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Številka 108
Uradni list RS, št. 108/2012 z dne 29. 12. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 108/2012 z dne 29. 12. 2012


106. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembah Konvencije o mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji (MPKMHO), stran 2889.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembah Konvencije o mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji (MPKMHO)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembah Konvencije o mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji (MPKMHO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 14. decembra 2012.
Št. 003-02-10/2012-12
Ljubljana, dne 24. decembra 2012
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol o spremembah Konvencije o Mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji, sklenjen v Monaku 21. novembra 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo Protokola o spremembah Konvencije o Mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Article 1
1. The Heading of the Preamble is amended to read as follows:
"The States Parties to this Convention"
2. The following paragraphs are added as the new second, third and fourth paragraphs of the Preamble:
"CONSIDERING that the International Hydrographic Organization is a competent international organization, as referred to in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which coordinates on a worldwide basis the setting of standards for the production of hydrographic data and the provision of hydrographic services and which facilitates capacity building of national hydrographic services;
CONSIDERING that the vision of the International Hydrographic Organization is to be the authoritative worldwide hydrographic body which actively engages all coastal and interested States to advance maritime safety and efficiency and which supports the protection and sustainable use of the marine environment;
CONSIDERING that the mission of the International Hydrographic Organization is to create a global environment in which States provide adequate and timely hydrographic data, products and services and ensure their widest possible use; andʺ
Article 2
Article II of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"The Organization shall have a consultative and technical nature. It shall be the object of the Organization:
(a) To promote the use of hydrography for the safety of navigation and all other marine purposes and to raise global awareness of the importance of hydrography;
(b) To improve global coverage, availability and quality of hydrographic data, information, products and services and to facilitate access to such data, information, products and services;
(c) To improve global hydrographic capability, capacity, training, science and techniques;
(d) To establish and enhance the development of international standards for hydrographic data, information, products, services and techniques and to achieve the greatest possible uniformity in the use of these standards;
(e) To give authoritative and timely guidance on all hydrographic matters to States and international organizations;
(f) To facilitate coordination of hydrographic activities among the Member States; and
(g) To enhance cooperation on hydrographic activities among States on a regional basis."
Article 3
Article III of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"The Member States of the Organization are the States Parties to this Convention."
Article 4
Article IV of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"The Organization shall comprise:
(a) The Assembly;
(b) The Council;
(c) The Finance Committee;
(d) The Secretariat; and
(e) Any subsidiary organs."
Article 5
Article V of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) "The Assembly is the principal organ and shall have all the powers of the Organization unless otherwise regulated by the Convention or delegated by the Assembly to other organs.
(b) The Assembly shall be composed of all Member States.
(c) The Assembly shall meet in ordinary session every three years. Extraordinary sessions of the Assembly may be held at the request of a Member State or of the Council or of the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the majority of the Member States.
(d) A majority of the Member States shall constitute a quorum for the meetings of the Assembly.
(e) The functions of the Assembly shall be to:
(i) Elect its Chair and Vice-Chair;
(ii) Determine its own rules of procedure and those of the Council, the Finance Committee and any subsidiary organ of the Organization;
(iii) In accordance with the General Regulations, elect the Secretary-General and the Directors and determine the terms and conditions of their service;
(iv) Establish subsidiary organs;
(v) Decide the overall policy, strategy and work programme of the Organization;
(vi) Consider reports put to it by the Council;
(vii) Consider the observations and recommendations put to it by any Member State, the Council or the Secretary-General;
(viii) Decide on any proposals put to it by any Member State, the Council or the Secretary-General;
(ix) Review the expenditures, approve the accounts and determine the financial arrangements of the Organization;
(x) Approve the three-year budget of the Organization;
(xi) Decide on operational services;
(xii) Decide on any other matters within the scope of the Organization; and
(xiii) Delegate, where appropriate and necessary, responsibilities to the Council."
Article 6
Article VI of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) "One-fourth of, but not less than thirty, Member States shall take seats in the Council, the first two-thirds of whom shall take their seats on a regional basis and the remaining one-third on the basis of hydrographic interests, which shall be defined in the General Regulations.
(b) The principles for the composition of the Council shall be laid down in the General Regulations.
(c) Members of the Council shall hold office until the end of the next ordinary session of the Assembly.
(d) Two-thirds of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum.
(e) The Council shall meet at least once a year.
