation of the goods on the invoice shall be in sufficient detail to show clearly that the goods are also listed on the LT certificate to which the invoice refers;
(d) the invoices can be made out only for the goods exported during the period of validity of the relevant LT certificate. They may, however, be produced at the import customs office within four months of the date of their being made out by the exporter.
9. In the framework of the simplified procedures, invoices which satisfy the conditions of this Article may be made out and/or transmitted using telecommunications or electronic data processing methods. Such invoices shall be accepted by the customs of the importing contracting Party as evidence of the originating status of the goods imported in accordance with the procedures laid down by the customs authorities there.
10. Should the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party identify that a certificate and/or invoice issued under the provisions of this Article is invalid in relation to any goods supplied, they shall immediately notify the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party of the facts.
11. The customs authorities may authorize an approved exporter to make out invoices bearing the declaration given in Annex IV to this Protocol in place of EUR.l certificates.
The declaration made by the approved exporter on the invoice shall be made out in one of the official languages of the contracting Parties to this Agreement or in Slovak or in English. It shall be signed in manuscript and must either:
(a) have a reference to the approved exporter's authorization number, or
(b) be endorsed by the approved exporter with the special stamp referred to in paragraph 4 (b) which has been approved by the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party. This stamp may be pre-printed on the invoice.
12. However, the customs authorities in the exporting contracting Party may authorize an approved exporter not to sign the statement mentioned in paragraph 8 (b) or the declaration referred to in paragraph 11 given on the invoice, when such invoices are made out and/or transmitted using telecommunications or electronic data processing methods.
The said customs authorities shall lay down conditions for the implementation of this paragraph, including, if they so require, a written undertaking from the approved exporter, that he accepts full responsibility for such statement and declaration as if they had in fact been signed in manuscript by him.
13. In the authorizations referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 11 the customs authorities shall specify in particular:
(a) the conditions under which the application for EUR.l certificates or for LT certificates are made or under which the declaration concerning the origin of goods is made on the invoice;
(b) the conditions under which these applications, as well as a copy of the invoices referring to an LT certificate and of the invoices bearing the exporter's declaration, are kept for at least two years. In the case of LT certificates or invoices relating to an LT certificate, this period shall begin from the date of expiry of validity of the LT certificate.
These provisions shall also apply to the EUR.l certificates or LT certificates and the invoices relating to an LT certificate, as well as to invoices bearing the exporter's declaration, having served as the basis for the issue of other evidence of origin, used under the conditions laid down in the second subparagraph of paragraph 3 of Article 9.
14. The customs authorities in the exporting contracting Party may declare certain categories of goods ineligible for the special treatment provided for in paragraphs 2, 3 and 11.
15. The customs authorities shall refuse the authorizations referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 11 to exporters who do not offer all the guarantees which they consider necessary.
The customs authorities may withdraw the authorizations at any time. They must do so where the conditions of approval are no longer satisfied or the approved exporter no longer offers those guarantees.
16. The approved exporter may be required to inform the customs authorities, in accordance with the rules which they lay down, of goods to be dispatched by him, so that the competent customs office may make any verification it thinks necessary before the dispatch of the goods.
17. The provisions of this Article shall not prejudice application of the rules of the contracting Parties on customs formalities and the use of customs documents.
The declaration referred to in paragraph 1 (c) of Article 8 shall be made out by the approved exporter in the form given in Annex IV to this Protocol in one of the official languages of the contracting Parties or in Czech or in English. It shall be typed or stamped and signed by hand. The approved exporter must keep a copy of the invoice bearing the said declaration for at least two years.
1. The exporter or his representative shall submit with his request for an EUR.l certificate any appropriate supporting document proving that the goods to be exported qualify for the issue of an EUR.l certificate.
He shall undertake to submit at the request of the appropriate authorities, any supplementary evidence they may require for the purpose of establishing the correctness of the originating status of the goods eligible for preferential treatment and shall undertake to agree to any inspection of his accounts and to any check on the processes of the obtaining of the above goods, carried out by the said authorities.
2. Exporters must keep for at least two years the supporting documents referred to in paragraph 1.
3. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of the use of the procedures laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 13 and of the declaration referred to in paragraph 1 (c) of Article 8.
1. Goods sent from a contracting Party for exhibition in a country other than a contracting Party or the Czech Republic, and sold after the exhibition for importation into a contracting Party shall benefit on importation from the provisions of this Agreement on condition that the goods meet the requirements of this Protocol entitling them to be recognized as originating in a contracting Party and provided that it is shown to the satisfaction of the customs authorities that:
(a) an exporter has consigned these goods from a contracting Party or from the Slovak Republic to the country in which the exhibition is held and has exhibited them there;
(b) the goods have been sold or otherwise disposed of by that exporter to someone in a contracting Party;
(c) the goods have been consigned during the exhibition or immediately thereafter to a contracting Party in the state in which they were sent for exhibition;
(d) the goods have not, since they were consigned for exhibition, been used for any purpose other than demonstration at the exhibition.
2. An EUR.l certificate must be produced to the customs authorities in the normal manner. The name and address of the exhibition must be indicated thereon. Where necessary, additional documentary evidence of the nature of the goods and the conditions under which they have been exhibited may be required.
3. Paragraph 1 shall apply to any trade, industrial, agricultural or crafts exhibition, fair or similar public show or display which is not organized for private purposes in shops or business premises with a view to the sale of foreign goods, and during which the goods remain under customs control.
Arrangements for administrative cooperation
1. In order to ensure the proper application of this Protocol, the contracting Parties shall assist each other through their respective customs administrations, in checking the authenticity and accuracy of EUR.l certificates, including those issued under paragraph 3 of Article 9 and the exporters' declarations made on invoices.
2. The Joint Committee shall be authorized to take any decisions necessary for the methods of administrative co-operation to be applied in due time in the contracting Parties.
3. The customs authorities of the contracting Parties shall provide each other with specimen impressions of stamps used in their customs offices for the issue of EUR.l certificates.
4. The contracting Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure that goods traded under cover of an EUR.l certificate, which in the course of transport use a customs free zone situated in their territory, are not substituted by other goods and that they do not undergo handling other than normal operations designed to prevent their deterioration.
5. When products originating in a contracting Party and imported into the customs free zone under cover of an EUR.l certificate undergo treatment or processing, the customs authorities concerned must issue a new EUR.l certificate at the exporter's request if the treatment or processing undergone is in conformity with the provisions of this Protocol.
1. Subsequent verifications of EUR.l certificates and exporters' declarations made on invoices shall be carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party have reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the document or the accuracy of the information regarding the true origin of the goods in question.
2. For the purposes of implementing the provisions of paragraph 1, the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party shall return the EUR.l certificate and the invoice, if it has been submitted, or the invoice referring to an LT certificate, or the invoice bearing the exporter's declaration or a copy of those documents, to the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party, giving where appropriate, the reasons of substance or form for an inquiry.
The customs authorities shall forward, in support of the request for a posteriori verification, any documents and information that have been obtained suggesting that the particulars given on the EUR.l certificate or the invoice are inaccurate.
If the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party decide to suspend the provisions of this Agreement while awaiting the results of the verification, they shall offer to release the goods to the importer subject to any precautionary measures judged necessary.
3. The customs authorities of the importing contracting Party shall be informed of the results of the verification as soon as possible. These results must be such as to make it possible to determine whether the documents returned under paragraph 2 apply to the goods actually exported, and whether these goods can, in fact, qualify for application of the preferential arrangements.
If in any cases of reasonable doubt is no reply within ten months from the date of the verification request, or if the reply does not contain sufficient information to determine the authenticity of the document in question or the real origin of the products, the requesting authorities shall refuse, except in the case of force majeure or exceptional circumstances, any benefit from the preferential treatment laid down in this Agreement.
Where such disputes cannot be settled between the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party and those of the exporting contracting Party or where they raise a question as to the interpretation of this Protocol they shall be submitted to the Sub-Committee on customs and origin matters referred to in Article 23. The decisions shall be taken by the Joint Committee.
In all cases the settlement of disputes between the importer and the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party shall be under the legislation of the said contracting Party.
Where the verification procedure or any other available information appears to indicate that the provisions of this Protocol are being contravened, the products would be accepted as originating products under this Protocol only after completion of such aspects of administrative cooperation set down in this Protocol which may have been activated, including in particular the verification procedure.
Likewise, products would be refused treatment as originating products under this Protocol only after the completion of the verification procedure.
For the purpose of the subsequent verification of EUR.l certificates, the customs authorities of the exporting contracting Party must keep the export documents, or copies of EUR.l certificates used in place thereof, for at least two years.
Final provisions
The contracting Parties of this Agreement shall take the steps necessary to implement this Protocol.
The Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof.
Goods which conform to the provisions of Title I and which on the date of entry into force of this Agreement are either being transported or are being held in a contracting Party in temporary storage, in bonded warehouses or in free zones, may be accepted as originating products subject to the submission -within four months from that date – to the customs authorities of the importing contracting Party of evidence of origin, drawn up retrospectively, and of any documents that provide supporting evidence of the conditions of transport.
The contracting Parties undertake to introduce measures necessary to ensure that the EUR.l certificates which their customs authorities are authorized to issue in pursuance of this Agreement are issued under the conditions laid down by this Agreement. They also undertake to provide the administrative co-operation necessary for this purpose, in particular to check on the itinerary of goods traded under this Agreement and the places in which they have been held.
1. A Sub-Committee on customs and origin matters shall be set up under the Joint Committee in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 35 of this Agreement charged with carrying out administrative co-operation with a view to ensuring a practical, correct and uniform application of this Protocol as well as a continuous information and consultation process between experts.
2. It shall be composed of experts from the contracting Parties responsible for questions related to customs and origin matters.
Penalties shall be imposed on any person who draws up, or causes to be drawn up, a document which contains incorrect particulars for the purpose of obtaining preferential treatment for products.
Republika Slovenija in Češka republika (v nadaljnjem besedilu pogodbenici) sta,
ob upoštevanju Memoranduma o liberalizaciji vzajemnih trgovinskih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko z dne 4. maja 1993,
potrjujoč svoj namen, da dejavno sodelujeta v procesu gospodarskega združevanja v Evropi in izražajoč svojo pripravljenost za sodelovanje pri iskanju poti in načinov za krepitev tega procesa,
ponovno potrjujoč svojo trdno zavezanost načelom tržnega gospodarstva, ki je podlaga za njune odnose,
potrjujoč svojo trdno zavezanost Sklepni listini Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi, Pariški listini in predvsem načelom, ki jih vsebuje sklepni dokument Bonnske konference o gospodarskem sodelovanju v Evropi,
odločeni, da v ta namen postopoma odstranita vse ovire pri pretežnem medsebojnem trgovanju v skladu z določbami Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini,
trdno prepričani, da bo ta sporazum spodbudil razširitev medsebojno koristnih trgovinskih odnosov med njima in prispeval k procesu povezovanja v Evropi,
upoštevajoč, da se nobena določba tega sporazuma ne more razlagati tako, da pogodbenici odvezuje njunih obveznosti po drugih mednarodnih sporazumih, zlasti ne po Splošnem sporazumu o carinah in trgovini,
1. člen
1. Pogodbenici bosta v prehodnem obdobju, ki se bo končalo najkasneje 1. januarja 1996, v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma in v skladu s XXIV. členom Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in. trgovini postopoma ustanovili območje proste trgovine. 2. Cilji tega sporazuma so:
(a) z razširitvijo trgovine spodbujati usklajen razvoj medsebojnih gospodarskih odnosov in pospeševati napredek njunih gospodarskih dejavnosti, dvig življenjskega standarda in boljše možnosti zaposlovanja ter povečanje storilnosti in finančne stabilnosti,
(b) zagotavljati poštene pogoje konkurence v trgovinski menjavi med pogodbenicama,
(c) na ta način prispevati z odstranjevanjem trgovinskih ovir k skladnemu razvoju in širjenju svetovne trgovine.
