Uradni list

Številka 54
Uradni list RS, št. 54/1992 z dne 13. 11. 1992
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 54/1992 z dne 13. 11. 1992


85. Ustanovni akt Evropske konference civilnega letalstva, stran 188.

Cilji in delovanje
1. Cilji Evropske konference za civilno letalstvo, v nadaljnjem besedilu »konferenca«, so:
a) pregled nasploh razvoja evropskega civilnega letalstva, da bi se pospešilo sodelovanje, boljša izkoriščenost, urejen razvoj in varnost civilnega letalstva;
b) obravnavanje vsakega posebnega problema, ki se lahko pojavi na tem področju.
2. Konferenca v okviru svojega dela obravnava vse zadeve, ki so pomembne za dosego navedenih ciljev, pri čemer pri izboru za program dela upošteva naslednja načela:
a) pomembnost zadeve in interes večjega števila držav članic ali drugih evropskih organizacij za obravnavano snov;
b) možnost sprejemljive rešitve obravnavanih problemov;
c) posebnost problema za Evropo ali možnost učinkovitega prispevka k normalnemu delovanju ICAO-ja.
3. Delovanje konference je posvetovalno, njene odločitve, priporočila ali druge sklepe morajo potrditi vlade.
4. Konferenca lahko pospešuje sklepanje in uveljavljanje mnogostranskih instrumentov sklenjenih med državami članicami, ki pospešujejo uresničevanje ciljev in dejavnost konference. Taki instrumenti lahko, kjer je primerno, uvedejo skupne postopke za izpolnjevanje nekaterih obveznosti zainteresiranih držav članic.
Članstvo konference
1. Konferenco sestavljajo države članice, ki so bile leta 1954 povabljene, da se včlanijo v strasburško konferenco o koordinaciji zračnega prometa v Evropi skupaj s tistimi drugimi evropskimi državami, ki jih konferenca lahko soglasno sprejme kot članice.
2. Vse države članice imajo enako pravico predstavljanja na srečanjih organov konference. Nobena oseba ne more predstavljati več kot ene države.
Odnosi z ICAO-jem in drugimi organizacijami.
Konferenca vzdržuje tesno zvezo z ICAO-jem, da bi s pomočjo regionalnega sodelovanja pomagala doseči namene in cilje te organizacije. Kolikor je mogoče, si pomaga z uslugami sekretariata ICAO. Vzpostavlja povezave z drugimi vladnimi ali nevladnimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s civilnim letalstvom v Evropi.
Organi in pridružena telesa
1. Organi konference, ki jim pomaga Sekretariat konference so:
a) plenarna konferenca v obliki triletnih skupščin in vmesnih skupščin;
b) sestanki generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo in
c) stalni odbori.
2. Pridružena telesa konference so katerikoli odbori ustanovljeni pod pogoji mnogostranskih instrumentov iz 4. odstavka 1. člena z namenom vodenja aktivnosti, ki se izvajajo s takimi dogovori. Delovne metode in postopki tako ustanovljenih odborov ter urejanje poravnavanja stroškov njihovega delovanja, mora biti v skladu z določili odgovarjajočega mnogostranskega instrumenta.
3. Aktivnost organov in pridruženih teles konference usklajuje koordinacijski odbor, ki mu pomaga sekretariat konference.
Triletna skupščina
1. Plenarna konferenca zaseda vsako tretje leto pod imenom »Triletna skupščina«.
2. Pravice in dolžnosti triletne skupščine so:
a) izvolitev predsednika in podpredsednikov,
b) izvolitev predsednikov stalnih odborov,
c) določitev splošnega programa dela za naslednja tri leta in načine za uresničevanje tega programa,
d) odobritev proračuna stroškov za naslednja tri leta,
e) sprejem priporočil, resolucij ali drugih zaključkov.
3. Triletnih skupščin se udeležujejo delegacije, ki so po številu in rangu primerne za razreševanje problemov o katerih se razpravlja. Razume pa se, da so običajno vodje delegacij generalni direktorji organov za civilno letalstvo držav članic ali visoki funkcionarji.
