Uradni list

Številka 28
Uradni list RS, št. 28/2012 z dne 16. 4. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 28/2012 z dne 16. 4. 2012


17. Uredba o ratifikaciji Spremembe garancije držav članic za posojila, ki jih da Evropska investicijska banka za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih, stran 34.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sprememba garancije držav članic za posojila, ki jih da Evropska investicijska banka za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih, sklenjena z izmenjavo pisem 16. decembra 2011.
2. člen
Sprememba garancije se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:(*)
Luxembourg, 17 May 2011 G-JU/JU-CORP-OPT
Ministrstvo za finance
Župančičeva 3
SI-1502 Ljubljana
For the attention of Minister Franc Križanič
Subject: Amendment to the Member States' Guarantee concerning loans to be made by the European Investment Bank (“the Bank”) in favour of investment projects in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and Overseas Countries and Territories (the “Cotonou II Guarantee”).
Dear Minister,
By letter to the President of 24 September 2007 various Member States suggested to consider to better share the risks of EIB own-resources lending between the Bank and its Member States while preserving adequate financing of ACP countries and to review the own-resources guarantee mechanism in this sense. In view of the discussions on a possible increase of EIB risk sharing in its own-resources lending, it was decided during the negotiations of the Cotonou II Guarantee to establish an intermediary expiry date of the Guarantee (31 December 2010) awaiting the outcome of such discussions.
On 16 November 2010 the Board of Directors of the Bank approved the following:
a) an increase of the current overall limit of public-sector exposure limit for own-resources lending under the Cotonou II Mandate from 60% (sixty per cent) to 80% (eighty per cent); and
b) the assumption of the full commercial risk on each individual private sector operation from own-resources with a systematic carve-out of the political risk by the Member States' Guarantee.
In view of this decision, the Cotonou II Guarantee Agreement should be amended as follows (all together the “Amendment”):
1. A new Recital 4 is added as follows:
“On 16 November 2010 the Board of Directors of the Bank decided to increase the current overall limit of public-sector exposure limit for own-resources lending under the Cotonou II Mandate from 60% to 80% and to assume the full commercial risk on each individual private sector operation from own-resources with a systematic carve-out of the political risk by the Member States' Guarantee.”
2. The numbering of the Recitals shall be amended accordingly.
3. Recital 8 shall read as follows:
“The Guarantors and the Bank intend that, where the Guarantors are subrogated to the rights and remedies of the Bank in relation to any Loan, the Bank shall, if so requested by the Guarantors, administer and manage the Loan Agreement which has gone into default in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement of 31 March 2009 concluded between the Bank and the Guarantors governing the procedures for payment and reimbursements under the Member States guarantee in favour of the Bank (the “Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement”).”
4. The definition of Adequately Secured Loan Agreement (“ASLA”) shall read as follows:
““Adequately Secured Loan Agreement (“ASLA”)” means any Loan Agreement concluded between the Bank and private sector Borrowers within the Cotonou Framework for which in the Bank's opinion there is an adequate security covering for credit risks. According to Article 2.03, ASLAs, shall only be covered by this Guarantee as regards Political Risks as defined in Annex 3.”
5. The definition of Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement shall be deleted in section A of “Definitions”
6. The “Loan-loss Cover Account” or “LLCA” definition shall read as follows:
““Loan-loss Cover Account” or “LLCA” means the account in euros constituted by the Bank in the name of the Guarantors, which shall be funded from the income resulting from the application of risk-pricing on EIB Financing Operations, excluding ASLAs as defined above, and which shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement.”
7. Section B of “Definitions” shall read as follows:
Term                                 Recital, Article
                                         or Annex
Arbitral tribunal               Section 4 of Annex 3
Association Decision            Recital 1
binding                         Section 4 of Annex 3
enforceable                     Section 4 of Annex 3
Cotonou Framework               Recital 5
Cotonou Internal Agreement II   Recital 1
Cotonou II Arrears              Recital 8
Administration Agreement
Cotonou Partnership             Recital 1
Agreement II
Political Risks                 Article 2.03
Project                         Section 4 of Annex 3
Project Agreement               Section 4 of Annex 3
Relevant Party                  Section 4 of Annex 3
8. Article 1.04 shall read as follows:
“The obligations of the Guarantors under this Guarantee shall continue until payment is made in full of the Guaranteed Sums.”
