Uradni list

Številka 33
Uradni list RS, št. 33/2006 z dne 30. 3. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 33/2006 z dne 30. 3. 2006


41. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze ter Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (MDUMTZ), stran 618.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze ter Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (MDUMTZ)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze ter Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (MDUMTZ), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 7. marca 2006.
Št. 001-22-40/06
Ljubljana, dne 15. marca 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificirata se Dokument o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze ter Dokument o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze, sprejeta na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov držav članic v Minneapolisu dne 6. novembra 1998.
2. člen
Besedili dokumentov se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasita:


(GENEVA, 1992)


as amended by the

Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994)


(Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary

Conference (Minneapolis, 1998)) *1


PART  I  -  Foreword


By virtue of and in implementation of the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), in particular those in Article 55 thereof, the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Minneapolis, 1998) has adopted the following amendments to the said Constitution:







Basic Provisions




Purposes of the Union





a)           to maintain and extend international cooperation among all its Member States for the improvement and rational use of telecommunications of all kinds;




abis)     to promote and enhance participation of entities and organizations in the activities of the Union and foster fruitful cooperation and partnership between them and Member States for the fulfilment of the overall objectives as embodied in the purposes of the Union;




b)          to promote and to offer technical assistance to developing countries in the field of telecommunications, and also to promote the mobilization of the material, human and financial resources needed for its implementation, as well as access to information;




f)            to harmonize the actions of Member States and promote fruitful and constructive cooperation and partnership between Member States and Sector Members in the attainment of those ends;


MOD 11


a)           effect allocation of bands of the radio-frequency spectrum, the allotment of radio frequencies and the registration of radiofrequency assignments and, for space services, of any associated orbital position in the geostationary-satellite orbit or of any associated characteristics of satellites in other orbits, in order to avoid harmful interference between radio stations of different countries;


MOD 12


b)          coordinate efforts to eliminate harmful interference between radio stations of different countries and to improve the use made of the radio-frequency spectrum for radiocommunication services and of the geostationary-satellite and other satellite orbits;


MOD 14


d)           foster international cooperation and solidarity in the delivery of technical assistance to the developing countries and the creation, development and improvement of telecommunication equipment and networks in developing countries by every means at its disposal, including through its participation in the relevant programmes of the United Nations and the use of its own resources, as appropriate;


MOD 16


f)            foster collaboration among Member States and Sector Members with a view to the establishment of rates at levels as low as possible consistent with an efficient service and taking into account the necessity for maintaining independent financial administration of telecommunications on a sound basis;




j)            promote participation of concerned entities in the activities of the Union and cooperation with regional and other organizations for the fulfilment of the purposes of the Union.




MOD 20


                The International Telecommunication Union is an intergovernmental organization in which Member States and Sector Members, having well-defined rights and obligations, cooperate for the fulfilment of the purposes of the Union. It shall, having regard to the principle of universality and the desirability of universal participation in the Union, be composed of:


MOD 21


a)           any State which is a Member State of the International Telecommunication Union as a Party to any International Telecommunication Convention prior to the entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention;


MOD 23


c)           any other State, not a Member of the United Nations, which applies for membership of the Union and which, after having secured approval of such application by two-thirds of the Member States of the Union, accedes to this Constitution and the Convention in accordance with Article 53 of this Constitution. If such application for membership is made during the interval between two plenipotentiary conferences, the Secretary-General shall consult the Member States of the Union; a Member State shall be deemed to have abstained if it has not replied within four months after its opinion has been requested.







Rights and Obligations of Member States and Sector Members



MOD 24


1            Member States and Sector Members shall have the rights and shall be subject to the obligations provided for in this Constitution and the Convention.


MOD 25


2            Rights of Member States in respect of their participation in the conferences, meetings and consultations of the Union are:


MOD 26


a)           all Member States shall be entitled to participate in conferences, shall be eligible for election to the Council and shall have the right to nominate candidates for election as officials of the Union or as members of the Radio Regulations Board;


MOD 27


b)          subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of this Constitution, each Member State shall have one vote at all plenipotentiary conferences, all world conferences and all Sector assemblies and study group meetings and, if it is a Member State of the Council, all sessions of that Council. At regional conferences, only the Member States of the region concerned shall have the right to vote;


MOD 28


c)           subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of this Constitution, each Member State shall also have one vote in all consultations carried out by correspondence. In the case of consultations regarding regional conferences, only the Member States of the region concerned shall have the right to vote.




3            In respect of their participation in activities of the Union, Sector Members shall be entitled to participate fully in the activities of the Sector of which they are members, subject to relevant provisions of this Constitution and the Convention:




a)           they may provide chairmen and vice-chairmen of Sector assemblies and meetings and world telecommunication development conferences;




b)           they shall be entitled, subject to the relevant provisions of the Convention and relevant decisions adopted in this regard by the Plenipotentiary Conference, to take part in the adoption of Questions and Recommendations and in decisions relating to the working methods and procedures of the Sector concerned.




Instruments of the Union



MOD 31


3            The provisions of both this Constitution and the Convention are further complemented by those of the Administrative Regulations, enumerated below, which regulate the use of telecommunications and shall be binding on all Member States:



–            International Telecommunication Regulations,



–            Radio Regulations.




Execution of the Instruments of the Union



MOD 37


1            The Member States are bound to abide by the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations in all telecommunication offices and stations established or operated by them which engage in international services or which are capable of causing harmful interference to radio services of other countries, except in regard to services exempted from these obligations in accordance with the provisions of Article 48 of this Constitution.


MOD 38


2            The Member States are also bound to take the necessary steps to impose the observance of the provisions of this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations upon operating agencies authorized by them to establish and operate telecommunications and which engage in international services or which operate stations capable of causing harmful interference to the radio services of other countries.




Structure of the Union



MOD 44


e)           the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, including world telecommunication standardization assemblies;




Plenipotentiary Conference



MOD 47


1            The Plenipotentiary Conference shall be composed of delegations representing Member States. It shall be convened every four years.


MOD 48


2            On the basis of proposals by Member States and taking account of reports by the Council, the Plenipotentiary Conference shall:


MOD 50


b)          consider the reports by the Council on the activities of the Union since the previous plenipotentiary conference and on the policy and strategic planning of the Union;


MOD 51


c)           establish the basis for the budget of the Union and determine, in the light of its decisions taken on the reports referred to in No. 50 above, related financial limits until the next plenipotentiary conference, after considering all relevant aspects of the work of the Union in that period;




d)           establish, using the procedures described in Nos. 161D to 161G of this Constitution, the total number of contributory units for the period up to the next plenipotentiary conference on the basis of the classes of contribution announced by Member States;


MOD 54


f)            elect the Member States which are to serve on the Council;


MOD 57


i)            consider and adopt, if appropriate, proposals for amendments to this Constitution and the Convention, put forward by Member States, in accordance with the provisions of Article 55 of this Constitution and the relevant provisions of the Convention, respectively;




jbis)      adopt and amend the Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings of the Union;




b)          should two-thirds of the Member States individually so request the





c)           at the proposal of the Council with the approval of at least two-thirds of

      the Member States.




Principles Concerning Elections and Related Matters



MOD 62


b)          the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, the Directors of the Bureaux and the members of the Radio Regulations Board shall be elected among the candidates proposed by Member States as their nationals and shall all be nationals of different Member States, and at their election due consideration should be given to equitable geographical distribution amongst the regions of the world; as far as the elected officials are concerned, due consideration should also be given to the principles embodied in No. 154 of this Constitution;


MOD 63


c)           the members of the Radio Regulations Board shall be elected in their individual capacity; each Member State may propose only one candidate.




The Council



MOD 65


1            1) The Council shall be composed of Member States elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with the provisions of No. 61 of this Constitution.


MOD 69


4            1) The Council shall take all steps to facilitate the implementation by the Member States of the provisions of this Constitution, of the Convention, of the Administrative Regulations, of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference, and, where appropriate, of the decisions of other conferences and meetings of the Union, and perform any duties assigned to it by the Plenipotentiary Conference.


MOD 70


              2) It shall consider broad telecommunication policy issues in keeping with the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference in order to ensure that the Union’s policies and strategy fully respond to the constantly changing telecommunication environment, and shall prepare a report on the policy and strategic planning recommended for the Union, together with their financial implications. It shall use to this effect the material prepared by the Secretary-General under No. 74A below.




General Secretariat





              2) The functions of the Secretary-General are specified in the Convention. In addition, the Secretary-General shall:


MOD 74


a)           coordinate the Union’s activities, with the assistance of the Coordination Committee;




b)           prepare, with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, material required for the preparation of a report on the policies and strategic plan for the Union, and coordinate the implementation of the plan;


MOD 75


c)           take all the actions required to ensure economic use of the Union’s resources and be responsible to the Council for all the administrative and financial aspects of the Union’s activities;


MOD 76


d)           act as the legal representative of the Union.




              3) The Secretary-General may act as depositary of special arrangements established in conformity with Article 42 of this Constitution.




Radiocommunication Sector




Functions and Structure



MOD 78


1            1) The functions of the Radiocommunication Sector shall be, bearing in mind the particular concerns of developing countries, to fulfil the purposes of the Union, as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, relating to radiocommunication:



–            by ensuring the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, including those using the geostationary-satellite or other satellite orbits, subject to the provisions of Article 44 of this Constitution, and



–            by carrying out studies without limit of frequency range and adopting recommendations on radiocommunication matters.


MOD 83


c)           radiocommunication assemblies;




dbis)     the radiocommunication advisory group;


MOD 87


a)           of right, the administrations of all Member States;


MOD 88


b)          any entity or organization which becomes a Sector Member in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.




Radiocommunication Conferences

and Radiocommunication Assemblies



MOD 90


2            World radiocommunication conferences shall normally be convened every two to three years; however, following the application of the relevant provisions of the Convention, such a conference need not be convened or an additional one may be convened.


MOD 91


3            Radiocommunication assemblies shall also normally be convened every two to three years, and may be associated in place and time with world radiocommunication conferences so as to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Radiocommunication Sector. Radiocommunication assemblies shall provide the necessary technical bases for the work of the world radiocommunication conferences and respond to all requests from world radiocommunication conferences. The duties of the radiocommunication assemblies are specified in the Convention


MOD 92


4            The decisions of a world radiocommunication conference, of a radiocommunication assembly and of a regional radiocommunication conference shall in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution and the Convention. The decisions of a radiocommunication assembly or of a regional radiocommunication conference shall also in all circumstances be in conformity with the Radio Regulations. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions, which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.




Radio Regulations Board





2            The Radio Regulations Board is composed of not more than either 12 members, or of a number corresponding to 6 % of the total number of Member States, whichever is the greater.


MOD 95


a)           the approval of Rules of Procedure, which include technical criteria, in accordance with the Radio Regulations and with any decision which may be taken by competent radiocommunication conferences. These Rules of Procedure shall be used by the Director and the Bureau in the application of the Radio Regulations to register frequency assignments made by Member States. These Rules shall be open to comment by administrations and, in case of continuing disagreement, the matter shall be submitted to a forthcoming world radiocommunication conference;


MOD 97


c)           the performance of any additional duties, concerned with the assignment and utilization of frequencies, as indicated in No. 78 of this Constitution, in accordance with the procedures provided for in the Radio Regulations, and as prescribed by a competent conference or by the Council with the consent of a majority of the Member States, in preparation for, or in pursuance of the decisions of, such a conference.


MOD 99


              2) No member of the Board shall request or receive instructions relating to the exercise of his duties for the Union from any government or a member thereof, or from any public or private organization or person. Members of the Board shall refrain from taking any action or from participating in any decision, which may be incompatible with their status defined in No. 98 above.


MOD 100


              3) Member States and Sector Members shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of the members of the Board and refrain from attempting to influence them in the performance of their Board duties.







Radiocommunication Study Groups

and Advisory Group



MOD 102


              The respective duties of the radiocommunication study groups and advisory group are specified in the Convention.




Telecommunication Standardization Sector




Functions and Structure



MOD 104


1            1) The functions of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector shall be, bearing in mind the particular concerns of the developing countries, to fulfil the purposes of the Union relating to telecommunication standardization, as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, by studying technical, operating and tariff questions and adopting recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.


MOD 107


a)           world telecommunication standardization assemblies;


ADD 108A


bbis)     the telecommunication standardization advisory group;


MOD 111


a)           of right, the administrations of all Member States;


MOD 112


b)          any entity or organization which becomes a Sector Member in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.







World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies



MOD 113


1            The duties of world telecommunication standardization assemblies are specified in the Convention.


MOD 114


2            World telecommunication standardization assemblies shall be convened every four years; however, an additional assembly may be held in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.


MOD 115


3            Decisions of world telecommunication standardization assemblies must in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the assemblies shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions, which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.








Telecommunication Standardization Study Groups

and Advisory Group



MOD 116


              The respective duties of the telecommunication standardization study groups and advisory group are specified in the Convention.




Telecommunication Development Sector




Functions and Structure



MOD 122


b)          promote, especially by means of partnership, the development, expansion and operation of telecommunication networks and services, particularly in developing countries, taking into account the activities of other relevant bodies, by reinforcing capabilities for human resources development, planning, management, resource mobilization, and research and development;


ADD 132A


bbis)     the telecommunication development advisory group;


MOD 135


a)           of right, the administrations of all Member States;


MOD 136


b)          any entity or organization which becomes a Sector Member in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.




Telecommunication Development Conferences



MOD 142


4            Telecommunication development conferences shall not produce Final Acts. Their conclusions shall take the form of resolutions, decisions, recommendations or reports. These conclusions must in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions, which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.







Telecommunication Development Study Groups

and Advisory Group



MOD 144


              The respective duties of telecommunication development study groups and advisory group are specified in the Convention.




Other Provisions Concerning the Functioning of the Union




World Conferences on International Telecommunications



MOD 147


2            Decisions of world conferences on international telecommunications shall in all circumstances be in conformity with this Constitution and the Convention. When adopting resolutions and decisions, the conferences shall take into account the foreseeable financial implications and should avoid adopting resolutions and decisions, which might give rise to expenditure in excess of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference.




Elected Officials and Staff of the Union



MOD 151


              2) Member States and Sector Members shall respect the exclusively international character of the duties of these elected officials and of the staff of the Union, and refrain from trying to influence them in the performance of their work.


MOD 153


              4) In order to ensure the efficient operation of the Union, any Member State a national of which has been elected Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General or Director of a Bureau shall refrain, as far as possible, from recalling that national between two plenipotentiary conferences.




Finances of the Union



MOD 159


2            The expenses of the Union shall be met from:


MOD 159A


a)           the contributions of its Member States and Sector Members;


ADD 159B


b)           other revenues as identified in the Convention or in the Financial              



ADD 159C


2bis      Each Member State and Sector Member shall pay a sum equivalent to the number of units in the class of contribution it has chosen in accordance with Nos. 160 to 161I below.


ADD 159D


2ter       Expenses incurred by the regional conferences referred to in No. 43 of this Constitution shall be borne, in accordance with their class of contribution, by all the Member States of the region concerned and, where appropriate, on the same basis by any Member States of other regions which have participated in such conferences.


MOD 160


3            1) Member States and Sector Members shall be free to choose their class of contribution for defraying Union expenses.


MOD 161


              2) The choice by Member States shall be made at a plenipotentiary conference in accordance with the scale of classes of contribution and conditions contained in the Convention and with the procedures described below.


ADD 161A


              3) The choice by Sector Members shall be made in accordance with the scale of classes of contribution and conditions contained in the Convention and with the procedures described below.


ADD 161B


3bis      1) At its session preceding the plenipotentiary conference, the Council shall fix the provisional amount of the contributory unit, on the basis of the draft financial plan for the corresponding period and total number of contributory units.


ADD 161C


              2) The Secretary-General shall inform the Member States and Sector Members of the provisional amount of the contributory unit as determined under No. 161B above and invite the Member States to notify, no later than one week prior to the date set for the opening of the plenipotentiary conference, the class of contribution they have provisionally chosen.


ADD 161D


              3) The plenipotentiary conference shall, during its first week, determine the provisional upper limit of the amount of the contributory unit resulting from the steps taken by the Secretary-General in pursuance of Nos. 161B and 161C above, and taking account of any changes in class of contribution notified by Member States to the Secretary-General as well as classes of contribution remaining unchanged.


ADD 161E


              4) Bearing in mind the draft financial plan as revised, the plenipotentiary conference shall determine the definitive upper limit of the amount of the contributory unit. The Secretary-General shall then invite the Member States to announce, before the end of the penultimate week of the plenipotentiary conference, their definitive choice of class of contribution.


ADD 161F


              5) Member States which have failed to notify the Secretary-General of their decision by the date set by the plenipotentiary conference shall retain the class of contribution previously chosen.


ADD 161G


              6) The plenipotentiary conference shall then approve the definitive financial plan on the basis of the total number of contributory units corresponding to the definitive classes of contribution chosen by the Member States and classes of contribution of the Sector Members at the date on which the financial plan is approved.


ADD 161H


3ter       1) The Secretary-General shall inform the Sector Members of the definitive upper limit of the amount of the contributory unit and invite them to notify, within three months from the closing date of the plenipotentiary conference, the class of contribution they have chosen.


ADD 161I


              2) Sector Members, which have failed to notify the Secretary-General of their decision within this three-month period shall retain the class of contribution previously chosen.


MOD 162


              3) Amendments to the scale of classes of contribution adopted by a plenipotentiary conference shall apply for the selection of the class of contribution during the following plenipotentiary conference.


MOD 163


              4) The class of contribution chosen by a Member State or a Sector Member is applicable as of the first biennial budget after a plenipotentiary conference.


SUP 164



MOD 165


5            When choosing its class of contribution, a Member State shall not reduce it by more than two classes of contribution and the Council shall indicate to it the manner in which the reduction shall be gradually implemented over the period between plenipotentiary conferences. However, under exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters necessitating international aid programmes, the Plenipotentiary Conference may authorize a greater reduction in the number of contributory units when so requested by a Member State, which has established that it can no longer maintain its contribution at the class originally chosen.


ADD 165bis


5bis      Under exceptional circumstances such as natural disasters necessitating international aid programmes, the Council may authorize a reduction in the number of contributory units when so requested by a Member State, which has established that it can no longer maintain its contribution at the class originally chosen.


ADD 165A


5ter       Member States and Sector Members may at any time choose a class of contribution higher than the one already adopted by them.


SUP 166 and 167



MOD 168


8            Member States and Sector Members shall pay in advance their annual contributory shares, calculated on the basis of the biennial budget approved by the Council as well as of any adjustment adopted by the Council.


MOD 169


9            A Member State which is in arrears in its payments to the Union shall lose its right to vote as defined in Nos. 27 and 28 of this Constitution for so long as the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contribution due for the two preceding years.


MOD 170


10          Specific provisions governing the financial contributions by Sector Members and by other international organizations are contained in the Convention.




Legal Capacity of the Union



MOD 176


              The Union shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Member States such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.




Rules of Procedure of Conferences and Other Meetings



MOD 177


1            For the organization of their work and the conduct of their discussions, conferences and other meetings of the Union shall apply the Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings of the Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference.


MOD 178


2            Conferences, assemblies and the Council may adopt such rules as they consider to be essential in addition to those in the Rules of Procedure. Such additional rules must, however, be compatible with this Constitution, the Convention and the Rules of Procedure referred to in No. 177 above; those adopted by conferences or assemblies shall be published as documents of the conference or assembly concerned.




General Provisions Relating to Telecommunications




The Right of the Public to Use the International Telecommunication Service



MOD 179


              Member States recognize the right of the public to correspond by means of the international service of public correspondence. The services, the charges and the safeguards shall be the same for all users in each category of correspondence without any priority or preference.




MOD 180


1            Member States reserve the right to stop, in accordance with their national law, the transmission of any private telegram which may appear dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency, provided that they immediately notify the office of origin of the stoppage of any such telegram or any part thereof, except when such notification may appear dangerous to the security of the State.


MOD 181


2            Member States also reserve the right to cut off, in accordance with their national law, any other private telecommunications, which may appear dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency.




Suspension of Services



MOD 182


              Each Member State reserves the right to suspend the international telecommunication service, either generally or only for certain relations and/or for certain kinds of correspondence, outgoing, incoming or in transit, provided that it immediately notifies such action to each of the other Member States through the Secretary-General.







MOD 183


              Member States accept no responsibility towards users of the international telecommunication services, particularly as regards claims for damages.




Secrecy of Telecommunications



MOD 184


1            Member States agree to take all possible measures, compatible with the system of telecommunication used, with a view to ensuring the secrecy of international correspondence.




Establishment, Operation and Protection of

Telecommunication Channels and Installations



MOD 186


1            Member States shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure the establishment, under the best technical conditions, of the channels and installations necessary to carry on the rapid and uninterrupted exchange of international telecommunications.


MOD 188


3            Member States shall safeguard these channels and installations within their jurisdiction.


MOD 189


4            Unless other conditions are laid down by special arrangements, each Member State shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure maintenance of those sections of international telecommunication circuits within its control.


ADD 189A


5            Member States recognize the necessity of taking practical measures to prevent the operation of electrical apparatus and installations of all kinds from disrupting the operation of telecommunication installations within the jurisdiction of other Member States.




Notification of Infringements



MOD 190


              In order to facilitate the application of the provisions of Article 6 of this Constitution, Member States undertake to inform and, as appropriate, assist one another with regard to infringements of the provisions of this Constitution, of the Convention and of the Administrative Regulations.




Special Arrangements



MOD 193


                Member States reserve for themselves, for the operating agencies recognized by them and for other agencies duly authorized to do so, the right to make special arrangements on telecommunication matters, which do not concern Member States in general. Such arrangements, however, shall not be in conflict with the terms of this Constitution, of the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations, so far as concerns the harmful interference which their operation might cause to the radio services of other Member States, and in general so far as concerns the technical harm which their operation might cause to the operation of other telecommunication services of other Member States.




Regional Conferences, Arrangements and Organizations



MOD 194


              Member States reserve the right to convene regional conferences, to make regional arrangements and to form regional organizations, for the purpose of settling telecommunication questions, which are susceptible of being treated on a regional basis. Such arrangements shall not be in conflict with either this Constitution or the Convention.




Special Provisions for Radio









Use of the Radio-Frequency Spectrum and

of the Geostationary-Satellite and Other Satellite Orbits



MOD 196


2            In using frequency bands for radio services, Member States shall bear in mind that radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary-satellite orbit, are limited natural resources and that they must be used rationally, efficiently and economically, in conformity with the provisions of the Radio Regulations, so that countries or groups of countries may have equitable access to those orbits and frequencies, taking into account the special needs of the developing countries and the geographical situation of particular countries.




Harmful Interference



MOD 197


1            All stations, whatever their purpose, must be established and operated in such a manner as not to cause harmful interference to the radio services or communications of other Member States or of recognized operating agencies, or of other duly authorized operating agencies which carry on a radio service, and which operate in accordance with the provisions of the Radio Regulations.


