Uradni list

Številka 73
Uradni list RS, št. 73/2011 z dne 19. 9. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 73/2011 z dne 19. 9. 2011


72. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Prostovoljci Združenih narodov, stran 651.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Prostovoljci Združenih narodov, sklenjen 23. septembra 2010.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Whereas the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. Volunteerism is a powerful means of engaging people in tackling development challenges, and it can transform the pace and nature of development. Volunteerism benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer by strengthening trust, solidarity and reciprocity among citizens, and by purposefully creating opportunities for participation. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for recognition of volunteers, working with partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing an increasing number and diversity of volunteers, including experienced UN Volunteers, throughout the world. UNV embraces volunteerism as universal and inclusive, and recognizes volunteerism in its diversity as well as the values that sustain it: free will, commitment, engagement and solidarity,
Whereas the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as "The Donor”) is representing the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.
Whereas the Donor hereby agrees to contribute funds to UNV for the financing of the full cost associated with the UNV assignment(s) for Slovenian nationals,
Whereas UNV is prepared to receive and administer the contribution for the fielding of the UNV volunteer assignment(s) as per the priorities agreed upon between the donor and UNV,
Now therefore, UNV and the Donor hereby agree as follows:
Article I.
The Contribution
1. a) The Donor shall contribute to UNV the amount of EUR 78,140.00 to fund UNV assignment(s). The first part of the contribution in the amount of EUR 66,140.00 was deposited by the Donor on 30 December 2009, and the second part of the contribution amounting to EUR 12,000.00 shall be deposited by the Donor by the end of November 2010 into the following account:
UNV Contributions Account
Number 014-1-050658
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Swift code: CHASUS33
ABA routing number: 021000021
International Agencies Banking Centre
633 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A
The value of the payment, if made in a currency other than United States dollars, shall be determined by applying the United Nations operational rate of exchange in effect on the date of payment. Should there be a change in the United Nations operational rate of exchange prior to the full utilization by the UNV of the payment, the value of the balance of funds still held at that time will be adjusted accordingly. If, in such a case, a loss in the value of the balance of funds is recorded, UNV shall inform the Donor with a view to determining whether any further financing could be provided by the Donor. Should such further financing not be available, the assistance to be provided to the fully funded assignments may be reduced, suspended or terminated by UNV.
3. The schedule of payments agreed with the exchange of letters takes into account the requirement that the payments shall be made in advance of the execution/implementation of planned activities. It may be amended to be consistent with the progress of the activities.
4. UNV shall receive and administer the payment in accordance with the regulations, rules and directives and Procedures of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as UNV is administered by UNDP.
5. All financial accounts and statements shall be expressed in United States dollars.
Article II.
Utilization of the Contribution
1. The implementation of the responsibilities of UNV pursuant to this agreement shall be dependent on receipt by UNV of the contribution in accordance with the schedule of payment.
2. If unforeseen increases in expenditures or commitments are expected or realized (whether owing to inflationary factors, fluctuation in exchange rates or unforeseen contingencies), UNV shall submit to the Donor on a timely basis a supplementary estimate showing the further financing that will be necessary. The Donor shall use its best endeavours to obtain the additional funds required.
3. The amount budgeted for the UNV assignment(s) is based on the proforma estimate of in-country and external costs. Should the actual costs of the assignment(s) exceed the amount estimated (within the framework of the applicable Conditions of Service for UN Volunteers), UNV shall submit to the Donor on a timely basis a report showing the actual costs incurred and a request for the additional funds that will be required. The Donor shall use its best endeavours to obtain the additional funds required.
4. If the payments referred to in Article I above are not received in accordance with the payment schedule, or if the additional financing required in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 above is not forthcoming from the Donor, the assistance to be provided under this Agreement may be reduced, suspended or terminated by UNV.
5. The UN Volunteers recruited under this agreement shall, for the duration of the assignment, be subject to the Rules of Conduct and Conditions of Service of UNV and to the terms contained in the Letter of Offer made by UNV.
6. Any interest income attributable to the contribution shall be credited to UNV Account and shall be utilized in accordance with established UNDP procedures.
Article III.
Administration and reporting
1. The UNV assignment(s) management and expenditures shall be governed by the regulations, rules and directives of UNDP and, where applicable, the regulations, rules and directives of UNV.
