Uradni list

Številka 40
Uradni list RS, št. 40/2008 z dne 23. 4. 2008
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 40/2008 z dne 23. 4. 2008


48. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o zračnem prometu med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Združenimi državami Amerike na drugi strani (MESZDAZ), stran 1493.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o zračnem prometu med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Združenimi državami Amerike na drugi strani (MESZDAZ)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o zračnem prometu med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Združenimi državami Amerike na drugi strani (MESZDAZ), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 2. aprila 2008.
Št. 003-02-4/2008-10
Ljubljana, dne 10. aprila 2008
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o zračnem prometu med Evropsko skupnostjo in njenimi državami članicami na eni strani in Združenimi državami Amerike na drugi strani, podpisan v Washingtonu, 30. aprila 2007.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(1):
ZDRUŽENE DRŽAVE AMERIKE (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Združene države")
na eni strani in
kot pogodbenice Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in države članice Evropske unije (v nadaljnjem besedilu "države članice")
na drugi strani so se
V ŽELJI, da bi spodbujale mednarodni letalski sistem na podlagi konkurence med letalskimi družbami na trgu s čim manjšim vplivom držav in njihovih predpisov;
V ŽELJI, da bi omogočile širitev mednarodnih možnosti za zračni promet tudi z razvojem omrežij zračnega prometa za zadovoljevanje potreb potnikov in naročnikov prevoza po primernih storitvah v zračnem prometu;
V ŽELJI, da bi omogočile letalskim družbam, da ponudijo potnikom in naročnikom prevozov konkurenčne cene in storitve na odprtih trgih;
V ŽELJI, da bi imeli vsi sektorji letalske industrije, vključno z delavci letalskih družb, koristi od liberaliziranega sporazuma;
V ŽELJI, da bi zagotovile najvišjo stopnjo varnosti in varovanja v mednarodnem zračnem prometu ter zaradi zaskrbljenosti nad dejanji ali grožnjami zoper varovanje zrakoplovov, ki ogrožajo varnost oseb ali premoženja, škodljivo vplivajo na zračne prevoze in spodkopavajo zaupanje javnosti v varnost civilnega letalstva;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU Konvencije o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila na voljo za podpis v Čikagu 7. decembra 1944;
OB SPOZNANJU, da lahko državne subvencije škodljivo vplivajo na konkurenco med letalskimi družbami in ogrozijo osnovne cilje tega sporazuma;
OB POTRDITVI pomena varstva okolja pri razvoju in izvajanju mednarodne letalske politike;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU pomena varstva potrošnikov, vključno z varstvom, ki ga zagotavlja Konvencija o poenotenju nekaterih pravil za mednarodni letalski prevoz, sklenjena v Montrealu 28. maja 1999;
S CILJEM, da se odpre dostop na trge in dosežejo čim večje ugodnosti za uporabnike, letalske družbe, delovno silo in skupnosti na obeh straneh Atlantika na podlagi obstoječih sporazumov;
OB PRIZNAVANJU pomena večjega dostopa njihovih letalskih družb do svetovnih kapitalskih trgov zaradi večje konkurence in spodbujanja ciljev tega sporazuma;
ZARADI VZPOSTAVITVE precedensa svetovnega pomena za spodbujanje koristi liberalizacije v tem ključnem gospodarskem sektorju
Opredelitev pojmov
Če ni določeno drugače, v tem sporazumu:
1. "sporazum" pomeni ta sporazum, njegove priloge in dodatek ter vse spremembe;
2. "zračni promet" pomeni ločen ali kombiniran prevoz potnikov, prtljage, tovora in pošte z zrakoplovom, ki je na voljo javnosti za plačilo ali najem;
3. "konvencija" pomeni Konvencijo o mednarodnem civilnem letalstvu, ki je bila na voljo za podpis v Čikagu 7. decembra 1944 in vključuje:
(a) vsako spremembo, ki je začela veljati na podlagi odstavka a 94. člena konvencije ter so jo ratificirale Združene države in država članica ali države članice, kot je ustrezno glede na vprašanje, ter
(b) vsako prilogo ali spremembo priloge, sprejeto na podlagi 90. člena konvencije, vedno kadar se taka priloga ali sprememba uporablja v Združenih državah in državi članici ali državah članicah, kot je ustrezno glede na vprašanje;
4. "celotni stroški" pomenijo stroške zagotavljanja storitev in razumno pristojbino za upravne režijske stroške;
5. "mednarodni zračni promet" pomeni zračni promet, ki poteka v zračnem prostoru nad ozemljem več kot ene države;
6. "pogodbenica" pomeni Združene države ali Evropsko skupnost in njene države članice;
7. "cena" pomeni vsako prevoznino, tarifo ali plačilo za prevoz potnikov, prtljage in/ali tovora (razen pošte) v zračnem prometu, vključno s površinskim prevozom v povezavi z mednarodnim zračnim prometom, če je ustrezno, ki jo zaračunajo letalske družbe, vključno z njihovimi posredniki, ter pogoje, ki urejajo razpoložljivost take prevoznine, tarife ali pristojbine;
8. "pristanek v nekomercialne namene" pomeni pristanek v kateri koli namen razen vkrcavanja ali izkrcavanja potnikov, prtljage, tovora in/ali pošte v zračnem prometu;
9. "ozemlje" za Združene države pomeni kopenska območja (celino in otoke), notranje vode in teritorialno morje pod njeno suverenostjo ali jurisdikcijo ter za Evropsko skupnost in njene države članice kopenska območja (celino in otoke), notranje vode in teritorialno morje, kjer velja Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, in pod pogoji, določenimi v njej in vsakem poznejšem dokumentu; uporaba tega sporazuma za gibraltarsko letališče ne posega v pravni položaj Kraljevine Španije in Združenega kraljestva glede spora o suverenosti nad ozemljem, na katerem je letališče, niti ne posega na nadaljnje začasno izvzetje gibraltarskega letališča iz ukrepov Evropske skupnosti na področju letalstva, ki veljajo od 18. septembra 2006 med državami članicami v skladu z Ministrsko izjavo o gibraltarskem letališču, dogovorjeno v Cordobi septembra 2006 in,
10. "pristojbina za uporabnike" pomeni pristojbino, zaračunano letalskim družbam za zagotavljanje letališča, letaliških okoljskih, navigacijskih naprav ali naprav ali služb za varovanje, vključno s pripadajočimi službami in napravami.
Poštene in enake možnosti
Vsaka pogodbenica omogoča poštene in enake možnosti za konkurenco letalskih družb obeh pogodbenic pri zagotavljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ki ga ureja ta sporazum.
Podelitev pravic
1. Pogodbenica prizna drugi pogodbenici te pravice za opravljanje mednarodnega zračnega prometa letalskih družb druge pogodbenice:
(a) pravico do preleta njenega ozemlja brez pristanka;
(b) pravico do pristanka na njenem ozemlju v nekomercialne namene;
(c) pravico do opravljanja mednarodnega zračnega prometa med kraji na teh progah:
(i) za letalske družbe Združenih držav (v nadaljnjem besedilu "letalske družbe ZDA") od krajev zunaj Združenih držav prek Združenih držav in krajev vmesnega pristanka do katerega koli kraja ali krajev v kateri koli državi članici ali državah članicah ter naslednjih krajev ter za prevoz samo za tovor med katero koli državo članico in katerim koli krajem ali kraji (tudi v katerih koli drugih državah članicah);
(ii) za letalske družbe Evropske skupnosti in njenih držav članic (v nadaljnjem besedilu "letalske družbe Skupnosti"), od krajev zunaj držav članic prek držav članic in krajev vmesnega pristanka do katerega koli kraja ali krajev v Združenih državah in naslednjih krajev ter za prevoz samo za tovor med Združenimi državami in katerim koli krajem ali kraji ter za kombinirani prevoz med katerim koli krajem ali kraji v Združenih državah in katerim koli krajem ali kraji v kateri koli članici skupnega evropskega zračnega prostora (v nadaljnjem besedilu "ECAA") od podpisa tega sporazuma ter
(d) druge pravice, določene v tem sporazumu.
2. Vsaka letalska družba lahko na katerem koli letu ali na vseh letih in po svoji izbiri:
(a) opravlja lete v eno ali v obe smeri;
(b) kombinira različne številke letov v okviru ene operacije zrakoplova;
(c) opravlja prevoze za kraji, med kraji vmesnega pristanka in naslednjimi kraji in kraji na ozemljih pogodbenic ter v kateri koli kombinaciji in katerem koli vrstnem redu;
(d) izpusti pristanke v katerem koli kraju ali krajih;
(e) kadar koli preusmeri promet iz katerega koli svojega zrakoplova v kateri koli drug svoj zrakoplov;
(f) opravlja prevoze na kraje za kateri koli krajem na svojem ozemlju z zamenjavo zrakoplova ali številke leta ali brez nje ter ponuja in oglašuje take prevoze javnosti kot neposredne prevoze;
(g) pristaja v katerih koli krajih, ne glede na to, ali so znotraj ali zunaj ozemlja ene ali druge pogodbenice;
(h) opravlja tranzitni promet čez ozemlje druge pogodbenice ter
(i) kombinira promet na istem zrakoplovu, ne glede na to, od kod tak promet izvira
brez omejevanja smeri letenja ali geografskega omejevanja in brez izgube katere koli pravice opravljati promet, ki je sicer dovoljen po tem sporazumu.
3. Določbe odstavka 1 tega člena se uporabljajo ob upoštevanju zahtev, da:
(a) za letalske družbe Združenih držav velja, da je, razen prevoza samo za tovor, prevoz del storitve, ki jo opravljajo Združene države, in
(b) za letalske družbe Skupnosti velja, da je, razen i prevoza samo za tovor in (ii) kombiniranega prevoza med Združenimi državami in katero koli članico ECAA od podpisa tega sporazuma prevoz del storitve, ki jo opravlja država članica.
4. Vsaka pogodbenica omogoči vsaki letalski družbi, da določi frekvenco in zmogljivost mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ki ga ponuja, na podlagi ekonomskih zahtev na trgu. Skladno s to pravico nobena pogodbenica enostransko ne omejuje obsega prometa, frekvence ali rednosti prevoza ali tipa zrakoplova ali zrakoplovov, s katerimi opravljajo prevoz letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, niti ne zahteva predložitve voznih redov, programov za čarterske lete ali izvedbenih načrtov letalskih družb druge pogodbenice, razen kot se to lahko zahteva zaradi carinskih, tehničnih, izvedbenih ali okoljskih (skladno s členom 15) razlogov pod enotnimi pogoji v skladu s 15. členom konvencije.
5. Vsaka letalska družba lahko opravlja mednarodni zračni promet brez kakršnih koli omejitev glede sprememb tipa ali števila zrakoplovov, s katerimi opravlja prevoz, pod pogojem, da (a) za letalske družbe Združenih držav velja, da je razen prevoza samo za tovor, prevoz del prevoza, ki ga opravljajo Združene države, in da (b) za letalske družbe Skupnosti velja, da je razen (i) prevoza samo za tovor in (ii) kombiniranega prevoza med Združenimi državami in članico ECAA z dnem podpisa tega sporazuma prevoz del prevoza, ki ga opravlja država članica.
6. Nobena določba v tem sporazumu ne daje:
(a) letalskim družbam ZDA pravice, da za plačilo na ozemlju katere koli države članice vkrcajo potnike, prtljago, tovor ali pošto za prevoz do drugega kraja na ozemlju te države članice;
(b) letalskim družbam Skupnosti pravice, da za plačilo na ozemlju Združenih držav vkrcajo potnike, prtljago, tovor ali pošto za prevoz do drugega kraja na ozemlju Združenih držav.
7. Dostop letalskih družb Skupnosti do prevoza, ki ga naroči vlada ZDA, ureja priloga 3.
Po prejemu vlog letalske družbe ene pogodbenice v obliki in na način, ki sta predpisana za dovoljenja za opravljanje prevoza in tehnična dovoljenja, druga pogodbenica po najkrajšem postopku izda ustrezna dovoljenja, če:
(a) imajo za letalsko družbo ZDA pretežni lastninski delež in dejanski nadzor nad to letalsko družbo Združene države, državljani ZDA ali oboji, letalska družba pa ima licenco letalske družbe ZDA in svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju ZDA;
(b) ima za letalsko družbo Skupnosti pretežni lastninski delež in dejanski nadzor nad to letalsko družbo država članica ali države članice, državljani te države ali držav ali oboji, letalska družba pa ima licenco letalske družbe Skupnosti in svojo glavno poslovno enoto na ozemlju Evropske skupnosti;
(c) je letalska družba sposobna izpolnjevati pogoje, predpisane v zakonih in drugih predpisih, ki jih pogodbenica, ki obravnava vlogo ali vloge, običajno uporablja pri opravljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ter
(d) se določbe člena 8 (Varnost) in člena 9 (Varovanje) ohranijo in uporabljajo.
Odvzem dovoljenja za opravljanje prevozov
1. Pogodbenici lahko odvzameta, začasno prekličeta ali omejita dovoljenja za opravljanje prevoza ali tehnična dovoljenja ali drugače začasno prekličeta ali omejita operacije letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, kadar:
(a) Združene države, državljani ZDA ali oboji za letalsko družbo ZDA nimajo pretežnega lastninskega deleža in dejanskega nadzora nad to letalsko družbo ali letalska družba nima licence letalske družbe ZDA ali svoje glavne poslovne enote na ozemlju ZDA;
(b) država članica ali članice, državljani te države ali držav ali oboji za letalsko družbo Skupnosti nimajo pretežnega lastninskega deleža in dejanskega nadzora nad to letalsko družbo ali letalska družba nima licence letalske družbe Skupnosti ali svoje glavne poslovne enote na ozemlju Evropske skupnosti ali
(c) ta letalska družba ne ravna skladno z zakoni in drugimi predpisi iz člena 7 (Veljavnost zakonov) tega sporazuma.
2. Če za preprečitev nadaljnjih kršitev iz točke c prvega pododstavka tega člena ni nujno takojšnje ukrepanje, se pravice iz tega člena uveljavijo šele po posvetovanju z drugo pogodbenico.
3. Ta člen ne omejuje pravic pogodbenice, da odreče, odvzame, omeji ali določi pogoje za dovoljenje za opravljanje prevoza ali tehnično dovoljenje letalske družbe ali letalskih družb druge pogodbenice v skladu s členom 8 (Varnost) ali členom 9 (Varovanje).
Dodatne zadeve, povezane z lastništvom, vlaganjem in nadzorom
Ne glede na druge določbe tega sporazuma pogodbenici pri svojih odločitvah izvajata določbe iz priloge 4 ob upoštevanju svojih zakonov in drugih predpisov v zvezi z lastništvom, vlaganjem in nadzorom.
Veljavnost zakonov
1. Zakoni in drugi predpisi pogodbenice, ki se nanašajo na prihod zrakoplova v mednarodnem zračnem prometu na njeno ozemlje in odhod z njega ali na operacijo in navigacijo teh zrakoplovov, dokler so na njenem ozemlju, veljajo tudi za zrakoplove, ki jih uporabljajo letalske družbe druge pogodbenice ter ti zrakoplovi ravnajo v skladu z njimi ob prihodu na ozemlje prve pogodbenice, ob odhodu z njega ali kadar se na tem ozemlju zadržujejo.
2. Zakoni in drugi predpisi ene pogodbenice, ki se nanašajo na prihod potnikov, posadk ali tovora na zrakoplovu na njeno ozemlje, zadrževanje na njem in odhod z njega (vključno s predpisi o vstopu, mejni kontroli, priseljevanju, potnih listinah, carini, karanteni ali za pošto s poštnimi predpisi), veljajo tudi za potnike, posadke ali tovor letalskih družb druge pogodbenice, ki vstopajo na ozemlje prve pogodbenice, so na njem ali z njega odhajajo.
1. Pristojni organi pogodbenic za opravljanje zračnega prometa, kot ga določa ta sporazum, priznajo spričevala o plovnosti, spričevala o usposobljenosti in licence, ki jih izda ali potrdi ena ali druga pogodbenica in še veljajo, če so bile zahteve za taka spričevala ali licence enake vsaj minimalnim standardom, ki se lahko določijo po konvenciji. Pristojni organi za lete nad svojim ozemljem lahko zavrnejo veljavnost spričeval o usposobljenosti in licenc, ki so jih njenim državljanom izdali ali potrdili ti drugi pristojni organi.
2. Pristojni organi pogodbenice lahko zaprosijo za posvetovanja z drugimi pristojnimi organi glede varnostnih standardov, ki jih vzdržujejo ti organi, v zvezi z letalskimi objekti, posadkami, zrakoplovi in delovanjem letalskih družb, ki jih ti organi nadzirajo. Taka posvetovanja se opravijo v 45 dneh po zaprosilu, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače. Če po posvetovanjih pristojni organi, za katere zaprosijo, ugotovijo, da ti organi ne ohranjajo in uporabljajo učinkovito varnostnih standardov in zahtev na teh področjih, ki so enaki vsaj minimalnim standardom, ki se lahko določijo po konvenciji, pristojni organi, ki za posvetovanja zaprosijo, obvestijo te organe o takih ugotovitvah in ukrepih, potrebnih za izpolnjevanje teh minimalnih standardov, ti organi pa sprejmejo ustrezne korektivne ukrepe. Pristojni organi, ki zaprosijo za posvetovanja, si pridržujejo pravico, da odrečejo, odvzamejo ali omejijo dovoljenje za opravljanje prevoza ali tehnično dovoljenje letalske družbe ali letalskih družb, za katere navedeni organi zagotavljajo varnostni nadzor, če ti organi v ustreznem obdobju ne sprejmejo takih korektivnih ukrepov, ter da nemudoma ukrepajo proti taki letalski družbi ali družbam, če je to nujno, da se prepreči nadaljnje neizpolnjevanje nalog ohranjanja in uporabe omenjenih standardov in zahtev, katerega posledica je neposredna nevarnost za varnost leta.
