Uradni list

Številka 79
Uradni list RS, št. 79/2012 z dne 19. 10. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 79/2012 z dne 19. 10. 2012


66. Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, Protokola o spremembah – Spremembe Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi o pristopu Republike Slovenije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in s tem povezanih pogojih (MKUECSVN), stran 251.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, Protokola o spremembah – Spremembe Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi o pristopu Republike Slovenije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in s tem povezanih pogojih (MKUECSVN)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, Protokola o spremembah – Spremembe Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi o pristopu Republike Slovenije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in s tem povezanih pogojih (MKUECSVN), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 26. septembra 2012.
Št. 003-02-7/2012-5
Ljubljana, dne 4. oktobra 2012
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificirajo se Konvencija o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, sestavljena v Bruslju 11. oktobra 1973 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: konvencija), Protokol o spremembah – Spremembe Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, sprejete 22. aprila 2005 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: spremembe konvencije), in Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi o pristopu Republike Slovenije h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in s tem povezanih pogojih, sestavljen 8. aprila 2011 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: sporazum).
2. člen
Besedilo konvencije, sprememb konvencije in sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:
OB UPOŠTEVANJU koristi, ki jih bo imelo evropsko gospodarstvo od bistvenega izboljšanja srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da bodo znanstveno-tehnična raziskovanja, ki bodo opravljena za ta namen, močno spodbudila razvoj meteorologije v Evropi;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da bo izboljšanje srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi povečalo varstvo in varnost prebivalstva;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da bodo za doseganje teh ciljev potrebna sredstva, večja od tistih, ki jih običajno za to namenjajo posamezne države;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da iz poročila delovne skupine za pripravo projekta izhaja, da bi bilo za doseganje teh ciljev primerno ustanoviti samostojen evropski center z mednarodnim statusom;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da lahko tak center pomaga pri podiplomskem izobraževanju znanstvenikov;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da bo tak center s svojo dejavnostjo obogatil nekatere programe Svetovne meteorološke organizacije (SMO), zlasti pa svetovni sistem bdenja nad vremenom (WWW) in globalni program za raziskovanje ozračja (GARP), ki ju Svetovna meteorološka organizacija izvaja v sodelovanju z Mednarodnim svetom znanstvenih združenj (ICSU);
OB UPOŠTEVANJU pomena, ki bi ga lahko imela ustanovitev takega centra za razvoj evropske industrije pri obdelavi podatkov,
JE BILO ODLOČENO, da se ustanovi Evropski center za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in opredelijo zahteve za njegovo delovanje; v ta namen so bili imenovani pooblaščenci:
njegovo veličanstvo kralj Belgijcev je imenoval
gospoda Josepha van der Meulena, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Belgije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
njeno veličanstvo kraljica Danske
gospoda Nielsa Ersbolla, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Danske pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Zvezne republike Nemčije
gospoda Ulricha Lebsanfta, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Zvezne republike Nemčije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
voditelj Države Španije
gospoda Alberta Ullastresa Calva, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo španske misije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Francoske republike
gospoda Emila Cazimajouja, namestnika stalnega predstavnika Francije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Republike Grčije
gospoda Byrona Theodoropulosa, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega delegata Grčije pri Evropski gospodarski skupnosti;
predsednik Irske
gospoda Brendana Dillona, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Irske pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Italijanske republike
gospoda Giorgia Bombasseija Frascanija de Vettora, veleposlanika Italije, stalnega predstavnika Italije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
voditelj Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije
gospoda Petra Miljevića, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo jugoslovanske misije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
njeno veličanstvo kraljica Nizozemske
gospoda E. M. J. A. Sassna, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Nizozemske pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Portugalske republike
gospoda Fernanda de Magalhaesa Cruza, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo portugalske misije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Švicarske konfederacije
gospoda Paula Henrija Wurtha, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo švicarske misije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
predsednik Republike Finske
gospoda Penttija Talvitieja, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo finske misije pri Evropskih skupnostih;
njegovo veličanstvo kralj Švedske
gospoda Erika von Sydowa, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, vodjo švedske misije pri Evropskih skup­nostih;
njeno veličanstvo kraljica Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska
sira Michaela Palliserja, izrednega in pooblaščenega veleposlanika, stalnega predstavnika Združenega kraljestva pri Evropskih skupnostih,
ki so se po izmenjavi pooblastil v pravilni in predpisani obliki dogovorili:
1. Ustanovi se Evropski center za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljnjem besedilu: center).
2. Organa centra sta svet in direktor. Svetu pomagata svetovalni znanstveni odbor in finančni odbor. Organa in odbora opravljajo svoje naloge v mejah in pod pogoji, ki jih določa konvencija.
3. Članice centra (v nadaljnjem besedilu: države članice) so države pogodbenice te konvencije.
4. Center je pravna oseba na ozemlju vsake države članice. Ima zlasti možnost najemanja, pridobivanja in razpolaganja s premičnim in nepremičnim premoženjem in biti stranka v sodnem postopku.
5. Sedež centra je v Shinfield parku blizu Readinga (Berkshire) na ozemlju Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska.
6. Uradni jeziki centra so angleški, francoski, italijanski, nemški in nizozemski.
Njegovi delovni jeziki so angleški, francoski in nemški.
O tem, kdaj se uporabljajo uradni in kdaj delovni jeziki, odloča svet.
1. Cilji centra so:
(a) razvijanje dinamičnih modelov ozračja za izdelavo srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi po numerični metodi;
(b) redno pripravljanje podatkov, ki so potrebni za izdelavo srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi;
(c) znanstveno raziskovanje za izboljšanje kakovosti teh napovedi;
(d) zbiranje in hranjenje ustreznih meteoroloških podatkov;
(e) omogočanje dostopa meteorološkim službam držav članic do izsledkov raziskav in raziskovalnih del iz točk a in c ter podatkov iz točk b in d v čim primernejši obliki;
(f) omogočanje dostopa meteorološkim službam držav članic do sorazmernega dela računalniških zmogljivosti za njihova raziskovanja, pri čemer ima prednost numerično napovedovanje vremena, delež posamezne države članice pa določa svet;
(g) sodelovanje pri izvajanju programov Svetovne meteorološke organizacije;
(h) sodelovanje pri nadaljnjem izobraževanju znanstvenega osebja meteoroloških služb držav članic pri numeričnih vremenskih napovedih.
2. Center namešča in upravlja naprave, potrebne za uresničevanje ciljev iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
3. Center pod pogoji, ki jih določi svet, praviloma objavlja ali drugače omogoči dostop do znanstvenih in tehničnih izsledkov svojih dejavnosti, kadar zanje ne velja 15. člen.
1. Center za uresničevanje svojih ciljev čim bolj sodeluje z vladami in državnimi službami držav članic, z državami, ki niso članice centra, ter z vladnimi ali nevladnimi mednarodnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi organizacijami, katerih dejavnost je povezana z njegovimi cilji, skladno z mednarodno meteorološko tradicijo.
2. Poleg tega lahko center sklepa sporazume o sodelovanju:
(a) z državami pod pogoji iz točke e prvega odstavka 6. člena;
(b) z državnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi službami držav članic ter z mednarodnimi organizacijami iz prvega odstavka pod pogoji iz točke k tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
3. S sporazumi o sodelovanju iz drugega odstavka se dostop do dela računalniških zmogljivosti centra lahko omogoči samo javnim službam držav članic.
1. Svet ima pooblastila in sprejema ukrepe za izvajanje konvencije.
2. V svetu sta največ dva predstavnika vsake države članice, od katerih mora biti eden predstavnik državne meteorološke službe. Na zasedanjih sveta lahko predstavnikom pomagajo svetovalci.
Predstavnik Svetovne meteorološke organizacije je vabljen k sodelovanju pri delu sveta kot opazovalec.
3. Svet med svojimi člani izvoli predsednika in podpredsednika; njun mandat traja eno leto, izvoljena pa sta lahko največ dvakrat zaporedoma.
4. Svet se sestane najmanj enkrat letno. Sestane se na zahtevo predsednika ali najmanj ene tretjine držav članic. Svet zaseda na sedežu centra, razen če v izjemnih primerih ne odloči drugače.
5. Predsednik in podpredsednik lahko pri opravljanju svojih nalog prosita za pomoč direktorja.
6. Svet lahko ustanovi svetovalne odbore ter določi njihovo sestavo in naloge.
1. Svet je sklepčen, če so na zasedanju navzoči predstavniki večine držav članic, ki imajo glasovalno pravico.
2. Vsaka država članica ima v svetu en glas. Država članica izgubi glasovalno pravico v svetu, če znesek neplačanih prispevkov preseže znesek prispevka, ki ga mora po 13. členu plačati za tekoče in prejšnje proračunsko leto. Skladno s točko m tretjega odstavka 6. člena pa lahko svet tej državi kljub temu dovoli glasovati.
3. Med zasedanji lahko svet o nujnih vprašanjih odloča z dopisnim glasovanjem. Za sklepčnost je v tem primeru potrebno sodelovanje večine držav članic z glasovalno pravico.
4. Pri ugotavljanju soglasja in različnih večin, ki jih določa konvencija, se upoštevajo samo glasovi, ki so za sklep ali proti sklepu; kadar svet odloča po postopku iz drugega odstavka 6. člena, pa se upoštevajo denarni prispevki držav članic, ki se udeležijo glasovanja.
1. Svet s soglasjem:
(a) določi najvišji znesek izdatkov za izvajanje programa dejavnosti centra za pet let po začetku veljavnosti konvencije;
(b) po 23. členu odloča o sprejemu novih članic in po tretjem odstavku 13. člena določa pogoje za njihov sprejem;
(c) po 20. členu odloča o prenehanju članstva države; o tem ta država ne glasuje;
(d) po prvem in drugem odstavku 21. člena odloča o razpustitvi centra;
(e) pooblasti direktorja, da se z državami pogaja o sklenitvi sporazumov o sodelovanju; svet lahko pooblasti direktorja, da take sporazume tudi sklene;
(f) po 22. členu protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah iz 16. člena konvencije sklepa z eno ali več državami članicami dopolnilne sporazume o izvajanju protokola.
2. Svet z dvetretjinsko večino držav članic, ki prispevajo najmanj dve tretjini celotnega zneska prispevkov v proračun centra:
(a) sprejema finančni pravilnik centra;
(b) na podlagi tretjega odstavka 12. člena konvencije sprejema letni proračun skupaj s seznamom potrebnega osebja, po potrebi rebalans proračuna in odobri oceno izdatkov in prihodkov za naslednja tri proračunska leta; če svet še ni sprejel proračuna, pooblasti direktorja, da v danem mesecu pokrije stroške in izdatke, ki presegajo mejo iz petega odstavka 12. člena;
(c) na predlog direktorja odloča o nakupu nepremičnin in opreme, katerih nakup ali najem je večji izdatek za center;
(d) odloča o potrebnih ukrepih ob odpovedi konvencije skladno z 19. členom;
(e) na podlagi prvega odstavka 21. člena odloča o nadaljnjem delovanju centra, če se konvencija odpove; države članice, ki so konvencijo odpovedale, o tem vprašanju ne glasujejo;
(f) na podlagi tretjega odstavka 21. člena določa pogoje za razpustitev centra.
3. Svet z dvetretjinsko večino:
(a) sprejema poslovnike;
(b) sprejema kadrovski pravilnik in plačno lestvico ter določa dodatke in pravila za njihovo dodeljevanje; določa tudi pravice uslužbencev, ki se nanašajo na industrijsko lastnino in avtorsko pravico za delo med službovanjem;
(c) potrdi sporazum, ki ga po 16. členu skleneta center in država, v kateri je sedež centra;
(d) imenuje direktorja centra in njegovega namestnika za največ pet let; oba sta lahko brez omejitev znova imenovana, vendar vsakokrat ne za več kot pet let;
(e) skladno z drugim odstavkom 14. člena imenuje revizorje, določi njihovo število, trajanje njihovega mandata ter višino njihovih prejemkov;
(f) skladno s kadrovskim pravilnikom razreši ali začasno odstavi direktorja ali njegovega namestnika;
(g) skladno s četrtim odstavkom 7. člena potrjuje poslovnik svetovalnega znanstvenega odbora;
(h) skladno s prvim in tretjim odstavkom 13. člena določa lestvico finančnih prispevkov držav članic in skladno z drugim odstavkom 13. člena odloča o začasnem zmanjšanju prispevka posamezni državi članici zaradi posebnih razmer v tej državi;
(i) skladno s točko a prvega odstavka tega člena in 11. členom sprejema program dejavnosti centra;
(j) na podlagi poročila revizorjev vsako leto odloča o zaključnem računu za prejšnje proračunsko leto ter o popisu stanja premoženja ter obveznosti do virov sredstev centra in direktorja razreši odgovornosti glede izvrševanja proračuna;
(k) pooblašča direktorja za pogajanja o sklenitvi sporazuma o sodelovanju z državnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi službami držav članic ter z vladnimi ali nevladnimi mednarodnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi organizacijami, katerih dejavnost je povezana s cilji centra; pooblasti ga lahko tudi za sklepanje takih sporazumov;
(l) določa pogoje, pod katerimi se licence, ki se po prvem in drugem odstavku 15. člena dodeljujejo državam članicam, lahko razširijo tudi na druga področja in ne le na napovedovanje vremena;
(m) v primeru iz drugega odstavka 5. člena odloča, da lahko država članica obdrži glasovalno pravico, pri čemer ta država članica o tem ne glasuje;
(n) skladno z 18. členom predlaga državam članicam spremembe konvencije;
(o) skladno s 17. členom protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah, opredeljenega v 16. členu konvencije, določa skupine uslužbencev, za katere delno ali v celoti veljata 13. in 15. člen protokola, in skupine izvedencev, za katere velja 14. člen protokola.
4. Svet odloča z navadno večino, kadar ni določena posebna večina.
1. Svetovalni znanstveni odbor sestavlja 12 članov, ki jih svet na podlagi njihovih osebnih usposobljenosti imenuje za štiri leta. Vsako leto se zamenja četrtina članov odbora. Vsak član je lahko zaporedoma imenovan samo dvakrat.
Odbor k sodelovanju povabi predstavnika Svetovne meteorološke organizacije.
Za člane odbora se izbirajo znanstveniki iz držav članic s čim več različnih področij, povezanih z dejavnostjo centra. Seznam kandidatov svetu predloži direktor.
2. Odbor oblikuje stališča in daje priporočila svetu o osnutku programa dejavnosti, ki ga sestavi direktor, ter drugih vprašanjih, ki mu jih predloži svet. Direktor odboru stalno poroča o izvajanju programa. Odbor daje mnenje o doseženih rezultatih.
3. K reševanju nekaterih vprašanj odbor lahko povabi strokovnjake, zlasti iz služb uporabnic storitev centra.
4. Odbor sestavi svoj pravilnik. Pravilnik začne veljati, ko ga potrdi svet skladno s točko g tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
1. Finančni odbor sestavljajo:
(a) po en predstavnik iz štirih držav članic, ki plačujejo najvišji prispevek;
(b) trije predstavniki iz drugih držav članic, ki jih te imenujejo za eno leto; vsaka od teh držav je lahko v odboru zastopana samo dvakrat zaporedoma.
2. Po določbah finančnega pravilnika odbor predloži svetu stališča do vseh finančnih vprašanj in priporočila zanje ter izvaja finančna pooblastila, ki mu jih je podelil svet.
1. Direktor je izvršni vodja centra. Zastopa center pri stikih s tretjimi. Za opravljanje nalog, zaupanih centru, je odgovoren svetu. Sodeluje na vseh zasedanjih sveta, vendar brez glasovalne pravice.
Svet imenuje začasnega direktorja.