2. člen
Določbe tega poglavja se nanašajo na industrijske izdelke, ki izvirajo iz držav pogodbenic. Izraz "industrijski izdelki" v tem sporazumu pomeni izdelke, uvrščene v poglavja od 25 do 97 Harmoniziranega sistema poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga, razen izdelkov, navedenih v prilogi I.
3. člen
Carinske dajatve pri uvozu
1. Pogodbenici v medsebojno trgovino ne bosta uvajali nobenih novih carinskih dajatev pri uvozu.
2. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu se bodo odpravile v skladu z določbami protokola 1 tega sporazuma.
4. člen
Osnovne carinske dajatve
1. Osnovna carinska dajatev, za katero veljajo postopna zmanjšanja, določena s tem sporazumom, je pri vsakem izdelku carinska stopnja za državo z največjimi ugodnostmi, ki se je uporabljala na dan 1. januarja 1993.
2. Če se bo po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma uporabilo kakršnokoli znižanje dajatev na erga omnes podlagi, kar velja zlasti za znižanja, ki so posledica sporazuma o carinah, sklenjenega v Urugvajskem krogu večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj, bodo te znižane stopnje carinskih dajatev z dnem uveljavitve znižanj nadomestile osnovne dajatve iz prvega odstavka.
3. Znižane dajatve, izračunane v skladu z drugim odstavkom, se zaokrožijo na prvo decimalko.
4. Pogodbenici se bosta medsebojno obveščali o stopnjah svojih carinskih dajatev.
5. člen
Takse, enakovredne carinskim dajatvam
1. V trgovino med pogodbenicama se ne bodo uvajale nobene nove takse z enakim učinkom kot carinska dajatev pri uvozu.
2. Vse takse, ki imajo enak učinek kot carinske dajatve pri uvozu, se bodo ukinile z dnem uveljavitve tega sporazuma, razen v primerih, določenih v prilogi II.
6. člen
Fiskalne dajatve
Določbe 3. člena se uporabljajo tudi za carinske dajatve fiskalne narave.
7. člen
Carinske dajatve pri izvozu in takse z enakim učinkom
1. Pogodbenici v medsebojno trgovino ne bosta uvajali nobenih novih carinskih dajatev pri izvozu ali taks z enakim učinkom.
2. Pogodbenici bosta ukinili vse medsebojne carinske dajatve pri izvozu in takse z enakim učinkom z dnem uveljavitve tega sporazuma.
8. člen
Količinske omejitve pri uvozu in ukrepi z enakim učinkom
1. Pogodbenici v medsebojno trgovino ne bosta uvajali nobenih novih uvoznih količinskih omejitev ali ukrepov z enakim učinkom.
2. Vse količinske omejitve in ukrepi z enakim učinkom na uvoz blaga iz pogodbenic se bodo ukinili z dnem uveljavitve tega sporazuma, razen v primerih, predvidenih v prilogi III.
9. člen
Količinske omejitve pri izvozu in ukrepi z enakim učinkom
1. Pogodbenici v medsebojno trgovino ne bosta uvajali nobenih novih količinskih omejitev pri izvozu ali ukrepov z enakim učinkom.
2. Pogodbenici ne bosta uporabljali nobenih količinskih omejitev pri izvozu ali ukrepov z enakim učinkom.
10. člen
Postopek obveščanja o osnutkih tehničnih predpisov
1. Pogodbenici se bosta v skladu z določbami, navedenimi v prilogi IV, medsebojno obveščali o osnutkih tehničnih predpisov in osnutkih dopolnil k tem predpisom, ki jih nameravata izdati.
2. Skupni odbor bo določil datum za uveljavitev določb iz prvega odstavka.
11. člen
Določbe tega poglavja veljajo za kmetijske izdelke, ki izvirajo iz pogodbenic. Izraz "kmetijski izdelki" v tem sporazumu pomeni izdelke iz 1. do 24. poglavja Harmoniziranega sistema poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga ter izdelke, navedene v prilogi I.
12. člen
Izmenjava koncesij
1. Pogodbenici tega sporazuma si medsebojno dodelita koncesije, ki so navedene v protokolu 2 v skladu z določbami tega poglavja.
2. Upoštevaje:
– vlogo kmetijstva v svojih gospodarstvih,
– razvoj trgovine s kmetijskimi izdelki med pogodbenicama,
– posebno občutljivost kmetijskih izdelkov,
– pravila svojih kmetijskih politik,
– izide večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini, bosta pogodbenici proučili možnosti za medsebojno podeljevanje nadaljnjih koncesij.
13. člen
Koncesije in kmetijska politika
1. Ne glede na koncesije, dodeljene v skladu s 12. členom, določbe tega poglavja na noben način ne omejujejo uresničevanja kmetijske politike pogodbenic ali sprejemanja katerihkoli ukrepov v skladu s to politiko, vključno z izvajanjem rezultatov dogovorov Urugvajskega kroga večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj.
2. Pogodbenici bosta obveščali ena drugo o spremembah svoje kmetijske politike ali ukrepov, ki bi utegnili vplivati na pogoje trgovanja s kmetijskimi izdelki med njima, kot je dogovorjeno s tem sporazumom. Na zahtevo ene od pogodbenic se nemudoma skliče posvet, na katerem se bo proučil nastali položaj.
14. člen
Posebni zaščitni ukrepi
Če, ne glede na druge določbe tega sporazuma, zlasti 27. člena, trgovanje s kmetijskimi izdelki, ki izvirajo iz ene od držav pogodbenic in zanje veljajo koncesije, odobrene s tem sporazumom, povzroči zaradi posebne občutljivosti teh izdelkov, resno motnjo na trgu druge pogodbenice, bo prizadeta pogodbenica takoj zahtevala posvet z namenom najti ustrezno rešitev. Dokler rešitev ne bo sprejeta, sme pogodbenica sprejeti ukrepe, ki jih bo imela za potrebne.
15. člen
Veterinarski, zdravstveni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
Ukrepi na področju fitosanitarnega nadzora rastlin in fitofarmacevtskih preparatov bodo usklajeni s predpisi Evropske unije in med pogodbenicami tega sporazuma.
Veterinarsko-sanitarni ukrepi in delo veterinarskih služb bodo usklajeni s predpisi Mednarodnega urada za kužne bolezni in drugih mednarodnih konvencij s tega področja. Pristojne službe se obvezujejo, da ne bodo uvajale diskriminatorskih ali drugih neobičajnih ukrepov, ki bi ovirali pretok informacij, živali, rastlin ali izdelkov.
16. člen
Pravila o poreklu in sodelovanje pri carinskih zadevah
1. Protokol 3 določa pravila o poreklu in z njimi povezane načine administrativnega sodelovanja.
2. Pogodbenici bosta sprejeli ustrezne ukrepe, vključno z rednimi pregledi s strani Skupnega odbora in dogovore za sodelovanje na upravnem področju, da zagotovita učinkovito in usklajeno izvajanje določb protokola 3 ter 3. do 9., 12., 17. in 28. člena tega sporazuma ter v največji možni meri zmanjšanje formalnosti pri trgovanju, in da dosežeta vzajemno zadovoljive rešitve v zvezi s težavami, ki izhajajo iz izvajanja teh določb.
17. člen
Notranje obdavčitve
1. Pogodbenici se bosta izogibali kakršnimkoli ukrepom ali praksi obdavčitev notranje fiskalne narave, ki neposredno ali posredno ustvarja diskriminacijo med izdelki, ki izvirajo iz obeh pogodbenic.
2. Za izdelke, izvožene v eno od pogodbenic, se ne more uveljavljati vračilo notranjih davščin, katerih znesek je višji od posredne ali neposredne obdavčitve, ki je zanje predpisana.
18. člen
Splošne izjeme
Ta sporazum ne izključuje prepovedi ali omejitev uvoza, izvoza ali blaga v tranzitu, ki so utemeljene z javno moralo, javnim redom ali javno varnostjo; varovanjem zdravja in življenja ljudi, živali ali rastlin; varstvom narodnega bogastva umetniške, zgodovinske ali arheološke vrednosti; varstvom intelektualne lastnine ali pravil, ki se nanašajo na zlato ali srebro ali ohranjanja neobnovljivih naravnih virov, če so ti ukrepi v povezavi z omejitvami na področju domače proizvodnje ali porabe. Vendar omenjene prepovedi ali omejitve ne smejo biti način za samovoljno diskriminacijo ali prikrito omejevanje trgovine med pogodbenicama.
19. člen
Izjeme zaradi varnosti
Nič v tem sporazumu ne sme preprečiti pogodbenici uvedbe kakršnegakoli ukrepa, ki ga ima za potrebnega:
(a) da prepreči razkritje podatkov, ki so v nasprotju z interesi njene temeljne varnosti;
(b) da zavaruje interese svoje temeljne varnosti in da izvaja mednarodne obveznosti ali ukrepe državne politike:
(i) ki se nanašajo na trgovino z orožjem, strelivom in vojno opremo, če ti ukrepi ne poslabšujejo pogojev konkurence pri proizvodih, ki nimajo izrecno vojaškega namena, ter na promet z drugim blagom, materialom in storitvami, katerega namen je posredno ali neposredno oskrbovanje vojaških ustanov;
(ii) ki se nanašajo na fisijske materiale ali na njihovi osnovi izvedene materiale;
(iii) ki so bili sprejeti v času vojne ali drugih resnih mednarodnih napetostih.
20. člen
Državni monopoli
1. Pogodbenici bosta vse državne monopole komercialne narave postopno prilagajali, tako da se do konca petega leta po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma zagotovijo nediskriminacijski pogoji nabave in trženja blaga za subjekte ene in druge pogodbenice.
2. Določbe tega člena veljajo za vsak organ, prek katerega bodo pristojne oblasti pogodbenic, pravno ali dejansko, posredno ali neposredno nadzorovale, določale ali znatno vplivale na uvoz ali izvoz med pogodbenicama. Te določbe veljajo tudi za monopole, ki jih je država prenesla na druge organe.
21. člen
1. Za plačila v prosto konvertibilnih valutah, ki se nanašajo na blagovno menjavo med pogodbenicama, in prenos takih plačil na ozemlje pogodbenice tega sporazuma, kjer je sedež upnika, ne bo nikakršnih omejitev.
2. Pogodbenici se bosta vzdržali vseh deviznih ali administrativnih omejitev za odobritev, odplačevanje ali prejemanje kratkoročnih in srednjeročnih kreditov, ki spremljajo blagovno menjavo, v kateri je udeležen rezident.
3. Ne glede na drugi odstavek pa si pogodbenici, dokler se zanju ne bo začel uporabljati VIII. člen Statuta Mednarodnega denarnega sklada, pridržujeta pravico do uvedbe deviznih omejitev pri odobravanju ali sprejemanju kratkoročnih in srednjeročnih kreditov, ki se nanašajo na blagovno menjavo, v mejah, ki jih dopušča njihov status v Mednarodnem denarnem skladu, pod pogojem, da se te omejitve uporabljajo nediskriminacijsko glede porekla izdelkov ter se ne nanašajo samo na določene izdelke ali vrsto izdelkov.