3. Evropska komisija sočasno prejme vsa zaprosila in uradna obvestila iz tega člena.
4. Nobena določba v tem členu ne preprečuje pristojnim organom pogodbenic, da bi razpravljali o varnosti, vključno o rutinski uporabi varnostnih standardov in zahtev ali o izrednih razmerah, ki se lahko občasno pojavijo.
1. V skladu s pravicami in obveznostmi po mednarodnem pravu pogodbenici potrjujeta, da je njuna medsebojna obveznost varovanja civilnega letalstva pred dejanji nezakonitega vmešavanja sestavni del tega sporazuma. Brez omejevanja svojih splošnih pravic in obveznosti po mednarodnem pravu pogodbenici ravnata v skladu s temi sporazumi: Konvencijo o kaznivih dejanjih in nekih drugih aktih, storjenih na letalih, podpisano 14. septembra 1963 v Tokiu, Konvencijo o zatiranju nezakonite ugrabitve zrakoplovov, podpisano 16. decembra 1970 v Haagu, Konvencijo o zatiranju nezakonitih dejanj zoper varnost civilnega zrakoplovstva, podpisano 23. septembra 1971 v Montrealu, in Protokolom o zatiranju nezakonitih nasilnih dejanj na letališčih za mednarodno civilno zrakoplovstvo, podpisanim 24. februarja 1988 v Montrealu.
2. Pogodbenici si na zaprosilo medsebojno pomagata pri obravnavanju kakršne koli grožnje za varovanje civilnega letalstva, vključno s preprečevanjem nezakonite ugrabitve civilnih zrakoplovov in drugih nezakonitih dejanj proti varnosti teh zrakoplovov, njihovih potnikov in posadk, letališč in navigacijskih naprav.
3. Pogodbenici v medsebojnih odnosih ravnata v skladu z letalskimi standardi varovanja in ustreznimi priporočenimi praksami, ki jih je določila Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva in so opredeljeni kot priloge h konvenciji, od operatorjev zrakoplovov, ki so vpisani v njuna registra, ali imajo svojo glavno poslovno enoto ali stalni sedež na njunem ozemlju, ter od obratovalcev letališč na njunih ozemljih zahtevata, da delujejo v skladu s takimi predpisi o varovanju.
4. Pogodbenici zagotavljata, da bodo na njunem ozemlju sprejeti učinkoviti ukrepi za zaščito zrakoplovov in pregled potnikov, posadk, njihove prtljage, ročne prtljage, tovora in zalog na zrakoplovu pred in med vkrcanjem ali natovarjanjem ter da se navedeni ukrepi prilagajajo večjim grožnjam varovanja civilnega letalstva. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da je treba upoštevati predpise o varovanju, ki jih zahteva druga pogodbenica za odhod oziroma dokler so zrakoplovi na njenem ozemlju. Pogodbenica odobri vsako zaprosilo druge pogodbenice za uvedbo dodatnih ukrepov varovanja zaradi grožnje.
5. Ob polnem upoštevanju ter vzajemnem spoštovanju suverenosti lahko pogodbenica sprejme ukrepe varovanja za vstop na svoje ozemlje. Kadar je mogoče, ta pogodbenica upošteva ukrepe varovanja, ki jih že uporablja druga pogodbenica, in vsa morebitna mnenja druge pogodbenice. Pogodbenici pa si priznavata, da ta člen ne omejuje njune možnosti, da zavrneta vstop na svoji ozemlji letu ali letom, za katere menita, da pomenijo grožnjo varovanju.
6. Pogodbenica lahko sprejme izredne ukrepe vključno s spremembami, da obvlada posamezne grožnje varovanju. O takih ukrepih nemudoma uradno obvesti pristojne organe druge pogodbenice.
7. Pogodbenici poudarjata pomen prizadevanja za združljive prakse in standarde, kar bi okrepilo varovanje zračnega prometa in čim bolj zmanjšalo razlike v zakonodaji s tega področja. V ta namen pogodbenici v celoti uporabljata in razvijata sedanje poti za razpravo o trenutnih in predlaganih ukrepih varovanja. Pogodbenici pričakujeta, da bodo v razpravah med drugimi vprašanji obravnavani novi ukrepi varovanja, ki jih predlaga ali obravnava druga pogodbenica, vključno s prilagoditvijo ukrepov varovanja, ki je potrebna zaradi spremembe okoliščin, ukrepi, ki jih predlaga ena pogodbenica za izpolnjevanje zahtev varovanja druge pogodbenice, možnosti za hitrejšo prilagoditev standardov glede na letalske ukrepe varovanja, ter združljivost zahtev ene pogodbenice z zakonodajnimi obveznostmi druge. Take razprave naj spodbujajo zgodnje obveščanje in predhodne razprave o novih pobudah in zahtevah varovanja.
8. Ne glede na potrebo po takojšnjem ukrepanju pogodbenici zaradi zaščite varovanja prevoza, potrjujeta, da bo pri obravnavanju ukrepov varovanja vsaka pogodbenica ovrednotila morebitne škodljive vplive na mednarodni zračni promet in bo, če je ne omejuje zakon, pri določanju, kateri ukrepi so potrebni in ustrezni za reševanje težav pri varovanju, take dejavnike upoštevala.
9. Ob nezakoniti ugrabitvi ali grožnji z ugrabitvijo ali drugih nezakonitih dejanjih proti varnosti potnikov, posadke, zrakoplova, letališč ali navigacijskih naprav si pogodbenici medsebojno pomagata tako, da zagotovita komunikacijo in druge ustrezne ukrepe za hitro in varno odpravo takega dogodka ali grožnje.
10. Kadar pogodbenica upravičeno domneva, da druga pogodbenica ne ravna v celoti po letalskih določbah o varovanju iz tega člena, lahko pristojni organi te pogodbenice zaprosijo za takojšnje posvetovanje s pristojnimi organi druge pogodbenice. Če se v 15 dneh od dne takega zaprosila ne sporazumeta, je to razlog, da se odrečejo, odvzamejo, omejijo ali določijo pogoji za veljavnost dovoljenja za opravljanje prometa in tehničnih dovoljenj letalske družbe ali letalskih družb te pogodbenice. Kadar je nujno potrebno, lahko pogodbenica sprejme začasne ukrepe pred potekom 15 dni.
11. Poleg ocenjevanja letališč, opravljenega zaradi ugotavljanja skladnosti s standardi in praksami letalskega varovanja iz tretjega odstavka tega člena lahko pogodbenica zaprosi za sodelovanje druge pogodbenice pri ocenjevanju, ali posamezni ukrepi varovanja te druge pogodbenice izpolnjujejo zahteve pogodbenice prosilke. Pristojni organi pogodbenic vnaprej uskladijo, katera letališča se bodo ocenjevala, datume ocenjevanja in določijo postopek za obravnavanje rezultatov takih ocen. Ob upoštevanju rezultatov ocenjevanja lahko pogodbenica prosilka odloči, da se na ozemlju druge pogodbenice uporabljajo enakovredni ukrepi varovanja, da so potniki, prtljaga in/ali tovor v transferju lahko oproščeni ponovnega pregleda na ozemlju pogodbenice prosilke. Taka odločitev se sporoči drugi pogodbenici.
Poslovne priložnosti
1. Letalske družbe pogodbenic imajo pravico ustanoviti predstavništva na ozemlju druge pogodbenice za oglaševanje in prodajo zračnega prometa in povezanih dejavnosti.
2. Letalske družbe pogodbenic so upravičene v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi druge pogodbenice o vstopu, prebivališču in zaposlitvi, pripeljati in obdržati na ozemlju druge pogodbenice vodilno, prodajno, tehnično, operativno in drugo strokovno osebje, potrebno za zagotavljanje zračnega prometa.
3.(a) Ne glede na pododstavek b ima vsaka letalska družba v zvezi z zemeljsko oskrbo na ozemlju druge pogodbenice:
(i) pravico opravljati svojo zemeljsko oskrbo ("samooskrba") ali po svoji izbiri;
(ii) pravico izbrati med konkurenčnimi izvajalci, ki opravljajo storitve zemeljske oskrbe v celoti ali delno, kadar je takim izvajalcem dovoljen dostop na trg na podlagi zakonov in drugih predpisov pogodbenic ter kadar so taki izvajalci navzoči na trgu.
(b) Za pravice iz točk (i) in (ii) v prejšnjem pododstavku se uporabljajo le posebne omejitve razpoložljivega prostora ali zmogljivosti, ki izhajajo iz potrebe po ohranitvi varnega delovanja letališča. Kadar take omejitve izključujejo samooskrbo in ni učinkovite konkurence med izvajalci, ki opravljajo storitve zemeljske oskrbe, so vse take storitve vsem letalskim družbam na voljo na enakovredni in zadostni podlagi, cene takih storitev ne presegajo njihovih celotnih stroškov, vključno s primerno donosnostjo po amortizaciji.
4. Letalska družba pogodbenic lahko sama in/ali po presoji letalske družbe s prodajnimi zastopniki ali drugimi posredniki, ki jih določi letalska družba, prodaja storitve zračnega prevoza na ozemlju druge pogodbenice. Vsaka letalska družba ima pravico prodati in vsaka oseba ima pravico kupiti take storitve v lokalni ali prosto zamenljivi valuti.
5. Vsaka letalska družba ima pravico, da na zahtevo zamenja in prenese z ozemlja druge pogodbenice na matično ozemlje in v državo ali države po lastni izbiri, razen če to ni skladno s splošno veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi, lokalne prihodke, ki so presežek lokalno izplačanih vsot. Pretvorba in prenos sta dovoljena takoj, brez omejitev ali obdavčenja v zvezi z njim, po menjalnem tečaju, ki velja za tekoče transakcije in prenos na dan, ko prevoznik predloži prvo vlogo za prenos.
6. Letalske družbe pogodbenic lahko na ozemlju druge pogodbenice poravnajo lokalne izdatke, vključno z nakupom goriva, v lokalni valuti. Letalske družbe pogodbenic lahko na ozemlju druge pogodbenice po lastni presoji poravnajo take izdatke v prosto zamenljivih valutah v skladu s predpisi o lokalni valuti.
7. Pri opravljanju ali zagotavljanju prevoza v skladu s tem sporazumom lahko vsaka letalska družba pogodbenice sodeluje pri dogovorih o trženju, kot je dogovor o rezervaciji zmogljivosti ali skupnem letu z izbranim partnerjem z:
(a) vsako letalsko družbo ali letalskimi družbami pogodbenic;
(b) vsako letalsko družbo ali letalskimi družbami tretje države ter
(c) izvajalcem storitev površinskega (kopenskega ali pomorskega) prevoza iz katere koli države,
če (i) imajo vsi udeleženci pri takih dogovorih ustrezno pooblastilo in (ii) dogovori izpolnjujejo pogoje, predpisane v zakonih in drugih predpisih, ki jih pogodbenici običajno uporabljata za opravljanje ali zagotavljanje mednarodnega zračnega prometa.
8. Letalske družbe vsake pogodbenice lahko sklenejo dogovor o franšizingu ali trženju blagovne znamke s podjetji, vključno z letalskimi družbami katere koli pogodbenice ali tretjih držav, če imajo letalske družbe ustrezno pooblastilo in izpolnjujejo pogoje, predpisane v zakonih in drugih predpisih, ki jih pogodbenici običajno uporabljata za take dogovore. Za takšne dogovore se uporablja priloga 5.
9. Letalske družbe vsake pogodbenice lahko sklenejo dogovor o zagotavljanju posadke za zrakoplov za mednarodni zračni promet s:
(a) katero koli letalsko družbo ali letalskimi družbami pogodbenic in
(b) katero koli letalsko družbo ali letalskimi družbami tretje države,
če imajo vsi udeleženci pri takih dogovorih ustrezno pooblastilo in izpolnjujejo pogoje, predpisane v zakonih in drugih predpisih, ki jih za take dogovore običajno uporabljata pogodbenici. Pogodbenica ne zahteva od letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, ki zagotavlja zrakoplov, prometnih pravic po tem sporazumu za proge, na katerih bo zrakoplov opravljal prevoz.
10. Ne glede na katero koli drugo določbo tega sporazuma je letalskim družbam in posrednim izvajalcem prevoza tovora pogodbenic brez omejitve dovoljeno, da v mednarodnem zračnem prometu uporabljajo površinski prevoz tovora do krajev ali s krajev na ozemljih pogodbenic ali v tretjih državah, vključno s prevozom na vsa letališča s carinskimi objekti ali z njih ter vključno po potrebi s pravico do prevoza tovora pod carinskim nadzorom po veljavnih zakonih in drugih predpisih. Ta tovor ima ne glede na to, ali se premika po površini ali zraku, dostop do letaliških carinskih postopkov in objektov. Letalske družbe se lahko odločijo, da same opravljajo površinski prevoz ali ga zagotovijo z dogovori z drugimi površinskimi prevozniki, vključno s površinskim prevozom, ki ga opravljajo druge letalske družbe in posredni izvajalci tovornega zračnega prevoza. Taki intermodalni prevozi tovora se lahko zagotovijo po enotni direktni ceni za kombinirani zračni in površinski prevoz, tako da špediterji niso zavajani glede dejstev o takem prevozu.
Carinske dajatve in pristojbine
1. Zrakoplovi, s katerimi letalske družbe druge pogodbenice v mednarodnem zračnem prometu opravljajo zračni prevoz, njihova običajna oprema, oprema na letališču, zaloge goriva, maziva, potrošne tehnične zaloge, nadomestni deli (vključno z motorji), druge zaloge na zrakoplovu (ki vključujejo, vendar niso omejene na hrano, pijačo, alkohol, tobak in druge izdelke, namenjene za prodajo ali uporabo potnikov v omejenih količinah med letom) ter druge stvari, namenjene za opravljanje prevoza ali servisiranje zrakoplova v mednarodnem zračnem prevozu, ali se uporabljajo izključno v zvezi s tem, so ob prihodu na ozemlje ene pogodbenice na podlagi vzajemnosti oproščeni vseh uvoznih omejitev, davkov na premoženje in dajatev na kapital, carinskih dajatev, trošarin in podobnih taks in pristojbin, ki (a) jih določajo nacionalni organi ali Evropska skupnost in (b) ne temeljijo na stroških opravljenih storitev, če taka oprema in zaloge ostanejo na krovu zrakoplova.
2. Oprostitev davkov, davščin, dajatev, taks in pristojbin iz prvega odstavka, razen plačila stroškov za opravljene storitve, se na podlagi vzajemnosti nanaša tudi na:
(a) zaloge na zrakoplovu, vnesene na ozemlje ali dobavljene na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in natovorjene v razumnih količinah, namenjene za uporabo na zrakoplovu letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, ki opravlja mednarodni zračni promet, tudi če se te zaloge uporabljajo na delu poti čez ozemlje pogodbenice, na katerem so natovorjene;
(b) opremo na letališču in nadomestne dele (vključno z motorji), ki so vneseni na ozemlje pogodbenice za servisiranje, vzdrževanje ali popravilo zrakoplova letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, ki se uporablja v mednarodnem zračnem prometu;
(c) gorivo, mazivo in potrošne tehnične zaloge, vnesene na ozemlje ali dobavljene na ozemlju ene pogodbenice, namenjene za uporabo na zrakoplovu letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, ki opravlja mednarodni zračni promet, tudi če se te zaloge uporabljajo na delu poti čez ozemlje pogodbenice, na katerem so natovorjene, ter
(d) tiskovine, kot določa carinska zakonodaja pogodbenic, vnesene na ozemlje ali dobavljene na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in namenjene za uporabo na zrakoplovu letalske družbe druge pogodbenice, ki opravlja mednarodni zračni promet, tudi če se te zaloge uporabljajo na delu poti čez ozemlje pogodbenice, na katerem so natovorjene.
3. Za opremo in zaloge iz prvega in drugega odstavka se lahko zahteva, da so pod nadzorom ali kontrolo ustreznih organov.
4. Izjeme iz tega člena so mogoče tudi, kadar imajo letalske družbe ene pogodbenice pogodbe z drugo letalsko družbo, ki je prav tako upravičena do takih izjem druge pogodbenice, za posojilo ali prenos predmetov iz prvega in drugega odstavka na ozemlje druge pogodbenice.
5. Nobena določba v tem sporazumu ne preprečuje pogodbenicama, da bi zaračunali davke, davščine, dajatve, takse ali pristojbine za blago, ki se potnikom prodaja, razen tistega za porabo na zrakoplovu, na delu zračnega prevoza med dvema krajema na njunem ozemlju, na katerem je dovoljeno vkrcanje ali izkrcanje.
6. Če dve ali več držav članic načrtuje za gorivo, s katerim oskrbijo zrakoplov letalske družbe ZDA na svojem ozemlju za lete med njimi, preklic oprostitev iz člena 14 (b) Direktive Sveta 2003/96/ES z dne 27. oktobra 2003, skupni odbor preuči to vprašanje v skladu s z odstavkom 4(e) člena 18.
