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Številka 110
Uradni list RS, št. 110/2006 z dne 26. 10. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 110/2006 z dne 26. 10. 2006


110. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah (BPLPCZ), stran 1514.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah (BPLPCZ), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 29. septembra 2006.
Št. 001-22-139/06
Ljubljana, dne 9. oktobra 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Poljske o sodelovanju in medsebojni pomoči pri carinskih zadevah, podpisan 25. maja 2005 v Varšavi.
2. člen
Sporazum se v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(*1):
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Poljske, v nadaljevanju »pogodbenici«, sta se
glede na to, da je kršenje carinske zakonodaje škodljivo za gospodarske, davčne in trgovinske interese njunih držav,
glede na pomembnost zagotavljanja natančne odmere in pobiranja carin in drugih davkov na uvoz in izvoz blaga kot tudi natančnega določanja carinske vrednosti in porekla takega blaga,
ker priznavata potrebo po mednarodnem sodelovanju pri zadevah, ki se nanašajo na izvajanje in uveljavljanje carinske zakonodaje,
ker sta prepričani, da je mogoče s sodelovanjem med njunimi carinskimi organi povečati učinkovitost ukrepov pri kršitvah carinske zakonodaje,
ob upoštevanju Priporočila Sveta za carinsko sodelovanje o medsebojni upravni pomoči z dne 5. decembra 1953,
ob upoštevanju določb Konvencije Združenih narodov proti prepovedani trgovini z mamili in psihotropnimi substancami z dne 20. decembra 1988
1. člen
V tem sporazumu:
a) »carinska zakonodaja« pomeni zakone in predpise, ki jih uveljavljajo carinski organi pri uvozu, izvozu in tranzitu blaga in se nanašajo na carine in druge dajatve ter na ukrepe prepovedi, omejitev in nadzora pri pretoku blaga čez državne meje;
b) »carine« pomenijo vse dajatve, davke, pristojbine in/ali druge dajatve, ki se odmerjajo in pobirajo na ozemljih držav pogodbenic pri uporabi carinske zakonodaje, ne vključujejo pa pristojbin in dajatev, katerih znesek je omejen na približne stroške opravljenih storitev;
c) »organ prosilec« pomeni carinski organ, ki zaprosi za pomoč na podlagi tega sporazuma ali prejme tako pomoč;
d) »zaprošeni organ« pomeni carinski organ, ki prejme zaprosilo za pomoč na podlagi tega sporazuma ali da tako pomoč;
e) »kršitev« pomeni vsako kršitev carinske zakonodaje kot tudi vsak poskus kršitve take zakonodaje;
f) »carinski organ« pomeni v Republiki Sloveniji Ministrstvo za finance – Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije in v Republiki Poljski ministra za finance;
g) »osebni podatki« pomenijo vse podatke, ki se nanašajo na določenega ali določljivega posameznika.
2. člen
1. Pogodbenici si medsebojno pomagata na način in pod pogoji, navedenimi v tem sporazumu, pri zagotavljanju pravilne uporabe carinske zakonodaje, še posebej s preprečevanjem, odkrivanjem in preiskovanjem kršitev svoje carinske zakonodaje.
2. Vsa pomoč po tem sporazumu je dana v skladu z notranjim pravom zaprošene pogodbenice.
3. člen
1. Po zaprosilu organa prosilca mu zaprošeni organ priskrbi vse ustrezne podatke, ki mu omogočijo, da zagotovi pravilno uporabo carinske zakonodaje, med drugim tudi podatke o prevozu in odpošiljanju blaga ter kraju, kamor je namenjeno, o njegovi carinski vrednosti in poreklu ter podatke o storjenih ali načrtovanih dejanjih, s katerimi se krši ali bi se lahko kršila taka zakonodaja.
2. Po zaprosilu organa prosilca ga zaprošeni organ obvesti, ali je bilo blago, izvoženo z ozemlja države ene pogodbenice, pravilno uvoženo na ozemlje države druge pogodbenice, in kadar je primerno, navede carinski postopek, uporabljen za blago.
