Uradni list

Številka 94
Uradni list RS, št. 94/2005 z dne 25. 10. 2005
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 94/2005 z dne 25. 10. 2005


49. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Organizacijo Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj in Vlado Republike Slovenije in Upravnega dogovora o posebnih namenskih prispevkih v Sklad za industrijski razvoj (MSZNIR), stran 1116.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Organizacijo Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj in Vlado Republike Slovenije in Upravnega dogovora o posebnih namenskih prispevkih v Sklad za industrijski razvoj (MSZNIR)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o sodelovanju med Organizacijo Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj in Vlado Republike Slovenije in Upravnega dogovora o posebnih namenskih prispevkih v Sklad za industrijski razvoj (MSZNIR), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 29. septembra 2005.
Št. 001-22-86/05
Ljubljana, dne 7. oktobra 2005
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sodelovanju med Organizacijo Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj in Vlado Republike Slovenije in Upravni dogovor o posebnih namenskih prispevkih v Sklad za industrijski razvoj, ki je bil sklenjen na Dunaju 22. junija 2005.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
IN ORDER TO establish a mutually agreed legal framework and a basis for their cooperation, and having in mind the basic purposes and objectives of promoting economic and industrial development assistance in developing countries and countries in transition, and the upgrading of economic and social roles of industry, by promoting the benefits of development in those countries, and
CONVINCED that by strengthening their mutual cooperation they can jointly enhance capacities to meet the above objectives, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (hereinafter “UNIDO”) and the Government of Slovenia (hereinafter “the Donor”) have agreed to co-operate in the implementation of technical cooperation projects through the provision, by the Donor, of special purpose contributions to the Industrial Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as the “IDF”);
WHEREAS pursuant to Article 17 of the Constitution of UNIDO, the Director- General of UNIDO shall administer special-purpose contributions to the IDF in accordance with the general policy guidelines governing the operations of the Fund that are established by the General Conference, or by the Industrial Development Board acting on behalf of the Conference, and in accordance with the financial regulations of the Organization;
WHEREAS UNIDO and the Donor have reached agreement on the priority criteria for project selection, which are listed in Annex I;
WHEREAS it has been agreed between UNIDO and the Donor that UNIDO shall be responsible, under the terms of this Agreement and the UNIDO financial regulations and rules, for the management of the funds contributed by the Donor,
NOW THEREFORE, UNIDO and the Donor hereby have entered into the following Adminsitrative Arrangement:
Article I
1. The Donor shall place at the disposal of UNIDO special-purpose contributions to the IDF and shall deposit them in the UNIDO Euro Account Number 0029-05107/00, IBAN.AT791100000290510700, Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, VIC Rotunda Branch, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna.
2. UNIDO shall immediately in writing acknowledge receipt of the funds.
3. UNIDO shall establish a sub-account, in accordance with its financial regulations, rules and administrative issuances, for the receipt and administration of the aforesaid funds, including interest accruing (hereinafter referred to as “the Donor IDF sub-account”). Accordingly, personnel shall be engaged and administered; equipment, supplies and services purchased; and contracts entered into in accordance with such regulations, rules and administrative issuances. Interest shall be credited to the sub-account for the Donor’s special-purpose contributions in accordance with the financial regulations, rules and administrative issuances of UNIDO.
4. The contributions of the Donor will also be charged with an amount of 13 (thirteen) per cent of all expenditures, which percentage shall be a charge for programme support costs incurred by UNIDO in the implementation of the individual projects financed under the Donor’s Special-Purpose Contribution to the IDF.
5. All financial accounts and statements shall be expressed in Euros and there shall be no accounting or reporting in other currencies. All transactions shall be recorded at the official United Nations rate of exchange applicable on the date of receipt and/or payment.
Article II
1. The selection, review and approval of projects to be financed by the Donor contributions will be done by UNIDO and, when appropriate, by the Donor, according to the priority criteria established by the Donor in Annex I and in accordance with the approved programme and the general policy guidelines governing the operations of the IDF established pursuant to Article 17 of UNIDO’s Constitution.
2. UNIDO undertakes to provide to the Donor all the Project Documents approved by UNIDO under this Agreement. UNIDO shall implement the projects in accordance with the Project Documents and appropriate legal arrangements to be concluded between UNIDO and the recipient Government.