7. Pogodbenica lahko v imenu svoje letalske družbe ali svojih letalskih družb zaprosi za pomoč drugo pogodbenico pri zagotavljanju oprostitve davkov, dajatev, pristojbin in taks, ki jih zaračunajo državne in lokalne oblasti ali organi za blago iz prvega in drugega odstavka, ter pristojbin za natočeno gorivo v okoliščinah, navedenih v tem členu, razen v obsegu, v katerem dajatve temeljijo na stroških zagotavljanja storitve. V odgovoru na tako zaprosilo druga pogodbenica o mnenjih pogodbenice prosilke obvesti ustrezno vladno službo ali organ ter pozove k ustrezni preučitvi teh mnenj.
Takse za uporabnike
1. Takse za uporabnike, ki jih lahko zaračunajo pristojni organi ali telesa vsake pogodbenice letalskim družbam druge pogodbenice, so pravične, razumne, ne nepravično diskriminacijske ter pravično razdeljene med kategorije uporabnikov. V vsakem primeru se take takse za uporabnike preučijo pri letalskih družbah druge pogodbenice po pogojih, ki niso manj ugodni od najugodnejših, ki so na voljo kateri koli drugi letalski družbi, ko se takse preučujejo.
2. Takse za uporabnike, zaračunane letalskim družbam druge pogodbenice, lahko izražajo, ne smejo pa presegati celotnih stroškov pristojnih organov ali teles pri zagotavljanju ustreznega letališča, letaliških okoljskih, navigacijskih naprav in storitev za varovanje in storitev na letališču ali v letališkem sistemu. Take takse lahko vključujejo primerno donosnost po amortizaciji. Naprave in storitve, za katere so zaračunane, se zagotavljajo učinkovito in ekonomično.
3. Pogodbenici spodbujata posvetovanja med pristojnimi organi ali telesi na svojem ozemlju in letalskimi družbami, ki uporabljajo storitve in naprave, ter spodbujata pristojne organe ali telesa in letalske družbe, da izmenjavajo take informacije, kot so potrebne za omogočanje natančnega pregleda sprejemljivosti taks v skladu z načeli iz prvega in drugega odstavka. Pogodbenici spodbujata pristojne organe, da uporabnike dovolj zgodaj obvestijo o vseh predlaganih spremembah taks za uporabnike, da jim omogočijo izraziti svoja mnenja, preden se spremembe uveljavijo.
4. Nobena pogodbenica pri postopkih reševanja sporov iz člena 19 ne krši določbe tega člena, razen če (a) v razumnem roku ne pregleda takse ali prakse, zaradi katere se pritožuje druga pogodbenica, ali (b) če po takem pregledu ne sprejme vseh ukrepov v svoji pristojnosti, da bi popravila takso ali prakso, ki ni v skladu s tem členom.
Oblikovanje cen
1. Cene storitev zračnega prevoza, opravljenih na podlagi tega sporazuma, se določajo prosto in se ne predložijo v odobritev, niti se ne sme zahtevati njihovo sporočanje.
2. Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek:
(a) uvedba ali nadaljnja uporaba cene, ki jo predlaga ali zaračuna letalska družba ZDA za mednarodni zračni promet med krajem v eni državi članici in krajem v drugi državi članici, je skladna s členom 1(3) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) 2409/92 z dne 23. julija 1992 ali poznejšo uredbo, ki ni bolj omejevalna;
(b) po tem odstavku letalske družbe pogodbenic pristojnim organom pogodbenic na zaprosilo zagotovijo neposreden dostop do informacij o preteklih, sedanjih in predlaganih cenah na način in v obliki, ki je za te organe sprejemljiva.
Državne subvencije in pomoč
1. Pogodbenici priznavata, da lahko državne subvencije in pomoč škodljivo vplivajo na poštene in enake možnosti za konkuriranje letalskih družb pri zagotavljanju mednarodnega zračnega prometa, ki ga ureja ta sporazum.
2. Če ena pogodbenica meni, da bi državna subvencija ali pomoč, ki jo druga pogodbenica predvideva ali zagotavlja za letalske družbe te druge pogodbenice, škodljivo vplivala ali škodljivo vpliva na poštene in enake možnosti za konkuriranje letalskih družb prve pogodbenice, lahko svoje ugotovitve predloži tej pogodbenici. Poleg tega lahko zaprosi za sestanek skupnega odbora, kot določa člen 18, da se vprašanje preuči in oblikujejo ustrezni odzivi na utemeljene pomisleke.
3. Pogodbenici lahko navežeta stik s pristojnimi državnimi organi na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, vključno z organi na državni, regionalni ali lokalni ravni, če menita, da bo subvencija ali pomoč, ki jo taki organi predvidevajo ali zagotavljajo, imela škodljive konkurenčne vplive iz drugega odstavka. Če se pogodbenica odloči navezati neposreden stik, o tem po diplomatski poti nemudoma obvesti drugo pogodbenico. Lahko tudi zaprosi za sestanek skupnega odbora.
4. Vprašanja na podlagi tega člena lahko vključujejo na primer kapitalske vložke, navzkrižno subvencioniranje, nepovratna sredstva, jamstva, lastništvo, oprostitev davkov ali davčne izjeme katerih koli državnih organov.
1. Pogodbenici priznavata pomen varstva okolja pri razvoju in izvajanju mednarodne letalske politike. Pogodbenici priznavata, da je treba pri razvoju mednarodne letalske politike stroške in koristi ukrepov za varstvo okolja skrbno preučiti.
2. Pri preučevanju predlaganih okoljskih ukrepov mora pogodbenica oceniti morebitne škodljive vplive na uresničevanje pravic iz tega sporazuma ter opraviti vse ustrezno za omilitev takih škodljivih vplivov, če so taki ukrepi sprejeti.
3. Ko so okoljski ukrepi izoblikovani, se upoštevajo letalski okoljski standardi, ki jih je sprejela Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva v prilogah h konvenciji, razen kadar so sporočene razlike. Pogodbenici uporabljata vse okoljske ukrepe, ki vplivajo na zračne prevoze po tem sporazumu v skladu s členom 2 in členom 3(4) tega sporazuma.
4. Če ena pogodbenica meni, da zadeva, ki se nanaša na varstvo okolja v letalstvu, vzbuja pomisleke glede uporabe ali izvajanja tega sporazuma, lahko zaprosi za sestanek skupnega odbora, kot je določeno v členu 18, da se vprašanje preuči in oblikujejo ustrezni odzivi na utemeljene pomisleke.
Varstvo potrošnikov
Pogodbenici potrjujeta pomen varstva potrošnikov in vsaka pogodbenica lahko zaprosi za sestanek skupnega odbora, da se obravnavajo vprašanja varstva potrošnikov, ki so po mnenju pogodbenice prosilke pomembna.
Računalniški sistemi rezervacij
1. Prodajalci računalniških sistemov rezervacij (CRS), ki delujejo na ozemlju ene pogodbenice, imajo pravico prinesti, ohranjati in dati prosto na voljo svoje računalniške sisteme rezervacij potovalnim agencijam ali turističnim podjetjem, katerih glavna dejavnost je distribucija produktov, povezanih s potovanji, na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, pod pogojem, da so računalniški sistemi rezervacij skladni z vsemi zahtevami iz ustreznih predpisov druge pogodbenice.
2. Nobena pogodbenica na svojem ozemlju ne postavlja zahtev ali dovoli, da se prodajalcem računalniških sistemov rezervacij druge pogodbenice postavljajo zahteve v zvezi s prikazovalniki (vključno s parametri za urejevanje in prikazovanje), delovanjem, praksami, prodajo ali njihovim lastništvom, ki so strožje od tistih, ki jih postavlja svojim lastnim prodajalcem računalniških sistemov rezervacij.
3. Lastniki/upravljavci računalniških sistemov rezervacij ene pogodbenice, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve iz ustreznih predpisov druge pogodbenice, če ti obstajajo, imajo enake možnosti imeti v lasti računalniške sisteme rezervacij na ozemlju druge pogodbenice kot lastniki/upravljavci te pogodbenice.
Skupni odbor
1. Skupni odbor, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic, se sestane vsaj enkrat letno, da opravi posvetovanja v zvezi s tem sporazumom in pregleda njegovo izvajanje.
2. Pogodbenica lahko tudi zaprosi za sestanek skupnega odbora, da poskusi rešiti vprašanja, povezana z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma. Glede na člen 20 ali prilogo 2 lahko skupni odbor preuči le vprašanja v zvezi z zavrnitvijo ene od udeleženk, da bi izpolnjevala prevzete obveznosti, in vplivom odločitev o konkurenci na uporabo tega sporazuma. Tak sestanek se začne čim prej in ne pozneje kot 60 dni od prejema zaprosila, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače.
3. Skupni odbor najpozneje na svojem prvem letnem sestanku in pozneje, če je potrebno, pregleda celotno izvajanje sporazuma, vključno z morebitnimi učinki omejitev letalske infrastrukture na uresničevanje pravic iz člena 3, posledicami ukrepov varovanja, sprejetih po členu 9, vplivi na pogoje konkurence, tudi na področju računalniških sistemov rezervacij, ter morebitnimi socialnimi posledicami izvajanja sporazuma.
4. Skupni odbor tudi razvija sodelovanje s:
(a) krepitvijo izmenjav na strokovni ravni o novih pobudah zakonov ali drugih predpisov in razvoju, vključno na področju varovanja, varnosti, okolja, letalske infrastrukture (vključno s sloti) ter varstva potrošnikov;
(b) upoštevanjem socialnih posledic sporazuma, kot se izvaja, ter razvojem ustreznih odzivov na utemeljene pomisleke;
(c) upoštevanjem mogočih področij za nadaljnji razvoj sporazuma, vključno s priporočilom za njegove spremembe;
(d) vodenjem evidence vprašanj glede državnih subvencij ali pomoči, ki jih na skupnem odboru sproži pogodbenica;
(e) odločanjem o vseh zadevah v zvezi z uporabo šestega odstavka člena 11 na podlagi soglasja;
(f) razvijanjem pristopov med enoletno začasno uporabo k zakonskim določitvam glede sposobnosti letalskih družb in državljanstva, da bi se doseglo vzajemno priznavanje takih določitev;
(g) razvijanjem skupnega razumevanja meril, ki jih uporabljata pogodbenici pri sprejemanju svojih odločitev v primerih, povezanih z nadzorom letalskih družb, v obsegu, ki je skladen z zahtevami glede zaupnosti;
(h) po potrebi s spodbujanjem posvetovanj o vprašanjih zračnega prometa, ki se obravnavajo v mednarodnih organizacijah in pri odnosih s tretjimi državami, vključno z obravnavo vprašanja sprejetja skupnega pristopa;
(i) sprejetjem soglasnih odločitev iz odstavka 3 člena 1 priloge 4 in odstavka 3 člena 2 priloge 4.
5. Skupni cilj pogodbenic je čim bolj povečati koristi za uporabnike, letalske družbe, delovno silo in skupnosti na obeh straneh Atlantika z razširitvijo tega sporazuma na tretje države. V ta namen si skupni odbor prizadeva pripraviti predlog o pogojih in postopkih, vključno s potrebnimi spremembami tega sporazuma, ki bi bili potrebni za pristop tretjih držav k temu sporazumu.
6. Skupni odbor deluje na podlagi soglasja.
1. Za vse spore zaradi uporabe ali razlage tega sporazuma, razen vprašanj, ki izhajajo iz člena 20 ali priloge 2, ki niso rešeni na sestanku skupnega odbora, se pogodbenici lahko dogovorita, da jih predložita v odločanje določeni osebi ali organu. Če se pogodbenici ne sporazumeta, se spor na zahtevo katere koli predloži v arbitražo v skladu s spodaj določenimi postopki.
2. Če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, je arbitraža v obliki arbitražnega sodišča treh arbitrov, ki se sestavi, kot sledi:
(a) v 20 dneh po prejemu zahteve za arbitražo pogodbenici imenujeta po enega arbitra. V 45 dneh po imenovanju arbitrov sporazumno imenujeta tretjega, ki predseduje temu arbitražnemu sodišču;
(b) če ena ali druga pogodbenica ne imenuje arbitra ali če tretji arbiter ni imenovan v skladu s pododstavkom a tega odstavka, lahko ena ali druga pogodbenica zaprosi predsednika Sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva, da imenuje potrebnega arbitra ali arbitre v 30 dneh od prejema zahteve. Če je predsednik Sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva državljan Združenih držav ali države članice, imenovanje opravi najstarejši podpredsednik navedenega sveta, ki ni izločen iz tega razloga.
3. Če ni določeno drugače, arbitražno sodišče določi meje svoje pristojnosti v skladu s tem sporazumom in določi svoja postopkovna pravila. Ko je arbitražno sodišče oblikovano, lahko na zahtevo ene pogodbenice zahteva od druge pogodbenice, da izvaja začasne zaščitne ukrepe do končne odločitve arbitražnega sodišča. Po njegovem naročilu ali na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice se najpozneje v 15 dneh po tem, ko je bilo arbitražno sodišče ustanovljeno v polni sestavi, skliče seja, da arbitražno sodišče določi točna vprašanja, o katerih bo razsojalo, in postopke, ki se bodo uporabljali.
4. Če ni dogovorjeno drugače ali če arbitražno sodišče ne naroči drugače:
(a) se tožbeni predlog vloži v 30 dneh od ustanovitve arbitražnega sodišča v polni sestavi, predlog obrambe pa 40 dni po tem. Vsak odgovor tožnika se vloži v 15 dneh od vložitve predloga obrambe. Vsak odgovor tožene pogodbenice se vloži v 15 dneh po tem;
(b) arbitražno sodišče na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice ali na lastno pobudo opravi obravnavo v 15 dneh po vložitvi zadnjega odgovora.
5. Arbitražno sodišče si prizadeva sprejeti pisno odločitev v 30 dneh po koncu obravnave ali v 30 dneh po vložitvi zadnjega odgovora, če obravnave ni. Prevlada odločitev večine arbitrov.
6. Pogodbenici lahko vložita zahtevo za pojasnitev odločitve v 10 dneh po odločitvi in pojasnitev se izda v 15 dneh od take zahteve.
7. Če arbitražno sodišče ugotovi, da je bil kršen ta sporazum, in odgovorna pogodbenica ne popravi kršitve ali se z drugo pogodbenico ne sporazume o obojestransko zadovoljivi rešitvi v 40 dneh po uradnem obvestilu o odločitvi arbitražnega sodišča, lahko druga pogodbenica začasno prekliče uporabo primerljivih ugodnosti, ki izhajajo iz tega sporazuma, dokler se pogodbenici ne sporazumeta o rešitvi spora. Nobena določba v tem odstavku se ne razlaga kot omejevanje pravice ene ali druge pogodbenice, da sprejme sorazmerne ukrepe v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
8. Stroške arbitražnega sodišča, vključno s plačilom in stroški arbitrov, si pogodbenici enakovredno delita. Vsi stroški predsednika Sveta Mednarodne organizacije civilnega letalstva ali podpredsednika tega sveta v zvezi s postopki iz odstavka 2(b) tega člena se štejejo za del stroškov arbitražnega sodišča.
1. Pogodbenici priznavata, da je konkurenca med letalskimi družbami na čezatlantskem trgu pomembna za pospeševanje ciljev tega sporazuma, in potrjujeta, da uporabljata svojo konkurenčno ureditev za zaščito in krepitev celotne konkurence in ne posameznih konkurentov.
2. Pogodbenici priznavata, da se lahko pojavijo razlike glede uporabe njunih konkurenčnih ureditev na področju mednarodnega letalstva, ki vpliva na čezatlantski trg, in da se konkurenca med letalskimi družbami na tem trgu lahko krepi tako, da se te razlike čim bolj zmanjšajo.
3. Pogodbenici priznavata, da sodelovanje med njunimi organi za konkurenco koristi spodbujanju konkurence na trgih in ima možnost spodbujati primerljive zakonske ureditve ter čim bolj zmanjšati razlike pri pregledovanja konkurenčnih določb sporazumov med letalskimi družbami. Zato pogodbenici čim nadalje razvijata to sodelovanje ob upoštevanju različnih odgovornosti, pristojnosti in postopkov organov v skladu s prilogo 2.
4. O rezultatih sodelovanja iz priloge 2 se letno poroča skupnemu odboru.
Pogajanja na drugi stopnji
1. Skupni cilj pogodbenic je nadaljnje odpiranje dostopa na trge in čim večje povečanje ugodnosti za potrošnike, letalske družbe, delovno silo ter skupnosti na obeh straneh Atlantika, vključno z omogočanjem vlaganja, da bi se bolje odražalo dejansko stanje svetovne letalske industrije, s krepitvijo sistema čezatlanstkega zračnega prometa in vzpostavitvijo okvira, ki bi druge države spodbujal k odpiranju lastnih trgov zračnih prevozov. Pogodbenici začneta pogajanja najpozneje 60 dni od začetka začasne uporabe tega sporazuma, da bi kar najhitreje razvili naslednjo stopnjo.
2. V ta namen dnevni red za pogajanja na drugi stopnji vključuje te točke prednostnega interesa ene ali obeh pogodbenic:
(a) nadaljnja liberalizacija prometnih pravic,
(b) dodatne možnosti za tuje naložbe,
(c) vpliv okoljskih ukrepov in omejitev infrastrukture na uveljavljanje prometnih pravic,
(d) nadaljnji dostop do zračnega prometa, ki ga financira država, in
(e) zagotovitev zrakoplovov s posadko.