(f) Member States not being members of the Council may participate in Council meetings but shall not be entitled to vote.
(g) The functions of the Council shall be to:
(i) Elect its Chair and Vice-Chair, each of whom shall hold office until the end of the next ordinary session of the Assembly;
(ii) Exercise such responsibilities as may be delegated to it by the Assembly;
(iii) Co-ordinate, during the inter-Assembly period, the activities of the Organization within the framework of the strategy, work programme and financial arrangements, as decided by the Assembly;
(iv) Report to the Assembly at each ordinary session on the work of the Organization;
(v) Prepare, with the support of the Secretary-General, proposals concerning the overall strategy and the work programme to be adopted by the Assembly;
(vi) Consider the financial statements and budget estimates prepared by the Secretary- General and submit them for approval to the Assembly with comments and recommendations regarding programmatic allocations of the budget estimates;
(vii) Review proposals submitted to it by subsidiary organs and refer them:
• To the Assembly for all matters requiring decisions by the Assembly;
• Back to the subsidiary organ if considered necessary; or
• To the Member States for adoption, through correspondence;
(viii) Propose to the Assembly the establishment of subsidiary organs; and
(ix) Review draft agreements between the Organization and other organizations, and submit them to the Assembly for approval."
Article 7
Article VII of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) "The Finance Committee shall be open to all Member States. Each Member State shall have one vote.
(b) The Finance Committee shall normally be convened in conjunction with each ordinary session of the Assembly and may convene additional meetings as appropriate.
(c) The functions of the Finance Committee shall be to review the financial statements, budget estimates and reports on administrative matters prepared by the Secretary-General and to present its observations and recommendations thereon to the Assembly.
(d) The Finance Committee shall elect its Chair and Vice-Chair”.
Article 8
Article VIII of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) ʺThe Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General, Directors and such other personnel as the Organization may require.
(b) The Secretary-General shall maintain all such records as may be necessary for the efficient discharge of the work of the Organization and shall prepare, collect, and circulate any documentation that may be required.
(c) The Secretary-General shall be the chief administrative officer of the Organization.
(d) The Secretary-General shall:
(i) Prepare and submit to the Finance Committee and the Council the financial statements for each year and budget estimates on a three-year basis, with the estimates for each year shown separately; and
(ii) Keep Member States informed with respect to the activities of the Organization.
(e) The Secretary-General shall perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the Convention, the Assembly or the Council.
(f) In the performance of their duties, the Secretary-General, the Directors and the personnel shall not seek or receive instructions from any Member State or from any authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action that may be incompatible with their positions as international officials. Each Member State on its part undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Secretary-General, the Directors and the personnel and not seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities.ʺ
Article 9
Article IX of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"Where decisions cannot be reached by consensus, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Convention, each Member State shall have one vote.
(b) For the election of the Secretary-General and the Directors, each Member State shall have a number of votes determined by a scale established in relation to the tonnage of their fleets.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in this Convention, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of Member States present and voting, and if the votes are tied the Chair shall decide.
(d) Decisions taken on matters related to the policy or finances of the Organization, including amendments to the General and Financial Regulations, shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of Member States present and voting.
(e) With respect to subparagraphs (c) and (d) of this Article and subparagraph (b) of Article XXI below, the phrase "Member States present and voting" means Member States present and casting an affirmative or negative vote. Member States that abstain from voting shall be considered as not voting.
(f) In the case of a submission to Member States in accordance with Article VI (g) (vii), the decision shall be taken by a majority of the Member States who cast a vote, with the minimum number of affirmative votes being at least one-third of all Member States."
Article 10
Article X of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"In relation to matters within its scope, the Organization may cooperate with international organizations whose interests and activities are related to the purpose of the Organization."
Article 11
Article XI of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
ʺThe functioning of the Organization shall be set forth in detail in the General and Financial Regulations, which are annexed to this Convention but do not form an integral part thereof. In the event of any inconsistency between this Convention and the General or Financial Regulations, this Convention shall prevail.ʺ
Article 12
Article XIII of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"The Organization shall have legal personality. In the territory of each of its Member States it shall enjoy, subject to agreement with the Member State concerned, such privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its object."
Article 13
(a) In Article XIV (a) of the Convention, the phrase "Member Governments" is replaced by the phrase "Member States" throughout.
(b) In Article XIV (b) of the Convention, "Finance Committee" is replaced by "Assembly" throughout.