2. Direktor:
(a) izvaja ukrepe za pravilno delovanje centra;
(b) izvaja pooblastila na podlagi kadrovskega pravilnika skladno s četrtim odstavkom 10. člena;
(c) svetu predloži osnutek programa dejavnosti centra skupaj s stališči in priporočili svetovalnega znanstvenega odbora;
(d) skladno s finančnim pravilnikom pripravlja in izvaja proračun centra;
(e) skladno s finančnim pravilnikom vodi natančno evidenco vseh prihodkov in odhodkov centra;
(f) letno predloži svetu v odobritev poročilo o dejavnostih centra in zaključni račun o izvajanju proračuna s popisom stanja premoženja ter obveznosti skladno s finančnim pravilnikom;
(g) skladno s točko e prvega in točko k tretjega odstavka 6. člena sklepa sporazume o sodelovanju, potrebne za uresničevanje ciljev centra.
3. Pri opravljanju nalog direktorju pomagajo drugi uslužbenci centra.
10. ČLEN
1. Na podlagi drugega odstavka tega člena velja za uslužbence centra kadrovski pravilnik, ki ga sprejme svet skladno s točko b tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
Če pogojev za zaposlitev uslužbenca centra ne določa kadrovski pravilnik, velja zakon, ki se uporablja v državi, v kateri ta oseba opravlja svoje naloge.
2. Uslužbenci se zaposlujejo na podlagi osebne usposobljenosti, pri čemer se upošteva mednarodna narava centra. Nobeno delovno mesto ne more biti zagotovljeno za državljana določene države članice.
3. Center lahko za določen čas zaposli uslužbence državnih služb držav članic.
4. Svet potrjuje imenovanje in odpustitev uslužbencev višjih razredov po kadrovskem pravilniku ter tudi finančnega kontrolorja in njegovega namestnika.
5. Spori zaradi izvajanja kadrovskega pravilnika ali pogodb o zaposlitvi se rešujejo skladno s kadrovskim pravilnikom.
6. Vsi zaposleni v centru so podrejeni direktorju in morajo spoštovati splošne predpise, ki jih je potrdil svet.
7. Vsaka država članica mora spoštovati mednarodno naravo odgovornosti direktorja in drugih uslužbencev centra. Direktor in drugi uslužbenci pri opravljanju dela ne smejo niti zahtevati niti sprejemati navodil nobene vlade ali organa, ki ni del centra.
11. ČLEN
Svet na predlog direktorja skladno s točko i tretjega odstavka 6. člena sprejme program dejavnosti centra.
Program praviloma zajema štiriletno obdobje in se letno prilagaja in dopolnjuje za dodatno obdobje enega leta. S programom sta določeni zgornja meja stroškov za obdobje trajanja programa ter ocena stroškov njegovega izvajanja za vsako leto in za glavna področja programa.
Zgornja meja stroškov se sme spremeniti samo skladno s postopkom iz točke i tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
12. ČLEN
1. Proračun centra se pripravi za vsako proračunsko leto pred začetkom tega leta skladno s finančnim pravilnikom.
Izdatki centra se poravnajo s finančnimi prispevki držav članic in drugimi prihodki centra.
Prihodki in odhodki, prikazani v proračunu, morajo biti uravnoteženi. Proračun se sestavi v valuti države, v kateri ima center sedež.
2. Za vse odhodke in prihodke centra se za vsako proračunsko leto izdelajo podrobne ocene in se vnesejo v proračun.
Plačilo neizpolnjenih obveznosti se lahko po končanem proračunskem letu odobri skladno s postopkom, določenim v finančnem pravilniku.
Poleg tega je treba pripraviti oceno prihodkov in odhodkov, razdeljeno po glavnih področjih za naslednja tri proračunska leta.
3. Skladno s točko b drugega odstavka 6. člena svet za vsako proračunsko leto sprejme proračun in seznam delovnih mest, ki je priložen proračunu, po potrebi pa rebalans proračuna ter sprejme celotno oceno odhodkov in prihodkov za naslednja tri proračunska leta.
4. Svet s sprejetjem proračuna:
(a) zavezuje države članice, da centru omogočijo dostop do finančnih prispevkov, določenih v proračunu;
(b) pooblašča direktorja za prevzemanje obveznosti in plačila v mejah odobrenih proračunskih sredstev za te namene.
5. Če svet ne sprejme proračuna do začetka proračunskega leta, lahko direktor vsak mesec prevzema obveznosti in izvaja plačila do ene dvanajstine odobrenih sredstev v proračunu prejšnjega proračunskega leta iz vsakega poglavja proračuna, če ta sredstva ne presegajo dvanajstine sredstev, predvidenih v osnutku proračuna.
Države članice začasno in skladno z lestvico iz 13. člena mesečno plačujejo zneske, potrebne za izvajanje prejšnjega stavka.
6. Proračun se izvaja skladno s pogoji, določenimi v finančnem pravilniku.
13. ČLEN
1. Vsaka država članica centru plačuje letni prispevek v konvertibilni valuti, ki se določi po lestvici, ki jo vsako tretje leto skladno s točko h tretjega odstavka 6. člena sprejme svet. Lestvica se opira na povprečni bruto družbeni proizvod posameznih držav članic v zadnjih treh koledarskih letih, za katera so na razpolago statistični podatki.
2. Svet lahko skladno s točko h tretjega odstavka 6. člena odloči, da državi članici začasno zmanjša prispevek zaradi posebnih razmer v njej. Šteje se, da so posebne razmere, kadar je bruto družbeni proizvod na prebivalca v tej državi manjši od zneska, ki ga je svet določil po postopku iz tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
3. Svet spremeni lestvico prispevkov na podlagi izračuna, ki ga določa prvi odstavek tega člena, če država postane pogodbenica po začetku veljavnosti konvencije. Nova lestvica začne veljati z dnem, ko država postane pogodbenica konvencije.
Država, ki postane pogodbenica po 31. decembru tistega leta, ko začne konvencija veljati, mora poleg prispevka, ki ga določa prvi odstavek tega člena, plačati še enkratni dodatni prispevek za dotedanje izdatke centra. Višino tega dodatnega prispevka določi svet po postopku iz prvega odstavka 6. člena.
Če svet po postopku iz prvega odstavka 6. člena ne odloči drugače, se zaradi dodatnih prispevkov, plačanih po prejšnjem odstavku, zmanjšajo prispevki drugim državam članicam. To zmanjšanje se obračuna po dejanskih prispevkih, ki jih je vsaka država članica vplačala pred tekočim proračunskim letom.
4. Če država po začetku veljavnosti konvencije preneha biti pogodbenica, se lestvica prispevkov spremeni po izračunu iz prvega odstavka tega člena. Nova lestvica začne veljati z dnem, ko ta država preneha biti pogodbenica.
5. Način plačevanja prispevkov določa finančni pravilnik.
14. ČLEN
1. Izračuni vseh prihodkov in odhodkov proračuna in bilanca stanja sredstev in obveznosti centra se pod pogoji, določenimi v finančnem pravilniku, predložijo revizorjem, ki so popolnoma neodvisni. Namen revizije, ki temelji na evidencah in se po potrebi opravi na kraju samem, je ugotoviti, ali so prihodki in odhodki zakoniti in skladni s predpisi ter se prepričati, ali je bilo finančno vodenje centra dobro. Revizorji svetu predložijo poročilo o letnih računovodskih izkazih.
2. Na predlog finančnega odbora svet skladno s točko e tretjega odstavka 6. člena imenuje revizorje in določi njihovo število, trajanje njihovega mandata in višino njihovih prejemkov.
3. Direktor daje revizorjem na voljo vse podatke in pomoč, potrebne za opravljanje revizije iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
15. ČLEN
1. Vsaka država članica dobi za pripravljanje svojih vremenskih napovedi brezplačno neizključno licenco in vse druge neizključne pravice do uporabe v zvezi s pravicami do industrijske lastnine, računalniškimi programi in tehnološkim znanjem, ki so nastali kot posledica dela, opravljenega po tej konvenciji, in pripadajo centru.
2. Če pravice iz prvega odstavka tega člena ne pripadajo centru, si mora center pod pogoji, ki jih določi svet, prizadevati, da jih pridobi.
3. Skladno s točko l tretjega odstavka 6. člena svet določi pogoje, pod katerimi se lahko licence iz prvega odstavka uporabljajo tudi na drugih področjih, ne le za pripravljanje vremenskih napovedi.
16. ČLEN
Center, predstavniki držav članic ter uslužbenci in strokovnjaki centra imajo privilegije in imunitete na ozemlju držav članic, določeni pa so v protokolu, ki je priloga konvencije in njen sestavni del, ter v sporazumu, ki ga skleneta center in država, v kateri je njegov sedež. Sporazum skladno s točko c tretjega odstavka 6. člena potrdi svet.
17. ČLEN
1. Spori med državami članicami ali med eno ali več državami članicami in centrom zaradi razlage ali izvajanja konvencije vključno s protokolom o privilegijih in imunitetah iz 16. člena konvencije ali v primerih iz 24. člena protokola, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti s posredovanjem sveta, so na zahtevo stranke v sporu predloženi razsodišču, ustanovljenemu skladno z drugim odstavkom tega člena, razen če se stranke v sporu v treh mesecih ne dogovorijo za drugačen način reševanja.
2. Vsaka stranka v sporu, ne glede na to, ali je to ena ali več držav članic, v dveh mesecih po prejemu zahteve iz prvega odstavka tega člena imenuje po enega člana razsodišča. Imenovana člana v dveh mesecih po imenovanju drugega člana imenujeta tretjega kot predsednika razsodišča, ki ne sme biti državljan države, ki je stranka v sporu. Če kdo od treh članov razsodišča ni imenovan v zahtevanem obdobju, ga na zahtevo ene od strank imenuje predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča.
Razsodišče odloča z večino glasov. Njegove odločitve zavezujejo vse stranke v sporu. Vsaka stranka krije stroške člana razsodišča, za imenovanje katerega je odgovorna, in stroške zastopanja na razsodišču. Stroški, povezani s predsednikom razsodišča, ter drugi stroški se enakovredno porazdelijo med stranke v sporu, razen kadar razsodišče ne odloči drugače. Razsodišče določi tudi druga pravila postopka.
18. ČLEN
1. Vsaka država članica lahko direktorju predlaga spremembe konvencije. Direktor pošlje predloge sprememb drugim državam članicam vsaj tri mesece pred obravnavo na zasedanju sveta. Svet predloge prouči in lahko s sklepom, sprejetim skladno s točko n tretjega odstavka 6. člena, predlaga državam članicam, da sprejmejo predlagane spremembe.
2. Spremembe, ki jih predlaga svet, lahko države članice sprejmejo samo pisno. Veljati začnejo trideset dni po tem, ko generalni sekretar Sveta Evropskih skupnosti prejme zadnje uradno obvestilo o sprejetju.
19. ČLEN
1. Katera koli država članica lahko konvencijo po petih letih njene veljavnosti odpove z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evropskih skupnosti. Odpoved začne veljati konec drugega proračunskega leta po letu, v katerem je bilo dano uradno obvestilo o odpovedi.
2. Država članica, ki odpove konvencijo, mora spoštovati svoj del sprejetih finančnih obveznosti, ki jih je center prevzel pred njeno odpovedjo, in izpolniti vse obveznosti, ki jih je kot država članica prevzela do centra pred odpovedjo.
3. Država članica, ki odpove konvencijo, izgubi svoje pravice do premoženja centra, in mora pod pogoji, ki jih skladno s točko d drugega odstavka 6. člena določi svet, povrniti škodo za vso izgubo premoženja centra na svojem ozemlju, razen če ne sklene posebnega sporazuma, s katerim centru zagotovi uporabo tega premoženja.
20. ČLEN
Državo članico, ki ne izpolnjuje svojih obveznosti po tej konvenciji, lahko svet skladno s točko c prvega odstavka 6. člena izključi. V tem primeru se smiselno uporabljata drugi in tretji odstavek 19. člena.
21. ČLEN
1. Center se razpusti, če se zaradi odpovedi ene ali več članic konvencije prispevek vsake preostale države članice poveča za več kot petino v primerjavi z začetno stopnjo, razen če svet s sklepom, sprejetim skladno s točko e drugega odstavka 6. člena, ne odloči drugače.
2. Poleg primera iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko svet skladno s točko d prvega odstavka 6. člena kadar koli razpusti center.
3. Če se center razpusti, svet določi likvidacijskega upravitelja.
Če svet skladno s točko e drugega odstavka 6. člena ne odloči drugače, se presežki ob razpustitvi razdelijo med države članice sorazmerno s prispevki, ki so jih dejansko plačale od začetka svojega članstva.
Morebitni primanjkljaj poravnajo države članice sorazmerno s prispevki, ki so določeni za tekoče proračunsko leto.
22. ČLEN
1. Konvencija je na voljo za podpis v prilogi navedenim evropskim državam do 11. aprila 1974 na generalnem sekretariatu Sveta Evropskih skupnosti.
Konvencija se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropskih skupnosti.
2. Konvencija začne veljati prvi dan naslednjega meseca po dnevu, ko najmanj dve tretjini držav podpisnic, vključujoč državo, v kateri je sedež centra, ratificirata, sprejmeta ali odobrita konvencijo, katerih prispevki znašajo po lestvici iz priloge najmanj 80 odstotkov skupnega zneska prispevkov.
Za vse druge države podpisnice začne konvencija veljati prvi dan naslednjega meseca po dnevu deponiranja njihovih listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
23. ČLEN
Po začetku veljavnosti konvencije lahko k njej pristopijo vse države, ki niso podpisnice in so navedene v prilogi, če svet skladno s točko b prvega odstavka 6. člena soglaša s tem. Listine o pristopu se deponirajo v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropskih skupnosti.
Za državo, ki pristopi, začne konvencija veljati prvi dan naslednjega meseca po deponiranju njene listine o pristopu.
24. ČLEN
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evropskih skupnosti uradno obvesti države podpisnice in države, ki pristopijo, o:
(a) vsakem podpisu konvencije,
(b) deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu,
(c) začetku veljavnosti konvencije,
(d) vsakem uradnem obvestilu o sprejetju spremembe,
(e) začetku veljavnosti vsake spremembe,
(f) vsaki odpovedi konvencije ali izgubi članstva v centru.
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evropskih skupnosti takoj po začetku veljavnosti konvencije skladno s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov konvencijo registrira pri generalnem sekretariatu Združenih narodov.
25. ČLEN
1. Prvo proračunsko leto se začne z dnem, ko začne konvencija veljati, konča pa 31. decembra istega leta. Če se prvo proračunsko leto začne v drugi polovici leta, se konča 31. decembra naslednjega leta.
2. Države, ki so konvencijo podpisale, pa je še niso ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile, lahko dvanajst mesecev po začetku njene veljavnosti pošiljajo svoje predstavnike na zasedanje sveta in sodelujejo pri njegovem delu brez glasovalne pravice. Svet lahko to obdobje po postopku iz tretjega odstavka 6. člena podaljša še za šest mesecev.
3. Svetovalni znanstveni odbor na svojem prvem zasedanju z žrebanjem določi devet članov odbora, katerih mandat bo skladno s prvim odstavkom 7. člena prenehal na koncu prvega, drugega in tretjega leta delovanja odbora.
26. ČLEN
Konvencija, sestavljena v enem izvirniku v angleškem, francoskem, italijanskem, nemškem in nizozemskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna, se deponira v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropskih skupnosti, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vladam vseh držav podpisnic ter vseh držav pristopnic.
Države pogodbenice Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, podpisane v Bruslju 11. oktobra 1973, so se
V ŽELJI, da bi opredelile privilegije in imunitete, ki so potrebni za pravilno delovanje centra,
1. Po tem protokolu so prostori centra nedotakljivi.
2. Predstavniki organov države, v kateri je sedež centra, ne smejo vstopati v prostore centra, razen s soglasjem direktorja ali osebe, ki jo direktor določi. Ob požaru ali drugih nesrečah, ki zahtevajo takojšnje zaščitne ukrepe, se šteje, da je direktor izdal soglasje.
3. Center mora preprečiti, da bi se v njegove prostore zatekle osebe, ki bi se rade izognile odvzemu prostosti ali vročitvi pravnih listin.
Arhiv centra je nedotakljiv.