3. Upon approval of a project to be funded from the Donor sub-account, UNIDO shall establish a project account, in accordance with its financial regulations, rules and administrative issuances. The project account shall receive the required funds transferred from the Donor IDF sub-account.
4. The project account shall be utilized by UNIDO for the purposes of meeting the actual costs of the Project and to finance the programme support services provided by UNIDO in the implementation of the project.
5. The Donor undertakes to meet the actual costs of the services approved by UNIDO in accordance with this Arrangement and the Project Documents. UNIDO undertakes not to make any commitments for services not specified in the Project Documents without the approval, in writing, of the Donor.
Article III
1. UNIDO shall commence and continue to conduct operations under this Agreement upon approval of a project by UNIDO and when appropriate, by the Donor, and upon receipt of sufficient funds in the sub-account for the Donor’s special purpose contributions to the IDF.
2. If UNIDO considers that changes between components and/or budget lines in a Project Document are necessary in order to meet the objectives of the project concerned, UNIDO may effect such changes provided the total amount of the project budget in the Project Document is not exceeded. In case additional services not foreseen in the Project Document are required, UNIDO may, if deemed necessary by the Donor, submit a revised budget for approval by the Donor showing the required changes in inputs and/or adjusted financing that would be necessary.
Article IV
Ownership of equipment, materials, supplies and all other property, financed from the funds contributed by the Donor for Projects approved under this Agreement shall vest in UNIDO. Unless otherwise provided in the Project Document, following operational completion of the Project, ownership of equipment, of materials and supplies, as well as of other property necessary for operation of the Project, shall be transferred to the recipient Organization or to an entity nominated by it.
Article V
Evaluation of the activities financed from this Agreement shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions contained in project documents and in accordance with the procedures described in UNIDO’s administrative issuances.
Article VI
The sub-account for the Donor’s special purpose contributions and the projects accounts financed therefrom will be subject exclusively to the internal and external auditing procedures laid down in the financial regulations, rules and administrative issuances of UNIDO.
Article VII
UNIDO shall provide the Donor with the following statements and reports in the format normally followed by UNIDO for accounting and financial reporting for technical cooperation activities:
1. An annual financial statement on the overall status of the Donor’s special-purpose contributions to the IDF, supported by delivery reports for each project financed from the sub-account;
2. An annual progress report on the implementation of the approved projects;
3. A final report including an assessment of the results achieved, upon operational completion of the projects;
4. A final financial report on the implementation of the completed projects, within six months of the end of the year in which the final disbursement was made on project accounts;
5. A final financial statement of the Donor account within six months of termination of this Agreement.
Article VIII
UNIDO shall notify the Donor when the purposes for which the contributions were provided have been realized and the approved projects have been operationally completed.
Article IX
Upon termination of the Agreement the funds shall continue to be held by UNIDO until all expenditures incurred by UNIDO under the Agreement have been satisfied. Upon submission of a final financial report on the implementation of the completed projects in accordance with Article VII(4), the balance in the project account shall be transferred to the Donor IDF sub-account.
Article X
1. This Agreement may be modified or amended by written agreement between the Parties.
2. All communications in writing required or permitted by this Agreement shall be addressed as follows:
(a) For the Donor:
Ministry of Economy
Directorate General for Foreign Economic Relations
Kotnikova 5
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
(b) For UNIDO:
P.O. Box 300
Vienna International Centre
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Article XI
Any relevant matter for which no provision is made in this Agreement and/or any dispute or controversy between the Parties arising out of application of this Agreement shall be settled, in keeping with the relevant resolutions and decisions of the Governing Bodies of UNIDO, by negotiations between the Parties or through conciliation. Each Party shall give full and sympathetic consideration to any proposal advanced by the other to settle amicably any matter for which no provision has been made or any controversy as to the interpretation or application of this Agreement.
Article XII
The Parties shall hold bilateral consultations on a bi-annual basis with the purpose of examining the progress of cooperation under this Agreement and the realization of mutually agreed objectives and exchange of information on any operational matters that may be appropriate.
Article XIII
1. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification by the Government, and shall come into force upon receipt by UNIDO of notification from the Government of its ratification. Pending such ratification, it shall be given provisional effect by the Parties. It shall continue in force until terminated under paragraph 2 below.
