Uradni list

Številka 2
Uradni list RS, št. 2/1993 z dne 14. 1. 1993
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 2/1993 z dne 14. 1. 1993


7. Uredba o ratifikaciji sporazuma o vzpostavitvi diplomatskih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Južnoafriško republiko, stran 7.

Na podlagi tretjega odstavka 63. člena zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 1/91-I) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji sporazuma o vzpostavitvi diplomatskih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Južnoafriško republiko
1. člen
Ratificira se sporazum o vzpostavitvi diplomatskih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Južnoafriško republiko, sklenjen z izmenjavo not z dne 6. avgusta in 30. oktobra 1992.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v slovenskem prevodu glasi:
                                                         6 August 1992
Your Excellency
I have the honour to refer to the discussions between our two Governments since November 1990 concerning the possibility of the establishment of relations between our two countries. In view of the desire of the Governments of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Slovenia -
to maintain mutually advantageous relations; and
to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries on the basis of respect for the principles of, international law; and
being convinced that the cooperation of the two countries will contribute to the strengthening of international peace and security,
I have the honour to propose the establishment of diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level between our countries.
I have the honour to propose further that the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations done at Vienna on april 18, 1961, shall apply to our respective diplomatic premises and to the official representatives attached thereto.
This Note and the reply Note from Your Excellency confirming the above proposal on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, shall constitute an agreement between our two Governments. This agreement shall enter into force on the date of Your Excellency's concurring reply Note.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
R F Botha, (s)
His Excellency Dr. D. Rupel
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia
                                                         Ljubljana, October 30, 1992
Your Excellency,
I have the honour to refer to the discussions between our two Governments since November 1990 concerning the possibility of the establishment of relations between our two countries. In view of the desire of the Governments of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of South Africa -
to maintain mutually advantageous relations and
to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries on the basis of respect for the principles of international law; and
being convinced that the cooperation of the two countries will contribute to the strengthening of international peace and security,
I have the honour to propose the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.
I have the honour to propose further that the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations done at Vienna on April 18, 1961, shall apply to our respective diplomatic premises and to the official representatives attached thereto.
Upon the exchange of Your Excellency's Note and this Note is reply, indicating the concurrence of both Governments, it will be considered that the Notes constitute the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of South Africa, and that the date of entry into force of the Agreement be the date of the exchange of Notes.
Please accept, your Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Dr. Dimitrij Rupel, (s)
Minister for Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia
His Excellency Mr R F Botha
Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of South Africa
                                                         6. avgust 1992
Vaša Ekscelenca,
čast imam sklicevati se na razgovore med našima dvema vladama od novembra 1990 glede možnosti vzpostavitve odnosov med našima dvema državama. Glede na željo vlad Republike Južne Afrike in Republike Slovenije
da vzdržujeta obojestransko koristne odnose; in da okrepita sodelovanje med obema državama na osnovi spoštovanja načel mednarodnega prava; in
v prepričanju, da bo sodelovanje med obema državama pripomoglo h krepitvi mednarodnega miru in varnosti,
imam čast predlagati, da se med našima dvema državama vzpostavijo diplomatski odnosi na ravni veleposlanikov:
Nadalje imam čast predlagati, da določila Dunajske konvencije o diplomatskih odnosih, sestavljene na Dunaju 18. aprila 1961, veljajo obojestransko, tako za diplomatske prostore kot tudi za uradne predstavnike, ki v njih delajo.
Ta nota in nota Vaše Ekscelence v odgovor, s katero boste potrdili gornji predlog v imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije, bosta tvorili sporazum med našima dvema vladama. Ta sporazum bo začel veljati z dnem, ko bo Vaša Ekscelenca poslala noto – odgovor, s katero bo izrazila svoje soglasje.
Sprejmite, Vaša Ekscelenca, izraze mojega odličnega spoštovanja.
R F Botha l. r.
Njegova Ekscelenca dr. D. Rupel
Minister za zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
                                                         Ljubljana, 30. oktobra 1992
Vaša Ekscelenca,
čast imam sklicevati se na razgovore med našima dvema vladama od novembra 1990 glede možnosti vzpostavitve odnosov med našima dvema državama. Glede na željo vlad Republike Južne Afrike in Republike Slovenije
da vzdržujeta obojestransko koristne odnose; in da okrepita sodelovanje med obema državama na osnovi spoštovanja načel mednarodnega prava; in
v prepričanju, da bo sodelovanje med dvema državama pripomoglo h krepitvi mednarodnega miru in varnosti,
imam čast predlagati, da se med našima dvema državama vzpostavijo dipomatski odnosi na ravni veposlanikov.
Nadalje imam čast predlagati, da določila Dunajske konvencije o diplomatskih odnosih, sestavljene na Dunaju 18. aprila 1961, veljajo obojestransko, tako za diplomatske prostore kot tudi za uradne predstavnike, ki v njih delajo.
Po izmenjavi note Vaše Ekscelence in te note v odgovor, s katerima obe vladi izražata svoje soglasje, se smatra, da obe noti tvorita sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Južne Afrike in da je datum veljave sporazuma datum izmenjave not.
Sprejmite, Vaša Ekscelenca, izraze mojega odličnega spoštovanja.
Dr. Dimitrij Rupel l. r.
Minister za zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Njegova Ekscelenca
g R. F. Botha
Minister za zunanje zadeve
Republike Južne Afrike
3. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 900-04/92-64/1-8
Ljubljana, dne 17. decembra 1992.
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Janez Drnovšek l. r

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