Article 14
Article XV of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"Any Member State which is two years in arrears in its contributions shall be denied all voting rights and benefits conferred on Member States by the Convention and the Regulations until such time as the outstanding contributions have been paid."
Article 15
Article XVI of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) ʺThe Government of His Serene Highness the Prince of Monaco shall serve as Depositary.
(b) This original of the Convention shall be held by the Depositary, which shall transmit certified copies of this Convention to all States that have signed it or acceded thereto.
(c) The Depositary shall:
(i) Inform the Secretary-General and all Member States of applications for accession received by it from States referred to in Article XX (b); and
(ii) Inform the Secretary-General and all States which have signed this Convention or acceded thereto of:
• Each new signature or deposit of an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, together with the date thereof;
• The date of entry into force of this Convention or any amendment thereto; and
• The deposit of any instrument of denunciation of the Convention, together with the date on which it was received and the date on which the denunciation takes effect.
As soon as any amendment of this Convention enters into force it shall be published by the Depositary and registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.ʺ
Article 16
In Article XVII of the Convention, the phrase "Directing Committee" is replaced by the phrase "Secretary-General of the Organization".
Article 17
Article XX of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) ʺThis Convention shall be open for accession by any State that is a member of the United Nations. The Convention shall enter into force for such a State on the date on which it has deposited its instrument of accession with the Depositary, which shall inform the Secretary-General and all Member States.
(b) A State that is not a member of the United Nations may only accede to this Convention by applying to the Depositary, and by having its application approved by two-thirds of the Member States. The Convention shall enter into force for such a State on the date on which it has deposited its instrument of accession with the Depositary, which shall inform the Secretary-General and all Member States.ʺ
Article 18
Article XXI of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
(a) "Any Member State may propose amendments to this Convention. Proposals of amendments shall be transmitted to the Secretary-General not less than six months prior to the next session of the Assembly.
(b) Proposals of amendments shall be considered by the Assembly and decided upon by a majority of two-thirds of the Member States present and voting. When a proposed amendment has been approved by the Assembly, the Secretary-General of the Organization shall request the Depositary to submit it to all Member States.
(c) The amendment shall enter into force for all Member States three months after notifications of consent to be bound by two-thirds of the Member States have been received by the Depositary."
Article 19
Article XXII of the Convention is amended to read as follows:
"Upon expiration of a period of five years after its entry into force, this Convention may be denounced by any Contracting Party by giving at least one year's notice, in a notification addressed to the Depositary. The denunciation shall take effect upon 1 January next following the expiration of the notice and shall involve the abandonment by the State concerned of all rights and benefits of membership in the Organization."
Article 20
The amendments adopted during the XIIIth and XVth Conferences, which have not entered into force according to Article XXI (3) of the Convention, shall not hereafter enter into force.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH Article XXI (3) of the IHO Convention, the amendments here above mentioned from Article 1 to Article 20 shall enter into force for all Contracting Parties three months after notifications of approval by two-thirds of the Member States have been received by the Depositary.
1. člen
1. Naslov uvoda se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Države pogodbenice te konvencije.«
2. V uvodu se dodajo drugi, tretji in četrti odstavek:
»GLEDE NA TO, da je Mednarodna hidrografska organizacija pristojna mednarodna organizacija, kakor je navedeno v Konvenciji Združenih narodov o pomorskem mednarodnem pravu, ki na svetovni ravni usklajuje določanje standardov za oblikovanje hidrografskih podatkov in zagotavljanje hidrografskih služb ter izboljšuje strokovno usposobljenost državnih hidrografskih služb,
GLEDE NA TO, da Mednarodna hidrografska organizacija želi postati verodostojen svetovni hidrografski organ, ki dejavno spodbuja vse obalne in zainteresirane države k izboljšanju pomorske varnosti in učinkovitosti ter podpira varovanje in trajnostno rabo morskega okolja,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da je naloga Mednarodne hidrografske organizacije oblikovati svetovno okolje, v katerem države zagotavljajo ustrezne in pravočasne hidrografske podatke, proizvode in storitve ter njihovo najširšo mogočo uporabo, in«.