Omejitve morajo biti časovno omejene in odpravljene takoj, ko ni več razlogov, ki jih opravičujejo. Pogodbenici bosta ena drugo nemudoma obveščali o uvedbi omenjenih ukrepov in o vseh spremembah le-teh.
22. člen
Pravila konkurence v podjetništvu
1. Naslednje je nezdružljivo s pravilnim izvajanjem tega sporazuma, če vpliva na trgovino med pogodbenicama:
(a) vsi dogovori med podjetji, sklepi podjetniških združenj in dogovorjeni postopki med podjetji, ki imajo namen vplivati, preprečevati, omejevati ali izkrivljati konkurenco;
(b) zloraba prevladujočega položaja enega ali več podjetij na celotnem ali pretežnem delu ozemlja pogodbenic.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka se uporabljajo za dejavnosti vseh podjetij, vključno javnih podjetij in podjetij, ki jim pogodbenici podeljujeta posebne ali izključne pravice. Za podjetja, ki jim je zaupano opravljanje storitev splošnega gospodarskega pomena ali ki imajo značaj dobičkonosnega monopola, veljajo določbe prvega odstavka, če uporaba teh določb ne ovira opravljanja, pravno ali dejansko, posebnih javnih nalog, ki so jim dodeljene.
3. Za izdelke, navedene v II. poglavju, se določbe 1 (a) odstavka ne uporabljajo pri tistih dogovorih, odločitvah in praksi, ki so sestavni del nacionalne tržne organizacije.
4. Če pogodbenica meni, da je določena praksa v' nasprotju s prvim, drugim in tretjim odstavkom tega člena, in če ta praksa povzroči ali grozi s povzročitvijo resne škode njenim interesom oziroma materialne škode njeni domači industriji, lahko sprejme ustrezne ukrepe pod pogoji in v skladu s postopkom, navedenim v 31. členu.
23. člen
Državna pomoč
1. Vsaka pomoč, ki je odobrena s strani pogodbenice tega sporazuma, ali iz državnih virov v kakršnikoli obliki, ki izkrivlja ali grozi z izkrivljanjem konkurence z dajanjem prednosti določenim podjetjem ali proizvodnji določenega blaga, je nezdružljiva s pravilnim delovanjem tega sporazuma, če bi vplivala na trgovino med pogodbenicama tega sporazuma.
2. Določbe prvega odstavka se ne uporabljajo za izdelke, navedene v II. poglavju.
3. Skupni odbor bo v roku treh let po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma sprejel merila, na podlagi katerih se bo ugotavljala praksa, ki je v nasprotju z določbami prvega odstavka, kakor tudi pravila za njihovo izvajanje.
4. Pogodbenici bosta zagotavljali preglednost na področju državne pomoči med drugim z vsakoletnim poročanjem ena drugi o skupnem znesku in razporeditvi dane pomoči ter, na zahtevo druge pogodbenice, z zagotavljanjem informacij o programih pomoči in o posameznih primerih državne pomoči.
5. Če pogodbenica meni, da je določena praksa, vključno s postopki v kmetijstvu:
– v nasprotju z določbami prvega odstavka in neustrezno obravnavana v okviru pravil o izvajanju, navedenih v tretjem odstavku, ali
– če takih pravil ni in če takšna praksa povzroča ali grozi s povzročitvijo resne škode interesom te pogodbenice ali materialne škode njeni domači industriji, lahko pod pogoji in v skladu z določbami, navedenimi v 31. členu, sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
Taki ustrezni ukrepi se lahko sprejmejo le v skladu s postopki in pod pogoji, ki jih določajo Splošni sporazum o carinah in trgovini in katerikoli drugi, na njegovi podlagi dogovorjeni instrumenti, ki se uporabljajo med pogodbenicama.
24. člen
Javna nabava
1. Pogodbenici menita, da je liberalizacija njunih trgov javne nabave tudi cilj tega sporazuma.
2. Pogodbenici bosta oblikovali vsaka svoje predpise o javni nabavi, da dobaviteljem druge pogodbenice najpozneje do konca 1. 1998 zagotovita dostop do razpisov za pridobivanje pogodb vsaka na svojem trgu vladne nabave v skladu z določbami sporazuma GATT-a o vladni nabavi z dne 12. aprila 1979, dopolnjenega s Protokolom o dopolnilih z dne 2. februarja 1987.
3. Skupni odbor bo proučeval razvoj na področju doseganja ciljev iz tega člena in bo lahko predlagal praktične načine za izvajanje določb drugega odstavka tega člena, da se zagotovijo prost dostop, preglednost in polno ravnovesje pravic in obveznosti.
4. Med proučevanjem po tretjem odstavku tega člena Skupni odbor lahko, zlasti v luči razvoja tega področja v mednarodnih odnosih, prouči možnosti za razširitev in/ali večjo stopnjo odprtosti tega trga v skladu z drugim odstavkom.
5. Pogodbenici si bosta prizadevali pristopiti k ustreznim sporazumom, sklenjenim v okviru Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini.
25. člen
Varstvo intelektualne lastnine
1. Pogodbenici bosta nediskriminatorno priznali in zagotavljali varstvo pravic intelektualne lastnine, vključno z ukrepi za podeljevanje in uveljavljanje teh pravic. Varstvo se bo postopno izpopolnjevalo in bo še pred iztekom petletnega obdobja po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma doseglo raven, ki ustreza bistvenim standardom večstranskih sporazumov, ki so navedeni v prilogi V.
2. V tem sporazumu izraz "zaščita intelektualne lastnine" vključuje zlasti zaščito avtorskih pravic, računalniških programov in baz podatkov, in sorodnih pravic, znamk, označb geografskega porekla, industrijskih vzorcev in modelov, patentov, topografij integriranih vezij kakor tudi nerazkritih podatkov, ki se nanašajo na know-how.
3. Varstvo topografij integriranih vezij, ki jo zagotavlja ena od pogodbenic, se priznava na podlagi vzajemnosti.
4. Pogodbenici bosta sodelovali na področju varstva intelektualne lastnine. Na zahtevo katerekoli pogodbenice bosta organizirali strokovna posvetovanja o teh vprašanjih, posebno o dejavnostih, ki so povezane z obstoječimi ali prihodnjimi mednarodnimi konvencijami o usklajevanju, upravljanju in uveljavljanju intelektualne lastnine, ter o dejavnostih v mednarodnih organizacijah, kot sta Splošni sporazum o carinah in trgovini, Svetovna organizacija za intelektualno lastnino, kakor tudi o odnosih pogodbenic s tretjimi državami glede vprašanj, ki se nanašajo na intelektualno lastnino.
26. člen
Če katera od pogodbenic ugotovi, da v trgovini na osnovi tega sporazuma prihaja do dumpinga v smislu VI. člena Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini, lahko v skladu s VI. členom Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini in drugimi sporazumi, ki so navedeni v tem členu, sprejme ustrezne ukrepe proti takemu ravnanju pod pogoji in v skladu s postopkom, navedenim v 31. členu.
27. člen
Splošni zaščitni ukrepi
Kadar se kakšen izdelek uvaža v tako povečanih količinah in pod takimi pogoji, da to povzroča ali utegne povzročiti:
(a) resno škodo domačim proizvajalcem podobnih ali neposredno konkurenčnih izdelkov na ozemlju pogodbenice uvoznice, ali
(b) resne motnje v katerikoli sorodni gospodarski panogi ali težave, ki bi lahko zelo poslabšale gospodarske razmere določenega območja, lahko prizadeta pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe pod pogoji in v skladu s postopkom, navedenim v 31. členu.
28. člen
Strukturno prilagajanje
1. Ena ali druga pogodbenica lahko sprejme izredne ukrepe z omejenim trajanjem, ki niso v skladu s 3. členom, in sicer v obliki povečanih carinskih dajatev.
2. Ti ukrepi se smejo nanašati samo na industrijske dejavnosti v razvoju ali na določena področja, ki so v postopku prestrukturiranja ali pa so v resnih težavah, zlasti tam, kjer te težave lahko povzročijo hude socialne probleme.
3. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v določeni pogodbenici za izdelke s poreklom iz druge pogodbenice na podlagi teh ukrepov, ne smejo presegati 25% ad valorem in zadržijo preferencialni tretman za izdelke s poreklom iz pogodbenice. Celotna vrednost uvoza izdelkov, za katere veljajo ti ukrepi, ne sme presegati 15% vsega uvoza industrijskih izdelkov, določenih v I. poglavju, iz druge pogodbenice v zadnjem letu, za katero so na voljo statistični podatki.
4. Ti ukrepi se bodo uporabljali največ pet let, razen če bi Skupni odbor odobril daljše trajanje ukrepov.
5. Taki ukrepi ne se morejo uvesti za izdelek, če je minilo več kot pet let od odprave vseh carinskih dajatev in količinskih omejitev ali taks ali ukrepov z enakim učinkom za ta izdelek.
6. Pogodbenica bo obvestila drugo pogodbenico o izrednih ukrepih, ki jih namerava uvesti, in na zahtevo druge pogodbenice se v okviru Skupnega odbora opravijo posvetovanja o teh ukrepih ter o sektorjih, na katere se nanašajo, še preden se začno uporabljati. Ko sprejema take ukrepe, mora pogodbenica Skupnemu odboru predložiti terminski program odprave carinskih dajatev, uvedenih v skladu s tem členom. Terminski program mora zagotoviti opuščanje teh dajatev, ki se mora začeti najkasneje dve leti po njihovi uvedbi, po enakih letnih stopnjah. Skupni odbor se lahko odloči za drugačen terminski program.
29. člen
Re-eksport in hudo pomanjkanje blaga
Kadar ravnanje po določbah 7. in 9. člena vodi v:
(a) re-eksport v tretjo državo, za katero je pogodbenica-izvoznica na izvoz določenega izdelka uvedla količinske omejitve, carinske dajatve pri izvozu ali ukrepe ali dajatve z enakovrednim učinkom; ali
(b) hudo pomanjkanje ali nevarnost hudega pomanjkanja izdelka, ki je bistven za pogodbenico-izvoznico; in kadar zgoraj omenjene razmere pogodbenico-izvoznico privedejo ali utegnejo privesti v večje težave, le-ta lahko pod pogoji in v skladu s postopki 31. člena sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
30. člen
Izpolnitev obveznosti
1. Pogodbenici bosta sprejeli katerekoli splošne in posebne ukrepe, potrebne za izpolnitev svojih obveznosti po tem sporazumu. Zagotovili bosta, da bodo doseženi cilji tega sporazuma.
2. Če pogodbenica meni, da druga pogodbenica ni izpolnila določene obveznosti po tem sporazumu, lahko pod pogoji in v skladu s postopkom iz 31. člena sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
31. člen
Postopek za uporabo zaščitnih ukrepov
1. Preden pogodbenici začneta postopek za uporabo zaščitnih ukrepov, določenih v naslednjih odstavkih tega člena, si bosta prizadevali razrešiti vsa medsebojna nesoglasja z neposrednimi posvetovanji.
2. Če pogodbenica za uvoz izdelkov, ki bi lahko povzročil razmere, omenjene v 27. členu, uvede upravni postopek, katerega cilj je hitro obveščanje o blagovnih tokovih, bo o tem obvestila drugo pogodbenico.