Vmesna skupščina
1. Praviloma plenarna konferenca sklicuje vmesne skupščine v tistih letih, ko ni triletnih skupščin.
2. Glavne naloge vmesne skupščine so:
a) sprejem priporočil, resolucij ali drugih zaključkov;
b) potrditev, odločitev in navodil za delo konference v okviru programa dela, ki ga določi triletna skupščina;
c) dodajanje novih točk programu dela, ki zaradi nujnosti ne morejo čakati do naslednje triletne skupščine;
d) revidira proračun odobren na zadnji triletni skupščini in
e) obravnava vsa vprašanja iz 9. člena in opravi katerekoli volitve v skladu s 5. in/ali 6. odstavkom 9. člena.
3. Praviloma se vmesnih skupščin udeležujejo samo generalni direktorji organov za civilno letalstvo ali visoki funkcionarji; lahko jih spremlja omejeno število strokovnjakov.
Če je potrebno ali nujno sklicati izredno vmesno skupščino, to naredi predsednik na izrecno zahtevo najmanj treh držav članic ali pa to naredi po lastnem preudarku.
Sestanki generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo
1. Če je sklicanje izredne vmesne skupščine neprimerno ali nemogoče, lahko predsednik ECAC-a po lastnem preudarku ali na zahtevo ene ali več držav članic skliče sestanek generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo za presojo in/ali hitro ukrepanje v okviru nalog navedenih v odstavkih 2a) in b) 6. člena.
2. Vsak ukrep, o katerem se sporazumejo na sestanku v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena se šteje za sprejetega le, če ga sprejme večina prisotnih ali zastopanih generalnih direktorjev v številu, ki mora biti najmanj enako absolutni večini vseh držav članic.
3. O ukrepu o katerem se sporazume večina prisotnih ali zastopanih generalnih direktorjev, ki pa ne predstavlja absolutne večine vseh držav članic, se izvede glasovanje po pošti, kot je predvideno v 2. odstavku 17. člena te ustave.
Funkcionarji konference
1. Konferenca izvoli, čimprej po pričetku vsake triletne skupščine predsednika, ne več kot tri podpredsednike in predsednike stalnih odborov.
2. Predsednik in podpredsedniki so generalni direktorji organov za civilno letalstvo držav članic ali uslužbenci visokega ranga.
3. Novoizvoljeni funkcionarji prevzamejo funkcije ob zaključku triletne skupščine, razen v primerih iz 4., 5., 6. in 7. odstavka tega člena in opravljajo delo do zaključka naslednje triletne skupščine.
4. Vsak funkcionar je lahko kadarkoli odstavljen z odločitvijo absolutne večine vseh članov konference, če da najmanj sedem članov pismeni zahtevek za tak predlog. Od prejema zahtevka o predlogu do odločanja o njem, funkcionar ne opravlja svoje funkcije. Plenarna konferenca, ki obravnava zahtevek za odstranitev funkcionarja, se skliče kakor hitro je mogoče; datum se objavi trideset dni pred začetkom zasedanja.
5. V primeru smrti, odstavitve ali odstopa predsednika, ali če iz kakršnegakoli drugega razloga ne more opravljati dela, se izvoli novega predsednika v skladu z določili 1. odstavka 10. člena na prvi vmesni ali izredni vmesni skupščini. Novi predsednik opravlja funkcije do konca predhodnikovega mandata.
6. V primeru smrti, odstavitve ali odstopa podpredsednika, ali če iz kakršnegakoli drugega razloga ne more opravljati dela, prevzame izpraznjeno mesto do konca mandata avtomatično naslednji podpredsednik po vrstnem redu starešinstva. Če je izpraznjeno mesto tretjega podpredsednika, priporoči predsednik, po posvetovanju s koordinacijskim komitejem, prvi vmesni ali izredni vmesni skupščini, naj se opravijo volitve v skladu z določili 1. odstavka 10. člena.