3. Pogodbenici ocenita svoj napredek v zvezi s sporazumom na drugi stopnji najpozneje 18 mesecev po dnevu, ko naj bi se pogajanja začela v skladu z odstavkom 1. Če pogodbenici v dvanajstih mesecih od začetka ocenjevanja ne dosežeta sporazuma na drugi stopnji, si po tem obdobju vsaka pogodbenica pridržuje pravico, da odredi mirovanje pravic, določenih v tem sporazumu. Tako mirovanje ne začne veljati prej kakor ob začetku prometne sezone Mednarodnega združenja letalskih prevoznikov (IATA), ki se začne najmanj dvanajst mesecev po dnevu obvestila o mirovanju.
Razmerje do drugih sporazumov
1. V obdobju začasne uporabe na podlagi člena 25 tega sporazuma so dvostranski sporazumi, navedeni v poglavju 1 priloge 1, začasno prekinjeni, razen v obsegu, določenem v poglavju 2 priloge 1.
2. Ob začetku veljavnosti na podlagi člena 26 tega sporazuma ta sporazum nadomesti dvostranske sporazume, navedene v poglavju 1 priloge 1, razen v obsegu, določenem v poglavju 2 priloge 1.
3. Če pogodbenici postaneta pogodbenici večstranskega sporazuma ali potrdita sklep, ki ga sprejme Mednarodna organizacija civilnega letalstva ali druga mednarodna organizacija, ki obravnava zadeve iz tega sporazuma, se posvetujeta v skupnem odboru, da ugotovita, ali je treba ta sporazum spremeniti zaradi takega razvoja dogodkov.
Odpoved sporazuma
Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli po diplomatski poti pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o svoji odločitvi, da odpoveduje ta sporazum. Hkrati o tem obvesti Mednarodno organizacijo civilnega letalstva. Ta sporazum preneha veljati opolnoči po greenwiškem času na koncu prometne sezone Mednarodnega združenja letalskih prevoznikov (IATA) eno leto po dnevu pisnega uradnega obvestila o odpovedi, razen če ni pred potekom tega roka obvestilo sporazumno umaknjeno.
Registracija pri ICAO
Ta sporazum in vse njegove spremembe se registrirajo pri Mednarodni organizaciji civilnega letalstva.
Začasna uporaba
Dokler sporazum ne začne veljati po členu 26:
1) se pogodbenici dogovorita, da ga bosta uporabljali od 28. oktobra 2007.
2) Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli po diplomatski poti pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o svoji odločitvi, da ne bo več uporabljala tega sporazuma. V tem primeru ta sporazum preneha veljati opolnoči po greenwiškem času na koncu prometne sezone Mednarodnega združenja letalskih prevoznikov (IATA) eno leto po dnevu pisnega uradnega obvestila, razen če ni pred potekom tega roka obvestilo sporazumno umaknjeno.
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta sporazum začne veljati mesec po dnevu prejema zadnjega uradnega obvestila po diplomatski poti, ki potrjuje, da so dokončani vsi postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Združene države izročijo Evropski skupnosti in njenim državam članicam uradno obvestilo in Evropska skupnost izroči Združenim državam uradno obvestilo ali uradna obvestila Evropske skupnosti in njenih držav članic. Uradno obvestilo ali uradna obvestila Evropske skupnosti in njenih držav članic vsebujejo sporočilo vsake države članice, ki potrjuje, da so dokončani njeni postopki, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so spodaj podpisani, ki so za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta sporazum.
V Bruslju, petindvajsetega aprila leta 2007, in v Washingtonu, tridesetega aprila leta 2007, v dveh izvodih.
Poglavje 1
Kot predvideva člen 22 tega sporazuma, se navedeni dvostranski sporazumi med Združenimi državami in državami članicami začasno prekinejo ali jih nadomesti ta sporazum:
a. Republika Avstrija: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan na Dunaju 16. marca 1989, spremenjen 14. junija 1995,
b. Kraljevina Belgija: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, uveljavljen z izmenjavo not v Washingtonu 23. oktobra 1980, spremenjen 22. septembra in 12. novembra 1986, spremenjen 5. novembra 1993 in 12. januarja 1994
(sprememba končana 5. septembra 1995 (v začasni uporabi)),
c. Republika Bolgarija: Sporazum o varnosti civilnega letalstva, podpisan v Sofiji 24. aprila 1991,
d. Češka republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Pragi 10. septembra 1996, spremenjen 4. junija 2001 in 14. februarja 2002,
e. Kraljevina Danska: Sporazum v zvezi z zračnim prometom, uveljavljen z izmenjavo not v Washingtonu 16. decembra 1944, spremenjen 6. avgusta 1954, spremenjen 16. junija 1995,
f. Republika Finska: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Helsinkih 29. marca 1949, s tem povezan protokol, podpisan 12. maja 1980, sporazum o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1949 in protokola iz leta 1980, sklenjen 9. junija 1995,
g. Francoska republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Washingtonu 18. junija 1998, spremenjen 10. oktobra 2000, spremenjen 22. januarja 2002,
h. Zvezna republika Nemčija: Sporazum o zračnem prometu in izmenjava not, podpisan v Washingtonu 7. julija 1955, spremenjen 25. aprila 1989,
(s tem povezan protokol, sklenjen 1. novembra 1978, s tem povezan sporazum, sklenjen 24. maja 1994, protokol o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1955, sklenjen 23. maja 1996, sporazum o spremembi protokola iz leta 1996, sklenjen 10. oktobra 2000 (vsi v začasni uporabi)),
i. Helenska republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Atenah 31. julija 1991, podaljšan do 31. julija 2007 z izmenjavo not z dne 22. in 28. junija 2006,
j. Republika Madžarska: Sporazum o zračnem prometu in memorandum o soglasju, podpisana v Budimpešti 12. julija 1989, podaljšana do 12. julija 2007 z izmenjavo not z dne 11. in 20. julija 2006,
k. Irska: Sporazum v zvezi z zračnim prometom, uveljavljen z izmenjavo not v Washingtonu 3. februarja 1945, spremenjen 25. januarja 1988 in 29. septembra 1989, spremenjen 25. julija in 6. septembra 1990,
(Memorandum o posvetovanjih, podpisan v Washingtonu 28. oktobra 1993 (v začasni uporabi))
l. Italijanska republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu z memorandumom in izmenjavo not, podpisan v Rimu 22. junija 1970, spremenjen 25. oktobra 1988; s tem povezan memorandum o soglasju, podpisan 27. septembra 1990, sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1970 in memoranduma o soglasju iz leta 1990, sklenjena 22. novembra in 23. decembra 1991, sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1970 in memoranduma o soglasju iz leta 1990, sklenjena 30. maja in 21. oktobra 1997, sporazum, ki dopolnjuje sporazum iz leta 1970, sklenjen 30. decembra 1998 in 2. februarja 1999
(protokol o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1970, sklenjen 6. decembra 1999 (v začasni uporabi)),
m. Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Luxembourgu 19. avgusta 1986, spremenjen 6. junija 1995, spremenjen 13. in 21. julija 1998,
n. Malta: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Washingtonu 12. oktobra 2000,
o. Kraljevina Nizozemska: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Washingtonu 3. aprila 1957; protokol o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1957, sklenjen 31. marca 1978, sprememba protokola iz leta 1978, sklenjena 11. junija 1986; sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1957, sklenjena 13. oktobra in 22. decembra 1987; sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1957, sklenjena 29. januarja in 13. marca 1992, sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1957 in protokola iz leta 1978, sklenjena 14. oktobra 1992,
p. Republika Poljska: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Varšavi 16. junija 2001,
q. Portugalska republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Lizboni 30. maja 2000,
r. Romunija: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Washingtonu 15. julija 1998,
s. Slovaška republika: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Bratislavi 22. januarja 2001,
t. Kraljevina Španija: Sporazum o zračnem prometu, podpisan v Madridu 20. februarja 1973, s tem povezan sporazum z dne 20. februarja, 31. marca in 7. aprila 1987, sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1973, sklenjena 31. maja 1989, sprememba sporazuma iz leta 1973, sklenjena 27. novembra 1991,
u. Kraljevina Švedska: Sporazum v zvezi z zračnim prometom, uveljavljen z izmenjavo not v Washingtonu 16. decembra 1944, spremenjen 6. avgusta 1954, spremenjen 16. junija 1995,
v. Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in Severna Irska: Sporazum o zračnem prometu in izmenjava pisem, podpisan na Bermudih 23. julija 1977, sporazum o severnoatlantskih letalskih prevozninah, sklenjen 17. marca 1978, sporazum o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1977, sklenjen 25. aprila 1978, sporazum o spremembi in podaljšanju sporazuma iz leta 1978 o severnoatlantskih letalskih prevozninah, sklenjen 2. in 9. novembra 1978, sporazum o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1977, sklenjen 4. decembra 1980, sporazum o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1977, sklenjen 20. februarja 1985, sporazum o spremembi 7. člena, priloge 2 in priloge 5 sporazuma iz leta 1977, sklenjen 25. maja 1989, sporazum o spremembah sporazuma iz leta 1977, prenehanju arbitraže med ZDA in Združenim kraljestvom o pristojbinah za uporabnike na letališču Heathrow ter zahtevi po arbitraži, ki jo je dalo Združeno kraljestvo v noti svojega veleposlaništva št. 87 z dne 13. oktobra 1993, in poravnavi zadev, zaradi katerih so nastali navedeni postopki, sklenjen 11. marca 1994, sporazum o spremembi sporazuma iz leta 1977, sklenjen 27. marca 1997
(dogovori v začasni uporabi, ki so v memorandumu o posvetovanjih z dne 11. septembra 1986, dogovori vsebovani v izmenjavi pisem z dne 27. julija 1990, dogovori, vsebovani v memorandumu o posvetih z dne 11. marca 1991, dogovori, vsebovani v izmenjavi pisem z dne 6. oktobra 1994, dogovori, vsebovani v memorandumu o posvetovanjih z dne 5. junija 1995, dogovori, vsebovani v izmenjavi pisem z dne 31. marca in 3. aprila 2000 (vsi v začasni uporabi)).
Poglavje 2
Ne glede na poglavje 1 te priloge se za območja, ki niso vključena v opredelitev pojma "ozemlje" v členu 1 tega sporazuma, sporazumi v odstavkih (e) (Danska – Združene države), (g) (Francoska republika – Združene države) in (v) (Združeno kraljestvo – Združene države) navedenega poglavja še naprej uporabljajo v skladu z njihovimi pogoji.
Poglavje 3
Ne glede na člen 3 tega sporazuma letalske družbe ZDA niso upravičene do prevoza samo za tovor, ki ni del prevoza, ki se opravlja v Združenih državah iz krajev ali v kraje v državah članicah, razen v kraje ali iz krajev v Češki republiki, Francoski republiki, Zvezni republiki Nemčiji, Velikem vojvodstvu Luksemburg, Malti, Republiki Poljski, Portugalski republiki in Slovaški republiki.
Poglavje 4
Ne glede na druge določbe tega sporazuma se to poglavje uporablja za redne in čarterske kombinacije zračnega prevoza med Irsko in Združenimi državami, ki se začnejo z zimsko sezono IATA 2006/2007 in končajo ob koncu zimske sezone IATA 2007/2008:
a. (i) vsaka letalska družba ZDA in Skupnosti lahko opravi tri neprekinjene lete med Združenimi državami in Dublinom za vsak neprekinjen let, ki ga letalska družba opravi med Združenimi državami in Shannonom. Ta upravičenost za neprekinjene lete iz Dublina in v Dublin temelji na povprečju operacij v celotnem trisezonskem prehodnem obdobju. Let se šteje za neprekinjen let iz Dublina ali v Dublin in iz Shannona ali v Shannon glede na prvi kraj vstopa na Irsko ali zadnji kraj odhoda z Irske;
(ii) zahteva za opravljanje prevozov iz Shannona ali v Shannon iz pododstavka (a)(i) se ukine, če katera koli letalska družba vpelje redno ali čartersko kombinacijo prevoza med Dublinom in Združenimi državami v eni ali drugi smeri, ne da bi opravljala vsaj en neprekinjen let v Shannon za vsake tri neprekinjene lete v Dublin povprečno med prehodnim obdobjem;
b. za prevoze med Združenimi državami in Irsko lahko letalske družbe Skupnosti opravljajo prevoze le v Boston, New York, Čikago, Los Angeles in tri dodatne kraje v Združenih državah, o izbiri ali spremembi katerih so uradno obveščene Združene države. Ti prevozi se lahko opravljajo prek vmesnih krajev v drugih državah članicah ali tretjih državah;
c. skupni let z izbranim partnerjem se dovoli med Irsko in Združenimi državami le pri tistih prek drugih krajev v Evropski skupnosti. Drugi dogovori o skupnem letu z izbranim partnerjem se obravnavajo na podlagi prijateljskih odnosov in vzajemnosti.
o sodelovanju glede vprašanj konkurence v letalski industriji
Člen 1
Ministrstvo za promet Združenih držav Amerike in Komisija Evropske skupnosti (v nadaljevanju "udeleženca") sodelujeta, kot je določeno v tej prilogi, v skladu s svojimi nalogami pri reševanju vprašanj konkurence v letalski industriji, ki vključuje Združene države in Evropsko skupnost.
Člen 2
Namen tega sodelovanja je:
1. krepiti vzajemno razumevanje, kako udeleženca uporabljata zakone, postopke in prakse po svoji konkurenčni ureditvi za spodbujanje konkurence v letalski industriji;
2. omogočati razumevanje med udeležencema o vplivu dogodkov v letalski industriji na konkurenco na mednarodnem letalskem trgu;
3. zmanjševati možnosti za spore pri tem, ko udeleženca uporabljata svoji konkurenčni ureditvi pri sporazumih in drugih dogovorih o sodelovanju, ki vplivajo na čezatlantski trg, in
4. spodbujati združljive zakonodajne pristope do sporazumov in drugih dogovorov o sodelovanju z boljšim razumevanjem metodologij, analitičnih metod, vključno z določitvijo ustreznega trga/trgov in analizo konkurenčnih učinkov ter sredstev, ki jih udeleženca uporabljata pri svojih neodvisnih konkurenčnih pregledih.
Člen 3
Opredelitev pojmov
V tej prilogi izraz "konkurenčna ureditev" pomeni zakone, postopke in prakse, ki urejajo opravljanje nalog udeležencev pri pregledovanju sporazumov in drugih dogovorov o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami na mednarodnem trgu. Za Evropsko skupnost to vključuje, vendar ni omejeno na člene 81, 82 in 85 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in njihove podzakonske akte na podlagi navedene pogodbe ter vse spremembe členov. Za Ministrstvo za promet to vključuje, vendar ni omejeno na 41308., 41309. in 41720. poglavje naslova 49 Zakonika Združenih držav in njegovih podzakonskih aktov ter pravnih precedensov na njegovi podlagi.
Člen 4
Področja sodelovanja
Ob upoštevanju meril iz pododstavka 1(a) in 1(b) člena 5 vrste sodelovanja med udeležencema vključujejo:
(1) srečanja med predstavniki udeležencev, ki vključujejo strokovnjake na področju konkurence, načeloma dvakrat letno, na katerih se obravnavajo razvoj letalske industrije, zadeve konkurenčne politike skupnega interesa in analitični pristopi k uporabi zakonodaje o konkurenci na področju mednarodnega letalstva, zlasti na čezatlantskem trgu. Navedene razprave lahko pripomorejo k boljšemu razumevanju pristopov udeležencev h konkurenčnim vprašanjem, vključno z obstoječimi skupnimi značilnostmi, in k večji združljivosti teh pristopov, zlasti glede sporazumov med letalskimi prevozniki;
(2) posvetovanja med udeležencema vedno v soglasju ali na zaprosilo enega ali drugega, da se obravnava katera koli zadeva, povezana s to prilogo, vključno s posebnimi primeri;
(3) vsak udeleženec lahko po svoji presoji povabi predstavnike drugih vladnih organov, da sodelujejo na sestankih ali posvetovanjih na podlagi odstavkov (1) in (2), kot je ustrezno;
(4) pravočasno obveščanje o postopkih ali zadevah, ki bi po presoji udeleženca, ki obvešča, lahko pomembno vplivali na konkurenčne interese drugega udeleženca:
a. za Ministrstvo za promet (i) postopki za pregled vlog za odobritev sporazumov in drugih dogovorov o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami, ki vključujejo mednarodni zračni promet, zlasti za antitrustovsko imuniteto, ki vključuje letalske družbe, organizirane po zakonih Združenih držav in Evropske skupnosti, ter (ii) prejem sporazuma o skupnem podjetju na podlagi 41720. poglavja naslova 49 Zakonika Združenih držav na Ministrstvu za promet in
b. za Komisijo Evropskih skupnosti (i) postopki za pregled sporazumov in drugih dogovorov o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami, ki vključujejo mednarodni zračni promet, zlasti za povezovanje letalskih družb in druge sporazume o sodelovanju, ki vključujejo letalske družbe, organizirane po zakonih Združenih držav in Evropske skupnosti, in (ii) upoštevanje posameznih ali skupinskih izjem iz zakonodaje Evropske unije o konkurenci;
(5) uradno obveščanje o razpoložljivosti in pogojih, ki urejajo tako razpoložljivost, o informacijah in podatkih, ki so bili vloženi pri udeležencu, v elektronski ali drugi obliki, ki bi po presoji udeleženca lahko pomembno vplivali na konkurenčne interese drugega udeleženca, in
(6) uradno obveščanje o drugih dejavnostih, povezanih s konkurenčno politiko na področju zračnega prometa, kot se zdi ustrezno za udeleženca, ki obvešča.