2. The Agreement shall remain in effect unless terminated by either Party upon six months’ prior written notice.
3. Upon termination of this Agreement, unless the Parties hereto agree otherwise:
(a) ongoing and approved projects shall not be affected by the termination and UNIDO shall be entitled to continue withdrawals from the Donor account as if this Agreement had not been terminated; and
(b) any final balance in the sub-account shall be disposed of by UNIDO in consultation with the Donor, and UNIDO’s responsibilities pursuant hereto shall be considered terminated.
Done in Vienna, this twenty-second day of June 2005, in the original, in duplicate, in the English language
For the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization
Carlos Magariños (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Ernest Petrič (s)
to the Agreement on Cooperation between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Government of Slovenia (Donor)
1. This Annex provides, by agreement between UNIDO and the Donor, a broad list of criteria for project selection from a geographical/regional point of view and from the point of view of preferred and viable subjects.
2. The criteria listed below are intended to assist UNIDO and the Donor in programming and resource allocation from the Donor's special-purpose contributions to the Industrial Development Fund, in line with the Donor's policies.
(a) From a geographical/regional aspect, the first priority for the Donor is the region of South-East Europe, specifically, the following countries and geographical areas:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro.
As a second priority, the Donor may consider programmes and projects related to the region covering the Newly Independent States that have emerged from the former USSR.
(b) The preferred subjects are as follows:
– Training programmes for technology transfer operations;
– Assistance to small and medium enterprises through direct technical support for technology upgrading and for introduction of new technologies, implementation of quality control systems, consumer monitoring
– Strengthening of competitiveness of enterprises through international and business information networking for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), technology networks and partnerships, capacity building for the acquisition and absorption of new technologies, technology training centres
– Entrepreneurship programmes for SMEs for
• the promotion of new technologies
• occupational health and safety systems
• new processes in food processing
• renewable energy
• evaluation activities
• stakeholder consultations
• export consortia
– Socially responsible investment strategies
– Pilot programmes for Public Private Partnerships
– Cost effective means of reduction of environmental pollution
– Recycling of polymers
– Recycling of industrial goods, rubber products, electrical and electronic goods
– Energy efficient treatment of communal waste and sludge reduction
– Training programmes for the implementation of cleaner production methods, in-plant assessment
– New technologies for the protection of air, water and soil
– Persistent organic pollutants and Persistent toxic substances elimination
– Bio-mass technologies
– Noise abatement
– Technology parks
– Marketable research possibilities and projects in the field of cleaner production
– Research in the area of insulation, cooling and climate control
– Optic connector and feeder systems, passive electronic components
– Electrical ceramics
– Clean and alternative energy sources
– Promotion of small hydropower
– Energy efficiency technologies and measures in SMEs
– Energy efficient metal shaping techniques
– Analytical methods for safe food production and processing, development of specialty food products, safe application of food additives, development of natural food sources
– Technological upgrading of food processing
– Development of SMEs in the food processing and marketing sector
– National quality and standardization systems
– Investment promotion
– Health-care technologies
– Biotech processes for industrial application
– Efficient wood-processing, productivity enhancement
– Factory rehabilitation programmes.
3. Any of the above stated criteria may be changed, specified or adapted by agreement between UNIDO and the Donor, or supplemented in accordance with the progress made in the application of the Agreement.
ZARADI določitve skupno dogovorjenega pravnega okvira in podlage za sodelovanje ter ob upoštevanju temeljnih namenov in ciljev pospeševanja gospodarske in industrijske razvojne pomoči v državah v razvoju in državah v prehodu ter glede na povečanje gospodarske in socialne vloge v industriji s povečevanjem koristi razvoja v teh državah in
V PREPRIČANJU, da lahko s krepitvijo medsebojnega sodelovanja skupno povečata zmogljivosti za uresničevanje navedenih ciljev, sta se Organizacija Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj (v nadaljevanju »UNIDO«) in Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju »donatorica«) sporazumeli, da bosta sodelovali pri izvajanju projektov strokovnega sodelovanja na podlagi zagotavljanja posebnih namenskih prispevkov donatorice v Sklad za industrijski razvoj (v nadaljevanju »sklad«);
KER na podlagi 17. člena Ustanovne listine organizacije UNIDO generalni direktor organizacije UNIDO upravlja posebne namenske prispevke sklada v skladu s splošnimi smernicami poslovanja, ki jih je določila Generalna konferenca ali Odbor za industrijski razvoj v imenu Konference, in skladno s finančnimi pravili Organizacije;
KER sta se UNIDO in donatorica sporazumela o prednostnih merilih za izbiro projektov, naštetih v prilogi I;
KER sta se UNIDO in donatorica sporazumela, da je UNIDO pod pogoji tega sporazuma, svojih finančnih predpisov in pravil odgovoren za upravljanje sredstev, ki jih prispeva donatorica,
STA UNIDO in donatorica sklenila upravni dogovor:
I. člen
1. Donatorica da organizaciji UNIDO posebne namenske prispevke v sklad in jih nakaže na evroračun organizacije UNIDO številka 0029-05107/00, IBAN.AT791100000290510700, Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, VIC Rotunda Branch, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna.