2. UNV shall provide to the Donor all or parts of the following reports prepared in accordance with UNDP/UNV accounting and reporting procedures.
(a) From UNV, Finance Section, an annual certified financial statement as of 31 December to be submitted no later than 30 June of the following year.
(b) From UNV, Finance Section- upon completion of the UNV assignment(s), a certified financial statement to be submitted no later than 30 June of the year following the payment of all financial obligations.
(c) A copy of the periodic and final reports from the UN Volunteer(s).
Article IV.
Administrative and support services
1. In accordance with the decisions and directives of UNDP/UNV’s Executive Board, the cost for the UNV assignment(s) shall include ten per cent (10%) support costs, which amount shall, in accordance with UNDP/UNV regulations, rules and directives, be utilized by the UNV for reimbursement of support services and for any other support services required.
2. The aggregate of the amounts budgeted for the UNV assignment(s), together with the estimated costs of reimbursement of related support services, shall not exceed the total resources available under this Agreement.
Article V.
The contribution shall be subject exclusively to the internal and external auditing procedures provided for in the financial regulations, rules and directives of UNDP. Should the biennial Audit Report of the Board of Auditors of UNDP to its governing body contain observations relevant to the contributions, such information shall be made available to the Donor.
Article VI.
Completion of the Agreement
1. UNV shall notify the Donor when all activities relating to the UNV assignment(s) have been completed.
2. Notwithstanding the completion of the UNV assignment(s), UNV shall continue to hold unutilized payments until all commitments and liabilities incurred in the execution/implementation of the UNV assignment(s) have been satisfied and the activities brought to an orderly conclusion.
3. If the unutilized payments prove insufficient to meet such commitments and liabilities, UNV shall notify the Donor and consult with the Donor on the manner in which such commitments and liabilities may be satisfied.
4. Any payments that remain unexpended after such commitments and liabilities have been satisfied shall be disposed of by UNV in consultation with the Donor.
Article VII.
Termination of the Agreement
1. After consultations have taken place between the Donor and UNV and provided that the payments already received are sufficient to meet all commitments and liabilities related to the UNV assignment(s), this Agreement may be terminated by UNV or by the Donor. The Agreement shall cease to be in force 30 (thirty) days after either UNV or the Donor has given notice in writing to the other party of its decision to terminate the Agreement.
2. Notwithstanding termination of all or part of this Agreement, UNV shall continue to hold unutilized payments until all commitments and liabilities related to the UNV assignment(s), for which this Agreement has been terminated, have been satisfied and the volunteer assignment(s) brought to an orderly conclusion.
3. Any payments that remain unexpended after such commitments and liabilities have been satisfied shall be disposed of by UNV in consultation with the Donor.
Article VIII.
Amendment of the Agreement
The Agreement may be amended through an exchange of letters between the Donor and UNV. The letters exchanged to this effect shall become an integral part of the Agreement. Such amendments shall take effect in compliance with the procedure referred to in Article IX. of the Agreement.
Article IX.
Entry Into Force
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the written notification by the Donor to UNV that the internal legal requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled in the Republic of Slovenia and shall apply provisionally from the date of its signature.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the present Agreement in the English language in two copies
For the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Slovenia
Samuel Žbogar (s)
Ljubljana, 23 September 2010
For the United
Nations Volunteers
Flavia Pansieri (s)
Executive Coordinator
Bonn, 16 September 2010
Annex I – Implementation Process of the Agreement