7. V primeru smrti, odstavitve ali odstopa predsednika stalnega odbora, ali če iz kakršnegakoli drugega razloga ne more opravljati dela, prevzame funkcijo do izteka mandata oseba, ki jo določi predsednik po posvetovanju s koordinacijskim odborom.
Kandidatura za mesta predsednika in podpredsednikov
1. Kandidature za mesta predsednika in podpredsednikov se objavijo najmanj 90 dni pred začetkom triletne skupščine ali v primeru volitev po 5. ali 6. točki 9. člena, najmanj 90 dni pred začetkom vmesne ali izredne vmesne skupščine, na kateri naj bi potekale volitve.
2. Sekretariat takoj sporoči imena kandidatov vsem državam članicam.
Volitve predsednika
1. Volitve predsednika so tajne, izvoljen mora biti z absolutno večino zastopanih držav članic.
2. Predsednik je lahko ponovno izvoljen za opravljanje samo dveh triletnih mandatov poleg opravljanja te funkcije, ki sledi izvolitvi po 5. odstavku 9. člena. Za ponovno izvolitev predsednika za drugi triletni mandat je potrebna, upoštevaje 4. odstavek tega člena, dvotretjinska večina držav članic.
3. Če predsednik, ki je v postopku ponovne izvolitve za drugo triletno mandatno obdobje, po prvem glasovanju ne doseže dvotretjinske večine držav članic ali če nihče od kandidatov ne doseže absolutne večine prisotnih držav članic, se glasovanje ponovi.
4. Če po drugem glasovanju predsednik, ki je v postopku izvolitve za drugo mandatno obdobje, ne doseže dvotretjinske večine držav članic ali če nihče od kandidatov ne doseže absolutne večine prisotnih držav članic, se opravi glasovanje z navadno večino med dvema kandidatoma, ki sta dobila največje število glasov.
Volitve ostalih funkcionarjev
Podpredsedniki in predsedniki stalnih komitejev so izvoljeni z navadno večino.
Pooblastila predsednika
1. Predsednik predseduje skupščinam konference, sestankom generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo in sestankom koordinacijskega komiteja.
2. Predstavlja konferenco v obdobju med skupščinami; za to lahko pooblasti tudi podpredsednike.
3. Sklicuje skupščine konference, sestanke generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo, sestanke koordinacijskega odbora in stalnih odborov.
4. Določa začasni dnevni red za sestanke generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo in koordinacijskega odbora.
5. Odloča o primernosti povabila katerikoli osebi ali organizaciji kot strokovnjaku ali opazovalcu na sestanek generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo.
6. Lahko se posvetuje s predstavniki držav članic ali s katerokoli osebo ali organizacijo o izvajanju njemu določenih nalog.
7. V odsotnosti predsednika prevzame njegovo funkcijo podpredsednik po vrstnem redu starešinstva.
Koordinacijski odbor
1. V obdobju med skupščinami konference, koordinacijski odbor, ki ga sestavljajo podpredsedniki in predsedniki stalnih odborov in kadar je potrebno katerihkoli odborov ustanovljenih v skladu z 2. odstavkom 4. člena pod vodstvom predsednika konference, opravlja naloge določene v drugem odstavku tega člena.
2. Koordinacijski odbor ima naslednja pooblastila:
a) določi splošni koledar srečanj (skupščine, sestankov, generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo, komitejev, delovnih skupin in skupin strokovnjakov);
b) v posvetovanju z državami članicami in svetom ICAO-ja predlaga osnutke dnevnega reda za triletne skupščine ter za vmesne skupščine;
c) koordinira delovanje organov in kolikor je potrebno pridruženih organov konference in podvzame vse, kar je potrebno za izvršitev prevzetih nalog;
d) odloča o primernosti povabila katerekoli osebe ali organizacije kot opazovalca ali strokovnjaka na seje konference in stalnih odborov;
e) zagotavlja, da stroški ostajajo v razumnih okvirih v skladu z izvedbo programa dela in proračuna sprejetega na triletni skupščini.