2. UNIDO takoj pisno potrdi, da so sredstva prejeta.
3. UNIDO odpre podračun v skladu s svojimi finančnimi predpisi, pravili in upravnimi navodili za prejemanje in upravljanje omenjenih finančnih sredstev, vključno z obrestmi (v nadaljevanju »sklad – donatoričin podračun«). Temu ustrezno se zaposli in vodi osebje, kupijo se oprema in zaloge materiala ter naročijo storitve in sklenejo se pogodbe v skladu s predpisi, pravili in upravnimi navodili. Obresti se pripišejo na donatoričin podračun v skladu s finančnimi predpisi, pravili in upravnimi navodili organizacije UNIDO.
4. Stroški programske podpore, ki jih ima UNIDO pri izvajanju posameznih projektov, financiranih na podlagi donatoričinega posebnega namenskega prispevka v sklad, se zaračunavajo v višini 13 (trinajst) odstotkov in bremenijo donatoričine prispevke.
5. Vsi finančni obračuni in poročila se izkazujejo v evrih, obračunov in poročil v drugih valutah ni. Vse transakcije se evidentirajo v skladu z uradnim tečajem Združenih narodov na dan prejema in/ali izplačila.
II. člen
1. Projekte, ki naj se financirajo iz donatoričinih prispevkov, izbereta, spreminjata in potrdita UNIDO, in kadar je primerno, donatorica na podlagi prednostnih meril, ki jih določi donatorica v prilogi I, in v skladu s potrjenim programom ter splošnimi smernicami poslovanja sklada, ustanovljenega po 17. členu Ustanovne listine organizacije UNIDO.
2. UNIDO se zaveže, da bo donatorici zagotovil vso projektno dokumentacijo, ki jo tudi potrdi v skladu s tem sporazumom. UNIDO izvaja projekte v skladu s projektno dokumentacijo in ustreznimi dogovori, ki jih skleneta UNIDO in vlada prejemnica.
3. Na podlagi odobrenega projekta, ki bi se financiral iz donatoričinega podračuna, UNIDO odpre projektni račun v skladu s svojimi finančnimi predpisi, pravili in upravnimi navodili. Na projektni račun se iz sklada – donatoričinega podračuna prenesejo potrebna finančna sredstva.
4. UNIDO uporablja projektni račun za pokrivanje nastalih stroškov projekta in financiranje storitev v podporo programa, ki jo zagotavlja pri izvajanju projekta.
5. Donatorica se zaveže, da bo krila nastale stroške storitev, ki jih odobri UNIDO v skladu s tem sporazumom in projektno dokumentacijo. UNIDO se zaveže, da ne bo naročal storitev, ki niso predvidene v projektni dokumentaciji, brez pisnega soglasja donatorice.
III. člen
1. UNIDO začne in nadaljuje poslovanje v skladu s tem sporazumom, potem ko projekt potrdita UNIDO, in kadar je primerno, donatorica ter potem ko UNIDO prejme zadostna finančna sredstva na podračun, ki je namenjen posebnim namenskim prispevkom donatorice v sklad.
2. Če UNIDO meni, da so potrebne spremembe pri elementih in/ali proračunskih postavkah v projektnem dokumentu, da bi lahko uresničeval cilje posameznega projekta, sme te spremembe uveljaviti pod pogojem, da skupni znesek projektnega proračuna v projektni dokumentaciji ni presežen. Če so potrebne dodatne storitve, ki niso predvidene v projektni dokumentaciji, lahko UNIDO, če donatorica meni, da je to potrebno, predloži revidiran proračun donatorici v soglasje s prikazom potrebnih sprememb pri vnosih in/ali potrebnih prilagoditev pri financiranju.