1. Center ima pri svojih uradnih dejavnostih sodno imuniteto in imuniteto pred izvršilnimi ukrepi, razen:
(a) kadar se v konkretnem primeru po sklepu sveta taki imuniteti odpove. Šteje pa se, da se je center imuniteti odpovedal, če na ustrezno zahtevo državnega organa posamezne države ali stranke v sporu v petnajstih dneh po prejemu zahteve ne sporoči, da se imuniteti ne odpoveduje;
(b) v civilni tožbi, ki jo vloži tretja oseba za odškodnino zaradi nesreče, povzročene z vozilom, ki ga ima center v lasti ali ga uporablja, kakor tudi zaradi prometnega prekrška;
(c) pri uveljavitvi razsodbe, sprejete po 23. členu tega protokola ali po 17. členu konvencije o ustanovitvi centra, v nadaljnjem besedilu: konvencija;
(d) ob odvzemu plač in drugih prejemkov, ki jih mora center izplačati svojemu uslužbencu skladno z odločbo upravnega ali pravosodnega organa.
2. Pri sporih, v katere je vpleten uslužbenec ali strokovnjak centra, za katerega se po 13. ali 14. členu protokola zahteva sodna imuniteta, je namesto uslužbenca ali strokovnjaka odgovoren center.
3. Po prvem odstavku je lastnina centra zaščitena pred vsako obliko upravne ali začasne sodne omejitve, kot so odvzem, zaplemba ali razlastitev, razen če tak ukrep ni začasno nujen za preprečitev in preiskavo nesreč, v katere je vpleteno vozilo v lasti ali uporabi centra.
1. Pri opravljanju svojih dejavnosti so center in njegova lastnina ter njegovi dohodki oproščeni vseh neposrednih davkov.
2. Kadar center kupi izdelke ali uporabi storitve večje vrednosti, ki jih nedvomno potrebuje za opravljanje svojih dejavnosti, in kadar njihova cena vključuje davke ali dajatve, država članica, ki jih je obračunala, sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za povrnitev ali oprostitev določljivih dajatev ali davkov.
3. Oprostitev plačila dajatev in davkov ne velja za komunalne storitve.
Razen plačila storitev je blago, ki ga center uvozi ali izvozi in je nujno potrebno za opravljanje njegovih dejavnosti, oproščeno vseh carinskih in drugih uvoznih davščin. Blago je oproščeno tudi vseh uvoznih in izvoznih prepovedi in omejitev. Države članice ustrezno ukrepajo v mejah svojih pooblastil, tako da je blago čim prej oproščeno carine.
Za blago, ki se kupi in uvozi za osebno rabo uslužbencev centra ali strokovnjakov skladno s 14. členom, ne velja oprostitev po 4. ali 5. členu.
Blago, ki je bilo pridobljeno po 4. členu ali uvoženo po 5. členu, se sme prodati, oddati ali posoditi samo ob pogojih, skladnih s predpisi države, ki je dovolila oprostitev.
1. Center sme sprejemati in imeti vse vrste denarnih sredstev in valut. Z njimi lahko prosto razpolaga za opravljanje svojih dejavnosti in ima račune v kateri koli valuti v obsegu, potrebnem za izpolnjevanje svojih obveznosti.
2. Ne glede na prvi odstavek tega člena lahko center v mejah svojih dejavnosti in skladno s predpisi, ki veljajo za druge medvladne organizacije v tej državi, sprejema in ima vrednostne papirje ter razpolaga z njimi.
Center lahko v mejah svojih dejavnosti neomejeno pošilja ali sprejema publikacije in druge informacije.
10. ČLEN
1. Center je pri prenosu podatkov v okviru svojih dejavnosti na ozemlju vsake države članice deležen enake obravnave kot njena državna meteorološka služba ob upoštevanju mednarodnih obveznosti na področju telekomunikacij.
2. Pri pošiljanju uradnih sporočil in prenosu dokumentov posamezne države članice center obravnavajo tako kot druge mednarodne organizacije, pri čemer je treba upoštevati mednarodne obveznosti države članice na področju telekomunikacij.
3. Pri uradnem poslovanju centra ni cenzure ne glede na komunikacijska sredstva.
11. ČLEN
Države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno, da olajšajo prihod, nastanitev in odhod predstavnikov držav članic, uslužbencev centra in strokovnjakov v smislu 14. člena.
12. ČLEN
Predstavniki držav članic, ki sodelujejo pri delu organov in odborov centra, imajo pri opravljanju svojih nalog ter med potovanjem v kraj in iz kraja zasedanja te privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti:
(a) imuniteto pred priprtjem in pridržanjem ter pred zasegom osebne prtljage, razen če se zalotijo pri storitvi, poskusu storitve ali takoj po storitvi kaznivega dejanja;
(b) imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom v zvezi z dejanji, vključno z izrečenimi ali zapisanimi besedami, med opravljanjem nalog v njihovi pristojnosti in celo po opravljenih nalogah, vendar pa imuniteta ne velja za prometne prekrške, ki jih povzroči predstavnik države članice, niti za škodo, ki jo povzroči z vozilom, ki mu pripada ali ga vozi;
(c) nedotakljivost vseh njihovih uradnih listin in dokumentov;
(d) izvzetje pri izvajanju ukrepov, ki omejujejo vstop tujcev in formalnosti pri njihovi registraciji;
(e) enake carinske olajšave za njihovo osebno prtljago in enaki privilegiji pri denarnih in deviznih predpisih kakor predstavniki tujih vlad pri opravljanju začasnih uradnih nalog.
13. ČLEN
Uslužbenci centra imajo privilegije, imunitete in olajšave, določene s protokolom:
(a) imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom v zvezi z dejanji, vključno z izrečenimi ali zapisanimi besedami, med opravljanjem nalog v njihovi pristojnosti in celo po opravljenih nalogah, vendar pa imuniteta ne velja za prometne prekrške, ki jih povzroči predstavnik države članice, niti za škodo, ki jo povzroči z vozilom, ki mu pripada ali ga vozi;
(b) oprostitev vseh vojaških obveznosti;
(c) nedotakljivost vseh uradnih listin in dokumentov, ki jih imajo;
(d) enake izjeme pri ukrepih, ki omejujejo priseljevanje, in pri formalnostih pri registraciji tujcev, kot jih imajo običajno uslužbenci mednarodnih organizacij, veljajo pa tudi za družinske člane, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu;
(e) enako obravnavanje glede denarnih in deviznih predpisov, kot ga imajo običajno uslužbenci mednarodnih organizacij;
(f) ob mednarodni krizi imajo skupaj z družinskimi člani, s katerimi živijo v skupnem gospodinjstvu, enake olajšave pri vrnitvi v domovino, kot jih imajo običajno uslužbenci mednarodnih organizacij;
(g) pravico, da ob nastopu dela za najmanj eno leto na ozemlju države članice brez dajatev uvozijo pohištvo in predmete za osebno rabo, in pravico, da jih ob prenehanju dela izvozijo brez dajatev, v obeh primerih pa pod pogoji, ki jih določijo vlade držav članic, v katerih se uveljavljata pravici, razen premoženja, pridobljenega v tej državi, ki ga je prepovedano izvoziti.
14. ČLEN
Strokovnjaki, ki niso uslužbenci, a delajo v centru ali zanj opravljajo naloge, imajo med opravljanjem svojih nalog in dela ter med potovanji, ki so povezana z njimi, vendar samo kadar je to potrebno zaradi opravljanja njihovih nalog ali dela, te privilegije, imunitete in ugodnosti:
(a) imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom v zvezi z dejanji, vključno z izrečenimi ali zapisanimi besedami, med opravljanjem nalog v njihovi pristojnosti in celo po opravljenih nalogah, vendar pa imuniteta ne velja za prometne prekrške, ki jih povzroči predstavnik države članice, niti za škodo, ki jo povzroči z vozilom, ki mu pripada ali ga vozi;
(b) nedotakljivost vseh uradnih listin in dokumentov, ki jih imajo;
(c) enake carinske olajšave za njihovo osebno prtljago in enaki privilegiji pri denarnih in deviznih predpisih kakor predstavniki tujih vlad pri opravljanju začasnih uradnih nalog.
15. ČLEN
1. Skladno s pogoji in pravili postopka, ki jih po drugem odstavku 6. člena konvencije v enem letu po začetku njene veljavnosti določi svet, morajo uslužbenci centra davek od plač in drugih prejemkov, ki jih prejemajo od njega, plačati centru. Od dneva obdavčitve so plače in drugi prejemki oproščeni davkov od dohodka v državah članicah, te pa obdržijo pravico, da jih upoštevajo pri odmeri davka na dohodek iz drugih virov.
2. Prvi odstavek tega člena ne velja za pokojnine in podobna plačila, ki jih izplačuje center.
16. ČLEN
Država članica ni zavezana, da svojim predstavnikom, državljanom ali osebam, ki imajo v njej stalno prebivališče, ob nastopu dela v centru zagotovi privilegije in imunitete iz 12. člena, točk b, e, f in g 13. člena ter točke c 14. člena.
17. ČLEN
Po postopku iz točke o tretjega odstavka 6. člena konvencije svet določi skupine uslužbencev, za katere v celoti ali deloma veljata 13. in 15. člen, ter skupine strokovnjakov, za katere velja 14. člen. Imena, nazivi in naslovi oseb, vključeni v te skupine, se redno sporočajo državam članicam.
18. ČLEN
Če ima center svoj sistem socialne varnosti ali se priključi sistemu druge mednarodne organizacije pod pogoji, določenimi s pravilnikom o uslužbencih, so center in njegovi uslužbenci v skladu z ustreznimi sporazumi, ki jih morajo skleniti z državami članicami po 22. členu, oproščeni vseh obveznih prispevkov državnim sistemom socialne varnosti.
19. ČLEN
1. Privilegiji, imunitete in ugodnosti, ki jih zagotavlja protokol, niso dani za osebno korist, ampak izključno za koristi centra in držav članic.
2. Pristojni organi nimajo le pravice, temveč tudi dolžnost, da imuniteto odrečejo, če ovira sodni postopek in če s tem ni ogrožen namen, zaradi katerega je bila imuniteta dana.
3. Pristojni iz drugega odstavka tega člena so:
– države članice za svoje predstavnike;
– svet za direktorja;
– direktor za uslužbence in strokovnjake iz 14. člena.
20. ČLEN
1. Center ves čas sodeluje s pristojnimi organi držav članic, da bi zagotovil pravilno delovanje sodnega sistema ter upoštevanje policijskih, javnozdravstvenih predpisov ter predpisov o delovni inšpekciji in podobnih predpisov ter preprečil vsako zlorabo privilegijev, imunitet in ugodnosti.
2. Postopki sodelovanja se lahko določijo z dopolnilnim sporazumom po 22. členu.
21. ČLEN
Protokol ne vpliva na pravice držav članic, da sprejmejo vse previdnostne ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo varnost.
22. ČLEN
Center lahko po soglasnem sklepu sveta s katero koli državo članico sklene dopolnilne sporazume za izvajanje tega protokola ali pa druge dogovore za nemoteno delovanje centra in varovanje njegovih koristi.
23. ČLEN
1. Center mora v vse pisne sporazume, ki jih sklene in se nanašajo na področja, na katerih ima imuniteto pred sodnimi postopki, razen tistih, sklenjenih v skladu s kadrovskim pravilnikom, vključiti arbitražno določbo, po kateri mora biti vsak spor zaradi razlage ali uporabe sporazuma na zahtevo katere koli stranke predložen razsodišču.
2. Na zahtevo oškodovanca mora center pred razsodiščem reševati vse spore v zvezi z izgubo ali škodo, ki jo povzroči osebam ali stvarem.
3. Z arbitražno določbo ali dogovorom se določi način imenovanja članov in tretjega razsodnika, veljavno pravo in država, v kateri bodo zasedali. Uporabi se arbitražni postopek te države.
4. Arbitražna odločba se izvrši na podlagi veljavnih predpisov države, v kateri se bo ta odločba izvršila.
24. ČLEN
1. Vsaka država članica lahko skladno s postopkom iz 17. člena konvencije razsodišču predloži spor:
– zaradi škode, ki jo je povzročil center,
– glede katere koli nepogodbene odgovornosti centra ali
– pri katerem je udeležen uslužbenec ali strokovnjak centra, ki lahko zahteva imuniteto pred sodnim postopkom po 13. in 14. členu, če mu imuniteta na podlagi 19. člena ni bila odvzeta.
2. Če namerava država članica predložiti razsodišču spor, mora o tem uradno obvestiti direktorja, ki s tem nemudoma seznani vse države članice.
3. Postopek iz prvega odstavka tega člena ne velja za spore med centrom in njegovimi uslužbenci glede njihovih delovnih razmer.
4. Zoper razsodbo, ki je dokončna in zavezujoča za vse stranke v sporu, ni pritožbe. Če pa nastane spor zaradi vsebine ali posledice razsodbe, mora razsodišče na zahtevo katere koli stranke v sporu to razložiti.
25. ČLEN
V tem protokolu:
(a) so »dejavnosti centra« tudi upravljanje in dejavnosti, ki jih opravlja center pri uresničevanju svojih ciljev iz 2. člena konvencije;
(b) je »uslužbenec« tudi direktor centra.
26. ČLEN
Ta protokol se razlaga glede na glavni namen, ki je omogočanje doslednega in učinkovitega uresničevanja ciljev centra in opravljanje nalog, določenih s konvencijo.
Za vlado
Kraljevine Belgije
Joseph van der Meulen l.r.
Za vlado Danske
Niels Ersboll l.r.
Za vlado
Zvezne republike Nemčije
Ulrich Lebsanft l.r.
Za vlado Španije
Alberto Ullastres Calvo l.r.
Za vlado
Francoske republike
Emile Cazimajou l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Grčije
Byron Theodoropoulos l.r.
Za vlado Irske
Brendan Dillon l.r.
Za vlado
Italijanske republike
Giorgio Bombassei
Frascani de Vettor l.r.
Za Zvezni izvršni svet
Socialistične federativne
republike Jugoslavije
Petar Miljević l.r.
Za vlado
Kraljevine Nizozemske
E. M. J. A. Sassen l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Portugalske
Fernando de Magalhaes Cruz l.r.
Za Švicarski zvezni svet
Paul Henri Wurth l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Finske
Pentti Talvitie l.r.
Za vlado Švedske
Erik von Sydow l.r.
Za vlado Združenega kraljestva
Velika Britanija in Severna Irska
Michael Palliser l.r.
Pooblaščenci visokih pogodbenic,
zbrani v Bruslju 11. oktobra 1973 zaradi podpisa Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi,
so sprejeli besedili:
– Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi;
– Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi.
V potrditev navedenega so podpisani pooblaščenci podpisali končni dokument.
Sestavljeno v Bruslju enajstega oktobra tisoč devetsto triinsedemdeset.
Za vlado
Kraljevine Belgije
Joseph van der Meulen l.r.
Za vlado Danske
Niels Ersboll l.r.
Za vlado
Zvezne republike Nemčije
Ulrich Lebsanft l.r.
Za vlado Španije
Alberto Ullastres Calvo l.r.
Za vlado
Francoske republike
Emile Cazimajou l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Grčije
Byron Theodoropoulos l.r.
Za vlado Irske
Brendan Dillon l.r.
Za vlado
Italijanske republike
Giorgio Bombassei
Frascani de Vettor l.r.
Za Zvezni izvršni svet
Socialistične federativne
republike Jugoslavije
Petar Miljević l.r.
Za vlado
Kraljevine Nizozemske
E. M. J. A. Sassen l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Portugalske
Fernando de Magalhaes Cruz l.r.
Za Švicarski zvezni svet
Paul Henri Wurth l.r.
Za vlado
Republike Finske
Pentti Talvitie l.r.
Za vlado Švedske
Erik von Sydow l.r.
Za vlado
Združenega kraljestva
Velika Britanija in Severna Irska
Michael Palliser l.r.