3. Ne glede na sedmi odstavek tega člena bo pogodbenica, ki se namerava zateči k zaščitnim ukrepom, nemudoma o tem obvestila drugo pogodbenico in ji dostavila vse informacije v zvezi s tem. Pogodbenici se bosta takoj medsebojno posvetovali v Skupnem odboru, da bi našli rešitev.
4. (a) Kar zadeva 26., 27. in 29. člen bo Skupni odbor proučil primer ali razmere in bo lahko sprejel potrebni sklep, da se končajo težave, o katerih jo je obvestila pogodbenica. Če sklep ne bo sprejet v tridesetih dneh potem, ko je bila zadeva predložena Skupnemu odboru, lahko pogodbenica sprejme potrebne ukrepe za izboljšanje razmer.
(b) Kar zadeva 30. člen, lahko pogodbenica po končanih posvetovanjih ali po izteku treh mesecev od datuma prvega obvestila drugi pogodbenici sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.
(c) Kar zadeva 22. in 23. člen, bo prizadeta pogodbenica Skupnemu odboru dala vso potrebno pomoč, da se primer prouči in tam, kjer je to primerno, odpravi sporna praksa. Če druga pogodbenica ne preneha s sporno prakso v roku, ki ga določi Skupni odbor ali če Skupni odbor v tridesetih delovnih dneh potem, ko mu je zadeva bila poslana v reševanje, o zadevi ne doseže soglasja, sme prizadeta pogodbenica sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe za reševanje težav, ki so posledica take prakse.
5. Drugo pogodbenico je potrebno takoj obvestiti o sprejetih zaščitnih ukrepih. Obseg in trajanje ukrepov bosta omejena na tisto, kar je nujno potrebno, da se popravi položaj, ki je privedel do njihove uporabe, in ne smeta preseči škode, ki jo je povzročila neustrezna praksa oziroma težava. Prednost bodo imeli ukrepi, ki bodo najmanj ovirali izvajanje sporazuma.
6. O uvedenih zaščitnih ukrepih bodo potekala občasna posvetovanja v okviru Skupnega odbora s ciljem njihove čimprejšnje ublažitve ali odprave, ko razmere ne bodo več. opravičevale njihove uporabe.
7. Če zaradi izrednih razmer, ki zahtevajo takojšnje ukrepanje, zadeve ni mogoče predhodno proučiti, lahko prizadeta pogodbenica v primerih iz 26., 27. in 29. člena uporabi začasne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za ureditev razmer. O ukrepih je treba nemudoma obvestiti drugo pogodbenico, nakar je treba v čim krajšem času v Skupnem odboru opraviti posvetovanja med pogodbenicama.
32. člen
Plačilnobilančne težave
1. Pogodbenici si bosta prizadevali izogibati se uvajanju omejitvenih ukrepov, vključno ukrepov, ki se nanašajo na omejevanje uvoza iz plačilnobilančnih razlogov.
2. Kadar je ena od pogodbenic v resnih plačilnobilančnih težavah ali ji to neizbežno grozi, sme v skladu s Splošnim sporazumom o carinah in trgovini sprejeti omejitvene ukrepe, vključno ukrepe, povezane z uvozom, ki pa morajo biti časovno omejeni in ne smejo presegati tega, kar je nujno potrebno za izboljšanje plačilnobilančnega položaja. Z izboljšanjem plačilnobilančnega stanja je treba ukrepe postopno popuščati in jih odpraviti takoj, ko razmere ne opravičujejo več njihovega obstoja. Pogodbenica mora o njihovi uvedbi takoj obvestiti drugo pogodbenico in, kadarkoli je to mogoče, o terminskem načrtu za njihovo odpravo.
33. člen
Evolucijska klavzula
1. Če pogodbenica ocenjuje, da bi bilo v interesu gospodarstev obeh pogodbenic koristno razviti in poglobiti odnose, vzpostavljene s tem sporazumom, z razširitvijo na druga področja, ki jih ta sporazum ne zajema, bo drugi pogodbenici predložila svoj utemeljeni predlog. Pogodbenici se lahko obrneta na Skupni odbor, da ta predlog prouči in kjer je primerno, da priporočila zlasti z namenom, da se začno pogajanja.
2. Dogovore, dosežene v postopku iz prvega odstavka, bosta pogodbenici ratificirali ali potrdili v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo.
34. člen
Skupni odbor
1. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta ustanovili Skupni odbor, sestavljen iz predstavnikov pogodbenic.
2. Skupni odbor bo nadzoroval in upravljal izvajanje tega sporazuma.
3. Za ustrezno izvajanje tega sporazuma si bosta pogodbenici izmenjevali informacije in se na zahtevo vsake od njiju posvetovali v okviru Skupnega odbora. Skupni odbor bo iskal možnosti za nadaljnje odpravljanje ovir v trgovini med pogodbenicama.
4. Skupni odbor lahko sprejema odločitve v primerih, ki jih predvideva ta sporazum. V drugih primerih pa Skupni odbor lahko daje priporočila.
35. člen
Postopki Skupnega odbora
1. Za ustrezno izvajanje tega sporazuma se bo Skupni odbor sestajal po potrebi, vendar najmanj enkrat letno. Vsaka od pogodbenic lahko zahteva sestanek.
2. Skupni odbor bo sprejemal odločitve soglasno.
3. Če predstavnik ene od pogodbenic tega sporazuma v Skupnem odboru sprejme sklep s pridržkom ustavnosti postopka, bo sklep začel veljati, če v njem ne bo naveden kasnejši datum, z dnem, ko je sporočen umik pridržka.
4. Za potrebe izvajanja tega sporazuma bo Skupni odbor sprejel svoj poslovnik, ki bo, med drugim, vseboval določbe o sklicevanju sestankov in imenovanju predsednika ter trajanju mandata.
5. Skupni odbor lahko odloči, da ustanovi pododbore in delovne skupine, za katere sodi, da mu lahko pomagajo pri izpolnjevanju njegovih nalog.
36. člen
Trgovinski odnosi, ki jih ureja ta in drugi sporazumi
1. Ta sporazum ureja trgovinske odnose med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko.
2. Ta sporazum ne preprečuje vzdrževanja ali ustanavljanja carinskih unij, con proste trgovine ali dogovorov o maloobmejnem prometu, če ti ne bodo negativno vplivali na trgovinski režim ter zlasti na določbe, ki se nanašajo na pravila o poreklu, kot jih določa ta sporazum.
37. člen
Priloge in protokoli
Priloge I-V in protokoli 1-3 k temu sporazumu so njegov sestavni del. Skupni odbor se lahko odloči za spremembe in dopolnitve prilog in protokolov v skladu z določbami tretjega odstavka 35. člena.
38. člen
Spremembe in dopolnila
Spremembe in dopolnila k temu sporazumu, razen tistih iz četrtega odstavka 34. člena, ki jih odobri Skupni odbor, bodo predložena v sprejem drugi pogodbenici in bodo začela veljati, če jih obe pogodbenici sprejmeta v skladu z njuno nacionalno zakonodajo. Spremembe in dopolnila bodo začela veljati z datumom prejema zadnje diplomatske note, s katero vsaka pogodbenica potrjuje, da so končani postopki za uveljavitev sprememb in dopolnitev, kot jih zahtevata nacionalni zakonodaji pogodbenic.
39. člen
1. Ta sporazum bo začel veljati 1. januarja 1994, če bosta pogodbenici pred tem datumom ena drugi potrdili, da so v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo bili zaključeni vsi postopki za uveljavitev tega sporazuma.
2. Če ta sporazum ni stopil v veljavo v skladu z določili iz prvega odstavka, začne veljati z dnem zadnjega obvestila pogodbenice, s katerim potrjuje, da so bili zaključeni postopki, navedeni v prvem odstavku.
3. Vsaka od pogodbenic bo ta sporazum uporabljala začasno od 1. januarja 1994, če sporazum ne more biti uveljavljen na dan 1. januarja 1994.
40. člen
Veljavnost in odpoved
Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove ta sporazum, vključno začasno uporabo, s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici.
Odpoved prične veljati šest mesecev po datumu, ko je druga pogodbenica prejela obvestilo.
V DOKAZ TEGA so spodaj podpisani pooblaščenci, pravilno pooblaščeni za to, podpisali ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v dveh izvirnikih v Ljubljani dne 4. decembra 1993 v angleškem jeziku.
Za Republiko Slovenijo
Janez Drnovšek l. r.
Za Češko republiko
Vaclav Klaus l. r.
1. Pogodbenici izjavljata svojo pripravljenost, da v okviru Skupnega odbora proučita možnost, da bi druga drugi razširili podelitev katerihkoli koncesij, ki jih priznavata ali jih bosta priznavali tretjim državam, s katerimi sta sklenili sporazum o prosti trgovini ali drug podoben sporazum, na katerega se nanaša XXIV. člen Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini.
2. V zvezi z drugim odstavkom 4. člena pogodbenici soglašata, da bodo znižane dajatve, ki so posledica opustitve carinskih dajatev za določen čas, nadomestile osnovne dajatve le za čas trajanja take začasne opustitve, in da bo ob vsaki delni opustitvi med pogodbenicama ohranjeno preferencialno razmerje.
3. Pogodbenici bosta uporabili avtomatična dovoljenja, ki ne bodo negativno vplivala na razvoj medsebojne trgovine in bodo v skladu s predpisi Splošnega sporazuma o carinah in trgovini. Pogodbenici soglašata, da se 9. člen ne uporablja, kadar bi se ukrepi, določeni s tem členom, zahtevali zaradi izvrševanja mednarodnih obveznosti.
4. Pri izdelavi meril in predpisov, navedenih v tretjem odstavku 23. člena, bosta pogodbenici
– si prizadevali za zagotovitev največje možne skladnosti z ustreznimi merili in predpisi, ki se v skladu s tem sporazumom uporabljajo med vsako pogodbenico tega sporazuma in Evropskimi skupnostmi,
– določili pogoje in/ali razmere, ko lahko veljajo začasna odstopanja od določb prvega odstavka,
– pregledali pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko ukrepa proti postopkom državne pomoči.
5. Glede četrtega odstavka 23. člena bo Skupni odbor v enem letu po uveljavitvi tega sporazuma proučil in sprejel pravila, potrebna za izvajanje ukrepov za zagotovitev preglednosti.
6. Kar zadeva drugi odstavek 24. člena, če bodo razmere v Češki republiki to omogočale, bo v odnosu med Češko republiko in Republiko Slovenijo pred koncem leta 1998 vpeljana popolna liberalizacija trga javne nabave.
7. Republika Slovenija bo koncesije, ki so navedene v prilogah k protokolu 2 in so razvrščene po Kombinirani nomenklaturi poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga, upravljala v skladu s svojim nacionalnim Harmoniziranim sistemom poimenovanja in šifrskih oznak blaga na ravni šestih mest, dokler se v Republiki Sloveniji ne bo začela uporabljati Kombinirana nomenklatura. Pri tem bo zagotovljeno, da bodo zajeti proizvodi, navedeni v stolpcu "Opis blaga". Pogodbenici bosta spore, ki bi nastali zaradi uporabe sistemov Kombinirane in Harmonizirane nomenklature, reševali z medsebojnimi posvetovanji.