Člen 5
Uporaba in razkritje informacij
(1) Ne glede na druge določbe te priloge se od nobenega od udeležencev ne pričakuje, da sporoči informacije drugemu udeležencu, če je razkritje informacij udeležencu prosilcu:
a. prepovedano z zakoni, drugimi predpisi ali praksami udeleženca, ki ima informacije, ali
b. bi bilo nezdružljivo s pomembnimi interesi udeleženca, ki ima informacije.
(2) Vsak udeleženec po možnosti ohranja zaupnost informacij, ki mu jih je drugi udeleženec sporočil zaupno po tej prilogi, ter nasprotuje vsaki prošnji za razkritje takih informacij tretji osebi, ki je udeleženec, ki informacije sporoča, ni pooblastil za prejem informacij. Vsak udeleženec namerava uradno obvestiti drugega udeleženca, kadar koli bi bilo za informacije, ki se predlagajo za izmenjavo v razpravah ali na kakšen drug način potrebno, da se razkrijejo v javnem postopku.
(3) Kadar udeleženec na podlagi te priloge drugemu udeležencu zaupno sporoči informacije za namene iz člena 2, naj udeleženec prejemnik te informacije uporablja le za te namene.
Člen 6
(1) Vsaka pogodbenica določi predstavnika, ki je odgovoren za usklajevanje dejavnosti iz te priloge.
(2) Ta priloga in vse dejavnosti, ki jih opravlja udeleženec na njeni podlagi, so namenjene za izvajanje:
a. le v obsegu, skladnem z vsemi zakoni, drugimi predpisi in praksami, ki veljajo za udeleženca, in
b. brez poseganja v sporazum med Evropskimi skupnostmi in vlado Združenih držav Amerike o uporabi zakonov o konkurenci.
o prevozu, ki ga naroči vlada ZDA
Letalske družbe Skupnosti imajo pravico prevažati potnike in tovor na rednih in čarterskih letih, za katere civilni oddelek, agencija ali pomožni organ vlade ZDA (1) naroči lastni prevoz ali naroči prevoz za izvajanje dogovora, po katerem plačilo zagotovi vlada ali pa se plačilo krije iz zneskov, ki so namenjeni za uporabo vladi, ali (2) zagotovi prevoz v ali za tujo državo ali mednarodno ali drugo organizacijo brez povračila stroškov in se ta prevoz opravi (a) med katerim koli krajem v Združenih državah in katerim koli krajem v državi članici, razen prevozov – samo za potnike – med kraji, za katere velja pogodbena prevoznina med parom mest, ali (b) med katerima koli krajema zunaj Združenih držav. Ta odstavek se ne uporablja za prevoz, ki ga naroči ali financira minister za obrambo ali sekretar vojaškega oddelka.
o dodatnih zadevah, povezanih z lastništvom, vlaganjem in nadzorom
Člen 1
Lastništvo pogodbenice nad letalskimi družbami
1. Lastništvo državljanov države članice ali držav članic nad kapitalom letalske družbe ZDA se dovoli ob upoštevanju dveh omejitev. Prvič je prepovedano lastništvo vseh tujih državljanov nad več kakor 25-odstotnim deležem kapitala družbe z glasovalno pravico. Drugič pa je prepovedan tudi dejanski nadzor tujih državljanov nad letalsko družbo ZDA. Ob upoštevanju največ 25-odstotnega deleža tujega lastništva kapitala z glasovalno pravico:
a. lastništvo državljanov države članice ali držav članic:
(1) nad 25-odstotnim deležem kapitala z glasovalno pravico in/ali
(2) nad 49,9-odstotnim deležem celotnega kapitala
letalske družbe ZDA se samo po sebi ne šteje za nadzor nad to letalsko družbo
b. lastništvo državljanov države članice ali držav članic nad 50 – ali večodstotnim deležem celotnega kapitala letalske družbe ZDA ne pomeni nadzora nad to letalsko družbo. Tako lastništvo se obravnava za vsak primer posebej.
2. Lastništvo državljanov ZDA nad letalsko družbo Skupnosti se dovoli ob upoštevanju dveh omejitev. Prvič morajo biti večinski lastniki letalske družbe države članice in/ali državljani držav članic. Drugič pa morajo imeti te države in/ali državljani dejanski nadzor nad to letalsko družbo.
3. Za namene odstavka (b) člena 4 in pododstavka 1(b) člena 5 tega sporazuma se članica ECAA od dne podpisa tega sporazuma in državljani te članice obravnavajo enako kot država članica oziroma njeni državljani. Skupni odbor lahko sklene, da se ta določba uporablja za nove članice ECAA in njihove državljane.
4. Ne glede na odstavek 2 si Evropska skupnost in njene države članice pridržujejo pravico omejiti naložbe državljanov ZDA v kapital letalske družbe Skupnosti z glasovalno pravico, izvedene po podpisu tega sporazuma, in sicer do stopnje, enake tisti, ki jo dovolijo Združene države za naložbe tujih državljanov v letalske družbe ZDA, če je uveljavljanje te pravice v skladu z mednarodnim pravom.
Člen 2
Lastništvo in nadzor nad letalskimi družbami tretjih držav
1. Nobena pogodbenica ne uveljavlja razpoložljivih pravic, ki izhajajo iz dogovorov o zračnih prevozih s tretjo državo, da letalskim družbam te tretje države zavrne, prekliče, začasno odvzame ali omeji pooblastila ali dovoljenja na podlagi dejstva, da ima druga pogodbenica, njeni državljani ali oboji pretežen lastninski delež nad to letalsko družbo.
2. Združene države ne uveljavljajo razpoložljivih pravic, ki izhajajo iz dogovorov o zračnih prevozih, da po podpisu tega sporazuma kateri koli letalski družbi Kneževine Lihtenštajn, Švicarske konfederacije, članice ECAA ali katere koli afriške države, ki izvaja Sporazum o odprtem nebu, sklenjen z Združenimi državami, zavrnejo, prekličejo, začasno odvzamejo ali omejijo pooblastila ali dovoljenja na podlagi dejstva, da imajo država članica ali države članice, državljani te države ali držav ali oboji dejanski nadzor nad to letalsko družbo.
3. Skupni odbor lahko sklene, da nobena pogodbenica ne bo uveljavljala pravic iz odstavka 2 tega člena v zvezi z letalskimi družbami določene države ali držav.
Člen 3
Nadzor nad letalskimi družbami
1. Pravila, ki se v Evropski skupnosti uporabljajo za lastništvo in nadzor nad letalskimi prevozniki Skupnosti, so trenutno določena v členu 4 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2407/92 z dne 23. julija 1992 o licenciranju letalskih prevoznikov. V skladu s to uredbo so za izdajanje operativnih licenc letalskemu prevozniku Skupnosti odgovorne države članice. Države članice uporabljajo uredbo 2407/92 v skladu z notranjimi predpisi in postopki.
2. Pravila, ki se uporabljajo v Združenih državah, so trenutno določena v poglavjih 40102 (a) (2), 41102 in 41103 naslova 49 Zakonika Združenih držav, ki zahtevajo, da se lahko licence za "letalskega prevoznika" ZDA, ki jih izda Ministrstvo za promet v obliki spričevala, izvzetja ali licence za lokalne prevoze za opravljanje "zračnega prometa", kot javnega prevoznika dodelijo le državljanom Združenih držav, kakor je opredeljeno v poglavju 40102 (a) (15) naslova 49 Zakonika Združenih držav. To poglavje zahteva, da so predsednik ter dve tretjini upravnega odbora in drugi direktorji družbe državljani ZDA, da je vsaj 75 odstotkov delnic z glasovalno pravico v lasti državljanov ZDA in da imajo dejanski nadzor nad družbo državljani ZDA. To zahtevo mora najprej izpolnjevati prosilec, nato pa letalska družba ZDA z licenco.
3. Praksa pogodbenic pri izvajanju teh zakonov in drugih predpisov je navedena v dodatku k tej prilogi.
Dodatek k prilogi 4
1. V Združenih državah je določanje državljanstva potrebno za vse letalske prevoznike ZDA, ki zaprosijo za spričevalo, izvzetje ali za licenco za lokalne prevoze. Prva vloga za licenco se vključi v uradno javno evidenco obravnav in se uradno obravnava skupaj z vlogami prosilca in drugih zainteresiranih strani. Ministrstvo za promet izda končno odločitev v obliki sklepa, ki temelji na uradni javni evidenci primera, vključno z dokumenti, za katere je zagotovljena zaupna obravnava. Ministrstvo lahko primer "stalne sposobnosti" obravnava neuradno, lahko pa ga umesti med postopke iz evidence, ki so podobni tistim, ki se uporabljajo za prve vloge.
2. Odločitve Ministrstva se oblikujejo na podlagi vrste precedensov, ki med drugim izražajo spreminjajočo se naravo finančnih trgov in naložbenih struktur ter pripravljenost Ministrstva za promet za preučitev novih pristopov k tujim naložbam, ki so v skladu z zakonodajo ZDA. Ministrstvo za promet skupaj s prosilci obravnava predlagane oblike vlaganja in jim pomaga pri načrtovanju poslov, ki so v celoti skladni z zakonodajo ZDA o državljanstvu, prosilci pa se tudi redno posvetujejo z osebjem Ministrstva za promet, preden dokončno oblikujejo svoje vloge. Kadar koli pred začetkom uradnega postopka lahko osebje Ministrstva za promet razpravlja o vprašanjih v zvezi z državljanstvom ali drugih vidikih predlaganega posla in po potrebi predlaga možnosti, v skladu s katerimi bi predlagani posel izpolnjeval zahteve glede državljanstva ZDA.
3. Pri prvotnih in nadaljnjih odločitvah glede državljanstva in sposobnosti Ministrstvo za promet obravnava vse okoliščine, ki vplivajo na letalsko družbo ZDA, precedensi Ministrstva pa omogočajo, da se upošteva narava odnosov v letalstvu med Združenimi državami in matično(-imi) državo(-ami) vseh tujih vlagateljev. Po tem sporazumu bi Ministrstvo za promet obravnavalo naložbe državljanov EU vsaj enako ugodno kot naložbe državljanov držav partneric v dvostranskih ali večstranskih sporazumih o odprtem zračnem nebu.
4. V Evropski uniji člen 4 (5) Uredbe 2407/92 določa, da Evropska komisija na zahtevo države članice preveri izpolnjevanje zahtev iz člena 4 in po potrebi sprejme odločitev. Pri sprejemanju takih odločitev mora Komisija zagotoviti skladnost s postopkovnimi pravicami, ki jih Evropsko sodišče priznava kot splošna pravna načela Skupnosti, vključno s pravico zainteresiranih strani do pravočasnega zaslišanja.
5. Vsaka pogodbenica pri uporabi zakonov in drugih predpisov zagotavlja, da so vsi posli, ki vključujejo naložbe državljanov druge pogodbenice v eno od njenih letalskih družb, deležni pravične in hitre obravnave.
o franšizingu in trženju blagovne znamke
1. Letalskim družbam pogodbenic se ne prepreči, da sklepajo dogovore o franšizingu ali trženju blagovne znamke, vključno s pogoji, ki se nanašajo na zaščito blagovne znamke in operativne zadeve, če ravnajo zlasti v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi glede nadzora, to ne ogroža zmožnosti letalske družbe, da obstaja zunaj franšize, ta dogovor nima za posledico vključevanja tuje letalske družbe v kabotažo in se upoštevajo veljavni predpisi, kot so določbe o varstvu potrošnikov, vključno s tistimi, ki se nanašajo na razkritje identitete letalske družbe, ki opravlja prevoz. Dokler so te zahteve izpolnjene, se dovolijo tesni poslovni stiki in dogovori o sodelovanju med letalskimi družbami pogodbenic in tujimi podjetji, vsak posamezen vidik dogovora o franšizingu in trženju blagovne znamke, naveden v nadaljevanju, pa med drugim sam po sebi naj ne bi odpiral vprašanj glede nadzora, razen v izjemnih primerih:
a) uporaba in prikaz določene blagovne ali zaščitne znamke franšizorja, vključno z zahtevami glede geografskega območja, na katerem se lahko uporablja blagovna ali zaščitna znamka,
b) prikaz barv in logotipa blagovne znamke franšizorja na zrakoplovu jemalca franšize vključno s prikazom take blagovne znamke, zaščitne znamke, logotipa ali podobnih razpoznavnih znakov, zlasti na njegovem zrakoplovu in uniformah njegovega osebja,
c) uporaba in prikaz blagovne znamke, zaščitne znamke ali logotipa na letaliških objektih in opremi jemalca franšize ali v povezavi s temi letališkimi objekti in opremo,
d) ohranitev standardov storitev za kupce, namenjenih trženju,
e) ohranitev standardov storitev za kupce, namenjenih zaščiti integritete blagovne znamke franšize,
f) določitev pristojbin za licence pod standardnimi tržnimi pogoji,
g) zagotovitev sodelovanja v programih za pogoste potnike, vključno z uveljavljanjem ugodnosti, in
h) določitev pravice franšizorja ali jemalca franšize do odpovedi dogovora in umika blagovne znamke v pogodbi o franšizingu ali trženju blagovne znamke, če imajo državljani Združenih držav ali držav članic še naprej nadzor nad letalsko družbo Združenih držav oziroma Skupnosti.
2. Dogovori o franšizingu in trženju blagovne znamke so neodvisni od dogovora o skupnem letu z izbranim partnerjem, ki zahteva, da imata obe letalski družbi ustrezna pooblastila pogodbenic, kakor to določa odstavek 7 člena 10 tega sporazuma, vendar lahko obstajajo hkrati s tem dogovorom.
Skupna izjava
Predstavniki Združenih držav Amerike ter Evropske skupnosti in njenih držav članic so potrdili, da je treba Sporazum o zračnem prometu, parafiran v Bruslju 2. marca 2007, ki naj bi ga podpisali 30. aprila 2007, overiti v drugih jezikih bodisi z izmenjavo pisem pred podpisom Sporazuma bodisi s Sklepom Skupnega odbora po podpisu Sporazuma.
Ta skupna izjava je sestavni del Sporazuma o zračnem prometu.
Za Združene države
sig. John Byerly
Datum: 18. april 2007
Za Evropsko skupnost in njene države članice
sig. Daniel Calleja
Datum: 18. april 2007
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter the "United States"),
of the one part; and
being parties to the Treaty establishing the European Community and being Member States of the European Union (hereinafter the "Member States"),
of the other part;
DESIRING to promote an international aviation system based on competition among airlines in the marketplace with minimum government interference and regulation;
DESIRING to facilitate the expansion of international air transport opportunities, including through the development of air transportation networks to meet the needs of passengers and shippers for convenient air transportation services;
DESIRING to make it possible for airlines to offer the traveling and shipping public competitive prices and services in open markets;
DESIRING to have all sectors of the air transport industry, including airline workers, benefit in a liberalized agreement;
DESIRING to ensure the highest degree of safety and security in international air transport and reaffirming their grave concern about acts or threats against the security of aircraft, which jeopardize the safety of persons or property, adversely affect the operation of air transportation, and undermine public confidence in the safety of civil aviation;
NOTING the Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago on December 7, 1944;
RECOGNISING that government subsidies may adversely affect airline competition and may jeopardize the basic objectives of this Agreement;
AFFIRMING the importance of protecting the environment in developing and implementing international aviation policy;
NOTING the importance of protecting consumers, including the protections afforded by the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done at Montreal May 28, 1999;
INTENDING to build upon the framework of existing agreements with the goal of opening access to markets and maximizing benefits for consumers, airlines, labor, and communities on both sides of the Atlantic;
RECOGNISING the importance of enhancing the access of their airlines to global capital markets in order to strengthen competition and promote the objectives of this Agreement;
INTENDING to establish a precedent of global significance to promote the benefits of liberalization in this crucial economic sector;
For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise stated, the term:
1. "Agreement" means this Agreement, its Annexes and Appendix, and any amendments thereto;
2. "Air transportation" means the carriage by aircraft of passengers, baggage, cargo, and mail, separately or in combination, held out to the public for remuneration or hire;
3. "Convention" means the Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature at Chicago on December 7, 1944, and includes:
(a) any amendment that has entered into force under Article 94(a) of the Convention and has been ratified by both the United States and the Member State or Member States as is relevant to the issue in question, and
(b) any Annex or any amendment thereto adopted under Article 90 of the Convention, insofar as such Annex or amendment is at any given time effective for both the United States and the Member State or Member States as is relevant to the issue in question;
4. "Full cost" means the cost of providing service plus a reasonable charge for administrative overhead;
5. "International air transportation" means air transportation that passes through the airspace over the territory of more than one State;
6. "Party" means either the United States or the European Community and its Member States;
7. "Price" means any fare, rate or charge for the carriage of passengers, baggage and/or cargo (excluding mail) in air transportation, including surface transportation in connection with international air transportation, if applicable, charged by airlines, including their agents, and the conditions governing the availability of such fare, rate or charge;
8. "Stop for non-traffic purposes" means a landing for any purpose other than taking on or discharging passengers, baggage, cargo and/or mail in air transportation;
9. "Territory" means, for the United States, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea under its sovereignty or jurisdiction, and, for the European Community and its Member States, the land areas (mainland and islands), internal waters and territorial sea in which the Treaty establishing the European Community is applied and under the conditions laid down in that Treaty and any successor instrument; application of this Agreement to Gibraltar airport is understood to be without prejudice to the respective legal positions of the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom with regard to the dispute over sovereignty over the territory in which the airport is situated, and to the continuing suspension of Gibraltar Airport from European Community aviation measures existing as at 18 September 2006 as between Member States, in accordance with the Ministerial statement on Gibraltar Airport agreed in Córdoba on 18 September 2006; and
10. "User charge" means a charge imposed on airlines for the provision of airport, airport environmental, air navigation, or aviation security facilities or services including related services and facilities.