3. Po zaprosilu organa prosilca zaprošeni organ sprejme potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev posebnega nadzora nad:
a) fizičnimi ali pravnimi osebami, za katere se utemeljeno domneva, da kršijo ali so kršile carinsko zakonodajo na ozemlju države organa prosilca;
b) kraji, kjer se blago skladišči na način, zaradi katerega je mogoče utemeljeno sumiti, da je namenjeno nezakonitemu uvozu na ozemlje države organa prosilca;
c) gibanjem blaga, za katero organ prosilec sporoči, da bi lahko povzročilo bistvene kršitve carinske zakonodaje na ozemlju države organa prosilca;
d) prevoznimi sredstvi, za katera se upravičeno domneva, da so bila, so ali bi lahko bila uporabljena pri kršenju carinske zakonodaje na ozemlju države organa prosilca.
4. člen
Pogodbenici si v okviru svojih pristojnosti medsebojno pomagata, če menita, da je to potrebno za pravilno uporabo carinske zakonodaje, še posebej kadar prejmeta informacije, ki se nanašajo na:
– dejanja, s katerimi je bila kršena, je kršena ali bi lahko bila kršena ta zakonodaja in ki bi lahko zanimala drugo pogodbenico;
– nova sredstva ali načine, uporabljene pri kršenju te zakonodaje;
– blago, za katero se ve, da v zvezi z njim prihaja do bistvenih kršitev carinske zakonodaje na ozemlju države druge pogodbenice;
– osebe, za katere se ve ali sumi, da kršijo carinsko zakonodajo, ki velja na ozemlju države druge pogodbenice;
– prevozna sredstva in zabojnike, za katere se ve ali sumi, da so bili, so ali bi lahko bili uporabljeni pri kršenju carinske zakonodaje, ki velja na ozemlju države druge pogodbenice.
5. člen
1. Pomoč, kot je predvidena po tem sporazumu, med drugim vključuje podatke o:
a) ukrepih, ki bi bili lahko koristni pri preprečevanju kršitev;
b) novih načinih, ki se uporabljajo pri kršitvah;
c) opažanjih in ugotovitvah, ki izhajajo iz uspešne uporabe novih pripomočkov in metod za ukrepanje.
2. Če to ni v nasprotju z njunim notranjim pravom, si carinski organi pogodbenic prav tako prizadevajo za sodelovanje pri:
a) uvajanju, razvijanju ali izboljševanju posebnih programov usposabljanja za svoje osebje;
b) vzpostavljanju in vzdrževanju poti za medsebojno komuniciranje, da bi olajšali varno in hitro izmenjavo informacij;
c) pospeševanju medsebojnega usklajevanja z izmenjavo osebja, izvedencev in določitvijo oseb za zvezo;
d) proučevanju in preizkušanju nove opreme ali postopkov;
e) poenostavljanju in usklajevanju svojih carinskih postopkov in
f) vseh drugih splošnih upravnih zadevah, pri katerih je potrebno skupno ukrepanje.
6. člen
Po zaprosilu organa prosilca sprejme zaprošeni organ v skladu s svojo zakonodajo vse potrebne ukrepe za:
– dostavo vseh dokumentov,
– uradno obvestilo o vseh odločitvah,
ki spadajo na področje uporabe tega sporazuma, naslovniku, ki prebiva ali je ustanovljen na ozemlju njegove države. V takem primeru se uporablja tretji odstavek 7. člena.
7. člen
1. Zaprosila po tem sporazumu morajo biti pisna. Zaprosilu morajo biti priloženi dokumenti, potrebni za njegovo obravnavo. Kadar je nujno hitro ukrepanje, se lahko sprejme ustno zaprosilo, ki pa ga je treba takoj pisno potrditi.
2. Zaprosila na podlagi prvega odstavka tega člena vsebujejo te podatke:
a) organ prosilec, ki da zaprosilo,
b) zaprošeni ukrep,
c) predmet zaprosila in razlog zanj,
d) zakone, predpise in druge pravne podlage v zvezi s tem,
e) kolikor je mogoče natančne in celovite navedbe o fizičnih ali pravnih osebah, na katere se zaprosilo nanaša,
f) povzetek pomembnih dejstev, razen v primerih, predvidenih v 6. členu, in
g) povezavo med zaprošeno pomočjo in zadevo, na katero se nanaša.