2. člen
II. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Organizacija je posvetovalne in tehnične narave. Njene naloge so:
a) spodbujati uporabo hidrografije za varnost plovbe in vse druge pomorske namene ter dvigniti celostno zavedanje o pomenu hidrografije;
b) izboljšati celotno uporabo, razpoložljivost in kakovost hidrografskih podatkov, informacij, proizvodov in storitev ter olajšati dostop do njih
c) izboljšati zmogljivosti, sposobnosti, usposabljanje, znanost in tehnike na področju hidrografije po vsem svetu;
d) vzpostaviti in okrepiti razvoj mednarodnih standardov za hidrografske podatke, informacije, proizvode, storitve in tehnike ter doseči največjo mogočo enotnost pri uporabi teh standardov;
e) državam in mednarodnim organizacijam zagotavljati verodostojne in pravočasne smernice za vse hidrografske zadeve;
f) olajšati usklajevanje hidrografskih dejavnosti med državami članicami in
g) okrepiti sodelovanje pri opravljanju hidrografskih dejavnosti med državami na območni ravni.«
3. člen
III. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Države članice organizacije so države pogodbenice te konvencije.«
4. člen
IV. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Organizacijo sestavljajo:
a) skupščina,
b) svet,
c) finančni odbor,
d) sekretariat in
e) vsi pomožni organi.«
5. člen
V. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »Skupščina je glavni organ in ima vsa pooblastila organizacije, razen če s konvencijo ni urejeno drugače ali če skupščina prenese pooblastila na druge organe.
b) Skupščino sestavljajo vse države članice.
c) Skupščina se sestane na rednem zasedanju vsaka tri leta. Izredna zasedanja so mogoča na zahtevo države članice, sveta ali generalnega sekretarja, če s to zahtevo soglaša večina držav članic.
d) Za sklepčnost zasedanj skupščine zadošča večina navzočih držav članic.
e) Naloge skupščine so:
i) izvoliti predsednika in podpredsednika;
ii) določiti lasten poslovnik ter poslovnike sveta, finančnega odbora in vsakega pomožnega organa organizacije;
iii) izvoliti generalnega sekretarja in direktorje ter določiti pogoje za njihovo delovanje v skladu s splošnimi pravili;
iv) ustanoviti pomožne organe,
v) določiti celovito politiko, strategijo in delovni program organizacije;
vi) obravnavati poročila, ki jih predloži svet;
vii) proučiti mnenja in priporočila katere koli države članice, sveta ali generalnega sekretarja;
viii) odločati o vseh predlogih katere koli države članice, sveta ali generalnega sekretarja;
ix) pregledati izdatke, odobriti računovodske izkaze in določiti finančno ureditev organizacije;
x) odobriti triletni proračun organizacije;
xi) odločati o operativnih službah;
xii) odločati o vseh zadevah v okviru organizacije in
xiii) prenesti odgovornosti na svet, kadar je ustrezno in potrebno.«
6. člen
VI. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »Ena četrtina držav članic, vendar ne manj kakor trideset, ima sedež v svetu, pri čemer dobita prvi dve tretjini svoj sedež na regionalni ravni, preostala tretjina pa glede na hidrografske interese, ki so opredeljeni v splošnih pravilih.
b) Načela sestave sveta so določena v splošnih pravilih.
c) Članice sveta opravljajo svoje naloge do konca naslednjega rednega zasedanja skupščine.
d) Za sklepčnost sta potrebni dve tretjini članic sveta.
e) Svet se sestane vsaj enkrat letno.
f) Države članice, ki niso članice sveta, lahko sodelujejo na njegovih zasedanjih, vendar nimajo pravice do glasovanja.
g) Naloge sveta so:
i) izvoliti predsednika in podpredsednika, ki opravljata svoje naloge do konca naslednjega rednega zasedanja skupščine;
ii) izpolnjevati obveznosti, ki mu jih lahko naloži skupščina;
iii) v obdobju med skupščinama usklajevati dejavnosti organizacije v okviru strategije, delovnega programa in finančne ureditve, kakor določi skupščina;
iv) poročati skupščini na vsakem rednem zasedanju o delu organizacije;
v) s podporo generalnega sekretarja pripraviti predloge v zvezi s celovito strategijo in delovnim programom, ki ga sprejme skupščina;
vi) proučiti finančna poročila in ocene proračunskih sredstev, ki jih pripravi generalni sekretar, ter jih predložiti v odobritev skupščini s pripombami in priporočili glede programiranih dodelitev ocenjenih proračunskih sredstev;
vii) pregledati predloge pomožnih organov in jih:
• predložiti skupščini za vse zadeve, ki zahtevajo njene odločitve,
• vrniti pomožnemu organu, če svet meni, da je potrebno, ali
• jih dopisno predložiti državam članicam v sprejetje;
viii) predlagati skupščini ustanovitev pomožnih organov in
ix) pregledati osnutke sporazumov med organizacijo in drugimi organizacijami ter jih predložiti skupščini v odobritev.«
7. člen
VII. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »V finančnem odboru so lahko zastopane vse države članice. Vsaka država članica ima en glas.