3. Koordinacijski odbor se sestaja po potrebi, vendar najmanj enkrat letno, ko ga skliče predsednik konference.
Stalni odbori
1. Ustanovljeni so štirje stalni odbori:
– dva odbora za ekonomska vprašanja,
– tehnični odbor in
– odbor za varnost in olajšave.
2. Ti odbori so sestavljeni tako, da omogočajo najširše sodelovanje držav članic na najprimernejšem nivoju za reševanje problemov s katerimi se ukvarjajo.
3. Če je mogoče so predsedniki stalnih odborov izbrani izmed najvišjih funkcionarjev organov za civilno letalstvo držav članic, pri čemer se upoštevajo njihove izkušnje na posameznih področjih delovanja.
4. Za izvrševanje svojega programa dela, lahko stalni odbori ustanove delovne skupine ali skupine strokovnjakov, ki so odprte vsem državam članicam ali pa je članstvo omejeno.
5. Kadar predsednik stalnega odbora ne more voditi sej delovnih skupin ali skupin strokovnjakov, določi osebo, ki bo seje vodila. Če tega ne stori, delovne skupine ali skupine strokovnjakov same izberejo svoje predsednike.
6. Predsedniki stalnih odborov odločajo o primernosti povabila na seje delovnih skupin ali skupin strokovnjakov katerekoli osebe ali organizacije kot strokovnjaka ali opazovalca.
7. Predsedniki stalnih odborov poročajo na triletnih vmesnih skupščinah o delu odborov.
Odločitve večine zastopanih držav
Razen kot je določeno v 8., 11., 17. in 20. členu, se odločitve organov konference sprejemajo z večino glasov zastopanih držav. Vzdržanje pri glasovanju se ne šteje kot glas.
Glasovanje po pošti o resolucijah in priporočilih
1. Na predlog enega od stalnih odborov, sprejet z dvotretjinsko večino zastopanih držav na sestanku odbora, lahko predsednik zahteva od držav članic, da glasujejo po pošti o osnutkih resolucij in priporočil, ki jih predlaga stalni odbor.
Taki osnutki resolucij in priporočil so sprejeti, če v šestdesetih dneh po sporočilu državam članicam predsednik ne prejme najmanj ene tretjine negativnih glasov držav članic.
2. Če je nujno in če ni mogoče takoj sklicati plenarne skupščine ali sestanka generalnih direktorjev organov za civilno letalstvo, lahko predsednik na lastno pobudo izvede glasovanje o osnutkih resolucij in priporočil po pošti. V tem primeru so potrebni pritrdilni glasovi absolutne večine vseh držav članic.
Predračun in stroški
Stroške, ki se nanašajo na delovanje organov konference, krijejo države članice konference in se porazdelijo proporcionalno glede na prispevek ICAO-ju v letu, ko je treba izvršiti plačila.
1. Delovna jezika organov konference sta angleščina in francoščina.
2. Prevodi iz španščine in iz drugih jezikov bodo omogočeni, če bodo sredstva dopuščala.
3. Angleški in francoski tekst tega ustanovnega akta sta enako verodostojna.
Spremembe ustanovnega akta Spremembe tega ustanovnega akta se lahko sprejemajo z absolutno večino vseh držav članic.
Objectives and functions
(1) The objects of the European Civil Aviation Conference, hereinafter called the "Conference", shall be to:
a) review generally the development of European civil aviation in order to promote the co-ordination, the better utilization, the orderly development and the safety of such civil aviation,
b) consider any special problem that may arise in this field.
(2) The Conference shall bring within its scope all matters relevant to these objects, taking into account the following principles regarding the selection of items for the work programme:
a) importance and interest of the subject to a large number of Member States or to other European organizations;
b) possibility of an acceptable solution to the problems involved;
c) peculiarity of the problem to Europe or possibility of making an effective contribution to the normal work of ICAO.