MOD 198


2            Each Member State undertakes to require the operating agencies, which it recognizes and the other operating agencies duly authorized for this purpose to observe the provisions of No. 197 above.


MOD 199


3            Further, the Member States recognize the necessity of taking all practicable steps to prevent the operation of electrical apparatus and installations of all kinds from causing harmful interference to the radio services or communications mentioned in No. 197 above.




False or Deceptive Distress, Urgency, Safety or Identification Signals



MOD 201


              Member States agree to take the steps required to prevent the transmission or circulation of false or deceptive distress, urgency, safety or identification signals, and to collaborate in locating and identifying stations under their jurisdiction transmitting such signals.




Installations for National Defence Services



MOD 202


1            Member States retain their entire freedom with regard to military radio installations.




Relations With the United Nations, Other International

Organizations and Non-Member States




Relations With Non-Member States



MOD 207


              Each Member State reserves for itself and for the recognized operating agencies the right to fix the conditions on which it admits telecommunications exchanged with a State, which is not a Member State of the Union. If a telecommunication originating in the territory of such a State is accepted by a Member State, it must be transmitted and, in so far as it follows the telecommunication channels of a Member State, the obligatory provisions of this Constitution, of the Convention and of the Administrative Regulations and the usual charges shall apply to it.




Final Provisions




Ratification, Acceptance or Approval



MOD 208


1            This Constitution and the Convention shall be simultaneously ratified, accepted or approved by any signatory Member State, in accordance with its constitutional rules, in one single instrument. This instrument shall be deposited, in as short a time as possible, with the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General shall notify the Member States of each deposit of any such instrument.


MOD 209


2            1) During a period of two years from the date of entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention, a signatory Member State, even though it may not have deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with No. 208 above, shall enjoy the rights conferred on Member States in Nos. 25 to 28 of this Constitution.


MOD 210


              2) From the end of a period of two years from the date of entry into force of this Constitution and the Convention, a signatory Member State which has not deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, in accordance with No. 208 above, shall no longer be entitled to vote at any conference of the Union, at any session of the Council, at any meeting of any of the Sectors of the Union, or during any consultation by correspondence conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and of the Convention until it has so deposited such an instrument. Its rights, other than voting rights, shall not be affected.







MOD 212


1            A Member State which is not a signatory to this Constitution and the Convention, or, subject to the provisions of Article 2 of this Constitution, any other State referred to in that Article, may accede to this Constitution and the Convention at any time. Such accession shall be made simultaneously in the form of one single instrument covering both this Constitution and the Convention.


MOD 213


2            The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General, who shall notify the Member States of each deposit of any such instrument when it is received and shall forward to each of them a certified copy thereof




Administrative Regulations



ADD 216A


              The Administrative Regulations referred to in No. 216 above shall remain in force, subject to such revisions as may be adopted in application of Nos. 89 and 146 of this Constitution and brought into force. Any revision of the Administrative Regulations, either partial or complete, shall enter into force on the date or dates specified therein only for the Member States which, prior to such date or dates, have notified the Secretary-General of their consent to be bound by that revision.


SUP 217



ADD 217A


              A Member State shall notify its consent to be bound by a partial or complete revision of the Administrative Regulations by depositing with the Secretary-General an instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of that revision or of accession thereto or by notifying the Secretary-General of its consent to be bound by that revision.


ADD 217B


              Any Member State may also notify the Secretary-General that its ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, amendments to this Constitution or the Convention in accordance with Article 55 of the Constitution or Article 42 of the Convention shall constitute consent to be bound by any revision of the Administrative Regulations, either partial or complete, adopted by a competent conference prior to the signature of the said amendments to this Constitution or to the Convention.


ADD 217C


              The notification referred to in No. 217B above shall be given at the time of the deposit by the Member State of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the amendments to this Constitution or to the Convention.


ADD 217D


              Any revision of the Administrative Regulations shall apply provisionally, as from the date of entry into force of the revision, in respect of any Member State that has signed the revision and has not notified the Secretary-General of its consent to be bound in accordance with Nos. 217A and 217B above. Such provisional application only takes effect if the Member State in question did not oppose it at the time of signature of the revision.


MOD 218


4            Such provisional application shall continue for a Member State until it notifies the Secretary-General of its decision concerning its consent to be bound by any such revision.


SUP 219 to 221



ADD 221A


              If a Member State fails to notify the Secretary-General of its decision concerning its consent to be bound under No. 218 above within thirty-six months following the date or dates of entry into force of the revision, that Member State shall be deemed to have consented to be bound by that revision.


ADD 221B


              Any provisional application within the meaning of No. 217D or any consent to be bound within the meaning of No. 221A shall be subject to any reservation as may have been made by the Member State concerned at the time of signature of the revision. Any consent to be bound within the meaning of Nos. 216A, 217A, 217B and 218 above shall be subject to any reservation as may have been made by the Member State concerned at the time of signature of the Administrative Regulations or revision thereto, provided that it maintains the reservation when notifying the Secretary-General of its consent to be bound.


SUP 222



MOD 223


7 The Secretary-General shall inform Member States promptly of any notification received pursuant to this Article.




Provisions for Amending this Constitution



MOD 224


1            Any Member State may propose any amendment to this Constitution. Any such proposal shall, in order to ensure its timely transmission to, and consideration by, all the Member States, reach the Secretary-General not later than eight months prior to the opening date fixed for the Plenipotentiary Conference. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, but not later than six months prior to the latter date, forward any such proposal to all the Member States.


MOD 225


2            Any proposed modification to any amendment submitted in accordance with No. 224 above may, however, be submitted at any time by a Member State or by its delegation at the plenipotentiary conference.


MOD 228


5            Unless specified otherwise in the preceding paragraphs of this Article, which shall prevail, the general provisions regarding conferences and the Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings shall apply.


MOD 229


6            Any amendments to this Constitution adopted by a plenipotentiary conference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the conference between Member States having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, both this Constitution and the amending instrument. Ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, only a part of such an amending instrument shall be excluded.


MOD 230


7            The Secretary-General shall notify all Member States of the deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.




Settlement of Disputes



MOD 233


1            Member States may settle their disputes on questions relating to the interpretation or application of this Constitution, of the Convention or of the Administrative Regulations by negotiation, through diplomatic channels, or according to procedures established by bilateral or multilateral treaties concluded between them for the settlement of international disputes, or by any other method mutually agreed upon.


MOD 234


2            If none of these methods of settlement is adopted, any Member State party to a dispute may have recourse to arbitration in accordance with the procedure defined in the Convention.


MOD 235


3            The Optional Protocol on the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes Relating to this Constitution, to the Convention, and to the Administrative Regulations shall be applicable as between Member States parties to that Protocol.




Denunciation of this Constitution and the Convention



MOD 236


1            Each Member State, which has ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to this Constitution and the Convention shall have the right to denounce them. In such a case, this Constitution and the Convention shall be denounced simultaneously in one single instrument, by a notification addressed to the Secretary-General. Upon receipt of such notification, the Secretary-General shall advise the other Member States thereof.




Entry into Force and Related Matters



MOD 241


4            The original of this Constitution and the Convention drawn up in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages shall remain deposited in the archives of the Union. The Secretary-General shall forward, in the languages requested, a certified true copy to each of the signatory Member States.




PART II - Date of Entry into Force



The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument on 1 January 2000 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument.




IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994).



Done at Minneapolis, 6 November 1998











ADD 1001A


Member State: A State, which is considered to be a Member of the International Telecommunication Union in application of Article 2 of this Constitution.


ADD 1001B


Sector Member: An entity or organization authorized in accordance with Article 19 of the Convention to participate in the activities of a Sector.


MOD 1005


Delegation: The totality of the delegates and, should the case arise, any representatives, advisers, attachés, or interpreters sent by the same Member State.



Each Member State shall be free to make up its delegation as it wishes. In particular, it may include in its delegation, inter alia, in the capacity of delegates, advisers or attachés, persons belonging to any entity or organization authorized in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention.


MOD 1006


Delegate: A person sent by the government of a Member State to a plenipo-tentiary conference, or a person representing a government or an administration of a Member State at another conference or at a meeting of the Union.


MOD 1008


Recognized Operating Agency: Any operating agency, as defined above, which operates a public correspondence or broadcasting service and upon which the obligations provided for in Article 6 of this Constitution are imposed by the Member State in whose territory the head office of the agency is situated, or by the Member State which has authorized this operating agency to establish and operate a telecommunication service on its territory.








(GENEVA, 1992)



as amended by the

Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994)


(Amendments adopted by the Plenipotentiary

Conference (Minneapolis, 1998)) *2



PART  I  -  Foreword




By virtue of and in implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994), in particular those in Article 42 thereof, the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (Minneapolis, 1998) has adopted the following amendments to the said Convention:



Functioning of the Union







Plenipotentiary Conference






              2)    If practicable, the precise place and the exact dates of a plenipotentiary conference shall be set by the preceding plenipotentiary conference; failing this, they shall be fixed by the Council with the concurrence of the majority of the Member States.




a)           when at least one-quarter of the Member States have individually proposed a change to the Secretary-General; or




              2)    Any such change shall require the concurrence of a majority of the Member States.




Elections and Related Matters




The Council





1            Except in the case of vacancies arising in the circumstances described in Nos. 10 to 12 below, the Member States elected to the Council shall hold office until the date on which a new Council is elected. They shall be eligible for reelection.




2            1)    If, between two plenipotentiary conferences, a seat becomes vacant on the Council, it shall pass by right to the Member State from the same region as the Member State whose seat is vacated which had obtained at the previous election the largest number of votes among those not elected.




                2)            When for any reason a vacant seat cannot be filled according to the procedure of No. 8 above, the Chairman of the Council shall invite the other Member States of the region to seek election within one month of such an invitation being issued. At the end of this period, the Chairman of the Council shall invite Member States to elect a new Member State of the Council. The election shall be carried out by secret ballot by correspondence. The same majority as indicated above will be required. The new Member State of the Council shall hold office until the election of the new Council by the next competent plenipotentiary conference.


MOD 12


b)          when a Member State resigns its membership of the Council.








Other Conferences and Assemblies




MOD 23


1             In conformity with the relevant provisions of the Constitution, the following world conferences and assemblies of the Union shall normally be convened within the period between two plenipotentiary conferences:


MOD 24


a)           one or two world radiocommunication conferences;


MOD 25


b)          one world telecommunication standardization assembly;


MOD 27


d)           one or two radiocommunication assemblies.


SUP 29



MOD 30


–            an additional world telecommunication standardization assembly may be convened.


MOD 33


b)          on the recommendation of the previous world conference or assembly of the Sector concerned, if approved by the Council; in the case of a radiocommunication assembly, the recommendation of the assembly shall be transmitted to the following world radiocommunication conference for comments for the attention of the Council;


MOD 34


c)           at the request of at least one-quarter of the Member States, which shall individually address their requests to the Secretary-General; or


MOD 39


c)           at the request of at least one-quarter of the Member States belonging to the region concerned, which shall individually address their requests to the Secretary-General; or


MOD 41


5            1)    The precise place and the exact dates of a world or regional conference or an assembly of a Sector may be fixed by a plenipotentiary conference.


MOD 42


              2)    In the absence of such a decision, the Council shall determine the precise place and the exact dates of a world conference or an assembly of a Sector with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States, and of a regional conference with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States belonging to the region concerned; in both cases the provisions of No. 47 below shall apply.


MOD 44


a)           at the request of at least one-quarter of the Member States in the case of a world conference or an assembly of a Sector, or of at least one-quarter of the Member States belonging to the region concerned in the case of a regional conference. Their requests shall be addressed individually to the Secretary-General, who shall transmit them to the Council for approval; or


MOD 46


              2)    In the cases specified in Nos. 44 and 45 above, the changes proposed shall not be finally adopted until accepted by a majority of the Member States, in the case of a world conference or an assembly of a Sector, or by a majority of the Member States belonging to the region concerned, in the case of a regional conference, subject to the provisions of No. 47 below.


MOD 47


7            In the consultations referred to in Nos. 42, 46, 118, 123, 138, 302, 304, 305, 307 and 312 of this Convention, Member States which have not replied within the time-limits specified by the Council shall be regarded as not participating in the consultations, and in consequence shall not be taken into account in computing the majority. If the number of replies does not exceed one-half of the Member States consulted, a further consultation shall take place, the results of which shall be decisive regardless of the number of votes cast.







The Council


MOD 50


1        1)        The number of Member States of the Council shall be determined by the Plenipotentiary Conference which is held every four years.




2            This number shall not exceed 25 % of the total number of Member States.


MOD 53


              3)    Between ordinary sessions, it may be convened, as a general rule at the seat of the Union, by the Chairman at the request of a majority of its Member States, or on the initiative of the Chairman under the conditions provided for in No. 18 of this Convention.


MOD 55


4        At the beginning of each ordinary session, the Council shall elect its own Chairman and Vice-Chairman from among the representatives of its Member States, taking into account the principle of rotation between the regions. They shall serve until the opening of the next ordinary session and shall not be eligible for re-election. The Vice-Chairman shall serve as Chairman in the absence of the latter.


MOD 56


5        The person appointed to serve on the Council by a Member State of the Council shall, so far as possible, be an official serving in, or directly responsible to, or for, their telecommunication administration and qualified in the field of telecommunication services.


MOD 57


6        Only the travelling, subsistence and insurance expenses incurred by the representative of each Member State of the Council in that capacity at Council sessions shall be borne by the Union.


MOD 58


7        The representative of each Member State of the Council shall have the right to attend, as an observer, all meetings of the Sectors of the Union.


MOD 60


9        The Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux may participate as of right in the deliberations of the Council, but without taking part in the voting. Nevertheless, the Council may hold meetings confined to the representatives of its Member States.




              A Member State which is not a Member State of the Council may, with prior notice to the Secretary-General, send one observer at its own expense to meetings of the Council, its committees and its working groups. An observer shall not have the right to vote or address the meeting.


MOD 61


10       The Council shall consider each year the report prepared by the Secretary-General on implementation of the strategic plan adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference and shall take appropriate action.


MOD 69


              3)    take decisions to ensure equitable geographical distribution and representation of women in the Professional and higher categories in the staff of the Union and monitor the implementation of such decisions;


MOD 73


              7)    review and approve the biennial budget of the Union, and consider the budget forecast for the two-year period following that budget, taking account of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference in relation to No. 50 of the Constitution and of the financial limits set by the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with No. 51 of the Constitution; it shall ensure the strictest possible economy but be mindful of the obligation upon the Union to achieve satisfactory results as expeditiously as possible. In so doing, the Council shall take into account the views of the Coordination Committee as contained in the report by the Secretary-General mentioned in No. 86 and the financial operating report mentioned in No. 101 of this Convention;


MOD 75


              9)    arrange for the convening of the conferences and assemblies of the Union and provide, with the consent of a majority of the Member States in the case of a world conference or assembly, or of a majority of the Member States belonging to the region concerned in the case of a regional conference, appropriate directives to the General Secretariat and the Sectors of the Union with regard to their technical and other assistance in the preparation for and organization of conferences and assemblies;


MOD 79


              13)  take any necessary steps, with the agreement of a majority of the Member States, provisionally to resolve questions not covered by the Constitution, this Convention, the Administrative Regulations and their annexes and which cannot await the next competent conference for settlement;


MOD 81


              15)  send to Member States, as soon as possible after each of its sessions, summary records on the activities of the Council and other documents deemed useful;







General Secretariat



MOD 86


c)           prepare, with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, and submit to the Council a report indicating changes in the telecommunication environment since the last plenipotentiary conference and containing recommended action relating to the Union’s future policies and strategy, together with their financial implications;




cbis)      coordinate implementation of the strategic plan adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference and prepare an annual report on this implementation for review by the Council;




dbis)     prepare an annual operational plan and financial plan of activities to be undertaken by the staff of the General Secretariat in support of the strategic plan, to be reviewed by Council.


MOD 100


q)           after consultation with the Coordination Committee and making all possible economies, prepare and submit to the Council a biennial draft budget covering the expenditures of the Union, taking account of the financial limits laid down by the Plenipotentiary Conference. This draft shall consist of a consolidated budget, including cost-based budgets for the three Sectors, prepared in accordance with the budget guidelines issued by the Secretary-General, and comprising two versions. One version shall be for zero growth of the contributory unit, the other for a growth less than or equal to any limit fixed by the Plenipotentiary Conference, after any drawing on the Reserve Account. The budget resolution, after approval by the Council, shall be sent for information to all Member States;


MOD 102


s)           with the assistance of the Coordination Committee, prepare an annual report on the activities of the Union which, after approval by the Council, shall be sent to all Member States;


ADD 102A


sbis)       manage the special arrangements referred to in No. 76A of the Constitution, the cost of this management being borne by the signatories of the arrangement in a manner agreed  between them and the Secretary-General.







Coordination Committee


MOD 109


2            The Committee shall endeavour to reach conclusions unanimously. In the absence of the support of the majority in the Committee, its Chairman may in exceptional circumstances take decisions, on the Chairman’s own responsibility, when judging that the decision of the matters in question is urgent and cannot await the next session of the Council. In such circumstances the Chairman shall report promptly in writing on such matters to the Member States of the Council, setting forth the reasons for such action together with any other written views submitted by other members of the Committee. If in such circumstances the matters are not urgent, but nevertheless important, they shall be submitted for consideration by the next session of the Council.





Radiocommunication Sector





World Radiocommunication Conference




MOD 117


d)           the identification of topics to be studied by the radiocommunication assembly and the radiocommunication study groups, as well as matters that the assembly shall consider in relation to future radiocommunication conferences.


MOD 118


              2)    The general scope of this agenda should be established four to six years in advance, and the final agenda shall be established by the Council preferably two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention. These two versions of the agenda shall be established on the basis of the recommendations of the world radiocommunication conference, in accordance with No. 126 of this Convention.


MOD 121


a)           at the request of at least one-quarter of the Member States. Such requests shall be addressed individually to the Secretary-General, who shall transmit them to the Council for approval; or


MOD 123


              2)    The proposed changes to the agenda of a world radiocommunication conference shall not be finally adopted until accepted by a majority of the Member States, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention.





Radiocommunication Assembly




MOD 131


              1)    consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 157 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject the draft recommendations contained in those reports, and consider the reports of the radiocommunication advisory group prepared in accordance with No. 160H of this Convention;


MOD 136


              6)    report to the following world radiocommunication conference on the progress in matters that may be included in the agenda of future radiocommunication conferences.


ADD 137A


              A radiocommunication assembly may refer specific matters within its competence to the radiocommunication advisory group for advice.






MOD 138


              The agenda of a regional radiocommunication conference may provide only for specific radiocommunication questions of a regional nature, including instructions to the Radio Regulations Board and the Radiocommunication Bureau regarding their activities in respect of the region concerned, provided such instructions do not conflict with the interests of other regions. Only items included in its agenda may be discussed by such a conference. The provisions contained in Nos. 118 to 123 of this Convention shall apply to a regional radiocommunication conference, but only with regard to the Member States of the region concerned.







SUP 139






Radiocommunication Study Groups




MOD 149


2            1)    The radiocommunication study groups shall study questions adopted in accordance with a procedure established by the radiocommunication assembly and prepare draft recommendations to be adopted in accordance with the procedure set forth in Nos. 246A to 247 of this Convention.


ADD 149B


              2) The radiocommunication study groups shall also study topics identified in resolutions and recommendations of world radiocommunication conferences. The results of such studies shall be included in recommendations or in the reports prepared in accordance with No. 156 below.


MOD 150


              3)    The study of the above questions and topics shall, subject to No. 158 below, focus on the following:


MOD 151


a)           use of the radio-frequency spectrum in terrestrial and space radiocommunication and of the geostationary-satellite and other satellite orbits;


MOD 155


              3)    These studies shall not generally address economic questions, but when they involve comparing technical or operational alternatives, economic factors may be taken into consideration.








Radiocommunication Advisory Group




ADD 160A


1            The radiocommunication advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen of the study groups, and will act through the Director.


ADD 160B


2            The radiocommunication advisory group shall:


ADD 160C


              1)    review priorities, programmes, operations, financial matters and strategies related to radiocommunication assemblies, study groups and the preparation of radiocommunication conferences, and any specific matters as directed by a conference of the Union, a radiocommunication assembly or the Council;


ADD 160D


              2)    review progress in the implementation of the programme of work established under No. 132 of this Convention;


ADD 160E


              3)    provide guidelines for the work of study groups;


ADD 160F


              4)    recommend measures, inter alia, to foster cooperation and coordination with other standards bodies, with the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, the Telecommunication Development Sector and the General Secretariat;


ADD 160G


              5)    adopt its own working procedures compatible with those adopted by the radiocommunication assembly;


ADD 160H


              6)    prepare a report for the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau indicating action in respect of the above items;




Radiocommunication Bureau



MOD 164


a)           coordinate the preparatory work of the study groups and the Bureau, communicate to the Member States and Sector Members the results of this preparatory work, collect their comments and submit a consolidated report to the conference which may include proposals of a regulatory nature;


MOD 169


b)          distribute to all Member States the Rules of Procedure of the Board and collect comments thereon received from administrations;


ADD 175A


3bis)     provide the necessary support for the radiocommunication advisory group, and report each year to Member States and Sector Members and to the Council on the results of the work of the advisory group.


ADD 175B


3ter)       take practical measures to facilitate the participation of developing countries in the radiocommunication study groups.


MOD 177


a)           carry out studies to furnish advice with a view to the operation of the maximum practicable number of radio channels in those portions of the spectrum where harmful interference may occur, and with a view to the equitable, effective and economical use of the geostationary-satellite and other satellite orbits, taking into account the needs of Member States requiring assistance, the specific needs of developing countries, as well as the special geographical situation of particular countries;


MOD 178


b)          exchange with Member States and Sector Members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and keep up to date any documents and databases of the Radiocommunication Sector, and arrange, with the Secretary-General, as appropriate, for their publication in the working languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;


MOD 180


d)           submit to the world radiocommunication conference a report on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since the last conference; if a world radiocommunication conference is not planned, a report on the activities of the Sector covering the two-year period since the last conference shall be submitted to the Council and, for information, to Member States and Sector Members;


ADD 181A


ebis)     prepare an annual operational plan and financial plan of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole, to be reviewed by the radiocommunication advisory group in accordance with Article 11A of this Convention and provided to the Council.




Telecommunication Standardization Sector






World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly




MOD 184


1             In accordance with No. 104 of the Constitution, a world telecommunication standardization assembly shall be convened to consider specific matters related to telecommunication standardization.


MOD 185


2             The questions to be studied by a world telecommunication standardization assembly, on which recommendations shall be issued, shall be those adopted pursuant to its own procedures or referred to it by the Plenipotentiary Conference, any other conference, or the Council.