IV. člen
Oprema, material, zaloge in vse drugo premoženje, financirano iz sredstev, ki jih je prispevala donatorica za projekte, odobrene v skladu s tem sporazumom, so last organizacije UNIDO.
Če v projektni dokumentaciji ni drugače določeno, se po dokončanju projekta lastništvo opreme, materiala in zalog ter vsega drugega premoženja, potrebnega za izvajanje projekta, prenese na organizacijo prejemnico ali pravno ali fizično osebo, ki jo ta imenuje.
V. člen
Dejavnosti, financirane na podlagi tega sporazuma, se ovrednotijo v skladu z določbami projektne dokumentacije in postopki, določenimi v upravnih navodilih organizacije UNIDO.
VI. člen
Podračun za donatoričine posebne namenske prispevke in projektni računi, ki se iz njega financirajo, so podrejeni izključno notranjim in zunanjim revizijskim postopkom, ki so določeni v finančnih predpisih, pravilih in upravnih navodilih organizacije UNIDO.
VII. člen
UNIDO donatorici zagotovi navedene izpise in poročila v obliki, kot jih navadno uporablja za obračune in finančna poročila v zvezi z dejavnostmi na področju strokovnega sodelovanja:
1. letni finančni pregled stanja vseh donatoričinih posebnih namenskih prispevkov skladu s priloženimi izvedbenimi poročili za vsak projekt, financiran iz podračuna;
2. letno poročilo o napredku pri izvajanju odobrenih projektov;
3. končno poročilo, ki vsebuje oceno doseženih rezultatov po operativnem dokončanju projektov;
4. končno finančno poročilo o izvedenih projektih v šestih mesecih po koncu leta, v katerem je bilo opravljeno zadnje plačilo na projektne račune;
5. končni finančni pregled stanja donatoričinega računa v šestih mesecih po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma.
VIII. člen
UNIDO obvesti donatorico o uresničitvi ciljev, za katere so bili prispevki namenjeni, in o dokončanju odobrenih projektov.
IX. člen
Po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma UNIDO zadrži finančna sredstva toliko časa, dokler niso vsi izdatki, ki jih je imel na podlagi tega sporazuma, poravnani. Po predložitvi končnega finančnega poročila o izvedenih projektih se v skladu s četrto točko VII. člena saldo na projektnem računu prenese v sklad na donatoričin podračun.
X. člen
1. Sporazum se lahko spremeni ali dopolni s pisnim dogovorom pogodbenic.
2. Vsa pisna sporočila, zahtevana ali dovoljena s sporazumom, je treba poslati:
(a) za donatorico:
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Direktorat za ekonomske odnose s tujino
Kotnikova 5
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
(b) za UNIDO:
P.O. Box 300
Vienna International Centre
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
XI. člen
Katera koli pomembna zadeva, za katero ni določbe v sporazumu, in/ali kakršen koli spor ali nasprotje med pogodbenicama, ki nastane pri uporabi sporazuma, se rešuje v skladu z ustreznimi sklepi in odločitvami upravnih organov organizacije UNIDO, s pogajanji med pogodbenicama in s pravnim posredovanjem. Vsaka pogodbenica v celoti in z naklonjenostjo prouči vsak predlog druge pogodbenice za mirno rešitev katere koli zadeve, za katero ni določbe, ali katerega koli nasprotja pri razlagi ali uporabi sporazuma.
XII. člen
Pogodbenici se posvetujeta dvakrat letno zaradi proučitve napredka pri sodelovanju na podlagi tega sporazuma in uresničevanja obojestransko dogovorjenih ciljev ter izmenjave informacij o kateri koli ustrezni operativni zadevi.
XIII. člen
1. Sporazum ratificira vlada, veljati začne, ko UNIDO prejme uradno obvestilo vlade, da ga je ratificirala. Dokler ni ratificiran, za pogodbenici velja začasno. Velja do odpovedi v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena.
2. Sporazum velja še šest mesecev po pisni odpovedi ene pogodbenice.
3. Po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače:
(a) odpoved sporazuma ne vpliva na začete in odobrene projekte, UNIDO pa ima pravico nadaljevati črpanje sredstev z računa donatorice, kakor da sporazum še velja, in
(b) končni saldo sredstev na podračunu UNIDO razporedi po posvetovanju z donatorico in na podlagi tega prenehajo odgovornosti organizacije UNIDO.