3. Zaprosila je treba predložiti v angleškem jeziku ali jeziku, ki je sprejemljiv za zaprošeni organ.
4. Pomoč po tem sporazumu se zagotavlja z neposrednim sodelovanjem med ustreznimi carinskimi organi.
Če zaprošeni organ ni ustrezen organ za izpolnitev zaprosila, ga mora nemudoma poslati ustreznemu organu, ki v zvezi z njim ukrepa v skladu s svojimi zakonskimi pooblastili, ali pa organ prosilca obvesti o ustreznem postopku, po katerem se je treba ravnati pri takem zaprosilu.
5. Če zaprosilo ne ustreza predpisanim zahtevam, je mogoče zahtevati njegov popravek ali dopolnitev; lahko pa se odredijo previdnostni ukrepi.
8. člen
1. Zaprošeni organ sprejme vse upravičene ukrepe za obravnavo zaprosila in bo po potrebi skušal zagotoviti vse uradne ali sodne ukrepe, potrebne za izpolnitev zaprosila.
2. Carinski organ ene pogodbenice po zaprosilu carinskega organa druge pogodbenice opravi vse potrebne preiskave, vključno z zaslišanjem izvedencev in prič ali oseb, osumljenih kršitev, in opravi preverjanja, preglede in poizvedbe o dejstvih v zvezi z zadevami, na katere se nanaša ta sporazum.
3. Po zaprosilu carinskega organa druge pogodbenice lahko zaprošeni organ omogoči uradnim osebam organa prosilca navzočnost na svojem ozemlju, kadar njegove uradne osebe preiskujejo kršitve carinske zakonodaje države organa prosilca.
4. Organ prosilec se, če tako zahteva, obvesti o času in kraju ukrepanja na podlagi zaprosila.
5. Uradne osebe organa prosilca, ki so pooblaščene za preiskave kršitev, lahko zaprosijo, da zaprošeni organ pregleda ustrezne knjige, registre in drugo dokumentacijo ali nosilce podatkov in priskrbi njihove kopije ali da priskrbi vse informacije v zvezi s kršitvijo, navedeno v zaprosilu.
9. člen
1. Zaprošeni organ sporoči izid poizvedb organu prosilcu v obliki dokumentov, overjenih kopij dokumentov, poročil in podobnega, po potrebi pa tudi ustno.
2. Dokumente iz prvega odstavka tega člena lahko nadomestijo računalniški podatki v kakršni koli obliki z enakim namenom; hkrati je treba dostaviti vse informacije, potrebne za razlago ali uporabo takih računalniških podatkov.
10. člen
1. Kadar zaprošena pogodbenica meni, da bi bili z izpolnitvijo zaprosila prizadeti njena suverenost, varnost, javni red ali drugi pomembni državni interesi ali bi bila kršena kaka gospodarska, poslovna ali poklicna skrivnost, lahko pomoč zavrne ali jo da le, če so izpolnjeni določeni pogoji ali zahteve. Pomoč lahko prav tako zavrne, če zaprosilo vključuje devizne ali davčne predpise, ki se ne nanašajo na predpise o carinah.
2. Kadar organ prosilec prosi za pomoč, ki je sam ne bi mogel zagotoviti, če bi ga zanjo zaprosili, mora v svojem zaprosilu na to opozoriti. Zaprošeni organ se mora potem odločiti, kako bo odgovoril na tako zaprosilo.
3. Če je pomoč zadržana ali zavrnjena, je treba o tej odločitvi in razlogih zanjo nemudoma uradno obvestiti organ prosilca.
11. člen
1. Vsaka informacija, sporočena v kakršni koli obliki po tem sporazumu, se varuje pred nezakonitim razkritjem v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo pogodbenic.
2. Osebne podatke je mogoče poslati, le če je raven varovanja osebnih podatkov, ki jo zagotavljata zakonodaji pogodbenic, enakovredna. Pogodbenici zagotovita vsaj raven varstva, ki temelji na načelih, navedenih v prilogi k temu sporazumu.
12. člen
1. Informacije, dokumente in druga sporočila, prejeta v okviru medsebojne pomoči, je mogoče uporabiti le za namene, določene v tem sporazumu, vključno z uporabo v sodnih in upravnih postopkih.