MOD 186


3            In accordance with No. 104 of the Constitution, the assembly shall:


MOD 187


a)           consider the reports of study groups prepared in accordance with No. 194 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject draft recommendations contained in those reports, and consider the reports of the telecommunication standardization advisory group in accordance with Nos. 197J and 197K of this Convention;


(MOD) 190


d)           group, as far as practicable, questions of interest to the developing countries to facilitate their participation in these studies;


ADD 191A


4            A world telecommunication standardization assembly may assign specific matters within its competence to the telecommunication standardization advisory group indicating the action required on those matters.


ADD 191B


5            A world telecommunication standardization assembly shall be presided over by a person designated by the government of the country in which the meeting is held or, in the case of a meeting held at the seat of the Union, by a person elected by the assembly itself. The Chairman shall be assisted by Vice-Chairmen elected by the assembly.





Telecommunication Standardization Study Groups




MOD 192


1            1)    Telecommunication standardization study groups shall study questions adopted in accordance with a procedure established by the world telecommunication standardization assembly and prepare draft recommendations to be adopted in accordance with the procedure set forth in Nos. 246A to 247 of this Convention.


MOD 194


              3)    Each study group shall prepare for the world telecommunication standardization assembly a report indicating the progress of work, the recommendations adopted in accordance with the consultation procedure contained in No. 192 above, and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the assembly.


MOD 197


4            For the purpose of facilitating the review of activities in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, measures should be taken to foster cooperation and coordination with other organizations concerned with telecommunication standardization and with the Radiocommunication Sector and the Telecommunication Development Sector. A world telecommunication standardization assembly shall determine the specific duties, conditions of participation and rules of procedure for these measures.








Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group




ADD 197C


1            The telecommunication standardization advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen of the study groups.


ADD 197D


2            The telecommunication standardization advisory group shall:


ADD 197E


              1)    review priorities, programmes, operations, financial matters and strategies for activities in the Telecommunication Standardization Sector;


ADD 197F


              2)    review progress in the implementation of the programme of work established under No. 188 of this Convention;


ADD 197G


              3)    provide guidelines for the work of study groups;


ADD 197H


              4)    recommend measures, inter alia, to foster cooperation and coordination with other relevant bodies, with the Radiocommunication Sector, the Telecommunication Development Sector and the General Secretariat;


ADD 197I


              5)    adopt its own working procedures compatible with those adopted by the world telecommunication standardization assembly;


ADD 197J


              6)    prepare a report for the Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau indicating action in respect of the above items.


ADD 197K


              7)    prepare a report for the world telecommunication standardization assembly on the matters assigned to it in accordance with No. 191A and transmit it to the Director for submission to the assembly.





Telecommunication Standardization Bureau




MOD 200


a)           update annually the work programme approved by the world telecommunication standardization assembly, in consultation with the chairmen of the telecommunication standardization study groups;


MOD 201


b)          participate, as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the world telecommunication standardization assemblies and of the telecommunication standardization study groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for assemblies and meetings of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council concerning these preparations;


MOD 202


c)           process information received from administrations in application of the relevant provisions of the International Telecommunication Regulations or decisions of the world telecommunication standardization assembly and prepare it, where appropriate, in a suitable form for publication;


MOD 203


d)           exchange with Member States and Sector Members data in machine-readable and other forms, prepare and, as necessary, keep up to date any documents and databases of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector, and arrange with the Secretary-General, where appropriate, for their publication in the working languages of the Union in accordance with No. 172 of the Constitution;


MOD 204


e)           submit to the world telecommunication standardization assembly a report on the activities of the Sector since the last assembly; the Director shall also submit to the Council and to the Member States and Sector Members such a report covering the two-year period since the last assembly, unless a second assembly is convened;


ADD 205A


fbis)      prepare an annual operational plan and financial plan of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole, to be reviewed by the telecommunication standardization advisory group and provided to the Council;


ADD 205B


g)           provide the necessary support for the telecommunication standardization advisory group, and report each year to Member States and Sector Members and to the Council on the results of its work;


ADD 205C


h)           provide assistance to developing countries in the preparatory work for world standardization assemblies, particularly with regard to matters of a priority nature for those countries.




Telecommunication Development Sector




Telecommunication Development Conferences



MOD 213


2            The draft agenda of telecommunication development conferences shall be prepared by the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau and be submitted by the Secretary-General to the Council for approval with the concurrence of a majority of the Member States in the case of a world conference, or of a majority of the Member States belonging to the region concerned in the case of a regional conference, subject to the provisions of No. 47 of this Convention.


ADD 213A


3            A world telecommunication development conference may refer specific matters within its competence to the telecommunication development advisory group for advice.





Telecommunication Development Study Groups




ADD 215A


3            Each telecommunication development study group shall prepare for the world telecommunication development conference a report indicating the progress of work and any draft new or revised recommendations for consideration by the conference.


ADD 215B


4            Telecommunication development study groups shall study questions and prepare draft recommendations to be adopted in accordance with the procedures set out in Nos. 246A to 247 of this Convention.








Telecommunication Development Advisory Group




ADD 215C


7            The telecommunication development advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups.


ADD 215D


8            The telecommunication development advisory group shall:


ADD 215E


              1)    review priorities, programmes, operations, financial matters and strategies for activities in the Telecommunication Development Sector;


ADD 215F


              2)    review progress in the implementation of the programme of work established under No. 209 of this Convention;


ADD 215G


              3)    provide guidelines for the work of study groups;


ADD 215H


              4)    recommend measures, inter alia, to foster cooperation and coordination with the Radiocommunication Sector, the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and the General Secretariat, as well as with other relevant development and financial institutions;


ADD 215I


              5)    adopt its own working procedures compatible with those adopted by the world telecommunication development conference;


ADD 215J


              6)    prepare a report for the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau indicating action in respect of the above items.


ADD 215K


9            Representatives of bilateral cooperation and development aid agencies and multilateral development institutions may be invited by the Director to participate in the meetings of the advisory group.






Telecommunication Development Bureau




MOD 222


e)           submit to the world telecommunication development conference a report on the activities of the Sector since the last conference; the Director shall also submit to the Council and to the Member States and Sector Members such a report covering the two-year period since the last conference;


(MOD) 223


f)            prepare a cost-based budget estimate for the requirements of the Telecommunication Development Sector and transmit it to the Secretary-General for consideration by the Coordination Committee and inclusion in the Union’s budget;


ADD 223A


fbis)      prepare an annual operational plan and financial plan of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole, to be reviewed by the telecommunication development advisory group and provided to the Council;


ADD 223B


g)           provide the necessary support for the telecommunication development advisory group, and report each year to the Member States and Sector Members and to the Council on the results of its work.


MOD 224


3            The Director shall work collegially with the other elected officials in order to ensure that the Union’s catalytic role in stimulating telecommunication development is strengthened and shall make the necessary arrangements with the Director of the Bureau concerned for initiating suitable action, including the convening of information meetings on the activities of the Sector concerned.


MOD 225


4            At the request of the Member States concerned, the Director, with the assistance of the Directors of the other Bureaux and, where appropriate, the Secretary-General, shall study and offer advice concerning their national telecommunication problems; where a comparison of technical alternatives is involved, economic factors may be taken into consideration.


SUP 227





Provisions Common to the Three Sectors



                                                                ARTICLE 19  (CV)

Participation of Entities and Organizations Other than Administrations in the Union’s Activities



MOD 229


a)           recognized operating agencies, scientific or industrial organizations and financial or development institutions which are approved by the Member State concerned;


MOD 230


b)          other entities dealing with telecommunication matters which are approved by the Member State concerned;


MOD 233


3            Any request from an entity listed in No. 229 above to participate in the work of a Sector, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution and this Convention, approved by the Member State concerned shall be forwarded by the latter to the Secretary-General.


MOD 234


4            Any request from an entity referred to in No. 230 above submitted by the Member State concerned shall be handled in conformity with a procedure established by the Council. Such a request shall be reviewed by the Council with respect to its conformity with the above procedure.


ADD 234A


4bis      Alternatively, a request from an entity listed in No. 229 or 230 above to become a Sector Member may be sent direct to the Secretary-General. Those Member States authorizing such entities to send a request directly to the Secretary-General shall inform the latter accordingly. Entities whose Member State has not provided such notice to the Secretary-General shall not have the option of direct application. The Secretary-General shall regularly update and publish a list of those Member States that have authorized entities under their jurisdiction or sovereignty to apply directly.


ADD 234B


4ter       Upon receipt, directly from an entity, of a request under No. 234A above, the Secretary-General shall, on the basis of criteria defined by the Council, ensure that the function and purposes of the candidate are in conformity with the purposes of the Union. The Secretary-General shall then, without delay, inform the applicant’s Member State inviting approval of the application. If the Secretary-General receives no objection from the Member State within four months, a reminder telegram shall be sent. If the Secretary-General receives no objection within four months after the date of dispatch of the reminder telegram, the application shall be regarded as approved. If an objection is received from the Member State by the Secretary-General, the applicant shall be invited by the Secretary-General to contact the Member State concerned.


ADD 234C


4quater   When authorizing direct application, a Member State may notify the Secretary-General that it assigns authority to the Secretary-General to approve any application by an entity under its jurisdiction or sovereignty.


MOD 237


7            The Secretary-General shall compile and maintain lists of all entities and organizations referred to in Nos. 229 to 231 and Nos. 260 to 262 of this Convention that are authorized to participate in the work of each Sector and shall, at appropriate intervals, publish and distribute these lists to all Member States and Sector Members concerned and to the Director of the Bureau concerned. That Director shall advise such entities and organizations of the action taken on their requests, and shall inform the relevant Member States.


MOD 238


8            The conditions of participation in the Sectors by entities and organizations contained in the lists referred to in No. 237 above are specified in this Article, in Article 33 and in other relevant provisions of this Convention. The provisions of Nos. 25 to 28 of the Constitution do not apply to them.


MOD 239


9            A Sector Member may act on behalf of the Member State, which has approved it, provided that the Member State informs the Director of the Bureau concerned that it is authorized to do so.


MOD 240


10          Any Sector Member has the right to denounce such participation by notifying the Secretary-General. Such participation may also be denounced, where appropriate, by the Member State concerned or, in case of the Sector Member approved pursuant to No. 234C above, in accordance with criteria and procedures determined by the Council. Such denunciation shall take effect at the end of one year from the date when notification is received by the Secretary-General.


ADD 241A


              The assembly or conference of a Sector may decide to admit entities or organizations to participate as Associates in the work of a given study group or subgroups thereof following the principles set out below:


ADD 241B


              1)    An entity or organization referred to in Nos. 229 to 231 above may apply to participate in the work of a given study group as an Associate.


ADD 241C


              2)    In cases where a Sector has decided to admit Associates, the Secretary-General shall apply to the applicants the relevant provisions of this Article, taking account of the size of the entity or organization and any other relevant criteria.


ADD 241D


              3)    Associates admitted to participate in a given study group are not entered in the list referred to in No. 237 above.


ADD 241E


              4)    The conditions governing participation in the work of a study group are specified in Nos. 248B and 483A of this Convention.



                                                                ARTICLE 20  (CV)

Conduct of Business of Study Groups



MOD 242


1            The radiocommunication assembly, the world telecommunication standardization assembly and the world telecommunication development conference shall appoint the chairman and one vice-chairman or more for each study group. In appointing chairmen and vice-chairmen, particular consideration shall be given to the requirements of competence and equitable geographical distribution, and to the need to promote more efficient participation by the developing countries.


MOD 243


2            If the workload of any study group requires, the assembly or conference shall appoint such additional vice-chairmen as it deems necessary.


ADD 246A



a)           Member States and Sector Members shall adopt questions to be studied in accordance with procedures established by the relevant conference or assembly, as appropriate, including the indication whether or not a resulting recommendation shall be the subject of a formal consultation of Member States.

ADD 246B


b)           Recommendations resulting from the study of the above questions are adopted by a study group in accordance with procedures established by the relevant conference or assembly, as appropriate. Those recommendations, which do not require formal consultation of Member States for their approval shall be considered as approved.


ADD 246C


c)           A recommendation requiring formal consultation of Member States shall be either treated in accordance with No. 247 below or transmitted to the relevant conference or assembly, as appropriate.


ADD 246D


cbis)     Nos. 246A and 246B above shall not be used for questions and recommendations having policy or regulatory implications such as:


ADD 246E


              -       questions and recommendations approved by the Radio-communication Sector relevant to the work of radiocommunication conferences, and other categories of questions and recommendations that may be decided by the radiocommunication assembly;


ADD 246F


              -       questions and recommendations approved by the Telecommunication Standardization Sector which relate to tariff and accounting issues, and relevant numbering and addressing plans;


ADD 246G


              -       questions and recommendations approved by the Telecommunication Development Sector which relate to regulatory, policy and financial issues;


ADD 246H


              -       questions and recommendations where there is any doubt about their scope.


MOD 247


6            Study groups may initiate action for obtaining approval from Member States for recommendations completed between two assemblies or conferences. The procedures to be applied for obtaining such approval shall be those approved by the competent assembly or conference, as appropriate.


ADD 247A


6bis      Recommendations approved in application of Nos. 246B or 247 above shall have the same status as ones approved by the conference or assembly itself.


ADD 248A


7bis      Following a procedure developed by the Sector concerned, the Director of a Bureau may, in consultation with the chairman of the study group concerned, invite an organization which does not participate in the Sector to send representatives to take part in the study of a specific matter in the study group concerned or its subordinate groups.


ADD 248B


7ter       An Associate, as referred to in No. 241A of this Convention, will be permitted to participate in the work of the selected study group without taking part in any decision-making or liaison activity of that study group.







General Provisions Regarding Conferences and Assemblies




Invitation and Admission to Plenipotentiary Conferences

 when There is an Inviting Government



MOD 256


2            1)    One year before the date of opening of the conference, the inviting government shall send an invitation to the government of each Member State.


MOD 262A


e)           Sector Members referred to in Nos. 229 and 231 of this Convention and organizations of an international character representing them.


MOD 263


4            1)    The replies of the Member States must reach the inviting government at least one month before the date of opening of the conference and should include whenever possible full information on the composition of the delegation.


MOD 265


              3)    The replies of the organizations and agencies referred to in Nos. 259 to 262A above must reach the Secretary-General one month before the opening date of the conference.





Invitation and Admission to Radiocommunication Conferences

when There is an Inviting Government



MOD 271


2            1)    The provisions of Nos. 256 to 265 of this Convention shall apply to radiocommunication conferences.


MOD 272


              2)    Member States should inform the Sector Members of the invitation they have received to participate in a radiocommunication conference.


MOD 280


d)           observers representing Sector Members of the Radiocommunication Sector duly authorized by the Member State concerned;


MOD 282


f)            observers of Member States participating in a non-voting capacity in a regional radiocommunication conference of a region other than that to which the said Member States belong.







Invitation and Admission to Radiocommunication Assemblies, World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies and Telecommunication Development Conferences when There is an Inviting Government



MOD 285


a)           the administration of each Member State;


MOD 286


b)          the Sector Members concerned;


MOD 298


c)           representatives of Sector Members concerned.




                                                                ARTICLE 26  (CV)




Procedure for Convening or Cancelling World Conferences or Assemblies
at the Request of Member States or on a Proposal of the Council




MOD 299


1            The procedures to be applied for convening a second world telecommunication standardization assembly in the interval between successive plenipotentiary conferences and fixing its precise place and exact dates or for cancelling the second world radiocommunication conference or the second radiocommunication assembly are set forth in the following provisions.


MOD 300


2            1)    Any Member State wishing to have a second world telecommunication standardization assembly convened shall so inform the Secretary-General, indicating the proposed place and dates of the assembly.


MOD 301


              2)    On receipt of similar requests from at least one-quarter of the Member States, the Secretary-General shall inform immediately all Member States thereof by the most appropriate means of telecommunication, asking them to indicate, within six weeks, whether or not they agree to the proposal.


MOD 302


              3)    If a majority of the Member States, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, agree to the proposal as a whole, that is to say, if they accept the proposed place and dates, the Secretary-General shall so inform immediately all Member States by the most appropriate means of telecommunication.


MOD 303


              4)    If the proposal accepted is for an assembly elsewhere than at the seat of the Union, the Secretary-General, with the assent of the government concerned, shall take the necessary steps to convene the assembly.


MOD 304


              5)    If the proposal as a whole (place and dates) is not accepted by the majority of the Member States determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, the Secretary-General shall inform the Member States of the replies received, requesting them to give a final reply on the point or points under dispute within six weeks of receipt.


MOD 305


              6)    Such points shall be regarded as adopted when they have been approved by a majority of the Member States, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention.


MOD 306


3            1)    Any Member State wishing to have a second world radiocommunication conference or a second radiocommunication assembly cancelled shall so inform the Secretary-General. On receipt of similar requests from at least one-quarter of the Member States, the Secretary-General shall inform immediately all Member States thereof by the most appropriate means of telecommunication, asking them to indicate, within six weeks, whether or not they agree to the proposal.


MOD 307


              2)    If a majority of the Member States, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, agrees to the proposal, the Secretary-General shall so inform immediately all Member States by the most appropriate means of telecommunication and the conference or assembly shall be cancelled.


MOD 309


5            Any Member State wishing to have a world conference on international telecommunications convened shall propose it to the Plenipotentiary Conference; the agenda, precise place and exact dates of such a conference shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of this Convention.







Procedure for Convening Regional Conferences at the Request of Member States
or on a Proposal of the Council



MOD 310


              In the case of a regional conference, the procedure described in Nos. 300 to 305 of this Convention shall be applicable only to the Member States of the region concerned. If the conference is to be convened on the initiative of the Member States of the region, it will suffice for the Secretary-General to receive concordant requests from a quarter of the total number of Member States in that region. The procedure described in Nos. 301 to 305 of this Convention shall also be applicable when the proposal to convene such a conference is initiated by the Council.







Provisions for Conferences and Assemblies Meeting

when There is no Inviting Government


MOD 311


              When a conference or an assembly is to be held without an inviting government, the provisions of Articles 23, 24 and 25 of this Convention shall apply. The Secretary-General shall take the necessary steps to convene and organize the conference or assembly at the seat of the Union, after agreement with the Government of the Swiss Confederation.








Change in the Place or Dates of a Conference or an Assembly




MOD 312


1            The provisions of Articles 26 and 27 of this Convention for convening a conference or assembly shall apply, by analogy, when a change in the precise place and/or exact dates of a conference or assembly is requested by Member States or is proposed by the Council. However, such changes shall only be made if a majority of the Member States concerned, determined in accordance with No. 47 of this Convention, have pronounced in favour.


MOD 313


2            It shall be the responsibility of any Member State proposing a change in the precise place or exact dates of a conference or assembly to obtain for its proposal the support of the requisite number of other Member States.




MOD 316


2            Immediately after the invitations have been despatched, the Secretary-General shall ask Member States to submit, at least four months before the start of the conference, their proposals for the work of the conference.


MOD 318


4            Each proposal received from a Member State shall be annotated by the Secretary-General to indicate its origin by means of the symbol established by the Union for that Member State. Where a proposal is made jointly by more than one Member State the proposal shall, to the extent practicable, be annotated with the symbol of each Member State.


MOD 319


5            The Secretary-General shall communicate the proposals to all Member States as they are received.


MOD 320


6            The Secretary-General shall assemble and coordinate the proposals received from Member States and shall communicate them to Member States as they are received, but in any case at least two months before the opening of the conference. Elected officials and staff members of the Union, as well as those observers and representatives that may attend conferences in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention, shall not be entitled to submit proposals.


MOD 321


7            The Secretary-General shall also assemble reports received from Member States, the Council and the Sectors of the Union and recommendations by conferences and shall communicate them to Member States, along with any reports by the Secretary-General, at least four months before the opening of the conference.


MOD 322


8            Proposals received after the time-limit specified in No. 316 above shall be communicated to all Member States by the Secretary-General as soon as practicable.



                                                                ARTICLE 31  (CV)

Credentials for Conferences



MOD 324


1            The delegation sent by a Member State to a plenipotentiary conference, a radiocommunication conference or a world conference on international telecommunications shall be duly accredited in accordance with Nos. 325 to 331 below.


MOD 327


              3)    Subject to confirmation prior to the signature of the Final Acts, by one of the authorities mentioned in Nos. 325 or 326 above, a delegation may be provisionally accredited by the head of the diplomatic mission of the Member State concerned to the host government. In the case of a conference held in the Swiss Confederation, a delegation may also be provisionally accredited by the head of the permanent delegation of the Member State concerned to the United Nations Office at Geneva.


MOD 332


4            1)    A delegation whose credentials are found to be in order by the Plenary Meeting shall be entitled to exercise the right to vote of the Member State concerned, subject to the provisions of Nos. 169 and 210 of the Constitution, and to sign the final acts.


MOD 334


5            Credentials shall be deposited with the secretariat of the conference as early as possible. The committee referred to in No. 23 of Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings be entrusted with the verification thereof and shall report on its conclusions to the Plenary Meeting within the time specified by the latter. Pending the decision of the Plenary Meeting thereon, any delegation shall be entitled to participate in the conference and to exercise the right to vote of the Member State concerned.


MOD 335


6            As a general rule, Member States should endeavour to send their own delegations to conferences of the Union. However, if a Member State is unable, for exceptional reasons, to send its own delegation, it may give the delegation of another Member State powers to vote and sign on its behalf. Such powers must be conveyed by means of an instrument signed by one of the authorities mentioned in Nos. 325 or 326 above.


MOD 339


10          A Member State or an authorized entity or organization intending to send a delegation or representatives to a telecommunication standardization assembly, a telecommunication development conference or a radiocommunication assembly shall so inform the Director of the Bureau of the Sector concerned, indicating the names and functions of the members of the delegation or of the representatives.







Rules of Procedure



                                                                ARTICLE 32  (CV)

Rules of Procedure of Conferences and Other Meetings



ADD 339A


              The Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings are adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference. The provisions governing the procedure for amending those Rules of Procedure and the entry into force of amendments are contained in the Rules themselves.


(MOD) 340


              The Rules of Procedure shall apply without prejudice to the amendment provisions contained in Article 55 of the Constitution and in Article 42 of this Convention.






Right to Vote



ADD 340A


1        At all meetings of a conference, assembly or other meeting, the delegation of a Member State duly accredited by that Member State to take part in the work of the conference, assembly or other meeting shall be entitled to one vote in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution.


ADD 340B


2        The delegation of a Member State shall exercise the right to vote under the conditions described in Article 31 of this Convention.


ADD 340C


3        When a Member State is not represented by an administration at a radiocommunication assembly, a world telecommunication standardization assembly or a telecommunication development conference, the representatives of the recognized operating agencies of the Member State concerned shall, as a whole, and regardless of their number, be entitled to a single vote, subject to the provisions of No. 239 of this Convention. The provisions of Nos. 335 to 338 of this Convention concerning the transfer of powers shall apply to the above conferences and assemblies.





                                                                        ARTICLE 32B  (CV)




ADD 340D


1        As a general rule, any delegation whose views are not shared by the remaining delegations shall endeavour, as far as possible, to conform to the opinion of the majority.