Svet Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (ECMWF, v nadaljnjem besedilu: center) v skladu s prvim odstavkom 18. člena konvencije ECMWF priporoča državam članicam, da sprejmejo spremembe h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi:
v francoski, italijanski, nemški in nizozemski različici se navajanje odstavkov/pododstavkov v celotni konvenciji nadomesti tako, da se navajajo le ustrezne številke/črke v oklepajih:
v nizozemski različici se beseda »Overeenkomst« v celotnem dokumentu nadomesti z besedo »Conventie«;
v nizozemski različici se besedi »Lid-Staat« in »Lid-Staten« v celotnem dokumentu nadomestita z besedama »Lidstaat« in »Lidstaten«;
v nizozemski različici se beseda »artikel« v celotnem dokumentu nadomesti z besedo »Artikel«;
v nizozemski različici se besedi »paragraaf« in »alinea« v celotnem dokumentu nadomestita z besedo »lid«, besedi »paragrafen« in »alineas« pa z »leden«;
v nizozemski različici se beseda »begrotingsjaar« v celotnem dokumentu nadomesti z besedo »boekjaar«.
Pred preambulo se dodajo besede »Države pogodbenice te konvencije so se dogovorile«:
Preambula se nadomesti s tem besedilom:
»OB PRIZNAVANJU, da so nevarni pojavi, ki nastanejo pod vplivom vremenskih razmer in lahko ogrozijo naše zdravje ali življenje ter imetje in gospodarstvo, vedno pogostejši;
OB PREPRIČANJU, da izboljšava srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi pripomore k zaščiti in varnosti prebivalstva;
OB PREPRIČANJU, da so znanstvene in tehnične raziskave, izvedene za ta namen, močna spodbuda za razvoj meteorologije v Evropi;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da bodo za doseganje teh ciljev potrebna sredstva, večja od tistih, ki jih običajno za to namenjajo posamezne države;
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je precejšnja izboljšava srednjeročnih napovedi vremena pomembna za evropsko gospodarstvo;
OB PONOVNI POTRDITVI, da je ustanovitev samostojnega evropskega centra z mednarodnim statusom ustrezen način za doseganje tega namena in teh ciljev;
OB PREPRIČANJU, da center lahko pripomore k razvoju strokovne podlage za spremljanje okoljskih pojavov;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da lahko tak center pomaga pri podiplomskem izobraževanju znanstvenikov;
OB ZAGOTOVITVI, da bo tak center s svojo dejavnostjo obogatil nekatere programe Svetovne meteorološke organizacije (SMO) in druge ustrezne službe;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU pomena, ki ga lahko ima ustanovitev takega centra za razvoj evropske industrije pri obdelavi podatkov;
OB IZRAŽENI VOLJI po razširitvi članstva na več držav«:
Odstavek: »DOGOVORILI, da ustanovijo... [skupaj s seznamom pooblaščenih predstavnikov]... v pravilni in predpisani obliki dogovorili« se črta.
Za preambulo se doda nova vrstica, ki se glasi: »dogovorile:«
V nizozemski različici se stavek »Overeenkomst hebben Bereikt Omtrent de Volgende Bepalingen:« nadomesti s »komen het volgende overeen:«
1. člen
1. členu se doda naslov: »Ustanovitev, svet, države članice, sedež, jeziki«.
V drugem odstavku 1. člena se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z besedama »generalni direktor«. V italijanski različici se besede »Comitato consultivo scientifico« nadomestijo s »Comitato Scientifico Consultivo« in besedi »Comitato finanziario« s »Comitato Finanze«. V nizozemski različici se besede »een Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité« nadomestijo z »een Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie«, besedi »Financieel Comité« pa s »Financiële Commissie«.
V petem odstavku 1. člena se doda del stavka »… če svet ne odloči drugače v skladu s točko g prvega odstavka 6. člena.«
Šesti odstavek 1. člena se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»6. Uradni jeziki centra so uradni jeziki držav članic.
Delovni jeziki so angleški, francoski in nemški.
Obseg uporabe za vsak posamezen uradni in delovni jezik določi svet skladno s točko l drugega odstavka 6. člena.«
2. člen
Doda se naslov: »Namen, cilji in dejavnosti«.
Doda se nov prvi odstavek:
»1. Glavni namen centra je razvoj zmogljivosti za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in zagotavljanje srednjeročnih vremenskih napovedi državam članicam.«
Na novo oštevilčeni drugi odstavek se začne z besedami »Cilji centra so«. Prvi odstavek postane drugi odstavek.
Točka a prvega odstavka se nadomesti s točko a drugega odstavka:
»a) redna skrb za razvoj in poganjanje globalnih modelov in sistemov za vključitev podatkov o dinamiki, termodinamiki in sestavi Zemljinega ozračja ter delov podnebnega sistema, ki vplivajo nanj, da se:
i) pripravijo napovedi z numeričnimi metodami;
ii) zagotovijo začetni pogoji za napovedi in
iii) omogoči spremljanje ustreznih delov podnebnega sistema Zemlje;«
Točka b prvega odstavka se črta.
Točka c prvega odstavka postane točka b drugega odstavka.
Točka d prvega odstavka se nadomesti s točko c drugega odstavka, ki se glasi:
»c) zbiranje in shranjevanje ustreznih podatkov;«.
Točka e prvega odstavka se nadomesti s točko d drugega odstavka, ki se glasi:
»d) omogočanje dostopa državam članicam do rezultatov iz točk a in b in podatkov iz točke c;«.
Točka f prvega odstavka se nadomesti s točko e drugega odstavka, ki se glasi:
»e) omogočanje dostopa državam članicam do sorazmernega dela računalniških zmogljivosti za njihova raziskovanja, pri čemer ima prednost numerično napovedovanje vremena, delež posamezne države članice pa določa svet«.
Točka g prvega odstavka se preštevilči v točko f drugega odstavka. V angleški različici se beseda »Organisation« nadomesti z besedo »Organization«. V nizozemski različici se besede »Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie« nadomestijo z »Wereld Metereorologische Organisatie«.
Točka h prvega odstavka se nadomesti s točko g drugega odstavka, ki se glasi:
»g) sodelovanje pri nadaljnjem izobraževanju znanstvenega osebja držav članic pri numeričnih vremenskih napovedih.«
Drugi odstavek se nadomesti s tretjim odstavkom, ki se glasi:
»3. Center vzpostavi in upravlja objekte in naprave, potrebne za uresničevanje namenov iz prvega odstavka in ciljev iz drugega odstavka.«
Tretji odstavek postane četrti odstavek.
Doda se nov peti odstavek:
»5. Center lahko na zahtevo tretjih opravlja dejavnosti, ki so skladne z nameni in cilji centra in jih odobri svet skladno s točko g drugega odstavka 6. člena. Stroške, povezane z opravljanjem zahtevanih dejavnosti, poravnajo tretji.«
Doda se nov šesti odstavek:
»6. Skladno s tretjim odstavkom 11. člena lahko center izvaja neobvezne programe.«
3. člen
Doda se naslov: »Sodelovanje z drugimi subjekti«.
V nizozemski različici se beseda v prvem odstavku »doeleinden« nadomesti z besedo »doelstellingen«.
Uvodni stavek drugega odstavka se spremeni tako, da se glasi: »Zato center lahko sklepa sporazume o sodelovanju«.
V točki a drugega odstavka se sklicevanje na točko e prvega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko e prvega odstavka 6. člena ali točko j tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
V točki b drugega odstavka se sklicevanje na točko k prvega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko j tretjega odstavka 6. člena. V nizozemski različici se beseda »organisaties« nadomesti z besedo »instanties«.
V drugem odstavku se doda nova točka c:
»c) z državnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi službami držav nečlanic pod pogoji iz točke e prvega odstavka 6. člena.«
4. člen
Doda se naslov: »Svet«.
V drugem odstavku se v angleški različici beseda »Organisation« nadomesti z besedo »Organization«. V nizozemski različici se besede »nationale weerkundige dienst« nadomestijo z »nationale meteorologische dienst«, besede »Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie« pa z »Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie«.
V petem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V šestem odstavku se v nizozemski različici besede »comités van raadgevende aard« nadomestijo z »adviescommissies«.
5. člen
Doda se naslov: »Glasovanje sveta«.
V drugem odstavku se sklicevanje na točko m tretjega odstavka 6. člena nadomesti s sklicevanjem na točko l tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
6. člen
Doda se naslov: »Večina pri glasovanju«.
V točki b prvega odstavka se besede »sprejemu novih članic« nadomestijo z besedama »pristopu držav«, beseda »sprejem« pa se nadomesti z besedo »pristop«.
Točka e prvega odstavka se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»e) pooblasti generalnega direktorja za pogajanja pri sklepanju sporazumov o sodelovanju z državami nečlanicami in njihovimi državnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi službami; svet lahko pooblasti generalnega direktorja za sklepanje takih sporazumov;«.
V prvem odstavku se doda nova točka g:
»g) odloča o premestitvi sedeža centra skladno s petim odstavkom 1. člena.«
V točki b drugega odstavka se beseda »odobri« nadomesti z besedo »potrdi«. Beseda »direktorja« se nadomesti z »generalnega direktorja«.
V drugem odstavku se doda nova točka c:
»c) sprejema program dejavnosti centra, za katerega veljajo določbe točke a prvega odstavka, skladno s prvim odstavkom 11. člena.«
Druge točke se na novo oštevilčijo.
V preštevilčeni točki d drugega odstavka se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V drugem odstavku se dodajo nove točke e, f, g in h, ki se glasijo:
»e) sprejema postopke za neobvezne programe skladno s tretjim odstavkom 11. člena;
f) sprejema posamezne neobvezne programe skladno s tretjim odstavkom 11. člena;
g) odobri dejavnosti, ki jih center opravlja na zahtevo tretjih, skladno s petim odstavkom 2. člena;
h) odloča o načinu pošiljanja izdelkov centra in drugih izsledkov njegovega dela«,
preostale točke pa se preštevilčijo.
V drugem odstavku se doda nova točka l, ki se glasi:
»l) določi obseg uporabe za vsak posamezen uradni in delovni jezik skladno s šestim odstavkom 1. člena.«;
V točki d tretjega odstavka se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V točki e tretjega odstavka se v nizozemski različici besedi »financiële commissarisen« nadomestita z »accountants«.
V točki f tretjega odstavka se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V točki g tretjega odstavka se v italijanski različici besede »Comitato consultivo scientifico« nadomestijo s »Comitato Scientifico Consultivo«. V nizozemski različici se besede »het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité« nadomestijo z »de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie«.
Točka i tretjega odstavka se črta, druge točke pa se preštevilčijo.
V preštevilčeni točki i tretjega odstavka se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«. V nizozemski različici se besede »verslag van de financiële commissarissen« nadomestijo z »accountantsrapport«.
Preštevilčena točka j tretjega odstavka se glasi:
»j) pooblašča generalnega direktorja za pogajanja o sklenitvi sporazumov o sodelovanju z državami članicami, njihovimi državnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi službami ter vladnimi ali nevladnimi mednarodnimi znanstvenimi in tehničnimi organizacijami, katerih dejavnost je povezana s cilji centra; pooblasti ga lahko tudi za sklepanje takih sporazumov;«.
V točki k tretjega odstavka se sklicevanje na prvi in drugi odstavek 15. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na drugi in tretji odstavek 15. člena.
V tretjem odstavku se doda nova točka o:
»o) sprejema dolgoročno strategijo centra skladno z drugim odstavkom 11. člena.«
7. člen
Doda se naslov: »Svetovalni znanstveni odbor«.
V prvem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«. V angleški različici se beseda »Organisation« nadomesti z »Organization«. V italijanski različici se besede »Comitato consultivo scientifico« nadomestijo s »Comitato Scientifico Consultivo«. V nizozemski različici se besede »het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité« nadomestijo z »de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie«, »het Comité« z »de Commissie«, besedi »Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie« pa z »Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie«.
V drugem odstavku se beseda »direktor« obakrat nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
8. člen
Doda se naslov: »Finančni odbor«.
V prvem odstavku se v italijanski različici besedi »Comitato finanziario« nadomestita s »Comitato Finanze«. V nizozemski različici se besede »het Financiële Comité« nadomestijo z »de Financiële Commissie« in besedi »het Comité« z »de Commissie«.
Točka b prvega odstavka se spremeni, tako da se glasi:
»b) predstavniki iz drugih držav članic, ki jih imenujejo za eno leto; vsaka od teh držav je lahko v odboru zastopana samo dvakrat zaporedoma. Število teh predstavnikov je ena petina števila predstavnikov drugih držav članic.«
9. člen
Doda se naslov: »Generalni direktor«.
V prvem odstavku se beseda »direktor« obakrat nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V drugem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V točki c drugega odstavka se dodajo besede »… in dolgoročno strategijo«. V italijanski različici se besede »Comitato consultivo scientifico« nadomestijo s »Comitato Scientifico Consultivo«. V nizozemski različici se besede »het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité« nadomestijo z »de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie«.
V točki g drugega odstavka se sklicevanje na točko k tretjega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko j tretjega odstavka 6. člena. V nizozemski različici se beseda »doeleinden« nadomesti z »doelstellingen«.
V tretjem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
10. člen
Doda se naslov: »Uslužbenci«.
V tretjem odstavku se v nizozemski različici beseda »organisaties« nadomesti z »instanties«.
V četrtem odstavku se v angleški različici beseda »Comptroller« nadomesti s »Controller«. V nizozemski različici se besedi »financiële controleur« nadomestita s »Controller«.
V šestem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V sedmem odstavku se beseda »direktor« obakrat nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
11. člen
Doda se naslov: »Program dejavnosti, dolgoročna strategija in neobvezni programi«.
Odstavki tega člena se združijo v prvi odstavek.
V prvem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«. Sklicevanje na točko i tretjega odstavka 6. člena se na dveh mestih spremeni v sklicevanje na točko c drugega odstavka 6. člena.
Dodata se drugi in tretji odstavek:
»2. Čas priprave dolgoročne strategije centra in obdobja, ki jih bo zajel, določi svet. Svet prouči strategijo najmanj vsakih pet (5) let. Dolgoročna strategija vsebuje pregled strateških ciljev centra in opredeli predvidene usmeritve delovanja centra za obdobje uresničevanja strategije.
Strategijo sprejme svet na podlagi predloga generalnega direktorja in skladno s točko o tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
3. Neobvezni program je program, ki pripomore k uresni­čevanju ciljev centra skladno s prvim in drugim odstavkom 2. člena in ga predlaga država članica ali skupina držav članic; pri njem sodelujejo vse države članice, razen tistih, ki so uradno izjavile, da ne bodo sodelovale:
a) postopek za neobvezne programe sprejema svet skladno s točko e drugega odstavka 6. člena;
b) posamezne neobvezne programe sprejema svet skladno s točko f drugega odstavka 6. člena.«
12. člen
Doda se naslov: »Proračun«.
V tretjem odstavku se beseda »sprejme« spremeni v »potrdi«.
V točki b četrtega odstavka se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
V petem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
13. člen
Doda se naslov: »Prispevki držav članic«.
V prvem odstavku se besede »bruto družbeni proizvod« nadomestijo z »bruto družbeni dohodek«.
V drugem odstavku se besede »bruto družbeni proizvod« nadomestijo z »bruto družbeni dohodek«.
14. člen
Doda se naslov: »Revizija«.
V nizozemski različici se besedi »financiële commissarisen« štirikrat nadomestita z »accountants«.
V drugem odstavku se v italijanski različici besedi »Comitato finanziario« nadomestita s »Comitato Finanze«. V nizozemski različici se besede »het Financiële Comité« nadomestijo z »de Financiële Commissie«.
V tretjem odstavku se beseda »direktor« nadomesti z »generalni direktor«.
15. člen
Doda se naslov: »Lastninske pravice in licence«.
Doda se nov prvi odstavek:
»1. Center je po vsem svetu izključni lastnik vseh svojih izdelkov in drugih rezultatov svojih dejavnosti.«
Preostali trije odstavki pa se preštevilčijo.
V novem tretjem odstavku se sklicevanje na prvi odstavek spremeni v sklicevanje na drugi odstavek.