2. Organ prosilec ne sme uporabljati dokazov ali informacij, pridobljenih po tem sporazumu, za drugačne namene, kot so navedeni v zaprosilu, brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja zaprošenega organa.
3. Kadar so po tem sporazumu izmenjani osebni podatki, carinski organi pogodbenic zagotovijo, da so uporabljeni le za namene, navedene v zaprosilu, in v skladu z vsemi pogoji, ki jih lahko postavi zaprošena pogodbenica.
4. Določbe prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena ne veljajo za informacije v zvezi s kršitvami, ki se nanašajo na mamila in psihotropne snovi. Take informacije je mogoče sporočiti organom pogodbenice prosilke, ki so neposredno vključeni v boj proti nedovoljeni trgovini z mamili.
13. člen
1. Carinski organi pogodbenic po zaprosilu priskrbijo dokumentacijo v zvezi s prevozom in odpošiljanjem blaga z navedbo carinske vrednosti, porekla, razporejanja blaga in kraja, kamor je to namenjeno.
2. Izvirnike spisov, dokumentov in drugega gradiva je mogoče zahtevati le, kadar kopije ne bi zadostovale. Na posebno zahtevo se kopije takih spisov, dokumentov in drugega gradiva ustrezno overijo.
3. Izvirnike spisov, dokumentov in drugega gradiva, ki so bili poslani organu prosilcu, je treba čim prej vrniti. To ne vpliva na pravice zaprošenega organa ali drugih, ki so s tem povezani. Na zahtevo je treba izvirnike nemudoma vrniti.
4. Po zaprosilu carinskega organa ene pogodbenice carinski organ druge pogodbenice po lastnem preudarku pooblasti svoje uslužbence, če ti uslužbenci na to pristanejo, da nastopijo kot priče v sodnih ali upravnih postopkih na ozemlju države pogodbenice prosilke in predložijo spise, dokumente in drugo gradivo ali njihove overjene kopije, ki utegnejo biti potrebne za postopek. V takem zaprosilu je treba navesti čas, kraj in vrsto postopka in v kakšni vlogi bo uslužbenec pričal.
14. člen
1. Carinski organi pogodbenic se odpovejo vsem zahtevkom za povračilo stroškov, nastalih pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, razen stroškov za priče, honorarjev izvedencev in stroškov za tolmače, ki niso državni uslužbenci.
2. Če so ali bodo za izpolnitev zaprosila potrebni večji in izredni stroški, se carinski organi pogodbenic posvetujejo, da določijo pogoje, pod katerimi se zaprosilo izpolni, ter način kritja stroškov.
15. člen
1. Izvajanje tega sporazuma se zaupa carinskim organom pogodbenic. Ti odločajo o vseh praktičnih ukrepih in dogovorih, potrebnih za njegovo uporabo, ob upoštevanju pravil o varstvu podatkov.
2. Po posvetovanju lahko carinski organi pogodbenic izdajo upravna navodila, potrebna za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
3. Carinski organi pogodbenic se lahko dogovorijo, da bodo njihove preiskovalne službe v neposrednih stikih.
16. člen
Ta sporazum se uporablja za območje Republike Slovenije in za območje Republike Poljske.
17. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po datumu, ko se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so bile izpolnjene vse notranjepravne zahteve za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Poljsko preneha veljati Sporazum med Vlado Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije in Vlado Ljudske republike Poljske o sodelovanju in vzajemni pomoči v carinskih zadevah, podpisan v Varšavi 9. maja 1967.
2. Carinski organi pogodbenic soglašajo, da se sestanejo zaradi ponovnega pregleda sporazuma ali obravnave drugih carinskih zadev, ki bi lahko izhajale iz njihovega medsebojnega odnosa, po zaprosilu enega od carinskih organov ali po petih letih od datuma začetka veljavnosti sporazuma, razen če se med seboj pisno uradno ne obvestijo, da tak pregled ni potreben.
3. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas, razen če ga katera koli pogodbenica pisno ne odpove po diplomatski poti. Sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po prejemu takega uradnega obvestila.
V POTRDITEV TEGA sta podpisana, ki sta ju pravilno pooblastili njuni vladi, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sklenjeno v Varšavi dne 25. maja 2005 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, poljskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri razlikah v razlagi je odločilno angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Franc Košir l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Poljske
Wiesław Czyżowicz l.r.