ADD 340E


2        Any Member State that, during a plenipotentiary conference, reserves its right to make reservations as specified in its declaration when signing the final acts, may make reservations regarding an amendment to the Constitution or to this Convention until such time as its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of or accession to the amendment has been deposited with the Secretary-General.


ADD 340F


3        If any decision appears to a delegation to be such as to prevent its government from consenting to be bound by the revision of the Administrative Regulations, this delegation may make reservations, final or provisional, regarding that decision, at the end of the conference adopting that revision; any such reservations may be made by a delegation on behalf of a Member State which is not participating in the competent conference and which has given that delegation proxy powers to sign the final acts in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 of this Convention.


ADD 340G


4        A reservation made following a conference shall only be valid if the Member State, which made it formally confirms it when notifying its consent to be bound by the amended or revised instrument adopted by the conference at the close of which it made the reservation in question.


SUP 341 to 467







Other Provisions







MOD 468


1            1)     The scale from which each Member State, subject to the provisions of No. 468A below, and Sector Member, subject to the provisions of No. 468B below, shall choose its class of contribution, in conformity with the relevant provisions of Article 28 of the Constitution, shall be as follows:


40 unit class           8 unit class

35 unit class           5 unit class

30 unit class           4 unit class

28 unit class           3 unit class

25 unit class           2 unit class

23 unit class           1 1/2 unit class

20 unit class           1 unit class

18 unit class           1/2 unit class

15 unit class           1/4 unit class

13 unit class           1/8 unit class

10 unit class           1/16 unit class


ADD 468A


              1bis)        Only Member States listed by the United Nations as least developed countries and those determined by the Council may select the 1/8 and 1/16 unit classes of contribution.


ADD 468B


              1ter)        Sector Members may not select a class of contribution lower than 1/2 unit, with the exception of Sector Members of the Telecommunication Development Sector, which may select the 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 unit classes. However, the 1/16 unit class is reserved for Sector Members of developing countries as determined by the list established by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to be reviewed by the ITU Council.


MOD 469


              2)    In addition to the classes of contribution listed in No. 468 above, any Member State or Sector Member may choose a number of contributory units over 40.


MOD 470


              3)    The Secretary-General shall communicate promptly to each Member State not represented at the Plenipotentiary Conference the decision of each Member State as to the class of contribution to be paid by it.


SUP 471



MOD 472


2            1)    Every new Member State and Sector Member shall, in respect of the year of its accession or admission, pay a contribution calculated as from the first day of the month of accession or admission, as the case may be.


MOD 473


              2)    Should a Member State denounce the Constitution and this Convention or a Sector Member denounce its participation in a Sector, its contribution shall be paid up to the last day of the month in which such denunciation takes effect in accordance with No. 237 of the Constitution or No. 240 of this Convention, respectively.


MOD 474


3            The amounts due shall bear interest from the beginning of the fourth month of each financial year of the Union at 3 % (three per cent) per annum during the following three months, and at 6 % (six per cent) per annum from the beginning of the seventh month.


SUP 475



MOD 476


4            1)    The organizations referred to in Nos. 259 to 262A of this Convention and other organizations of an international character (unless they have been exempted by the Council, subject to reciprocity) and Sector Members (except when attending a conference or assembly of their respective Sector) which participate in a plenipotentiary conference, in a meeting of a Sector of the Union or in a world conference on international telecommunications shall share in defraying the expenses of the conferences and meetings in which they participate on the basis of the cost of these conferences and meetings and in accordance with the Financial Regulations.


MOD 477


              2)    Any Sector Member appearing in the lists mentioned in No. 237 of this Convention shall share in defraying the expenses of the Sector in accordance with Nos. 480 and 480A below.


SUP 478 and



MOD 480


              5)        The amount of the contribution per unit payable towards the expenses of each Sector concerned shall be set at 1/5 of the contributory unit of the Member States. These contributions shall be considered as Union income. They shall bear interest in accordance with the provisions of No. 474 above.


ADD 480A


              5bis) When a Sector Member contributes to defraying the expenses of the Union under No. 159 of the Constitution, the Sector for which the contribution is made should be identified.


SUP 481 to 483



ADD 483A


              Associates as described in No. 241A of this Convention shall share in defraying the expenses of the Sector and the study group and subordinate groups in which they participate, as determined by the Council.


MOD 484


5            The Council shall determine criteria for the application of cost recovery for some products and services of the Union.







MOD 490


1            1)    Languages other than those mentioned in the relevant provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution may be used:


MOD 491


a)           if an application is made to the Secretary-General to provide for the use of an additional language or languages, oral or written, on a permanent or an ad hoc basis, provided that the additional cost so incurred shall be borne by those Member States which have made or supported the application;


MOD 492


b)          if, at conferences and meetings of the Union, after informing the Secretary-General or the Director of the Bureau concerned, any delegation itself makes arrangements at its own expense for oral translation from its own language into any one of the languages referred to in the relevant provision of Article 29 of the Constitution.


MOD 493


              2)    In the case provided for in No. 491 above, the Secretary-General shall comply to the extent practicable with the application, having first obtained from the Member States concerned an undertaking that the cost incurred will be duly repaid by them to the Union.


MOD 495


2            Any of the documents referred to in the relevant provisions of Article 29 of the Constitution may be published in languages other than those specified therein, provided that the Member States requesting such publication undertake to defray the whole of the cost of translation and publication involved.




Various Provisions Related to the Operation

 of Telecommunication Services



MOD 497


1            The settlement of international accounts shall be regarded as current transactions and shall be effected in accordance with the current international obligations of the Member States and Sector Members concerned in those cases where their governments have concluded arrangements on this subject. Where no such arrangements have been concluded, and in the absence of special agreements made under Article 42 of the Constitution, these settlements shall be effected in accordance with the Administrative Regulations.


MOD 498


2            Administrations of Member States and Sector Members, which operate international telecommunication services, shall come to an agreement with regard to the amount of their debits and credits.




MOD 500


              In the absence of special arrangements concluded between Member States, the monetary unit to be used in the composition of accounting rates for international telecommunication services and in the establishment of international accounts shall be:



–            either the monetary unit of the International Monetary Fund



–            or the gold franc,



both as defined in the Administrative Regulations. The provisions for application are contained in Appendix 1 to the International Telecommunication Regulations.




Secret Language



MOD 505


2            Private telegrams in secret language may be admitted between all Member States with the exception of those, which have previously notified, through the Secretary-General, that they do not admit this language for that category of correspondence.


MOD 506


3            Member States, which do not admit private telegrams in secret language originating in or destined for their own territory must let them pass in transit, except in the case of suspension of service provided for in Article 35 of the Constitution.




Arbitration and Amendment




Arbitration: Procedure

(see Article 56 of the Constitution)



MOD 510


4            If arbitration is to be entrusted to governments, or to administrations thereof, these must be chosen from among the Member States which are not involved in the dispute, but which are parties to the agreement, the application of which caused the dispute.




Provisions for Amending this Convention



MOD 519


1            Any Member State may propose any amendment to this Convention. Any such proposal shall, in order to ensure its timely transmission to, and consideration by, all the Member States, reach the Secretary-General not later than eight months prior to the opening date fixed for the Plenipotentiary Conference. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, but not later than six months prior to the latter date, forward any such proposal to all the Member States.


MOD 520


2            Any proposed modification to any amendment submitted in accordance with No. 519 above may, however, be submitted at any time by a Member State or by its delegation at the Plenipotentiary Conference.


MOD 523


5            Unless specified otherwise in the preceding paragraphs of the present Article, which shall prevail, the general provisions regarding conferences and assemblies contained in this Convention and the Rules of Procedure of conferences and other meetings shall apply.


MOD 524


6            Any amendments to this Convention adopted by a plenipotentiary conference shall, as a whole and in the form of one single amending instrument, enter into force at a date fixed by the conference between Member States having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, both this Convention and the amending instrument. Ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, only a part of such an amending instrument shall be excluded.


MOD 526


8            The Secretary-General shall notify all Member States of the deposit of each instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.






Definition of Certain Terms Used in this Convention and

 the Administrative Regulations of the International

Telecommunication Union


MOD 1002


Observer: A person sent by:



–            the United Nations, a specialized agency of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, a regional telecommunication organization, or an intergovernmental organization operating satellite systems, to participate, in an advisory capacity, in a plenipotentiary conference, a conference or a meeting of a Sector,



–            an international organization to participate, in an advisory capacity, in a conference or a meeting of a Sector,



–            the government of a Member State to participate, in a non-voting capacity, in a regional conference, or



            a Sector Member referred to in Nos. 229 or 231 of the Convention or an organization of an international character representing such Sector Members,



in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention.






PART  II  -  Date of Entry into Force



The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument on 1 January 2000 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument.
















IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994).





Done at Minneapolis, 6 November 1998


*1 In accordance with Resolution 70 (Minneapolis, 1998) on inclusion of gender perspective in the work of ITU, the language used in the texts of the basic instruments of the Union (Constitution and Convention) is to be considered as gender neutral.


*2 In accordance with Resolution 70 (Minneapolis, 1998) on inclusion of gender perspective in the work of ITU, the language used in the texts of the basic instruments of the Union (Constitution and Convention) is to be considered as gender neutral.









(ŽENEVA 1992)


kot je bila spremenjena in dopolnjena na

Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994)


(spremembe in dopolnitve, ki jih je sprejela Konferenca

pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Minneapolis 1998)) *3


I. DEL – Predgovor


Na podlagi izvajanja ustreznih določb Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), spremenjene in dopolnjene na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994), še posebej določb njenega 55. člena, je Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Minneapolis 1998) sprejela te spremembe in dopolnitve omenjene ustave:







Temeljne določbe



1. ČLEN (U)

Cilji Zveze



SPR. 3


a)           vzdrževanje in razširjanje mednarodnega sodelovanja med vsemi njenimi državami članicami za izboljšanje in smotrno uporabo vseh vrst telekomunikacij;




abis)     pospeševanje in izboljševanje sodelovanja subjektov in organizacij pri dejavnostih Zveze ter spodbujanje plodnega sodelovanja in partnerstva med njimi in državami članicami zaradi doseganja skupnih ciljev, ki so del širših ciljev Zveze;


SPR. 4


b)          podpiranje in nudenje tehnične pomoči državam v razvoju na področju telekomunikacij ter tudi pospeševanje uporabe materialnih, človeških in finančnih virov, potrebnih za izvajanje tega, in prav tako dostopa do informacij;


SPR. 8


f)            usklajevanje delovanja držav članic in pospeševanje plodnega in konstruktivnega sodelovanja ter partnerstva med državami članicami in sektorskimi članicami za doseganje navedenih ciljev;


SPR. 11


a)           razporejala pasove v radiofrekvenčnem spektru, razdeljevala radijske frekvence in opravljala registracijo dodeljenih radijskih frekvenc ter za potrebe vesoljskih storitev vsakega s tem povezanega orbitalnega položaja v orbiti geostacioniranih satelitov oziroma vsake ustrezne karakteristike satelitov v drugih orbitah, da bi se izognili škodljivemu motenju med radijskimi postajami različnih držav;


SPR. 12


b)          koordinirala prizadevanja za odpravo škodljivega motenja med radijskimi postajami različnih držav in prizadevanja za izboljšanje izrabe radiofrekvenčnega spektra za radiokomunikacijske storitve ter geostacionarnih satelitov in drugih satelitskih orbit;


SPR. 14


d)           pospeševala mednarodno sodelovanje in solidarnost pri nudenju tehnične pomoči državam v razvoju ter vzpostavljanje, razvijanje in izboljševanje telekomunikacijske opreme in omrežij v državah v razvoju z vsemi sredstvi, ki jih ima na voljo, vključno s sodelovanjem v ustreznih programih Združenih narodov in uporabo lastnih virov, če bi bilo to potrebno;


SPR. 16


f)            pospeševala sodelovanje med državami članicami in sektorskimi članicami z namenom, da bi dosegla čim nižje tarife, ki še omogočajo učinkovite storitve, in hkrati upoštevala potrebo po vzdrževanju neodvisnega finančnega vodenja telekomunikacij na zdravih temeljih;


DOP. 19A


j)            pospeševala udeležbo zainteresiranih subjektov pri dejavnostih Zveze in sodelovanje regionalnih in drugih organizacij pri izpolnjevanju njenih ciljev.




2. ČLEN (U)

Sestava Zveze




SPR. 20


                Mednarodna telekomunikacijska zveza je medvladna organizacija, v kateri države članice in sektorske članice, ki imajo točno določene pravice in dolžnosti, sodelujejo zaradi doseganja ciljev Zveze. Ob upoštevanju načela univerzalnosti in želje po vsestranskem sodelovanju v Zvezi jo sestavljajo:


SPR. 21


a)           države, ki so države članice Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze in so bile pred uveljavitvijo te ustave in konvencije pogodbenice katerekoli mednarodne telekomunikacijske konvencije;


SPR. 23


c)           druge države, ki niso članice Združenih narodov, ki zaprosijo za članstvo v Zvezi in ki po tem, ko so si zagotovile podporo dveh tretjin držav članic Zveze, pristopijo k tej ustavi in konvenciji v skladu z določbami 53. člena te ustave. Če zaprosijo za sprejem v članstvo v obdobju med Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov, se generalni sekretar posvetuje z državami članicami Zveze; šteje se, da se je država članica vzdržala, če ne odgovori v štirih mesecih po zahtevi za njeno mnenje.




3. ČLEN (U)




Pravice in obveznosti držav članic

in sektorskih članic



SPR. 24


1            Države članice in sektorske članice imajo pravico in dolžnost izpolnjevati obveznosti, določene v tej ustavi in konvenciji.


SPR. 25


2            Pravice držav članic v zvezi z njihovim sodelovanjem na konferencah, zasedanjih in posvetovanjih Zveze so:


SPR. 26


a)           vse države članice imajo pravico do sodelovanja na konferencah, možnost do izvolitve v Svet in pravico do imenovanja kandidatov za izvolitev na mesta uradnikov Zveze ali članov Odbora za radijsko regulativo;


SPR. 27


b)          v skladu z določbama št. 169 in 210 te ustave ima vsaka država članica en glas na vseh Konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na vseh svetovnih konferencah, na vseh sektorskih zasedanjih in srečanjih študijskih skupin, in če je država članica Sveta, tudi na vseh zasedanjih Sveta. Na regionalnih konferencah imajo pravico do glasovanja samo države članice zadevnega območja;


SPR. 28


c)           v skladu z določbama št. 169 in 210 te ustave ima vsaka država članica tudi en glas na vseh dopisnih posvetovanjih. Če gre za posvetovanja glede regionalnih konferenc, imajo pravico do glasovanja samo države članice zadevnega območja.


DOP. 28A


3            V zvezi s sodelovanjem v dejavnostih Zveze imajo sektorske članice pravico sodelovati v vseh dejavnostih sektorja, katerega članice so, ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb te ustave in konvencije:


DOP. 28B


a)           lahko zagotovijo predsedujoče in podpredsedujoče za skupščine sektorja ter za zasedanja in svetovne konference o razvoju telekomunikacij;


DOP. 28C


b)           ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb konvencije in ustreznih odločitev, ki jih v tem smislu sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, imajo pravico sodelovati pri sprejemanju vprašanj in priporočil ter pri sklepih, ki se nanašajo na delovne metode in postopke zadevnega sektorja.



4. ČLEN (U)

Uradne listine Zveze




SPR. 31


3            Določbe te ustave in konvencije so dopolnjene še z določbami izvršilnih pravilnikov, navedenih spodaj, ki urejata uporabo telekomunikacij in sta obvezujoča za vse države članice:



–            Mednarodni pravilnik o telekomunikacijah,



–            Pravilnik o radiokomunikacijah.




6. ČLEN (U)

Izvajanje uradnih listin Zveze




SPR. 37


1            Države članice so dolžne spoštovati določbe te ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov v vseh telekomunikacijskih uradih in postajah, ki so jih ustanovile ali jih vodijo in ki se ukvarjajo z mednarodnimi storitvami ali ki bi lahko povzročale škodljivo motenje radijskih služb v drugih državah, razen če gre za službe, ki so izključene iz teh obveznosti v skladu z določbami 48. člena te ustave.


SPR. 38


2            Države članice so poleg tega dolžne sprejeti potrebne ukrepe, da bi upravljavskim agencijam, ki so jih same pooblastile za vzpostavljanje in obratovanje telekomunikacij in ki se ukvarjajo z mednarodnimi storitvami ali upravljajo postaje, ki bi lahko povzročale škodljivo motenje radijskih služb v drugih državah, naložile izpolnjevanje določb ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov.




7. ČLEN (U)

Struktura Zveze




SPR. 44


e)           sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, vključno s svetovnimi skupščinami o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;




8. ČLEN (U)

Konferenca pooblačenih predstavnikov




SPR. 47


1            Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov sestavljajo delegacije, ki zastopajo države članice. Sestaja se vsaka štiri leta.


SPR. 48


2            Na podlagi predlogov držav članic in z upoštevanjem poročil Sveta Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov:


SPR. 50


b)          preučuje poročila Sveta o delovanju Zveze v času od prejšnje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov ter o politiki in strateškem načrtovanju Zveze;


SPR. 51


c)           postavi temelje za proračun Zveze in v skladu s sklepi, sprejetimi v zvezi s poročili iz zgornje št. 50, določi ustrezne finančne omejitve do naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, potem ko preuči vse pomembne vidike delovanja Zveze v tem obdobju;


DOP. 51A


d)           z uporabo postopkov, opisanih v št. 161D do 161G te ustave, določi skupno število prispevnih enot za obdobje do naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov na podlagi prispevnih razredov, ki jih sporočijo države članice;


SPR. 54


f)            izvoli države članice, ki bodo članice Sveta;


SPR. 57


i)            preuči in po potrebi sprejme predloge sprememb ustave in konvencije, ki jih v skladu z določbami 55. člena te ustave in ustreznimi določbami konvencije predložijo države članice;


DOP. 58A


jbis)      sprejme ter spremeni in dopolni poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj Zveze;


SPR. 59C


b)          če to od generalnega sekretarja posamično zahtevata dve tretjini držav



SPR. 59D


c)           na predlog Sveta in s potrditvijo najmanj dveh tretjin držav članic.




9. ČLEN (U)

Načela v zvezi z volitvami in z njimi povezane zadeve




SPR. 62


b)          da so generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja, direktorji uradov ter člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo izvoljeni izmed kandidatov, ki jih kot svoje državljane predlagajo države članice in so državljani različnih držav članic in da je ob njihovi izvolitvi upoštevana enakopravna geografska razporeditev med svetovnimi območji; v zvezi z voljenimi uradniki pa je treba skrbno upoštevati tudi načela, ki so navedena v št. 154 te ustave;


SPR. 63


c)           da so člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo izvoljeni kot posamezniki; vsaka država članica lahko predlaga le enega kandidata.



10. ČLEN (U)




SPR. 65


1            1) Svet sestavljajo države članice, ki jih izvoli Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu z določili št. 61 te ustave.


SPR. 69


4            1) Svet sprejema vse ustrezne korake, da državam članicam olajša izvajanje določb te ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov, sklepov Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov in po potrebi sklepov drugih konferenc in zasedanj Zveze, obenem pa opravlja tudi vse dolžnosti, ki mu jih naloži Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


SPR. 70


              2) Obravnava širše zadeve s področja politike telekomunikacij v skladu s smernicami, ki jih določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da s tem zagotovi celovito odzivanje politike in strategije Zveze na nenehno spreminjajoče se telekomunikacijsko okolje, in pripravi poročilo o politiki in načrtovanju strategije, priporočenih Zvezi, skupaj z njunimi finančnimi posledicami. Za ta namen uporabi gradivo, ki ga pripravi generalni sekretar na podlagi št. 74A spodaj.



11. ČLEN (U)

Generalni sekretariat



DOP. 73A


              2) Naloge generalnega sekretarja podrobno določa konvencija. Poleg tega generalni sekretar:


SPR. 74


a)           ob pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja usklajuje dejavnosti Zveze;


DOP. 74A


b)           ob pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja pripravlja gradivo, potrebno za pripravo poročila o politiki in strateškega načrta Zveze, in usklajuje izvajanje tega načrta;


SPR. 75


c)           sprejme vse ukrepe, ki so potrebni za zagotavljanje gospodarne uporabe sredstev Zveze, ter odgovarja Svetu za vse upravne in finančne vidike dejavnosti Zveze;


SPR. 76


d)           nastopa kot zakoniti zastopnik Zveze.


DOP. 76A


              3) Generalni sekretar lahko nastopa kot depozitar posebnih sporazumov, sklenjenih v skladu z 42. členom te ustave.





Sektor za radiokomunikacije




12. ČLEN (U)

Naloge in struktura




SPR. 78


1            1) Naloga sektorja za radiokomunikacije je ob upoštevanju posebne skrbi za države v razvoju izvajanje ciljev Zveze, navedenih v določbah 1. člena te ustave glede radiokomunikacij, in sicer tako da:



–            zagotavlja racionalno, enakopravno, učinkovito in gospodarno uporabo radiofrekvenčnega spektra v vseh radiokomunikacijskih storitvah, vključno s tistimi, ki uporabljajo orbite geostacionarnih ali drugih satelitov, po določbah 44. člena te ustave in



–            opravlja študije brez omejitev v frekvenčnih območjih in sprejema priporočila v zvezi z radiokomunikacijskimi zadevami.


SPR. 83


c)           skupščin o radiokomunikacijah;


DOP. 84A


dbis)     svetovalne skupine za radiokomunikacije;


SPR. 87


a)           praviloma uprave vseh držav članic;


SPR. 88


b)          vsak subjekt ali organizacija, ki postane sektorska članica v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije.



13. ČLEN (U)

Konference in skupščine o radiokomunikacijah



SPR. 90


2            Svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah se običajno sklicujejo na dve do tri leta; vendar pa v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije takšne konference ni treba sklicati ali pa se lahko skliče tudi dodatna.


SPR. 91


3            Skupščine o radiokomunikacijah se običajno prav tako sklicujejo na dve do tri leta ter so lahko krajevno in časovno pridružene svetovnim konferencam o radiokomunikacijah zaradi izboljšanja učinkovitosti in uspešnosti sektorja za radiokomunikacije. Skupščine o radiokomunikacijah zagotavljajo potrebne tehnične temelje za delo svetovnih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah in se odzivajo na vse zahteve svetovnih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah. Naloge skupščin o radiokomunikacijah so določene v konvenciji.


SPR. 92


4            Sklepi svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah, skupščine o radiokomunikacijah ter regionalnih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah morajo biti v vsakem primeru v skladu s to ustavo in konvencijo. Prav tako morajo biti sklepi skupščine o radiokomunikacijah ali regionalne konference o radiokomunikacijah v vseh primerih skladni s Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati tudi predvidljive finančne posledice in se morajo izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov, ki bi lahko povzročili rast izdatkov čez finančne omejitve, ki jih je začrtala Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.