(3) The functions of the Conference shall be consultative and its resolutions, recommendations or other conclusions shall be subject to the approval of governments.
(4) The Conference may foster the conclusion and implementation of multilateral instruments by a number of Member States in furtherance of the objectives and functions of the Conference. Such instruments may, where appropriate, establish joint procedures for carrying out some of the national responsibilities of the Member States concerned in a co-ordinated manner.
Membership of the Conference
(1) The Conference shall be composed of the States invited to be members of the 1954 Strasbourg Conference on Co-ordination of Air Transport in Europe, together with such other European States as the Conference may unanimously admit as members.
(2) All Member States shall have an equal right to be represented at meetings of the bodies of the Conference. No person shall represent more than one State.
Relations with ICAO and other organizations The Conference shall maintain close liaison with ICAO in order, through regional co-operation, to help achieve the aims and objectives of that Organization. It shall as much as possible avail itself of the services of the ICAO Secretariat. It shall establish relations with any other governmental or nongovernmental international organization concerned with European civil aviation.
Bodies and associated bodies of the Conference
(1) The bodies of the Conference, which are assisted by the Secretariat of the Conference, shall be:
a) the Plenary Conference in the form of Triennial Sessions and Intermediate Sessions,
b) the meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation, and
c) the Standing Committees.
(2) The associated bodies of the Conference shall be any Committees established, under the terms of the multilateral instruments referred to in Article 1(4), for the purpose of steering activities performed under such arrangements. The working methods and procedures of Committees thus established, and arrangements for meeting the costs of their activity, shall be in accordance with the provisions of the relevant multilateral instrument.
(3) The activities of the bodies and the associated bodies of the Conference are co-ordinated by the Co-ordinating Committee, which is assisted by the Secretariat of the Conference.
Triennial Sessions
(1) The Plenary Conference shall hold every third year a session called Triennial Session.
(2) The powers and duties of the Triennial Session shall be to:
a) elect the President and the Vice-Presidents,
b) elect the chairmen of the Standing Committees,
c) establish the general work programme for the next three years and methods for fulfilling this programme,
d) approve estimates of expenditures for the next three years,
e) adopt recommendations, resolutions or other conclusions.
(3) The Triennial Sessions shall be attended by delegations in number and rank suitable for handling the problems to be discussed, it being understood that chief delegates will normally be Directors General of Civil Aviation in Member States or officials of high level.
Intermediate Sessions
(1) In principle, the Plenary Conference shall hold an Intermediate Session in those years in which no Triennial Session takes place.
(2) The main functions of the Intermediate Session shall be to:
a) adopt recommendations, resolutions or other conclusions,
b) give approval, decisions and directions for the work of the Conference within the general frame of the work programme established by the Triennial Session,
c) add new items to the work programme, when their state of urgency precludes referring them to the next Triennial Session,
d) revise the estimates approved by the last Triennial Session, and
e) consider any matters arising under Article 9 and conduct any elections necessary under Article 9(5) and/or 9(6).
(3) In principle, Intermediate Sessions shall comprise Directors General of Civil Aviation or officials of high level only; they may be accompanied by a limited number of experts.
Special Intermediate Sessions
If it appears necessary or urgent to convene a Special Intermediate Session, the President shall do so at the express request of at least three Member States or he may do so on his own initiative.
Meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation
(1) Should the convening of a Special Intermediate Session appear either inappropriate or impossible, the President of ECAC may, on his own initiative or at the request of one or more Member States, convene a meeting of Directors General of Civil Aviation for deliberation and/or urgent action within the framework of the functions specified in paragraphs 2a) and b) of Article 6.
(2) Any action which may be agreed at a meeting in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article shall only be taken if it is adopted by a number of Directors General present or represented at least equal to the absolute majority of all Member States.
(3) Action which is agreed by the majority of Directors General present or represented but which fails to obtain an absolute majority of all Member States shall be submitted to a mail vote as provided for under Article 17(2) of the Constitution.