    1 Osebni podatki, ki se računalniško obdelujejo, morajo biti:
      a)  pridobljeni in obdelani pošteno in zakonito;
      b)  hranjeni za določene in zakonite namene in se ne smejo uporabljati
          na način, nezdružljiv s temi nameni;
      c)  primerni, ustrezni in ne preobsežni glede na namene, za katere se
      d)  natančni, in če je potrebno, sproti dopolnjevani;
      e)  ohranjeni v obliki, ki dopušča prepoznavanje oseb, na katere se
          podatki nanašajo, le tako dolgo, dokler je to potrebno za namen, za
          katerega se ti podatki hranijo.
    2 Osebni podatki, ki se nanašajo na zdravje ali spolno življenje, ne smejo
biti računalniško obdelani, razen če notranje pravo ne zagotavlja ustreznega
varstva. Enako velja za osebne podatke v zvezi s kazenskimi obsodbami.
    3 Sprejeti je treba ustrezne varnostne ukrepe za varstvo osebnih podatkov,
hranjenih v računalniških zbirkah podatkov, pred nepooblaščenim uničenjem ali
nenamerno izgubo ter tudi pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, spreminjanjem ali
    4 Vsaki osebi je treba omogočiti:
      a)  da ugotovi, ali obstaja računalniška zbirka osebnih podatkov, njene
          glavne namene ter kdo je upravljavec zbirke podatkov in njegovo
          običajno prebivališče ali sedež;
      b)  da je v razumnih presledkih in brez prevelike zamude ali stroškov
          obveščena o tem, ali so osebni podatki, ki se nanašajo nanjo,
          shranjeni v računalniški zbirki podatkov, in da ji take podatke
          sporočijo v razumljivi obliki;
      c)  da, odvisno od primera, doseže popravek ali izbris takih podatkov,
          če so bili obdelani v nasprotju z določbami notranjega prava, ob
          upoštevanju temeljnih načel iz prvega in drugega odstavka te
      d)  da vloži pritožbo, če zahteva za potrditev, dostop, popravek ali
          izbris iz pododstavkov b) in c) tega odstavka ni izpolnjena.
    5.1 Odstopanje od določb prvega, drugega in četrtega odstavka te priloge
je dovoljeno, če je to predvideno v zakonodaji države pogodbenice in je to
potreben ukrep v demokratični družbi v interesu:
      a)  zaščite državne varnosti, javne varnosti, finančnih interesov države
          ali zatiranja kaznivih dejanj;
      b)  varstva osebe, na katero se podatki nanašajo, ali pravic in
          svoboščin drugih.
    5.2 Zakon lahko določa omejitve pri uresničevanju pravic, določenih v
pododstavkih b), c) in d) četrtega odstavka te priloge, v zvezi z
računalniškimi zbirkami osebnih podatkov, ki se uporabljajo za statistične ali
znanstvenoraziskovalne namene, kadar očitno ni nikakršnega tveganja, da bi
bila kršena zasebnost oseb, na katere se podatki nanašajo.
    6 Nobene določbe te priloge ni mogoče razlagati, kot da omejuje ali
drugače vpliva na možnost pogodbenice, da dodeli osebam, na katere se podatki
nanašajo, širše varstvo, kot je določeno v tej prilogi.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Poland, hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”;
Considering that the contravention of customs legislation is prejudicial to the economic, fiscal and commercial interests of their respective countries;
Considering the importance of assuring the accurate assessment and collection of customs duties and other taxes on importation and exportation of goods, as well as the accurate determination of the customs value and origin of such goods;
Recognising the need for international co-operation in matters related to the administration and enforcement of customs legislation;
Convinced that actions against contravention of customs legislation can be made more effective by co-operation between their Customs Authorities;
Having regard to the Recommendation of the Customs Co-operation Council on Mutual Administrative Assistance of December 5, 1953;
Having regard to the provisions of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of December 20, 1988;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement:
a) “Customs legislation” shall mean laws and regulations enforced by the Customs Authorities concerning importation, exportation and transit of goods, as they relate to customs duties, charges and measures of prohibition, restriction and control in respect of the movement of goods across national boundaries;
b) “Customs duties” shall mean all duties, taxes, fees or/and other charges which are levied and collected in the territories of the States of the Contracting Parties, in application of customs legislation, but not including fees and charges which are limited in amount to the approximate costs of services rendered;
c) “Applicant Authority” shall mean the Customs Authority which makes a request for assistance pursuant to this Agreement or which receives such assistance;
d) “Requested Authority” shall mean the Customs Authority which receives a request for assistance pursuant to this Agreement or which renders such assistance;
e) “Contravention” shall mean any violation of customs legislation as well as any attempted violation of such legislation;
f) “Customs Authority” shall mean in the Republic of Slovenia: the Ministry of Finance – the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije) and in the Republic of Poland – the Minister of Finance (Minister Finansów);
g) “Personal data” shall mean all information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
Article 2
1. The Contracting Parties shall assist each other, in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Agreement, in ensuring that customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by the prevention, detection and investigation of contravention of their customs legislation.