Fair and Equal Opportunity
Each Party shall allow a fair and equal opportunity for the airlines of both Parties to compete in providing the international air transportation governed by this Agreement.
Grant of Rights
1. Each Party grants to the other Party the following rights for the conduct of international air transportation by the airlines of the other Party:
(a) the right to fly across its territory without landing;
(b) the right to make stops in its territory for non-traffic purposes;
(c) the right to perform international air transportation between points on the following routes:
(i) for airlines of the United States (hereinafter "U.S. airlines"), from points behind the United States via the United States and intermediate points to any point or points in any Member State or States and beyond; and for all-cargo service, between any Member State and any point or points (including in any other Member States);
(ii) for airlines of the European Community and its Member States (hereinafter "Community airlines"), from points behind the Member States via the Member States and intermediate points to any point or points in the United States and beyond; for all-cargo service, between the United States and any point or points; and, for combination services, between any point or points in the United States and any point or points in any member of the European Common Aviation Area (hereinafter the "ECAA") as of the date of signature of this Agreement; and
(d) the rights otherwise specified in this Agreement.
2. Each airline may on any or all flights and at its option:
(a) operate flights in either or both directions;
(b) combine different flight numbers within one aircraft operation;
(c) serve behind, intermediate, and beyond points and points in the territories of the Parties in any combination and in any order;
(d) omit stops at any point or points;
(e) transfer traffic from any of its aircraft to any of its other aircraft at any point;
(f) serve points behind any point in its territory with or without change of aircraft or flight number and hold out and advertise such services to the public as through services;
(g) make stopovers at any points whether within or outside the territory of either Party;
(h) carry transit traffic through the other Party's territory; and
(i) combine traffic on the same aircraft regardless of where such traffic originates;
without directional or geographic limitation and without loss of any right to carry traffic otherwise permissible under this Agreement.
3. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply subject to the requirements that:
(a) for U.S. airlines, with the exception of all-cargo services, the transportation is part of a service that serves the United States, and
(b) for Community airlines, with the exception of (i) all-cargo services and (ii) combination services between the United States and any member of the ECAA as of the date of signature of this Agreement, the transportation is part of a service that serves a Member State.
4. Each Party shall allow each airline to determine the frequency and capacity of the international air transportation it offers based upon commercial considerations in the marketplace. Consistent with this right, neither Party shall unilaterally limit the volume of traffic, frequency or regularity of service, or the aircraft type or types operated by the airlines of the other Party, nor shall it require the filing of schedules, programs for charter flights, or operational plans by airlines of the other Party, except as may be required for customs, technical, operational, or environmental (consistent with Article 15) reasons under uniform conditions consistent with Article 15 of the Convention.
5. Any airline may perform international air transportation without any limitation as to change, at any point, in type or number of aircraft operated; provided that, (a) for U.S. airlines, with the exception of all-cargo services, the transportation is part of a service that serves the United States, and (b) for Community airlines, with the exception of (i) all-cargo services and (ii) combination services between the United States and a member of the ECAA as of the date of signature of this Agreement, the transportation is part of a service that serves a Member State.
6. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to confer on:
(a) U.S. airlines the right to take on board, in the territory of any Member State, passengers, baggage, cargo, or mail carried for compensation and destined for another point in the territory of that Member State;
(b) Community airlines the right to take on board, in the territory of the United States, passengers, baggage, cargo, or mail carried for compensation and destined for another point in the territory of the United States.
7. Community airlines' access to U.S. Government procured transportation shall be governed by Annex 3.
On receipt of applications from an airline of one Party, in the form and manner prescribed for operating authorizations and technical permissions, the other Party shall grant appropriate authorizations and permissions with minimum procedural delay, provided:
(a) for a U.S. airline, substantial ownership and effective control of that airline are vested in the United States, U.S. nationals, or both, and the airline is licensed as a U.S. airline and has its principal place of business in U.S. territory;
(b) for a Community airline, substantial ownership and effective control of that airline are vested in a Member State or States, nationals of such a state or states, or both, and the airline is licensed as a Community airline and has its principal place of business in the territory of the European Community;
(c) the airline is qualified to meet the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally applied to the operation of international air transportation by the Party considering the application or applications; and
(d) the provisions set forth in Article 8 (Safety) and Article 9 (Security) are being maintained and administered.
Revocation of Authorization
1. Either Party may revoke, suspend or limit the operating authorizations or technical permissions or otherwise suspend or limit the operations of an airline of the other Party where:
(a) for a U.S. airline, substantial ownership and effective control of that airline are not vested in the United States, U.S. nationals, or both, or the airline is not licensed as a U.S. airline or does not have its principal place of business in U.S. territory;
(b) for a Community airline, substantial ownership and effective control of that airline are not vested in a Member State or States, nationals of such a state or states, or both, or the airline is not licensed as a Community airline or does not have its principal place of business in the territory of the European Community; or
(c) that airline has failed to comply with the laws and regulations referred to in Article 7 (Application of Laws) of this Agreement.
2. Unless immediate action is essential to prevent further noncompliance with subparagraph 1(c) of this Article, the rights established by this Article shall be exercised only after consultation with the other Party.
3. This Article does not limit the rights of either Party to withhold, revoke, limit or impose conditions on the operating authorization or technical permission of an airline or airlines of the other Party in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 (Safety) or Article 9 (Security).
Additional Matters related to Ownership, Investment, and Control
Notwithstanding any other provision in this Agreement, the Parties shall implement the provisions of Annex 4 in their decisions under their respective laws and regulations concerning ownership, investment and control.
Application of Laws
1. The laws and regulations of a Party relating to the admission to or departure from its territory of aircraft engaged in international air navigation, or to the operation and navigation of such aircraft while within its territory, shall be applied to the aircraft utilized by the airlines of the other Party, and shall be complied with by such aircraft upon entering or departing from or while within the territory of the first Party.
2. While entering, within, or leaving the territory of one Party, the laws and regulations applicable within that territory relating to the admission to or departure from its territory of passengers, crew or cargo on aircraft (including regulations relating to entry, clearance, immigration, passports, customs and quarantine or, in the case of mail, postal regulations) shall be complied with by, or on behalf of, such passengers, crew or cargo of the other Party's airlines.
1. The responsible authorities of the Parties shall recognize as valid, for the purposes of operating the air transportation provided for in this Agreement, certificates of airworthiness, certificates of competency, and licenses issued or validated by each other and still in force, provided that the requirements for such certificates or licenses at least equal the minimum standards that may be established pursuant to the Convention. The responsible authorities may, however, refuse to recognize as valid for purposes of flight above their own territory, certificates of competency and licenses granted to or validated for their own nationals by such other authorities.
2. The responsible authorities of a Party may request consultations with other responsible authorities concerning the safety standards maintained by those authorities relating to aeronautical facilities, aircrews, aircraft, and operation of the airlines overseen by those authorities. Such consultations shall take place within 45 days of the request unless otherwise agreed. If following such consultations, the requesting responsible authorities find that those authorities do not effectively maintain and administer safety standards and requirements in these areas that at least equal the minimum standards that may be established pursuant to the Convention, the requesting responsible authorities shall notify those authorities of such findings and the steps considered necessary to conform with these minimum standards, and those authorities shall take appropriate corrective action. The requesting responsible authorities reserve the right to withhold, revoke or limit the operating authorization or technical permission of an airline or airlines for which those authorities provide safety oversight in the event those authorities do not take such appropriate corrective action within a reasonable time and to take immediate action as to such airline or airlines if essential to prevent further noncompliance with the duty to maintain and administer the aforementioned standards and requirements resulting in an immediate threat to flight safety.
3. The European Commission shall simultaneously receive all requests and notifications under this Article.
4. Nothing in this Article shall prevent the responsible authorities of the Parties from conducting safety discussions, including those relating to the routine application of safety standards and requirements or to emergency situations that may arise from time to time.
1. In accordance with their rights and obligations under international law, the Parties reaffirm that their obligation to each other to protect the security of civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference forms an integral part of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of their rights and obligations under international law, the Parties shall in particular act in conformity with the following agreements: the Convention on Offenses and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft, done at Tokyo September 14, 1963, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft, done at The Hague December 16, 1970, the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation, done at Montreal September 23, 1971, and the Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation, done at Montreal February 24, 1988.
2. The Parties shall provide upon request all necessary assistance to each other to address any threat to the security of civil aviation, including the prevention of acts of unlawful seizure of civil aircraft and other unlawful acts against the safety of such aircraft, of their passengers and crew, and of airports and air navigation facilities.
3. The Parties shall, in their mutual relations, act in conformity with the aviation security standards and appropriate recommended practices established by the International Civil Aviation Organization and designated as Annexes to the Convention; they shall require that operators of aircraft of their registries, operators of aircraft who have their principal place of business or permanent residence in their territory, and the operators of airports in their territory act in conformity with such aviation security provisions.
4. Each Party shall ensure that effective measures are taken within its territory to protect aircraft and to inspect passengers, crew, and their baggage and carry-on items, as well as cargo and aircraft stores, prior to and during boarding or loading; and that those measures are adjusted to meet increased threats to the security of civil aviation. Each Party agrees that the security provisions required by the other Party for departure from and while within the territory of that other Party must be observed. Each Party shall give positive consideration to any request from the other Party for special security measures to meet a particular threat.
5. With full regard and mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, a Party may adopt security measures for entry into its territory. Where possible, that Party shall take into account the security measures already applied by the other Party and any views that the other Party may offer. Each Party recognizes, however, that nothing in this Article limits the ability of a Party to refuse entry into its territory of any flight or flights that it deems to present a threat to its security.
6. A Party may take emergency measures including amendments to meet a specific security threat. Such measures shall be notified immediately to the responsible authorities of the other Party.
7. The Parties underline the importance of working towards compatible practices and standards as a means of enhancing air transport security and minimising regulatory divergence. To this end, the Parties shall fully utilize and develop existing channels for the discussion of current and proposed security measures. The Parties expect that the discussions will address, among other issues, new security measures proposed or under consideration by the other Party, including the revision of security measures occasioned by a change in circumstances; measures proposed by one Party to meet the security requirements of the other Party; possibilities for the more expeditious adjustment of standards with respect to aviation security measures; and compatibility of the requirements of one Party with the legislative obligations of the other Party. Such discussions should serve to foster early notice and prior discussion of new security initiatives and requirements.
8. Without prejudice to the need to take immediate action in order to protect transportation security, the Parties affirm that when considering security measures, a Party shall evaluate possible adverse effects on international air transportation and, unless constrained by law, shall take such factors into account when it determines what measures are necessary and appropriate to address those security concerns.
9. When an incident or threat of an incident of unlawful seizure of aircraft or other unlawful acts against the safety of passengers, crew, aircraft, airports or air navigation facilities occurs, the Parties shall assist each other by facilitating communications and other appropriate measures intended to terminate rapidly and safely such incident or threat.
10. When a Party has reasonable grounds to believe that the other Party has departed from the aviation security provisions of this Article, the responsible authorities of that Party may request immediate consultations with the responsible authorities of the other Party. Failure to reach a satisfactory agreement within 15 days from the date of such request shall constitute grounds to withhold, revoke, limit, or impose conditions on the operating authorization and technical permissions of an airline or airlines of that Party. When required by an emergency, a Party may take interim action prior to the expiry of 15 days.
11. Separate from airport assessments undertaken to determine conformity with the aviation security standards and practices referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, a Party may request the cooperation of the other Party in assessing whether particular security measures of that other Party meet the requirements of the requesting Party. The responsible authorities of the Parties shall coordinate in advance the airports to be assessed and the dates of assessment and establish a procedure to address the results of such assessments. Taking into account the results of the assessments, the requesting Party may decide that security measures of an equivalent standard are applied in the territory of the other Party in order that transfer passengers, transfer baggage, and/or transfer cargo may be exempted from re-screening in the territory of the requesting Party. Such a decision shall be communicated to the other Party.
Commercial Opportunities
1. The airlines of each Party shall have the right to establish offices in the territory of the other Party for the promotion and sale of air transportation and related activities.
2. The airlines of each Party shall be entitled, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the other Party relating to entry, residence, and employment, to bring in and maintain in the territory of the other Party managerial, sales, technical, operational, and other specialist staff who are required to support the provision of air transportation.
3.(a) Without prejudice to subparagraph (b) below, each airline shall have in relation to groundhandling in the territory of the other Party:
(i) the right to perform its own groundhandling ("self-handling") or, at its option
(ii) the right to select among competing suppliers that provide groundhandling services in whole or in part where such suppliers are allowed market access on the basis of the laws and regulations of each Party, and where such suppliers are present in the market.
(b) The rights under (i) and (ii) in subparagraph (a) above shall be subject only to specific constraints of available space or capacity arising from the need to maintain safe operation of the airport. Where such constraints preclude self-handling and where there is no effective competition between suppliers that provide groundhandling services, all such services shall be available on both an equal and an adequate basis to all airlines; prices of such services shall not exceed their full cost including a reasonable return on assets, after depreciation.
4. Any airline of each Party may engage in the sale of air transportation in the territory of the other Party directly and/or, at the airline's discretion, through its sales agents or other intermediaries appointed by the airline. Each airline shall have the right to sell such transportation, and any person shall be free to purchase such transportation, in the currency of that territory or in freely convertible currencies.
5. Each airline shall have the right to convert and remit from the territory of the other Party to its home territory and, except where inconsistent with generally applicable law or regulation, the country or countries of its choice, on demand, local revenues in excess of sums locally disbursed. Conversion and remittance shall be permitted promptly without restrictions or taxation in respect thereof at the rate of exchange applicable to current transactions and remittance on the date the carrier makes the initial application for remittance.
6. The airlines of each Party shall be permitted to pay for local expenses, including purchases of fuel, in the territory of the other Party in local currency. At their discretion, the airlines of each Party may pay for such expenses in the territory of the other Party in freely convertible currencies according to local currency regulation.
7. In operating or holding out services under the Agreement, any airline of a Party may enter into cooperative marketing arrangements, such as blocked-space or code-sharing arrangements, with:
(a) any airline or airlines of the Parties;
(b) any airline or airlines of a third country; and
(c) a surface (land or maritime) transportation provider of any country;
provided that (i) all participants in such arrangements hold the appropriate authority and (ii) the arrangements meet the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally applied by the Parties to the operation or holding out of international air transportation.
8. The airlines of each Party shall be entitled to enter into franchising or branding arrangements with companies, including airlines, of either Party or third countries, provided that the airlines hold the appropriate authority and meet the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally applied by the Parties to such arrangements. Annex 5 shall apply to such arrangements.
9. The airlines of each Party may enter into arrangements for the provision of aircraft with crew for international air transportation with:
(a) any airlines or airlines of the Parties; and
(b) any airlines or airlines of a third country;
provided that all participants in such arrangements hold the appropriate authority and meet the conditions prescribed under the laws and regulations normally applied by the Parties to such arrangements. Neither Party shall require an airline of either Party providing the aircraft to hold traffic rights under this Agreement for the routes on which the aircraft will be operated.
10. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, airlines and indirect providers of cargo transportation of the Parties shall be permitted, without restriction, to employ in connection with international air transportation any surface transportation for cargo to or from any points in the territories of the Parties, or in third countries, including transport to and from all airports with customs facilities, and including, where applicable, the right to transport cargo in bond under applicable laws and regulations. Such cargo, whether moving by surface or by air, shall have access to airport customs processing and facilities. Airlines may elect to perform their own surface transportation or to provide it through arrangements with other surface carriers, including surface transportation operated by other airlines and indirect providers of cargo air transportation. Such intermodal cargo services may be offered at a single, through price for the air and surface transportation combined, provided that shippers are not misled as to the facts concerning such transportation.
Customs Duties and Charges
1. On arriving in the territory of one Party, aircraft operated in international air transportation by the airlines of the other Party, their regular equipment, ground equipment, fuel, lubricants, consumable technical supplies, spare parts (including engines), aircraft stores (including but not limited to such items of food, beverages and liquor, tobacco and other products destined for sale to or use by passengers in limited quantities during flight), and other items intended for or used solely in connection with the operation or servicing of aircraft engaged in international air transportation shall be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from all import restrictions, property taxes and capital levies, customs duties, excise taxes, and similar fees and charges that are (a) imposed by the national authorities or the European Community, and (b) not based on the cost of services provided, provided that such equipment and supplies remain on board the aircraft.
2. There shall also be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from the taxes, levies, duties, fees and charges referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, with the exception of charges based on the cost of the service provided:
(a) aircraft stores introduced into or supplied in the territory of a Party and taken on board, within reasonable limits, for use on outbound aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these stores are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board;
(b) ground equipment and spare parts (including engines) introduced into the territory of a Party for the servicing, maintenance, or repair of aircraft of an airline of the other Party used in international air transportation;
(c) fuel, lubricants and consumable technical supplies introduced into or supplied in the territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these supplies are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board; and
(d) printed matter, as provided for by the customs legislation of each Party, introduced into or supplied in the territory of one Party and taken on board for use on outbound aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these stores are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board.
3. Equipment and supplies referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may be required to be kept under the supervision or control of the appropriate authorities.