7. Pogodbenici v tem sporazumu priznavata čedalje večji pomen menjave na področju storitev. Pri postopnem razvijanju in razširitvi sodelovanja si bosta prizadevali, da dosežeta postopno liberalizacijo in vzajemno odpiranje trgov v menjavi storitev.
Pogodbenici se bosta o tem sodelovanju pogovarjali v Skupnem odboru in si prizadevali svoje odnose po tem sporazumu še bolj razviti in poglobiti.
(omenjen v drugem odstavku 3. člena)
1. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Češki republiki za proizvode po poreklu iz Republike Slovenije, ki so navedeni v prilogi A k temu protokolu, se bodo postopoma zmanjševale v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom:
– 1. januarja 1994 – na 50% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1995 – na 25% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1996 – preostale dajatve bodo odpravljene
2. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Češki republiki za proizvode po poreklu iz Republike Slovenije, ki niso navedeni v prilogi A k temu protokolu, bodo ukinjene na dan uveljavitve tega sporazuma.
3. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za proizvode po poreklu iz Češke republike, ki so navedeni v prilogi B k temu protokolu, se bodo postopoma zmanjševale v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom:
– 1. januarja 1994 – na 50% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1995 – na 25% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1996 – preostale dajatve bodo odpravljene.
4. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za proizvode po poreklu iz Češke republike, ki so navedeni v prilogi B1 k temu protokolu, se bodo postopoma zmanjševale v skladu z naslednjim časovnim razporedom:
– 1. januarja 1994 – na 92% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1995 – na 82% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1996 – na 70% osnovne dajatve
– 1. januarja 1997 – na 50% osnovne dajatve
– 1. januarja 1998 – na 25% osnovne dajatve,
– 1. januarja 1999 – preostale dajatve bodo odpravljene.
To znižanje velja le za obdobje, dokler osebni avtomobili, izdelani v Republiki Sloveniji, ki jih uvaža Češka republika, ne izpolnjujejo pogojev protokola 3 tega sporazuma. V primeru, ko osebni avtomobili izpolnjujejo pogoje protokola 3 tega sporazuma, bodo carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za osebne avtomobile, izdelane v Češki republiki, popolnoma ukinjene.
5. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za proizvode po poreklu iz Češke republike, ki niso navedeni v prilogah B in B1 k temu protokolu, bodo ukinjene na dan uveljavitve tega sporazuma.
(omenjen v 12. členu)
1. Zmanjšanja carinskih dajatev, dogovorjena po tem protokolu, se nanašajo na carinske stopnje, ki se uporabljajo po načelu države z največjimi ugodnostmi (konvencionalna carinska stopnja), ki se uporabljajo v času dejanskega uvoza.
2. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Češki republiki za proizvode, navedene v prilogi A tega protokola in ki imajo poreklo v Republiki Sloveniji, se bodo zmanjšale za 50% v prvem letu od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma, v okviru tarifnih kvot, določenih v tej prilogi.
Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Češki republiki za proizvode, navedene v prilogi B tega protokola in ki imajo poreklo v Republiki Sloveniji, se bodo zmanjšale v petih letnih enakih deležih po 10 odstotkov, z začetkom od uveljavitve tega sporazuma, v okviru tarifnih kvot, določenih v tej prilogi.
Carinska stopnja na uvoz piva (HS 2203) s poreklom iz Republike Slovenije, ki se uporablja v Češki republiki (priloga A), bo zmanjšana na 15% v prvem letu od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
3. Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za proizvode, ki so navedeni v prilogi C tega protokola in ki imajo poreklo v Češki republiki, se bodo zmanjšale za 50% v prvem letu od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma, v okviru tarifnih kvot, določenih v tej prilogi.
Carinske dajatve pri uvozu, ki se uporabljajo v Republiki Sloveniji za proizvode, ki so navedeni v prilogi D tega protokola in ki imajo poreklo v Češki republiki, se bodo zmanjšale v petih letnih enakih deležih po 10 odstotkov, z začetkom od uveljavitve tega sporazuma, v okviru tarifnih kvot, določenih v tej prilogi.
Carinska stopnja na uvoz piva (HS 2203) s poreklom iz Češke republike, ki se uporablja v Republiki Sloveniji (priloga C), bo zmanjšana na 12% v prvem letu, od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma, v okviru tarifne kvote, določene v tej prilogi.
4. Za proizvode, navedene v prilogah tega protokola, za katere je potrebno uvozno dovoljenje, se bodo uvozna dovoljenja izdajala avtomatično, dokler ne bodo dosežene količine, ki so tam navedene.
Definicija pojma "proizvodi s poreklom"
1. člen
Za namene izvajanja tega sporazuma in ne glede na določila 2. in 3. člena velja, da so naslednji proizvodi proizvodi s poreklom v državi pogodbenici tega sporazuma:
a) proizvodi, v celoti pridobljeni v tej državi pogodbenici v skladu s 4. členom;
b) proizvodi, pridobljeni v tej državi pogodbenici, ki vsebujejo materiale, ki niso bili v celoti pridobljeni na njenem ozemlju, pod pogojem:
i) da so bili ti materiali dovolj obdelani ali predelani v državi pogodbenici v skladu s 5. členom ali da
ii) imajo ti materiali poreklo ene od držav pogodbenic tega sporazuma.
2. člen
Proizvodi s poreklom iz ene od držav pogodbenic v skladu s tem protokolom in izvoženi iz ene države pogodbenice v drugo državo pogodbenico v enakem stanju, ali pa proizvodi, ki niso bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot je opisano v petem odstavku 5. člena, ohranijo svoje poreklo.
3. člen
Kumulacija z materiali, s poreklom iz Češke republike
1. Ne glede na 1. člen (b) in v skladu z določili drugega in četrtega odstavka se bo štelo, da so materiali s poreklom iz Češke republike v skladu s protokolom 3, priloženim k sporazumu med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko, s poreklom iz držav pogodbenic in ne bo potrebno, da se ti materiali tam dovolj obdelajo ali predelajo, pod pogojem, da so bili obdelani ali predelani bolj, kot je opisano v petem odstavku 5. člena tega protokola.
2. Proizvodi, ki so pridobili poreklo v skladu s prvim odstavkom, bodo še naprej veljali za proizvode s poreklom iz držav pogodbenic, ko bo tam dodana vrednost presegla vrednost uporabljenih materialov s poreklom iz Češke republike. Če ta vrednost ne bo presežena, bo veljalo, da so za namene izvajanja tega sporazuma ali sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko ti proizvodi s poreklom iz Češke republike.
Pri tem se ne upošteva materialov po poreklu iz Češke republike, ki so bili dovolj obdelani ali predelani v državah pogodbenicah.
3. Za "dodano vrednost" bo veljala cena proizvoda franko tovarna, zmanjšana za carinsko vrednost vseh uporabljenih materialov, ki nimajo porekla v državi pogodbenici, kjer so ti proizvodi pridobljeni.
4. Za namene tega člena bodo v trgovini med Republiko Slovenijo in Češko republiko veljala enaka pravila o poreklu kot pravila v tem protokolu.
4. člen
Štelo se bo, da je v celoti pridobljeno v državi pogodbenici v skladu s pododstavkom (a) 1. člena naslednje:
a) mineralni proizvodi, pridobljeni na njenem ozemlju ali morskem dnu;
b) rastlinski proizvodi, pridelani na njenem ozemlju;
c) žive živali, povržene in vzrejene na njenem ozemlju,
d) proizvodi, pridobljeni od živih živali, vzrejenih na njenem ozemlju;
e) proizvodi, pridobljeni z lovom ali ribolovom na njenem ozemlju;
f) proizvodi morskega ribolova in drugi proizvodi iz morja, pridobljeni z njenimi ladjami;
g) proizvodi, izdelani na krovu predelovalnih ladij izključno iz proizvodov, omenjenih v pododstavku f);
h) rabljeni predmeti, zbrani na njenem ozemlju, primerni le za reciklažo;
i) odpadki in ostanki od proizvodnih postopkov na njenem ozemlju;
j) blago, proizvedeno na njenem ozemlju izključno iz proizvodov, opisanih v pododstavkih a) do i).
5. člen
1. Izraza "poglavja" in "tarifne številke", uporabljena v tem protokolu, bosta pomenila poglavja in tarifne številke (štirištevilčne kode), uporabljene v nomenklaturi, ki predstavlja "Harmonizirani opis blaga in sistem kodiranja" (v nadaljnjem besedilu Harmonizirani sistem ali HS). Izraz "uvrščen" se nanaša na uvrstitev proizvoda ali materiala pod določeno tarifno številko:
2. Za namene 1. člena se šteje, da so materiali brez porekla dovolj obdelani ali predelani, kadar je dobljeni proizvod uvrščen pod tarifno številko, ki se razlikuje od tarifnih številk, v katere so uvrščeni vsi materiali brez porekla, uporabljeni v njegovi proizvodnji, v skladu z določili odstavkov tri, štiri in pet.
3. Proizvod, omenjen v 1. in 2. stolpcu seznama v prilogi II tega protokola, mora izpolnjevati pogoje, določene za ta proizvod v 3. stolpcu, namesto pravila v drugem odstavku.
4. Za proizvode v poglavjih 84 do vključno 91 lahko izvoznik države pogodbenice namesto pogojev, ki so določeni v 3. stolpcu, izbere pogoje, določene v 4. stolpcu.
5. Zaradi, izvajanja odstavkov b) i) 1. člena še vedno velja, da so naslednji postopki obdelave ali predelave nezadostni, da bi proizvod pridobil status proizvoda s poreklom, ne glede na to, ali gre za spremembo tarifne številke ali ne:
a) postopki, ki naj zagotovijo ohranitev blaga v dobrem stanju med prevozom in skladiščenjem (prezračevanje, razprostiranje, sušenje, hlajenje, soljenje, žveplov dioksid ali druge vodne raztopine, odstranjevanje poškodovanih delov in podobni postopki);
b) preprosti postopki kot odstranjevanje prahu, sejanje, prebiranje, razvrščanje, usklajevanje (vključno s sestavljanjem garnitur izdelkov), pranje, barvanje, rezanje;
c) i) spremembe v embalaži ter razstavljanje in sestavljanje pošiljk;
ii) enostavno pakiranje v steklenice, čutare, vrečke, zaboje, škatle, pritrjevanje nalepk ali ploščic itd. in vsi ostali preprosti postopki pakiranja;
d) pritrjevanje znakov, nalepk in drugih podobnih znakov za razlikovanje, na proizvode ali njihovo embalažo;
e) preprosto mešanje proizvodov, ne glede na to, ali so različnih vrst ali ne, kjer ena ali več sestavin mešanice ne ustreza pogojem, določenim v tem protokolu, da bi lahko štele za proizvode s poreklom;
f) enostavno sestavljanje delov izdelka v zaključen izdelek;
g) kombinacija dveh ali več postopkov, opisanih v odstavkih a) do f); h) zakol živali.
6. Da bi določili, ali je proizvod s poreklom, ne bo potrebno ugotavljati, ali je bila uporabljena energija in gorivo, naprave in oprema, stroji in orodje za pridobitev teh izdelkov, s poreklom iz tretjih držav ali ne.
7. Dodatki, rezervni deli in orodje, poslani skupaj z delom opreme, stroja, priprave ali vozila, in ki so del običajne opreme in vključeni v njeno ceno, ali pa niso posebej zaračunani, štejejo za del tiste opreme, stroja, naprave ali vozila.