V novem četrtem odstavku se sklicevanje na prvi odstavek spremeni v sklicevanje na drugi odstavek in sklicevanje na točko l tretjega odstavka 6. člena v sklicevanje na točko k tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
16. člen
Doda se naslov: »Privilegiji in imunitete ter odgovornost«.
17. člen
Doda se naslov: »Reševanje sporov«.
18. člen
Doda se naslov: »Spremembe konvencije«.
V prvem odstavku se beseda »direktor« obakrat nadomesti z »generalni direktor«, sklicevanje na točko n tretjega odstavka 6. člena pa se spremeni v sklicevanje na točko m tretjega odstavka 6. člena.
V drugem odstavku se besedi »Evropskih skupnosti« spremenita v »Evropske unije«.
19. člen
Doda se naslov: »Odpoved konvencije«.
V prvem odstavku se besedi »Evropskih skupnosti« spremenita v »Evropske unije«.
V drugem odstavku se beseda »odpovedjo« obakrat nadomesti z »začetkom veljavnosti odpovedi«.
V tretjem odstavku se sklicevanje na točko d drugega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko i drugega odstavka 6. člena.
20. člen
Doda se naslov: »Neizpolnjevanje obveznosti«.
21. člen
Doda se naslov: »Razpustitev centra«.
V prvem odstavku se sklicevanje na točko e drugega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko j drugega odstavka 6. člena.
V tretjem odstavku se sklicevanje na točko e drugega odstavka 6. člena spremeni v sklicevanje na točko j drugega odstavka 6. člena.
22. člen
Doda se naslov: »Začetek veljavnosti«.
23. člen
Doda se naslov: »Pristop držav«.
Odstavka se oštevilčita.
Prvi in drugi odstavek se spremenita tako, da se glasita:
»1. Po začetku veljavnosti konvencije lahko vsaka država, ki ni podpisnica, pristopi h konvenciji, če za to dobi soglasje sveta, ki odloča skladno s točko b prvega odstavka 6. člena. Država, ki želi pristopiti h konvenciji, o tem uradno obvesti generalnega direktorja, ki države članice seznani s prošnjo najmanj tri mesece pred predložitvijo svetu, da o njej odloča. Svet določi pogoje za pristop te države skladno s točko b prvega odstavka 6. člena.
2. Listine o pristopu se hranijo v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropske unije. V vsaki državi pristopnici začne konvencija veljati prvega dne drugega meseca po deponiranju listine o pristopu.«
24. člen
Doda se naslov: »Uradno obveščanje o podpisih in drugih zadevah«.
Sklicevanje na »Evropskih skupnosti« se spremeni v sklicevanje na »Evropske unije«.
Točka e se spremeni, tako da se glasi:
»e) sprejetju in začetku veljavnosti vsake spremembe;«
Zadnji odstavek se spremeni, tako da se glasi:
»Takoj ko konvencija in njene spremembe začnejo veljati, jih generalni sekretar Sveta Evropske unije skladno s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov registrira pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.«
25. člen
Doda se naslov: »Prvo proračunsko leto«.
V tretjem odstavku se v italijanski različici besede »Comitato consultivo scientifico« nadomestijo z »Comitato Scientifico Consultivo«. V nizozemski različici se besede »Wetenschappelijke Raadgevend Comité« nadomestijo z »Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie«.
26. člen
Doda se naslov: »Deponiranje konvencije«.
Ta člen se spremeni tako, da se glasi:
»Konvencija in vse njene spremembe so sestavljene v enem izvirniku v angleškem, francoskem, italijanskem, nemškem, nizozemskem, danskem, finskem, grškem, irskem, norveškem, portugalskem, španskem, švedskem in turškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna, in se deponirajo v arhivu generalnega sekretariata Sveta Evropske unije, ki pošlje overjeno kopijo vladam vseh držav podpisnic ali držav pristopnic.«
Protokol se spremeni tako, da se v celotnem besedilu beseda »direktor« zamenja z »generalni direktor«.
1. člen
Republika Slovenija pristopa h Konvenciji o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi (v nadaljevanju: Konvencija ECMWF), vključno z njenim Protokolom o privilegijih in imunitetah Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, v skladu s 23. in 24. členom Konvencije ECMWF.
2. člen
1. Z dnem začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo postanejo določbe Konvencije ECMWF in vsi pravilniki ECMWF skupaj z vsemi odločitvami, ki jih je Svet ECMWF sprejel od začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF 1. novembra 1975, zavezujoči za Republiko Slovenijo.
2. Z dnem začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo je v zvezi z odločitvami, odločbami, resolucijami ali drugimi akti, ki jih sprejme Svet ECMWF ali katero od podrejenih teles, pa tudi v zvezi s kakršnim koli sporazumom, ki ga sklene ECMWF, Republika Slovenija v enakem položaju kakor druge države članice. Republika Slovenija zato upošteva načela in politike, ki izhajajo iz navedenih aktov, ter po potrebi sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za zagotavljanje njihovega celovitega izvajanja.
3. Republika Slovenija hkrati s pristopom h Konvenciji ECMWF pristopa tudi k Protokolu o spremembah – Spremembam Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, ki ga je soglasno sprejel Svet ECMWF na 62. zasedanju 22. aprila 2005 in je začel veljati 6. junija 2010.
3. člen
1. V skladu s tretjim odstavkom 13. člena Konvencije ECMWF Republika Slovenija plača centru enkratni dodatni prispevek k njegovim preteklim naložbam. To plačilo se izvede v petih obrokih, razporejenih na pet zaporednih finančnih let, vsak obrok pa mora biti plačan pred iztekom finančnega leta, v katerem zapade v plačilo, začenši z letom, ko začne Konvencija ECMWF veljati za Republiko Slovenijo.
2. Republika Slovenija začne prispevati v letni proračun ECMWF kot država članica od dneva začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo. Prispevna stopnja Republike Slovenije v proračun ECMWF se izračuna v skladu s 13. členom Konvencije ECMWF.
4. člen
Republika Slovenija pridobi polno glasovalno pravico v Svetu ECMWF z dnem začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo.
5. člen
1. Z dnem začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo postane slovenski jezik, uradni jezik v Republiki Sloveniji, eden od uradnih jezikov ECMWF.
2. Pred začetkom veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo Republika Slovenija predloži ECMWF uradni slovenski prevod Konvencije ECMWF, vključno z njenim Protokolom o privilegijih in imunitetah Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, Protokola o spremembah – Sprememb Konvencije o ustanovitvi Evropskega centra za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi in Spremenjene Konvencije ECMWF.
6. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem začetka veljavnosti Konvencije ECMWF za Republiko Slovenijo ter nadomesti Sporazum o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropskim centrom za srednjeročne vremenske napovedi, podpisan 6. decembra 1996 in 16. januarja 1997. Neplačane obveznosti enkratnega dodatnega prispevka centru je treba poravnati.
2. V skladu z drugim odstavkom 23. člena Konvencije ECMWF začne Konvencija ECMWF Republiko Slovenijo veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po deponiranja njene listine o pristopu.
V potrditev navedenega sta podpisana, ki sta bila za to pravilno pooblaščena, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Ljubljani, 8. aprila 2011 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Roko Žarnić l.r.
Minister za okolje in prostor
Dominique Marbouty l.r.
generalni direktor
CONSIDERING the importance for the European economy of a considerable improvement in medium-range weather forecasts;
CONSIDERING that the scientific and technical research carried out for this purpose will provide a valuable stimulus to the development of meteorology in Europe;
CONSIDERING that the improvement of medium-range weather forecasts will contribute to the protection and safety of the population;
CONSIDERING that, to achieve these objectives, resources on a scale exceeding those normally practicable at national level are needed;
CONSIDERING that it appears from the report submitted by the Working Party responsible for preparing a project on the subject that the establishment of an autonomous European centre with international status is the appropriate means to attain these objectives;
CONSIDERING that such a centre could also assist in the post-university training of scientists;
CONSIDERING that the activities of such a centre will, moreover, make a necessary contribution to certain programmes of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), in particular the world system of the World Weather Watch (WWW) and the Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP), undertaken by the World Meteorological Organisation in conjunction with the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU);
CONSIDERING the importance that the establishment of such a centre can have for the development of European industry in the field of data processing,
HAVE DECIDED to establish a European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and to define the conditions under which it should operate and to this end have designated as their Plenipotentiaries
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of Belgium to the European Communities;
Mr. Niels ERSBOLL,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of Denmark to the European Communities;
Mr. Ulrich LEBSANFT,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Communities;
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Mission of Spain to the European Communities;
Deputy Permanent Representative of France to the European Communities;
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Delegate of Greece to the European Economic Community;
Mr. Brendan DILLON,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of Ireland to the European Communities;
Ambassador of Italy, Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Communities;
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Mission of Yugoslavia to the European Communities;
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the European Communities;
Mr. Fernando de MAGALHAES CRUZ,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Mission of Portugal to the European Communities;
Mr. Paul Henri WURTH,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Swiss Mission to the European Communities;
Mr. Pentti TALVITIE,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Mission of Finland to the European Communities;
Mr. Erik von SYDOW,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Head of the Mission of Sweden to the European Communities;
Sir Michael PALLISER,
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the European Communities;
WHO, having exchanged their Full Powers, found in good and due form,
1. A European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, hereinafter referred to as “the Centre”, is hereby established.
2. The organs of the Centre shall be the Council and the Director. The Council shall be assisted by a Scientific Advisory Committee and a Finance Committee. Each organ and committee shall carry out its functions within the limits and conditions laid down in this Convention.
3. The members of the Centre, hereinafter referred to as “Member States”, shall be the States parties to this Convention.
4. The Centre shall have legal personality in the territory of each Member State. It shall in particular have the capacity to contract, to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property and to be party to legal proceedings.
5. The headquarters of the Centre shall be at Shinfield Park near Reading (Berkshire), in the territory of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
6. The official languages of the Centre shall be Dutch, English, French, German and Italian.
Its working languages shall be English, French and German.
The Council shall determine the extent to which the official and working languages shall respectively be used.
1. The objectives of the Centre shall be:
(a) to develop dynamic models of the atmosphere with a view to preparing medium-range weather forecasts by means of numerical methods;
(b) to prepare, on a regular basis, the data necessary for the preparation of medium-range weather forecasts;
(c) to carry out scientific and technical research directed towards improving the quality of these forecasts;
(d) to collect and store appropriate meteorological data;
(e) to make available to the meteorological offices of the Member States, in the most appropriate form, the results of the studies and research provided for in (a) and (c) and the data referred to in (b) and (d);
(f) to make available to the meteorological offices of the Member States for their research, priority being given to the field of numerical weather forecasting, a sufficient proportion of its computing capacity, such proportion being determined by the Council;
(g) to assist in implementing programmes of the World Meteorological Organisation;
(h) to assist in advanced training for the scientific staff of the meteorological offices of the Member States in the field of numerical weather forecasting.
2. The Centre shall establish and operate the installations necessary for the achievement of the objectives defined in paragraph 1.
3. As a general rule, the Centre shall publish or otherwise make available under the conditions laid down by the Council, the scientific and technical results of its activities, inasmuch as these results are not covered by Article 15.
1. In order to obtain its objectives, the Centre shall co-operate to the largest extent possible, in accordance with international meteorological traditions, with the Governments and national agencies of the Member States, with States which are not members of the Centre and with governmental or non-governmental international scientific and technical organisations whose activities are related to its objectives.
2. Moreover, the Centre may conclude co-operation agreements:
(a) States, under the conditions laid down in Article 6(1)(e).
(b) with the national scientific and technical agencies of the Member States and with the international organisations referred to in paragraph 1, under the conditions laid down in Article 6(3)(k).
3. The co-operation agreements referred to in paragraph 2 may make part of the Centre's computing capacity available only to public agencies of the Member States.
1. The Council shall have the powers and shall adopt the measures necessary to implement this Convention.
2. The Council shall be composed of not more than two representatives from each Member State, one of whom should be a representative of his national meteorological service. These representatives may be assisted at Council meetings by advisers.
A representative of the World Meteorological Organisation shall be invited to take part in the work of the Council as an observer.
3. The Council shall elect from among its members a President and a Vice-President who shall be appointed for one year and who may not be re-elected more than twice in succession.
4. The Council shall meet at least once a year. It shall be convened at the request of the President or at the request of at least one third of the Member States. Meetings of the Council shall be held at the headquarters of the Centre unless the Council decides otherwise in exceptional cases.
5. The President and Vice-President may call on the assistance of the Director in the performance of their duties.
6. The Council may set up advisory committees and shall determine the composition and duties thereof.
1. The presence of the representatives of the majority of Member States entitled to vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum at meetings of the Council.
2. Each Member State shall have one vote in the Council. A Member State shall lose its right to vote in the Council if the amount of its unpaid contributions exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it, under Article 13, for the current financial year and for the preceding financial year. The Council, acting in accordance with Article 6(3)(m), may nevertheless authorise the Member State to vote.
3. Between meetings of the Council, the Council may dispose of any matter which is urgent by means of a postal vote. In such cases, the majority of the Member States entitled to vote shall constitute the quorum.
4. In determining unanimity and the various majorities provided for in this Convention, only votes cast for or against a decision and, in cases where the Council acts in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(2), the financial contributions of the Member States taking part in the vote, shall be taken into account.
1. The Council, acting unanimously, shall:
(a) fix the ceiling of expenditure for implementing the programme of the activities of the Centre over the five years following the entry into force of this Convention;
(b) decide on the admission of new members, in accordance with Article 23, and lay down the conditions for such admissions in accordance with Article 13(3);
(c) decide, in accordance with Article 20, on the withdrawal of membership from a State, that State not participating in the vote on this matter;
(d) decide on the dissolution of the Centre, in accordance with Article 21(1) and (2);
(e) authorise the Director to negotiate co-operation agreements with States; it may authorise him to conclude such agreements;
(f) conclude, with one or more of the Member States, in accordance with Article 22 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities provided for in Article 16, any additional agreements for the purpose of implementing that Protocol.
2. The Council, acting by a majority of two-thirds of the Member States, and provided that the sum of the contributions from these States represents at least two-thirds of the total contributions to the budget of the Centre, shall:
(a) adopt the Financial Regulations of the Centre;
(b) adopt, in accordance with Article 12(3), the annual budget and the table of the staff requirements of the Centre annexed thereto and, if necessary, supplementary or rectifying budgets, and approve the overall estimates of expenditure and revenue for the next three financial years; if the Council has not yet adopted the budget, it shall authorise the Director to incur expenditure and make payments, within a given month, exceeding the limit provided for in the first subparagraph of Article 12(5);
(c) acting on a proposal from the Director, take decisions concerning any immovable property and equipment whose acquisition or renting by the Centre involves considerable expenditure;
(d) decide on the measures to be taken in the event of denunciation of this Convention within the meaning of Article 19;
(e) decide that the Centre shall not be dissolved in the event of denunciation of this Convention within the meaning of Article 21(1), the denouncing Member States not taking part in the vote on this matter;
(f) determine, in accordance with Article 21(3), the conditions for winding up the Centre in the event of its dissolution.