14. ČLEN (U)

Odbor za radijsko regulativo



DOP. 93A


2            Odbor za radijsko regulativo sestavlja največ 12 članov ali pa mora to število ustrezati 6 % skupnega števila držav članic, odvisno od tega, katero število je večje.


SPR. 95


a)           potrditev poslovnika, ki vsebuje tehnične kriterije v skladu s Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah in v skladu s kakršnimkoli sklepom, ki bi ga sprejele pristojne konference o radiokomunikacijah. Ta poslovnik uporabljata direktor in Urad za izvajanje Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah pri registraciji frekvenc, ki so jih dodelile države članice. O tem poslovniku lahko razpravljajo uprave in v primeru stalnih nesoglasij se zadeva preda naslednji svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah;


SPR. 97


c)           izvajanje kakršnihkoli dodatnih nalog, ki se nanašajo na dodeljevanje in uporabo frekvenc, kot je to navedeno v št. 78 te ustave, v skladu s postopki, ki so določeni v Pravilniku o radiokomunikacijah, ali kot jih predpiše pristojna konferenca ali Svet s soglasjem večine držav članic pri pripravi ali izvajanju sklepov takšne konference.


SPR. 99


              2) Noben član odbora ne sme zahtevati ali sprejeti navodil v zvezi z opravljanjem svojih dolžnosti v Zvezi od nobene vlade, njenih članov ali od katerekoli javne ali zasebne organizacije ali osebe. Člani odbora se morajo vzdržati vsake dejavnosti ali sodelovanja pri katerikoli odločitvi, ki ne bi bila v skladu z njihovim statusom, navedenim v št. 98 zgoraj.


SPR. 100


              3) Države članice in sektorske članice morajo spoštovati izključno mednarodno naravo nalog, ki jih imajo člani odbora, in ne smejo poskušati vplivati nanje pri opravljanju nalog odbora.



15. ČLEN (U)




Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije

in svetovalna skupina



SPR. 102


              Ustrezne naloge študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije in svetovalne skupine so opredeljene v konvenciji.




Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij



17. ČLEN (U)

Naloge in struktura



SPR. 104


1            1) Naloga sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij je ob upoštevanju posebne skrbi za države v razvoju izpolnjevanje ciljev Zveze, ki se nanašajo na standardizacijo telekomunikacij, kot je to določeno v 1. členu te ustave, s preučevanjem tehničnih, obratovalnih in tarifnih zadev ter s sprejemanjem priporočil zanje z vidika standardizacije telekomunikacij po vsem svetu.


SPR. 107


a)           svetovnih skupščin o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;


DOP. 108A


bbis)     svetovalne skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;


SPR. 111


a)           praviloma uprave vseh držav članic;


SPR. 112


b)          vsak subjekt ali organizacija, ki postane sektorska članica v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije.



18. ČLEN (U)




Svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji telekomunikacij



SPR. 113


1            Naloge svetovnih skupščin o standardizaciji telekomunikacij so opredeljene v konvencij.


SPR. 114


2            Svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji telekomunikacij se skličejo vsaka štiri leta; kljub temu pa se lahko v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije skliče tudi dodatna skupščina.


SPR. 115


3            Sklepi svetovnih skupščin o standardizaciji telekomunikacij morajo biti v vseh primerih usklajeni s to ustavo, konvencijo in izvršilnima pravilnikoma. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo skupščine upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice in se izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in odločitev, ki bi lahko povzročile povečanje stroškov čez finančne omejitve, ki jih je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.




19. ČLEN (U)




Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in svetovalna skupina




SPR. 116


              Ustrezne naloge študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in svetovalne skupine so določene v konvenciji.




Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij



21. ČLEN (U)

Naloge in struktura



SPR. 122


b)          pospeševanje, zlasti s partnerstvom, razvoja, širjenja in delovanja telekomunikacijskih omrežij in storitev, še posebej v državah v razvoju, ob upoštevanju dejavnosti drugih ustreznih organov, s krepitvijo zmožnosti za razvoj človeških virov, načrtovanje, upravljanje, uporabo virov ter z raziskavami in razvojem;


DOP. 132A


bbis)     svetovalne skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij;


SPR. 135


a)            praviloma uprave vseh držav članic;


SPR. 136


b)           vsak subjekt ali organizacija, ki postane sektorska članica v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije.



22. ČLEN (U)

Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij


SPR. 142


4            Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij ne sprejemajo sklepnih aktov. Njihove odločitve so v obliki resolucij, odločitev, priporočil ali poročil. Vse te odločitve morajo biti v vseh pogledih v skladu s to ustavo, konvencijo in izvršilnima pravilnikoma. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice in se izogibati sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov, ki bi lahko povzročili povečanje stroškov čez finančne omejitve, ki jih je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.




23. ČLEN (U)




Študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij

in svetovalna skupina




SPR. 144


              Ustrezne naloge študijskih skupin za razvoj telekomunikacij in svetovalne skupine so podrobneje določene v konvenciji.





Druge določbe v zvezi z delovanjem Zveze




25. ČLEN (U)

Svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah




SPR. 147


2            Sklepi svetovnih konferenc o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah morajo biti v vsakem primeru v skladu s to ustavo in s konvencijo. Pri sprejemanju resolucij in sklepov morajo konference upoštevati predvidljive finančne posledice in se izogibati resolucijam in sklepom, ki bi lahko povzročili povečevanje izdatkov čez finančne omejitve, ki jih je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.




27. ČLEN (U)

Voljeni uradniki in osebje Zveze




SPR. 151


              2)             Države članice in sektorske članice morajo spoštovati izključno mednarodno naravo delovanja teh voljenih uradnikov in osebja Zveze in se morajo vzdržati poskusov vplivanja na njihovo delo.


SPR. 153


              4)             Zaradi zagotovitve učinkovitega delovanja Zveze ne sme, kolikor je le mogoče, nobena država članica, katere državljan je bil izvoljen za generalnega sekretarja, namestnika generalnega sekretarja ali direktorja urada, tega državljana odpoklicati med Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov.




28. ČLEN (U)

Finance Zveze




SPR. 159


2            Izdatki Zveze se krijejo iz:


SPR. 159A


a)           prispevkov njenih držav članic in sektorskih članic;


DOP. 159B


b)           drugih prihodkov, kot so določeni v konvenciji ali v finančnem pravilniku.


DOP. 159C


2bis      Vsaka država članica in sektorska članica plača vsoto, sorazmerno številu enot v prispevnem razredu, ki ga je izbrala v skladu z določbami v št. 160 do 161I spodaj.


DOP. 159D


2ter       Izdatke območnih konferenc iz št. 43 te ustave krijejo glede na svoj prispevni razred vse države članice iz zadevnega območja, in kadar je primerno, na isti podlagi vsaka država članica iz drugega območja, ki se je udeležila takih konferenc.


SPR. 160


3            1) Države članice in sektorske članice lahko prosto izberejo svojo prispevno stopnjo za kritje izdatkov Zveze.


SPR. 161


              2) Izbor opravijo države članice na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu z lestvico prispevnih razredov in pogoji, ki jih določa konvencija, ter spodaj opisanimi postopki.


DOP. 161A


              3) Sektorske članice opravijo izbor v skladu z lestvico prispevnih razredov in pogoji, ki jih določa konvencija, ter spodaj opisanimi postopki.


DOP. 161B


3bis      1) Na svojem zasedanju pred Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov določi Svet na podlagi predloga finančnega načrta za ustrezno obdobje začasno vrednost prispevne enote in skupno število prispevnih enot.


DOP. 161C


              2) Generalni sekretar obvesti države članice in sektorske članice o začasni vrednosti prispevne enote, določene na podlagi št. 161B zgoraj, in povabi države članice, da uradno sporočijo prispevni razred, ki so ga začasno izbrale, najpozneje en teden pred datumom, določenim za odprtje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


DOP. 161D


              3) Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov v prvem tednu določi začasno zgornjo mejo vrednosti prispevne enote, nastale kot posledica ukrepov generalnega sekretarja po postopkih iz št. 161B in 161C zgoraj ter upoštevanja vseh spremenjenih prispevnih razredov, ki so jih generalnemu sekretarju uradno sporočile države članice, in tudi nespremenjenih prispevnih razredov.


DOP. 161E


              4) Ob upoštevanju revidiranega predloga finančnega načrta določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov dokončno zgornjo mejo vrednosti prispevne enote. Generalni sekretar nato povabi države članice, da pred koncem predzadnjega tedna Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov sporočijo svoj dokončni izbor prispevnega razreda.


DOP. 161F


              5) Države članice, ki jim ni uspelo uradno obvestiti generalnega sekretarja o njihovi odločitvi do dneva, ki ga je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, obdržijo predhodno izbrani prispevni razred.


DOP. 161G


              6) Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov nato na dan, ko je bil potrjen finančni načrt, potrdi dokončni finančni načrt na podlagi skupnega števila prispevnih enot, ki ustreza končnim prispevnim razredom, kot so jih izbrale države članice, in prispevne razrede sektorskih članic.


DOP. 161H


3ter       1) Generalni sekretar obvesti sektorske članice o dokončni zgornji meji vrednosti prispevne enote in jih povabi, da ga v treh mesecih po sklepnem dnevu Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov uradno obvestijo o prispevnem razredu, ki so ga izbrale.


DOP. 161I


              2) Sektorske članice, ki jim ni uspelo obvestiti generalnega sekretarja o njihovi odločitvi v tem trimesečnem obdobju, obdržijo predhodno izbrani prispevni razred.


SPR. 162


              3) Spremembe lestvice prispevnih razredov, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, veljajo pri izbiri prispevnega razreda med naslednjo Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


SPR. 163


              4) Prispevni razred, ki ga izbere država članica ali sektorska članica, se začne uporabljati s prvim dveletnim proračunom po Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


ČRT. 164



SPR. 165


5            Pri izbiri svojega prispevnega razreda ga država članica ne sme zmanjšati za več kot dva prispevna razreda, Svet pa ji sporoči način, kako se bo prispevek postopno zmanjševal v obdobju med Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Vendar pa lahko v izjemnih primerih, kot so naravne nesreče, ki zahtevajo mednarodne programe pomoči, Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov odobri večje zmanjšanje števila prispevnih enot, če zanj zaprosi država članica, ki ugotovi, da ne more več plačevati prispevkov po razredu, ki ga je izbrala na začetku.


DOP. 165bis


5bis      V izjemnih okoliščinah, kot so naravne nesreče, ki zahtevajo mednarodne programe pomoči, lahko Svet odobri zmanjšanje števila prispevnih enot, če zanj zaprosi država članica, ki ugotovi, da ne more več plačevati prispevkov po razredu, ki ga je izbrala na začetku.


DOP. 165A


5ter       Države članice in sektorske članice lahko kadarkoli izberejo prispevni razred, višji od razreda, ki so ga že sprejele.


ČRT. 166 in 167



SPR. 168


8            Države članice in sektorske članice poravnavajo vnaprej svoje letne prispevke, izračunane na podlagi dveletnega proračuna, ki ga odobri Svet, ravno tako pa tudi na podlagi vsake spremembe, ki jo potrdi Svet.


SPR. 169


9            Država članica, ki je v zaostanku s plačilom Zvezi, izgubi svojo glasovalno pravico, kot je to določeno v št. 27 in 28 te ustave, vse dokler znesek zaostalih plačil ni enak znesku prispevka, ki je bil določen za pretekli dve leti, ali ga ne presega.


SPR. 170


10          Posebne določbe, ki obravnavajo finančne prispevke sektorskih članic in drugih mednarodnih organizacij, so navedene v konvenciji.




31. ČLEN (U)

Pravna sposobnost Zveze




SPR. 176


              Zveza ima na ozemlju vsake države članice toliko pravne sposobnosti, kolikor je potrebuje za izvajanje svojih nalog in za izpolnjevanje svojih ciljev.



32. ČLEN (U)

Poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj



SPR. 177


1            Za organiziranje dela in vodenje razprav, konferenc in drugih zasedanj Zveze se uporablja poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj Zveze, ki ga sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


SPR. 178


2            Konference, skupščine in Svet lahko poleg pravil iz poslovnika privzamejo še takšna pravila, ki se jim zdijo bistvenega pomena. Ta dodatna pravila pa morajo biti v skladu s to ustavo, konvencijo in poslovnikom iz št. 177 zgoraj; pravila, sprejeta na konferencah ali skupščinah, se objavijo kot dokumenti zadevne konference ali skupščine.





Splošne določbe v zvezi s telekomunikacijami




33. ČLEN (U)

Pravica javnosti do uporabe mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev




SPR. 179


              Države članice priznavajo javnosti pravico do dopisovanja prek mednarodnih služb za javno dopisovanje. Storitve, pristojbine in jamstva so enaki za vse uporabnike v vsaki kategoriji dopisovanja brez vsakega dajanja prednosti.






SPR. 180


1            Države članice si pridržujejo pravico, da v skladu s svojo državno zakonodajo ustavijo vsak prenos zasebnega telegrama, ki lahko ogrozi varnost države ali je v nasprotju z njenimi zakoni, javnim redom ali dostojnostjo, pod pogojem, da takoj uradno obvestijo odpravni urad o ustavitvi vsakega takega telegrama ali njegovega dela, razen če takšno obvestilo ne ogroža varnosti države.


SPR. 181


2            Države članice si prav tako pridržujejo pravico, da v skladu s svojo državno zakonodajo prekinejo vsako drugo zasebno telekomunikacijo, ki lahko ogrozi varnost države ali je v nasprotju z njenimi zakoni, javnim redom ali dostojnostjo.




35. ČLEN (U)

Ukinitev storitev




SPR. 182


              Vsaka država članica si pridržuje pravico, da ukine vse mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve ali samo v določenih smereh oziroma določeno vrsto odhodnega, dohodnega ali tranzitnega dopisovanja pod pogojem, da o tem ukrepu s posredovanjem generalnega sekretarja takoj uradno obvesti vse druge države članice.




36. ČLEN (U)





SPR. 183


              Države članice ne prevzemajo nikakršne odgovornosti do uporabnikov mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih storitev, še posebej ne v zvezi z odškodninskimi zahtevki.




37. ČLEN (U)

Tajnost telekomunikacij




SPR. 184


1            Države članice soglašajo, da bodo sprejele vse možne ukrepe, ki so v skladu z uporabljenim telekomunikacijskim sistemom, zato da bi zagotovile tajnost mednarodnega dopisovanja.




38. ČLEN (U)

Vzpostavitev, delovanje in zaščita

telekomunikacijskih kanalov in napeljav



SPR. 186


1            Države članice ukrenejo vse potrebno, da pod najboljšimi tehničnimi pogoji zagotovijo vzpostavitev kanalov in napeljav, potrebnih za hitro in neprekinjeno izmenjavo mednarodnih telekomunikacij.


SPR. 188


3            Države članice varujejo te kanale in napeljave pod svojo jurisdikcijo.


SPR. 189


4            Če niso s posebnimi dogovori določeni drugi pogoji, vsaka država članica zagotovi vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotavljanje vzdrževanja tistih odsekov mednarodnih telekomunikacijskih vodov, ki so pod njenim nadzorom.


DOP. 189A


5             Države članice priznavajo potrebo po sprejemanju praktičnih ukrepov, s katerimi preprečujejo, da bi obratovanje električnih aparatov in napeljav vseh vrst bistveno motilo delovanje telekomunikacijskih napeljav pod jurisdikcijo drugih držav članic.




39. ČLEN (U)

Uradno obveščanje o kršitvah




SPR. 190


              Za lažje izvajanje določb 6. člena te ustave se države članice obvezujejo obveščati, in če je treba, medsebojno pomagati v zvezi s kršitvami določb te ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov.




42. ČLEN (U)

Posebni dogovori




SPR. 193


                Države članice si zase, za upravljavske agencije, ki so jih priznale, in za druge agencije, ki so bile za to pravilno pooblaščene, pridržujejo pravico, da sklepajo posebne dogovore o telekomunikacijskih zadevah, ki v splošnem ne zadevajo drugih držav članic. Takšni dogovori pa ne smejo biti v nasprotju s pogoji te ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov vsaj glede škodljivega motenja, ki bi ga njihovo izvajanje lahko povzročilo radijskim službam drugih držav članic, in na splošno tehničnih okvar, ki bi jih njihovo delovanje lahko povzročilo delovanju drugih telekomunikacijskih služb drugih držav članic.




43. ČLEN (U)

Območne konference, sporazumi in organizacije




SPR. 194


              Države članice si pridržujejo pravico do sklicevanja območnih konferenc, do sklepanja območnih sporazumov in do oblikovanja območnih organizacij zaradi urejanja vprašanj s področja telekomunikacij, ki se lahko obravnavajo na območni ravni. Takšni sporazumi ne smejo biti v nasprotju niti s to ustavo niti s konvencijo.




Posebne določbe za radio



44. ČLEN (U)




Uporaba radiofrekvenčnega spektra in

orbit geostacionarnih in drugih satelitov


SPR. 196


2            Države članice pri uporabi frekvenčnih pasov za radijske storitve upoštevajo, da so radijske frekvence in vse pripadajoče orbite, vključno z orbito geostacionarnega satelita, omejeni naravni viri, ki jih je treba uporabljati racionalno, učinkovito in gospodarno v skladu z določbami Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah, tako da imajo države ali skupine držav enakopraven dostop do teh orbit in frekvenc, pri čemer se upoštevajo posebne potrebe držav v razvoju in geografska lega posameznih držav.




45. ČLEN (U)

Škodljivo motenje




SPR. 197


1            Vse postaje morajo biti ne glede na namembnost postavljene tako in obratovati tako, da ne povzročajo škodljivega motenja radijskih služb ali komunikacij drugih držav članic ali priznanih upravljavskih agencij ali drugih pravilno pooblaščenih upravljavskih agencij, ki opravljajo radijske storitve in delujejo v skladu z določbami Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah.


SPR. 198


2            Vsaka država članica se obvezuje, da bo zahtevala od upravljavskih agencij, ki jih priznava, in drugih upravljavskih agencij, pravilno pooblaščenih za ta namen, da spoštujejo določbe iz št. 197 zgoraj.


SPR. 199


3            Nadalje države članice priznavajo nujnost sprejetja vseh izvedljivih ukrepov za preprečevanje delovanja električnih aparatov in napeljav vseh vrst, ki povzročajo škodljivo motenje radijskih služb ali komunikacij iz št. 197 zgoraj.




47. ČLEN (U)

Lažni ali zavajajoči signali v stiski, v nuji,

za varnost ali identifikacijo



SPR. 201


              Države članice se strinjajo, da bodo ustrezno ukrepale pri preprečevanju oddajanja ali razširjanja lažnih ali zavajajočih signalov v stiski, v nuji, za varnost ali identifikacijo in da bodo sodelovale pri odkrivanju in identifikaciji postaj pod svojo jurisdikcijo, ki oddajajo takšne signale.




48. ČLEN (U)

Namestitev naprav za državno obrambo




SPR. 202


1            Države članice so povsem proste pri nameščanju vojaških radijskih naprav.





Odnosi z Združenimi narodi, drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami
in državami nečlanicami




51. ČLEN (U)

Odnosi z državami nečlanicami




SPR. 207


              Vsaka država članica si zase in za priznane upravljavske agencije pridržuje pravico, da določi pogoje, pod katerimi dovoljuje izmenjavo telekomunikacij z državami, ki niso države članice Zveze. Če država članica sprejme telekomunikacijo, ki izvira z ozemlja takšne države, jo je dolžna posredovati, in dokler poteka po telekomunikacijskih kanalih države članice, veljajo zanjo obvezujoče določbe te ustave, konvencije in izvršilnih pravilnikov ter običajne pristojbine.





Končne določbe




52. ČLEN (U)

Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev




SPR. 208


1            Vsaka država članica podpisnica v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi pravili hkrati z eno samo listino ratificira, sprejme ali potrdi to ustavo in konvencijo. Ta listina se v najkrajšem mogočem času deponira pri generalnem sekretarju. Generalni sekretar uradno obvesti države članice o vsakem deponiranju take listine.


SPR. 209


2            1) V dveh letih po začetku veljavnosti te ustave in konvencije uživa država članica podpisnica, čeprav še ni deponirala listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi v skladu s št. 208 zgoraj, pravice, ki jih imajo države članice na podlagi št. od 25 do 28 te ustave.


SPR. 210


              2) Po dveh letih od začetka veljavnosti te ustave in konvencije pa tista država članica podpisnica, ki ne deponira listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi v skladu s št. 208 zgoraj, nima več pravice glasovati na nobeni konferenci Zveze, na nobeni seji Sveta, na nobenem zasedanju kateregakoli sektorja Zveze ali med nobenim dopisnim posvetovanjem, ki poteka v skladu z določbami te ustave in konvencije, vse dokler ne deponira take listine. Vse druge pravice razen glasovalnih ostanejo neokrnjene.




53. ČLEN (U)





SPR. 212


1            Država članica, ki ni podpisnica te ustave in konvencije, ali v skladu z določbami 2. člena te ustave katerakoli druga država, navedena v tem členu, lahko kadarkoli pristopi k tej ustavi in konvenciji. Tak pristop k ustavi in konvenciji se izvede hkrati v obliki ene same listine.


SPR. 213


2            Listina o pristopu se deponira pri generalnem sekretarju, ki uradno obvesti države članice o vsakem deponiranju katerekoli take listine, potem ko jo prejme, in vsaki pošlje tudi njeno overjeno kopijo.




54. ČLEN (U)

Izvršilna pravilnika




DOP. 216A


              Izvršilna pravilnika iz št. 216 zgoraj ostaneta veljavna ob upoštevanju takih revizij, ki so bile sprejete za uporabo št. 89 in 146 te ustave in so začele veljati. Vsaka delna ali celotna revizija izvršilnih pravilnikov začne veljati na datum ali datume, določene v njih, samo za države članice, ki so pred tem datumom ali datumi uradno obvestile generalnega sekretarja o svoji privolitvi v tako revizijo.


ČRT. 217



DOP. 217A


              Država članica uradno sporoči svojo privolitev, da jo zavezuje delna ali celotna revizija izvršilnih pravilnikov, tako da pri generalnem sekretarju deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi te revizije ali o pristopu k njej ali tako da generalnemu sekretarju uradno sporoči svojo privolitev, da jo ta revizija zavezuje.


DOP. 217B


              Vsaka država članica lahko generalnemu sekretarju tudi uradno sporoči, da pomeni ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev sprememb in dopolnitev te ustave in konvencije ali pristop k njim v skladu s 55. členom ustave ali 42. členom konvencije njeno privolitev, da jo zavezuje vsaka delna ali celotna revizija izvršilnih pravilnikov, ki jo je sprejela pristojna konferenca pred podpisom omenjenih sprememb in dopolnitev k tej ustavi ali konvenciji.