b) Finančni odbor se navadno sestane v povezavi z rednim zasedanjem skupščine, po potrebi pa so lahko sklicana dodatna zasedanja.
c) Naloge finančnega odbora so, da pregleda finančna poročila, ocene proračunskih sredstev in poročila o upravnih zadevah, ki jih pripravi generalni sekretar, ter skupščini predstavi svoja mnenja in priporočila v zvezi z njimi.
d) Finančni odbor izvoli svojega predsednika in podpredsednika.«
8. člen
VIII. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »Sekretariat sestavljajo generalni sekretar, direktorji in drugo osebje, ki ga utegne potrebovati organizacija.
b) Generalni sekretar vodi vse evidence, ki utegnejo biti potrebne za učinkovito opravljanje dela organizacije, ter pripravlja, zbira in razpošilja vso dokumentacijo, ki se morda zahteva.
c) Generalni sekretar je glavni tajnik organizacije.
d) Generalni sekretar:
i) pripravlja in predloži finančnemu odboru in svetu finančna poročila za vsako leto ter triletne ocene proračunskih sredstev, ki so prikazane ločeno, za vsako leto posebej, in
ii) redno obvešča države članice o dejavnostih organizacije.
e) Generalni sekretar opravlja druge naloge, ki lahko izhajajo iz konvencije ali mu jih naloži skupščina ali svet.
f) Pri izpolnjevanju nalog generalni sekretar, direktorji in osebje ne smejo iskati ali dobivati navodil v kateri koli državi članici ali katerem koli organu zunaj organizacije. Ne smejo delovati tako, da bi bilo nezdružljivo z njihovim položajem mednarodnega uradnika. Vsaka država članica se zaveže, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodno naravo odgovornosti generalnega sekretarja, direktorjev in osebja ter da ne bo poskušala vplivati nanje pri izpolnjevanju njihovih odgovornosti.«
9. člen
IX. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Če odločitev ni mogoče doseči s soglasjem, se uporabljajo te določbe:
a) Če v tej konvenciji ni določeno drugače, ima vsaka država članica en glas.
b) Za izvolitev generalnega sekretarja in direktorjev ima vsaka država članica toliko glasov, kolikor jih določa lestvica, oblikovana glede na tonažo njenega ladjevja.
c) Če v tej konvenciji ni določeno drugače, se odločitve sprejemajo z navadno večino držav članic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo, če pa je izid glasovanja neodločen, odloča predsednik.
d) Odločitve, sprejete o zadevah v zvezi s politiko ali financami organizacije, vključno s spremembami splošnih in finančnih pravil, se sprejmejo z dvetretjinsko večino držav članic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo.
e) V pododstavkih c in d tega člena ter v pododstavku b XXI. člena v nadaljevanju »države članice, ki so navzoče in glasujejo« pomeni države članice, ki so navzoče in glasujejo za ali proti. Za tiste, ki se vzdržijo glasovanja, se šteje, da niso glasovale.
f) Ob predložitvi predlogov državam članicam v skladu s točko vii pododstavka g VI. člena se odločitev sprejme z večino glasov držav članic, ki glasujejo, pri tem pa mora pritrdilno glasovati najmanj ena tretjina vseh držav članic.«
10. člen
X. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Organizacija lahko pri zadevah, ki spadajo na področje njenega delovanja, sodeluje z mednarodnimi organizacijami, katerih interesi in dejavnosti so povezani z njenim namenom.«
11. člen
XI. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Delovanje organizacije se natančno opredeli v splošnih in finančnih pravilih, ki so priložena tej konvenciji, vendar niso njen sestavni del. Ob kakršnem koli neskladju s to konvencijo prevlada slednja.«
12. člen
XIII. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Organizacija je pravna oseba. Na ozemlju vsake države članice organizacija po sporazumu s posamezno državo članico uživa take privilegije in ugodnosti, kakršne morda potrebuje za opravljanje svojih nalog in izpolnjevanje svojega cilja.«
13. člen
a) V pododstavku a XIV. člena konvencije, pa tudi v preostalem delu besedila, se besedi »vlade članice« nadomestita z besedama »države članice«.
b) V pododstavku b XIV. člena, pa tudi v preostalem delu besedila, se besedi »finančni odbor« nadomestita z besedo »skupščina«.