4. The exemptions provided by this Article shall also be available where the airlines of one Party have contracted with another airline, which similarly enjoys such exemptions from the other Party, for the loan or transfer in the territory of the other Party of the items specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
5. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either Party from imposing taxes, levies, duties, fees or charges on goods sold other than for consumption on board to passengers during a sector of an air service between two points within its territory at which embarkation or disembarkation is permitted.
6. In the event that two or more Member States envisage applying to the fuel supplied to aircraft of U.S. airlines in the territories of such Member States for flights between such Member States any waiver of the exemption contained in Article 14.1 (b) of Council Directive 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003, the Joint Committee shall consider that issue, in accordance with paragraph 4(e) of Article 18.
7. A Party may request the assistance of the other Party, on behalf of its airline or airlines, in securing an exemption from taxes, duties, charges and fees imposed by state and local governments or authorities on the goods specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as well as from fuel through-put charges, in the circumstances described in this Article, except to the extent that the charges are based on the cost of providing the service. In response to such a request, the other Party shall bring the views of the requesting Party to the attention of the relevant governmental unit or authority and urge that those views be given appropriate consideration.
User Charges
1. User charges that may be imposed by the competent charging authorities or bodies of each Party on the airlines of the other Party shall be just, reasonable, not unjustly discriminatory, and equitably apportioned among categories of users. In any event, any such user charges shall be assessed on the airlines of the other Party on terms not less favorable than the most favorable terms available to any other airline at the time the charges are assessed.
2. User charges imposed on the airlines of the other Party may reflect, but shall not exceed, the full cost to the competent charging authorities or bodies of providing the appropriate airport, airport environmental, air navigation, and aviation security facilities and services at the airport or within the airport system. Such charges may include a reasonable return on assets, after depreciation. Facilities and services for which charges are made shall be provided on an efficient and economic basis.
3. Each Party shall encourage consultations between the competent charging authorities or bodies in its territory and the airlines using the services and facilities, and shall encourage the competent charging authorities or bodies and the airlines to exchange such information as may be necessary to permit an accurate review of the reasonableness of the charges in accordance with the principles of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. Each Party shall encourage the competent charging authorities to provide users with reasonable notice of any proposal for changes in user charges to enable users to express their views before changes are made.
4. Neither Party shall be held, in dispute resolution procedures pursuant to Article 19, to be in breach of a provision of this Article, unless (a) it fails to undertake a review of the charge or practice that is the subject of complaint by the other Party within a reasonable amount of time; or (b) following such a review it fails to take all steps within its power to remedy any charge or practice that is inconsistent with this Article.
1. Prices for air transportation services operated pursuant to this Agreement shall be established freely and shall not be subject to approval, nor may they be required to be filed.
2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1:
(a) The introduction or continuation of a price proposed to be charged or charged by a U.S. airline for international air transportation between a point in one Member State and a point in another Member State shall be consistent with Article 1(3) of Council Regulation (EEC) 2409/92 of 23 July 1992, or a not more restrictive successor regulation.
(b) Under this paragraph, the airlines of the Parties shall provide immediate access, on request, to information on historical, existing, and proposed prices to the responsible authorities of the Parties in a manner and format acceptable to those authorities.
Government Subsidies and Support
1. The Parties recognize that government subsidies and support may adversely affect the fair and equal opportunity of airlines to compete in providing the international air transportation governed by this Agreement.
2. If one Party believes that a government subsidy or support being considered or provided by the other Party for or to the airlines of that other Party would adversely affect or is adversely affecting that fair and equal opportunity of the airlines of the first Party to compete, it may submit observations to that Party. Furthermore, it may request a meeting of the Joint Committee as provided in Article 18, to consider the issue and develop appropriate responses to concerns found to be legitimate.
3. Each Party may approach responsible governmental entities in the territory of the other Party, including entities at the state, provincial or local level, if it believes that a subsidy or support being considered or provided by such entities will have the adverse competitive effects referred to in paragraph 2. If a Party decides to make such direct contact it shall inform promptly the other Party through diplomatic channels. It may also request a meeting of the Joint Committee.
4. Issues raised under this Article could include, for example, capital injections, cross-subsidization, grants, guarantees, ownership, relief or tax exemption, by any governmental entities.
1. The Parties recognize the importance of protecting the environment when developing and implementing international aviation policy. The Parties recognize that the costs and benefits of measures to protect the environment must be carefully weighed in developing international aviation policy.
2. When a Party is considering proposed environmental measures, it should evaluate possible adverse effects on the exercise of rights contained in this Agreement, and, if such measures are adopted, it should take appropriate steps to mitigate any such adverse effects.
3. When environmental measures are established, the aviation environmental standards adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization in Annexes to the Convention shall be followed except where differences have been filed. The Parties shall apply any environmental measures affecting air services under this Agreement in accordance with Article 2 and 3(4) of this Agreement.
4. If one Party believes that a matter involving aviation environmental protection raises concerns for the application or implementation of this Agreement, it may request a meeting of the Joint Committee, as provided in Article 18, to consider the issue and develop appropriate responses to concerns found to be legitimate.
Consumer Protection
The Parties affirm the importance of protecting consumers, and either Party may request a meeting of the Joint Committee to discuss consumer protection issues that the requesting Party identifies as significant.
Computer Reservation Systems
1. Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) vendors operating in the territory of one Party shall be entitled to bring in, maintain, and make freely available their CRSs to travel agencies or travel companies whose principal business is the distribution of travel-related products in the territory of the other Party provided the CRS complies with any relevant regulatory requirements of the other Party.
2. Neither Party shall, in its territory, impose or permit to be imposed on the CRS vendors of the other Party more stringent requirements with respect to CRS displays (including edit and display parameters), operations, practices, sales, or ownership than those imposed on its own CRS vendors.
3. Owners/Operators of CRSs of one Party that comply with the relevant regulatory requirements of the other Party, if any, shall have the same opportunity to own CRSs within the territory of the other Party as do owners/operators of that Party.
The Joint Committee
1. A Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the Parties shall meet at least once a year to conduct consultations relating to this Agreement and to review its implementation.
2. A Party may also request a meeting of the Joint Committee to seek to resolve questions relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement. However, with respect to Article 20 or Annex 2, the Joint Committee may consider questions only relating to the refusal by either Participant to implement the commitments undertaken, and the impact of competition decisions on the application of this Agreement. Such a meeting shall begin at the earliest possible date, but not later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the request, unless otherwise agreed.
3. The Joint Committee shall review, no later than at its first annual meeting and thereafter as appropriate, the overall implementation of the Agreement, including any effects of aviation infrastructure constraints on the exercise of rights provided for in Article 3, the effects of security measures taken under Article 9, the effects on the conditions of competition, including in the field of Computer Reservation Systems, and any social effects of the implementation of the Agreement.
4. The Joint Committee shall also develop cooperation by:
(a) fostering expert-level exchanges on new legislative or regulatory initiatives and developments, including in the fields of security, safety, the environment, aviation infrastructure (including slots), and consumer protection;
(b) considering the social effects of the Agreement as it is implemented and developing appropriate responses to concerns found to be legitimate;
(c) considering potential areas for the further development of the Agreement, including the recommendation of amendments to the Agreement;
(d) maintaining an inventory of issues regarding government subsidies or support raised by either Party in the Joint Committee;
(e) making decisions, on the basis of consensus, concerning any matters with respect to application of paragraph 6 of Article 11;
(f) developing, within one year of provisional application, approaches to regulatory determinations with regard to airline fitness and citizenship, with the goal of achieving reciprocal recognition of such determinations;
(g) developing a common understanding of the criteria used by the Parties in making their respective decisions in cases concerning airline control, to the extent consistent with confidentiality requirements;
(h) fostering consultation, where appropriate, on air transport issues dealt with in international organizations and in relations with third countries, including consideration of whether to adopt a joint approach;
(i) taking, on the basis of consensus, the decisions to which paragraph 3 of Article 1 of Annex 4 and paragraph 3 of Article 2 of Annex 4 refer.
5. The Parties share the goal of maximizing the benefits for consumers, airlines, labor, and communities on both sides of the Atlantic by extending this Agreement to include third countries. To this end, the Joint Committee shall work to develop a proposal regarding the conditions and procedures, including any necessary amendments to this Agreement, that would be required for third countries to accede to this Agreement.
6. The Joint Committee shall operate on the basis of consensus.
1. Any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of this Agreement, other than issues arising under Article 20 or under Annex 2, that is not resolved by a meeting of the Joint Committee may be referred to a person or body for decision by agreement of the Parties. If the Parties do not so agree, the dispute shall, at the request of either Party, be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the procedures set forth below.
2. Unless the Parties otherwise agree, arbitration shall be by a tribunal of three arbitrators to be constituted as follows:
(a) Within 20 days after the receipt of a request for arbitration, each Party shall name one arbitrator. Within 45 days after these two arbitrators have been named, they shall by agreement appoint a third arbitrator, who shall act as President of the tribunal.
(b) If either Party fails to name an arbitrator, or if the third arbitrator is not appointed in accordance with subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, either Party may request the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization to appoint the necessary arbitrator or arbitrators within 30 days of receipt of that request. If the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization is a national of either the United States or a Member State, the most senior Vice President of that Council who is not disqualified on that ground shall make the appointment.
3. Except as otherwise agreed, the tribunal shall determine the limits of its jurisdiction in accordance with this Agreement and shall establish its own procedural rules. At the request of a Party, the tribunal, once formed, may ask the other Party to implement interim relief measures pending the tribunal's final determination. At the direction of the tribunal or at the request of either Party, a conference shall be held not later than 15 days after the tribunal is fully constituted for the tribunal to determine the precise issues to be arbitrated and the specific procedures to be followed.
4. Except as otherwise agreed or as directed by the tribunal:
(a) The statement of claim shall be submitted within 30 days of the time the tribunal is fully constituted, and the statement of defense shall be submitted 40 days thereafter. Any reply by the claimant shall be submitted within 15 days of the submission of the statement of defense. Any reply by the respondent shall be submitted within 15 days thereafter.
(b) The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Party, or may hold a hearing on its own initiative, within 15 days after the last reply is filed.
5. The tribunal shall attempt to render a written decision within 30 days after completion of the hearing or, if no hearing is held, within 30 days after the last reply is submitted. The decision of the majority of the tribunal shall prevail.
6. The Parties may submit requests for clarification of the decision within 10 days after it is rendered and any clarification given shall be issued within 15 days of such request.
7. If the tribunal determines that there has been a violation of this Agreement and the responsible Party does not cure the violation, or does not reach agreement with the other Party on a mutually satisfactory resolution within 40 days after notification of the tribunal's decision, the other Party may suspend the application of comparable benefits arising under this Agreement until such time as the Parties have reached agreement on a resolution of the dispute. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as limiting the right of either Party to take proportional measures in accordance with international law.
8. The expenses of the tribunal, including the fees and expenses of the arbitrators, shall be shared equally by the Parties. Any expenses incurred by the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, or by any Vice President of that Council, in connection with the procedures of paragraph 2(b) of this Article shall be considered to be part of the expenses of the tribunal.
1. The Parties recognize that competition among airlines in the transatlantic market is important to promote the objectives of this Agreement, and confirm that they apply their respective competition regimes to protect and enhance overall competition and not individual competitors.
2. The Parties recognize that differences may arise concerning the application of their respective competition regimes to international aviation affecting the transatlantic market, and that competition among airlines in that market might be fostered by minimising those differences.
3. The Parties recognize that cooperation between their respective competition authorities serves to promote competition in markets and has the potential to promote compatible regulatory results and to minimise differences in approach with respect to their respective competition reviews of inter-carrier agreements. Consequently, the Parties shall further this cooperation to the extent feasible, taking into account the different responsibilities, competencies and procedures of the authorities, in accordance with Annex 2.
4. The Joint Committee shall be briefed annually on the results of the cooperation under Annex 2.
Second Stage Negotiations
1. The Parties share the goal of continuing to open access to markets and to maximise benefits for consumers, airlines, labor, and communities on both sides of the Atlantic, including the facilitation of investment so as to better reflect the realities of a global aviation industry, the strengthening of the transatlantic air transportation system, and the establishment of a framework that will encourage other countries to open their own air services markets. The Parties shall begin negotiations not later than 60 days after the date of provisional application of this Agreement, with the goal of developing the next stage expeditiously.
2. To that end, the agenda for the second stage negotiations shall include the following items of priority interest to one or both Parties:
(a) further liberalization of traffic rights;
(b) additional foreign investment opportunities;
(c) effect of environmental measures and infrastructure constraints on the exercise of traffic rights;
(d) further access to Government-financed air transportation; and
(e) provision of aircraft with crew.
3. The Parties shall review their progress towards a second stage agreement no later than 18 months after the date when the negotiations are due to start in accordance with paragraph 1. If no second stage agreement has been reached by the Parties within twelve months of the start of the review, each Party reserves the right thereafter to suspend rights specified in this Agreement. Such suspension shall take effect no sooner than the start of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) traffic season that commences no less than twelve months after the date on which notice of suspension is given.
Relationship to Other Agreements
1. During the period of provisional application pursuant to Article 25 of this Agreement, the bilateral agreements listed in section 1 of Annex 1, shall be suspended, except to the extent provided in section 2 of Annex 1.
2. Upon entry into force pursuant to Article 26 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall supersede the bilateral agreements listed in section 1 of Annex 1, except to the extent provided in section 2 of Annex 1.
3. If the Parties become parties to a multilateral agreement, or endorse a decision adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization or another international organization, that addresses matters covered by this Agreement, they shall consult in the Joint Committee to determine whether this Agreement should be revised to take into account such developments.
Either Party may, at any time, give notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Party of its decision to terminate this Agreement. Such notice shall be sent simultaneously to the International Civil Aviation Organization. This Agreement shall terminate at midnight GMT at the end of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) traffic season in effect one year following the date of written notification of termination, unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement of the Parties before the end of this period.
Registration with ICAO
This Agreement and all amendments thereto shall be registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization.
Provisional Application
Pending entry into force pursuant to Article 26:
1) The Parties agree to apply this Agreement from 30 March 2008.
2) Either Party may at any time give notice in writing through diplomatic channels to the other Party of a decision to no longer apply this Agreement. In that event, application shall cease at midnight GMT at the end of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) traffic season in effect one year following the date of written notification, unless the notice is withdrawn by agreement of the Parties before the end of this period.
Entry into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force one month after the date of the later note in an exchange of diplomatic notes between the Parties confirming that all necessary procedures for entry into force of this Agreement have been completed. For purposes of this exchange, the United States shall deliver to the European Community the diplomatic note to the European Community and its Member States, and the European Community shall deliver to the United States the diplomatic note or notes from the European Community and its Member States. The diplomatic note or notes from the European Community and its Member States shall contain communications from each Member State confirming that its necessary procedures for entry into force of this Agreement have been completed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Agreement.
DONE at Brussels on the twenty-fifth day of April, 2007 and at Washington on the thirtieth day of April, 2007, in duplicate.
Section 1
As provided in Article 22 of this Agreement, the following bilateral agreements between the United States and Member States shall be suspended or superseded by this Agreement:
a. The Republic of Austria: Air services agreement, signed at Vienna March 16, 1989; amended June 14, 1995.
b. The Kingdom of Belgium: Air transport agreement, effected by exchange of notes at Washington October 23, 1980; amended September 22 and November 12, 1986; amended November 5, 1993 and January 12, 1994.
(amendment concluded on September 5, 1995 (provisionally applied).)
c. The Republic of Bulgaria: Civil aviation security Agreement, signed at Sofia April 24, 1991.
d. The Czech Republic: Air transport agreement, signed at Prague September 10, 1996; amended June 4, 2001 and February 14, 2002.
e. The Kingdom of Denmark: Agreement relating to air transport services, effected by exchange of notes at Washington December 16, 1944; amended August 6, 1954; amended June 16, 1995.
f. The Republic of Finland: Air transport agreement, signed at Helsinki March 29, 1949; related protocol signed May 12, 1980; agreement amending 1949 agreement and 1980 protocol concluded June 9, 1995.
g. The French Republic: Air transport agreement, signed at Washington June 18, 1998; amended October 10, 2000; amended January 22, 2002.
h. The Federal Republic of Germany: Air transport agreement and exchanges of notes, signed at Washington July 7, 1955; amended April 25, 1989.
(related protocol concluded November 1, 1978; related agreement concluded May 24, 1994; protocol amending the 1955 agreement concluded on May 23, 1996; agreement amending the 1996 protocol concluded on October 10, 2000 (all provisionally applied).)
i. The Hellenic Republic: Air transport agreement, signed at Athens July 31, 1991; extended until July 31, 2007 by exchange of notes of June 22 and 28, 2006.
j. The Republic of Hungary: Air transport agreement and memorandum of understanding, signed at Budapest July 12, 1989; extended until July 12, 2007 by exchange of notes of July 11 and 20, 2006.
k. Ireland: Agreement relating to air transport services, effected by exchange of notes at Washington February 3, 1945; amended January 25, 1988 and September 29, 1989; amended July 25 and September 6, 1990.
(Memorandum of consultations, signed at Washington October 28, 1993 (provisionally applied).)
l. The Italian Republic: Air transport agreement, with memorandum and exchange of notes, signed at Rome June 22, 1970; amended October 25, 1988; related memorandum of understanding signed September 27, 1990; amendment of 1970 agreement and 1990 MOU concluded November 22 and December 23, 1991; amendment of 1970 agreement and 1990 MOU concluded May 30 and October 21, 1997; agreement supplementing the 1970 agreement concluded December 30, 1998 and February 2, 1999.