2. All assistance rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be rendered in accordance with the national legislation of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 3
1. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall furnish it with all the relevant information to enable it to ensure that customs legislation is correctly applied, including, inter alia, information regarding transportation, shipment and destination of goods, their customs value and origin as well as the information regarding acts committed or planned, which contravene or would contravene such legislation.
2. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall inform it whether goods exported from the territory of the State of one of the Contracting Parties have been properly imported into the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party, specifying where appropriate, the customs procedure applied to the goods.
3. At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall take the necessary steps to ensure that a special watch is kept on:
a) particular natural or legal persons of whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they are contravening or have contravened customs legislation in the territory of the State of the Applicant Authority;
b) places where goods are stored in a way that gives grounds for suspecting that they are intended to be illicitly imported into the territory of the State of the Applicant Authority;
c) movement of goods notified by the Applicant Authority as possibly giving rise to substantial contravention of customs legislation in the territory of the State of the Applicant Authority;
d) means of transport for which there are reasonable grounds for believing that they have been, are or may be used for contravention of customs legislation in the territory of the State of the Applicant Authority.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall, within their competencies, provide each other with assistance if they consider that to be necessary for the correct application of customs legislation, particularly when they obtain information pertaining to:
– acts which have contravened, contravene or would contravene such legislation and which may be of interest to the other Contracting Party;
– new means or methods employed in committing contravention of such legislation;
– goods known to be the subject of substantial contravention of the customs legislation in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party;
– particular persons known to be or suspected of committing contravention of the customs legislation in force in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party;
– means of transport and containers, about which knowledge or suspicion exist that they were, are or could be used in committing contravention of customs legislation in force in the territory of the State of the other Contracting Party.
Article 5
1. Assistance, as provided for in this Agreement shall include, inter alia, information regarding:
a) enforcement actions that may be of use in the prevention of contravention;
b) new methods used in committing contravention;
c) observations and findings resulting from the successful application of new enforcement aids and techniques.
2. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall, if not contrary to their national legislation, also seek to co-operate in:
a) initiating, developing or improving specific training programs for their personnel;
b) establishing and maintaining channels of communication between themselves in order to facilitate the secure and rapid exchange of information;
c) facilitating co-ordination between themselves by the exchange of personnel, experts, and the posting of liaison officers;
d) the consideration and testing of new equipment or procedures;
e) the simplification and harmonisation of their respective customs procedures; and
f) any other general administrative matters that may require their joint action.
Article 6
At the request of the Applicant Authority, the Requested Authority shall in accordance with its legislation take all necessary measures in order to:
– deliver all documents;
– notify all decisions;
falling within the scope of this Agreement to an addressee, residing or established in the territory of its State. In such a case paragraph 3 of Article 7 shall apply.
Article 7
1. Requests pursuant to this Agreement shall be made in writing. Documents necessary for the execution of such requests shall accompany the request. When required because of the urgency of the situation, oral request may be accepted, but it must be confirmed in writing immediately.
2. Requests pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article shall include the following information:
a) the Applicant Authority making the request;
b) the measure requested;
c) the object of and the reason for the request;
d) the laws, rules and other legal grounds involved;
e) indications as exact and comprehensive as possible on the natural or legal persons, to which the request relates;
f) a summary of the relevant facts, except in cases provided for in Article 6; and
g) the connection between the assistance sought and the matter to which it relates.