Officers of the Conference
(1) The Conference, as soon as possible after the commencement of any Triennial Session, shall elect the President, not more than three Vice-Presidents, and the chairmen of the Standing Committees.
(2) The President and Vice-Presidents shall be Directors General of Civil Aviation in Member States of officials of high level.
(3) The newly elected officers shall assume office at the closing of the Triennial Session and shall, subject to the provisions of (4), (5), (6) and (7) below, continue until the end of the next Triennial Session.
(4) Any officer may be removed from office at any time by a decision taken by an absolute majority of the members of the Conference, provided that a motion for that purpose has been proposed in writing by not less than seven members. Pending a decision on the motion, the officer shall refrain from carrying out the normal functions of the office. A Plenary Conference to consider the motion for removal from office shall be convened as soon as possible, giving thirty days notice of the date of the meeting.
(5) In the event of the death, removal from office, or resignation of the President, or if he is otherwise unable to complete his term of office, a new President shall be elected subject to the provisions of Article 10 below at the firs Intermediate of Special Intermediate Session compatible with the provisions for notice in Article (10(1) below. The new President shall hold office for the remainder of the term of his predecessor.
(6) In the event of the death, removal from office, or resignation of a Vice-President, or if he is otherwise unable to complete his term of office, the position falling vacant shall be filled automatically for the remainder of the term by the next most senior Vice-President. Where a vacancy occurs in the office of third Vice-President, the President, after consultation with the Co-ordinating Committee, shall recommend to the firs Intermediate of Special Intermediate Session compatible with the provisions for notice in Article 10(1) below if an election pursuant to Article 10 shall be proceeded with.
(7) In the event of the death, removal from office, or resignation of a Chairman of a Standing Committee or if he is otherwise to complete his term of office, the position falling vacant shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a person nominated by the President after consultation with the Co-ordinating Committee.
Candidatures for the offices of President and Vice-Presidents
(1) Candidatures for the offices of the President and the Vice-Presidents shall be put forward at least 90 days before the opening date of the Triennial Session or, in the case of an election under Article 9(5) or (6), at least 90 days before the opening date of the Intermediate or Special Intermediate Session at which the election is to take place.
(2) The Secretariat shall notify the names of the candidates immediately to all Member States.
Election of the President
(1) The election of the President shall be by secret ballot and determined by an absolute majority of Member States represented.
(2) The President can be re-elected to serve only two consecutive three-year terms of office in addition to any term of office served following an election under Article 9(5). Re-election of a President for a second consecutive three-year term of office shall, subject to the provisions of (4) below, require a two-thirds majority of Member States.
(3) If, at the first ballot, the President seeking re-election for a second consecutive three-year term of office does not obtain a two-thirds majority of Member States or if no other candidate obtains an absolute majority of the Member States represented, there shall be a second ballot.
(4) If, in this second ballot, the President, seeking re-election for a second consecutive three-year term of office does not obtain a two-thirds majority of Member States or if no other candidate obtains an absolute majority of the Member States represented, there shall be an election by simple majority between the two candidates who have polled the largest number of votes.
Election of the other officers
The Vice-Presidents and the chairmen of the Standing Committees shall be elected by a simple majority.
Powers of the President
(1) The President shall preside over the Sessions of the Conference and the meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation and of the Co-ordinating Committee.
(2) He shall represent the Conference between its Sessions: he can to this end delegate authority to the Vice-Presidents.
(3) He shall convene the Sessions of the Conference and the meetings of the Directors General of Civil Aviation, the Co-ordinating Committee and the Standing Committees.
(4) He shall establish provisional agenda for the meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation and of the Co-ordinating Committee.
(5) He shall decide upon the advisability of inviting to the meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation any person or organization as expert or observer.
(6) He may consult with representatives of Member States or with any other person or organization, with a view to carrying out the tasks assigned to him.
(7) If the President is not available, the Vice-Presidents shall assume his functions in order of seniority.