9. Article 2.03 shall read as follows:
“However, for ASLAs, this Guarantee may only be called upon whenever, because of the occurrence of one of the events defined in Annex 3 (hereafter a “Political Risk”):
(i) a Guaranteed Debtor is unable to pay, or the Bank is unable to receive, a Guaranteed Sum on its due date; or
(ii) a Third-Party Guarantor is prevented from collecting amounts which are due to it in respect of a Guaranteed Sum, provided that:
(a) any demand for payment made by a Third-Party Guarantor on account of a payment that it has made on behalf of a Guaranteed Debtor must have been presented to the Bank at the latest 2 years from (xx) the specified contractual final repayment date under the relevant agreement or (yy) in case of early repayment, whether voluntary or obligatory, of the relevant Loan, the due date of that early repayment; and
(b) this Guarantee is limited to the amount which the Bank or, as the case may be, the Third-Party Guarantor could have recovered but for the occurrence of a Political Risk.”
10. Article 3.01 shall read as follows:
“The Guarantors shall pay to the Bank the amounts demanded by the Bank in euros. The amounts demanded by the Bank shall take into account any funds which are capable of being applied by the Bank from the LLCA in respect of unpaid Guaranteed Sums. The LLCA shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement and the terms and conditions laid down by the Bank's governing bodies from time to time.”
11. Article 4.03 shall read as follows:
“The Bank shall provide to the Guarantors twice a year by 31 January and 31 July respectively:
(i) an information sheet, in the form of Annex 4, containing information, effective as of 31 December and 30 June on the Loan Agreements (including ASLAs) covered by the present Guarantee; and
(ii) the prudential limits, in the form of Annex 5, as defined in accordance with the principles and guidelines laid down by the Bank's governing bodies from time to time, as most recently approved on 16 November 2010.”
12. Article 5.04 shall read as follows:
“The Guarantors and the Bank agree to apply the Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement to all recovery actions initiated by the Bank in respect of Loan Agreements covered by this Guarantee.”
13. Article 6.02 shall read as follows:
“The Guarantors will indemnify the Bank for all taxes and expenses incurred by the Bank in seeking recovery of Guaranteed Sums, in accordance with the Cotonou II Arrears Administration Agreement.”
Subject to the terms of this letter, the Cotonou II Guarantee shall remain in full force and effect.
This letter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States.
We would appreciate if you could formalise your agreement to this Amendment by counter-signing this letter in one original in each of the three authentic languages, being English, French and German and return them to the Bank, at which it shall be deposited.
The Bank will send to you certified copies of the originals in the three authentic languages.
Please note that this Amendment will be binding in respect of each Guarantor immediately upon its valid signature or ratification of the Amendment.
A consolidated text showing the modifications to the Cotonou II Agreement arising from this letter is enclosed as Annex I for convenience.
Yours faithfully,
A. Querejeta (s)
Secretary General
T. Barton (s)
Director General
Countersigned for approval
Date: 16 December 2011
For and on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia
Name: Franc Križanič
Title: Minister
Subject to ratification
Signature: Franc Križanič (s)
Luxembourg, 17. maj 2011
Ministrstvo za finance
Župančičeva 3
SI-1502 Ljubljana
Za ministra Franca Križaniča
Zadeva: Sprememba garancije držav članic za posojila, ki jih da Evropska investicijska banka (v nadaljnjem besedilu banka) za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih (v nadaljnjem besedilu »cotonoujska garancijska pogodba II«).
Spoštovani minister,
s pismom predsedniku dne 24. septembra 2007 so nekatere države članice predlagale razmislek o ustreznejši delitvi tveganj med banko in njenimi državami članicami za posojila EIB iz lastnih sredstev ob ohranjanju zadostnega financiranja držav AKP ter zato pregled garancijskega mehanizma za lastna sredstva. Glede na razprave o morebitnem povečanju tveganj EIB pri posojilih iz lastnih sredstev je bilo med pogajanji o cotonoujski garancijski pogodbi II odločeno, da se glede na izid takšne razprave določi vmesni datum izteka veljavnosti garancije (31. december 2010).