8. Garniture v skladu s splošnim pravilom št. 3 Harmoniziranega sistema se štejejo za garniture s poreklom, kadar imajo poreklo vsi njeni sestavni predmeti. Kljub temu pa bo takrat, kadar je garnitura sestavljena iz predmetov, ki imajo poreklo in takih brez, veljalo, da ima garnitura kot celota poreklo, pod pogojem, da vrednost predmetov brez porekla ne presega 15% cene garniture franko tovarna.
6. člen
1. Izraz "vrednost" v seznamu v prilogi II tega protokola pomeni carinsko vrednost v času uvoza uporabljenih materialov brez porekla ali, če ta ni znana ali se je ne da ugotoviti, prvo preverjeno ceno, ki je bila plačana za material na tistem ozemlju. Kjer je potrebno ugotoviti vrednost uporabljenih materialov s poreklom, se ta odstavek uporablja mutatis mutandis.
2. Izraz "cena franko tovarna" na seznamu v prilogi II pomeni ceno franko tovarna dobljenega proizvoda, zmanjšano za kakršnekoli notranje dajatve, ki se plačajo ali se lahko plačajo ob izvozu pridobljenega proizvoda.
7. člen
1. Blago, ki ima poreklo v smislu tega protokola in predstavlja eno pošiljko, ki se ne deli, se lahko prevaža, če je potrebno, po ozemlju, ki ni ozemlje držav pogodbenic v tem sporazumu in/ali Češke republike, pretovarja ali začasno skladišči na takem ozemlju, pod pogojem, da je prečkanje tega ozemlja upravičeno iz geografskih razlogov, da je blago v državi tranzita ali skladiščenja ostalo pod nadzorom carinskih organov, da v teh državah niso z njim trgovali ali ga izročali v domačo uporabo in na njem niso opravili drugačnih postopkov kot razlaganje, ponovno nalaganje ali postopkov za ohranitev dobrega stanja.
2. Pogoji, določeni v 1. členu, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev statusa blaga s poreklom, morajo biti brez prekinitev izpolnjeni v državi pogodbenici, razen kot je predvideno v 2. in 3. členu.
Če se proizvodi s poreklom, ki jih država pogodbenica tega sporazuma izvaža v neko drugo državo, vračajo, razen v obsegu, ki je določen v 2. in 3. členu, jih je potrebno šteti za proizvode brez porekla, razen če se lahko carinskim organom dokaže, da:
– je vrnjeno blago isto blago, kot je bilo izvoženo, in
– na njem, medtem ko je bilo v tej državi ali po izvozu, niso bili opravljeni nikakršni postopki, razen tistih, ki so potrebni, da se ohrani v dobrem stanju.
Dokazilo o poreklu
8. člen
1. Proizvodi s poreklom v smislu tega protokola pri uvozu v državo pogodbenico koristijo ugodnosti tega sporazuma ob predložitvi enega od naslednjih dokumentov:
a) potrdila EUR.1 o prometu, v nadaljnjem besedilu imenovano potrdilo EUR.1, ali potrdila EUR.1 veljavnega za daljše obdobje, in faktur, ki se nanašajo na to potrdilo, izdelano v skladu s 13. členom;
b) fakture z izjavo izvoznika, kot je podana v prilogi IV tega protokola, ki jo je izvoznik naredil za vsako pošiljko, ki jo sestavlja en ali več paketov s proizvodi s poreklom, katerih celotna vrednost ne presega 5.110 ECU-jev;
c) fakture z izjavo pooblaščenega izvoznika, kot je podana v prilogi IV tega protokola, izdelana v skladu s 13. členom.
2. Naslednji proizvodi s poreklom v smislu pomena tega protokola pri uvozu v državo pogodbenico koristijo ugodnosti tega sporazuma, ne da bi bilo potrebno predložiti kateregakoli od dokumentov, omenjenih v prvem odstavku:
a) proizvodi, ki jih v malih paketih pošiljajo zasebniki zasebnikom, pod pogojem, da vrednost proizvodov ne presega vrednosti 365 ECU-jev;
b) proizvodi, ki so del potnikove osebne prtljage, pod pogojem, da vrednost proizvodov ne presega 1.025 ECU-jev.
Ta določila se uporabljajo samo, kadar se to blago ne uvaža v komercialne namene in je bila dana izjava, da ustreza pogojem, ki se zahtevajo za uporabo tega sporazuma, in kjer ni dvomov v resničnost take izjave.
Občasni uvozi, pri katerih gre le za blago za osebno uporabo prejemnikov ali potnikov ali njihovih družin, se ne štejejo v uvoze za komercialne namene, če je iz narave in količine blaga razvidno, da ni namenjeno za trgovanje.
3. Zneske v nacionalni valuti izvozne države pogodbenice, ki ustrezajo zneskom, izraženim v ECU-jih, bo določila izvozna država pogodbenica in jih sporočila drugi državi pogodbenici. Kadar so zneski višji od ustreznih zneskov, ki jih je določila uvozna država pogodbenica, jih mora uvozna država pogodbenica sprejeti, če je blago fakturirano v valuti izvozne države pogodbenice.
4. Če je blago, ki izpolnjuje zahteve tega protokola, fakturirano v valuti tretje države, bo uvozna država pogodbenica priznala ekvivalente vrednostnih omejitev, izražene v nacionalni valuti te države.
5. Za določitev ustreznega razmerja valute do ECU se bo do vključno 30. aprila 1995 uporabljal tečaj nacionalne valute do ECU, kot je veljal prvega delovnega dne v oktobru 1992.
Za vsako naslednje obdobje dveh let bodo zneski v ECU-jih odgovarjali znesku v nacionalni valuti na prvi delovni dan v oktobru v letu pred dveletnim obdobjem.
Ekvivalenti zneskov, omenjenih v 8. členu tega protokola in izraženi v nacionalni valuti, se spreminjajo v skladu z navedenimi pogoji.
9. člen
1. Potrdilo EUR.1 izdajo carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice ob izvozu blaga, na katerega se nanaša. Izvozniku bo dano na razpolago takoj, ko je bil dejanski izvoz izvršen ali zagotovljen.
2. Potrdilo EUR.1 morajo izdati carinski organi države pogodbenice, če še blago, ki se izvaža, lahko uvrsti med proizvode s poreklom v tej državi pogodbenici v skladu s 1. členom.
3. Carinski organi države pogodbenice lahko, pod pogojem, da je blago, na katerega naj se potrdila EUR.1 nanašajo, na njenem ozemlju, izdajajo potrdila EUR.1 pod pogoji, določenimi s tem protokolom, če lahko blago, namenjeno izvozu, šteje za blago s poreklom iz ene od držav pogodbenic v skladu s 1. in 2. členom ali iz Češke republike v skladu s pomenom 3. člena, in pod pogojem, da je blago, na katerega se potrdilo nanaša, na njenem ozemlju, razen v primerih, omenjenih v 16. členu.
V takih primerih je izdaja potrdila EUR.1 odvisna od predložitve predhodno izdanih dokazil o poreklu.
4. Potrdilo EUR.1 se lahko izda samo takrat, kadar lahko služi kot dokumentarno dokazilo, ki se zahteva za obravnavanje, določeno v tem sporazumu.
Datum izdaje potrdila EUR.1 mora biti naveden v rubriki 11 potrdila EUR.1, rezervirani za carinske organe.
5. V izjemnih okoliščinah se lahko potrdilo EUR.1 izda tudi po izvozu blaga, na katerega se nanaša, če v času izvoza ni bilo izdano zaradi napak, nenamernih opustitev ali posebnih okoliščin.
Carinske oblasti lahko izdajo potrdilo EUR.1 naknadno samo potem, ko so preverile, da podrobnosti, navedene v izvoznikovi prošnji, ustrezajo podrobnostim na odgovarjajočem dokumentu.
Potrdila EUR.1, izdana naknadno, morajo biti označena z eno od naslednjih navedb:
6. V primeru kraje, izgube ali uničenja potrdila EUR.1 lahko izvoznik zaprosi carinske organe, ki so ga izdali, za dvojnik, ki ga izdajo na osnovi izvoznih dokumentov, ki jih imajo. Tako izdani dvojnik mora biti označen z eno od naslednjih besed:
Dvojnik, na katerem je datum izdaje prvotnega potrdila EUR.1, velja od tega datuma.
7. Oznake, omenjene v petem in šestem odstavku, morajo biti vpisane v rubriki 7 "Opombe" potrdila EUR.1.
8. Vedno je mogoča zamenjava enega ali več potrdil EUR.1 z enim ali več potrdil EUR.1, pod pogojem, da se to opravi pri carinskem organu, kjer se blago nahaja.
9. Zaradi preverjanja, če so izpolnjeni pogoji, navedeni v drugem in tretjem odstavku, imajo carinski organi pravico zahtevati kakršnokoli dokumentarno dokazilo ali izvesti kakršenkoli ustrezen pregled.
10. Določila drugega do devetega odstavka tega člena veljajo mutatis mutandis za dokazila, ki so jih izdelali pooblaščeni izvozniki pod pogoji, določenimi v 13. členu.
10. člen
1. Potrdilo EUR.1 se izdaja samo na pismeno prošnjo izvoznika ali, na njegovo odgovornost, njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika, na obrazcu, katerega vzorec je v prilogi III tega Protokola, in ki mora biti izpolnjen v skladu s tem Protokolom.
2. Carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice so odgovorni za zagotavljanje pravilnega izpolnjevanja obrazca, navedenega v prvem odstavku. Se posebej morajo preverjati, če je rubrika, namenjena opisu blaga, izpolnjena tako, da izključuje možnost ponarejanj. V ta namen je potrebno opisati blago brez praznih vrstic. Kjer rubrika ni v celoti izpolnjena, je potrebno dodati vodoravno črto pod zadnjo vrstico opisa, tako da je prazen prostor prečrtan.
3. Ker predstavlja potrdilo EUR.1 dokumentarno dokazilo za uporabo tega sporazuma, so carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice odgovorni za potrebno preverjanje porekla blaga in pregledovanje drugih izjav na potrdilu.
4. Kadar se izdaja potrdilo EUR.1 v skladu s petim odstavkom 9. člena, potem, ko je bilo blago, na katero se nanaša, že izvoženo, mora izvoznik v prošnji, omenjeni v prvem odstavku:
a) navesti kraj in datum izvoza blaga, na katerega se potrdilo EUR.1 nanaša, in
b) potrditi, da v času izvoza potrdilo EUR.1 za to blago ni bilo izdano in navesti razloge.
5. Prošnje za potrdila EUR.1 in dokazilo o poreklu, omenjeno v drugem pododstavku tretjega odstavka 9. člena, ob predložitvi katere se izda nova potrdila EUR.1, morajo carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice hraniti vsaj dve leti.
11. člen
1. Potrdila EUR.1 je potrebno napisati na obrazcu, katerega vzorec je v prilogi III tega Protokola. Ta obrazec mora biti natisnjen v enem ali več uradnih jezikih držav pogodbenic tega sporazuma oziroma v češčini ali angleščini. Potrdilo EUR.1 mora biti izpolnjeno v enem od teh jezikov in v skladu z določili notranje zakonodaje izvozne države pogodbenice; če so zapisana na roko, morajo biti izpolnjena s črnilom, z velikimi črkami in brez prekinitev.