DOP. 217C


              Uradno obvestilo iz št. 217B se izroči, ko država članica deponira svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi sprememb in dopolnitev te ustave ali konvencije ali pristopu k njim.


DOP. 217D


              Vsaka revizija izvršilnih pravilnikov se uporablja začasno od datuma začetka veljavnosti za vsako državo članico, ki je podpisala to revizijo, a ni uradno obvestila generalnega sekretarja o svoji privolitvi, da jo ta revizija zavezuje, v skladu s št. 217A in 217B zgoraj. Takšna začasna uporaba velja samo, če zadevna država članica ni nasprotovala reviziji ob njenem podpisu.


SPR. 218


4            Takšna začasna uporaba traja pri državi članici, dokler uradno ne obvesti generalnega sekretarja o svoji odločitvi glede privolitve, da jo vsaka taka revizija zavezuje.


219 ČRT. do 221



DOP. 221A


              Če država članica uradno ne obvesti generalnega sekretarja o svoji odločitvi glede privolitve po št. 218 zgoraj v šestintridesetih mesecih po datumu ali datumih, ko je revizija začela veljati, se šteje, da je privolila v to revizijo.


DOP. 221B


              Vsaka začasna uporaba v smislu št. 217D ali vsaka privolitev v smislu št. 221A je odvisna od vsakega pridržka, ki ga izrazi zadevna država članica ob podpisu te revizije. Vsaka privolitev v smislu št. 216A, 217A, 217B in 218 zgoraj je odvisna od vsakega pridržka, ki bi ga izrazila zadevna država članica ob podpisu izvršilnih pravilnikov ali njune revizije, pod pogojem, da še ima te pridržke, ko uradno obvesti generalnega sekretarja o svoji privolitvi.


ČRT. 222



SPR. 223


7 Generalni sekretar takoj obvesti države članice o vsakem prejetem uradnem obvestilu v zvezi s tem členom.




55. ČLEN (U)

Določbe o spremembah in dopolnitvah te ustave




SPR. 224


1            Vsaka država članica lahko predlaga kakršnokoli spremembo in dopolnitev te ustave. Vsak tak predlog mora generalni sekretar prejeti najpozneje osem mesecev pred prvim dnem zasedanja Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da se tako zagotovi njegovo pravočasno razpošiljanje vsem državam članicam in omogoči njegova preučitev. Generalni sekretar razpošlje, kakor hitro je mogoče, vendar najpozneje šest mesecev pred navedenim datumom, vsak tak predlog vsem državam članicam.


SPR. 225


2            Vendar lahko vsaka država članica ali njena delegacija kadarkoli med Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov predlaga kakršenkoli popravek katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve v skladu s št. 224 zgoraj.


SPR. 228


5            Razen če ni v prejšnjih odstavkih tega člena, ki sicer prevladajo, drugače določeno, se uporabljajo splošne določbe o konferencah in poslovnik za konference in druga zasedanja.


SPR. 229


6            Katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve te ustave, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo veljati v celoti in v obliki enega samega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah na dan, ki ga določi konferenca držav članic, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi te ustave ter dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali o pristopu k njima. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev samo dela dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristop k njegovemu delu ni mogoč.


SPR. 230


7            Generalni sekretar uradno obvesti vse države članice o deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu.




56. ČLEN (U)

Reševanje sporov




SPR. 233


1            Države članice lahko rešujejo spore glede razlage ali uporabe te ustave, konvencije ali izvršilnih pravilnikov s pogajanji po diplomatski poti ali v skladu s postopki, ki so določeni z dvo- ali večstranskimi sporazumi, sklenjenimi med njimi, za reševanje mednarodnih sporov, ali na katerikoli drug medsebojno sprejeti način.


SPR. 234


2            Če ni sprejet nobeden od gornjih načinov reševanja sporov, se lahko katerakoli država članica, udeleženka v sporu, zateče k arbitraži v skladu s postopkom, ki je določen v konvenciji.


SPR. 235


3            Med državami članicami, ki so pogodbenice izbirnega protokola o obveznem razreševanju sporov v zvezi s to ustavo, konvencijo ali izvršilnima pravilnikoma, se uporablja ta protokol.




57. ČLEN (U)

Odpoved te ustave in konvencije




SPR. 236


1            Vsaka država članica, ki je ratificirala, sprejela, potrdila to ustavo in konvencijo ali pristopila k njima, ima pravico, da ju odpove. V takem primeru se ta ustava in konvencija odpovesta z eno samo listino, ki se pošlje generalnemu sekretarju hkrati z uradnim obvestilom. Generalni sekretar po prejetju takega uradnega obvestila o tem obvesti druge države članice.




58. ČLEN (U)

Začetek veljavnosti in s tem povezane zadeve




SPR. 241


4            Izvirnik te ustave in konvencije, sestavljen v angleščini, arabščini, francoščini, kitajščini, ruščini in španščini, se hrani v arhivih Zveze. Generalni sekretar pošlje vsaki državi članici podpisnici overjeni izvod izvirnika v zahtevanem jeziku.





II. DEL – Datum začetka veljavnosti



Te spremembe in dopolnitve začnejo veljati v celoti in v enem samem dokumentu 1. januarja 2000 za tiste države članice, ki so na ta dan pogodbenice Ustave in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992) in so pred tem datumom deponirale svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi tega dokumenta ali pristopu k njemu.




V DOKAZ NAVEDENEGA so pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali izvirnik tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), kot je bila spremenjena in dopolnjena na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994).




V Minneapolisu, 6. novembra 1998









DOP. 1001A


Država članica: država, ki se po 2. členu te ustave šteje za članico Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze.


DOP. 1001B


Sektorska članica: subjekt ali organizacija, ki je po 19. členu konvencije pooblaščena za sodelovanje pri dejavnostih sektorja.


SPR. 1005


Delegacija: vsi delegati, po potrebi pa tudi vsi predstavniki, svetovalci, atašeji ali tolmači, ki jih je poslala ista država članica.



Vsaka država članica lahko prosto po lastni želji sestavi svojo delegacijo. Še zlasti lahko v svojo delegacijo med drugim vključi s pooblastili delegatov, svetovalcev ali atašejev tudi osebe, ki pripadajo kateremukoli subjektu ali organizaciji, pooblaščeni v skladu z ustreznimi določbami konvencije.


SPR. 1006


Delegat: oseba, ki jo je vlada države članice poslala na Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ali oseba, ki zastopa vlado ali upravo države članice na drugi konferenci ali na zasedanju Zveze.


SPR. 1008


Priznana upravljavska agencija: vsaka zgoraj navedena upravljavska agencija, ki upravlja javno korespondenco ali radiodifuzne storitve in na katero je država članica, na katere ozemlju je sedež agencije, ali država članica, ki je to upravljavsko agencijo pooblastila, da lahko na njenem ozemlju vzpostavi in izvaja telekomunikacijske storitve, prenesla obveznosti iz 6. člena te ustave.










(ŽENEVA 1992)



kot je bila spremenjena in dopolnjena na

Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994)


(spremembe in dopolnitve, ki jih je sprejela Konferenca

pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Minneapolis 1998)) *4



I. DEL  –  Predgovor



Na podlagi izvajanja ustreznih določb Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), spremenjene in dopolnjene na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994), še posebej določb njenega 42. člena, je Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Minneapolis 1998) sprejela te spremembe in dopolnitve omenjene konvencije:







Delovanje Zveze






1. ČLEN (K)

Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov



SPR. 2


              2) Po možnosti že predhodna Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov določi točna kraj in datum naslednje Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov; če tega ne stori, potem to določi Svet s soglasjem večine držav članic Zveze.


SPR. 4


a)           kadar vsaj četrtina držav članic generalnemu sekretarju posamič predlaga spremembo  ali


SPR. 6


              2) Vsaka taka sprememba zahteva soglasje večine držav članic.




2. ČLEN (K)

Volitve in z njimi povezane zadeve







SPR. 7


1            Razen v primeru praznih mest, ki nastanejo zaradi okoliščin, opisanih pod št. 10 do 12 spodaj, izvajajo države članice, ki so izvoljene v Svet, svoje naloge do dneva, ko je izvoljen nov Svet. Lahko so ponovno izvoljene.


SPR. 8


2             1) Če se med dvema Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov sprosti kateri od sedežev v Svetu, dobi pravico do njega država članica iz istega območja, iz katere je bila država članica, ki je izpraznila sedež in je na prejšnjih volitvah dobila največje število glasov med tistimi, ki niso bile izvoljene.


SPR. 9


                2) Kadar se prosto mesto iz kateregakoli razloga ne da zapolniti v skladu s postopkom pod št. 8 zgoraj, povabi predsednik Sveta druge države članice istega območja, da pripravijo volitve v enem mesecu po izročitvi takšnega vabila. Po preteku tega roka predsednik Sveta povabi države članice, naj izvolijo novo državo članico Sveta. Volitve so tajne in po pošti. Zahtevana je enaka večina glasov, kot je navedena zgoraj. Nova država članica Sveta opravlja svoje naloge do volitev novega Sveta na naslednji pristojni Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov.


SPR. 12


b)          če se država članica odpove svojemu članstvu v Svetu.



3. ČLEN (K)




Druge konference in skupščine



SPR. 23


1             V skladu z ustreznimi določbami ustave se običajno med Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov navadno sklicujejo te svetovne konference in skupščine Zveze:


SPR. 24


a)           ena ali dve svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah;


SPR. 25


b)          ena svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;


SPR. 27


d)           ena ali dve skupščini o radiokomunikacijah.


ČRT. 29



SPR. 30


–            sklicati dodatno svetovno skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij.


SPR. 33


b)            na priporočilo predhodne svetovne konference ali skupščine zadevnega sektorja in po odobritvi Sveta; v primeru skupščine o radiokomunikacijah se njeno priporočilo predloži v pripombe naslednji svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah zaradi obravnave na Svetu;




SPR. 34


c)           na zahtevo vsaj ene četrtine držav članic, ki morajo svojo zahtevo posamično nasloviti na generalnega sekretarja,  ali


SPR. 39


c)           na zahtevo najmanj ene četrtine držav članic, ki pripadajo zadevnemu območju, ki jo morajo posamič nasloviti na generalnega sekretarja, ali


SPR. 41


5            1) Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov lahko določi točna kraj in datum svetovne ali območne konference ali sektorske skupščine.


SPR. 42


              2) Če takega sklepa ni, potem Svet določi točna kraj in datum svetovne konference ali sektorske skupščine s soglasjem večine držav članic in območne konference s soglasjem večine držav članic iz zadevnega območja; v obeh primerih veljajo določbe iz št. 47 spodaj.


SPR. 44


a)           na zahtevo vsaj ene četrtine držav članic, če gre za svetovno konferenco ali sektorsko skupščino, ali vsaj ene četrtine držav članic iz zadevnega območja v primeru območne konference. Svoje zahteve morajo posamič nasloviti na generalnega sekretarja, ta pa jih nato pošlje Svetu v odobritev, ali


SPR. 46


                2) V primerih iz št. 44 in 45 zgoraj predložene spremembe niso dokončno sprejete, če jih ne sprejme večina držav članic, če gre za svetovno konferenco ali sektorsko skupščino, oziroma z večino glasov držav članic iz zadevnega območja, če gre za območno konferenco, v skladu z določbami pod št. 47 spodaj.


SPR. 47


7            V primerih posvetovanj v okviru št. 42, 46, 118, 123, 138, 302, 304, 305, 307 in 312 te konvencije se štejejo države članice, ki ne odgovorijo v roku, kot ga je določil Svet, za nesodelujoče na posvetovanjih in se zato ne upoštevajo pri izračunu večine. Če število odgovorov ne preseže polovice držav članic, s katerimi se je opravilo posvetovanje, je treba s posvetovanji nadaljevati, njihovi izidi pa so odločilni ne glede na število oddanih glasov.






4. ČLEN (K)




SPR. 50


1        1) Število držav članic v Svetu določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ki poteka vsaka štiri leta.


SPR. 50A


2        To število ne sme presegati 25 % skupnega števila držav članic.


SPR. 53


          3) Med rednima sejama lahko praviloma na sedežu Zveze skliče sejo predsedujoči na zahtevo večine njenih držav članic ali pa na lastno pobudo v skladu z določbami iz št. 18 te konvencije.


SPR. 55


4        Na začetku vsake redne seje izvoli Svet svojega predsedujočega in podpredsedujočega izmed predstavnikov svojih držav članic, pri tem pa upošteva načelo kroženja med območji. Oba opravljata naloge do naslednje redne seje in ne moreta biti ponovno izvoljena. V odsotnosti predsedujočega opravlja njegove funkcije podpredsedujoči.


SPR. 56


5        Oseba, ki jo država članica Sveta določi za delo v Svetu, mora biti, če je le mogoče, uradnik, ki dela v njeni telekomunikacijski upravi ali je zanjo neposredno odgovoren in je usposobljen za delo na področju telekomunikacijskih storitev.


SPR. 57


6        Zveza krije predstavniku vsake države članice Sveta samo potne stroške ter stroške bivanja in zavarovanja za delo na sejah Sveta.


SPR. 58


7        Predstavnik vsake države članice Sveta ima pravico, da se kot opazovalec udeleži vseh zasedanj sektorjev Zveze.


SPR. 60


9        Generalni sekretar, namestnik generalnega sekretarja in direktorji uradov imajo po položaju pravico sodelovati na posvetovanjih Sveta, nimajo pa glasovalne pravice. Kljub temu pa lahko Svet skliče tudi seje, ki so omejene samo na predstavnike njegovih držav članic.


DOP. 60A


          Država članica, ki ni država članica Sveta, lahko po predhodnem obvestilu generalnemu sekretarju in na svoje stroške pošlje enega opazovalca na seje Sveta, njegovih komitejev in delovnih skupin. Opazovalec nima pravice, da glasuje ali da nagovori zasedanje.


SPR. 61


10       Svet vsako leto preuči poročilo, ki ga pripravi generalni sekretar, o izvajanju strateškega načrta, sprejetega na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in sprejme ustrezne ukrepe.


SPR. 69


          3) sprejemati odločitve za zagotavljanje enakopravne geografske razporeditve in zastopanosti žensk v strokovnih kategorijah osebja Zveze in nadzorovati izvajanje takšnih sklepov;


SPR. 73


          7) oceniti in odobriti dveletni proračun Zveze in preučiti predlog proračuna za dveletno obdobje po omenjenem proračunu ter pri tem upoštevati sklepe Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov v zvezi s št. 50 ustave in finančne omejitve, ki jih je podala ta konferenca v skladu s št. 51 ustave; zagotavljati mora najstrožje možno gospodarjenje, vendar pri tem ne sme pozabiti na obveznosti Zveze, da čim hitreje doseže zadovoljive rezultate. Pri tem mora Svet upoštevati mnenje koordinacijskega komiteja, ki je vsebovano v poročilu generalnega sekretarja, omenjenem v št. 86, ter poročilo o finančnem poslovanju, omenjeno v št. 101 te konvencije;


SPR. 75


          9) organizirati sklice konferenc in skupščin Zveze in s privolitvijo večine držav članic v primeru svetovne konference ali skupščine oziroma večine držav članic iz zadevnega območja v primeru območne konference zagotoviti ustrezne napotke generalnemu sekretariatu in sektorjem Zveze ob upoštevanju njihove tehnične in druge pomoči pri pripravi in pri organizaciji konferenc in skupščin;


SPR. 79


          13) sporazumno z večino držav članic sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe za začasno reševanje vprašanj, ki jih ne zajemajo ustava, ta konvencija ali izvršilna pravilnika in njihove priloge in ne morejo čakati na rešitev do naslednje pristojne konference;


SPR. 81


          15) državam članicam Zveze pošiljati čim prej po vsaki svoji seji povzetke o dejavnostih Sveta in druge dokumente, ki jih oceni kot koristne;






5. ČLEN (K)

Generalni sekretariat



SPR. 86


c)           s pomočjo koordinacijskega komiteja pripravi in predloži Svetu poročilo, v katerem navede spremembe v telekomunikacijskem okolju v obdobju po zadnji Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov in vključi priporočeno dejavnost glede prihodnje politike in strategije Zveze skupaj z njunimi finančnimi posledicami;


DOP. 86A


cbis)     usklajuje izvajanje strateškega načrta, ki ga je sprejela Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in pripravi letno poročilo o tem izvajanju, ki ga da Svetu v presojo;


DOP. 87A


dbis)     pripravi letni načrt dela in finančni načrt, ki ju pregleda Svet, za dejavnosti, ki jih bo opravljalo osebje generalnega sekretariata kot pomoč pri strateškem načrtu.


SPR. 100


q)           po posvetovanju s koordinacijskim komitejem in ob upoštevanju vseh možnih varčevanj pripravi in predloži Svetu dveletni osnutek proračuna, ki pokriva porabo Zveze, z upoštevanjem finančnih omejitev, določenih na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Ta osnutek obsega konsolidirani proračun, ki vključuje stroškovno utemeljene proračune vseh treh sektorjev, pripravljene v skladu s proračunskimi usmeritvami, ki jih je izdal generalni sekretar, in vključuje dve različici. Ena različica obravnava ničelno rast prispevnih enot, druga pa rast, ki je manjša ali enaka katerikoli omejitvi, ki jo je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, in to po vsakem črpanju z rezervnega računa. Proračunska resolucija se po odobritvi Sveta pošlje v vednost vsem državam članicam;


SPR. 102


s)           ob pomoči koordinacijskega komiteja pripravi letno poročilo o dejavnostih Zveze, ki ga po odobritvi Sveta pošlje vsem državam članicam;


DOP. 102A


sbis)     upravlja posebne sporazume iz št. 76A ustave, pri čemer pokrivajo stroške tega upravljanja podpisnice sporazuma na način, za katerega so se dogovorile z generalnim sekretarjem.






6. ČLEN (K)

Koordinacijski komite



SPR. 109


2            Komite si prizadeva odločitve sprejemati soglasno. Če v komiteju ni večinske podpore, lahko njegov predsedujoči v izjemnih primerih na lastno odgovornost sprejema odločitve, če oceni, da je odločitev o obravnavanih zadevah nujna in da ne more počakati do naslednje seje Sveta. V takšnih okoliščinah predsedujoči o teh zadevah takoj pisno poroča državam članicam Sveta in pojasni svoje razloge za takšno ukrepanje, hkrati pa pošlje tudi druga pisna mnenja, ki so jih dali drugi člani komiteja. Če v takšnih okoliščinah zadeve niso nujne, so pa kljub temu pomembne, se predložijo v obravnavo na naslednji seji Sveta.




Sektor za radiokomunikacije



7. ČLEN (K)

Svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah



SPR. 117


d)           določitev glavnih tem, ki jih preučijo skupščina o radiokomunikacijah in študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije, prav tako pa tudi zadev, ki naj jih skupščina preuči v zvezi s prihodnjimi konferencami o radiokomunikacijah.


SPR. 118


                2) Splošna vsebina tega dnevnega reda mora biti določena od štiri do šest let vnaprej, končni dnevni red pa določi Svet po možnosti dve leti pred konferenco ob soglasju večine držav članic in v skladu z določbami št. 47 te konvencije. Ti dve različici dnevnega reda se pripravita na temelju priporočil svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah v skladu s št. 126 te konvencije.


SPR. 121


a)           na zahtevo vsaj ene četrtine držav članic. Takšne zahteve je treba posamič nasloviti na generalnega sekretarja, ki jih nato pošlje Svetu v odobritev, ali


SPR. 123


              2) Predlagane spremembe dnevnega reda svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah niso dokončno sprejete, vse dokler jih v skladu z določbami št. 47 te konvencije ne sprejme večina držav članic.



8. ČLEN (K)

Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah



SPR. 131


                1) obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, izdelana v skladu s št. 157 te konvencije, in odobriti, preoblikovati ali zavrniti osnutke priporočil, ki so vključena v teh poročilih, in preučiti poročila svetovalne skupine za radiokomunikacije, pripravljena v skladu s št. 106H te konvencije;


SPR. 136


              6) poročati naslednji svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah o napredovanju zadev, ki bi bile lahko vključene v dnevni red prihodnjih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah.


DOP. 137A


              Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah lahko pri posebnih zadevah iz svoje pristojnosti prosi za nasvet svetovalno skupino za radiokomunikacije.




SPR. 138


              Dnevni red območnih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah lahko vsebuje le posebna vprašanja o radiokomunikacijah območne narave, vključno z navodili odboru za radijsko regulativo in uradu za radiokomunikacije glede njunih dejavnosti v zvezi z zadevnim območjem, pod pogojem, da takšna navodila niso v nasprotju z interesi drugih območij. Takšna konferenca lahko obravnava le zadeve, ki so na njenem dnevnem redu. Določbe v št. 118 do 123 te konvencije veljajo za območne konference o radiokomunikacijah, vendar le za države članice iz zadevnih območij.




ČRT. 139




11. ČLEN (K)

Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije



SPR. 149


2            1) Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije preučujejo vprašanja, sprejeta v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi skupščina o radiokomunikacijah, in pripravljajo osnutke priporočil za sprejemanje v skladu s postopkom, določenim v št. 246A do 247 te konvencije.


DOP. 149B


              2) Študijske skupine za radiokomunikacije preučujejo tudi pomembne teme, opredeljene v resolucijah in priporočilih svetovnih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah. Izsledki takih študij se vključijo v priporočila ali poročila, pripravljena v skladu s št. 156 spodaj.


SPR. 150


              3) Preučevanje zgornjih vprašanj in glavnih tem se mora v skladu s št. 158 spodaj osredotočiti na:


SPR. 151


a)           uporabo radiofrekvenčnega spektra v prizemnih in vesoljskih radiokomunikacijah ter orbit geostacionarnih in drugih satelitov;


SPR. 155


              3) Na splošno te študije ne zajemajo ekonomskih vprašanj, vendar pa lahko upoštevajo ekonomske dejavnike, če vključujejo primerjavo tehničnih ali obratovalnih alternativ.





11. A ČLEN (K)


Svetovalna skupina za radiokomunikacije



DOP. 160A


1            Svetovalna skupina za radiokomunikacije je odprta za predstavnike uprav držav članic, predstavnike sektorskih članic in za predsedujoče študijskih skupin ter deluje prek direktorja.