3. The Council, acting by a majority of two-thirds:
(a) shall adopt its Rules of Procedure;
(b) shall adopt the Staff Regulations and the scale of the staff salaries of the Centre and shall determine the nature of the additional benefits the staff shall enjoy and the rules for granting them; it shall also determine the rights of officials regarding industrial property rights and copyright relating to work done by them in the course of their duties;
(c) shall approve the agreement to be concluded, in accordance with Article 16, between the Centre and the State in whose territory the headquarters of the Centre are located;
(d) shall appoint the Director of the Centre and his deputy for a period not exceeding five years, their appointments being renewable one or more times, for a period not exceeding five years each time;
(e) shall determine the number of auditors, the length of their appointment, the amount of their remuneration, and shall appoint them in accordance with Article 14(2);
(f) may terminate or suspend the appointment of the Director or his deputy, account being taken of the provisions of the Staff Regulations which are applicable to them;
(g) shall approve the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Advisory Committee in accordance with Article 7(4);
(h) shall adopt the scale of financial contributions of the Member States in accordance with Article 13(1) and (3) and shall decide to reduce temporarily the contribution of a Member State because of special circumstances in that State, in accordance with Article 13(2);
(i) shall adopt, subject to paragraph 1(a), the programme of the activities of the Centre, in accordance with Article 11;
(j) shall consider annually the accounts of the previous financial year, together with the balance sheet of the assets and liabilities of the Centre, after taking note of the auditors’ report, and shall give a discharge to the Director in respect of the implementation of the budget;
(k) shall authorise the Director to negotiate co-operation agreements with the national scientific and technical agencies of the Member States and with governmental or non-governmental international scientific and technical organisations whose activities are related to the objectives of the Centre; it may authorise him to conclude such agreements;
(l) shall determine the conditions under which licences granted to the Member States pursuant to Article 15(1) and (2) may be extended to applications other than weather forecasting;
(m) shall decide, in the case provided for in Article 5(2), that a Member State may retain the right to vote, the Member State in question not taking part in the vote on this matter;
(n) shall recommend to Member States, in accordance with Article 18, amendments to this Convention;
(o) shall determine, in accordance with Article 17 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities provided for in Article 16, the categories of staff members to which Articles 13 and 15 of that Protocol shall apply, in whole or in part, and the categories of experts to which Article 14 of that Protocol shall apply.
4. When a special majority is not specified, the Council shall act by a simple majority.
1. The Scientific Advisory Committee shall be composed of twelve members appointed in their personal capacity by the Council for a period of four years. The Committee shall be renewed by one quarter every year. Each member may be appointed for only two terms of office in succession.
A representative of the World Meteorological Organisation shall be invited to take part in the work of the Committee.
The members of the Committee shall be selected from among the scientists of the Member States and shall represent as broad a range as possible of the disciplines relating to the activities of the Centre. The Director shall submit a list of candidates to the Council.
2. The Committee shall draw up, for submission to the Council, opinions and recommendations on draft programme of the activities of the Centre drawn up by the Director and on any matter submitted to it by the Council. The Director shall keep the Committee informed concerning the implementation of the programme. The Committee shall give opinions on the results obtained.
3. The Committee may invite experts, in particular persons belonging to services using the Centre, to take part in its work when there are specific problems to be solved.
4. The Committee shall draw up its Rules of Procedure. These Rules of Procedure shall enter into force after approval by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6 (3)(g).
1. The Finance Committee shall be composed of:
(a) one representative of each of the four Member States paying the highest contributions;
(b) three representatives of the other Member States, appointed by them for a period of one year; each of these States may not be represented on the Committee more than twice in succession.
2. Under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulations, the Committee shall draw up, for submission to the Council, opinions and recommendations on all financial matters submitted to the Council and shall exercise the financial powers delegated to it by the Council.
1. The Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Centre. He shall represent the Centre in dealings with third parties. He shall be responsible to the Council for the execution of the tasks assigned to the Centre. He shall take part, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the Council.
The Council shall appoint the person who is to act as Director ad interim.
2. The Director shall:
(a) take all measures necessary for the proper functioning of the Centre;
(b) exercise the powers accorded to him under the Staff Regulations, subject to Article 10(4);
(c) submit to the Council the draft programme of the activities of the Centre, together with the opinions and recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Committee;
(d) prepare and implement the budget of the Centre in accordance with the Financial Regulations;
(e) keep a precise record of all the revenue and expenditure of the Centre in accordance with the Financial Regulations;
(f) submit annually for the approval of the Council, the accounts relating to the implementation of the budget and the balance sheet of assets and liabilities, drawn up in each case in accordance with the Financial Regulations, and the report on the activities of the Centre;
(g) conclude, in accordance with Article 6(1)(e) and Article 6(3)(k), the co-operation agreements necessary for attaining the objectives of the Centre.
3. In carrying out his tasks, the Director shall be assisted by the other staff of the Centre.
1. Subject to the second subparagraph, the staff of the Centre shall be subject to the Staff Regulations adopted by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6 (3)(b).
If the terms of employment of a staff member of the Centre do not fall under these Staff Regulations, they shall be subject to the law applicable in the State in which the person concerned carries out his duties.
2. The recruitment of staff shall be based on personal qualifications, account being taken of the international character of the Centre. No post may be reserved for nationals of a particular Member State.
3. The Centre may employ staff from national agencies of the Member States seconded to the Centre for a specified period.
4. The Council shall approve the appointment and dismissal of officials in the upper grades defined in the Staff Regulations, and of the Financial Comptroller and his deputy.
5. Disputes arising out of the implementation of the Staff Regulations or the execution of the contracts of employment of the staff shall be settled in accordance with the Staff Regulations.
6. Every person who works at the Centre shall be subject to the authority of the Director and shall conform with all the general rules approved by the Council.
7. Each Member State shall be required to respect the international character of the responsibilities of the Director and the other officials of the Centre. In the performance of their duties, the Director and the other officials shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any Government or authority outside the Centre.
The programme of activities of the Centre shall be adopted by the Council acting on a proposal from the Director in accordance with Article 6(3)(i).
The programme shall cover, in principle, a four-year period and shall be adapted and supplemented each year for an additional period of one year. It shall fix the ceiling of expenditure for the duration of the programme and shall contain, in addition, an estimate of the expenditure arising out of its implementation in respect of each year and each major category.
The ceiling of expenditure may only be amended in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(3)(i).
1. The budget of the Centre shall be drawn up for each financial year before the beginning of that year, under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulations.
The expenditure of the Centre shall be met from the financial contributions of the Member States and any other revenue of the Centre.
The revenue and expenditure shown in the budget shall be in balance. The budget shall be drawn up in the currency of the State in which the headquarters of the Centre are located.
2. All expenditure and revenue of the Centre shall be the subject of detailed estimates to be drawn up for each financial year and shall be shown in the budget.
Commitment appropriations relating to a period extending beyond the financial year may be authorised under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulations.
In addition, an overall estimate of expenditure and revenue in each major category for the next three financial years shall be drawn up.
3. The Council, acting in accordance with Article 6(2)(b), shall adopt the budget for each financial year and the table of the posts of the Centre annexed thereto and any supplementary or rectifying budgets and approve the overall estimate of expenditure and revenue for the next three financial years.
4. The adoption of the budget by the Council shall:
(a) oblige each Member State to make available to the Centre the financial contributions determined in the budget;
(b) authorise the Director to enter into commitments and make payments within the limits of the appropriations authorised for these purposes.
5. If the budget has not been adopted by the Council by the beginning of a financial year, the Director may, each month, enter into commitments and make payments in each chapter up to one twelfth of the appropriations in the budget of the preceding financial year, provided that he shall not have at his disposal appropriations in excess of one-twelfth of those provided for in the draft budget.
Member States shall pay each month, on a provisional basis and in accordance with the scale provided for in Article 13, the amounts necessary for the application of the first subparagraph.
6. The budget shall be implemented under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulations.
1. Each Member State shall pay an annual contribution to the Centre, in convertible currency, based on the scale which shall be adopted every three years by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(3)(h). This scale shall be based on the average gross national product of each Member State over the last three calendar years for which there are statistics.
2. The Council, acting in accordance with Article 6(3)(h), may decide to reduce temporarily the contribution of a Member State because of special circumstances in that State. Special circumstances shall in particular be considered to exist where a Member State has a per capita gross national product lower than an amount which shall be determined by the Council acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(3).
3. If, after the entry into force of this Convention, a State becomes a party to this Convention, the scale of contributions shall be modified by the Council according to the basis for calculation laid down in paragraph 1. The new scale shall take effect when the State concerned becomes a party to this Convention.
A State which becomes a party to this Convention after 31 December of the year during which it enters into force shall be required to pay, in addition to the contribution laid down in paragraph 1, a single additional contribution to the expenditure previously incurred by the Centre. The amount of this additional contribution shall be determined by the Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(1).
Unless the Council decides otherwise, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(1), any additional contribution paid pursuant to the second subparagraph shall be deducted from the contributions of the other Member States. This reduction shall be calculated on a pro rata basis according to the contributions actually paid by each Member State prior to the current financial year.
4. If, after the entry into force of this Convention, a State ceases to be a party to this Convention, the scale of contributions shall be modified by the Council according to the basis for calculation laid down in paragraph 1. The new scale shall take effect when the State concerned ceases to be a party to this Convention.
5. The methods of payment of the contributions shall be determined in the Financial Regulations.
1. The accounts of all revenue and expenditure shown in the budget and the balance sheet of the assets and liabilities of the Centre shall, under the conditions laid down in the Financial Regulations, be submitted for audit to auditors whose independence is beyond doubt. The purpose of the audit, which shall be based on records and if necessary performed on the spot, shall be to establish that all revenue has been received and all expenditure incurred in a lawful and regular manner and that the financial management of the Centre has been sound. The auditors shall submit a report on the annual accounts to the Council.
2. The Council, acting on a proposal from the Finance Committee in accordance with Article 6(3)(e), shall determine the number of auditors, the length of their appointment, the amount of their remuneration, and shall appoint them.
3. The Director shall give the auditors any information and assistance needed for the audit referred to in paragraph 1.
1. Each Member State shall be granted, free of charge, for its own requirements in the field of weather forecasting, a non-exclusive licence and any other non-exclusive right of use, in respect of industrial property rights, computer programs and technological information which result from work carried out pursuant to this Convention and which belong to the Centre.
2. Where the Centre does not possess the rights referred to in paragraph 1, it shall attempt to obtain the necessary rights, under the conditions determined by the Council.
3. The conditions under which the licences referred to in paragraph 1 may be extended to applications other than weather forecasting shall be the subject of a decision of the Council acting in accordance with Articles 6(3)(l).
The privileges and immunities which the Centre, the representatives of the Member States, the staff and the experts of the Centre enjoy in the territories of the Member States shall be determined in a protocol which shall be annexed to this Convention and which shall form an integral part thereof, and in an agreement to be concluded between the Centre and the State in whose territory the headquarters of the Centre are located. This agreement shall be approved by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(3)(c).
1. Any dispute between Member States or between one or more Member States and the Centre concerning the interpretation of application of this Convention, including the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities provided for in Article 16 or relating to one of the cases provided for in Article 24 of that Protocol, which can not be settled by the good offices of the Council shall, on a request made by one party to the dispute to the other, be referred to an arbitration tribunal, set up in accordance with the first subparagraph of paragraph 2, unless the parties to the dispute agree within three months on another form of settlement.
2. Each party to the dispute, whether constituted by one or more Member States, shall appoint one member of the arbitration tribunal within two months from the date on which the request referred to in paragraph 1 is received. These members shall, within two months of the appointment of the second member, appoint a third member who shall be the chairman of the tribunal, and who shall not be a national of a State which is a party to the dispute. If the appointment of any of the three members of the tribunal has not been made within the prescribed period, it shall be made by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of one of the parties.
The arbitration tribunal shall take decisions by a majority. Its decisions shall bind the parties to the dispute. Each party shall bear the costs of the member of the tribunal appointed by it and those relating to its representation at proceedings before the tribunal. Each party to the dispute shall bear an equal share of the costs relating to the chairman of the tribunal and any other expenses, unless the tribunal decides otherwise. The tribunal shall determine its other rules of procedure.
1. Each Member State may transmit proposals for amending this Convention to the Director. The Director shall submit such proposals to the other Member States at least three months before they are to be examined by the Council. The Council shall examine the proposals and may, acting in accordance with Article 6(3)(n), recommend the Member States to accept the proposed amendments.
2. Amendments recommended by the Council may only be accepted by the Member States in writing. They shall enter into force thirty days after receipt by the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities of the last written notification of acceptance.
1. Any Member State may denounce this Convention after it has been in force for five years by giving notice to the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities. Denunciation shall take effect at the end of the second financial year following the year during which notice is given.
2. A Member State which has denounced this Convention shall remain bound to contribute towards financing all commitments entered into by the Centre before such denunciation and to respect the obligations which it contracted itself as a Member State vis-à-vis the Centre before the denunciation.
3. A Member State which has denounced this Convention shall lose its rights to the assets of the Centre and must indemnify the Centre, under the conditions laid down by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(2)(d), for any loss for the Centre of property in the territory of such a State, unless a special agreement is concluded guaranteeing the Centre the use of such property.
Any Member State which does not fulfil its obligations under this Convention may be deprived of its membership by a decision of the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(1)(c). In such an event Article 19(2) and (3) shall be applicable mutatis mutandis.
1. Unless the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(2)(e) decides otherwise, the Centre shall be dissolved if denunciation of this Convention by one or more Member State results in the levels of contributions of the other Member States being increased by one-fifth over their initial levels.
2. In addition to the case referred to in paragraph 1, the Centre may be dissolved at any time by the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(1)(d).
3. In the event of dissolution of the Centre, the Council shall appoint a liquidator.
Unless the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(2)(e) decides otherwise, any surplus shall be distributed among the Member States at the time of dissolution on a pro rata basis according to the contributions actually paid by them during the time in which they have been parties to this Convention.
Any deficit shall be met by the Member States on a pro rata basis according to their contributions fixed for the current financial year.
1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the European States mentioned in the Annex until 11 April 1974 at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities.
It shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities.
2. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of its ratification, acceptance or approval by no less than two-thirds of the signatory States, including the State in whose territory the headquarters of the Centre are located, provided that the total contributions by these States amounts to a least 80 per cent of the total contributions in accordance with the scale contained in the Annex.
For any other signatory State, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
After the entry into force of this Convention, any State which is not a Signatory and is mentioned in the Annex may accede to this Convention, subject to the consent of the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(1)(b). Instruments of accession shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities.
For each acceding State, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the deposit of its instrument of accession.
The Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall notify the signatory and acceding States of:
(a) any signature to this Convention;
(b) the deposit of all instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
(c) the entry into force of this Convention;
(d) any written notification of acceptance of an amendment to this Convention;
(e) the entry into force of any amendment;
(f) any denunciation of this Convention or loss of membership of the Centre.
As soon as this Convention enters into force, the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Communities shall register it with the General Secretariat of the United Nations, in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.
1. The first financial year shall run from the entry into force of this Convention until 31 December following. In the event of this period beginning during the second half of a calendar year, it shall run until 31 December of the following year.
2. States which have signed this Convention but have not ratified, accepted or approved it may be represented at meetings of the Council and take part in its work without the right to vote for a period of twelve months after the entry into force of this Convention. This period may be extended for a further period of six months by the Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(3).
3. At its first meeting the Scientific Advisory Committee shall determine, by drawing lots, the nine members of the Committee whose terms of office shall expire, in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 7(1), at the end of the first, second and third years of operation of the Committee.
This Convention, drawn up in a single original in the Dutch, English, French, German and Italian languages, all five texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities, which shall transmit a certified copy to the Government of each signatory or acceding State.
The states parties to the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, signed at Brussels on 11 October 1973,
WISHING to define the privileges and immunities necessary for the proper functioning of this Centre,
1. Subject to the provisions of this Protocol, the premises of the Centre shall be inviolable.
2. The authorities of the State in which the headquarters of the Centre are located may not enter the premises of the Centre except with the consent of the Director or person nominated by him. In case of fire or other disaster requiring prompt preventive action, the consent of the Director may be assumed.
3. The Centre shall prevent its premises from becoming a refuge for persons seeking to avoid arrest or service of legal papers.
The archives of the Centre shall be inviolable.
1. Within the scope of its official activities, the Centre shall have immunity from jurisdiction and execution except:
(a) to the extent that, by decision of the Council, the Centre waives it in a particular case. However, the Centre shall be deemed to have waived this immunity if, upon receiving a request to waive immunity submitted by the national authority before which the case is brought or by the opposing party, it has not given notice, within fifteen days after receipt of the request, that it does not waive such immunity;
(b) in respect of a civil action by a third party for damage arising from an accident caused by a vehicle belonging to or operated on behalf of the Centre or in respect of a traffic offence;
(c) in respect of an enforcement of an arbitration award made either under Article 23 of this Protocol or Article 17 of the Convention establishing the Centre, hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”;
(d) in the event of the attachment, pursuant to a decision by the administrative or judicial authorities, of the salaries, wages and emoluments owed by the Centre to a member of its staff.