2. Mere potrdila EUR.1 so 210 x 297 mm. Dopustna so odstopanja do plus 8 milimetrov ali minus 5 milimetrov dolžine. Uporabiti je treba pisalni papir z belo prevleko, ki ne vsebuje delcev pulpe in ni lažji od 25 gramov na kvadratni meter. Imeti mora ozadje s tiskanim zelenim vzorcem "guilloche", tako da je vsako ponarejanje z mehaničnimi ali kemičnimi sredstvi opazno na prvi pogled.
3. Državi pogodbenici si lahko pridržita pravico, da sami tiskata potrdila ali pa jih data v tisk pooblaščenim tiskarjem.
12. člen
1. Potrdilo EUR.1 je potrebno v štirih mesecih od datuma izdaje s strani carinskih organov izvozne države pogodbenice predati carinskim organom uvozne države pogodbenice, kjer je blago vstopilo, v skladu s postopkom, ki ga je predpisala ta država pogodbenica. Omenjeni organi lahko zahtevajo prevod potrdila. Lahko tudi zahtevajo, da uvozno deklaracijo spremlja izjava uvoznika, da blago ustreza pogojem, ki se zahtevajo za uporabo tega sporazuma.
2. Ne glede na peti odstavek 5. člena, se bo takrat, kadar se na zahtevo osebe, ki blago prijavlja na carino, demontirani ali nesestavljeni predmet, ki spada pod 84. ali 85. poglavje Harmoniziranega sistema, uvaža po delih po pogojih, ki so jih predpisale pristojne oblasti, upoštevalo, da gre za en predmet in potrdilo EUR.1 se lahko izda za celoten predmet ob prvem uvozu po delih.
3. Potrdilo EUR.1, ki se preda carinskim organom uvozne države pogodbenice po preteku datuma za predložitev, določenega v prvem odstavku, se pri prošnji za preferencialni tretman lahko sprejme, kadar se potrdila pred potekom datuma ni dalo dostaviti zaradi višje sile ali izjemnih okoliščin.
V drugih primerih zakasnitve predložitve lahko carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice sprejmejo potrdila EUR.1, kadar jim je bilo blago predano pred dogovorjenim končnim datumom.
4. V primeru manjših razlik med izjavami na potrdilu EUR.1 in dokumenti, ki so bili predani carinskemu uradu za izvršitev formalnosti uvoza blaga, potrdilo ne bo ipso facto razveljavljeno, pod pogojem, da je pravočasno ugotovljeno, da potrdilo ustreza blagu.
5. Potrdilo EUR.1 morajo carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice hraniti v skladu s pravili, ki veljajo v tej pogodbenici.
6. Dokaz, da so bili izpolnjeni pogoji, določeni v 7. členu, je zagotovljen, ko je carinskim organom uvozne države pogodbenice predan bodisi:
a) en sam dokazni prevozni dokument, izdelan v izvozni državi pogodbenici ali Republiki Slovaški, s katerim je blago prečkalo tranzitno državo; ali
b) potrdilo, ki so ga izdali carinski organi tranzitne države in vsebuje:
– natančen opis blaga,
– datum razkladanja in ponovnega nakladanja blaga, in kjer ustreza, imena ladij,
– potrjeno dokazilo o pogojih, zaradi katerih se je blago zadržalo v tranzitni državi;
c) ali, če tega ni, katerekoli dokumente, ki to dokazujejo.
13. člen
1. Ne glede na prvi do sedmi odstavek 9. člena in prvi, četrti in peti odstavek 10. člena se lahko uporabi poenostavljen postopek za izdajo dokumentov, ki se nanašajo na dokazovanje porekla, pod pogoji spodaj navedenih določil.
2. Carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice lahko pooblastijo izvoznika, v nadaljnjem besedilu "pooblaščenega izvoznika", ki opravlja pogoste izvoze, za katere je potrebno izdati potrdila EUR.1 in ki zadovoljivo ponudi carinskim organom vsa jamstva, ki so potrebna za preverjanje statusa blaga s poreklom, da mu ob času izvoza blaga carinskemu uradu izvozne države pogodbenice ni treba predati niti blaga niti prošnje za potrdilo EUR.1, ki se nanaša na to blago, z namenom, da bi dobil potrdilo EUR.1 po pogojih, predpisanih v prvem do četrtem odstavku 9. člena in drugem odstavku 12. člena.
3. Dodatno lahko carinski organi pooblastijo pooblaščenega izvoznika, da izstavlja potrdila EUR.1, ki veljajo največ leto dni od datuma izdaje, v nadaljnjem besedilu imenovana "LT potrdila". Eno LT potrdilo lahko krije le pošiljke enakovrstnega blaga enega pooblaščenega izvoznika enemu uvozniku. Pooblastilo se odobri samo v primeru, ko se pričakuje, da bo status blaga s poreklom, ki se izvaža, ostal nespremenjen za čas veljavnosti LT potrdila. Če LT potrdilo ne krije več določenega blaga, mora pooblaščeni izvoznik takoj obvestiti carinske organe, ki so pooblastilo izdali.
Kjer se uporablja poenostavljeni postopek, carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice lahko predpišejo uporabo potrdil EUR.1, ki imajo razločno oznako, po kateri jih je moč prepoznati.
4. Pooblastilo, omenjeno v drugem in tretjem odstavku, pogojuje, po izbiri carinskih organov, da mora biti rubrika 11 "Carinska overovitev" potrdila EUR.1:
a) bodisi vnaprej potrjena z žigom pristojnega carinskega organa izvozne države pogodbenice in lastnoročnim ali odtisnjenim podpisom uradnika tega organa; bodisi
b) potrjena s strani pooblaščenega izvoznika s posebnim žigom, ki so ga odobrili carinski organi izvozne pogodbenice in ustreza vzorcu v prilogi V tega protokola; ta žig je lahko vnaprej odtisnjen na obrazcu.
Če je potrebno, rubriko 11 "Carinska overovitev" izpolni pooblaščeni izvoznik.
5. V primerih, omenjenih v četrtem odstavku a), je potrebno v rubriko 7 "Opombe" potrdila EUR.1 vnesti eno od naslednjih navedb:
Pooblaščeni izvoznik mora v rubriki 13, "Zahteva za kontrolo" vnesti ime in naslov carinskih organov, pristojnih za kontrolo potrdil EUR.l.
6. V primeru, omenjenem v tretjem odstavku, je potrebno v rubriko 7 "Opombe" potrdila EUR.1 vpisati eno od naslednjih navedb:
in datum, zapisan s številkami, potrjen z žigom in podpisom carinskih organov.
Ne zahteva se, da se v rubrikah 8 in 9 LT potrdila navaja oznake in številke ter število in vrsto pakiranja, bruto težo (kg) ali drugo mero (liter, m3 itd.). Rubrika 8 pa mora seveda vsebovati dovolj natančen opis in oznake blaga, da se blago lahko identificira.
7. Ne glede na prvi do tretji odstavek tega člena je potrebno LT potrdilo predati carinskemu organu uvozne države pogodbenice ob ali pred prvim uvozom kakršnegakoli blaga, na katero se nanaša. Kadar uvoznik opravi carinjenje pri več carinskih organih v uvozni državi pogodbenici, lahko carinski organi od njega zahtevajo predložitev dvojnikov LT potrdila vsem tem carinskim organom.
8. Ko je LT potrdilo predano carinskim organom, je potrebno dokazila o statusu porekla uvoženega blaga med veljavnostjo LT potrdila izkazovati s fakturami, ki izpolnjujejo naslednje pogoje:
a) kadar faktura zajema tako blago s poreklom v državi pogodbenici kot tudi blago brez porekla, mora izvoznik ti dve vrsti blaga jasno razlikovati;
b) izvoznik mora na vsaki fakturi navesti številko LT potrdila, ki zadeva to blago, in datum, ko potrdilo poteče, ter ime(-na) držav(-e) porekla blaga.
Navedba številke LT potrdila in države porekla, ki jo na fakturi zapiše izvoznik, predstavlja izjavo, da blago izpolnjuje pogoje, predpisane v tem Protokolu, za pridobitev preferencialnega porekla v trgovanju med državami pogodbenicami tega sporazuma. Carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice lahko zahtevajo, da morajo biti vpisi, ki morajo biti po zgornjih določilih na fakturi, potrjeni z lastnoročnim podpisom, ki mu sledi razločno zapisano ime podpisnika;
c) opis in oznake blaga na fakturi morajo biti dovolj podrobni, da jasno pokažejo, da je blago navedeno tudi na LT potrdilu, na katerega se faktura nanaša;
d) fakture se lahko izdajo samo za blago, ki se izvaža med obdobjem veljavnosti ustreznega LT potrdila. Lahko se jih predloži pri uvoznem carinskem organu v štirih mesecih potem, ko jih je izvoznik izstavil.
9. V okviru poenostavljenih postopkov se lahko fakture, ki zadovoljujejo pogoje tega člena, izdeluje in/ali prenaša s pomočjo telekomunikacij ali elektronske obdelave podatkov. Take fakture bodo carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice sprejeli kot dokaz o statusu porekla blaga, ki se uvaža v skladu s postopki, ki so jih predpisali tamkajšnji carinski organi.
10. Če carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice ugotovijo, da potrdilo in/ali faktura, izdana po določilih tega člena, ne velja za dobavljeno blago, morajo o ugotovitvah nemudoma obvestiti carinske organe uvozne države pogodbenice.
11. Carinski organi lahko pooblastijo pooblaščenega izvoznika, da izdaja fakture z izjavo, podano v prilogi VI tega Protokola, namesto potrdil EUR.1.
Izjava, ki jo na fakturi zapiše pooblaščeni izvoznik, mora biti narejena v enem od uradnih jezikov pogodbenic tega sporazuma oziroma v slovaščini ali v angleščini. Podpisana mora biti lastnoročno in mora bodisi:
a) navajati avtorizacijske številke pooblaščenega izvoznika, ali
b) pooblaščen izvoznik potrditi s posebnim žigom, omenjenim v četrtem odstavku b), ki so ga odobrili carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice. Ta žig je lahko predhodno odtisnjen na fakturi.
12. Vendar pa carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice lahko dovolijo pooblaščenemu izvozniku, da ne podpisuje izjave v osmem odstavku b) ali izjave, omenjene v enajstem odstavku, zapisane na fakturi, kadar se take fakture izdelujejo in/ali pošiljajo s pomočjo telekomunikacij ali elektronske obdelave podatkov.
Omenjeni carinski organi morajo predpisati pogoje za izvajanje tega odstavka, vključno, če tako zahtevajo, s pismenim jamstvom pooblaščenega izvoznika, da sprejema vso odgovornost za tako trditev in izjavo, kot da bi jih dejansko lastnoročno podpisal.
13. V pooblastilih, omenjenih v drugem, tretjem in enajstem odstavku, morajo carinski organi določiti posebej:
a) pogoje, pod katerimi se delajo prošnje za potrdila EUR.1 ali LT potrdila, oziroma pogoje, pod katerimi se na fakture zapisuje izjava glede porekla blaga;
b) pogoje, pod katerimi se te prošnje, kakor tudi dvojniki faktur, ki se nanašajo na LT potrdilo, in faktur z izvoznikovo izjavo, hranijo vsaj dve leti. V primeru LT potrdil ali faktur, ki se nanašajo na LT potrdila, se to obdobje prične z datumom, ko poteče veljavnost LT potrdila. Ta določila veljajo tudi za potrdila EUR.1 ali LT potrdila in fakture, ki se nanašajo na LT potrdila, kakor tudi fakture z izvoznikovo izjavo, potem ko so služili kot osnova za izdajo drugih dokazil o poreklu, po pogojih, predpisanih v drugem pododstavku tretjega odstavka 9. člena.