Glede na to, da je program Prostovoljci Združenih narodov (v nadaljnjem besedilu: UNV) organizacija Združenih narodov, ki s prostovoljstvom prispeva k miru in razvoju po vsem svetu. Prostovoljstvo je močna motivacija za dejavno vključevanje posameznikov v spopadanje z izzivi razvoja in lahko spremeni njegov potek in naravo. Hkrati koristi širši družbi in prostovoljcu posamezniku, ker krepi zaupanje, solidarnost in vzajemnost med državljani in namenoma ustvarja priložnosti za sodelovanje. UNV prispeva k miru in razvoju, tako da se zavzema za priznanje prostovoljcem, sodeluje s partnerji pri vključevanju prostovoljstva v razvojno načrtovanje in pridobiva vse več najrazličnejših prostovoljcev, tudi izkušenih prostovoljcev ZN, po vsem svetu. Prostovoljstvo sprejema kot univerzalno in vseobsežno in ga priznava v njegovi različnosti ter priznava tudi vrednote, na katerih temelji: svobodno voljo, predanost, aktivno sodelovanje in solidarnost;
ker Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: donator) predstavlja Vlado Republike Slovenije;
ker donator soglaša, da bo prispeval sredstva za UNV, namenjena financiranju vseh stroškov napotitev slovenskih državljanov v UNV;
ker je UNV pripravljen sprejeti in razporejati prispevek za izvedbo napotitev prostovoljcev UNV skladno s prednostnimi področji, o katerih se dogovorita donator in UNV,
sta se donator in UNV dogovorila:
I. člen
1. Donator prispeva UNV znesek 78.140,00 EUR za financiranje napotitev v UNV. Prvi del prispevka v znesku 66.140,00 EUR je donator nakazal 30. decembra 2009, drugi del prispevka v znesku 12.000,00 EUR pa bo nakazal do konca novembra 2010 na račun:
UNV Contributions Account
številka 014-1-050658
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Swift koda: CHASUS33
številka ABA: 021000021
International Agencies Banking Centre
633 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, ZDA
Če vplačilo ni izvršeno v ameriških dolarjih, se njegova vrednost določi po menjalnem tečaju Združenih narodov, ki velja na dan vplačila. Če se menjalni tečaj Združenih narodov spremeni, preden UNV v celoti porabi vplačana sredstva, se vrednost preostanka sredstev, ki so takrat še na voljo, ustrezno uskladi. Če se v takem primeru vrednost preostanka sredstev zmanjša, UNV o tem obvesti donatorja in preveri, ali ta lahko prispeva dodatna sredstva. Če dodatnega financiranja ni mogoče zagotoviti, lahko UNV pomoč za napotitve, ki se financirajo v celoti, zmanjša, začasno ustavi ali popolnoma ustavi.
3. Pri razporedu vplačil, dogovorjenem z izmenjavo pisem, se upošteva zahteva, da se vplačilo izvrši vnaprej, pred izvedbo načrtovanih dejavnosti. Razpored vplačil se lahko spremeni glede na potek dejavnosti.
4. UNV sprejme vplačilo in z njim gospodari v skladu s predpisi, pravili, smernicami in postopki Programa Združenih narodov za razvoj (UNDP), ki upravlja UNV.
5. Vsi finančni obračuni in finančna poročila so v ameriških dolarjih.
II. člen
Uporaba prispevka
1. UNV svoje obveznosti po tem sporazumu izvaja glede na prejete prispevke v skladu z razporedom vplačil.
2. Če se pričakujejo ali nastanejo nepredvidena povišanja izdatkov ali obveznosti (zaradi inflacije, nihanja menjalnih tečajev ali nepredvidenih dogodkov), UNV donatorju pravočasno predloži predračun, iz katerega je razvidno, kakšno nadaljnje financiranje bo potrebno. Donator si po svojih najboljših zmožnostih prizadeva pridobiti potrebna dodatna sredstva.
3. Znesek, namenjen za napotitve v UNV, temelji na predračunu stroškov v državi in zunaj nje. Če dejanski stroški napotitve presežejo ocenjeni znesek (v okviru pogojev za delovanje prostovoljcev ZN), UNV donatorju pravočasno predloži poročilo, v katerem so prikazani dejanski nastali stroški, in zaprosilo za dodatna sredstva. Donator si po svojih najboljših zmožnostih prizadeva pridobiti potrebna dodatna sredstva.
4. Če vplačila po I. členu niso prejeta v skladu z razporedom vplačil ali donator ne more zagotoviti dodatnega financiranja po drugem in tretjem odstavku, lahko UNV pomoč, zagotovljeno po tem sporazumu, zmanjša, začasno ustavi ali popolnoma ustavi.
5. Prostovoljci ZN, napoteni po tem sporazumu, morajo med trajanjem napotitve upoštevati pravila ravnanja in pogoje za delovanje UNV ter pogoje iz pisma o nameri UNV.
6. Prihodki od obresti iz prispevka se knjižijo v dobro računa UNV in se uporabijo v skladu z ustaljenimi postopki UNDP.
III. člen
Upravljanje in poročanje
1. Upravljanje napotitev v UNV in izdatke urejajo predpisi, pravila in smernice UNDP in, kjer je to ustrezno, predpisi, pravila in smernice UNV.