3. Requests shall be submitted in English or in a language acceptable to the Requested Authority.
4. Assistance shall be carried out by direct communication between the respective Customs Authorities.
In case the Requested Authority is not the appropriate agency to comply with a request, it shall promptly transmit the request to the appropriate agency, who shall act upon the request according to its powers under the law, or advise the Applicant Authority of the appropriate procedure to be followed regarding such a request.
5. If a request does not meet the formal requirements, its correction or completion may be demanded; the ordering of precautionary measures may, however, be undertaken.
Article 8
1. The Requested Authority shall take all the reasonable measures to execute the request, and if required, will endeavour to seek any official or judicial measure necessary to carry out the request.
2. The Customs Authority of one Contracting Party shall, upon the request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, conduct any necessary investigation, including the questioning of experts and witnesses or persons suspected of having committed a contravention, and undertake verifications, inspections and fact-finding inquiries in connection with the matters referred to in this Agreement.
3. Upon request of the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party, the Requested Authority may allow officials of the Applicant Authority to be present in its territory when its officials are investigating contravention of customs legislation of the State of the Applicant Authority.
4. The Applicant Authority shall, if it so requests, be advised of the time and place of the action to be taken in response to the request.
5. Officials of the Applicant Authority, authorized to investigate contravention, may ask the Requested Authority to examine relevant books, registers, and other documents or data media and supply copies thereof, or supply any information relating to the contravention specified in the request.
Article 9
1. The Requested Authority shall communicate the results of enquiries to the Applicant Authority in the form of documents, certified copies of documents, reports and the like and, when necessary, orally.
2. The documents provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article may be replaced by computerised information produced in any form for the same purpose. Any information necessary for the interpretation or utilisation of such computerised information shall be furnished along with it.
Article 10
1. In cases where the requested Contracting Party is of the opinion that compliance with a request would infringe upon its sovereignty, security, public order or other substantive national interest, or would violate an industrial, commercial or professional secret, assistance may be refused or compliance may be made subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions or requirements. Assistance may also be refused if the request involves currency or tax regulations other than regulations concerning customs duties.
2. Where the Applicant Authority requests assistance which it would itself be unable to provide if so asked, it shall draw attention to the fact in its request. It shall then be for the Requested Authority to decide how to respond to such a request.
3. If the assistance is withheld or denied the decision and the reasons therefore must be notified to the Applicant Authority without delay.
Article 11
1. Each information supplied in any form under this Agreement shall be protected against unlawful disclosure in accordance with the internal legislation of the Contracting Parties.
2. Personal data may be transmitted only if the level of personal data protection afforded by the legislation of the Contracting Parties is equivalent. The Contracting Parties shall ensure at least a level of protection based on the principles laid down in the Annex to this Agreement.
Article 12
1. Information, documents and other communications received in the course of mutual assistance may be used only for the purposes specified in this Agreement, including the use in judicial and administrative proceedings.
2. The Applicant Authority shall not use evidence or information obtained under this Agreement for purposes other than those stated in the request without the prior written consent of the Requested Authority.
3. When personal data is exchanged under this Agreement, the Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall ensure that it is used only for the purposes indicated in the request and according to any conditions that the requested Contracting Party may impose.
4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article are not applicable to information concerning contravention relating to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Such information may be communicated to the authorities of the applicant Contracting Party which are directly involved in combating illicit drug traffic.
Article 13
1. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall, upon request, provide documentation relating to the transportation and shipment of goods, showing the customs value, origin, disposition and destination of those goods.
2. Originals of files, documents and other materials shall be requested only in cases where copies would be insufficient. Upon specific request, copies of such files, documents, and other materials shall be appropriately authenticated.
3. Originals of files, documents, and other materials which have been furnished to the Applicant Authority shall be returned at the earliest opportunity. The rights of the Requested Authority or of third parties relating thereto shall remain unaffected. Upon request, such originals shall be returned without delay.
4. Upon request of the Customs Authority of one Contracting Party, the Customs Authority of the other Contracting Party shall at its discretion authorize its employees, if such employees consent to do so, to appear as witnesses in judicial or administrative proceedings in the territory of the State of the applicant Contracting Party, and to produce such files, documents and other materials or authenticated copies thereof, as may be considered necessary for the proceedings. Such a request shall specify the time, place and type of proceedings and in what capacity the employee shall testify.