(Protocol amending the 1970 agreement concluded December 6, 1999 (provisionally applied).)
m. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg: Air transport agreement, signed at Luxembourg August 19, 1986; amended June 6, 1995; amended July 13 and 21, 1998.
n. Malta: Air transport agreement, signed at Washington October 12, 2000.
o. The Kingdom of the Netherlands: Air transport agreement, signed at Washington April 3, 1957; protocol amending the 1957 agreement concluded on March 31, 1978; amendment of 1978 protocol concluded June 11, 1986; amendment of 1957 agreement concluded October 13 and December 22, 1987; amendment of 1957 agreement concluded January 29 and March 13, 1992; amendment of 1957 agreement and 1978 protocol concluded October 14, 1992.
p. The Republic of Poland: Air transport agreement, signed at Warsaw June 16, 2001.
q. The Portuguese Republic: Air transport agreement, signed at Lisbon May 30, 2000.
r. Romania: Air transport agreement, signed at Washington July 15, 1998.
s. The Slovak Republic: Air transport agreement, signed at Bratislava January 22, 2001.
t. The Kingdom of Spain: Air transport agreement signed at Madrid February 20, 1973; related agreement of February 20, March 31 and April 7, 1987; amendment of 1973 agreement concluded May 31, 1989; amendment of 1973 agreement concluded November 27, 1991.
u. The Kingdom of Sweden: Agreement relating to air transport services, effected by exchange of notes at Washington December 16, 1944; amended August 6, 1954; amended June 16, 1995.
v. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Agreement concerning air services, and exchange of letters, signed at Bermuda July 23, 1977; agreement relating to North Atlantic air fares, concluded March 17, 1978; agreement amending the 1977 agreement, concluded April 25, 1978; agreement modifying and extending the 1978 agreement relating to North Atlantic air fares, concluded November 2 and 9, 1978; agreement amending the 1977 agreement, concluded December 4, 1980; agreement amending the 1977 agreement, concluded February 20, 1985; agreement amending Article 7, Annex 2, and Annex 5 of the 1977 agreement, concluded May 25, 1989; agreement concerning amendments of the 1977 agreement, termination of the US/UK Arbitration Concerning Heathrow Airport User Charges and the request for arbitration made by the United Kingdom in its embassy's note no. 87 of 13 October 1993 and settlement of the matters which gave rise to those proceedings, concluded March 11, 1994; agreement amending the 1977 agreement, concluded March 27, 1997.
(Arrangements, being provisionally applied, contained in the memorandum of consultations dated September 11, 1986; arrangements contained in the exchange of letters dated July 27, 1990; arrangements contained in the memorandum of consultations of March 11, 1991; arrangements contained in the exchange of letters dated October 6, 1994; arrangements contained in the memorandum of consultations of June 5, 1995; arrangements contained in the exchange of letters dated March 31 and April 3, 2000 (all provisionally applied).)
Section 2
Notwithstanding section 1 of this Annex, for areas that are not encompassed within the definition of "territory" in Article 1 of this Agreement, the agreements in paragraphs (e) (Denmark-United States), (g) (France-United States), and (v) (United Kingdom-United States) of that section shall continue to apply, according to their terms.
Section 3
Notwithstanding Article 3 of this Agreement, U.S. airlines shall not have the right to provide all-cargo services, that are not part of a service that serves the United States, to or from points in the Member States, except to or from points in the Czech Republic, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Portuguese Republic, and the Slovak Republic.
Section 4
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, this section shall apply to scheduled and charter combination air transportation between Ireland and the United States with effect from the beginning of IATA Winter season 2006/2007 until the end of the IATA Winter season 2007/2008.
a. (i) Each U.S. and Community airline may operate 3 non-stop flights between the United States and Dublin for each non-stop flight that the airline operates between the United States and Shannon. This entitlement for non-stop Dublin flights shall be based on an average of operations over the entire three-season transitional period. A flight shall be deemed to be a non-stop Dublin, or a non-stop Shannon, flight, according to the first point of entry into, or the last point of departure from, Ireland.
(ii) The requirement to serve Shannon in subparagraph (a)(i) of this Section shall terminate if any airline inaugurates scheduled or charter combination service between Dublin and the United States, in either direction, without operating at least one non-stop flight to Shannon for every three non-stop flights to Dublin, averaged over the transition period.
b. For services between the United States and Ireland, Community airlines may serve only Boston, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and 3 additional points in the United States, to be notified to the United States upon selection or change. These services may operate via intermediate points in other Member States or in third countries.
c. Code sharing shall be authorized between Ireland and the United States only via other points in the European Community. Other code-share arrangements will be considered on the basis of comity and reciprocity.
Concerning Cooperation With Respect to Competition Issues in the Air Transportation Industry
Article 1
The cooperation as set forth in this Annex shall be implemented by the Department of Transportation of the United States of America and the Commission of the European Communities (hereinafter referred to as "the Participants"), consistent with their respective functions in addressing competition issues in the air transportation industry involving the United States and the European Community.
Article 2
The purpose of this cooperation is:
1. To enhance mutual understanding of the application by the Participants of the laws, procedures and practices under their respective competition regimes to encourage competition in the air transportation industry;
2. To facilitate understanding between the Participants of the impact of air transportation industry developments on competition in the international aviation market;
3. To reduce the potential for conflicts in the Participants' application of their respective competition regimes to agreements and other cooperative arrangements which have an impact on the transatlantic market; and
4. To promote compatible regulatory approaches to agreements and other cooperative arrangements through a better understanding of the methodologies, analytical techniques including the definition of the relevant market(s) and analysis of competitive effects, and remedies that the Participants use in their respective independent competition reviews.
Article 3
For the purpose of this Annex, the term "competition regime" means the laws, procedures and practices that govern the Participants' exercise of their respective functions in reviewing agreements and other cooperative arrangements among airlines in the international market. For the European Community, this includes, but is not limited to, Articles 81, 82, and 85 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community and their implementing Regulations pursuant to the said Treaty, as well as any amendments thereto. For the Department of Transportation, this includes, but is not limited to, sections 41308, 41309, and 41720 of Title 49 of the United States Code, and its implementing Regulations and legal precedents pursuant thereto.
Article 4
Areas of Cooperation
Subject to the qualifications in subparagraphs 1(a) and 1(b) of Article 5, the types of cooperation between the Participants shall include the following:
(1) Meetings between representatives of the Participants, to include competition experts, in principle on a semi-annual basis, for the purpose of discussing developments in the air transportation industry, competition policy matters of mutual interest, and analytical approaches to the application of competition law to international aviation, particularly in the transatlantic market. The above discussions may lead to the development of a better understanding of the Participants' respective approaches to competition issues, including existing commonalities, and to more compatibility in those approaches, in particular with respect to inter-carrier agreements.
(2) Consultations at any time between the Participants, by mutual agreement or at the request of either Participant, to discuss any matter related to this Annex, including specific cases.
(3) Each Participant may, at its discretion, invite representatives of other governmental authorities to participate as appropriate in any meetings or consultations held pursuant to paragraphs 1 or 2 above.
(4) Timely notifications of the following proceedings or matters, which in the judgment of the notifying Participant may have significant implications for the competition interests of the other Participant:
a. With respect to the Department of Transportation, (i) proceedings for review of applications for approval of agreements and other cooperative arrangements among airlines involving international air transportation, in particular for antitrust immunity involving airlines organized under the laws of the United States and the European Community, and (ii) receipt by the Department of Transportation of a joint venture agreement pursuant to section 41720 of Title 49 of the United States Code; and
b. With respect to the Commission of the European Communities, (i) proceedings for review of agreements and other cooperative arrangements among airlines involving international air transportation, in particular for alliance and other cooperative agreements involving airlines organized under the laws of the United States and the European Community, and (ii) consideration of individual or block exemptions from European Union competition law;
(5) Notifications of the availability, and any conditions governing that availability, of information and data filed with a Participant, in electronic form or otherwise, that, in the judgment of that Participant, may have significant implications for the competition interests of the other Participant; and
(6) Notifications of such other activities relating to air transportation competition policy as may seem appropriate to the notifying Participant.
Article 5
Use and Disclosure of Information
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Annex, neither Participant is expected to provide information to the other Participant if disclosure of the information to the requesting Participant:
a. is prohibited by the laws, regulations or practices of the Participant possessing the information; or
b. would be incompatible with important interests of the Participant possessing the information.
(2) Each Participant shall to the extent possible maintain the confidentiality of any information provided to it in confidence by the other Participant under this Annex and to oppose any application for disclosure of such information to a third party that is not authorized by the supplying Participant to receive the information. Each Participant intends to notify the other Participant whenever any information proposed to be exchanged in discussions or in any other manner may be required to be disclosed in a public proceeding.
(3) Where pursuant to this Annex a Participant provides information on a confidential basis to the other Participant for the purposes specified in Article 2, that information should be used by the receiving Participant only for that purpose.
Article 6
(1) Each Participant is designating a representative to be responsible for coordination of activities established under this Annex.
(2) This Annex, and all activities undertaken by a Participant pursuant to it, are
a. intended to be implemented only to the extent consistent with all laws, regulations, and practices applicable to that Participant; and
b. intended to be implemented without prejudice to the Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States of America Regarding the Application of their Competition Laws.
Concerning U.S. Government Procured Transportation
Community airlines shall have the right to transport passengers and cargo on scheduled and charter flights for which a U.S. Government civilian department, agency, or instrumentality (1) obtains the transportation for itself or in carrying out an arrangement under which payment is made by the Government or payment is made from amounts provided for the use of the Government, or (2) provides the transportation to or for a foreign country or international or other organization without reimbursement, and that transportation is (a) between any point in the United States and any point in a Member State, except – with respect to passengers only – between points for which there is a city-pair contract fare in effect, or (b) between any two points outside the United States. This paragraph shall not apply to transportation obtained or funded by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department.
Concerning Additional Matters Related to Ownership, Investment and Control
Article 1
Ownership of Airlines of a Party
1. Ownership by nationals of a Member State or States of the equity of a U.S. airline shall be permitted, subject to two limitations. First, ownership by all foreign nationals of more than 25 percent of a corporation's voting equity is prohibited. Second, actual control of a U.S. airline by foreign nationals is also prohibited. Subject to the overall 25 percent limitation on foreign ownership of voting equity:
a. ownership by nationals of a Member State or States of:
(1) as much as 25 percent of the voting equity; and/or
(2) as much as 49.9 percent of the total equity
of a U.S. airline shall not be deemed, of itself, to constitute control of that airline;
b. ownership by nationals of a Member State or States of 50 percent or more of the total equity of a U.S. airline shall not be presumed to constitute control of that airline. Such ownership shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.
2. Ownership by U.S. nationals of a Community airline shall be permitted subject to two limitations. First, the airline must be majority owned by Member States and/or by nationals of Member States. Second, the airline must be effectively controlled by such states and/or such nationals.
3. For the purposes of paragraph (b) of Article 4 and subparagraph 1(b) of Article 5 of this Agreement, a member of the ECAA as of the date of signature of this Agreement and citizens of such a member shall be treated as a Member State and its nationals, respectively. The Joint Committee may decide that this provision shall apply to new members of the ECAA and their citizens.
4. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, the European Community and its Member States reserves the right to limit investments by U.S. nationals in the voting equity of a Community airline made after the signature of this Agreement to a level equivalent to that allowed by the United States for foreign nationals in U.S. airlines, provided that the exercise of that right is consistent with international law.
Article 2
Ownership and Control of Third-Country Airlines
1. Neither Party shall exercise any available rights under air services arrangements with a third country to refuse, revoke, suspend or limit authorizations or permissions for any airlines of that third country on the grounds that substantial ownership of that airline is vested in the other Party, its nationals, or both.
2. The United States shall not exercise any available rights under air services arrangements to refuse, revoke, suspend or limit authorizations or permissions for any airline of the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Swiss Confederation, a member of the ECAA as of the date of signature of this Agreement, or any country in Africa that is implementing an Open-Skies air services agreement with the United States as of the date of signature of this Agreement, on the grounds that effective control of that airline is vested in a Member State or States, nationals of such a state or states, or both.
3. The Joint Committee may decide that neither Party shall exercise the rights referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article with respect to airlines of a specific country or countries.
Article 3
Control of Airlines
1. The rules applicable in the European Community on ownership and control of Community air carriers are currently laid down in Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 on licensing of air carriers. Under this Regulation, responsibility for granting an Operating Licence to a Community air carrier lies with the Member States. Member States apply Regulation 2407/92 in accordance with their national regulations and procedures.
2. The rules applicable in the United States are currently laid down in Sections 40102(a)(2), 41102 and 41103 of Title 49 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), which require that licenses for a U.S. "air carrier" issued by the Department of Transportation, whether a certificate, an exemption, or commuter license, to engage in "air transportation" as a common carrier, be held only by citizens of the United States as defined in 49 U.S.C §40102(a)(15). That section requires that the president and two-thirds of the board of directors and other managing officers of a corporation be U.S. citizens, that at least 75 percent of the voting stock be owned by U.S. citizens, and that the corporation be under the actual control of U.S. citizens. The requirement must be met initially by an applicant, and continue to be met by a U.S. airline holding a license.
3. The practice followed by each Party in applying its laws and regulations is set out in the Appendix to this Annex.
Appendix to Annex 4
1. In the United States, citizenship determinations are necessary for all U.S. air carrier applicants for a certificate, exemption, or commuter license. An initial application for a license is filed in a formal public docket, and processed "on the record" with filings by the applicant and any other interested parties. The Department of Transportation renders a final decision by an Order based on the formal public record of the case, including documents for which confidential treatment has been granted. A "continuing fitness" case may be handled informally by the Department, or may be set for docketed procedures similar to those used for initial applications.
2. The Department's determinations evolve through a variety of precedents, which reflect, among other things, the changing nature of financial markets and investment structures and DOT's willingness to consider new approaches to foreign investment that are consistent with U.S. law. DOT works with applicants to consider proposed forms of investment and to assist them in fashioning transactions that fully comply with U.S. citizenship law, and applicants regularly consult with DOT staff before finalising their applications. At any time before a formal proceeding has begun, DOT staff may discuss questions concerning citizenship issues or other aspects of the proposed transaction and offer suggestions, where appropriate, as to alternatives that would allow a proposed transaction to meet U.S. citizenship requirements.
3. In making both its initial and continuing citizenship and fitness determinations, DOT considers the totality of circumstances affecting the U.S. airline, and Department precedents have permitted consideration of the nature of the aviation relationship between the United States and the homeland(s) of any foreign investors. In the context of this Agreement, DOT would treat investments from EU nationals at least as favorably as it would treat investments from nationals of bilateral or multilateral Open-Skies partners.
4. In the European Union, paragraph 5 of Article 4 of Regulation 2407/92 provides that the European Commission, acting at the request of a Member State, shall examine compliance with the requirements of Article 4 and take a decision if necessary. In taking such decisions the Commission must ensure compliance with the procedural rights recognized as general principles of Community law by the European Court of Justice, including the right of interested parties to be heard in a timely manner.
5. When applying its laws and regulations, each Party shall ensure that any transaction involving investment in one of its airlines by nationals of the other Party is afforded fair and expeditious consideration.
Concerning Franchising and Branding
1. The airlines of each Party shall not be precluded from entering into franchise or branding arrangements, including conditions relating to brand protection and operational matters, provided that: they comply, in particular, with the applicable laws and regulations concerning control; the ability of the airline to exist outside of the franchise is not jeopardized; the arrangement does not result in a foreign airline engaging in cabotage operations; and applicable regulations, such as consumer protection provisions, including those regarding the disclosure of the identity of the airline operating the service, are complied with. So long as those requirements are met, close business relationships and cooperative arrangements between the airlines of each Party and foreign businesses are permissible, and each of the following individual aspects, among others, of a franchise or branding arrangement would not, other than in exceptional circumstances, of itself raise control issues:
a) using and displaying a specific brand or trademark of a franchisor, including stipulations on the geographic area in which the brand or trademark may be used;
b) displaying on the franchisee's aircraft the colors and logo of the franchisor's brand, including the display of such a brand, trademark, logo or similar identification prominently on its aircraft and the uniforms of its personnel;
c) using and displaying the brand, trademark or logo on, or in conjunction with, the franchisee's airport facilities and equipment;
d) maintaining customer service standards designed for marketing purposes;
e) maintaining customer service standards designed to protect the integrity of the franchise brand;
f) providing for license fees on standard commercial terms;
g) providing for participation in frequent flyer programs, including the accrual of benefits; and
h) providing in the franchise or branding agreement for the right of the franchisor or franchisee to terminate the arrangement and withdraw the brand, provided that nationals of the United States or the Member States remain in control of the U.S. or Community airline, respectively.
2. Franchising and branding arrangements are independent of, but may coexist with, a code-sharing arrangement that requires that both airlines have the appropriate authority from the Parties, as provided for in paragraph 7 of Article 10 of this Agreement.
Joint Declaration
Representatives of the United States and of the European Community and its Member States confirmed that the Air Transport Agreement initialled in Brussels on 2 March 2007 and envisioned for signature on 30 April 2007 is to be authenticated in other languages, as provided either by exchange of letters, before signature of the Agreement, or by decision of the Joint Committee, after signature of the Agreement.
This Joint Declaration is an integral part of the Air Transport Agreement.
For the United States:
signed. John Byerly
Date: 18 April 2007
For the European Community and its Member States;
ad referendum
signed. Daniel Calleja
Date: 18 April 2007
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za promet.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-06/08-45/1
Ljubljana, dne 2. aprila 2008
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