2. In any dispute involving a staff member or an expert of the Centre for whom immunity from jurisdiction is claimed under Article 13 or Article 14, the responsibility of the Centre shall be substituted for that of the staff member or expert concerned.
3. Subject to paragraph 1, the Centre's property and assets wherever situated shall be immune from any form of administrative or provisional judicial constraint such as requisition, confiscation, expropriation or attachment, except in so far as may be temporarily necessary in connection with the prevention of and investigation into accidents involving vehicles belonging to or operated on behalf of the Centre.
1. Within the scope of its official activities, the Centre and its property and income shall be exempt from all direct taxes.
2. When the Centre makes purchases of substantial value or uses services of substantial value which are strictly necessary for the exercise of its official activities and when the price of such purchases or services includes duties or taxes, the Member State which has levied the duties and taxes shall take appropriate measures to remit or reimburse the amount of the identifiable duties and taxes.
3. No exemption shall be accorded in respect of duties and taxes which are no more than payments for public utility services.
Goods imported or exported by the Centre and strictly necessary for the exercise of its official activities shall be exempt from all customs duties, taxes and all customs charges except those charges which are no more than payments for services. Such goods shall also be exempt from all prohibitions and restrictions on import and export. The Member States shall take all appropriate steps within their respective powers to effect customs clearance with the minimum of delay for such goods.
No exemption shall be accorded under Article 4 or Article 5 in respect of goods purchased and imported for the personal needs of the staff members of the Centre or of experts within the meaning of Article 14.
Goods acquired under Article 4 or imported under Article 5 may not be sold, given away or hired out except in accordance with the conditions laid down by the regulations of the State which has granted the exemptions.
1. The Centre may receive and hold any kind of funds or currency. It may dispose of them freely for the exercise of its official activities and may hold accounts in any currency to the extent required to meet its obligations.
2. Within the scope of its official activities and without prejudice to paragraph 1, the Centre may also receive, hold and dispose of securities, subject to any provisions concerning exchange regulations which are applicable to other inter-governmental organisations in the Member State concerned.
The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Centre within the scope of its official activities shall not be restricted in any way.
1. With regard to the transmission of data within the scope of its official activities, the Centre shall enjoy in the territory of each Member State, treatment as favourable as that accorded by that State to its national meteorological service, taking into account the international obligations of that State in respect of telecommunications.
2. With regard to its official communications and the transfer of all its documents, the Centre shall enjoy treatment as favourable as that accorded by each Member State to other international organisations, taking into account the international obligations of that State in respect of telecommunications.
3. No censorship shall be applied to official communications of the Centre by whatever means of communication.
Member States shall take all appropriate measures to facilitate the entry, stay and departure of representatives of Member States, staff members of the Centre and experts within the meaning of Article 14.
Representatives of Member States taking part in the work of the organs and committees of the Centre shall enjoy, while performing their duties and in the course of their journeys to and from the place of meeting, the following privileges, immunities and facilities:
(a) immunity from arrest and detention and from seizure of their personal luggage, except when found committing, attempting to commit, or just having committed an offence;
(b) immunity from jurisdiction, even after the termination of their mission, in respect of acts, including words spoken or written, performed by them in their official capacity and within the limits of their authority; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a traffic offence committed by a representative of a Member State nor in the case of damage caused by a vehicle belonging to or driven by such a person;
(c) inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
(d) exemption from all measures restricting aliens’ entry and from aliens’ registration formalities;
(e) the same customs facilities as regards their personal luggage and the same privileges in respect of currency and exchange regulations as are accorded to the representatives of foreign Governments on temporary official missions.
The staff members of the Centre shall enjoy, within the limits provided for in this Protocol, the following privileges, immunities and facilities:
(a) immunity from jurisdiction, even after they have left the service of the Centre, in respect of acts, including words spoken or written, performed by them in their official capacity and within the limits of their authority; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a traffic offence committed by a staff member, nor in the case of damage caused by a vehicle belonging to or driven by such a person;
(b) exemption from all obligations in respect of military service;
(c) inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
(d) together with members of their families forming part of their households, the same exceptions regarding measures restricting immigration and governing aliens' registration as are normally accorded to staff members of international organisations;
(e) the same privileges in respect of monetary and exchange regulations as are normally accorded to staff members of international organisations;
(f) together with members of their families forming part of their households, the same facilities as regards repatriation in time of international crisis as are normally accorded to staff members of international organisations;
(g) the right to import free of duty furniture and personal effects at the time of taking up a post for a period of at least one year in the State concerned and the right on the termination of their functions in the said State to export free of duty furniture and personal effects, subject in both cases to the conditions considered necessary by the Government of the State in whose territory the right is exercised and with the exception of property acquired in that State and subject to an export prohibition therein.
Experts who are not staff members and who perform duties at the Centre or who carry out missions on its behalf, shall enjoy, while performing their duties or while on missions and during journeys made in the course of such duties or missions, the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent that they are necessary for the performance of their duties or for the accomplishment of their missions.
(a) immunity from jurisdiction, even after they have left the service of the Centre, in respect of acts, including words spoken and written, performed by them in their capacity as experts and within the limits of their authority; this immunity shall not apply in the case of a traffic offence committed by an expert nor in the case of damage caused by a vehicle belonging to or driven by such a person;
(b) inviolability for all their official papers and documents;
(c) the same customs facilities as regards their personal luggage and the same privileges in respect of currency and exchange regulations as are accorded to persons sent by foreign Governments on temporary official missions.
1. Subject to the conditions and following the procedure laid down by the Council acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(2) of the Convention within a period of one year after the Convention’s entry into force, the staff members of the Centre shall, within the limits provided for in this Protocol, be subject to a tax for the benefit of the Centre on salaries, wages and emoluments paid by the Centre. From the date on which this tax is applied such salaries, wages and emoluments shall be exempt from national income tax, the Member States retaining the right to take such salaries, wages and emoluments into account when assessing the amount of taxation to be applied to income from other sources.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to pensions and similar payments paid by the Centre.
No Member State shall be obliged to accord the privileges, immunities and facilities referred to in Article 12, Article 13(b), (e), (f), and (g) and Article 14(c) to its representatives, its nationals or persons who, at the time of taking up their duties at the Centre, are permanent residents of that State.
The Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 6(3)(o) of the Convention, shall determine the categories of staff members to which Articles 13 and 15 shall apply in whole or in part and the categories of experts to which Article 14 shall apply. The names, titles and addresses of persons included in such categories shall be communicated periodically to the Member States.
If the Centre establishes its own social security scheme or joins that of another international organisation under the conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations, the Centre and its staff members shall be exempt from all compulsory contributions to national social security schemes, subject to agreements to be concluded to that end with the Member States concerned under the conditions laid down in Article 22.
1. The privileges, immunities and facilities provided for in this Protocol are granted solely in the interests of the Centre and of the Member States, and not for the personal advantage of those enjoying them.
2. The competent authorities have not only the right but also the duty to waive an immunity where such immunity is impeding the course of justice and where it can be waived without prejudicing the purposes for which it was accorded.
3. The competent authorities referred to in paragraph 2 are:
– the Member States, in the case of their representatives,
– the Council, in case of the Director,
– the Director, in the case of the other staff members and experts within the meaning of Article 14.
1. The Centre shall co-operate at all times with the competent authorities of the Member States in order to facilitate the proper administration of justice, to ensure the observance of police regulations and regulations concerning public health and labour inspection and similar legislation, and to prevent any abuse of the privileges, immunities and facilities provided for in this Protocol.
2. The co-operation procedures may be defined in the supplementary agreements provided for in Article 22.
The provisions of this Protocol shall not prejudice the right of each Member State to take all precautionary measures necessary in the interests of its security.
The Centre may, on decision by the Council acting unanimously, conclude supplementary agreements with any Member State to implement this Protocol and may make any other arrangements to ensure the smooth running of the Centre and the safeguarding of its interests.
1. The Centre shall be obliged in all written contracts-other than those concluded in accordance with the Staff Regulations into which it enters and relating to matters in which it enjoys immunity from jurisdiction, to include an arbitration clause whereby any dispute arising out of the interpretation or execution of the contract shall, at the request of either party, be submitted to arbitration.
2. The Centre shall be obliged to submit to arbitration, at the request of the injured party, by means of a compromise any other dispute arising out of loss or damage caused by the Centre to persons or property.
3. The arbitration clause or the compromise shall specify the method of appointing the arbitrators and the third arbitrator, the law applicable and the country where the arbitrators shall sit. The procedure of the arbitration shall be that of that country.
4. The enforcement of the arbitration award shall be governed by the rules in force in the State in which the award is to be enforced.
1. Any Member State may submit to the arbitration tribunal provided for in Article 17 of the Convention any dispute:
– arising out of damage caused by the Centre;
– involving any other non-contractual liability of the Centre; or
– involving a staff member or an expert of the Centre and in which the person concerned can claim immunity from jurisdiction under Article 13 or Article 14, if this immunity is not waived in accordance with Article 19.
2. If a Member State intends to submit a dispute to arbitration it shall notify the Director who shall forthwith inform each Member State of such notification.
3. The procedure laid down in paragraph 1 shall not apply to disputes between the Centre and staff members in respect of their conditions of service.
4. No appeal shall lie against the award of the arbitration tribunal, which shall be final; it shall be binding on the parties. In case of dispute concerning the import or scope of the award, it shall be incumbent upon the arbitration tribunal to interpret it at the request of either party.
For the purposes of this Protocol:
(a) “official activities of the Centre” shall include its administration and its activities carried out in pursuance of its objectives as defined in Article 2 of the Convention;
(b) “staff members” shall include the Director of the Centre.
This Protocol shall be interpreted in the light of its primary objective of enabling the Centre fully and efficiently to fulfil its objectives and carry out the functions assigned to it by the Convention.
Pour le Gouvernement
du Royaume de Belgique
Voor de Regering
van het Koninkrijk België
Joseph van der Meulen (s)
For the Government of Denmark
Niels Ersboll (s)
Für die Regierung
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Ulrich Lebsanft (s)
Pour le Gouvernement de l’Espagne
Alberto Ullastres Calvo (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique francaise
Emile Cazimajou (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique de Grece
Byron Theodoropoulos (s)
For the Government of Ireland
Brendan Dillon (s)
Per il Governo della
Repubblica italiana
Giorgio Bombassei
Frascani de Vettor (s)
For the Federal Executive Council
of the Socialist Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia
Petar Miljević (s)
Voor de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
E. M. J. A. Sassen (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique du Portugal
Fernando de Magalhaes Cruz (s)
Für den Schweizerischen Bundesrat
Pour le Conseil Federal Suisse
Per il Consiglio Federele Svizzero
Paul Henri Wurth (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of Finland
Pentti Talvitie (s)
For the Government of Sweden
Erik von Sydow (s)
For the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
Michael Palliser (s)
The Plenipotentiaries of the High Contracting Parties
assembled at Brussels on 11 October 1973 for the signature of the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,
have adopted the following texts:
– Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts;
– Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.
ZU URKUND DESSEN haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmächtigten ihre Unterschriften unter diese Schlussakte gesetzt.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Final Act.
EN FOI DE QUOI, les plenipotentiaries soussignes ont appose leurs signatures au bas du present acte final.
IN FEDE DI CHE, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto la loro firma in calce al presente Atto finale.
TEN BLIJKE WAARVAN de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder deze Slotakte hebben gesteld.
Geschehen zu Brüssel am elften Oktober neunzehnhundertdreiundsiebzig.
Done at Brussels on this eleventh day of October in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-three.
Fait a Bruxelles, le onze octobre mil neuf cent soixante-treize.
Fatto a Bruxelles, addi’ undici ottobre millenovecentosettantatre.
Gedaan te Brussel, elf oktober negentienhonderd drieënzeventig.
Pour le Gouvernement
du Royaume de Belgique
Voor de Regering
van het Koninkrijk België
Joseph van der Meulen (s)
For the Government of Denmark
Niels Ersboll (s)
Für die Regierung
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Ulrich Lebsanft (s)
Pour le Gouvernement de l’Espagne
Alberto Ullastres Calvo (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique francaise
Emile Cazimajou (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique de Grece
Byron Theodoropoulos (s)
For the Government of Ireland
Brendan Dillon (s)
Per il Governo della
Repubblica italiana
Giorgio Bombassei
Frascani de Vettor (s)
For the Federal Executive Council
of the Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia
Petar Miljević (s)
Voor de Regering van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
E. M. J. A. Sassen (s)
Pour le Gouvernement
de la Republique du Portugal
Fernando de Magalhaes Cruz (s)
Für den Schweizerischen Bundesrat
Pour le Conseil Federal Suisse
Per il Consiglio Federele Svizzero
Paul Henri Wurth (s)
For the Government
of the Republic of Finland
Pentti Talvitie (s)
For the Government of Sweden
Erik von Sydow (s)
For the Government
of the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Michael Palliser (s)
The Council of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, the Centre) in accordance with Article 18(1) of the ECMWF Convention recommends the Member States to accept the following amendments to the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts:
In the Dutch, French, German, and Italian versions the mention of paragraphs/sub-paragraphs has been replaced in the entire Convention by citing the respective numbers/letters in brackets only.
In the Dutch version, the word ‘Overeenkomst’ has been replaced by ‘Conventie’ throughout the document.
In the Dutch version, the words ‘Lid-Staat’ and ‘Lid-Staten’ have been replaced by ‘Lidstaat’ and ‘Lidstaten’ throughout the document.
In the Dutch version, the word ‘artikel’ has been replaced by ‘Artikel’ throughout the document.
In the Dutch version, the words ‘paragraaf’ and ‘alinea’ have been replaced by ‘lid’ throughout the document and the words ‘paragrafen’ and’alinea’s’ by ‘leden’.
In the Dutch version, the word ‘begrotingsjaar’ has been replaced by ‘boekjaar’ throughout the document.
The phrase “The States Parties to this Convention” is added before the Considerata.
The Considerata are replaced by the following:
“ACKNOWLEDGING that weather-related threats to life and health, and to economy and property, are increasingly important;
CONVINCED that the improvement of medium-range weather forecasts contributes to the protection and safety of the population;
CONVINCED FURTHER that the scientific and technical research carried out for this purpose provides a valuable stimulus to the development of meteorology in Europe;
CONSIDERING that, to achieve this purpose and these objectives, resources on a scale exceeding those normally practicable at national level are needed;
NOTING the importance for the European economy of a considerable improvement in medium-range weather forecasts;
REAFFIRMING that the establishment of an autonomous European centre with international status is the appropriate means to attain this purpose and these objectives;
CONVINCED that the Centre can make valuable contributions to developing the scientific basis for environmental monitoring;
NOTING that such a centre can also assist in the post-university training of scientists;
ASSURING that the activities of such a centre will, moreover, make a necessary contribution to certain programmes of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and to other relevant agencies;
CONSIDERING the importance that the establishment of such a centre can have for the development of European industry in the field of data processing;
REALIZING the will to widen the membership of the Centre to more States;”.
The paragraph: “HAVE DECIDED to establish... [together with the list of plenipotentiaries]... found in good and true form” is removed.
In the Dutch version, the sentence ‘‘Overeenkomst hebben Bereikt Omtrent de Volgende Bepalingen:’ has been replaced by ‘komen het volgende overeen:’
Article 1
Article 1 is given a title: “Establishment, Council, Member States, Headquarters, Languages”.
Article 1(2): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”. In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato consultivo scientifico” is replaced by “Comitato Scientifico Consultivo” and the expression “Comitato finanziario” by “Comitato Finanze”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘een Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité’ has been replaced by ‘een Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie’ and the expression ‘Financieel Comité’ by‘Financiële Commissie’.
Article 1(5) is given an additional phrase “… unless otherwise decided by the Council in accordance with Article 6(1)(g).”
Article 1(6) is amended to read:
“6. The official languages of the Centre shall be the official languages of the Member States.
Its working languages shall be English, French and German.
The Council shall determine the extent to which the official and working languages shall respectively be used in accordance with Article 6(2)(l).”