Dne 16. novembra 2010 je svet direktorjev banke odobril
a) povečanje obstoječe splošne omejitve izpostavljenosti do javnega sektorja pri posojanju lastnih sredstev na podlagi cotonoujskega mandata II s 60% (šestdeset odstotkov) na 80% (osemdeset odstotkov) in
b) prevzem polnega poslovnega tveganja za vsak posamezni posel z zasebnim sektorjem iz lastnih sredstev s sistematično izločitvijo političnega tveganja, kritega z garancijo držav članic.
Glede na to odločitev je treba cotonoujsko garancijsko pogodbo II spremeniti tako (v nadaljnjem besedilu »sprememba«):
1. Doda se nova uvodna navedba 4:
»Dne 16. novembra 2010 se je svet direktorjev banke odločil o zvišanju sedanje splošne omejitve izpostavljenosti do javnega sektorja pri posojanju lastnih sredstev na podlagi cotonoujskega mandata II s 60% (šestdeset odstotkov) na 80% (osemdeset odstotkov) in o prevzemu celotnega poslovnega tveganja za vsak posamezni posel z zasebnim sektorjem iz lastnih sredstev s sistematično izločitvijo političnega tveganja, kritega z garancijo držav članic.«
2. Številčenje uvodnih navedb se ustrezno spremeni.
3. Uvodna navedba 8 se glasi:
»Garanti in banka so se sporazumeli, da kadar garanti prevzamejo pravice in pravna sredstva banke v povezavi s katerim koli posojilom, banka na zahtevo garantov vodi in upravlja neizpolnjeno posojilno pogodbo v skladu s pogoji cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II z dne 31. marca 2009, ki je bil sklenjen med banko in garanti in ki ureja postopke plačil in povračil na podlagi garancije, ki so jo države članice dale v korist banke (»cotonoujski sporazum o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II«).«
4. Opredelitev primerno zavarovane posojilne pogodbe (»PZPP«) se glasi:
»»Primerno zavarovana posojilna pogodba (»PZPP«)« pomeni vsako posojilno pogodbo med banko in zasebnimi posojilojemalci na podlagi cotonoujskega okvira, za katero po mnenju banke obstaja primerno zavarovanje kreditnih tveganj. Na podlagi člena 2.03 ta garancija krije PZPP le v povezavi s političnimi tveganji, opredeljenimi v prilogi 3.«
5. Opredelitev cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II se v oddelku A »Pomena izrazov« črta
6. Pomen izraza »račun za kritje izgub pri posojilih« ali »RKIP« je naslednji:
»»Račun za kritje izgub pri posojilih« ali »RKIP« pomeni račun v evrih, ki ga je odprla banka v imenu garantov v skladu z določbami cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II, na katerega se stekajo sredstva, ki izhajajo iz pribitka na podlagi ocene kreditnega tveganja pri poslih financiranja EIB, razen zgoraj opredeljenih PZPP.«
7. Oddelek B »Pomena izrazov« se glasi:
izraz                                 uvodna navedba,
                                     člen ali priloga
razsodišče                      4. oddelek priloge 3
sklep o pridružitvi             uvodna navedba 1
zavezujoč                       4. oddelek priloge 3
izvršljiv                       4. oddelek priloge 3
cotonoujski okvir               uvodna navedba 5
cotonoujski notranji sporazum   uvodna navedba 1
cotonoujski sporazum o          uvodna navedba 8
upravljanju zaostalih plačil
cotonoujski sporazum o          uvodna navedba 1
partnerstvu II
politična tveganja              člen 2.03
projekt                         4. oddelek priloge 3
projektna pogodba               4. oddelek priloge 3
zadevna stranka                 4. oddelek priloge 3
8. Člen 1.04 se glasi:
»Obveznosti garantov iz te garancijske pogodbe veljajo do plačila celotnega zneska z jamstvom.«
9. Člen 2.03 se glasi:
»Vendar je za PZPP to garancijo mogoče uveljaviti le zaradi enega od dogodkov iz priloge 3 (v nadaljnjem besedilu »politično tveganje«):
(i) dolžnik z jamstvom ni zmožen plačati, banka pa ob zapadlosti ne more prejeti zneska z jamstvom ali
(ii) garantu kot tretji osebi je preprečena izterjava zneskov, dolgovanih v povezavi z zneskom z jamstvom, če:
(a) je garant kot tretja oseba zahtevo za plačilo, povezano s plačilom, ki ga je opravil v imenu dolžnika z jamstvom, vložil pri banki najmanj dve leti od (xx) pogodbenega datuma za končno vračilo, določenega v ustreznem sporazumu, ali (yy) pri predčasnem vračilu posojila, bodisi prostovoljnem ali obveznem, od datuma zapadlosti predčasnega vračila in
(b) je ta garancija omejena na znesek, ki bi ga banka ali garant kot tretja oseba, odvisno od primera, lahko izterjal, če ne bi nastalo politično tveganje.«
10. Člen 3.01 se glasi:
»Garanti plačajo zneske, ki jih terja banka, v evrih. V zneskih, ki jih terja banka, so zajeta vsa sredstva, ki jih lahko banka črpa z RKIP v zvezi z neplačanimi zneski z jamstvom. RKIP se vodi v skladu z določbami cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II in pogoji, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke.«
11. Člen 4.03 se glasi:
»Banka garantom dvakrat letno, do 31. januarja in do 31. julija, pošlje:
(i) preglednico v obliki iz priloge 4 s podatki na dan 31. december in 30. junij o posojilnih pogodbah (vključno s PZPP), ki jih krije ta garancija, in
(ii) previdnostne omejitve v obliki priloge 5, kakor so določene v skladu z načeli in smernicami, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke in so bile nazadnje odobrene 16. novembra 2010.«
12. Člen 5.04 se glasi:
»Garanti in banka soglašajo, da bodo uporabljali cotonoujski sporazum o upravljanju zaostalih plačiI II za vse postopke v zvezi z izterjavo, ki jih začne banka v zvezi s posojilnimi pogodbami, ki jih krije ta garancija.«
13. Člen 6.02 se glasi:
»Garanti bodo banki povrnili vse davke in stroške, ki jih bo imela banka pri izterjavi zneskov z jamstvom, v skladu s cotonoujskim sporazumom o upravljanju zaostalih plačil II.«
Ob upoštevanju določil tega pisma cotonoujska garancijska pogodba II v celoti velja in se uporablja.
To pismo se uporablja in razlaga v skladu s splošnimi načeli, skupnimi pravu držav članic.
Prosimo vas, da vaše soglasje k tem spremembam potrdite s sopodpisom tega pisma v vsaki od treh verodostojnih različic, in sicer v angleščini, francoščini in nemščini, in jih vrnete banki, pri kateri bodo shranjene.
Banka vam bo poslala overjene prepise izvirnikov v vseh treh verodostojnih različicah.
Prosimo vas, da upoštevate, da bo ta sprememba zavezujoča za vsakega garanta takoj po veljavnem podpisu ali ratifikaciji.
Prečiščeno besedilo z vidnimi spremembami cotonujskega sporazuma II je priloga I k temu pismu.
S spoštovanjem,
A. Querejeta l.r.
generalni sekretar
T. Barton l.r.
generalna direktorica
Sopodpis za potrditev
Datum: 16. december 2011
Za Republiko Slovenijo in v njenem imenu
Ime: Franc Križanič
Naziv: Minister
S pridržkom ratifikacije
Podpis: Franc Križanič l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje spremembe garancije skrbi Ministrstvo za finance.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-5/2012
Ljubljana, dne 29. marca 2012
EVA 2012-1811-0012
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(*) Besedilo izvirnika v francoskem in nemškem jeziku ter priloga I so na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve in Sektorju za mednarodne finančne odnose Ministrstva za finance.

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