14. Carinski organi v izvozni državi pogodbenici lahko razglasijo določene kategorije blaga kot neprimerne za poseben postopek, predviden v drugem, tretjem in enajstem odstavku.
15. Carinski organi zavrnejo izvoznikom, ki ne ponudijo vseh jamstev, za katere menijo, da so potrebna, izdajo pooblastil, omenjenih v drugem, tretjem in enajstem odstavku.
Carinski organi lahko kadarkoli prekličejo pooblastila. To morajo narediti, kadar se pogoji za odobritev ne izpolnjujejo več ali kadar priznani izvoznik ne nudi več jamstev.
16. Od pooblaščenega izvoznika se lahko zahteva, da carinske organe obvešča, v skladu s pravili, ki so jih predpisali, o blagu, ki ga namerava odposlati, tako da pristojni carinski organ lahko izvede pregled, za katerega meni, da je potreben, pred odpremo blaga.
17. Določila tega člena ne vplivajo na uporabo pravil držav pogodbenic o carinskih formalnostih in uporabi carinskih dokumentov.
14. člen
Izjavo, omenjeno v odstavku 1 c) 8. člena, mora pooblaščeni izvoznik podati v obliki, zapisani v Prilogi IV tega Protokola, v enem od uradnih jezikov držav pogodbenic oziroma v češčini ali angleščini. Biti mora natipkana ali odtisnjena in lastnoročno podpisana. Pooblaščeni izvoznik mora hraniti dvojnik fakture z omenjeno izjavo vsaj dve leti.
15. člen
1. Izvoznik ali njegov zastopnik mora k svoji prošnji za potrdilo EUR.1 predložiti ustrezen dokument, ki dokazuje, da blago, ki se izvaža, izpolnjuje pogoje za izdajo potrdila EUR.1.
Mora se obvezati, da bo na zahtevo ustreznih organov predložil vsa dodatna dokazila, ki bi jih zahtevali z namenom, da ugotovijo pravilnost statusa porekla blaga, ki je upravičeno do preferencialnega tretmaja, in mora se obvezati, da se strinja z vsakim pregledom svojih računov in vsakim pregledom postopkov za pridobivanje tega blaga, ki ga izvedejo omenjeni organi.
2. Izvozniki morajo vsaj dve leti hraniti dodatne dokumente, omenjene v prvem odstavku.
3. Določila prvega in drugega odstavka se uporabljajo mutatis mutandis v primeru uporabe postopkov, predpisanih v drugem in tretjem odstavku 13. člena in izjave, omenjene v odstavku 1 c) 8. člena.
16. člen
1. Blago, ki ga država pogodbenica pošilja na razstavo v državo, ki ni država pogodbenica ali Republika Slovaška, in ga po razstavi proda za uvoz v pogodbenico, lahko ob uvozu koristi določila tega sporazuma, pod pogojem, da blago ustreza zahtevam tega protokola, ki mu daje pravico, da je lahko priznano, da je s poreklom iz države pogodbenice, in pod pogojem, da se carinskim organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da je:
a) izvoznik to blago poslal iz države pogodbenice ali Republike Slovaške v državo, kjer se odvija razstava in ga je tam razstavljal;
b) ta izvoznik blago prodal ali drugače oddal nekomu v državi pogodbenici;
c) blago bilo poslano med razstavo ali takoj zatem v državo pogodbenico v stanju, v kakršnem je bilo poslano na razstavo;
d) blago, potem ko je bilo poslano na razstavo, ni bilo uporabljeno v noben drugačen namen, kot je prikaz na razstavi.
2. Potrdilo EUR.1 je potrebno predložiti carinskim organom na običajen način. Na njem morata biti navedena ime in naslov razstave. Kjer je potrebno, se lahko zahteva dodatna dokumentirana dokazila o lastnostih blaga in pogojih, v katerih je bilo razstavljeno.
3. Prvi odstavek se uporablja za vse vrste prodajnih, industrijskih, kmetijskih ali obrtnih razstav, sejmov, podobnih javnih prireditev in prikazov, ki se ne prirejajo iz zasebnih razlogov v trgovinah ali poslovnih prostorih zaradi prodaje tujega blaga, in med katerimi blago ostaja pod carinskim nadzorom.
Dogovori o administrativnem sodelovanju
17. člen
1. Da bi zagotovili pravilno uporabo tega protokola, si bosta državi pogodbenici preko svojih carinskih uprav medsebojno pomagali pri preverjanju verodostojnosti in točnosti potrdil EUR.1 vključno s tistimi, ki so izdana v skladu s tretjim odstavkom 9. člena, in izjav izvoznikov na fakturah.
2. Skupni odbor bo pooblaščen, da sprejme potrebne odločitve o metodah administrativnega sodelovanja, ki naj se uporabljajo v državah pogodbenicah.
3. Carinski organi držav pogodbenic se morajo medsebojno oskrbeti z vzorčnimi odtisi žigov, ki jih uporabljajo v svojih carinskih organih pri izdaji potrdil EUR.1.
4. Državi pogodbenici morata narediti vse potrebno za zagotovitev, da se blago, s katerim se trguje s potrdilom EUR.1 in ki med prevozom uporablja prosto carinsko cono na njunem ozemlju, ne zamenja z drugim blagom in da se ga ne obdeluje kako drugače, razen z običajnimi postopki, namenjenimi za preprečitev njegovega kvarjenja.
5. Kadar so proizvodi s poreklom v državi pogodbenici, ki jih zajema potrdilo EUR.1 in ki so uvoženi v prosto carinsko cono, obdelani ali predelani, morajo tamkajšnji carinski organi na zahtevo izvoznika izdati novo potrdilo EUR.1, če je izvedena obdelava ali predelava v skladu z določili tega protokola.
18. člen
1. Naknadna preverjanja potrdil EUR.1 in izvoznikovih izjav na fakturah se izvajajo naključno ali kadar imajo carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice upravičene dvome glede pristnosti dokumenta ali natančnosti informacij glede resničnega porekla dotičnega blaga.
2. Zaradi izvajanja določil prvega odstavka morajo carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice vrniti potrdilo EUR.1 in fakturo, če je bila predložena, ali fakturo, ki se nanaša na LT potrdilo, ali fakturo z izvoznikovo izjavo ali dvojnike teh dokumentov, carinskim organom izvozne države pogodbenice in kjer tako ustreza, navesti vsebinske ali formalne razloge za poizvedbo.
Carinski organi morajo, da bi podprli zahtevo za naknadno preverjanje, predati vsak dokument ali informacijo, ki kaže, da so podatki na potrdilu EUR.1 ali fakturi napačni.
Če se carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice odločijo, da ne bodo uporabili določil tega sporazuma, medtem ko čakajo na rezultate preverjanja, morajo uvozniku ponuditi sprostitev blaga, pogojeno z varnostnimi ukrepi, ki se jim zdijo potrebni.
3. Carinski organi uvozne države pogodbenice morajo biti o rezultatih preverjanja obveščeni takoj, ko je mogoče. Ti rezultati morajo biti taki, da je mogoče določiti, če se dokumenti, vrnjeni po drugem odstavku, nanašajo na blago, ki se dejansko izvaža, in če se za to blago lahko dejansko uporabijo določila o preferencialnem tretmanu.
Če v kakršnemkoli primeru upravičenega dvoma ni odgovora v desetih mesecih od datuma zahtevka za preverjanje pravilnosti ali če odgovor ne vsebuje zadostnih informacij, da bi določili pristnost dotičnega dokumenta ali resnično poreklo proizvoda, bodo organi, ki so zahtevek vložili, zavrnili vsakršne ugodnosti preferencialnega tretmana, določenega s tem sporazumom, razen v primeru višje sile ali izjemnih okoliščin.
Kjer takih sporov ne morejo poravnati carinski organi uvozne in izvozne države pogodbenice ali kadar se pojavi vprašanje tolmačenja tega protokola, jih je potrebno predati Pododboru za carinske zadeve in vprašanja porekla, omenjenemu v 23. členu. Odločitve sprejema Skupni odbor.
V vseh primerih pa je poravnava sporov med uvoznikom in carinskimi organi uvozne države pogodbenice stvar zakonodaje te države pogodbenice.
Kjer postopek preverjanja ah katerakoli druga informacija kaže na to, da se kršijo določila tega protokola, bodo proizvodi sprejeti za proizvode s poreklom po tem protokolu šele po zaključku vseh tistih vrst administrativnega sodelovanja, predpisanih v tem protokolu, ki so bile sprožene, še posebej postopka preverjanja.
Prav tako se bo proizvodom zavrnil tretman, ki so ga deležni proizvodi s poreklom po tem protokolu, šele po zaključku postopka preverjanja.
Zaradi naknadnega preverjanja potrdil EUR.1 morajo carinski organi izvozne države pogodbenice hraniti izvozne dokumente ali dvojnike potrdil EUR.1, ki so jih uporabili namesto njih, vsaj dve leti.
Končna določila
19. člen
Državi pogodbenici tega sporazuma morata narediti vse potrebno za izvajanje tega protokola.
20. člen
Priloge tega protokola so njegov sestavni del.
21. člen
Blago, ki ustreza določilom Naslova I in ki je na dan začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma bodisi na poti ali v začasnem skladiščenju v državi pogodbenici, v carinskem skladišču ali prosti coni, se lahko sprejme kot blago s poreklom, pod pogojem, da se v štirih mesecih od tega datuma carinskim organom uvozne države pogodbenice predloži dokazila o poreklu, ki so bila izstavljena naknadno, in katerekoli dokumente, ki dodatno dokazujejo pogoje prevoza.
22. člen
Državi pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta uvedli ukrepe, ki so potrebni za zagotovitev, da se potrdila EUR.1, za izdajo katerih so pooblaščeni njuni carinski organi v skladu s tem sporazumom, izdajajo pod pogoji, določenimi s tem sporazumom. Obvezujeta se tudi, da bosta poskrbeli za potrebno administrativno sodelovanje, še posebej pri preverjanju poti in krajev, kjer se je hranilo blago, s katerim se trguje po tem sporazumu.
23. člen
1. Pododbor za carinske zadeve in vprašanja porekla bo ustanovljen v okviru Skupnega odbora v skladu s petim odstavkom 35. člena tega sporazuma, z nalogo, da izvaja administrativno sodelovanje za zagotovitev smotrne, pravilne in enotne uporabe tega protokola, kakor tudi nenehno obveščanje in posvetovanje med strokovnjaki.
2. Sestavljen bo iz strokovnjakov držav pogodbenic tega sporazuma, ki so odgovorni za vprašanja v zvezi s carinskimi zadevami in poreklom.
24. člen
Kaznovan bo vsakdo, ki izstavi dokument ali povzroči izstavitev, ki vsebuje nepravilne podatke, zato da bi pridobil prednostno obravnavo za proizvode.
3. člen
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma skrbita ministrstvo, pristojno za ekonomske odnose in razvoj, ter ministrstvo, pristojno za finance (Republiška carinska uprava).
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 311-04/94-16/1
Ljubljana, dne 20. junija 1994.
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
mag. Herman Rigelnik l. r.

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