2. UNV donatorju pošlje celotna ali delna poročila, ki so navedena v nadaljevanju in so pripravljena v skladu z računovodskimi postopki in postopki poročanja UNDP/UNV:
a) finančni sektor UNV predloži potrjen računovodski izkaz na dan 31. decembra najpozneje do 30. junija naslednjega leta,
b) finančni sektor UNV po izteku napotitev predloži potrjen računovodski izkaz najpozneje do 30. junija v letu, ki sledi plačilu vseh finančnih obveznosti,
c) kopijo vmesnih in končnih poročil prostovoljcev ZN.
IV. člen
Administrativne in podporne storitve
1. V skladu s sklepi in smernicami izvršnega odbora UNDP/UNV stroški za napotitve v UNV vključujejo deset odstotkov (10%) stroškov podpore; ta znesek UNV v skladu s predpisi, pravili in smernicami UNDP/UNV porabi za povračilo stroškov podpornih storitev in drugih potrebnih vrst podpore.
2. Vsota zneskov, namenjenih za napotitve v UNV, skupaj z ocenjenim zneskom povračil stroškov podpornih storitev ne sme presegati skupnih sredstev po tem sporazumu.
V. člen
Za prispevek se uporabljajo izključno notranji in zunanji revizijski postopki, določeni v finančnih predpisih, pravilih in smernicah UNDP. Če dveletno revizijsko poročilo, ki ga revizijski odbor UNDP pošlje svojemu upravljavskemu organu, vsebuje pripombe glede prispevkov, se o tem obvesti donator.
VI. člen
Izpolnitev sporazuma
1. UNV obvesti donatorja o dokončanju dejavnosti v zvezi z napotitvami v UNV.
2. Tudi če se napotitve v UNV iztečejo, UNV zadrži neporabljena vplačila, dokler niso v celoti poravnane vse obveznosti in terjatve, nastale pri izvajanju teh napotitev, in so dejavnosti v celoti dokončane.
3. Če se izkaže, da neporabljena vplačila ne zadoščajo za kritje takih obveznosti in terjatev, UNV obvesti donatorja in se z njim posvetuje o načinu poravnave obveznosti in terjatev.
4. Po poravnavi vseh obveznosti in terjatev UNV razpolaga z vsemi neporabljenimi vplačili v dogovoru z donatorjem.
VII. člen
Odpoved sporazuma
1. UNV ali donator lahko ta sporazum odpove po medsebojnem posvetu, in če že prejeta vplačila zadoščajo za poravnavo vseh obveznosti in terjatev, povezanih z napotitvami v UNV. Sporazum preneha veljati 30 (trideset) dni po tem, ko UNV ali donator pisno uradno obvesti drugo pogodbenico, da sporazum odpoveduje.
2. Ne glede na popolno ali delno odpoved sporazuma UNV zadrži neporabljena vplačila, dokler niso poravnane vse obveznosti in terjatve, povezane z napotitvami v UNV, na katere se odpoved nanaša, in se napotitve v celoti ne dokončajo.
3. Po poravnavi vseh obveznosti in terjatev UNV razpolaga z vsemi neporabljenimi vplačili na podlagi posveta z donatorjem.
VIII. člen
Spremembe sporazuma
Sporazum se lahko spremeni z izmenjavo pisem med UNV in donatorjem. V ta namen izmenjana pisma postanejo sestavni del sporazuma. Spremembe sporazuma začnejo veljati v skladu s postopkom iz IX. člena tega sporazuma.
IX. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema pisnega uradnega obvestila donatorja UNV, da so v Republiki Sloveniji izpolnjene notranjepravne zahteve, potrebne za začetek njegove veljavnosti; začasno se uporablja od dne podpisa.
V potrditev tega sta podpisana, ki sta bila za to pravilno pooblaščena, podpisala ta sporazum v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Ministrstvo za
zunanje zadeve
Republike Slovenije
Samuel Žbogar l.r
Ljubljana, 23. septembra 2010
Za Prostovoljce
Združenih narodov
Flavia Pansieri l.r.
Izvršna koordinatorka
Bonn, 16. septembra 2010
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-39/2011
Ljubljana, dne 25. avgusta 2011
EVA 2011-1811-0024
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l.r.

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