DOP. 160B


2            Svetovalna skupina za radiokomunikacije:


DOP. 160C


              1) obravnava prednostne dejavnosti, programe, naloge, finančne zadeve in strategije, ki se nanašajo na skupščine o radiokomunikacijah, študijske skupine in na pripravo konferenc o radiokomunikacijah, ter vse posebne zadeve, ki jim jih naloži konferenca Zveze, skupščina o radiokomunikacijah ali Svet;


DOP. 160D


              2) ocenjuje napredovanje izvajanja delovnega programa, določenega v št. 132 te konvencije;


DOP. 160E


              3) zagotavlja smernice za delo študijskih skupin;


DOP. 160F


              4) med drugim priporoča ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in usklajevanja z drugimi standardizacijskimi organi, s sektorjem za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, sektorjem za razvoj telekomunikacij in generalnim sekretariatom;


DOP. 160G


              5) sprejema svoje lastne delovne postopke, ki se skladajo s postopki, sprejetimi na skupščini o radiokomunikacijah;


DOP. 160H


              6) pripravi poročilo za direktorja Urada za radiokomunikacije, v katerem navede ukrepanje glede zgornjih točk;



12. ČLEN (K)

Urad za radiokomunikacije



SPR. 164


a)           usklajevati pripravljalna dela študijskih skupin in urada, sporočati državam članicam in sektorskim članicam rezultate teh pripravljalnih del, zbirati njihove pripombe in predložiti usklajeno poročilo konferenci, ki lahko vključi predloge regulativne narave;


SPR. 169


b)          vsem državam članicam razdeliti poslovnik odbora ter zbrati pripombe k njemu, ki jih dobijo od uprav;


DOP. 175A


3bis)     zagotavljati potrebno podporo svetovalni skupini za radiokomunikacije ter vsako leto poročati državam članicam, sektorskim članicam in Svetu o rezultatih dela svetovalne skupine.


DOP. 175B


3ter)     sprejemati praktične ukrepe za olajšanje sodelovanja držav v razvoju v študijskih skupinah za radiokomunikacije.


SPR. 177


a)           izvajati študije za svetovanje glede delovanja največjega praktičnega števila radijskih kanalov v tistih delih spektra, kjer bi se lahko pojavilo škodljivo motenje, ter glede enakopravne, učinkovite in gospodarne izrabe orbit geostacionarnih in drugih satelitov, upoštevaje pri tem potrebe držav članic, ki zahtevajo pomoč, posebne potrebe držav v razvoju kot tudi poseben geografski položaj nekaterih držav;


SPR. 178


b)          z državami članicami in sektorskimi članicami izmenjevati podatke v strojno berljivih ali drugih oblikah, pripravljati in stalno posodabljati vse dokumente in podatkovne zbirke v sektorju za radiokomunikacije ter z generalnim sekretarjem, kot je primerno, urediti vse za njihovo objavo v delovnih jezikih Zveze v skladu s št. 172 ustave;


SPR. 180


d)           predložiti svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja za radiokomunikacije za obdobje po zadnji konferenci; če svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah ni načrtovana, pošlje poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja za dveletno obdobje po zadnji konferenci Svetu ter v vednost državam članicam in sektorskim članicam;


DOP. 181A


ebis)     pripraviti letni načrt dela in finančni načrt za dejavnosti, ki jih bo urad izvajal kot pomoč celotnemu sektorju, ju dati v pregled svetovalni skupini za radiokomunikacije v skladu z 11.A členom te konvencije in predložiti Svetu.




Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij


13. ČLEN (K)




Svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij



SPR. 184


1             V skladu s št. 104 ustave se skliče svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, da preuči posebne zadeve v zvezi s telekomunikacijsko standardizacijo.


SPR. 185


2             Vprašanja, ki naj jih obravnava svetovna skupščina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in na podlagi katerih bodo izdana priporočila, so tista, ki jih skupščina sprejme po svojih lastnih postopkih ali ji jih naloži Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov,  katerakoli druga konferenca ali Svet.


SPR. 186


3            V skladu s št. 104 ustave skupščina mora:


SPR. 187


a)           obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, pripravljena v skladu s št. 194 te konvencije, in odobravati, spreminjati ali zavračati osnutke priporočil iz teh poročil ter obravnavati poročila svetovalne skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v skladu s št. 197J in 197K te konvencije;


(SPR.) 190


d)           kolikor je mogoče združiti vprašanja, ki so pomembna za države v razvoju, zaradi olajševanja njihovega sodelovanja pri teh študijah;


DOP. 191A


4            Svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij lahko v okviru svojih pristojnosti dodeli posebne zadeve svetovalni skupini za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in pove, kakšno ukrepanje zahteva pri teh zadevah.


DOP. 191B


5            Svetovni skupščini o standardizaciji telekomunikacij predseduje oseba, ki jo določi vlada države, v kateri poteka zasedanje, oziroma če je zasedanje na sedežu Zveze, oseba, ki jo izvoli sama skupščina. Predsedujočemu pomaga podpredsedujoči, ki ga izvoli skupščina.



14. ČLEN (K)

Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij



SPR. 192


1            1) Študijske skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij preučujejo vprašanja, sprejeta v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, in pripravljajo osnutke priporočil, ki se sprejemajo v skladu s postopkom, določenim v št. od 246A do 247 te konvencije.


SPR. 194


              3) Vsaka študijska skupina pripravi za svetovno skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij poročilo o napredku pri delu, priporočila, sprejeta v skladu s posvetovalnim postopkom iz št. 192 zgoraj, in osnutke novih ali popravljenih priporočil, ki naj jih obravnava skupščina.


SPR. 197


4            Za olajšanje pregledovanja dejavnosti v sektorju za standardizacijo telekomunikacij je treba sprejeti ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in usklajevanja z drugimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo s standardizacijo telekomunikacij, in s sektorjema za radiokomunikacije in za razvoj telekomunikacij. Svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij določi posebne naloge, pogoje za sodelovanje in poslovnik za te ukrepe.





14.A ČLEN (K)


Svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij



DOP. 197C


1            Svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij je odprta za predstavnike uprav držav članic, sektorskih članic in za predsedujoče študijskih skupin.


DOP. 197D


2            Svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij:


DOP. 197E


              1) obravnava prednostne dejavnosti, programe, naloge, finančne zadeve in strategije za dejavnosti v sektorju za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;


DOP. 197F


              2) ocenjuje napredovanje izvajanja programa dela, določenega v št. 188 te konvencije;


DOP. 197G


              3) zagotavlja smernice za delo študijskih skupin;


DOP. 197H


              4) med drugim priporoča ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in usklajevanja z drugimi ustreznimi organi, s sektorjem za radiokomunikacije, sektorjem za razvoj telekomunikacij in generalnim sekretariatom;


DOP. 197I


              5) sprejema svoje lastne delovne postopke, ki se skladajo s postopki, sprejetimi na svetovni skupščini o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;


DOP. 197J


              6) pripravi poročilo za direktorja Urada za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, v katerem navede ukrepe v zvezi z zgornjimi točkami.




              7) za svetovno skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij pripravi poročilo o zadevah, ki so ji bile dodeljene v skladu s št. 191A, in ga pošlje direktorju, da ga predloži skupščini.



15. ČLEN (K)

Urad za standardizacijo telekomunikacij



SPR. 200


a)           letno posodablja delovni program, ki ga odobri svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, po posvetovanju s predsedujočimi študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij;


SPR. 201


b)          praviloma sodeluje, vendar v vlogi svetovalca, na posvetovanjih svetovnih skupščin o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij. Po posvetovanju z generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te konvencije, in če je primerno, še z drugimi sektorji Zveze, pripravi direktor vse potrebno za skupščine in zasedanja sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, upoštevaje napotke Sveta v zvezi s temi pripravami;


SPR. 202


c)           obdeluje informacije, ki jih prejema od uprav pri uporabi ustreznih določb predpisov o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah ali sklepov svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, in jih, če je primerno, v ustrezni obliki pripravi za objavo;


SPR. 203


d)           z državami članicami in sektorskimi članicami izmenjuje podatke v strojno berljivi obliki in v drugih oblikah, pripravi in po potrebi posodobi vse dokumente in podatkovne zbirke sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij, in če je primerno, z generalnim sekretarjem pripravi njihovo objavo v delovnih jezikih Zveze v skladu s št. 172 ustave;


SPR. 204


e)           predloži svetovni skupščini o standardizaciji telekomunikacij poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja v obdobju po zadnji skupščini; direktor predloži tako poročilo za dveletno obdobje po zadnji skupščini tudi Svetu, državam članicam in sektorskim članicam, razen če vmes ni bila sklicana druga skupščina;


DOP. 205A


fbis)      pripravi letni načrt dela in finančni načrt dejavnosti, ki jih bo opravljal urad v podporo celotnega sektorja, ju da v pregled svetovalni skupini za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in predloži Svetu;


DOP. 205B


g)           zagotavlja potrebno podporo svetovalni skupini za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in o svojem delu vsako leto poroča državam članicam, sektorskim članicam in Svetu;


DOP. 205C


h)           zagotavlja podporo državam v razvoju pri pripravljalnih delih za svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji, zlasti glede zadev prednostnega pomena za te države.




Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij



16. ČLEN (K)

Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij



SPR. 213


2             Direktor Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij pripravi osnutek dnevnega reda konferenc o razvoju telekomunikacij, ki ga generalni sekretar predloži v odobritev Svetu v soglasju z večino držav članic, če gre za svetovno konferenco, oziroma v soglasju z večino držav članic iz zadevnega območja, če gre za območno konferenco, v skladu z določbami v št. 47 te konvencije.


DOP. 213A


3            Svetovna konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij lahko pri posebnih zadevah iz svoje pristojnosti zaprosi za nasvet svetovalno skupino za razvoj telekomunikacij.



17. ČLEN (K)

Študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij



DOP. 215A


3            Vsaka študijska skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij pripravi za svetovno konferenco o razvoju telekomunikacij poročilo o napredku pri delu in osnutke novih ali spremenjenih priporočil, ki naj jih obravnava konferenca.


DOP. 215B


4            Študijske skupine za razvoj telekomunikacij preučujejo vprašanja  in pripravljajo osnutke priporočil za sprejem v skladu s postopki, določenimi v št. od 246A do 247 te konvencije.





17.A ČLEN (K)


Svetovalna skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij



DOP. 215C


7            Svetovalna skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij je odprta za predstavnike uprav držav članic, predstavnike sektorskih članic ter predsedujoče in podpredsedujoče študijskih skupin.


DOP. 215D


8            Svetovalna skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij:


DOP. 215E


              1) obravnava prednostne dejavnosti, programe, naloge, finančne zadeve in strategije za dejavnosti sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij;


DOP. 215F


              2) ocenjuje napredek pri izvajanju programa dela, določenega v št. 209 te konvencije;


DOP. 215G


              3) zagotavlja smernice za delo študijskih skupin;


DOP. 215H


              4) med drugim priporoča ukrepe za spodbujanje sodelovanja in usklajevanja s sektorjem za radiokomunikacije, sektorjem za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in generalnim sekretariatom ter drugimi ustreznimi razvojnimi in finančnimi ustanovami;


DOP. 215I


              5) sprejema svoje lastne delovne postopke, ki se skladajo s postopki, sprejetimi na svetovni konferenci o standardizaciji telekomunikacij;


DOP. 215J


              6) pripravi poročilo za direktorja Urada za razvoj telekomunikacij, v katerem navede ukrepe v zvezi z zgornjimi zadevami.


DOP. 215K


9            Direktor lahko povabi predstavnike agencij, ki pomagajo pri dvostranskem sodelovanju in razvoju, ter predstavnike večstranskih razvojnih ustanov k sodelovanju na sestankih svetovalne skupine.



18. ČLEN (K)


Urad za razvoj telekomunikacij



SPR. 222


e)           predložiti svetovni konferenci o razvoju telekomunikacij poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja v obdobju po zadnji konferenci; podobno poročilo za obdobje dveh let po zadnji konferenci pošlje direktor tudi Svetu ter državam članicam in sektorskim članicam;


(SPR.) 223


f)            pripraviti stroškovno utemeljeno oceno proračuna za potrebe sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij in jo poslati generalnemu sekretarju za obravnavo v koordinacijskem komiteju in vključitev v proračun Zveze;


DOP. 223A


fbis)      pripraviti letno poročilo o delu in finančni načrt za dejavnosti, ki jih bo urad izvajal v podporo celotnemu sektorju, ju dati v pregled svetovalni skupini za razvoj telekomunikacij in predložiti Svetu;


DOP. 223B


g)           zagotoviti potrebno podporo svetovalni skupini za razvoj telekomunikacij ter vsako leto poročati državam članicam, sektorskim članicam in Svetu o rezultatih svojega dela.


SPR. 224


3            Direktor tovariško sodeluje z drugimi voljenimi uradniki, s čimer zagotavlja utrjevanje katalitične vloge Zveze pri spodbujanju razvoja telekomunikacij, in z direktorjem zadevnega urada opravi potrebne priprave za začetek določene akcije, vključno s sklicem informativnih sestankov o dejavnostih zadevnega sektorja.


SPR. 225


4            Na zahtevo zadevnih držav članic direktor s pomočjo direktorjev drugih uradov, in če je primerno, generalnega sekretarja preučuje telekomunikacijske težave v njihovih državah in daje nasvete v zvezi z njimi; če gre za primerjavo tehničnih alternativ, se lahko upoštevajo tudi gospodarski dejavniki.


ČRT. 227





Skupne določbe, ki veljajo za vse tri sektorje



19. ČLEN (K)

Sodelovanje nevladnih ustanov in organizacij pri dejavnostih Zveze


SPR. 229


a)           priznanih upravljavskih agencij, znanstvenih ali industrijskih organizacij ter finančnih ali razvojnih ustanov, ki jih odobri zadevna država članica;


SPR. 230


b)          drugih ustanov, ki se ukvarjajo s telekomunikacijskimi zadevami in ki jih odobri zadevna država članica;


SPR. 233


3            Vsako prošnjo ustanove, navedene v št. 229 zgoraj, za sodelovanje pri delu sektorja v skladu z ustreznimi določbami ustave in te konvencije, ki jo odobri zadevna država članica, slednja pošlje generalnemu sekretarju.


SPR. 234


4            Vsaka prošnja ustanove, navedene v št. 230 zgoraj, ki jo vloži zadevna država članica, se obravnava v skladu s postopkom, ki ga določi Svet. Svet nato preveri, ali je takšna prošnja v skladu z zgornjim postopkom.


DOP. 234A


4bis      Alternativno se lahko prošnja ustanove, navedene v št. 229 ali 230 zgoraj, za sektorsko članstvo pošlje neposredno generalnemu sekretarju.  Države članice, ki take ustanove pooblastijo, da pošljejo prošnje neposredno generalnemu sekretarju, ga o tem ustrezno obvestijo. Ustanove, katerih država članica ni poslala generalnemu sekretarju takega obvestila, prošnje ne morejo vložiti neposredno. Generalni sekretar redno dopolnjuje in objavlja seznam tistih držav članic, ki so pooblastile ustanove v okviru svoje jurisdikcije ali suverenosti za neposredno vlaganje prošenj.


DOP. 234B


4ter       Ob prejemu prošnje iz št. 234A zgoraj neposredno od ustanove generalni sekretar na podlagi meril, ki jih je določil Svet,  zagotovi, da so dejavnost in cilji kandidata skladni s cilji Zveze. Generalni sekretar nato nemudoma obvesti vlagateljevo državo članico in jo prosi za odobritev prošnje. Če generalni sekretar od te države članice v štirih mesecih ne prejme nobenega ugovora, pošlje telegram z opominom. Če tudi po štirih mesecih po tem, ko je bil poslan telegram z opominom, generalni sekretar ne dobi nobenega ugovora, se šteje, da je prošnja sprejeta. Če pa generalni sekretar prejme ugovor države članice, povabi generalni sekretar vlagatelja, da vzpostavi stik z zadevno državo članico.


DOP. 234C


4quater   Država članica lahko ob izdaji pooblastila za neposredno vložitev prošnje uradno obvesti generalnega sekretarja, da ga pooblašča za odobritev vsake prošnje, ki jo vloži ustanova v okviru njene jurisdikcije ali suverenosti.


SPR. 237


7            Generalni sekretar zbere in vzdržuje sezname vseh ustanov in organizacij, navedenih v št. od 229 do 231 in od 260 do 262 te konvencije, ki so pooblaščene za sodelovanje pri delu vsakega sektorja, v določenih razmikih pa objavi in razpošlje te sezname vsem državam članicam, sektorskim članicam in direktorju zadevnega urada. Ta direktor obvesti takšne ustanove in organizacije ter ustrezne države članice o ukrepih v zvezi z njihovimi prošnjami.


SPR. 238


8            Pogoji za sodelovanje ustanov in organizacij s seznamov iz št. 237 zgoraj v sektorjih so določeni v tem členu, v 33. členu in v drugih ustreznih določbah te konvencije. Zanje ne veljajo določbe v št. od 25 do 28 ustave.


SPR. 239


9            Sektorska članica lahko deluje v imenu države članice, ki ji je to odobrila, pod pogojem, da država članica obvesti direktorja zadevnega urada o pooblastilu sektorski članici.


SPR. 240


10          Vsaka sektorska članica ima pravico, da se temu sodelovanju odpove z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju. Če je primerno, lahko takšno sodelovanje odpove tudi zadevna država članica, sektorska članica, ki je bila potrjena po št. 234C zgoraj, pa ga odpove v skladu z merili in postopki, ki jih določi Svet. Takšna odpoved začne veljati po poteku enega leta od dneva, ko je generalni sekretar prejel uradno obvestilo.


DOP. 241A


              Skupščina ali konferenca sektorja lahko odloči, da dovoli ustanovam ali organizacijam kot pridruženim članicam sodelovati pri delu dane študijske skupine ali njene podskupine po spodnjih načelih:


DOP. 241B


              1) Ustanova ali organizacija, navedena v št. od 229 do 231 zgoraj, lahko zaprosi za sodelovanje v delu dane študijske skupine kot izredna članica.


DOP. 241C


              2) Če sektor sprejme izredne članice, uporabi generalni sekretar za vlagatelje prošenj ustrezne določbe tega člena ter pri tem upošteva velikost ustanove ali organizacije in vsa druga ustrezna merila.


DOP. 241D


              3) Izredne članice, ki jim je dovoljeno sodelovati v dani študijski skupini, se ne vpišejo na seznam iz št. 237 zgoraj.


DOP. 241E


              4) Pogoji, ki veljajo za sodelovanje pri delu študijske skupine, so podrobno navedeni v št. 248B in 483A te konvencije.



20. ČLEN (K)

Vodenje študijskih skupin



SPR. 242


1            Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah, svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in svetovna konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij imenujejo predsedujočega in enega ali več podpredsedujočih za vsako študijsko skupino. Pri imenovanju predsedujočega in podpredsedujočih je treba še posebej paziti na zahteve glede pristojnosti in enakopravne geografske porazdelitve ter na potrebo po podpiranju učinkovitejšega sodelovanja držav v razvoju.


SPR. 243


2            Če tako zahteva delovna obremenitev katerekoli študijske skupine, lahko skupščina ali konferenca, če meni, da je to potrebno, imenuje dodatne podpredsedujoče.


DOP. 246A



a)            Države članice in sektorske članice sprejmejo vprašanja, ki jih bodo preučevale v skladu s postopki, določenimi na ustrezni konferenci ali skupščini, kot je primerno, vključno s tem, ali je za sklepno priporočilo potrebno formalno posvetovanje med državami članicami.


DOP. 246B


b)            Priporočila, ki izhajajo iz preučevanj zgornjih vprašanj, sprejme študijska skupina v skladu s postopki, ki jih določi ustrezna konferenca ali skupščina, kot je primerno. Za tista priporočila, za katera ni potrebno formalno posvetovanje med državami članicami, se šteje, da so odobrena.


DOP. 246C


c)            Priporočilo, za katero je potrebno formalno posvetovanje med državami članicami, se obravnava v skladu s št. 247 spodaj ali pošlje ustrezni konferenci ali skupščini, kot je primerno.


DOP. 246D


cbis)      Št. 246A in 246B zgoraj se ne uporabljata za vprašanja in priporočila, ki imajo politični ali regulativni vpliv, npr. za:


DOP. 246E


              –      vprašanja in priporočila, ki jih odobri sektor za radiokomunikacije in se nanašajo na delo konferenc o radiokomunikacijah, in druge vrste vprašanj in priporočil, o katerih lahko sklepa skupščina o radiokomunikacijah;


DOP. 246F


              –      vprašanja in priporočila, ki jih odobri sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in se nanašajo na tarifne in obračunske zadeve, ter ustrezne načrte za številčenje in naslavljanje;


DOP. 246G


              –      vprašanja in priporočila, ki jih odobri sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij in se nanašajo na regulativne, politične in finančne zadeve;


DOP. 246H


              –      vprašanja in priporočila, če obstaja kakršenkoli dvom o njihovi vsebini.


SPR. 247


6            Študijske skupine lahko pri državah članicah začnejo postopke za pridobitev njihove odobritve za priporočila, dokončana med skupščinama ali konferencama. Postopke, uporabljene za pridobitev takšnih odobritev, pred tem odobri pristojna skupščina ali konferenca, kot je primerno.


DOP. 247A


6bis      Priporočila, sprejeta z uporabo št. 246B ali 247 zgoraj, imajo enak status kot tista, ki jih je odobrila konferenca ali skupščina.


DOP. 248A


7bis      Po postopku, ki ga je razvil zadevni sektor, lahko direktor urada po posvetovanju s predsedujočim določene študijske skupine povabi organizacijo, ki ne sodeluje v sektorju, da pošlje predstavnike, ki naj bi se udeležili preučevanja posebne zadeve v tej študijski skupini ali njej podrejenih skupinah.


DOP. 248B


7ter       Pridruženi članici iz št. 241A te konvencije je dovoljeno sodelovati pri delu izbrane študijske skupine, vendar ne more sodelovati pri odločanju o dejavnosti povezovanja te študijske skupine.







Splošne določbe v zvezi s

 konferencami in skupščinami


23. ČLEN (K)

Povabilo na Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov in udeležba na njih,

če obstaja vlada gostiteljica


SPR. 256


2            1) Eno leto pred dnevom začetka konference pošlje vlada gostiteljica vabilo vladi vsake države članice.


SPR. 262A


e)           sektorske članice, navedene v št. 229 in 231 te konvencije, in organizacije mednarodnega pomena, ki jih zastopajo.


SPR. 263


4            1) Odgovore držav članic,  v katerih so po možnosti celovite informacije o sestavi delegacij, mora vlada gostiteljica prejeti vsaj mesec dni pred dnevom začetka konference.


SPR. 265


              3) Generalni sekretar mora dobiti odgovore organizacij in agencij, navedenih v št. od 259 do 262A zgoraj, en mesec pred začetkom konference.



24. ČLEN (K)

Povabilo na konference o radiokomunikacijah in udeležba na njih,

če obstaja vlada gostiteljica


SPR. 271


2            1) Za konference o radiokomunikacijah veljajo določbe iz št. od 256 do 265 te konvencije.


SPR. 272


              2) Države članice morajo obvestiti sektorske članice o prejetih vabilih k sodelovanju na konferenci o radiokomunikacijah.