Article 2
Article 2 is given a title: “The purposes, objectives and activities”.
A new Article 2(1) is inserted:
“1. The primary purposes of the Centre are the development of a capability for medium-range weather forecasting and the provision of medium-range weather forecasts to the Member States”.
The re-numbered Article 2(2) is introduced by the sentence “The objectives of the Centre shall be”.
Article 2(1)(a) is replaced by 2(2)(a):
“a) to develop, and operate on a regular basis, global models and data-assimilation systems for the dynamics, thermodynamics and composition of the Earth's fluid envelope and interacting parts of the Earth-system, with a view to:
i) preparing forecasts by means of numerical methods;
ii) providing initial conditions for the forecasts; and
iii) contributing to monitoring the relevant parts of the Earth-system;”
Article 2(1)(b) is deleted.
Article 2(1)(c) is re-numbered 2(2)(b).
Article 2(1)(d) is replaced by 2(2)(c):
“c) to collect and store appropriate data;”.
Article 2(1)(e) is replaced by 2(2)(d):
“d) to make available to the Member States, in the most appropriate form, the results provided for in (a) and (b) and the data referred to in (c);”.
Article 2(1)(f) is replaced by 2(2)(e):
“e) to make available to the Member States for their research, priority being given to the field of numerical weather forecasting, a sufficient proportion of its computing capacity, such proportion being determined by the Council;”.
Article 2(1)(g) is re-numbered 2(2)(f). In the English version, the word “Organisation” is replaced by the word “Organization”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie’ is replaced by ‘Wereld Metereorologische Organisatie’.
Article 2(1)(h) is replaced by Article 2(2)(g):
“g) to assist in advanced training for the scientific staff of the Member States in the field of numerical weather forecasting.”
Article 2(2) is replaced by Article 2(3):
“3. The Centre shall establish and operate the installations necessary for the achievement of the purposes defined in paragraph 1 and the objectives defined in paragraph 2.”
Article 2(3) is re-numbered 2(4).
A new Article 2(5) is inserted:
“5. The Centre may carry out activities requested by third parties that are in line with the purposes and objectives of the Centre and that are approved by the Council in accordance with Article 6(2)(g). The cost of such activities shall be borne by the third party concerned.”
A new Article 2(6) is inserted:
“6. The Centre may carry out Optional Programmes in accordance with Article 11(3).”
Article 3
Article 3 is given a title: “Co-operation with other entities”.
Article 3(1): In the Dutch version, the word ‘doeleinden’ is replaced by ‘doelstellingen’.
Article 3(2): The introductory phrase is amended to read “The Centre may conclude co-operation agreements to that end”.
Article 3(2)(a): The reference to Article 6(1)(e) is amended to “Article 6(1)(e) or 6(3)(j)”.
Article 3(2)(b): The reference to Article 6(3)(k) is amended to Article 6(3)(j). In the Dutch version, the word ‘organisaties’ is replaced by ‘instanties’
A new Article 3(2)(c) is added:
“c) with national scientific and technical agencies of non-Member States under the conditions laid down in Article 6(1)(e).”
Article 4
Article 4 is given a title: “The Council”.
Article 4(2): In the English version, the word “Organisation” is replaced by the word “Organization”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘nationale weerkundige dienst’ is replaced by ‘nationale meteorologische dienst’ and the expression ‘Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie’ by ‘Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie’.
Article 4(5): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 4(6): In the Dutch version, the expression ‘comités van raadgevende aard’ is replaced by ‘adviescommissies’.
Article 5
Article 5 is given a title: “Voting at Council”.
Article 5(2): The reference to Article 6(3)(m) is replaced by Article 6(3)(l).
Article 6
Article 6 is given a title “Voting majorities”.
Article 6(1)(b): The phrase “admission of new Members” is replaced by “accession of States”, and the word “admissions” is replaced by the word “accessions”.
Article 6(1)(e) is amended to read:
“e) authorise the Director-General to negotiate co-operation agreements with non-Member States and with their national scientific and technical agencies; it may authorise the Director-General to conclude such agreements;”.
A new Article 6(1)(g) is inserted:
“g) decide on any transfer of the ECMWF headquarters, in accordance with Article 1(5).”
Article 6(2)(b): The word “approve” is replaced by “endorse”. The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
A new Article 6(2)(c) is inserted:
“c) adopt, subject to paragraph 1(a), the programme of the activities of the Centre, in accordance with Article 11(1)”.
Remaining sub-articles are re-numbered.
Re-numbered Article 6(2)(d): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
New Articles 6(2)(e), (f), (g) and (h) are inserted:
“e) adopt the Procedure for Optional Programmes in accordance with Article 11(3);
f) adopt individual Optional Programmes in accordance with Article 11(3);
g) approve activities requested by third parties in accordance with Article 2(5);
h) decide on the distribution policy for the Centre’s products and other results of its work.”,
and remaining sub-articles are re-numbered.
New Article 6(2)(l) is inserted:
“l) determine, in accordance with Article 1(6), the extent to which the official and working languages shall respectively be used.”;
Article 6(3)(d): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 6(3)(e): In the Dutch version, the expression ‘financiële commissarisen’ is replaced by ‘accountants’.
Article 6(3)(f): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 6(3)(g): In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato consultivo scientifico” is replaced by “Comitato Scientifico Consultivo”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité’ is replaced by ‘de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie’.
Original Article 6(3)(i) is deleted and remaining sub-articles re-numbered.
Re-numbered Article 6(3)(i): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”. In the Dutch version, the expression “verslag van de financiële commissarissen” is replaced by “accountantsrapport”.
Re-numbered Article 6(3)(j) to read:
“j) shall authorise the Director-General to negotiate co-operation agreements with Member States, with their national scientific and technical agencies, and with governmental or non-governmental international scientific and technical organisations whose activities are related to the objectives of the Centre; it may authorise the Director-General to conclude such agreements;”.
Re-numbered Article 6(3)(k): 15(1) and (2) are amended to read 15(2) and (3).
A new Article 6(3)(o) is inserted:
“o) shall adopt the Long-term Strategy of the Centre in accordance with Article 11(2).”
Article 7
Article 7 is given a title: “The Scientific Advisory Committee”.
Article 7(1): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”. In the English version, the word “Organisation” is replaced by “Organization”. In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato consultivo scientifico” is replaced by “Comitato Scientifico Consultivo”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité’ is replaced by ‘de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie’ and ‘het Comité’ by ‘de Commissie’ and the expression ‘Meteorologische Wereldorganisatie’ by ‘Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie’.
Article 7(2): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General” in two places.
Article 8
Article 8 is given a title: “The Finance Committee”.
Article 8(1): In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato finanziario” is replaced by “Comitato Finanze”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘het Financiële Comité’ is replaced by ‘de Financiële Commissie’ and ‘het Comité’ by ‘de Commissie’.
Article 8(1)(b) is amended to read:
“b) representatives of the other Member States, appointed by them for a period of one year; each of these States may not be represented on the Committee more than twice in succession. The number of these representatives shall be one-fifth of the number of the other Member States.”
Article 9
Article 9 is given a title: “The Director-General”.
Article 9(1): Article 9(2): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General” in two places.
Article 9(2): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 9(2) (c) is given the additional phrase“… and a Long-term Strategy …”. In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato consultivo scientifico” is replaced by “Comitato Scientifico Consultivo”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘het Wetenschappelijk Raadgevend Comité’ is replaced by ‘de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie’.
Article 9(2)(g): The reference to Article 6(3)(k) is amended to Article 6(3)(j). In the Dutch version, the word ‘doeleinden’ is replaced by ‘doelstellingen’.
Article 9(3): The word “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 10
Article 10 is given a title: “The Staff”.
Article 10(3): In the Dutch version, the word ‘organisaties’ is replaced by ‘instanties’.
Article 10(4): In the English version, the word “Comptroller” is replaced by “Controller”. In the Dutch version, the word “financiële controleur” is replaced by “Controller”.
Article 10(6): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 10(7): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General” in two places.
Article 11
Article 11 is given a title: “The Programme of Activities, the Long-term Strategy and Optional Programmes”.
Existing paragraphs are grouped together as Article 11(1).
Article 11(1): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”. The reference to Article 6(3)(i) is amended to Article 6(2)(c) in two places.
New Articles 11(2) and (3) are inserted:
“2. A Long-term Strategy of the Centre shall be prepared at times and for periods as decided by the Council. Its preparation shall be considered by Council at least every five years. The Long-term Strategy shall contain a view of the Centre’s strategic goals and indicate the direction foreseen for the development of the Centre’s work for the duration of the Strategy.
The Strategy shall be adopted by the Council acting on a proposal from the Director-General in accordance with Article 6(3)(o).
3. An Optional Programme is a Programme proposed by a Member State or group of Member States in which all Member States participate apart from those that formally declare themselves to be nonparticipating States and which contributes to the purposes and objectives of the Centre in accordance with Articles 2(1) and 2(2).
a) The procedure for Optional Programmes shall be adopted by the Council in accordance with Article 6(2)(e).
b) Individual Optional Programmes shall be adopted by the Council in accordance with Article 6(2)(f).”
Article 12
Article 12 is given a title: “The Budget”.
Article 12(3): The word “approve” is amended to read “endorse”.
Article 12(4)(b): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 12(5): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 13
Article 13 is given a title: “The Contributions of Member States”.
Article 13(1): The phrase “gross national product” is replaced by “gross national income”.
Article 13(2): The phrase “gross national product” is replaced by “gross national income”.
Article 14
Article 14 is given a title: “The Audit”.
In the Dutch version, the expression ‘financiële commissarissen’ is replaced by ‘accountants’ in four places.
Article 14(2): In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato finanziario” is replaced by “Comitato Finanze”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘het Financieel Comité’ is replaced by ‘de Financiële Commissie’.
Article 14(3): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General”.
Article 15
Article 15 is given a title: “Property rights and licences”.
A new Article 15(1) is inserted:
“1. ECMWF shall have world-wide exclusive ownership of all its products and other results of its activities.”,
and the remaining three articles are re-numbered.
Re-numbered Article 15(3): The reference to paragraph 1 is amended to paragraph 2.
Re-numbered Article 15(4): The reference to paragraph 1 is amended to paragraph 2 and the reference to Article 6(3)(l) to Article 6(3)(k).
Article 16
Article 16 is given a title: “Privileges and immunities, and liabilities”.
Article 17
Article 17 is given a title: “Disputes”.
Article 18
Article 18 is given a title: “Amendments to the Convention”.
Article 18(1): “Director” is replaced by “Director-General” in two places, and the reference to Article 6(3)(n) is amended to Article 6(3)(m).
Article 18(2): The phrase “European Communities” is amended to “European Union”.
Article 19
Article 19 is given a title: “Denunciation of the Convention”.
Article 19(1): The phrase “European Communities” is amended to “European Union”.
Article 19(2): The phrase “takes effect” is inserted in two places after the word “denunciation”.
Article 19(3): The reference to Article 6(2)(d) is amended to Article 6(2)(i).
Article 20
Article 20 is given a title: “Non-fulfilment of obligations”.
Article 21
Article 21 is given a title: “Dissolution of the Centre”.
Article 21(1): The reference to Article 6(2)(e) is amended to Article 6(2)(j).
Article 21(3): The reference to Article 6(2)(e) is amended to Article 6(2)(j).
Article 22
Article 22 is given a title: “Entry into force”.
Article 23
Article 23 is given a title: “Accession of States”.
Paragraphs are numbered.
Articles 23(1) and (2) are amended to read:
“1. After the entry into force of this Convention, any State which is not a Signatory may accede to this Convention, subject to the consent of the Council acting in accordance with Article 6(1)(b). A State that wishes to accede to this Convention shall notify the Director-General accordingly and the latter shall inform the Member States of the request at least three months before it is submitted to the Council for decision. The Council shall determine the terms and conditions for the accession of the State in question, in conformity with Article 6(1)(b).
2. Instruments of accession shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. For each acceding State, this Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the deposit of its instrument of accession.”
Article 24
Article 24 is given a title: “Notification of signatures and related matters”.
The reference to “European Communities” is amended to “European Union”.
Article 24(e) is amended to read:
“e) the adoption and entry into force of any amendment;”.
The last paragraph of Article 24 is amended to read:
“As soon as this Convention enters into force and any amendments to it enter into force, the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union shall register them with the General Secretariat of the United Nations, in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.”
Article 25
Article 25 is given a title: “The first Financial Year”.
Article 25(3): In the Italian version, the expression “Comitato consultivo scientifico” is replaced by “Comitato Scientifico Consultivo”. In the Dutch version, the expression ‘Wetenschappelijke Raadgevend Comité’ is replaced by ‘Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie’.
Article 26
Article 26 is given a title: “Deposit of Convention”.
Article 26 is amended to read:
“This Convention, and all amendments to it, drawn up in a single original in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Finnish, Irish, Greek, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish, all texts being equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, which shall transmit a certified copy to the Government of each signatory or acceding State”.
The Protocol is amended by replacing the word “Director” by “Director-General” throughout the Protocol.
Article 1
The Republic of Slovenia accedes to the Convention establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (hereinafter: ECMWF Convention), including its Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, in accordance with Articles 23 and 24 of the ECMWF Convention.
Article 2
1. As from the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia, the provisions of the ECMWF Convention and all ECMWF rules, together with all decisions taken by the ECMWF Council since the entry into force of the ECMWF Convention on 1 November 1975, shall be binding for the Republic of Slovenia.
2. As from the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Slovenia shall be placed in the same situation as the other Member States with regard to decisions, rulings, resolutions or any other acts made by the ECMWF Council or by any subordinate body and with regard to any agreement concluded by ECMWF. Therefore, the Republic of Slovenia shall abide by the principles and policies stemming therefrom, and shall whenever necessary take appropriate measures to ensure their full implementation.
3. The Republic of Slovenia shall at the same time as acceding to the ECMWF Convention also accede to the Amending Protocol – Amendments to the Convention Establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts as unanimously adopted by the ECMWF Council at its 62nd session on 22 April 2005, and which became effective on 6 June 2010.
Article 3
1. In accordance with Article 13(3) of the ECMWF Convention, the Republic of Slovenia shall make a single additional contribution to ECMWF as a contribution to past investments made at ECMWF. This payment shall be made in five instalments spread over five consecutive financial years, with each instalment to be paid before the end of the financial year in which it becomes due, starting with the year when the ECMWF Convention entered into force for the Republic of Slovenia.
2. The Republic of Slovenia shall start to contribute to the ECMWF annual budget as Member State from the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia. The rate of contribution by the Republic of Slovenia to the ECMWF budget shall be calculated in accordance with Article 13 of the ECMWF Convention.
Article 4
The Republic of Slovenia shall acquire full voting rights at the ECMWF Council from the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia.
Article 5
1. The Slovenian language, the official language of the Republic of Slovenia, will become an official language of ECMWF from the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia.
2. Before the entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Slovenia will provide ECMWF with certified copies of translations into the Slovenian language of the ECMWF Convention, including its Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ECMWF, the Amending Protocol – Amendments to the Convention Establishing the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Amended ECMWF Convention.
Article 6
1. The present agreement shall enter into force on the date of entry into force of the ECMWF Convention for the Republic of Slovenia and shall supersede the Co-operation Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts signed on 6 December 1996 and 16 January 1997. Outstanding payments of the single additional contribution to ECMWF shall continue to be honoured.
2. In accordance with Article 23(2) of the ECMWF Convention, the ECMWF Convention shall enter into force for the Republic of Slovenia on the first day of the second month following the deposit of its instrument of accession.
In witness whereof, the undersigned being duly authorized, have signed this agreement.
Done at Ljubljana, on 8 April 2011 in two originals, in the Slovenian and English language, both text being equally authentic.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Roko Žarnić (s)
Minister of the Environment
and Spatial Planning
For the ECMWF
Dominique Marbouty (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije, sprememb konvencije in sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za okolje – Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 811-03/10-1/11
Ljubljana, dne 26. septembra 2012
EPA 1452-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Gregor Virant l.r.

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