Article 14
1. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall waive all claims for reimbursement of costs incurred in the execution of this Agreement, with the exception of expenses for witnesses, fees of experts, and the costs of interpreters other than government employees.
2. If expenses of a substantial and extraordinary nature are, or will be required, in order to execute the request, the Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties shall consult to determine the terms and conditions under which the request shall be executed as well as the manner in which the costs shall be borne.
Article 15
1. The implementation of this Agreement shall be entrusted to the Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties. They shall decide on all practical measures and arrangements necessary for its application, taking into consideration rules in the field of data protection.
2. After consultation, the Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties may issue any administrative directives necessary for the implementation of this Agreement.
3. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties may arrange for their investigation services to be in direct communication with each other.
Article 16
This Agreement shall be applicable to the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and to the territory of the Republic of Poland.
Article 17
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the Contracting Parties notify each other through diplomatic channels that all the internal legal requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
As soon as this Agreement enters into force in the relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Poland, the Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Government of the People’s Republic of Poland regarding co-operation and mutual assistance in customs matters, signed on May 9, 1967 in Warsaw shall cease to apply.
2. The Customs Authorities of the Contracting Parties agree to meet in order to review this Agreement or to discuss any other customs matters which may arise out of the relationship between them, upon the request of one of the Customs Authorities or at the end of five years from the date of its entry into force, unless they notify one another in writing that no such review is necessary.
3. This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time, unless terminated by one of the Contracting Parties in writing through diplomatic channels. The Agreement shall cease to apply six months following the receipt of such notification.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done at Warsaw on the 25th day of May 2005 in two originals in the Slovene, Polish and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any difference in interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Franc Košir (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Poland
Wiesław Czyżowicz (s)
    1. Personal data undergoing automatic processing shall be:
      a) obtained and processed fairly and lawfully;
      b) stored for specified and legitimate purposes and not used in a way
         incompatible with those purposes;
      c) adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for
         which they are stored;
      d) accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date;
      e) preserved in a form which permits identification of the data subjects
         for no longer than is required for the purpose for which those data
         are stored.
    2. Personal data concerning health or sexual life, may not be processed
automatically unless national legislation provides appropriate safeguards. The
same shall apply to personal data relating to criminal convictions.
    3. Appropriate security measures shall be taken for the protection of
personal data stored in automated data files against unauthorised destruction
or accidental loss as well as against unauthorised access, alteration or
    4. Any person shall be enabled:
      a) to establish the existence of an automated personal data file, its
         main purposes, as well as the identity and habitual residence or
         principal place of business of the controller of the file;
      b) to obtain at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay or
         expense confirmation of whether personal data relating to him are
         stored in the automated data file as well as communication to him of
         such data in an intelligible form;
      c) to obtain, as the case may be, rectification or erasure of such data
         if they have been processed contrary to the provisions of national
         legislation giving effect to the basic principles set out under
         paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Annex;
      d) to lodge a claim if a request for confirmation, access, rectification
         or erasure as referred to in subparagraphs b and c of this paragraph
         is not complied with.
    5.1  Derogation from the provisions under paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 of this
Annex shall be allowed when such derogation is provided for by the legislation
of the State of the Contracting Party and constitutes a necessary measure in a
democratic society in the interest of:
      a) protecting State security, public safety, the monetary interests of
         the State or the suppression of criminal offences;
      b) protecting the data subject or the rights and freedoms of other
    5.2 Restrictions on the exercise of the rights specified in paragraph 4,
subparagraphs b, c and d of this Annex, may be provided by law with respect to
automated personal data files used for statistics or for scientific research
purposes where there is obviously no risk of an infringement of the privacy of
the data subjects.
    6. None of the provisions of this Annex shall be interpreted as limiting
or otherwise affecting the possibility for a Contracting Party to grant data
subjects a wider measure of protection than that stipulated in this Annex.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 437-06/06-6/1
Ljubljana, dne 29. septembra 2006
EPA 974-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
(*1) Besedilo sporazuma v poljskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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