SPR. 280


d)           opazovalci, ki zastopajo sektorske članice sektorja za radiokomunikacije in so jih pravilno pooblastile zadevne države članice;


SPR. 282


f)            opazovalci držav članic, ki brez glasovalne pravice sodelujejo na območni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah območja, ki ni tisto, ki mu pripadajo omenjene države članice.



25. ČLEN (K)




Povabilo na skupščine o radiokomunikacijah, svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in konference o razvoju telekomunikacij ter udeležba na njih, če obstaja vlada gostiteljica



SPR. 285


a)           vladi vsake države članice;


SPR. 286


b)          zadevnim sektorskim članicam;


SPR. 298


c)           predstavniki zadevnih sektorskih članic.



26. ČLEN (K)




Postopek za sklic ali preklic svetovnih konferenc ali skupščin

na zahtevo držav članic ali na predlog Sveta


SPR. 299


1            V naslednjih določbah so določeni postopki za sklic druge svetovne skupščine o standardizaciji telekomunikacij med Konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov ter za določitev točnih kraja in datumov ali postopki za preklic druge svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah ali druge skupščine o radiokomunikacijah.


SPR. 300


2            1) Vsaka država članica, ki bi rada gostila drugo svetovno skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, o tem obvesti generalnega sekretarja in navede predlagane kraj in datume skupščine.


SPR. 301


              2) Po prejemu podobnih predlogov od vsaj ene četrtine držav članic generalni sekretar o tem nemudoma obvesti vse države članice prek najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev in jih prosi, da v šestih tednih odgovorijo, ali se strinjajo s predlogom.


SPR. 302


              3) Če se večina držav članic, določena v skladu s št. 47 te konvencije, v celoti strinja s predlogom, se pravi, da sprejemajo tako predlagani kraj in datume, generalni sekretar o tem nemudoma prek najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev obvesti vse države članice.


SPR. 303


              4) Če je sprejet predlog za skupščino zunaj sedeža Zveze, generalni sekretar v soglasju z zadevno vlado ukrene vse potrebno za sklic skupščine.


SPR. 304


              5) Če večina držav članic, kot je določena v št. 47 te konvencije, predloga v celoti ne sprejme (kraja in datumov), generalni sekretar obvesti vse države članice o prejetih odgovorih in zahteva, da mu v šestih tednih po prejemu obvestila pošljejo dokončen odgovor o točki ali točkah nestrinjanja.


SPR. 305


              6) Za te točke velja, da so sprejete, ko jih odobri večina držav članic v skladu s št. 47 te konvencije.


SPR. 306


3            1) Vsaka država članica, ki želi doseči preklic druge svetovne konference o radiokomunikacijah ali druge skupščine o radiokomunikacijah, o tem obvesti generalnega sekretarja. Po prejemu podobnih zahtev od vsaj ene četrtine držav članic generalni sekretar prek najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev o tem takoj obvesti vse države članice in jih zaprosi, da mu v šestih tednih sporočijo, ali se strinjajo s tem predlogom.


SPR. 307


              2) Če se večina držav članic, določena v skladu s št. 47 te konvencije, strinja s predlogom, generalni sekretar o tem prek najustreznejših telekomunikacijskih sredstev takoj obvesti vse države članice, skupščina ali konferenca pa se nato prekliče.


SPR. 309


5            Vsaka država članica, ki bi rada dosegla sklic svetovne konference o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, predlaga to Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov; dnevni red, točni kraj in datumi takšne konference se določijo v skladu z določbami 3. člena te konvencije.



27. ČLEN (K)




Postopek za sklic območnih konferenc na zahtevo držav članic
ali na predlog Sveta



SPR. 310


              Pri območnih konferencah veljajo postopki, opisani v št. od 300 do 305 te konvencije, samo za države članice iz zadevnega območja. Za sklic konference na pobudo držav članic tega območja zadostuje, da generalni sekretar prejme enake prošnje od četrtine držav članic iz tega območja. Postopek, opisan v št. od 301 do 305 te konvencije, velja tudi, če da pobudo za sklic takšne konference Svet.



28. ČLEN (K)




Določbe za zasedanja konferenc in skupščin,

če ni vlade gostiteljice



SPR. 311


              Če je treba pripraviti konferenco ali skupščino brez vlade gostiteljice, veljajo določbe 23., 24. in 25. člena te konvencije. Generalni sekretar po dogovoru z vlado Švicarske konfederacije ukrene vse potrebno za sklic in organizacijo konference ali skupščine na sedežu Zveze.



29. ČLEN (K)




Sprememba kraja ali datumov konference ali skupščine



SPR. 312


1            Določbe 26. in 27. člena te konvencije za sklic konference ali skupščine se smiselno uporabljajo tudi v primerih, ko države članice Zveze zahtevajo ali Svet predlaga spremembo točnega kraja oziroma datumov konference ali skupščine. Vendar se te spremembe izvedejo le, če se zanje izreče večina zadevnih držav članic v skladu s št. 47 te konvencije.


SPR. 313


2            Vsaka država članica, ki predlaga spremembo točnega kraja ali datumov konference ali skupščine, je dolžna za svoj predlog pridobiti podporo potrebnega števila drugih držav članic.




SPR. 316


2            Takoj, ko so vabila razposlana, generalni sekretar zahteva od držav članic, da mu vsaj štiri mesece pred začetkom konference pošljejo svoje predloge za delo konference.


SPR. 318


4            Generalni sekretar s simbolom, ki ga Zveza določi tej državi članici, označi vsak predlog države članice, da je določljiv njegov izvor. Če pošlje predlog več držav članic skupaj, se predlog označi, kolikor je mogoče, s simbolom vsake države članice.


SPR. 319


5            Generalni sekretar takoj po prejemu razpošlje predloge vsem državam članicam.


SPR. 320


6            Generalni sekretar zbere in uskladi predloge, ki jih prejme od držav članic, in jih takoj po prejemu, v vsakem primeru pa najmanj dva meseca pred začetkom konference, razpošlje državam članicam. Voljeni uradniki in uslužbenci Zveze kot tudi opazovalci in predstavniki, ki se smejo udeležiti konference v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te konvencije, nimajo pravice dajati predlogov.


SPR. 321


7            Generalni sekretar zbere tudi poročila, ki jih prejme od držav članic, Sveta in sektorjev Zveze, in priporočila konferenc ter jih pošlje državam članicam skupaj z vsemi poročili generalnega sekretarja vsaj štiri mesece pred začetkom konference.


SPR. 322


8            Predloge, prejete po roku iz št. 316 zgoraj, pošlje generalni sekretar državam članicam takoj, ko je to mogoče.



31. ČLEN (K)

Poverilnice za konference



SPR. 324


1            Delegacija, ki jo država članica pošlje na Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na konferenco o radiokomunikacijah ali na svetovno konferenco o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, mora biti pravilno pooblaščena v skladu s št. od 325 do 331 spodaj.


SPR. 327


              3) Delegacijo lahko s pridržkom predhodne potrditve s strani enega od organov iz št. od 325 ali 326 zgoraj za podpis sklepnih aktov začasno pooblasti vodja diplomatske misije zadevne države članice pri vladi gostiteljici. Če je konferenca v Švicarski konfederaciji, lahko delegacijo začasno pooblasti vodja stalne delegacije zadevne države članice pri Uradu Združenih narodov v Ženevi.


SPR. 332


4            1) Delegacija, za katere poverilnice se na plenarnem zasedanju ugotovi, da so veljavne, ima glasovalno pravico v imenu zadevne države članice po pogojih določb iz št. 169 in 210 ustave in pravico do podpisa sklepnih listin.


SPR. 334


5            Poverilnice se čimprej deponirajo pri sekretariatu konference. Komite iz št. 23 poslovnika konferenc in drugih zasedanj, ki mu je poverjena njihova overitev, o svojih ugotovitvah poroča plenarnemu zasedanju v roku, ki ga določi zasedanje. Do odločitve plenarnega zasedanja o tem ima vsaka delegacija pravico sodelovati na konferenci in uporabljati glasovalno pravico zadevne države članice.


SPR. 335


6            Praviloma si morajo države članice prizadevati, da na konference Zveze pošiljajo lastne delegacije. Če zaradi izjemnih razlogov država članica ne more poslati svoje delegacije, lahko prenese na delegacijo druge države članice pravico, da glasuje in podpisuje v njenem imenu. Ta pooblastila morajo biti prenesena z dokumentom, ki ga podpiše eden od organov iz št. 325 ali 326 zgoraj.


SPR. 339


10          Država članica ali pooblaščena ustanova ali organizacija, ki namerava poslati delegacijo ali zastopnike na skupščino o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, konferenco o razvoju telekomunikacij ali skupščino o radiokomunikacijah, o tem obvesti direktorja urada zadevnega sektorja ter navede imena in funkcije članov delegacije ali zastopnikov.









32. ČLEN (K)

Poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj



DOP. 339A


              Poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Določbe, ki opredeljujejo postopek za spremembo in dopolnitev tega poslovnika in začetek veljavnosti sprememb in dopolnitev, so vključene v sam poslovnik.


SPR. 340


              Poslovnik se uporablja brez škode za določbe o spremembah in dopolnitvah iz 55. člena ustave in 42. člena te konvencije.





32.A ČLEN (K)

Glasovalna pravica



DOP. 340A


1         Delegacija države članice, ki jo ta država članica pravilno pooblasti za sodelovanje pri delu konference, skupščine ali drugega zasedanja, ima na vseh zasedanjih konference, skupščine ali na drugih zasedanjih pravico do enega glasu v skladu s 3. členom ustave.


DOP. 340B


2        Delegacija države članice uveljavlja svojo glasovalno pravico po pogojih iz 31. člena te konvencije.


DOP. 340C


3        Če države članice na skupščini o radiokomunikacijah, svetovni skupščini o standardizaciji telekomunikacij ali konferenci o razvoju telekomunikacij ne zastopa uprava, imajo predstavniki priznanih upravljavskih agencij iz te države članice skupaj ne glede na njihovo število pravico do enega glasu po pogojih iz št. 239 te konvencije. Določbe iz št. od 335 do 338 te konvencije, ki se nanašajo na prenos pooblastil, se uporabljajo za zgoraj omenjene konference in skupščine.





32.B ČLEN (K)





DOP. 340D


1        Praviloma si vsaka delegacija, s stališči katere se preostale delegacije ne strinjajo, prizadeva, da se, kolikor je mogoče, uskladi z mnenjem večine.


DOP. 340E


2        Vsaka država članica, ki med Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov zadrži svojo pravico do pridržkov, kot jih navede v svoji izjavi pri podpisovanju sklepnih listin, lahko izrazi pridržke glede določene spremembe in dopolnitve ustave ali te konvencije vse do takrat, ko pri generalnem sekretarju deponira svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi spremembe in dopolnitve ali pristopu k njej.


DOP. 340F


3        Če delegacija za katerokoli odločitev meni, da bo njeni vladi preprečila soglasje, da jo zavezuje revizija izvršilnih pravilnikov, lahko ta delegacija izrazi končne ali začasne pridržke glede te odločitve na koncu konference, ki je sprejela to revizijo; vsak tak pridržek lahko izrazi delegacija v imenu države članice, ki ne sodeluje na tej konferenci in je dala tej delegaciji pooblastilo za podpis sklepnih listin v skladu z določbami 31. člena te konvencije.


DOP. 340G


4        Pridržek, izražen po konferenci, je veljaven samo, če ga država članica, ki ga je izrazila, formalno potrdi v uradnem obvestilu o svoji privolitvi, da jo zavezujejo spremembe in dopolnitve ali revizije, sprejete na konferenci, po koncu katere je bil izražen ta pridržek.


ČRT. od 341 do 467





Druge določbe



33. ČLEN (K)




SPR. 468


1            1) Lestvica, iz katere si vsaka država članica po pogojih določb št. 468A spodaj in sektorska članica po pogojih določb št. 468B spodaj izbere svoj prispevni razred v skladu z ustreznimi določbami 28. člena ustave, je naslednja:


razred 40 prispevnih enot    razred 8 prispevnih enot

razred 35 prispevnih enot    razred 5 prispevnih enot

razred 30 prispevnih enot    razred 4 prispevnih enot

razred 28 prispevnih enot    razred 3 prispevnih enot

razred 25 prispevnih enot    razred 2 prispevnih enot

razred 23 prispevnih enot    razred 1 1/2 prispevne enote

razred 20 prispevnih enot    razred 1 prispevne enote

razred 18 prispevnih enot    razred 1/2 prispevne enote

razred 15 prispevnih enot    razred 1/4  prispevne enote

razred 13 prispevnih enot    razred 1/8  prispevne enote

razred 10 prispevnih enot    razred 1/16 prispevne enote

DOP. 468A


              1bis)        Samo države članice, ki so na seznamu najmanj razvitih držav Združenih narodov, in tiste, ki jih določi Svet, smejo izbrati razreda 1/8 in 1/16 prispevne enote.


DOP. 468B


              1ter)        Sektorske članice ne morejo izbrati prispevnega razreda, nižjega od 1/2 prispevne enote, razen sektorskih članic v sektorju za razvoj telekomunikacij, ki lahko izberejo razrede 1/4, 1/8 in 1/16 prispevne enote. Vendar je razred 1/16 prispevne enote rezerviran za sektorske članice iz držav v razvoju, kot jih določa seznam, ki ga izdela Program  Združenih narodov za razvoj (UNDP) in ga pregleda Svet ITU.


SPR. 469


              2) Dodatno k prispevnim razredom, navedenim v št. 468 zgoraj, lahko vsaka država članica ali sektorska članica izbere število prispevnih enot nad 40.


SPR. 470


              3) Generalni sekretar nemudoma pošlje vsaki državi članici, ki ni bila zastopana na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, sklep vsake države članice o prispevnem razredu, ki ga bo plačevala.


ČRT. 471



SPR. 472


2            1) Vsaka nova država članica in sektorska članica plačata v letu svojega pristopa ali včlanjenja prispevek, ki se računa od prvega dne v mesecu pristopa ali včlanjenja, odvisno od primera.


SPR. 473


              2) Če se država članica odpove ustavi in tej konvenciji ali če se sektorska članica odpove sodelovanju v sektorju, plača svoj prispevek do zadnjega dne v mesecu, v katerem začne taka odpoved veljati v skladu s št. 237 ustave oziroma št. 240 te konvencije.


SPR. 474


3            Dolžni zneski se obrestujejo od začetka četrtega meseca vsakega finančnega leta Zveze po triodstotni (3 %-ni) letni obrestni meri v naslednjih treh mesecih in po šestodstotni (6 %-ni) letni obrestni meri od začetka sedmega meseca.


ČRT. 475



SPR. 476


4            1) Organizacije iz od št. 259 do 262A te konvencije in druge organizacije mednarodne narave (razen če jih Svet na podlagi vzajemnosti ne izvzame) ter sektorske članice (razen če sodelujejo na konferenci ali skupščini svojega sektorja), ki sodelujejo na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na zasedanju sektorja Zveze ali na svetovni konferenci o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, si delijo stroške konferenc in zasedanj, na katerih sodelujejo, na podlagi stroškov teh konferenc in zasedanj ter v skladu s finančnim pravilnikom.


SPR. 477


              2) Vsaka sektorska članica s seznamov iz št. 237 te konvencije prispeva za kritje stroškov sektorja v skladu s št. 480 in 480A spodaj.


ČRT. 478 in 479



SPR. 480


              5) Znesek prispevka po enoti za plačilo izdatkov vsakega zadevnega sektorja je določen z 1/5 prispevne enote držav članic. Ti prispevki se štejejo kot dohodek Zveze. Obrestujejo se v skladu z določbami št. 474 zgoraj.


DOP. 480A


              5bis) Če sektorska članica prispeva za kritje stroškov Zveze na podlagi št. 159 ustave, je treba označiti sektor, za katerega je bil dan prispevek.


ČRT. od 481 do 483



DOP. 483A


              Pridružene članice iz št. 241A te konvencije prispevajo za kritje stroškov sektorja, študijske skupine in podrejene skupine, v kateri sodelujejo, kot določi Svet.


SPR. 484


5            Svet določi merila za izračun pokrivanja stroškov nekaterih izdelkov in storitev Zveze.



35. ČLEN (K)




SPR. 490


1            1) Jeziki, ki niso navedeni v ustreznih določbah 29. člena ustave, se lahko uporabljajo, če:


SPR. 491


a)           je generalnemu sekretarju izročena prošnja za zagotovitev uporabe dodatnega jezika ali jezikov, ustno ali pisno, na trajni ali začasni podlagi, pod pogojem, da države članice, ki so vložile prošnjo ali jo podpirajo, krijejo s tem nastale dodatne stroške;


SPR. 492


b            si na konferencah ali zasedanjih Zveze po poprejšnjem sporočilu generalnemu sekretarju ali direktorju zadevnega urada katerakoli delegacija na svoje stroške preskrbi ustno prevajanje iz svojega jezika v katerikoli drug jezik, naveden v ustrezni določbi 29. člena ustave.


SPR. 493


              2) V primeru iz št. 491 zgoraj lahko generalni sekretar v primernem obsegu ugodi prošnji, če mu pred tem zadevne države članice jamčijo, da bodo Zvezi pravilno plačale tako nastale stroške.


SPR. 495


2            Vsak dokument, na katerega se nanašajo ustrezne določbe 29. člena ustave, se lahko objavi tudi v jezikih, ki niso določenih v 29. členu ustave, če država članica, ki zahteva takšno objavo, prevzame kritje stroškov prevoda in objave v celoti.




Različne določbe v zvezi z delovanjem telekomunikacijskih storitev




SPR. 497


1            Poravnavanje mednarodnih računov se šteje za tekoče transakcije in se izvaja v skladu z ustaljenimi mednarodnimi obveznostmi držav članic in zadevnih sektorskih članic, katerih vlade so sklenile sporazume o tem. Kadar ni takšnih sporazumov in če ni posebnih dogovorov v smislu navedb v 42. členu ustave, se računi poravnavajo v skladu z izvršilnima pravilnikoma.


SPR. 498


2            Uprave držav članic in sektorskih članic, ki upravljajo mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve, sklenejo dogovor o znesku obremenitev in dobroimetij.




SPR. 500


              Če niso sklenjeni posebni sporazumi med državami članicami, se za določanje obračunskih stopenj za mednarodne telekomunikacijske storitve in za odpiranje mednarodnih računov kot denarna enota uporablja:



–            ali denarna enota Mednarodnega denarnega sklada



–            ali zlati frank,



kot je določeno v izvršilnih pravilnikih. Določbe za uporabo so vključene v Dodatek 1 Mednarodnega telekomunikacijskega pravilnika.



40. ČLEN (K)

Tajni jezik



SPR. 505


2            Zasebni telegrami v tajnem jeziku so dopuščeni med vsemi državami članicami razen tistih, ki vnaprej obvestijo generalnega sekretarja, da ne dopuščajo tega jezika za to vrsto korespondence.


SPR. 506


3            Države članice, ki ne dovoljujejo zasebnih telegramov v tajnem jeziku, če izvirajo z njihovih ozemelj ali so tja namenjeni, morajo take telegrame dovoliti v tranzitu, razen ob ukinitvi storitve, predvidene v 35. členu ustave.




Arbitraža ter spremembe in dopolnitve



41. ČLEN (K)

Postopek arbitraže

(glej 56. člen ustave)



SPR. 510


4            Če se arbitraža poveri vladam ali njihovim upravnim organom, jih je treba izbrati med državami članicami, ki niso vpletene v spor, so pa podpisnice sporazuma, katerega uporaba je povzročila spor.



42. ČLEN (K)

Določbe za spremembo in dopolnitev te konvencije



SPR. 519


1            Vsaka država članica Zveze lahko predlaga kakršnokoli spremembo in dopolnitev te konvencije. Vsak tak predlog mora generalni sekretar prejeti najmanj osem mesecev pred datumom, določenim za začetek Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da lahko o njem pravočasno obvesti vse države članice in jim omogoči razpravo. Generalni sekretar pošlje vsak tak predlog vsem državam članicam čimprej, vendar ne pozneje kot šest mesecev pred navedenim datumom.


SPR. 520


2            Kljub temu lahko država članica ali njena delegacija na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov kadarkoli predlaga kakršnokoli preoblikovanje katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve, predložene v skladu s št. 519 zgoraj.


SPR. 523


5            Razen če v prejšnjih odstavkih tega člena ni drugače določeno, kar prevlada, se uporabljajo splošne določbe v zvezi s konferencami in skupščinami, vključene v to konvencijo ter poslovnik konferenc in drugih zasedanj.


SPR. 524


6            Katerekoli spremembe in dopolnitve te konvencije, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, začnejo veljati v celoti in v obliki enega samega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah na dan, ki ga določi konferenca držav članic, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi te konvencije ter dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristopu k njima. Ratifikacija, sprejetje ali potrditev samo dela dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristop k njegovemu delu ni mogoč.


SPR. 526


8            Generalni sekretar uradno obvesti vse države članice o deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, potrditvi ali pristopu.











Pomen nekaterih pojmov, uporabljenih v tej konvenciji in izvršilnih pravilnikih
Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze



SPR. 1002


Opazovalec: oseba, ki jo pošljejo:



           Združeni narodi, specializirane agencije Združenih narodov, Mednarodna agencija za atomsko energijo, območne telekomunikacijske organizacije ali medvladna organizacija, ki upravlja satelitske sisteme, da bi v vlogi svetovalca sodelovala na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov ali na sektorski konferenci ali zasedanju,



            mednarodna organizacija, da bi kot svetovalec sodelovala na sektorski konferenci ali zasedanju, ali



            vlada države članice, da bi brez glasovalne pravice sodelovala na območni konferenci, ali



–            sektorska članica iz št. 229 ali 231 ustave ali organizacija mednarodnega pomena, ki predstavlja take sektorske članice,



v skladu z ustreznimi določbami te konvencije.






II. DEL    Datum začetka veljavnosti



Spremembe in dopolnitve iz tega dokumenta začnejo v celoti in v enem samem dokumentu veljati 1. januarja 2000 za tiste države članice, ki so na ta dan pogodbenice Ustave in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992) in so pred tem datumom deponirale svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali potrditvi tega dokumenta ali pristopu k njemu.







V DOKAZ NAVEDENEGA so pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali izvirnik tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), kot je bila spremenjena in dopolnjena na Konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994).


V Minneapolisu, 6. novembra 1998


*3 V skladu z Resolucijo 70 (Minneapolis 1998) o vključevanju spolov v delo ITU-ja se šteje, da je v besedilih temeljnih dokumentov (ustave in konvencije) uporabljeni jezik nevtralen glede spola.


*4 V skladu z Resolucijo 70 (Minneapolis 1998) o vključevanju spolov v delo ITU-ja se šteje, da je v besedilih temeljnih dokumentov (ustave in konvencije) uporabljeni jezik nevtralen glede spola.






3. člen
Za izvajanje Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave in Dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 326-08/94-4/3
Ljubljana, dne 7. marca 2006
EPA 638-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.

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