14. člen
XV. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Vsaka država članica, ki že dve leti zamuja s plačilom prispevkov, izgubi vse glasovalne pravice in ugodnosti, ki jih državam članicam zagotavljajo konvencija in pravila, dokler ne plača vseh zaostalih prispevkov.«
15. člen
XVI. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »Vlada njegove presvetle visokosti monaškega kneza je depozitarka.
b) Ta izvirnik konvencije hrani depozitarka, ki pošlje overjene kopije konvencije vsem državam, ki so jo podpisale ali k njej pristopile.
c) Depozitarka:
i) obvesti generalnega sekretarja in vse države članice o prošnjah za pristop, ki jih prejme od držav iz pododstavka b XX. člena, ter
ii) obvesti generalnega sekretarja in vse države, ki so podpisale to konvencijo ali pristopile k njej, o:
• vsakem novem podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu in dnevu podpisa ali deponiranja,
• dnevu začetka veljavnosti te konvencije ali vsake njene spremembe in
• deponiranju vsake listine o odpovedi konvencije skupaj z dnevom prejetja in dnevom začetka veljavnosti odpovedi.
Ko začne veljati kakršna koli sprememba te konvencije, depozitarka objavi spremembo in jo registrira pri sekretariatu Združenih narodov v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov.«
16. člen
V XVII. členu konvencije se besedi »upravni odbor« nadomestita z besedami »generalni sekretar organizacije«.
17. člen
XX. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »K tej konvenciji lahko pristopi vsaka država, ki je članica Združenih narodov. Za tako državo začne konvencija veljati z dnem, ko deponira svojo listino o pristopu pri depozitarki, ki obvesti o tem generalnega sekretarja in vse države članice.
b) Država, ki ni članica Združenih narodov, lahko pristopi k tej konvenciji, ko za pristop zaprosi depozitarko in ko to prošnjo odobrita dve tretjini držav članic. Za tako državo začne konvencija veljati z dnem, ko deponira svojo listino o pristopu pri depozitarki, ki obvesti o tem generalnega sekretarja in vse države članice.«
18. člen
XXI. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
a) »Vsaka država članica lahko predlaga spremembe te konvencije. Predloge sprememb pošlje generalnemu sekretarju najmanj šest mesecev pred naslednjim zasedanjem skupščine.
b) Predloge sprememb obravnava skupščina, o njih pa se odloča z dvetretjinsko večino držav članic, ki so navzoče in glasujejo. Ko skupščina odobri predlog spremembe, generalni sekretar organizacije zaprosi depozitarko, da predlog predloži vsem državam članicam.
c) Sprememba začne veljati za vse države članice tri mesece po tem, ko depozitarka prejme obvestila o soglasju dveh tretjin držav članic, da jih sprememba zavezuje.«
19. člen
XXII. člen konvencije se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Po poteku petletnega obdobja od začetka veljavnosti te konvencije lahko vsaka pogodbenica z obvestilom, naslovljenim na depozitarko, odpove konvencijo z najmanj enoletnim odpovednim rokom. Odpoved začne veljati 1. januarja po poteku odpovednega roka, kar povzroči izgubo vseh pravic in ugodnosti, ki jih državi zagotavlja članstvo v organizaciji.«
20. člen
Spremembe, sprejete na XIII. in XV. konferenci, ki niso začele veljati v skladu s tretjim odstavkom XXI. člena konvencije, v prihodnje ne začnejo veljati.
V SKLADU s tretjim odstavkom XXI. člena Konvencije o mednarodni hidrografski organizaciji začnejo spremembe iz 1. do 20. člena veljati za vse pogodbenice tri mesece po tem, ko depozitarka od dveh tretjin držav članic prejme obvestila o odobritvi.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za infrastrukturo in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 802-01/12-10/10
Ljubljana, dne 14. decembra 2012
EPA 768-VI
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Gregor Virant l.r.

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