Sklenjeno na Dunaju, 22. junija 2005, v enem izvirniku v dveh izvodih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Organizacijo
Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj
Carlos Magariños l.r.
Generalni direktor
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Ernest Petrič l.r.
k Sporazumu o sodelovanju med Organizacijo Združenih narodov za industrijski razvoj (UNIDO) in Vlado Republike Slovenije (donatorico)
1. V skladu s sporazumom med organizacijo UNIDO in donatorico ta priloga določa obsežen seznam meril za izbiro projekta z geografskega/regionalnega vidika in vidika prednostnih ter izvedljivih vsebin.
2. Spodaj našteta merila so organizaciji UNIDO in donatorici v pomoč pri načrtovanju in dodeljevanju sredstev iz donatoričinih posebnih namenskih prispevkov v Sklad za industrijski razvoj skladno s politiko donatorice.
(a) je z geografskega/regionalnega vidika prva prednostna naloga donatorice regija jugovzhodne Evrope, zlasti te države in geografska območja:
Albanija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Bolgarija, Republika Makedonija, Romunija, Srbija in Črna gora.
Donatorica lahko kot drugo prednostno nalogo obravnava programe in projekte, ki se nanašajo na regijo Skupnosti neodvisnih držav, nastalih iz nekdanje ZSSR.
(b) Prednostne vsebine so:
– programi usposabljanja za prenos tehnologij,
– pomoč malim in srednjim podjetjem v obliki neposredne tehnične podpore pri posodabljanju tehnologij in uvajanju novih tehnologij, izvajanju sistemov za nadzor nad kakovostjo, spremljanju porabnikov,
– krepitev konkurenčnosti podjetij z mednarodnimi in poslovnimi informacijskimi omrežji za mala in srednja podjetja (MSP), tehnološkimi mrežami in partnerskimi povezavami, vzpostavitev institucij in kadrov za pridobivanje ter prevzemanje novih tehnologij, tehnološki centri za usposabljanje,
– podjetniški programi za MSP za
• spodbujanje novih tehnologij,
• sisteme varnosti in zdravja pri delu,
• nove postopke pri predelavi živil,
• obnovljive vire energije,
• dejavnosti vrednotenja,
• posvetovanja interesnih skupin,
• izvozne konzorcije,
– z družbenega stališča odgovorne naložbene strategije,
– poskusni programi za javno-zasebna partnerstva;
– stroškovno učinkoviti načini za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja okolja,
– reciklaža polimernih snovi,
– reciklaža industrijskih izdelkov, gumarskih izdelkov, električnih in elektronskih izdelkov,
– energetsko učinkovito ravnanje s komunalnimi odpadki in zmanjševanje blata,
– programi usposabljanja za izvajanje metod čistejše proizvodnje, za ocenjevanje v obratih,
– nove tehnologije za varstvo zraka, vode in tal,
– odstranjevanje obstojnih organskih onesnaževal in obstojnih strupenih snovi,
– tehnologije za rabo biomase,
– zmanjšanje hrupa;
– tehnološki parki,
– možnosti tržnih raziskav in projekti za čistejšo proizvodnjo,
– raziskave o izolaciji, hlajenju in uravnavanju klime,
– optični konektorji in napajalni sistemi, pasivne elektronske komponente,
– elektrokeramika;
– viri čiste in alternativne energije,
– spodbujanje malih hidroelektrarn,
– ukrepi in tehnologije za učinkovito rabo energije v MSP,
– tehnike za energetsko učinkovito obdelavo kovin;
– analitične metode za proizvodnjo in predelavo varnih živil, razvoj posebnih vrst hrane, varna uporaba aditivov za živila, razvoj naravnih virov hrane,
– tehnološka posodobitev postopkov za predelavo živil,
– razvoj malih in srednjih podjetij za predelavo živil in v sektorju trženja;
– nacionalni sistemi za kakovost in standardizacijo,
– spodbujanje naložb,
– tehnologija v zdravstvu,
– biotehnološki procesi za uporabo v industriji,
– učinkovita obdelava lesa, povečevanje produktivnosti,
– sanacijski programi tovarn.
3. Na podlagi dogovora med organizacijo UNIDO in donatorico se vsako navedeno merilo lahko spremeni, podrobneje določi, prilagodi ali dopolni v skladu z doseženim napredkom pri uporabi sporazuma.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 321-01/05-1/1
Ljubljana, dne 29. septembra 2005
EPA 299-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.

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