Co-ordinating Committee
(1) Between the Sessions of the Conference, a Co-ordinating Committee composed of the Vice-Presidents and the chairmen of the Standing Committees and, when appropriate, of any Committees established in accordance with Article 4(2), under the chairmanship of the President of the Conference, shall assume the functions set forth in paragraph (2) below.
(2) The Co-ordinating Committee shall be empowered to:
a) establish the general calendar of meetings (Sessions, meetings of Directors General of Civil Aviation, Committees, working groups and groups of experts);
b) establish provisional agenda for the Triennial Sessions in consultation with the Member States and the Council of ICAO, and for Intermediate Sessions;
c) co-ordinate the activity of the bodies and, to the extent appropriate, associated bodies of the Conference and take the necessary action to complete the work undertaken;
d). decide on the advisability of inviting to the Sessions of the Conference and to meetings of the Standing Committees any person or organization as observer or expert;
e) ensure that expenses remain within the bounds of reasonable economy compatible with performance of the work programme and the estimates drawn up at Triennial Sessions.
(3) The Co-ordinating Committee shall meet as necessary and at least once a year, when it is convened by the President of the Conference.
Standing Committees
(1) Four Standing Committees shall be established:
– two Economic Committees,
– Technical Committee, and
– Facilitation and Security Committee.
(2) These Committees shall be so composed as to permit the widest participation of Member States at the level most appropriate to consideration of the problems they are concerned with.
(3) If possible, the chairmen of the Standing Committees shall come from among the highest officials in charge of civil aviation in the Member States, account being taken of their experience in the field of activity involved.
(4) In order to carry our the part of the work programme assigned to them, Standing Committees may establish working groups or groups of experts open to all Member States or limited membership.
(5) The chairmen of Standing Committees, when unable to preside themselves over the meetings of working groups or groups of experts, shall appoint the person who will preside over such meetings. Failing such appointment, the working groups or groups of experts shall choose their own chairmen.
(6) The chairmen of the Standing Committees shall decide upon the advisability of inviting to meetings of working groups or groups of experts any person or organization as expert or observer.
(7) The chairmen of the Standing Committees shall report to the Intermediate and Triennial Sessions on the work of their Committees.
Decisions by majority of States represented Except as provided in Articles 8, 11, 17 and 20, the decisions of the bodies of the Conference shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast by the States represented. An abstention shall not be considered as a vote.
Mail vote on resolutions and recommendations
(1) On a proposal from one of the Standing Committees adopted by a two-thirds majority of the States represented at the meeting of the Committee, the President may call upon Member States to proceed to a mail vote on the draft resolutions or recommendations formulated by that Standing Committee.
Such draft resolutions or recommendations shall be considered adopted if, within 60 days of the notification of them to Member States, the President has not received the negative votes of at least one-third of the Member-States.
(2) In cases of urgency, when it is not possible to convene a Plenary Session or a meeting of Directors General of Civil Aviation immediately, the President may on his own initiative call for a mail vote on a draft resolution or recommendation. In such case, affirmative votes by an absolute majority of all Member States shall be necessary.
Cost estimates and expenditures
The costs attributable to the activity of the bodies of the Conference shall be the responsibility of the Member States of the Conference, and shall be apportioned among them in proportion to the number of units of their contribution to ICAO for the year in which any payment is to be made.
(1) English and French shall be the working languages of the bodies of the Conference.
(2) Interpretation from Spanish and from other languages will be supplied in so far a resources permit.
(3) The English and the French texts of this Constitution shall be regarded as equally authentic.
Amendment of the Constitution This Constitution may be amended by an absolute majority of all Member States.
* Ustanovni akt je Republika Slovenija prevzela v okviru pravnega nasledstva mednarodnih pogodb nekdanje Jugoslavije (zap. št. 3 v »Aktu o potrditvi nasledstva glede konvencij, statutov in drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki predstavljajo akt o ustanovitvi mednarodnih organizacij, Uradni list Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe. št. 15/92, v: Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 54/92) ter še ni bil objavljen.

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